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Public Version of Revision 3 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures 350-0 Re Recommendations for Offsite Protective Actions & 350-T1 Re Recommended Protective Actions for Gaseous Release
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/18/1982
Shared Package
ML20050E158 List:
PROC-820318-01, NUDOCS 8204130080
Download: ML20050E164 (2)


, _______________

  • QEP 350-0 R;vicica 3 v.


O 350-0 -

Recommendations for Off-Site Protective Actions Rev. 3 03-18-82 350-T1 Recommended Protective Actions for Gaseous Rele'ase Rev. 3 03-18-82 350-T2 GSEP Guidelines for Protection Against Ingestion of Contamination for the Offsite Public Rev. 1 04-01-81 l 1

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MAR 181982 o

L) Q.C.O.S.R.


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QEP 350-Tl Revision 3 (


, Recommended Protective Actions (S - Shelter, E - Evacuation, Accident Classification / Actual Projected Doses (Rem)** Containment Radiation Level P - Prepare for Release Situation in Zonal Areas X, Y, & 2. (R/Br) When no Projected Possible Action NARS Form (NARS Form Section 6) Wole Body Thyroid Doses are Available 1.0. - Info only) Section 8 X Y Z X Y Z X Y Z

l. UNUSilAL EVDfT 5.'A - No Release (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 NORMAL CONTAINMENT RAD. I.O. (1) 8.A 6.8 or E - Potential or (2) <0.5 M M <2.5 M M <200 f.o. (2) 8.A Stopped 6.C or D - !amminent or (3) (0.5 M M <2.5 M N <200 1.0. (3) 8.A Occurrima
2. AiJ.JtT 6.A - No Release {l) 0 0 0 0 0 0 NOM 1AL CONTAINMENT RAD. I O. (1) 8.A 6.3 or E - Potential or (2) <0.5 M M <2.5 M M <200 1.0. (2) 8.A Stopped
3) <l.0 <0.5 M (5.0 <2.5 H 200 - 400 (P) P) P) (3) 8.B 6.C os D - Isaminent or {4)

( Analysis Not Complete <200 1.0. (4) 8.A Occurring (5) Analysis Not Complete 200 - 400 (P) P) P) (5) 8.8 (6) <l.0 <0.5 M <5.0 (2.5 N (P) P) P) (6) 8.B

3. SIl53MERGENCY 6.A - No Telease (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 N0letAL CONTAINMENT RAD. 1.0. (1) 8.B 6.B or E - Potential or (2) All Dose All Dose <2000 (P) fi P) (2) 8B Stopped Sit ua t ions Situations ~~-

6.C or D - !sseinent or D) Analysis Not Complete <400 (P) l') P) (3) 8.8 Occurring (4) Analysis Not Coorplete 400 - 2000 (S) P) P) (4) 8.C & D (5) <l.0 (0.5 H <5.0 <2.5 M (P) P) P) (5) 8.B (6) >l.0 <l.0 M >5.0 <5.0 M (E*) S*) P) (6) 8.C H & E (7) >l.0 >I.0 <l.0 >5.0 >5.0 <5.0 (E*) E*) S) (7) 8.C,H,1, & F

4. GENE}il. W RGE5CY '

ET - No Release (1) NOT APPLICABLE TO GENERAL EMERdENCY 6.8 or E - Potential or (2) IIll)ose All Dose >0 (S) S) P) (2) 8.C.D FE Stopped Situations Situations APPROVED 6.C or D - r-inent or o) Ah lysis Not Complete >0 (E*) S) P) O) 8.C.H & E Occurring

%Q}g$g (4) <l.0 <0.5 M <5.0 <2.5 H (S) S) P) (4) 8.C.D & E (5) >I.0 <l.0 M >5.0 <5.0 M (E*) S) P) (5) 8.C.H & E (6) >l.0 >l.0 <l.0 >5.0 >5.0 <5.0 (E*) E*) S) (6) 8.C.H,1, & F Q.C.O.S.H (7) >l.0 >I.0 >I.0 >$.0 >5.0 >5.0 (E*) E*) E*) (7) 8.C H,1, & J ILOT NOTES:

The symbol () ) ) represents the entire 0-2 mile area, and the 2-5 and 5-10 mile three downwind sectors.

R - Range (Miles); SB - Site Boundary; M - Minimal

  • Evacuation, when noted, is the recommmended protective action only when weather conditions permit and an evacuation time analysis confirms it as the preferred choice, otherwise sheltering is the protective action to recommend. If evacuation is recommended for Zonal areas Y and Z and if Zonal areas Y and Z are in Wisconsin or Iowa, then the recommendation for evacuation should extend only to the range at which the projected dose is 1 Rem WB or 5 Rc= thyroid, whichever is the greater range. Sheltering is the protective action from this range out to 5 miles if the " range" is in Zone Y and'out to 10 miles if it is in Zone Z.
    • Projected actual doses are based on the actual c r most likely release point and the existing site reteorological conditions. The Zones X, Y, anj Z are:

X - SB $ R < 2 miles; Y - < 9 < 5 miles; I-5$p < 10 miles.


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