MONTHYEARML20029C5751994-03-24024 March 1994 Submits Info Re GL 92-01,rev 1, Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity. Record Copy ML20054D0061982-04-15015 April 1982 Lists Actual Expenditures for Prof Effort & Contractual Support Sys from Filing to Withdrawal.Money Collected Should Be Put in Deferred Account Since Authority to Collect Fees for Withdrawn Applications Challenged ML20054D0081982-04-15015 April 1982 Advises of Costs Incurred in Review of Withdrawn Application ML20055A2751982-02-10010 February 1982 Forwards Info Re Current Status of Exemption Requests for Alert & Notification Sys ML20151H1561982-01-0505 January 1982 Advises of NRR Position Re Hydrogen Control Sys.No Suggestion Made That Analysis Provided by Util or Sys Installed at Plant Were Adequate or That No Further Work on Sys Needed or That Work Should Be Held in Abeyance ML20010H7411981-09-25025 September 1981 Advises That NRC Is Not Filing Response to Intervenors Contentions Re Emergency Planning & TMI-2 Issues ML20213D8121981-09-19019 September 1981 Advises of Div of Sys Integration Transfer of Mgt & Coordination Function for near-term CP-TMI Issues Review Group to Licensing Project Managers ML20030D2381981-08-28028 August 1981 Forwards NRC & Commonwealth of Ma 810820 Agreement, Inadvertently Omitted from NRC 810827 Motion for Protective Order ML20030C5511981-08-25025 August 1981 Forwards Bk Grimes Affidavit for Attachment to NRC 810824 Response to Commonwealth of Ma Second Set of Interrogatories.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010C1211981-08-14014 August 1981 Requests That ASLB Defer Any Ruling on NRC 810710 Motion for Protective Order & Commonwealth of Ma 810724 Response to Motion.Nrc & Commonwealth of Ma Are Consulting Informally Re Interrogatories & Document Requests ML20031F3231981-07-22022 July 1981 Summarizes 255th ACRS Meeting on 810709-11 in Washington,Dc Re Safety Research Program Budget for FY83,TMI-1 Restart, Rept on New Safety Concepts for Future Const,Subcommittee Activity & Future Schedule ML20009B5061981-07-15015 July 1981 Forwards ACRS Re Application of TMI-2 Action Plan to Facility ML20031E1711981-06-26026 June 1981 Forwards Table Depicting Comparability Check of 0-10 Mile Population Data Used in Alternative Site Study & Evacuation Study for Facility NUREG-0718, Forwards SER Suppl 6 Re NRC Evaluation of Util Compliance W/ TMI Lessons Learned Requirements.No Issues to Be Resolved Prior to CP Decision.W/O Encl1981-06-18018 June 1981 Forwards SER Suppl 6 Re NRC Evaluation of Util Compliance W/ TMI Lessons Learned Requirements.No Issues to Be Resolved Prior to CP Decision.W/O Encl ML20004C9141981-06-0404 June 1981 Forwards Suppl 5 to Facility Ser.W/O Encl ML20031E1681981-05-0707 May 1981 Forwards SER Input,Replacing Emergency Preparedness Development Branch 810506 Input.Util Has Committed to Provide Remote Display of Safety Parameter Display Console Variables in Technical Support Ctr ML19343D5221981-04-29029 April 1981 Forwards Draft Ltr Forwarding NRC Comments on Emergency Preparedness Program,Based on Review of PSAR Amends 40 & 41. Program Meets Requirements of Part II of App E to 10CFR50. Evacuation Time Estimate Needs Revision ML20031E1561981-04-22022 April 1981 Discusses Review of PSAR for Facility Re State & Local Plans.Licensee Must Expand Conditions on Which Predetermined Protective Action Will Be Recommended Offsite to Include plant-specific Conditions ML19345G9551981-04-22022 April 1981 Notification of 810420-24 Meetings W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Licensing Requirements Re TMI Lessons Learned ML19347E0351981-04-0909 April 1981 Discusses Safety Evaluation Schedule Re Util Submittal Responding to Proposed CP Rule on TMI Requirements. Evaluation of Technical Input Should Be Submitted to Div of Licensing by 810508 ML19345G4791981-04-0202 April 1981 Notification of 810408 Meeting W/Utils in Bethesda,Md to Discuss NRC Activities & Plans for Review of near-term CP Plants Considering Proposed Rule on Licensing Requirements for Pending CP & Mfg License Applications ML20003D6711981-03-23023 March 1981 Requests Confirmation of 810424 Amend 41 to Psar.Based on Util 810227 Memo,Understands Emergency Preparedness Licensing Branch Will Complete Review by 810424 ML20003C7171981-03-0202 March 1981 Requests Review of Population Data in App 13A of Amend 40 to Psar,Sumitted 801010.Review Should Determine If Data Provides Adequate Basis on Which Evacuation Time Estimates Can Be Developed ML19341C9111981-03-0202 March 1981 Responds to ASLB 810219 Order,Providing Dates to Assist in Devising Schedule.Nrc Will Complete Review of Applicant Proposed Emergency Plan by 810430.SER Suppl Re TMI-2 Related Issues Should Be Issued by Jul,1981 ML20031E1651981-02-27027 February 1981 Forwards Comments Re Amend 40 to PSAR for Facility.Fema Will Be Asked for Status Rept on State of Offsite Planning to Support NRC Testimony.Draft Transmittal Ltr to Licensee Encl ML20003C3751981-02-0909 February 1981 Forwards Projected Target Dates for Pending CP Applications. Schedule for CP Issuance Is Heavily Dependent on Scope of TMI-related Requirements ML20003C2001981-02-0404 February 1981 Notification of 810203 Meeting W/Utils in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Hydrogen Control & Associated Containment Pressures ML20083L3481980-12-31031 December 1980 Forwards Action Plan for Resolution of non-TMI Issues for Pending Cp/Mfg License Applications,Per Ofc of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Approach to Resumption of Licensing. Safety Evaluation Inputs Should Be Provided by 810601 ML20002B6861980-12-0404 December 1980 Responds to 800911 Memo Requesting That Ofc of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Inform Licensees of Need to Comply W/Revised Agreement State Burial Site Conditions.Forwards Results of IE Survey ML20002B7061980-11-0606 November 1980 Forwards Tabulation & Summary of IE Survey on Low Level Waste at 51 Reactors.Low Level Waste Storage Facilities Have Been Expanded at 37% of Reactors Surveyed w/71% Planning or Considering Increasing Storage Capacity ML19323J1711980-05-28028 May 1980 Requests Provision of Personnel for Field Survey Re Plant Breakwater Review.Low Tide on 800610 Will Allow Insp of Toe of Structure.Site Visit Necessary to Recommend Final Approval of Design & Placement ML19324A1001980-05-0606 May 1980 Discusses ACRS 800501-03 Meeting Re Review of near-term Cps. Urges That NRC Resources Be Made Available for Resolution of Action Plan Items & Policy Questions ML19323C4721980-05-0606 May 1980 NRC Is Examining Action Plan Items & Judging Applicability & Scheduling Which Leave Some Sites W/O Applicable Criteria ML20062H2961979-06-18018 June 1979 Forwards Stipulation by All Parties,Except Applicants, on Emergency Planning Contention.Applicant Position Re Contention Is Contained in Burt to Bh Smith ML20062G9911979-03-0101 March 1979 Forwards EA Licitra Affidavit Indicating That NRC Reconsideration of Reactor Safety Per Lewis Committee Recommendations Will Have No Impact on This Proceeding ML20147F2231978-12-11011 December 1978 Forwards from LP Downing,Town Clerk of Provincetown,Ma.Requests That Ltr Be Considered as a Limited Appearance Under 10CFR2.715 ML20147C7621978-11-22022 November 1978 Forwards Recent Memo Discussing Problems W/Pipe Support Base Plant Design Applicable to Subj Facil.W/Encl ANO: 7811020332,7811020343 & 7811020336 ML20204C6861978-11-0909 November 1978 Responds to 781106 Request for Info Concerning Licensee Reg Performance Eval for Region 1 Plants by Nrc.Provides Details ML20148E9781978-10-25025 October 1978 Forwards 780929 Memo Re Recent Fire Protection Tests Performed by Ul for NRC ML19322D2421978-03-28028 March 1978 Forwards List of Facilities That Div of Operating Reactors Will Include in Scope of Responsibility Re Implementation of New Regulatory Requirements.Also Forwards List of Replies Due by 780615,0815,1015 & 1215, & Sample Ltr ML19326A4241971-01-0808 January 1971 Forwards Current Checklists for Facilities W/Cp Applications Filed by 701217.Lists Facilities Named in 701229 Fr Notice for Intervenors Seeking Antitrust Review in CP Proceedings 1994-03-24
MONTHYEARML20029C5751994-03-24024 March 1994 Submits Info Re GL 92-01,rev 1, Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity. Record Copy ML20054D0061982-04-15015 April 1982 Lists Actual Expenditures for Prof Effort & Contractual Support Sys from Filing to Withdrawal.Money Collected Should Be Put in Deferred Account Since Authority to Collect Fees for Withdrawn Applications Challenged ML20054D0081982-04-15015 April 1982 Advises of Costs Incurred in Review of Withdrawn Application ML20055A2751982-02-10010 February 1982 Forwards Info Re Current Status of Exemption Requests for Alert & Notification Sys ML20151H1561982-01-0505 January 1982 Advises of NRR Position Re Hydrogen Control Sys.No Suggestion Made That Analysis Provided by Util or Sys Installed at Plant Were Adequate or That No Further Work on Sys Needed or That Work Should Be Held in Abeyance ML20010H7411981-09-25025 September 1981 Advises That NRC Is Not Filing Response to Intervenors Contentions Re Emergency Planning & TMI-2 Issues ML20213D8121981-09-19019 September 1981 Advises of Div of Sys Integration Transfer of Mgt & Coordination Function for near-term CP-TMI Issues Review Group to Licensing Project Managers ML20030D2381981-08-28028 August 1981 Forwards NRC & Commonwealth of Ma 810820 Agreement, Inadvertently Omitted from NRC 810827 Motion for Protective Order ML20030C5511981-08-25025 August 1981 Forwards Bk Grimes Affidavit for Attachment to NRC 810824 Response to Commonwealth of Ma Second Set of Interrogatories.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010C1211981-08-14014 August 1981 Requests That ASLB Defer Any Ruling on NRC 810710 Motion for Protective Order & Commonwealth of Ma 810724 Response to Motion.Nrc & Commonwealth of Ma Are Consulting Informally Re Interrogatories & Document Requests ML20031F3231981-07-22022 July 1981 Summarizes 255th ACRS Meeting on 810709-11 in Washington,Dc Re Safety Research Program Budget for FY83,TMI-1 Restart, Rept on New Safety Concepts for Future Const,Subcommittee Activity & Future Schedule ML20009B5061981-07-15015 July 1981 Forwards ACRS Re Application of TMI-2 Action Plan to Facility ML20031E1711981-06-26026 June 1981 Forwards Table Depicting Comparability Check of 0-10 Mile Population Data Used in Alternative Site Study & Evacuation Study for Facility NUREG-0718, Forwards SER Suppl 6 Re NRC Evaluation of Util Compliance W/ TMI Lessons Learned Requirements.No Issues to Be Resolved Prior to CP Decision.W/O Encl1981-06-18018 June 1981 Forwards SER Suppl 6 Re NRC Evaluation of Util Compliance W/ TMI Lessons Learned Requirements.No Issues to Be Resolved Prior to CP Decision.W/O Encl ML20004C9141981-06-0404 June 1981 Forwards Suppl 5 to Facility Ser.W/O Encl ML20031E1681981-05-0707 May 1981 Forwards SER Input,Replacing Emergency Preparedness Development Branch 810506 Input.Util Has Committed to Provide Remote Display of Safety Parameter Display Console Variables in Technical Support Ctr ML19343D5221981-04-29029 April 1981 Forwards Draft Ltr Forwarding NRC Comments on Emergency Preparedness Program,Based on Review of PSAR Amends 40 & 41. Program Meets Requirements of Part II of App E to 10CFR50. Evacuation Time Estimate Needs Revision ML20031E1561981-04-22022 April 1981 Discusses Review of PSAR for Facility Re State & Local Plans.Licensee Must Expand Conditions on Which Predetermined Protective Action Will Be Recommended Offsite to Include plant-specific Conditions ML19345G9551981-04-22022 April 1981 Notification of 810420-24 Meetings W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Licensing Requirements Re TMI Lessons Learned ML19347E0351981-04-0909 April 1981 Discusses Safety Evaluation Schedule Re Util Submittal Responding to Proposed CP Rule on TMI Requirements. Evaluation of Technical Input Should Be Submitted to Div of Licensing by 810508 ML19345G4791981-04-0202 April 1981 Notification of 810408 Meeting W/Utils in Bethesda,Md to Discuss NRC Activities & Plans for Review of near-term CP Plants Considering Proposed Rule on Licensing Requirements for Pending CP & Mfg License Applications ML20003D6711981-03-23023 March 1981 Requests Confirmation of 810424 Amend 41 to Psar.Based on Util 810227 Memo,Understands Emergency Preparedness Licensing Branch Will Complete Review by 810424 ML20003C7171981-03-0202 March 1981 Requests Review of Population Data in App 13A of Amend 40 to Psar,Sumitted 801010.Review Should Determine If Data Provides Adequate Basis on Which Evacuation Time Estimates Can Be Developed ML19341C9111981-03-0202 March 1981 Responds to ASLB 810219 Order,Providing Dates to Assist in Devising Schedule.Nrc Will Complete Review of Applicant Proposed Emergency Plan by 810430.SER Suppl Re TMI-2 Related Issues Should Be Issued by Jul,1981 ML20031E1651981-02-27027 February 1981 Forwards Comments Re Amend 40 to PSAR for Facility.Fema Will Be Asked for Status Rept on State of Offsite Planning to Support NRC Testimony.Draft Transmittal Ltr to Licensee Encl ML20003C3751981-02-0909 February 1981 Forwards Projected Target Dates for Pending CP Applications. Schedule for CP Issuance Is Heavily Dependent on Scope of TMI-related Requirements ML20003C2001981-02-0404 February 1981 Notification of 810203 Meeting W/Utils in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Hydrogen Control & Associated Containment Pressures ML20083L3481980-12-31031 December 1980 Forwards Action Plan for Resolution of non-TMI Issues for Pending Cp/Mfg License Applications,Per Ofc of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Approach to Resumption of Licensing. Safety Evaluation Inputs Should Be Provided by 810601 ML20002B6861980-12-0404 December 1980 Responds to 800911 Memo Requesting That Ofc of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Inform Licensees of Need to Comply W/Revised Agreement State Burial Site Conditions.Forwards Results of IE Survey ML20002B7061980-11-0606 November 1980 Forwards Tabulation & Summary of IE Survey on Low Level Waste at 51 Reactors.Low Level Waste Storage Facilities Have Been Expanded at 37% of Reactors Surveyed w/71% Planning or Considering Increasing Storage Capacity ML19323J1711980-05-28028 May 1980 Requests Provision of Personnel for Field Survey Re Plant Breakwater Review.Low Tide on 800610 Will Allow Insp of Toe of Structure.Site Visit Necessary to Recommend Final Approval of Design & Placement ML19324A1001980-05-0606 May 1980 Discusses ACRS 800501-03 Meeting Re Review of near-term Cps. Urges That NRC Resources Be Made Available for Resolution of Action Plan Items & Policy Questions ML19323C4721980-05-0606 May 1980 NRC Is Examining Action Plan Items & Judging Applicability & Scheduling Which Leave Some Sites W/O Applicable Criteria ML20062H2961979-06-18018 June 1979 Forwards Stipulation by All Parties,Except Applicants, on Emergency Planning Contention.Applicant Position Re Contention Is Contained in Burt to Bh Smith ML20062G9911979-03-0101 March 1979 Forwards EA Licitra Affidavit Indicating That NRC Reconsideration of Reactor Safety Per Lewis Committee Recommendations Will Have No Impact on This Proceeding ML20147F2231978-12-11011 December 1978 Forwards from LP Downing,Town Clerk of Provincetown,Ma.Requests That Ltr Be Considered as a Limited Appearance Under 10CFR2.715 ML20147C7621978-11-22022 November 1978 Forwards Recent Memo Discussing Problems W/Pipe Support Base Plant Design Applicable to Subj Facil.W/Encl ANO: 7811020332,7811020343 & 7811020336 ML20204C6861978-11-0909 November 1978 Responds to 781106 Request for Info Concerning Licensee Reg Performance Eval for Region 1 Plants by Nrc.Provides Details ML20148E9781978-10-25025 October 1978 Forwards 780929 Memo Re Recent Fire Protection Tests Performed by Ul for NRC ML19322D2421978-03-28028 March 1978 Forwards List of Facilities That Div of Operating Reactors Will Include in Scope of Responsibility Re Implementation of New Regulatory Requirements.Also Forwards List of Replies Due by 780615,0815,1015 & 1215, & Sample Ltr ML19326A4241971-01-0808 January 1971 Forwards Current Checklists for Facilities W/Cp Applications Filed by 701217.Lists Facilities Named in 701229 Fr Notice for Intervenors Seeking Antitrust Review in CP Proceedings 1994-03-24
[Table view] |
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CRVan Niel dP bgt,p SSchwartz ft BKCrimes FPagano EDDRANDUM FOR Frank Miraglia, Acting Chief SWelch Licensing Branch #3 -
All Tuam Leaders
Division of' Licensing, NRR Frank G. Pagano, Chief FROM Emergency Preparedness Licensing Branch Division of Emergency Proparedness, I&E COISIENTS ON PILGRIM STATION UNIT 22, PSAR, Al'END!ENT 40
We have completed our initial review of the subject document against Within 30 days after re-the requirement of 10 CFR 50, Appendix E.
ceiving licensco's response vs will provids our evaluation report on the adequacy of the onsite emergency preparedness.
While we do not believe that a statutory or regulation requirement exists for the NRC to consult with FCIA or rely on their findings for CP issuance, we believe it would be appropriate to support NRC staff testimony by asking FE!A for a status report on the state of offsite planning fc,r Pilgrim 2.
We vill make our request of FEMA shortly.
A draft transmittal Picase transmit the enclosed cors ents to the licensee.
letrer is enclosed for your consideration.
If you have any questions, piense contact Tom McKenna (492-7939).
Frank G. Pagano, Chief Energency Preparedness Licensing Branch Divis*on of Emergency Preparedness, I&E
Con =aents on Pilgrim Station Unit #2, PSAR, Amendma'st 40 P aft Letter l
8110150163 910827 PDR FOIA SHOTWE1.91-283 PDR
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CRVan Niel/es TPagano, '. ' SSchwartz nme 2
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DRAFT Docket No. 50-471
- ==
We have completed our review of the Pilgrim Unit 2 PSAR Amendment 40, dated October 10, 1980 against the requirements of 10 CFR 50..
Please recall that these comments were informally discussed with members of your staff and a draft copy was furnished to you in late December 1980.
Our review has indicated that additional informatTonand commitments are required before we conclude the PSAR meets the requirements.
Enclosed are our comments for which resolution is necessary. An amend-ment to the PSAR which addresses these counnents should be submitted by l
l l
l l
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PSAR SECTION COWINT Discuss how sufficient onsite emergency personnel and aug-mentation capability will be provided in acebrdance with the requirements of NUREG-0654, Table B-1.
Figure 13.3-4 Show the interface with Federal, State and local response l
I 13.3.2 The principal Rhode Island State office or agency with responsibility for ingestion pathway protective actions must be identified and an agreement providing for noti-fication criteria, protective action criteria and estab-lishment of notification system provided. Reclass'.fy, events involving offsite treatment or transpor-tation of contaminated injured persons as unusual events.
~; Letters of agreement or State and loca.1 plans that provide; for " prompt" (15 minute) protective action decision-making l on a 24-hour basis by offsite agencies must be provided.
This must include a description of the decision-making chain, times required, and provisions for 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> avail-ability of decision-makers and communications. Backup com-munications not vulnerable to loss of normal power or over-load by public use must also be provided to each individual in the decision-making process (see NUREC-0654, Appendix 3).
Describe in general the system proposed to alert and provide an information message to the plume EPZ public within 15 minutes in accordance with NUREG-0654, Appendix 3.
Pro-visions for special instructions to special populations (e.g.
schools) should be discussed along with provisions for summer beach and boat populations. Commft to develop EALs in accordance with NUREG-0654, l
Criterion I.1 and Appendix 1.
The EAL recegnition methodology,
for site and general emergencies must not include performance t
l of any calculations, personnel actions, etc., that can not be completed in*15 Binutes during the backshift.
l' l
l i
l l
PSAR SECTION COMMENT, Describe the methodology used to determine the protective action' recommended offsite to include:
Development of EALs corresponding to plant conditions (core, containment, ESF),
Use of evacuation time estimates for conditions at the time of the accident and for special populations, 3.
Use of the protection factors for homes, schools, etc.,
Consideration of special populations and facilities, and 5.
Consideration or EPA, PACS.
The State and local protective action decision-makers must agree in principle to rely on information provided by the site for determination of minimum initial offsite response.
Provide the protection assumed to be provided by local homes, schools, places of work, etc. in accordance with NUREC-0654, Criterion J.10.m. Commit to develop a method to account for site personnel within 30 minutes. Describe the provisions for the devel pment of specific criteria (action Icvels) to b'e used to implement onsite protective measures.
Discuss the need and provisions for onsite corrective actions under accident conditions. Describe the provisions to have each onsite individual who may be required to perform a task crucial to impicmentation of the emergency plan demonstrate annually their ability to perform these tasks. Describe how real time dose projections will be provided using the instruments required by Reg. Guide 1.97. Describe the provisions to provide protective action inf$rmation to the public in accordance with NUREG-0654, Criterion G.I.
Describe how information will be provided to transient populations such as boaters and beachgoers.
(See NUREC-0654, criterion G.2.
O PSAR SECTION COMMENT Provide the location and preliminary information on the emergency response facilities and data systems in enough detail to demonstrate that they will provide an adequate basis for identifying the seriousness and potential scope of emergency situations, for assessment of information, and recommendations for protective actions and disseminating information to the public. Relate your response to the guidance provided in NUREG-0696. Communications with the State organizations within the in-gestion EPZ uust be tested quarterly and monthly communica-tions drills must be conducted with the monitoring teams and emergency centers. Revise the general description of the dose projections methodology to conform to NUREG-0654, Appendix 2.
This description should include the cencepts of the Class A model, incorporating site specific conditions and a meteor-ological measurement system as described in proposed Revision 1 to Reg. Guide 1.23.
Figure 13.3-1; Provide a map showing the plume EPZ in sufficient detail to Appendix 13.A, define the boundaries of the zone, hospitals, relocation centers and special populations in accordance with NUREG-0654, Appendix 4.
Appendix 13.A.
Describe in more detail the process used to obtain the comments Section 1 from local town officials and the current status of this effort.
Letters should be included from the towns contacted cu=mariz-ing their comments.
r Appendix 13A, Discuss the use of alternative protective actions at specisi Section 6.1 facilities. This should include the shelter factors assumed, evacuation times for those facilities and a discussion of how the protective measures to be recommended for these facilities will be determined (see comment on Section
Nursing homes, schools and camps should be considered as j
special facilities.
Appendix 13.A.
Include consideration of the effects of " spontaneous" evacuation of people from Cape Cod when calculating the Section 6.4 l
" Case 6" evacuation times. Two evacuation routes terminate l
(Nodes 800 and 801) in the area of the Sagambre Bridge Circle and the evacuation study should be expanded to determine the time requircJ to evacuate those people down Route 6A.
7 Discuss how access to Route 3 was modeled (No nodes are shown).
PSAR SECTION COMMENT Appendix 13.A Provide the basis for the automobile occupancy factors.
B.3 Appendix 13.A.
Provide the Roadway characteristics as described in Section 3.2 NUREC-0654, Appendix 4-III B (pg. 4-6).
Appendix 13.A, Provide a further description of tha algorithm used in Annex A the Model. Describe how highway capacity was determined and how the dynamic route loading is conducted.
Appendix 13.A.
Discuss esticated evacuation time for the public thao Section 5 must use public transportation in accordance with NUREG-0654, page 4-9. Provide the proposed location (show relation to emergcncy centers) and physical layout of the first aid and per-sonnel decontamination facilities. Provide a more detailed list of the State and local support agencies to be invited to onsite training.
Provide for training of these personnel on the functions they may be required to perform or condi-tion they may encounter onsite that are not part of their normal (offsite) duties / training. Describe the proposed length of this training and type.