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PVNGS 1993 Emergency Preparedness Exercise.
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1993
Shared Package
ML17310A306 List:
NUDOCS 9306070386
Download: ML20044H099 (500)


{{#Wiki_filter:.- . _. . - - . . . . . . ..- -- TABLE OF CONTENTS > SECTION PAGE


1.1 Schedule 1-1 t 1.2 Participating Agencies 1-2 , 1.3 Purpose 1-2 - 1.4 Response Locations 1-2 1.5 Acronyms and Abbreviations 1-3 i 2.0 EXERCISE OBJECTIVES AND EXTENT OF PLAY 2.1 Objectives 2.1.1 APS/PVNGS 2-1 2.1.2 State of Arizona /Maricopa County 2-4 2.2 Extent ofPlay 2.2.1 Facility Activation 2-8 2.2.2 GeneralResponse Activities 2-9 3.0 DRILL SCENARIO 3.1 Initial Conditions 3-2 3.2 Narrative Summary 3-3 3.3 Major Sequence ofEvents 3-5 4.0 DUTIES OF CONTROLLERS AND PLAYERS 4.1 Overall Rules 4-1 1 4.1.1 Rules for Controllers 4-2 O

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SECEON PAGE O 4.1.2 Rules for Players 4-3 4.1.3 Rules for Observers 4-4 4.2 Controller Assignments 4-5 4.3 APS/PVNGS Observers 4-6 4.4 Drill Forms 4-6 Drill Controller Event Log 4-7 Facility Lead Controller Checklist 4-9 Drill / Exercise Player Comments Form 4-10  :; Objective Evaluation Instructions 4-11 Objective Evaluation Forms 4-12 5.0 APPENDICES Appendix A - PVNGS Scenario Controller Guide Appendix B - PVNGS Messages Appendix C - Government Controller Guide Appendix D- Government Messages Appendix E - Public Information Controller Guide Appendix F - Public Information Messages Appendix G - CEC Controller Guide Appendix H - CEC Messages Appendix I- Plant Data Appendix J-Radiological Data Appendix K- Chemistry Data Appendix L - Meteorological Data ' Appendix M - Contaminated Injury Data O 04-93 Exercise Pageii 03/08/93 07:22



1.1 Schedule  ! 1.1.1 Controller Training Date: Wednesday, April 28,1993 Time: 0800 to 1100 Location: Building E, EOF, PVNGS 1.1.2 Initial Controller Briefing Date: Monday, May 3,1993 Time: 0900 to 1130 Location: Building E, EOF, PVNGS 1.1.3 Final Controller Briefing Date: Monday, May 10,1993 Time: 0900 to 1100 Location: Building E, EOF, PVNGS 1.1.4 Player Briefing Date: Monday, May 10,1993 Time: 1300 to 1400 Location: Building E, EOF, PVNGS 1.1.5 Exercise Date: Tuesday, May 11,1993 Time: 0700 to 1500 , 1.1.6 PVNGS Player Critique Date: Wednesday, May 12,1993 Time: 0900 to 1100 Location: Building E, EOF, PVNGS 1.1.7 PVNGS Management Critique Date: Wednesday, May 12,1993 Time: 1300 to 1400 Location: Building E, EOF, PVNGS 1.1.8 NRC Exit Meeting Date: To be announced Location: To be announced 05-93 Exercise Page 1-1 03-08-93 06:58

p 1.2 Participating Agencies (' l.2.1 Utility Arizona Public Service (APS) Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS) 1.2.2 Federal National Weather Service (NWS) 1.2.3 State Arizona Division of Emergency Management (ADEM) Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency (ARRA) Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) 1.2.4 County Maricopa County Department of Emergency Management (MCDEM) . Maricopa County Sheriffs OfIice (MCS0) 1.2.5 Volunteer Agencies American Red Cross (ARC) 1.3 Puroose 1.3.1 To conduct an exercise that includes the mobilization oflicensee, state, county, and federal personnel and resources to adequately verify the capability to respond to an emergency at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station. 1.3.2 To satisfy the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix E,44 CFR 350.9, and the guidance in NUREG 0654/ FEMA REP-1, Rev.1. 1.4 Response Locations Several groups will be participating in the exercise, in order to test the integrated capability and a major portion of the basic elements exu ' .g within emergency - preparedness plans and organizations, and in order to * .ify the capability to respond to an accident scenario requiring response. The extent to

  • aich each group is involved is listed in Section 2.2, " Extent of Play," of this manual. The following identifies the key locations where these groups will perform their response actions.

1.4.1 Utility locations Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station is located approximately 50 miles west of Phoenix, Arizona,6 miles south ofInterstate 10 exit 98 (Wintersburg Road). Facilities participating at this location include:

                         . Training simulator (will serve as Control Room and Satellite Technical Support Center).

O 05-93 Exercise Page 1-2 03-01-93 11:00


                             . Unit 3 Operations Support Centers.
                             . Areas within Unit 3 (inplant locations).
                             . Security Central Alarm Station.
  /,U]                       . Technical Support Center.
                             . Emergency Operations Facility.
                             . Forward News Center.

1.4.2 Statelocations , Several State of Arizona facilities will participate from the Arizona Division of Emergency Management headquarters,5636 East McDowell Road in Phoenix, Arizona. Facilities participating at this location include:

                             . State Emergency Operations Center.
                             . Technical Operations Center.
                             . Joint Emergency News Center.

The State's Radiological Emergency Assessment Team is located at the Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency offices,4814 South 40th Street, Phoenix, Arizona. The participating Reception and Care Center is located at Dysart High School, 11405 North Dysart Road, El Mirage, Arizona. 1.4.3 County locations Several Maricopa county facilities will participate, including: .

                             . Maricopa County Emergency Operations Center,2035 North 52nd Street,             :

Phoenix, Arizona.

                             . Maricopa County Sheriffs Office,102 West Madison Street, Phoenix, Arizona.
                             . Maricopa County Sheriffs Office on-scene command post, located at Palo Verde School,10700 South Palo Verde Road, Buckeye, Arizona.

1.5 Acronyms and Abbreviations ' AC Alternating Current . ACAD Automated Control Access Device ADEM Arizona Division of Emergency Management ADV Atmospheric Dump Valve AFAS Auxiliary Feedwater Actuation Signal AFW Auxiliary Feedwater  ; AgX Silver Zeolite AHU Air Handling Unit AO Auxiliary Operator APS Arizona Public Service Company ARC American Red Cross ARRA Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency ASS Assistant Shift Supervisor


05-93 Exercise Page 1-3 03-01-93 11:00

AUX Auxiliary BLDG Building B0 Control Board Number (Control Room) ' C- PVNGS Controller Number CAS Central Alarm Station CEA ControlElement Assembly CEAC Control Element Assembly Computer CEC Corporate Emergency Center CET Core Exit Thermocouple CIAS Containment Isolation Actuation Signal Ci/sec Curies per second CND Condenser CNTMT Containment COND Condensate CONT /CNT Continued CPIAS Containment Purge Isolation Actuation Signal CR Control Room C.REFAS Control Room Essential Filtration Actuation Signal CRVIAS Control Room Ventilation Isolation Actuation Signal CSAS Containment Spray Actuation Signal CST Condensate Storage Tank DC Direct current DAWPS Dry Activated Waste Processing and Storage D/G Diesel Generator ' DNBR Departure From Nucleate Boiling Ratio DPS Department ofPublic Safety  ; EBS Emergency Broadcast System EC Emergency Coordinator ECCS Essential Core Cooling Systems ECW Essential Cooling Water EDT Equipment Drain Tank - EMC Emergency Maintenance Coordinator EMT Emergency Medical Technician ENS Emergency Notification System EOC Emergency Operations Center  : EOD Emergency Operations Director , EOF Emergency Operations Facility EPIP Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPZ Emergency Planning Zone ERFDADS Emergency Response Facility Data Acquisition and Display System j ESF Engineered Safety Feature  : FBEVAS Fuel Building Essential Ventilation Actuation Signal l FEMA FederalEmergencyManagement Agency FNC Forward News Center GE General Emergency GLE Government Liaison Engineer b 05-93 Exercise Page 1-4 03-01-93 11:00

l l GPM Gallons Per Minute HPSI High Pressure Safety Injection O HVAC IAW Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning In AccordanceWith JENC Joint Emergency News Center  : JPIP Joint Public Information Procedure KI Potassium Iodide LCO Limiting Condition for Operation LLEA LocalLawEnforcement Agency LOCA Loss OfCoolant Accident LPSI Low Pressure Safety Injection 1 MCDEM Maricopa County Depanment ofEmergency Management MCEOC Maricopa County EOC MCSO Maricopa County Sherifl's Office MOV Motor Operated Valve pCi/cc Microcuries per cubic centimeter MPH Miles Per Hour MSIS Main Steam Isolation Signal NA Not Applicable NAN Notification Alert Network NCW Nuclear Cooling Water . NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission ' NUE Notification of Unusual Event OSC Operations Support Center O PAG PAR Protective Action Guideline Protective Action Recommendation PASS Post-Accident Sampling System  ; PI- Public Information Controller Number ' PORV Power-Operated Relief Valve PPM Parts Per Million i PVNGS Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station i PZR Pressurizer  : R/hr Roentgens per hour

  • mR/hr milliRoentgens per hour RAC Radiological Assessment Coordinator RAS Recirculation Actuation Signal RCA Radiologically Controlled Area l RCC Reception and Care Center l RCP Reactor Coolant Pump '

RCS Reactor Coolant System RDT Reactor Drain Tank , REAT Radiological Emergency Assessment Team REP Radiation Exposure Permit RFAT Radiological Field Assessment Team RMS Radiation Monitoring System RMWT Reactor Makeup Water Tank O 05-93 Exercise Page 1-5 03-01-93 11:00 4 y = -

RO Reactor Operator RPC Radiological Protection Coordinator RPM Radiation Protection Monitor b RPS- Reactor Protection System RPT Radiation Protection Technician RVLMS Reactor Vessel Level Monitoring System RWCO Radwaste Control Room Operator RWO Radwaste Operator RWT Refueling Water Tank RT Radwaste Technician Rx Reactor , S- State Comroller number SAE Site Area Emergency SAS Secondary Alarm Station SBCV Steam Bypass Control Valve SD Security Director SEC Security S/G Steam Generator SIAS SafetyInjection Actuation Signal SIT SafetyInjection Tank , SRO Senior Reactor Operator . SS Shift Supervisor SSC Security Shift Captain STSC Satellite Technical Suppon Center SWGR Switchgear Tave Average Reactor Coolant Temperature Tc Reactor Coolant Cold Leg Temperature , Th Reactor Coolant Hot Leg Temperature TOC Technical Operations Center TSC Technical Suppon Center U-l Palo Verde Unit 1 U-2 Palo Verde Unit 2 U-3 Palo Verde Unit 3 VCT Volume Control Tank WRF Water Reclamation Facility O 1 05-93 Exercise Page 1-6 03-01-93 11:00 j i

2.0 OBJECTIVES AND EXTENT OF PLAY 2.1 Objectives The following objectives have been chosen to be demonstrated during this ' exercise. These objectives have been chosen from a plan, maintained by the PVNGS Emergency Planning Department, that places objectives on a six year rotation. 2.1.1 Arizona Public Service (APS)/Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS) , A. General Objectives

1. Demonstrate the capability to assess plant conditions. .
2. Demonstrate the capability to classify the event per EPIP-02.
3. Demonstrate the capability to identify projected trends and -

potential consequences.

4. Demonstrate the capability to alert and notify PVNGS emergency response personnelin a timely manner.
5. Demonstrate the capat.ility to mobilize PVNGS emergency -

response personnel within the time frames specified in the i O eme<9em=v e ie,.

6. Demonstrate the capability of PVNGS to notify State and county agencies within 15 minutes of emergency declaration. r
7. Demonstrate the capabifity to determine actual or potential offsite radiological hazards.
8. Demonstrate the capability to make timely Protective Action .

Recommendations to offsite agencies. I

9. Demonstrate the capability to track plume passage.
10. Demonstrate the proper use of radiation monitoring instruments .;

and dosimetry. , i

11. Demonstrate the proper use of sampling equipment and contamination control techniques.

l 1 05-93 Exercise Page 2-1 02-05-93 09:47 1 1

12. Demonstrate the capability to draw and analyze a PASS sample during simulated adverse radiological conditions. Drawing a PASS sample will be simulated during the exercise and evaluated during the PASS Drill on TBD .
13. Demonstrate the capability to respond effectively to a '

contaminated injured individual within the plant.

14. Demonstrate the capability to coordinate with ambulance and -

hospital personnel for handling, transport, and treatment of a contaminated injured individual. This objective will be evaluated during an April 15 Medical Emergency Drill. B. Facility Objectives

1. EOF
a. Demonstrate the adequacy of the Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan implementing Procedures both in terms of-management control and workability of the procedures for the EOF.


b. Demonstrate the adequacy of communication links between CR/STSC, TSC, govemment emergency facilities, Survey Teams, and the EOF.
c. Demonstrate the effectiveness and availability of appropriate emergency equipment and supplies.
d. Demonstrate the adequacy of security access control.

l -

e. Demonstrate activation and staffing of the EOF in a timely .


f. Demonstrate the functional adequacy of the EOF. l
2. TSC
a. Demonstrate the adequacy of the Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan implementing Procedures both in terms of l management control and workability of the procedures for the TSC.
b. Demonstrate the adequacy of communication between the CR/STSC, OSC, EOF, inplant response teams, and the TSC.

05-93 Exercise Page 2-2 02-05-93 09:47 i

c. Demonstrate the effectiveness and availability of appropriate emergency equipment and supplies.
d. Demonstrate the adequacy of security access control.-
e. Demonstrate activation and staffing of the TSC in a timely fashion.
f. Demonstrate the functional adequacy of the TSC.


g. Demonstrate the capability to perform core damage  !

assessment and to project the time left until the core is r uncovered.

a. Demonstrate the adequacy of the Emergency Plan and- ,

Emergency Plan implementing Procedures both in terms of r management control and workability of the procedures for the CR/STSC.

b. Demonstrate the adequacy of communication between the TSC, OSC, EOF, inplant response teams, and the CR/STSC. ,
c. Demonstrate activation and staffing of the STSC in a timely 0, fashion, y
d. Demonstrate the functional adequacy of the STSC.
4. OSC
a. Demonstrate the adequacy of the Emergency Plan and ,

Emergency Plan implementing Procedures both in terms of management control and workability of the precedures for the OSC.

b. Demonstrate the adequacy of communication links between inplant response teams, the TSC/STSC, and the OSC.  :
c. Demonstrate the effectiveness and availability of appropriate - .

emergency equipment and supplies.

d. Demonstrate activation and staffing of the OSC in a timely fashion.
e. De.monstrate the functional adequacy of the OSC.

f 02-05-93 09:47 \ 05-93 Exercise Page 2-3

a. Demonstrate the adequacy of the Emergency Plan and the Joint Public information Procedures both in terms of

( ( management control and workability of the procedures for the JENC.

b. Demonstrate the adequacy of communication links between govemment emergency facilities, the' utility's emergency facilities, and the JENC.
c. Demonstrate the effectiveness and availability of appropriate emergency equipment and supplies.
d. Demonstrate the adequacy of security access control.
e. Demonstrate activation and staffing of the JENC in a timely fashion.
f. Demonstrate the functional adequacy of the JENC.

2.1.2 State of Arizona /Maricopa County A. Core objectives

1. Mobilization of Emergency Personnel Demonstrate the capability to alert and fully mobilize personnel for both emergency facilities and field operations. Demonstrate the capability to activate and staff emergency facilities for emergency operations.
2. Facilities: Equipment, Displays, and Work Environment Demonstrate the adequacy of facilities, equipment, displays, and other materials to support emergency operations.
3. Direction and Control Demonstrate the capability to direct and control emergency operations.


4. Communications Demonstrate the capability to communicate with all appropriate personnel at facilities and in the field.

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5. Emergency Worker Exposure Control Demonstrate the capability to continuously monitor and control radiation exposure to emergency workers.
6. Field Radiological Monitoring and Ambient Radiation Monitoring Demonstrate the appropriate use of equipment and procedures for determining field radiation measurements.
7. Piume Dose Projection Demonstrate the capability to develop dose projections and protective action recommendations regarding evacuation and sheltering.
8. Field Radiological Monitoring - Airborne Radiciodine and Particulate Activity Monitoring Demonstrate the appropriate use of equipment and procedures for the measurement of airborne radiciodine concentrations as low as 10E-7 (0.0000001) microcurie per cubic centimeter in the presence of noble gases and obtain samples of particulate activity in the airbome plume.
9. Plume Protective Action Decision Making Demonstrate the capability to rnake to make timely and appropriate O protective action decisions (PAD).
10. Alert and Notification Demonstrate the capability to promptly alert and notify the public'within the 10-mile plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ) and disseminate instructional messages to the public on the basis of decisions by appropriate State or local officials.
11. Public Instructions and Emergency information Demonstrate the capability to coordinate the formulation and -

dissemination of accurate information and instructions to the public.

12. Emergency information - Media Demonstrate the capability to coordinate the development and dissemination of clear, accurate, and timely information to the news media.

(V3 05-93 Exercise Page 2-5 02-05-93 09:47

13. Emergency information - Public inquiry Demonstrate the capability to establish and operate public inquiry in a ,

e coordinated and timely manner. t ( B. Scenario depent'?nt objectives

14. Implementation of protective actions - use of Kl for emergency workers Demonstrate the capability and resources to implement potassium iodide (KI) protective actions for emergency workers.
15. Implementation of Protective Actions - Special Populations Demonstrate the capability and resources necessary to implement appropriate protective actions for special populations.
16. Implementation of Protective Actions - Schools Demonr.,trate the capability and resources necessary to implement protective actions for school children within the plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ).
17. Traffic and Access Control Demonstrate the organizational capability and resources necessary to
      -                     control evacuation traffic flow and to control access to evacuated and sheltered areas.
18. Reception Center - Monitoring, Decontamination, and Registration Demonstrate the adequacy of procedures, facilities, equipment, and personnel for the radiological monitoring, decontamination, and registration of evacuees.
19. Congregate Care Demonstrate the adequacy of facilities, equipment, supplies, personnel, and procedures for congregate care of evacuees. ,
20. Medical Services - Transportation Demonstrate the adequacy of vehicles, equipment, procedures, and personnel for transporting contaminated, injured, or exposed individuals. ,

05 93 Exercise Page 2-6 02-05-93 09:47.

21. Medical Scrvices - Facilities Demonstrate the adequacy of the equipment, procedures, supplies, and personnel of medical facilities responsible for treatment of contaminated,

injured, or exposed individuals.

22. Emergency Workers, Equipment, and Vehicles - Monitoring and Decontamination Demonstrate the adequacy of procedures for the monitoring and decontamination of emergency workers, equipment, and vehicles.

C. Other objectives demonstrated every six years

23. Supplementary Assistance (Federal /Other)

Demonstrats the capability to identify the need for external assistance and to reques'. -och assistance from Federal and other support organizations.

31. Offsite Support for the Evacuation of Onsite Personnel Denionstrate the capability to provide offsite support for the evacuation of or. site personnel.

O i t i 0593 Exercise Page 2-7 02-0593 09:47

2.2 Extent of Play  ; 2.2.1 Facility Activation A. Utility Response .

1. Unit 3 Control Room The Control Room will not be used. Instead, the Control Room Simulator will be used to simulate the Control Room. An off-shift Control  :

Room staff will be used to represent the on-shift plant operator organization.

2. Simulator Satellite Technical Support Center (STSC)

The Simulator STSC will be fully activated.

3. Technical Support Center (TSC)

The TSC will be fully activated.

4. Unit 3 Operations Support Center (OSC)

The OSC will be fully activated.

5. Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)

The EOF will be fully activated. ,

6. Forward News Center (FNC)

The FNC will be fully activated at the Notification of Unusual Event classification and will deactivate when the JENC is activated.

7. Corporate Emergency Center (CEC)

The CEC will not be activated. l B. State / County Response y

1. State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) ,

The State EOC (including the Public inquiry Center, the Joint Emergency News Center, and the TOC) will be fully activated. 05-93 Exercise Page 2-8 02-05-93 09:47 i e

2_ Maricopa County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) The County EOC will be fully activated. ( ) 3. Joint Emergency News Center (JENC) The JENC will be fully activated.

      .             4. Radiological Emergency Assistance Team (REAT)

The REAT Center (Environmental Surveillance Laboratory) will be fully activated.

5. REAT Forward The REAT Forward will be fully activated.
6. Reception and Care Center One Reception and Care Center will be fully staffed to demonstrate evacuee reception and care using simulated evacuees.
7. Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) On-Scene Command Post The MCSO On-Scene Command Post will be fully activated.

(,) 2.2.2 General Response Activities A. The Notification Alert Network (NAN) will be used. B. Government response organizations will be alerted. C. State, County, and volunteer response organizations will be mobilized. D. State and volunteer County response organization deployment will occur. E. An evacuation of a representative resident group (20 to 30 individuals) will occur F. An evacuation of a representative resident group with special needs (approximately 4-6 individuals) will occur. G. Road Blocks / Access Control Points (1 for evaluation) will be implemented to demonstrate this function and then secured. U 05-93 Exercise . 4' a Page 2-9 02-05-93 09:47

H. Radiological Finid Assessment Teams will be utilizsd. Three (3) from the utility and four (4) from tne state. One state team will be dctail:d for evacune monitoring.

l. The onsite monitoring teams will don protective clothing as appropriate to the scenario. All offsite teams will simulate the use of protective clothing and equipment.

J. In-plant teams will don protective clothing as appropriate to the scenano. K. Primary and back-up (limited demonstration) communications systems will e utilized as required by the exercise.b L. The siren portion of the PVNGS Site Warning Siren /Public Address System will be simulated. The public address portion of this system will be used. M. Use of the Offsite Siren Activation System will be simulated. Siren sounding will not occur Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) messages will be generated and distributed, but not broadcast. The warnings will be disseminated among the exercise participants through the emergercy communications system and to the representative resident group through a supplemental waming team for the evacuation. N. Onsite assembly and accountability will be simulated. Evacuation will be simulated. O. A simulated contaminated injured individual will be treated onsite. P. The JENC staff will produce coordinated press releases and conduct oral briefings to actual and simulated media personnel. O. Monitoring of evacuees will be conducted at the Reception and Care Center (RCC). Surveys will be timed for six (6) evacuees. R. The distribution of Kl to emergency workers will be simulated by the use of a non-medical substitute. S. A simulated contaminated injured individual will be treated offsite and transported to Maryvale Samaritan Hospital by ground transportation (will be demonstrated the day after the exercise). 05-93 Exercise Page 2-10 02-05-93 09:47


  • OBJECTIVE 1: Mobilization of Emergency Personnel Demonstrate the capability to alert and fully mobilize for both emergency facilities and field operations. Demonstrate the capability to activate and staff emergency facilities for e nergency operations.
  • OBJECTIVE 2: Facilities, Equipment, Displays and Working Environment Demonstrate the adecuacy of facilities, equipment, displays and other materials to support emergency operations.
  • OBJECTIVE 3: Direction and Control Demonstrate the capability to direct and control emergency operations.
  • OBJECTIVE 4: Communications Demonstrate the capability to communicate with all appropriate emergency personnel at facilities and in the field.
  • OBJECTIVE 5: Emergency Worker Exposure Control Demonstrate the capability to continuously monitor and control radiation exposure to emergency workers.
  • OBJECTIVE 6: Field Radiological Monitoring / Ambient Radiation Monitoring Demonstrate the appropriate use of equipment and procedures for determining field radiation measurements.

o OBJECTIVE 7: Plume Dose Projection , l Demonstrate the capability to develop dose projections and protective action I recommendations regarding evacuation and sheltering. I v 1 EXPOSURE.oBJ 1 FEBRUARY 1993 4

o OBJECTIVE 8: Fi:id Rcdiological Monitoring; Airborns Radiciodine &  : Particulate Activity Monitoring Demonstrate the appropriate use of equipment and procedures for the measurement of (Q) airborne radioiodine concentrations as low as 10-7 (0,0000001) microcurie per cubic centimeter in the presence of noble gases and obtain samples of particulate activity in the airborne plume.

  • OBJECTIVE 9: Plume Protective Action Decision Making Demonstrate the capability to make timely and appropriate protective action decisions (PAD).
  • OBJECTIVE 10: Alert and Notification Demonstrate the capability to promptly alert and notify the public within the 10-mile Plume Pathway Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) and disseminate instructional messages to the public on the basis of decisions by appropriate state or local officials.
  • OBJECTIVE 11: Public Instructions and Emergency Information Demonstrate the capability to coordinate the formulation and dissemination of accurate information and instructions to the public.
  • OBJECTIVE 12: Emergency Information; Media Demonstrate the capability to coordinate the development and dissemination of clear, accurate and timely information to the news media.
  • OBJECTIVE 13: Emergency Information; Rumor Control /Public inquiry Demonstrate the capability to establish and operate rumor control /public inquiry in a coordinated and timely manner.
  • OBJECTIVE 14: Implementation of Protective Actions; Use of KI for Emergency Workers Demonstrate the capability and resources to implement potassium iodide (KI) protective actions for emergency workers.
  • OBJECTIVE 15: Implementation of Protective Actions; Special l Populations '

Demonstrate the capability and resources necessary to implement appropriate protective ) actions for special populations. EXPOSURE.oBJ 2 FEBRUARY 1993 i

o OBJECTIVE 16: Implementation of Protactive Actions; Schools Demonstrate the capability and resources necessary to implement protective actions for school children within the Plume Pathway Emergency Planning Zone (EP2).

  • OBJECTIVE 17: Traffic and Access Control Demonstrate the organizational and capability and resources necessary to control evacuation traffic flow and to control access to evacuated and sheltered areas.

e OBJECTIVE 18: Reception Center; Monitoring, Decontamination and Registration Demonstrate the adequacy of procedures, facilities, equipment and personnel for the , radiological monitoring, decontamination and registration of evacuees.

  • OBJECTIVE 19: Congregate Care Demonstrate the adecuacy of facilities, equipment, supplies, personnel and procedures for congregate care of evacuees.
  • OBJECTIVE 20: Medical Services; Transportation Demonstrate the adecuacy of vehicles, equipment, procedures and personnel for transporting contaminated, injured or exposed individuals, e OBJECTIVE 21: Medical Services; Facilities  ;

Demonstrate the adequacy of the equipment, procedures, supplies and personnel of medical facilities responsible for treatment of contaminated, injured or exposed . individuals.

  • OBJECTIVE 22: Emergency Workers, Equipmen tand Vehicles; Monitoring and Decontamination Demonstrate the adequacy of procedures for the monitoring and decontamination of emergency workers, equipment and vehicles.

111. Scenario Denendent Objectives: i

  • OBJECTIVE 23: Supplemental Assistance (FederaHOther) )

i Demonstrate the capability to identify the need for external assistance and to reouest such assistance from federal or other support organizations. O EXPOSURE.oBJ 3 FEBRUARY 1993

  • OBJECTIVE 31: OHsite Support for the Evacuation of Onsite Personnel Demonstrate Ine capability to provide offstte support for tne evacuation of onsite

' - personne!. N I b n v


1. Ernergency Operations Facility (EOF): The EOF will be fully activated.
2. Forward News Center (FNC): The FNC will be fully activated at the Notification of Unusual Event and will deactivate when the JENC is activated.
3. Corporate Emergency Center / CEC): The CEC will not be activated. It will be simulated by a telephone control cell / controllers.


1. State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC): The SEOC will be fully activated, including the Technical Operations Center (TOC) and the Public inquiry Center p (PIC).


2. Maricopa County Emergency Operations Center (MCEOC): The MCEOC will be fully activated.
3. Joint Emergency News Center (JENC): The JENC will be fully activated.
4. Radiological Emergency Assessment Team (REA T): Tne REAT Center (Environmental Surveillance Laboratory) will be activated.
5. REA T Forward (RF): The REAT Forward (RF) will be fully activated. Personnel and equipment, including the RF van and mobile lab, will be pre-staged at REAT Forward (Buckeye Airport), prior to exercise start.
6. Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) On Scene CommandPost: The MCSO On-Scene Command Post will be fully activated and deployed.
7. Reception and Care Center (RCC): One RCC will be fully staffed to demonstrate evacues reception and care using simulated evacuees. The RCC will be.Dysart High School.



1. NuclearRegulatory Commission /NBC/! It is anticipated the NRC will participate A at the PVNGS EOF and at the State EOC.

b 2. FederalEmergency Management Agency (FEMA /: The FEMA response will be simulated.

3. Department o/ Energy (DOE /; it is anticipated that the DOE will participate at the State EOC/ TOC and at REAT Forward.


11. GENERAL RESPONSE ACTIVITIES A. The Notification Alert Network (NAN) will be activated.

B. Government response organi:ations will be alerted. C. State, county and volunteer response organizations will be mobilized. D. State, county and volunteer response organization deployment will occur. E. An evacuation of a representative resident group (20 to 30 individuals) wi'l occur. F. An evacuation of a representative resident group with special needs (approximately 4 O% to 6 individuals) will occur. G. Road Blocks / Access Control Points (one [1] for evaluation) will be implemented to demonstrate function and then secured. , H. Radiological Field Assessment Teams will be utilized; three i3) from the utility and f our 14] from the state. One state team will be detailed for evacuee monitonng.

l. The onsite monitoring teams will don protective clothing as appropriate to the scenario.

Offsite teams will simulate the use of protective clothing as appropriate to the scenario. J. In-plant teams will don protective clothing as appropriate to the scenario, K. The PVNGS Site Siren Warning System will be simulated. The Public Address portion of this system will be used. L. Use of the Offsite Siren Warning System will be simulated. Siren sounding will not occur. Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) messages will be generated and distributed, but not broadcast. The warning will be disseminated among the exercise participants through the emergency communications system and to the representative resident group , through a supplemental warning team for the evacuation, , n fvl EXPOSURE.ExR 2 FEBRUARY 1993

M. Onsite assembly and accountability will be simulated. Evacuation will be simulated. N. A simulated contaminated injured individual will be treated onsite and transported offsite for treatment at Good Samaritan Hospital by AirEvac helicopter. This activity will be demonstrated on April 14,1993. 1 O. A simulated contaminated injured individual will be treated offsite and transported to Maryvale Samaritan Hospital by ground transportation. This activity will be demonstrated on May 12, 1993. The Maryvale Samaritan Hospital Radiological Emergency Area (REA) will not be established for this activity. P. The in-plant Post Accident Sampling System (PASS) will be utilized to demonstrate the , utilities ability to draw a primary system chemistry sample during accident conditions. Q. The JENC staff will produce coordinated press releases and conduct oral briefings to actual and simulated media personnel. R. Monitoring of evacuees will be conducted at the Reception and Care Center (RCC). Surveys will be timed for six [6] evacuees. The RCC will be Dysart High Senoo!. S. The distribution of K1 to emergency workers will be simulated. T. Charcoal cartridges will be used in place of Silver Zeolite cartridges for air sampling of I iodine. U. Field team members will not dress out in anti contamination clothing or protective masks. V. The physical decontamination of personnel and vehicles will not be demonstrated: i.e., individuals will not shower and vehicles will not be washed / nosed down. Vehicle demonstration will be conducted at Dysart High School on May 11,1993, but out of exercise sequence. W. A representative group will be called and will respond to the State and County Emergency Operations Centers and the TOC to demonstrate Objective 33. Telephonic notification of agency staff members will be accornplished to determine response times. This activity will be demonstrated May 12,1993, after 6:00 p.m. and before 4:00 a.m. on.Ac4A13,1993. Aq X. Actual telephone calls for supplemental assistance will be simulated. O EXPOSURE.EXR 3 FEBRuA9Y 1993

        & 2            se   44- = e- E- m .k-             M -         wm  o O


SECTION 3 EXERCISE SCENARIO O 3.1 INITIAL CONDITIONS: l A. All three (3) Palo Verde units are operating at 100% power. Unit 3 has been at 100% power for the last 110 days. The core is at 150 EFPD (Unit 1 Cycle 2 Core Data Book). The normal, shiftly surveillances will be scheduled accordingly. B. Station Services personnel are performing lighting PMs in the ' Auxiliary Building. C. "B" LPSI Pump is out of service for a failed pump seal. It has been INOPERABLE for 12 hours and is expected back for retest in approximately 15 hours. The pump had to have its pump casing pulled, its impeller dropped, and the stuffing box extension removed, Mechanics are sizing up the status of the failed seal at this time. Plans call for the seal to be removed, the pump shaft and seal casing to be reworked, and the new seal installed. Mechanics will then evaluate replacement of the backup seal at that time. Technical Specification LC0 3.5.2 ACTION "a" was entered 12 hours ago. A TSCCR on the pump was initiated by the STA. O D. Both ERFDADS Host Computers are out of service; one Host has a defective CPU board and the other Host has recently been receiving' memory parity errors. Troubleshooting by OCS is under way on both computers. E. Operations Management has requested that 100% full power operation be maintained. They would like to be informed when the "B" LPSI Pump is ready for retest. NOTE: The Palo Verde Control Room Simulator is designed to be ' specific to PVNGS Unit 1. All procedures used during the Exercise will be pertinent to Unit 1, even though the postulated event takes place in Unit 3. All radiological information, as well as information required by Operations for key parameters during the cladding degradation portion of the Exercise, will be presented via hard copy data cards. The Radiation Monitoring System minicomputer will not be utilized. O PAGE F UPDATE REV. 041693 i



A. Soon after the crew assumes watch duties, an Electrohydraulic Control (EHC) oil leak occurs. The standby EHC Pump automatically starts on LO oil pressure. However, the leak is severe enough to drain the system in approximately 1 minute, and the turbine is either manually tripped by the crew or it trips automatically soon thereafter. The resulting 100% load shed causes a high pressure in the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) and subsequent high secondary steam pressure conditions. The reactor trips and the high secondary steam pressure causes a main steam line break downstream of the Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs). The rapid RCS cooldown caused by the excess steam demand causes SIAS/CIAS and MSIS ESFAS actuations to occur. The ESFAS occurrences will require the SS/EC to classify the event as a Notification of Unusual Event (NUE). , B. A half hour later, during performance of 41EP-lR001, Reactor Trip, an RCS leak slowly develops, causing the crew to perform an RCS Leak Rate Determination per 41AO-lZZ14. They determine the leak rate to be approximately 60-80 gpm. This value provides justification for the EC to declare an ALERT per EPIP-02 based on RCS leakage > 44 gpm. C. Some time later and with the leak rate slowly increasing, the crew commences a plant cooldown to Mode 5. A call arrives into the Control Room from one of the Station Services people stating that a pump ("A" HPSI Pump) has started spraying water profusely. He states that a fellow worker became totally doused by the spraying water, slipped while attempting to leave the area, and then fell and hurt her back. This incident will require the contaminated individual be taken to the Site Medical Department. D. Shortly thereafter, the Load Center L36 supply breaker to Motor l Control Center (MCC) M36 trips on overcurrent, causing a loss of power and damage to M36. Several "B" Train Class Motor Operated Valves (MOVs) lose power as a result. , J E. With the RCS leak rate increasing further, a point is reached where the crew must compensate to maintain Pressurizer (PZR) level. Eventually, with all available makeup pumps running, the inability to maintain PZR level is realized. Since RCS leakage is now in excess of all available charging pump capacity, the Control Room I }. Supervisor (CRS) re-enters the Safety Function Flowchart (SFFC) and ] identifies a loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) in progress. A Site Area Emergency (SAE) must be declared per EPIP-02 due to RCS leakage exceeding available charging pump capacity. O PAGE 3 UPDATE REV. 041693 l l J

SECTION 3 EXERCISE SCENARIO O F. During performance of the LOCA Emergency Operating Procedure (E0P), the RCS leak becomes much larger. This will cause RCS pressure to decrease to <100 psia and containment pressure to increase to >30 psig. The Safety injection Tanks (SITS) will passively inject at the 600 psia point. The core outlet plenum (hot leg) will eventually void, prompting the EC to escalate the present Emergency Classification to a General Emergency (GE). G. 50-60 minutes later, a Recirculation Actuation Signal (RAS) will be generated. At this point, the contents of the Refueling Water Tank (RWT) has been transferred to the containment sump and the suction lineup for the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) pumps is transferred to the containment sump. However, since power had been lost to the two (2) "B" Train containment sump suction valves when M36 became de-energized, the "B" Train ECCS pumps cannot be utilized at this time, due to the lack of a suction path. H. With "A" Train ECCS pumps supplying core cooling, a. lockout occurs on 4.16 KV Class bus PBA-503. "A" Train Emergency Diesel Generator cannot automatically supply power to the bus due to _the lockout , condition. This leaves the core with no cooling mechanism until power can be restored to PBA-S03. One-half hour later, the core voids and partially uncovers, causing clad damage in the process. I. Due to core uncovery and partial clad damage, radiation readings in containment escalate to the point where shine through the containment wall begins hampering equipment repair efforts at various locations throughout the plant. Restoration efforts of PHB-M36, located in the East Electrical Penetration Room on the 100' elevation of the Auxiliary Building, become radiologically important. Radiation levels in the room are expected to increase to the 500-700 mR/ hour range. J. With electricians working to restore power to PBA-503, the bus is ultimately re-energized. Core cooling is re-established using the leaking "A" HPSI pump. Since a SIAS had actuated some time before, a release path to the environment exists from containment via the  ;

             "A" HPSI Pump Room ventilation to the Fuel Building exhaust. The            l release continues for some time through the ventilation system.              1 i

K. Eventually, power is restored to the damaged Motor Control Center i M36, allowing core cooling to be shifted to the intact "B"-Train ECCS equipment. The shutdown of "A" Train.ECCS pumps terminates the release into the ventilation system and a slow and constant decrease 1 of the radioactive release to the environment will take place. i O PAGE 4 UPDATE REV. 041693-

SECTION 3 EXERCISE SCENARIO O 3.3 MAJOR SEQUENCE OF EVENTS: 0705 Shift turnover takes place and the crew assumes watch duties. 0730 The Exercise Timeline commences. 0740 An EH Control Oil rupture occurs at =120 gallon / minute. 0742 A turbine trip occurs when EHC pressure is lost. A Main Steam Line Break (MSLB) downstream of the Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs) occurs within one (1) minute after the turbine. A reactor trip, SIAS/CIAS, and MSIS occur. The Shift Supervisor (SS) classifies the event as a Notification of Unusual Event (NUE). 0801 An RCS leak slowly develops. The operators will perform an RCS leak rate determination and calculate =65 gallons / minute RCS leakage. 0836 The Emergency coordinator (EC) declares an ALERT Classification due to RCS leakage > 44 gallons / minute. The ALERT requires activation of Emergency Response Facilities. 0849 RCS leakage continues to slowly increase. A worker calls the Control Room to tell them that his co-worker became soaked with water from the "A" HPSI Pump and then slipped and hurt her back. The contaminated person will be taken to the Site Medical Facility for treatment of her back injuries. 0906 [ TIME APPROXIMATE] The crew commences a plant cooldown to Mode 5. Meanwhile, RCS leakage continues to slowly increase. The Control ' Board annunciator for HPSI Pump Room "A" 1.evel HI alarms on B02. 0924 Class Load Center PGB-L36, Breaker L36C3 trips on an overcurrent condition with an 86 Lockout indicated. Upon investigation of the Class Motor Control Center (MCC) PHB-M36, which is located on the 100' elevation in the East Electrical Penetration Room, the electricians will report back that the MCC exhibits large scale l damage to the bus bars inside the MCC. They will estimate a few i hours to restore the MCC to minimum functionality. i O i l PAGE 5 UPDATE REV, 041693 J l i

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SECTION 3 EXERCISE SCENARIO O 0930 All available charging pumps are running (132 gpm). The crew will rediagnose the event. 0942 The crew identifies a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) as the event in progress. The Emergency Coordinator (EC) escalates the emergency to a Site Area Emergency (SAE). 1020 The RCS leak becomes much larger. Safety Injection Tanks (SITS) passively inject to reflood the downcomer section of the reactor , vessel as RCS pressure decreases to < 100 psia. Meanwhile, containment pressure increases to > 30 psig. 1027 Core outlet plenum (hot leg) voiding is apparent. The Emergency Coordinator (EC) must now escalate the emergency to a General Emergency (Gl). 1120 A Recirculation Actuation Signal (RAS) is generated at 7.4% RWT l evel . Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) pump suction lineups will be transferred to the containment sump. With the previous loss of PHB-M36, Train "B" ECCS is unavailable for use, since the power supply to its containment suction valves is that particular MCC. The leaking Train "A" HPSI Pump must be used. 1127 "A" Train ECCS pumps lose power due to 4.16 KV Class bus PBA-S03 receiving a lockout, which is caused by a phase-to-phase fault at the Normal Supply Breaker stabs internal to the bus. Core inventory depletes. 1200 Core uncovery begins as the core has been without injection for over one-half hour. Core Exit Thermocouple (CET) temperatures begin to  ; indicate clad degradation. e 1216 Plant electricians remedy the problem with the _4.16 KV Class bus PBA-503 Normal Supply Breaker and the bus-work. Power is restored to PBA-503 and the "A" Train HPSI Pump is started to restore core cooling. O PAGE 6 UPDATE REV. 041693 ,

SECTION 3 EXERCISE SCENARIO O 1246 Power is restored to PHB-M36 and the "B" Train containment sump ECCS suction valves are opened, allowing the transfer of core cooling from the leaking "A" Train pump to the intact "B" Train equipment. The offsite radioactive release is terminated. O u l I 1 PAGE 7 UPDATC REV. 041693

l l 1993 EXERCISE OVERVIEW O REQUIREMENTS: Obtain an Offsite Release Deposition such that the Iodine Deposition exceeds 1.3 uCi/M2 @ = 10-11 miles (I-131 Infant Hmergency PAG). This will allow the I-131 Emergency PAG for milk to also be met at the dairy of interest @ 11 miles. This deposition should be met by as realistic series of onsite events as practical; while observing

 'the Scenario release duration time of < 45 minutes (to preclude reaching un-recoverable core conditions).
1) Using a 24 hour Mesorem Jr. Mode B projection; peak readings of.6 uCi/cc on the RU-146 Mid-range channel, along with Essential Filter degradation (from 95% to 75% due to moisture) were determined to provide the required deposition levels.
2) The scenario was run on the Site Simulator to obtain plant data; some fuel damage occurs during the event and the initial fuel damage categorization was checked using Core Damage Assessment Procedure 74CH-9XC47 (as used by the Chemistry Coordinator in the TSC). The damage was determined to fall primarily in the NRC Fuel Damage Category 2 (Initial Cladding Failure) with some indications overlapping into Category 3 (Intermediate Cladding Failure). The Percent of Damaged Rods was categorized in the "less than 10" area.
3) Mesorem Jr. was then used to run an Isolated Containment Scenario; this models the respouse of RU-148 and RU-149 (containment High Range Area Monitors) to the airborne effects of a LOCA and correlates the reading to a Core Damage Fraction (CDF). Runs were made varying inputs on RU-148 until an indication of 5% Core Damage was obtained (= equivalent to the NRC categorization for drill purposes).

The peak RU-148 level required was determined to be 3.5 E3 R/Hr.

4) At this point the required airborne and liquid rnix concentrations were developed and balanced to allow the necessary Offsite release while providing workable levels for:

airborne activity with the Auxiliary Bldg; from the source HPSI pump room and in 4 decreasing levels up the OSC Player area; taking into account expected impact on play (an OSC evacuation was not an objective and not desired for this drill). airborne activity and liquid activity within containment; taking into account expected Chemistry player actions and sampling needs to match simulator conditions during drill. dose rates to all Site Players from containment shine with the resultant expected impact of play. consistency with current Radiation Monitoring System (RMS) alarm setpoint actions and need to provide appropriate (non-confusing) indications despite extreme shine conditions.

Overview Page 2

5) Sources of data used to accomplish step 4:

release rates of Iodine and Noble Gas from Mesorem Mode B projection; along with projected mix and I/NG ratio. the isotopic mix /CDF/I to NG ratio from Mesorem Jr. Isolated Containment scenario runs.

         -        the FSAR LOCA Source A, B and C Source Terms; adjusted as necessary to scenario.

the FSAR Chapter 12 Radiation Zone Maps; for LOCA with Sump Recirculation conditions; adjusted as necessary to scenario. various Bechtel and other calculations for specific data correlation in such areas as RU-1 response modeling; Fuel Bldg Essential Filter doses, etc.

6) Some details / limitations / assumptions; the peak RU-146 reading to meet the deposition requirements was equated back to a HPSI Pump Room peak airborne activity concentration; which was in turn equated to a leak liquid concentration. The leak liquid source (containment sump) was calculated based on FSAR IDCA Source C values; and determinations made to approximate the leak rate required from the pump seals and to verify the basic consistency / agreement of the leak liquid composition from Mesorem to the FSAR values.

Containment airborne data was also developed from both Mesorem and the FSAR, as well as cales done for RU-1 to maximize consistency. The RU-148 and 149 Containment High Range (Dome) monitor response initially seen is primarily an indicator of the large amount of RCS leakage present and contained in containment. This response to the accumulative morning long leakage will cloud the magnitude of the response at 12:20 to the core uncovery portion of the scenario. Once the core uncovery effects occur, the RMS indications outside containment reflect this change in conditions prior to major coolant recirculation outside of containment (the "A" HPSI pump is running coincident with the initial RAS signal; however, the simulator runs indicate total run time to be 7 minutes max, with less likely during the exercise. For scenario purposes this is reflected in a slight increase in RU-145, which will give cause to dispatch RFAT Field Teams but which will not be enough for them to locate as a discrete plume. In the Auxiliary Bldg, the dose rates are not modeled to show an increase due to this extremely short recirculation period. Dose rates rise dramatically with the restart of "A" HPSI and enough time to reasonably transfer coolant from Containment throughout the Auxiliary Bldg). O

Overview Page 3 The developed activities were then modeled thru each RMS detector per 10 minute intervals and readings per RMS detector were developed. The containment shine effects were also developed per scenario and modeled on individual area maps. Adjustments were made as necessary to eliminate conflicts and/or confusion to the players. For this reason, the shine effect is kept to an abrupt reflection of the core uncovery rather than multiple slow increases.

7) The in-plant survey maps and air sample data are in very rough form, widch will be cleaned up. As a reminder, we at Palo Verde are attempting to generate the future drills and exercises totally in house as a budget reduction measure. This effort represents our first attempt and as such may depart from the expected format in many areas. We would welcome any helpful comments in this area.

O . O

l l 4.0 DUTIES OF CONTROLLERS AND PLAYERS 1 4.1 OVERALL RULES Stop play immediately if personnel or plant safety is jeopardized or if a real l emergency occurs. Do not physically operate / change valves, switches or component status in i response to simulated events. Players should indicate components to be operated and what operation will be performed. Controllers will then give infonnation on the response to the simulated action. Any communications transmitted over communications lines must be preceded and followed by the statement "THIS IS A . DRILL." Non-Players are exempt from acting on simulated radiation levels specified for the Exercise. However, nonnal radiological control practices shall be followed throughout the course of the exercise. The REP Number for the , Exercise is 3-93-9998A. It is important to play out all actions as much as possible to convincingly demonstrate the proper emergency response. For this reason, except for , actual manipulation of plant equipment, no actions will be simulated unless first approved by a Controller. Controllers cannot give, players information that the players would normally be able to see, either visually or by using instrumentation. O The actual Unit Control Room and STSC will not be used. Instead, the PVNGS Simulator will be used to simulate the Control Room and STSC. . A separate Exercise Phone Directory will be provided to list the simulated Control Room and STSC phone numbers. Accountability, onsite evacuation, use of the Emergency Broadcast System, use of the offsite siren system, and use of the siren portion of the PVNGS Site Warning Siren /Public Address System will be simulated. The public address portion of the site PA system will be used. , Plant response will be simulated through the use of message sheets and handouts. Controllers will distribute handouts containing this information i at predetermined times during the Exercise, or upon request at any time. These plant parameters will be available in the Control Room, STSC, TSC and EOF. Radiological aarameters will also be available in the Effluents Office. All Players shou:d base their responses on information provided in these formats. Controllers should clarify the information, if necessary. Players should not become obsessed with finding the exact event that caused the accident to happen. As in the case of many real emergencies, the cause may not be fully determined until many months after the event occurs. O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-1 04-16-93 14:55

        - 4.1   OVERALL RULES (cont.)

/7 V Not all PVNGS personnel will be participating and not all personnel 3articipating will be Players. To identify those involved in the Exercise, the following arm bands are used: o Players have RED arm bands, o Controllers have GREEN arm bands, o Evaluators have PURPLE arm bands, o Observers have YELLOW arm bands. Lapel badges will also be used. At the conclusion of the Exercise, please return your Exercise Scenario Manual to a Controller or to the area from where you received it. The binders are expensive and will be required to be used again. 4.1.1 RULES FOR CONTROLLERS Be on-station a few minutes before any Player action commences. Locate the phone / radio /pager that you will be using to commun-icate with the Lead Controller. Contact the Lead Controller to test communications and synchronize watches to ensure correct event times are recorded. All watches will be synchronized before the Exercise begins. Know the overall Controller or,ganization and to whom you must communicate during the Exercise. O Issue the messages on time. Keep the play on schedule by checking your scenario manual frequently. Call your Lead Controller if in doubt about Exercise control or the direction of Player activities. Issue contingency messages only if it is obvious the Players are not going to take the actions designated in the scenario, in order to keep the Exercise on course. Allow the Players reasonable flexibility to do their functions and demonstrate their skill, knowledge, and initiative. However, call ' your Lead Controller immediately for advice if the Players depart significantly from the scenario. If necessary, intervene and put them back on track. Evaluate the Player response actions and keep a chronological log of events as they occur. Note strengths, weaknesses, and areas for  ! improvement. Do not criticize a Player's actions during the q Exercise. Attend the ost-Exercise critique to provide your comments and recommend tions. Complete the evaluation forms and provide them to the PVNGS Emergency Planning Manager. O V 05-93 Exercise Page 4-2 04-16-93 14:55

4.1.2 RULES FOR PLAYERS Controllers provide messages or safety guidelines to Players, who may require certain actions necessary to assure continuity of the

                     . events described in the Exercise scenario. If you are dis aatched-from the facility as part of a response team, you must ta<e a Controller with you to provide you with the readings or conditions

simulated in the plant. Controllers may not prompt or coach you during the Exercise. Controllers will be noting all actions, both good and bad. They will be the main source of input at the PVNGS critique. The Exercise will be conducted in real time unless otherwise specified by a Controller. Arriving at your facility before it is activated is known as " pre-staging." This is prohibited, unless pre-arranged by the Exercise Lead Controller. Wait until the activation announcements are made, then proceed to your facility. Some subsequent scenario data may become invalid if you take an action outside the bounds of the projected events. The scenario - , developer tried to determine the actions you might take when presented with the problems and data provided m the scenario ' package. However, if a Controller asks you not to take a certain action, it may not be because it is the wrong action, but more likely it is to keep the scenario data symchronized with the rest of the - O actions that are necessary to complete the Exercise objectives. Take this in stride and realize that scripted emergencies will always present these problems. Identify yourself by name and function to the Controllers and Evaluators. Speak out loud to identify your key actions and decisions. This may seem artificial and unrealistic, but will assist in the evaluation process and is to your benefit. You must play as if radiation levels are actually present, in res)onse to the information you have received. This will req,uire norma. radiological protective measures including the wearing of protective clothing (except offsite), if applicable, into the area you are entering. Remember to stay within the bounds of the scenario and maintain a-serious attitude at all times. If there is a slow period, think ahead - to what events might take place next. Map out your res strategy or use the time to organize your response area,ponsecomplete = - your papenvork, and review your procedures. Players inside the Power Block should have with them the safMv equipment they would normally have available, i.e., hard hats, s'afety  ; glasses, etc.- 0 05-93 Exercise Page 4-3 04-16-93 14:55

All teams dispatched from the OSC should have Team Briefing Forms in-hand as they leave, in accordance with EPIP-12. The O " Team Member" section of the form should contain the person's name not the person's job title. If you are confronted by a member of the general public or the news media asking about the Exercise, inform them it is a training simulation and refrain from any further comment or discussion. Direct all such inquiries to your Controller. 4.1.3 RULES FOR OBSERVERS Observers should not partici actions taken by the Players,pate Controllers, in the and ExerciseThis Evaluators. or interfere is with especially important with respect to the confidentiality of the event times and scenario data. Do not discuss any of this information with : the Players, and do not leave scenario information unattended where it is accessible to the Players. Identification badges (if used) are to be worn on the upper front of the torso, so as to be clearly visible. Yellow arm bands must be worn at all times durin the Exercise. Identify yourself to the Controllers in the area s) you will be observing. (Badges and arm bands must be returne at the end of the Exercise or critique.) If you have questions during the course of the Exercise, contact the Controller of the area you are observing. Observers inside the RCA (if any) shall adhere to normal O- radiological control practices. 1 0 05-93 Exercise Page 4-4 04-16-93 14:55 i

4.2 CONTROLLER ASSIGNMENTS ID STATION NAME PHONE PAGE C1 CRISTSC EXERCISE LEAD CerkaslCasella 2559/3974 3713 C-1a CR/STSC Daniel Ensign 2559/3974 3737 C-1 b CR/STSC Donald Majors 2559/3974 C-1c CR/STSC (Sim Ops) Eric Shouse 2559/3974 C-1d CR/STSC (LOCT) Derek Edmunds 2559/3974 C-2 EOF LEAD Harry Bieling 6181 1679 C-2a EOF (Engineering) Mary Pioggia 6187 2970 C-2b EOF (EOF Proper) John Malik 6187 3919 C 2c EOF (RAC) Lynn Fitzrandolph 6719 2936 C-2d EOF (RAC) Carolyn Seliga 6719 C-3 TSC LEAD Tom Barsuk 2047 2916 C-3a TSC (RPC) Al Ogurek 2047 C-3b TSC (Engineering) Bob LindQuist 2047 C-3c TSC (STA) Dan Marks 2047 3986 C-3d TSC (Operations) Darol Jurn 2047 C-4 OSC LEAD Harold Lines 3278/3383 2775 C-4 a OSC (AO-2) Ed Hidalgo 3278/3383 1910 _C-4 b OSC (AO-4) George Pilicy 3278/3383 1973 0-- C-4c OSC (AO-4) Phil O'Donnell 3278/3383 1678 C-4d OSC (AO-5) Ken Byers 3278/3383 3601 l C-4e OSC (AO-5) Dave Johnson 3278/3383 1977 C-4f OSC (Effluents) Tyler Dixon 3278/3383 C-49 OSC (EMT) Ernest Encinas 3278/3383 3908 C-4h OSC (EMT) Scott Dodd 3278/3383 3945 C-41 OSC (RP) Chuck Bolle 3278f3383 2973 C4J OSC (RP) Lou Hornback 3278/3383 C-4k OSC (RP) Scott Williams 3278/3383 C-4I OSC (RP) Michael Sexton 3278/3383 C-4m OSC (RP) Seth Kanter 3278/3383 C-4n OSC (Medical Facility) Elaine Perrott 6635 3776 l C-4o Unit 3 Control Room PA Operator Steve Mills 2133 1616 C-4 p OSC (Alternate) Vic Elish 3278/3383 C-5 CHEMISTRY Terry Warren 3275/3273 3502 C-6 SECURITY LEAD Jack Knuth 701917022 C-6a Security John Hues 6187 C-7 OFFSITE SURVEY Don Sobera Radio CH4 3772 C-7a Offsite Survey Ralph Ochoa Radio CH4 l l C-7b Offsite Survey Scott Bell Radio CH4 05-93 Exercise Page 4-5 05-04-93 11:40

                          . -                   _-           - . . - ~ . - -                 -                      -_

ID STATION NAME PHONE PAGE C-8a Corporate Emergency Center N/A C-8b Corporate Emergency Center N/A PI-1 JENC Work Room Bill Wolfe 231-6359 2915 PI 2 Forward News Center Miles Koudelka 250-1530 3939 G-1 CHIEF GOVERNMENT CONTACT Harry Border 231 6200 G2 State TOC Joe Provasoli 231-6204 3718 G-3 State EOC Direction and Control Gene Zuteil G-3a State EOC (Utility) Ray Duncan 1970 G4 State Offsite Controller Radio G-5 REAT Forward Leroy Klotz Radio G Sa REAT Forward (Utility) Miles Koudelka Radio 3939 G-6 Chief County EOC Controller Ruth Aud 273-1411 G7 Department of Agriculture EOC G-8 MCSO Onscene Command Post Radio G-9 Supplemental Warning Team (MC90) Radio G-10 Evacuation Group Controller Mary Carr Radio G-11 Road Block Controller (MCSO) Radio G-12 Reception and Care Center Radio G 13 National Weather Service Mike Fran.ievic , G-14 Maryvale Samaritan Medical Center N/A B48-5204 Q S1 Telephone Simulation Group Controller (ouestions only) 4.3 PVNGS/APS OBSERVERS None 4.4 DRILL FORMS Drill evaluation forms are provided on the following pages in the order listed below. Event Log j Lead Facility Controller Checklists Player Comments Form - Objective Evaluation Forms i i i l O i 05-93 Exercise Page 4-6 05-04-93 11:39 i

 .y-g-   9 .yy             w-y-.a  e-.-  _          -                  gi     --


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l EXERCISE CONTROLLER EVENT LOG < 1 (q-- j Controller Name: Date: I;> cation: Page: of l TIME ACTIVITY OR EVENT r O O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-7 04-16-93 14:55

EXERCISE CONTROLLER EVENT LOG Page: of TIME ACTIVITY OR EVENT , O O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-8 04-16-93 14:55


EVENT DECLARATION CHECKLIST (Control Room /STSC only) l Time event Time emergency declared Time difference (minutes) occurs NUE ALERT SAE GE NOTE: Declaration must take place as soon as possible following event recognition such that notifications can be made after declaration and within 15 minutes following event recognition. EVENT NOTIFICATION CHECKLIST (Control Room / EOF only) A) B) TIME C) TIME Time event Time State B minus A Time NRC C minus A declared is called (minutes) is called (minutes) NUE ALERT SAE GE NOTE: Notifications to the State / County must begin within 15 minutes of event recognition; notifications to NRC, immediately following State / County and within 1 hour of declaration. FACILITY ACTIVATION CHECKLIST (All Facilities) A) Time Time first B) Time TIME Time personnel person when fully B minus A facility notified arrives activated (minutes) deactivated NOTE: Certain time limits apply to activation of facilities - refer to Objective Evaluation Form. CONTROLLER NAME DATE O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-9 04-16-93 14:55

DRILL / EXERCISE PLAYER COMMENTS FORM Location: Position: Date: Please list your comments: Please list recommended solutions: 3 (V iTS NO Do you want to be contacted? If YES. please enter your name Station Phone Give this form to an Exercise Controller or mail to Emergency Planning, Sta. 6050 0 05-93 Exercise Page 4-10 04-16-93 14:55

Evaluation of Drill Obiectives Instructions: In order to ensure the validity of the evaluation, all Drill Controllers and Evaluators will use the same criteria for evaluating objectives. On the forms, each of the stated objectives for this Drill are provided, depending on the area of evaluation. Each Evaluator, during the conduct of the Drill, should observe as much of the Player's actions as possible while recording key events or items on the Event Log. These observations and notes must then form the basis for determining whether a particular objective can be categorized as:

            -      Demonstrated                 -

D Not Demonstrated - ND Demonstrated With Issue - DWI Not Applicable - NA Not Observed - NO Specific evaluation criteria is listed with each stated objective. However, the following general criteria is to be used to correlate the above categories with your objective evaluations and observations: Demonstrated (D): Personnel and equipment generally performed better than expected. Any errors or 3roblems were mmor in nature and were either corrected on the spot or, since they lad no impact on the emergency response, were noted to be corrected at a later date. Not Demonstrated (ND): Personnel and equipment consistently failed to aerform as required. Serious deficiencies were noted which severely impairec the capability to perform a required function. Demonstrated With Issue (DWI): Personnel and equipment were generally able to perform and complete a required function. However, certain aspects failed to meet expectations. (For example, an emergency facility is able to perform its intended functions, however, one of its staffing positions did not have a qualified individual arrive to oversee its activities.) Not Applicable (NA): Activities associated with a particular objective were not applicable to the area being evaluated. Not Observed (NO): Activities associated with a particular objective were not performed (or not observed), and thus could not be evaluated. Location: Evaluator Name: 05-93 Exercise Page 4-11 04-16-93 14:55

Objective Evaluation Form Type of objective: A. General Objectives Objective:

1. Demonstrate the capability to assess plant conditions.  !

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: Adequate instrumentation or sampling data was made available. Current procedures, Tech Specs, and plant drawings were available. Personnel did not become too deeply involved in a specific activity to the exclusion of others. Personnel were effective in resolving differences of opinion regarding technical issues and actions to be taken. , Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) f Explanation of ND/DWI: i i O 05-93 Exercisu Page 4-12 04-16-93 14:55 t

                                                     ~ , - . -       --

Tvoe of objective: A. General Objectives Obiective:

2. Demonstrate the capability to classify the event per EPIP-02.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

   -     Current controlled copy of EPIP-02 was available and used.
   -     Information and data necessary to correctly classify events was readily available and used by personnel to classify events.
   -     Event classification was made in a timely manner IAW EPIP-02.
   -     EPIP-02 criteria for event classification was adequate to insure proper classification of all events.

Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWl: O Page 4-13 04-16-93 14:55 05-93 Exercise l

Objective Evaluation Form Type of objective: A. General Objectives l Objective:

3. Demonstrate the capability to identify projected trends and potential consequences.

Evaluation Criteria: _ Minimum criteria to meet this objective: Adequate data from instrumentation, sampling and verbal reports was available and used. Current procedures, Tech Specs, and plant drawings were available and used. Personnel developed probable accident sequences and accurately identified probable consequences for each sequence. Personnel did not become too deeply involved in a specific activity to the exclusion of others. O - Personnel were effective in resolving differences of opinion regarding technical issues and actions to be taken. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: 1 O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-14 04-16-93 14:55

Objective Evaluation Form Tvoe of obiective-A. General Objectives l 1 Objective:

4. Demonstrate the capability to alert and notify PVNGS emergency response personnel in a timely manner.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimurn criteria to meet this objective: Current procedures, up-to-date notification lists, and rosters were available. Alert / notification methodology was adequate to insure timely notification and/or alerting of emergency response personnel. Equipment required for alert and notification was operational and functionally adequate. Personnel were able to implement procedures and operate equipment. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWl: 6 i O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-15 04-16-93 14:55 l 1

Tvoe of objective: A. General Objectives Obiective:

5. Demonstrate the capability to mobilize PVNGS emergency response personnel within the time frames specified in the Emergency Plan.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

   -      The TSC was declared activated by the EC within sixty (60) minutes of an ALERT or higher event declaration.

The EOF was declared activated by the EOD within sixty (60) minuto of an ALERT or higher event declaration. The minimum staffing requirement IAW EPIP-12 was met by the OSC within sixty (60) minutes of an ALERT or higher event declaration.

   -      The JENC was activated in a timely manner.

Evaluation: E D ND DWI I4A NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-16 04-16-93 14:55

I Objective Evaluation Form Tvoe of objective: A. General Objectives Objective:

6. Demonstrate the capability of PVNGS to notify State and County agencies within 15 minutes of emergency declaration.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: Current procedures for State and County notification were available and used. , Procedural methodology and equipment of offsite notifications were adequate. Notifications were made to offsite authorities within fifteen (15) minutes of emergency declarations at ALERT and higher categories.

     -      Notifications were made in a clear, unambiguous manner and included all required information.

Evaluation: , D ND DW1 NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: l l i l O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-17 04-16-93 14:55

Objective Evaluation Form

                  'O u             Type of objective:

A. General Objectives Obiective:

7. Demonstrate the capability to determine actual or potential olTsite radiological hazards.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: Current copy of EPIP-14 was available and used by dose assessment personnel.

                                  -     Plant status and meteorological data was available and used to determine offsite radiological consequences.

Equipment for performing dose assessment was operational. A backup system was available for dose projections.

                                  -     Field monitoring / sampling data was compared with projected doses.

( - Updated projections were made as plant, meteorological or field data parameters changed. . Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWl: O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-18 04-16-93 14:55

Tvoe of obiective: A. General Objectives Obiective:

8. Demonstrate the capability to make timely Protective Action Recommendations to offsite agencies.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: Current copies of EPIP-13 and EPIP-15 were available and used. Information and data required for formulation of Protective Action Recommendations was available.

   -      Protective Action Recommendations were correctly communicated in a timely manner to offsite authorities.
   -      Protective Action Recommendations were updated or modified as plant status or dose projections changed.

O Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Exolanation of ND/DWI: O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-19 04-16-93 14:55

i Objective Evaluation Form -- Tvoe of objective. I A. General Objectives Objective:

9. Demonstrate the capability to track plume passage.

Evaluation Criteria _;  ; Minimum criteria to meet this objective: r

                -     Current procedures and forms were available.
                -     Equipment required to detect and monitor the plume was available and operational.                                                                        .

The RAComm effectively positioned field monitoring teams to facilitate tracking of the plume.

                -     Communications between field teams and the RAComm were short, concise               >

and accurate.

                -     Field teams demonstrated the capability to make direct measurements of O                      radiation intensity and forward the information to the RAComm.

Evaluation:_ D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) . Explanation of ND/DWI: 3 i e


O Page 4-20 04-16-93 14:55 05-93 Exercise

 ----------u-                      -                                  r                   t

Type of objective: A. General Objectives Obiective:

10. Demonstrate the proper use of radiation monitoring instruments and dosimetry.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

   -              All instrumentation was within calibration date and operational.

Operational checks were performed on instrumentation prior to use.

   -              Personnel properly operated radiation monitoring instruments.                                                                                                                                   )
   -              Personnel were provided dosimeters appropriate to                                                                                                                                               j conditions and in accordance with plant procedures. potential radiological
   -              Dosimeters were worn and handled properly by personnel.

O Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWl: O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-21 04-16-93 14:55

Tvoe of objective: A. General Objectives Objective:

11. Demonstrate the proper use of sampling equipment and contamination control techniques.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: Equipment, instruments and supplies required for sample collection were available. Equipment,and instruments were handled in a manner to prevent cross contammation. Samples were properly bagged and labeled. l Per, sonne,1 properly operated sampling instruments and equipment while maintaining contamination control techniques. , Adequate procedural guidelines were available.- Evaluation _; D ND DWI NA NO (circle one)  ; Explanation of ND/DWI: O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-22 04-16-93 14:55

Tvoe of objective: A. General Objectives Objective:

12. Demonstrate the rapability to draw and analyze a PASS sample during simulated adverse radiological conditions.

Evaluation Criteria: i Minimum criteria to meet this objective: Procedures for performing post-accident sampling were adequate. Equipment, instruments and supplies required for sample collection were available. , Equipment,and instruments were handled in a manner to. prevent cross contammation. Samples were properly bagged and labeled. Personnel properly operated sampling instruments and equipment while O maintammg contammation control techniques. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one)- Explanation of ND/DWI: O Page 4-23 04-16-93 14:55 05-93 Exercise ) l

t Objective Evaluation Form

)      Tvoe of objective:

i A. General Objectives z Objective:

13. Demonstrate the capability to respond effectively to a contaminated injured individual within the plant. i Evaluation Criteria:

Minimum criteria to meet this objective: Procedures, equipment and supplies to provide treatment for a contaminated individual were readily available. Appropriate first aid and/or medical treatment were provided to the victim (s) m a timely manner. Effective exposure and/or contamination control techniques were used. Radiological concerns did not interfere in the delivery or timeliness of critical medical care. Evaluation: D ND DW1 NA NO (circle one) . Explanation of ND/DWI: i l i l I i O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-24 04-16-93 14:55

l I Objective Evaluation Form Type of objective: A. General Objectives Objective:

14. Demonstrate the capability to coordinate with ambulance and hospital personnel for handling, transport, and treatment of a contaminated injured individual.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: Procedures, equipment, and supplies for handling and site transport of the victim (s) were available. Procedures, equipment, and supplies to expedite access to the site by offsite medical responders v,ere in place. Information concerning injuries and status of the victim (s) was clearly communicated to hospital and/or ambulance personnel. Exposure and contamination control procedures were followed at the site, during transport, and at the hospital. Treatment and/or stabilization of medical and radiological health threats to the victim (s) were provided. Evaluation: D ND DW1 NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-25 04-16-93 14:55 e i ma , -.w w .

                                                            .~ _        _    _

Objective Evaluation Form Type of objective:

11. Facility Objectives
1. EOF Objective:
a. Demonstrate the adequacy of the Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures both in terms of management control and workability of the procedures for the EOF.

Evaluation Criteria: , criteria to meet this objective: The EOD was in full control of EOF operations. Current procedures were available and used. Bie logistical layout of the facility and eguipment provided in the EOF was , adequate to support implementation of EOF procedures. ( Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-26 04-16-93 14:55

Objective Evaluation Form Tvoe of obiective: B. Facility Objectives

1. EOF Obiective:
b. Demonstrate the adequacy of communication links between CR/STSC, TSC, government emergency facilities, Survey Teams, and the EOF.

Evaluation Criteria: , Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

   -     Communication systems specified in the plans and procedures were available and operational.
   -     Personnel were able to operate all communication systems.
   -     Clear and timely communication links were maintained with CR/STSC, TSC, Survey Teams, the NRC, JENC, and government emergency facilities and notification points.
   -     Planned communications capabilities were available for use by the NRC Site Team.

Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI:

                                                                                                 -i t

O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-27 04-16-93 14:55

Tvoe of objectivr B. Facility Objectives

1. EOF Obiective:
c. Demonstrate the effectiveness and availability of appropriate emergency equipment and supplies.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: There was sufficient lighting, ventilation, and office equipment (e.g., furnishings, copiers, etc.) to support operations of the staff assigned to the EOF. Backup power was available for the EOF. Maps were available showing the Plume EPZ and the following,information: sectors, population, evacuation routes, and radiological monitormg grids. Simplified drawin s of affected unit, ma?s detailing the site, site evacuation routes, and assem ly areas were availab.e. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one)  : Explanation of ND/DWl: 4 0 05-93 Exercise Page 4-28 04-16-93 14:55

i t e Objective Evaluation Form Tvoe of objective; , B. Facility Objectives [

1. EOF Objective:
d. Demonstrate the adequacy of security access control.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: l A.ll access to the EOF was controlled. A listing of personnel allowed access to the EOF was available and used.  ! Procedures to authorize access for personnel not on the access list were adequate. Accountability of the personnel present in the EOF was maintained , throughout the emergency. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI:  ; O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-29 04-16-93 14:55 i l l

f Objective Evaluation Form Type of objective: B. Facility Objectives

1. EOF Obiective:
e. Demonstrate activation and staffing of the EOF in a timely fashion.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: EOF was activated within sixty (60) minutes of the declaration of an ALERT or higher classification. The staffing level of the EOF was maintained at the level established by the-Emergency Plan and EPIPs throughout the emergency. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-30 04-16-93 14:55


Type of obiective: B. Facility Objectives

1. EOF Objective:
f. Demonstrate the functional adequacy of the EOF.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: EOF operational capability included providing a safe environment for personnel to work, adequate work space, personal conveniences, and access to other personnel, facilities, or materials.

     -      Situations did not occur in which the lack of equipment or materials prevented personnel from performing assigned tasks.
     -      Appropriate means were available to provide for the resolution of equipment or material deficiencies.

Evaluation: D ND DW1 NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWl: O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-31 04-16-93 14:55

Objective Evaluation Form O Q Tvoe of objective: B. Facility Objectives

2. TSC Obiective:
a. Demonstrate the adequacy of the Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures both in terms of management control and workability of the procedures for the TSC.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

     -      The EC was in full control of TSC operations.

Current procedures were available and used. The logistical layout of the facility and equipment provided in the TSC was , adequate to support implementation of TSC procedures. , O Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-32 04-16-93 14:55 i

Tvoe of objective: II. Facility Objectives

2. TSC Objective:
b. Demonstrate the adequacy of communication between the CR/STSC, OSC, EOF, inplant response teams, and the TSC.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: Communication systems specified in the plans and procedures were available and operational. Personnel were able to operate all communication systems.

     -       Clear and timely communication links were maintained with the CR/STSC, OSC, EOF, inpfant response teams, and the TSC.

Dedicated phone lines as specified in the Emergency Plan were available. Evaluation: D ND DW1 NA NO (circle one) , Explanation of ND/DWI: O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-33 04-16-93 14:55 l l

                               .- _                                                           1

Objective Evaluation Form I Tvoe of objective: <

11. Facility Objectives ,
2. TSC Objectiv_e.;;
c. Demonstrate the elTectiveness and availability of appropriate emergency equipment and supplies.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: I

   -      There was sufficient lighting, ventilation, and office equipment (e.g.,

furnishings, copiers, etc.) to support operations of the staff assigned to the TSC. i Backup power was available for the TSC. Maps were available showing the Plume EPZ and the following information: sectors, population, evacuation routes, and radiological monitoring grids. Prints and drawin s of affected unit, maps detailing the site, site evacuation r routes, and assem ly areas.were availab.e. Evaluation: I) ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Exolanation of ND/DWl: O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-34 04-16-93 14:55  ;



Type of objective: l B. Facility Objectives l

2. TSC a

n Objective:

d. Demonstrate the adequacy of security access control.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

     -      All access to the TSC was controlled.

A listing of personnel allowed access to the TSC was available and used. Procedures to authorize access for personnel not on the access list were adequate. Accountability of the personnel present in the TSC was maintained throughout the emergency. e Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: i n O Page 4-35 04-16 93 14:55 05-93 Exercise

Tvoe of objective:

11. Facility Objectives
2. TSC Objective:
e. Demonstrate activation and staffing of the TSC in a timely fashion.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:  ;

    -      TSC was activated within sixty (60) minutes of the declaration of an ALERT-or higher classification.
    -      The staffing level of the TSC was maintained at the level established by the Emergency Plan and EPIPs throughout the emergency.

Evaluation:  : D NI) DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWl: i O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-36 04-16-93 14:55 - l

Tyne of objective: B. Facility Objectives

2. TSC Obiective:
f. Demonstrate the functional adequacy of the TSC.

Evaluation Criteria: ' Minimum criteria to meet this objective: TSC operational capability included providing a safe environment for personnel to work, adequate work space, personal conveniences, and access to other personnel, facilities, or materials.  ! Situations did not occur in which the lack of equipment or materials prevented personnel from performing assigned tasks. , Appropriate means were available to provide for the resolution of equipment or material deficiencies. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWl: ' N o 05-93 Exercise Page 4-37 04-16-93 14:55 l __________________.____J

1 Objective Evaluation Form Tvoe of objective:  ; B. Facility Objectives

2. TSC Objective: j
g. Demonstrate the capability to perform core damage assessment and to project the time left until the core is uncovered.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: Adequate data from instrumentation, sampling, and verbal reports was available and used. Current procedures, Tech Specs, and plant drawings were available and used. Demonstrate projection of time left until reactor core is uncovered.

      -         Demonstrate assessment of core damage based on available information.

Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWl: O 93 Exercise Page 4-38 04-16-93 14:55 4

                                                                                         .n        . y,,. q,
                                                           .g ,    ,

i Objective Evaluation Form Type of objective: II. Facility Objectives

3. CR/STSC Objective:
a. Demonstrate the adequacy of the Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures both in terms of management control and workability of the procedures for the CR/STSC. .

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: Command and control was effectively maintained on all operations in the CR/STSC throughout the emergency. . Current procedures were available and used. The logistical layout of the facility and equ p Tent provided in the CR/STSC was adequate to support implementation o R/STSC procedures. Evaluation: - D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWl: t i i i O


05 93 Exercise Page 4-39 04-16-93 14:55 e

I l Type of objective: H. Facility Objectives l

3. CR/STSC Objective:
b. Demonstrate the adequacy of communication between the TSC, OSC, EOF, inplant response teams, and the CR/STSC.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

   -     Communication systems specified in the plans and procedures were available and operational.
   -     Personnel were able to operate all communication systems.

Clear and timely communication links were maintained with TSC, OSC, EOF, inplant response teams, and the CR/STSC. Dedicated phone lines as specified in the Emergency Plan were available. Evaluation: D ND DW1 NA NO (circle one) Exolanation of ND/DWI: l O Page 4-40 04-16-93 14:55 05-93 Exercise

Type of obiective: B. Facility Objectives

3. CR/STSC Objective:
c. Demonstrate activation and stalling of the STSC in a timely fashion.  !

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: The CR/STSC implemented emergency staffing upon declaration of an event.

       -    The staffing level of the CR/STSC was maintained at the level established by             ,

the Emergency Plan and EPIPs throughout the emergency. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) O E_x.planation of ND/DWI: i l t O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-41 04-16-93 14:55

Objective Evaluation Form _ Type of objective: II. Facility Objectives

3. CR/STSC Obiective:
d. Demonstrate the functional adequacy of the STSC.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

     -     STSC operational capability included providing a safe environment for personnel to work, adequate work space, personal conveniences, and access to other personnel, facilities, or materials.

Situations did not occur in which the lack of equipment or materials prevented , personnel from performing assigned tasks. Appropriate means were available to provide for the resolution of equipment or material deficiencies. O Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: i O 05 93 Exercise Page 4-42 04-16-93 14:55 1 i

Type of objective: II, Facility Objectives

4. OSC ,


a. Demonstrate the adequacy of the Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures both in terms of management control and workability of the procedares for the OSC.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

   -     Command and control was effectively maintained on all operations in the OSC throughout the emergency.

Current procedures were available and used. The logistical layout of the facility and equipment provided in the OSC was adequate to support implementation of OSC procedures. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWl: O 05 93 Exercise Page 4-43 04-16-93 14:55

Type of objective: B. Facility Objectives

4. OSC Objective:
b. Demonstrate the adequacy of communication links between inplant response teams, the TSC/STSC, and the OSC.

Evaluation Criteria: 1 Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

        -     Communication systems specified in the plans and procedures were available and operational.                                                                 .
        -     Personnel were able to operate all communication systems.
        -     Clear and timely communication links were maintained with TSC, EOF,             '

inplant response teams, and the CR/STSC. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: i L O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-44 04-16-93 14:55 l

Objective Evaluation Form Type of objective: B. Facility Objectives

4. OSC i


c. Demonstrate the effectiveness and availability of appropriate emergency equipment and supplies.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: There was sufficient lighting and ventilation to support operations of the staff assigned to the OSC. Emergency lighting was available for the OSC. Prints and drawings of affected unit and survey maps of plant locations were available. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: l l l l O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-45 .04-16-93 14:55 l l l

Tvoc of objective: B. Facility Objectives

4. OSC Objective:
d. Demonstrate activation and stalling of the OSC in a timely fashion.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

            -      The OSC was fully activated within sixty (60) minutes of the declaration of an ALERT or higher classification.

The staffing level of the OSC was maintained at the level established by the  ; Emergency Plan and EPIPs throughout the emergency. Evaluation: D ND DW1 NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWl: k e r O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-46 16-93 14:55

i i l


Objective Evaluation Form Type of objective: B. Facility Objectives

4. OSC Objective;
c. Demonstrate the functional adequacy of the OSC.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: OSC operational capability included providing a safe environment for personnel to work, adequate work space, personal conveniences, and access to other personnel, facilities, or materials. Situations did not occur in which the lack of equipment or materials prevented personnel from performing assigned tasks. Appropriate means were available to provide for the resolution of equipment or material deficiencies. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWl: b I O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-47 04-16-93 14:55

Type of objective:

11. Facility Objectives
5. JENC Obiective: i
a. Demonstrate the adequacy of the Emergency Plan and the Joint Public Information Procedures both in terms of management control and workability of the procedures for the JENC.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: Command and control was effectively maintained on all operations in the JENC throughout the emergency. Current procedures were available and used. The logistical layout of the facility and ec uipment provided in the JENC was adequate to support implementation of JENC procedures. Evaluation _; D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWl: f L O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-48 04-16-93 14:55 .

Type of objective: B. Facility Objectives

5. JENC Obiective: ,
b. Demonstrate the adequacy of communication links between government emergency facilities, the utility's emergency facilities, and the JENC.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: Communication systems specified in the plans and procedures were available - and operational. Personnel were able to operate all communication systems. Clear and timely communication links were maintained with EOF and government emergency facilities. Adeguate communication facilities were available for use by members of the media. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one). Explanation of ND/DWI: O 05-93 Exercise Page 4 04-16-93 14:55

Tvoe of obiective: B. Facility Objectives

5. JENC Objective:
c. Demonstrate the efTectiveness and availability of appropriate emergency equipment and supplies.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: There was sufficient lighting, ventilation, and office equipment (e.g., furnishings, copiers, etc.) to support operations of the staff assigned to the JENC. Prints, drawings, and maps to support media briefings were available. There were adequate accommodations available for news media personnel. Evaluation: . D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: r

                                                                                                                .i O

05-93 Exercise Page 4-50 04-16-93 14:55

Tvoe of obiective: H. Facility Objectives

5. JENC i Obiective: ,
d. Demonstrate the adequacy of security access control.

Evaluation Criteria: - Minimum criteria to meet this objective: All access to the JENC was controlled.

     -     Security arrangements were adequate to prevent disruptions to JENC operations.

Evaluation: , D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: P

                                                                                                  -i r

O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-51 04-16-93 14:55 P r-*- v _y

Type of objective: B. Facility Objectives

5. JENC Obiective:
c. Demonstrate activation and staffing of the JENC in a timely fashion.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to mect this objective:

         -        The minimum staffing requirement was met in a timely manner by the JENC.

The staffing level of the JENC was maintained at the level established by the Emergency Plan and JPIPs throughout the emergency. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) O Explanation of ND/DWI: A f i 4 l l, O Page 4-52 04-16-93 14:55 05-93 Exercise i

Tvoe of objective: B. Facility Objectives

5. JENC Obiective:
f. Demonstrate the functional adequacy of the JENC.

Evaluation Criteria: Minimum ciiteria to meet this objective: JENC operational capability included providing a safe environment for personnel to work, adequate work space, personal conveniences, and access to other personnel, facilities, or materials.

     -     Situations did not occur in which the lack of equipment or materials prevented personnel from performing assigned tasks.                                                  -

Appropriate means were available to provide for the resolution of equipment or material deficiencies. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWl: O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-53 04-16-93 14:55

Type of objective: C. State of AZ/Maricopa County Core Objectives

1. Mobilization of Emergency Personnel Obiective:

Demonstrate the capability to alert and fully mobilize personnel for both emergency facilities and field operations. Demonstrate the capability to activate and staff emergency facilities for emergency operations. Evaluation Criteria: , Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

   . Refer to the FEMA-REP-15," Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991.

Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) O Explanation of ND/DWI: A k i i O Page 4-54 04-16-93 14:55 05-93 Exercise



Objective Evaluation Form f Type of objective: C. State of AZ/Maricopa County Core Objectives

2. Facilities: Equipment, Displays, and Work Emironment Obiective: ,

Demonstrate the adequacy of facilities, equipment, displays, and other materials ;o support emergency operations. , Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

            -        Refer to the FEMA-REP-15, " Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise              -

Evaluation Methodology," September,1991. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) T Explanation of ND/DWl: L 1. P i P i a 05-93 Exercise Page 4-55 04-16-93 14:55 i b w .-, - . - - . . - --, - - n -- ,, y

Type of obiective: C. State of AZ/Maricopa County Core Objectives

3. Direction and Control Obiective:

Demonstrate the capability to direct and control emergency operations. Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

      -     Refer to the FEMA-REP-15," Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991.

Evaluation: D ND DW1 NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWl: O


P t O Page 4-56 04-16-93 14:55 1 05-93 Exercise

Type of objective: C. State of AZ/Maricopa County Core Objectives

4. Communications Obiective:

Demonstrate the capability to communicate with all appropriate personnel at facilities and in the field. Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

           -    Refer to the FEMA-REP-15," Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991.

Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: O i i i O Page 4-57 04-16-93 14:55 - 05-93 Exercise

 ..              _                         _     ._       _  .            m.

Type of objective: C. State of AZ/Maricopa County Core Objectives

5. Emergency Worker Exposure Control i Obiective:

Demonstrate the capability to continuously monitor and control-radiation exposure to emergency workers. Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

  • Refer to the FEMA-REP-15, " Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991.

Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: 5 O 04-16-93 14:55 05-93 Exercise Page 4-58

Tvoe of objective: C. State of AZ/Maricopa County Core Objectives

6. Field Radiological Monitoring and Ambient Radiation Monitoring Objective:

Demonstrate the appropriate use of equipment and procedures for determining field radiation measurements. Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

   -     Refer to the FEMA-REP-15. " Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991.

Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: 1 i i


i O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-59 04-16-93 14:55 I

 ~                     . _    - -

Type of obiective: C. State of AZ/Maricopa County Core Objectives

7. Plume Dose Projection Objective:

Demonstrate the capability to develop dose projections and protective action recommendations regarding evacuation and sheltering. Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

         -      Refer to the FEMA-REP-15," Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991.

Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: O O Page 4-60 04-16-93 14:55 05-93 Exercise l I l

Tyne of obiective: C. State of AZ/Maricopa County Core Objectives

8. Field Radiological Monitoring - Airborne Radioiodine and Particulate Activity Monitoring Obiective:

Demonstrate the appropriate use of equipment and procedures for the measurement of airborne radioiodine concentrations as low as 10E-7 (0.0000001) microcurie per cubic centimeter in the presence of noble gases and obtain samples of particulate activity in the airborne plume. Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: Refer to the FEMA-REP-15," Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) _ Explanation of ND/DWl: 05-93 Exercise Page 4-61 04-16-93 14:55

Tvoe of objective: C. State of AZ/Maricopa County Core Objectives

9. Plume Protective Action Decision Making Objective:

L)emonstrate the capability to make timely and appropriate protective action decisions (PAD). Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

   .         Refer to the FEMA REP-15," Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise                                     ,

Evaluation Methodology," September,1991. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWl: O , i 1 l O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-62 04-16-93 14:55 1 i I

   ,,                                Objective Evaluation Form Tyne of object ive:

C. State of AZ/Maricopa County Core Objectives

10. Alert and Notification P

Obiective: Demonstrate the capability to promptly alert and notify the public within the 10. mile plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ) and disseminate instructional messages to the public on the - basis of decisions by appropriate State or local officials. Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

        -     Refer to the FEMA-REP-15," Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991.

Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: p O Page 4-63 04-16-93 14:55 05-93 Exercise , l l i l

Objective Evaluation Form , ( Tvoe of obiective: C. State of AZ/Maricopa County Core Objectives

11. Public Instructions and Emergency Information Objective; Demonstrate the capability to coordinate the formulation and dissemination of accurate information and instructions to the public.

Evaluation Criteria: , Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

        -     Refer to the FEMA-REP-15," Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991.                                           ;

Evaluation: D ND DW1 NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: O L i i t O Page 4-64 04-16-93 14:55 j 05-93 Exercise ,

l , Objective Evaluation Form j Type of objective: l C. State of AZ/Maricopa County Core Objectives

12. Emergency Information - Media Objective:

Demonstrate the capability to coordinate the development and dissemination of clear, accurate, and timely information to the news ' media. Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: Refer to the FEMA-REP-15," Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991. Evaluation: D ND DW1 NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-65 04-16-93 14:55

          =_           .                 -       _.       .   - - .

The of objective: C. State of AZ/Maricopa County Core Objectives

13. Emergency Information - Public Inquiry Objective:

Demonstrate the capability to establish and operate public inquiry in a ' coordinated and timely manner. Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: Refer to the FEMA-REP-15," Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Exolanation of ND/DWI: O a n O  ; 05-93 Exercise Page 4-66 04-16-93 14:55

t 1 Tyne of objective: D. State of AZ/Maricopa County Scenario Dependent Objectives

14. Imph mentation of protective actions - use of KI for emergency workers ,

Objective: i Demonstrate the capability and resources to implement potassium iodide (KI) protective actions for emergency workers. j Evaluation Criteria: , Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

      -     Refer to the FEMA-REP-15," Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology" September,1991.

Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWl: O. f 2 f G Page 4-67 04-16-93 14:55 05-93 Exercise l l

Tvoe of objective: D. State of AZ/Maricopa County Scenario Dependent Objectives

15. Implementation of Protective Actions - Special Populations t

Obiective: Demonstrate the capability and resources necessary to implement appropriate protective actions for special populations. Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

     -     Refer to the FEMA-REP-15," Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991.                                           ,

Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: t b i l O 04-16-93 14:55 05-93 Exercise Page 4-68

Tyne of obiective: D. State'of AZ/Maricopa County Scenario Dependent Objectives

16. Implementation of Protective Actions - Schools Objective:

Demonstrate the capability and resources necessary to implement protective actions for school children within the plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: Refer to the FEMA-REP-15. " Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991. . Evaluation: D ND DW1 NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: l 1 i O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-69 04-16-93 14:55 l

Objective Evaluation Form O Tyne of objective: 'O , D. State of AZ/Maricopa County Scenario Dependent Objectives

17. Traffic and Access Control Obiective:

Demonstrate the organizational capability and resources necessary to control evacuation trallic flow and to control access to evacuated and sheltered areas. Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: Refer to the FEMA-REP-15 " Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWl: O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-70 04-16-93 14:55

P Objective Evaluation Form /3 'O Type of objective: D. State of AZ/Maricopa County Scenario Dependent Objectives

18. Reception Center - Monitoring, Decontamination, and Registration Objective:

Demonstrate the adequacy of procedures, facilities, equipment, and personnel for the radiological monitoring, decontamination, and registration of evacuees. Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

     . Refer to the FEMA-REP-15, " Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991.

Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: i O Page 4-71 04-16-93 14:55 05-93 Exercise

Tyne of obiective: D. State of AZ/Maricopa County Scenario Dependent Objectives

19. Congregate Care Obiective:

Demonstrate the adequacy of facilities, equipment, supplies, personnel, . and procedures for congregate care of evacuees. Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

                                                                        -     Refer to the FEMA-REP-15," Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991.

Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Emlanation of ND/DWI: O, l l

                                                                                                                               ..c, O                                                        05-93 Exercise                                                     Page 4-72                           04-16-93 14:55 1


Tyne of objective: D. State of AZ/Maricopa County Scenario Dependent Objectives

20. Medical Services - Transportation Objective: -.,

Demonstrate the adequacy of vehicles, equipment, procedures, and personnel for transporting contaminated, injured, or exposed individuals. Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

     . Refer to the FEMA-REP-15," Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991.

Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-73 04-16-93 14:55

Tyne of obiective: D. State of AZ/Maricopa County Scenario Dependent Objectives

21. Medical Services - Facilities Objective:

L)emonstrate the adequacy of the equipment, procedures, supplies, and personnel of medical facilitics responsible for treatment of i contaminated, injured, or exposed individuals. , J Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

     . Refer to the FEMA-REP-15," Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991.

Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) ~ Explanation of ND/DWI: O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-74 04-16-93 14:55

., Objective Evaluation Form Type of objective: D. State of AZ/Maricopa County Scenario Dependent Objectives

22. Emergency Workers, Equipment, and Vehicles - Monitoring and '

Decontammation Objec ive: Demonstrate the adequacy of procedures for the monitoring and decontamination of emergency workers, equipment, and vehicles. Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

    -        Refer to the FEMA-REP-15," Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991.

Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWl: O Page 4-75 04-16-93 14:55 05-93 Exercise

      .                                             =                    .

r i Objective Evaluation Form Type of objective: E. State of AZ/Maricopa County Objectives Demonstrated Every Six Years

23. Supplementary Assistance (Federal /Other)

Objective: Demonstrate the capability to identify the need for external assistance and to request such assistance from Federal and other support organizations. Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective:

          . Refer to the FEMA-REP-15," Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991.

Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: i O Page 4-76 04-16-93 14:55 05-93 Exercise

i Objective Evaluation Form O Tvoc of objective: .V E. State of AZ/Maricopa County Objectives Demonstrated Every Six Years

31. Offsite Support for the Evacuation of Onsite Personnel Objective:

Demonstrate the capability to provide ofTsite support for the evacuation of onsite personnel. Evaluation Criteria: Minimum criteria to meet this objective: Refer to the FEMA-REP-15, " Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology," September,1991. Evaluation: D ND DWI NA NO (circle one) Explanation of ND/DWI: O i 5 O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-77 04-16-93 14:55 i r-


1. Demonstrate timely coordination and release of information to the media through coordinated action by State, County, and Utility elements.
2. Demonstrate that emergency response organizations can activate and staff direction and control facilities in a timely fashion.

EOF - B.I.e., TSC - B.2.e., STSC - B.3.c., OSC - B.4.d., JENC - B.5.e., Offsite - C.1.

3. Demonstrate the functional adequacy of emergency facilities.

EOF - B.1.f., TSC - B.2.f., STSC - B.3.d., OSC - B.4.e., JENC - B.5.f., Offsite - C.2,

4. Demonstrate the adequacy of communication links between government emergency facilitiet field teams, and the utility's emergency facilities.

EOF - B.1.b., TSC - B.2.b., STSC - B.3.b., OSC - B.4.b., JENC - B.5.b., Offsite - C.4

5. Demonstrate the capability to coordinate protective actions in the plume exposure pathway EPZ.

General (PVNGS) - A.8., Offsite - C.9. ,

6. Demonstrate the adequacy of communications with the public via the news media.
7. Demonstrate the adequacy of communications with the public via the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS).

No utility involvement - not a joint objective, Offsite - C.10

8. Demonstrate the adequ of communications with the public via Public Inquiry.

No PVNGS objective, site - C.13.

9. Demonstrate the capability to perform onsite and offsite dose assessment in a timely manner.

General (PVNGS) - A.7., Offsite - C.6.

10. Demonstrate remote activation and operation of the offsite siren alerting system.

No utility involvement - not a joint objective. l l (3 V 05-93 Exercise Page 4-78 04-16-93 14:55

OBJECTIVE EVALUATION PAGES REQUIRED Facility General Objectives Facility Objectives EOF 12-25 26-31 TSC 12-25 32-38 CR/STSC 12-25 39-42 OSC 12-25 43-47 JENC 12-25 48-53 0 - i l O 05-93 Exercise Page 4-79 04-16-93 14:55



i EPTP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REV. 041693  ;


1. SCENARIO OVERVIEW A. All three (3) Palo Verde Units are operating at 100% power. Station. Services is performing lighting PMs in the Unit 3 Auxiliary Building. "B" LPSI Pump is out of service for a failed pump. seal. Both ERFDADS Host Computers are out of service; one Host has a defective CPU board and the other Host has recently been receiving memory parity errors. Troubleshooting by OCS is under way on both computers.

B. An Electrohydraulic Control (EHC) oil leak occurs. The standby EHC Pump automatically starts on LO oil pressure. However, the leak is severe enough to drain the system in approximately 1 minute, and the turbine is either manually tripped by the crew or it trips automatically soon thereafter. The resulting T 100% load shed causes a high pressure in the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) and subsequent high secondary _ steam pressure conditions. The reactor trips and the high secondary steam pressure causes a main steam line break downstream of the Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs). The rapid RCS cooldown caused by the excess steam demand causes SIAS/CIAS and MSIS ESFAS actuations to occur. The ESFAS occurrences will require the SS/EC to classify the event as a Notification of Unusual Event (NUE). C. A half hour later, during performance of 41EP-1R001, Reactor Trip, an RCS leak slowly develops, causing the crew to' perform an RCS Leak Rate Determination per 41AO-lZZ14. They determine the leak rate to be approximately 60-80 gpm. This value provides justification for the EC to declare an ALERT per EPIP-02 based on RCS leakage > 44 gpm. D. Some time later and with the leak rate slowly increasing, the crew commences a plant cooldown to Mode 5. A call arrives into the Control' Room from one of the Station Services people stating that a pump ("A" HPSI Pump) has started spraying water profusely. He states that a fellow worker became totally doused by the spraying water, slipped while attempting to leave the area, and then fell and hurt her back. This incident will require the: contaminated individual be taken to the Site Medical Department. E. Shortly thereafter, the Load Center L36 supply breaker to Motor Control Center (MCC) M36 trips on overcurrent, causing a loss of power and damage to M36. Several "B" Train Class Motor Operated Valves (H0Vs)' lose power as a result. EPTP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REV. 041693


F. With the RCS leak rate increasing further, a point is reached. where the crew must compensate to maintain [ Pressurizer (PZR) level. Eventually, with all available makeup pumps running, the inability to maintain PZR level is realized. Since RCS leakage is now in excess of all available charging pump capacity, the Control Room Supervisor (CRS) re-enters the Safety Function Flowchart (SFFC) and identifies a loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) in progress. A Site Area Emergency (SAE) must be declared per EPIP-02 due to RCS leakage exceeding available charging pump capacity. G. During performance of the LOCA Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP), the RCS leak becomes much larger. This will cause RCS pressure to decrease to <100 psia and containment pressure to increase to >30 psig. The Safety Injection Tanks (SITS) will passively inject at the 600 psia point. The core outlet plenum (hot leg) will eventually void, prompting the EC to escalate the present Emergency Classification to a General Emergency (GE). H. 50-60 minutes later, a Recirculation Actuation Signal (RAS) will be generated. At this point, the contents of the Refueling Water Tank (RWT) has been transferred to the containment sump and the suction lineup for the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) pumps is transferred to the containment sump. However, since power had been lost to the two (2) "B" Train containment sump suction valves when M36 became de-energized, the "B" Train ECCS pumps cannot be utilized at this time, due to the lack of a suction path. I. With "A" Train ECCS pumps supplying core cooling, a lockout occurs on 4.16 KV Class bus PBA-503.

                     "A" Train Emergency Diesel Generator cannot automatically supply power to the bus due to the lockout condition. This leaves the core with no cooling mechanism until power can be restored to PBA-S03. One half hour later, the core voids and partially uncovers, causing clad damage in the process.

J. Due to core uncovery and partial clad damage, radiation readings in containment escalate to the point where shine through the containment wall begins hampering equipment repair efforts at various locations throughout the plant. Restoration efforts of PHB-M36, located in the East Electrical Penetration Room on the 100' elevation of the Auxiliary Building, become radiologically important. Radiation levels in the room are expected to increase to the 500-700 mR/ hour range. EPTP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDME REV. 041693

1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 PAGE 4 K. With electricians working to restore power to PBA-503, the bus is ultimately re-energized. Core cooling is re-established using the leaking "A" HPSI pump. Since a SIAS had actuated some time before, a release path to the environment exists from containment via the "A" HPSI Pump Room ventilation to the fuel Building exhaust. The release continues for some time through the ventilation system. L. Eventually, power is restored to the damaged Motor Control Center M36, allowing core cooling to be shifted to the intact "B" Train ECCS equipment. The shutdown of "A" Train ECCS pumps terminates the release into the ventilation system and a slow and constant decrease of the radioactive release. to the environment will take. place. 1

                                               - EPTP REV. 0.0(11/92).:                                                                                               UPDATE REV. 041693


1. PVNGS C.R. Simulator = Unit I specific
2. Reference material (s) = Unit I specific
3. Telephone adjustments - Unit 3 specific B. Red Tag (s) for the Following Equipment:
1. LPSI Pump "B" Handswitch (802)

C. Special Procedure (s) / Equipment:

1. Updated Plant Status Boards
2. SIMS TSCCR on "B" LPSI Pump (simulated)
        'EPTP REV. 0.0 (11/92)                                                                         UPDATE REV. 041693

_ . - - _ _ _ - _ ._ __.______1__ -


1. Ensure the Following:
a. DORT performed by Hardware Group
b. Gould '97 Computers rebooted
c. PMS computer and displays set up properly
d. RMS program running, if applicable
e. RMS printer ON, if applicable
f. Alarm and Log typers ON
g. Westronics recorders ON (B07)
h. Chart paper advanced on all recorders
i. Communications set up (telephone, headsets, radio, FAX)
j. All procedures up-to-date and available
k. Plant status boards updated
1. Flowcharts cleaned and positioned correctly
m. All Operator Aids installed properly-
n. Paper pads and pens available
o. CR/STSC Player attendance sheet available
p. Simulator Operations Area logistics proper
q. Simulator Operations Area room dividers set up
r. All cameras functioning and directed properly ,
s. VCR and tape (s) ready, if applicable

. t. Software-and Hardware personnel available

u. All trash cans clean EFTP REV. 0.0 (11/92) _ UPDATE REV. 041693.
 ,  -                  - - _ . -   . _ . . . _ . . - _~_        . _ _ . _ - -     ..        -           -_ _            - _ - . _ __ -


   .1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700                              .PAGEI III.                        SIMULATOR SETUP A. CERT. LOAD
1. IC-20 (100% - MOC)

B. Special Instructions

1. NONE C. Confirm the Following Functions Are Entered to Ensure Setup:
a. RH21 RACK _0UT ("B" LPSI Pump Breaker)
                                             .a.         NONE EPTP REY. 0.0 (11/92)                                                                                  UPDATE REV. 041693
                                                                                                                                                                                   .g l                                                                ~



., (1) NONE i


a.- NONE 1 EPTP REVJ 0.0(11/92).- UPDATE REV. 041693-

1 O O


, a. NONE

7. [CAEP]
a. NONE D. Hang Red Tag (s) on the Following Equipment: -
1. LPSI Pump "B" Handswitch (802) l 1

EPTP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REV. 041693

O O O PAGE 10 1993_ EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 - IV. BRIEFING A. Review Simulator Rules with the Operators

1. The NRC plans on having an examiner on the Simulator floor during the Emergency Preparedness Exercise whenever possible (based on available manpower). Their main function during the Exercise is to ensure the operating crew can implement the Emergency Plan satisfactorily. However,'they cannot ignore any problems they observe during the Exercise. In the event that they should observe a performance problem, their expected action is to determine if this problem was uncovered by the evaluation team and, if so, what remedial action will be taken to correct the problem. If the NRC had discovered a performance problem and no subsequent training action had been taken, then they would have an issue with the training group and not with the operator. If an identified performance problem relates to a history of poor performance on an individual's or team's NRC-Requalification Examination in regards' to the same problem, then the NRC may take issue with the operator (s) and the training group. If performance problems do occur, the NRC will expect to see the utility take remedial actions to correct the problems.
2. The primary responsibility is to operate the' Simulation Facility as if it were the plant.
3. The following activities will be observed during the Exercise / Drill:
a. Teamwork / communications
b. Diagnostic skills
c. Procedure usage
d. System knowledge
e. Log keeping
4. A rough log may be kept during the. Exercise / Drill suitable to complete necessary formal log entries.
5. Designated support personnel will act as Auxiliary Operators, Radiation Protection and Chemistry Technicians, Maintenance Supervisors, Plant Management, etc.

EFTP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REV. 041693


6. An Exercise Controller will provide a shift turnover before the Exercise begins. The shift turnover will -include present plant ' conditions, power history, equipment out of service, abnormal conditions, surveillance (s) due, and instructions for the shift.
7. The control board switches will not be purposely misaligned. Out-of-service equipment will be.

tagged or otherwise identified.

8. If there are any questions concerning the administration of the Exercise, those questions should be asked prior to the start of the Exercise.

B. Assign Positions The crew will assume positions as determined by an Exercise Controller and/or crew supervision:

1. (SS) Shift Supervisor
2. (CRS) Control Room Supervisor
3. (PO) Primary Operator i
4. (50) Secondary Operator
5. (RO) 3"' Reactor Operator
6. (STA) Shift Technical Advisor Auxiliary Operators (A0s) will strategically place themselves in their assigned areas of responsibility.

All other support personnel will assume their normal responsibilities within their respective assigned work areas. EPTP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REV. 041693


1. The progress of this Exercise depends primarily on the competence and capabilities of the personnel involved with it. It also depends, to some degree, on the dependability of the software and hardware associated with the Simulation Facility. If, through unforeseen circumstances, the Simulator should fail during the course of Exercise operations, execution of the Exercise may become hampered. In this case, the Exercise timeline may i: ave to be suspended until such time that it may again proceed. Accordingly, a timeline adjustment will then be incorporated onto the time dependent events remaining in the Exercise. If the Simulator catastrophically fails such that immediate repair or scenario recall is not feasible, then the Lead Controller will, at that time, make-a decision regarding future progression of the remaining portions of the Exercise.

B. Controller Guide Layout: < 1. The following is a brief composite of the Scenario Controller Guide column descriptions:

a. TIME: Signifies real time with no applied adjustment
b. SIM INSTRUCTIONS: Simulator Operator instructions
c. MSG: Message number taken from Appendix "B"
d. FROM: Controller designator
e. T0: Player designator f.- EVENT SE0VENCE: Major events sequenced in chronological order
                             -g.                 NOTES:                 Information designed to aid Controllers; also contains Simulator Operator instructions required to enhance input functionality.
2. Message identifiers used throughout this Controller Guide (Appendix "A") are organized by type.

Messages beginning with a numeric identifier are those which comprise a-normal occurrence within the Exercise. Messages beginning with an alpha identifier are those which comprise a contingency

                              -such that the message is delivered only when or if a particular event or outcome does not take place. This type of message is utilized to maintain the' Exercise on its predetermined course.

EPTP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REV. 041693

1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 PAGE 13 C. Controller Guide Abbreviations and Acronyms: AO Auxdiary Operator PZR Pressurizer C-n(x) ControIIer kjentifer RAS Recirculaton Actuation Signal CAS Central Alarm Station RCA Radsological Controlled Area CET Core Exit Thermocouple RCP Reactor Coolant Pump CIAS Containment isolaton Actuation Signal RCS Reactor Coolant System CP Charging Pump RFAT Radiological Field Assessment Team CR Control Room RMS Radiation Monitoring System CRS Control Room Supennsor RO Reactor Operator DG Diesef Generator RP Radiaton Protection DNBR Departure [trom] Nucleate Boiling Ratio RWT Refueling Water Tank EC Emergency Coordinator Rx Reactor ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System SAE Site Area Emergency EDO E, . wcy Dieset Generator SAS Secondary Alarm Station EHC Electrobydraulic Control STAS Safety injection Actuation Signal EMT Emergency Medical Techncian SIT Safety injection Tank EOF Emergency Operations Facility SO Secondary Operator ERFDADS Emergency Response Facility Data Acqisition land] Display System SS Shift Supennsor ESFAS Engineered Safeguard Features Actuation System STSC Satellite Technical Support Center GE General Emergency TSC Technicci Support Center GPM Gallons Per Minute TSCCR Techrscal Specification Component Condition Record HJTC Heated Junction Thennocouple UJTC Unteated Juncton The mocouple HPSI ~ High Pressure Safety injection KV Kilovolt LC Load Center LCO Umiting Condition [ tor) Operation LO Locitout ' LOCA Loss Of Coolant Accident LPD Local Power Density LPSI Low Pressure Safety injection MCC Motor Control Center MSIS Main Steam Isolabon Signal MStV Main Steam isolaton Valve MSLB Main Steam Line Break NUE- Notification [of) Unusual Event OCS Operations Computer Support

                .OSC         Operations Support Center PASS        Post-Accident Sampling System PStA        Pounds [per) Square Inch Absolute PSIG         Pounds [per] Square Inch Gauge PO           Primary Operator

.EPTP REV.'0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REY. 041693


1. All three (3) Palo Verde units are operating at 100% power. This unit has been at 100% power for the last j1_0 days.

i- 2. The core is at j 5_0 EFPD (Unit 1 Cycle 2 Core Data Book).

3. The normal, shiftly surveillances will be scheduled accordingfy.


4. Station Services personnel are performing lighting PMs in the Auxiliary Building.
5. *B* LPSI Pump is out of service for a failed pump seal. It has been INOPERABLE for 12 hours and is expected back for retest in

, approximately 15 hours. The pump had to have its pump casing pulled, its impeller dropped, and the stuffing box extension removed. Mechanics are sizing up the status of the failed seal at this time. Plans call for the seal to be removed, the pump shaft and seal casing to be reworked, and the new seal installed. Mechanics will then evaluate replacement of the backup seal at that time. Technical Specification LCO 3.5.2 ACTION *a* was entered 12 hours ago. A TSCCR on the pump was initiated by the STA.

6. Both ERFDADS Host Computers are out of service; one Host has a defective CPU board and the other Host has recently been receiving memory parity errors. Troubleshooting by OCS is under way on both computers.
7. Operations Management has requested that 100% power operation be maintained. They would like to be informed when the *B*

LPSI Pump is ready for retest. B. Miscellaneous: 15-20 minutes will be allowed for familiarization with the status and conditions of the control boards and for the Auxiliary Operators to arrive on station and assume their watch duties as part of the Exercise. Initial log entries may have been prepared prior to turnover by. the Exercise Lead Controller or toe crew may make the initial log entries for this shift. NOTE: THE EXERCISE TIMEUNE BEGINS WHEN THE CREW ASSUMES WATCH DUTIES. THE LEAD EXERCISE CONTROLLER WILL ESTABLISH TIMEUNE SYNCHRONIZATION WITH ALL EXERCISE CONTROLLERS. EPTP REY. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REV. 041693

O 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 O OPAGE 15 TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEQUENCE NOTES 0705 "* SHIFT TURNOVER *** 1 C-1 CREW The crew is informed of the Plant After shift turnover,15-20 minutes will be Conditions as referenced on the allowed for familiarization with the status preceding page. and conditions of the control boards and for the Auxiliary Operators to arrive on station and assume their watch duties. If an initial log entry sheet has not been prepared for the crew, then they may pre-pare one. The Exercise Timeline will begin at 0730. 0710 2 C-1 SS As Emergency Response Facilities The Shift Supervisor (SS) should review become activated and manned during plant conditions, brief the crew, and have the course of this Exercise, the the operators walk down their respective following information will be relayed to areas of responsibility. the managers and key players by the Shift Supervisor, as required: The operators may, at this time, make the initial log entries for their shift and review Although this entire Exercise is the plant status boards. simulated as taking place in Unit 3, procedures applicable to Unit 1 will be Refer to Appendix N' for equipment used IAW standard Simulator practices, troubleshooting data. All radiological information will be All Controllers should ensure that facility presented via hard copy data cards. managers are acquainted with the initial The Control Room RMS minicomputer Scenario Plant Conditions. will not be used.

                                                  *"                           ***  ***   *"       *** BEGIN TIMELINE          ***

0730 BEGIN TIMELINE *** *** BEGIN TIMELINE "* LPIP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REY. 041693

O O 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 OPAGE 16. TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEQUENCE NOTES ENSURE SIMULATOR SETUP 0740 [MALF] TC19100 L The crew responds to the EHC B06 Annunciation: (EH Control Oil Rupture - 120 gpm) problem by ensuring the stand-by EHC Pump automatically *LO EH FLUID PRESSURE

  • See
  • Column for a Time- starts on low EH System "LO-LO EH FLUID TANK LEVEL' Dependent instruction pressure.

NOTE: The next SIM Input is required immediately a'ter the trip in about two (2) minutes. 0742 3 C-4a AO-2 1. The crew requests an AO The AO reports EH fluid spraying profusely respond to the equipment from the bonnet of the check valve located area. ..nmediately downstream of CON-P01 A at the EH skid.

2. The crew either trips the The crew has about one (1) minute to take turbine or it trips auto- action to trip the turbine, otherwise EH matically when EHC pressure will decrease to the point where pressure is lost. the turbine control valves will close by
themselves, resulting in an automatic
turbine trip.

l 0742 A C-4a AO-2 3. A shrill noise inherent with Message *A* will be directed to the AO only that of a high pressure if he is not within sight of the EH skid in the system breach can be Turbine Building. heard from the direction of the west end of the Turbine Building on the 100' elevation. EPIP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REV. 041693-

O O 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 OPAGE 17-TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEQUENCE NOTES 0742= [MALF] MS12100 4 C-4 a AO-2 11. HI PZR pressure or HI LPD NOTE: Insert only the [MALF] immed-(MSLB Downstream of MSIVs) causes Rx trip. HI secondary lately after the turbine trip. steam pressure causes MSLB [CAE] MCCON downstream of the MSIVs. RCS NOTE: Activate CAE (CAE I MCCON) (Re-energize M19, M71, OBN-D90, cooidown results in SIAS/CIAS and insert [ REM FUNC] if M20, M72, and OBN-D91) and LO S/G pressures result in requested. MSIS actuations. [ REM FUNC] MS03100 Annunciation includes: (Operate Auxiliary Steam Supply from Units 2 and 3) - SIAS/CIAS REAC TRIP (CEDMCS BUS UNDV) See ' NOTES

  • Column for Instructions -

REAC OWGR CKT BKR OPEN MN TURB TRIP SIAS / CIAS / MSIS HI LPD (Pretrip and Trip) LO PZR PRESS (Pretrip and Trip) The Area-2 Auxiliary Operator informs the Control Room that he has just heard a large bang in the west end of the Turbine Building. He reports dissipation of steam and can observe no injuries to himself or anyone else. This information, together with Control Room indications, will allow the Control Room personnel to determine that a main steam line break has occurred.

1. The crew enters the Expect the Auxiliary Operators to be Emergency Operations informed of the Rx/ turbine trip via radio Procedure. communications from the Control Room.

The Auxiliary Operators will respond by heightening their level of awareness associated with plant equipment. EPIP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REV. 041693

 . _       .   .           . .               -     .   .~ .                   .                      -

O O 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 O PAGE 1_8 TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEQUENCE NOTES 0756 B C-1 a SS 2. The SS classifies the event ESFAS actuation (s) require NUE Class-as a Notification of Unusual ification and an NRC call within one (1) Event (NUE). hour. The EC willinitiate EPIP-03 and notifications to the State of AZ will begin. NOTE: Message 'B'should be directed only by the Exercise Lead Controller. The Contingency Message will a!!ow enough time to elapse for the Shift Supervisor (SS) to classify the event prior to implementation of the message. LPIP REY. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REV. 041693

O O 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 O PAGE 19 TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEQUENCE NOTES 0801 [MALF) TH08 0->25=120 sec IIL An RCS leak slowly develops,. NOTE: Due to the location of the leak, (SBLOCA at RC-DPT-125A Instr. Tap) causing containment radiation S/G delta-P alarms may annun-levels to increase, rising con- ciate on B05. This may, at first, ainment sump levels, and cause some confusion with the noticeable PZR level deviation, crew, depending on the running Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) lineup at the time. Annunciation includes: PZR TROUBLE PZR LVL Hi-LO CNTMT SUMPS TRBL CNTMT SUMPS EXCESS LEAKAGE (RMS) RU-16 will begin trending up. The crew will recognize containment sump level increases by 807 annunciations on containment sump excessive leakage as well as sump level indications. 0810 C C-1a CRS 1. Due to indications of Contingency Message 'C' is designed to slowly developing maintain the Exercise on course by timely RCS leakage (i.e., de- commencement of an RCS leakrate creasing PZR level, determination. decreasing PZR pressure), the Primary Operator is directed to perform 41AO-1ZZ14 Excessive RCS Leakrate, Section 2. EPIP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REV. 041693

                     .*   )                                       )                                                                         L
                       %d                                                                                                        V 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700                                                  PAGE 2_0 TIME                   SIM INSTRUCTIONS       MSG FROM  TO    EVENT SEQUENCE                                   NOTES 0830                                           D  C-1a CRS   2. An RCS leak rate             Contingency Message 'O' will ensure that a determination has been per- timely leak rate determination is formed by the Primary        accomplished.

Operator IAW 41 AO-1ZZ14, Excessive RCS Leakrate, Section 2, and has logged the following data: PZR level / pressure constant over 15 min.

  • Related valves positioned accordingly No VCT makeup /

diversion occurred No primary systems sampling occurred RCS temperatures constant over 15 min.

  • VCT level change over 15 min: -24.1%

EPIP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REV. 041633

l ("N  %  : "N-l .1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 PAGE 2_1 TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEQUENCE NOTES l l-l 0838 E C-1a SS 3. An ALERT is declared due The ALERT will cause activation of to RCS leakage > 44 gpm. Emergency Response Facilities via the Notification Call-Out List and the Site-Wide Paging System. RFAT dispatch will also take place. (The CEC will not be activated). NOTE: Activation of Emergency Response Facilities is performed in accordance with EPIP-04. Use of the Notification Call-Out List and the Site-Wide Paging System is directed per EPIP-03 and EPIP-04. Radiological Field Assessment Team dispatch is performed in accordance with EPIP-12. Message 'E' is directed by the Exercise Lead Controller only if the Shift Supervisor /EC has not declared an ALERT. EP1P REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REV. 041633 amm__ _,_.--..._ _m-.--__._m.-m-m.m_____-- _mm.---mm ___* _._r v- vW' - -- t ,7-

O 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 O OPAGE 22 TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEQUENCE N'OTES 0849 [MALF) TH08 25->100=1800 sec M-1 C-4h C.R. IV. The crew is informed that an The crew is informed by one of the Site (SBLOCA at RC-DPT-125A Instr. Tap) injury has occurred in the 'A' Services people performing lighting PMs in HPSI Pump Room. They are the Auxiliary Building that HPSI Pump *A* is informed as to the extent of the spraying water profusely from its seals. injury and any radiological They are also informed at this time that one considerations which must be of the individuals slipped and fell in the dealt with. room, hurting her back. NOTE: A medical emt tjency ensues at this poin' ams will continue in parallel W the main path of the Exercia. Mer to Appendix w ior data related to the mc 'ical emergency. 0850 1. The crew may dispatch an NOTE: The crew may dispatch an Auxiliary Operator to the 'A' Auxiliary Operator to the 'A' HPSI Pump Room to check HPSI Pump to ascertain the out the pump. extent of the seal leakage.

2. Meanwhile, RCS leakage is The RCS leakage [MALF] is being ramped slowly increasing. up for the next half-hour, which will take it from roughly 70 gpm to approximately 300 gpm by 0920.

i 1 EP1P REV. 0.0 111/92) UPDATE REV. 041693


 ,1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 OPAGE 23 TIME              SIM INSTRUCTIONS        MSG FROM   TO       EVENT SEQUENCE                                     NOTES 0905=                                                    V. The crew commences a plant         Plant cooldown to Mode 5 is an option per cooldown to Mode 5. Meanwhile,     the Rx Trip Procedure. The crew will RCS leakage continues to slowly    probably commence the cooldown at this increase.                          time due to present plant conditions.

Whether they do or not is of no consequence to the remainder of the Exercise. 0906 [OVRRD] IOR Z2E0101 ALARM _,0N 1. Annunciation confirms HPSI NOTE: This annunciator reaches the (ANN B02C: HPSI Room *A* Level HI) Pump *A* leakage, alarm condition at 3.6* above the bottom of the room floor sump. It would be expected to alarm at this time. 0906 F C-4 b AO-4 a. If an Auxiliary Operator The AO must adhere to OSC direction if he had previously been is dispatched to the 'A' HPSI Pump Room, dispatched to the *A* Visible symptoms at the pump include HPSI Pump Room to profuse leakage from the pump shaft area investigate the pump on both pump ends. Water is spraying for seal leakage everywhere. The entire room is doused problems, he notifies with water. The floor drains appear to be the Control Room of handling the water effluent, and the floor the extent of the sump indicates some level. (Note that the problem. floor drain system in this room can accommodate 383 gpm before backing up into the room.)

                                                                                                  !! plant engineers tackle the problem of identifying the estimated combined gross seal leakage of the pump, they should reach a value of between 150 and 380 gpm with the pump operating.

LPIP REY. 0.0 (11/92) UPDAIL REV. 041693

O O 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 OPAGE 24 TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEQUENCE NOTES Operators may secure the 'A' Train HPSI , Pump due to the seal problems, as long as the *B' Train HPSI Pump remains available for use. Later in the Exercise, after the Recirculation Actuation Signal (RAS) has occurred, the operators will have no choice but to run the leaking *A* Train HPSI Pump, due to the non. existence of a viable suction path from the containment sump (the loss of PHB-M36 shortly will de-energize the containment sump suction valves for that specific train). Because of this, Operations will not remove the pump from an avail-ability status and Maintenance will not be allowed to repair the leaking seats on that pump. No immediate maintenance follow-up ic anticipated for the 'A' Train HPSI Pump, as l the time period required for Maintenance to effect repairs to leaking HPSI pump seals lies in the neighborhood of 26-34 hours. The pump may be shut down by Control Room Operators for some time, but will later be required for core injection, as it will then be the only source of high pressure injection available. EPIP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDAll REV. 041693

D l' d V D) 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 PAGE 25 TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEQUENCE NOTES 0924 [ SPEC FUNC] OCTB01(181) VI. MCC PHB-M36 trips on over- NOTE: Insert oniv the [ SPEC FUNC] (Overcurrent Trip of PHB-M36) current. The crew investigates. at this time. [ REM FUNC] ED164 RESET Insert both [ REM FUNC] in the (Reset Miscellaneous Plant Alarms) order listed only if requested to place the B-D Charger on M42. [ REM FUNC] ED118 M42 The charger swap is directed (Place Class Charger B-D in/Out of by plant procedures. Service) Annunciation includes: See " NOTES

  • Column for Instructions 125V 1E CC M42 CHRG B/BD PNL D22 TRBL 480 VOLT 1E TR B LC L36 TRBL B01 indicating lights for incoming Feeder PGB-L36C3 depict the breaker trip. Various
                                                                                                                                              'B' Train Safety injection valves lose power.

EPIP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REV. 041693 _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - . _ _ . = _

O O O 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 PAGE 2Q TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEQUENCE NOTES 0926 G C-4b A O-4 1. The crew summons an Specific visible symptoms which the Auxiliary Operator to Auxiliary Operator reports from the 100' respond to the Class Motor elevation of the East Electrical Penetration Control Center (MCC) trip. Room include signs of insulation burn. There exists a strong smell and a slight haze in the air, indicating the remnants of insulation burrt Visible signs of intemal arcing are apparent on the outside of the motor control center panels, as indicated by charred paint exhibiting a dark amber to brown discoloration. [ Refer to Appendix *N' for troubleshooting ' data related to this event. 0926 H C-40 AO-5 Visible symptoms at Load Center PGB-L36, on which is the location of the breaker to the motor control center, include an 86 Lockout device actuated at Breaker PGB-L36C3 for Motor Control Center (MCC) PHB-M36. No other symptoms exist at the load center, which is located on the 100' elevation in the *B* Switchgear Room. l Refer to Appendix *N* for troubleshooting l data related to this event. 1 UPDAIL REV. 041693 EPTPRIN. 0.0 (11/92)

O O O 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 PAGE 21 TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEQUENCE NOTES 0930 (MALF] TH02A 0->0.26=600 sec Vll. The crew can no longer compen- The [MALF] will increase total RCS leakage (LOCA - Hot Leg Loop 2) sate for decreasing PZR level from 300 gpm to roughly 8,000 gpm over a due to the increasing RCS ten (10) minute time frame. leakage. All available charging pumps are running. 0932 i C-4b ELEC Message 'l* is the Electrical Maintenance follow-up to the PHB-M36 problem. When an electrician reports to the East Electrical Penetration Room to determine the extent of damage to MCC PHB-M36, he will essentially describe the same symptoms as noted by the Auxiliary Operator minutes ago. Upon opening the back panel on the MCC, he then reports evidence of massive arcing, resulting in insulation burn and , copper bus-work melt. Apparent is the  ! melting, or fusing together, of the "A" and

                                                                                                                                                              'B' phase bus-work at the strap locations.

The bus bars appear melted at that location, also. MCC chassis internal separators are charred to some degree. 0938 J C-1 b CRS 1. The Control Room NOTE: Safety Function Flowchart re-Supervisor (CRS) re-enters entry by the CRS is due to the Safety Function Flow- changing plant conditions and Chart (SFFC) and will ensure he takes actions diagnoses a Loss of that are necessary to provide Coolant Accident. He the crew with proper proced-implements 41EP-1ROO2. . ural guidance established for present plant conditions. EPIP REY. 0.0 111/92) UPDAIE REV. 041693

O O 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 OPAGE 28 TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM' TO EVENT SEQUENCE NOTES 0945 K C-3 EC 2. A Site Area Emergency NOTE: A Containment Spray Actuation (SAE) is declared per Signal (CSAS) will occur shortly EPIP-02 based on RCS due to containment pressure leakage > available increasing through the 8.5 psig charging pump capacity. 1020 [MALF) TH02A 0.26->16=60 sec Vill. The RCS break becomes much The [MALF] will increase total RCS leakage (LOCA - Hot Leg Loop 2) larger. SITS inject as pressure from 8,000 gpm to an equivalent RCS decreases to <100 psia and piping break. Total RCS blowdown time is containment pressure increases several seconds. to >30 psig. The Safety injection Tanks (SITS) passively inject at the 600 psia point and full RCS Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) injection takes place as RCS pressure decreases below the shutoff head of the ECCS pumps. Annunciation includes: SIT LVL Hi-Hl/LO-LO SIT PRESS Hi-Hl/LO-LO CNTMT SUMP WATER TEMP HI Hi-HI CNTMT PRESS (Pretrip and Trip) LEG 1-3/ LEG 2-4 CSAS A/B

                                                                                                          -    CSAS Safety Functions are being addressed by the LOCA Recovery Operating Procedure.

NOTE: All attempts to minimize any release which potentially could take place should be utilized. EPIP REY. 0.0 (11/92? UPDAIL REV. 041693

l O O 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 O PAGE 29 TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEOUENCE NOTES l l 1027 L C-3 EC 1. Outlet plenum (hot leg) Message 'L' will ensure that the EC voiding is indicated. The escalates the Emergency Classification to a EC must escalate the General Emergency. Outlet plenum voiding Emergency Classification to is indicative of providing a potential impact a General Emergency (GE). to the fuel cladding. 4 1040= [ REM FUNC] S114 CLOSE NOTE: Insert the [ REM FUNC] ontv if (Breaker for SIT 2A Isolation Valve requested, as an Auxiliary St-UV-614) Operator, to close the breaker (s) for the appropriate [ REM FUNC] S115 CLOSE motor operated valve (s). (Breaker for SlT 2B isolation Valve SI-UV-624) NOTE: Correlate AO actions via direct communications with the [ REM FUNC] S116 CLOSE Controller assigned to the (Breaker for SIT 1 A lsolation Valve person requested to perform SI-UV-634) the action. The timing of this action is dependent upon what [ REM FUNC] Sl17 CLOSE time the operators reach this (Breaker for SIT 1B isolation Valve point in the procedure. SI-UV-644) Anticipated response for staffing at this See

  • Column for Instructions point is an escalation in Emergency Response Facility personnel (Engineering) involvement in mitigation strategies for the event.

LPIP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REV. 041693

O O O 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 PAGE 3_0 TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEQUENCE NOTES 1100 [ REM FUNC] ED164 RESET M C-4c AO-5 NOTE: Insert both [ REM FUNC] in the (Reset Miscellaneous Plant Alarms) order listed when requested to place the B-D Charger on M42 [ REM FUNC] ED118 M42 AND only if this action had not (Place Class Charger B-D in/Out of yet taken place. Service) NOTE: This action must be pei*ormed See

  • NOTES" Column for instructions prior to failure of the 125 VDC Class 'B' Train bus.

1120 IX. A RAS is generated (at 7.4% This time is approximate due to operational RWT level) when the vast variables associated with pump flows. majority of the RWT contents have transferred to the contain- Actions tnat occur on a Recirculation ment via the RCS. ECCS pump Actuation Signal (RAS) at 7.4% Refueling suction lineups will be transferred Water Tank (RWI) level include automatic to the containment sump. termination of LPSI injection (LPSI pumps stop), automatic opening of the containment sump-to-ECCS suction valves, automatic closure of the ECCS pump recirculation valves, manual closure of the RWT-to-ECCS suction valves, and manual termination of charging. Both manual actions are directed by plant procedures. Annunciation includes: LEG 1-3/ LEG 2-4 RAS A/B RAS (BO5C) EPIP REY. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATL REY. 041693


1. With the previous loss of Maintaining core cooling has the higher PHB-M36, Train *B' ECCS priority, even though the pump exhibits equipment is unavailable for gross seal leakage.

use due to lack of a viable suction path for the pumps. Upon the RAS, RCS/ containment inventory The leaking Train 'A' HPSI will now be recirculated outside contain-Pump must be used. ment via the ECCS pumps and then back into the RCS for the first time during the l event. 1127 (MALFj ED11 A X. "A* Train ECCS pumps lose A phase-to-phase fault at the breaker stabs (4.16 KV Class Bus PBA-S03 Normal power due to 4.16 KV Class bus causes the Lockout condition on the bus. Supply BKR Trip) PBA-S03 receiving a Lockout. The last ECCS pump (s) which had been Core inventory depletes. running now stop(s), leaving the reactor core with no inventory makeup nor any cooling mechanism and containment with , no spray. Annunciations include: 4.16 KV 1E TR A SPLY BKR LKO TRIP 4.16 KV 1E TR A SWGR S03 TRBL

                                                                                                                                                                    -     UNDV A CH TRIP All supplied load center and motor control center "TRBL' alarms will annunciate.

It now becomes essential that either PHB-M36 or PBA-S03 is regained, since all core makeup has been lost. PHB-M36 is presently undergoing extensive repairs. Teams must work in parallel to faci!rtate repairs to both PHB-M36 and PBA-S03. At least one (1) of the two (2) components must be re-energized. EPIP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REV. 041693 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ . _ _ __ _ _ - ~ _ . - . . - _

O O 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 OPAGE 32 TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEQUENCE NOTES 1129 See ' NOTES" Column for Possible N C-4c AO-5 1. The crew summons an NOTE: Contingency actions by the Contingencies Auxiliary Operator to crew may occur within the next respond to the Class 4.16 half-hour as depicted on the KV bus trip. following pages. SIM inputs are required in these cases. The Auxiliary Operator dispatched to Class 4.16 KV bus PBA-S03 reports a 786 Lock-out device and a 750 Instantaneous Overcurrent actuated at Normal Supply Break 0r PBA-S03K. No other symptoms of damage are apparent at the equipment. 1135 [ REM FUNC] ED78 OFF O C-4c ELEC 2. The crew requests an NOTE: Insert the [ REM FUNC] in the (Breaker PBA-S03K Control Power) electrician to follow-up on sequence listed only if the AO's report and inves- requested to de-energize [ REM FUNC] ED41 RACK _OUT tigate further the cause of control power and rack out (Rack-in/ Rack-out Breaker PBA-S03K) the bus tnp. Breaker PBA-S03K. See

  • NOTES" Column for Instructions A plant electrician responds. Upon opening a bus panel, he reports that internal damage exists to the Normal Supply Breaker and its cubicle. The problem lies in a phase-to-phase (B-C) fault at the breaker stabs, causing the lockout condition on the bus. The breaker stab receptacles have minor damage, but only one (1) must be replaced. He estimates the cubicle bus-work can be repaired in about one (1) hour. He suggests the spare breaker can then be used after the cubicle bus-work is repaired.

UPDATE REV.. 041693 LPIP REV. 0.0 (11/92)

O O 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 OPAGE 33 TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEQUENCE NOTES 1142 [ REM FUNC] EG12 STOP 3. DG 'A' must be locally shut NOTE: Insert the [ REM FUNC] only if ('A' Diesel Emergency Stop) down within 15 minutes by requested. procedure due to no See

  • Column for Instructions cooling water supply. Refer to Appendix 'N' for information regarding this event.

NOTE: A Contingency Message is not provided for actions regarding the local manual trip of the Diesel Generator under this condition. Plant procedures provide cautions (i.e., "The emergency diesel generators will sustain damage if operated without cooling water for 15 minutes while unloaded, and if operated for 2 minutes and 36 seconds while loaded ') and they direct actions (i.e.,"if an essential spray pond pump for a running diesel generator cannot be started, then emergency stop that diesel generator.*) when a diesel generator is operating without a supply of cooling water. EPIP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REY. 041693

O O 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 O PAGE 3_4 TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEQUENCE NOTES [MALF) EG02A P C-4d AO-5 4. The operators may attempt NOTE: Insert the [MALF] if the crew (DG Differential Relay Trip) PBA-S03 re-energization re-energizes PBA-S03 with the with 'A' DG by reset of the 'A' DG. (The EDG is not See

  • NOTES" Column for instructions Normal Supply Breaker 786 designed to power a bus that Lockout and subsequent has a 4-10-4 fault.)

closure of PBA-S038. With Class 4.16 KV Bus PBA-S03 in a Loss-of-Power (LOP) condition, the crew may attempt to re-energize the bus via automatic closure of the Diesel Generator Output Breaker S03B. They would accomplish this by momentarily taking the

bus Normal Supply Breaker to the 'OPEN' position. This action resets any 86 lockout condition present and allows auto <losure of Breaker S038. After auto-closure of S038, an operator would then allow the bus Normal Supply Breaker switch to spring-return to the mid (neutral) position. If the lockout condition has not reset at this time, it would present itself again. However, with the Diesel Generator Output Breaker now closed, the BOP-ESFAS Sequencer in Mode 2, and the Diesel Generator in

! -Emergency-Run", Breaker S03B would remain closed and the Diesel Generator would continue to power the Class bus. Since the fault on PBA-S03 is phase-to-phase and since the Diesel Generator is not designed to carry this type of fault, the Generator will trip on

  • GENERATOR DIFFERENTIAL *. This entire event will occur only if the crew chooses to place the Diesel Generator on the Class bus in this manner. If this is the case, not enough time exists for Electrical Maintenance to adequately research the generator fault and EPIP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REY. 041693

O O O i 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 PAGE 35-TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEQUENCE NOTES remedy it to the point where the Diesel Generator could once again be utilized to supply power to Class Bus PBA-S03. Control Room indications are

  • annunciators on B0t as well as indications of the Diesel Generator not g

running (i.e., red handswitch light extinguished). I No direct operator response is expected for this condition nor is any Electrical Maintenance response expected. The Operations crew will subsequently direct their attention to re-energization of PHB-M36. If, however, the Auxiliary Operator is dispatched to the *A* Train Diesel Generator and/or its Control Panet Room to investigate, his report will encompass the following items: A. The Diesel Generator is STOPPED B. ' GENERATOR DIFFERENTIAL

  • annunciator lit i C. Differential Relay 87 orange light lit D. Lockout Relay BSD tripped w/

white light extinguished E. EMERGENCY MODE white light extinguished UPDAIE REv. 041f;33 EPIP REY. 0.0 (11/92)

O O 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 OPAGE 36 TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEQUENCE NOTES [MALF] SIO58 0->100=60 sec O C-4b A O-4 1. The operators may retain NOTE: Insert the [MALF) only if the (HPSI Pump Degraded Performance) the 'B' HPSI Pump suction crew continues core injection alignment with the RWT and with HPSI Pump *B' suction See " NOTES

  • Column for Instructions attempt to continue core aligned to the RWT. ([MALF]

injection. simulates degrading pump net positive suction head.)

a. Control Room With Class 4.16 KV Bus PBA-S03 in a Loss-parameters of-Power (LOP) condition the crew may appropriate to this attempt to realign the *B' Train HPSI Pump condition are a RED suction back to the RWT. Note that since a
                                                                                                                               ' Breaker Closed
  • RAS had been generated only minutes ago, indication at the pump the crew may have not yet aligned ECCS handswitch, minimum pump suction from the RWT to the amperes on the containment sump. They may elect to running pump motor, maintain a suction lineup from the RWT. If I little or no indicated this is the case. an ongoing decrease in pump discharge pump net positive suction head will pressure, and no HPSI eventually decrease pump flow to minimum.  ;

flow. Indications are appropriate for a running motor under no-load conditions. As a result, RCS inventory will begin to decrease. Operator response will be to secure HPSI Pump *B*. It is anticipated that the crew will t not pursue investigation of the pump problem, due to the likelihood that they will assume a loss of suction to the pump caused by a depleting RWT inventory. If the crew does send someone to invest-igate, they will report no visually identified problems. LPIP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDAIE REV. 041633


                                                                                                                                                                       'PAGE 32 TIME                  SIM INSTRUCTIONS                MSG FROM TO       EVENT SEQUENCE                                    NOTES 1200                                                             XI. Core uncovery begins as the        Plant engineers will be involved with core core has been without injection   uncovery and clad degradation projections.

for over one-ha!! hour.

1. CET temperatures begin to Since the Palo Verde Control Room indicate clad degradation. Simulator does not model core uncovery RMS readings support this. and the subsequent cladding damage that ensues, the RETACT module (CE RCS Model) will be suspended for approximately twenty (20) minutes beginning at this time.

Therefore, all Core Exit Thermocouple (CET) temperatures will be provided to the Control Room operators on hard copy data ca v3. All other Control Room indications win be unaffected. 1205 [MALF] RM01F 2. CPIAS occurs due to NOTE: Insert both [MALF] in the (RU-38 Output High) containment shine affecting sequence listed. the Radiation Monitoring [MALF] RM01E Sptem detectors. Detector radiation levels substantiate the (RU47 Output High) automatic actions taking place. A cross-trip to CREFAS will occur. See ' NOTES

  • Column for Instructions EPTP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REV. 041693

_ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - _ - _ _ . - ._ _ . . . .. , . . . . .~ .

O O 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 O PAGE 3_8 TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEQUENCE NOTES 1209 [MALF] RM01C 3. FBEVAS occurs due to Detector radiation levels substantiate the (RU-31 Output High) containment shine affecting automatic action taking place. A cross-trip the Radiation Monitoring to CREFAS will occur, even though System detector RU-31. CREFAS has already actuated. 1215 [MALF] ED11 A - { delete} 5 C-4c ELEC XII. Plant electricians remedy the NOTE: Insert the SIM inputs in the (4.16 KV Class Bus PBA-S03 Normal problem with the 4.16 KV Class sequence listed. Supply BKR Trip) bus PBA-S03 Normal Supply Breaker. The 786 Lockout is Appendix *N' provides data relating to the [ REM FUNC] ED103 RESET reset and Control Room repair efforts of PBA-S03. (Reset PBA-S03 Bus Lockout and UV cperators close the breaker. Relays) Power is restored to PBA-S03. The problem with the 4.16 KV Class bus PBA-S03 has been identified as a loose [ REM FUNC] ED41 RACK _IN stab connector on the Normal Supply (Rack-in/ Rack-out Breaker PBA-S03K) Breaker. This led to arcing and eventually the phase-to-phase fault in the breaker i [ REM FUNC] ED78 ON cubicle. The 4.16 KV Class bus PBA-S03 (Breaker PBA-S03K Control Power) has successfully been repaired. The bus l I has been meggered and no faults have ! [ REM FUNC] ED164 RESET been identified. The spare 4.16 KV breaker (Reset Miscellaneous Plant Alarms) has been inserted into the bus Normal l Supply Breaker cubicle. The Auxiliary See " NOTES

  • Column for instructions Operator has recorded his dropped relay flags and the actuated 750 Instantaneous Overcurrent relay, the 786 Lock-Out relay, and the Undervoltage relays have been checked and all have been reset by PR&C per their procedure. The bus is re-energized by Control Room operators.

Control Board parameters for PBA-S03 read normal EPIP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDAIE REV. 041693

O O 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 O PAGE 3_9 TIME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEQUENCE NOTES 1217 1. The *A* Train HPSI Pump is Radiological Field Assessment Teams are ' started to restore core continuing to monitor and sample the cooling. The introduction of radioactive discharge plume. The radio-high RCS activity into the active release concentration is higher than ventilation system via the expected due to degraded charcoal filter leaking HPSI pump seals efficiency caused by moisture entrainment commences a highly radio- from the *A* HPSI Pump Room environment active release from the Fuel since the SIAS occurrence over four-and-Building exhaust to the one-half (41) hours ago. environment. 1246 [ SPEC FUNC] OCTB01(181) { delete) 6 C-4b ELEC XIll. The problem with PHB-M36 has The problem with the Class Motor Control (Overcurrent Trip of PHB-M36) been identified and corrected. Center (MCC) PHB-M36 has been identified MCC preparatory work has been as a faulty *A* phase bus bar. It appears [ SPEC FUNC) DIRB01(181) { insert} done and the bus is ready for re- that the bus-section became loose when a (Reset OC Trip of PHB-M36) energization. bolt fell off, allowing the *A* phase bus bar to fa!! onto the *B* phase bus-work. This led to arcing and the eventual phase-to-phase fault inside the motor control center. PHB-M36 has since been repaired. The MCC has been meggered and no subse-quent faults have been identified. The Auxiliary Operator has recorded his dropped 786 Lockout relay for Breaker L36C3 at PGB-L36 and the actuated 786 - Lockout relay has been checked and has been reset by PR&C per their procedure. PHB-M36 is ready for re-energization by the Auxiliary Operator at PGB-L36. A coordinated effort among facilities personnel has taken place in the restor-ation of PHB-M36 due to the radiological conditions present on the 100' elevation of the East Electrical Penetration Room. EPIP Rtv. 0.0 (11/92) UPDATE REV. C41693

O O 1993 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE SCENARIO CONTROLLER GUIDE - REV 0511930700 OPAGE 40 YiME SIM INSTRUCTIONS MSG FROM TO EVENT SEQUENCE NOTES 1247 [ SPEC FUNC] DICB01(181) { insert} 1. Power is restored to NOTE: Insert the [ SPEC FUNC] only if (Manually Close PHB-M36 Breaker) PHB-M36, allowing the directed to re-energize transfer of core cooling from PHB-M36. Correlate AO See " NOTES

  • Column for instructions the leaking "A" Train pump actions via direct commun-to the intact *B' Train ications with the Controller equipment. assigned to the person requested to perform the action.
2. The offsite radioactive It is expected that Radiological Field release is terminated. Assessment Teams will notice a continual decrease in airbome activity as the plume dissipates over time.
3. Radiological Field RFAT dispatch will continue until the Assessment Teams will objective (s) performance can be continue to monitor and adequately evaluated.

sample the environment. The State of Arizona's Radiological Emergency Assistance Teams (REAT) will continue to monitor and sample the environment until all of their Exercise - objectives have been met.

                                                            -- EXERCISE TERMINATION          -

EPTP REV. 0.0 (11/92) UPDAIE REV. 041693

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l I I

                                                                     'l O                                                                       )





                                     ***       THIS IS A DRILL              ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0705 FROM: C-1 MSSG: 1 T0: CREW LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Shift Supervisor and his crew in the Simulator. It comprises shift turnover information: O MESSAGE: Plant Conditions: A. All three (3) Palo Verde units are operating at 100% power. Unit 3 has been at 100% power for the last jl0 days. The core is at JjLO EFPD (Unit 1 Cycle 2 Core Data Book). The , normal, shittly surveillances will be scheduled accordingly. B. Station Services personnel are performing lighting PMs in the Auxiliary Building. C. *B* LPSI Pump is out of service for a failed pump seal. It has been INOPERABLE for 12 hours and is expected back for retest in approximately 15 hours. The pump had to have its pump casing pulled, its impelier dropped, and the stuffing box extension removed. Mechanics are sizing up the status of the failed seal at this time. Plans call for the seal to be removed, the pump shaft and seal casing to be reworked, and the new seal installed. Mechanics will then evaluate replacement of the backup seal at that time. Technical Specification LCO 3.5.2 ACTION *a* was entered 12 hours ago. A TSCCR on the pump was initiated by the STA. D. Both ERFDADS Host Computers are out of service; one Host has a defective CPU board and the other Host has recently been receiving memory parity errors Troubleshooting by OCS is under way on both computers. O E. Operations Management has requested that 100% full power operation be maintained. They would like to be informed when the *B" LPSI Pump is ready for retest. PAGE 2 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                  ***       THIS IS A DRILL              ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0705 FROM: C-1 MSSG: 1 T0: CREW LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) MESSAGE: Plant Conditions: A. All three (3) Palo Verde units are operating at 100% power. Unit 3 has been at 100% power O for the last,110 days. The core is at150 5 EFPD (Unit 1 Cycle 2 Core Data Book). The normal, shiftly surveillances will be scheduled accordingly. B. Station Services personnel are performing lighting PMs in the Auxiliary Building. C. "B" LPSI Pump is out of service for a failed pump seal. It has been INOPERABLE for 12 hours and is expected back for retest in approximately 15 hours. The pump had to have its pump casing pulled, its impeller dropped, and the stuffing box extension removed. Mechanics are sizing up the status of the failed seal at this time. Plans call for the seal to be removed, the pump shaft and seal casing to be reworked. and the new seat installed. Mechanics will then evaluate replacement of the backup seal at that time. Technical Specification LCO 3.5.2 ACTION "a" was entered 12 hours ago. A TSCCR on the pump was initiated by the STA. D. Both ERFDADS Host Compders are out of service; one Host has a defective CPU board and the other Host has recently been receiving memory parity errors. Troubleshooting by OCS is under way on both computers. E. Operations Management has requested that 100% full power operation be maintained. They would like to be informed when the "B" LPSI Pump is ready for retest. O PAGE 3 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                       ***      THIS IS A DRILL               ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0710 FROM: 0-1 MSSG: 2 T0: SS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Shift Supervisor in the Simulator immediately after the conveyance of shift turnover information: MESSAGE: As Emergency Response Facilities become activated and manned during the course of this Exercise, please pass the following information to the managers and key players as required: A. Although this entire Exercise is simulated as taking place in Unit 3, procedures applicable to Unit 1 will be used LAW standard Simulator practices. B. All radiological information will be presented via hard copy data cards. The Control Room RMS minicomputer will not be used. After shift turnover,15-20 minutes will be allowed for familiarization with the status and conditions of the control boards and for the Auxiliary Operators to arrive on station and assume their watch duties. If an initial log entry sheet has not been prepared, then you may prepare one. The Exercise Timeline will begin at 0730.




                                         ***      THIS IS A DRILL               ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS , TIME: 0710 FROM: C-1 MSSG: 2 TO: SS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) MESSAGE: As Emergency Response Facilities become activated and manned during the course of this Exercise, please pass the following information to the managers and key players as required: C. Although this entire Exercise is simulated as taking place in Unit 3, procedures applicable to Unit 1 will be used IAW standard Simulator practices. D. All radiological information will be presented via hard copy data cards. The Control Room RMS minicomputer will not be used. After shift turnover,15-20 minutes will be allowed for familiarization with the status and conditions of the control boards and for the Auxiliary Operators to arrive on station and assume their watch duties. If an initial log entry sheet has not been prepared, then you may prepare one. The Exercise Timeline will begin at 0730. t nv PAGE 5 UPDATE REY. 041593 ,


                                   ***       THIS IS A DRILL             ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0742 FROM: C-4a MSSG: 3 TO: A0-2 LOCT: 100' Elev - Turbine Blda-West CONTROLLER (5) INSTRUCTION: NOTE: The Area-2 Auxiliary Operator may not have been contacted by Control Room personnel to respond to and check out an EH problem. Contingency Message "A" for the Area-2 AO will have him located in the EH equipment area. Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Area-2 Auxiliary Operator or his alternate, only if he has been requested to respond to the EH problem AND is now located in the area of the EH equipment: MESSAGE: EH fluid is spraying profusely from the bonnet of the check valve immediately downstream of CON-P01 A at the EHC skid down on the 100' elevation of the Turbine Building. The tank level indicates empty, o PAGE 6 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                   ***      THIS IS A DRILL             ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0742 FROM: C-4a MSSG: 3 T0: A0-2 LOCT: 100' Elev - Turbine Blda-West MESSAGE: EH fluid is spraying profusely from the bonnet of the check valve immed!ately downstream of CON-P01 A at the EHC skid down on the 100' elevation of the Turbine Building. The tank level indicates empty. O O FAGt 7 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                     ***       THIS IS A DRILL             ***                                  -

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0742 FROM: C-4a MSSG: A T0: A0-2 LOCT: 100' Elev - Turbine Blda-West CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: NOTE: The Area-2 Auxiliary Operator may not have been contacted by Control Room personnel to respond to and check out an EH problem, if this is the case, this message will present the Area-2 AO with the opportunity to locate himself at the EH equipment area. Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Area-2 Auxiliary Operator or his alternate, onIV if he is not within sight of the EH equipment: MESSAGE: A shrill noise inherent with that of a high pressure system breach can be heard from the direction of the west end of the Turbine Building on the 100' elevation. t 1 I O PAGE 8 UPDATE REV. 041693 l


                                      ***       THIS IS A DRILL             ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0742 FROM: C-4a MSSG: A T0: A0-2 LOCT: 100' Elev - Turbine Bldo 14est MESSAGE: A shrill noise inherent with that of a high pressure system breach can be heard from the direction of the west end of the Turbine Building on the 100' elevation. O O PAGE 9 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                     ***      THIS IS A DRILL           ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0744 FROM: C-4a MSSG: 4 T0: A0-2 LOCT: 100' Elev - Turbine Blda-West CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Area-2 Auxiliary Operator or his alternate: O MESSAGE: You've just heard a large bang from a direction above the 100' elevation located towards the west end of the Turbine Building. When you arrive in the area: the area is filled with steam ,

           -      the steam is starting to dissipate you are not injured no one else appears to be injured i

i i O PAGE 10 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                    ***      THIS IS A DRILL            ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0744 FROM: C-4a MSSG: 4 T0: A0-2 LOCT: 100' Elev - Turbine Blda-West MESSAGE: You've just heard a large bang from a direction above the 100' elevation located towards the west end of the Turbine Building. When you arrive in the area: the area is filled with steam the steam is starting to dissipate you are not injured , no one else appears to be injured PAGE 11 UPDATE REV. D41693


                                 ***       THIS IS A DRILL             ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS ~ TIME: 0756 FROM: C-la MSSG: B T0: SS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Shift Supervisor, only when directed by the Exercise Lead Controller: MESSAGE: Declare a Notification of Unusual Event (NUE) due to valid low pressure ESFAS actuations per EPIP-02, Appendix 'A", Table-3. i l I O PAGE 12 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                 ***       THIS IS A DRILL             ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS l TIME: 0756 FROM: C-la i MSSG: B T0: SS I LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) I l l MESSAGE: Declare a Notification of Unusual Event (NUE) due to valid low pressure ESFAS actuations per EPIP-02, Appendix "A", Table-3. O .


O PAGE 13 UPDATE REV. 041693 , I


                                                                    ***    THIS IS A DRILL                ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0810 FRON: C-la MSSG: C TO: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Control Room Supervisor (CRS), only when directed by the Exercise Lead Controller, AND_o_n,y_lf n1 a leak rate deterrnination has not yet been directed: O MESSAGE: Due to indications of slowly developing RCS leakage (i.e., decreasing PZR levef, decreasing PZR pressure), direct the Prirnary Operator (PO) to perform 41 AO-12Z14, Excessive RCS Leakrate, Section 2. I O PAGE 14 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                    ***      THIS IS A DRILL              ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0810 FROM: C-la MSSG: C TO: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) MESSAGE: Due to indications of slowly developing RCS leakage (i.e., decreasing PZR level, decreasing PZR pressure), direct the Primary Operator (PO) to perform 41 AO-1ZZ14, Excessive RCS Leakrate, Section 2. O O PAGE 15 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                  ***      THIS IS A DRILL             ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0830 FROM: C-la MSSG: D TO: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Control Room Supervisor (CRS), only if a leak rate determination has not been performed AND RCS leakage in excess of 44 gpm has not been determined: O MESSAGE: An RCS leak rate determination has been performed by a Reactor Operator in accordance with 41 AO-1ZZ14, Excessive RCS Leakrate, Section 2, and has logged the following data: PZR level / pressure constant over 15 min. Related valves positioned accordingly No VCT makeup / diversion occurred No primary systems sampling occurred

  • RCS temperatures constant over 15 min.

VCT level change over 15 min: -24.1 % l O PAGE 16 UPDATE REV. 041693 1 1


                                     ***      THIS IS A DRILL             ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0830 FROM: C-la MSSG: D T0: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) MESSAGE: An RCS leak rate determination has been performed by a Reactor Operator in accordance with 41 AO-1ZZ14, Excessive RCS Leakrate, Section 2, and has logged the following data: b g

  • PZR level / pressure constant over 15 min.

Related valves positioned accordingly No VCT makeup / diversion occurred No primary systems sampling occurred RCS temperatures constant over 15 min. VCT level change over 15 min: -24.1 % l O V PAGE 17 UPDATE REV. 041693 l l


                                     ***    THIS IS A DRILL               ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0838 FROM: C-la MSSG: E T0: SS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: NOTE: An ALERT Classification requires notifications by the STSC Communicator IAW EPlP-04, as well as activation of the OSC, TSC, and EOF. Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Shift Supervisor /EC, only as directed by the Exercise Lead Controller AND only if the Shift Supervisor /EC has not yet declared an ALERT: MESSAGE: Declare an ALERT due to RCS leakage > 44 gpm per EPIP42, Appendix "A", Table-1. 9 O PAGE 18 UPDATE REV. 041693 .


                                    ***      THIS IS A DRILL           ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0838 FROM: C-la MSSG: E TO: SS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) MESSAGE: Declare an ALERT due to RCS leakage > 44 gpm per EPIP-02, Appendix "A", Table-1. , O PAGE 19 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                   ***       THIS IS A DRILL                ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0906 FROM: C-4b MSSG: F TO: A0-4 LOCT: 51' Elev - Auxiliary Blda CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION,: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Area 4 Auxiliary Operator or his alternate, on!v if he has been directed to investigate seal leakage problems with the "A" Train HPSI Pump: O MESSAGE: Visible symptoms at the pump include profuse leakage from the pump shaft area on both pump ends.- Water is spraying everywhere. The entire room is doused with water. The floor drains appear to be handling the water effluent, and the floor sump indicates about half full. PAGE 20 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                  ***        THIS IS A DRILL                ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0906 FROM: C-4b HSSG: F T0: A0-4 LOCT: 51' Elev - Auxiliary Blda ME_SSAGE: Visible symptorns at the pump include profuse leakage from the pump shaft area on both pump ends. Water is spraying everywhere. The entire room is doused with water. The floor drains appear to be handling the water effluent, and the floor sump indicates about half full. O O PAGE 21 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                     ***     THIS IS A DRILL               ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0926 FROM: C-4b HSSG: G TO: A0-4 LOCT: 100' Elev - East Elec Pen Room CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Area 4 Auxiliary Operator or his alternate, only if he has been directed to investigate the trip of Class Motor Control Center (MCC) PHB-M36 AND is located within sight of PHB-M36 on the 100' elevation in the East Electrical Penetration Room: O liESSAGE: Visible symptoms at MCC PHB-M36 include signs of insulation burn, i.e., smell and a slight haze in the air, Visible signs of internal arcing are apparent on the outside of the motor control center panels, as indicated by charred paint exhibiting a dark amber to brown discoloration. l PAGE 72 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                      ***      THIS IS A DRILL               ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0926 FROM: C-4b MSSG: G T0: A0-4 LOCT: 100' Elev - East Elec Pen Room MESSAGE: Visible symptoms at MCC PHB-M36 include signs of insulation burn, i.e., smell and a slight haze in the air. Visible signs of internal arcing are apparent on the outside of the motor control center panels, as indicated g- by charred paint exhibiting a dark amber to brown discoloration. Nlg O . PAGE 23 UPDATE REY. 041693


                                     ***     THIS IS A DRILL             ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0926 FROM: C-4c MSSG: H TO: A0-5 LOCT: 100' Elev "B" SWGR Psoom CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Area-5 Auxiliary Operator or his alternate, on!v if he has been ' directed to investigate the trip of Class Motor Control Center (MCC) PHB-M36 AND is located within sight g of PGB-L36 on the 100' elevation in the "B" Switchgear Room: U HESSAGE: Visible symptoms at Load Center PGB-L36 include an 86 Lockout device actuated at Breaker PGB-L36C3 for Motor Control Center PHB-M36. There are no other symptoms present. 1 O l l PAGE 24 UPDATE REV. 041693 i


                               ***      THIS IS A DRILL               ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS r TIME: 0926 FROM: C-4c MSSG: H T0: A0-5 LOCT: 100' Elev "B" SWGR Room MESSAGE: Visible symptoms at Load Center PGB-L36 include an 86 Lockout device actuated at Breaker PGB-L36C3 for Motor Control Center PHB-M36. There are no other symptoms present. O O . PAGE 25 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                      ***      THIS IS A DRILL               ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0932 FROM: C-4b MSSG: I TO: ELEC LOCT: 100' Elev - East Elec Pen Room CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: NOTE: Refer to Appendix "N' for troubleshooting data related to this event. A brief description to the electrician citing physical evidence and/or visible symptoms at the MCC may be p required. Allow the electrician to view the pertinent Appendix "N" sketch with you to further clarity the visible symptoms. Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Lead Plant Electrician or his alternate, only if he has been directed to investigate the trip of Class Motor Control Center (MCC) PHB-M36 AND is located within sight of PHB-M36 on the 100' elevation in the East Electrical Penetration Room: MESSAGE: Visible symptoms at MCC PHB-M36 include signs of insulation burn, i.e., smell and a slight haze in the air. Visible signs of internal arcing are apparent on the outside of the panels. Inside the panel is evidence of massive arcing, resulting in insulation burn and copper bus-work melt. Apparent is the melting, or fusing together, of the "A" and 'B" phase bus-work at the strap locations. The l bus bars appear melted at that location, also. MCC chassis internal separators are charred to some degree. l i l PAGE 26 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                    ***      THIS IS A DRILL               ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0932 FROM: C-4b MSSG: I T0: ELEC LOCT: 100' Elev - East Elec Pen Room MESSAGE: Visible symptoms at MCC PHB-M36 include signs of insulation bum, i.e., smell and a slight haze in the air. Visible signs of internal arcing are apparent on the outside of the panels, inside the panel is evidence of massive arcing, resulting in insulation burn and copper bus-work melt. Apparent is the melting, or fusing together, of the "A" and "B" phase bus-work at the strap locations. The bus bars appear melted at that location, also. MCC chassis internal separators are charred to some degree. O PAGE 27 UfDATE REV. 041693


                              ***      THIS IS A DRILL    ***



                            ***     THIS IS A DRILL    ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS Wi!ICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0938 FROM: C-lb MSSG: J T0: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) MESSAGE: { deleted} O t b l O e m ,, uro m m . m m ;


                                   ***     THIS IS A DRILL              ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0945 FROM: C-3 MSSG: K TO: EC LOCT: Technical Support Center CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Emergency Coordinator, as directed by the Exercise Lead Controller AND only if the Emergency Coordinator has not yet declared a Site Area Emergency (SAE): O MESSAGE: Declare a Site Area Emergency (SAE) per EPIP42, Appendix "A", Table-1 due to RCS leakage > available charging pump capacity. O l PAGE 30 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                ***      THIS IS A DRILL            ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0945 FROM: C-3 MSSG: K TO: EC LOCT: Technical Support Center MESSAGE: Declare a Site Area Emergency (SAE) per EPIP42, Appendix "A", Table-1 due to RCS leakage > available charging pump capacity. O O PAGE 31 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                  ***    THIS IS A DRILL             ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1028 FROM: C-3 MSSG: L TO: EC LOCT: Technical Support Center CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Emergency Coordinator, as directed by the Excrcise Lead Controller AND on!v if the Emergency Coordinator has not yet declared a General Emergency (qEj: O  : MESSAGE: Declare a General Emergency (QE) per EPIP-02, Appendix "A", Table-1 due to outlet plenum (hot leg) voiding. P b O PAGE 32 UPDATE REV. 041693


                              ***      THIS IS A DRILL            ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1028 FROM: C-3 MSSG: L T0: EC LOCT: Technical Support Center MESSAGE: Declare a General Emergency (GE) per EPIP-02, Appendix 'A", Table-1 due to outlet plenum (hot leg) voiding. O


l O PAGE 33 UPDATE REV. 041693 i


                                  ***      THIS IS A DRILL        ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1100 FROM: C-lb MSSG: M T0: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: NOTE: COMMUNICATION WITH THE LEAD CONTROLLER REGARDING ACTIONS CONTAINED IN THIS MSSG IS MANDATORY PRIOR TO INITIATION OF THIS INSTRUCTION. Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Control Room Supervisor (CRS), only if he has not yet directed that Class Charger B-D be aligned to supply M42: MESSAGE: Direct an operator to align Class Charger B-D to supply M42. 1 1 O PAGE 34 UPDATE REV. 041693 I

                                                                                                 's APPENDIX - B                            PALO VERDE MESSAGES O


                                  ***      THIS IS A DRILL        ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1100 FROM: C-lb MSSG: M TO: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) MESSAGE: Direct an operator to align Class Charger B-D to supply M42. O t i O PAGE 35 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                     ***      THIS IS A DRILL            ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1130 FROM: C-4c MSSG: N T0: A0-5 LOCT: 100' Elev "A" SWGR Room CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Area-5 Auxiliary Operator or his alternate, only if he has been directed to investigate the trip of 4.16 KV Class bus PBA-S03 AND is located within sight of PBA-S03 on the 100' elevation in "A" Train Switchgear Room: O MESSAGE: Visible symptoms at 4.16 KV Class bus PBA-S03 include a 786 Lockout device and a 750 instantaneous Overcurrent actuated at Normal Supply Breaker PBA-S03K. There are no other symptoms present. l O I PAGE 36 UPDATE REV. 041693 1


                                   ***      THIS IS A DRILL           ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1130 FROM: C-4c HSSG: N TO: A0-5 LOCT: 100' Elev "A" SWGR Room MESSAGE: Visible symptoms at 4.16 KV Class bus PBA-S03 include a 786 Lockout device and a 750 Instantaneous Overcurrent actuated at Normal Supply Breaker PBA-S03K. There are no other symptoms present. O (/ PAGE 37 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                        ***     THIS IS A DRILL            ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1135 FROM: C-4c MSSG: 0 T0: ELEC LOCT: 100' Elev "A" SWGR Room CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Lead Plant Electrician or his alternate, only if he has been directed to investigate the trip of 4.16 KV Class bus PBA-S03 AND is located within sight of PBA-S03 on the 100' elevation in "A" Train Switchgear Room: MESSAGE: Visible symptoms at 4.16 KV Class bus PBA-S03 include a 786 Lockout device and a 750 Instantaneous Overcurrent actuated at Normal Supply Breaker PBA S03K. There are no other symptoms present. Internally, damage exists to the Normal Supply Breaker and its cubicle. The problem lies in a phase-to-phase (B-C) fault at the breaker stabs, causing the lockout condition on the bus. The breaker stab ' receptacles have minor damage, but only one (1) must be replaced. The cubicle bus-work can be repaired in about one (1) hour. O PAGE 38 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                    ***     THIS IS A DRILL             ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1135 FROM: C-4c HSSG: 0 T0: ELEC LOCT: 100' Elev "A" SWGR Room MESSAGE: Visible symptoms at 4.16 KV Class bus PBA-S03 include a 786 Lockout device and a 750 Instantaneous Overcurrent actuated at Normal Supply Breaker PBA-S03K. There are no other symptoms present. Internally, damage exists to the Normal Supply Breaker and its cubicle. The problem lies in a phase-to-phase (B-C) fault at the breaker stabs, causing the lockout condition on the bus. The breaker stab receptacles have minor damage, but only one (1) must be replaced. The cubicle bus-work can be repaired in about one (1) hour. O PAGE 39 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                    ***       THIS IS A DRILL               ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1127-1142 FROM: C-4d MSSG: P T0: A0-5 LOCT: 100' Elev "A" DG Room CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: NOTE: The timing of this MSSG is dependent on when Control Room personnel attempt, if applicable, a Diesel Generator output breaker closure. Coordination of this MSSG delivery must take olace with the Exercise Lead Controller. Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Area-5 Auxiliary Operator or his alternate, only if he has been directed to investigate a GENERATOR DIFFERENTIAL TRIP of the "A" Emergency Diesel Generator AND is located within sight of the "A" Diesel Generator Local Control Panel on the 100' elevation in "A" Train Diesel Generator Room: MESSAGE: The "A" Emergency Diesel Generator is stopped. The following indications are present on the local Control Panel for the "A" Emergency Diesel Generator: A. The " GENERATOR DIFFERENTIAL" annunciator is lit B. Differential Relay 87 orange light is lit C. Lockout Relay 86D is tripped and the white light is extinguished D. The EMERGENCY MODE white light is extinguished O PAGE 40 UPDATE REV, 041693


                                      ***     THIS IS A DRILL                ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1127-1142 FROM: C-4d MSSG: P TO: A0-5 LOCT: 100' Elev " A" DG Room MESSAGE: The "A" Emergency Diesel Generator is stopped. The following indications are present on the local Control Panel for the "A" Emergency Diesel Generator: A. The " GENERATOR DIFFERENTIAL" annunciator is lit B. Differential Relay 87 orange light is lit C. Lockout Relay 86D is tripped and the white light is extinguished D. The EMERGENCY MCDE white light is extinguished O v PAGE 41 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                   ***       THIS IS A DRILL            ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1127-1142 FROM: C-4b MSSG: 0 (aue) T0: A0-4 LOCT: 51' Elev - Auxiliary Bldo CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: NOTE: The timing of this MSSG is dependent on when Control Room personnel attempt, if applicable, to retain the "B" HPSI Pump suction alignment with the RWL Coordination of this MSSG delivery must take place with the Exercise Lead Controller. O Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Area-4 Auxiliary Operator or his alternate, only if he has been directed to investigate a problem with the "B" Train HPSI Pump AND is located within sight of the "B" Train HPSI Pump on the 51' elevation in "B" HPSI Pump Room: MESSAG": The "B" HPSI Pump appears normal. There are no symptoms of any problems.  ; i l 1 PAGE 42 UPDATE REY. 041693 I


                              ***      THIS IS A DRILL            ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1127-1142 FRON: C-4b MSSG: 0 (oue) TO: A0-4 LOCT: 51' Elev - Auxiliary Blda MESSAGE: The "B" HPSI Pump appears normal. There are no symptoms of any problems. O O PAGE 43 UPDATE REY. 041693


                                                               ***      THIS IS A DRILL               ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1214 FROM: C-4c MSSG: 5 T0: ELEC t LOCT: 100' Elev "A" SWGR Room CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Lead Plant Electrician or his alternate who is working on the 4.16 KV Class bus PBA-S03: O MESSAGE: The problem with the 4.16 KV Class bus PBA-S03 has been a loose stab connector on the Normal Supply Breaker. This led to arcing and eventually the phase-to-phase fault in the breaker cubicle. The 4.16 KV Class bus PBA-S03 has successfully been repaired. The bus has been meggered and no faults have been identified. The spare 4.16 KV breaker has been inserted into the bus Normal Supply Breaker cubicle. The Auxiliary Operator has recorded his dropped relay flags in his log and the actuated 750 Instantaneous Overcurrent relay, the 786 Lockout relay, and the Undervoltage relays have been checked and all have been reset by PR&C per their procedure. The bus is now ready for re-energization. O PAGE 44 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                   ***       THIS IS A DRILL              ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1214 FROM: C-4c MSSG: 5 TO: ELEC LOCT: 100' Elev "A" SWGR Room MESSAGE: The problem with the 4.16 KV Class bus PBA-S03 has been identified as a loose stab connector on the Normal Supply Breaker. This led to arcing and eventually the phase-to-phase fault in the breaker cubicle. The 4.16 KV Class bus PBA-S03 has successfully been repaired. The bus has been meggered and no faults have been identified. The spare 4.16 KV breaker has been inserted into the bus Normal Supply Breaker Os cubicle. The Auxiliary Operator has recorded his dropped relay flags in his log and the actuated 750 Instantaneous Overcurrent relay, the 786 Lockout relay, and the Undervoltage relays have been checked and all have been reset by PR&C per their procedure. The bus is now ready for re-energization. O PAGE 45 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                  ***       THIS IS A DRILL              ***

TAKE N0 ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1245 FROM: C-4b MSSG: 6 T0: ELEC LOCT: 100' Elev - East Elec Pen Room CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Lead Plant Electrician or his alternate who is working on the Class Motor Control Center PHB-M36: O MESSAGE: The problem with the Class Motor Control Center (MCC) PHB-M36 has been identified as a faulty "A" phase bus bar. It appears that the bus-section became loose when a bolt fell off, allowing the "A" phase bus bar to fall onto the "B" phase bus-work. This led to arcing and the eventual phase-to-phase fault inside the motor control center. PHB-M36 has since successfully been repaired. The MCC has been meggered and no subsequent faults have been identified. The Auxiliary Operator has recorded his dropped 786 Lockout relay for Breaker L36C3 at PGB-L36 and the actuated 786 Lockout relay has been checked and has been reset by PR&C per their procedure. PHB-M36 is now ready for re-energization at Breaker L36C3. O PAGE 46 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                  ***       THIS IS A DRILL              ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1245 FROM: C-4b MSSG: 6 TO: El.EC LOCT: 100' Elev - East Elec Pen Room MESSAGE: The problem with the Class Motor Control Center (MCC) PHB.M36 has been identified as a faulty *A" phase bus bar. It appears that the bus-section became loose when a bolt fell off, allowing the 'A' phase bus bar to fall onto the "B" phase bus-work. This led to arcing and the eventual phase-to-phase fault inside the O motor control center. PHB-M36 has since successfully been repaired. The MCC has been meggered and no subsequent faults have been identified. The Auxiliary Operator has recorded his dropped 786 Lockout relay for Breaker L36C3 at PGB-L36 and the actuated 786 Lockout relay has been checked and has been reset by PR&C per their procedure. PHB-M36 is now ready for re-energi2ation at Breaker L36C3. O PAGE 47 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                  ***                 THIS IS A DRILL         ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0740 FROM: C-la MSSG: 0740SIM TO: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Control Room Supervisor (CRS), as directed by the Exercise Lead Controller AND only if the Sirnulator has failed during its course of Exercise operations: O MESSAGE: The following annunciators are in the " ALARM" condition: B06: LO EH FLUID PRESSURE LO-LO EH FLUID TANK LEVEL l O PAGE 48 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                 ***       THIS IS A DRILL       ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0740 FROM:- C-la MSSG: 0740SIM T0: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) MESSAGE: The foHowing annunciators are in the " ALARM" condition: B06: LO EH FLUID PRESSURE O LO-LO EH FLUID TANK LEVEL i i O , PAGE 49 UPDATE REV. 041093


                                  ***       THIS IS A DRILL               ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0742 FROM: C-la MSSG: 0742SIM T0: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Contrci Room Supervisor (CRS), as directed by the Exercise Lead Controller AND only if the Simulator has failec; during its course of Exercise operations: O MESSAGE: The following annunciators are in the " ALARM" condition: B04: REAC TRIP (CEDMCS BUS UNDV) REAC SWGR CKT BKR OPEN REAC OR GEN INIT TRIP LPD HI B05: HI LPD CH PRE-TRIP  ; HI LPD CH TRIP LO SG 1 PRESS CH PRE-TRIP LO SG 2 PRESS CH PRE-TRIP LO SG 1 PRESS CH TRIP i LO SG 2 PRESS CH TRIP HI PZR PRESS CH PRE-TRIP LO PZR PRESS CH PRE-TRIP LO PZR PRESS CH TRIP RPS INIT LEG 1-3/ LEG 2-4 SIAS A/B LEG 1-3/ LEG 2-4 CIAS A/B LEG 1-3/ LEG 2-4 MSIS A/B SIAS / CIAS / MSIS , 806: MN TURB TRIP PAGE 50 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                    ***        THIS IS A DRILL    ***



                                      ***       THIS IS A DRILL               ***                                      ,

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0801 FROM: C-la MSSG: 0801SIM T0: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) 4 CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Control Room Supervisor (CRS), as directed by the Exercise Lead Controller AND only if the Simulator has failed during its course of Exercise operations: O . MESSAGE: The following annunciators are in the ' ALARM" condition: B04: PZR TRBL PZR LVL HI-LO B07: CNTMT SUMPS TRBL CNTMT SUMPS EXCESS LEAKAGE - t n O PAGE $2 UPDAIL REV. 041693


                                     ***     THIS IS A DRILL        ***



                                  ***       THIS IS A DRILL              ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0906 FROM: C-la MSSG: 0906SIM T0: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Control Room Supervisor (CRS), as directed by the Exercise Lead Controller AND only if the Simulator has failed during its course of Exercise operations: O MESSAGE: The following annunciators are in the ' ALARM

  • condition:



                                   ***        THIS IS A DRILL      ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0906 FROM: C-la MSSG: 0906SIM TO: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) MESSAGE: The following annunciators are in the ' ALARM" condition: B02: HPSI ROOM A LVL HI \ t e O PAGE 55 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                    ***       THIS IS A DRILL              ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 0924 FROM: C-la HSSG: 0924SIM TO: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Control Room Supervisor (CRS), as directed by the Exercise Lead Controller AND only if the Simulator has failed during its course of Exercise operations: O MESSAGE: The following annunciators are in the " ALARM

  • condition:

B01: 125V 1E CC M42 CHRG B/BD PNL D22 TRBL 480 VOLT 1E TR B LC L36 TRBL O PAGE 56 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                    ***       THIS IS A DRILL       ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: _0924 FROM: C-la MSSG: 0924SIM T0: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) MESSAGE: The following annunciators are in the " ALARM" condition: Bot: 125V 1E CC M42 CHRG 8/BD PNL D22 TRBL O 480 VOLT 1E TR B LC L36 TRBL lO l l PAGE 57 UPDATE REY. 041693 '


                                    ***      THIS IS A DRILL                 ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS UHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS - TIME: 1020 FROM: C-la MSSG: 1020SIM TO: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) , CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: , Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Control Room Supervisor (CRS), as directed by the Exercise , Lead Controller AND only if the Simulator has failed during its course of Exercise operations: > O MESSAGE: The following annunciators are in the " ALARM" condition: B02: SIT LVL HI-Hl/LO-LO SIT PRESS Hi Hl/LO-LO CNTMT SUMP WATER TEMP HI B05: Hi-Hi CNTMT PRESS CH PRE-TRIP HI-HI CNTMT PRESS CH TRIP l LEG 1-3/ LEG 2-4 CSAS A/B CSAS l O PAGE 58 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                    ***      THIS IS A DRILL        ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1020 FROM: C-la MSSG: 1020SIM T0: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) MESSAGE: The following annunciators are in the

  • ALARM' condition:



                                  ***      THIS IS A DRILL                ***

TAKE N0 ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1120 FROM: C-la MSSG: 1120SIM T0: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Control Room Supervisor (CRS), as directed by the Exercise Lead Controller AND only if the Simulator has failed during its course of Exercise operations: O MESSAGE: The following annunciators are in the ' ALARM" condition: B05: LEG 1-3/ LEG 2-4 RAS A/B RAS l 4 O PAGE S0 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                  ***       THIS IS A DRILL        ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS , TIME: 1120 FROM: C-la MSSG: 1120SIM TO: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) NESSAGE: The following annunciators are in the " ALARM

  • condition:

B05: O LEG 1-3/ LEG 2-4 RAS A/B RAS t PAGE 61 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                  ***       THIS IS A DRILL              ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1127 FROM: C-la MSSG: 1127SIM T0: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Control Room Supervisor (CRS), as directed by the Exercise Lead Controller AND only if the Simulator has failed during its course of Exercise operations: O O MESSAGE: The following annunciators are in the " ALARM

  • conditien:

B01: 4.16 KV 1E TR A SPLY ' ' LKO TRIP 4.16 KV 1E TR A SWGR ,1 TRBL UNDV A CH TRIP O  : l


PAGE 62 UPDATE REV. 041693 i


                                  ***      THIS IS A DRILL        ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS i TIME: 1127 FROM: C-la MSSG: 1127SIM T0: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.)  : MESSAGE: The following annunciators are in the " ALARM' condition: , B01: 4.16 KV 1E TR A SPLY BKR LKO TRIP O 4.16 KV 1E TR A SWGR S03 TRBL UNDV A CH TRIP PAGE G3 UPDATE REV. 041693



                                    ***       THIS IS A DRILL               ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1205 FROM: C-la MSSG: 1205SIM T0: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) CONTROLLER (S) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Control Room Supervisor (CRS), as directed by the Exercise Lead Controller AND only if the Simulator has failed during its course of Exercise operations: MESSAGE: The following annunciators are in the " ALARM" condition: B05: CPIAS B CPIAS A Hi CNTMT RAD CH TRIP CREFAS A CREFAS B l l l O PAGE 64 UPDATE REV. 041593


                                    ***      THIS IS A DRILL        ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1205 FROM: C-la MSSG: 1205SIM T0: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) MESSAGE: The following annunciators are in the " ALARM" condition: ( B05: CPIAS B CPIAS A HI CNTMT RAD CH TRIP CREFAS A CREFAS B s PAGE t 5 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                  ***      THIS IS A DRILL                ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1209 FROM: C-la MSSG: 12095IM TO: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) CONTROLLERiS) INSTRUCTION: Direct the MSSG on the following page to the Control Room Supervisor (CRS), as directed by the Exercise Lead Contrci;er AND only if the Simulator has failed during its course of Exercise operations: O MESSAGE: The following annunciators are in the " ALARM" ondition: B05: FBEVAS A HI FB RAD CH TRIP O PAGE 66 UPDATE REY. 041693


                                  ***      THIS IS A DRILL        ***

TAKE NO ACTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT PLANT OPERATIONS TIME: 1209 FROM: C-la MSSC 1209SIM TO: CRS LOCT: Simulator (Unit 3 C.R.) i MESSAGE: The following annunciators are in the " ALARM" condition: B05: FBEVAS A O Hi FB RAD CH TRIP O PAGE 67 UPDATE REV. 041693


                                                      'l  .

1 l l l

                                                     ;I t


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APPENDIX C D GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUJJ)_E V TAllLE OF CONTENTS l PAGE CONTENTS App-C-2 Acronyms App-C-4 State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) , 3 App-C-6 Technical Operations Center (TOC) o App-C-8 Direction and Control App-C-9 Maricopa County Emergency Operations Center (MCEOC) App-C-12 Maricopa County Warning Point (MCSO) App-C-14 On Scene Command Post (MCSO) App C-17 Supplemental Warning Teams (MCSO) App C-18 Road Illock Teams (MCSO) App-C-19 REAT Forward App-C 20 REAT Field Monitoring Teams App-C 21 Evacuation Groups App C-22 Special Evacuation Group App C 24 Supplemental Warning Site App C-26 Reception and Care Center (RCC) and Decontamination Demonstration App C-27 Joint Emergency News Center (JENC) 05 93 EXERCISE Page C -1 MAY 11,1993

                                         - APPENDIX C
 . ;Q                    GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE v

ACRONYMS ADEM - Arizona Division of Emergency Management ADO . Assistant Director of Operations ARRA - Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency COC - Chief Offsite Controller COM M. O. - Communications Omcer DC - Direction and Control , DCC - Direction and Control Controller DO - Director of Operations DPS - Department of Public Safety Ells - Emergency llroadcast System EG - Evacuation Group  ; EGC - Evacuation Group Controller ( EOC - Emergency Operations Center EOCC - Emergency Operations Center Controller EOF - Emergency Operations Facility EPZ - Emergency Planning Zone ESD - Equipment Senices Department FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency JENC - Joint Emergency News Center 4 l Ki - Potassium lodide  ! l MC - Maricopa County i MCDEM - Maricopa County Department of Emergency Management (O/ 05 93 EXERCISE Page C -2 MAY 11,1993 i W

APPENDIX _C O GOVERNN1ENT CONTROLLER GUIDE ACRONYNIS (Continued) MCSO - Maricopa County Sheritts Omce NAN - Notification Alert Network OGC - Operations Group Chief OSCP - On-Scene Command Post PI - Public Inquiry POC - Privately Owned Conseyance POL - Petroleum, Oil Lubrication Vehicle PVNGS - Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Ril - Road lilock RCC - Reception and Care Center REAT - Radiological Emergency Assistance Team \ - RF - REAT Forward RFC - REAT Forward Controller SEG - Special Evacuation Group SS - Shift Supervisor SW - Supplemental Warning TOC - Technical Operations Center TOCC - Technical Operations Center Controller TOD - Technical Operations Director f MAY_11,1993 05-93 EXERCISE Page C -3

i GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE STATE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOC) d DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes l 0742 Notification of ADEM Staff receives NAN Chief Offsite Controller (COC)  ; to Unusual Event broadcast and verifies and State EOC Controller 0807 authenticator. (EOCC), to be on station in EOC 15 min. prior to the Drill. 0801 ALERT ADEM Staff receives NAN COC and EOF Controllers set to Notification and verifies authenticator. time (EOF 393-6178/6188). 0826 Alert Assistant Director of EOCC sets real time on EOC Operations (ADO) and clock and fans out real time to ADEM Comm. Officer controllers on station in MCEOC, JENC and TOC. ADEM Ops Staff fans out COC and EOCC on station in notification to state response EOC communications or EOC organizations. arena until notification fan out completed and monitor ADO notifies ADEM controller phones. Director and directs activation of the EOC. EOC Shift Supervisor EOCC observes EOC setup - assumes control of EOC and arrangement in progress. activation. Corrective action, as appropriate. (Direction and ADEM Administrative Control, Technical Operations Organization vacates EOC Center, Public Inquiry.) office space. EOCC observes staff functions Shift Supervisor declares as appropriate. EOC activated when sufficient staff is in place to EOCC acts as exercise contact man key communications. in declaration process, etc. EOC Staff continues to arrive Record time lines of all and function. communications. PIO collects and sends releascable information to JENC. V 05-93 EXERCISE Page C 4 MAY 11,1993

GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE STATE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOC) s DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes 0930 SITE AREA EOC Communications EOCC monitors staff functions. to EMERGENCY receives NAN broadcast and 0955 Notification verifies authenticator. Record time lines, PAR, Siren  ! Activation, EBS and EOC staff fans out announcements. notification. , EOCC acts as contact for TOC may recommend initiating role player activities. Protective Action to Director of Operations based on notification message. (PAR may not coincide with PAR in notification.) Director of Operations PAR decision announced. (Decision may not coincide with TOC PAR.) Public Inquiry to commence when role players initiate calls. , PlO collects and sends releasable information to JENC. 1027 GENERAL EOC Communications COC maintains contact with to EMERGENCY receives NAN broadcast and MCEOC, JENC and PVNGS 1052 Notification verifies authenticator. EOF controllers, as appropriate. TOC recommends Protective Action to Director of Ops. EOCC monitors EOC staff functioning. Director of Ops decision i announced. (decision may not EOC Controller monitors coincide with TOC Protective Action recommendation for Recommendations and Protective Action.) decisions. .j MCDEM liaison transmits TOCC monitors TOC staff decision to Maricopa County functioning. EOC for implementation. PIO collects and sends releasable information to JENC 05-93 EXERCISE Page C -5 MAY 11,1993 1

t GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE TECllNICAL OPERATIONS CENTER (TOC) DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes 0742 Notification of ARRA Duty Officer calls-


TOCC in TOC 15 min. prior to to Unusual Event ADEM Duty OfGcer with . ALERT. 0807 follow up. Call EOCC for real time check. 0801 ALERT ARRA Emergency Relocate to TOC with TOC to Notification Coordinator notiGes staff. 0826 Technical Operations Director (TOD). TOD directs activation of TOCC observes TOC set up TOC. and arrangement, corrective action as appropriate in TOD directs State Liaison to coordination with EOCC. EO F, Record time lines. ' TOC staff relocates to State EOC. TOC staff sets up and organizes TOC. TOC performs communications check. Compare dose projection to TOC Shift Supervisor reports EOF and TOC, ensure activation to EOC Shift consistency. Check Supervisor. inconsistencies for errors. Initiates situation Assessment and formulate Protective TOC TOD Action Recommendations as Issue CTM MSG TOC-A when A required, asked by staff which of several RCCs is the one in play. TOC TOC TOC Directs Situation Assessment B SS REAT Forward continues until downgrade. Issue CTM MSG TOC-B to to dispatch Field TOC Shift Supervisor if TOC , Monitor Teams to staff fails to take action RCC. outlined above. L 05-93 EXERCISE Page C -6 MAY 11,1993

GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE o TECIINICAL OPERATIONS CENTER (TOC) (,) DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time Msg To Event Sun mary Anticipated Response Controller Notes 0930 SITE AREA Continue Situation TOCC observes TOC to EMERGENCY Assessment and may functioning; corrective action as 0955 Notification formulate Protective Action appropriate. Recommendations. (Dir of Ops decision may not Record time lines. coincide with TOC recommendation of PAR.) Situation Assessment continues until downgrade. 1027 GENERAL Situation Assessment Record time lines. to EMERGENCY continues. 1052 Notification Calculate projected dose as required. TOD recommends Protective Actions to Director of Operations. Director of Operations decision announced. (Decision may not coincide with TOC recommendation for Protective Actions.) (_/ 05-93 EXERCISE Page C -7 MAY II,1993

         .        .        ~     _ ~.        _         _ . . ._ __                                   .

I I GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE i DIRECTION AND CONTROL (EOCC) DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Ti ne Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes 0742 Notification of ADO notified and notifies EOC Controller on station 15 to Unusual Event the Director of Operations- minutes prior to Exercise. 0807 0801 ALERT ADO notified and notifies Real time check. to Notification the Director of Operations. 0826 Shift Supervisor and EOC Key staff for decision should Staff set up EOC. include: TOD, EOC Shift Supenisor, ADO and MCDEM ADO directs Shift Supervisor Liaison. , to activate EOC and fan out Alert and activation Record time lines. instructions. Shift Supervisor declares j EOC activated at his discretion when sufficiently staff in place to man key communications. Director of Operations and ADO report to the EOC, O h 0930 to SITE AREA EMERGENCY Director of Ops or ADO acts upon TOD Ensure MCDEM Liaison transcribes Protective Action 0955 Notification recommendation for decision as stated, corrective Protective Action. action as appropriate. Director of Ops or ADO Record Time Lines. formulates and announces Protective Action Decision to i key staff and EOC. 1027 GENERAL Director of Ops or ADO Ensure MCDEM Liaison ' to EMERGENCY acts upon TOD transcribes Protective Action 1052 Notification recommendations for Decision as stated, corrective Protective Action. actions as appropriete. Director of Ops or ADO Record Time Lines. formulates and announces Protective Action decisions Ops Dir. and/or TOD may be to key staff and EOC. summoned to JENC to participate in media briefing. 05-93 EXERCISE Page C -8 MAY 11,1993 '

T GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE-MARICOPA COUNTY EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (MCEOC) .k- DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes 0742 Notification of MCDEM staff receives NAN to Unusual Event broadcast and verifies 0807 authenticator. ALERT MCDEM staff receives NAN 0801 to Notification broadcast and verifies Real time check. 0826 authenticator, + Record time lines of player Notify Senior Coordinator arrivals and telecommunications and MCDEM Director, establishment. Initiate activation. Notify Emergency Response . , State EOC when activated. Organization personnel may be assembled at marshalling areas Advise County Manager or deployed to forward concerning situation and operational sites. MCEOC activation. Advise Response Organization to assemble at MCSO Avondale Substation. EOC staff reports to EOC. Place EBS on standby. ,. County Liaison Officer reports to state EOC. Direct On-Scene Commander to deploy Response Organization when  ; assembled.  ; 0930 SITE AREA MCDEM staff receives NAN County EOC should be notified - to EMERGENCY broadcast and verifies when forces are in position and t 0955 Notification authenticator, ready to operate. } Maintain readiness status of 1 all deployed resources until further actions required. Notify schools within EPZ. t 05-93 EXERCISE Page C -9 MAY 11,1993 1 1

GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE MARICOPA COUNTY EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (MCEOC) C/ DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes 0930 SITE AREA If Protective Action is County EOC should be notified to EMERGENCY directed during the Site Area when forces are in position and 0955 Continues Emergency, the action is ready to operate. implemented as actual exercise play.  ; M C- MC Ops Direct activation of RCC at Issue CTG MSG MC 1 to 1 Group speciGed sites. ensure that RCC being evaluated Chief is activated,if Required Prepare and release Public Warning Message to EBS. > Activate Sirens (Simulated) Malfunction of sirens < reported by Comtnunications Officer. M C- MC Prepare and release Siren issue MSG MC-2 indicating 2 Comm Failure Message. Siren Pole # 9 failed. , Officer Monitor EBS receipt of warning. M C- MC Ops Prepare and release Public Issue MSG MC-A indicating that A Group Warning Message to EBS. this is the RCC that will be - Chief activated. Notify Senior Coord and MCDEM Director. r 1027 GENERAL MCDEM staff receives NAN County EOC should be notified to EMERGENCY broadcast and verifies when forces are in position and 1052 Notification authenticator, ready to operate. Receives and implement , State EOC Protective Action ' decision. ( 05-93 EXERCISE Page C -10 MAY 11,1993

l GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE p MARICOPA COUNTY EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (MCEOC) , b DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE I Anticipated Response Controller Notes Time Msg To Event Summary 1027 M C- MC Ops GENERAL Supplemental Warning issue CTG MSG MC-B if a to B Group EMERGENCY directive sent to On-Scene directive to conduct 1052 Chief Notification Command Post, supplemental warning is not sent (Continued) to OSCP, i MC- MC Ops Traffic control instructions issue MSG MC-3 to ensure road 3 Group issued to On-Scene block (s) to be evaluated is issued Chief Command Post. to OSCP,  ; PIO collect and sends releasable information to JENC. t O , t 1 I

                                                                                                                               ,, 1 05 93 EXERCISE                            Page C -11                                              MAY 11,1993 1
               .                   . _   -         _ . - ,            m              _  __
                                            . . _ -         -        ,_    -        - -      -       .       ~~

l 1

                                    . GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE                                                                      l MARICOPA COUNTY WARNING POINT (MCSO) l DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE                                                                      ;

Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes 1 0742 NotiGcation of MCSO Warning Point staff to Unusual Event receives NAN broadcast and 0807 verifies authenticator.  ; 0801 ALERT MCSO Warning Point staff MCSO Warning Point controller , to Notification receives NAN broadcast and on station 15 min. prior to 0826 verifies authenticator. exercise. MCSO conducts internal Record time lines. . j notification fan-out.

  • Contact MC EOCC for time check, j Ensure fan out occurs per i MCSO procedures.  ;

0930 SITE AREA MCSO Warning Point staff  ; to EMERGENCY receives NAN broadcast and l 0955 NotiGcation verifies authenticator.  ! i MCSO Conducts internal , notification fan-out. 1027 GENERAL MCSO Warning Point staff Maricopa County Department of to EMERGENCY receives NAN broadcast and Transportation to provide 1052 NotiGcation verifies authenticator. barricades, POL vehicle and to post evacuation signs. MCSO conducts internal notincation fan-out. Maricopa County ESD is to > provide a low truck and driver. . Evacuation and special assistance l problems to be simulated by role

                                                                                               . players.

Residents are not to be contacted.


i i I 05-93 EXERCISE Page C -12 MAY 11,1993 . - - - _ _ - - . - - - - . - - - - n -.

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                               - GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE g                      MARICOPA COUNTY WARNING POINT (MCSO)
     %)                              DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time   Msg    To  Event Summary        Anticipated Response          Controller Notes 1027             GENERAL                                    As loudspeakers will not be to             EMERGENCY                                  used, it is imperathe that role 1052             Notification                               players be contacted and read (Continued)                                warning message verbatim.

Role players will be located at the Supplemental Warning Site and the Players will be identification. Role Players representing residents with special problems are to be provided assistance and transportation. ,.r One road block is to be established. O V i 1 l 0 V 05-93 EXERCISE Page C -13 MAY 11,1993 '

                                                                                                   . 4
                                                                                                                              .J GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE ON SCENE COMMAND POST (OSCP) [MCSO) g L                                             DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time -  Msg     To.       Event Summary         Anticipated Response                    Controller Notes 0742                   . Notification of    None                                OSCP Controller on station 15 to                    Unusual Event                                           minutes prior to start of drill.

0807 0801 ALERT Response Organization to Notification assembles at MCSO 0826 Avondale Substation. 4 When directed, deploy under Observe deployment and control of OSC. performance, i Set up OSCP and organize Response Organization Assembly Area. Prepare for response. OSCP On- Simulate Supplemental  ;

                  -1    Scene                        Warning activities.                 Issue MSG OSCP-1 when Comm                                                              directed by MCEOC indicating which RCC has been activated.          t 1

0930 SITE AREA Receive notification and Special evacuees will commence

 ,         to                     EMERGENCY          inform response force to            assistance calls to MCEOC.             ;

0955 stand ready. j Receive Protective Action Decision. 5 Respond to calls for Special evacuees will commence AND assistance as directed by assistance calls to MCEOC. MCEOC. Receive notification and inform response force to 7 stand ready. 1027 GENERAL Receive Protective Action to EMERGENCY decision. 1052 Notification 05-93 EXERCISE Page C -14 MAY 11,1993 l

GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE ON-SCENE COMMAND POST (OSCP) [MCSOJ DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes 0930 OSCP On- SITE AREA Supplemental Warning Team Issue CTG MSG OSCP-A if to -A Scene EMERGENCY deploy to appropriate Siren OSCP is not directed to dispatch . 0955 Com m. Continued coverage area. supplemental Warning Team. OSCP On. Simulate supplemental Issue CTG MSG OSCP-B if

           -B    Scene                    warning activities.         Raad Block Teams are not
  • Comm. AND dispatched to locations being Issue warning messages to evacuated. >

evacuee role players. , Maricopa County ESD is to i Traffic Control Teams provide a tow truck and driver. deployed to assigned 2027 GENERAL locations. MC Dept. of Transportation will to EMERGENCY provide POL, vehicle barriers, ' 1052 Notification Conduct traffic regulatory signs, etc. actisities. Residents are not to be contacted. As loudspeakers will not be used, it is imperative that evacuees be contacted and read warning messages serbatim. Role players representing residents with special problems are to be prosided with assistance and transportation. '! Barricades and ptrol vehicles. are to be used to simulate road blocks. One road block is to be established for evacuation. i f . 05-93 EXERCISE Page C -15 MAY 11,1993 f

ll GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE ON-SCENE COMMAND POST (OSCP) [MCSO) f DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE , Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes 1027 OSCP On- GENERAL On-Scene Commander will Evacuation and special assistance t to -2 Scene EMEP.GENCY direct special evacuees to the problems to be simulated by role 1052 Comm. Notification Dysart High School, not the players. Continued On-Scene Command Post , Issue MSG OSCP-2 upon On-

                          ' When directed by                                   scene Commander's first special.

MCEOC to assist evacuee directive. special evreuces.  ; OSCP +>n- When directed by On-Scene Commander will Issue MSG OSCP-C upon On-

           -C    Scene     MCEOC to assist      direct special evacuees to the Scene Commander's first special Comm.      special evacuees. Dysart High School, not the    evacuee directive.

On-Scene Command Post. Issue as inquiries are made as to progress of evacuating residents. 1 I

                                                                                                                  .. j

i 1 I 05-93 EXERCISE Page C -16 MAY 11,1993



DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes 0742 Notification of None SW Controller should be on to Unusual Event station 15 minutes prior to 0807 Drill. + 0801 ALERT Response organization Observe deployment and  ! to Notification assembles at MCSO performance. 0826 Avondale Substation, r Record time lines of key actions. 0930 SITE AREA to EMERGENCY 0955  ; AND 1027 GENERAL to EMERGENCY  ; 1052 When directed, Supplemental Warning Team Siren, lights and loudspeakers l SW Team receives briefing and mission will not be used. Evacuation activated and statement. Group Players will be wearing assigned mission. red arm bands at or near the + SW Team deploys to siren vehicle between Bruner and coverage area. Narramore Roads. SW Team simulates Represents the resident supplemental warning. population of the area of coverage of Siren #9 (INTRAC l 461). SW-1 SW SW Team issues warning  ; Team message verbatim to evacuee issue MSG SW-1 to SW Team. , role players. i t k I 05-93 EXERCISE Page C .17 MAY 11,1993 4

9 GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE  ; / ROAD HLOCK TEAMS (MCSO) DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes  ! 0742 Notification of None RB Controller should be on to Unusual Event station 15 minutes prior to Drill. 0807 0801 ALERT Response organization Observe deployment and to Notification assembles at MCSO performance. . 0826 Avondale Substation. Record time lines of key actions.. 0930 SITE AREA to EMERGENCY 0955 AND . i 1027 GENERAL to EMERGENCY

  • 1052 When directed, Simulate establishment of RB Team road blocks / traffic control l activated and points.

assigned mission. RB-A RB Team Issue CTG MSG RB-A if Road

                       #1                                                         Block Team is not informed of f                                                                                  RB location when briefed.

a h 1 05 93 EXERCISE Page C .18 MAY 11,1993

_ _ - . . ~. . - GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE REAT FORWARD DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes 0742 Notification of None , to Unusual of Event 0807 0801 ALERT REAT Forward Team will REAT Forward Controller on to Notification be prestaged at Buckeye station 15 min. prior to Exercise. 0826 Airport. Establish REAT Forward Observe assembly and Center. organization of command post. Brief and orient Monitor Observe operation of command Teams. post. . Initiate monitoring when REAT Forward Teams directed. assembles and equips. Assign Field Monitor missions. , REAT Forward Teams deploy to field locations. Collect and report field data. Move to field location. 0930 SITE AREA Continue field monitoring Continue to observe operation of , to EMERGENCY activities. command post. 0955 Collect and report field data, implement instructions from the TOD. 1027 GENERAL Implement instructions from Issue CTG MSG RF-A if RCC to EMERGENCY TOD. locations are not identified by ' 1052 Notification the TOC within 30 minutes of evacuation order. R F-A i i i b (" 05 93 EXERCISE Page C -19 MAY 11,1993


i I l l 1 w-- , 4 3

. - - - _ _ - _ . -. . . . _~_ . ._ - . . . . .- .. ._ GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE REAT FIELD MONITOR TEAMS DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes : 0742 Notification of None REAT Controllers should be on to Unusual Event station 15 minutes prior to drill. 0807 0801 ALERT REAT Field Monitor Teams Contact REAT Center-to Notification will be prestaged at Buckeye Controller for real time check. 0826 Airport. Observe assembly and  ; Co-locate with REAT deployment. Forward Center in assembly area. 0930 SITE AREA REAT Captain briefs Accompany monitor team and to EMERGENCY monitors and assigns observe mission performance. 0955 Notification missions. REAT Captain may direct mission assignment to be executed, 1027 GENERAL Field Teams perform Observe mission performance. to EMERGENCY assigned monitoring missions . 1052 Notification - (monitors are to report all issue Field data from data

  • background readings). package at appropriate times during mission.

Receives briel'mg and evacuee monitoring mission Observe deployment and when directed by REAT performance. < Captain. Controller will ensure that Field Team deploys to RCC evacuees will not carry any type and reports to RCC Mgr. of radioactive materials. Field Team established Note: Six evacuees are to bc , personnel monitoring station timed for tmonitoring. at RCC. Field Team conducts ' personnel monitoring of evacuees at RCC. Contamination will be sirnulated. , I l l 05 93 EXERCISE Page C 20 MAY 11,1993 l l


 -L/                                             DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time      Msg        To    Event Summary                Anticipated Response                      Controller Notes 0630                     All evacuation             Evacuation Group                      All EG and SEG Controllers group Controllers          Controllers assemble at               assemble at American Red                    ;

Assemble American Red Cross,1510 Cross,1510, E. Flower, Phoenix.' , E. Flower, Phoenix, and report to designated Lead Controller ( 0715 Assemble and EG assembles at American Contact Chief Offsite Controller load EG and Red Cross,1510, E. Flower,' upon arrival for real time check. , SEG. Phoenix. No Transport EG to Travel by van from

        '.at e r                 PVNGS Energy               American Red Cross,1510, than                    Information                E. Flower, Phocnix, to 0730                    Center.                    PVNGS Energy information Center.

0900 Begin education Remain at PVNGS Energy Respond to Special Evacuee presentation. Information Center for Controller request for radio presentation and operator assignment, refreshments. 0930 Load EG in Upon receiving Supplemental Inform Chief Offsite Controller to vehicles. Warning from Public upon departure from PVNGS. , 1000 Notification Site Controller, Upon receiving information from. proceed to RCC. Do not the Public Info Controller, ' arrive at RCC prior to proceed to RCC. - notification of RCC activation. Arrive at RCC. Arrive at Dysart High School l processing. Do Not debark until RCC is ready for operations. F

i t

1 q l l i

          ')5 93 EXERCISE                             Page C 21                                           MAY 11,1993'

GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE SPECIAL EVACUATION GROUP (Volunteers) DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes j 0630 Assemble with EG Controllers assemble at All EG and SEG Controllers EG Controllers. American Red Cross,1510 assemble at American Red E. Flower, Phoenix and Cross,1510 E. Flower, Phoenix. report to designated Lead < Controller. Special EG l Controllers do likewise, t 0715 Assist with EG assembles at American Contact Chief Offsite Controller assembly and Red Cross,1510 E. Flower, upon arrival for real time check. loading of EG. Phoenix. No Mave in convoy Travel by controller vehicle Later with EG to in convoy to PVNGS Energy than PVNGS Energy Information Center. 0730 Information Center. 0900 Select 4-6 Special Upon arrival, and before Inform Lead Controller of Evacuees and educational presentations selection and request radio telephone callers. begin, identify special operator assignments to Special, evacuees and telephone Evacuees Group and to , callers. telephone callers. I 1000 Assemble and instruct Issue SEG messages to Special to Special Evacuees, telephone Evacuees and counterpart 1030 callers and radio operators. telephone callers. , SEG1 SEG 1 (2 copies) SEG2 SEG-2 (2 copies) SEG3 SEG-3 (2 copies) t f 05-93 EXERCISE Page C .22 MAY 11,1993 4 a w -- - c-

GOVERNhlENT CONTROLLER GUIDE . SPECIAL EVACUATION GROUP (Volunteers) l DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes 1000 One copy of SEG messages goes~ to to Special Evacuee, one to 1030 . Counterpart telephone caller. Upon arrival at SEG Site Instruct Special Evaeuces to

                                         #1, radio operator contacts    dismount from vehicle and           i telephone caller and requests  prepare to be evacuated.

message SEG 1 be called in ' to MCEOC (273-1411). Controller and party remain in - vehicle until assistance arrives. SEG4 MCSO Special Controller dismounts and issues Assist. message SEG-4 to MCSO Team. player. Depart from SEG Site #2 after Repeat Call process for sites Special Evaeuce is offered Upon #2 and #3 by 1100. assistance by MCSO (SE is to be-arriv. transported by MCSO to the at RCC). SEG Sites 2 Repeat controller process. and 3 But No later than 1130 i 05 93 EXERCISE Page C -23 A1AY 11,1993 r


GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE p SUPPLEMENTAL WARNING SITE ( DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes 0630 Ali Evacuation Assemble with EG Wear Controller identification Group Controllers Controllers, SEG Controllers and carry Player Armbands. assemble. and radio operators at American Red Cross,1510 E. Flower, Phoenix. 0715 Assist with EG assembles at American assernbly and Red Cross,1510 E. Flower, loading of EG. Phoenix. No Move in convoy Travel by controller vehicle Later with EG to in convoy to PVNGS Energy than PVNGS Energy Information Center. 0730 Information Center. 0900 Arrive at PVNGS Upon arrival, organi/c and Upon arrival request assignment Energy brief Supplemental Warning of radio operator from Lead Information Site party regarding site Controller. Center. location, departure time from PVNGS and site set up Site party consists of 2 and function. controllers and one radio operator. No Upon arrival perform site Later Deploy preparation. Site location is the vehicle itself, Than Supplemental parked on/near Bruner and 1030 Warning site Narrimore Roads. party to site location. Notify Lead EG Controller when site preparation is completed. C ( 05 93 EXERCISE Page C 24 MAY 11,1993

GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE SUPPLEMENTAL WARNING SITE DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes 0930 Maintain radio contact regarding departure of EG from PVNGS. Wear Controller and Player Identification. Not EG departs EG van loads and leaves Maintain radio contact with EG later PVNGS to PVNGS for RCC. Controllers concerning transport than Bruner and progress. 1030 Narramore Roads. Not MCSO Supplemental Warning Team Later Supplemental approaches and identifies than Warning Team Supplemental Warning Site. 1130 READS warning. Supplemental Warning team READS evacuation warning. When EG controller has been notified that Supp Warning event Do Not arrive at RCC prior is completed, proceed to Dysart to notification of RCC liigh School. activation. 05 93 EXERCISE Page C 25 MAY 11,1993 1 1

                                                                                                                                                                     . _.  .     . . . . 1

GOVERNMENT CONTROLLER GUIDE RECEl'flON AND CARE CENTER (Dysart liigh School) DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time Msg -To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes 0742 Notification of None RCC Controller should be on to Unusual Event station 15 minutes prior to 0307 Exercise. 0801 ALERT Notify Reception and Care to Notification and Center Resources. 0826 deployment. Deploy resources to the RCC. No Shelter Set up RCC at Dysart liigh Observe deployment and Later Coordinator School. performance. Than directs 1045 estabbshment of Assign location for RCC. monitoring station. Conduct evacuce processing. Issue CTG MSG RCC A,if RCC- Shelter required, to organize monitoring A Manager and processing. App RCC Demonstrate Vehicle will be monitored The contaminated vehicle and 1400 #1 Deconatmination for contamination when the decontamination equipment of vehicle at reporting to the RCC. and facilities will be prestaged at RCC. the RCC. The designated vehicle will be surveyed for Decontamination of the vehicle contamination. at the RCC will be demonstrated RCC outside scenario timeline.

                 #2                                   After the contamination is    Physical decontamination of the located on the vehicle, the   vehicle will be simulated.

vehicle will be directed for decontamination. (The Physical decontamination will be simulated.) The scope of the exercise activity j will not be allered by anyone i.e., The Local Fire Department evaluator, controller etc. will support decontamination Controller ensure evacuees are efforts. not carrying any. type of radioactive materials. r P t 05 93 EXERCISE Page C 26 MAY 11, _1993


  • Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes 0742 Notification of Contact State and County JENC Controller s' suld be on to Unusual Event Public Information station 15 minutes prior to ,

0807 Spokesperson, initiate and Exercise. maintain contact with FNC , Director. 0801 JENC/ ALERT Initiate activation, receive ' to MGR Notification hard copy from FNC, 0826 determine staffing levels, check equipment operation , and prepare for initial press briefing. 0901 JENC JENC/ JENC activation Receive information from to 1- MGR completed. EOF, State and County 1400 thru EOCs, draft press releases, 17 relay to EOF and EOCs for approval, disseminate information through press briefings. 0930 JENC/ SITE AREA Continue as above.  ! to MGR EMERGENCY  ! 0955 Declared I 1027 JENC/ GENERAL Continu.: as above. to MGR EMERGENCY 1052 Declared )! 1400 JENC/ TERMINATION Receive information from 'l MGR OF EXERCISE EOF, relay to State and i County EOCs, Media Rumor

  • Control Group and APS Media Relations.

4 i


Commence critique, secure facility. I 0 05-93 EXEllCISE Page C -27 MAY I1,1993

                                      -.      ~ _ _               _    -





                                        ' TAlli E OF CONTENT S PAGE                     CONTENTS App D-2    Acronyms App-D-4    Technical Operations Center Message Cards A pp-D-6   Maricopa County Emergency Operations Center Message Cards App-D 11   On Scene Command Post Message Cards App D 16   Supplemental Warning Team Message Cards App D 17   Road lilock Team Message Cards App-D Ill  REAT Forward Message Cards App D 20   Special Evacuation Group Message Cards App-D 23   MCSO Special Assistance Transportation                                      ,

App-D 24 Reception and Care Center Message Cards App-D-27 Joint Emergency News Center Message Cards  ! App-D-44 Public Inquiry Center Message Cards , App-D-45 Public Inquiry Questions '!


I i s 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 1 MAY 11,1993 [ l

APPENDIX D O GOVERNMEXT NIESSAGES ACRONYMS ADEM - Arizona Division of Emergency Management ADO - Assistant Director of Operations ARRA - Arizona ltarliation llegulatory Agency COC - Chief OITsite Controller COMM. O. - Communications Ollicer DC - Direction and Control DCC - Direction und Control Controller DO - Director of Operations DPS - Department of Public Safety Ells - Emergency llroadcast System EG - Evacuation Group EGC - Evacuation Group Controller , EOC - Emergency Operations Center EOCC - Emergency Operations Center Controller EOF - Emergency Operations Facility EPZ - Emergency Planning Zone r ESD - Equipment Services Department FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency JENC - Joint Emergency News Center l.

   'KI         -   Potassium lodide MC         -   Maricopa County MCDEM      -   Maricopa County Department of Emergency Management 05-93 EXERCISE                          Page D - 2                MAY I1,1993

. - . .- - - _ - - - _ . = . -. APPENDIX D - C t GOVERN 51ENT NIESSAGES ACRONYNIS (Conlinued) MCSO Maricopa County Sherill's 0111ce

                 -                                                                               i NAN        -   Notification Alert Network OGC        -   Operations Group Chief OSCP       -   On-Scene Command Post PI         -   Pubile Inquiry POC        -   Privately Owned Conseyance POL        -   Petroleum, Oil Lubrication Vehicle PVNGS      -   Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Ril        -   Road Illock RCC        -   Reception and Care Center REAT       -   Radiological Emergency Assistance Team RF         -   REAT Forward RFC        -   REAT Forward Controller SEG        -   Special Evacuation Group SS         -   Shift Supervisor SW         -   Supplemental Warning TOC        -   Technical Operations Center
     ~TOCC       -   Technical Operations Center Controller TOD        -   Technical Operations Director 05 93 EXERCISE                        Page D - 3                        h1 AY I1,1993

CONTINGENCY MESSAGE l'OllM Tills IS A DitlLL To: TOC Director Message No.: TOC-A Time: After the TOC Director has inquired about the location of RCCs. , Location: Technical Operations Center MESSAGE The Relocation and Care Center is as follows: Dysart fligh School,11405 North Dysart Road. REAT Field Team is to respond to this RCC. t \ 4 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 4 MAY 11,1993

T CONTINGENCY MESSAGE FORM-THIS IS A DRILL , i To: TOC Shift Supervisor Message No.: TOC-f3 Time: Issue if TOC staff fails to inform TOC /SS of this information. Location: Technical Operations Center MESSAGF; , The Reception and Care Center is as follows: Dysart liigh School,11405 North Dysart Road. REAT Field Monitoring Team is to respond to this RCC. E e i 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 5 MAY 11,1993 - . t

1 EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM O THIS IS A DRILL  ; To: Maricopa County Operations Group Chief

                                                                                                               .e Message No.: M C-1 Time: Maricopa County EOC l>> cation:

M ESSAG E The Reception and Care Center to be activated for evaluation is as follows: Dysart High School,11405 North Dysarl Road. i [ s f 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 6 MAY 11,1993 , I'

b EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM THIS IS A DRILL To: Maricopa County Communications and Warning Officer , Message No.: M C-2 > Time: After Warning Officer completes Siren Activation Procedure Location: Maricopa County EOC MESSAGE Siren Pole No. #9 (INTRAC 461) failed to function. r h t 05 93 EXERCISE Page D - 7 MAY 11,1993 L P I -- ,, , . , , , , , _ , _

EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM THIS IS A DRILL To: Maricopa County Operations Group Chief Message No.: M C-3 Time: When ordering On-Scene Commander (MCSO) to establish roadblock. Location: Maricopa County EOC MESSAGE One (1) road block will be evaluated. You must establish the road block at the following location: Van Buren and 339th Avenue. [ I

                                                                                                              'i; i

05 93 EXERCISE Page D - 8 MAY 11,1993 - i

CONTINGENCY MESSAGE FORM THIS IS A DRILL To: Maricopa County Operations Chief Message No.: M C-A Time: When directing activation of RCC Location: Maricopa County EOC MESSAGE The Reception and Care Center being activated for evaluation purposes is as follows: Dysart High School,11405 North Dysart Road. rm V. , 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 9 MAY I1,1993

CONTINGENCY MESSAGE FORM THIS IS A DRILL To: M3ricopa County Group Operations Chief Message No.: MC-B Time: .When supplemental warning instructions are being issued to the On-Scene , Command Post (MCSO), + Location: Maricopa County EOC MESSAGE Siren Pole No. #9 failed to function.(INTRAC 461) NOTE: Loudspeakers, lights and sirens will not be used by the Supplemental Warning Team. f 3 7 h I

  \ 05-93 EXERCISE                                Page D - 10                       MAY 11,1993              .


_ = . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . _ . _ __ _. CONTINGENCY MESSAGE FORM 4 THIS IS A DRILL To: On-Scene Commander Message No.: OSCP-A Time: Location: On-Scene Command Post MESSAGE Siren Pole No. #9 failed to function. (INTRAC 461) . NOTE: Loudspeakers, lights and sirens will not be used by the Supplemental Warning Team. t


4 4 i ( 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 11 MAY 11,1993 - I l T

       . _ - . ~ . . ~ . , . - . . - . - . - _ .                         - . . . ....~                                               -- - . . . - . . _. ..                                . . . - . . . . .                                - . - - - --     .-


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -t j;                                                 Message No.: OSCP-B Time: When On-Scene Commander is directing the establishment of road block (s).                                                                                                                    ,

Location: On-Scene Command Post MESSAGE . 5 One (1) road block will be evaluated, You must establish the road block at the following location: , i Van Buren and 339th Avenue. r i i t i 1 ,1 , i 4 o i i i 4 F

- +
't a

05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 12 MAY 11,1993 [ a J I

   . .;-           .                             ,. ._. - . ..              _ _ . . . _ . . . . _ _ _ . - . _ . . . ~ . , , . _ . .                         ., . - , , , , - . . . , - . .                     , _ ~ . . _ , , , , , . . _ _ _ . . . . , , ,    . , ,

t CONTINGENCY MESSAGE FORM THIS iS A DitlLL To: On-Scene Commander i Message No.: OSCP C Time: Issue as inquiries are made as to progress of evacuating residents. Location: On Scene Command Post MESSAGE As inquiries are made concerning evacuation completion, provide the following information:

    ' 30 minutes after evacuation is ordered, estimate 40% completion.
  • 45 minutes after evacuation is ordered, estimated W:6 completed.
  • I hour after evacuation is ordered, estimated 80% completion.

1DM comnietion only after Special Evacuations are complet i I h 1 i 05 93 EXERCISE Page D .13 MAY 11,1993 i i i P v -

  .. . - . - . -. . - . - . ~ . ...- -- ~ . . . . . . -                             - . . . . .     -       -       -        - -               .     .. -- -..

i EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM ' i f Tills IS A DitlLL l To: On Scene Commander

. Message No
OSCP-1 Time: l Location: On-Scene Command Post 1 <

MESSAGE The Reception and Care Center being activated is as follows: Dysart High School,11405 North Dysart Road. i t i 1 i l i 1 i I 1 f 6 i



                                                                                                                                                                .l 05 93 EXERCISE                                    Page D - 14                  MAY 11,1993 -

J F r- myn., - .r., ,m-.. - . . . .w_,.6,y. , - -,. ,

                                   .~                         .



To: On-Scene Commander Message No.: OSCP-2 Time: Upon receipt of information requesting Special Evacuee assistance. i Location: On-Scene Command Post MESSAGE All Special Evacuees need to be picked up. These are actual evacuations. All Special Evacuees are to be transported to the Receptior :ind Care Center at Dysart High School,11405 North Dysart Road. 0 . r l t O () 05 93 EXERCISE Page D - 15 MAY 11,1993 j I





To: Supplement Warning Team Message No.: SW-1 Time: Upon arrival al the supplemental warning area. Location: Bruner and Narramore Roads. MESSAGE Drive through affected area and simulate giving supplemenial warning. DO NOT activate siren, lights or loudspeaker, Make certain evacuation group role players in vehicle at Uruner and Narramore Roads are notified + and transported to the RCC (Dysart liigh School,11405 North Dysart Road). ' The evacuation group role players will be wearing Red Player identification. t O  ; 3 k


i I i i h 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 16 MAY 11,1993 r 5

1 CONTINGENCY MESSAGE FORM' . s -> TI-IIS IS A DRILL To: Road Block Team #1 Message No.: RB-A Time: If On Scene Commander does not assign same location. . Location: In Patrol Car MESSAGE , Establish a road block for evaluation at Van Buren and 339th Avenue. t i 1 C ' 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 17 MAY 11,1993

CONTINGENCY MESSAGE FORM - J THIS IS A DRILL. To: REAT Forward Captain  ! Message No.: R F- A Tirne: If inforrnation is not received from the TOC within 30 minutes of evacuation order. Location: REAT Forward MESSAGE The Reception and Care Center being activated is as follows: Dysart liigh School,11405 North Dysart Road, A REAT Field Monitoring Team is to respond to the RCC. i 1 i f 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 18 MAY 11,1993  : I I

l l l 1-EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM l L ' THIS IS A DRILL To: REAT Forward Captain l Message No.: RF-1 Time: At approximately 14(X). Location: REAT Forward MESSAGE A vehicle decontamination demonstration is scheduled to be part of this Exercise. At approximately 14(X) a controller selected vehicle will be identified as contaminated and directed to an area where decontamination procedures will be demonstrated. Note: The vehicle will not actually undergo decontamination. However, personnel will show the ability to identify and safely isolate contaminated vehicle. Waste disposal will not be demonstrated.


t 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 19 MAY 11,1993

EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM tO THIS IS A DRILL To: Special Evacuee #1 Telephone Caller Message No.: SEG-1 Time: At direction of Lead Controller Location: PVNGS Energy Informi. tion Center MESSAGE Dial 273-1411 (Maricopa County EOC), when the number answers say:

      "THIS IS A DRILL."
      "I need help. I'm old and don't see well enough to drive and I need a ride. Can you help me?

My name is (Role Player's Name) I'm located at the South West corner of Wintersburg Road and Buckeye-Salome Road.


O - l l 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 20 MAY 11,1993  ;

EXERCISE h1ESSAGE FORh1 THIS IS A DRILL To: Special Evacuee #2 Telephone Caller . hiessage No.: SEG-2 Time: At direction of Lead EG Controller - Location: PVNGS Energy information Center NIESSAGE Dial 273-1411 (htaricopa County EOC), when the number answers say:

   " Tills IS A DRILL."

I am located at the Red Ouail General Store on Wintersburg Road just south of the Buckeye-Salome Road. I have a flat tire and my spare is also flat. Can you get me a ride out of the area. hty name is (Role Player's Name)

   " Tills IS A DRILL.*

1 9 w 4 4 g

EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM '[ , THIS IS A DRILL To: Special Evacuee #3 Telephone Caller Message No.: SEG 3 Time: At direction of Lead EG Controller Location: PVNGS Energy Information Center MESSAGE Dial 273-1411 (Maricopa County EOC), when the number answers say:

       "THIS IS A DRILL.

I am located at 371st Avenue and Buckeye Road. My car will not start. Can you help me ? My name is (Role Player's Name) Tills IS A DRILL."


( p -( 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 22 MAY 11,1993

EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM THIS IS A DRILL To: MCSO Special Assistance Transportation Message No.: SEG-4 Time: Upon arrival of the MCSO Assistance Team Location: Special evacuee pick-up location: M ESS AGE All Special Evacuees are to be transported to Dysart High School,11405 North Dysart Road. This is the Reception and Carc Center that will be activated. O O es.93 exexcise rese n 23 mxv ii.1,93 l 1 I

CONTINGENCY MESSAGE FORM A THIS IS A DRILL To: Reception and Care Center Manager Message No.: RCC-A Time: If requiicd, upon arrival of REAT Field Monitoring Team Location: Dysart High School,11405 North Dysart Road.. MESSAGE , Ensure that evacuees are monitored near arrival area. Uncontaminated go to Reception. Contaminated go to Decontaminatior, showers (Simulated). Note: 1. The use of the showers facilities for contaminated evacuees is to be simulated.

2. Evacuees will not carry any type of radioactive materials.

O r \ 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 24 MAY 11,1993

..                  ---           ~         - ..    .                                . _.           . - .   . .... .

EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM O Tills IS A DRILL To: RCC Controller Message No.: RCC-1 Time: At approximately 1400. Location: RCC, Dysart High School,11405 North Dysart Road. MESSAGE A vehicle decontarnination demonstration is scheduled to be part of this Exercise. At approximately~ 1400 a controller selected vehicle will be identified as contaminated and directed to an area where decontamination procedures will be demonstrated. Note: The vehicle will not actually undergo decontamination. However, personnel will show the ability to identify and safely isolate contaminated vehicle. Waste disposal will not be demonstrated. sa lj 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 25 MAY 11,1993 - t

k J24'- J-

  • M 4 h EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Tills IS A DillLL To: RCC Controller Message No.: RCC-2 Time: At approximately 1400.

Location: RCC, Dysart liigh School,11405 North Dysart Raod. MESSAGE NOTE: This message is for provision of data only. It wniains data that will direct Emergency Workers through the decontamination process. It is not to be distributed to players under any circumstances. Maintain this message and provide the data ta appropriate monitoring personnel as they demonstrate the surveying of the vehicle. Instrument backcround readines will be as read. R hicle: Initial readine After Decon. Front Left Wheel 500 CPM > BKGD 90 CPM > BKGD - Front Right Wheel 400 CPM > BKGD 80 CPM > BKGD . Front Left Floor 300 CPM > B.GD . 50 CPM > BKGD EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM 4 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 26 MAY 11,1993  ; 1

                                                                                                          .I i


EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM THIS IS A DRILL To: APS Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: J ENC-1 Time: First New Briefing s Location: Joint Emergency New Center MESSAGE


Was the declaration of ALERT related to an release of radiation ? What really caused the ALERT , notification ? Is the public in danger? 2


05 93 EXERCISE Page D - 27 MAY 11,1993

EXERCISE MESSAGE I'ORM s THIS IS A DRILL To: APS Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: J ENC-2 Time: Second New Ilriefing Location: Joint Emergency New Center MESSAGE Could the problems that are occurring at Palo Verde right now lead to another Chernobyl ? How about another Three Mile Island ?  ; l 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 28 MAY 11,1993

                                                                                                       ,i 1

l l r -.w+r-- ~

EXEllCISE MESSAGE FOllM Tills IS A DRILL To: County Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: JENC-3 Time: Second New 13riefing Location: Joint Emergency New Center MESSAGE We understand that a worker at Palo Verde was injured in a work related accident. Can you tell us more about what happened ?

  \           05-93 EXERCISE                             Page D - 29                         MAY 11,1993

EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM O THIS IS A DRILL To: State Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: J ENC-4 Time: Second New f3riefing location: Joint Emergency New Center , MESSAGE How many people live in the 10-mile area surrounding Palo Verde, and is the state really prepared to handle the situation if this accident turns into another Chernobyl or Three Mile Island ? 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 30 MAY 11,1993 j r >+ m - - . _ . . _ _ _ _ m __m_ _ _ _ _ _.-__ _ _ _ __-_


  • b .

v TlilS IS A DRILL To: State Public Information Spokesperson Message !Jo.: JENC-5 Time: 1100-1115 News Briefing Location: Joint Emergency New Center MESSAGE What is the weather forecast ? How far is it estimated that the wind will carry any radiation that -r might be released ? What happens if there ir. a wind shift ? I s 4 t

  • 4
  • b [ y w 44 4
  . - . ..   - . . -             . . . - - -          . - .    ..       .      . - . . . ~ _          ..           . .   - - _ _ , .    .               . . . . . .

EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM O TIIIS IS A DRILL To: APS Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: JENC-6 , Time: 11(Xb1115 News Bricling Location: Joint Emergency New Center M ESSAG E Although you say that you have conditions under control at Palo Verde, do you have a plan for a  ; worst-case meltdown at the plant ? ' i a J

           \           05-93 EXERCISE                                                   Page D - 32                                  MAY 11,1993

EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM 78 .\ } THIS IS A DRILL To: APS Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: J ENC-7 Time: 1115-1130 News Briefing Location: Joint Emergency New Center MESSAGE What happens to the employees at the plant site when an accident occurs? Are they sent home? Is anyone left to run the plant? If so, are they in danger? s 05-93 EXEllCISE Page D - 33 MAY 11,1993

EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM O THIS IS A DRILL To: APS Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: J ENC-8 Time: 1115-1130 News Briefing Location: Joint Emergency New Center M ESS AGE liow will this accident affect the other two units? Could this same thing happen to them? CN V t 1 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 34 MAY 11,1993

1 l



 ~J Tills IS A DRILL To: APS Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: JENC 9 Time: 1130-1145 News Briefing Location: Joint Emergency New Center M ESSAGE Back to the accident at the plant. How many other employees have been killed or injured on the job at Palo Verde?

f. I L 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 35 MAY I1,1993 _ ~ . . . . -_



THIS IS A DRILL To: County Public Information Spokesperson hiessage No.: J ENC-10 Time: 1130-1145 News Briefing Location: Joint Emergency New Center N1ESSAGE llow long does it take to evacuate all of the residents from the 10-mile area surrounding Palo Verde? How do you know when total evacuation is completed? / c 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 36 MAY 11,1993 ,

i EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM THIS IS A DRILL To: State Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: JENC-11 Time: 1145-1200 News Briefing Location: Joint Emergency New Center  : MESSAGE What information do you have on how long the release of radioactive materials into the atmosphere . is likely to last? I i I t 1 i. 4 i i t i

        ~ 05-93 EXERCISE                                                                     Page D - 37                        MAY 11,1993                                '


                                                                                                     .m- .       ,. . . _ _ . .  ,_.
       .     -.       -_.     .- _.          _            .             .           . = _ . -    . . -        -. -


     )                                                                                                               ,

J TIIIS IS A DRILL To: State Public Information Spokesperson . Message No.: JENC-12 Time: 1145-1200 News Bricling Location: Joint Emergency New Center MESSAGE What is the estimate of damage to crops and farm animal.s m the 10-mile area around the plant as a , resuh of the accident at Palo Verde? i I i J r s 05 93 EXERCISE Page D - 38 MAY l'1,1993

EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM A U Tills IS A DRILL To: APS Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: J ENC-13 Time: 1200-1215 News Briefing Location: Joint Emergency New Center . MESSAGE Are we likely to see a core meltdown as a result of the events that have taken place at Palo Verde today? 4 I F 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 39 MAY 11,1993

d - i


EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM i (. THIS IS A DillLL To: APS Public Information Spokesperson

Message No.
JENC-14  ;

Time: 12($1215 News BricGng 4 Location: Joint Emergency New Center ) MESSAGE is today's situation at Palo Verde just another example of sloppy workmanship and poor i management? , s 1 ( i f e f 05-93 EXEltCISE Page D - 40 MAY 11,1993

      --%    .        ~ , - -              .     ,      n-.,-        y . . . . - - .              .
                                                                                                                   -              m   -- -= - -t

EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM O THIS IS A DRILL To: APS Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: JENC-15 Time: 1215-1230 News 13riefing Loca';on: Joint Emergency New Center MESSAGE How long w 11 it take to clean-up after this accident? How much is the estimated cost for this clean- ' up? e


3 0 . t I r t 05-93 EXEltCISE l' age D - 41 MAY 11,1993


                                                                                                              -i f,

Tills IS A DRILL l To: APS Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: JENC-16 Time: 1215-1230 News Briefing Location: Joint Emergency New Center I M ESSAG E Ilow soon after conditions at Palo Verde are back under control will we be able to get in and look at the damage ourselves? e b ( 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 42 M AY I1,1993

EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM l l . I, THIS IS A DRILL I l 1 To: APS Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: ~ JENC-17 Time: 1230-1245 News Briefing Location: Joint Emergency New Crnier MESSAGE With the nuclear production of electricity costing more and more as a result of accidents like this, does APS anticipate more towns like Page and Gilbert Arizona trying to run their own independent - ciectric companies in a beller managed and more economical manner? 9 4 05-93 EXERCISE Page D - 43 MAY 11,1993 r w - .n

= _ . - . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ . 1 EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM THIS IS A DRILL

                              ' To: Public Inquiry Controller Message No.: PI-1                                                                                              ,

Time: 1030 i Location: Public Inquiry Center MESSAGE  ! Call the State Publie Inquiry Center at approximately 5-10 minute intervals and ask the following list of suggested Public inquiry questions. Each question may be asked of more than one operator. Other free play questions are encouraged. i i i

                                                                                                                                'l 05-93 EXERCISE                                  Page D - 44                         MAY 11,1993 l
   .   ..    -         -              -    _   . _ _         ~ .        . _ -    - - . . - .      - .          , .   .    -. _.
                                                                                                                                 -l PUBLIC INQUIRY OLIESTIONS                                                     :

(Refer to MSG PI-1)  ; I just heard that there's an accident at Palo Verde. Is this the same type of thing that happened - at Chernobyl? I just heard on the radio that there's a problem at Palo Verde, but I didn't hear any warning  ;


sirens go off. I live in Arlington and thought we were supposed to be warned if something went wrong at the plant. What's an ALERT? What's happening at Palo Verde? , Should we evacuate now, just to be safe? t is it safe for me to travel west from Phoenix on Interstate 10? Is radiation being released from Palo Verde? Will someone tell us if we are in danger? j My husband is a construction worker at Palo Verde. Will he be OK? I just heard the warning sirens go off, but when i tried to tune to KTAR for instructions,my I radio quit working. What should I do? If we have to leave our home because of the problem at Palo Verde, will someone build us a new home like they did in Russia after the accident at Chernobyl? Is Palo Verde going to melt-down? Exactly what is a meltdown? If they can't get this problem at Palo Verde fixed today, are they going to have to shut off our l electricity? i Should I stay inside my house if I live in Goodyear?  ! r i What's going on at Palo Verde? , i- ' Should I bring my pets / farm animals inside? I live east of Tolluon? . Is'the state going to take over operation of Palo Verde?  ; I have to fly over Palo Verde to get to a business meeting in Los Angeles. Am I going to'get -, exposed to radiation? I keep hearing about something called REMS and millirems. What the heck are these things? _ i I ( 05 93 EXERCISE Page D - 45 .MAY 11,1993  !

                              ..                                 ,              .w         .-- -    -,r.   , ,, , __    +<.r.

_ _ - . _ _ . _ _ . . _ . . _ . . _-. ~. - _ _ _ . - - _ . 3 O f i E APPENDIX E j O PUBLIC INFORMATION CONTROLLER GUIDE O

APPENDIX E 4 PUBLIC INFORMATION CONTROLLER GUIDE , TAllLE OF CONTENTS-  : CONTENTS  : PAGE App E-1 Acronyrus . App E-2 Forward News Center (FNC) App-E-3 Joint Ernergency News Center (JENC) , App-E-5 Rumor Control Group (HCG) .j App-E-6 Public inquiry Group (PIG) 9 i

                                                                                    ~b 1

5-93 EXERCISE App-E-1 MAY 11,1993 1

l l APPENDIX E PUllLIC INFORMATION CONTROLLER GUIDE ACRONYMS ADEM - Arizona Division of Emergency Management l 4 APS - Arizona Public Service Company API - APS Public Information Spokesperson ARRA - Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency CEC - Corporate Emergency Center COC - Chief Offsite Controller CPI - County Public Information Spokesperson - CTG - Contingency DC - Direction and Control DO - Duty Olucer Ells - Emergency llroadcast System  ; EOC - Emergency Operations Center EOF - Emergency Operations Facility EPZ - Emergency Planning Zone FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency FM . From FNC - Formard News Center 1 GPlO - Government Public Information Omcer JENC - Joint Emergency Ners Center 1

  -LOCA       -       Loss of Coolant Accident                                          j MC.        -       Ma'ricopa County MCDEM      -       Maricopa County Department of Emergency Management                !

MCSO - Maricopa County Sheriffs Omcc 5 93 EXERCISE App E-2 MAY 11,1993

APPENDIX E PUBLIC INFORMATION CONTROLI.ER GUIDE ACRONYMS (Continued) MSG - Message T NAN - Notification Alert Network NRC - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Agency NUE - Notification of Unusual Event PI - Public Inquiry PVNGS - Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station RCG - Rumor Control Group - RCP - Reactor Coolant Pump RCS - Reactor Coolant System REAT - Radiological Emergency Assistance Team RF - REAT Forward SG - Steam Generator SPI - State Public Information Spokesperson SS - Shift Supenisor TOC - Technical Operations Center

                                                                                       'l WRF        -        Water Reclamation Facility l

l i 1 5-93 EXERCISE App E-3 MAY 11,1993

_ _ - _ . _ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ l'UllLIC INFORMATION CONTROLLER GUIDE FORWARD NEWS CENTER (FNC) DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE  ; Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Ccmtroller Notes 0742 FNC/DO PVNGS Unit 3 Establish contact with Plant FNC Controller should be on to Notification of Director, develop and issue station 15 min. prior to 0807 Unusual Event press releases, access Media Exercise. Alert, establish contact with APS Media Relations and transmit hard copy to APS Media Relations. 0801 FNC/DO Alert Continue to provide above Continue to observe staff to su;) port until activation of the functions. 0826 JENC. Deactivate when this is accomplished and then travel to the JENC 1 5 93 EXERCISE A pp-E-4 MAY 11,1993 l

                                                                                                            -i e

h PUllLIC INFORMATION CONTROL 11R GUIDE JOINT EMERGENCY NEWS CENTER GENC) DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes 0742 JENC/ PVNGS Unit 3 None JENC Controller should be on to MGR Notification of station 15 minutes prior to 0807 Unusual Event Drill. 0801 JENC/ PVNGS Unit 3 Contact State and County Preform time-check with chief - to MGR ALERT public information Controller, 0826 NotiGcation spokesperson, initiates and maintains contact with FNC. Record time lines. Initiate activation, receive Continue to observe staff hard copy from the FNC, functions. determine stafGng levels, check equipment operation and prepare for initial press briefing. 0901 JENC JENC/ JENC activation Receive information from Observe staff functioning. to -1 MGR completed. EOF and State and County 1400 thru EOCs, draft press releases,

            -17                                        relay to EOF and EOCs for approval, disseminate I

information through press , briefings. 0930 JENC/ PVNGS Unit 3 Continue as above, to MGR declares a 0955 SITE AREA EMERGENCY. 102.7 JENC/ PVNGS Unit 3 Continue as above. to MGR declares a 1052 GENERAL EMERGENCY 1400 JENC/ Terminate Receive information from MGR Exercise. EOF, relay to State and County EOCs, Media, Rumor Control Group and APS Media Relations. 1 1400 JENC/ Commence { MGR critique, secure j facility.


I 5 93 EXEltCISE App-E-5 MAY 11,1993 l 1

 . . - . .,          -. . - . - .         -                       ..      . -. -              = . . . -        .


  • Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes 0742 PVNGS Unit 3 None to Notification of ,

0807 Unusual Event 0836 RCG/ PVNGS Unit 3 Initiate activation, establish to SUPV ALERT contact with JENC Facility

  • 0901 Notification Manager and Pl/SS, determine operation, receive hard copy of press releases from JENC, brief staff.

0936 RCG RCG/ RCG activation Respond, from approved to -1 SUPV completed. press releases and stock 1400 information, to questions from the public and the media concerning conditions , at PVNGS. Inform the JENC Facility Manager and Pl/SS of any unusual rumors or questions received, 1400 RCG/ Terminate Receives termination SUPV Exercise. notification from JENC.

              .1400                 RCG/ Commence MGR  critique, secure facility.                                                                        ,

b b r i 4 5-93 EXERCISE App E-6'- MAY 11,1993 I r

PUllLIC INI'OR$1ATION CONTROLLER GUIDE PUllLIC INQUIRY DRILL CONTROLLER GUIDE Time Msg To Event Summary Anticipated Response Controller Notes 0836 Pl/SS PVNGS Unit 3 initiate activation, establish - to ALERT contact with EOC/GPIO and 0901 Notification RCG/SUPV, determine staffing levels, check equipment operations, , receive hard copy of press releases from JENC, brief staff. , 2001 PI Pl/5S Pi activation Respond, from approved to -1 completed. press releases and stock 1400 information, to questions from the public and the media concerning government response to conditions at PVNGS. Inform the EOC/GPIO and ' RCG/SUPV of any unusual rumors or questions received. 1400 Pl/SS Terminate Receives termination l Exercise. notification from EOC/GPIO. 7

                                                                                                                                                                -i 1400                        Pl/SS      Commence                                                                                                     ,

critique, secure facility. r I

      .                                                                                                                                                           1 l

l 5 93 EXERCISE App E 7 MAY 11,1993

                                                                                                          ,.-,y.uwvwy9        -        .w-. p        w rwwr         ew               -- -

O APPENDIX F O Pun'ic ixFoam^riou usss^ciss b P O  : l


   .P6_GE                     CONTENTS App F 1          Acronyms App-F-4          Joint Emergency News Center Message Cards App-F-21         Rumor Control Group Message Cards App F 22         Rumor Control Questions App-F 26          Public inquiry Group Message Cards App F 27          Public inquiry Questions O

V i C 5-93 EXERCISE App F-1 MAY 11,1993 unu


APPEND 1X F [ PUllLIC INFORN1ATION MESSAGES j ACRONYMS ADEM - Arizona Division of Emergency Management APS - Arizona Public Senice Company API - APS ' ablic Information Spokesperson ARRA - Arizona Radiation Reguhtory Agency CEC - Corporate Emergency Center COC - Chief Offsite Controller CPI - County Public Information Spokesperson CTG - Contingency DC - Direction and Control DO - Duty Officer r Ells - Emergency llroadcast System EOC - Emergency Operations Center EOF - Emergency Operations Facility EPZ - Emergency Planning Zone FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency , FM - From FNC - Forward News Center GPIO - Government Public Information OITicer JENC - Joint Emergency News Center LOCA - Loss of Coolant Accident , MC - Maricopa County MCDEM - Maricopa County Department of Emergency Management MCSO - Maricopa County Sherif 1's Omce 5-93 EXERCISE App-F-2 MAY 11,1993 i

l l APPENDIX F PUllLIC INFOltMATION MESSAGES ACRONYNIS (Continued) i l MSG - Message ] NAN - Notification Alert Network NRC - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Agency NUE - Notification of Unusual Event < l PI - Public Imguiry  ! PVNGS - Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station RCG - Rumor Control Group RCP - Reactor Coolant Pump RCS - Reactor Coolant System REAT - Radiological Emergency Assistance Team RF - REAT Forward l SG - Steam Generator SPI - State Public Information Spokesperson SS - Shift Supervisor TOC - Technical Operations Center WRF - Water Reclamation Facility P 1 1 ~


5 93 EXERCISE App F-3 - MAY 11,1993 I



To: APS Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: JENC-1 Time: First New Briefmg Location: Joint Emergency New Center MESSAGE Was the declaration of ALERT related to an release of radiation ? What really caused the ALERT notification ? Is the public in danger? i I l 5 93 EXERCISE App F-4 MAY 11,1993 l 1 l l

EXERCISE MESSAGE FOltM THIS IS A DRILL - To: APS Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: JENC-2 Time: Second New Briefing Location: Joint Emergency New Center MESSAGE

           ' Could the problems that arc occurring at Palo Verde right now lead to another Chernobyl 7 How about another Three Mile Island ?

k t r 4 ( 5 93 EXERCISE App-F.5 MAY 11,1993

      == -     .._-,-..~_.~e                                                     ,, , ,_ - . . _ , ,       ,                          ..y ,
 . . - . - ,    . _ . _ _ , . . . - - . .   . - . -                          . . . -           . -. - - . - - _ ~ . . . . . . .                   . . ._    . . _. _ .

EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM e TIIIS IS A DRILL To: County Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: J ENC-3 , Time: Second New Bricling  : Location: Joint Emergency New Center MESSAGE We understand that a worker at Palo Verde was injured in a work related accident. Can you tell us [ more about what happened ? f P l f C@/ 5 93 EXERCISE App F-6 MAY 11,1993 . i

i l EXEltCISE MESSAGE FOltM . /~ b] Tills IS A DRILL i To: State Public Information Spokesperson 4 Message No.: J ENC-4 Time: Second New Ilriefing Location: Joint Emergency New Center M ESSAG E Ilow many people live in the 10-mile area surrounding Palo Verde, and is the state really prepared to handle the situation if this accident turns into another Chernobyl or Three Mile Island ? i C \ l l ( 5-93 EXEllCISE App F-7 MAY 11,1993  !

_- . . - - . . ~ . _ . . _ _ . . 1 EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM THIS IS A DRILL

                                                                                                          -              1 1

1 To: State Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: J ENC-5 'I Time: 1100-1115 News Ilriefmg - Location: Joint Emergency New Center MESSAGE What is the weather forecast ? How far is it estimated that the wind will carry any radiation that ' might be released ? What happens if there is a wind shift ? j i l i F

                                                                                                                    -s 1

I E 5 93 EXERCISE App F-8 MAY 11,1993 I

                         ,c, , , -, .

i EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM l l i l THIS IS A DRILL i To: APS Public Information Spokesperson , Message No.: J ENC-6 Time: 1100-1115 News Briefing Location: Joint Emergency New Center MESSAGE Although you say that you have conditions under control at Palo Verde, do you have a plan for a worst-case meltdown at the plant ? Y

                                                                                                                                                                   -I a

6 $4  % 4 $ * * [ 1 - w - .,

EXEltCISE MESSAGE FORM THIS IS A DRILL To: APS Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: JENC-7 Time: 1115-1130 News Briefing Location: Joint Emergency New Cei.ter , 11ESSAGE What happens to the employees at the plant site when an accident occurs? Are they sent home? Is anyone left to run the plant? If so, are they in danger? p 1 i 1 i 1 1 i l 5-93 EXERCISE App-F 10 M AY 11,1993 r- 9 C'5*- - e a d- ,.- - - __ _ _ _ _ _ ---- _ _ _ - - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _

.e EXERCISE MESSAGE FOltM ( i \ Tills IS A DRILL To: APS Public information Spokesperson E Message No.: JENC-8 Time; 1115-1130 News Briefing Location: Joint Emergency New Center MESSAGE  ; How will this accident affect the other two units? Could this same thing happen to them?


l l 5 93 EXERCISE App F-11 MAY 11,1993 i i

          .                                                                = . - .      ..         .    .

EXEllCISE MESSAGE FOllM Tills IS A DitILL-  : To: APS Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: JENC-9 Time: 1130-1145 News Briefing Location: Joint Emergency New Center M ESSAG F, Back to the accident at the plant. How many other employees have been killed or injured on the job at Palo Verde? i

                                                                                                       .i 1

5-93 EXERCISE App F-12 MAY 11,1993  : l

 -   . . . . ..                  . =         . . -          -       -                ..           .  .- . . - . .     .    .

EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM THIS IS A DRILL To: County Public Information Spokesperson . Message No.: JENC-10 Time: 1130-1145 News Briefmg Location: Joint Emergency New Center MESSAGE L Ifow long does it take to evacuate all of the residents from the 10-mile area surrounding Palo Verde? 110w do you know when total evacuation is completed? 4 4 4 i l k [

                                                                                                                             -k 4

d 5 93 EXERCISE App F 13 MAY 11,1993

EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM TlilS IS A DRILL P To: State Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: JENC 11 Time: 1145-1200 News firiefing Location: Joint Emergency New Center  ; MESSAGE What information do you have on how long the release of radioactive materials into the atmosphere  ; is likely to last? j t b i b h i

5 5-93 EXERCISE App F-14 MAY 11,1993
                                                    . ~ . _ - - .                     . __        _    - , _   , -

EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM O Tills IS A DRILL 1 To: State Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: JENC-12 , Time: 1145-1200 News Briefing Location: Joint Emergency New Center MESSAGE What is the estimate of damage to crops and farm animals in the 10-mile area around the plant as a ' result of the accident at Palo Verde? l i F b 1 l l 1 I i

                                                                                                           'l l

5-93 EXERCISE App-F-15 MAY 11,1993 i 1


m _ - . _ - _ __ . - ~ _ . - - - , . _ . . ~ . - - __ EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM T111S IS A DRILL To: APS Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: JENC-13 Time: 12001215 News Brienng Location: Joint Emergency New Center M ESS AGE Are we likely to see a core meltdown as a result of the events that have taken place at Palo Verde today?

                                                                                                                        .i 1

i 1 l i l 5 93 EXERCISE App F-16 MAY 11,1993 j 2 i


1 LXFitCISE MESSAGE FORM j THIS IS A DRILL  : i To: APS Public Informatioc, Spokesperson Message No.: J ENC-14 Time: 1200-1215 News Briefing Location: Joint Emergency New Center MESSAGE Is today's situation at Palo Verde just another example of sloppy workmanship and poor management?


t u


(~ ' 5-93 EXEl(CISE App-F-17 MAY 11,1993 -

EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM - THIS IS A DRILL i To: APS Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: JENC-15 i Time: 1215-1230 News Briefing . Location: Joint Emergency New Cemer MESSAGE How long will it take to clean-up after this accident? Ilow much is the estimated cost for this clean-up? 1 9 4 h O .  : 6 b k I O - s.,3 ExERc,SE . ,,.e.,s m ,,,,,,,,,

   "                                                   EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM c n g

THIS IS A DRILL To: APS Public Information Spokesperson  ! Message No.: JENC 16 Time: 1215-1230 News Briefing Location: Joint Emergency New Center MESSAGE ilow soon after conditions at Palo Verde are back under control will we be abic to get in and look at , the damage ourselves? s 5 93 EXERClSE App-F-19 MAY 11,1993 I i i

                                                             . ~ , ,           -

4 EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM THIS IS A DRILL : 1 To: APS Public Information Spokesperson Message No.: J ENC-17 Time: 1230-1245 News Briefing Location: Joint Emergency New Center MESSAGE With the nuclear production of electricity costing niore and more as a result of accidents like this, does APS ant'sipate more towns like Pnge and Gilbert Arizona trying to run their own independent electric companies in a better managed and more economical manner? l 3 E f P

                                                                                                                       - _i k            5-93 EXERCISE                                      App F-20                          MAY 11,1993 t
     .s.   -e o       e            w-.                                           -    -                   w

P EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM 2 U THIS IS .A DRILL To: Rumor Control Group Control:er 4 Message No.: RCG-1 Time: 1030 Location: Rumor Control Center MESSAGE l I Call the Rumor Control Group Center at approximately 5- 10 minute intervals and ask the following list of suggested Rumor Control questions. Each questi .i may be asked of more than one operator. Other free-play questions are encouraged. i-i i a t f t 5-93 EXERCISE App-F-21 MAY 11,1993. , i b b

   -ee                                             , . ,       e,-e- -ww , s,  -.-e---m.,a.
                                                                                  ,              , , .a-s        w     -

m.- -.m.., - - ,.+,,,e n., , ,. p 3r,-,--

RUMOR CONTROL QUESTIONS (Refer to MSG RCG 1) I just heard that there's an accident at Palo Verde. Is this the same type of thing that happened at Chernobyl? . I just heard on the radio that there's a problem at Palo Verde, but I didn't hear any warning , sirens go o!T. I lige in Arlington and thought we were supposed to be warned if something went wrong at the plant. What's an ALERT! What's happening at Palo Verde? Should we evacuate now,just to be safe? i-Is it safe for me to travel west from Phoenix on Interstate 10? i is radiation being released from Palo Verde? Will someone tell us if we are in danger? hly husband 13 a construction worker at Palo Verde. Will he be OK? I just heard the warning sirens go oli, but when I tried to tune to KTAR for lustructions,my radio quit working. Wir.t should I do? If we have to lease our

  • we because of the problem at Palo Verde, will someone build us a new home like they did in Russ' .+ .cr the accident at Chernobyl?

Is Palo Verde going to melt down? Exactly what is a meltdown? If the. can't get this problem at Palo Verde lhed today, are they going to have to shut oli our electr city? Shrold I stay inside i.y house if I lise in Goodyear? What's going on at Palo Verde? Should I bring my pets / farm animals inside? I the east of Tolleson? Is the state going to t ike mer operation of Palo Verde? I hase to fly mer Palo Verde to get to a business meeting in Los Angeles. Am I going to gel exposed to radiation? I keep hearing about something called REhlS and AlilliREhlS. What the heck these things? P r 5-93 EXERCISE App-F-22 MAY 11,1993' i b e T + .r m-- 'e -,n -

 .   .                                              .-       . .                                         .    =.

RUMOR CONTROL QUESUONS ] (Refer to MSG RCG-1; I live in lluckeye. Is it safe for me to go outside? ) What is a SITE AREA EMERGENCY? Does it mean we're going to die or get cancer if we live within ' 10 miles of Palo Verde? Will Ruth Fisher School be oprn tomorrow? Ilow much radiation is being released form Palo Verde? If we have to evacuate to a Reception and Care Center, how long will il be before we can return to our home? Is the milk I bought ut the liassayampa Store last night safe to drink? Someone told me that radiation is more dangerous to children and pregnant woman than to people like my husband. Why? I'm on my way to a Reception and Care Center. Will someone make certain my house isn't looted while I'm away? I live in Avondale. Is our water safe to drink, or has the accident at Palo Verde contamina;?d it? I huse a family living in the 10-mile area surrounding Palo Verde. Ilow du I find out if they have been able to leave the area and are safe? I heard that the National Guard was going to take mer Palo Verde. Is that true? My son's in the Guard and I don't want him near that mess. I heard that there's a big cloud of steam or something hovering over Palo Verde. is that radiation orjust regular pollution? When will an evacuation of Phoenix be required? Are the segetables from my home garden safe to cat? I live in Youngtown? My electricity comes from Palo Verde. Is it going to be radioactise? Should I shut off my electricity to protect my family? Is the radiation going to ruin my cotton crop? I lise near Cotton Lane and Interstate 10. Will I have to throw out the milk from my dairy farm? If so,will APS pay me for it? My farm is near 75th Asenue and Glendale. 5-93 EXERCISE App F-23 MAY 11,1993


                 -l just heard that a GENERAL EN1ERGENCY has been declared at Palo Verde. isn't that the                      ,

same thing that happened in Russia a couple of years ago? I hase relatives in Phoenix are they going to die? I live in a trailer behind the Red Quail Store near Palo Verde, and I want to get out of the area l until it's safe again. Can someone come out and help me?

                  $1y wife and I just retired here to Perrysille and we're afraid that our house is going to be burnt up      '

just like happened to that nuclear reactor in Russia -Cher- something or other. We don't ha$e much life savings and if our house burned up, we wouldn't hase any place to lise. What are we going to do? Is it safe to hase sex when that thing is leaking? Will it make me have a deformed baby if I get pregnant? I saw on the news that California had an earthquake. Did it cause your nuclear reactor to leak? should I sell my stock in Wal.hlart? Your nuclear place is going to cause my daughter to have a miscarriage. I know this cause I read in the National Inquirer that radioactisity causes miscarriages. If my daughter loses her - baby, I'm going to sue. Ilysterical voice on the phone. ."Aly son just told me about the nuclear accident in Arizona and that the Russians are responsible for sabotaging the reactor so that they could send their missiles over while we were busy with this accident. Is this true? Are the Russians sending missiles mer right now? I have to know please tell me .? I've heard you've had an explosion. Should I call the travel agency and get my grandkids out of - Peoria right now? Aly name is Dr. Pleathora Sandoch. Ethel Gardner is my patient. Ilow could you tell her that radiation would make her pacemaker stop and scare her so bad? don't you people believe in ethics? This is John Passisstichtitch from Scottsdale,is it true that nuclear fallout makes everything run hackwards? I'm a clotk maker and I need to know if all my clocks will start running backwards if the fallout reaches Scottsdale? I read the newspaper reports when that nuclear place in Russia leaked and destroyed everything for 1000 miles around the plant,is that going to happen here? I'd hate to have my prize roses destroyed? Aly water has . started tasting bad. I know Glendale is the water supply for my city. lias PVNGS leaked into the Glendale water supply? Will I get sick if I drink the water? Is it safe to water my - plants? 5-93 EXERCISE App-F-24 MAY 11,1993


l J

                                                            ~                       ,-                           ,         ,

r itUMOR CONTItOL QUESTIONS [ { (Itefer to MSG ltCG 1) , i This is Jane Jones, I am calling form Albany, New York. I just heard about the disaster down there. My boy friend is a student at Arizona State University and I haven't heard from him. , lion 4an I find out if he's okay? My cancer is in remission. I've heard that radiation from nuclear reactors will cause my cancer to come back and I just don't think I could deal with this anymore.

  • This is Geraldo, I am doing a show on people who' have been exposed to radiation. Could PVNGS send some of its personnel to be on my show? I heard some people from your plant actually got direct exposure and I just know the public would like to hear their story.

My baby is a SIDS baby. She is susceptible to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Will radiation , make her monitor go haywire or stop working? I don't want to lose my baby. Ilow can I protect this monitor from radiation, would placing lead all the way around it work? My name is Aunt Gardner and I heard that radiation will stop my pacemaker. Should I go to the doctor now and get it checked? This is lierbert Gardner. My Aunt Ethel is really afraid that her pacemaker is going to stop. Just what did you people tell her when she called? This is lirenda Sue lianes from Glendale. I had to do exercises when I was in the Air National Guard on what to do in case of nuclear war. I want to know if I can come down and help you'll s out? Ilow can you people let this happen? We are still trying to clean up after Three Mile Island and it 4 happened 50 years ago and now we have to come and clean up after you. Totalincompetence,if you ask me. This is Larry King's Office. Mr. King would like to do a lige inteniew with your IIcalth Department radiation experts tonight on his show on CNN. Who do I need to talk to arrange this? Will I have to call the Gosernor? My name is Kathy Yardaman and my son wants to fly his plane mer your reactor and take some . pictures. I've heard that directly merhead of a leaking nuclear place a black hole exists, and I'm afraid my son will disappear into that black hole if he liies out there?


6 5-93 EXERCISE Api)-F-25 MAY 11,1993 1 4

3 EXERCISE MESSAGE FOllM . p '\ . d THIS IS A DRILL e To: Public inquiry Controller Message No.: Pl.1 Time: 1030 location: Public Inquiry Center MESSAGE Call the State Public inquiry Center at the times indicated on the following list of suggested Public  ; Inquiry questions. Each question may be asked of more than one operator. Other free-play i questions are encouraged. 1 4




1 J k 5-93 EXERCISE App-F-26 MAY 11,'1993 I

PUllLIC INQUIRY QUESTIONS  ; (Refer lo MSG PI 1) I just heard that there's an accident at Palo Verde, is this the same type of thing that happened at i Chernobyl? I just heard on the radio that there's a problem at Palo Verde, but I didn't hear any warning sirens - go olT. I line in Arlington and thought we were supposed to be warned if something went wrong at the plant. What's an ALERT! What's happening at Palo Verde? . Should we evacuate now,just to he safe? I Is it safe for me to trasel west from Pimenix on Interstate 10? is radiation being released from Palo Verde? Will someo0e tell us if we are in danger? My husband is a construction worker at Palo Verde. Will he be OK? I just heard the warning sirens go olT, but when I trie:I to tune to KTAR for instructions,my radio quit working. What should I do? If we have to lease our home because of the problem at Palo Verde,will someone build us a new home like they did in Russia after the accident at Chernobyl?  ! Is Palo Verde going to melt-down? Exactly what is a meltdown? 9 If they can't get this problem ut Palo Verde lhed today, are they going to have to shut oli our electricity?  ! Should I stay inside my house if I lise in Goodyear? What's going on at Palo Verde? Should I bring my pets / farm animals inside? I live east of Tolleson? Is the state going to take mer operation of Palo Verde? I hase to fly over Palo Verde to get to a business meeting in Los Angeles. Am I going to get exposed to radiation? I keep hearing about something called REMS and MilliitEMS. What the heck are these things?. I g 5-93 EXERCISE App F-27 MAY 11,1993 , j j l

PUllLIC INQUIRY QUESTIONS (Continued) (Refer to MSG PI 1) I live in llockeye. Is it safe for me to go outside? What is a SITE AREA EMERGENCY? Does it mean we're going to die or get cancer if we lise within > 10 miles of Palo Will Ruth Fisher School be open tomorrow? l Ilow much radiation is being released form Palo Verde? If we have to evacuate to a Reception and Carr Center, how long will it be before we can return to our home?

  • Is the milk i bought at the liassayampa Store last night safe to drink?

Someone told me that radiation is more dangerous to children and ' pregnant woman than to people like my husband. Why? I'm on my way to a Reception and Care Center, Will someone make certain my house isn't looted while I'm away? I live in Asondale, is our water safe to drink, or has the accident at Palo Verde contaminated it? I have a family lising in the 10-mile area surrounding Palo Verde, llow do I find'out if they have been able to leave the area and are safe? ( I heard that the National Guard was going to take user Palo Verde. Is that true? 'My son's in the Guard and I don't want him near that mess. I heard that there's a big cloud of steam or something hosering user Palo Verde. Is that radiation orjust regular pollution? When will an evacuation of Phoenix he required? Are the tegetables from my home garden safe to eat? I live in Youngtown? My electricity comes from Palo Verde, is it going to be radioactive? Should I shut off my electricity to protect my family? Is the radiation going to ruin my cotton crop? I lise near Cotton Lane and Interstate 10. Will I hate to throw out the anilk from my dairy farm? If so,will APS pay me for it? My farm is near 75th Asenue and Glendale. 5 93 EXERCISE App F-28 MAY 11,1993 k . -- --~ - - . , - - - - - - - - . .-.- _ _.. -

. PUBLIC INQUIRY QUESTIONS (Continued) f (Refer lo MSG PI-1)


l just heard that a GENERAL EMERGENCY has been declared at Palo Verde. Isn't that the same thing that happened in Russia a couple of years ago? I have relatives in Phoenix... are they going to die? I lise in a trailer behind the Red Quail Store near Palo Verde, and I want to get out of the area , until it's safe again. Can someone come out and help me? My wife and I just retired here to Perryvilli. and we're afraid that our house is going to be burnt up just like happened to that nuclear reactor in Russia -Cher- something or other, We don't have much life savings and if our house burned up, we wouldn't have any place to live. What are we going to do? Is it safe to hase sex uhen that thing is leaking? Will it make me have a deformed baby if I get > pregnant? I saw on the news that California had an earthquake. Did it cause your nuclear reactor to leak? should I sell my stock in Wal Mart? Your nuclear place is going to cause my f'aughter to have a miscarriage. I know this cause I read in the National Inquirer that radioactivity causes miscarriages. If my daughter loses her baby, I'm going to sue. Ilysterical voice on the phone ..."My son just told me about the nuclear accident in Arizona and that-the Russians are responsible for sabotaging the reactor so that they could send their missiles oser while we were busy with this accident. Is this true? Are the Russians sending missiles over right now? I have to know please tell me... ? , I've heard you'se had an esplosion. Should I call the travel agency and get my grandkids out of Peoria right now? My name is Dr. Pleathora Sandoch. Ethel Gardner is my patient. Ilow could you tell her that radiation would make her pacemaker stop and scare her so had? don't you people believe in ethics? This is John Passisstichsitch from Scottsdale, is it true that nuclear ft.4out makes escrything run backwards? I'm a clock maker und I need to know if all my clocks will start running backwards if the fallout reaches Scottsdale? 1 I read the newspaper reports when that nuclear place in Russia leaked and destroyed everything for t 1000 miles around the plant,is that going to hagre's here? I'd hate to huse my prize roses destroyed? My water has started tasting bad. I know Glendale is the water supply for my city. lias PVNGS leaked into the Glendale water supply? Will I get sick if I drink the water? Is it safe to water my plaats?


( 5-93 EXERCISE App-F-29 MAY 11,1993

PUllLIC INQUIRY QUESTIO' S (continued) _. T (Refer to MSG Pl.1)

  .[V This is Jane Jones, I am calling form Albany, New York. I just heard about the disaster down there. My' boy friend is a student at Arizona State Unisersity and I hasen't heard from him.

Ilow can I find out if he's okay? My cancer is in remission, l'se heard that radiation from nuclear reactors will cause my cancer to come back and I just don't think I could deal with this anymore. This is Geraldo, I am doing a show on people who hate been exposed to radiation. Could PVNGS send some of its personnel to be on my show? I heard some people from your plant , actually got direct exposure and I just know the public would like to hear their story. My baby is a SIDS baby. She is susceptible to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Will radiation make her monitor go haywire or stop working? I don't want to lose my baby. Ilow can I protect this monitor from radiation, would placing lead all the way around it work? My name is Aunt Gardner and I heard that radiation will stop my pacemaker. Should I go to the doctor now and get it checked? This is flerbert Gardner. My Aunt Ethel is really afraid that her pacemaker is going to stop. Just what did you people tell her when she called? This is lirenda Sue llanes from Glendale. I had to do exercises when I was in the Air National Guard on what to do in case of nuclear war. I want to know if I can come down and help you'll out? Ilow can you people let this happen? We are still trying to clean up after Three Mile Island and it happened 50 years ago and now we base to come and clean up after you. Total Incompetence,if you ask me. This is Larry King's Ollice. Mr. King would like to do a lhe Intersiew with your llealth Department radiation experts tonight on his show on CNN. Who do I need to talk to arrange this? Mill I have to call the Governor? My name is Kathy Vardaman and my son wants to fly his plane oser your reactor and take some pictures. I'se heard that directly merhead of a leaking nuclear place a black hole exists, and I'm afraid my son will disappear into that black hole if he "les out there? 5-93 EXERCISE App F.30 MAY 11,1993 I i

O APPENDIX G  ! 1 CORPORATE EMERGENCY CENTER CONTROLLER GUIDE . l O This Section will not be used in the.1993 Exercise , t b O . 1 1 APPENDIX G PAGE 1 UPDATE REY. 021593' i

                                                                                          . i

l l O 1 APPENDIX X i CORPORATE EMERGENCY CENTER MESSAGES O This Section will not be used in the 1993 Exercise l l l l O _m. ,, , , _ . _ , 1

EVENT TIMES TRIP + 0 10 20 30 40 50 DRILL + 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Board PARAMETER UNITS 730 740 750 800 810 820 830 802 HPSI Disch Header A PSIG 48 48 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 802 HPSI Flow to 1 A GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B02 HPSI Flow to 1B GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B02 LPSI A Flow ' GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B02 Cntmt Spray A Flow GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B02 HPSI Disch Header B PSIG 48 48 1876 1876 1877 1876 1877 B02 HPSI Flow to 2A GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B02 HPSI Flow to 2B GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 802 LPSI B Flow GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 802 Cntmt Spray B Flow GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 802 Cntmt Press PSIG 0.5 0.5 0.7 09 1.0 1.0 0.9 B02 Cntmt Level IN 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 602 RWT Level  % 92 92 92 92 91 91 91 B02 SIT Level 2A WR  % 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 B02 SIT Level 28 WR  % 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 B02 SIT Pressure 2A PSIG 610 610 610 610 610 610 610 B02 SIT Pressure 2B PSIG 610 610 610 610 610 610 610 B02 SIT Level 1 A WR  % 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 802 SIT Level 1B WR  % 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 802 SIT Pressure 1A PSIG 610 610 610 610 610 610 610 802 SIT Pressure 1B PSIG 610 610 610 610 610 610 610 802 RVLMS - Head  % 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 902 RVLMS - Plenum  % 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 B02 PZR Pressure PSIA 2221 2221 1983 2060 2209 2200 O 2191 B02 Subcooling DEG F 29 29 52 80 85 84 84 B03 EDT Level  % 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 803 VCT Level  % 36 36 38 41 42 39 37 B03 RDT Level  % 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 B03 Letdown Flow GPM 74 74 0 0 16 21 26 B03 Chg Pumps Running A,8 A,B A,8 A A A A B03 Chg Header Flow GPM 88 88 88 44 44 44 44 B04 PZR Level 110X/Y  % 53 0 53.0 38 0 43.0 48.9 48.0 47.2 804 PZR Relief Temp DEG F 98 98 121 118 117 114 112 l 804 Core Delta P PSID 68 68 68 23 23 23 23 804 T AVE DEG F 593 593 563 564 564 564 564 B04 T REF DEG F 593 593 564 564 564 564 564 5 804 Reactor Power  % 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 B05 SIG 1 Level Wide  % 80 80 69 71 72 73 74

      -605    S/G 1 Pressure             PSIA             1069          1069          1187                  1156         1151        1152            1153 B05   S/G 2 Level Wide           %                   80             60            69                    71          72           73             74 BOS   S/G 2 Pressure             PSIA             1070          1070          1188                  1156         1150        1150            1151 B05   T h Loop 1                DEG F              622            622           564                   565         565         565             565 805   T h Loop 2                DEG F-             622            622           563                   564         565         565             565 805   T c Loop 1                CEG F              565            565           562                   563         563         563             563 B05   T c Loop 2                DEG F              565            565           562                   563         563         563             563 B05   Cond Disch Hdr Flow       LBM/HR       2.36E+ 04     2. 36E+ 04   1.20E+04           1.20E+ 04         1.20E+04    1.20E+04        1.20E+04 O    B05 806 B06 Cond Disch Pres.

ADV #1 S/G #1 ADV #2 S/G #1 PSIG

                                        % OPEN
                                        % OPEN 464 O

0 464 O 0 503 O 0 503 O 0 503 O 0 503 O 0 503 O 0 1993 Exercise Page 1-1 4/23/93 i

 .  - . -      . -         .         . .- - .         _ - -                 - -       .                 . . - . .- - ..                  ~. .            - -

EVENT TIMES TRIP + 0 10 20 30 40 50 DRILL + 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Board PARAMETER UNITS 730 740 750 800 810 820 830 B06 ADV #1 S/G #2  % OPEN O O O O O O O B06 ADV #2 S/G #2  % OPEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B06 Mn Steam Hdr Press PSIA 1044 1044 900 900 900 900 900 B06 S/G 1 Feed Flow Ib/hr 6,51E+06 8 51E+06 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 B06 S/G 1 Steam Flow Ib/hr 8 50E+06 8.50E+06 3.38E+ 04 4.64 E+ 04 5.12E+04 7.67E+ 04 1.00E+05 B06 S/G 2 Feed Flow Ib/hr 8.54 E+ 09 8 54E+06 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 B06 S/G 2 Steam Flow Ib/hr 8.52E+06 8.52E+ 06 3 51E+04 4. 76E+ 04 5 93E+04 8.68E+04 1.14 E+05 BOS Feed Pump A Disch PSIG 1233 1233 503 503 503 503 503 B06 Feed Pump B Disch PSIG 1233 1233 503 503 503 503 503 B06 Aux Feed Flow S/G 1 GPM 0 0 613 580 541 458 374 B06 Aux Feed Flow S/G 2 GPM 0 0 602 562 526 455 383 B06 Main Turb Load Net MWE 1236 1236 0 0 0 0 0 B06 Cond A Vac IN Hg 1 99 1.99 0.62 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 806 Cond B Vac IN Hg 2.49 2 49 0.63 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 B06 Cond C Vac IN Hg 3 33 3 33 0 63 0 61 0.61 1 1 807 Cntmt Temp DEG F 105 105 105 105 105 102 98 B07 Cntmt Humioity  % 12 12 12 12 12 14 16 B07 RW Sump Level East IN 23 23 23 23 23 29 35 807 RW Sump Level West IN 18 18 18 18 18 25 32 B07 Rx Cavity Sump Level IN 12 9 12.9 12.9 12.9 12 9 12.9 13.0 AFAS 17 Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO AFAS 27 Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO AFW pump A disch press psig 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 AFW pump B disch press psig 17 17 1153 1190 1214 1322 1431 O. AFW pump N disch press Boronometer psig ppm 583 0 583 0 0 583 583 0 611 0 611 0 612 0 l Charging pump A running? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Charging pump B running? Y/N YES YES YES NO NO NO NO Charging pump E running? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CIAS? Y/N NO NO YES YES '/ES YES YES Cond Vac flow rate SCFM 793 793 591 564 555 555 554 Condenser level IN 43 43 44 45 45 45 45 CNTMT H2 concentration  % 00 00 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dore exit TC Train A DEG F 604 604 565 564 564 564 565 Core exit TC Train B DEG F 604 604 565 564 564 564 565 CPIAS? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CREFAS? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CRVIAS? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CSAS? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CST level ft 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 D/G A amps amps 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D/G A volts vAC 0 0 4162 4162 4162 4162 4162  : D/G B amps amps 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l O D/G B volts VAC 0 0 4162 4162 4162 4162 4162 j EW flow rate gpm 1 1 29310 29310 29310 29310 29310 i EW temperature DEG F 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 l 1993 Exercise Page 1-2 4/23/93

_ . - - _ . _ . _ _ _ _ ._ . ... _ m .. - ___. . _ _ - -.__ . . _ - . _ . . . _ l l EVENT TIMES TRIP + 0 10 20 30 40 50 DRILL + 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 ) Board PARAMETER UNITS 730 740 750 800 810 820 830 FBEVAS? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Feed header pressure psig 1127 1127 560 558 557 544 530 i Fuel Bldg flow rate SCFM 43792 43792 47862 47859 47857 47852 47848 , Generator gross output MW 1309 1309 0 0 0 0 0 HPSI hot :eg flow 1 gpm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' HPSI hot leg flow 2 gpm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MSIS? Y/N NO NO YES YES YES YES YES Plant Vent flow rate SCFM 1.10E + 05 1.10E+ 05 8 73E+04 8. 73E+ 04 8 73E+04 8.73E+ 04 8.73E+04 Process rad monitor flow gpm 2 2 0 0 2 2 2 PZR Level Cold Cal  % 35 35 32 33 33 33 32 PZR temperature DEG F 651 651 613 614 617 622 626 RAS? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO RCP 1 A operattag? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES RCP 18 operating? Y/N YES YES NO NO NO NO NO RCP 2A operating? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES RCP 28 operating? Y/N YES YES NO NO NO NO NO RDT pressure PSIG 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 CNTMT level A in 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 > CNTMT level B in 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 RMWT level  % 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 RX Tripped? Y/N NO NO YES YES YES YES YES SBCV #1 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #2 cpen/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #3 open/ closed O/C C C O C C C C C SBCV #4 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #5 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #6 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #7 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #8 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C S!AS7 Y/N NO NO YES YES YES YES YES SIT outlet va'Ee 2A O/C O O O O O O O SIT outlet valve 2B O/C O O O O O O O SIT outlet valve 1 A O/C O O O O O O O SIT outlet valve 1B O/C O O O O O O O Spray pond level FT 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Spray pond temperature DEG F 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 S/G 1 downcomer flow Ib/hr 8.89E+05 8.89E+05 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0 00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 S/G 2 downcomer flow lb/hr 8 86E+05 8.86E+05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 S/G 1 feed temperature DEG F 440 440 181 159 143 135 127 S/G 2 feed temperature DEG F 440 440 181 159 143 135 127 S/G 1 ! evel NR  % 51 51 8 20 31 34 37 Sil,2 Level NR  % 50 50 6 19 31 34 36 Turbine speed rpm 1800 1800 1535- 1269 1004 942 880 Spray pond flow rate gpm 4249 4249 36117 36117 36117 36117 36117 1993 Exercise Page 1-3 4/23/93 .g x , y ,v

. . ~_ _ -.. _ . _. _ . -                      .     . .     -. ..             -                -                          .        -           -.-

EVENT TIMES TRIP + 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 DRILL + 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Board PARAMETER UNITS 840 850 900 910 920 930 940 802 HPSI Disch Header A PSIG 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1778 1487 B02 HPSI Flow to 1 A GPM 0 0 0 0 21 42 124 B02 HPSI Flow to 1B GPM 0 0 0 0 21 42 124 802 LPSI A Flow GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B02 Cntml Spray A Flow GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 698 B02 HPSI Disch Header B PSIG 1876 1876 1876 1876 1872 1777 1486 B02 HPSI Flow to 2A GPM 0 0 0 0 21 42 125 B02 HPSI Flow to 2B GPM 0 2 0 0 20 42 125 B02 LPSI B Flow GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 802 Cntml Spray B Flow GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 802 Cntmt Press PSIG 0. 9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 5.3 B02 Cntmt Level IN 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 B02 RWT Level  % 91 91 91 91 91 91 90 802 SIT Level 2A WR  % 81 81 81 81 81 81 68 B02 SIT Level 2B WR  % 81 81 81 P1 81 81 68 B02 SIT Pressure 2A PSIG 610 610 610 610 610 610 583 B02 SIT Pressure 2B PSIG 610 610 610 610 610 610 583 B02 SIT Level 1 A WR  % 80 80 80 80 80 80 67 B02 SIT Level 18 WR  % 80 80 80 80 80 80 67 B02 SIT Pressure 1A PSIG 609 609 609 609 609 609 583 , 802 SIT Pressure 1B PSIG 610 610 610 610 610 610 583 B02 RVLMS - Head  % 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 B02 RVLMS - Pienum  % 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 B02 PZR Pressure PSIA 2182 2173 2072 1971 1870 1769 1482 ~O B02 B03 Subcooling EDT Level DEG F 83 47 82 47 76 69 63 56 52 47 47 47 47 47 B03 VCT Level 96 34 31 35 38 42 45 45 B03 RDT Level  % 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 , B03 Letdown Flow GPM 30 35 26 18 9 0 0 803 Chg Pumps Running A A,8 A,B A,8 A,8 A.B.E A,B,E B03 Chg Header Flow GPM 44 88 88 88 88 132 132 B04 PZR Level 110X/Y  % 46.3 45.4 51.7 58.1 64.4 70.7 58.9 B04 PZR Rehef Temp DEG F 109 106 104 103 101 99 118 B04 Core Delta P PSID 23 23 23 23 23 23 25 804 T AVE DEG F 564 564 564 563 563 562 552 B04 T REF DEG F 564 564 564 564 564 564 564 804 Reactor Power  % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BOS S/G 1 Level Wide  % 75 76 76 75 75 74 77 B05 S/G 1 Pressure PSIA 1153 1154 1150 1147 1143 1139 1026 BOS S/G 2 Level Wide  % 75 76 75 75 74 73 76 B05 S/G 2 Pressure PSIA 1151 1151 1147 1144 1140 1136 1019 l 805 T h Loop 1 DEG F 565 565 565 564 564 563 506 ) BOS T h Loop 2 DEG F 565 565 565 564 564 563 509  ! BOS T c Loop 1 DEG F 563 563 563 562 562 561 481 B05 T c Loop 2 DEG F 563 563 563 562 562 561 488 B05 Cond Disch Hdr Flow LBM/HR 1.20E+04 1.20E+04 1.20E+ 04 1.20E+04 1.20E+04 1.20E+04 1.20E+ 04 O BOS B06 B06 Cond Disch Press ADV #1 S/G #1 ADV #2 S/G #1 PSIG

                                                 % OPEN
                                                 % OPEN 503 O

0 503 O 0 503 O 0 503 O 0 503 O 0 503 O 0 503 O 0 1993 Exercise Page 1-4 4/23/93

    -- ,    -      .     -              ~ _   -     ._ ..       ..        ..         -   -                   . . - .                  __    __ _

EVENT TIMES TRIP + 60 70 80 90 100 110 .120 DRlLL + 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Board PARAMETER UNITS 840 850 900 910 920 930 940 B06 ADV #1 S/G #2  % OPEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 806 B06 ADV #2 S/G #2 Mn Steam Hdr Press

                                        % OPEN PSIA           900 O

900 O 900 O 900 O 900 O 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 O 900 900 0.00E+00 O i B06 S/G 1 Feed Flow 'b/hr 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E + 00 l 806 S/G 1 Steam Flow Ib/hr 125E+05 1. 49E+ 05 1.42E+05 1.35E+ 05 1.29E+05 1.22E+05 1,16E+05 I B06 S/G 2 Feed Flow lb/hr 0 00E+00 0 00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0,00E+00 l B06 S/G 2 Steam Flow Ib/hr 1.42E+ 05 1.69E+05 1.61 E+ 05 1.52E+05 1.44E+05 1.36E+05 1.28E+ 05 806 Feed Pump A Disch PSIG 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 l BOS Feed Pump B Disch PSIG 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 i 806 Aux Feed Flow S/G 1 GPM 291 207 208 208 209 209 288 B06 Aux Feed Flow S/G 2 GPM 312 240 241 242 243 244 322 BOS Main Turb Load Net MWE O O O O O O O B06 Cond A Vac IN Hg 0.61 0 61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 B06 Cond B Vac IN Hg 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0 61 0.61 0.61 B06 Cond C Vac IN Hg 1 0 61 1 1 1 0.61 0,61 B07 Cntmt Temp DEG F 95 91 90 90 89 88 107 B07 Cntml Humidity  % 17 19 19 20 20 20 33 B07 RW Sump Level East IN 40 46 51 56 61 66 68 B07 RW Sump Level West IN 39 46 51 56 61 66 68 B07 Rx CPvity Sump Level IN 13.0 13.0 13.0 13 0 13.0 13.0 13.1 AFAS 17 Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO AFAS 2? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO AFW pump A disch press psig 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 AFW pump B disch press psig 1539 1647 1646 1646 1645 1644 1517 O AFW pump N disch press Baronometer psig ppm 612 0 612 0 612 0 612 0 612 0 612 0 612 0 Charging pump A running? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Charging pump B running? Y/N NO YES YES YES YES YES YES Charging pump E running? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO YES YES CIAS? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Cond Vac flow rate SCFM 554 553 553 553 553 553 553 Condenser level IN 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 CNTMT H2 concentration  % 0.0 00 0.0 00 0. 0 00 0.0 Core exit TC Train A DEG F 565 565 564 564 563 562 502 Core exit TC Train B DEG F 565 565 564 564 563 562 502 CPIAS? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CREFAS? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ' CRVIAS? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CSAS? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CST level n 36 36 36 36 35 35 35 D/G A amps amps 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D/G A volts VAC 4162 4162 4162 4162 4162 4162 4162 D/G B amps amps 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O D/G B volts VAC 4162 4162 4162 4162 4162 4162 4162 EW flow rate gpm 29310 29310 29310 29310 29310 29310 29310 EW temperature DEG F 63 63 63 63 63 63 64 1993 Exercise Page I-5 4/23/93 .

EVENT TIMES TRIP + 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 DRILL + 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Board PARAMETER UNITS 840 850 900 910 920 930 940 FBEVAS? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO O Feed header pressure Fuel Bldg flow rate psig SCFM 517 47843 503 47838 47832 503 503 47827 503 47821 503 47815 503 47821 Generator gross output MW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HPSI hot leg flow 1 gpm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HPSI hot leg flow 2 gpm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MSIS? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Plant Vent flow rate SCFM 8.73E+ 04 8.73E + 04 8.73E+04 8.73E+04 8.73E+04 8.73E+04 8.74E+04 Process rad monitor flow gpm 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 PZR Level Cold Cal  % 32 31 26 21 16 11 9 PZR temperature DEG F 631 635 625 614 604 593 533 RAS? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO RCP 1 A operating? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES RCP 1B operating? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO . RCP 2A operating? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES , RCP 2B operating? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO RDT pressure PSIG 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 CNTMT level A in 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 CNTMT level B in 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 RMWT level  % 34 34 34 34 33 33 33 RX Tripped? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES SBCV #1 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #2 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #3 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #4 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #5 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #6 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #7 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #8 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SIAS? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES SIT outlet valve 2A O/C O O O O O O O SIT outlet valve 7B O/C O O O O O O O SIT outlet valve 1 A O/C O O O O 'O O O SlT outlet valve 18 O/C O O O O O O O Spray pond level FT 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Spray pond temperature DEG F 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 S/G 1 downcomer flow Ib/hr 0 00E+00 0 00E+00 0 00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0 00E+00 0. 00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 l S/G 2 downcomer flow Ib/hr 0 00E+00 0 00E+00 0.00E+00 0 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l S/G 1 feed temperature DEG F 119 111 107 102 98 93 93 i S/G 2 feed temperature DEG F 119 111 107 102 98 93 93 S/G 1 Level NR  % 39 42 41 39 38 36 39 S/G 2 Level NR  % 39 41 40 38 37 35 37 Turbine speed rpm 817 755 666 576 .487 397 372 Spray pond flow rate gpm 36117 36117 36117 36117 36117 36117 36116 O 1993 Exercise Page I-6 4/23/93 1 L

     -   - + , , . , . . . .            _      ,          -              c     ,     .--..      , - , . _ . - . .                         . . ,

i EVENT TIMES TRIP + 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 t DRILL + 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Board PARAMETER UNITS 950 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 B02 HPSI Disch Header A PSIG 1198 911 623 337 219 202 201 B02 HPSI Flow to 1 A GPM 205 287 369 450 532 540 548 , 802 HPSI Flow to 1B GPM 205 287 369 450 532 540 548 B02 LPSI A Flow GPM 0 0 0 38 4697 4680 4712 B02 Cntmt Spray A Flow GPM 1396 2095 2793 3491 4189 4164 4139 B02 HPSI Disch Header B PSIG 1196 909 622 337 220 202 202 802 HPSI Flow to 2A GPM 207 290 372 455 537 544 551 802 HPSI Flow to 2B GPM 207 290 372 455 537 544 551 i B02 LPSI B Flow GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > B02 Cntmt Spray B Flow GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B02 Cntml Press PSIG 98 14 4 18.9 23.5 28.0 32.0 36.0 802 Cntmt Level IN 8 9 9 10 11 22 33 B02 RWT Level  % 88 87 85 84 72 59 46 B02 SIT Level 2A WR  % 54 41 27 14 0 0 0 B02 SIT Level 28 WR  % 54 41 27 14 0 0 0 1 B02 SIT Pressure 2A PSIG 557 530 503 477 450 450 450 B02 SIT Pressure 2B PSIG 557 530 503 477 450 450 450 B02 SIT Level 1 A WR  % 53 40 27 13 0 0 0 B02 SIT Level 1B WR  % 53 40 27 13 0 0 0 802 SIT Pressure 1A PSIG 556 530 503 477 450 450 450 B02 SIT Pressure 1B PSIC 557 530 503 477 450 450 450 , 802 RVLMS - Head  % 100 100 100 100 67 67 41 B02 RVLMS - Plenum  % 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 B02 PZR Pressure PSIA 1194 907 619 332 44 39 34 O 802 803 Subcooling EDT Level DEG F 49 47 45 47 41 47 38 47 34 47 37 47 39 47 B03 VCT Level 4 46 46 46 47 47 41 35 B03 RDT Level  % 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 B03 Letdown Flow GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B03 Chg Pumps Running A.B.E A.B.E A.B.E A.B.E A.B.E A,B,E A.B.E B03 Chg Header Flow GPM 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 804 PZR Level 110X/Y  % 47,1 35.4 23.6 11.8 0.0 6.3 12.6 804 PZR Relief Temp DEG F 137 157 176 195 214 191 169

        ~B04      Core Delta P           PSID             26                28             29          31               32               31              30 l

B04 T AVE DEG F 541 531 521 510 500 500 500 804 T REF DEG F 564 564 564 564 564 564 564 , 804 Reactor Power  % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l BOS S/G 1 Level Wide  % 79 82 85 87 90 92 94 B05 S/G 1 Pressure PSIA 914 801 688 576 463 374 285 i B05 S/G 2 Level Wide  % 79 82 84 87 90 92 94 805 S/G 2 Pressure PSIA 901 784 666 549 431 348 265 B05 T h Loop 1 DEG F 450 393 336 280 223 205 187 BOS T h Loop 2 DEG F 455 401 347 293 239 227 215 BOS T c Loop 1 DEG F 401 321 241 161 81 83 85 B05 i c Loop 2 DEG F 415 343 270 197 124 117 110 BOS Cond Disch Hdr Flow LBM/HR 1.20E+04 1.20E+04 1.20E+04 1.20E+ 04 1.20E+04 1.04E+04 8.80E+03 B05 Cond Disch Press PSIG 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 806 ADV #1 S/G #1  % OPEN O O O O O O O B06 ADV #2 SIG #1  % OPEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1993 Exercise Page 1-7 4/23/93 l

__ ._ _ _ . . . ~_ _ _ .__ . _ _ _ _ . .-- , b EVENT TIMES TRIP + 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 , DRILL + 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 t Board PARAMETER UNITS 950 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 BOS ADV #1 S/G #2  % OPEN O O O O O O O O B06 BOS ADV #2 S/G #2 Mn Steam Hdr Press

                                                   % OPEN PSIA                       900 O

900 O 900 O 900 O O 900 900 O 900 O B06 S/G 1 Feed Flow Ib/hr 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 806 S/G 1 Steam Flow lb/hr 1.10E+ 05 1.05E+05 9.94E+04 9.38E+04 8.82E+04 7.49E+04 6.15E+ 04 B06 S/G 2 Feed Flow Ib/hr 0.00E + 00 0.00E + 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0 00E+00 806 S/G 2 Steam Flow Ib/hr 1.21 E+05 1.14 E+05 1. 06E+ 05 9.92E+04 9.19E+ 04 7.71 E+ 04 6.24E+04 806 Feed Pump A Disch PSIG 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 B06 Feed Pump B Disch PSIG 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 ' B06 Aux Feed Flow S/G 1 GPM 367 446 525 604 683 583 483 806 Aux Feed Flow S/G 2 GPM 400 478 555 633 711 614 517 BOS Main Turb Load Net MWE O O O O O O O B06 Cond A Vac IN Hg 0 61 0 61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.62 0.64 806 Cond B Vac IN Hg 0 61 0 61 0 61 0.61 0.61 0.62 0.63 B06 Cond C Vac IN Hg 0 61 0 61 0 61 0.61 0.61 0.62 0 64 B07 Cntmt Temp DEG F 125 144 163 181 200 178 157 B07 Cntmt Humidity  % 47 60 73 87 100 100 100 B07 RW Sump Level East IN 70 72 73 75 77 88 99 B07 RW Sump Level West IN 70 72 73 75 77 88 99 - B07 Rx Cavity Sump Level IN 13.2 13 3 13.4 13.5 13.6 32.9 52.2 AFAS 1? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO AFAS 27 Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO AFW pump A disch press psig 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 AFW pump B disch press psig 1389 1262 1134 1007 879 -1036 1192 AFW pump N disch press psig 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boronometer ppm 612 612 612 612 612 612 612 Charging pump A running? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Charging purnp B running? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Chargmg pump E running? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES , CIAS7 Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Cond Vac flow rate SCFM 553 553 553 553 553 554 556 Condenser level IN 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 CNTMT H2 concentration  % 00 00 00 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 Core exit TC Train A DEG F 441 381 321 260 200 200 200 ' l Core exit TC Train B DEG F 441 381 321 260 200 200 200 CPIAS7 Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO C9EFAS? Y/N NO NO, NO NO NO NO NO CRVIAS? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CSAS? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES CST level n 34 34 34 33 33 33 32 D/G A amps amps 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D/G A volts VAC 4162 4162 4162 4162 4162 4162 4162 D/G B amps amps 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D/G B volts VAC 4162 4162 4162 4162 4162 4162 4162 l g.'tawrate gpm 29310 29310 29310 29310 29310 29310 29310 i Of s.

                           .amperature             DEG F                       65            66                  66             67     68           68           68 1993 Exercise                                                               Page I-8                                                            4/23/93          l
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EVENT TIMES . TRIP + 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 DRILL + 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Board PARAMETER UNITS 950 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 l

  ,.           FBEVAS?                      Y/N                NO           NO         NO           NO           NO             NO          NO 1             Feed header pressure         psig             503          503        503          503          503            503          503 Fuel Bldg flow rate          SCFM         47826          47832      47837        47843     47848             47837      47826 Generator gross output       MW                  0            0          0             0            0              0           0 HPSI hot leg flow 1          gpm                 0            0          0             0            0              0           0   ,

HPSI hot leg flow 2 gpm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MSIS? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Plant Vent flow rate SCFM 8.75E+04 8.76E+04 8.76E+04 8.77E+04 8.78E+04 8.77E+04 8. 76E+04 '! Process rad monitor flow gpm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PZR Level Cold Cal  % 7 6 4 2 0 0 1 l PZR temperature DEG F 474 414 354 295 235 213 190 L RAS? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO v RCP 1 A operating? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO RCP "3 operating? Y!N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO RCP 2A operating? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO RCP 28 operating? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO RDT pressure PSIG 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 CNTMT level A in 8 9 9 10 11 22 33 CNTMT level B in 8 9 9 10 11 22 33 RMWT level  % 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 RX Tnpped? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES SBCV #1 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #2 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #3 open/ closed O/C C C C C- C C C O. SBCV #4 open/ closed SBCV #5 open/ closed O/C O/C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C SBCV #6 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBC.,V #7 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #8 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SIAS? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES SIT outlet valve 2A O/C O O O O O O O SIT outlet valve 28 O/C O O O O O O O SIT outlet valve 1 A O/C O O O O O O O SIT outlet valve 18 O/C O O O O O O O Spray pond level FT 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Spray pond temperature DEGF 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 S/G 1 downcomer flow Ib/hr 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 S/G 2 downcomer flow Ib!nr 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 S/G 1 feed temperature DEG F 92 92 92 91 91 91 91 S/G 2 feed temperature DEG F 92 92 92 91 91 91 91 S/G 1 Level NR  % 41 44 47 49 52 53 53 S/G 2 Level NR  % 40 42 44 47 49 49 - 48 Turbine speed rpm 346 321 296 270 245 215 184 Sprey pond flow rate - gpm 36115 36115 36114 36113 36112 .,6112 36113 N 1993 Exercise Page I-9 4/23/93 1

   ~                                                    . -                   -           _ -          -

EVENT TIMES TRIP + 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 DRILL + 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 Board PARAMETER UNITS 1100 1110 1120 1130 1140 1150 1200 802 HPSI Disch Header A PSIG 199 198 197 0 0 0 0 802 HPSI Flow to 1 A GPM 55f 563 571 0 0 0 0 B02 HPSI Flow to 1B GPM .,65 563 571 0 0 0 0 802 LPSI A Flow GPM 4357 4380 0 0 0 0 0 802 Cntmt Spray A Flow GPM 4113 4088 4063 0 0 0 0 802 HPSI Disch Header B PSIG 200 198 197 0 0 0 0 B02 HPSI Flow to 2A GPM 557 564 571 0 0 0 0 B02 HPSI Flow to 2B GPM 557 564 571 0 0 0 0 B02 LPSI B Flow GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B02 Cntmt Spray B Flow GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B02 Cntmt Press PSIG 40 0 44.0 48.0 39.9 31.7 23.6 15.4 B02 Cntmt Level IN 45 56 67 69 71 73 75 B02 RWT Level  % 33 20 8 8 8 8 8 B02 SIT Level 2A WR  % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B02 SIT Level 2B WR  % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B02 SIT Pressure 2A PSIG 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 802 SIT Pressure 2B PSIG 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 B02 SIT Level 1 A WR  % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 802 SIT Level 1B WR  % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B02 SIT Pressure 1 A PSIG 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 B02 SIT Pressure 1B PSIG 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 802 RVLMS - Head  % 41 16 16 0 0 4 0 B02 RVLMS - Plenum  % 100 100 100 73 47 21 0 B02 PZR Pressure PSIA 29 24 19 24 28 33 37 B02 Subcooling DEG F 42 44 47 35 24 12 0 803 EDT Level  % 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 B03 VCT Level  % 29 23 17 14 11 8 5 B03 RDT Level  % 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 B03 Letrlwn Flow GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 803 Chg Pumps Running A,B.E A.B.E A.B.E B,E B,E B,E NONE B03 Chg Header Flow GPM '32 132 132 88 88 88 0 804 PZR Level 110X/Y  % 510 25.3 31.6 23.7 15.8 7.9 0.0 B04 PZR Relief Temp DEG F 146 124 101 123 145 167 189 B04 Core Delta P PSID 29 28 ~ 27 20 14 7 0 B04 T AVE DEG F 500 500 ~ 500 500 500 500 500 804 T REF DEG F 564 564 564 564 564 564 564 , 804 Reactor Power  % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B05 S/G 1 Level Wide  % 96 98 100 100 100 100 100 B05 S/G 1 Pressure PSIA 196 107 18 17 17 16 15 B05 S/G 2 Level Wide  % 96 98 100 100 100 100 100 BOS S/G 2 Pressure P5iA 181 98 15 15 15 15 15 805 T h Loop 1 DEG F 169 151 133 165 198 230 262 805 T h Loop 2 DEG F 202 190 178 199 220 241 262 B05 T c Loop 1 DEG F 88 90 92 134 176 217 259 B05 T c Loop 2 DEG F 104 97 90 133 175 218 260 BOS Cond Disch Hdr Flow LBM/HR 7.20E+03 5.60E+03 4.00E+03 4.00E+03 4.00E+03 4.00E+03 4.00E+03 B05 Cond Disch Press PSIG 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 V B06 ADV #1 S/G #1  % OPEN O O O O O O O B06 ADV #2 S/G #1  % OPEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1993 Exercise Page 1-10 4/23/93

_ ~ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ ___ EVENT TIMES TRIP + 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 DRILL + 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 Board PARAMETER UNITS 1100 1110 1120 1130 1140 1150 1200 806 ADV #1 S/G #2  % OPEN O O O O O O O B06 ADV #2 S/G #2  % OPEN O O O O O O O B06 Mn Steam Hdr Press PSIA 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 806 S/G 1 Feed Flow Ib/hr 000E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 0 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 B06 S/G 1 Steam Flow Ib/hr 4.81 E +04 3.48E+04 2.14 E+04 1.67E+04 1.21 E+ 04 7.43E+03 2.78E+03 B06 S/G 2 Feed Flow lb/hr 0.00E+00 0 00E+00 0 00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 B06 S/G 2 Steam Flow Ib/hr 4 77E+04 3 29E+04 1.82E + 04 1. 36E+ 04 9 09E+03 4.55E+03 1.34 E+ 00 B06 Feed Pump A Disch PSIG 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 B06 Feed Pump B Disch PSIG 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 BOS Aux Feed Flow S/G 1 GPM 383 283 183 137 92 46 0 806 Aux Feed Flow S/G 2 GPM 421 324 227 170 114 57 0 B06 Main Turb Load Net MWE O O O O O O O B06 Cond A Vac IN Hg 0 65 0,67 0.68 0 68 0.68 0.68 0.68 _B06 Cond B Vac IN Hg 0 65 0.66 0.67 0.67 0 67 0.67 0.67 806 Cond C Vac IN Hg 0 65 0 67 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 B07 Cntmt Temp DEG F 135 114 92 107 122 136 151 B07 Cntmt Humidity  % 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 B07 RW Sump Level East IN 111 122 133 135 137 139 141 B07 RW Sump Level West IN 111 122 133 135 137 139 141 B07 Rx Cavity Sump Level IN 71 4 90 7 110.0 112.0 114.0 115.9 117.9 AFAS 1? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO AFAS 2? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO WO AFW pump A disch press psig 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 AFW pump B disch press psig 1349 1505 1662 1689 1716 1743 1770 O AFW pump N disch press Boronometer psig ppm 612 0 612 0 612 0 612 0 612 0 612 0 612 0 Charging pump A running? Y/N YES YES YES NO NO NO NO Charging pump B running? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES NO Charging pump E running? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES NO CIAS? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Cond Vac flow rate SCFM 557 559 560 560 560 660 560 Condenser level IN 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 CNTMT H2 concentration  % 1.4 1.9 2.4 2.5 2.7 2.8 2.9 Core exit TC Train A DEG F 200 200 200 251 280 350 404 Core ex:t TC Train B DEG F 200 200 200 2: 280 350 404 CPIAS? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CREFAS? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CRVIAS? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CSAS? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES CST level ft 32 31 31 31 31 31 31 D/G A amps amps 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D/G A volts VAC 4162 4162 4162 4162 4162 0 -0 D/G B amps amps 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O D/G B volts EW flow rate EW temperature VAC gprt gDEG F 4162 29310 69 4162 29310 69 4162 29310 69 4162 25646 73 4162 21983 78 4162 18319 4162 14655 82 86 1993 Exercise Page I-11 4/23/93

_. -_ _ _ _ = _ _.- ._ _ ._. - - _ _ _ . _ _. . _ _. EVENT TIMES TRIP + 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 DRILL + 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 Board PARAMETER UNITS 1100 1110 1120 1130 1140 1150 1200 FBEVAS? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Feed header pressure psig 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 Fuel Bldg flow rate SCFM 47815 47804 47793 47601 47409 47216 47024 Generator gross output MW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HPSI hot leg flow 1 gpm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HPSI hot leg flow 2 gpm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 j MSIS? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Plant Vent flow rate SCFM B.75E+04 8.74E+04 8 73E+04 8.73E+04 8.73E+ 04 8. 73E+04 8.73E+ 04 l Process rad monitor flow gom 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PZR Level Cold Cal  % 1 2 2 2 1 1 0 PZR temperature DEG F 168 145 123 155 187 218 250 RAS? Y/N NO NO YES YES YES YES YES RCP 1 A operating? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO RCP 1B operating? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO , RCP 2A operating? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO RCP 2B operating? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO RDT pressure PSIG 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 CNTMT level A in 45 56 67 69 71 73 75  ! CNTMT level B in 45 56 67 69 71 73 75

        'RMWT lev el                 %                              33                 33           33             33            33                          33                       33 RX Tnpped?                  Y/N                         YES                  YES        YES              YES        YES                       YES                           YES SBCV #1 open/ closed        O/C                               C                 C            C              C                C                               C                 C SBCV #2 open/ closed        O/C                               C                 C            C              C                C                               C                 C j SBCV #3 open/ closed        O/C                               C                 C            C              C                C                               C                 C O         SBCV #4 open/ closed SBCV #5 open/ closed O/C O/C C

C C C C C C C C C C C C C i SBCV #6 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #7 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #8 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C , SIAS? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES SIT outlet valve 2A O/C O O C C C C C SIT outlet valve 2B O/C O O C C C C C SIT outlet valve 1 A O/C O O C C C C C l SIT outlet valve 1B O/C O O C C C C C Spray pond level FT 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Spray pond temperature DEG F 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 S/G 1 downcomer flow lb/hr 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 0 00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 S/G 2 downcomer flow Ib/hr 0 00E+00 0 00E4 00 0.00E+00 0 00E+00 0 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 S/G 1 feed temperature DEG F 90 90 90 90 91 91 91 i S/G 2 feed ternperature DEG F 90 90 90 90 91 91 91 S/G 1 Level NR  % 54 54 55 59 63 66 70 S/G 2 Level NR  % 48 47 47 52 57 62 67 Turbine speed rpm 154 123 93 80 67 54 41 , Spray pond flow rate gpm 36113 36114 36114 18058 18058 18058 18058 O  ; 1993 Exercise Page 1-12 4/23/93  ; _m . , _ _ _ . , ,. . . . - - _ . . . - _ . _ _- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -

1 , EVENT TIMES TRIP + 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 DRILL + 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 Board PARAMETER UNITS 1210 1220 1230 1240 1250 1300 1310 i B02 HPSI Disch Header A PSIG 0 202 199 203 206 0 0 O B02 B02 HPSI Flow to 1 A HPSI Flow to 1B GPM GPM 0 0 265 265 256 256 255 255 238 238 0 0 0 0 B02 LPSI A Flow GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B02 Cntmt Spray A Flow GPM 0 0 4070 4060 4066 4069 4068 B02 HPSI Disch Header B PSIG 0 0 0 0 205 206 204 B02 HPOI Flow to 2A GPM 0 0 0 0 238 236 251 B02 HPSI Flow to 2B GPM 0 0 0 0 238 236 251 B02 LPSI B Flow GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 802 Cntmt Spray B Flow GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 4238 B02 Cntmt Press PSIG 15.9 16.4 17.0 17.5 18 0 18.5 16.2 B02 Cntml Level IN 75 75 75 75 75 75 74 B02 RWT Level  % 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 B02 SIT Level 2A WR  % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B02 SIT Level 2B WR  % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B02 SIT Pressure 2A PSIG 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 - 802 SIT Pressure 2B PSIG 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 B02 SIT Level 1 A WR  % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B02 SIT Level 1B WR  % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B02 SIT Pressure 1A PSIG 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 B02 SIT Pressure 1B PSIG 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 - 802 RVLMS - Head  % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 802 RVLMS - Plenum  % 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 B02 PZR Pressure PSIA 38 39 40 40 41 42 O 37 B02 Subcooling DEG F 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 803 EDT Level  % 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 B03 VCT Level  % 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 B03 RDT Level  % 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 B03 Letdown Flow GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 803 Chg Pumps Running NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE { 803 Chg Header Flow GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B04 PZR Level 110X/Y  % 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 00 0.0  ! B04 PZR Rehef Temp DEG F 195 202 208 214 221 227 214 804 Core Delta P PSID 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 B04 T AVE DEG F 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 , B04 T REF DEG F 564 564 564 564 564 564 564 B04 Reactor Power  % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BOS S/G 1 Level Wide  % 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 805 S/G 1 Pressure PSIA 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 BOS S/G 2 Level Wide  % 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 B05 S/G 2 Pressure PSIA 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 I 805 T h Loop 1 DEG F 263 265 266 267 269 270 260 BOS T h Loop 2 DEG F 263 265 266 267 269 270 258 BOS T c Loop i DEG F 247 235 223 210 198 186 186 BOS T c Loop 2 DEG F 251 242 234 225 216 207 198 BOS Cond Disch Her Flow LBM/HR 4.00E+03 4.00E+ 03 4.00E+ 03 4.00E+03 4 00E+03 4.00E+03 4.00E+03 O B05 B06 806 Cond Disch Press ADV #1 S/G #1 ADV #2 S/G #1 PSIG

                                     % OPEN
                                     % OPEN 503 O

O 503 O O 503 O O 503 O O 503 O O 503 O O 503 O O 1993 Exercise Page I-13 4/23/93 1

                         ~ ~      -- -        .-           .- .                            .-               -.-            .   . - - - . .

EVENT TIMES TRIP + 240 280 290 300 310 320 330 DRILL + 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 Board PARAMETER UNITS 1210 1220 1230 1240 1250 1300 1310 , B06 ADV #1 S/G #2  % OPEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B06 ADV #2 S/G #2  % OPEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B06 Mn Steam Hdr Press PSIA 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 B06 S/G 1 Feed Flow Ib/hr 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E + 00 0 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 BO6 S/G 1 Steam Flow Ib/hr 2.60E+03 2.43E+03 2.2SE+03 2 08E+03 191E+03 1.73E+03 2.25E+03 B06 S/G 2 Feed Flow Ib/hr 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 j B06 S/G 2 Steam Flow lb/hr 1.57E+00 1.79E+00 2.02E+00 2.24E+ 00 2.47E+00 2.69E+00 4.05E+02 806 Feed Pump A Disch PSIG 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 ' B06 Feed Pump B Disch PSIG 503 SL3 503 503 503 503 503  ; B06 Aux Feed Flow S/G 1 GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; B06 Aux Feed Flow S/G 2 GPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 B06 Main Turb Load Net MWE O O O O O O O B06 Cond A Vac IN Hg 0 68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 , 806 CondB Vac IN Hg 0 67 0.67 0 67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 B06 Cond C Vac IN Hg 0 68 0.68 0 68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68

  • B07 Cntmt Temp DEG F 159 166 174 181 189 196 185 807 Cntml Humidity  % 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 607 RW Sump Level East IN 141 141 141 141 141 141 140

. B07 RW Sump Level West IN 141 141 141 141 141 141 140  ; B07 Rx Cavity Sump Level IN 1180 118 1 118.3 118.4 118 5 118.6 118 { AFAS 1? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO I AFAS 27 Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO , AFW pump A disch press psig 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 AFW pump B d:sch press psig 1770 1770 1770 1770 1770 1770 1770 ' O AFW pump N disch press Boronometer psig ppm 612 0 612 0 612 0 612 0 0 612 612 0 612 0 Charging pump A running? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Charging pump B running? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO j Charging pump E running? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CIAS7 Y/N YES YES YES YE'S YES YES YES Cond Vac flow rate SCFM 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 Condenser level IN 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 CNTMT H2 concentration  % 30 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.9 Core exit TC Train A DEG F 760 1301 712 312 289 266 256 -> Core exit TC Train B DEG F 760 1301 663 312 289 266 256 CPIAS? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES CREFAS7 Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES CRVIAS? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CSAS? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES CST level n 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 D/G A amps amps 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D/G A volts VAC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D/G B amps amps O C 0 0 0 0 0 i D/G B volts VAC 4162 4162 4162 4162 4162 4162 4162 EW flow rate gpm 17098 19540 21983 24425 26868 29310 29310 EW temperature DEG F 89 91 94 96 99 101 102 1993 Exercise Page 1-14 4/23/93

                                                                     --,.n            y        3  .- -          --                 -+-y-

_ _-- . . . . . - . = . -. . - - - _ - - . , - . . EVENT TIMES TRIP + 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 DRILL + 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 Board PARAMETER UNITS 1210 1220 1230 1240 1250 1300 1310 FBEVAS? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Feed header pressure psig 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 l Fuel Bldg flow rate SCFM 47145 47266 47387 47508 47629 47750 47789 Generator gross output MW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HPSI hot leg flow 1 gpm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HPSI hot leg flow 2 gpm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MSIS? YIN YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Plant Vent flow rate SCFM 8. 73E+ 04 8. 73E+ 04 8.73E+ 04 8 73E+04 8.73E + 04 8. 73E+ 04 8.73E+04 Process rsJ monitor flow gpm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PZR Level Cold Cal  % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PZR temperature DEG F 253 257 260 263 267 270 260 RAS? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES RCP 1 A operating? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO RCP 18 operating? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO RCP 2A operating? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO RCP 2B operating? Y/N NO NO NO NO NO NO NO RDT pressure PSIG 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 CNTMT level A in 75 75 75 75 75 75 74 CNTMT level B in 75 75 75 75 75 75 74 RMWT level  % 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 RX Trippeo? Y/N YES YES YEO YES YES YES YES


SBCV #1 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #2 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBOV #3 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C . SBCV #4 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #5 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #6 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C { SBCV #7 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SBCV #8 open/ closed O/C C C C C C C C SIAS? Y/N YES YES YES YES YES YES YES SIT outlet valve 2A O/C C C C C C C C  ; SIT outlet valve 2B O/C C C C C C C C  : SIT outlet valve 1 A O/C C C C C C C C  ! SIT outlet valve 18 O/C C C C C C C C l Spray pond level FT 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Spray pond temperature DEG F 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 , S/G 1 downcomer flow !b/hr 000E+00 0 00E+00 0. 00E+ 00 0 00E+00 0,00E+ 00 0 00E+00 0.00E+00  : S/G 2 downcomer flow Ib/hr 0 00E+00 0.00E+00 0 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E + 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 S/G 1 feed temperature DEG F 91 91 91 90 90 90 90 S/G 2 feed temperature DEG F 91 91 91 90 90 90 90 S/G 1 Level NR  % 70 70 70 70 70 70 69 S/G 2 Level NR  % 67 67 67 67 67 67 66 Turbine speed rpm 37 34 30 26 23 19 16 Spray pond flow rate gpm 18058 36111 36112 36109 36114 36112 36111 1993 Exercise Page 1-15 4/23/93 P

 . . , _ _  _ _ _ -                ,      . , _ . _ ~. ,       -                _ ,-

EVENT TIMES TRIP + 340 350 , DRILL + 350 360 Board PARAMETER UNITS 1320 1330 ' B02 HPSI Disch Header A PSIG - 0 0 O 802 B02 HPSI Flow to 1 A HPSI Flow to 1B GPM GPM 0 0 0 0 . 802 LPSI A Flow GPM 0 0 B02 Cntml Spray A Flow GPM 4068 4067 B02 HPSI Disch Header B PSIG 201 201  ; B02 HPSI Flow to 2A GPM 282 284 B02 HPSI Flow to 2B GPM 281 283 ,, 802 LPSI B Flow GPM 0 0 B02 Cntmt Spray B Flow GPM 4240 4270 B02 Cntmt Press PSIG 13.9 11.6 802 Cntmt Level IN 73 72 B02 RWT Level  % 8 8 B02 SIT Level 2A WR  % 0 0 B02 SIT Level 2B WR  % 0 0 , 802 SIT Pressure 2A PSIG 450 450  ; B02 SIT Pressure 2B PSIG 450 450 B02 SIT Level 1A WR  % 0 0 , 802 SIT Level 1B WR  % 0 0 B02 SIT Pressure 1 A PSIG 450 450 > B02 SIT Pressure 1B PSIG 450 450 802 RVLMS - Head  % 0 0 j B02 RVLMS - Plenum  % 47 73 i B02 PZR Pressure PSIA 32 27 f O 802 B03 Subcooling EDT Level DEG F 2 47 47 3 B03 VCT Level  % 5 5 B03 RDT Level  % 57 57 B03 Letdown Flow GPM 0 0 803 Chg Pumps Running NONE BE B03 Chg Header Flow GPM O 88 B04 PZR Level 110X/Y  % 0.0 0.0 'f B04 PZR Rehef Temp DEG F 200 187 B04 Core Delta P PSID 1 2 B04 T AVE DEG F 500 500 B04 T REF DEG F 564 564 , 804 Reactor Power  % 0 0 [ B05 S/G 1 Level Wide  % 100 100 - BOS S/G 1 Pressure PSIA 15 15 B05 S/G 2 Level Wide  % 100 100

              . B05   S/G 2 Pressure        PSIA            16             17                                      '

BOS T h Loop 1 DEG F 251 241 BOS T h Loop 2 DEG F 247 235 L B05 T c Loop 1 DEG F 185 185 B05 T c Loop 2 DEG F 188 179  ; B05 Cond Disch Hdr Flow LBM/HR 4.00E+ 03 4.00E+ 03 BOS Cond Disch Press PSIG 503 503

    %           B06   ADV #1 S/G #1         % OPEN           O                 O                                   [

B06 ADV #2 S/G #1  % OPEN O O 1993 Exercise Page 1-16 4/23/93 o


EVENT TIMES TRIP + 340 350 DRILL + 350 360 Board PARAMETER UNITS 1320 1330 B06 ADV #1 S/G #2  % OPEN 0 0 806 ADV #2 S/G #2  % OPEN O O 806 Mn Steam Hdr Press PSIA 900 900 B06 S/G 1 Feed Flow Ib/hr. .0.00E+00 0.00E + 00

                                                                                               ,         J B06  S/G 1 Steam Flow          Ib/hr           2.77E+03 3 29E+03 B06  S/G 2 Feed Flow           Ib/hr           0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 BOS  S/G 2 Steam Flow          Ib/hr           8.08E+02 1.21 E+03 B06  Feed Pump A Disch         PSIG                   503           503~

B06 Feed Pump B Disch PSIG 503 503 B06 Aux Feed Flow S/G 1 GPM 0 0 806 Aux Feed Flow S/G 2 GPM 0 0 B06 Main Turb Load Net . MWE O O 806 Cond A Vac IN Hg 0.68 0.68 B06 Cond B Vac IN Hg 0.67 0.67 B06 Cond C Vac IN Hg 0 68 0.68

    - B07  Cntmt Temp                DEG F                  174           163                            i 807  Cntmt Humidity            %                      100           100 B07  RW Sump Level East        IN                     139           138 B07  RW Sump Level West        IN                     139           138 B07  Rx Cav-ty Sump Level      IN                     117      116.0 AFAS 1?                   YIN                      NO            NO AFAS 2?                   Y/N                      NO            NO AFW pump A disch press    psig                     14            14 AFW pump B disch press    psig                 1770       1770 O           AFW pump N disch press Boronometer psig ppm                     612 0

612 0 Charging pump A running? Y/N NO NO Charging pump B running? Y/N NO YES Charging pump E running? YIN NO YES CIAS? Y/N YES YES  : Cond Vac flow rate SCFM 560 560 Condenser level IN 45 45 CNTMT H2 concentration  % 4.2 4.4

  • ore exit TC Train A DEG F 245 235 Core exit TC Train B DEG F 245 235 CPIAS? Y/N YES YES CREFAS? Y/N YES YES CRVIAS? Y/N NO NO CSAS? Y/N YES YES CST level ft 31 31 D/G A amps amps 0 0 ,

D/G A volts VAC 0 0 D/G B amps amps 0 0 D/G B volts VAC 4162 4162 , EW flow rate gpm 29310 29310 EW temperature DEG F - 102 103 1993 Exercise Page 1-17 4/23/93

..     .- -            .~         . . .              ._ -,            ,          . .    . -   .-.              . - . . . .-

EVENT TIMES TRIP + 340 350 DRILL + 350 360 Board PARAMETER UNITS 1320 1330

  1. g FBEVAS? Y/N YES YES l

[Q Feed heodct pressure Fuel Bldg flow rate psig SCFM 503 47829 503 47868 l Generator gross output MW 0 0 l HPSI hot leg flow 1 gpm 0 0 'I HPSI hot leg flow 2 gpm 0 0 MSIS? Y/N YES YES Plant Vent flow rate SCFM 8.73E+04 8.73E+ 04 i Process rad monitor flow gpm 0 0  ! PZR Level Cold Cal  % 0 0 PZR temperature DEG F 251 241 RAS? Y/N YES YES RCP 1 A operating? Y/N NO NO RCP 18 operating? Y/N NO NO , RCP 2A operating? Y/N NO NO RCP 2B operating? Y/N NO NO RDT pressure PSIG 4 4 CNTMT level A in 73 72 CNTMT level B in 73 72 RMWT level  % 33 33 RX Tnpped? Y/N YES YES SBCV #1 open/ closed O/C C C SBCV #2 open/ closed O/C C C SBCV #3 open/ closed O/C C C SBCV #4 open/ closed O/C C C SBCV #5 open/ closed . O/C C C SBCV #6 open/ closed O/C C C SBCV #7 open/ closed O/C C C SBCV #8 open/ closed O/C C C SIAS? Y/N YES YES SIT outlet valve 2A O/C C C SIT outiet valve 2B O/C C C SIT outlet valve 1 A O/C C O SIT outlet valve 1B O/C C O Spray pond level FT 14 14 Spray pond temperaturc DEG F 63 63 S/G 1 downcomer flow Ib/hr 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 S/G 2 downcomer flow Ib/hr 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 S/G 1 feed temperature DEG F 90 90 S/G 2 feed temperature DEG F 90 90 S/G 1 Level NR  % 69 65 S/G 2 Level NR  % 65 64 Turbine speed rpm 14 11 Spray pond flow rate gpm 36109 36108 2.xerCise Page 1-18 ~ 4/23/93


1993 EXERCISE RMS OVERVIEW Mini-Computer Panel Will be available through out the drill. Control Room CRT and Tvper Will be available until 11:27; at the loss of M36 Bus the unit will lose the CRT and become out-of-service for that reason until 12:16. Control Room will have to rely on the RMS/ Chemistry Technician during that period. RU-1 Containment Air Monitor. RU-1 is modeled to reflect the containment air concentration needed to support the release; which in turn is based on an approx. 6% CDF level per the RU-148 calculation model. The Noble Gas channel represents the current N/G levels in containment at a given time; the - corresponding Particulate and lodine channel readings do not represent the current conditions but rather an accumulated activity buildup on the filter ' media; and as such are not of much use. RU-1 will be on-line and available until a CIAS in received (anticipated at 07:42). The operator must request Control Room to re-open the isolation valves to obtain further readings. If that is done, RU-1 will continue to be available. . 4 RU-2/3 Essential Cooling Water Monitors. Initially off-line; lost at 11:27 for duration of M36 Bus loss until 12:16. Will probably never go on Essential Cooling so these will not be put on line. O RU-4 /5 Blowdown Monitors. On-line at start of event; would remain on line with normal (no secondary activity) indications until CIAS (expected at 07:42); blowdown will probably not be re-started so these will remain at normal readings. They will also be lost with M36 Bus from 11:27 to 12:16. RU-6 Nuclear Cooling Water Monitor. Will give normal (no activity in cooling water) throughout event. Assumption made that shine after core damage has no effect on reading. Unit is on non-vital power. R U-7 Aux Steam Condensate Monitor. Unit originally reads normal (no secondary activity). The Unit will probably switch Aux Steam immediately to an unaffected unit and RU-7 will therefore retain the normal reading. Unit will , also be lost from 11:27 to 12:16. l RU-8/9/10 Auxiliary Bldg Ventilation Monitors. All read normal levels (no activity increase) until the RAS occurrs at 11:20. At that point they would start to reflect that a small amount of the extreme airborne levels from the HPS1 room are being transported upstairs. However, they will be lost

                        ' from 11:27 to 12:16 with M36 Bus. When they become available at 12:16 the intent is to reassure the players that no significant airborne, is being drawn to the 100' level and above.. The air sample data prepared for grab samples will reflect these numbers.

l 1

     ) RU-12         WGDT Release Monitor. Isolated. Initial reading remains throughout event.
 'd Unit is on non-vital power.

R U-14/15 Radwaste Bldg Ventilation Monitors. All read normallevels throughout event. No activity being released in Radwaste Bldg. Unit is on non-vital power and readings are seen throughout event. RU-16/17 Containment Low Range Area Monitors. RU-17 is out-of-service during at power conditions as normal and will remain so. RU-16 reflects the buildup of activity in containment due to the RCS increasing leakage until it goes off-scale high. Unit is on non-vital power and is available throughout event. RU-18 Control Room Area Monitor. Unit is on non-vital power and is available throughout event. Readings are normal (shine after fuel damage not seen due to shielding). RU-19 Fuel Bldg Area Monitor. Unit is on non-vital power and is available throughout event. Normal readings will be seen until the very short release due to "A" HPSI running at the time the RAS signal is received. It responds to the slight Noble Gas release. It then drops off and the alarms clear until at 12:00 core voiding shine brings in the alarms again. Will remain at the shine _s reading until the RAS signal allows the extreme activity to pass through the Fuel Bldg Essential Filters and ducting to the roof - which will cause a further [d) increase on RU-19. At 12:50 the release path is stopped so levels drop back to shine values. RU-20'21/22/25 Radwaste Bldg 100' Area Monitors. All units are on non-vital power and are available throughout event. Normal readings will be seen (shine not seen due to shielding). RU-23/26 Chemistry 140' Sample Room and Laboratory Areas. Units originally reads normal levels. At the 11:27 M36 Bus loss the units will be lost until 12:16. At that point the monitors will reflect the effects of containment shine. The PASS Contoller will have data for the expected PASS Sample Team to use to reflect the effects of sample recirculation on these monitors - those effects will not be seen by the rest of the players who will be on a different timeline. RU-29 Control Room Intake Air Monitor. Reads normallevels untilloss of M36 Bus at 11:27. Lost until 12:16. All monitoring of Control Air not lost. See RU-30. RU-30 Control Room Intake Air Monitor. Reads normal levels when operable (during periods when a plume is being released the wind direction keeps the plume away from the intakes). This unit is operable throughout the event. o ( v

RU-31 Fuel Bldg Area Monitor. Does not see initital very short release. Will indicate O- normal levels until shine effects are seen; will be available for duration of: event. Unit will give FBEVAS when shine comes in; although the Essential Filters are already on the lower Aux Bldg since the SIAS/CIAS and will remain there. RU-33 Containment Refuelitig Bridge Monitor. Unit not in service during at-power ' l conditions. Not available during event. R U-34 Containment Purge Gas Monitor. Unit off-line at start of drill and throughout. RU-37 Containment Purge Area Monitor. Unit will be available throughout the event , and willindicate the containment shine due to fuel damage beginning at 12:00, At tnat time RU-37/38 will generate a CPIAS (no purge actually going on). RU-38 Containment Purge Area Monitor. Same as RU-37. RU-139/140 All four channels of the Main Steam Line Monitors will remain at ' background / normal levels (1.5 mrem /Hr) from event start to finish; with the exception of the 11:27 to 12:16 timeframe when they are lost with the M36 Bus loss. The additional shielding on these detectors eliminates any shine effect. O RU-141/142 Condensor Air Removal Monitor. This monitor will indicate normal (no - activity in Condensor) for duration of the e"ent; with the exception of the 11:27 to 12:16 timeframe when they are lost with the M36 Bus loss.- The -  ; modeling shows that any shine is the area of the monitor has a small effect on .' the reading. RU-143/144 Plant Vent Stack Monitor. This monitor willindicate essentially normal (no significant activity in Aux Bldg) for duration of the event; with the exception of the 11:27 to 12:16 timeframe when they are lost with the M36 Bus loss. The ' modeling shows that any shine is the area of the monitor has a_small effect on the reading. The indication here shows that little activity is being carried up l from the 40'/51' leak area (most is carried out from HPSI cubicle directly to Fuel Bldg filters). The highest levels reached by this monitor are below any MPC threshold levels. I v O

k k RU-145/146 Fuel Bldg Stack Monitor. This monitor will indicate the release taking place from the source at "A" HPSI through the Fuel Bldg Essential Filters through this monitor and stack. The assumption is used that the filter initially filters , out the very short 11:20 release when the "A" HPSI is running with the initial RAS signal. However, the effectiveness has been degraded by. the high moisture levels from the HPSI pump seal leakage since event start; and by the time the peak levels hit the filter when the "A" HPSI is restarted, the bulk of the iodine goes right through. RU-148 Containment High Range Area Monitor. This monitor will respond to the rising airborne concentration in containment. Both Containment High Range  : Monitors will also provide core damage indications in accordance with the - scenario. Maximum core damage factor indicated will be approx. 5%. The Isolated Containment Scenario on Mesorem Jr. was used to develop the  ; corresponding airborne levels to equate to this CDF. These levels were further  ; developed to provide the release activity to the Fuel Bldg Stack, with the source being the "A" HPSI pump seal leakage, and the original filter efficiency  ;


of 95% degraded by moisture. RU-149 Containment High Range Area Monitor. This monitor will respond to the rising airborne concentration in containment, and is modeled at 90% of the  ! RU-148 value for consistancy. It will be- available throughout the event. .O r RU-150 Containment Loop Monitor. This monitor will initially reflect 100% power level and then drop to near background after the reactor trip. From that point on it is modeled to show response to the increasing airborne levels in containment due to the RCS leakage. For scenario purposes this is assumed , to be approx. 70% or the RU-149 reading. RU-151 Containment Loop Monitor. This monitor will initially reflect 100% power . level and then drop to near background after the reactor trip. From that point . on it is modeled to show response to the increasing airborne levels in  ; containment due to the RCS leakage. For scenario purposes this is assumed to be approx. 70% or the RU-149 reading. The monitor will be available throughout the event. RU-152A. B. C. D All of the Post Accident High Range monitors will read normal THROUGH levels until 11:20 when some of them respond on the lower RU-158B. C. D levels of the Auxiliary Bldg on the "A" train side to the short run of the "A" HPSI pump after the RAS signal. At 11:27 they _ are lost with the M36 Bus. When.they are available again 12:16 they will reflect containment shine levels as applicable. When the "B" HPSI pump and train are run late in the drill,'the applicable monitors will reflect that also, s

DRILL + 0 10 20 30 40 Monitor Units 730 740 750 800 810 RU-1 Ch 1 uCi/cc 7.77E-11 7.77E-11 7.77E-11 2.32E46@R 155EMjy@P RU-1 Ch 2 uCi/cc 6.44 E-11 6.44E-11 6.44E-11 2 25E-10 3.06E-10 RU-1 Ch 3 uCi/cc 1.64 E-07 1.64E-07 1,64E-07 5.75E-04 7.86E-04 RU-2/3 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-4 uCi/cc 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 RU-5 uCi/cc 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 RU-6 uCi/cc 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 RU-7 uCi/cc 8.14 E-07 8.14 E-07 8.14E-07 8.14E-07 8.14E-07 RU-8 Ch 1 uCi/cc 3.34 E-11 3.34E-11 3.34E-11 3.34E-11 3.34E-11 RU-8 Ch 2 uCi/cc 2.20E-11 2.20E-11 2.20E-11 2.20E 11 2.20E-11 RU-9 uCi/cc 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 RU-10 uCi/cc 3.91 E-07 3.91 E-07 3.91 E-07 3.91 E-07 3.91 E-07 RU-12 uCi/cc 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 RU-14 uCi/cc 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 RU-15 uCi/cc 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 RU-16 mR/hr 6.30E+00 6.30E+00 6.30E+00 6.30E+ 00 3?00Ef01NSeg RU-17 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-18 mR/hr 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 RU-19 mR/hr 9.76E-02 9.76E-02 9.76E-02 9.76E-02 9.76E-02 RU-20 mR/hr 1.94 E-01 1.94 E-01 1.94E-01 1.94E-01 1.94E-01 RU-21 mR/hr 2.53E+00 2.53 E+ 00 2.53E+00 2.53E+ 00 2.53E+00 RU-22 mR/hr 1.13E+00 1.13E+00 1.13E+00 1.13E+00 1.13E+00 RU-23 mR/hr 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 O RU-25 RU-26 RU-29 mR/hr mR/hr uCi/cc 2.10E-01 1.83E-01 2.10E-01 1.83 E-01 2.10E-01 1.83E-01 2.10E-01 1.83E-01 2.10E-01 1.83E-01 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 RU-30 uCi/cc 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 RU-31 mR/hr 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 RU-33 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-34 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE


RU-37 mR/hr 7.83E-02 7.83E-02 7.83E-02 7.83E-02 7.83E-02 RU-38 m R/hr 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 RU-139 Ch 1 m R/hr 1.50E+ 00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+ 00 RU-139 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 RU-140 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+ 00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 RU-140 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+ 00 RU-141 uCi/cc 9.65E-07 9.65E-07 9.65E-07 9.65E-07 9.65E-07 RU-142 Ch 1 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 RU-142 Ch 2 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 , RU-143 Ch 1 uCi/cc 4.91 E-07 4.91 E-07 4.91 E-07 4.91 E-07 4.91 E-07 l RU-143 Ch 2 uCi/cc 1.37E-11 1.37E-11 1.37E-11 1.37E-11 1.37E-11 RU-143 Ch 3 uCi/cc 4.53E-11 4.53E-11 4.53E 11 4.53E-11 4.53E-11 l RU-144 Ch 1 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E4 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00  ; RU-144 Ch 2 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l RU-145 uCi/cc 9.68E-07 7.90E-07 7.90E-07 7.90E-07 7.90E-07 RU-146 Ch 1 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E + 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 RU-146 Ch 2 uCi/cc 0 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1993 Exercise Page J-1 4/27/93 l l l J

DRILL + 0 10 20 30 40 Monitor Units 730 740 750 800 810 RU-148 R/hr 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00


1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+ 00 1.00E+00 { RU-149 RU-150 R/hr mR/hr 2.32E+04 2.32E+04 1.00E+03 1.00E+03 1.00E+03 g RU-151 m R/hr 2.49E+04 2.49E+04 1.00E+03 1.00E+03 1.00E+03 RU-152 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 RU-152 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-152 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-152 Ch 4 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 RU-153 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-153 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1 00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-153 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+ 00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 RU-154 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-154 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-154 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 RU-155 Ch 1 m R/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 RU-155 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-155 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-155 Ch 4 mR/hr .00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 RU-156 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 RU-156 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-156 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E +01 1.00 E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-157 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 RU-157 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 O RU-157 Ch 3 RU-158 Ch 1 mR/hr mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 RU-158 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-158 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-158 Ch 4 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 JAlert Alarmo YN4thtAlarmg 1993 Exercise Page J-2 4/27/93

DRILL + 30 60 70 80 90 Monitor Units 820 830 840 850 900 RU-1 Ch 1 uCi/cc 3,55644sy;gg4:51E46@@h4.61E 06 Mig 62$0E46M@$.00E36ft% p RU-1 Ch 2 uCi/cc 3.06E-10 3.66E-10 3.66E-10 4.15E-10 4.59E-10 ( RU-1 Ch 3 uCi/cc 7.86E-04 9.39E-04 9.39E-04 1.06E-03 1.17E-03 RU-2/3 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-4 uCi/cc 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 1.06E-OS 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 RU-5 uCi/cc 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 RU-6 uCi/cc 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 RU-7 uCi/cc 8.14E-07 8.14 E-07 8.14d-07 8.14E-07 8.14 E-07 RU-8 Ch 1 uCi/cc 3.34E-11 3.34 E-11 3.34E-11 3.34 E-11 3.34E-11 RU-8 Ch 2 uCi/cc 2.20E-11 2.20E-11 2.20E-11 2.20E-11 2.20E-11 RU-9 uCi/cc 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 RU-10 uCi/cc 3.91 E-07 3.91 E-07 3.91 E-07 3.91 E-07 3.91 E-07 RU-12 uCi/cc 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 RU-14 uCi/cc 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 RU-15 uCi/cc 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 RU-16 m R/hr 4.50 E M 14 W S 5.80E+0te k 7.00E+01?wei; 090E+02 5 3(10Ef02he/ RU-17 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-18 mR/hr 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 RU 19 mR/hr 9.76E-02 9.76E-02 9.76E-02 9.76E-02 9.76E-02 RU-20 mR/hr 1.94E-01 1.94 E-01 1.94E-01 1.94 E-01 1.94E-01 RU-21 mR/hr 2.53E+00 2.53E+00 2.53E+00 2.53E+00 2.53E+00 RU-22 mR/hr 1.13 E+ 00 1.13E+00 1.13E+ 00 1.13E+00 1.13E+00 RU-23 mR/hr 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 [~ RU-25 mR/hr 2.10E-01 2.10E-01 2.10E-01 2.10E-01 2.10E-01 \ RU-26 mR/hr 1.83E-01 1.83E-01 1.83E-01 1.83E-01 1.83E-01 RU-29 uCi/cc 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 RU-30 uCi/cc 4.4SE-07 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 RU-31 mR/hr 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 RU-33 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-34 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-37 mR/hr 7.83E-02 7.83E-02 7.83E-02 7.83E-02 7.83E-02 RU-38 mR/hr 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 RU-139 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+ 00 1.50E+00 1.50E+ 00 RU-139 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 RU-140 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 RU-140 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.50E+ 00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 RU-141 uCi/cc 9 65E-07 9.65E-07 9.65E-07 9.65E-07 9.65E-07 RU-142 Ch 1 uCi/cc 000E+00 0.00E+ 00 0 00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 j RU-142 Ch 2 uCucc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 RU-143 Ch 1 uCi/cc 4.91 E-07 4.91 E-07 4.91 E-07 4.91 E-07 4.91 E-07 ' RU-143 Ch 2 uCi/cc 1.37E-11 1.37E-11 1.37E-11 1.37E-11 1.37E-11 RU-143 Ch 3 uCi/cc 4.53E-11 4.53E-11 4.53E-11 4.53E-11 4.53E-11 RU-144 Ch 1 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 RU-144 Ch 2 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 RU-145 uCi/cc 7.90E-07 7.90E-07 7.90d-07 7.90E-07 7.90E-07 RU-146 Ch 1 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 RU-146 Ch 2 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00


1993 Exercise Page J-3 4/23/93

                                       ..     = . _ _ _

DRILL + 50 60 70 80 90 Monitor Units 820 830 840 850 900 RU-148 R/hr 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 ( RU-149 RU-150 R/hr mR/hr 1.00E+00 1.00E+03 1.00E+00 1.00E+03 1.00E+00 1.00E+03 1.00E+00 1.00E+03 1.00E+00 1.00E+03 RU-151 mR/hr 100E+03 1.00E+03 1.00E+03 1.00E+03 1.00E+03 RU-152 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 RU-152 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-152 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 RU-152 Ch 4 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1,00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-153 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-153 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-153 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 RU-154 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-154 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU 154 Ch 3 m R/hr 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-155 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 RU-155 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+ 01 RU-155 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 RU-155 Ch 4 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 RU-156 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-156 Ch 2 m R/hr 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-156 Ch 3 m R/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 RU-157 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 RU-157 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 O RU-157 Ch 3 RU-158 Ch 1 RU-158 Ch 2 mR/hr mR/hr m R/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-158 Ch 3 m R/hr 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-158 Ch 4 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 iAlert Alarm 5%% Arm) l O 1993 Exercise Page J-4 4/27/93 7

DRILL + 100 110 120 130 140 Monitor Units 910 920 930 940 950 PU-1 Ch 1 uCi/cc i vg M_ j M{g;7i RU-1 Ch 2 uCi/cc 4.59E-10 4.96E-10 5.32E 10 gji1 f TEFWS O- RU-1 Ch 3 uCi/cc 1.17E-03 1.29E-03 1.41 E-03 1.15E-02 1.17E-02

RU-2/3 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFliNE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-4 uCi/cc 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 RU-5 uCl/cc 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 RU-6 uCi/cc 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 RU 7 uCi/cc 8.14E-07 8.14E-07 8.14E-07 8.14E-07 8.14E-07 RU-8 Ch 1 uCi/cc 3.34 E-11 3.34E 11 3.34E-11 3.34E-11 3.34E-11 RU-8 Ch 2 uCi/cc 2.20E-11 2.20E-11 2.20E-11 2.20E-11 2.20E-11 RU-9 uCi/cc 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 RU-10 uCi/cc 3.91 E-07 3.91 E-07 3.91 E-07 3.91 E-07 3.91 E-07 RU-12 uCi/cc 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 RU-14 uCi/cc 2.36E-11 1.36E-11 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 RU-15 uCi/cc 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 RU-16 mR/hr 4j30E 02?f$R 5.60EiO2 Reg 7300Et01$$E t00Rt20M %0Wt20BM RU-17 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-18 mR/hr 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 RU-19 mR/hr 9.76E-02 9.76E-02 9.76E-02 9.76E-02 9.76E-02 RU-20 mR/hr 1.94E-01 1.94E-01 1.94E-01 1.94E-01 1.94E-01 RU-21 mR/hr 2.53E+00 2.53E+ 00 2.53E+00 2.53E+00 2.53E+00 RU-22 m R/hr 1.13E+00 1.13E+ 00 1.13E+00 1.13E+00 1.13E+00
RU-23 mR/hr 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 ,

O RU-25 RU-26 mR/hr mR/hr 2.10E-01 1.83E-01 2.10E-01 1.83E-01 2.10E-01 1.83E-01 2.10E-01 1.83E-01 2.10E-01 1.83E-01 RU-29 uCi/cc 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 RU-30 uCi/cc 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 RU-31 m R/hr 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 RU-33 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-34 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-37 mR/hr 7.83E-02 7.83E-02 7.83E-02 7.83E-02 7.83E-02 RU-38 mR/hr 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 RU-139 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 RU-139 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00~ 1.50E+00 RU-140 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+0' 1.50E+00 RU-140 Ch 2 m R/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+ 00 RU-141 uCi/cc 9.65E-07 9.65E-07 9.65E-07 9.65E-07 9.65E-07 RU-142 Ch 1 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 RU-142 Ch 2 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 RU-143 Ch 1 uCl/cc 4.91 E-07 4.91 E-07 4.91 E-07 4.91 E-07 4.91 E-07 RU-143 Ch 2 uCi/cc 1.37E-11 1.37E-11 1.37E 11 1.37E-11 1.37E-11 RU-143 Ch 3 uCi/cc 4.53E-11 4.53E 11 4.53E-11 4.53E-11 4.53E-11 RU-144 Ch 1 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 RU-144 Ch 2 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 RU-145 uCi/cc 7.90E-07 7.90E-07 7.90E-07 7.90E-07 7.90E-07 RU-146 Ch 1 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 RU-146 Ch 2 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1993 Exercise Page J-5 4/23/93

DRILL + 100 110 120 130 140 Monitor Units 910 920 930 940 950 RU-148 R/hr 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 5.00E+00 ? 5.00E+00s RU-149 R/hr 1,00E + 00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 4.50E+00 4.50E+00 O RU-150 RU-151 mR/hr mR/hr 1.00E+ 03 1.00E+03 1.00E+03 1.00E+03 1.00E+03 1.00E+03 3.15E+03 3.15E+03 3.15E+03 3.15E+03 RU-152 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 ' RU-152 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 RU-152 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-152 Ch 4 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 , RU-153 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 l RU-153 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 l RU-153 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+ 00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 l RU-154 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 RU-154 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 RU-154 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 l RU-155 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 l RU-155 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 j RU-155 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-155 Ch 4 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-156 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-156 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-156 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-157 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-157 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 O RU-157 Ch 3 RU-158 Ch 1 RU-158 Ch 2 mR/hr mR/hr mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-158 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-158 Ch 4 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 LAlert Alarms Wigh?Alahttj O 1993 Exercise Page J-6 4/27/93

DRILL + 150 160 170 180 190 Monitor Uruts 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 RU-1 Ch 1 uCi/cc A60EMMijmM74EMM69,19E44W55,35EAlims - - - - J-C ( RU-1 Ch 2 uCi/cc 2:2SE-08B$g 241EjkM$giti %94Ry g [2MP """ 9

                                                                                          = -   -

RU-1 Ch 3 RU-2/3 uCi/cc uCi/cc 1.17E-02 OFFLINE 1.29E-02 OFFLINE h OFFLINE g j M OFFLINE OFFLINE jypQ RU-4 uCi/cc 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 RU-5 uCi/cc 1.23E 06 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 RU-6 uCi/cc 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 RU-7 uCi/cc 8.14 E-07 8.14 E-07 8.14E-07 8.14E-07 8.14E-07 RU-8 Ch 1 uCi/cc 3.34E-11 3.34E-11 3.34 E-11 3.34E-11 3.34E-11 RU-8 Ch 2 uCi/cc 2.20E-11 2.20E-11 2.20E-11 2.20E-11 2.20E-11 RU-9 uCi/cc 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 > RU-10 uCi/cc 3.91 E-07 3.91 E-07 3.91 E-07 3.91 E-07 3.91E-07 RU-12 uCi/cc 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 RU-14 uCi/cc 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 RU-15 uCi/cc 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 RU-16 mR/hr t00E+20 % @ t00Ef20 M M t00Ey20$385 t00Es284Ri E00Ef20;$$ RU-17 m R/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-18 mR/hr 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 RU-19 mR/hr 9.76E-02 9.76E-02 9.76E-02 9.76E-02 9.76E-02 RU-20 mR/hr 1.94E-01 1.94E-01 1.94E-01 1.94E-01 1.94E-01 RU-21 mR/hr 2.53E+00 2.53E+00 2.53E+00 2.53E+00 2.53E+00 RU-22 mR/hr 1.13E+00 1.13E+00 1.13E+00 1.13E+00 1.13E+00 RU-23 mR/hr 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 O RU-25 RU-26 RU-29 mR/hr mR/hr uCi/cc 2.10E-01 1.83E-01 4.29E-07 2.10E-01 1.83E-01 2.10E-01 1.83E-01 2.10E-01 1.83E-01 2.10E-01 1.83E-01  ! 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 l RU-30 uCi/cc 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 RU-31 mR/hr 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 RU-33 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-34 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-37 mR/hr 7.83E-02 7.83E-02 7.83E-02 7.83E-02 7.83E-02 RU-38 mR/hr 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 RU-139 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 RU-139 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+ 00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 RU-140 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+ 00 1.50E+00 RU-140 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 RU-141 uCi/cc 9.65E-07 9.65E-07 9.65E-07 9.65E-07 9.65E 07 RU-142 Ch 1 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 RU-142 Ch 2 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 RU-143 Ch 1 uCi/cc 4.91 E-07 4.91 E-07 4.91E 07 4.91 E-07 4.91 E-07 RU-143 Ch 2 uCi/cc 1.37E-11 1.37E-11 1.37E 11 1.37E-11 1.37E-11 RU-143 Ch 3 uCi/cc 4.53E-11 4.53E-11 4.53E-11 4.53E-11 4.53E-11 I RU-144 Ch 1 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 RU-144 Ch 2 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 RU-145 uCi/cc 7.90E-07 7.90E-07 7.90E-07 7.90E-07 7.90E-07 RU-146 Ch 1 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 RU-146 Ch 2 uCi!cc ,0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1993 Exercise Page J-7 4/23/93 I

l DRILL + 150 160 170 180 190 Monitor Units 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 RU-148 R/hr 5.00E+00 2 5.00E+00' 2.49E+$}$MK t@$5+Q?g ((Ql'T;ffy ) RU-149 " R/hr 4.50E+00 4.50E+00 2;30E+01@$ $!445405jEM T "" ?

  • 59 RU-150 mR/hr 3.15E+03 3.15E+03 1.60E+04 $j09EBR l '

lXW Eili . i n^ RU-151 mR/hr 3.15E+03 3.15E+03 1.60E+04 $31%Q* " "" ' ' ~ l RU-152 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 l RU-152 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00 E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-152 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-152 Ch 4 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-153 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-153 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-153 Ch 3 m R/hr 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 RU-154 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 j RU-154 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 l RU-154 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 l L RU-155 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.COE+ 01 1.00E+01 I RU-155 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 l RU-155 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 i RU-155 Ch 4 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-156 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E + 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-156 Ch 2 m R/hr 1.00E + 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01  ! RU-156 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-157 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-157 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E4 01 1.00E+01 RU-157 Ch 3 mR/hr O 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-158 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-158 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-158 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-158 Ch 4 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 n Alert Alarm 7

                                                                                                     @HigtfAlarMy l

l O 1993 Exercise Page J-8 4/27/93 1 i l

DRILL + 200 210 220 230 240 Monitor Units 1050 1100 1110 1120 1130 , RU-1 Ch 1 uCi/cc t$5EAMgy$40Ebgg# CS3&gg -gX m RU-1 Ch 2 uCi/cc f;2SE42!@$s $31542$$$ 1MQ{$gy g -- 7 O RU-1 Ch 3 RU-2/3 uCi/cc uCi/cc 237Et0tii$$ 2.43EtMAM2 MfMETtt C ;- OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE


OFFLINE RU-4 uCi/cc 1.06E 06 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 OFFLINE RU-5 uCi/cc 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 OFFLINE RU-6 uCi/cc 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 i RU-7 uCi/cc 8.14E-07 8.14E-07 8.14E-07 8.14E-07 OFFLINE RU-8 Ch 1 uCi/cc 3.34E-11 3.34E-11 3.34 E-11 3.34E-11 OFFLINE RU-8 Ch 2 uCi/cc 2.20E-11 2.20E-11 2.20E-11 2.20E-11 OFFLINE RU-9 uCi/cc 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 OFFLINE l RU-10 uCi/cc 3.91 E-07 3.91 E-07 3.91 E-07 3.91 E-07 OFFLINE RU-12 uCi/cc 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06  ; RU-14 uCi/cc 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 RU-15 uCi/cc 9.35E-07 9 35E-07 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 - RU-16 mR/hr f.00E+20 M s C00E+206@B 1100Ef20$h1.;00Ey20j@@ $#0Et2#3 @  : RU-17 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-18 mR/hr 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 RU-19 m R/hr 9.76E-02 9.76E-02 9.76E-02 W gg  %$0ggl ( RU-20 mR/hr 1.94E-01 1.94 E-01 1.94E-01 1.94E-01 1.94E-01 RU-21 mR/hr 2.53E+00 2.53E+00 2.53E+00 2.53E+00 2.53E+00 RU-22 mR/hr 1.13E+ 00 1.13E+00 1.132+00 1.13E+00 1.13E+00 RU-23 mR/hr 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 OFFLINE O RU-25 RU-26 mR/hr mR/hr 2.10E-01 1.83E-01 2.10E-01 1.83E-01 2.10E-01 1.83E-01 2.10E-01 1.83E-01 2.10E-01 OFFLINE RU-29 uCi/cc 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 OFFLINE RU-30 uCi/cc 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 RU-31 mR/hr 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 RU-33 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE l RU-34 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE I RU-37 mR/hr 7.83E-02 7.83E-02 7.83E-02 7.83E-02 7.83E-02


RU-38 mR/hr 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 l RU-139 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 OFFLINE RU-139 Ch 2 mR/nr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 OFFLINE RU-140 Ch 1 mR/hr 150E+00 1.50E+ 00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 OFFLINE ) RU-140 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 OFFLINE RU-141 uCi/cc 9.65E-07 9.65E-07 9.65E-07 9.65E-07 OFFLINE RU-142 Ch 1 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 OFFLINE RU-142 Ch 2 uCi/cc 0,00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 OFFLINE RU-143 Ch 1 uCi/cc 4.91 E-07 4.91 E-07 4.91E-07 4.91 E-07 OFFLINE RU-143 Ch 2 uCi/cc 1.37E-11 1.37E-11 1.37E-11 1.37E-11 OFFLINE RU-143 Ch 3 uCi/cc 4.53E-11 4.53E-11 4.53E-11 4.53E-11 OFFLINE RU-144 Ch 1 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E400 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 OFFLINE RU-144 Ch 2 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 OFFLINE RU-145 uCi/cc 7.90E-07 7.90E-07 7.90E-07 7.90E-07 5.15E-050 RU-146 Ch 1 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 RU-146 Ch 2 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1993 Exercise Page J-9 4/27/93 l

DRILL + 200 210 220 230 240 Momtor Umts 1050 1100 1110 1120 1130 RU-148 R/hr l] s g' { g{ Q ll{ }g W f:fgb] RU-149 R/hr (A4Rn g j 7_ qi - T]M RU-150 mR/hr M i si N E l kN h?f@[ jJHRM MWJ $91RNN@@ $ K" 7""= W


RU-151 mR/hr '

                                                                                          '- ;~~
                                                                                                      "" ~ - 5 3 4 i RU-152 Ch 1   mR/hr   1.00E+01          1.00E+01       1.00E+01             2.55E+02            OFFLINE RU-152 Ch 2   mR/hr   1.00E+01          1.00E+01       1.00E+01             5.00E+00            OFFLINE RU-152 Ch 3   m R/hr  1.00E+01          1.00E+01       1.00E+01             3.50E+01            OFFLINE RU-152 Ch 4   mR/hr   1.00E+ 01         1.00E+01       1.00E+01             5.00E+01            OFFLINE RU-153 Ch 1   mR/hr   1.00E+01          1.00E+01       1.00E+01             1.00E+01            OFFLINE RU-153 Ch 2   mR/hr   1.00E+01          1.00E+01       1.00E+01             1.00E+01            OFFLINE RU-153 Ch 3   mR/hr   1.00E+00          1.00E+00       1.00E+ 00            1.00E+00            OFFLINE RU-154 Ch 1   mR/hr   1.00E+01          1.00E+01       1.00E+01             1.00E+01            OFFLINE-RU-154 Ch 2   mR/hr   1.00E+ 01         1.00E+01       1.00E+01             1.00E+01          OFFLINE RU-154 Ch 3   mR/hr   1.00E+01          1.00E+01       1.00E+01             1.00E+01          OFFLINE -

RU-155 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 OFFLINE RU-155 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 OFFLINE RU-155 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 OFFLINE RU-155 Ch 4 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 OFFLINE RU-156 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 OFFLINE RU-156 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 OFFLINE RU-156 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 OFFLINE RU-157 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 OFFLINE RU-157 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.0'0E+ 01 OFFLINE , O RU-157 Ch 3 RU-158 Ch 1 RU-158 Ch 2 mR/hr mR/hr m R/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 OFFLINE OFFLINE 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 OFFLINE  ; RU-158 Ch 3 m R/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 OFFLINE l RU-158 Ch 4 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 OFFLINE l

                                                                                                   ! Alert Alarmi   '
                                                                                                 &HighjAlarmpi 1993 Exercise                          Page J-10                                                       4/27/93   ,

DRILL + 250 260 270 280 290 Monitor Units 1140 1150 1200 1210 1220 RU-1 Ch 1 uCi/cc %91E41M!80 ti98Eioje$h 6',;$$E 01MW $$9541tiqEl $A8E4G& s RU-1 Ch 2 uCi/cc 3.97E-01sd 3ME41ders t38Et00g;W$ $46Et0021% N60Et00MM RU-1 Ch 3 uCi/cc 3;30E+01Ne$ 3;37E+01&M 8.53E+0ts!?$ 9.99Et019 $ 1; met 022W RU-2/3 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE R U-4 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 1.06E-06 RU-5 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 1.23E-06 R U-6 uCi/cc 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 RU-7 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 8.14E-07 RU-8 Ch 1 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 2.01 E-10 RU-8 Ch 2 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 1.87E-10 RU-9 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 7.14 E-06 RU-10 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 6.12E-06 RU-12 uCi/cc 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 RU-14 uCi/cc 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 RU-15 uCt/cc 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 RU-16 mR/hr %00E+20W e t00E+20s it 1100E+20h% E00EMor , J C00Ef207 Mi RU-17 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLiNE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-18 m R/hr 5.76E-02 5.76E-02 4.33E-02 6.57E-02 6.71 E-02 RU-19 m R/hr 2.00E+00;  : 1.00E+00 236Et0iWMW 2)}7E+01}sen BJDE+02Mn RU-20 mR/hr 1.94E-01 1.94E-01 1.94 E-01 1.94E-01 1.94E-01 RU-21 mR/hr 2.53 E + 00 2.53E+00 2.53E+00 2.53E+00 2.53E+00 RU-22 mR/hr 1.13E+00 1.13E+00 1.13E+00 1.13E+00 1.13E+ 00 RU-23 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 1.15E4 00 RU-25 m R/hr 2.10E-01 2.10E-01 2.10E-01 2.10E-01 2.10E-01 RU-26 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 5.11 E+ 00 RU-29 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 4.29E-07 RU-30 uCi/cc 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 RU-31 mR/hr 2.82E-01 2.82E-01 8.08E+00. 1.61E+0Zgh i 1ASEt02gt@ RU-33 m R/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-34 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-37 mR/hr 7.83E-02 7.83E-02 1.75E+00 ; 2.26E+0Z$2p 2.;26E+029snd RU-38 mR/hr 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 1.85E+00f 2229E+02Me 219E+02We RU-139 Ch 1 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 1.50E+00 RU-139 Ch 2 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 1.50E+00 RU 140 Ch 1 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 1.50E+00 RU-140 Ch 2 m R/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 1.50E+00 RU-141 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 5.01 E-06 RU-142 Ch 1 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 0.00E+00 RU-142 Ch 2 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 0.00E+00 RU-143 Ch 1 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 2.01 E-05 RU-143 Ch 2 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 7.83E-11 RU-143 Ch 3 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 1.04 E-10 RU-144 Ch 1 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 0.00E+00 RU-144 Ch 2 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 0.00E+00 R U-145 uCi!cc 3.23E-05 9.03E-06 8.76E-06 5.33E-06 2.01E-05 RU-146 Ch 1 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.uiE+00 0.00E+00 RU-146 Ch 2 uCi/cc 000E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1993 Exercise Page J-11 4/27/93

DRILL + l 250 260 270 280 290 Monitor Units 1140 1150 1200 1210 1220 RU-148 R/hr 140E+0ftigET 160Et03N@t 3;50EM)E1T SMG= gig; ; ,.,ig's mi 044Et03h$$ (M4Et0$$$H! 3AE98Espij 4CM RU-149 R/hr EN;; 1 \ RU-150 mR/hr 1,00EvWisA$ 1 -;-5!"Mam WNW "' *2 _ G@ a w L;ge RU-151 mR/hr t01Et06#@ 1;01E+0$$$ig0 ti2 COO".ges WjWQM9 %ui;;k u RU-152 Ch 1 m R/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 1.02E+03 RU-152 Ch 2 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 7.00E+01 RU-152 Ch 3 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 1.60E+02 RU-152 Ch 4 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 6.00E+02 RU-153 Ch 1 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 1.55E+02 RU-153 Ch 2 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 5.01 E+01 RU-153 Ch 3 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 5.06E+00 RU-154 Ch 1 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 2.52E+01 RU-154 Ch 2 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 2.56E+01 RU-154 Ch 3 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 1.00E+ 01




I DRILL + 300 310 320 330 340 Monitor Umts 1230 1240 1250 1300 1310 RU-1 Ch 1 uCi/cc E55E41sMfp 640Est@# 624E,0%@ 626501hig$ 748E4tnsfi 1 RU-1 Ch 2 uCi/cc iJ.52E+00Q4 iiS9E+00W 1;62Et00$@# 1.(65Et00DW 121Et0Df#$h O. RU-1 Ch 3 RU-2/3 uCi/cc uCi/cc 1.04Et025#hD9E+02ME 141Et02E@n %13Et02@N id7Et02;W#fg OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE l OFFLINE l RU-4 uCi/cc 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 RU-5 uCi/cc 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 1.23E-06 RU-6 uCi/cc 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 1.1 P S-06 1.18E-06 R U-7 uCi/cc 8.14 E-07 8.14E-07 8.14E-07 8.14 E-07 8.14E-07 l RU-8 Ch 1 uCi/cc 2.01 E-10 2.01 E-10 2.01 E-10 2.01 E-10 2.01 E-10 I RU-8 Ch 2 uCi/cc 1.87E-10 1.87E-10 1.87E-10 1.87E-10 1.87E-10 RU-9 uCi/cc 7.14E-06 7.14E-06 7.14 E-06 7.14E-06 7.14E-06 RU-10 uCi/cc 6.12E-06 6.12E-06 6.12E-06 6.12E-06 6.12E-06 RU-12 uCi/cc 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 RU-14 uCi/cc 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 l RU-15 uCi/cc 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 RU-16 mR/hr iODE+20$ps: t00Ei20$ W 1.DDE+20jM 1100Et20@5g to0E+20es RU-17 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-18 mR/hr 6.71 E-02 6.71 E-02 6.71 E-02 6.71 E-02 6.71 E-02 RU-19 mR/hr 6.70E+02P ; 6.70E+02hg 670E+02W 230E+01M @! 2M6E+0$!#2 RU-20 mR/hr 1.94E-01 1.94E-01 1.94E-01 1.94 E-01 1.94 E-01 RU-21 mR/hr 2.53E+ 00 2.53 E+ 00 2.53E+00 2.53E+00 2.53E+00 RU-22 mR/hr 1.13E + 00 1.13E+00 1.13E + 00 1.13E+00 1.13E+00 R U-23 m R/hr 1.15 E+ 00 1.15E+00 1.15E+00 1.15E + 00 1.15E+ 00 RU-25 mR/hr 2.10E-01 2.10E-01 2.10E-01 2.10E-01 0- RU-26 mR/hr 5.11E+00 5.11E+00 5.11 E+ 00 5.11 E+ 00 2.10E-01 5.11E+00 RU-29 uCi/cc 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 4.29E-07 RU-30 uCi/cc 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 4.49 E-07 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 RU-31 mR/hr C57E+02)n&1.60Et02h M 1.60E+02h3ag 1.62E402! _ ts2Ef02eg RU-33 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-34 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-37 mR/hr 2.26E+021%s 2.26E+02n;p 2.26E+02Mn 2.26EtD2Mg 2:26E+02&W RU-38 mR/hr 2l2SE+02h 2;29Et02s$ 2,2 set 02k 2;29E+02in$ 229E+025$ RU-139 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+ 00 1.50E+00 RU-139 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+ 00 1.50E+00 RU-140 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 RU-140 Ch 2 mR/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 1.50E+ 00 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 RU-141 uCi/cc 5.01 E-06 5.01 E-06 5.01 E-06 5.01 E-06 5.01 E-06 RU-142 Ch 1 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 i RU-142 Ch 2 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 RU-143 Ch 1 uCi/cc 2.01 E-05 2.01 E-05 2.01E-05 2.01 E-05 2.01 E-05 RU-143 Ch 2 uCi/cc 7.83E-11 7.83E-11 7.83E-11 7.83E-11 7.83E-11 RU-143 Ch 3 uCi/cc 1.04E-10 1.04E-10 1.04E-10 1.04E-10 1.04E-10 RU-144 Ch 1 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 RU-144 Ch 2 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00  ; RU-145 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE 4.27E-03 RU-146 Ch 1 uCi/cc 5.16E-02 6.51 E 1.71 E - 4.21 E-02 0.00E+00 RU-146 Ch 2 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1993 Exercise Page J-13 4/27/93 I

           - - - - - - - ..           -            . _~.-..           - --              .              - .                    ..       -- .

DRILL + 300 310 320 330 l 340 Monitor Units 1230 1240 1250 1300 l 1310 RU-148 R/hr 160Qy@yf@ 330QA Mg,y t;;;;Q._ i f RQby ' RU-149 R/hr 3,$ gq {a l  ;[ i O RU 150 RU-151 mR/hr mR/hr 3 ABET 0$jy 221E+ Q49,, % g _ ._ l _ p% . , {] l f [ l j RU-152 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.02E+03 1.02E+03 8.00E+02 8.00E+02 8.00E+02 l RU-152 Ch 2 m R/hr 7.00E+01 7.00E+01 8.00E+ 02 8.00E+02 l8.00E+02 RU-152 Ch 3 m R/hr 1.60E+02 1.60E+ 02 2.80E+02 2.80E+02 l2.80E+ 02 RU-152 Ch 4 m R/hr 6.00E+02 6.00E+02 4.00E+02 4.00E+02 4.00E+02 RU-153 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.55E+ 02 1.55E+ 02 1.55E+ 02 1.55E+02 1.55E+02 RU-153 Ch 2 mR/hr 5.01 E+01 5.01 E+ 01 5.01E+01 5.01E+01 5.01E+01 RU-153 Ch 3 mR/hr 5.06E+00 5.06E+00 5.06E+00 5.06E+00 5.06E+00 RU-154 Ch 1 mR/hr 2.52E+01 2.52E+01 2.52E+01 2.52E+01 2.52E+ 01

RU 154 Ch 2 mR/hr 2.56E+ 01 2.56E+01 2.56E+01 2.56E+01 2.56E+ 01 RU-154 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+ 01 RU-155 Ch 1 mR/hr 5.11 E+ 02 5.11E+02 5.11E+02 5.11 E+02 5.11E+02 RU-155 Ch 2 m R/hr 5.13E+02 5.13E+02 5.13E+02 5.13E+02 5.13E+02 RU-155 Ch 3 mR/hr 4.00E+ 02 4.00E+02 4.00E+02 4.6JE+02 4.00E+02 RJ-155 Ch 4 m R/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 RU-156 Ch 1 mR/hr 4.00E+02 4.00E+ 02 4.00E+02 4.00E+02 4.00E+02 RU-156 Ch 2 mR/hr 4.54E+02 4.54 E+ 02 4.54E+02 4.54E+02 4.54 E+02 RU-156 Ch 3 mR/hr 4.57E+02 4.57E+02 4.57E+02 4.57E+02 4.57E+02 RU-157 Ch 1 mR/hr 4.21 E+02 4.21 E+02 4.21 E+02 4.21 E+02 4.21 E+02 RU-157 Ch 2 mR/hr 4.20E+02 4.20E+02 4.20E+02 4.20E+02 4.20E+02 O RU-157 Ch 3 RU-158 Ch 1 RU-158 Ch 2 mR/hr mR/hr mR/hr 4.51 E+02 4.53E+02 4.85 E+ 02 4.51 E+02 4.53E+02 4.85E+02 4.51 E+ 02 4.53E+02 4.85E+02 4.51 E+02 4.53E+02 4.85E+ 02 4.51 E+ 02 4.53E+02 4.85E+02 RU-158 Ch 3 m R/hr 2.12E+02 2.12E+ 02 2.12E+02 2.12E+02 2.12E+02 RU-158 Ch 4 mR/hr 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1,00E+ 01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01
                                                                                                                           ? Alert Alarmi
                                                                                                                           @lg@mW O

1993 Exercise Page J-14 4/23/93

DRILL + 350 l 360 Monitor Units 1320 1330  :

      . RU-1 Ch 1    uCi/cc       .

l JMMg ' q RU-1 Ch 2 uCi/cc - {%}Q .

 .Q    RU-1 Ch 3 RU-2/3 uCl/cc uCi/cc l

OFFLINE - jyQH$f OFFLINE RU-4 uCi/cc 1.06E-06 l1.06E 66 . i RU-5 uCi/cc 1.23E 81.23E-06 RU-6 uCi/cc 1.18E-06 1.18E-06 RU-7 uCi'cc 8.14E-07 8.14E-07 RU-8 Ch 1 uCi/cc 2.01 E-10 2.01 E-10 i RU-8 Ch 2 uCi/cc 1.87E-10 1.87E-10 ' RU-9 uCl/cc 7.14E-06 7.14E 06 RU-10 uCi/cc 6.12E-06 6.12E-06 I RU uCi/cc 4.20E-06 4.20E-06 . RU-14 uCi/cc 2.36E-11 2.36E-11 RU-15 uCi/cc 9.35E-07 9.35E-07 RU 16 mR/hr F^1 it j r RU-17 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE - RU-18 mR/hr 6.71E-02 6.71E-02 ~ RU-19 mR/hr 4-- ;,. ; ;_ a _ _ ,3 RU-20 mR/hr 1.94E-01 1.94 E-01 RU-21 mR/hr 2.53E+00 2.53E+00 RU-22 mR/hr 1.13E+00 1.13E+00 RU-23 mR/hr 1.15E+ 00 1.15E+00 0 RU-25 RU-26 RU-29 mR/hr mR/hr uCi/cc 2.10E-01 5.11 E+00 4.29E-07 2.10E-01 5.11E+00 4.29E-07 RU-30 uCi/cc 4.49E-07 4.49E-07 RU-31 mR/hr ug; -- y-ggggg RU-33 mR/hr OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-34 uCi/cc OFFLINE OFFLINE RU-37 mR/hr . ; .. t;jfi RU 38 mR/hr l[ . . . L.y RU-139 Ch 1 mRihr 1.50E+00 - 1.50E+00 RU-139 Ch 2 - m R/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 RU-140 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 RU-140 Ch 2 m R/hr 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 RU-141 uCi/cc 5.01E-06 5.01 E-06 RU-142 Ch 1 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 RU-142 Ch 2 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 RU-143 Ch 1 uCi/cc 2.01 E-05 2.01 E-05 RU-143 Ch 2 uCi/cc 7.83E-11 7.83E-11 RU-143 Ch 3 uCi/cc 1.04 E-10. 1.04E-10 RU-144 Ch 1 uCi/cc - 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 RU-144 Ch 2 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 RU-145 . uCi/cc 4.19E 4.25E-05 RU 146 Ch 1 uCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 RU-146 Ch 2 LCi/cc 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1993 Exercice Page J-15 4/27/93

DRILL + 350 l 360 l Monitor - Units 1320 1330 RU-148 R/hr J Q4J. ] f. Q l;; 4 V . ? RU-149 R/hr RM ' . : . .J(j;f t O.. RU-150 mR/hr M j";;.c." Q .i j: RU-151 mR/hr JS{.Jl '. C T '[}fyQ33 RU-152 Ch 1 mR/hr 8.00E+02 8.00E+02 RU-162 Ch 2 mR/hr 8.00E+02 l8.00E+02 -l RU-152 Ch 3 mR/hr 2.80E+02 l2.80E+02 l RU-152 Ch 4 mR/hr 4.00E+02 l4.00E+02 l RU-153 Ch 1 mR/hr 1.55E+02 l1.55E+02 l RU-153 Ch 2 mR/hr 5.01 E+01 l5.01E+01 l RU-153 Ch 3 mR/hr 5.06E+00 l5.06E+00 l RU-154 Ch 1 mR/hr 2.52E+01 l2.52E+01 l RU-154 Ch 2 mR/hr 2.56E+01 l2.56E+01 l RU-154 Ch 3 mR/hr 1.00E+01 l1.00E+01 l RU-155 Ch 1 mR/hr 5.11 E+02 l5.11 E+ 02 l RU-155 Ch 2 mR/hr 5.13E+02 l5.13E+01 l RU-155 Ch 3 mR/hr 4.00E+02 l4.00E+02 l RU-155 Ch 4 mR/hr 1.00E+01 l1.00E+01 l RU-156 Ch 1 mR/hr - 4.00E+02 l4.00E+02 l RU-156 Ch 2 mR/hr 4.54 E+02 . l4.54E+02 l RU-156 Ch 3 mR/hr - 4.57E+02 l4.57E+02 l RU-157 Ch 1 mR/hr 4.21 E+02 l4.21 E+02 - l RU-157 Ch 2 mR/hr 4.20E+02 l4.20E+02 l RU-157 Ch 3 mR/hr 4.51 E+02 l4.51E+02 l

 % ./  RU-158 Ch 1      mR/hr     4.53E+02        l4.53E+02        l RU-158 C'12      mR/hr     4.85E+02        j4.85E+02        l RU-158 Ch 3      mR/hr     2.12E+02        l2.12E+02        l RU-158 Ch 4      mR/hr     1.00E+01        l1.00E+01        l                  1 LAlert Alarmfl lk?M o

i I l I l l 1993 Exercise Page J-16 4/23/93


                             /                   Centerline                  Edge of Plume              Air Samples           lodine Dose Rate                    Dose Rate            Counts per Minuto           Calc.      Smeets Plume       W.O. W.C. Frisker   W.O.       W.C.      Fnsker      AgZ            Filter Location  (mR/hr)   (mR/hr)   (epml   (mR/hr)    (mR/ht)     (epm)   Cartridae         Paper  (uCi/ce)  (cpm /100cm2)

ALL as read as read as read as read as read as read as read as read as read as read a t I i O  ! I i l 1 1 1

                                                                                                                                                             .l j

APS/PVNGS Rev 4/22/93

_ ._. . _ . _ -__ _ . . _ , . _m .. A 0* Eh/G BC 34* O C 45' CD 56* D 67 5* ( S C CS* y SUBSTATION

  • o 9 g BROADWAY E M* 5 EF 101* g f F 112* 5 FG 124' R R A B G 135 GH 146*

33's= n 0* 22 5* M1

                                                                                                                                       }                                                ;

H 157.5 1 PIPELINE HJ 169 O 315* -- .

        , , , ,                                                                                    ....' ...... l JK 191 K 202.5*                   k 1               .

l 67.5" D KL 214' 6*g  :,Oh'* . %s0 % ' LM 236* *

                                                           *            ,O'
                                                                                                               //                /

M 2475* P 292.5*

                                                                                                                              /                         SOUTHERN MN 259*
  • f/ ,

N 270* *

s. /

NP 281* P 292.5* PO 304* N 270* oO ,

                                                                                             /     #(\ s O 315'                                                                             /                  /

OR 326*

                                              . ,,Q.-[ ,

M 247.5* N! { g / R 337,5* ff '- .f!""31 l _J g/ RA 349* ' ll rg l [j I

                                , ,           -7=L I            l 112' F L 225'         /                              'I
                                    /                                                                                                            BASELINE l

I. l

                                          ' ///// /
                                          / EVAP POND #1/
                                                                                        /////  EVAP POND #2
                                                                                                                                            ,38-i K 202.5*


                                                    -- Vf'. ..180.*....C'                  '
                                                                                             .      BOUNDARY
                                                                                                                + TECH DOBBINS      SPEC ->

5 i ' N FIRING  !

                             ?                                  RMME                                                                                                                   '

R I 2 i t 5 i l 8 5

  -                       E e                       y                                                                                                                                                            -

A ELUOT s [ 0 1/2 I SCALE IN MILES O ' 7:30-12:30 1993 Exercise Page J - 18 8. Mar.93 1

i ON-SITE INSTRUMENT READINGS TIME: 12:30-12:40 Centerline Edge of Plume Air Samples lodine Dose Rete Dose Rate Counts per Minute Calc. Smeare Plume W.O. W.C. Frisker W.O. W.C. Frisker AgZ Filter jocation (mR/hr) (mR/hr) (cpm) (mR/hr) (mR/hr) (epm) Cartrid ge Paper (uCi/ce) (cpm /loocm2) 1 509.0 254.5 > 100,000 50.9 25.5 > 100,000 126 mR/hr as read 3.80E-05 as read e e \ i I k APS/PVNGS Rev 4/22/93 l

                                                                                                            $           N A 0*                                                                                                 z               LorgghlGy B    5' O

BC 34* f C 45' S Cp SUBSTATION CD 56 C5* g D g,5* g BROADWAY E 90* 5 EF 101* > , F 112* FG 124* R

                                                           )g.        A                      g  [

G 135 337 5" n O' 22 5". FMI GH 146* H 157.5 HJ 169 O 315* --

                                                                                              'ft I



J 180* l JK 191* K 2025' ks ** l 67.5* D k' dd5- -

                                                                   'O                    %

i edL

                                                                                                    'v LM 236*

M 2475* P 292 5* t SOUTHERN MN 259* O O ([ -

                                                       's N 270*                                                        *

NP 281*

                                                                                           !{\ s

P 292.5 N 270* - / PO 304* O 315' OO /

                                                . , , Q".                   ,                     /

OR 326' M 247 5* . '


8 / R 337.5* _L3 RA 349" g 4' r% (

                                                                                                          , 7) ff             I       i            --

7 1 % 112' F L 225* *

                                 ,I                                                                                       BASELINE l

l l .

                                                                                                            /       '

j/ EVAP POND #1/ EVAP POND #2 i i/ K 202.5* l* f

                              .,      t._ _ -..                           .d.                        , 57.5*
                                                         . . . . . . . . . . . . , .* 4- T E C H SP EC +

w l

                        $                                  FIRING v                                  RANGE                        :

E g . l E W

 -                     z e

E E s ELUOT [ 0 1/2 1 SCALE IN MILES O 12:30-12:40 1993 Exercise Page J - 20 8-Mar.93


 ,_s                                          TIME:      12 40-12-50

/ \ \ s_,' Centerkne Edge of Plume Air Samples lodine Dose Rate Dose Rate Counts per Minute Calc. Smeets Plume W.O. W.C. Fnsker W.O. W.C. Fnsker AgZ Filter location (mR/hr) (mR /hrl (epm) (mR /hr) (mR/hri (epm) Cartridge Paper (ucilec) (com/100cm2) 1 533.0 266.5 > 100.000 53.3 26.7 > 100,000 1312 mR!hr as read 3.9 4 E-04 as read 2 175.0 87.5 > 100,000 17.5 8.8 87500 498 mR/hr as read 1.50E-04 as read ex fh APS/PVNGS r Rev 4/22/93 Y v

_- .- . . . - - - _~. .- . - . . . . . , -. _ . A0 04g g,CN Wy , AB 11* ~ . 4 Q 8 22.5* ~

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -T BC 34*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ^ "

CD SC i C5' D 67. 5* DE 79* W BROADWAY E 90' EF 101* {> e F 112" 1 / FG 124' G 135' R 3375* n ( A 0* g / 22 5' !F - ~~ ; GH 146' H H 157.5* I PIPELINE < Q315, - - HJ 169 , l , J 180' f *** "*1 *****' l JK 191'

  • A^/  ! 67.5' O K 202,5* //* * .

(,uus.up-. 's

                                                                    .\) A*{ OO'                             .,'

KL 214' I L 225' '

                                                                                          *                                                        / RESEWR
                                                                                            , Of LM 236*

126.5' P 292.5*

                                                                                                                                                  '/                   p                            SOUTHERN N 270'                                           g                                                              /

NP 281* P 292.S* PO 304-N 270*

                                                              /.t            O       *
                                                                                                                      /   /(N s                                                                     90* E O 315-                                      ,.o. , ,g*..f "'                                      /                    f             . .

OR 326' I * ' M 247.5* - I eJCrb '"/ R 337.S* [! 2?) . i RA 349 Il Tw ]

                                                                                                                                              - A-N' %,s                 ~.

l _b__[ - .

                                                                                                          .                                                                                         112' F L 225*          /                                    'I                                                                                                                                                                      l

[ BASELINE  ! O i l J l ,/////_ . _ _ _ .M ////l ,28-

                                                         / EVAP POND #1/                                                EVAP POND #2 /

l '

                                             !           /
                                                                                               / /l K 202.5'      ;


                                                                                             / /

i 57.5*

                                                                                                                   ' +* TECH SPEC -*-

W- '.: BOUNDARY DOBBtNS i 2 y  :

                                      <                                             FIRING y                                             RANGE e                                                                                 :

1 8 i g  : .l  : e s= s s EL'_IOT 1/2 0 1 a ' SCALE IN MILES O 12:40-12:50 1993 Exercise Page J - 22 8-Mar-93

    ---a-        *-7   y                  t-                                            ,                   9-p.aa             emW              '    Je..we.--e-ea          ,-o-    -+-,.wm-           * + - -           -     w-          -W m?'1r r -'-

ON SITE INSTRUMENT READINGS TIME: 12:50 13:00 Canterlme Edge of Plunie Air Samples lodine Dose Rate Dose Rate Counts per Minute Calc. Smears Plume W.O. W.C. Frisker W.O. W.C. Fnsker AgZ Filter Location (mR/hr) (mR /hr! (epm) imR/hr) (mR /hr) (cpm) Cartridge Paper (uCi/cc) (epm /100cm2) 1 150.0 75.0 > 100,000 15.0 7.5 75000 173 mR/hr as read 5. 21 E-05 as read 2 48.0 24.0 > 100,000 4.8 2.4 24000 66 mR/hr as read 1.97E-05 as read 3 25.5 12.8 > 100,000 2.6 1.3 12750 18 mR/hr as read 5.4 3 E-06 as read  ; i l 2 t i t


APS/PVNGS Rev 4/22/93 , e m ,- - - - . e- n ,

m._ _ . - . . . . . _ _ . .____m_ _.- .. 1

                                                                                                                                                          $                                   ALOM A 0*                                                                                                                               =                           %ENtag                                                   >

B 5' BC 34' f l C 45' N O CD 56' g , g


_ C'S' C y SUBSTATION BROADWAY E 90* 5 i i EF 10i' > / I F 112 $ , FG 124* R f A B G 135 337.s* n 0* 22 5* FA7 GH 146' -h , I PIPELINE H 157.5* H) 169 O 315*

                          ; 383                                                                                    f.         --{j=h--[----J       ;[ 7                                                                                         1 JK 191*
                       . K 2c2.5-(                                                 p                            ,-

l - - 67.5* D ' KL 214' a s #'p . - l

                                                                                                                                                   !      ' d<td X O '

L 225- , I a*S'a*a ) I LM 23s- +- ' 0 -


n. M 247.5* P 292.5* I. SOUTHERN 7 [/) MN 259' N 270* <.

                                                                                          '  OO  @/T     *-
                                                                                                                          / ' /+               '

NP 281* If

                                                                                                                                    #(N P 292.5*                                                                                                                                                                     90* E N 270*                         /!                                                /

PQ 304* /!, OO, s p


CR M 247.S* R 337.5* (l rt=E=1 Nh""' 4 -~ M' 1-RA 349* /! 1l . , 3; - i T" f,


N_ < y ,~l -d

                                                                /                            I u,7y               112*F                                     l L 225*           /                                                                                                                                                                                 I
                                                             /                                                                                                                                 BASELINE O                                                      i


                                                        \       W//M_____

j/ EVAP POND #1/ ___M/ EVAP POND #2

                                                                                                                                                                                    , ,8-                                                       t j                                                                                                                                                                                       ,

i \// //

                                                                                                              /l K 202.5'      !       ! ,/
                                                                &,-                   ,                   / /                              _ /
                                                           ,                                                                                         157.5'                                                                                     '
                                                             **-                          -S.. . .1.9.". . . . ,%                                    H
                                                                                                                           ** 4-T ECH SPEC ->                             DOBBINS                                                           <

W_ . BOUNDARY z  : u  : k FIRING  :

                                                 ?                                             RANGE                            l 2                                                                              :

e  : e - e  : { B ' E O

       ,                                        z c                                        E ELLIOT                                                                                                                                                       0                      1/2              1 SCALE IN MILES O                                                                                                                        12:50-13:00 1993 Exercise                                                                                   Page J - 24                                                                                    8-Mar-93
  ,-%,   , . ,           ..m...       _m_                        _ _ , ..                         --r                                                          e-.i              .._m-.4-     . , . .   . - . .

g -w-v


    /                     Centerbne                                      Edge of Plume                  Air Samples                 lodine                          '

Dose Rate Done Rata Counts per Minuto Calc. Smears i' Plume W.O. W.C. Frisker W.O. W.C. Frisker AgZ Filter t ocation (mR/hr) (mR/hr) (epm) (mR!hrt (mR /hr) (epm) Cartridge Paper (uCi/cc) (cpm /100cm?) 1 38.0 19.0 > 100.000 3.8 1.9 19000 54 mR /hr as read 1.62E 05 as read ' 2 13.0 6.5 65000 1.3 0.7 6500 20 mR/hr as read 6.09E-06 as read 3 6.7 3.4 33500 0.7 0.3 3350 11 mR /hr as read 3.43E 06 as read 4 3.8 1.9 19000 0.4 0.2 1900 76258 as read 2. 29 E-06 as read b 1 i t l 5 i P APS/PVNGS Rev 4/22/93 2

                .       ... . _. .                  _..-.                   .~~... .... -                                                      .        .. .-                     ..                 .-...                  . . . -.
                                                                                                                                                    $            \ EALOU         %E8/
                                                                                                                                                                                         %gg A 0*                                                                                                                      ;-

C 45* Es- !M C gSUBSTATION O CD56' DE h* _y C'5* BROADWAY E %* g - EF 101* g , F 112*  ; FG 124' R A 3

                                                                                       $,2 G 135*

GH 146* 337.5* ' 0* 22 5' I I {A]l H 157.S* /h'j.! I PIPEUNE HJ 169 O 315* p3 l J K 202.S* (s\-- (/ *., 4  ; I

                                                                                                                                                     ,- - x I u n ua N 67.5* D
  • I KL 214*

L 225*

  • 0 0.
                                                                                                          '.-                                ;;   j acum
                               .       Sa    P 292.5*                         /                                                                                                             SOUTHERN N 270*
                                                                                                              ' //(/

s NP 281* N> ' P 292.5* N 270*

                                                                                                                       # N                 '

E PO 304* OO / s jj C 'Is* . , ,g.. h( /_ _ m2;jjrg,gg 53 94% , M*E5' u 247 s*  ; gg- -

                                                                                                                                                                                                   ,1        ,

RA 349' /l r~% } . c

                                                                                                                                                                                         ,_     - j. 4j
                                                                   =LL                                                                                           %

L 225' l

                                                              ,I                                                                                                                      BASEUNE O

i 135' EVAP POND #2 f .

                                                                    / EVAP POND #1/

K 202.5* i /

                                                                  %___n.-...._..._._._                                  ~ ~ ' -


                                                                 *-              . S(. . .182.'. . . . ,4                                        H_
                                                                                                              * + TECH SPEC ->


                                                   ?                                    RANGE                       :

2  : ' e  : e  : , j s l .I o E  ! W >

                 '                                s E                       ELUOT

[ o 1/2 1..

                 *                                                                                                                                                  (j                              . SCALE IN MILES :


  • 1993 Exercise Pace J - 26 a.unr M


                                                                                                                                                                                                           ,.y         ,<m-             --,r-es
 - , . u n.   . - - - 4      -     ...wa                                                  ,-.r-        -y                    m     g,.            ,            -        ---,---a            _-
   - . . ,               . . . . - . - . . . - . - _ - _ - - .,                               .          .      - ._                -            ,           = . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . - - .


 #                          Centerkne                                                Edge of Plume                        Aer Samples                     lodine Dose Rate                                                   Dose Rate                      Coums per Minute                    Calc.                       Smears a         Plume    W.O.            W.C.                    Fnsker      W.O.                 W.C. Frisker               AgZ             Filter location   (mR/hr)        (mR /ht)                   (cpm)     (mR/hr)              (mR /hr)  (epm)              Cartridge         Paper           (uCi/ce)              (epm /100em2) 1      5.1              2.6                   25500        0.5                  0.3      2550              75068            asre6d          2.25E-06                       as read 2       1,7              0.9                    8500        0.2                as read    850               28400            as read         8.53E-07                       as read           i 3       0.9              0.4                    4350     as read               as read    435               15965            as read         4.79E 07                       as read 4       0.5              0.3                    2700     as read               as read    270               10689            as read         3.21 E-07                      as read 5       0.5              0.3                    2725     as read               as read    273               10688            as read         3.21 E-07                      as read f

i APS/PVNGS Rev 4/22/93 -

I l l A 0' $- LCrqE Hic 5* i SC 34* 3 =l C C 45' CD 56' S

                                                                                                                                                                   /C5' C y SUBSTATION BROADWAY DE'*                                                               $

E *- 5 EF 101* g F 112'  ; ' FG 124' R R A g G 135 337 Sa m 0* 22 5' GH 146' d.[ A ~~l  ! PIPELINE H 157.5 l' HJ 169. ' O 315' --

                                                                                                                       ,           l                                                                                     l I

J 100* l l JK 191* h // 1 j< 6E5' D K 202.5* //*. ' m KL 214' I '

                                                                                                                                   !      ( u[*       N L 225-                                                                  -
                                                                                                                                            "5"avo'a        \                                                            t
                                                                              '.*."OO '

LM 236' -

                                                                                                                                   &                         )

M 247.5* MN 259' P 292 5' OO / i' jf/ A[l// .

                                                                                                                                                           /              SOUTHERN i

N 270* // -

                                                                                                        '/          /\

NP 281' { / 7 P 292.5* N 270* I O /

  • 90' E __ ,

PQ 304' i s' l l --- =p O 315' /* O , Q. [ . g.& - c f/?ifM&Mgy4c >1 o -M resi 53 f ;} . -


Sa (l g-

                                                                      ~                          y                             ~                           ~

y' . ,

                                                                                                                                                                              . w;W b lf_ _ \                   l _ _ _ Il r                                                                2 an                                                                 ,

QjllQ _ U* t225- [~Q"

l _


                                                    ' ////M ////

j, / EVAP POND #1/! EVAP POND 82

                                                                                                                                                              ,=5-                                                       .
  ",                     K 202.5'
                                                                                                                                  . 157.5'                                                                               t s;...n.o:.....,* + TEcx spec ->
  • E  :

w  : . k fir!NG  ! RANGE I

                                    ?                                                                       :

a  : e . 8 i l g  : z e s A ELUOT oa 1/2 1 a SCALE IN MILES O 13:10-13:20 1993 Exercise Page J - 28 8-Mar 5

             ,a'  *asW:r                -        N-                 p g                      4--                  &                  m.www          ra-        e            4   p-

_ . _ _ ._ _ _.. .. = I


l ON-SITE INSTRUMENT READINGS l TIME: 13:20 13:30 k/ Centerkne Edge of Plume Air Samples lodine Smears Dose Rate Dose Rate Counts per Minute Calc. J Plume W.O. W.C. Fnsker W.O. W.C. Fnsas. AgZ Filter Location (mR/hr) (mR /hr) (cpm) (mR/hr) (mR!hr) (cpm) Cartndge Paper (uCi/ce') (cpm /100cm2) 1 2.0 1.0 10000 0.2 0.1 1000 28452 as read 8.54E 07 as read 2 0.3 0.2 1585 as read as read 159 5546 as read 1.67E-07 as read 3 0.2 as read 760 as read as read 76 2960 as read 8.89E-08 as read 4 as read as read 417 as read as read 42 1774 as read 5.33 E-08 as read  ; 5 as read as read 240 as read as read 24 1117 as read 3.3 5 E-08 asresd 1 i i 1 APS/PVNGS Rev 4/22/93

w A 0' W S

                                                                                                                                      % hlO       \y blG m 5'
 '     BC 34'                                                                                                                   0 C 45*                                                                                                                  S                            C y SUBSTATICN CD 56'                                                                                                                                        'y     5' D 67 5*                                                                                        I DE 79'                                                    o                                                                                           BROADWAY EW                                                       3                                                                              -

E F 101

  • Q V -

F 112' f',,__,,, ,,_ FG 124

               .                                        -        (        A O.

8, H 15 5* I P;PEL!NE HJ 169 O 315' . l { f .,,,,, J 180* I //* l Q l JK 191* K 2025' (i J Y

                                                                    *F ' ' .                           l.

I l 675'O KL 214' .\ L 225' -

                                                                       . QO'.., .'                                            , fag U.1 236' M 247 5'       P 292 5' i                                       '*-..                                               I            .

gg g ggy MN 259' '? . OO N 270* ' / NP 281* P 292.5* N 270' I

                                                                                      '/ p(\                                                              a0. E


  • f **.

f *

                                                                                                                   .     - w.
                                                                                                                                   ,.    .fj!r"*e i'ldDf#            #

R3 5' ___. L ' ' 4. g ._h% I l [\ 4 L 225' I ' ' j


( ,, l

                                          !////// lll////                                                                                      ' 5' EVAP POND #1,/                              EVAP POND #2 /

l /  ! K 202.5* l

                                      ..              g,gd f'+-                                                    _q57 5-
                                                                                         .          TECH SPEC +                          DogstNS g
                                                                                           ; BOUNDARY 5                                                               i                                                                                             -

il FIA:NG  ! u RANGE  : k a , I a W . e > I;

   %             EtuCT l                                                                           [              0                   1/2        1 SCALE IN MtLES O                                                                             13:20-13:30 1993 Exercise                                                         Page J - 30                                                                         8-Mar-93

10 MILE . ENVIRONMENTAL DATA TIME: 7:30-12:30 k w' Centerline Edge of Plume Air Samples lodine ] Dose Rate Dose Rate Counts per Minute Cale. Smears ' I Plume W.O. W.C. Frisker W.0, W.C. Frisker AgZ Filter Location (mR/hr) (mR/hr) (cpm) (mR /hr) (mR/hr) (epm) Cartridge Paper fuci/ce) (epm /100cm2) ALL as read as read as read as read as read asread as read as read as read as read , i I i 1 1 b i APS/PVNGS Rev 4/22/93


 \,.-                    Centerline                    Edge of Plume              Air Samples           lodine Dose Rate                      Dose Rate            Counts per Minute           Calc.        Smears

{ Plume W.O. W.C. Frisker W.O. W.C. Fnsker AgZ Filter , Locat on (mR /hr) (mR/hr) (cpm) (mR /hr) (mR/hr) (epm) Cartridge Paper fuci/ce) (epm /100cm2) ALL as read as read as read as read as read as read as read as read as read as read t i t 6 i 1


APS/PVNGS Rev 4/22/93

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1993 Exercise Page J - 32 8-Mar-93

                                                                                                                                                              ' h30-m30 -

10 MILE L ENVIRONMENTAL DATA TIME: 12:30 12:40 _/ Centerline Edge of Plume Air Samples lodine Dose Rate Dose Rate Counts per Minute Calc. Smeers Plume W.O. W.C. I Frisker W.O. W.C. Frisker AgZ Filter Location (mR/hr) (mR/hr) (cpm) ~ (mR/hr) (mR/hrt (cpm) Certridge Paper (uCi/cc) (com/100cm2) 1 509.0 254.5 > 100.000 50.9 25.5 > 100,000 126 mR/hr as read 3.80E-05 as read l C O APS/PVNGS Rev 4/22/93 w 1

I STATE OF ARIZONA ENVIRONMENTAL DATA i TIME: 12:30-12:40 Centerline Edge of Plume Air Samples lodine , l Dose Rate Dose Rate Counts per Minute Calc. Smears Plume W.O. W.C. Fnsker W.O. W.C. Fnsker AgZ Filter Location (mR/hr) (mR/hr) (cpm) (mR/hr) (mR/hr) (cpm) Cartridge Paper (uCi/ce) (cpm /100cm2) 1 509.0 254.5 763500 50.9 25.5 76350 52787 as read 3.80E-05 as read - APS/PVNGS Rev 4/22/93

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                                                            .{.                      x                   g                        7-1993 Exercise                                   Page J - 34                                   8-Mar-93                                                   12:30-12:40.

10 MILE ENVIRONMENTAL DATA TIME: 12:40-12:50 Centerline Edge of Plume Air Semples lodine Dose Rate Dose Rate Counts per Minute Calc. Smears Plume W.O. W.C. Fnsker W.O. W.C. Fnsker AgZ Filter t.ocation (mR/hr) (mR/ht) (epm) (mR/hr) (mR/ht) (cpm) Cartridge Paper (uCi/ce) (epm /100em2) 1 533.0 266.5 > 100,000 53.3 26.7 > 100.000 1312 mR/hr es read 3.94E-04 as read 2 175.0 87.5 > 100.000 17.5 8.8 87500 498 mR/hr as read 1.50E-04 as read t i P G APS/PVNGS Rev 4/22/93

STATE OF ARIZONA ENVIRONMENTAL DATA TIME: 12:40-12:50 Centerline Edge of Plume Air Samples lodine Dose Rate Dose Raie Counts per Minute Calc. Smears Plume W.0, W.C. Frisker W,0, W.C. Fnsker Ag2 Filter Location (mR/hr) (mR/hr) (comi (mR/hr) (mR /hr) (epm) Certridge Paper (uCilec) (epm /100cm2) 1 533.0 266.5 799500 53.3 26.7 79950 55 mR/hr as read 3.94E-04 as read 2 175.0 87.5 262500 17.5 8.8 26250 21 mRlbr as read 1.50E-04 esread i b I b  ! 1 J I APS/PVNGS Rev 4/22/93 l 1 I l .

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mes 1993 Exercise P sge 'J - 36 8-Mar-93 12:40-12:50

                                                         .10 MILE ENVIRONMENTAL DATA 12:50-13:00 D

TIME: b/ Centerline Edge of Plume Air Samples lodme Dose Rate Dose Rate Counts per Minuto Calc. Smears Plume W.O. W.C. Fnsker W.O. W.C. Fnsker Ag2 Filter location (mR /hr) (mR /hr) (cpm) (mR 'hr) (mR /hr) (cpm) Cartrid ge Paper tuci/c'c) (epm /100em2) 1 150.0 75.0 > 100,000 15.0 7.5 75000 173 mR/hr as read 5.21 E-05 as read 2 48.0 24.0 > 100.000 4.8 2.4 24000 66 mR /hr as read 1.97 E-05 as read - 3 25.5 12.8 > 100,000 2.6 1.3 12750 18 mR /hr as read 5.43 E-06 as read APS/PVNGS Rev 4/22/93 a _ . . ~ .

STATE OF ARIZONA ENVIRONMENTAL DATA TIME: 12:50 13:00 Centerline Edge of Plume Air Samples lodine j Dose Rate Dose Rate Counts per Minute Calc. Smears Plume W.O. W.C. Frisker W.O. W.C. Fnsker AgZ Filter Location (mR/hr) (mR/hr) (cpm) (mR /hr) (mR /hr) (epm) Cartridge Paper (uCl/ce) (com/100cm2) 1 150.0 75.0 225000 15.0 7.5 22500 72402 as read 5.21 E-05 egread 2 48.0 24.0 72000 4.8 2.4 7200 27411 as read 1.97E 05 as read 3 25.5 12.8 38250 2.6 1.3 3825 7541 es read 5.43E 06 avread f r APS/PVNGS Rev 4/22/93 i

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                                                                                                                                                                                                            . s/                                                                                      uaes 1993 Exercise                               Page J - 38                                                        8-Mar-93                                              12:50-13:00

10 MILE ENVIRONMENTAL DATA TIME: 13:00-13:10 / Centertir.e Edge of Plume Air Samples lodine Dose Rate Dose Rate Counts per Minute Calc. Smears __ Plume W.O. W.C. Fnsker W.O. W.C , Fnsker AgZ Filter location (mR/hr) (mR/hr) (cpm) (mR/hr) (mR /hr) (epm) Cartridge Paper (uCi/ce) (com/100cm2) 1 38.0 19.0 > 100.000 3.8 1.9 19000 54 n W /he as read 1.62E-05 as read 2 13.0 6.5 65000 1.3 0.7 6500 20 n44/hr as read 6.09 E-06 as read 3 6.7 3.4 33500 0.7 0.3 3350 't mR/hr as read 3.43 E-06 as read 4 3.8 1.9 13000 0.4 0.2 1900 76258 as read 2.29E-06 as read i l


APS/PVNGS Rev 4/22/93 l

                              .  ._     _     m           _ _         _                                   -         _. ..

STATE OF ARIZONA ENVIRONMENTAL DATA TIME: 13:00-13:10 p' w Centerline Edge of Plume Air Samples lodine Dose Rate , Dose Rate Counts per M,nute Calc. Smears Plume W.O. W.C. Frisker W,0. W.C. Frisker AgZ Filter Location (mR /hr) (mR /hr) (cpm) (mR /hr) (mR/hr)  ! cpm) Cartridge Paper (uCi/ce) (cpm /100cm2) 1 38.0 19.0 57000 3.8 1.9 5700 22519 as read 1.6*? 05 as read 2 13.0 6.5 19500 1.3 0.7 1950 8467 as read 6.096 06 as read 3 6.7 3.4 10050 0.7 0.3 1005 4774 as read 3.43 E-06 as read 4 3.8 1.9 5700 0.4 0.2 570 3183 as read 2.29E 06 as read f APS&VNGS Rev 4/22 93 i

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1993 Exercise Page J - 40 8-Mar-93 13:00-13:10 l

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10 MILE ENVIRONMENTAL DATA > TIME: 13:10-13:20 m/ Centerline Edge of Plume Air Sampfes lodine Dose Rate Oose Rate Counts per Minute Calc . Smears Plume W.O. W.C . Frisker W.O. W.C. Frisker AgZ Filter Location (mR/hr) (mR/hr) (cpm) (mR/hr) (mR /hr) (cpm) Cartrid ge Paper (uCi/cc) (epm /100cm2) 1 5.1 2.6 25500 0.5 0.3 2550 75068 as read 2.25E-06 as read 2 1.7 0.9 8500 0.2 as read 850 28400 as read 8.53 E-07 as read 3 0.9 0.4 4350 as read as read 435 15965 as read 4.79 E-07 as read 0.3 4 0.5 2700 as read as read 270 10689 as read 3.21 E-07 as read 5 0.5 0.3 2725 as read asread 273 10688 as read 3.21 E-07 as read F i f i i j i t i APS/PVNGS Rev 4/22/93 ,

._ = . . . . . . . _ . _ .- .. m __ _. STATE OF ARIZONA ENVIRONMENTAL DATA TIME: 13:10 13:20 Centerhne Edge of Plume Air Samples lodine Dose Rate Dose Rate Counts per Minute Cale. Smears Plume W.O. W.C. Fnsker W.O. W.C. Frisker AgZ Filter Location (mR /hr) (mR /hr) (cpm) (mR /hr) (mR /hr) (epm) Cartridge Paper fuCi/ce) (epm /100cm2) 1 5.1 2.6 7650 0.5 0.3 765 3133 as read 2. 25 E-0 6 as read 2 1.7 0.9 2550 0.2 as read 255 1185 as read 8.53 E-07 as read 3 0.9 0.4 1305 as read as read 131 666 as read 4.7 9 E-07 as read 4 0.5 0.3 810 as read as read 81 446 as read 3.21 E-07 as read 5 0.5 0.3 818 as read as read 82 446 as read 3.21 E-07 as read 1 r APS/PVNGS Rev 4/22/93 -

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     /                     Centerkne                              Edge of Plume            Air Samples                 lodine Dose Rate                               Dose Rate           Counts per Minute                Cale.        Smears Plume       W.O. W.C.       Frisker              W.O. W.C.      Fnsker    AgZ             Filter location     (mR/hr)  (mR/hr)      (cpm)           (mR/hr)     (mRihr)    (cpm)  Cartridge          Paper       (uCi/ce)   (cpm /100cm2) 1         2.0      1.0        10000               0.2       0.1       1000  28452             as read     8.54E-07        as read 2          0.3      0.2        1585            as read     as read      159    5546            as read     1.67 E-07       as read 3          0.2    as read       760            as read     as read      76     2960            as read     8.89 E-08       as read 4        as read  as read       417            as read     as read      42     1774            as read     5.33 E-08       as read 5        as read  as read       240            as read     as read      24     1117            as read     3.35E-08        as read S
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l 0 l APS/PVNGS Rev 4/22/93 - I

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    -                                 Centerline                         Edge of Plume                      Air Samples            lodine
Dose Rate Dose Rate Counts per Mmute Calc. Smears

. Plume W.O. W.C. .Fnsker W.O. W.C. Fnsker AgZ Filter Location (mR /hr) (mR/hr) (com) (mR /hr) (mR /hr) (cr;m) Cartridge Paper (uCi/ce) (epm /100cm2) 1 20 1.0 3000 0.2 0.1 300 1188 as read 8.54E-07 asread 2 0.3 0.2 476 as read as read 48 232 as read 1.67E-07 as read y 3 0.2 as read 228 as read as read 23 124 as read 8.89 E-08 es read 4 *sread as read 125 as read as read 13 74 as read 5.3 3 E-08 as read 5 as read as read 72 as read as read 7 47 as read 3.35E-08 as read I i I i n l s 5 P l l 1 1 l l l l l l APS/PVNGS Rev 4/22/93

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1993 Exercise Page J . 44 . 8 13 20-13:3() _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_.._ __ . . _ ._-Mar-93_ . . _ _ _ . _ . - _ . ._ . . _ _ _ _ __ .. _


1) "AR" on the maps indicates "as read" which n ans the player uses the actual instrument reading. "ND" indicates "non-detectable" for contamination levels.
2) The data is this package provides the dose rates and contamination levels within all buildings that are impacted by the scenario. If no data is given, then the area within '

that building should be give "as read"; examples - the Radwaste Building and both Security Gates are unaffected and should be given "as read" throughout the exercise.

3) Airborne levels are given on a separate sheet to ensure data is supplied for the correct air sampling time. The players will need to calculate out skin dose from the MCA equivalent data you supply them.
4) Contamination levels are given on each map where applicable; if not given then the contamination levels are "as read" The contamination in this exercise is primarily due to the extreme airborne activity being released from the "A" HPSI seal leakage which gravitates up through the Auxiliary Building. If anyone analyzes a smear, the isotopic is not available in the data - simply indicate to them that the isotopic clearly shows the contamination is due to short lived airborne decay.
5) The 140' Control Room, STSC and areas within the heavy steel doors remain at "as read" dose rate, airborne and contamination levels throughout the exercise.


5) The 100' Control Building remains at "as read" levels throughout the exercise; work may be done in this area on PBS-S03.
6) The Diesel Generator Buildings remain at "as read" levels within the building throughout the exercise. Outside approaches after 12:00 will see 3-5 mrem /hr.
7) The OSB Building is not expected to be used during play; if it is levels are "as read" until 12:00. At that point containment shine will show 5-7 mrem /hr in all levels.'

Airborne and contamination levels remain "as read".

8) There will be numerous teams going back and forth through the Corridor Building area during the exercise. To simplify the Controller duties during these brief transits, the readings will all be "as read" until 12:00. At that point all inside levels of the Corridor Bldg rise to 5 mR/hr (less shielding than the OSC area); when you step '

outside the Cooridor Bldg on any level to approach the Turbine Hall the dose rates rise to 20 mR/hr, and as you approach the Turbine Hall bring the value up to'the 50 mR/hr value shown on the Turbine Hall map. If you are going away from the Containment bring the value down per the 100' Protected Area map. There will be no airborne or contamination seen in the Corridor or Turbine Hall areas during this exercise. f


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O O O DOSE RATE INFORMATION IN mR/llr 100' - Unit Tliree Protected Area . TIME A Il C D E F G 11 1 J COMMENTS j 0730-1200 AR AR AR AR AR CONTAMINATION I 1200-1500 500 50 25 .5 < .1 IS "AR". 1230-1250 500 250 50 PLUME IS UNDER OVERilEAD; PLUME OW=CW . 1250-1500 0 0 0 NO RELEASE t NOTES:

1) "A" value is a


                                                                                                               '               ' N "' ~ . 'NN contact containment                                                                  '

number. p g ' ~ Q,

2) Dose rates assume t- i L

line-of-sight is open gJ g n to containment. C g c$q p Adjust accordingly. ==e ]} h . K! (z yk. L, * -

3) Adjust values as 6 l g 3 g

necessary between g ,,, A ,_.

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4) The Plume does not touch down ()

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DOSE RATE INFORMATION IN mR/llr FUEL BUILDING ROOF AREA TIME A B C D E F G 11 1 J COMMENTS 0730-1120 AR AR AR AR CONTAMINATION 1120-1200 .5 2 10 20 IS "AR" ON ROOF. 1200-1220 100 85 50 50 Tile RELEASE 1220-1250 120 950 2500 6000 STOPS AT 1250 1250-1500 100 110 250 650

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O O o DOSE RATE INFORMATION IN mR/llr 140' FUEL BUILDING TIME A 13 C D E F G 11 l J COMMENTS 0730-1120 AR AR AR AR AR AR AR CONTAMINATION 1120-1200 .5 .5 5 25 5 15 5 IS "AR" 1200-1220 80 150 20 25 15 25 25 1220-1250 80 150 670 6000 3000 2500 360 1250-1500 80 150 25 650 310 230 35 NOTES: _ Area "E" is O 'g ix . _ enroute to - i


RU-145/146 cn v g ,

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O (~' r LJ DOSE RATE INFORMATION IN mR/llr 100' FUEL BUILDING TIME A B C D E F G 11 1 J COMMENTS 0730-1120 AR AR AR AR AR AR CONTAMINATION 1120-1200 5 1 35 80 70 650 IS "AR". 1200-1220 75 80 35 60 60 400 1220-1250 75 80 950 6000 6000 60R 1250-1500 75 80 100 650 650 6R NOTES: i C (r- t l

                                                                   %                    ..k                                                                        O;
1) Area "F" is an } ,". ., . . . .

average contact or E 1 f/ ' ' near contact on the O >ii , -.... Essential Filters.

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                                                                                                                       '//        ,/

gO l They will store most i > ,, L / of the very short i F .- u '

                                                                                                                                                         -        L.{Ilg i

release at 11:20; by - 12:20 they will be ., oo _' " moisture degraded to l O y


aj ' 0, the point where the , majority of the Q b OIIl 1 3 [,/['$$"y,

  • d !,, ~4 iodine passes thru t i providing the Offsite release needed.

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DOSE RATE INFORMATION IN mR/Ilr AUXILIARY BUII. DING ROOF TIME A B C D E F G 11 1 J COMMENTS 0730-1200 AR AR AR AR AR CONTAMIN ATION 1200-1250 450 315 180 90 55 IS "AR" 1250-1500 450 315 180 90 55 NOTES: A Lkam= A - k m._\\\ = Ens 5.!uirn 5 g


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o (% () b V DOSE RATE INFORh1ATION IN mR/llr; DPhl per 100 cm2 AUXILIARY BUILDING 140' TIME A 11 C D E F G 11 1 J COMMENTS 0730-1200 AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR 1200-1500 .I 1 7 500 350 60 2 .3 < .1 .5 Di'M ND ND ND 200 ND 300 ND ND ND ND ALL ND UNTIL 12:20 NOTES: The "D" level at

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the Containment j, OO llatch is shine '1 u A @fD) ~~ f'3 /

                                 'b                                                                                                                   IL                        ~~~~

through the lesser . ,f .,;~\ - [..

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hatch shiciding. ig " Dose rates passing l1

                                                                                                                                    -- /                               'k 0
                                                                    \                                                                                    _

through the area to the Fuel 131dg


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E .' i s-t i ~ are 150 mR/hr at !j , Fuel Bldg door, 1ll- j ., i, ___ y,y ,_j. _ f, and 80 mR/hr just

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                                                                                                                 ,                                                              f)             ,

g , , panel where work

                                                                                                        ;'         y                                                                           -

is expected. The "F" Ris ] C3 E E-f' -- 1 dose rate is the ,

                                                                                                                                                                /                                       _

general work area by Ihe panel. "G"is b

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11 - contact reading. At one foot use A' -

                                                                         -\                C~D                           MF        '/G            " 'c3j gF _              _. .

i 400 mR/hr. All = m . ( i. ., , . L ., . air samples will be 1 i i l 'L j g,q ,__ ,


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O O O DOSE RATE INFORMATION IN mR/llr; DPM per 100cm 2 AUXILIARY 13UILDING 70' TIME A 13 C D E F G Il 1 J COMMENTS 1120-1200 25 10 15 255 445 5 5 1 21 5950 "AR" UNTIL 11:20 1200-1220 40 400 80 240 400 70 80 10 15 4000 1220-1250 100 400 80 1020 1770 70 80 10 325 23.8R "A" TRAIN ON LINE 1250-1500 100 400 80 800 1300 1770 800 325 225 23.8R "13" TRAIN ON LINE DPM 300K 100K 100K 80K 70K 60K 30K 30K 30K 30K ALL ND UNTIL 12:20 NOTES. . l

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           "F" is iIPSI                                                                                                                                   ._, e Pump lloom A.                [';.u('l             {a'[3r-                                                                                       ; . 'f The seal goes                                  -

S .f . i. . .7 ,, bad on this pump over the {.%, - {}{fj))[{llj -

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r-{/j there is considerable moisture being felt in

                                                                                ,fl                   u u

ll} u-' the air both in that t__ 4 i , i H h, 7

                                                                                                                                                                                  ~      '

area and the cubicle '~~


V 3 in particular. . I_ h # s(_& p r, 1[{[}I]fI{"l y

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O, = S f - Z v f.9.e* t w U l .&. d >==s f*1 w . m . . pv O O - Z

i O . O O , DOSE RATE INFORMATION IN mR/Ilr 176' TURHINE BUILDING TIME A 13 C D E F G 11 1 J COMMENTS 0730-1200 AR AR AR AR AR CONTAMINATION 1200-1250 55 50 25 10 2 IS "AR" 1250-1500 55 50 25 10 2 NOTES: ,__ Dose rates at RU-143/144 and Mh$h") t-g -1 1 T n I I I


( 7 ff f RU-145/146 are r A: -


7 7 cd [p / fe-the same as the 92 E. ( cu3 ) _ g //j//7,I 77 general areas. . - h]) ru \C 'S *O iri s d 1(se r a rates due to -

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elevated stack 1 'u T" (.)f(" I '-T (.)[ ' _~K l _

                                                                                                                                                                                           " O"'%7l   %            ,

IL ' readings during m.__ 4 this exercise. n p ,r y hg _D y e sO , n ll /C '


( rfi 't) .;cro ) a q i lill n , Ik 1 1 1 1 _p1 __ 1 1 1 1 gG G

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V (\) V(~ DOSE RATE INFORMATION IN mit/llr 11(f TURBINE DUILDING TIME A B C ~I - D E F G 11 I J COMMENTS } 0730-1200 AR AR AR /,R AR CONTAMINATION 1200-1250 55 50 25 10 2 IS "AR" 1250-1500 55 50 25 10 2 j NOTES:

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(. U V (V DOSE RATE INFORMATION IN mR/llr 100' TURIIINE IlUILDING TIME A Il C D E F G 11 I J COMMENTS 0730-1200 AR AR All AR AR CONTAMINATION 1200-1250 55 50 25 10 2 IS "AR" 1250-1500 55 50 25 10 2 NOTES:

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I PASS RP CONTROLLER DATA Chem Lab Radioloaical Drill Conditions:

1) A separate 140' Chemistry Lab is available in the dose rate information maps. This map should be used for all Chemistry Lab area dose rate and contamination information, prior to and after sampling activitivies, but not ' during. During the period the PASS Sample Team is in the Chemistry Lab the RP Controller will provide the below information to supercede the map information. All players in the area will be affected by the below dose rates when sampling is being done.
2) The RMS/ Chemistry Technician should be informed when you enter the Lab begin the sampling activities. If anyone asks for the Lab area monitor readings (an unlikely but possible situation)

I while you are sampling, the RMS/ Chemistry Tech get the current RMS indications from you (the RMS information cannot reflect the PASS sampling activity because the time the samples will be taken is unpredictable).

3) The PASS System will not actually be operated during the exercise. A separate annual PASS drill is done to fully operate the PASS system. Other than that (no real recirculation, no real samples drawn) all activities need to be fully played out. All briefing dress requirements, dosimetry requirements, etc. need to be followed and demonstrated at least once a player has already

(if demonstrated donning PCs, or posting an area then that activity may be simulated thereafter by that player) .

4) The Count Room is assumed to be operational even during the peak containment shine period after 12:00. Air samples taken will show the same activity as the 140' OSC area. Therefore, all actions may be played out in Unit 3.
5) There will be a separete Chemistry Controller supplying the Chemistry analysis from Appendix K data.


() Data for Samples taken prior to 11:20 Prior to Sample'Recire (Initial): , Contact lead bricks 20 mR/hr , Gen Area by sink 1-20 mR/hr In door to sink area .1-1 mR/hr RU-158D .8 mR/hr RU-26 2 mR/hr (lose at 09:00) RU-23 .1 mR/hr (lose at 09:00) RU-10 5.0E-07 uCi/cc (lose'at 09:00). Count Room area .1 mR/hr At end of Samole Recire prior to flush (hich readinos): Contact lead bricks 200 mR/hr Gen Area by sink 1-20 mR/hr In door to sink area 1-5 mR/hr RU-158D 8 mR/hr RU-26 2 mR/hr (lose at 09:00) ' RU-23 .1 mR/hr (lose at 09:00) RU-10 5.0E-07 uCi/cc (lose at 09:00) Count Room area .1 .3 mR/hr (on wall) After flush is complete:

   )        Contact lead bricks         18                     mR/hr                         ,

Gen Area by sink 1-8 mR/hr In door to sink area 1 mR/hr RU-158D 3.5 nf./hr RU-26 1.0 mR/hr (lose at 09:00) RU-23 .3 mR/hr (lose at 09:00) RU-10 5.0E-07 uCi/cc (lose at 09:00) Count Room area .3 mR/hr (on vall) PASS Syrince Dose Rates UNSHIELDED: 1.0cc is 800 mR/hr contact 65 mR/hr @ l' 15 mR/hr @ 2' 10 mR/hr 0 3' -t

      .5cc     is 400 mR/hr contact                  30       mR/hr-@ l'
  • 7 mR/hr @ 2' .4 mR/hr.@ 3'
      . loc    is  60 mR/hr contact                    6      mR/hr @ l' 1.5 mR/hr @ 2'                     1.0 mR/hr @      3'-

PASS Syrince Dose Rates SHIELDED:

                                                      .7 mR/hr @ 1'

1.0cc is 22.5 mR/hr contact 1.5 mR/hr @ 2' .1 mR/hr @ 3'

      .5cc     is    10 mR/hr contact                 .3 mR/hr @ l'
                   .7 mR/hr @-2'                      .5 mR/hr @ 3'
      . loc    is  1.0 mR/hr contact                  .3-mR/hr @ l'

() .1 mR/hr @ 2' .1 mR/hr @ 3' r a


4 i () Data for Samples taken from 11:20 to 12:00 Prior to Sample Recire (Initial): Contact lead bricks 20 mR/hr Gen Area by sink 1-20 mR/hr In door to sink area .1-1 mR/hr Count Room area .1 mR/hr , At end of Sample Recire crior to flush (hinh readinos):  : Contact lead bricks 1.5 R/hr Gen Area by sink 10-150 mR/hr  ! In door to sink area 7-40 mR/hr Count Room area .1 .7 mR/hr (on wall) After flush is complete: Contact lead bricks 135 mR/hr Gen Area by sink 10-60 mR/hr In door to sink area 10 mR/hr ' Count Room area .3 mR/hr (on wall) PASS Syrince Dose Rates UNSHIELDED: 1.0cc is 6000 mR/hr contact 500 mR/hr @ O l' 120 mR/hr @ 2' 75 mR/hr @ 3' '

  .5cc   is  3000 mR/hr contact            250    mR/hr @ l' 60    mR/hr @ 2'                 30  mR/hr @ 3'
  .1cc   is   450 mR/hr contact            25     mR/hr 0 l' 5    mR/hr @ 2'                 3   mR/hr 0 3' PASS Syrince Dose Rates SHIELDED:                                         :

1.0cc is 170 mR/hr contact 55 mR/hr @ l' 120 mR/hr @ 2' 8 mR/hr @ 3'

  .5cc   is     75 mR/hr contact           25    mR/hr 0 l' mR/hr @ 2'                    mR/hr @ 3' 5                          4
  . loc  is  7.5   mR/hr contact           2.5 mR/hr @ l'                  ~

mR/hr @ 2' .04 mR/hr @ 3'

                                                                          -i i

I t O q

() Data for Samples taken after 12:00 and later. Prior to Sample Recirc (Initial): Contact lead bricks 135 mR/hr Gen Area by sink 10-60 mR/hr In door to sink area 1 mR/hr - RU-158D .8 mR/hr (lost until 11:45) Count Room area .1 mR/hr At end of Sample Recire prior to flush (hich readinas): Contact lead bricks 18 R/hr Gen Area by sink 1.8 R/hr In door to sink area 80-450 mR/hr RU-158D 100 mR/hr (lost until 11:45) Count Room area .1 .5 mR/hr (on wall) , After flush is complete: Contact lead bricks 1.7 R/hr Gen Area by sink 100-800 mR/hr In door to sink area 100 mR/hr RU-158D 80 mR/hr (lost until 11:45) Count Room area .3 mR/hr (on wall) () PASS Svrince Dose Rates UNSHIELDED: 1.0cc is 15000 mR/hr contact 1250 mR/hr @ l' 300 mR/hr @ 2' 190 mR/hr @ 3'

  .5cc    is  7500  mR/hr contact            630   mR/hr @ l' 150   mR/hr @  2'              75    mR/hr @ 3'               ,
  .lcc    is  1125  mR/hr contact            65    mR/hr @ l' 12.5  mR/hr @ 2'                 7.5 mR/hr @ 3' PASS Svrinae Dose Rates SHIELDED:

1.0cc is 425 mR/hr contact 140 mR/hr @ l' 30 mR/hr @ 2' 20 mR/hr @ 3'

  .5cc    is   190  mR/hr contact         62.5     mR/hr @ l' 12.5  mR/hr @ 2'               10    mR/hr @ 3'
  .lec    is     2  mR/hr contact            6     mR/hr @ l' 2    mR/hr @ 2'               1     mR/hr @ 3'

AIR SAMPLE DATA 1130 to 1230 HPSI "A" Cubicle 40* Aux Bldg 51' Aux Bldg 70' Aux Bldg 100' Aux Bldg i Conc. Conc. Conc. Conc. Conc.

    / Nuchde                                  # MPC      pCucc         # MPC       Ci/cc      # MPC          pCi/cc   # MPC          pCi/cc    # MPC      pCi/cc Kr-85m                       1.11 E + 05 6.66E-01 1.11 E+ 01        6.66E-05 1.11 E+01 6 66E-05         1.11 E+ 00     6.66E-06   1.11 E-02  6.66E-08 Kr-85                      4 45E+03 4.45 E-02 4.4 5E-01            4.4 5 E-06 4.45 E-01 4.45 E-06       4.45E-02      4.45E-07   4.45E-04   4.45E-09 Kr-87                       1.61 E+ 05 1.62E-01 1.61 E+ 01         1.62E-05 1.61 E+ 01 1.62E-05        1.61 E+ 00      1.62E-06  1.61 E-02  1.62E-08 Kr-88                       1.06E+06 1.06E+00 1.06E+02             1.06E-04 1.06E + 02 1.06E-04        1.06E+ 01       1.06E-05  1.06E-01   1.06E-07 Xe-131 m                     2.22E+03 4.42E-02 2.22E-01              4.42E-06 2.22E-01 4.42E-06           2.22E-02      4.42E-07   2.22E-04   4 42E-09 Xe-133n1                      1.48 E + 03 1.48E-02 1.48E-01          1.48E-06 1.48E-01 1.48E-06           1.48E-02       1.48E-07  1.48E-04   1.48E-09 Xe-133                      9.60E+05 9.59E + 00 9.60E+ 01           9.59E-04 9.60E+ 01 9.59E-04         9.60E+00       9.59E-05   9.60E-02   9.59E-07 Xe-135m                      1. 94 E + 06 1.94E+00 1.94 E+ 02        1.94E 04 1.94 E+ 02 1.94E-04        1.94 E+ 01      1.94E-05  1.94E-01   1.94 E-07 Xe-135                      9 93E+05 3.97E+00 9.93 E+ 01            3.97E-04 9 9'. E+01 3.97E-04        9.93E+00       3.97E-05   9.93E 02   3.97E-07 Xe-138                      3.10E+ 00 3.10E-06 3.10E-04             3.10E-10 3.10E-04 3.10E-10          3.10E-05       3.10E-11   3.10E-07   3.10E-13 Total NG                     5.23E+06 1.75E+ 01 5.23E+02             1.75E-03 5.23E+02 1.75E-03          5.23E+01       1.75E-04   5.23E-01   1.75E-06 l-131                     3.17 E + 06 2.85E-02 3.17 E+ 01         2.85E-07 3.17 E+ 01 2.85E-07        3.17E+00       2.85E-06   3.17E 01   2.85E-09   '

l-132 3. 32E+ 04 6.65E-03 3 32E-01 6.65E-08 3.32E-01 6.65E-08 3.32E-02 6.65E-09 3.32E-03 6.65E-10 1-133 1.66E+06 5 00E-02 1.66E+01 5 00E-07 1.66E+01 5.00E-07 1.66E+00 5.00E-08 1.66E-01 5.00E-09 , 1-134 2.41 E + C 1.21 E-03 2.41 E-02 1.21 E-08 2.41 E-02 1.21 E-08 2.41 E-03 1.21 E-09 2.41 E-04 1.21 E-10

  • l-135 3.38E+05 3.38E 02 3 3BE+00 3.38E-07 3.38E+00 3.38E-07 3.38E-01 3.38E-08 3.38E-02 3.38E-09 Total lodine 5 21E+06 120E-01 5,21 E+ 01 1.20E-06 5.21 E+ 01 1.20E-06 5.21E+00 1.20E-07 5.21 E-01 1.20E-08 120' Aux Bldg 140' Aux Stairwell 140' Aux Hot Lab 140' Aux at RCA Conc. Conc. Conc. Conc.

l Nuchde # MPC pCi/cc # MPC pCi/cc # MPC pCi/cc # MPC Ci/cc

    \ Kr-85m                              1.11 E-02 6 66E-08 1.11 E-02 6 66E-08              8.33E-03 5.00E-08      5.55E-03 3.33E-08

, _ ) Kr-85 4.45E-04 4.4 5 E-09 4 45E-04 4.45 E-09 3.34 E-04 3.34 E-09 2.23E-04 2.23E-09 Kr-87 1.61 E-02 1.62E-08 1.61 E-02 1.62E-08 1.21 E-02 1.22E-OS 8.05E-03 8.10E-09 Kr-88 1.06E-01 1.06E-07 1.06E-01 1.06E-07 7.95E-02 7.95E-08 5.30E-02 5.30E-08 Xe-131 m 2 22E-04 4.42E-09 2.22E-04 4.42E-09 1.67E-04 3.32E-09 1.11 E-04 2.21 E-09 Xe-133m 1 48E-04 1.48E-09 1.4 8 E-04 1.48E-09 1.11 E-04 1.11 E-09 7.40E-05 7.40E-10 Xe-133 9 60E-02 9.59E-07 9.60E-02 9.59E-07 7.20E-02 7.19E-07 4.80E-02 4.80E-07 Xe-135m 1.94 E-01 1.94E-07 1.94E-01 1.94 E-07 1.46E-01 1.46E-07 9.70E-02 9.70E-08 Xe-135 9.93E-02 3.97E-07 9.93E-02 3.97E-07 7.45E-02 2.98E-07 4.97E-02 1.99E-07 Xe-138 3.10E-07 3.10E-13 3.10E-07 3.10E-13 2.33E-07 2.33E-13 1.55E-07 1.55E-13 , Total NG 5.23E-01 1.75E 06 5.23E-01 1.75E-06 3.92E-01 1.31 E-06 2.62E-01 8.75E-07 l-131 3.17E-02 2.85E-10 3.17E-02 2.85E-10 2.38E-02 2.14 E-10 1.59E-02 1.4 3 E-10 1-132 3.32E-04 6.65E-11 3.32E-04 6.65E-11 2.49E-04 4.99E-11 1.66E-04 3.33E-11 1-133 1.66E-02 5.00E-10 1.66E-02 5.00E-10 1.25E-02 3.75E-10 8.30E-03 2.50E-10 - I-134 2 41E-05 1. 21 E-11 2 41E-05 1.21 E-11 1 81 E-05 9.08E-12 1.21 E-05 6.05E-12 , 1-135 3.38E-03 3 38E-10 3.38E-03 3.38E-10 2.54 E-03 2. 54 E-10 1.69E-03 169E-10 Total lodine 5 21E-02 120E-09 5.21 E-02 1.20E-09 3 91E-02 9.00E-10 2 61E-02 6.00E-10 0 - 1993 Exercise 4/26/93 ,

AIR SAMPLE DATA 1230 to 1330 HPSI "A" Cubicle 40' Aux Bldg 51' Aux Bldg 70' Aux Bldg 100' Aux Bldg O Conc. Conc. Conc. Conc. Conc. (/ Nuchde # MPC uCi/cc # MPC pCi/cc # MPC pCi/cc # MPC pCi/cc # MPC pCi/cc Kr 85m 4.44E+05 2.67E+00 4.44E+01 2.67E-04 4.44 E+ 01 2.67E-04 4.44E+00 2.67E-05 4.44 E-02 2.67E-07 Kr-85 1.78E+04 1.78E 01 1.78E+00 1.78E-05 1.78E+ 00 1.78E-05 1.78E-01 1.78E-06 1.78E-03 1.78E-08 Kr-87 6.44 E + 05 6.45E-01 6.44 E + 01 6 45E-05 6.44 E+ 01 6.45E-05 6.44E+00 6.45E-06 6.44E-02 6.45E 08 Kr-88 4.22E+ 06 4.22E+00 4.22E+02 4.22E-04 4.22E+02 4.22E-04 4.22E+01 4.22E-05 4.22E-01 4.22E-07 ) Xe-131m 8.86E+03 1.77E-01 8.86E-01 1.77E-05 8.86E-01 1.77E-05 8.86E-02 1.77E-06 8.86E-04 1.77E-08 Xe-133m 5.92E+03 5.90E-02 5.92E-01 5.90E-06 5.92E-01 5.90E-06 5.92E-02 5.90E-07 5.92E-04 l 5.90E-09 Xe-133 3.84E+06 3. 84 E + 01 3. 84 E+ 02 3.84E-03 3.84 E + 02 3.84E-03 3.84E+01 3.84E-04 3.84E-01 3.84E-06 Xe-135m 7.77E+06 7.77E+00 7.77E+02 7.77E-04 7.77E+02 7.77E-04 7.77E+01 7.77E-05 7.77E-01 7.77E-07 Xe-135 3 97E+06 1.59E + 01 3. 97E +02 1.59E-03 3.97E+02 1.59E-03 3. 97E+ 01 1.59E-04 3.97E-01 1.59E-06 Xe-138 1.24 E+ 01 1 24E-05 1.24 E-03 1.24E-09 1.24E-03 1.24 E-09 1.24 E-04 1.24E-10 1.24 E-06 1.24E-12 Total NG 2.09E + 07 7.00E + 01 2.09E+ 03 7.00E-03 2.09E+03 7.00E-03 2.09E+02 7.00E-04 2.09E+00 7.00E-06 l-131 1.27 E + 0 7 1.14 E-01 1.27E+02 1.14 E-06 1.27E+ 02 1.14 E-06 1.27 E + 01 1.14E-07 1.27E+00 1.14E-08 l-132 134E+05 2.66E-02 1. 34 E+ 00 2.66E-07 1.34E+00 2.66E-07 1.34 E-01 246E-08 1.34 E-02 2.66E-09 l-133 6 67E+06 2.00E-01 6.67E+01 2.00E-06 6.67E + 01 2.00E-06 6.67E+00 2.00E-07 6.67E-01 2.00E-08 l-134 9.64E+03 4.82E-03 9.64 E-02 4.82E-08 9.64 E-02 4.82E-08 9.64E-03 4.82E-09 9.64E-04 4.82E-10 1 1-135 1.35E + 06 1.35E-01 1.35E+01 1.35E-06 1.35E+ 01 1.35E-06 1.35E+00 1.35E-07 1.35E-01 1.35E-08 Total lodine 2.09E+07 4.80E-01 2 09E+02 4.80E-06 2.09E+02 4.80E-06 2.09E+ 01 4.80E-07 2.09E+00 4.80E-08 120' Aux Bldg 140' Aux Stairwell 140' Aux Hot Lab 140' Aux at RCA Conc. Conc. Conc. Conc. Nuchde # MPC pCi/cc # MPC pCi/cc # MPC pCi/cc # MPC pCi/cc

           '~""~     ~          "'"~"'  ^ " "~"   '"~"'     '     "~       ~" "~"'    ~ "~       '~ ^"~"'

C) Kr-87 "Kr-85 1.78E-03 1.78 E-08 6.44E-02 6.45E-08

1. 78E-03 1.78E-08 6.44E-02 6.45E-08 1.34E-03 4.83E-02 1.34E-08 4.84E-08 8.90E-04 8.90E-09 3.22E-02 3.23E-08 Kr-88 4.22E-01 4.22E-07 4.22E-01 4.22E-07 3.17E-01 3.17E-07 2.11 E-01 2.11 E-07 Xe-131 m 8.86 E-04 1.77E-08 8.86E-04 1.77E-08 6.65E-04 1.33E-08 4.43E-04 8.85E-09 Xe-133m 5.92E-04 5.90E-09 5.92E-04 5.90E-09 4.44E-04 4.43E-09 2.96E-04 2.95E-09 Xe-133 3.84 E-01 3.84 E-06 3.84 E-01 3.84E-06 2.88E-01 2.88E-06 1.92E-01 1.92E-06 Xe-135m 7.77E-01 7.77E-07 7.77E-01 7.77E-07 5.83E-01 5.83E-07 3.89E-01 3.89E-07 Xe-135 3.97E-01 1.59E-06 3.97E-01 1.59E-06 2.98E-01 1.19E-06 1.99E-01 7.95E-07 i Xe-138 124E-06 1.24E-12 1.24E-06 1.24 E-12 9.30E-07 9.30E-13 6.20E-07 6.20E-13 Total NG 2 09E+00 7 00E-06 2 09E+00 7.00E-06 1.57E+ 00 5.25E-06 1.05E + 00 3.50E-06 l- 131 1 2 7 E-01 1.14 E-09 1.27E-01 1.14 E-09 9.53E-02 8.55E-10 6.35E-02 5.70E-10 1-132 1.34 E-03 2.66E-10 1. 34 E-03 2.66E-10 1.00E-03 2.00E-10 6.68E-04 1.33E-10 1-133 0 67E-02 2.00E-09 6.67E-02 2 00E-09 5.00E-02 1.50E-09 3.34 E-02 1.00E-09 -

1134 9.64E-05 4.82E-11 9 64E-05 4.82E-11 7.23E-05 3.62E-11 4.82E-05 2.41 E-11 1-135 1.35 E-02 1.35E-09 1.35E-02 1.35E-09 1.01 E-02 1.01 E-09 6.75E-03 6.75E-10 l Total lodine 2.G3E-01 4.80E-09 2.09E-01 4.80E-09 1.57E-01 3.60E-09 1.05E-01 2.40E-09 O 1993 Exercise 4/26/93

1993 Exercise - Containment air samples (pCl/cc) i Nuclide 800 830 900 930 1000 1030 Kr-85m 1.27E-06 2.49E-06 3.31 E-06 4.14E-06 3.58E-05 5.43E-01 Kr-87 6.90E-07 1.35E-06 1.80E-06 2.25E-06 1.95E-05 2.88E-01 Kr-88 2.30E-06 4.51 E-06 6.00E-06 7.51 E-06 6.50E-05 8.30E-01 Xe-133 2.07E-04 4.06E-04 5.40E-04 6.76E-04 5.85E-03 1.15E+01 Xe-133m 2.53E-06 4.96E-06 6.60E-06 8.26E-06 7.15E-05 3.63E-02 Xe-135 4.03E-06 7.90E-06 1.05E-05 1.31 E-05 1.13E-04 1.31 E+00 Xe-135m 1.50E-07 2.94E-07 3.91 E-07 4.89E-07 4.23E-06 2.41 E-03 Rb-88 2.30E-06 4.51 E-06 6.00E-06 7.51 E-06 6.50E-05 8.30E-01 1-131 2.25E-10 3.66E-10 4.59E-10 5.32E-10 2.29E-08 1.21 E-02 1-132 8.33E-11 1.35E-10 1.69E-10 1.96E-10 8.43E-09 2.42E-03 1-133 3.17E-10 5.16E-10 6.47E-10 7.50E-10 3.22E-08 1.32E-02 1-134 3.92E-11 6.38E-11 8.00E-11 9.27E-11 3.99E-09 2.00E-03 1-135 1.58E-10 2.57E-10 3.22E-10 3.73E-10 1.61 E-08 8.90E-03 Cs-134 2.08E-11 3.38E-11 4.24E-11 4.91 E-11 2.11 E-09 3.92E-04 Cs-136 1.08E-11 1.76E-11 2.21 E-11 2.56E-11 1.10E-09 2.17E-04 Cs-137 1.50E-11 2.44E-11 3.06E-11 3.55E-11 1.53E-09 1.03E-03 Te-129 1.33E-12 2.16E-11 2.71 E-11 3.14E-11 1.35E-09 3.56E-05 Te-132 2.25E-11 3.66E-11 4.59E-11 6.48E-11 2.79E-09 7.47E-04 i i i l i Nuclide 1100 1130 1200 1230 1300 1330 i Kr-85m 5.85E-01 7.69E-01 2.41 E+00 2.67E+00 2.91 E+00 3.15E+00 Kr-87 3.10E-01 4.08E-01 1.28E+00 1.42E+00 1.55E+00 1.68E+00 Kr-88 8.95E-01 1.18E+00 3.70E+00 4.10E+00 4.48E+00 4.86E+00 Xe-133 1.24E+01 1.63E+01 5.11 E+01 5.67E+01 6.19E+01 6.71 E+01 Xe-133m 3.91 E-02 5.14E-02 1.61 E-01 1.79E-01 1.95E-01 2.11 E-01 Xe-135 1.41 E+00 1.85E+00 5.80E+00 6.44E+00 7.03E+00 7.62E+00 Xe-135m 2.60E-03 3.42E-03 1.07E-02 1.19E-02 1.30E-02 1.41 E-02 Rb-88 8.95E-01 1.18E+00 3.70E+00 4.10E+00 4.48E+00 4.86E+00 1-131 1.31 E-02 3.48E-01 1.38E+00 1.52E+00 1.65E+00 1.76E+00 1-132 2.62E-03 6.96E-02 2.76E-01 3.04E-01 3.30E-01 3.52E-01 1-133 1.41 E-02 3.75E-01 1.49E+00 1.64E+00 1.78E+00 1.90E+00 1-134 2.13E-03 5.66E-02 2.24E-01 2.47E-01 2.68E-01 2.86E-01 1-135 9.40E-03 2.49E-01 9.87E-01 1.08E+00 1.17E+00 1.25E+00 1 Cs-134 4.18E-04 1.11 E-02 4.40E-02 4.85E-02 5.26E-02 5.61 E-02 Cs-136 2.31 E-04 6.14E-03 2.43E-02 2.67E-02 2.90E-02 3.09E-02 Cs-137 1.10E-03 2.92E-02 1.16E-01 1.27E-01 1.38E-01 1.47E-01 Te-129 3.80E-05 1.00E-03 3.97E-03 4.37E-03 4.74E-03 5.06E-03 Te 132 7.97E-04 2.12E-02 8.41 E-02 9.26E-02 1.00E-01 1.07E-01 O

1993 Exerciso - RCS activity sampics (pCi/ml) Nuclide 800 830 900 930 1000 1030 Kr-85m 7.59E-02 7.59E-02 7.59E-02 7.59E-02 7.59E-02 1.78E+00 Kr-87 4.14E-02 4.14E-02 4.14E-02 4.14E-02 4.14E-02 9.45E-01 Kr-88 1.38E-01 1.38E-01 1.38E-01 1.38E-01 1.38E-01 2.73E+00 - Xe-133 1.24E+01 1.24 E+01 1.24E+01 1.24E+01 1.24E+01 2.52E+01 Xe-133rn 1.52E-01 1.52E-01 1.52E-01 1.52E-01 1.52E-01 2.50E+00 Xe-135 2.42E-01 2.42E-01 2.42E-01 2.42E-01 2.42E-01 4.31 E+00 Xe-135m 8.97E-03 8.97E-03 8.97E-03 8.97E-03 8.97E-03 4.66E-02 Rb-88 1.38E-01 1.38E-01 1.38E-01 1.38E-01 1.38E-01 2.73E+00 1-131 1.86E-01 1.86E-01 1.86E-01 1.86E-01 1.86E-01 3.57E+00 1-132 6.90E-02 6.90E-02 6.90E-02 6.90E-02 6.90E-02 7.14E-01 1-133 2.62E-01 2.62E-01 2.62E-01 2.62E-01 2.62E-01 3.88E+00 1-134 3.24E-02 3.24E-02 3.24E-02 3.24E-02 3.24E-02 5.88E-01 1-135 1.31 E-01 1.31 E-01 1.31 E-01 1.31 E-01 1.31 E-01 2.62E+00 Cs-134 1.73E-02 1.73E-02 1.73E-02 1.73E-02 1.73E-02 1.15E-01 Cs-136 8.97E-03 8.97E 8.97E-03 8.97E-03 8.97E-03 6.51 E-02 Cs-137 1.24E-02 1.24E-02 1.24E-02 1.24E-02 1.24E-02 3.04E-01

 - Te-129   0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00                  1.05E-02 Te-132    0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00                 2.21 E-01 1            i            i            t Nuclide      1100         1130        1200          1230       1300      1330

, Kr-85m 1.90E+00 2.49E+00 5.96E+00 6.60E+00 7.10E+00 7.81 E+00 Kr-87 1.01 E+00 1.33E+00 3.18E+00 3.50E+00 3.79E+00 4.20E+00 Kr-88 2.91 E+00 3.82E+00 9.22E+00 1.00E+01 1.10E+01 1.21 E+01 Xe-133 2.69E+01 3.53E+01 8.46E+01 9.20E+01 1.01 E+02 1.11 E+02 Xe-133m 2.67E+00 3.50E+00 8.38E+00 9.20E+00 1.00E+01 1.10E+01 Xe-135 4.59E+00 6.02E+00 1.44E+01 1.59E+01 1.72E+01 1.89E+01 Xe-135m 4.97E-02 6.52E-02 1.56E-01 1.71 E-01 1.86E-01 2.05E-01 Rb-88 2.91 E+00 3.82E+00 9.22E+00 1.00E+01 1.10E+01 1.21 E+01 1-131 3.81 E+00 5.00E+00 1.20E+01 1.30E+01 1.43E+01 1.57E+01 1-132 7.62E-01 1.00E+00 2.39E+00 2.62E+00 2.85E+00 3.14E+00 1-133 4.14E+00 5.43E+00 1.30E+01 1.42E+01 1.55E+01 1.70E+01 1-134 6.27E-01 8.23E-01 1.97E+00 2.16E+00 2.35E+00 2.58E+00 1-135 2.79E+00 3.66E+00 8.77E+00 9.61 E+00 1.05E+01 1.16E+01 i Cs-134 1.23E-01 1.61 E-01 3.86E-01 4.21 E-01 4.60E-01 5.06E-01 l Cs-136 6.94E-02 9.10E-02 2.18E-01 2.39E-01 2.60E-01 2.86E-01 Cs-137 3.24E-01 4.25E-01 1.02E+00 1.12E+00 1.22E+00 1.34E+00 Te-129 1.12E-02 1.47E-02 3.52E-02 3.86E-02 4.20E-02 4.62E-02 Te-132 2.36E-01 3.10E-01 7.42E-01 8.13E-01 8.85E-01 9.74 E-01 l O  ;

1993 Exorciso - Sump activity campics (pCl/ml) A Nuclide 1000 1030 1100 1130 V Kr-85m 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Kr-87 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Kr-88 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Xe-133 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Xe-133m 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Xe-135 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Xe-135m 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Rb-88 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1-131 9.00E-02 3.57E-01 3.81 E-01 5.00E-01 1-132 3.40E-02 7.14E-02 7.62E-02 1.00E-01 1-133 1.30E-01 3.88E-01 4.14E-01 5.43E-01 1-134 1.60E-02 5.88E-02 6.27E-02 8.23E-02 1-135 6.50E-02 2.62E-01 2.79E-01 3.66E-01 Cs-134 8.50E-03 1.15E-02 1.23E-02 1.61 E-02 Cs-136 4.50E-03 6.51 E-03 6.94E-03 9.10E-03 Cs-137 6.20E-03 3.04E-02 3.24E-02 4.25E-02 Te-129 0.00E+00 1.05E-03 1.12E-03 1.47E-03 Te-132 0.00E+00 2.21 E-02 2.36E-02 3.10E-02 i  ; i i Nuclide 1200 1230 1300 1330 Kr-85m 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Kr-87 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Kr-88 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Xo-133 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Xe-133m 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Xe-135 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Xe-135m 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Rb-88 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1-131 1.20E+00 1.30E+00 1.43E+00 1.57E+00 1-132 2.40E-01 2.62E-01 2.85E-01 3.14E-01 1-133 1.30E+00 1.42E+00 1.55E+00 1.70E+00 1-134 1.97E-01 2.16E-01 2.35E-01 2.58E-01 1-135 8.77E-01 9.61 E-01 1.05E+00 1.16E+00 Cs-134 3.86E-02 4.21 E-02 4.60E-02 5.06E-02 Cs-136 2.18E-02 2.39E-02 2.60E-02 2.86E-02 Cs-137 1.02E-01 1.12E-01 1.22E-01 1.34E-01 Te-129 3.52E-03 - 3.86E-03 4.20E-03 4.62E-03 Te-132 7.42E-02 8.13E-02 8.85E-02 9.74E-02 m

l FUEL BUILDING VENT GRAB SAMPLES O Grab sample Units 1200 1210 1220 1230 1240 1250 l Particulate Ci/cc 4.61 E-11 4.61 E-11 3.17E-10 3.17E-10 3.17E-10 3.17E-10 lodine Ci/cc 3.96E-08 3.96E-08 1.98E-03 7.17E-02 7.17E-02 1.60E-02 Gas Ci/cc 2.00E-06 2.00E-06 9.98E-02 3.61 E+00 3.61 E+00 8.06E-01 l Grab sample Units 1300 1310 1320 1330 1340 1350 Particulate pCi/cc 3.17E-10 3.17E-10 3.17E-10 3.17E-10 3.17E-10 3.17E-10 lodine pCi/cc 8.00E-03 5.00E-03 2.00E-03 2.02E-04 1.11 E-04 2.02E-05 Gas Ci/cc 4.03E-01 2.52E-01 1.01 E-01 1.01 E-02 5.60E-03 1.02E-03 Grab sample Units 1400 Particulate Ci/cc 3.17E-10 lodine pCi/cc 2.02E-06 Gas Ci/cc 1.02E-04 Plant Vent and Containment Exhaust samples are "as read." Prior to 1200, all vent grab samples are "as read." O O 1993 Exercise 4/27/93

i l I i METEOROLOGICAL DATA - 1993 EXERCISE (15 MINUTE AVERAGES) O Time 730 740 750 800 810 820 830 840 200' Speed 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 200* Direction 323 323 323 323 323 323 323 326 35' Speed 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 35' Direction 326 326 326 326 326 326 326 329 Delta Temp 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.5 Temp 50.0 50.3 50.7 51.0 51.7 52.3 53.0 54.3 Time 850 900 910 920 930 940 950 1000 200* Speed - 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 200' Direction 328 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 35' Speed 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 35' Direction 331 334 334 334 334 334 334 334 Delta Temp 3.4 3.4 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.5 2.3 Temp 55.7 57.0 57.7 58.3 59.0 60.0 61.0 62.0 Time l 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 1100 1110 1120 200' Speed 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6 200' Direction 328 324 321 321 321 321 318 315 O 35' Speed 35' Direction 1.3 331 1.4 327 1.5 324 1.5 324 1.5 324 1.5 324 2.0 321 2.5 318 Delta Temp 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.4 Temp 62.3 62.7 63.0 63.3 63.7 64.0 64.7 65.3 Time 1130 1140 1150 1200 1210 1220 1230 1240 200' Speed 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 . 3.1 3.1 3.1 200' Direction 312 312 312 312 299 285 272 272 35' Speed 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 35' Direction 315 315 315 315 302 288 275 275 Delta Temp 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 Temp 66.0 66.7 67.3 68.0 68.0 68.0 68.0 68.3 Time 1250 1300 1310 1320 1330 200' Speed 3.1 3.1 2.4 1.8 1.1 200* Direction 272 272 272 272 272 35' Speed 3.0 3.0 2.3 1.7 1.0 35' Direction 275 275 275 275 275 Delta Temp 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 Temp 68.7 69.0 69.0 69.0 69.0 1993 Exercise L-1 2/26/93












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                               -- NOTE --

This Appendix contains data on the simulated contaminated injury. The Medical Emergency will be played out only at onsite PVNGS with no offsite participation or involvement. CONTENTS PAGE Medical Emergency Scenario Guide App-M-1 Medical Scenario Messages App-M-9 b M GS APP-M-i 93 EXERCISE

1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL RGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE MEDICAL SCENARIO ANTICIPATED ACTIONS 4 , GENERAL SCENARIO: MEDICAL EMERGENCY SCENE: A Station Services worker became totally doused (Unit 3 "A" HPSI pump Room)  ! by spraying water from "A" - HPSI Pump. While attempting to leave the area', he fell and hurt A fellow Station Service worker calls'the Unit 3 his back. The scenario will be played out only Control Room to report that a pump ("A" HPSI Pump

                                   '. to                    the  point        of               simulated                ambulance  began spraying water profusely.          He further transportation' of the victim to the Maryvale                                                 states that a fellow worker became totally doused Samaritan Hospital for treatment. The volunteer                                               by the spraying water, slipped while attempting                   l 4                                 -victim will be staged and moulaged outside the                                                   to leave the area, and then fell and' hurt her Unit 3 "A" HPSI Pump room.                                                                    back.

I MEDICAL EMERGENCY INITIATION: SECURITY OFFICER: The victim is wearing paper coveralls as a Radio in the situation. Establish and maintain discretionary measure. "A" HPSI Pump room access. Take initial first , aid steps. , ' Victim: , CAS: ,

                                  . Conscious                                                                                      Report the situation to the Security Shift                      -,

i Pain in lower lumbar region. Supervisor. Follow procedure #14AC-OFF02, l

In extreme pain Emergency Notification and' Response.

i 1 4 l PVNGS APP-M-1 93 EXERCISE _ . _ - - _ _ - _ _ . _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ = . . , .-- - -. . - - . - , , _ .


  .EDICAL SCENARIO                                                  ANTICIPATED ACTIONS EMT Arrival:                                                       EMT:

Victim: Communications are established between Fire Protection, Medical and Security. Medical may be Respiration: 28 requested to respond to the scene. Vital signs Pulse: 112 and patient condition are assessed. Protective B/P: 130/74 clothing is removed to facilitate treatment. Skin: Warm & Dry Medical: Pupils: Equal, Reactive Respond to the scene. ECG: Sinus Tachycardia U3 CR (Simi: Conscious and in extreme pain. Ensure that Radiation Protection (RP) responds. Initial Radioloctical Conditions: 77s: Initial radiological conditions at the medical !crform initial surveys to determine emergency scene are given in Message #2 of contamination of victims and area. Report Appendix B. All further medical emergency findings to the EMTs/ Medical and the U3 CR (Sim). radiological data will be provided from this Appendix. Immediate Victim Area: Victims SID 25mr (per smear of 100 cm2) 30,000 to 50,000 cpm >bkg Radiation Level SmR/HR open_ window 2mR/HR closed window Areas other than victims: (per 100 cm2 smear) As Read Radiation Levels: As Read Victim's Papers: 30,000 cpm >bkg Exposed skin: 55,000 cpm >bkg PVNGS APP-M-2 93 EXERCISE I


        - MEDICAL SCENARIO                                                                            ANTICIPATED ACTIONS Radiation Protection Technicians (RPTs) Respond:                                            RPTs:

After the initial quick assessment of While EMTs/ Medical are performing. initial radiological conditions,-the following detailed treatment RPTs should be performing detailed' radiological data should be ascertained by the radiological surveys of the victims and the area. RPTs: In general, radiation and contamination other.- than that detailed is "As Read". General Radiolocical Conditions: Victim's SRD 25 mr Radiation Level: SmR/HR open window 2mR/HR closed window Airborne Radioactivity: As Read Smearable in.immediate vicinity (per 100 cm2 smear): 30,000 to 50,000 cpm >bkg Smearable in surrounding areas (per 100 cm2 smear) : As Read Victim: Paper suit 30,000 cpm >bkg . Hands: 35,000 cpm >bkg-

                                                        .50,000. cpm >bkg Shoes:

After Paper suit and shoe removal Face: 35,000 cpm >bkg-

         - Hands:                                         35,000 cpm >bkg All Other Areas:                              As-Read
         ' NOTE:        No indication on RO2 or FAG

PVNGS  : APP-M-3 93 EXERCISE 4 - u m, e- .,n-m -eem.-- - ,.- se .w *,i.w.e = - .ma.-w- v e .*'r="- - - ,e+,e-. te,- -w* -%e--- e er r n s. iner - -#.- ei -<ehe,- . w = = .* w


          .(During      the       initial                patient       treatment             and          As soon as the patient is stabilized and - the preparation for transport)                                                                     initial. radiological status is . verified,-.the                         a patient should be set up for movement'with' timely contamination control to the U3 First Aid-                                '
          . Victim:

room / Medical Facility. '

          -Respiration:          -28 RPTs:

.  : Pulse: 11, Support the stretchering and - transport ~ of the. victim to the U3 First Aid Room / Medical Facility. .

          ~B/P:                   126/72                                                                  Provide          contamination- control with -minimal:

interference during movements and follow up decon . Skin: Cool & Dry and monitoring. Pupils: Sluggish

          -Conscious, still in extreme pain.




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          = MEDICAL SCENARIO                                                             ANTICIPATED ACTIONS                                                    '

Preliminary Decon (RW/ Ambulance): Decon in PEBldcr/ Ambulance: Contamination Levels and Decon Results: The readings in cpm are to be given to the RP as , surveys are properly taken after each Victim: decontamination process. Nasal smears taken if any, are all to read Background /As Read during Face: 30,000 cpm >bkg the entire treatment process. Hands: 5,000 cpm >bkg NOTE: Since R.P. would normally 4 decon to backgroud prior to Decon In the Site Medical Facility: transport to Medical Decontamination attempts performed in the Site Facility, Controller' must Medical Facility will be successful as listed in state need to reestablish the table at left. RPTs should be given the contamination levels at the appropriate numbers while surveying following the. Medical. Facility and decon procedure. Victim will not be free of Hospital for the purpose of contamination at the time of the simulated-drill objectives. transport. Survey and release stretcher and-In the Site Medical Facility: After First Decon: Face: 15,000 cpm >bkg Hands: 1,000 cpm >bkg 6 t After Second Decon: Face: 10,000 cpm >bkg Hands: Background /As Read After Third Decon: Face: . Background /As Read Hands: Background /As Read PVNGS APP-M-5 93 EXERCISE 1

 - - _ m_  ____.__.__m   . ,m,_m.   .._ _ m .       .
                                                         ..-.c -

5 ,. - - - , -

                                                                                                      +#.,  --- - .-,        -   . _r-  , ,.       . w . v-

1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL RGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE MEDICAL BCENARIO ANTICIPATED ACTIONS Epcondary - Treatment: .(Site Medical) Medical. Medical: evaluation of the patient prior to simulated Perform evaluation and prepare for simulated transport: transport to Maryvale Samaritan. This completes the treatment portion of the medical emergency' Victim: drill. Full attention should now be. given to the contaminated facility and equipment. Respiration: 24 Pulse: 120 B/P: 124/76 Skin: Cool & Dry Pupils: -Sluggish Patient is conscious and still in extreme pain. l l l



   .- ..._..           . - . ..   .    .    - - - . . .   .- .  . . - . , . - . - . -    .  ~ . - . - . . . . . . . - ..   . . . . . . ~ .-.

Ch D 1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL V RCENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE (Q MEDICAL SCENARIO ANTICIPATED ACTIONS Secondary Treatment: (Prior to simulated RPTs: transport) Survey, decon and release the site medical Decontamination efforts prior to ambulance facility. Collect all trash and material transport in the U3 First Aid Room / Medical utilized in the treatment of the victim and Facility: perform controlled disposal of contaminated waste. Victim: Face: Background /As Read Hands: Background /As Road NOTE: With the simulated transport of the injured person, the medical emergency drill is completed. The n medical facility and materials utilized in the treatment of to injured person should be controlled and cleaned up by RPT. Surveys and release of the site medical facility, ambulance and stretchers is also expected. PVNGS APP-M-7 93 EXERCISE

1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE MEDICAL CONTROLLER INSTRUCTION l FROM: C-4h TO: Unit 3 Control Room l MESSAGE NO.: M-1 TIME: 0849 (Approx.) LOCATION: Unit 3 "A" HPSI Pump Room l I INSTRUCTION: Provide the following information to the Unit 3 Control Room. O I t


  " Control Room I'd like to report a injury in the Unit 3 "A" HPSI Pump Room. Kelly York and I were replacing light bulbs in the "A" HPSI Pump Room when the pump let loose and started spraying profusely. Kelly got hit with the spray full blast. During our attempt to get out of the deluge, Kelly fell and is complaining of.

back pain. I am afraid to move her." O O* PVNGS APP-M-9 93 EXERCISE l i l

,,, 1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE \_ MEDICAL CONTROLLER INSTRUCTION FROM: C-4h TO: EMT MESSAGE NO.: M-2 TIME: 0855 (Anorox.) LOCATION: Unit 3 "A" HPSI Pump Room INSTRUCTION: Provide the following information to the EMT as vital signs are taken during the initial response to and evaluation of the victim. r a

1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE b\ \wsl MEDICAL EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM THIS IS A DRILL! , TO: EMI MESSAGE NO.: M-2 TIME: 0855 (Approx.) LOCATION: Unit 3 "A" HPSI Pump Room MESSAGE: Vital Signs on initial evaluation: Victim: Resp: 28 Pulse: 112 B/P: 130/74 Skin: Warm & Dry Pupils: Sluggish ECG: Sinus Tachycardia Conscious and in extreme pain. PVNGS APP-M-11 93 EXERCISE

1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE ("% k_ MEDICAL CONTROLLER INSTRUCTION FROM: C-4i TO: RET MESSAGE NO.: M-3 TIME: 0855(Approx.) LOCATION: Unit 3 "A" HPSI Pump Room INSTRUCTION: Provide the following information only to the RPT as radiological surveys are taken during preparation for movement. (:) . ....M-1, ,,ExE.cI.E l i

1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE MEDICAL EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM THIS IS A DRILL! TO: RET MESSAGE NO.: M-3 TIME: 0855 (Approx.) LOCATION: Unit 3 "A" LPSI Pump Room MESSAGE: Results of radiological measurements taken during the preparation for movement to the U3 First Aid Room / Medical Facility: General Information: Victim's SRDs: 25 mr Radiation Level: 5 mr/hr open window 2 mr/hr closed window Airborne Radioactivity: As Read () Smearable Contamination in immediate vicinity, (per 100 cm2 smear): Smearable Contamination in surrounding areas, (per 100 cm2 smear): 30,000 to 50,000 cpm >Bkg As Read Victim: Paper suit: 50,000 cpm >Bkg Hands: 35,000 cpm >Bkg , Shoes: 50,000 cpm >Bkg AFTER Paner Suit REMOVAL: Face: 35,000 cpm >Bkg Hands: 35,000 cpm >Bkg All Other Areas: As Read NOTE: No indication on RO2 or FAG i


I l i i e

l l l l 1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL ENERGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE ( l \. / . MEDICAL CONTROLLER INSTRUCTION  ; 1 l l FROM: C-4h TO: EXT MESSAGE NO.: M-4 TIME: 0855(Approx.) LOCATION: Unit 3 "A" HPSI Pump Room INSTRUCTION: Provide the following information to the EMT as vital signs are taken during preparation for movement. O . >O (_) PVNGS APP-M-14 93 EXERCISE

1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE MEDICAL EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM THIS IS A DRILL! TO: EMT MESSAGE NO.: M-4 TIME: 0855 (Acorox.) LOCATION: Unit 3 "A" HPSI Pumo Room MESSAGE: Vital Signs on preparation for movement to the U3 First Aid Room / Medical Facility: , Victim: Resp: 28 Pulse: 116 B/P: 126/72 Skin: Cool & Dry Pupils: Sluggish ECG: Sinus Tachycardia Conscious and in extreme pain. ( PVNGS APP-M-15 93 EXERCISE

1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE f (}./ CONTINGENCY MEDICAL CONTROLLER INSTRUCTION FROM: C-4a TO: Site Medical Representative 1 MESSAGE NO.: M-A TIME: 0900 (Anorox.) LOCATION: Unit 3 First Aid Room / Medical Facility INSTRUCTION: CONTINGENCY MEBBAGE If the Site Medical Representative has not simulated contacting Maryvale Samaritan Hospital or ordered the transport of the victims by site artulance by this time, deliver the following message. Note: Due to the high level of subjectivity involved in a medical diagnosis and the lack of subtlety inherent in the simulation of , g medical symptoms, it may be necessary for the continuity of the 6 medical scenario to intervene at this time. This should not be interpreted as a lack of performance on the part of the medical representatives, but instead a need of the scenario. 5 t


THIS IS A DRILL! TO: Site Medical Representative MESSAGE NO.: K-A TIME: 0900 (Acorox.) LOCATION: Unit 3 First Aid Room / Medical Facility MESSAGE: Due to needs of the medical scenario, simulate contacting Maryvale Samaritan Hospital and request site ambulance transport of the victims at this time. b () PVNGS APP-M-17 93 EXERCISE

1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE MEDICAL CONTROLLER INSTRUCTION FROM: C-4h TO: EMT/ Medical ReDresentative MESSAGE NO.: M-5 TIME: 0905 (Approx.) LOCATION: Unit 3 First Aid Room / Medical Facility INSTRUCTION: Provide the following information to the Site Medical Representative when examination / evaluation of the victims is performed. 1 O i

'0 1

PVNGS APP-M-18 93 EXERCISE l I l l l

1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTROLLER. GUIDE  : [-  ! MEDICAL EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM THIS IS A DRILLI TO: EMT/ Medical Representative MESSAGE NO.: M-5 TIME: 0905 (Anorox.) LOCATION: Unit 3 First Aid Room / Medical Facility MESSAGE: When the patients are examined and evaluated by Site Medical Representative: Vital Signs on initial evaluation: Victim: Resp: 24 Pulse: 120 B/P: 124/76 Skin: Cool & Dry Pupils: Sluggish ECG: Sinus Tachycardia Conscious and in extreme pain.

  ~~/ PVNGS                           APP-M-19                  93EIERCISE i


1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE MEDICAL CONTROLLER INSTRUCTION FROM: C-41 TO: RPT/EMT MESSAGE NO.: M-6 TIME: 0905 (Approx.) LOCATION: Unit 3 First Aid Room / Medical Facility INSTRUCTION: Provide the following information to the RPT if decontamination and subsequent resurvey is performed. Contamination levels will remain as before until decontamination-activities are performed. After initial decontamination, the following numbers will remain unchanged until arrival - at the i offsite treatment center. O



TO: RPT/EMT MESSAGE NO.: M-6 TIME: 0905 (Approx.) LOCATION: Unit 3 First Aid Room / Medical Facility MESSAGE: Initial decontamination efforts yield the following results: Victim: Face: 30,000 cpm >Bkg Hands: 5,000 cpm >Bkg All Other Areas: As Read () PVNGS APP-M-21 93 EXERCISE


~/                       MEDICAL CONTROLLER INSTRUCTION                 I FROM: C-4h         TO: EMT/ Ambulance Attendants MESSAGE NO.: M - 76 TIME: 0915 (Approx.)

LOCATION: Site Ambulance INSTRUCTION: Provide the following information to the EMT/ Ambulance Attendants upon examination after loading into the site ambulance. The patient's condition will remain constant while enroute in the ambulance. Supply the following statistics to the attending EMTs as often as they perform the diagnostics. O l 1 l l O PVNGS APP-H-22 93EIERCISE

1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE MEDICAL EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM THIS IS A DRILL! TO: EMT/ Ambulance Attendants MESSAGE NO.: M-7 TIME: 0915 ( Anorox. ) LOCATION: Site Ambulance MESSAGE: Patient status at site ambulance loading: Victim: Resp: 24 Pulse: 120 B/P: 124/76 Skin: Cool & Dry Pupils: Sluggish ECG: Sinus Tachycardia Conscious and in extreme pain. yj PVNGS APP-M-23 93EIERCISE l l l l l

1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE n s_/ MEDICAL CONTROLLER INSTRUCTION FROM: C-41 TO: RPT/EMT MESSAGE NO.: M-8 TIME: 0920 (Approx.) LOCATION: Medical Facility INSTRUCTION: Provide the following information to the RPT as decontamination and subsequent resurvey is performed. Note: Contamination levels will remain as before until decontamination activities are performed. After decontamination attempts, the following numbers will result. O (:) ,,,e. ,,,_M-2. ,,ExE CI.E

l I

                                                                         -l 1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE MEDICAL EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM THIS IS A DRILL!

t TO: RPT/EMT MESSAGE NO.: M-8 TIME: 0920 (Approx.) LOCATION: Medical Facility MESSAGE: Initial decontamination efforts (in the U3 First Aid Room or site ambulance) yield the following results: Victim: Face: 30,000 cpm >bkg Hands: 5,000 cpm >bkg In the Site Medical Facility:

~s  After First Decon:

\~ # Face: 15,000 cpm >bkg Hands: 1,000 cpm >bkg After Second Decon: Face: 10,000 cpm >bkg Hands: Bkg/As Read . After Third Decon: Face: Bkg/As Read Hands: Bkg/As Read 1 PVNGS APP-M-25 93 EXERCISE

i l I 1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE .-r . km MEDICAL CONTROLLER INSTRUCTION FROM: C-4h TO: EMT/ Medical MESSAGE NO.: M-9 TIME: 0935 (Approx.) LOCATION: Site Medical Facility INSTRUCTION: Provide the following information to the EMT/ Medical ' Representatives at the simulated loading of the victim for transport. The patient's condition will remain constant while enroute in the ambulance. - O . b

l l 1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE 1 O. - MEDICAL EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM THIS IS A DRILL! TO: EMT/ Ambulance Attendants MESSAGE NO.: M-9 TIME: 0935 (Anorox.) LOCATION: Medical Facility MESSAGE: , r Patient status at site ambulance loading: Victim: Resp: 24 Pulse: 120 B/P: 124/76 Skin: Cool & Dry Pupils: Sluggish ECG: Sinus Tachycardia Conscious and in extreme pain. (% (,) PVNGS APP-M-27 93EIERCISE

1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE ( b) MEDICAL CONTROLLER CONTINGENCY INSTRUCTIO_1{ FROM: C-4a To: Site Medical Representative MESSAGE NO.: M - 10 TIME: 0935 (Approx.) LOCATION: Site Medical Facility INSTRUCTION: Provide the following information to the Medical Representative if the simulated transport of the victim has not been reported to the U3 CR (Simulator) by this time. [ I v PVNGS APP-M-28 93 EXERCISE

1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE i ) 'ss ./ MEDICAL EXERCISE CONTINGENCY MESSAGE FORM I 1 THIS IS A DRILL! l TO: Site Medical Reoresentative MESSAGE No.: M - 10 TIME: 0935 LOCATION: Site Medical Facility MESSAGE: Notify the U3 CR (Simulator) of the simulated transport of victim by ground transportation at this time. a

,          1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE v                    MEDICAL CONTROLLER INSTRUCTION FROM: C-4h        TO: Medical Team MESSAGE NO.: M- 11 TIME: 0950 (Annrox.)

LOCATION: At the Site Medical Facility INSTRUCTION: After the Medical Team has satisfactorily demonstrated their performance, the patient has been simulated to have been transported, the treatment portion of the emergency medical drill is terminated. O l () PVNGS APP-M-30 93EXERCIBE 1

1993 EXERCISE MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTROLLER GUIDE , MEDICAL EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM THIS IS A DRILL! TO: Medical Team MESSAGE NO.: M - 11 TIME: 0950 (Acorox.) LOCATION: At Site Medical Facility MESSAGE: The Radiological Medical Emergency Drill is terminated. An in-place critique and discussion will take place with the controllers. 1 o l 1 h k F .r PVNGS APP-M-31 93 EXERCISE _ _ _4 ____.________..__ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ___


                                                                                   -b O                   coneoneur                        e^os LPSI Pump "B"                    02 EHC System                       07 HPSI Pump "A"                    09 MCC PHB-M36                      12 Class Bus PBA-503                16                             ,

EDG "A" 18 HPSI Pump "B" 20 O APPENDIX N PAGE 1 UPDATE REV. 041693

APPENDIX --N EQUIPMENT TROUBLESHOOTING DATA O i LPSI PUMP "B" l i INITIAL CONDITION: , LPSI Pump "B" has been taken out of service and declared INOPERABLE at 1930 on 10 MAY 93 for a failed pump seal. The pump had to have its pump casing pulled, its impeller dropped, and the stuffing box extension removed. Mechanics are sizing up the status of the failed seal at this time. Plans call for the seal to be removed, the pump shaft and seal casing to be reworked, and the new seal installed. Mechanics will then evaluate replacement of the other pump seal at that time. Estimated total completion time for the repairs is 27 hours, at which time the pump will be turned over to Operations for commencement of , Surveillance Testing, ANTICIPATED RESPONSE: Operations may check on work progress and pursue job completion in a timely manner, but present job status will preclude any hope of restoring the pump to service in time to alleviate the degraded plant conditions. O . t O APPENDIX N PAGE 2 UPDATE REV. 041693

APPENDIX - N E0VIPMENT TROUBLESHOOTING DATA O LPSI PUMP 5 FRAY PEF 12CTOR 8 10 7 62A3 l/ / / / /\ ,' ,/v / / / /l l72 35A2A e \ k

                                                          )                       p 38At1 b29 )

[j 66A3 ' s 46Au - [,  :: l _jl "e F,.(//} 26k 6 m

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                                         }} 4                         ys               -a s
                                                                         ) y \ y/ 3 ~{63A

[s 332 - \._.s , j _

                           ,l                                       y                f                    '6 A13 g,

56 k Y #I I( 35A29 &x s% d

                                                                                        - ~ - ~M          269 zuee                                               I      \/                           -

1 22Ak \ j

                                                                    \                                     2 USA 18A5 Item No/Part Nnme                     Item No /Part Nnme                      Item No./P1rt Name           i 8 - Shaft Sleeve                       35A2B - Cap Screws                      88 - StufHng box bushing 11 - Impeller and Shaft key            246B - Tab Washers                      363A - Gasket 82 - Lockscrew e                       22A4 - Impeller Locknut                (Casing - Stuffing box) 35A2A - Cap Screws                     18A5 - Tab Washer                       3 Impeller 66A3 - Studs                           10 -Impeller end of shaft               26A13 - Driv-loc pin 46A4 - Nuts                            62A3 - Studs                            363B - Gasket (Diffuser) 264 - StufEng Box Extensiou            172 - Supporting Head                   269 - Suction Ring 6 - Casing Ring                        38A4 - Nuts                             1 - Casing 332 - Casing Feet                      429 - Mechanical Seal                   246A - Impeller Washer 56 - Diffuser                          456 Ring APP [NDlX N PAGE 3                                                                    UPDATE REV. 021593


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45 SEAL RING ~ COM P. UNIT 6 " 0 " RING $ F o g [F a r- { Ia rf hf4, # C SPRINGS - 24 FLOATING DUSII. T. [ gZ j[ Ei 5 Ek

                                                                                                                         !. h [3 (g#         [ .Q-g       D   DRIVE PINS        C1 SPRINGS                               [       $hif                        l              g           pg 2       E   SPRING PINS       G GASIGT                                 "

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f. r g axxx F- 1  ! "r o =--;

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APPENDIX - N EOUIPMENT TROUBLESHOOTING DATA OT Auxiliary Building Elev. 40' - 0" Plant North

                 @ Com in.@                      @                    @                  @              @                @

Sorsy Contain. Pump Sorny g 33A

                               \  ,

lHS #17l HPSI Pump


s A lHS st sl

                                                                             ' \
                                                                                    ,               338        ,



Ucuff l sf6 no 1 on 5 2 W30A H31 1B ' 30B%

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                                                                    " ;m19 g17fp'                                      s eO O,g                                                                878 a
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                                                                                         ~\ N TexN Q                        -             -              .      ,,        # ..           .i         s              s lHS #18l                                      3* S Curo Cooling Weer lHS #15l .

Curb huipment Hotd up Tank Oram Tanks ram Chem. Dram Pumps Tant Pumps Coofing Water Hold up Tant Pumps O APPENDIX N PAGE 5 UPDATE REV. 021593

APPENDIX - N EOUIPMENT TROUBLESHOOTING DATA O Auxiliary Building h Elev. 51' - 6" Plant North - Cont. Soray Co n Soray Pumo Room lHS n1l 3e, 33Af/////V/// ml\ \ e A isSn:llg 338

                                                 \              \      /\              /        f/////////

O" E l vJp


m ___ j48

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p30Ai M ' EEE ao. g @ - WK 97A 311H aE$ yp[&- i " / "*' g no, f ca... s E2

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V lHS M0l Aux.$1am

                                            }                            Or ln                           Pa m Concensate                                           Room O.

g s: Tanks Pump ( Room l O APPENDIX N PAGE 6 UPDATE REV. 021593

APPENDIX - N EQUIPMENT TROUBLESHOOTING DATA O ELECTR0 HYDRAULIC CONTROL SYSTEM (CO) INITIAL CONDITION: The Control Oil (CO) skid is located under the high pressure turbine on the 100' elevation of the turbine building. It consists mainly of a large electro-hydraulic oil tank on top of which is located two (2) redundant Control Oil pumps. They take a suction on the tank and pump filtered oil to the Main Turbine Control and Intercept Valves. One (1) pump is adequate to supply the 1600 psig system. Downstream of each pump is a check valve. Downstream of each check-valve the piping combines to form a common header leading to a split piping manifold where each individual valve receives oil. While at full power conditions, the C0 Pump CON-P01A downstream Check Valve V208 bonnet fails. This causes an immediate sudden decrease in EHC fluid pressure, causing the standby CON-P01B Pump to automatically start on L0 system pressure. With both pumps now running, the system is pumped down to the LO-LO tank level in about one (1) minute, causing either the crew to manually trip the turbine or an automatic turbine trip to occur. ANTICIPATED RESPONSE: HI RCS pressure or HI LPD caused by the turbine trip will result in a reactor trip. The HI secondary pressure spike caused by the turbine trip will result in a main steam line break downstream of the Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs). , ESFAS actuations occurring will be an MSIS caused by the main steam line ' depressurization from the main steam line break and a SIAS/CIAS caused by the post-trip cooldown of the RCS brought about by the excess steam demand from the main steam line break. The crew should stabilize the plant in Mode 3'in about ten (10) minutes. A Notification of Unusual Event (NUE-Emergency Plan) will be declared by the Shift Supervisor and notifications will be made. No immediate maintenance follow-up is anticipated for the main steam line break or the Control Oil check valve problem. Due to the main steam line break, a 2-3 , month outage would be anticipated by everyone. O APPENDIX N PAGE 7 UPDATE REV. 041693

APPENDIX - N E0VIPMENT TROUBLESHOOTING DATA O Turbine Building g Elev.100' - 0" Plant North

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APPENDIX - N EQUIPMENT TROUBLESHOOTING DATA O HPSI M w -4" IHITIAL CONDITION: HPSI Pump "A" was among the equipment automatically started by the auto-initiated SIAS that occurred soon after the plant trip. About one (1) hour after its start, the pump starts spraying water (RWT source) profusely from both of its mechanical seals. Station Services personnel working in the area became sprayed down with RWT water, contaminating them to some degree. One of the persons later - slipped and fell, causing a back sprain. Radiation Protection personnel will handle the contaminated personnel release to the Site Medical facility. Operators may secure the "A" Train HPSI Pump due to its seal problems, as long as "B" HPSI Pump remains available for use. Gross combined seal leakage from the pump will be estimated by Engineering and Operations to be in the neighborhood of between 150 and 380 gallons per minute with the pump operating. Some time later, after the loss of PHB-M36 (MCC) and after a RAS actuation, operators will have no choice but to run the leaking "A" HPSI Pump. Because of this, Operations will not remove the pump from an availability status and Maintenance will not be allowed to repair the leaking seals on that pump. ANTICIPATED RESPONSE: No immediate maintenance follow-up is anticipated for the "A" Train HPSI Pump. It may be shut down by Operations for some time, but will later be required for core injection, as it will then be the only source of high pressure injection available. I O APPENDIX N PAGE 9 UPDATE REY. 041693

i APPENDIX - N E0VIPMENT TROUBLESHOOTING DATA O  ; Auxiliary Building Elev. 40' - 0" Plant North

                    @ em.,n.8                    @                      @               @               @               @

Scray Contain. Pump Soray lHS #18l Puma lHS#17l (HPSIPuma)

                                \              \                 A               \                               '/

g 33A , s Ucgy

                                                                 ,,                s                 338       ,

l e4Q no 1 on T LG1 18 30B % I s q7A x i@R30A m

                                              ;l ?; 1.

gi g :g i ;mm q :g* AMs 878 a

t. PSI '%gs Y ;Q% gg$fe b

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00 'Q ' M 2B /

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Suma ~ /

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                                 /r o /filiiUR lLca_rtpcr  l          //     EO               \@

Q - - i ,,

                                                                          ,, ,          .,           s


  • Curo Curb Cooling Water lHS #15l Eouipment Hold-up Tans Dram Tanns Chem. Dram rs n Pumps Tank Pumps Coofing Water Hold up Tank Pumps


APPENDIX - N EOUIPMENT TROUBLESHOOTING DATA r3 V Auxiliary Building Elev. 51' - 6" Plant North deT9 ED Pu$fS5 iHs nii ,o m \ 33Af/////V/// \ c A lHSn2l\ cg; r/ 338 F///////// O

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