ML20045D899 | |
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Site: | Cooper |
Issue date: | 06/23/1993 |
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ML20045D897 | List: |
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NUDOCS 9306300185 | |
Download: ML20045D899 (16) | |
During the monthly generator test the diesel generator starting air compressor
' /40nI/) f F--
chall be checked for operation and g ff /gf once, y(frafton /cVe/
bgjgfq-fg coggj its ability to recharge air receivers.
The peration of the diesel fuel oil
CT ik 000/ 60/ 6/ 5/orq.c, Tanks shall te defermm.ed
'M transfer pumps and fuel oil day tank level switches shall be demonstrated.
accordance we.j-f jg7M DA47s" and the diesel starting time to reach rated yo1eage,nd frequency eu,11 3e l9g9, Mehd A, The togj
- 1ogged, Farticulate Concegrafion an 1/e diesel ftel o// 5forafg b.
nee every S months the condition under which the diesel generator is 1
,s/p // hadd. A //MI required will be simulated and a test y
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$/g gp-start and accept the emergency load
conducted to demonstrate that it will j
(/)ecIeCl in QCCordadCd W#.jf within the specified time sequence.
sm 0p276 -/9gg, gefbod A.
The results shall be logged.
(,, g.
Once a month the quantity of diesel fuel
available shall be logged.
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E amp 'e of dies i fu sh 11 ch eked
-foOC% M6 for ual ty.
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.ea ept' 1e imit sp ifi d i Tab 1
AS. D9 5-68 for os. 1D o 2D nd 1 gged A
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At least once per 18 months, during s
- 4. AY I i
bd Mh shutdown, each diesel generator shall be given an inspection in accordance Check for with instructions based on the rom accomoicded water canufacturer's recommendations.
w diesei Sen*"4Y# 4 gg g
125 VDC Unit Batteries a.
Every week, the following parameters shall be verified. The actual values I
shall be measured and logged:
g, At lea 55 CE f*< month
The total dattery terminal voltage
on float charge is equal to or I
ChecU 40" greater enan 125 volts, g ggg gied oxdEY' UOM yhe OC diesel 3EME
pilot cell is between the Siorag e ~%M -
minimum and maximum level indication marks, 9306300185 930623
-194-2/17/88 PDR ADOCK 05000298 P
INSERT for Pace 194 e.
New fuel oil sampling will be performed in ^accordance with ASTM-D4057-1988 within 30 days upon delivery.
Fuel oil testing will be performed in accordance with the following:
By verifying in accordance with the tests specified in ASTM-D975-1989a prior to addition to the storage tanks that the sample has:
An API Gravity of within 0.3 degrees at 60*F, or a specific gravity of within 0.0016 at 60/60'F, when compared to the supplier's certificate, or an absolute specific gravity at 60/60*F of greater than or equal to 0.83 but less than or equal to 0.89, or an API gravity of greater than or equal to 26 degrees but less than or equal to 38 degrees; b)
A Kinematic viscosity at 40*C of' greater than or equal to 1.9 centistokes, but less than or equal to 4.1 centistokes (alternately, Saybolt viscosity, SUS at 100*F of greater than or equal to 32.6, but less than or equal to 40.1),
if gravity was not determined by comparison with supplier's certification; c)
A flash point equal to or greater than 125*F; d)
A clear and bright appearance with proper color when tested in a~cordance with ASTM-D4176-1991.
c Failure to meet any of the limits specified in e.1 above is cause for rejecting the new fuel oil, but does not
represent a stored diesel fuel oil concern since this fuel has not been added to the storage tanks.
By verifying within 30 days of obtaining the sample that the other properties specified in Table 1 of. ASTM-D975-1989a are met when tested in accordance with ASTM-D975-1989a except that the analysis for sulfur may be performed in accordance with ASTM-D1552-1990 or ASTM-D2622-1992.
h w
- 3. 9.B. (cont ' d.')
4.9.A.4-250 VDC Unit Batteries-operable, all core and containment a.
Every week, the following parameters j
cooling systems are operable _ reactor shall be verified. The actual values.
power level is reduced to 25% of the shall be neasured and logged:
rated and NRC is notified within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of the situation, the precau-1.
The total battery. terminal.
tions to be taken during this period voltage on' float charge shall be and the plans for prompt restora-equal to or greater-than 250 volts, tion of incoming power.
The electrolyte level of each b.
Diesel Generators pilot cell is between the minimum and maximum level 1.
From and'after the date that one of indication marks.
the diesel generators or an assoc 1-ated critical bus is made or found 3.
The pilot. cell voltage is 2.15V l
t to be inoperable for any reason, minimum and specific. gravity continued reactor operation is per-1.195 minimum, corrected to 77"F. l-missible in accordance with Speci-and electrolyte level, fication 3.5.F.1 if Specification 3.9.A.1 is satisfied.
Every quarter, the following par-ameters shall be verified. The
From and after the date that both actual values shal1 be measured diesel generators are made or found and logged:
to be inoperable for any reason, continued reactor operation is per-1.
The electrolyte' level of each' missible only during the succeeding
_ connected cell is between the
24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> in accordanca with Speci-minimum and maximum level fication 3.5.F.2 if ification indication marks.
3.9.A.1 is satisifieu.
For each connected cell, the-3.
From and after the date that one of voltage is 2.15V minimum and-l.
the diesel generators or associated specific gravity is 1.190: min-1 critical buses and either the emer-imum, corrected for 77*F and-gency or startup transformer power electrolyte level.
The average source are made or found to be in -
specific gravity of all operable for any reason, continued connected cells.will be a l
reactor operation is permissible in minimum of 1.200.
accordance with Specification 3.5.F.1, provided the other off-site source, 3.
The~ electrolyte temperatures startup transformer or emergency in a representative sample of transformer is available and cells, consisting of at least capable of automatically supplying every sixth cell, are within power to the 4160V critical buses and 5'F.
the NRC is notified within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of the occurrence and the plans for c.
Once each operating cycle,-the 250V-restoration of the inoperable compo-battery charger vill be tested tof
- nents, verify that the charger can' supply 200 amperes at 250 volts for four hours.
.LCO No.'s 4 and 5 1
.gitts %
-en 1
-196-05/24/89 m...
INSERT for-Pace 196 4.
From and after the date that the diesel fuel oil particulate concentration level defined in Surveillance Requirement 4.9.A.2.d cannot be met, restore the diesel fuel oil total particulate concentration to within acceptable limits within 7
- days, or declare the associated Diesel Generator inoperable.
From and after the date that the new diesel fuel oil properties defined in Surveillance Requirement 4.4. A.2.e. 2 cannot be met, restore the stored diesel fuel-oil properties to within acceptable limits within 30
- days, or declare the associated Diesel Generator inoperable.
3.9 BASES The general objective of this Specification is to assure an adequate source of electrical power to operate the auxiliaries during plant operation, to operate Iacilities to cool and lubricate the plant during shutdown and to operate the engineered safeguards following the accident.
There are three sources of ac electrical energy available; namely, the startup transformer, the emergency transformer and.two diesel generators. The de supply is required for switch gear and engineered salety feature systems.
This supply consists of two 125V DC and two 250V DC batteries and their related chargers.
Specification 3.9.A states the required availability of at and de power; 3.e..
active off-site ac sources and the required amount of on-site ac and de sources.
Auxiliary power :or CNS is supplied from the startup transformer and the normal transformer.
Both of these transformers are sized to carry 100% of the station auxiliary load. The emergency transformer is about one third the size of these two transformers and is equal in size to both emergency diesel generatcrs.
The startup transformer and the emergency transformers are the offsite power sources. Their voltage is monitored by undervoltage relays which provide low voltage protection for the emergency buses.
Whenever the voltage setpoint and
time delay limit for the undervoltage relays have been exceeded, the emergency i
buses are automatically disconnected from the offsite power source.
D XD If the startup or emergency transformer is lost, the unit can continue to operate 3
Q since the unit auxiliary transformer is in service, and the emergency or startup transformer and the diesels are available.
\\D2 If both the crartup and emergency transformers become inoperable, the power 3
level must be reduced to a value where by the unit can safely reject the load gi and continue to supply auxiliary electric power to the station.
d In the normal mode of operation, the startup and emergency transformers are k
energized and two diesel generators are operable. One diesel generator may be allowed out of service based on the availability of power from the startup o
transformer and the fact that one diesel generator carries sufficient engineered safeguards equipment to cover all breakers. With the startup transformer and O
one diesel generator out of service, the off site transmission line corresponding 3
g to the emergency transformer must be available. Upon the loss of one on-site H
and one off-site power source, power would be available from the other immediate off-site power source and the two operable on-site diesels to carry sufficient b
engineered safeguards equipment to cover all breaks.
In addition to these two h
power sources, removal of the Isolated Phase Bus " quick" disconnect links would w!
allow backfeed of power through the main transformer to the unit auxiliary transformer and provide power to carry the full station auxiliary load.
i L
time required to perform this operation is comparable to the time the reactor could remain on RCIC operation before controlled depressurization need be I
Once each operating cycle, during shutdown, either a service test or l
performance discharge is performed on the 125 V and the 250 V batteries.
The performance discharge test is performed in lieu of the service test when a battery shows signs of degradation.
Degradation is indicated when battery j
capacity drops more than 10% of rated capacity from its average on previous i
performance tests, or is below 85% of the manufacturer's rating.
-198-05/24/89 i
l INSERT for Pace 198 The condit s on defined in Specification 3.9.B.1.b.4 is entered as a result o.-
failure to meet the acceptance criterion for particulates.
Normally, trending of particulate levels allows sufficient time to correct high particulate levels prior to reaching the limit of acceptability.
Poor sampling procedures (bottom sampling), contaminated sampling equipment, and errors in laboratory analysis can produce failures that do not ~ follow a trend.
Since the presence of particulate does not mean failure of the fuel to burn properly in the diesel engine, th particulate concentration is unlikely to change significantly between i
Surveillance Frequency intervals, and proper engine performance has been recently demonstrated (within 1 month), it is prudent to allow a seven day period for corrective action prior to declaring the associated DG inoperable.
The 7 day completion time allows for further evaluation, resampling, and re-analysis of the DG fuel oil.
The condition defined in Specification 3.9.B.1.b.5 is entered as a result of failure to meet the acceptance criteria for new diesel fuel properties.
A period of 30 days is allowed for restoring the stored diesel fuel oil properties. This period provides sufficient time to test the stored fuel oil to determine that the new fuel
- oil, when mixed with previously stored
- oil, remains acceptable, or to restore the stored fuel oil properties.
This restoration may involve feed and bleed procedures, filtering,'or a combination of these procedures.
Even if a DG start and load was required during this time interval and the fuel properties were outside the limits, there is high likelihood that the DG would still be capable of performing its intended function.
I e
+w w
i 2. 9, BASES (cont'd)
Replacement criteria for 125V and 250V station batteries is <857. capacity factor and the maximum time for replacement should be one (1) year.
This will assure that the remaining battery capacity is adequate to.eet load requirements.
4,9 BASES g{
The monthly test of the diesel generator is conducted to check for equipment failures and deterioration. Testing is conducted up to equilibrium operating p
conditions to demonstrate proper operation at these conditions. The diesel td generator will be manually started, synchronized and connected to the bus and load picked up. The diesel generator should be loaded to at least 50" of rated load to prevent fouling of the engine. It is expected that the diesel y generator will be run for at least two hours. Diesel generator experience Lt at other generating staticns indicates that the testing frequency is adequate and provides a high reliability of operatior should the system be required. O Each diesel generator has two air compressors and two air receivers for (2 starting. It is expected that the air compressors will run only infrequently. it During the monthly check of the diesel generator, each receiver in each set b1 of receivers will be drawn down below the point at which the corresponding compressor automatically starts to check operation and the ability of the p, I i og compressors to recharge the receivers. 44J $d The diesel generator fuel consumption rate at full load is approximately 275 hy gallons per hour. Thus, the monthly load test of the diesel generators will test the operation and the ability of the fuel oil transfer pumps to refill the day tank and will check the operation of these pumps from the emergency source. The test of the diesel generator during the refueling outage will be more comprehensive in that it will functionally test the system; i.e, it will check diesel generator starting and closure of diesel generator breaker and sequencing of load on the diesel generator. The diesel generator will be started by simulation of a loss-of-coolant accident. In addition, an undervoltage condition will be imposed to simulate a loss of of f-site power. Periodic tests betueen refueling outages verify the ability of the diesel generator to run at full load and the core and containment cooling pumps to deliver full flow. Periodic testing of the various components, plus a func-tional test once-a-cycle, is sufficient to maintain adequate reliability. Although station batteries will deteriorate with time, utility experience indicates there is almost no possibility of precipitous failure. The. type of surveillance described in this specification is that which has been demonstrated over the years to provide an indication of a cell becoming irregular i or unserviceable long before it becomes a failure. In addition, the checks described also provide adequate indication that the batteries have the speci-fied ampere-hour capability. r I Th dies 1 fue oil c ality' ast be e ecked .o ensu e prop r oper tion o the 1 d esel enera ors, ater ec. tent sho ld be minimi ed bec use wa er in he 'ael e ld cc.tribu e to ex essive d mage t the d esel gine. j k ) -199-11/24/86
'h IFSERT for Pace 199 Diesel fuel degradation during long term storage shows up as an increase in particulate, mostly due to oxidation. The presence of particulate does not mean that the diesel fuel oil will not burn properly in the diesel engine. The particulate can cause fouling of filters and fuel oil injection equipment, however, which can cause engine failure. Particulate concentrations shall be determined in accordance with ASTM-D2276-1989, Method A. The frequency of this test takes into consideration fuel oil degradation trends that indicate that particulate concentration is unlikely to change significantly between frequency 1 intervals. The tests for diesel fuel oil properties defined in Surveillance Requirement (SR) 4.9.A.2.e.1 are a means of determining whether new diesel fuel oil is of appropriate grade and has not been contaminated with substances that would have an immediate detrimental impact on diesel engine combustion. If results from the test defined in SR 4.9.A.2.e.1 are within acceptable limits, the diesel fuel oil may be added to the storage tanks without concern for contaminating the entire volume of diesel fuel oil in the storage tanks. These tests are to be conducted prior to adding the new diesel fuel oil to the storage tanks, but in no case is the time between receipt of the new diesel fuel oil and conducting the tests to exceed one month. Within one month following the initial new diesel fuel oil sample (SR 4.9.A.2.e.1), the new diesel fuel oil is analyzed to establish that the remaining properties defined in SR 4.9.A.2.e.2 are met when tested in accordance with ASTM-D975-1989a. The one month period is acceptable because the diesel fuel oil properties of interest (SR 4.9.A.2.e.2), even if they were not within stated limits, would not have an immediate effect on Diesel Generator operation. This surveillance ensures the continued availability of high quality diesel fuel oil for the Diesel Generators. l Microbiological fouling is a major cause of diesel fuel oil degradation. There are numerous bacteria that can grow in diesel fuel oil storage tanks and cause fouling, but all must have a water environment in order to survive. Frequent checking for and removal of accumulattd water minimizes fouling and provides data regarding the water tight integrity of the fuel oil system. This is the most effective means of controlling microbiological fouling. In addition, it eliminates the potential for water entrainment in.the fuel oil during DG operation. Water may come from any of several sources, including condensation, ground water, rain
- water, contaminated fuel oil, and from breakdown of the fuel oil bacteria.
This surveillance requirement is for preventive maintenance. The presence of water does not necessarily represent failure of this SR, provided the accumulated water is removed. If the presence of water is detected by Surveillance Requirement 4.9. A.2.f, the removal of water to the extent practical from the diesel fuel oil day tanks must be accomplished within two days of the discovery of the water. If the presence of water detected by Surveillance Requirement 4.9.A.2.g is greater than a nominal value of four inches from the bottom of the diesel fuel oil storage tanks, then a maximum of seven days is allowed for removal of the water. The nominal four inch value is a function of the water that can practically be removed from the diesel fuel oil storage tanks.
- a
+ ' LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION. SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS 3.9 AUXILIARY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 4.9 AUXILIARY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Annlicability: Annlicability: Applies to the auxiliary electrical Applies to the periodic testing power system. requirements of the auxiliary. electrical systems. Obiective: Obiective: ? To assure an adequate supply-of Verify the operability.- of the electrical power for operation of auxiliary electrical system. those systems required for safety. l Specification: Specification: A. Auxiliary Electrical Eauinment A. Auxiliary Electrical Eauipment 1. The reactor shall not be made 1. Emergency Buses Undervoltage Relays critical from a Cold Shutdown Condition unless all of the a. Loss of voltage relays-following conditions are satisfied: Once every 18 months, loss of-a. Both off-site sources (345 KV and voltage on emergency buses is 69 KV) and the startup transformer simulated to demonstrate the-and-emergency transformer are load shedding from : emergency-available and capable of buses ~and the automatic start ' automatically supplying power to the of diesel generators. 4160 Volt emergency buses IF and 1G. b. Undervoltage relays b. Both diesel-generators shall be operable and-there shall be a Once every 18 months, low . l minimum of 48,000 gal. of diesel voltage on emergency buses is ~ fuel in the fuel oil storage tanks. simulated. to demonstrate disconnection of the emergency c. The 4160V critical buses IF and 1G buses from ' the offsite power and the 480V critical buses IF and source. The under-voltage 1G are energized. relays shall be calibrated once every 18 months. 1. The loss of voltage relays and their auxiliary relays 2. Diesel Generators - i are operable. a. Each diesel-generator shall be 2. The undervoltage relays and started manually and loaded to~ l their auxiliary relays are 'not less than. 50%' of rated operable. load for no less than 2 hours once each month to demonstrate .d. The four unit 125V/250V batteries operational readiness, and their - chargers shall be operable. e. The power monitoring system for the inservice RPS MG set or alternate source shall be operable. I i -193-
9. LIMITING CONDITIONS-FOR OPERATION ' SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS' .3.9.A 4.9.A.2-(cont'd)' During ' the monthly.~ generator test the diesel ' generator starting air compressor 'shall - be checked: for operation' and ~its : ability -to recharge : air receivers. The- -i operation of the diesel fuel oil-transfer pumps and fuel oil day tank level-switches shall be demonstrated, and the. diesel' starting time to reach rated voltage and frequency logged. b. Once every 18 months the condition under which the diesel required will be simulated.' and a + test conducted to demonstrate that 'it will.. start and accept the emergency load within the specified? ttime sequence. The results shall be logged. 'j c. Once a month the quantity of diesel l-fuel available shall be~ logged. d. At least once.per month 'the 1 particulate concentration level of.- the Diesel Fuel.011 Storage Tanks shall be - determined: in accordance' with ASTM D2276-1989, Method A. The-total particulate-concentration in 4 the diesel fuel oil storage tanks, shall have a limit - of less. than 10 mg/ liter when-checked-in~ ~ accordance with. ASTM D2276-1989, Method A. e. New-' fuel-oil sampling will be' i performed... -in accordance -withf ASTM-D4057-1988 within 30 days upon delivery. Fuel oil testing will be - 1 . performed in ' accordance with. the - following: 1. By. verifying in. accordance- ~with the tests specified in -ASTM-D975-1989a prior.. to addition to the storage tanks that the sample has: of within a) An API Gravity,60* F, or. a ' 0.3 degrees at. specific gravity of' wlthin 0.001d at 60/60*F; when -compared-to the supplier's certificate, or an absolute specific'- 1 .gravitygreater than-'or equal..of at 60/60*F. ato 0.83 -but less-than'. or i equalito 0.89, or an AP1 l of greater thanl grav_ity l or equa to --26 degrees but less than or equal to 38 degrees; b) . A : Kinematic ' viscosity at - 40*C of greater than or equal to 1.9:centistokes,- .t but less:than or equal to - i 4.1 e e n t-i-s t o k e s (alternate 1v, ' Saybolt viscosity, ' SUS - at 100*F of greater than or equal :' i c -194<
? LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION ~ SURVEIIIIANCE REOUIREMENTS .3.9.A 4 9.'A.2 (cont'd)- to 32.6, but less than' or ' equal. to. 40.1), -if gravity was not . determined by. comparison -with supp1ier's certification; c) 'A' flash point equal to or greater.than 125'F; .i d) A clear 'and. bright appearance.with' proper -t color when tested in a c'c o r d a n c e-with ASTM-D4176-1991. Failure to meet. -any of. the . limits specified in e.1'above-- is cause for rejecting the new fuel ' oil, but-does. not represent a stored diesel' fuel oil concern since this fuel I has not been added to the storage tanks. 2. By verifying within 30 days of obtaining-the sample that the. 'other properties specified in- ' Table l of ASTM-D975-1989a are met when tested in accordance. with ASTM-D975-1989a except that the : analysis for sulfur-may be performed in accordance with ASTM-D1552-1990-or ASTM-D2622-1992. i f. At least once per month check for and : remove accumulated water from the diesel > generator fuel oil day '. tanks. g. At least once per month check for and remove accumulated water from the diesel fuel. oil-storage tanks. generator 4 h. At least.Once per.18 months, during
- shutdown, each diesel generator-shall be given' an -inspection in -
accordance with instructions based on .t h e manufacturer's recommendations. I 3. .125 VDC Unit Batteries a. Every week, the following parameters shall be verified. Re actual values shall be measured and logged: 1. The-total battery terminal voltage -on float charge--is equal to. or greater -than 125 volts, 2. The electrolyte pilot cell 'is-' level of each between.the minimum -and maximum level indication marks, 'i t 0 -194a-
, ~ G,; ? ' LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS ~ '3.9.B-(cont'd.) 4.9.A.4 250 VDC Unit Batteries Every week, tihe following parameters operable, all' core and containment a. cooling . systems are
- operable, shall be verified.
The actual reactor power - level' is reduced to values measured and logged: 25% of the rated and NRC. is notified within 24 hours of the situation, 1. .The total battery terminal .r the precautions to be taken during voltage on float charge shall this period-and the plans for prompt .be equal to or greater.. than restoration of incoming power. 250 volts, b. Diesel Generators 2. The electrolyte level'of each. -pilot cell is between the 11. From and after the date that one of minimum and maximum level the diesel generators or an ' indication marks, -associated critical bus is made or found to be-inoperable for any 3. The pilot cell voltage is reason, continued reactor operation 2.15V minimum and specific is permissible in accordance with gravity 1 195 minimum, Specification .3.5.F.1 if corrected to 77'F and Specification 3.9 A.1 is satisfied, electrolyte level, 2. From and after the date that both b, Every quarter,._the following diesel generators are made or found parameters shall be verified. The to be Inoperable for any rearon, actual values shall be measured and continued reactor operation is logged: permissible only during the succeeding 24 hours in accordance .l. The electrolyte level of each with Specification' 3.5.F.2 if connected cell is between the-Specification 3.9.A.1 is satisfied, minimum and. - maximum -level-indication marks. 3. From and after the date that one of the diesel generators or associated 2. For each connected cell,- the ' critical buses and either the . voltage is 2.15V ' minimum and emergency or startup transformer speeific1.190 minimum, g r a v i t yis power source are made or found to be -corrected.for inoperable for any reason, continued 77'F and electrolvte level. reactor operation is permissibit in The average specific gravity accordance with Specification of all connected cells will be 3.5.F.1,. provided the other off-site -a minimum of.1.200.
- source, startup transformer
'or emergency transformer is available 3. The electrolyte temperatures and capable of automatically in a representative sample of-supplying power to the 4160V cells, consisting of at least-critical buses and the NRC is every sixth cell, are within notified within 24 hours of the iS*F. occurrence and the plans for restoration of the inoperable c. Once each operating cycle. the 250V components. battery charger will be tested to 4. From and after the date that the verify that the charger can supply-200 am at. 250 volts for four ' diesel fuel oil particulate h urs. peres concentration level defined in Surveillance Requirement 4.9.A.2.d cannot be met, restore the diesel fuel oil total particulate concentration to within the acceptable limits within 7 days, or declare the associated Diesel Generator inoperable. 5. From and after the date that the new diesel fuel oil properties.' defined in Surveillance Requirement 4.9.A.2.e.2 cannot be met, restore the stored diesel fuel: oil. properties-to within acceptable i limits ' within 30 days, or declare the associated Diesel Generator inoperable. -196-
m 4. - ' 3;9 BASES The general obj ect.ive. of-this Specification is to assure an adequate source of electrical power to operate the auxiliaries during plant operation, to operate facilities to cool and lubricate the plant during shutdown and to operate ' the engineered safeguards - following the accident. There are three sources ;of ac electrical energy available; namely, the startup transformer, the emergency transformer and two diesel generators. The de supply is required for switch gear and engineered safety feature systems. This supply consists of two 12SV DC andftwo 250V DC batteries and their related chargers. Specification
- 3. 9. A ' states the required availability of ac and de power; i.e.,
active off-site ac sources and the-required amount of on-site ac and de sources. Auxiliary power for CNS is supplied from the startup transformer and the normal transformer, Both of these transformers are sized to carry 100% of the station-auxiliary load. The emergency transformer is about one third the size of these two transformers and is equal in size to both emergency diesel generators. The startup transformer and the emergency transformers are the offsite power sources. Their voltage is monitored by undervoltage relays which provide low. voltage protection for the emergency buses. Whenever the voltage setpoint and time delay limit for the undervoltage relays have been exceeded, the emergency buses are automatically disconnected from the offsite power source. If the startup or emergency transformer is lost. the unit can continue to operate since the unit auxiliary transformer is in service, and the emergency or startup. transformer and the diesels are available. If both the startup and emergency transformers become inoperable, the power-level must be reduced to a value where by the unit can safely reject the load and continue to supply auxiliary electric power to the station. In the normal mode of operation, the startup and emergency transformers are energized - and two diesel generators are operable. One diesel generator may be allowed out of-service based on the availability of power from the startup transformer and the fact - that one diesel generator carries sufficient engineered safeguards equipment to cover all breakers. With the startup transformer and one diesel generator out of service, the off site transmission line corresponding to the emergency transformer must be available. Upon the loss of one on-site and one off-site power source, power would be available from the other immediate off-site power source and the two operable on-site diesels to carry sufficient engineered safeguards equipment to cover all breaks. In addition to these two power sources, removal of the Isolated Phase Bus " quick" disconnect links would allow backfeed of power through the main transformer to the unit auxiliary transformer and provide power to carry the full station auxiliary load. The time required to perform this operation is comparable to the time the reactor could remain on RCIC operation before controlled depressurization need be initiated. The condition defined in Specification 3.9.B.1.b 4 is entered as a result of failure to meet the acceptance criterion for particulates. Normally, trending of particulate levels allows sufficient time to correct high particulate levels prior to reaching l the limit of acceptability. Poor sampling procedures (bottom sampling), contaminated sampling equipment, and errors in laboratory analysis can produce failures that do not follow a trend, Since the presence of particulate does not mean failure of.the fuel to burn properly 'in the diesel engine, the particulate concentration is unlikely to change significantly between Surveillance Frequency intervals, and. proper engine performance has been recently demonstrated (within 1 month), it is prudent to allow-a seven day period for corrective action prior to declaring the associated DG inoperable. The 7 day completion time allows for further evaluation, resampling, and re-analysis of the DG fuel oil. --198-
4 y ~ 3.9 BASES (cont'd) '? The condition defined in Specification' 3.9;B.1.b.5. it a result'of failure : to meet the acceptance criteria for new diesel fuel. properties. A period of 30 days is allowed for restoring the stored diesel fuel oil. properties. This period provides L sufficient time'to test the stored fuel oil-to determine that'the new fuel oil, when mixed with previously stored fuel oil, remains acceptable, or to restore the stoted fuel oil properties. This restoration may involve feed and-bleed procedures, filtering. or a combination of these procedures. Even if a DG start and load was y required during this time interval and the fuel properties.were outside the' limits, there is high likelihood that the DG would still be capable of performing its intended function. Once each operating cycle, during shutdown, either a service test or< performance discharge is performed on the 125 V and the 250 V batteries. The performance discharge test is performed in lieu of the service test when a battery shows1 signs of degradation. Degradation is indicated when battery capacity drops more than 10% of rated capacity from its average on previous performance tests, or is below 85% of the manufacturer's rating. -l Replacement critetia for 125V and 250V station batteries is s85% capacity factor and the maximum time for replacement should be one (1) year. This will assure that the remaining battery capacity is adequate to meet load requirements. 4 ~. 9 BASES The monthly test of the diesel generator is conducted to ' check for equipment failures - and deterioration. Testing is conducted up to equilibrium operating conditions t'o' -j demcnstrate proper operation at these conditions. The diesel generatot will. be-manually started, synchronized and connected to the' bus and load picked up. .The diesel generator should be. loaded to at least.50% of rated load to prevent fouling of the engine. It is expected that the diesel generator will-be run for at least two hours. Diesel generator experience at other generating stations indicates that the testing frequency is adequate and provides a high reliability of operation should the .j system be required. Each diesel generator has two air compressors and two air receivers for starting. It is expected that the air compressors will run only infrequently. During the' 4 monthly check of the diesel generator, each receiver in each set of receivers will be drawn down below the point at which the. corresponding compressor automatically starts to check operation and the ability of the compressors to recharge the-receivers. Diesel fuel oil degradation. during 'long term storage shows up as an increase in particulate, mostly due to oxidation. The presence of particulate does not mean that the diesel fuel oil will not burn properly in. the diesel engine. The particulate can cause ' fouling of filters and fuel oil injection equipment, however, which can cause engine failure. Particulate concentrations shall be determined in accordance'with ASTM-D2276-1989, Method A. The frequency of this test takes into consideration fuel oil degradation trends that indicate that particulate concentration is unlikely to change significantly between frequency intervals. The tests for diesel fuel oil properties defined in: Surveillance Requirement (SR) 4.9.A.2.e.1 are a means of determining whether new diesel fuel oil is of the appropriate grade and has not been contaminated with substances that would have an immediate detrimental impact on diesel engine combustion. If.results from the test defined in SR 4.9. A.2.e.1 are within acceptable limits, the diesel fuel oil may be added to the storage tanks without concern for contaminating the entire' volume of diesel fuel oil in the storage tanks. These tests are to be conducted prior to i adding.the new diesel fuel-oil to the storage tanks, but in no case is - the. time between receipt of new diesel fuel oil and conducting the tests to exceed one month. -i -199- ~
i 4.9 BASES (cent'd) Within one month following the initial new diesel fuel oil sample (SR 4 9.A.2.e.1), the new diesel fuel oil is analyzed to establish that the remaining fuel oil properties defined in SR 4.9.A.2.e.2 are met when accordance.with ASTM-D975-1989a. The one month period is acceptable because the diesel fuel oil properties of interest (SR 4.9, A.2.e.2), even if they were not within stated limits, - would not have an immediate effect on Diesel Generator operation. This surveillance-ensures the continued availability of high quality diesel fuel oil.for the' Diesel Generators. Microbiological fouling is a major cause of diesel fuel oil degradation. There are numerous bacteria that can grow in diesel fuel oil storage tanks and cause fouling, but all must have a water environment in order to survive. Frequent checking for and - removal of accumulated water minimizes fouling and provides data regarding the water tight integrity of the fuel oil system. This is the most effective means of controlling microbiological fouling. In addition, it eliminates the potential for water entrainment in the fuel oil during DG operation. Water may come from any of several sources, including condensation, ground water, rain water, contaminated fuel-oil, and from breakdown of the fuel oil by bacteria. This surveillance requirement is for preventive maintenance. The presence of water does not necessarily represent a failure of this SR, provided the accumulated water is removed. If the presence of water is detected by Surveillance Requirement 4.9. A.2.f, the removal of water to the extent practical from the diesel fuel oil day tanks must be accomplished within.two days of the discovery of the water. If the presence of water detected by Surveillance Requirement 4.9.A.2.g is greater than a nominal value of four inches from the bottom of the diesel fuel oil storage tanks, then a maximum of seven days is allowed for removal of the water. The nominal four inch value is a function of the water that can be practically removed from the diesel fuel oil storage tanks. The diesel generator fuel consumption rate at full load is approximately 275 gallons per hour. Thus, the monthly load test of the diesel generators will test ' the. operation and the ability of the fuel oil transfer pumps to refill the day tank and 't will check the operation of these pumps from the emergency source. The test of the diesel generator during the refueling outage will be more comprehensive in that it will functionally test the system; i.e, it will check diesel generator starting and closure of diesel generator breaker and sequencing of load on - the diesel generator. The diesel generator will be started by simulation of a loss-of-coolant accident. In addition, an undervoltage condition will be. imposed to - simulate a loss of off-site power. Periodic tuts between refueling outages verify the ability of the diesel generator to run at full load and the core and containment cooling pumps to deliver full flow. Periodic testing of the various components, plus a functional test once-a-cycle', is sufficient to maintain adequate reliability. Although station batteries will deteriorate with time, utility experience indicates there is almost no possibility of precipitous failure. The type of surveillance described in this specification is that which has been demonstrated over the years to provide an indication of a cell becoming irregular or unserviceable long before it becomes a failure. In addition, the checks described also provide adequate indication that the batteries have the specified ampere-hour capability. i When it is determined that some auxiliary electrical equipment is out of service, the increased surveillance required in Section 4.5 F is deemed adequate to provide assurance that the remaining equipment will be operable. l~ The Reactor Protection System (RPS) is equipped with a seismically qualified,, Class lE power monitoring system. This system consists of eight Electrical Protection Assemblies (EPA) which isolate the power sources from the RPS if the. input voltage-and frequency are not within limits specified for safe system operation. Isolation of RPS power causes that RPS division to fail safe. L -200 .}}