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Affidavit of Jf Stolz in Response to Aslab 820415 Memorandum & Order Requesting Info Re Plans for Repairs & Future Operation of Plant Following Discovery of Missing Thermal Sleeve from Cracked Makeup Nozzle
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 04/21/1982
From: Stolz J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20054D820 List:
NUDOCS 8204230423
Download: ML20054D827 (3)





In the Matter 6f SACRAL 1 ENTO MUNICIPAL UTILITY Docket No. 50-312 (SP)

DISTRICT (Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station)

AFFIDAVIT OF JOHN F. STOLZ I John F. Stolz, being duly sworn, depos,e and state that:


I am an employee of the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission (NRC).

liy present position is Chief, Operating Reactors Branch #4, Division of Licensing with the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.

I am current,1y responsible for managing the branch activities that include the review as-sociated with the Rancho Seco facility. liy professional qualifications were provided in my February 25, 1982 affidavit, transmitted to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board (ASLAB) by R. Black's March 2,1982 letter.


The purpose of this affidavit is to respond to the ASLAB's Memorandum and Order dated April 15, 1982, which requested information regarding the plans for repairs and future operation of Rancho Seco following discovery of a missing thennal sleeve from the cracked make-up nozzle. The ASLAB's request for information is as follows:


If the thermal sleeve has t.aveled to the bottom of the reactor vessel, what effect might this have on the instrumentation guide tubes?


Do the intended repairs include location and perhaps removal of the missing thermal sleeve?

g204230 93

? i 3.

In replacing the sleeve, will the original design of the sleeve retention buttons be changed? If so, how? If not, how will this problem be avoided in the future?


What is being done to prevent the loss of the thermal sleeves in the other nozzles? If nothing is comtemplated, why?


How can we be assured of safe operation if the plant returns to full power after the completion of these repairs?

Questions 1-5 The licensee has provided us on April 20, 1982 with a draft of their response to the ASLAB's April 15, 1982 Memorandum and Order. The final response is due to the ASLAB by the close of the business day April 21,1982.

Based on our preliminary review of the licensees draft responses, we expect that we will be requesting additional information from the licensee in order for us to conclude that Rancho Seco can be safely restarted.

The Rancho Seco plant is presently shutdown for 1) repair of the HPI nozzles and 2) inspection, evaluation and repair of steam generator 1

internal auxiliary feedwater headers. We have been infomed through telephone by the licensee management that it appears that at least one steam generator at Rancho Seco shows damage to the auxiliary feedwater header similar to that found at Davis-Besse 1; and that the work on the internal auxiliary feedwater headers is expected to keep the plant shutdown through at least June 1,1982.

We expect to complete our evaluation of the licensee's responses and inform the Board of our conclusions before the expected restart of Rancho Seco.

IA proposed Board Notification to Rancho Seco ASLAB is pending, for approval by Director, Division of Licensing regarding observed damage of internal auxiliary feedwater headers at Davis-Besse 1 and Rancho Seco.

? i The above. statements and opinions are true and correct to the best of my personal knowledge and belief.

Nohn F. Stolz


As Stated Subscribed and sworn to before me this di day of April 1982.



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My Commissiod)xpires:

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