LD-93-092, Forwards Evaluation of Sys 80+ Std Design Interfacing Sys LOCA Challenges, Special Rept.Improvements Identified to Sys 80+ Design as Result of Evaluation Listed.Sys 80+ Design W/Improvements Stated in Rept Complies w/SECY-90-016
ML20045C486 | |
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Site: | 05200002 |
Issue date: | 06/15/1993 |
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ML20045C487 | List: |
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LD-93-092, LD-93-92, NUDOCS 9306230181 | |
Download: ML20045C486 (2) | |
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MONTHYEARML20249C1601998-06-24024 June 1998
[Table view]Transmits Revised Fda for Sys 80+ Design,Per App O of 10CFR52.Duration of Fda Conforms W/Duration of Design Certification Rule for Sys 80+ Std Design LD-98-009, Forwards 3 Copies of Amend X to CESSAR-Design Certification (DC) Sys 80+ Std Plant SSAR Which Is Reprint of CESSAR-DC That Incorporates Revs Made to Approved Design Matl in Dcd. All CESSAR-DC Pages Designated Except for Listed Info1998-03-13013 March 1998 Forwards 3 Copies of Amend X to CESSAR-Design Certification (DC) Sys 80+ Std Plant SSAR Which Is Reprint of CESSAR-DC That Incorporates Revs Made to Approved Design Matl in Dcd. All CESSAR-DC Pages Designated Except for Listed Info ML20203J3231997-12-17017 December 1997 First Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Records in App a & B Encl & Will Be Available in PDR ML20149J7101997-07-23023 July 1997 Requests That R Simard Be Removed from Service Lists & R Bell Be Added to Svc Lists,Due to Recent NEI Reorganization LD-97-020, Requests That Errata Be Corrected in Errata Amend to Sys 80+ Design Certification Rule.Memo from Egan & Assoc to C Brinkman Which Lists Errata,Basis for Correction & Suggested Corrections Encl1997-06-13013 June 1997 Requests That Errata Be Corrected in Errata Amend to Sys 80+ Design Certification Rule.Memo from Egan & Assoc to C Brinkman Which Lists Errata,Basis for Correction & Suggested Corrections Encl LD-97-015, Informs That ABB-CE Has Completed Review of Effective Page Listing & Sys 80+ Design Control Document Revs Dtd Jan 19971997-05-0707 May 1997 Informs That ABB-CE Has Completed Review of Effective Page Listing & Sys 80+ Design Control Document Revs Dtd Jan 1997 LD-97-014, Transmits Final Version of Sys 80+ Design Control Document (DCD)1997-04-30030 April 1997 Transmits Final Version of Sys 80+ Design Control Document (DCD) ML20138E0301997-04-25025 April 1997 Informs That Portion of Info in Encl 1 of Vendor 960416 Submittal of Presentation Matl on ABB-C-E Licensing Plan for Full Batch Implementation of ABB Advanced Fuel for Meeting Held on 960416 W/Nrc Will Be Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790 ML20147C0881997-01-23023 January 1997 Responds to Requesting Opportunity to Review Design Certification Rule for ABB Combustion Engineering Sys 80+ Before Sending to Office of Fr for Publication LD-96-062, Requests Authorization to Conduct Narrowly,Focused Review of Design Certification Rule for Sys 80+ Before Sending of Office of Fr for Publication1996-12-18018 December 1996 Requests Authorization to Conduct Narrowly,Focused Review of Design Certification Rule for Sys 80+ Before Sending of Office of Fr for Publication ML20133A9791996-12-18018 December 1996 Approves Rules Certifying Asea Brown Boveri-Combustion Engineering Sys 80+ & General Electric Nuclear Energy Advanced Boiling Water Reactor ML20133A9811996-12-18018 December 1996 Informs That NRC Has Approved Rules Certifying Two Evolutionary Reactor Designs:Asea Brown Boveri-Combustion Engineering Sys 80+ & GE Nuclear Energy ABWR ML20133A9871996-12-18018 December 1996 Informs of NRC Approval of Rules Certifying Two Evolutionary Reactor Designs,Asea Brown Boveri-CE Sys 80+ & GE Nuclear Energy ABWR ML20133A9901996-12-18018 December 1996 Informs That NRC Has Approved Asea Brown Boveri CE Sys 80+ & GE Nuclear Energy ABWR as Evolutionary Reactor Designs ML20133B0191996-12-18018 December 1996 Informs of Approval of Rules Certifying Two Evolutionary Reactor Designs,Asea Brown Boveri-Combustion Engineering Sys 80+ & GE Nuclear Energys Advanced BWR LD-96-060, Forwards Rev to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document1996-12-13013 December 1996 Forwards Rev to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document ML20149M3091996-12-10010 December 1996 Responds to Which Requested Status of CESSAR-DC Relative to Fda for Sys 80+ Design ML17312B0061996-10-22022 October 1996 Advises That Info Re CE Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure,Per 10CFR2.790(b)(5) ML20129E7111996-10-0101 October 1996 Forward RAI Re CENPD-137,Suppl 2-P, Calculative Methods for ABB CE Small Break LOCA Evaluation Model. Submittal Being Withheld from Public Disclosure Pending Staff Final Determination,Per 960523 Request LD-96-042, Submits Misleading Statement by BNL on C-E Reactor Coolant Pump Seals.Statement Correction Listed1996-09-26026 September 1996 Submits Misleading Statement by BNL on C-E Reactor Coolant Pump Seals.Statement Correction Listed ML20128P4981996-09-23023 September 1996 Forwards Proposed Rule Language for 3 Design Certifications Discussed at 960827 NRC Briefing ML20128N6001996-09-16016 September 1996 Provides Addl Info in Response to Several Questions Raised by Commission During 960827 Briefing on Design Certification Rulemaking LD-96-029, Forwards Finalized Package of Six Draft Changes to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document.Changes Will Be Formally Incorporated Into Sys 80+ Design Control Document at Conclusion of Design Certification Rulemaking1996-07-25025 July 1996 Forwards Finalized Package of Six Draft Changes to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document.Changes Will Be Formally Incorporated Into Sys 80+ Design Control Document at Conclusion of Design Certification Rulemaking LD-96-028, Submits Addl Draft Changes for Staff Review & Approval. Changes Listed on Attached Table W/Details Shown on Encl Design Control Document Pages1996-07-17017 July 1996 Submits Addl Draft Changes for Staff Review & Approval. Changes Listed on Attached Table W/Details Shown on Encl Design Control Document Pages LD-96-024, Transmits Finalized Package of Changes to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document1996-06-27027 June 1996 Transmits Finalized Package of Changes to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document LD-96-021, Submits Changes to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document as Requested by for Staff Review & Approval1996-06-11011 June 1996 Submits Changes to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document as Requested by for Staff Review & Approval ML20107G1451996-04-17017 April 1996 Transmits CEOG Task 931 Survey Questionnaire-CEA Insertion Experience W/High Burnup Fuel Mgt ML20101P1231996-03-15015 March 1996 Expresses Appreciation for Opportunity on 960308 to Brief Commission on Views on Design Certification Rules, Particularly W/Respect to Issue of Applicable Regulations LD-95-026, Requests Addl Explanation of Probablistic Risk Assessment. Request for Clarification & Does Not Impact Conclusions of Evaluation Already Reported in FSER1995-10-0606 October 1995 Requests Addl Explanation of Probablistic Risk Assessment. Request for Clarification & Does Not Impact Conclusions of Evaluation Already Reported in FSER LD-95-040, Forwards ABB-CE Proposed Statement of Considerations to Accompany ABB-CE Proposed Rule,Presented in Form of Complete Rulemaking Package1995-09-0505 September 1995 Forwards ABB-CE Proposed Statement of Considerations to Accompany ABB-CE Proposed Rule,Presented in Form of Complete Rulemaking Package ML20092D2871995-08-23023 August 1995 Forwards Correction to Comment 19 Re Proposed Design Certification Rules for Standardized Advanced Reactors. Last Line on First Page May Have Been Lost Due to Word Processing Error ML20092D2561995-08-23023 August 1995 Forwards Correction to Comment 20 Re Proposed Design Certification Rules for Standardized Advancement Reactors. Last Line of Text May Have Been Lost Due to Word Processing Error ML20085G2711995-06-14014 June 1995 Proposes to Respond to RAIs on GE TR NEDE-32177P, Tracg Computer Code Qualification, Dtd Jan 1993 in Three Groups as Indicated in Attachment ML20082G5511995-04-10010 April 1995 Provides Documents & Info Requested in NRC Audit (950407- 950410) Re Rv Fabrication ML20203J4371995-04-0404 April 1995 Forwards Fr Notice Re Proposed Amends to Commission Regulations for Commercial Npps,Adding New App a to 10CFR52 Which Will When Promulgated Certify Sys 80+ Std Design of ABWR LD-95-015, Transmits Corrected Page for Incorporation Into Sys 80+ DCD Revs1995-03-27027 March 1995 Transmits Corrected Page for Incorporation Into Sys 80+ DCD Revs LD-95-013, Transmits Supplementary Revs for Incorporation Into DCD & Affidavit.Changes Resolve Inconsistencies Identified by NRC & by ABB-CE1995-03-24024 March 1995 Transmits Supplementary Revs for Incorporation Into DCD & Affidavit.Changes Resolve Inconsistencies Identified by NRC & by ABB-CE LD-95-011, Forwards Rev Pages for Sys 80+ Design Control Document. Margin Bar Adjacent to Change & Rev Date Will Be Added to Revised DCD Page1995-03-17017 March 1995 Forwards Rev Pages for Sys 80+ Design Control Document. Margin Bar Adjacent to Change & Rev Date Will Be Added to Revised DCD Page LD-95-003, Provides Addl Info on Removal of Auxiliary Throttle Seal Coolers from Reactor Coolant Pumps,In Response to NRC Questions from Review of Sys 80+ Design Control Document1995-03-0303 March 1995 Provides Addl Info on Removal of Auxiliary Throttle Seal Coolers from Reactor Coolant Pumps,In Response to NRC Questions from Review of Sys 80+ Design Control Document LD-95-007, Forwards Revised Sys 80+ Design Control Document1995-02-22022 February 1995 Forwards Revised Sys 80+ Design Control Document LD-95-006, Forwards mark-up Pages Identifying Revs Incorporated Into Sys 80+ Design Control Document. Revs Provided in Response to Comments Provided by NRC & as Result of Changes Identified by ABB-CE & Discussed W/Nrc1995-02-16016 February 1995 Forwards mark-up Pages Identifying Revs Incorporated Into Sys 80+ Design Control Document. Revs Provided in Response to Comments Provided by NRC & as Result of Changes Identified by ABB-CE & Discussed W/Nrc LD-95-005, Forwards Proprietary Sys 80+ Parameter List for Safety Analyses. Encl Withheld1995-02-10010 February 1995 Forwards Proprietary Sys 80+ Parameter List for Safety Analyses. Encl Withheld LD-95-001, Forwards Rev 2 to Technical Support Document for Amend to 10CFR51 Considering Severe Accident Under NEPA for Plants of Sys 80+ Design1995-01-0606 January 1995 Forwards Rev 2 to Technical Support Document for Amend to 10CFR51 Considering Severe Accident Under NEPA for Plants of Sys 80+ Design NRC-94-4383, Comments on Review of Draft NUREG-1512 for Proprietary Info1994-12-27027 December 1994 Comments on Review of Draft NUREG-1512 for Proprietary Info LD-94-073, Forwards Sys 80+ Design Control Document, Vols 1-241994-12-16016 December 1994 Forwards Sys 80+ Design Control Document, Vols 1-24 LD-94-072, Provides Justification for Tier 2 Seismic & Valve Testing Expirations1994-12-16016 December 1994 Provides Justification for Tier 2 Seismic & Valve Testing Expirations LD-94-071, Transmits Addl Input to System 80+ Design Control Document1994-12-15015 December 1994 Transmits Addl Input to System 80+ Design Control Document LD-94-069, Forwards marked-up CESSAR-DC Figure 5.1.2-2 Re Proposed Design Change to Remove RCP Seal Coolers1994-12-0808 December 1994 Forwards marked-up CESSAR-DC Figure 5.1.2-2 Re Proposed Design Change to Remove RCP Seal Coolers ML20078N8961994-12-0101 December 1994 Forwards Copy of Ltr NFBWR-94-033 ML20149H1941994-11-14014 November 1994 Responds to Indicating Concern Re Application of Set of Interrelated Elements That Defines Technical & Regulatory Aspects of design-basic Accident Source Term for Licensing of Passive Plants 1998-06-24 Category:INCOMING CORRESPONDENCE MONTHYEARLD-98-009, Forwards 3 Copies of Amend X to CESSAR-Design Certification (DC) Sys 80+ Std Plant SSAR Which Is Reprint of CESSAR-DC That Incorporates Revs Made to Approved Design Matl in Dcd. All CESSAR-DC Pages Designated Except for Listed Info1998-03-13013 March 1998
[Table view]Forwards 3 Copies of Amend X to CESSAR-Design Certification (DC) Sys 80+ Std Plant SSAR Which Is Reprint of CESSAR-DC That Incorporates Revs Made to Approved Design Matl in Dcd. All CESSAR-DC Pages Designated Except for Listed Info ML20149J7101997-07-23023 July 1997 Requests That R Simard Be Removed from Service Lists & R Bell Be Added to Svc Lists,Due to Recent NEI Reorganization LD-97-020, Requests That Errata Be Corrected in Errata Amend to Sys 80+ Design Certification Rule.Memo from Egan & Assoc to C Brinkman Which Lists Errata,Basis for Correction & Suggested Corrections Encl1997-06-13013 June 1997 Requests That Errata Be Corrected in Errata Amend to Sys 80+ Design Certification Rule.Memo from Egan & Assoc to C Brinkman Which Lists Errata,Basis for Correction & Suggested Corrections Encl LD-97-015, Informs That ABB-CE Has Completed Review of Effective Page Listing & Sys 80+ Design Control Document Revs Dtd Jan 19971997-05-0707 May 1997 Informs That ABB-CE Has Completed Review of Effective Page Listing & Sys 80+ Design Control Document Revs Dtd Jan 1997 LD-97-014, Transmits Final Version of Sys 80+ Design Control Document (DCD)1997-04-30030 April 1997 Transmits Final Version of Sys 80+ Design Control Document (DCD) LD-96-062, Requests Authorization to Conduct Narrowly,Focused Review of Design Certification Rule for Sys 80+ Before Sending of Office of Fr for Publication1996-12-18018 December 1996 Requests Authorization to Conduct Narrowly,Focused Review of Design Certification Rule for Sys 80+ Before Sending of Office of Fr for Publication LD-96-060, Forwards Rev to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document1996-12-13013 December 1996 Forwards Rev to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document LD-96-042, Submits Misleading Statement by BNL on C-E Reactor Coolant Pump Seals.Statement Correction Listed1996-09-26026 September 1996 Submits Misleading Statement by BNL on C-E Reactor Coolant Pump Seals.Statement Correction Listed ML20128P4981996-09-23023 September 1996 Forwards Proposed Rule Language for 3 Design Certifications Discussed at 960827 NRC Briefing ML20128N6001996-09-16016 September 1996 Provides Addl Info in Response to Several Questions Raised by Commission During 960827 Briefing on Design Certification Rulemaking LD-96-029, Forwards Finalized Package of Six Draft Changes to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document.Changes Will Be Formally Incorporated Into Sys 80+ Design Control Document at Conclusion of Design Certification Rulemaking1996-07-25025 July 1996 Forwards Finalized Package of Six Draft Changes to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document.Changes Will Be Formally Incorporated Into Sys 80+ Design Control Document at Conclusion of Design Certification Rulemaking LD-96-028, Submits Addl Draft Changes for Staff Review & Approval. Changes Listed on Attached Table W/Details Shown on Encl Design Control Document Pages1996-07-17017 July 1996 Submits Addl Draft Changes for Staff Review & Approval. Changes Listed on Attached Table W/Details Shown on Encl Design Control Document Pages LD-96-024, Transmits Finalized Package of Changes to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document1996-06-27027 June 1996 Transmits Finalized Package of Changes to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document LD-96-021, Submits Changes to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document as Requested by for Staff Review & Approval1996-06-11011 June 1996 Submits Changes to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document as Requested by for Staff Review & Approval ML20107G1451996-04-17017 April 1996 Transmits CEOG Task 931 Survey Questionnaire-CEA Insertion Experience W/High Burnup Fuel Mgt ML20101P1231996-03-15015 March 1996 Expresses Appreciation for Opportunity on 960308 to Brief Commission on Views on Design Certification Rules, Particularly W/Respect to Issue of Applicable Regulations LD-95-026, Requests Addl Explanation of Probablistic Risk Assessment. Request for Clarification & Does Not Impact Conclusions of Evaluation Already Reported in FSER1995-10-0606 October 1995 Requests Addl Explanation of Probablistic Risk Assessment. Request for Clarification & Does Not Impact Conclusions of Evaluation Already Reported in FSER LD-95-040, Forwards ABB-CE Proposed Statement of Considerations to Accompany ABB-CE Proposed Rule,Presented in Form of Complete Rulemaking Package1995-09-0505 September 1995 Forwards ABB-CE Proposed Statement of Considerations to Accompany ABB-CE Proposed Rule,Presented in Form of Complete Rulemaking Package ML20092D2871995-08-23023 August 1995 Forwards Correction to Comment 19 Re Proposed Design Certification Rules for Standardized Advanced Reactors. Last Line on First Page May Have Been Lost Due to Word Processing Error ML20092D2561995-08-23023 August 1995 Forwards Correction to Comment 20 Re Proposed Design Certification Rules for Standardized Advancement Reactors. Last Line of Text May Have Been Lost Due to Word Processing Error ML20085G2711995-06-14014 June 1995 Proposes to Respond to RAIs on GE TR NEDE-32177P, Tracg Computer Code Qualification, Dtd Jan 1993 in Three Groups as Indicated in Attachment ML20082G5511995-04-10010 April 1995 Provides Documents & Info Requested in NRC Audit (950407- 950410) Re Rv Fabrication LD-95-015, Transmits Corrected Page for Incorporation Into Sys 80+ DCD Revs1995-03-27027 March 1995 Transmits Corrected Page for Incorporation Into Sys 80+ DCD Revs LD-95-013, Transmits Supplementary Revs for Incorporation Into DCD & Affidavit.Changes Resolve Inconsistencies Identified by NRC & by ABB-CE1995-03-24024 March 1995 Transmits Supplementary Revs for Incorporation Into DCD & Affidavit.Changes Resolve Inconsistencies Identified by NRC & by ABB-CE LD-95-011, Forwards Rev Pages for Sys 80+ Design Control Document. Margin Bar Adjacent to Change & Rev Date Will Be Added to Revised DCD Page1995-03-17017 March 1995 Forwards Rev Pages for Sys 80+ Design Control Document. Margin Bar Adjacent to Change & Rev Date Will Be Added to Revised DCD Page LD-95-003, Provides Addl Info on Removal of Auxiliary Throttle Seal Coolers from Reactor Coolant Pumps,In Response to NRC Questions from Review of Sys 80+ Design Control Document1995-03-0303 March 1995 Provides Addl Info on Removal of Auxiliary Throttle Seal Coolers from Reactor Coolant Pumps,In Response to NRC Questions from Review of Sys 80+ Design Control Document LD-95-007, Forwards Revised Sys 80+ Design Control Document1995-02-22022 February 1995 Forwards Revised Sys 80+ Design Control Document LD-95-006, Forwards mark-up Pages Identifying Revs Incorporated Into Sys 80+ Design Control Document. Revs Provided in Response to Comments Provided by NRC & as Result of Changes Identified by ABB-CE & Discussed W/Nrc1995-02-16016 February 1995 Forwards mark-up Pages Identifying Revs Incorporated Into Sys 80+ Design Control Document. Revs Provided in Response to Comments Provided by NRC & as Result of Changes Identified by ABB-CE & Discussed W/Nrc LD-95-005, Forwards Proprietary Sys 80+ Parameter List for Safety Analyses. Encl Withheld1995-02-10010 February 1995 Forwards Proprietary Sys 80+ Parameter List for Safety Analyses. Encl Withheld LD-95-001, Forwards Rev 2 to Technical Support Document for Amend to 10CFR51 Considering Severe Accident Under NEPA for Plants of Sys 80+ Design1995-01-0606 January 1995 Forwards Rev 2 to Technical Support Document for Amend to 10CFR51 Considering Severe Accident Under NEPA for Plants of Sys 80+ Design NRC-94-4383, Comments on Review of Draft NUREG-1512 for Proprietary Info1994-12-27027 December 1994 Comments on Review of Draft NUREG-1512 for Proprietary Info LD-94-073, Forwards Sys 80+ Design Control Document, Vols 1-241994-12-16016 December 1994 Forwards Sys 80+ Design Control Document, Vols 1-24 LD-94-072, Provides Justification for Tier 2 Seismic & Valve Testing Expirations1994-12-16016 December 1994 Provides Justification for Tier 2 Seismic & Valve Testing Expirations LD-94-071, Transmits Addl Input to System 80+ Design Control Document1994-12-15015 December 1994 Transmits Addl Input to System 80+ Design Control Document LD-94-069, Forwards marked-up CESSAR-DC Figure 5.1.2-2 Re Proposed Design Change to Remove RCP Seal Coolers1994-12-0808 December 1994 Forwards marked-up CESSAR-DC Figure 5.1.2-2 Re Proposed Design Change to Remove RCP Seal Coolers ML20078N8961994-12-0101 December 1994 Forwards Copy of Ltr NFBWR-94-033 LD-94-065, Submits Proposed Language Related to Tier 2 for Sys 80+ Design Certification Rule1994-10-28028 October 1994 Submits Proposed Language Related to Tier 2 for Sys 80+ Design Certification Rule LD-94-063, Forwards Rev 1 of Technical Support Document for Amends to 10CFR51 Considering Severe Accidents Under NEPA for Plants of Sys 80+ Design1994-10-10010 October 1994 Forwards Rev 1 of Technical Support Document for Amends to 10CFR51 Considering Severe Accidents Under NEPA for Plants of Sys 80+ Design ML20072T2691994-08-30030 August 1994 Advises That Industry Intends to Comment in Opposition to Applicable Regulations Approach & Proposed Text of Applicable Regulations in Design Certification Rulemaking Proceeding for Both ABWR & Sys 80+ LD-94-059, Forwards Draft Notice of Issuance of EA & Draft Fonsi, Together W/Supporting Draft Proposed EA for Consideration,W/ Respect to Draft EA NRC Producing for Proposed Sys 80+ Design Process1994-08-22022 August 1994 Forwards Draft Notice of Issuance of EA & Draft Fonsi, Together W/Supporting Draft Proposed EA for Consideration,W/ Respect to Draft EA NRC Producing for Proposed Sys 80+ Design Process ML20072B9641994-08-12012 August 1994 Requests That Author Name Be Added to Sys 80+ Service List. Author Counsel to Westinghouse in AP600 Design Certification ML20072E3561994-08-0909 August 1994 Requests Addition of Author Name to Sys 80+ Svc List ML20073E1721994-07-25025 July 1994 Forwards Rept Entitled, Analysis of Ex-Vessel Steam Explosions for Combustion Engineering Sys 80+ Using Gtsf Computer Code. Provides Comments on Central,Outer & Multiple Instrument Tube Failures LD-94-054, Forwards Errata to Sys 80+ Certified Design Matl,In Response to Editorial & Word Processing Errors1994-07-21021 July 1994 Forwards Errata to Sys 80+ Certified Design Matl,In Response to Editorial & Word Processing Errors LD-94-052, Requests That Service List for Docket 52-002 Be Updated in Accordance W/Encl Listing,Due to Changes in Position Titles, Affiliations & Organizations.Correspondence on Docket 52-002 Should Be Addressed to Listed Address1994-07-20020 July 1994 Requests That Service List for Docket 52-002 Be Updated in Accordance W/Encl Listing,Due to Changes in Position Titles, Affiliations & Organizations.Correspondence on Docket 52-002 Should Be Addressed to Listed Address LD-94-053, Seeks Confirmation of Vendor Understanding of NRC Fee Regulations in 10CFR170 as Pertaining to Sys 80+ Design Certification Rulemaking as Set Forth in Encl1994-07-20020 July 1994 Seeks Confirmation of Vendor Understanding of NRC Fee Regulations in 10CFR170 as Pertaining to Sys 80+ Design Certification Rulemaking as Set Forth in Encl LD-94-048, Forwards Certified Design Matl Related to Design Reliability Assurance Program & Corresponding Errata Pages for CESSAR-DC (Section 1.0,17.3 & 19.15) Amend W,To Resolve NRC Comments Received by Telcon Over Past Two Wks1994-07-12012 July 1994 Forwards Certified Design Matl Related to Design Reliability Assurance Program & Corresponding Errata Pages for CESSAR-DC (Section 1.0,17.3 & 19.15) Amend W,To Resolve NRC Comments Received by Telcon Over Past Two Wks ML20077F4111994-07-0808 July 1994 Forwards Technical Evaluation Rept Entitled, an Analysis of Core Meltdown Accidents in CE Sys 80+ Plant Using Melcor LD-94-047, Forwards Replacement Page for System 80+ Emergency Operations Guidelines1994-06-28028 June 1994 Forwards Replacement Page for System 80+ Emergency Operations Guidelines LD-94-046, Submits Sys 80+ Design & Operational Features Re Deviations from Regulations1994-06-27027 June 1994 Submits Sys 80+ Design & Operational Features Re Deviations from Regulations 1998-03-13 |
... ~
ASEA BROWN BOVERl June 15, 1993 LD-93-092 Docket No,52-002 i
l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Vashington,-DC 20555
System 80+5 Intersystem Loss of Coolant Accident (ISLOCA)
Dear Sirs:
r Attached is the ABB-CE report presenting the evaluation of the System 80+ design in response to ISLOCA events.
There were some improvements identified to the 1
System 80+ design as a result of this evaluation. The improvements to the System 80+ design include:
3j ll' 1.
Increasing the design pressure of some equipment and some systems, 2.
Adding equipment and instrumentation which terminate and limit the scope of-an ISLOCA, and 3,
Changing system interface' locations.
The System 80+ design with the improvements stated in the' report complies with,
the SECY-90-016 recommendations.
The evaluation was conducted by. ' defining an ISLOCA as an event, which occurs outside containment in a system connected to the t
RCS and results in a loss of primary system inventory. The event is assumed to l
be caused by the inadvertent opening of RC's isolation valves or the failure to close of RCS isolation check valves. This assumption was made because various studies have indicated that the more likely ISLOCA precursors would be initiated
by human errors or procedural deficiencies.
The acceptance criteria were established to demonstrate that:
The system retains its structural integrity throughout the event, 2.
Any leakage caused by the event would be limited tio the makeup system capabilities, and 3.
Offsite doses are limited to a small fraction of those in 10 CFR100.
t 210050 ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power i
y Comtniskm Engdeenng Irt.
1000 Pro!4cct H a Road Temphone (203) 66fM 911 f-l'
T*"J Post Offee Don 503 Fas (2c3) 285 9512 9306230181-930615 wg wnosw. connecteur o6095.e500.
Teiew 93297 cOMBEf4 WSOR PDR ADOCK 05200002 pq l
3 In conclusion, the design pressure for systems interfacing with the RCS was generally shown to be at least 40% of normal RCS operating pressure.
Where it was impractical to increase the design of the interfacing systems, a
justification for - alternate solutions was made.
The justification included complexity issues, use of first of a kind systems, hardware and installation, and the need for additional unproven systems.
Should you have any questions on the enclosed material, please contact me or Mr.
S. Ritterbusch of my staff at (203) 285-5206.
W C.B. Brinkman Acting Director Nuclear Systems Licensing I
f 1
As Stated xc:
J. Trotter (EPRI)
M. Franovich (NRC)
T. Wambach (NRC)
- -.