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Proposed Tech Spec Changes Allowing Installation of Increased Range post-accident Monitors in Accordance w/NUREG-0737,Item II.F.1.1
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/05/1983
Shared Package
ML20028C848 List:
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737, TASK-2.F.1, TASK-TM NUDOCS 8301140236
Download: ML20028C857 (6)



s 3.5.5 ACCIDENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION Applicability Applies to the operability requirements for the instrument identified in Table 3.5-2 and Table 3.5-3 during STARTUP, POWER OPERATION and HOT STANDBY..

Obj ective To assure operability of key instrumentation useful in diagnosing

. situations which could represent or lead to inadequate core cooling or evaluate and predict the course of accidents beyond the design basis.

Specification The minimum number of channels identified for the instruments in Table 3.5-2, shall be OPERABLE. With the number of instrumentation channels less than the minimum required, restore the inoperable channel (s) to OPERABLE status within seven (7) days (48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> for pressurizer level) or be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next six (6) hours and in COLD SHUTDOWN within an additional 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

Prior to startup following a COLD SHUTDOWN, the minimum nur' r of channels shown in Table 3.5-2 shall be operable. The minimum channels operable for the instruments specified in Table 3.5-3 shall be operable. With the number of instrumentation channels less than the minimum required, restore the inoperable channel (s) to OPERABLE status prior to criticality from any outage greater than 30 days duration.

Bases The saturation Margin Monitor prt des a quick and reliable means for determination of saturation temperature margins. Hand calcu-lation of saturation pressure and saturation temperature margins can be easily and quickly performed as an alternate indication for the Saturation Margin Monitors.

Discharge flow from the two (2) pressurizer code safety valves and the PORV is measured by differential pressure transmitters connected across elbow taps downstream of each valve. A delta-pressure indication from each pressure transmitter is available in the control room to indicate code safety or relief valve line flow. An alarm is also provided in the control room to indicate that discharge from a pressurizer code safety or relief valve is occurring. In addition, an acoustic monitor is provided to detect flow in the PORV discharge line. An alarm is provided in the control room for the acoustic m6nitor.

8301140236 830105 PDR ADOCK 05000289 3-40a P PDR


-TheEmergencyfFeedOaterSystemisprovided'withtwochannelsofflow instrumentation on each of'the-two discharge lines. Local flow indication is also available for the emergency feedwater system'through'the-Non-Nuclear Instrumentation (NNI).

lAlthough.the pressurizer has multiple level indications, the separate indications are selectable via a switch for. display'on a single display.

' Pressurizer. level, however, can also be determined via the patch panel and the computer log. In addition, a second channel of pressurizer level indication is available independent of the NNI.

'Although the instruments identified in Table 3.5-2 are significantL in diagnosing situations which could' lead to inadequate. core cooling, loss of any one of the instruments in Table 3.5-2 would not prevent continued,-

safe, reactor operation.' Therefore, operation is justified for up to 7

. days-(48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> for pressurizer level). Alternate indications are avail--

able for Saturation Margin Monitors using hand calculations, the PORV/


' Safety Valve position' monitors:using discharge line thermocouple and

. Reactor Coolant Drain Tank indications, and for EFW flow using Steam Generator level and EFW pump discharge pressure. Pressurizer level has two channels, one channel from NNI (3 D/P instrument strings through a single indicator) and one channel independent of the NNI. Operation with the above pressurizer level channels out of service is permitted for up to 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />. : Alternate indication would be available through the

' plant ccmputer.

Monitors for containment pressure, containment water level, containment

! hydrogen level and various high range radiation monitors are useful to evaluate and predict the course of accidents which go beyond the plant design basis (See Table 3.5-3). These instruments should be maintained operable for that purpose, however, unavailability of these instruments should not restrict plant operation. The instruments should be operable upon return from any outage of sufficient duration to permit their return to' service. All reasonable efforts should be made to =aintain and return these instruments to operable status during plant operation.

F 3-40b 4


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1. Ili Range Noble Gas Effluent
a. Condenser Vacuum Pump Extiaust 1 .l (RM-A5 III)
b. Condenser Vacuum Pump Exhaust 1 1 * '


c. Auxiliary and Fuel llandling Building 1 1.

Exhaust (MI-A8 lii)

d. Reactor Building Purge Exhaust 1 1 (RM-A9 111)
c. Reactor Building Purge Exhaust 1 1.


o (RM-G24)

f. Main Steam Lines Radiation 1 each OTSG .1 each OTSG-(RM-G26/RM-G27)
2. Containment liigh Range Radiation 2 1 (RM-G22/21)
3. Containment Pressure '2 1
4. Containment Water Level 2 .1
5. Containment liydrogen 2< 1.

t 4


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4. ' SURVEILLANCE STANDARDS Specified ' intervals may be adjusted plus or minus 25 percent to accommodate normal test. schedules.

4.1 .0PERATIONAL SAFETY REVIEW Applicabii!ty Applies to items directly related to safety limits and limiting conditions i l

"for operation.

-Objective To specify the minimum frequency and type of. surveillance to be applied to-unit equipment and conditions.


Specification 4.1.1 The minimum frequency and type of surveillance required for reactor protection system and engineered saf ety feature -

protection system instrumentation when the reactor is critical shall be as stated in Table 4.1-1. -l 4.1.2 Equipment and sampling test shall be perf ormed as detailed i n Tabl es 4.1-2 and 4.1-3.

. 4.1.3 Each post accident monitoring instrumentation channel shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by the performance of the check, test and calibration at the frequencies shown in Table 4.1-4.

Bases Check Fail ures such as blown instrument f uses, defective indicators, or f aulted amplifiers which result in " upscale" or "downscale" indication can be easily recognized by simple observation of the functioning of an instrument or system. Furthermore, such failures are, in many cases, revealed by alarm or annuciator action. Comparison of output and/or state of Independent channels measuring the same variable sup;:lements this type of built-in surveillance. Based on experience in operation of both conventional and nuclear systems, when the unit is in operation, the minimum checking frequency stated is deemed adequate for reactor system instrumentation.

Calibration Calibration shall be performed to assure the presentation and acquisition of accurate information. The nuclear flux (power range) channels amplifiers shall be checked and calibrated if necessary, every shift against a heat balance standard. The frequency of heat balance checks will assure that the dif ference between the out-of-core instrumentation and the heat balance remains less than 4%.



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TABLE 4.1-1 (Continued)


28. Radiation Monitoring Systems
  • W(1)(3) M(3) Q(2) '(1)' Using the installed check source when background is less than twice.the expected increase in cpm which would result-from the check source alone. Background readings greater than this value are

-sufficient in themselves_to show that.

the monitor is functioning.

(2) Except area gamma. radiation' monitors'.

RM-G6, RM-G7, and RM-G8 which are located in high radiation areas of the Reactor Building. These monitors will be calibra'ted quarterly or at. the . .;

next scheduled reactor shutdown following-

, the quarter in which calibration would 3, normally be due, if a shutdown during m the. quarter does not' occur.

(3) Surveillances must be performed only l when containment integrity is required.-

This applies to monitors which' initiate-containment isointion only. ,

29. liigh and Low Pressure NA NA R Injection Systems: Flow Channels
  • Does not include the monitors covered under specification and 4.1.3

, x&

.j TABl.E 4.1-4 *

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1. Noble Gas Effluent
a. Condenser Vacuum Pump Exhaust (RM A5 111). W (1) Q: RL (1) U;Ing the' installed ,

c s ce ur

b. Condenser Vacuum Pump Exhaust (RM-G25) 'W (1) -Q~ R 9
c. Aux. and Fuel llandling Building Exhaust W (1) Q R- twicelthe expecidl in-(RM A 8 lii) ' crease in cpm winich -
d. Reactor Building Purge Exhaust (RM A 9111) W (1) .Q R g
e. Reactor Building Purge Exhaust (RM-G24) W (1).

Q zR. . Background readings:

f. Main Steam Lines Radiation (RM-G26/R}f-G27) W (1) -Q .R. 7
2. Containment liigh Range Radiation (RM G 22/23) W R selves to 'shw thap.tlie Q monitor is functioning.d ,


3. . Containment Pressure S ~Q- R'

@ 4. Cnntainment Water Level N/A N/A R

5. Containment Ilyd ror,en N/A .M- R ..

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