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Comment Opposing Petition for Rulemaking PRM-73-9 Re Threat of Radiological Sabotage
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 02/27/1991
From: Wallace E
To: Chilk S
FRN-56FR3228, RULE-PRM-73-9 56FR3228-00023, 56FR3228-23, NUDOCS 9103060070
Download: ML20070E567 (1)


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fEB 271991 Mr. Samuel J.- Chilk,: Secretary ATTN:

Docketing and Service Branch U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 j

Dear Hr. Chilk:

PETITION FOR RULEMAYsING (PRM 73-9) THREAT OF RADIOLOGICAL SABOTAGE TVAlis pleased-to provide coments on the petition for rulemaking (PRM 73-9)' filed by the Nuclear Control _ Institute and the.Comittee to Bridge the Gap and noticed in_the January 29, 1991 Federal Rev.ister notice (56 FR3228-3229).

We believe that at-the present time no credible threat of terrorist activity of.the type ra sed by the petitioners exists at an NRC-licensed facility.

Each of ou6

'es has responded to Generic Letter 89-07 and have contingency plans in place in the event of a land vehicle bomb t -

. threat.

In addition,=,we have reviewed both:10 CFR 73.1 and the requested change by _the Intervenors and believe that the present tule adequately meets the design basis threat.

Any further action taken to change the rule would steduce an undue hardship upon the licensee without providing sufficient



TVA appreciates the_ opportunity to comment on this petition for j

rulemaking, li Very truly yours, TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY g

f cu Ei C. Taallace, Man er Nuclear Licensing and Regulatory' Affairs-l L

910306oo70 910227 PDR PRM 73-9 PDR gt0-

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