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Revised Tech Spec Change Request 91 (Submitted 800807) Consisting of Proposed New Mgt Organization
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 08/14/1980
From: Finfrock I
Shared Package
ML19338C558 List:
NUDOCS 8008180135
Download: ML19338C557 (1)


l Jersey Central Power & Light Company Madison Avenue at Punch Bowl Road Mornstown. New Jersey 07960 (201)455-8200 August 14, 1980 Director Nuclear Reactor Regulation United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Wash i ng ton, D. C.


Dear Sir:


Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Docket No. 50-219 Technical Specification Change Request No. 91 By our letter dated August 7,1980 we forwarded to you Technical Speci f ication Change Request No. 91.

This Change Request def ines the proposed new management organization for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. On August 8,1980 members of my staf f met with members of your staf f to discuss the proposed changes. As a result of that meeting a request was made to consistently use the Title Vice President, JCP&L; Director-0yster Creek for the individual named in the text of the change as Vice President Oyster Creek. Al so it was requested that we more clearly delineate in the discussion of the change which positions or functions had changed f rom the existing specifications. The attached pages have been updated in respense to your staf f's questions. Those portions changed are indicated by double vertical lines in the right hand column.

If you should have any further questions, please contact James Knubel (201/455-8753) of my sta f f.

Very truly yours, bl N$

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Vice Presid nt 8 () () g y g, y Cen ower & Light Company is a Member of the General Pubhc Utaties System