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Affidavit of ML Padovan Supplementing 820331 Testimony Re Aslab Questions 2 & 3.Discusses Verification of Results of Inservice Insp Record Findings & Clarification Re Thermal Cycle
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 04/16/1982
From: Padovan M
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20054D843 List:
Download: ML20054D858 (9)





Docket No. 50-312 SP DISTRICT


(Rancho Seco Nuclear Generatinr;




AFFIDAVIT OF MARK L. PAD 0 VAN I Mark L. Padovan, being duly sworn, depose and state that:


I am an employee of the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

My present position is Project Manager of the Rancho Seco facility, Operating Reactors Branch #4, Division of Licensing within the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.

A copy of my professional qualifications was previously submitted to the ASLAB in ety December 11, 1981 tes timony.


The purpose of my affidavit is to supply supplemental information to my testimony sent to the ASLAB on March 31, 1982, in response to the ASLAB Memorandum and Order dated March 8,1982. My March 31, 1932 testimony indicated that additional information would be supplied to the Board for the following questions:

Question 2 Are the inservice inspection procedures relative to the nozzle tests at Crystal River-3, Oconee and Rancho Seco the same? How often are the nozzles at each location surveyed? When was the last test per-formed at each facility and with what results?

Question 3 As of March 1,1982, how many themal cycles have been applied to the nozzles at Crystal River-3? At Oconee? At Rancho Seco?

In each g204230 D 1

O Mark L. Padovan,

case how many of these cycles have occurred after the initiation of the procedures required by the Consnission's May 1979 Order?

Specifically, the additional infomation to be supplied is stated below.

For Question 2 - Verification of the results of the inservice inspec-tion records findings at Oconee.

For Question 3 - A) Clarification on how the themal cycles listed for Rancho Seco were determined and; B) the number of thermal cycles that have occurred at Crystal River-3 after the initiation of the procedures required by the Commission's May 1979 Order.

The supplemental infomation contained herein was supplied to me by Regional personnel.

Question 2-Under the recent inspection conducted for nozzle cracking determina-tion, all makeup and HPI nozzles on all Oconee Units have been RT and UT inspected. At Oconee 2 and 3, each plant was found to have cracks in one makeup nozzle that had a loose themal sleeve. There were no nozzle cracking problems on the other nozzles for Units 2 and 3 or on any of nozzles for Unit 1.

For the previous ISI inspections reported in my March 31, 1982 Affidavit, no cracking was found in the areas examined.

Question 3-A)

In rqy March 31, 1982 testimony the number of thermal cycles on each nozzle at Rancho Seco was indicated to be as follows:

Nozzle Themal Cycles Since May 1979 A

18 7

B 33 3

C 30 4

D 30 4

Mark L. Padovan Due to a misunderstanding in tabulating the above data, the number of chennal cycles on Nozzle A should be changed to read 19, with 8 cycles occurring since May 1979. The reason why the number of cycles tabulated for Nozzle A is less than that for the other nozzles is that the licensee only tabulates the number of cycles on Nozzle A that are attributed to heatup from cold shutdown, and does not include any thermal cycles from HPI actuation. The licensee's reasoning for tabulating only the number of heatup cycles for Nozzle A is that the makeup (A) noz;:le normally has a flow of 15 gpm through it at all times.

The flow is from the makeup tank, which is normally at a temperature of about 80 F (See ).

Even if HPI is initiated through Nozzle A, the temperature of the increased flow entering the nozzle either from the makeup tank or the Borated Water Storage Tank (BWST) is about the same, since the BWST water mixes with the 15 gpm flow in the A nozzle piping before entering the nozzle. Therefore, the licensee maintains that HPI actuation does not thermally shock the nozzle. Enclosure 2 is the data sheet for the number of thermal cycles recorded for Nozzle A.

HPI actuations, with the BWST as the source of water, are tabulated in Enclosure 3 for Nozzles B, C and D.

These nozzles (B, C and D) are thermally cycled when HPI is initiated, because they are normally isolated from the makeup system and consequently do not have a makeup flow through them. Without makeup flow through these nozzles, the nczzle temperatums will increase to about the temperature of the reactor coolant system piping.

Upon HPI actuation, the relatively cold water from the BWST will then thermally cycle the nozzles.

Mark L. Padovan 1 The difference in the nunber of cycles on the B nozzle vs. the C and D nozzles is attributed to old practices of manually initiating HPI flow through indiscriminately selected nozzles. New procedures stipulate that when additional makeup is required following a plant transient, the HPI pump that is aligned to the common suction header with the makeup pump j or V ) is started. The additional makeup provided (through Valves V 2

to Nozzle A.

by the HPI pump is then muted through Valve V3 B) The number of thermal cycles that have occurred at Crystal River-3 after the initiation of the procedures required by the Commission's liay 1979 Order is 28.

6-tkv-Mark L. Padovan Subscribed and sworn to before me this %1 day of April 1982.

Yt d u _ _

CX / id

, Notary Public v

s My Commissi Expires :

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d 74 7



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_y gg 2

11/7/74 11/16/74,

j"I" ing.

3 4/13/75 1/14/75 R. W im 7/29/75 h t up for testing following tuttine H. Heckert 4

12/20/75 12/26/75 1/1_2/76 repair shutdown.

H. Heckert t up following shutdown for Gen. ~

l 5

2/16/76 2/16/76 8/30 76 1 til problem.

' ' ~

Hot shutdown le'rlm

" plot shutdown and cr111 cal 10 0

8/14/76 8/29/76 1/5/77

_Mx10-8 amps


R. Knierim lTurb ro11 to 1800 RPM. Trip tests 7

10/8/76 10/9/76 1/6/77

_ Rx 101 power 8

11/10/76 11/12/76 j

jyrim haturn to power after RCS 001 fix R

9 10/30/77 11/5/77 l;j$ g m Return to power from first refueling R. Knierim Trfp #29 cooldown to rur; swung ff5th Info only 3/20/78 3/25/78 8/21/78_

[8E-$32*-300*-532*for valve work over 10 6/29/78 6/30/78 g;22 11 12-15-78 12/21/78


Heatup following shutdown for refueling ce 12 6/28/79 6/30/79

$6/h79 Heatup following shutdown for TMI-2 mo 13 7/4/79 7/5/79 f6 Heatop after steem Sen. repair.

f)$1/80 14 5/6/80 5/10/80 Heatup after refueling.

l D 5, McVies

" =




15 9/2/80 9/3/80 12/22/81 Heatup after thrust bearing repair 16 5/7/81 5/9/81 0.5.McVica

-" ~


.Hestup af.ter refueling O

ca 17 6/11/81 6/12/81 jjp Hestup after tube leak (OTSG)

Jhf Heatup after trip #50 ce 18 6/19/81 6/20/81 3 _

'*l't 19 4 A w m,.~ e,w_

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$ 1 eMa d ( h i g k ad enke k $iteuteep n =*J M A= M.d _-A.M naa

  • Pg. 1 M:; lcm cyc!.t:1_80,,

Iff h Pressiere 'it]cet ton litto Mc.'l 5

(Test or Upiset cunelJ LJon)

Cycle li'.c of I l'C!! colil II.P.I. Water ll.I'.1. Nu y.z* eu 11 scal Re<:sirtleil l'.y/ '

L ee.o rk:s

  • ~ w.p., "F Tenup., Ulf lir. L e L 4tiniser
  • *rnets i en t s

l l

(lI avnflabic)

(If nvallatile) n c

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,/2h7I TP 600-4 HFT 1

4/17/74 532 85"




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ff27 See Rx trip Report #1 Low prr. Iv1 2

10/7/74 F 80 l


l 7

I 3'

,11/19/74 y 80


V e./

b Rx Trip Report #2 Low par.1v1 1/27/75

__t/ I h2 4

11/19/74 p 80








R. Knierte 5

11/22/74 I,

p 80 no


V 1/27/75

.-. h Rx Trip Report #3 Low p r. Ir1 1

g 6

11/22/74 7 80 no V


1/27f75 7

12/4/74 p 80



l J2 5ee Rm Trfp Report #4 Law par.1v1 8

12/4/74 p 80 e/ t s/


h27 h

See Rt T Q Report f5 Low par. iv.1 9

12/15/74 p 8C' er 7



10 12/17/74


p SO y



R. Enteria 1/27_1_75 See Rt Trip Report #.6. "..*.... *..

i y



,R. Enterte 11 12/26/74 y 80

!11.27/75 5N&Rpag3:,f7*.

12 12/26/74 p 80


V ' [,_$J27 r80




'See Rs Trfp Report #8

  • 13 12/28/74
  1. ._[ ' /

R. Ifnieria i

/27/75 Ru Trip #9 14 12/31/74

> 80 12 I

  • R.10mlerfs I


  • 12/31/74 l

p 80 Do no

. jyj&

16 2/12/75 i

r 80 y


y R. Rhieris

'Rn Trip #10 i

i 4/4/75

-.. Pg. 2 rrtN!.sIcrr 22A nMS tU?f CYCf.MS,,,.V),,

11tch Presstire Tri.)ect lovi listo fmn (tese or l'piact CoedItjun)

} Cycle Date,of RCS Cold;

11. F.I. Wa ter 11.F. T. Notez'.cs Ifsed Recor.1 tail 1'y/,

R. ku p.,

UP W np.. "F I?.i' e I %rber Translent t


1 I (if nynfin5tc)

(11 ny.illable)


v ' i. no R. Knierte See Trip Report til 75% load 17 2/18/75 562


no 4/4/75

...,re.lection_ test TP 800-42. _.. ;'

$1/hgrim iSee Trip Report #12 18

' 2/23/75 562.7*

V no no 3/8/M 564*

f lm jg y f

  • See Trip Report,#13 y

m l

1;28% 7

  • zo 3122in






I 7

no no 21 4/16/75 l

inv 580*

7/30/75 Tri.p Repor.t..#.17


/ j;3y

_"_, see Trip Report #18 2

4/22/75 Tay 582*

y y

'.l28./.Z.O__ see casemi me. ges 12/gis 23 2/30/75 l

_. U Trip Report _#21,

8)30 5


R. Knieria a high press, trips low pr. Twl.


' 10/10/76 Tave FTrip578*

  1. 23 d6
  1. 18 1/6/77

, x Trip _,#22, _. _,,.


7* M'* f*" '"* 1 h

26 10/10/76

. Tave 9 trip 582' e/24 v19 vle V20 !J30 Y.P_egert,_..,_,_,_.7 N*

3 V25 V20 l 1/13/77 Tawe p Trip $82 27 R

R. Enterto Itx low p6t trip

,,r21 g g g g7 28 7/29/77 Tave P Trip 582" ns 1

  1. 2


2 pms Mp 29 1/5/78

Tave P Trip 587-v?$



R. Knierfs

. Hp trip


Tave'S Trip 58f

/27._ /2L D,8/21/78

_ _ at 30 3/M/M Cold 5707


I l




~ '

  • Pg. 3 7ttANSil:ttr 22A 11ES!C'! CYCt/CS HO

~ ~ ~

I!lgli Premstire In.)cet Ion list as f(CS

('"est or t*pbet (fon ! f t. f oie) l Cycle lhtte of RCS Co.1d 1!.P. I. W. iter ll.P.I. Nozzlcu llued } IIccordet! *!y/ I lleen.t r kt.


l TnnSer Trtinislen t 7eep., "I' Temp.

"F l

Iks '. c (It ovn t afste) (if nvallafile)

F1 C

11 R. Knierim 31 3/24/78 Tave 9510-20'



_,.. Trip #30


/ i W.J. Price E


' 9/3/78 Tave 9 trip 582' l


j 25 V2514/23/79 Trip #32 i


N.K. Muhs 33 1/2/79 Tave 9 582*

9 28 10/25/79 T.r13.131...

34 1/5/79 Tave 9 582' 29 4

/ 26 " * " *

  • I 10G1/.19.-_

T.rjn_D6 35 4/22/79

,Tave 9 582*


M.K. Muhs 30 jongf79 gygg,,gg7, l~~



D.N. McVic, _a,,,



__ rrip #39,,..

36 7/12/79

~Tave p 582*

37 9/12/79

Tave 9 582*

/ 31 d

t/28 j/80

. J o M _ _ _.



/29 7L1.148R.... Ttio 41 0.N. NcVfca l


9/13/79 Tave p 582*





D.N. McVica 39

,10/13/79 Tave 9 572' G

30 761/80.._ T.ML _.

D.N. McVica u

j32 40 8/12/80

Tave p 582'

_ _I 12/22/81 __. $ p 746__....


W.J. Price 41 e6/20/81 Tave 9 582 33 3/24/82

,T_H__p_f51,..._ _...


... ~



