MONTHYEARML20217A2951990-10-23023 October 1990 Mod 13,extending Period of Performance Through 901031,to Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20043E4761990-06-0404 June 1990 Mod 11,raising Contract Ceiling & Premium Overtime Ceiling & Adding NRC & Foreign Funds,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20042D4341990-01-0202 January 1990 Mod 10,raising Contract & Premium Overtime Ceiling,Adding Foreign Funds & Changing NRC Project Officer,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML19332F6901989-11-28028 November 1989 Mod 9,adding Work,Raising Ceiling & Extending Period of Performance,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML19332C8921989-11-17017 November 1989 Mod 8,providing Incremental Funding,Specifying Funding from Industrial & Intl Participants & Approving Purchase of Tools & Spare Parts,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20247P6441989-06-27027 June 1989 Mod 6,revising Statement of Work & Provisional Indirect Rates for CY89 & Increasing Total Estimated Amount of Contract,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20246J9441989-05-0505 May 1989 Mod 5,providing Incremental Funding,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20154M0101988-09-20020 September 1988 Mod 3,providing Incremental Funding,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20154C4431988-04-28028 April 1988 Mod 2,providing Incremental Funding,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20151E1451988-03-31031 March 1988 Mod 1,providing Incremental Funds,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20149D7681988-01-15015 January 1988 Contract: Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head, Awarded to MPR Assoc,Inc ML20209H0671987-04-23023 April 1987 Mod 1,extending Contract Completion Date to 870530 & Modifying NRC Billing Address,To Correlation of Radioiodine Resuspension W/Temp at TMI-2 ML20137Z0361985-09-30030 September 1985 Contract: Correlation of Radioiodine Resuspension W/Temp at TMI-2, Awarded to Daniel & Assoc,Inc ML20128K0421985-07-11011 July 1985 Mod 4,deobligating Unliquidated Balance Remaining Under Contract,To Psychological Stress Generally & Psychological Stress in Vicinity of Tmi ML20028F5401983-01-11011 January 1983 Mod 1,modifying Statement of Work,Increasing Estimated Total Amount of Contract & Extending Period of Performance to 830228,to TMI-2 Fire Protection Evaluation ML20028E5671982-12-28028 December 1982 Mod 5,extending Period of Performance to 830131,to Reanalysis of Existing Data from Telephone Surveys Re Tmi ML20027C9081982-09-30030 September 1982 Mod 3,extending Period of Performance to 830131,revising Billing Instruction Info & Substituting Manual Chapter 3202, to Environ Assessment of Low Level Waste Storage at PA Power & Light Co,Susquehanna Steam Electric Station ML20023A6921982-09-29029 September 1982 Contract: TMI-2 Fire Protection Evaluation, Awarded to Rolf Jensen & Associates,Inc ML20054M8651982-06-23023 June 1982 Mod 2,modifying Project Officer,To Reanalysis of Existing Data from Telephone Survey Concerning Tmi ML20054L4131982-06-0404 June 1982 Mod 1,modifying Article V,Billing Instructions,To Reanalysis of Existing Data from Telephone Surveys Concerning Tmi ML20054J1161982-05-21021 May 1982 Mod 3,incorporating RW Perry as Participant in 820204-05 Workshop,To Psychological Stress Generally & Psychological Stress in Vicinity of Tmi ML20053E4971982-05-0606 May 1982 Mod 2,incorporating RW Perry as Participant in 820204-05 Workshop,To Psychological Stress Generally & Psychological Stress in Vicinity of Tmi ML20042B1771982-03-0505 March 1982 Contract: Psychological Stress Generally & Psychological Stress in Vicinity of TMI, Awarded to Mitre Corp ML20041G2651982-03-0505 March 1982 Mod 1,modifying Effective Date to 820114 & Amending Article V, to Psychological Stress Generally & Psychological Stress in Vicinity of Tmi ML20040F7101982-01-13013 January 1982 Mod 4,deobligating Remaing Funds,To Furnishing for ASLB TMI-1 Restart Hearing ML20039H0511982-01-0606 January 1982 Mod 3,extending Period of Performance to 811231,to Psychological Stress Response to Venting at Tmi ML20040C0321981-12-21021 December 1981 Contract: Technical,Economic & Regulatory Evaluation of TMI-2 Processed Water Disposal Alternatives Awarded to Waste Mgt Group,Inc ML20010H0301981-09-0909 September 1981 Mod 1,deobligating Funds,To Effects of TMI Nuclear Power Plant Accident on Residential Property Value ML20030E0871981-09-0808 September 1981 Mod 4,adding TLD Monitoring,Changing Consideration & Statement of Work & Increasing Amount of Contract,To Environ Monitoring Program W/Commonwealth of Pa ML20031A6021981-08-26026 August 1981 Mod 1,definitizing Total Amount of Funds Allocated to Environ Assessment of Low Level Waste Storage at PA Power & Light Co-Susquehanna Steam Electric Station ML20010H0941981-08-24024 August 1981 Mod 1,designating Dr Muller as Project Officer,To Analysis & Testimony on Const Estimate Reasonableness - TMI-1 Restart ML20030B8311981-08-10010 August 1981 Contract: Clinical Response to Chronic Stress at TMI, Awarded to Uniformed Svcs Univ of Health Sciences ML20009F3261981-07-22022 July 1981 Contract: Technical Evaluation of Proposed Submerged Demineralizer Sys at TMI-2 Awarded to Waste Mgt Group,Inc ML20004D2341981-05-27027 May 1981 Mod 3,exercising Option to Extend Rental Period of Groups A-D & Increasing Total Amount of Contract,To Furnishing for Aslab TMI-1 Restart Hearing ML20126M7801981-05-22022 May 1981 Contract:Environ Assessment of Low Level Waste Storage at PA Power & Light Co - Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Awarded to Science Applications,Inc ML20008F5141981-03-31031 March 1981 Mod 5,limiting Cost,To Human Factors Evaluation of Control Room Design & Operator Performance at TMI-2 ML20003D5051981-03-17017 March 1981 Mod 1,reducing Total Amount of Contract,To Provision of Technical Assistance to Assess Psychological Stress Re Decontamination & Disposal of Radwastes at TMI Unit 2 ML19341C9501981-02-26026 February 1981 Mod 2,exercising Option to Extend Rental Period of Groups A,B & D & Increasing Total Amount of Contract,To Furnishings for ASLB TMI-1 Restart Hearing ML19341A7011980-12-30030 December 1980 Contract: Provision of Technical Assistance to Assess Psychological Stress Re Decontamination & Decontamination & Disposal of Radwastes at TMI-2. Awarded to Human Design Group ML19351F2721980-12-19019 December 1980 Mod 1,extending Monthly Rental for Groups A,B & D Through 810331,to Furnishings for ASLB TMI-1 Restart Hearing ML19340E2611980-11-28028 November 1980 Mod 1,extending Contract Period Through 810115 W/No Addl Funding Required,To Psychological Stress Response to Venting at Tmi ML20148D9801980-09-26026 September 1980 Contract:Furnishings for ASLB TMI-1 Restart Hearing, Awarded to Cole & Co ML19290E0621980-02-11011 February 1980 Mod 2,increasing Funds,To Human Factors Evaluation of Control Room Design & Operator Performance at TMI-2 ML20148B2191979-12-27027 December 1979 Mod 1,extending Period of Performance to 801231 & Adding Task D,Final Rept Clarification,To Human Factors Evaluation of Control Room Design & Operator Performance at TMI-2 ML19224C1001979-06-20020 June 1979 Mod 1,revising Accounting & Appropriation Data to NRC-17-79-451.Contract Number Is Hereafter Changed to NRC-10-79-659 ML19308C2101978-05-11011 May 1978 Mod 06,adding Addl Task to Contract: Study of Control & Communications to Support Incident Mgt 1990-06-04
MONTHYEARML20206D3411999-12-31031 December 1999 Suppl Technical Evaluation Rept Based on Review of Addl Responses & Site Audit of Individual Plant Exam of External Events at Susquehanna Steam Electric Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20217F8551999-10-0707 October 1999 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting Period 990828-0924 ML20216G4521999-09-0909 September 1999 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting Period 990731-0827 ML20210G9651999-07-15015 July 1999 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting period,990605-0702 ML20209F2701999-07-0909 July 1999 Review of Submittal in Response to NRC GL 88-20,Suppl 4: IPEEEs Fire Submittal Screening Review Technical Evaluation Rept:Three Mile Island,Unit 1,Rev 2,980909 ML20196D2611999-06-17017 June 1999 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting period,990508-0604 ML20206J0871999-04-22022 April 1999 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting Period 990313-0409 ML20196K5981999-03-26026 March 1999 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting period,990213-0312 ML20207F2271999-02-26026 February 1999 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting Period 990116-0212 ML20202H3281999-01-28028 January 1999 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA for Fiscal Reporting Period,981219-990115 ML20199G3281999-01-0707 January 1999 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting period,981121-1218 ML20197G6491998-12-0404 December 1998 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting period,981024-1120 ML20195E7871998-11-0505 November 1998 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting period,980926-1023 ML20154R5401998-10-0909 October 1998 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA for Fiscal Reporting Period of 980829-0925 ML20237B7721998-08-14014 August 1998 CNWRA Program Managers Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting Period 980704-31 ML17164A6901998-07-31031 July 1998 Site Audit Rept for Step 2 Review of IPEEE at Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Units 1 & 2. Site Audit Plan, Jul 1998 ML20249C5191998-06-19019 June 1998 CNWRA Program Managers Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting Period 980509-0605 ML20236S2741998-06-16016 June 1998 CNWRA Program Managers Periodic Rept on Activities,For Fiscal Reporting Period 980606-0703 ML18026A2931998-02-28028 February 1998 Technical Evaluation Rept on Submittal Only Review of IPEEE at Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Units 1 & 2. Final Rept,Feb 1998 ML20206D4251998-02-26026 February 1998 Rev 0 to Ltr Rept, Technical Review of Gpu Nuclear Three Mile Island Unit 1 Cable Functionality Assessments ML20196K3621998-01-0606 January 1998 Rev 0 to Final Technical Evaluation of Three Mile Island Unit 1 Fire Barrier Ampacity Derating Assessments & RAI Responses ML20140G5041997-04-10010 April 1997 Ltr Rept,Rev 0, Technical Evaluation of Three Mile Island Unit 1 Fire Barrier Ampacity Derating Assessments ML20212F1921997-03-31031 March 1997 Rev 1 to, Review & Evaluation of PP&L Fire Protection Review Rept,Rev 4 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Safe Shutdown Capability-10CFR50,App R, Post-Fire Safe Shutdown Methodology & Analysis of Associated Circuits ML20138G3461996-05-10010 May 1996 Technical Evaluation Rept of IPE Submittal & RAI Responses for Three Mile Island,Unit 1 ML18026A2741995-10-31031 October 1995 Technical Evaluation Rept on Second 10-Yr ISI Program Plan for Units 1 & 2. ML20080L6861995-02-28028 February 1995 Technical Evaluation Rept:Pp&L,Susquehanna Steam Electric Station,Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program,Rev 10,Unit 1 Second 10-Yr Interval,Rev 7,Unit 2 Second 10-Yr Interval ML20134G4491995-02-28028 February 1995 Exam of Bolt W/Boric Acid Attack from Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station ML20072N7101994-08-31031 August 1994 Lessons Learned from the Three Mile ISLAND-UNIT 2 Advisory Panel ML20072D9541994-07-31031 July 1994 Peer Review of the TMI-2 Vessel Investigation Project Metallurgical Examinations ML20070N3061994-03-31031 March 1994 TMI-2 Instrument Nozzle Examinations at Argonne National Laboratory.February 1991 - June 1993 ML20065B3251994-03-31031 March 1994 TMI-2 Instrument Nozzle Examinations Performed at the Inel ML20070M9621994-03-31031 March 1994 Results of Mechanical Tests and Supplementary Microstructural Examinations of the TMI-2 Lower Head Samples ML20070N3161994-03-31031 March 1994 TMI-2 Vessel Investigation Project Integration Report ML20059F1221994-01-30030 January 1994 Lessons Learned from TMI-2 Advisory Panel, Draft Rept for Jan 1994 ML20058F6791993-10-31031 October 1993 Calculations to Estimate Margin to Failure in TMI-2 Vessel ML20058F6911993-10-31031 October 1993 TMI-2 Vessel Investigation Project Integration Rept ML20058F6631993-06-30030 June 1993 Results of Mechanical Tests & Supplementary Microstructural Exams of TMI-2 Lower Head Samples ML20034G9021993-02-28028 February 1993 RISK-BASED Inspection Guide for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1 ML20058F6721993-02-28028 February 1993 TMI-2 Intrument Nozzle Exams at Argonne Natl Lab ML20034D4431992-07-22022 July 1992 Revised,Final Technical Evaluation Rept Review of Rev 4 to Fire Protection Review Rept for Susquehanna Steam Electric Station ML20115D9621992-05-31031 May 1992 Technical Evaluation Rept on Second 10 Yr Interval ISI Program Plan:Gpu Nuclear Corp,Tmi Nuclear Station,Unit 1, Docket 50-289 ML20091J1151991-10-0101 October 1991 Final Technical Evaluation Rept,Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Units 1 & 2,Station Blackout Evaluation ML20082Q8271991-08-31031 August 1991 Evaluation of 9 by 9 Fuel Impact on Stability of Susquehanna-2 at End of Cycle 4 ML20028H2861990-11-30030 November 1990 TMI-2 Vessel Investigation Project (VIP) Metallurgical Program.Progress Report,October 1989 - June 1990 ML20062G6971990-11-16016 November 1990 Notification of Contract Execution,Task Order 13,to Electrical Distribution Functional Insp, Awarded to Aecl Technologies ML20217A2831990-10-23023 October 1990 Notification of Contract Execution,Mod 13,to Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head. Contractor:Mpr Assoc ML20217A2951990-10-23023 October 1990 Mod 13,extending Period of Performance Through 901031,to Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20043E4761990-06-0404 June 1990 Mod 11,raising Contract Ceiling & Premium Overtime Ceiling & Adding NRC & Foreign Funds,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20056A6811990-03-31031 March 1990 TMI-2 Vessel Investigation Project (VIP) Metallurgical Program.Progress Report,January-September 1989 ML20042D4321990-01-0202 January 1990 Notification of Contract Execution,Mod 10,to Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head. Contractor:Mpr Assoc,Inc 1999-09-09
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- 12. OtsCalPTPON OF AME ND! lNT / MODIFICAllON The purpose of this modification is to provide fo-the addition of TLD monitoring around the Susquehanna Station and the Three Mile Island Statinn under this Cooperative Agreement effective July 1,1981.
Accordingly, the following changes are made:
Article V - Consideration and Pay _ ment, Paragraph A, Consideration, the following changes are made:
Subparagraph 1. is deleted in its entirety and the following new subparagraph 1. is substituted in lieu thereof:
The Commission will provide funds, subject to the availability of appro-priation, to the State in the amount g..,_,. m.. wl....a..a....
.a w.4
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i3 NAaaf AND TITLE OF 51GNf 6 (Typ,.r fer.1) 1.. DAIE SIGNED
- 18. NAME OF CONTR ACTING OFFICE 8 ( I,pr er f r,.sj 1,
DATE SIGN [D Thomas M. Gecusky, Director Kellogg V. Morton Bur;au of RadiaHm. r>*': tion 8-31-81
((T v (
- c. n 8109170407 810908 30-101 PDR CONTR
_g g gg-17jL._ PDR e u.s apo isriu> sis.ts3.sies 7
I Contract No. NRC-05-80-272 i,,.
Paga 2 cf 2
'd of- $104,800.00 during the three (3) year period of performance.
The-rate of payment to-the State will be as follows:
CY 1980
.$7,200.00 per site, per year /
environmental media program CY 1980 - $150.00 per site, per year /
TLD program CY 1981 - $7,900.00 per site, per year / -
environmental media program CY.1981 - $1,100.00 per site, per year /
TLD program CY 1982 - $8,700.00 per site, per year /
environmental media program CY 1982 - $1,200.00 per site, per year /
TLD program B.
Subparagraph 3., as modified, is deleted in its entirety and the following new subparagraph 3. is substituted in lieu thereof:
'The amount obligated by the Commission in this Modification No. 4 is $1,100.00.
The total amount obligated by the Commission under this Cooperative Agreement since its inception is
Attachment A, Statement of Work, the following changes are made:
Paragraph II, General Requirements, Paragraph B is changed to include the follotting site:
"Susquehanna Steam Electric Station" III. The contract amount is hereby increased by $3,500.00 form $101,300.00 to
$104,600.00 by reason of this Hodification No. 4.
4 4
o 4
W Exp0sure Pathway.
~ Number of Samples Sampling and Type of Frequency l
and/or Samele and Lncation Collection Frequency of Analysis Feod Products
Two samples split with' licensee, At time of harvest.
Ganna isotop'ic 'on edible of principal food products grown portion.- Radiciodine near point having the highest X/Q analysis on green leafyf or from.any area which is irrigated
' vegetable.
by water in which liquid plant
. wastes have been discharged or green leafy vegetables at a private garden or farm in the immediate 4
area.of the plant.
Sediment from One sample split with licensee.
Gamma isotopic _ analysis.
Shoreline TLU-Direct I.
TLD badges in 16 sectors Quarterly.
Analyses to be perforned
' Radiation
.around plant site at two by Commission.
distances from. site boundary:
Beaver Valley
- 1) Site boundary out to 1 mile Peach Bottom
- 2) Two (2) to 4 miles from
. site boundary.
Population centers within 10 miles.
t Susquehanna c.
Maximum exposed residences
.within 3 miles, d.
High public interest sites within 5 miles e.
BackgroundJcontrol site (3) greater than 15 miles from plant.
TMI II. a.
TLD badges at 60 existing Quarterly.
Analyses to be performed stations.
by Commission.