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Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures 110-0 Re Station director,110-2 Re Acting Station Director (Shift Engineer) Implementing Procedure & 110-T1 Re RCT Task Prioritization
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/15/1982
Shared Package
ML20052E315 List:
PROC-820415-01, NUDOCS 8205100350
Download: ML20052E318 (7)


..- - - -.

, QEP 110-0

., Rzvision 6 r

. April 1982 ,


. 110-0 Station Director Rev. 6 04-15-82 l

110-1 Station Director Implementing Procedure Rev. 5 03-19-82 110-2 Acting Station Director (Shift Engineer) Implementing Procedure Rev. 1 04-15-82 j 110-T1 RCT Task Prioritization Rev. 1 04-15-82


I b

i APPROVED APR 151982 i

' Q. c. 0. s. R.


l. 8205100350 B20504 (final) l r

PDR ADOCK 05000254 F PDR


QEP 110-2 Revision 1


April 1982 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE ID/3T A. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to outline the method to implement the

-GSEP duties of the Acting Station Director (Shift Engineer, or Shift Foreman).


1. QEP 200-T1, Emergency Action Leveels (EAL's).
2. QEP 200-T2, EAL - Procedure Cross Reference.
3. QEP 310-1, Initial Notification.
4. QEP 310-T1, Emergency Organization Augmentation.
5. QEP 310-T2, NARS Form. -
6. QEP 360-2, Plant Evacuation and Assembly.
7. QEP 350-T1, Protective Action Guidelines (PAG's).


1. None.


1. None.


1. A cross-reference is contained In QEP 200-T2 which associates the EAL's with applicable station procedures..
2. A preface is contained in front of the QGA and QOA procedure manuals which lists those procedures which relate to GSEP events. The preface instructs the reactor operator to inform the Shift Engineer of a

, condition requiring possible classification as a GSEP event.


1. Classify the event as either a Transportation Accident, Unusual Event,

~ Alert, Site Emergency, or General Emergency using the EAL Table, QFP 200-T1.



QEP.110-2 g Revision 1 l

2. : Perform notification's as follows:

() a. Transportation Accident: '

(1) Notify System Power Dispatcher, using the 'NARS Form. Fill out as much as possible on the form. Instructions on how to fill out the form are given in step F.3 of this procedure.

(2) Notify On-Call Duty Person to initiate appropriate GSEP Station Group activation. Refer to QEP 310-T1 for notification scheme.

(3) Notify NRC Operations Center using Red Phone. A P P RCh/E D F

(4) Await further GSEP instructions. APR 151982

b. Unususi Event: Q.C.O.S.R (1) Notify System Power Dispatcher, using the NARS Form. Fill out as much as possible on the form. Instructions on how to fill out the form are given in step F.3 of this procedure.

(2) Notify On-Call Duty Person to initiate appropriate GSEP Station Group activation. Refer to QEP 310-T! for notification scheme.

(3) Notify NRC Operations Center using Red Phone.

(o/ (4) Perform necessary immediate and subsequent corrective actions.

Await further GSEP instructions.

c. Alert:

(1) Notify System Power Dispatcher, using the NARS Form if Corporate Command Center is not manned. Otherwise, notify the Corporate Command Center. Fill out as much as possible on the NARS Fo rm. Instructions on how to fill out the form are given in step F.3 of this procedure.

(2) Notify On-Call Duty Person to initiate appropriate GSEP Station Group activation. Refer to QEP 310-T1 for notification scheme.

(3) Notify NRC Operations Center using Red Phone.

(4) Perform necessary immediate and subsequent corrective actions.

Await further GSEP instructions.

d. Site Emergency:

(1) Notify System Power Dispatcher, using .the NARS Form if Corporate Command Center is not manned. Otherwise, notify the Corporate f- - Command Center. Fill out as much as possible on the NARS

\ Fo rm. Instructions on how to fill out the form are given in-step F.3 of this procedure.


y QEP 110-2 s Revision 1

.(2) Sound the a'ssembly/ evacuation siren.

() (3) Notify On-Call Duty Person to initiate appropriate CSEP-Station Group activation. Refer to QEP 310-T1 for notification scheme.

(4) Notify NRC Operations Center using Red Phone.

(5) . Perform necessary immediate and subsequent corrective actions.

Await further GSEP instructions.

e. General Emergency:

(1) Notify System Power Dispatcher, using the NARS Form if Corporate Command Center is not manned. Otherwise, notify the Corporate Command Center. Fill out as much as possible on the NARS Form. Instructions on how to fill out the form are given in step F.3 of this procedure.

(2) Sound the assembly / evacuation siren.

(3) Notify On-Call Duty Person to initiate appropriate GSEP Station Group activation. Refer to QEP 310-T1 for notification scheme.

(4) Notify NRC Operations Center using Red Phone.


/- (5) If the Corporate Command Center or the EOF have not been activated notify state and local agencies. Using the NARS (Green) Phone, Dial 23. Notify all parties utilizing the NARS Form.

(6) Perform necessary immediate and subsequent corrective actions.

Await further GSEP instructions.

3. NARS Form;
a. Items 1 through 7 are self-explanatory.
b. To complete item 8, refer to the Protective Action Guidelines (PAG's) given in QEP 350-T1 and in GSEP Table 6.3 4. 1 (1) For a Transportation Accident, check box A.

(2) For all other GSEP conditions, enter the PAG table with the classification and release situation (item 6). Since projected doses would probably not be available, use the appropriate containment radiation level to determine the recommended '

protective action, and which box to check for item 8.

c. Item 9 is self-explanatory.

APPROVED g APR 151982 Q.C.O.S.R.

I QEP 110-2 g

Ravision 1

d. For item 10, only the chimney is an elevated release point.

/ e. Items 11 through 14 are self-explanatory,

f. Do not fill in item 15.
g. Items 16 and 17 are self-explanstory.
h. For a Transportation Accident only, fill in item 18. Item 19 is self-explanatory,
i. Item 20 should be the Shif t Engineer or his designee at the Station.

J. Item 21 should be the addressee of the message (SPSO, NRC, etc.).

k. Item 22 may be filled in later.
4. Priotitization of Tasks for RCT Personnel: Samples should be obtained in the order listed in QEP 110-T1 if practicable.


1. None.


[ 1. None.


.O q.c o. s. a.


i n

Os Om u .

QEP 110-Tl Revision 1 ID/3V RCT TASK PRIORITIZATION April 1982 SYMPTOMS SAMPLING TASKS A. liigh Radiation Containment Monitors indicate high Primary A. Containment, Coolant.

Containment Activity. Main Chimney and Reactor Vent Gaseous Effluent Monitors indicate no Increase.

11 . Shift Engineer concludes th-re has been a loss of I or more fission product barriers:

1. Cladding Failure. B.I. Coolant, Containment.
2. +2 psig Drywell Pressure and -59 inches Vessel Level. B.2. Coolant, containment.
3. Loss of Primary Containment. B.3. Containment, Reactor Vent.

C. Indication of Loss of Coolant Accident.

1. Inside Containment. C.l. Containment, Coolant.
2. Outside Containment. C.2. Reactor Vent, Main Chimney, Coolant.

D. Fuel llandling Accident with damage to irradiated fuel and Refuel Floor ARM > 100 mR/hr.

1. Standby Gas Treatment System Operational and D.I. Main, Chimney Secondary Containment Isolation Effective. Reactor Vent.
2. Standby Gas. Treatment System not Operational or D.2. Reactor Vent, Secondary Containment Isolation Ineffective. Main Chimney. APPROVED APlLL5.1982

_i_ Q.c.o.s.a.

7 o -

O~ O.

' QEP 110-T1 Revision 1 1

SYMPTOMS SAMPLING TASKS E. Radioactivity Effluent Release from the Plant.

1. Gaseous Effluent Release from Main Chimney in excess of E.1. ' Main Chimney.

Technical Specification Instantaneous Release Limit.

2. Caseous Effluent Release,from Reactor Vent in excess of E.2. Reactor Vent.

Technical Specification Instantaneous Release Limit.

3. Liquid Effluents concentration of gross beta activity E.3. Discharge Hay. '

above background in discharge bay in excess of Technical Specifications.

4. Liquid Effluents concentration of Isotopic in the E.4. Discharge Hay.

Discharge Bay in excess of_10 CFR 20 Appendix B Table II, Column 2 MPCm Limits.

A PP R0h/E D APR 151982 q:c.Dm.a.
