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Proposed Transcript Corrections.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Clinch River
Issue date: 01/24/1983
From: Edgar G, Luck W
NUDOCS 8301250281
Download: ML20070M658 (20)




'83 <pq y In the Matter of








Docket No. 50 537





(Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant)



APPLICANTS' TRANSCRIPT CORRECTIONS The United States Department of Energy and Project Management Corporation, for themselves and on behalf of the Tennessee Valley Authority (the Applicants), hereby submit these transcript corrections, which consist of errors in transcription or typing, and request that they be incorporated in the record of these proceedings.


Corporations Corporation 1292 18 Argon Argonne 1295 20 th is this 1296 24 portentially potentially 1311 8

CVA's CDAs 1325 8

in and 1325 8

CRBR-3 CRBRP-3 1325 9

actions sections 1325 16 decay removal decay heat removal 1327 17 CRBR-3 CRBRP-3 1337 8

desparately desperately 1341 25 suddently suddenly 1350 2

addmited admitted 1352 24 interrogatory

'interroga-tories 1352 25 interrogatory interroga-tories

(. 8301250281 830124 i

PDR ADOCK 05000537 i



!0 l

l I.


1361 11 inclusion conclusion 1378 21 reduce the reduced l

1378 21 reduced whole Reduced Whole core heat Core Heat removal Removal 1378 22 shutdown heat Shutdown Heat removal systems Removal Systems 1378 22 insert initial 1379 5

reduced whole Reduced Whole l

core heat Core Heat l

removal Removal t

1379 6

shutdown heat Shutdown Heat removal systems Removal Systems 1381 22 desig design 1381 24 evaluate to evaluate, to 1382 4

testimony and in testimony, and in i

1383 5

doubled double 1383 8

are there there are 1384 15,18 in an 1385 24 in an 1387 23-25 The answer to this question seems to be missing.

1392 7

of the of--the 1392 15 anyway any way 1393 6

uccessary and necessary, it would would 1468 16 Nord Nort 1476 13 accident accidents 1476 15 at as 1483 14 emphasized emphasize 1484 21 in end 1484 21 fast flux test Fast Flux Test facility Facility 1487 6

lis list 1488 5

Denise DeCaffey Denise to Caffey 1483 18 testimony, in testimony, and the the i

1489 17

.11 100.11(a) 1491 10 does dose 1491 22 specififally specifically l

1494 16 possible impossible 1495 13 flow of block-flow block-ages ages 1496 15 miracle numerical 1498 8

projects project's 1499 5

That the...

The... of of DBA's these DBAs 1499 6

available envelop all 1499 19 on the in the


defens defense 1502 12 FFTF in the FFTF, in the 1502 13 in SEFOR in-in SEFOR, in-cluded cluded 1505 16 advisory com-Advisory Com-mittee on mittee on reactor safe-Reactor Safe-pards guards 1505 18,20 Dixon Dickson 1505 21,23 Dixon Dickson 1506 5

Dixon Dickson 1506 16,19 Dixon Dickson 1506 19 don't that don't know that 1506 16 Dixon Dickson 1533 1

ture true 1533 11 onthe on the 1535 13 group loop 1537 15 42, we've 42.

We've 1541 25 contain containing 1542 16 PWR BWR 1542 24,25 Clinch River is (no para-that the graph) 1542 24,25 delete period, continue with 25, "is..."

1550 21 plant, but to plant, to 1554 3

federal general 1557 22 mechanic's mechanics 1558 2

mechanis mechanics 1563 6,10 Phoenix Phenix 1564 13 Phoenix

. Phenix 1565 11 Phoenix Phenix 1583 10 eitrer of the any of the other four other three 1587 6

answe-answer 1588 17 divers diverse 1590 12,22 decayed decay 1593 3

no not l

1594 20 nor an auxiliary nor auxiliary 1

1595 20 form requirement 1595 21 source avail-available

able, source.

1596 3

desing desip 1596 13 in multiple multiple failures failures l



signie single 1596 9

of failure,

failure, 1596 8,9 act of active 1596 13 in a

1600 1

cover covered 1600 5

feasability feasibility 1606 18 indentify indemnify 1608 22 supposed suppose 1609 10 that where 1609 21 sudden sodium 1613 22 operation operator 1615 15 fist first 1616 18 second "the" to 1617 25 withour without 1620 17 useday Tuesday 1620 21 nontheless nonetheless 1633 14 LAWRENCE W.


1638 23 likelihood or likelihood--

l or 1646 17 had head-1647 18 plan plant 1648 3

project office Project Office 1648 7

consider where consider failures where 1649 13 a

an sealin 1652 13 ceiling I don'g 1655 3

no, it t


It 1657 8

in on 1657 12 documented at documented, least in part in at least in part, in 1659 12 generator con-generator, denser cooling condenser, cooling 1659 20 actually actuate 1659 24 cooler heat trans-port path 1659 24 temperature (delete) 1659 7,10,18 Witness Brown Witness O' Block 1660 10,24 Witness Brown Witness O' Block 1660 5

controlled control 1661 2,10,15,24 Witness Brown Witness O' Block 1661 6

exasperate (sic) exacerbate 1662 10,18 Witness Brown Witness O' Block


The They 1663 4



1664 20 line absorber

line, absorber 1667 17 contro control 1672 24 conducted inghouse Westinghouse 1673 5

scram scrams 1674 23 possible design

possible, design 1675 5

accomodate accommodate l

1682 7

larged larger 1683 19 in on 1683 19 particular of particular--

of 1684 4

ists istics 1686 10 Susanna Susana l

1691 22 start stop l

1692 1

document documented i

1693 17 rapidaly rapidly 1694 5

water what are 1695 10 motor order 1697 3

indocporated incorporated 1697 4

HCDAR HCDA 1700 19-20 fast flux test Fast Flux facility Test Facility 1700 20 Phoenix Phenix 1708 2

rod and rodded 1714 5

the reactor the primary reactor 1714 10 reactor system 1720 12


-secondary 1724 3

indetermining in deter-mining 1724 9

absolute absolutely 1724 14 there were (deleted) 1727 1

auziliary auxiliary 1727 7

colling cooling l

1727 25 liguid liquid i

1728 17 phase base 1731 16 to do 1739 12 dosess doses 1742 15 testimony.

We testimony if we 1749 5

heat feed 1750 12 and in 1751 5-been through

been, through 1752 16 programatic programmatic 1754 22 dose?

That dose that 1765 19 results result 1777 14 and

...a 1779 5

as on l

. PAGE jTNE NOW READS SHOULD READ 1783 22 you'r you're 1786 16 assume assumed 1789 1

HCDA's HDCAs 1790 20 ducument document 1791 5

CRBRP Volume 3 CRBRP-3, 1803 11 on in t

1803 17 basic basis 1803 18 marginal margin i

1804 6

with both 1804 18 off-site oxide 1805 7

top TOP l

1805 10 will or a 1

1810 11 Energetic Energetics 1811 6

SMDB SMBDB 1811 13 relying the relying on the 1813 2

contaminant containment 1816 5

spargy sparging 1822 15 lanthanites lanthanides 1824 17

in Case 2 in Case 2, that that l

1824 18 polinium polonium 1826 17

-- whatever

-- took whatever 1828 16 whick which 1828 19 have extended

have, extended i

1828 20 structure what structure, l

what 1830 24 double noble 1833 8

Pn-240 Pu-240 1834 25 facilities, plus. facilities.

Plus, 1834 14 a

on 1834 20 LMFPR LMFBR 1836 8

desip basis Design Basis accident Accident 1836 9



1837 23 754 will in fact 7.5.4 will, in fact, 1837 17,20 fail failed 1837 22 fail failed 1838 2

as of 1839 3

calcaulations calculations 1840

' 13-22 Strawbridge Deitrich l

quoted twices omitted.

l 1842 21 atmospher atmospheric 1843 20 suddently suddenly 1846 20 move remove i

1847 11 many any i

1847 23 heat steam

. PAGE LINE NOW READS SHOULD READ 1848 15 liquid metal Liquid Metal engineering Engineering center Center l

1848 25 piping.

piping 1849 1

(no new para-graph or sentence)

Following following i

1850 17 ordinate and ordinate.

whereas And' areas 1850 7

someting something 1852 24 considerably considerable 1863 20 analyze them analyze.: hem, 1863 21 metallurgically, metallurgi-test cally test i

l 1863 5

involute involved 1863 19 cupons coupons 1864 5

cupons coupons t

l 1865 8

up to the onto the 1866 17,18 Delete "--not a fission gas- "

1870 10 GMI TMI 1871 5

double noble 1871 15 term that term.

That 1873 2

achieve achieved 1873 24 consisted consistent 1875 3

to be, as Mr.

to be.

As Mr.

1876 4

in the time in time 1878 4

cetera, those cetera.

Those 1878 6

condidions conditions 1878 15 calcualtions calculations 1880 9



1881 9

process but process.

analyses But analyses 1881 1


truly to 1881 13,14 delete " twenty-four hours, which we found" 1881 15 assessments, you assessments.


1884 17 I'm I am 1887 5,6 inh tax res int Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute 1887 11 institute Institute 1887 17 institute Institute 1888 4

come comes 1889 15 in the pen to 1891 16 Thyroidwithin Thyroid within 1891 16 understandin understanding


. PAGE LINE NOW READS SHOULD READ 1893 15 to respond 1894 20 correct clarify 1910 25 ICRP ICRP-2 1911 23 LAI's ALI's 1912 1

waiting weighting 1912 15 The model does The model employ numbers doesn't which....

employ numbers which....

1915 13 ICRP ICRP-1915 25 Then we draw These are then back in terms of used with ICRP-26 and ICRP-26 which contains 1915 9-11 It is animal It contains data.

It is animal data, human clinical human clinical data.

It is data, human autopsy data, autopsy data epidemiological and epidemio-data logical data.

1916 1

there which are (delete) 1918 1

in (delete) 1918 2

or potential change as a 1919 5

soon gives you a to a 1919 25 of those problems being addressed 1920 1-4 that come (delete and Lamediately to add) that are mind that jump out that say that--you know, that there's some-thing that I've got a great concern about i

if we don't get you know -- some-l thing that's 1972 11 o


Enaa A Linn h Hex Reads Should Raad 4950 5



Safety Safety and 4970 10 beings begins 4970 16 resp,cr respect 4979 23 is if 4981 11 brith birth 4985 23 BY WITNESS DEITRICH BY WITNESS CLARE 4986 11 BY WITNESS DEITRICH BY WITNESS CLARE in 4991 25 on 4992 1

have you you have 4993 6

in and 4998 1

frequency failure frequency of failure 5001 1

Sovient Soviet 5002 17 leak lead 5005 1

systen system 5005 20 reidrect redirect 5022 4

but by 5022 9

you You 5038 24 disclosed enclosed 5057 2

not no 5059 3

close coast natural 5060 23 actual 5074 22 trictly strictly 5078 16

issues, issue.

5090 10 Allen Walters Alan Waltar 5090 12 Allen Walters Alan Waltar 5090 13/14 Allen Walters Alan Waltar 5094 8

Allen E. Walter Alan E. Waltar 5094 22 consequent consequence

. 5096 4

Allen E. Walter Alan E. Waltar 5096 14 Allan Walter Alan Waltar 5097 1

stimulant simulant 5103 3

convensional conventional 5105 22 pressure-type pressure-time 5139 8

post proposed 5152 22 cetera.

cetera, 5152 22 That that 5152 22 Ventori Venturi 5154 12 mock-ups mark-ups 5154 13 there that 5157 2

for or l

5157 5

does dose 5158 il conversation conversion 5158 23 conversation conversion I

5158 25 converstion conversion 5159 3,11 meteorlogical meteorological 5159 18 does dose 5160 8,14 meteorlogical meteorological 5160 21 items iodine 5168 10 occasions equations 5170 10 equations methodology equations and methodology 5171 16 seal steel 5181 5

anlyses analysis 5182 8

differe differ 5186 20 feasbile feasible j

5191 12 NCDA's HCDA's 5192 21



5203 15 working the respirstor working in respirators 5204 12 dose in ground dose from ground 5213 7,9,11 Ameresium Americium 5213 10 This has been It has been 5217 17 far for 5238 11 Sectors sector 5242 16 rows rose l

5257 4

LAWRENCE W. DEITRICH L. WALTER DEITRICH 5259 12 LAWRENCE W. DEITRICH L. WALTER DEITRICH 5261 17 requirements requirement 5263 16 sodium system 5264 14 moving removing i

5265 6

product, product 5268 7

knack NaK 5268 10 pumped dumped 5281 15 particular particulate 5281 18 and there hence and hence 5281 19 particular particulate 5304 10 are big tanks are in big tanks 5305 2

if is 5305 12 ORO ORR I

5318 14 repressurizing overpressurizing 5319 2

actions accidents 5319 19 address is address it 5320 6

Or the Our 5327 17 philosophy velocity 5327 21 depostion philosophy deposition velocity 5334 18 prtected protected 5336 2

active reactive 5337 8

IA checks IHX 5340 19 aprt apart 5343 22 Clare Strawbridge i

6291 14 acronisms acronyms 6297 14 cooled generators cooled steam generators 6298 6-7 available.

available, incorporated...


6299 18 tubes we tubes.

We 6299 19 equipment.

The equipment, the 6300 5

out at 6300 14 be--have be--or have l

6300 21 welding and welding.

And 6300 23 flow loose vibration flow induced vibration

6301 25 on a

6302 6

LWR which, to a degree LWR.

It has roughly 757 has 757 tubes,

tubes, 6302 8

we believe on I believe one 6302 12

into, into play.

6303 7

To avoid the I'd like to avoid a 6303 11 unit is one unit, one 6303 20 you question, in your question in l

6303 21 differencs differences 6303 24 to by far 6304 11 series tests series of tests 6304 16 operation, operation and 6304 17 20 years R and D test 20 years of R&D and test I

6304 22 do is, we will do first is, we will 6304 24 in 1983 in the 1983 6305 7

at temperature and at temperature 6306 20 1985 and 1986 1985 6306 22 E-Tech where we are ETEC where we are 6307 1

You begin preparing You'd begin conducting tests in '87, tests in 1987, l

6307 3

in the into the 6307 4


those units.

6307 5

'88 1988 6307 6

the units the plant units


6307 8

estimate estimate a 6307 9

project to project, to 6307 15 daat's it's 6307 23 Your question is a Your question was, is system there a system?

6307 25 to during during 6308 2

have as to have so it may 6308 13 components of component or 6309 6

regulations, and in regulations.

And in particular any particular, any environ-environ-l l

6309 7

to LMFBR's.

of LMFBR's.

6309 8

and measuring their and physically measuring physical and their 6310 3



6310 10 that just that was just 6310 11 to the environmental to environmental 6311 12 materials material l

6311 15 to for to details f or 6311 17 that.


6311 21 can for can, for 6311 22 gories distinguish and gories, distinguish and document.

First document first 6312 13 in here we are using here that we are using those those data 6312 14-15 large developmental Large Developmental Plant plant 6314 8-9 allow it to pass allow such material to through in order pass through, in order 6314 14-15 high temperature, high temperature sodium sodium and fuel debris and fuel debris that would that would be within be within the core the core catcher in catcher, in order...

order 6315 23 air bags in air packs in 6319 8

power, power 6319 10 obj ectives objectives, 6319 16 project.

Again, the--

project, again, 6319 18 jectives after jectives.

After l

6321 6

asking program asking about program l

6321 17 in its and its 6321 19 program project program and project 6322 4

That's--To me, yes, That to me is that's 6322 5

program program and 6325 13 answer.




. l 6325 1

as a from a 6326 2

as said as I said 6327 11 means and whether it be means, and whether it could be 6327 13 can't--

can't answer.

6333 23 that

that, l

6333 24 aggregate aggregate, 6338 3

significantly significantly or 6342 18 we it 6342 23 we would meet as we made would meet as 6343 8

plan plant 6347 20-21 large developmental Large Developmental Plant plant 6348 6

that which that plant which 6349 6

gneral generally the


6350 11 in the Page on the pages l

6350 15 technilogical technological 6'i31 21-22 large developmental Large Developmental Plant plant i

6351 24 reguel refuel 6352 4

exvessel transfer ExVessel Transfer Machine machine 6352 9

for that is is

  • 6352 10 megawatt or 25,500 megawatt or 2550 6352 13 again, of again, because of 6352 18 large larger 6354 21 the--we that--as we 6354 22 testimony testimony, 6354 23 LMFBR but I LMFBR.

But, I 6357

,9 data in any manner data, in any manner, 6359 8

when we talk about where we talk about, 6359 9

phase, having phase, of having 6359 21 project with project office with 6360 21 the both cooperative the cooperative 6360 23 has have

. 6361 12 those in those qualify in 6362 7

Rowe Roe 6363 10 in diameter diameter 6363 20 amountof amount of 6363 23 way

way, 6363 25 shops shop 6364 16 I don't know the I don't know.

The biggor bigger 6365 15 anyplace any place 6365 19 boilding boiling 6366 9

occur occurs 6369 12 don' don't 6369 21 inacceissibire inaccessible 6370 2

say categorically say that categorically 6370 5

after to after an accident to 6370 7

of for 6371 8

design design.

6371 22 such as event-purge such as a vent-purge 6374 5

NCDA HCDA 6382 12 Reading gain is as one Breeding gain is one in 6382 14 over 6382 16 cor core 6382 25 facilities that we facilities, give have give 6383 21 isotopes--p2utonium isotopic plutonium 6385 7

EBR-2 EBR-II 6385 9

from the fuel from the core l

6386 10 things thing 6386 23 base, and to base.

And to, l

6386 24 used would used, it would f

6388 12 at a larger from a larger 6391 1

this operation FFTF this operation of FFTF, 6391 2

continued and continued l

6392 1

Rowe Roe 6392 2

Oradale Oradell

6392 9-10 Walsh Waltz 6392 12 illustration illustration in Figure 2 Figure 2 6392 13 get our picture get in a picture 6392 14 immense, but the immense; the 6393 6

breeding breeder 6393 21 Can't make that with I. can't make that correlation with 6394 19 LRLMFBR LMFBR I

6394 20 process and process.

And 6395 2

have on the have the 6395 5

generally design is generally find is 6395 6

advantage one advantage, one 6395 7

whole and whole.

And 6395 8

out in here out here 6395 11 materials materials, 6395 18 incorporation incor porated 6395 25 differences difference 6396 2

designs and we find designs.

And we find that in that in 6396 7

it there 6399 20 uprotected unprotected 6403 15 that could that I could 6403 15-U2early the clearly 6403 15 statement that that statement 6403 18

-- you've

-- and you've 6405 13 go to going to 6472 4

megajewel megajoule 6473 12 megajewel megajoule 6473 14 megajewel megajoule 6504 20 captured residence capture resonance 6513 6

dealsy delays 6515 14 things thinks

. Respectfully submitted, A

f ect Management Corporation b

ld William D. Luck Attorney for the Department of Energy DATED:

January 24, 1983 i

I 1



In the Matter of







) Docket No. 50-537




. )

(Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant)



CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Service has been offected on this date by personal delivery or first-class mail to the following:

        • Marshall E. Miller, Esquire Chairman Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Nuclear Regulatory Commission i

Washington, D.C.

20545 (2 copies)

      • Dr.

Cadet H. Hand, Jr.

Director Bodega Marine Laboratory University of California P.O. Box 247 Bodega Bay, California 94923

        • Mr.

Gustave A. Linenberger Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.


          • Daniel Swanson, Esquire Stuart Treby, Esquire Office of Executive Legal Director Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20545 (2 copies)



  • Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.


  • Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Panel Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.


  • Docketing & Service Section Office of the Secretary


Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20545 (3 copies)

William M. Leech, Jr., Attorney General William B. Hubbard, Chief Deputy Attorney General Michael D. Pearigen, Assistant Attorney General State of Tennessee Office of the Attorney General 450 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, Tennessee 37820 Oak Ridge Public Library Civic Center Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37820 Herbert S. Sanger, Jr., Esquire Lewis E. Wallace, Esquire W. Walter LaRoche. Esquire James F. Burger, Esquire Edward J. Vigluicci, Esquire


Office of the General Counsel i

i Tennessee Valley Authority 400 Commerce Avenue Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 (2 copies)

1725 Eye Street, N.W.

Suite 600 Washington, D.C.

20006 (2 copies)

Ellyn R. Weiss, Esquire Harmon & Weiss 1725 Eye Street, N.W.

Suite 506 Washington, D.C.

20006 1


Lawson McGhee Public Library 500 West Church Street Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 William E. Lantrip, Esquire Attorney for the City of Oak Ridge P.O. Box 1 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830

Warren E. Bergholz, Jr., Esquire i

Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W.

Room 6B-256 c

Washington, D.C.

20585 (2 copies) i Eldon V. C. Greenberg, Esquire Tuttle & Taylor 1901 L Street, N.W.

Suite 805 Washington, D.C.

20036 Cocanissioner James Cotham Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development Andrew Jackson Building Suite 1007 Nashville, Tennessee 37219 George JEr Edgar g

Attorney for ProjecV Management Corporation DATED: January 24, 1983

  • /

Denotes hand delivery to 1717 H Street, N.W.

. ~-

Washington, D.C.

    • / Denotes hand delivery to indicated address.
      • / Denotes delivery by air express.
        • / Denotes hand delivery to East-West Highway, Bethesda, Maryland.
