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Rev 0 to SQN-00-D052 EPM-AMJ-073190, Fire Hazard Analysis of Unit 2 App R Cables in Boric Acid Tank Area,Elevation 690 Auxiliary Bldg.
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 08/03/1990
From: Daniel R, Maniez A, Singh B
Shared Package
ML20029A004 List:
NUDOCS 9102010036
Download: ML20029A006 (47)


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dO Tv'A IC597 (nNE 6m DNE CALCULATIONS - --hg ,"i TITLE Fire hazard Analysis of Unit 2 Appendix R Cables in #'#[QNP

  • N'T

/ UNIT .,

Roric Acid Tank Ag:en Elev. 690 Auxiliary Building o i PHEPAHING OHG ANIZATION KEY NOUNS (Consult RIMS DESCRIPTORS LIST)

NE/N-M/ Tech Prgs Appendix R. Fire prot. RCS Pressure Control, Aux Bldg- l BH ANCH/PHOJE CT IDENTIFIF85 Each time these calculauons are issueo, preparers must ensure that the t'riginal(RO) RIMS eccession nurnber is filled in.

0- 2 Aev (f r RIMS' us ) RIMS accessi n number 0

E 00822A0033 gB87 900809 009 APPLICABLE DESIGN COCUMENT(S) g_

SQN-DC-V-24.0 CAQR SQP900260 n_ '


NA NA "-

Revision 0 R1 R2 R3 Safety related?

ECN No. lor indicate Not Apphc:ble) Yes O No Q

  • NA Statement of Problem Prepared /)gg. The existing routing for the A. Ma kie z , J r .D Appendix R RCS Pressure Control, Check ed Secondary Side Pressure Control,


S.W~M b.

Reviewed 4 "


and RCS Inventory Control cable for unit 2 traverses an area that bsbNJ is not provided with automatic Approved ((* A/M detection and suppression. In

/- order to comply with the separa-Date '

/ / tion requirements of 10CFR$0 FfS/ N Appendix R section III.G.2, an List all pages added analysis is required to assess

@ j= by this revision.

ig g List all pages deleted the adequacy of the existing partial area suppression and

};z  ; by this revision.

detection for the hazards in

$$l List all pages changed the area.

by this revision.


  • An independent review has been performed because the calculation evaluates

. external factprs ' that.coqldaffect the function of safety-related equipment.

at must be v r fieNa . es b N Direct Design input' This calculation ia essential The present routing of the unit 2 RCS Pressure Control cable, Secondary Sie, Pressure Control cable, and RCS Inventory Control cable conduits in the atei of the Boric Acid tanks on elevation 690 of the auxiliary building was ar".yced.

This area has only partial fire suppression. The redundant safety-related cables are located at the wall and ceiling above. This calculation establishes that there are insufficient combustibles in the unsprinklered area to pose a significant fire hazard to the one hour UL rated fire wrapped cables. This in within the bounds of TVA deviation 12 having low combustibility loading and no fire detection and/or automatic suppression. This space does not present a sinnificant fire exposure to redundant safe shutdown comtonents.

Pages for R0 Cale Body = 11 Appendices Al thru J5 = 34 9102010036 910128 FDR Total = 45 P ADOCK 05000327 PDR O M.cromm ano store caicuianons .n nims se >ce Ceni-M.cro men ano oestrov 0

[3 M cenm,n ono ren,,n cmeuunons to Cale File Aooreis- DSD Al - NE/ N-M cc: IllMS. SL 70 c K m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .__ ___ ___.

Titics Fire Ha::ard Analysis of Unit 2 Appendix R REVISION-LOG.

Cables in Boric Acid Tank Area Elev. 690.0 SQN-00-DOS 2 Auxiliary 31dg. EPM-AMJ-073190 Revision DESCRIPTION OF REVISION Date No. Approved t-G Initial issue. For Corrective Action to CAQR SGP900260. ---

4 Legibility evaluated and accepted for issue.


b Y D Signature Date 0

4 i

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f 1

i l


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Page 3 of 11 CALCULATION DESIGN VERIFICATION (INDEPENDENT REVIEW) FORM SON-00-0052 EPM-AMJ-073190 0 Calculation Number Revision Method of design verification (independent review) used (check method used):

1. Design Review # '


2. Alternate Calculation
3. Qualification Test Justification (explain below): . -

Method 1: In the design review method, justify the technical adequacy of the calculation and explain how the adequacy was verified (calculation is similar to another, based on accepted handbook methods, appropriate sensitivity studies included for confidence, etc.).

Method 2: Ir. the alternate calculation method, identify the pages where the alternate calculation has been included in the calculation package and explain why this method is adequate.

-Method 3: In the qualification test method, identify the CA documented source (s) where testing adequately demonstrates the adequacy of this calculation 1

, and explain.

This calculation constitutes an engineering analysis per NRC Ger.eric Letter 86-10 enclosure 1 item 5, for existing fire protection equipment. The scope of this calculation is to evaluate the partial area suppression and detection coverage such that a single fire in the area cannot damage the Appendix R cables identified by CACR SOP 900260 (Unit 2 - RCS Pressure Control, Unit 2 Secondary Side Pressure Control, and tJnit 2 RCS Inventory Control) on elevation 690 in the auxiliary building located just north of column line A12 to south,of column line A13 and from column lino O to column line R. This sheet documents an independent review of the calculation performed. The questions addressed in the checklist (Attachment 10 to NEP 3.11 serve as the basis of the Independent Review. No deficiencies were noted when responding to the questions. This engineering h calculation is a reasonable and conservative evaluation based on TVA Mechanical Design Standard DS-M17.4.1

  • Fire Hazard Analyuls', on NFPA 13 Automatic Sprinkler s

systems (National Fire Protection Association) code, the results of High Pressure Fire Protection Hydraulic Calculation AB-26-ABM0 (B25870908815), and accepted fire

. protection engineering practice.


f bm8 17 Design Ver5'fler 3 Aa:, id Da(e (independent Reviewer)

I a . I l

d. e SON-00-D052 Computed _d 53#$ i u30/ Date 7-31-90 EPM-AMJ-073190 Checked R. V. Vl'd ._ Date M M "

Fire Hazard Analysis of Unit 2 Appendix R Cables ..

in Boric Atid Tank Area Elev. 690.0 Auxiliary Bldg. Page 4 of 11 I

i IABLE OF CONTENTS Page(s) q COVER SHEET ..........,..................................... 1 CALCULATION REVISION LOG .................................. 2 DESIGN VERIFICATION (INDEPENDENT REVIEW) FORM.............. 3 4 .

TABLE OF C0NTENTS.......................................... 4 PURPOSE........ ........................................... 5 ASSUMPTIONS................................................ 5 SOURCES OF DESIGN INPUT INFORMATION........................ 6 CONVERSION FACTOR ......................................... 6 DOCUMENTATION OF ASSUMPTI0SS............................... 7

$7 ANALYSES.... .............................................. 7-9


OF RESULTS......................................... 10 CONCLUSIONS.................. ............................. 11 APPENDICES -

APPENDIX A, Appendix R Cable Routing ................... Al-A3 .

(ARSX Drawings - Reference 4)

APPENDIX B, Sketch Maps & Photos ...................... 31-B7 APPENDIX C, Fire Area Determination Layouts ............ Cl-C5 APPENDIX D, Calcium-Silicate Combustibility Sheet ...... D1 (Manville Product Bulletin - Reference 13)

APPENDIX E, Tank Insulation Combustibles ............... El-E5 APPENDIX F, Data Sheets ................................ F1-F4 APPENDIX G, Waterproof Flexible Wrap on Conduit ........ G1-G2 APPENDIX H, Transient Combustibles Calculation ......... H1-H2 APPENDIX J, Combustible Heat Values / Rates .............. J1-JS (Fire Protection Handbook, Reference 14) l

SON-00-D052 Computed (I<Nh'.c2/2,bkDate7-31-90 4

EPM-AMJ-073190 Checke] % N. A6W / Date 3Aue,Cm

" V Fire Har.ard Analysis of Unit 2 Appendix R Cables in Boric Acid Tank Area Elev. 690.0 Auxiliary Bldg. Page 5 of 11' PURPOSE The purpose of this calculation is to evaluate the absence of full area automatic fire suppression and detection for the Boric Acid Tank Area containing the Appendix R Cables (CA2R SCP900260 identified four Trained cables) being routed ,

through the auxiliary building on elevation 690 in the area between column lines All to A13 and from 0 to R. These cables are in conduit and are wrapped with a one-hour fire wrap.

In order to evaluate the effects of a fire in this area, a detailed fire hazard analysis has been performed in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the NRC in 10CFR50 Appendix R, Section II.B, NUREG 0800 CMEB 9.5-1, Section C.6 and Generic Letter 86-10, enclosure 1, item 5. This calculation will justify the existing routing by proving that the level of combustibles in the area having no automatic fire suppression and detection is very low and thereby does not constitute the potential for a credible fir; capable of disabling the existing cable.

5 ASSUMPTIONS Transient combustibles will be controlled in accordance with PHYSI-13.

l l


l 1



SON-00-D052 Computed ate 7-31-90


EPM-AMJ-073190 Checked R. V. 'A* Date I b 9 ep Fire Hazard Analysis of Unit 2 Appendix R Cables V in Boric Acid Tank Area Elev. 690.0 Auxiliary Bldg. Page 6 of 11 SOURCES OF DESIGN INPUT INFORMATI0E

1. 10CFR50 Appendix R, NUREG 0800, and NRC Generic Letter 86-10
2. TVA drawings 47W491-21(rev.E),-63(rev.C)
3. TVA CCD drawings 1,2-47W920-4(rev. 1), -5(rev. 0)
4. ARSX drawings, series 90, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, & 900.

(Presently unissued drawings kept in EEB but to be under another number)

5. PHYSI 13 rev.55
6. Fire Hazard Analysis Walkdown Procedure (Instruction No. SM1-0-26-7 RO)
7. FAX from Anamet Inc., R. Picard dated Jul 26, 1990 (Attached, page G2 )
8. TVA Mechanical Design Standard DS-M17.4.1 rev.0, " Fire Hazard Analysis'
9. Hydraulic Calculation AB-26-ABM0 rev.1,(RIMS B25870908 815)
10. SER (RIMS L44860606620) on Appendix R with approved deviation number 11 & L rtgarding 20' separation with no intervening combustibles in the auxillary building & areas with insignificant combustibles.
11. FHA Calculation EPM-MHS-053089 Rev. 1 (B87 900725 001), Eval. of Neutron Source Range Cables on elevation 690.0 in the Auxiliary Building
12. CACR SQP900260 - recognized that I hour wrapped Appendix R cables were in an area without sprinklers that did not have a documented FHA.
13. Manville - Thermal / Acoustical Insulation products Bulletin IND-32117-84.

(pages 01 )

14. Fire Protection Handbook, by A.E. Cote & J.L. Linville, loth Edit., 1986 (pages J1 through J5 )
15. Thermal Insulation, by John F. Malloy, 1969 Edit. (page E3 )



To convert from MJoules/Kg to BTU /lb, multiply:

Factor = (156 J/MJ) (BTU /1055.04J) (Kg/2.20461b) =

= 430 (BTU /lb)/(MJ/Kg)

n .

SQN-00-DOS 2 Computed d2,jkhg2sf1Date 7-89 -

EPM-AMJ-073190 Checked Q.N. 84wAA Date 3 Acua 9 Ci V

Fire Hazard Analysis of Unit 2 Appendix R Cables V in Boric Acid Tar.k Area Elev 690.0 Auxiliary BIdg. Page 7 of 11" DOCUMENTATION OF ASSUMPTIONS

- None -

ANALYSES The area in question was determined by. comparison of the cables to be protected.

Per the CAQR SCP900260 the following cables are involved; Interaction Cable No. Description Channel / Train No.

2PM2087II U2 - RCS Pressure Control II / B 49 2PN2080I U2 - RCS Pressure Control I/A 49 2Pr4084I U2 - Secondary Side P-'ssure I/A 51 Control 2PM1086III U2 RCS Inventory Cc.itrol III / A 92 Y

The RCS Pressure Control cables, as the name describes, are the instrument sensing lines which return the pressure signal of RCS (Reactor Coolant System) pressure to the Main Control Room. This is an essential signal for proper reactor control during both operation and shutdown.

The Secondary Side Pressure Control cable is a return signal of the pressure 'in the secondary side or Main Steam side. It is an essential signal also for proper reactor control during both operation and shutdown in providtng information of sufficient heat removal capability by the secondary side.

The RCS Inventor, Control provides the signal indicating the level in the pressurizer and is used in conjunction with other instrumentation signals to ascertain the amount of reactor coclant in the system. This is also critical to reactor control during both operation and shutdown in providing information of sufficient heat removal capability from the reactor via the reactor coolant.

Pages Al through A3 show the routing of these cables in this trea.

The train B RCS Pressure Control cables were selected as the target cables i

because they are routed closer to the Q line wall and will create a lesser area to analyze. Only a single train need be considered as 10CFR50 Appendix R l section III.G.2 requires a "means of ensuring that one of the redundant trains l 1s free of fire damage..."

The RCS Pressure Control train B cable 2PM20871I becomes the target component f or this calculation since the space bounds the same sp;ce needed for cables 2PM2084I

& 2PM10861II. If the RCS cable 2PM2087II can be analyzed to reasonably prove that there is insufficient combustibles to compromise it, then cables 2PM2004I &

2PM108611! are also protected. Page F1 is the data sheet prepared for tnese

, cables.


SON-00-D052 Computed (7.)Shdb4 2( Date 31-90 EPM-AMJ-073190 Checked % E X k Da te Wc; c1D Fire Hazard Analysis of Unit 2 Appendix R Cables V in Boric Acid Tank Area Elev. 690.0 Auxiliary Bldg. Page 8 of 11 ANALYSES (Cont')

(The application of the Appendix R III.G.2.c criteria was cited by the CAQR, reference 12, as not in compliance for this area. Paragraph III.G.2.c requires .

that these redundant trains be in a one-hour barrier (or wrap) and have both suppression and detection systems installed in the area. Another Appendix R requirement often used instead is Paragraph III.G.2.b which requires that redundant cables must be separated by.more than 20 feet, have no intervening combustibles, and have both a suppression and detection systems installed in the area.)

A general layout of the area includes three large tanks containing boron water solution and associated pumps, piping, and electrical equipment that are part of the CVCS, Chemical Volume and Control System. Pages B1 and _B2 are sketch maps of the area. The numbered arrows indicate the location of photos on pages B3 through _E6_ of the area. Also, page B7 is a layout of the RCA (Radialogical Controlled Area) boundary in this vicinity.

(This area was inspected on May 23, 1990 and again on Jun 29, 1990. During the period of Jul 9 to Jul 19 of 1990 it was visited for preparing the sketch maps and pictures attached.)

The target area required for analysis is shown on page C1 . This represents what is needed to protect the train B RCS Pressure Control cable assuring "that one of the redundant trains is free from fire damage." The double line is 20 feet from the outermost corners of the cable to a recognized fire boundary wall. These cable corners are identified by an arrow. If this calculation can reasenably prove that there is insufficient combustibles in this area of influence to compromise this cable, then paragraph III.G.2 of 10 CFR 50 Appendix R is satisfied. However, the area of influence can be further reduced. Page C2 shows the sprinklers located just West of R column line.

A portion of the subject area is sprinklered which complies with Sequoyah's deviation criteria (Attachment 1 of Fire Protection for Appendix R, SON-DC-V-24.0) establishing enhanced sprinkler coverage for intervening combustibles in the 20 foot tone of influence. This deviation number 11 (RIMS L44860606620) to Appendix R section III.G.2 requirements was anproved by the NRC on May 29, 1986. Page F2 is the data sheet prepared for these sprinklers.

Therefore, the analysis herein need only address the remaining area. This remaining area io the area of influence. It is shown on page C4 and its amount of square feet is calculated on page C5 . The area of influence la completely within the RCA boundary.

Per reference 9, the total flow from all the sprinkler heads located in the immediate adjacent area (which includes the seven sprinkler heads within the area of influence) is 626 gallons per minute. This results in an average actual delivered density of 0.55 gpm per equare foot based on 1500 square feet. Note that this exceeda the maximum density required by NFPA 13 for Extra Hazard Group 2 (the rme severe classification), which is 0.37 gpm per square foot. The design :tfication is Ordinary Hazard Group 2 and requires 0.16 gpm per square foot Ic: fire area.

.x ,

H l

1 SQN-00-D052 .

Computed /7.3M/kLv)ah'e Date n 7-31 '*

EPM-AMJ-073190 Checked R.N. VAMbi Date @%V 96


Fire Hazard Analysis of Unit 2 Appendix R Cables

-in-Boric Acid Tank Area Elev. 690.0 Auxiliary Bldg. Page 9 of 11" ANALYSES (Cont')

This area of influence contains many non-combustibles. Those most notable which Mre the' numerous cables inside conduits and the pipe insulation on CVCS piping. .

Page F3~ is the data sheet prepared for these non-combustibles. Cables inside fire rated conduits are considered non-combustibles as noted by Question 3.6.2 of

.NRC. letter.86-10. The pipe insulation consists of calcium-silicate which is non-4 combustible.- See page- D1 noting' flame spread, fuel contributed, and smoke spread all equals zero.

In-situ combustibles consists of two items as shown the data sheet on page = F4 .

The first, . tank insulation, consists of loose, flexible, fiberglass insulation covered'with an aluminum jacket. Briefly, its only contributing combustible is theoresin used to bond-the fiberglass. -This-resin can be made of many substances but a. conservative synthetic butyl rubber of very high heat combustibility value

-was used. Pages E1 .through E5 of this calculation describes and calculates-in-detail =the contribution of heat of combustion from this source. As noted, the 1 contribution of heat from'this-source is very conservative but_further, the [

-insulation's metal jacket would restrict the fire intensity to even a lesser 1 affect on the target RCS cable. It would cause a slower, low temperature, smoldering effect which would consume most of the-combustible material before Ni escapingtthe jacket to affect the target. Note that the 2 inch thickness spreads the volume out considerably so that only a limited amount is in close proximity to the target. The result is that a much smaller effective actual fire contribution misfexpected than calculated.

The second combustible is the waterproof _ flexible wrap on the flexible conduit at.various. electrical the area. _Pages 01 and- G2' of this calculation describes and ca) nlates in detail the contribution of heat of combustion from this source. at also is very conservative because less than 40_ exists. .Actually, less than 20 flexible-conduits are-visible In the area of~ influence from the~RCA boundary;

,The amount.of transient combustibles in~the Auxiliary Building is the-responsibility of _ the Fire _ Protection Manager and is controlled in- -

accordance with SCA 66 Plant Housekeeping and Physical Security Instruction (PHYSI 13). It is conservatively encompassed as two aluminum plastic ladders and'a 5 gallon container of Heptane.- The transient fire load has been calculated on page. H1 and H2 .

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4 i SON-00-D052 Computed /Y,)h3hbtt/fi_Date 7-31-90

. EPM-AMJ-073190 Checked S.\/. AAeld / Date % tow 90 Fire Hazard Analysis of Unit 2 Appendix R Cables V V in Boric Acid Tank Area Elev. 690.0 Auxiliary Bldg. Page 10 of 11



Tank Insulation - 2.333 tanks x 853,000 = 1,995,000 (2-1/3 tanks in the area of influence see page C1 ) see page E2 )

Waterproof Flexible Wrap on Conduit - 465,000 (40 conduits, 64 lbs, see page C1 )

TRANSIENTS Ladders - 2 ladders x 746,500 = 1,493,000 (40 lbs each, see page H1 )

Heptane - 800,000 (5 gallon container, see page H2 )

i' Total 4,753,000 Combustible Floor Loadina The total coabustible load is (Aret from page C5 ) :

4,753,000 BTU / 456 Ft2 = 10,423 BTU /Ft8-T -

I SON-00-0052 Computed 27,jb9dho<r),@Date 7-31-90 EPM-AMJ-073190 Checked 4\1. AC.wA dV Date W.,Cd Fire Hazard Analysis of Unit 2 Appendix R Cables ' V V in Boric Acid Tank Area Elev. 690.0 Auxiliary Bldg. Page 11 of li' CONCLUSIONS l

The RCS Pressure Control cable, Secondary Side Pressure Control cable, and RCS Inventory Control cable all have a one hour UL rated fire wrap. Per Fire Protection Handbook,-Table 7-9B, page J5 , the fire se(erity for one hour .

equates to _80,000 BTU /Ft2 - The total combustible floor loading is 10,423 BTU /Ft' implying that the extent of a fire is limited to an average of:

10,423/80000 = 0.1303 hours0.0151 days <br />0.362 hours <br />0.00215 weeks <br />4.957915e-4 months <br /> or 7.82 ginutes.

Based on this value, the one hour wrapped cable should easily survivo any credible fire in the area. Therefore, there is insufficient combustibles in this area of influence to compromise this cable. i Considering that the tabulation of combustibles represents a conservative bounding (conservatisms were noted in the individual tabulations of this calculation), the fire severity is actually much less than this 7.82 minutes.

It is reasonable to conclude that the cables in this area will be unaffected from any credible fire. Even so, the fire fighting personnel could be expected to be l in attendance of a fire in this area within one hour. This location being on elevation 690 on unit side of the Auxiliary Building is easily accessible for '

fire fighting control. minute from the main entranceThisgeneralareacanbereachedinlessthadha,d'a#

door to the Auxiliary Building. It is immediatel'y djacent to the aisleway. Although unnecessary, this is further assurance of cable operability.

This analysis has shown that the existing route of the train B RCS P essure J Control cable, the train A Secondary Side Pressure Control cable, and the train A RCS Inventory Control cable each with a one hour wrap and the absence of any significant combustible material is adequately protected. This is within the bounds of TVA deviation 12 having low combustibility loadino and no fire detection and/or automatic suppression. This space does not present a significant fire exposure to redundant safe shutdown components and complies with the intent of the separation requirements of 10CFR50 Appendix R section  ;

III.G 2 for the unprotected area of the Beric Acid Tanks.  !


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j. p.:Q. Surf ace Burning Characteristics

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                                                                                                                                                                                                          -----    tested,to ( ASTM EB4) j N                  N
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                                                                                                                            .,.14s ;.a. i..Q.,           i.

v.a.I. . . . . . . . 0 i

                                                                   ,4,.,ff U ,i ,s * + C.     

Diock insulation Standard Sizes

                                                                                                                                                             ,,.                ,,' ['l  -

unath. 'Th chnoss, Wksth, inenes inches inches 36 i W. 2, 2%, j".C.6 , M",I 12,18

                                                       %.                        '%                  .                                                                       2,                                                 3.3W.4 and5 rw . ... . , r .,, ,,G.,.


                                          * %&  ' * *m$E*tWb,                                    N g
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3 S_ cored Block Insulation Insulation Minemum Diameter in inenes l Thickness tisiSIoEed Sogie Scored In inc_hes Olock Block 1h 30 95 2 40 125 2h 50 155 3 60 Ita Oh 70 220 4 - 253 Note !w sonoes sun we ce.wxu swea yw , ment wo . seu ase . Thormal Conductivity (k) ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                              .go                   _      . . . . -  .

Compflance with Outside .80 -.-



                                                           ,                                                Specifications Pipe and Diock insulation                                                                                  g Jo_                .                   _   _

_y d _' ASTM C533. Type 1 p =p go f 4.; j [ '@M

                                                            %%h ASTM C795 MOI.24244 5

2.50 9.40-- d j' 7 gr a 3 MOI.278tE to 1200*F (pipe)

                          ; ; ,y                                     T V:T                                                                                                                                 dool


                                                                            ' *gN MIL l.2819F (block)
                         '.?     'd                                   '

0 200 400 eco 800 1000  ! Class 2 to 1200 F 1 T [. ' ", h

                                                                  , f.? r Class 3 to 1500*F 100 300 500 700 900 Mean Temperature ('F)                                                             l
                                                                                                        , U.S. Coast Guard Certificate of Approval
                         . .. . L
                                                               ,'.. o n e . ..L..p,.y.
                                                                               -                              164.009/163/0                                                                           "      *d
  • sue .".w s"s r"u'cu n n*e c. .. a sru ctri c.,ueeo me .

u s m u u..e When ordoring material to corrply with Physical Properttes any Government Specification, a i OIn'sity fory) 13 bs par eu it slalomont of that fact must appear on the i Fle mural Strength 60 psi purchase orcu Governnient segulations (Based on IW' thickness pronicit the certihcairen of compfrance ) ot tica tested in accordance af ter shipment has been made.

  • mth ASTM C203) 1 Comp <essive Sirangen ,,

200 p18 to produce $% compression tbased on i n'thk;kness ol bacck! UneatShrenage l

1. l*'. arter 24 hr.

g soaking period at 1200*F Mammum son,,ce remomaiu,e isco$



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  • FAX No. (203) 573-1505 Confirming No. (203) 574 8953 This Tdef ax comprises, including this page, _! Dage/s. . .

To: _ AUGiE %x!!Sz FRoH: EA"D


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T@.4'ElEN [_[sjlBH$RSL fL AL C $NL 4 M^/ c oeun o l 0ML 7*Sl*Y0 APPEND /X N c~meo .GW o"*3L4 # a Asd7~ of co*1Bk$ris2 sF TRAN S /GN 7~G, TA< con.frsli d ate s f fnraieds combdIbs viNa<. th e~

                                                                                  ..Au  xt/targ6s BW 8.

is de reyvwMf of Sau 's r ire % tee 0 %ye pe Ryud , Suu n+y PF(Yst n, TA <refo<, ir

                                                  /s utvudiew, reaso w sle fkt . /
                                                                                               /o     .cs /i ~ f44                                                frt asee n b wkhWeswellde                                sa Aly asd, sb ree, .nd cht<elleA.

The see. ri wa c hsf 0~ !) lay as ms ad a.gir badou .> Tuu 21 /990 m sp/re T shh., s t co t- ,ous were nded .6frewoas 7

                                                                                                                                                                            & msynklr                              ~.

Pu %e taspeke~subst~een s, a , eru ash ke ef de embastel,les pres ad at os<y 7.lvn hw< < <. & s p e r is :

2. - f a lShtC [a eb Y$
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5 ga { sh lltf ab ne L.ddr - supaeA of p(s s6 c. s <dn w dl da~. - u~ ruu nu a-o t,nc a < -~ % t w ra , '

                                                                                         . _a ,ay <- _hs.                                                                                    10 a ,-
                                                                <>ubriaX, per fire lr'oh An &%L , n6/e ,P!/.5,qdL .

M/ of && = 43.4-

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             ,       . S9N._G0 - BRAM                                                                                                                      5 u t ._g2                                        0, EPM. _A?MtJ~ 07 3/ 90 C0%sPutt0

[CA'(/*M*fd. APPEND /X /V e<enoh6 rm3AmRL o f A M C ~~ ~ {fk .$ P Y L/A. VC $0 $ .T b M Ws' f'


L A.<pt. m rywsh a a,ad a s.e

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6 ky sv& d ,fedk,.4fc hb M19lb, ha aseJ. C+s hn s i / y is apy roxis wo}. t', y Ma sm < aschu se a o. , , v., n m h e re

                                                        +b f s4 % /gaf, d.<u<'I .rt<                                         'of ne'de Ath-La t'x he u

e 6<sJ

                                                                                                                                                    ^ n// be cis <cf Fire iesfeer% Af. JAssL                                                                                                                         Jl H.4                        .        5 Sak'nsf We                                                  aa C-tM, en s erp}8<n wth                          e    used.

h of(6s b = $ gnhA' 8N o X d$ l* Xk]d*


79f,.500 Bra L i i i I I 4

h. b i'bo (nab) N --? See CoWeGW e dV R


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                ; ' SpH- oo - Dosa
                          .                                                                                                                                                                  snu _<J l                 Oc fM -4MJ-0Zuga_                                                                                                                                                                 -

COMBMS~r/BL E h'fdr VA4NH/Afffs e0euyeo A om 74/"10 i NPSN'O/X $ ~ emnto W u,a L.& v 5 118 FIRE HAZARDS OF MATERIAL.S TABLE 511 A. Heats of Combustion and F1 elated Propertles For Pure, Slrnple Substances *

r. Ah, C, C,.

W Oxygen. T. Latent Liquid vapor Molec. Ah" Ah! fuel Bolling Heat of Heat Heat ular Gross Not Ah'/r. . " Mass temp. Vaportration Capacity . Capecsty - Material Composition Weight (mag) (MJkg) (Mfkg 0,) ratio (*C) (mg) (kAg.*C) (kAg *C) cyclopropano CJ4, 42.08 49.70 46.57 13.61 3.422 - 32.9 - 1.92 1.33 (decahydronaphthalene)- crs-decallri ers decai6n C ,,H ., 138.24 45 49 42.63 12.70 3.356' 195.8 309 1.67 1.21

n. decane C.,He, 14228 47.64 44.24 12.69 3.486 174.1 278 2.19 1.65 dmcetylene C.H. 50.06 46.60 45.72 15.89 2.877 10.3 - - 1.47 (diamnie)- hydratine diborane H,B, 27.69 79.80 79 80 23.02 3.467 - 92.5 - - 1.75 dichloromethane CH,C!, 84.94 6.54 8.02 1065 0.565 39.7 330 1.18 0.60 diethyl cyclohenano C ,H:, 140.26 46.30 43.17 12.58 3 422 174. 1.87 diethyt ethnt C.H mO 74.12 36.75 33.79 13.04 2.590 34.6 360 2.34 1.52 (2.4 ddsocynnotoluene)- toluono dlisocyanate 8dilsopropyl other)-* ischpropyl other dimethylamine . C,H,N 45.08 38.66 35.25 13.24 2.562 6.9 - - 1.60 (dimethyl aniline)
  • rylldene .

dimethyldeenlin C.,lle, 166.30 45.70 42.79 13.15 3254 220. 260 (dunethyl ether) .* methyl elhor , 1,1 dimethylhydratine : (UDMH) C,l l,,N, 60.10 32 95 30.03 14.10 2.130 25 578 2.73 dimethyl sulfoxide C,il,SO , 70.13 29 88 28.19 15.30 1.843 189. 677 1.89 *1.14

                                                 - 1.3 risonano                             C.I 40,                          68.10    to $7 - 24.58         9 68        2.543        105.         404 1.4 dionane                              C.l LO,                          00 10 26 83 24 84              9 77        2.543        101.1        406                  1.74'              1.07
                                                 - ell;ano                                  C,He                             30.07    51.87      4749    12.75          3.725       - 88 8         -                    -                 1.75 ethanol                                  C,H,0                            46.07    29.67      26.81   12.87          2.064           78.5      837                  2.43               1.42

{cthench + ethylene ethyt acetate C.I LO, 08.10 25.41 23 41 1289 1.816 77.2 367 1.94 1.29 ClLO, 100. la 27 44 25 69 13 39 1,918 100. 290 1,14 eihyl acrylate ethylivnuto C3H,N 45 v 38 63 35 22 13 23 2.662 16 5 - 2.89 1.61 ethyt bortrene C H., 106.16 43 00 40 93 12.93- 3.165 136.1 339 . 1.75 1.21 ethylene C,H4 28 05 50.30 47.17 13.78 3.422- - 103.9 - 2.38 1.56 ethylene glycol CALO, - 62 07 19.17 17.05 13.22 1.289 197.5 800 2.43 1.56 ethylene oxido C,H.O 44.05 29 65 27.65 1523 1.816 10.7 - 1.97 1.10 ' (offiyiruin biridrwirin)

  • hkhloroothylono (cthyl nifier) .* diethyl olhor foemoldchyde' Cll:0 30 03 18 76 17 30 16.23 1.066 -193 - - 1.18 fornuc acid CH,0, 46 03 5.53 4 58 13.15 0 348-- 100.5 476 2.15 0.98 futan C.ll4 0 G8 0/ 30 61 29 32 13 86 2.115 31.4 398 '1,69 0.96 o.D-glucose t C.H . ,0, 100.16 15.55 14.08- 13.21 1.066 -. - - -

r (glycenne)- glycarol glycerol C3H,03 92,10 17.95 16.04 13.19 1.216 290.0 800 2.42 125 (gtycerol trinitrale)- niltoglycetin n-henane C ,H ,, 100 20 48.07 d4 55 12 68 3 513 98 4 316 2.20 1.66 n . woo C,ll i . 00 to - 4744 44 Jt 12 95 3 422 93 6 317 2.17 1.58

                                                  .heindernne-                              C ,.,H i  -

226 43 - 4725 43 95 I2 70 3 462 206.7 228 2.22 .1.64 - henamothyldisdouane C,II,gs40 102.38 38.30 35.80 15.16 2.364 100.1 192 2.01 - (henomethyleneteu ar,vne) -. mothenamino n benano C lli. - 88 17 48 31 44 74 12 68 3 528 68 7 335 2.24 1.66 n-herene CJ l., 04.16 47 57 4441 12 99 3 422 63 5 333 2.18 1.57 bydratwie . I I.H, 32 05 52 00 49 34 49 40 0.990 113 5 1100 3.08 1.65 bydratoic acid . 43 02 15 20 14 77 79 40 0.186 35.7 690 - 1.02 lith ' 2.00 141.79 130 80 16 35 8.000 -252.7 - - 14.42 hydrogen . 11, (bydengan azicio)- hyden7mr: ncid

                                                 ~.hv.hugen cyanido .                       IIGil                            27 03 - 13 00 . 13 05          8 02      '1.400            25 7      933                  2.61               1.33 -

hythemmi solhdo HS 3 3100 4054- '4725 16 77 2 817 -60 3 548 - 1.00 - moleic anhydudet Cill:03 74 04 .18 77 10 17 14 O f 1297 202.0 - .- - nielanwie t C,linN, 126 13 15 58 14 54 12 73 1.142 -- -- - - methane Cil. 16 01 55 50 50 03 12 5 t -4000 - 161.5 - - 223 enethanol Cli,o 32 04 22 63 1D 94 13 29 1.500 64.8 1101 2.37 1.37 . methtman*ie! CJ I,,fl. 140 10 29 37 20 08 13 67 2 054 - - , 2 nehesycthanol C I t,0, 70 U3 2123 21 D2 13 03 1002 124 4 583 2.23 - methylamme Cll,,f f 31 06 31.16 30 62 1321 2.310 - 6.3 - - 1.61 (2 methyl 1. butanol) .. rso omyl n'cohol (melbyI r.blontfe) - dichlort nethane methyl ether C IlO 40 07 31 70 29 01 13 01 2 004 -21 9 - - 1.43 melbyt e.sh3 1 t etone c ,H.,r) 72 10 3300 31 10 12 09 2 44I 79 6 434 2.30 1.43 l snethginapht!Wono C. ,H m 142 10 40 00 39 33 12 05 3 030 244.7 323 1.58 1.12

    ..---.,..m.=             - . - - . . , . _ ,             .,o..         .u~.m...._-..,m              .-,_,,,,...,,.,_m -
                                                                                                                                         .    ,. ,      .-_-%-,.,,.             ,          m          ., ..,,,,,..-w       m,   - , ,3,.,y.._ . , , , . . - , . , -
  • M N -- Q C 7 0 6 5 2.
                                                                                                                        *~ttt       LY or EE&t.-AM&.023 / 90 . _                                              ..          =-

CoMaus7*/mE //Ed7* MNes /A%r;rs; eoeuseo @r R one _7- 31-9'o i APPEAW/x c.) cutentoS Y om 3A<c v w 5 120 FIRE ilAZARDS OF MATERIALS Table 5110. Heats of Combustion and Fielated Properties for Plastics'

r. C,.

Oxygen- Heat W Ah* Ah! fuel Capacity Urut Molecutar Gross Net Ah'g r. Mass Sohd Matenal Composition We!ght (MJ/kg) (MJtg) (MJtg 0,) rauo (IrJig.*C) seryionstrue-butadieno - - 3525 33.75 1.41-1.59 styrene copotymer bisphenol A epoxy C,i egH,o. arc, .O a 212.10 33.53 31.42 13.41 2.343 butadiene. acrylonitrile - - 39.94

  • 37% copolymer butadiene/ styrene C. ,,H o. 56.30 44.84 42.49 13.11 3141 1.94 8.W. copolymer butadienerstyrene C. ..H. ,, 61.55 44.19 41.95 13.07 ,

3209 1.82 25.5% copolymer cellulose acetate C,,H,.C. 288.14 18.88 17.66 13.25 1.333 1.34 (triscetale) . cellulose acetale. C.,H .0,i 274.27 23.70 22.3 14.67 1.517 1.70 butyrate spory, unhardened C3 ,H3.0, s 496 63 32.92 31.32 13.05 2.400 l epony, hardened C3,H. O. e 644.74 30.27 28 90 13.01 2221 melamine fortnaldehyde C.H.N. 162.08 19.33 18.52 12.51 1.481 1.46 (Formica) nylon 6 C.H,iNO 113.08 30.1 -31.7 28.0 -29 8 12.30 2.335 1.52 nylon 6.6 Ci ,H,,N2 0, 220.16 31.6 -31.7 29.5 -29.6 12.30 2.405 1.70 nylon 11 (Helsan) C,,H,, 40 183.14 36.99 34.47 12.33 2.796 1.70-2.30 phenol formaldehyde C, H.,0, 224.17 27.9 -31.6 26.7 -30.4 11.80 2.427 1.70

                                  . foam                                                        21.6 -27.4   20.2 -26.2 polyacenaphthalene               C,,H.                      152.14          39.23       38.14          12.95                  2.945 polyacrylonstnie                 CAN                         53.04         3222         30.98          13.70                  2262        1.50 pofyaltyfphthalate               C,.H .O i                  198.17         27.74        26.19           9.54                  2.745                       r (polyamides) - . nylon pofy 1.4.butadione               C.H.                        54 05         45.19        42.75         13.13                   3.256 poly.1. butene                   C.H.                        56.05         46 48        43.35         12.65                   3.426       1.88 polycarbonate                    C ,.H , .0,               254.19          30 99        29.78         13.14                   2466        126 polycarbon suboxide              C3 0,                       68.03          13.78       13.78         14 64                   0.941 polychlorotrillvorethylene       C,F 3C1                   116 47            1.12         1.12          2.04                  0.549      0.92 polydiphenylbutadiene            C .H.e                    202.18          39.30       38.2           13 05                   2.928 polyester, unsatursted           Ci nH. ,30, .3            101.60      21.6 -29.8   20.3 -28.5        11.90                   2.053   130-2,30 polyether, chionnated            C H.OCt,                  154 97          17.84    -   16.71         12.45                   1.342 colvethvtene                     C,H.                        2803      46.2 -46.5   43.1 -41 4        12.63                  3.425    1.83-2.30 p n .w                   C,H.O                       44.02         26.65       2.C.           13.57                   1.817 polyethylene terephthalate       C,,H.O.                   192.11          22 to       21 27          12.77                   1.666      1.00 polyformaldehyde                 CH,0                        33 01         16 93        1586          1418                    1.066      1.46 po4y.l.hosono suitone            C.H i ,SO,                14413           29 78       28 00          14.40                   1.944 polyhydrocyante acid             HCN                         27.02         2326        22.45          15.17                   1.480 (pofyisobutylene)- poly.1. butene polytsocyanurate foam                -

26.3 22.2 -26.2 polytsoprene CJL 6806 44 90 d2.30 12.90 3291 poly 3= methyl.1 buteno C H., 70 00 46 55 43 42 12.67 3.426 polymethyl methacrylate C,H.0, 100 06 26 64 24 88 12 97 1.919 L44 poly 4. methyl 1 pentene C.H , 84.09 46.52 43.39 12.67 3.425 2.18 pofy.n.methytstyrene C,H ., 118.11 42 31 40.45 13 00 3.116 potynitroctnytene C,H3 0,N 73 03 15 95 15 06 19 64 0.767 polyonymethytene CH,0 30 01 16 93 15 65 14.68 1.066 polyonytnmethylene CAO $8.04 31.52 29.25 13 27 2305 poly.1.penteno C,H , 70 06 45 58 42 45 12.39 3.426 l polyphenylacetylene C.H. 102 09 40.00 38.70 13.00 2.978 polyphenylone oxide C.H.O 120 09 3459 33 13 13.09 2.531 1.34 polypropone suitone C3H.SO, 106.10 23 82 22.58 16 64 1.357 polyforooiolactone C3H.0, 72 14 19 35 18.13 13 62 1.331 polypropyleno CA 42 04 46.37 43 23 12.62 3 824 2.10 polypropW..n oinde C,H.O 58 04 31.17 28 90 13.11 2205 j polystyrene C.H. 104.10 41.4 -42.5 397 -398 12.93 3.074 1.40 polystyrene.luam - 39 7 356 -408 polystyicno.inam. FH - 412 -429 polysurtones. butene C.H.SO, 120 11 24 04-26.47 22.25-25 31 14 79 1.598 1.30

                  ,     pottsuttar                       S                           32 09           9 72        9 72          9.74                 0 938
                    - po'ytetranuorpethylene             C,F.                      100 02            5 00        5 00          7.01                 0 640        1.02 potytetrahydrofuran              C.H.O                       72 05         34 39       31 85          13 04                 2 443 polyurea                         C,sH..O.N.                31820           24.91       23.67          13 45                 1.760 I


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CR M BM37/8LE N64 7* IMifftr /A%17ss eouruno QWp o,,, _ye3l-fo i APPEAW/X tl curento TAllLES A osse 3 & 90 lHRTS - j 314U Table 5110. (continued) r, C,. Orygen. Heat W ah; Ah' tvet Cooacny Unit Molecular Gross Nel Ahpr. Malenal Composition Mass Solid Weight (MJckg) (MJkg) .fMJkg 0,) ratio " (kJ'kg 'C) ' soryurethane C. ,H , ,NO, , 130 30 23 90 22.70 13.16 potyuretnew 6em - 1.725 1.75 1.84 26.1 -31.6 232 -200 paryureths. elctam. FA - 24.0 -25 0 polyvinyl ar.?'-te C.H.0, 06 05 2' 04 21.5 t 12 86 1.6 73 polyvinyl alcohol C,H.O 44 03 25 00 . 23.01 12 66 1.817 1.70 psyvinyl butyral C,H 0, 142.10 paryvanyl chlonde 32.90 30.70 13 00 2.365 C,H3Cl 62.48 17.95 16 90 12.00 pusyvinyHoam - 1.408 0.90-1,20 22.83 1.30-2.10 poryvinyl iluoride C,H3F 48 02 21.70 20 27 10 60 1.912 psyvinylldene chloride C,H,CI, 96 93 10 52 to 07 12 21 0 825 1.34 potyvinylldene fluonde C,H,F, 64 02 14.77 14 08 11.26 1.250 wee fortnaldehyde C3H.0,N, 1.38 102.05 15 90 14.61 13.31 1.090 was formaldehyde. foam - 1.60-2.10 14.00 hans et si 1967)* Sources: tTritone end Oneskey 1972; Kreketer et el 1965; Hogon 1976. NBS no cate. Aos and Scou 1971; JosN 1 Notes to Tables 511 A,5 ilB,5 ilC, and clude liquid lisSO.11511rO. For chlorine.containing

5. I 1 D '" "*'"" "'"' '""","a o f e n hu Hq u id hcl in water solution or gawous Cl havo buen unnd.

/ IIcals of Combustion: The hoot of combustion is, by 5. In the enmbustlun of silicones the silicon goes to amorphous silica. Sin,. definition, the enthalpy of reaction when fuel and oxidant at standard conditions are reacted and form products at standard conditions. A unique value for the heat of com. The state of the fuel-gaseous. liquid or solid-is not bustion is possible only if these condidons are fully standardized and must be specified. The heat of combus. specified (Hossini 1950:Cray 1972l. In normal combustion tion as defined above is termed the gross or upper value work the standard conditions are taken as: and is customarily determined in an oxygen bomb calo. 1, Fuel and oxidant entor at 1 atmosphere pressure and rimeter (ASThi undated al. For common materials the value is a negative nmnimr: howevor. customarily a minus 25'C (20ft K) turnperature. An amount ul hent, which is sign is inchuled in thu sh linillun in maku Imnt of cumhus. equal to the heat of cumbustion,l.k extracted, so that the lion a positivo valuu (ASTH! undated bl. Ifcat of combus. prnducts are also at 25*C and 1 atmosphere,

2. The oxidant is gescous oxygen. tion, enthalpy of combustinn, calorific value and heating value are synnnyms. the latter Iwo being used more com.
3. The main producta consist of liquhl ll 0. gascons CO,. monly in tho houting industry, and gaseous Ns. There is no CO formed
                                                                                                     .in rnuny cases the products are not cooled down to
4. For fuels containing sulfur, the standard products in. 25*C. For modest temperature differences the change in the Table 5-11C. Heat of Combustion of Miscellaneous Substances
  • ah; Ah!

Gross Not Material (MJ kg) (MJ/kg) ecetate (see cellulose acetate) acrylic fiber bissung powder 306-308 2.1-24 t> uter 38 5 telluloid (ceduk,se nitrate and camphorl 17.5-20 6 triutose acetate fiber. C.H ,0 164-192 17.8-18 4 16.4-17.0 ceilulose diacetate fit:er, C,.HuOr 18 7 ==- cedusose rutrete, C.H.N,0,C.H.N,OdC.H,N3 0,, . 9.11-13 48 cedutose triacetate libor. C.,Ho,0 18 8 charcoal 17 8 337 347 332-342 coal anthracfts 309 346 30.5-34 2 bitumenous coke 24.7-36 3 23 6-35.2 tort 28 0-31.0 ' 28 0-31.0 26 1 cenon 165-204 drnamite 54 soony. Cu .H,o 40, No gC. .H, ,3.0, en 32 8-33.5 31.1-31.4 tat, arumal Ent powder 39 8 30-31

 .         .      SoM-oo~e,ost                                                                                                            s ts,  d4          or
            .jpg. - Amd- o 7St90._

CMtBN.ST/&E N J;4 7. K 4 w a s / A c r a s eenusto (7W%,s __ 7- g/-to v-s APPEND /X Ll e tento IL6 oast 3AeTD l V

                         $ 122 l'IllE ilAZAllDS OF MATEltlALS                                                                                                         .

loble 5-11C. Heat of Combustion of Misculoneous Substances

  • ah; ah!

J l Gross Not Matonal (MJAg) (' fuel on No 1 46 1 No. B 42 5 pasiteling.chlorativlfonntad polyethylene (Hypolon) 28.5

                                        .vanyariono nuondr> henafluoroproprene thuurellVliott Al                                                              14.0-15 1 posolene                                                                                               46.8                                  43.7 Jet fuel JPl                                                                                                                                  43.0 JP3                                                                                                                              43.5
                                   .JP4                                                                                       de 8                                   43.5 JP5                                                                                       45.9                                   43.0 ktrosene (jet fuel A)                                                                                  46.4                                   43.3 lanolin (wool fat)                                                                                     40.8 lard                                                                                                   40.1 loathet                                                                                            18.2-10 8 16gnsn. C,eH3 0                                                                                    24.7-26 4                               23.4-251-lignile                                                                                           22.4-33.3 modacrylic fibor                                                                                       24.7 haphthn                                                                                           43.0-47,1 neoprene, CsH,Cf gum 40.W 24.3
                                                  .go in,                                                                  0.7-26.8 Nomon (polymethophenylono Isophtholonodel fiber, C,.H ,0,N,                                                                              27.0-28.7 oil cestor                                                                                             37.1 linsood                                                                                       392-394
                          .ndoorni                                                                                       456-460
                          .olivo                                                                                             39 6 solar                                                                                             41.8 papet. brown                                                                                       16.3- t 7.9
                                .magartne                                                                                     12.7 newsprivil                                                                                  19.7
                                -was                                                                                         21.5 poraffin wax                                                                                           46.2                                   43.1 peat                                                                                               16.7-21.6 petroleum jelly (C, . eH.,soon )                                                                       45.9 fnyon flhar                                                                                        136-195 tubber buna N                                                                                       347-356 buivt                                                                                     45 e isopi enn (natural) C,He                                                                  44 9                                   42,3 datex loom                                                                             33.9-40.6 ons                                                                                       44 2 lun. noto                                                                                 32 6
                    , silicone rubter (sic,H.0)                                                                          15.5-16 8
                                  . loam                                                                                 14.0-19.5 sisal                                                                                                  15 9 spnnrice liber                                                                                         31 4 sinich                                                                                                  17 0                                  18.2 strow                                                                                                  15 6 sulfur rhombie                                                                                                                                  9 28
                               .monoctinic                                                                                                                           929 lobacco                                                                                                15 8 wheat                                                                                                  15 0 woed4ce"t                                                                                             20 0                                    18.7 birch                                                                                      20.0                                    18.7
                              .dou0fas fv                                                                                  21.0                                    19 8
                              .macto                                                                                        19 1                        ,          17.8 fed oak                                                                                    20 2                                    18.7
                              -spruce                                                                                      21 8                                    20.4 nhite pine                                                                                 19 2                                    17.8
                              .hnrdboard                                                                                   19 9 woodflour                                                                                              19 8 wool                                                                                               207-266
  • Smetat 1,vvbrt el a! t921-61. NACA 1957; itvons et el 1912 Moose 1970. Domalski et el 1978= Bostic 1973,loca%v end Martynovskare 1972; Ohe et el 1971, Lowne 1983;
      , . - -               -         ~          , . . _ .                     -                 .              ,     .                 .    -  . - - .                  ,      ._.

e . . "

     * " ~

SQN- oo - D052 mr u'5 o,

               . EPM .4Md - O *? 3/ 90 COMAW.S T/8LE YdA'7' N Mf5 lAW7'E                                                           :c ourto W % rg 7-$/- @
,            f APPEA/D/X t.)                                                              e re re .W e n 3                           hell
                                 .,, .                                                                                                                                v CONFINEMENT OF FIRE IN BUILDINGS 7 111 4.

I bra tedetermine how actual building fires cornpared with TABLE 7 90. Estimated Fire Severity for Offices and is temperatures represented on the curve (Ingberg 1927 Ught Commerciat Occupanices y  ?!!:8). The tests included two actual buildings chst were Data appyng to fire-resisuve buengs witti comoustible fumnure s' lowed to burn to destruction and a series of fires in fire and shelving

                         'serWre test buildings containing contents representative                                                                                             !

ltf office, record room, and household occupancies. The ' p!ncipal verlable considered in these occupancy fire tests combushbie Sev y tu the amount of combustible materials present. which is conioni App,,,im,,,,y Totat. including deined as the fire load. Although the ventilation in the test ecuevaient to that of fitusn. noor. Heat Potential test under standard kildings won not reported, the windows were equipped and inrn Assumed

  • curve for the
                        'ellh strel shutters that could be ad}usted to control ven.                  pst                Diu per so ftt              fonowing penossa:

tla!!on and maximize fire severity. The quantitative im. - priance of ventilation on fire severity was not identified d " etil more than 25 years after these tests. These tests d e lamducted by the NDS provided quantitative data on the a im n, ,y, i 20 160.000 2 Ns kmperature history of fires tnet was representative of 33 t . 240.000 3 hrs various occupancies and fire load at that period of time. 40 320.000 4% hrs Mr load was expressed as the weight of ordinary combus. 50 380.000 7 hrs

                        !!bles to the room divided by the floor area of the room.                    60                   432.000                  8 his                   ,'

heding is the average amount of ordinary combustible 70 500.000 9 hrs 8

                      'esterial per squere foot (m   ) of floor erea. The iemperature btcry of the fully developed fires in the three test                   .g,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ogn,,,,,,,,,,,y,,,.

exupancies was approximately bounded by the standard 7.soo seu per m ior so m. and 7.200 eiu ior so e and more io sarm ior ime temperature curve. rwawev grenier proportion or pace The weigms contempiaied by et, taeses ere anose of ordincy comeostiene meenais. such as wood paper, or tentdes,

                      ) The NDS developed the concept of equivalent are                       t si uruts: i pit - 4.s ko mt i eiurii' . i.i4 arma j                       erventy to define the severity of actual fires that had tarious temperature histories. This concept states that the ensabove a base line under the time temperature curve of             probable maximum fire severity in residential instito.

I test fire, which is expressed in degree hours, is an tional, and some commercial occupancies. Fire load approximate representation of the severity of a fire involv. should not he used as an approximate indicator of fire bg ordinary combustibles. The base line used represents severity with combustibles having a high heat release rate blamperature the materials can be exposed to without and when fire conditiot:s can produce temperatures signif. beelring their fire resistive capabilites. Twu fires with icantly higher or lower than the standard timedemperature daring temperature histories are considered to have curve. spitalant severity when the area under their time tem. prsture curves la similar.This concept permitted compar. Fire load is a measure of the maximum heat that would be released if all the combustibles in a given nre kaolan) fire test data to the standard time-temperature area burned. Maximum heat release is the product of the

                    . curve by relating the area under the test curve to ti e area weight of each combustible multiplied by its heat of uder the standard curve.                                             combustion. In a normal building, the fire load includes
                    }                                                                    combusilblo contents interior finish, finor finish, and i

FIRE LOAD structural elements. Fire load is commonly upreued in [ The original concepts of fire severity and are load t' termscre of the average fire load, which is the equivalent combustible weight divided by the fire area in square feet

                    ? yimpor. ant even though they aie technically obsoletc              or square meters.
  .                .Ne concepts are the basis for many of the fire resistarca                   Equivalent combustible weight is defined as the
                   .tiquirements of building codes and for government egen.              weight of ordinary combustibles having a heat of combus.
                   't!as,in many cases, use of this original fire severity / fire        lion of 8,000 Diu per Ib (18 608 FLg), that would release the jhd relationship was more sevnte than is indicated by                  same total hoot ns the combustibles in the space. Fnr eers eccurate enalysis. Such results are conservative since a *arnple,       the equivalent weight of 10 lb per ay it HB.R ihrtsultant error is on the safe side,                                         8 kgm ) of a plastic with a heat of combustion of 12.000 Btu r Analysis of Nils tests developed an approximate rela.                per 13 (27 912 Pkg) would be:

laship between Gro loading and an exposure to a fire finerity equivalent to the standard time temperature 10 lb per sq ft x 12,000 Diu per Ib = 120.000 Btu per sq ft gntve. The weight per square foot or square meter of (edinary combustibles [ wood, paper, and similar materials 120.000 Btu per sq ft + 8.000 Btu r- t acinary combustibles = 15 lb per sq ft y$ l!toe18 hat 6066!J/kg)) combustion was relatedofto7.000 hourly to fire8.000 severityDtu as per Ib (16 hbed in Table 7 98, Technically accurale methods for relating fire sever. 1 The Are severity /Bre load relationship was the first Ity, fire load, and fire resistance requirements are complex jerhod developed to predict the severity of a fire that but can be advantageously used in important specific

                 ,tnuld be anticipated in various occupancies. It was used
                 ;tdetermine resistance required of fire barriers as well as applications. Such methods require consideration of pa-ramotors other than the fuelload, such as ventilation. type
                 .txtural components. Although the technique has its                    of enclosure walls, and ceiling. These mothods nre enm.

bitsHons, the fire severity /Are load relationship still plex and currently too difficult for goneral use in design or ymdes an approximate but conservative estimate of the selection of barrier fire resistance.


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47W200-5 Rev D SAR Figure 1.2.3-5 FilR J1001 .... (( fire hose rack. Number indicates length in feet. ABC h .... Multipurpose type fire extinguisher. Number indicates capacity in pounds.

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