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App 1 to, Metallurgical Investigation of Diffuser/Reactor Coolant Pump Casing Bolt Failures (791350)
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Site: Palo Verde Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 11/24/1982
From: Dollansky K
Shared Package
ML20076E390 List:
TR-MCM-112, NUDOCS 8306010083
Download: ML20076E410 (30)


{{#Wiki_filter:. . - . . __  :. _ ._ u n -' . . . _, . 6.0 APPENDICES TR-MCM-li2 't 6.1 Metallurgical Investigation of Diffuser /R.C.P. Casing Bolt Failures


(791350) j by l K. W. Dollansky, P.E. l l 11-24-82 Reoort 83-0002 APPENDIX I 8306010083 830518 PDR ADOCK 05000528 S PDR

_ _ _ -. ~ -.. . .. ~ -- - .. .. --. ASST?.ACT R. C. P. iffuser/ casing bolts broke during the test runs at CE-KSB. The colts were made of Type 410 Martensitic stainless steel, hardenec and tamoered to a hardness of 40-45 Rc. The type of failure was identified as hydrogen induced stress corrosion cracking. There was no indicatien of fatigue. letempering of existing bolts at higher temperatures to reduce the hardness o <30 Re did not produce acceptable Charpy impact test results, apparently due to carbide precipitation along the former austenite grain boundaries. Lowering the hardening temperature from l750 F to the range of 1650 - 1700 F for Type 410 Martensitic stainless steel bolt material resulted in satisfactory tension and impact values at a hardness of <30 Rc. The improved impact test values are attributed to the presence of some ferrite in the microstructure after heat treatment. The following heat treatment can be recommended: Austenitized 1650 - 1700 F - 1 hour - air cooled. Double Temoer 1150 :25 F - 2 hours - water quenched. l l r l l

                     ?.eoort 83-0002                                                APPEfiDIX I

i . ._ _ ----._.-- _._ ..

n:r cuct :n ind Sackercuno I-s33 ?? quested with Reference (1) an investigation of diffuser / casing
                 ': oit ailures (SE-6000-163, Rev. 00, 3-31-82) and forwarded to Winesce a
stal :f five broken and/or crackeo bolts. The bolts are made accorcir:
CE-4C3 Cwg. 3-8000-101-2106, Rev. 01 by SPS Technologies in ecmpliancs
                  ..ith .;:e .30Rc, they are susceptible.                                          Apparently they fail because of their sensitivity to hydrogin embrittlement (4).

l Hy:: regen sources are usually steel making, welding and heat treating atmospheres. But hydrogen can also result from corrosion. Therefore, failure in a corrosive medium may be the result of either stress ccrrosion, hydrogen embrittlement, or both (5). Certain specific ccmoinations of factors, e.g., presence of stresses, notch sensitivity, l etc. do produce stress corrosion crac' king in 12% Cr steels. The

i. potentially most dangerous mec um appears to be that which promotes
          -,          hyorogen embrittlement (5) (6).

Only ter , ion stresses will produce stress corrosion cracking, especially at the surface which is in contact with the corroding medium. The stresses do not have to be only assembly or operational stresses but can also be residual stresses e.g. from heat treatment. They are most insidious because their magnitude may not be known (5). Heat Treatment Exoeriments, Results and Discussion Based on all this it was decided during the meeting at CE-KSB on 9-30-1982 to retemper existing new bolts (A-bolts) at 1100 or ll50F to produce bolts with a haroness of 30Rc (B-bolts). Retempering within this range was "eoort 83 0002 APPEMDIX I t

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axcected o result in the fo71cwing acproximate properties (accorcine  :

uolisheo data by steel producers):

UTS.ksi YS.ksi R of A% E% Re Charov V. ft-ics 125 105 70 22 25 68 The actual test results with 8-bolts were as follows (see also Table I): 122 to 132 101 to 112 67 to 70 22 to 25 24 to 28 12 to 20 f The tension test results are acceptable, but the impact test results were cisappointing, especially with lateral expansion values of only 0 to 5 mils and 0% shear fracture. The microstructure was similar to that of A-bolts (Fig. 3) but with more clearly defined grain boundaries, possibly due to carbides which

      ,     precipitated during retempering.

_ SEM examination of broken impact specimens revealed the fracture to be

    }'    intergranular, follcwing the former austenttic grain boundaries (Fig. . " ,

see also Fig. SA). l Grains or crystals are polyhedral bodies and the surface separating adjacent crystals of different orientations are called grain boundaries as they appear on a polished and etched plane of a micro section. The grain boundaries interrupt the continuity of the la'ttice planes. They beccme visible af ter etching because of the different chemical reactions cf U.= crystal and grain boundary to the etching reagent. Austenitic grains (and boundaries) exist only in austenitic structure Type 410 stainless steel is fully austenitic (in equilibrium) only betacea about 1700F and 2050F. During hardening (continuous cooling) austenita begins to transform to martensite at about 600F within the austensitc. i Report 83-0002 APPENDIX I

I grains. This transformation is completed at about 350F. Each plate like volume after transfomation is a single crystal of martensite ano the former austenitic grain boundaries are no longer visible in the micro structure (unless something was wrong with the steel from the beginning, e.g., segregation of impurities along the grain boundaries). If the grain boundaries appear again after temoering (see Fig. 3), it can be assumed that particles, most likely carbides, have precipitateo during the tempering treatment. This is possible because after hardening the former austenitic grain boundaries are still represented as imperfections in the orientation of the lattice, even though they are invisible. t ! Precipitation of carbides along the former, austenitic grain boundaries can adversely affect properties, e.g., impact resistance, ductility, corrosion, etc. Based on the above thoughts, it was decided to reheat treat bolts

       ]               consisting of annealing, hardening (from 1750F), and tempering (at ll50F).

Preliminary tests with small pieces showed that the microstructure was free of grain boundaries after anneaMng and also after hardening.

      ] -

Tempering, however, produced grain boundaries with carbide precipitation. . The mecnanical test results of reheat treated bolts (C-bolts) were as follows (see also Table I): At rocm temoerature UTS.ksi YS,ksi R of A% E% Rc _ Charov-V, ft-lbs 123-128 107-115 65-67 ,(*) 23-27 20-46 (*) broke outside gauge length At d()F 11-16 l Report 83-0002 APPENDIX I ew y - - - b

t.ateral expansion at RT was 3-25 mils, at 40F 1-4 mils; % shear fracture at RT was 0-30%, at 40F 0%. ' All reheac treated bolts were liquid penetrant and ultrasonically examineo (Attachment (3)) and were found to be without defects. Otmensional checks l Defore and after heat treatment did not reveal any unacceptable dimensional changes. l One of the broken impact specimens was used for metallograonic examination. Fig. 7 shows the microstructure consisting of tempered martensite with heavy fonner austenitic grain boundaries and possibly seme ferrite. The OPH hardness was 270-292 (about 27 Rc). All heat treatment experiments have resulted so far in good tension and hardness test values but unacceptable impact properties. This can be explained only by the development of precipitates along the former, austanitic grain boundaries during tempering. All experiments consisted basically of hardening from 1750F and tempering at ll50F. This h'eac treatment is reccmmended in steel specifications not only domestic but also foreign (e.g., DIN 17 440 " Corrosion Resistant Steels" Grade X7Cr13; JIS G 4303 " Stainless Steel Bars" Grade SVS 51 8). One would be inclined to suspect that the bolts used for the heat treatment experiments were made frcm a bastard heat. The Test Certificate, Attachment (1), however, l does not indicate anything unusual. A sample was sent to MML Chattanooga for investigation. In the meantime SPS has received more bar material frcm Carpenter to cover an order issued by CE-KSB (see Attachment (4)). Pieces of this material, 0.8125" diameter, were used for heat treatment experiments and mechanical testing. The heat treatment was again hardening frem 1750F followed by tempering for 2 hours at ll50F. Following are the room temperature results ("new" material, see also Table I): Report 83-0002 APPE?t0IX I

Tests at SPS UTS.%31 YS.ksi R of A% Q Rc Charcy-V. ft-lbs 120.5-122.8 97.7-102.7 65.2-66.5 20.5 23 22-26 Lateral expansion 12-13.5 mils, shear 10% Tests at C-E Windsor Charoy-V, ft-lbs Lat. Exp., mils  % Shear Rc 26 7 0 24 SPS water quenched one sample after tempering to prevent any possible temper embrittlement. This did not help much:


Charpy-V 30.5 ft-lbs., Lat. Exp. 21.5 mils, Shear 10%

  • A, B and C-bolts, and with new material are The test results with i summari::ed in Table I.
              "            Because          of         the poor        impact test                    results,             asked Carpenter for t                                                                                                                       SPS 1

assistanc e. The steel producer recommenced oil hardening from 1650-1700F and double tempering at 1150F followed by water quenching. This heat treatment gave good results (see also Table I): Tests at SPS at room temperature UTS.ksi YS,ksi R of A% g Rc Charoy-V. ft-lbs 114.5 95.5 69 20 23.5 48-88 l Lateral expansion 33-54 mils, shear 40-75% l t

                                                                                                  -g.                      APPEllDIX I
                         'e? ort 83-0002 n._

Tests at C-E '.Jinasar at room temperature .

                   .!ew material UTS.ksi          YS ksi         R of A%        Ej[    Rc          Charcy-V ft lbs 115.5           102.5           70.6          20     25               80-93 Lateral expansion 46-56 mils, shear 50-60%

A-bolts annealed + heat treated as above -- 0-Bolts 125.2 113.1 71.7 20 25 69-129 Laceral expansion 36-71 mils, shear 40-80 SPS also performed Charpy-V tests at 60F and 40F: Tests (3 specimens) at 60F - f Enercy, ft-lbs Lat. Exp., mils  % Shear Fji n 38.5-56 22-39 20-40 24 at 40F 31-42 21-27.5 20 24 Metallographic examination of one of the broken impact specimens (0-bolt) revealed the microstructure to be tempered martensite without former, austenitic grain' boundaries (Fig. 8 top - Vilella's reagent etch, compare wit.1 Fig. 7). This micro was also etched electrolytically with alkaline sodium picrate which revealed the presence of about 20% ferrite in the microstructure (Fig. 8 bottom - white particles). o.eoart 83-0002 APPENDIX I

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Ferrite particles are present in the microstructure of the sample hardeneo from 1650-1700F {the actual temperature was 1660-1665F) because a steel with aDout 12*.' Cr and low carbon content has its austenite/_4ustenite+fer-rite phase boundary within this temperature range. Any ferrite which is present at the austenitizing temperature remains in the structure after hardening and is unwanted because it can reduce tension test properties and hardness. This is obviously the reason why steel producers normally specify a hardening temperature of 1700-1850F. 011 quenching is recommended when maximum hardness after quenching is needed. In such a case, of course, the hardening temperature should not be below 1700F because ferrite present in the martensitic matrix reduces the final hardness. Therefore, oil quenching is usually recommended in conjunction with a higher hardening temperature of about 1800F. However, oil quenching may be used if desired even if the hardening temperature is

        ;              1650-1700F.

t i A double temper is recommended for steels with retained austenite after hardening (low Mf temperature) to prdvent untempered martensite in the

. microstructure. Since Type 410 has an Mf temperature of about 350F, retained austenite and therefore, untempered martensite is unlikely to occur. However, tempering Type 410 twice will not do any harm and can only improve the properties after heat treatment.

Water quenching from the tempering temperature is usually done to prevent temper embrittlement found in some low and medium alloy steels when cooled slowly through the temperature range of about 1000F to 650F. As shown earlier in this report, water quenching after tempering (by SPS) did only slightly improve the impact properties of a sample hardened from 1750F. As far as our bolts are concerned, water quer.ching is harmless and can j only improve the impact properties after hea': treatment I Report 83-0002 APPENDIX I

Conclusions Sur:narizing the discussion of the new heat treatment suggested by Carpenter, the much better impact properties obtained with A-bolts and the f new material (Attachment (4)) (see Table I) are due basically to the low harcening tamperature of 1650-1700F, causing retention of some ferrite in the martensitic microstructure. A possibly detrimental effect of ferrite on fatigue in a martensitic structure has been known for a long time. Ferrite lowers the fatigue strength of a part if it has been heat treated to a high hardness, for instance, the original A-bolts with a hardness of 40-45 Re. At lower hardness levels of about 20-26 Rc and in longitudinal direction small amounts of ferrite are harmless. The presence of ferrite, retained after austenitizing at 1650-1700F and quenching, can be beneficial however, as was demonstrated with the impact tests perfonned at SPS and C-E Windsor. Islands of ferrite (Fig. 81' in the austenite matrix at hardening temperature dissolve more impurities than the austenite does, thus leaving less impurities which later could segregate along the grain boundaries during tempering. The ferrite particles also increase the area of interphase boundary, and impurities and also carbides spread out over a larger grain boundary area. In other words the grain boundaries are no longer visible in the raicrostructure (Fig. 8 top). During impact testing the crack does no longer follow the grain boundaries intergranularly but is transgranular giving good impact properties. In summary one can conclude: Steel producers reccmmend a hardening temperature of 1700-1850F for Type 410 stainless steel to be certain that hardness and tension test properties are met, especially when high hardness levels are required. P.eport 83 n002. APPENDIX I

                                                                                                                     -. v .

This neat treatment, however, does not guarantee satisfactory impact properties in every cas e. This may be acceptable since most steel consumers are interested in hardness and tensile proper _ ties and do not even perform impact tests. If impact testing is a criterion, then the hardening temperature should be lowered to 1650-1700F in most cases (depending on steel making, actual chemical ccmposition, processing, etc.). This heat treatment can proouce goco impact values together with satisfactory tension test results ! especially at lower hardness levels.. Other properties are not necessarily adversely affected.


I r t r l l s. l 1eport 83-0002 APPENDIX I

l- , Litarature (1) :tetals Hancbook,1948 Edition ASM, 1952, (2) .ielding Hanobook, Seventh Edition, Volume 1 - AWS, 1976, (3) Source Book on Stainless Steels ASM, 1976, (4) O. J. De Paul: Corrosion and Wear Handbook for Water Cooled Reactors USAEC, 1957, (5) J. Z. Briggs and T. O. Parker: The Super 127. Cr Steels Climax Molybdenum Co.,1965, (6) E. Houdremont: Handbuch der Sonderstahlkunde, Springer - Verlag, 1956, i Report 83-0002 APPE.:lDIX I

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Fic. 2 Broken Bolts No. 13 and 15

                              ".eport 03-0002'                                                                APPEilDIX I
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o ..  ; . TABLE I Sunnary of Mechanical Test Results at Room Temperature

  • TENSION TESTS CHARPY-V IMPACT TESTS bo.of UTS YS R of A EL Rc No. of Energy Lat. Exp. Shear Note 1 Tests Ksi Ksi  %  % 1pecimens ft-lbs mils 4 A-Bolts 2 197.6 150 67.5 18 42 2 83.5 33.5 70 B-Bolts 3 126.2 107.1 68.4 23.3 26.5 6 16.3 2 0 C-Bolts 2 125.5 110.8 66.3 - 25.5 4 28.8 10 8 New Mater. 2 121.7 100.2 65.9 20.5 23.5 3 24.7 10.8 7 Note 2 New Mater. A 116.6 100.2 68.2 21.1 23.5 6 79.8 47.8 59

D-Bolts 1 126.2 113.1 71.7 20 25 3 97 53 60 ASTM Al93 GR.86 -

                                                     >l10          >85     >50         >l5      -         -               -             -               -
                           *These values are the averages for all the specimens discussed in this report.

Note 1: u ent treatment - A-Bolts 1750F/1/2h/ argon +600F/2h/ air .

                                                 - B-Bolts                  A-Bolts + 1100-Il50F/2h/ air
                                                 - C-Bolts                  A-Bolts + anneal + 1750F/lh/ air +1150F/2h/ air i

l New Material as received + 1750F/lh/ air or argon +1150/f/2h/ air Note 2: l l Heat Treatnent - New Material 1660F/lh/cil + 2xll50F/2h/ water

                                                - D-Bolts                   A-Bolts + anneal + 1660F/lh/o11+2x1150F/2h/ water Renort 83-0002

l 57316

                                                                            - 4                              I ptJ  t'rtis7_            __ _

new Ik k lih l l esmag  ! . _ s . ., . ... Fig. 1 Broken Bolts No. 2 and 3 i l Report 83-0002 APPENDIX I

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                  'tecort 83-0002                                                                                            APPE!! DIX I l

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                              "eport 83-0002                                                                                                                                             APPENDIX I l',                                                                           -

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                                                                          ,                                         DPH Hardness 264                                                                                                  !                               -

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