MONTHYEARML20217A2951990-10-23023 October 1990 Mod 13,extending Period of Performance Through 901031,to Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20043E4761990-06-0404 June 1990 Mod 11,raising Contract Ceiling & Premium Overtime Ceiling & Adding NRC & Foreign Funds,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20042D4341990-01-0202 January 1990 Mod 10,raising Contract & Premium Overtime Ceiling,Adding Foreign Funds & Changing NRC Project Officer,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML19332F6901989-11-28028 November 1989 Mod 9,adding Work,Raising Ceiling & Extending Period of Performance,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML19332C8921989-11-17017 November 1989 Mod 8,providing Incremental Funding,Specifying Funding from Industrial & Intl Participants & Approving Purchase of Tools & Spare Parts,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20247P6441989-06-27027 June 1989 Mod 6,revising Statement of Work & Provisional Indirect Rates for CY89 & Increasing Total Estimated Amount of Contract,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20246J9441989-05-0505 May 1989 Mod 5,providing Incremental Funding,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20154M0101988-09-20020 September 1988 Mod 3,providing Incremental Funding,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20154C4431988-04-28028 April 1988 Mod 2,providing Incremental Funding,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20151E1451988-03-31031 March 1988 Mod 1,providing Incremental Funds,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20149D7681988-01-15015 January 1988 Contract: Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head, Awarded to MPR Assoc,Inc ML20209H0671987-04-23023 April 1987 Mod 1,extending Contract Completion Date to 870530 & Modifying NRC Billing Address,To Correlation of Radioiodine Resuspension W/Temp at TMI-2 ML20137Z0361985-09-30030 September 1985 Contract: Correlation of Radioiodine Resuspension W/Temp at TMI-2, Awarded to Daniel & Assoc,Inc ML20128K0421985-07-11011 July 1985 Mod 4,deobligating Unliquidated Balance Remaining Under Contract,To Psychological Stress Generally & Psychological Stress in Vicinity of Tmi ML20028F5401983-01-11011 January 1983 Mod 1,modifying Statement of Work,Increasing Estimated Total Amount of Contract & Extending Period of Performance to 830228,to TMI-2 Fire Protection Evaluation ML20028E5671982-12-28028 December 1982 Mod 5,extending Period of Performance to 830131,to Reanalysis of Existing Data from Telephone Surveys Re Tmi ML20023A6921982-09-29029 September 1982 Contract: TMI-2 Fire Protection Evaluation, Awarded to Rolf Jensen & Associates,Inc ML20054M8651982-06-23023 June 1982 Mod 2,modifying Project Officer,To Reanalysis of Existing Data from Telephone Survey Concerning Tmi ML20054L4131982-06-0404 June 1982 Mod 1,modifying Article V,Billing Instructions,To Reanalysis of Existing Data from Telephone Surveys Concerning Tmi ML20054J1161982-05-21021 May 1982 Mod 3,incorporating RW Perry as Participant in 820204-05 Workshop,To Psychological Stress Generally & Psychological Stress in Vicinity of Tmi ML20053E4971982-05-0606 May 1982 Mod 2,incorporating RW Perry as Participant in 820204-05 Workshop,To Psychological Stress Generally & Psychological Stress in Vicinity of Tmi ML20042B1771982-03-0505 March 1982 Contract: Psychological Stress Generally & Psychological Stress in Vicinity of TMI, Awarded to Mitre Corp ML20041G2651982-03-0505 March 1982 Mod 1,modifying Effective Date to 820114 & Amending Article V, to Psychological Stress Generally & Psychological Stress in Vicinity of Tmi ML20040F7101982-01-13013 January 1982 Mod 4,deobligating Remaing Funds,To Furnishing for ASLB TMI-1 Restart Hearing ML20039H0511982-01-0606 January 1982 Mod 3,extending Period of Performance to 811231,to Psychological Stress Response to Venting at Tmi ML20040C0321981-12-21021 December 1981 Contract: Technical,Economic & Regulatory Evaluation of TMI-2 Processed Water Disposal Alternatives Awarded to Waste Mgt Group,Inc ML20010H0301981-09-0909 September 1981 Mod 1,deobligating Funds,To Effects of TMI Nuclear Power Plant Accident on Residential Property Value ML20030E0871981-09-0808 September 1981 Mod 4,adding TLD Monitoring,Changing Consideration & Statement of Work & Increasing Amount of Contract,To Environ Monitoring Program W/Commonwealth of Pa ML20010H0941981-08-24024 August 1981 Mod 1,designating Dr Muller as Project Officer,To Analysis & Testimony on Const Estimate Reasonableness - TMI-1 Restart ML20030B8311981-08-10010 August 1981 Contract: Clinical Response to Chronic Stress at TMI, Awarded to Uniformed Svcs Univ of Health Sciences ML20009F3261981-07-22022 July 1981 Contract: Technical Evaluation of Proposed Submerged Demineralizer Sys at TMI-2 Awarded to Waste Mgt Group,Inc ML20004D2341981-05-27027 May 1981 Mod 3,exercising Option to Extend Rental Period of Groups A-D & Increasing Total Amount of Contract,To Furnishing for Aslab TMI-1 Restart Hearing ML20008F5141981-03-31031 March 1981 Mod 5,limiting Cost,To Human Factors Evaluation of Control Room Design & Operator Performance at TMI-2 ML20003D5051981-03-17017 March 1981 Mod 1,reducing Total Amount of Contract,To Provision of Technical Assistance to Assess Psychological Stress Re Decontamination & Disposal of Radwastes at TMI Unit 2 ML19341C9501981-02-26026 February 1981 Mod 2,exercising Option to Extend Rental Period of Groups A,B & D & Increasing Total Amount of Contract,To Furnishings for ASLB TMI-1 Restart Hearing ML19341A7011980-12-30030 December 1980 Contract: Provision of Technical Assistance to Assess Psychological Stress Re Decontamination & Decontamination & Disposal of Radwastes at TMI-2. Awarded to Human Design Group ML19351F2721980-12-19019 December 1980 Mod 1,extending Monthly Rental for Groups A,B & D Through 810331,to Furnishings for ASLB TMI-1 Restart Hearing ML19340E2611980-11-28028 November 1980 Mod 1,extending Contract Period Through 810115 W/No Addl Funding Required,To Psychological Stress Response to Venting at Tmi ML20148D9801980-09-26026 September 1980 Contract:Furnishings for ASLB TMI-1 Restart Hearing, Awarded to Cole & Co ML19290E0621980-02-11011 February 1980 Mod 2,increasing Funds,To Human Factors Evaluation of Control Room Design & Operator Performance at TMI-2 ML20148B2191979-12-27027 December 1979 Mod 1,extending Period of Performance to 801231 & Adding Task D,Final Rept Clarification,To Human Factors Evaluation of Control Room Design & Operator Performance at TMI-2 ML19224C1001979-06-20020 June 1979 Mod 1,revising Accounting & Appropriation Data to NRC-17-79-451.Contract Number Is Hereafter Changed to NRC-10-79-659 ML19308C2101978-05-11011 May 1978 Mod 06,adding Addl Task to Contract: Study of Control & Communications to Support Incident Mgt 1990-06-04
MONTHYEARML20217F8551999-10-0707 October 1999 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting Period 990828-0924 ML20216G4521999-09-0909 September 1999 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting Period 990731-0827 ML20210G9651999-07-15015 July 1999 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting period,990605-0702 ML20209F2701999-07-0909 July 1999 Review of Submittal in Response to NRC GL 88-20,Suppl 4: IPEEEs Fire Submittal Screening Review Technical Evaluation Rept:Three Mile Island,Unit 1,Rev 2,980909 ML20196D2611999-06-17017 June 1999 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting period,990508-0604 ML20206J0871999-04-22022 April 1999 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting Period 990313-0409 ML20196K5981999-03-26026 March 1999 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting period,990213-0312 ML20207F2271999-02-26026 February 1999 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting Period 990116-0212 ML20202H3281999-01-28028 January 1999 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA for Fiscal Reporting Period,981219-990115 ML20199G3281999-01-0707 January 1999 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting period,981121-1218 ML20197G6491998-12-0404 December 1998 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting period,981024-1120 ML20195E7871998-11-0505 November 1998 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting period,980926-1023 ML20154R5401998-10-0909 October 1998 CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA for Fiscal Reporting Period of 980829-0925 ML20237B7721998-08-14014 August 1998 CNWRA Program Managers Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting Period 980704-31 ML20249C5191998-06-19019 June 1998 CNWRA Program Managers Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting Period 980509-0605 ML20236S2741998-06-16016 June 1998 CNWRA Program Managers Periodic Rept on Activities,For Fiscal Reporting Period 980606-0703 ML20206D4251998-02-26026 February 1998 Rev 0 to Ltr Rept, Technical Review of Gpu Nuclear Three Mile Island Unit 1 Cable Functionality Assessments ML20196K3621998-01-0606 January 1998 Rev 0 to Final Technical Evaluation of Three Mile Island Unit 1 Fire Barrier Ampacity Derating Assessments & RAI Responses ML20140G5041997-04-10010 April 1997 Ltr Rept,Rev 0, Technical Evaluation of Three Mile Island Unit 1 Fire Barrier Ampacity Derating Assessments ML20138G3461996-05-10010 May 1996 Technical Evaluation Rept of IPE Submittal & RAI Responses for Three Mile Island,Unit 1 ML20134G4491995-02-28028 February 1995 Exam of Bolt W/Boric Acid Attack from Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station ML20072N7101994-08-31031 August 1994 Lessons Learned from the Three Mile ISLAND-UNIT 2 Advisory Panel ML20072D9541994-07-31031 July 1994 Peer Review of the TMI-2 Vessel Investigation Project Metallurgical Examinations ML20070N3061994-03-31031 March 1994 TMI-2 Instrument Nozzle Examinations at Argonne National Laboratory.February 1991 - June 1993 ML20070M9621994-03-31031 March 1994 Results of Mechanical Tests and Supplementary Microstructural Examinations of the TMI-2 Lower Head Samples ML20070N3161994-03-31031 March 1994 TMI-2 Vessel Investigation Project Integration Report ML20065B3251994-03-31031 March 1994 TMI-2 Instrument Nozzle Examinations Performed at the Inel ML20059F1221994-01-30030 January 1994 Lessons Learned from TMI-2 Advisory Panel, Draft Rept for Jan 1994 ML20058F6791993-10-31031 October 1993 Calculations to Estimate Margin to Failure in TMI-2 Vessel ML20058F6911993-10-31031 October 1993 TMI-2 Vessel Investigation Project Integration Rept ML20058F6631993-06-30030 June 1993 Results of Mechanical Tests & Supplementary Microstructural Exams of TMI-2 Lower Head Samples ML20058F6721993-02-28028 February 1993 TMI-2 Intrument Nozzle Exams at Argonne Natl Lab ML20034G9021993-02-28028 February 1993 RISK-BASED Inspection Guide for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1 ML20115D9621992-05-31031 May 1992 Technical Evaluation Rept on Second 10 Yr Interval ISI Program Plan:Gpu Nuclear Corp,Tmi Nuclear Station,Unit 1, Docket 50-289 ML20028H2861990-11-30030 November 1990 TMI-2 Vessel Investigation Project (VIP) Metallurgical Program.Progress Report,October 1989 - June 1990 ML20062G6971990-11-16016 November 1990 Notification of Contract Execution,Task Order 13,to Electrical Distribution Functional Insp, Awarded to Aecl Technologies ML20217A2831990-10-23023 October 1990 Notification of Contract Execution,Mod 13,to Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head. Contractor:Mpr Assoc ML20217A2951990-10-23023 October 1990 Mod 13,extending Period of Performance Through 901031,to Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20043E4761990-06-0404 June 1990 Mod 11,raising Contract Ceiling & Premium Overtime Ceiling & Adding NRC & Foreign Funds,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20056A6811990-03-31031 March 1990 TMI-2 Vessel Investigation Project (VIP) Metallurgical Program.Progress Report,January-September 1989 ML20042D4341990-01-0202 January 1990 Mod 10,raising Contract & Premium Overtime Ceiling,Adding Foreign Funds & Changing NRC Project Officer,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20042D4321990-01-0202 January 1990 Notification of Contract Execution,Mod 10,to Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head. Contractor:Mpr Assoc,Inc ML20011D8241989-11-30030 November 1989 A Review of the Three Mile ISLAND-1 Probabilistic Risk Assessment ML19332F6831989-11-28028 November 1989 Notification of Contract Execution,Mod 9,to Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head. Contractor:Mpr Assoc,Inc ML19332F6901989-11-28028 November 1989 Mod 9,adding Work,Raising Ceiling & Extending Period of Performance,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML19332C8921989-11-17017 November 1989 Mod 8,providing Incremental Funding,Specifying Funding from Industrial & Intl Participants & Approving Purchase of Tools & Spare Parts,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML19324A6251989-09-0808 September 1989 Technical Evaluation Rept,TMI-1,Evaluation of Revised TMI-1 Response to Generic Ltr 81-12,Alternate Safe Shutdown Capability ML20247P6441989-06-27027 June 1989 Mod 6,revising Statement of Work & Provisional Indirect Rates for CY89 & Increasing Total Estimated Amount of Contract,To Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head ML20247P6351989-06-27027 June 1989 Notification of Contract Execution,Mod 6,to Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head. Contractor:Mpr Assocs,Inc ML20246J8821989-05-0505 May 1989 Notification of Contract Execution,Mod 5,to Test Specimens from Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Bottom Head. Contractor: MPR Assocs 1999-09-09
[Table view] |
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PRIOR - B&R No. 60-19-10-01 FIN No. B6791
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Regarding Part II - The Schedule, the following changes are hereby made:
Subsection E-1 is revised to read as follows:
"E-1 Services The Contractor shall provide the necessary qualified personnel, materials and services, not specifically identified as Government furnished, to perform a Human Factors Evaluation of Control Room Design and Operator Performance at TMI-2, develop <bontrol room review guidelines, evaluation criteria, an audit plan, and appropriate checklists as required under Section F below."
Subsection E-2 is revised as follows:
Subparagraph a., delete the amounts $96,226.00," "87,487.00" and a.
"$8,749.00", respectively, and substitute in lieu thereof the amounts
"$181,108.00", " 57 7,156.00" and " $7,716.00".
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Page 2 Contract flo. NRC-04-79-209 Modification No. Two (2) b.
Subparagraph c., delete the amount "$96,236.00" and substitute in lieu thereof the amount "$181,108.00."
Subsection F-1 is revised by adding the following paragraph:
"In its evaluation of the Tnree Mile Island - Unit Two (Tl1I-?)
accident, the Lessons Learned Task Force (L2TF) concluded that the lack of proper human-factors engineering in the design of the control room was a major contributor to the accident.
Furthermore, the L2TF has recommended that all nuclear power plant control rooms be reviewed by the licensees for i.nprovements to operator - process communication.
Guidelines for c6nducting these reviews wi ' be provided to licensees by the NRC.
In developing rev.
.uidelines, the results of previous studies of this type anu existing technology outside of the nuclear industry will be considered."
Subsection F-2 is revised by adding the following new paragraph E:
Tasks E and F - To obtain the assistance of human factors engineering technical experts in developing control room review guidelines.
Licensees will use the guidelines to conduct a design review of their control rooms and their CR operating procedures, and will report their findings to the NRc. The contractor will also assist in developing evaluation criteria, an audit plan, and checklists.
The audit plan and checklists will be used by the NRC to conduct audits of licensees reviews of control rooms.
The evaluation criteria will be used by the NRC to assess licensees' reports on their design reviews to determine the degree to which control room designs meet the guidelines."
Subsection F-3 is revised by adding Tasks E and F as described below:
" Task E - Development of Control Room Review Guidelines The Contractor shall:
Make an intercomparison of the process used for designing the control roo:n and the control room oparating procedures for eight selected nuclear power plants, two each from the four reactor vendors: General Electric, Bat, cock and Wilcox, Westinghouse, and Combustion Engineering.
Develop a method for selection of the eight specific plants, and in conjunction with the Technical Monitor, identify the eight plants to be reviewed.
Page 3
Contract No. NRC-04-79-209 Modification No. Two (2) b.
Perform on-site visits to gather the necessary information needed to make comparisons of the eight control rooms.
Using the above information, compare the if censees' design c.
processes and operating procedures for the eight control rooms and identify design features which are exemplary and those which are of potential safety concern.
Develop Draft Control Room Review Guidelines a.
Utilizing the information obtained in all of the above Tasks, analyze the integration of the control room design with the reactor system design in the context of human factor engineering standards and principles.
This analysis shall include as a minimum: control room design; the role of the control room operator; and, development and testing of operational procedures including emergency actions.
Utilizing the above information and the information contained in NUREG-0585, "TMI-2 Lessons Learned Task Force Final Report," and the " Report of the President's Cemmission on the Accident at Three !!ile Island," formulate draft review guidelines which can be applied by each reactor licensee to evaluate the adequacy of ct trol systems, such as display panels, to accurately reflect the state of the power plant to the operator.
In developing these guidelines the contractor shall consider the adequacy of ~ system controls and system procedures to permit the operator to take necessary actions to control the process under all plant conditions. These guidelines shall be designed so that licensees required to follow them will be able to identify weaknesses in their respective control designs; their CP procedures; or their personnel training, and to develop modifications to correct those weaknesses.
Submit the draf t control room review guidelines for NRC review and comment.
Revise the draft guidelines incorporating NRC comments.
Page 4 Contract No. NRC-04-79-209 Modification No. Two (2) 3.
Develop Final Control Room Review Guidelines a.
Arrange 2 regional meetings with licensees and their nuclear steam suppliers and architectural design and construction contractors to solicit comments and suggestions on draft review guidelines.
After receiving industry comments through the NRC and incorporating same, submit the final draft guidelines to the flRC for review and comment.
After incorporating NRC comments and recommendations, submit final control room review guidelines.
Prepare and make a presentation to licensees to explain
< he use of the guidelines. The place of the meeting will be determined at a later date.
" Task F - Control Room Evaluation Criteria and Audit Plan 1.
Prepare a plan for' conducting on-site audits of licensees' control room reviews including criteria for evaluating licensees' reports. The plan shall consist of:
Evaluation criteria which will be used to determine the degree to which each licensee's control room design meets the guidelines developed in Task E.
A relative weight shall be assigned to each criterion and each criterion shall be set forth in its relative order of importance.
A methodology for performing audits of licensees' review processes, and checklisis to be used to conduct such audits.
Required qualifications and levei of experience for personnel who will perform on-site audits of licensees' control rooms."
Page 5 Contract No. NRC-04-79-209 l'odification No. Two (2) 6.
Subsection F-4 is revised by adding the following new paragraphs 5 and 6:
With respect to work required under this modification no. 2, the following deliverables shall be provided to the technical monitor:
Task E - Draft Control Room Review Guidelines (Contractor should allow a minimum of one (1) week each for NRC reviews as required under Task E.2.c and E.3.b)
Final Control Room Review Guidelines (due three (3) months after effective date of this modification no. 2)
Task F - Draft Control Room Evaluation Critieria and Audit Plan (Contractor should allow three (3) week period for NRC review and comment)
Final Control Room Evaluation Criteria and Audit Plan (Due six (6) months after effective date of this modification no. 2).
- 6. With respect to the work required under this modification no. 2, a brief monthly business report shall be submitted to the individual specified under Section H-2 paragraph 3.
This report shall include as a minimum:
a brief summary of the work completed during the period, including the milestones reached, or, if missed, provide an explanation.
the amount of funds expended during the period, and cumulative to date c.
any problems or delays anticipated."
Subsection H-2 is deleted in its entirety and the following new subsection is substituted in lieu thereof:
"H-2 Place of Delivery, The deliverables required hereunder shall be furnished to the individuals and places specified below:
Deliverables required under Subsection F 4, Paragraphs 1-4 shall be furnished to the COAR at the following address:
U.S. 'Juclear Regulatory Commission TMI Special Inquiry Group 6935 Arlington Blvd.
Bethesda, MD 20014
Page 6 Contract No. NRC-04-79-209 Modification No. Two (2) 2.
Deliverables listed under Subsection F-4, Paragraph 5 shall be furnished (as added by this modification no. 2) to the technical monitor at the following address:
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Counission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attn: L. Beltrachhi Phillips Building, Room P-720C 7920 Norfolk Avenue Bethesda, MD 20014 3.
Deliverables required under Subsection F-4, Paragraph 6 (as added by this modification no. 2) shall be furnished to the technical monitor at the above address with copies to the Co..tracting Officer (CO) and Director, Division of Systems Safety at the following address:
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Division of Contracts Attn: Mary Jo t'attia, Chief Administrative Contracts Branch Hashington, DC 20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Director, Division of Systems Safety Washington, DC 20555 Attn: B. L. Grenier Regarding Seci. ion H, the following new Subsection H-3 is added:
"H.3 Meetings and Travel, It is estimated that the Contractor will be required to take eight (8) three (3) day on-site visits in the performance of Task E.
One (1) two (2) day trip to a West Coast regional meeting will also be required. The Contractor shall also participate in the regional meeting expected to take place in Bethesda, Maryland."
Section I - Inspection and Acceptance is deleted in it s entirety and the following new Section I is substituted in lieu thereof:
"Section I - Inspection and Acceptance I.1 Inspection and acceptance of deliverables required under Subsection F.4, Paragraphs 1-4 shall be accomplished by the C0 or his authorized representative.
4 Page 7 Contract No. NRC-04-79-209 Modification No. Two (2)
I.2 Inspection and acceptance of the deliverables required under Subsection F.4, Paragraphs 5 and 6 (as added by this modification no. 2) shall be accomplished by the technical monitor."
- 10. Subsection J-2 is revised by adding the following material for Tasks E and F:
Tasks E and F 1.
NUREG-0585, "TMI-2 Lessons Learned Task Force Final Report,"
dated October,1979, 2.
" Report of the Presidents Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island," dated October,1979.
Subsection J.3 is revised by adding the following individual:
"Dr. K. Mallory"