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Application for Amend to License DPR-16,modifying Statements in TS & Bases to Correctly Reflect Ref Parameter for Anticipatory Scram Signal Bypass
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 03/28/1996
From: Roche M
Shared Package
ML20101J765 List:
6730-96-2076, NUDOCS 9604020133
Download: ML20101J762 (7)



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jy GPU Nuclear Corporation a Nuclear I

s'sa:r388 1

l Forked River, New Jersey 08731-0388 609 971-4000 Writer's Direct Dial Number:

March 28, 1996 6730-96-2076 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Att: Document Control Desk

?!ashington, D.C. 20555 Gentlemen:


Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station (OCNGS)

Docket No. 50-219 Technical Speci0 cation Change Request (TSCR) No.234 Anticipatory Scram Signal Bypass Setpoint in accordance with 10 CFR 50.4(b)(1), enclosed is Technical Speci0 cation Change Request (TSCR) No.

234. Also enclosed is a Certificate of Service for this request certifying service to the chief executive of the township in which die facility is located, as well as the designated official of the State of New Jersey Bureau of Nuclear Engineering, i The purpose of this TSCR is to modify statements in the Technical Speci0 cations and the bases to correctly

, reflect the reference parameter for the anticipatory scram signal bypass. A non-conservative setpoint was l discovered during an engineering evaluation. The setpoint was adjusted, the required procedure changes j have been made and the FSAR is being updated. This change will properly align the Technical Speci0 cations, the FSAR and the setpomt.

l Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.91 (a)(1), enclosed is an analysis applying the standards in 10 CFR 50.92 to make a determination of no significant hazards consideration.

I Sincerely, b0 Michael B. Roche i 0~o002G Vice President and Director Attachments Oyster Creek

. DPK/It cc: Administrator, Region i Oyster Creek NRC Resident inspector Oyster Creek NRC Project Manager 9604020133 960328 PDR ADOCK 05000219 00 P PUR a  ;

GPU Nuclear Corporaton is a sutradiary of Gmeral Pubhc Uhhties Corporaton

I GPU NUCLEAR CORPORATION OYSTER CREEK NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION Facility Operating License No. DPR-16 Technical, Specification Change Request No. 234 Docket No. 50-219 Applicant submits, by this Technical Specification Change Request No. 234, to the Oyster Creek l Nuclear Generating Station Operating License, a change to pages 3.1-5 and 3.1-16.

Y b &

Michael B. Roche Vice President and Director Oyster Creek Sworn and Subscribed to before me thiS 28th day of M. arch, 1996.

] $ Uta.LA m bw GERALDINE E. L1 VIN I j NOMMMSUC0 Fem A Notary Public of NJ j %hErpm_,a3/osfa , )






In the Matter of )

) Docket No. 50-219 GPU Nuclear Corporation )

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that a copy of Technical Specification Change Request No. 234, for Oyster Creek l Nuclear Generating Station Operating License, filed with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission on March 28, 1996 1996 has this day of 28 March 1996, been served on the Mayor of Lacey Township, Ocean County, New Jersey by deposit in the United States mail, addressed as follows:

l The Honorable John Parker Mayor of Lacey Township I 818 West Lacey Road I

( Forked River, NJ 08731 by b  :

Michael B. Roche i Vice President and Director Oyster Creek i

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l GPU Nuclear Corporation

_ a Nuclear  :::=:r388 Forked River. New Jersey 08731-0388 l

609 971-4000 Writer's Direct Dial Number:

March 28, 1996 6730- % 2076 i l

1 Mr. Kent Tosch, Director Bureau of Nuclear Engineering Department of Environmental Protection CN 411 l Trenton, NJ 08625

Dear Mr. Tosch:


Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Facility Operating License No. DPR-16 Technical Specification Change Request No. 234 Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.91(b)(1), please find enclosed a copy of the subject document which was filed with the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Sincerely, k bid Michael B. Roche Vice President and Director Oyster Creek Attachment

DPK/ pip GPU Nuclear Corporation is a subsda y of Genera! Pubhc Ute es Corporahon

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I GPU Nuclear Corporation J. MUClear EraBr 8' Forked River New Jersey 08731-0388 609 971-4000 Writer's Direct Dial Number; March 28, 1996 6730- % 2076 The Honorable John C. Parker Mayor of Lacey Township 818 West Lacey Road Forked River, NJ 08731

Dear Mayor Parker:

, Enclosed herewith is one copy of Technical Specification Change Request No. 234, for the Oyster Creek l

Nuclear Generating Station Operating License.

This document was filed with the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission on March 28. 1996 l

l Sincerely, .

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% 0100 a Michael B. Roche Vice President and Director Oyster Creek Attachment l DPK/ pip 4

l GPU Nuc1 ear Correa*on rs a subsdary of Genera! Pubic U9tes Corporaton

1. Technical Specification Chance thquest (TSCR) No,234 GPU Nuclear requests that the following changed replacement pages be inserted into existing Technical

- Specifications:

Replace existing pages 3.1-5 and 3.1-16 with the attached revised pages 3.1-5 and 3.1-16.

11. REASON FOR CilANGE During a review of General Electric SIL 423, a non-conservative setpoint for the anticipatory scram signal bypass pressure switches was identified. The deficiency was reported to the NRC and a Licensee Event Report (LER 95-005) was submitted. An engineering analysis was performed and the setpoint was modified accordingly. The purpose of this TSCR is to modify statements in the Technical Specifications and the bases to correctly reflect the reference parameter for the anticipatory scram signal bypass. Changes are being made to the FSAR concurrently to ensure enacirte:r/ between the documents. l III. SAFETY EVALUATION JUSTIFYING CHANGE The Reactor Protection System (RPS) monitors plant parameters and automatically initiates protective actions if established limits are exceeded. The RPS acts to protect the core against fuel rod cladding damage and to protect the reactor vessel from overpressure. The RPS initiates an anticipatory reactor l scram for the following turbine / generator conditions: a) Turbine Stop Valve Closure; b) Turbine Control Valve Fast Closure (Generator Load Rejection).

On start up or when reactor power is decreasing, the Technical Specifications allow the anticipatory scram signal logic to be byparsed when rated reactor thermal power is below 40%. During power i ascension, the bypass is removed and the anticipatory scrams are enabled before reaching 40% rated reactor thermal power. The bypass is accomplished using pressure switches off the high pressure turbine third stage extraction steam line. This pressure relates to rated reactor thermal power.

The non-conservative setpoint had existed since the incorporation of the anticipatory scrams early in plant operation. The cause of this design deficiency has been attributed to the original plant design utilizing turbine third stage extraction steam pressure as a measure of thermal power due to the convenience of the existing pressure sensing taps on the turbine. The conversion from steam pressure to reactor thermal power were not properly correlated for all possible equipment configurations during plant operation.

The turbine third stage extraction test data was obtained at three reactor power levels for the most limiting conditions which includes all three strings of high pressure and intermediate pressure feedwater heaters out of service. New setpoint calculations have been peiformed and verified. The setpoint has been modified based on those calculations. In addition, all necessary procedure changes have been ,

made and the related section of the FSAR is being updated. j l

l Ill. NO SIGNIFICANT llAZARDS CONSIDERATION GPU Nuclear has determined that this TSCR poses no significant hazard as defined by the NRC in 10 CFR 50.92.

1. State the basis for the determination that the proposed activity will or will not increase the probability of occurrence or consequences of an accident.

This change modifies the terminology in a footnote to a Technical Specification Table and the bases.

The change properly aligns the footnote and the bases with the FSAR and the newly revised conservative setpo:nt which now correctly correlates the high pressure turbine third stage extraction steam line pressure to rated reactor thermal power. The change does not modify the function or operation of the bypass logic. Therefore, the proposed change will not increase the probability of occurrence or consequences of an ac:Hent.

2. State the basis for the determination that the activity does or does not create the possibility of an accident or malfunction of equipment of a different type than any previously identified in the SAR.

The change does not involve any hardware and does not alter the functional intent of the pressure . j switches. The change of the footnote wording and the bases are primarily administrative and the existing Technical Specification Limiting Condition for Operation are preserved. Thus the proposed activity does not create the possibility of an accident or malfunction of a different type than any previously identified in the SAR. 1

3. State the basis for the determination that the margin of safety as defined in the bases of any Technical Specification is not reduced. l The revised setpoint assures that the anticipatory scram signal bypass is removed before reaching the Technical Specification limit of 40% rated reactor thermal power (during power ascension). Thus, the I margin of safety as stated in the bases of Technical Specification 3.1 is preserved.

IV. IMPLEMENTATION GPU nuclear requests that the amendment authorizing this change be effective upon issuance.

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