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Interim Deficiency Rept Re Inadequate Documentation for Miscellaneous Steel Plantes,Initially Reported 810513. Bechtel Has Initiated Investigation.Addl Control Measures to Assure Validity of Documentation Will Be Developed
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/23/1981
From: Curtis N
To: Grier B
10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, PLA-859, NUDOCS 8106300194
Download: ML20005A329 (2)


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June 25, 1981 '$ %h~k $>

't 9 6 Docket No. 50-213 A01452

'g sy b8/jg Director of Nuclear Reac*,or Regulation Attn Mr. Dennis M. Crutchfield, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #5 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555


(1) D. G. Eisenhut letter to SEP Plant Licensees, dated January 14, 1981.

(2) W. G. Counsil letter to D. G. Eisenhut, dated February 27, 1981.


Haddam Neck Plant SEP Topic III-4.D, Site Proximity Missiles (including aircraft)

As part of the redirection of the Systenatic Evaluation Program, Reference (1), Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company (CYAPCO) committed to develop Safety Assessment Reports (SAR's) for certain SEP topics which would be sulanitted for Staff review. C".*APCO detailed this commitment and provided a schedule for submittal of SAR's in Reference (2). In accordance with this commitment, CYAPCO hereby provides the Safety Assessment Report for SEP Topic III-4.D, Site Proximity Missiles (in-cluding aircraft), which is included an Attachment 1.

We trust the Staff will appropriately use this information to develop a Safety Evaluation Report for this SEP topic.



[b W. G. Counsil Senior Vice President f

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LN Docket No. 50-213 "tachment 1 Safety Assessment Report SEP Topic III-4.D, Site Proximity Missiles (Including Aircraft)

June, 1981


Haddam Neck Plant SEP Safety Assessment Report Topic lll-4.D Site Proximity Missiles


The objective of this topic is to assure that the integrity of safety-related structures, systems, and componants will not be impaired and ,

that they will perform their safety f tions in the event of a site proximity missile.

2.0 CRITERIA Standard review plan section states that:

The plant is considered adequately designed against site proMimity missiles if the resulting probability of a missile affecting the safety-related features of the plar.- is within the guidelines established in section 11 of standard review plan 2.2.3.

Section il of standard review plan 'e 2.3 states:

The identification of design basis events resulting from the presence of hazardous materials or activities in the vicinity of the plant is acceptable if the design basis events include each postulated type of accident for which the expected rate of occurrence of potential exposures in excess of the 10 CPR Part 100 guldelinas is estimated to exceed the NRC staff objective of approximately 10-7 per year. Because of the difficulty of assigning accurate. numerical values to the expected rate of un-precedented hazards generally considered in this review plan, judgment must be used as to the acceptability of the overall risk presented.

3.0 DISCUSSION The potential for hazardous activities in the vicinity of the Haddam Neck site will be addressed under SEP Topic ll-1.C. Except for sr/eral small tcwns and villages and a portion of Middletown, the area within a ten mile radius is predcminantly rural. About 80 percent of this area is wooded with the remaining open area devoted to general farming, resort, and some minor-industry. The distances to the nearest land transportation routes are such that the risk associated with potentisl missiles from transportation accidents does not present a credible missile hazard. No pipelines, railroad tracks, or military facilities or activities exist near the plant which could create a missile hazard.

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o jl Goodspeed Airport in Easc Haddam is a general a71ation facility with one runway located approximately three miles from the plant. The airport l is used primarily by light single engine aircraf t aviation activities such as business and pleasure flying. The location of the airport physically prohibits significant expansion. Operation of the airport does not ccnstitute a significant hazard due to size and the nature of traf fic.

Traffic along the Connecticut River that passes by the plant consists of commercial and recreational shipping and boating. Oil barges pass within 1,000 feet of the site. The potential for a missi'.e hazard resulting from this. traffic will be developed under Topic 11-1.C.

Orientation and layout of the plant inherently would provide missile protection from this source. All plant components required for safe shutdown located within plant structures would be sufficiently pro-tected as a result of the structural design criteria originally used.

(Reference SEP Topics 111-2, lil-4.A, and ill-7.B). All safe shutdown required plant components located outside of plant structures are located to the east of the site and are protected from the river by the surrounding structures. Pending completion of Topic ll-1.C, the missile hazard postulated from transportation along the Connecticut-River is not considered to affect the safe shutdown capability of the plant.

3.1 ASSOCIATED SEP 'IOPICS l o 11-1.C Potential hazards to nearby industrial, transporation, and military facilities.


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l Ponding resolution of SEP Topic ll-1.C and based on this review, CYAPCO concludes that operation of the Haddam Neck Plant does not present an i undue risk to the health and safety of the public as a result of aircraf t E and site proximity missile hazards.


1. Regulatory Guide 1.91, Evaluation of Explosions Postulated to Occur on Transportation Routes Near Nuclear Power Sites.
2. Standard review plan sections:

2.2.3 . Evaluation of Potential Accidents Gite Proximity Missiles (except aircraf t) Aircraft Hazards w -

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