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Supplemental Application for Amend to CPPR-119,designating Entergy Operations,Inc as Entity Licensed to Possess & Construct Unit,Per 890821 Request
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/21/1989
From: Cottle W
AECM-89-2-0005, AECM-89-2-5, NUDOCS 8912040164
Download: ML19332D575 (13)


{{#Wiki_filter:,.. .= ,, s NEEDMEEE, MC. s ue. ws wum, vee Nmug November 21, 1989. Rewr opmotos U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Station P2-137 Washington, D.C. 20555 4 Attention: Document Control Desk Gentlemen:


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Unit 2 Docket No. 50-417 Construction permit No. CPPR-119 f E01 Amendment Application - l Supplemental Information AECM-89/2-0005 On August 21, 1989, System Energy Resources, Inc. (System Energy), I submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission a proposed Construction Permit -amendment to designate Entergy Operations, Inc. (EOI) as the entity licensed to possess and construct Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (Grand Gulf) Unit 2. Subsequent to the August 21, 1989 submittal (AECM-89/2-0004) a number of other submittals have been made to the NRC for Grand Gulf Unit 3 regarding E01 I which are described as follows: AECM-89/0179 dated September 22, 1989, describing public information initiatives. AECM-89/0176 dated September 27, 1989, providing information filed before the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on September 25, 1989. AECM-89/0199 dated October 27, 1989 which provided supplemental information on antitrust considerations. AECM-89/0191 dated November 21, 1989 which included additional .information and a comparison of 10CFR50.80(b) with the August 15, 1989 Unit I submittal. We hereby incorporate the above submittals by reference into the application of August 21, 1989 to amend the Grand Gulf Unit 2 Construction Permit.- Supplemental information to the August 21, 1989 submittal is provided in Attachment 2. 8912040164 091121 PDR ADOCK 05000417 A PDC cwo car note ssstm V l l A9112001/SNLICFLR - 1 i wo m, cm,m , g I

j-g -- ~ ,c Mg AEC31-89/2-0005 .f: 51 Page,2-E

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\\ ?' In accordance with the provisions of 10CFR50.4,-the signed original of .,G - the amendoont application is' enclosed and the appropriate copies will be distributed.: The August 21, 1989 amendment' application provides the background and technical justification to support the requested construction = 'N . permit amendment. .p Yours truly, eO i. Cosmw yy .: 6 C tkm . Attachments:

1. Affirmation per 10CFR50.30
2. GGNS Unit 2 Construction Permit Markup e,

d ' cc: (See Next Page)- 4 t J l i r '2 n> l i'. i, l-A . A9112001/SNLICFLR - 2 ^ 1, J

g m m i[ 4-AECM-89/2-0005 % :4. P g) 3 ~ r

cei-Mr. D. CfHintz (w/a)

E Mr. T. H. Cloninger.(w/a) Mr. J. G. Cesare (w/o)~ Mr. R. B.-McGehee (w/a) iMr. N.18. Reynolds (w/a). { Mr. II. L. Thomas (w/a) 1 I Mr.:H.iO. Christensen (w/a) 'Mr.; Stewart D. Ebneter'(w/a)' s Regional Administrator , - U.Si Nuclear Regulatory Comission Region ' II : 101.Marietta St., N.W.; Suite 2900 ll.- Atlanta, Georgia':30323 k ~Mr. L. L.,Kintner, Project Manager (w/a) Office.-of~ Nuclear' Reactor Regulation. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission " Mail ~Stop 24B20' Washington,' D.C. 20555-Mr. Dennis M. Crutchflold l-Associate Director for Special Projects F . Office of Nuclear ~ Reactor Regulation-U.S. - Nuclear = Regulatory. Comission 7. s Mail Stop 7D24 p- . Washington,-D.C. 20555: i k, : -Mr. David'L. Wigginton, Project Manager Project Directorate - IV ~ Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, V, and Special Projects Office of Nuclear' Reactor. Regulation; a. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission e L Mail Stop 13D18-- L Washington, D;C.- 20555 i. Dr.-Alton B. Cobb (w/a) State Health Officer

Stata Board of Health P.O. Box 1700 C

Jackson, Mississippi 39205 I i: s -)A9112001/SNLICFLR - 3 I

7r. g. [ti q :;i: y y >.4 A. 2 0 ^ ._,1 I BEFORE THE. j, . UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION CPPR-119 s E, DOCKET NO. 50-417 IN THE MATTER OF ' MISSISSIPPI POWER & LIGHT COMPANY and SYSTEM ENERGY RESOURCES, INC. -and SOUTH MISSISSIPPI ELECTRIC POWER ASSOCIATION AFFIRMATION I, W. T.LCottle,'being duly. sworn, state that I am Vice President, Nuclear _ Operations of; System Energy Resources, Inc.; that on behalf of System ' Energy Resources, Inc.', and South Mississippi Electric Power Association-I am - authorized by' System Energy Resources, Inc. to sign and file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, this application for: amendment of.the Construction Permit for Unit 2 of the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station;'that I signed this application as Vice President,. Nuclear Operations of System Energy Resources, Inc.; and that the statements made and the matters set forth therein are true the best of'my knowledge, information and belief. e s;> % Qi= - - __ W. T. Cottle STATE OF MISSISSIPPI COUNTY OF CLAIBORNE SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, a Notary Public, in and for the 'Cour y and-State above named, this *1\\ day of TNeumb:rs 1989. E .(SEAL) UAs mohn 5:buNotary Public ] ] g My commission expires: My Cnrambslon Expires July 1.1993 A9112001/SnLICFLR - 5 .-,q

~sg ,~ q t i R,4- . to AECM-89/2-0005 Page 1 - i,- a,. .qib- .r. l .y': j, 4 i '( 4 r i ' M., 3 i a T-I 4 j - 1 .f 4' ..T. ' 4 s ,k ) r s h E f CPPR-119 I c ') .1 GRAND GULF UNIT 2 ia't i CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 1 t b f MARKUP ,1 3 ..Jg c r }7 r Y i-. f L - ) r [ 4, p 'b G c P . s. i' c 19,. j M , ' i .h s L. { i i I + 3 M9102501/SNLICFLR er. p %N r 'luWai^C -tWar# e- -$?vcM-s. Cjy tt yr rf! TY F w .~,,.., i

A ^ ?.*W + w fsygygy*[pggy,ggg k, NISSISSIPPI POWER & LI'GHT COMPANY SYSTEM ENERGY RESOURCES, INC. SOUTH MISSISSIPPI ELECTRIC POWER ASSOCIATION X DOCKET NO. 50-417 GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2 ^ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Construction Permit No. CPPR-119 1.- The Atomic Energy Comission (the Comission) having found that: A. The application for construction permit complies with the requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the rules and~ regulations'of the Commission, there is reasonable assurance that tho' activities authorized by the permit will be g conducted in compliance with the rules and regulations of the commission, and all required notifications to other agencies or . bodies have been duly made; NW WN k,(10,Z) B. A P:t:r " ::;7 ":::.;;;, '.;., acting for itself and as at agent or South Mississippi Electric Power Association (the applicants or Systfam ky- . licensees)* has described the proposed design of the Grand Gulf jjQ gc. Nuclear Station, Unit 2 (the facility), including, but not limited g to, the principal architectural and. engineering criteria for the design and'has identified the major features or components incorporated therein for_tho protection of the health and safety of the public; C. Such further technical or design infomation as may be required to. complete the safety analysis, and which can reasonably be left for later consideration, will be supplied in the final safety analysis report; 1 D. Safety features or components, if any, which require research and development have been-described by the applicants and the applicants have identified, and there will be conducted, a research and development program reasonably designed to resolve any safety questions associated with such features or components; E.. On the basis of the foregoing, there is reasonable assurance that E .(1) such safety questions will be satisfactorily resolved at or before the latest date stated in the application for completion of L construction of the proposed facility and (ii) taking.into l-consideration the site criteria contained in 10 CFR Part 100, the h b f ShC., l

  • All references to applicants or licent9es shall includeAMississippi l

Power and Light Company (MP&L), System Energy Resources, Inc. (SERI), South Mississippi Electric Power Association (SMEPA), except in Paragraph 3.D licensees shall not include South Mississippi Electric Power Associatio l $05 M9102501/SNLICFLR - 3 / ,$4,

{, ~ ~ -{ F v ) c.; w O-( proposed facility can be constructed and operated at the proposed 1 b location without undue risk to the health and safety of the public; &ry:nx 0)wftl:lal1s1.Tnc. i F.. Sr.A s technically qualified to design y.. : 1 :::, and construct the proposed facility; 1 G. The applicants are financially qualified to design-and construct the proposed facility;- H.- The issuance of a permit for the construction of the fa"Py will inimical to the comon defense and security or to the -health t and safety.of the public; and P -I. After weighing the environmental, economic, technical, and other benefits of the facility against environmental and other costs and considering available-alternatives, the issuance of a construction permit'(subject to the conditions for protection of the environment set'forth herein) is in accordance with~10 CFR Part 50, Appendix D, of the Commission's regulations and all applicable requirements of 3 ' said Appendix D have been satisfied. 2, Pursuant to Section 103 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended .(the Act), and Title 10,. Chapter-I, code of Federal Regulations, part 50, " Licensing.of production and Utilization Facilities," and pursuant to the Initial Decision of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, dated August 30,1974, the Atomic Energy Comission (the Commission) hereby issues a construction permit to the applicants for a utilization facility designed to operate at 3833 megawatts thermal as described in the application and amendments thereto (the application) filed in this matter by the applicants and as more fully described in the evidence received at the public hearing upon that application. The facility, known as the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 2, will be located on the. site of Middle South Energy, Inc., in Claiborne County, Mississippi.

3. - This permit shall be' deemed to contain and be subject to the conditions

.specified in Sections 50.54 and 50.55 of said regulations; is subject to all applicable provisions of the Act, and rules, regulations and orders of the commission now or hereafter in effect; and is subject to the conditions specified or incorporated below: . A. The earliest date for the completion of the facility is April 1, 1983, and the latest date for completion is October 1, 1984. B. The facility shall be constructed and located at the site as described in the application, on the east bank of the Mississippi River approximately 25 miles south of Vicksburg in Claiborne County, Mississippi. C. This construction permit authorizes the applicants to construct the facility described in the application and the hearing record, in accordance with the principal architectural and engineering criteria and environmental protection commitments set forth therein. M9102501/SNLICFLR - 4

(^ c a m - 3 p 7, 4% h 4 D.. This permit is subject to the following antitrust conditions: l 1. As used herein:' (a) " Western Mississippi Area" means the counties of b, Walthall, Lawrence, Jefferson Davis, Covington, Simpson, b J Smith, Scott, Leake, Attala, Choctaw,' Montgomery, Grenada, b .Yalobusha, panola, Tate, DeSoto, Pike, Amite, Wilkinson, H Adams, Franklin, Lincoln, Copiah, Jefferson, Claiborne, Hinds, I Rankin, Madison, Yazoo, Warren, Issaquena, Sharkey, Humphreys, a ~ f, Holmes, Carroll,.Leflore, Sunflower, Washington, Bolivar, i Tallahatchie, Quitman, Coahoma,-and Tunica. An entity shall be deemed to be in the " Western Mississippi Area" if it has i . electric power generation, transmission, or distribution V> facilities located in whole or in part in the above-described area.. -(b)-" Bulk Power" means the electric power, and any i attendant energy, supplied or made available at transmission or subtransmission voltage by one entity to another. -(c) " Entity" means a person, a private or public corporation, a municipality, a cooperative, an association, a joint. stock association or business trust owning, operating or proposing lto'own or operate equipment or facilities for the -generation, transmission er distribution of_ electricity, s provided that, except for municipalities or rural electric -cooperatives, " entity" is restricted to those which are or will be public-utilities under the laws of the state in-which the entity transacts or_will transact business or under the Federal power Act, and are or will be providing electric service under a contract or rate schedule on file with and subject to the regulation of a state regulatory commission or the Federal Power Commission. (d) -" Cost" means any. operating and maintenance expenses y" _ involved together with any ownership costs which are reasonably allocable to the transaction consistent with power pooling practices (where applicable). No value shall be included for loss of revenues from sale of power at wholesale or retail by one party to a customer which another party might otherwise serve. Cost shall include a reasonable return on l Licensees' investment. The sale of a portion of the capacity of a generating unit shall be upon the basis of a rate that l. will recover to the seller the pro rata part of the fixed l' L costs and operating and maintenance expenses of the unit, L provided that, in circumstances in which Licensees and one or L more entities in the Western Mississippi Area take an undivided interest in a unit in fee, construction costs and operation and maintenance expenses shall be paid pro rata. l 2. (a) Licensees shall interconnect with and coordinate reserves by means of the sale and purchase of emergency and/or scheduled maintenance bulk power with any entity (ies) in the l l M9102501/SNLICFLR - 5 p

Ql: ~- 4 a j w 3 4 i!: ? f. ] Western Mississippi' Area engaging in or proposing to engage in ,l 3 - electric bulk power supply on terms that will provide for l - Licensees' costs in connection therewith and allow the other l party (ies) full access to the benefits of reserve coordination. i (b)'- Emergency service and/or scheduled maintenance servies to be provided by each party shall be furnishel to the M. fullest extent available from the supplying party and desired I' by the party in-need. Licensees and each party (ies) shall provide to the other emergency service and/or scheduled ( ' maintenance service if and when available from its own generation'and from generation of others to the extent it can. o U do so without impairing service to its customers including-other electric systems to whom it has firm commitments. .. (c) Licensees and the other party (ies) to a reserve c - sharing arrangement shall from time to time jointly establish the minimum reserves to be installed and/or provided under contractual arrangements as necessary to maintain in total a reserve margin sufficient to provide adequate reliability of power. supply to the interconnected systems of the parties. If licensees plan their reserve margin on a pooled basis with j other/"'ddi: ": th "yct:: companies, the reserves jointly - b/M established hereunder shall be on the same basis. Unless dcyra//iOh otherd se agreed upon, minimum reserves shall be calculated as a percentage of estimated peak load responsibility. No party - to the arr eqement shall be required to maintain greater reserver thai. the percentage of its estimated peak-load responsibility which results-from the aforesaid calculation, '7 provided that, if the reserve requirements of Licensees are - increased over the amount Licensees would be required to maintain without such interconnection,-then the other party (ies) shall be required to carry or provide for as its (their) reserves the full amount in kilowatts of such .g i. increase. (d) The parties to such a reserve sharing arrangement shall provide such amounts of ready reserve capacity as may be 4 adequate to avoid the imposition of unreasonable demands on the other in meeting the normal contingencies of operating its system. However, in no circumstances shall the ready reserve L requirement exceed the installed reserve requirement. (e) Interconnections will not be limited to low voltages when higher voltages are available from Licensees' installed facilities in the area where interconnection is desired, when the proposed arrangement is found to be technically and 1 economically feasible. Control and telemetering facilities shall be provided as required for safety and prudent operation of the interconnected systems. 1 l l M9102501/SNLICFLR - 6 1

g,. ~~ ^ e m s y 7 1 lr (f). Interconnection and coordination agreements 1 F shall not' embody any, restrictive provisions pertaining to E .intersystem coordination. Good industry practice as- . developed in the-area'from time to time (if: [ f non-restrictive) will satisfy this provision. .3. Licensees.will sell bulk power at their costs to or t purchase bulk power from any other entity (les)-in the L Western Mississippi Area engaging in or proposing to engage in generation of electric power when such transactions would serve to reduce the overall' costs of 1 new bulk power supply for themselves'or for the other i "p ' party (ies) to the transaction. This refers specifically 4 to the opportunity to coordinate.-in the planning-of new 3 l generation, transmission and related facilities. This l provision shall not be construed to require or sell bulk power if they find such purchase or sale infeasible or their costs in connection with such purchase or sale would exceed their benefit therefrom. 4.- (a) Licensees and any successor in title shall offer an opportunity to participate in the Grand Gulf Nuclear Units and any other nuclear generating unit (s) which they or either of them, may construct, own and operate in the State of Mississippi, severally or jointly, during the term of the instant license,.or any extension or renewal thereof, to any entity (les) in the Western Mississippi Area by either a reasonable ownership interest in such unit (s), or by a contractual right to. purchase a reasonable portion of the-output of such unit (s) at the cost thereof if the' entity (ies) so elects. 3' In connection with such access, Licensees will also offer transmission service as may be required for delivery of such power to such entity (les() on a basis that will fully compensate Licensees for their cost. (b). In the event that during the term of the instant license, or any extension or renewal thereof, Licensees obtain participation in the ownership of or s rights to a portion of the output of one or more nuclear l N generating units constructed, owned and operated by any l 6 y, X affiliate or subsidiary of th: "iddi: 22:th "tilitic: & orate AT;:ter other than Licensees, any successor in title I to the Grand Gulf Nuclear Units, Licensees shall exert their best efforts to obtain participation in such nuclear unit (s) by any entity (ies) in the Western Mississippi Area requesting such participation on terms no less favorable than the terms of Licensees' l' participation therein. 5. (a) Licensees shall facilitate the exchange of bulk l, power by transmission over its transmission facilities between or among two or more entities in the Western Mississippi Area with which it is interconnected; and M9102501/SNLICFLR - 7 1

y, c ys, .T t @y -4 L, 4gv (0; 3 r p# between any-such entity (ies) and any entity (ies) engaging in bulk power supply outside the Western Mississippi Area nh between whose facilities Licensees' transmission lines J and.other transmission lines would form a continuous 7' electrical-path, provided that (1) permission to utilize such other transmission lines has been obtained, and (2) the arrangements ' reasonably can be acconnodated from a functional and technical standpoint. Such transmission shall be on terms that fully compensate Licensees for their cost. Any entity (ies) requesting such transmission arrangements shall give reasonable' advance, notice.of its -(their) schedule and requirements. (The foregoing applies to any entity (ies) to which Licensees may be interconnected in the future as well as those to which they interconnected.) .(b) ' Licensees shall include'in their planning and construction program sufficient transmission capacity as required for the transactions referred to in-subparagraph 7 (a) of this paragraph, provided that any entity (ies) in the Western Mississippi Area give' Licensees sufficient advance notice as may be necessary to accommodate its (their) requirements from a functional and technical standpoint and that such entity (iee) fully compensates Licensees for their cost. Licensees shall not be . required to construct transmission facilities which will t be of no demonstrable present or future benefit to 4 Licensees. I l '6. Licensees will sell power for resale to any entity (ies) in the Western Mississippi Area now engaging in or l proposing to engage in retail distribution of electric k power. 1: 7. The foregoing conditions shall be implemented in a manner L consistent with the provisions of the Federal Power Act and the Mississippi public Utilities Act of 1956 and all l rates, charges or practices in connection therewith are to be subject to the approval of regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over them. E. This facility is subject to the following conditions for the protection of the environment: 1 1. The applicants shall implement the Environmental Protection program Respecting Construction of Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Units 1 & 2, as set out in Staff Exhibit 2-A in the 4H evidentiary hearing conducted by the Atomic Safety and I Licensing Board in this proceeding, except that (1) the requirement in paragraph 12 of Section 1 of part Two and in 1: Table 1 for monitoring and documenting stage and correlating stage with surface water quality measurements and (ii) the L requirement in paragraph 11 of Section 1 of Part Two for l-I M9102501/SNLICFLR - 8 f[

& W $$@Yb f{yY Q N'~k a bV n $ggg3g guy V fy,,W jygg SnisM,. 90 t y


%L A monitoring and capacity requirements for sediment retention basins need not-be implemented henceforth. 2. Before engaging in a construction activity which may result in a significant adverse environmental impact that was not ~ evaluated or that is significantly greater than that evaluated. -in'the Final Environmental Statement, the' applicants shall -provide written' notification to the Director of Licensing; 3. If unexpected harmful effects or evidence of irreversible damage are detected during facility construction, the applicants shall provide an acceptable analysis of the problem and a plan of action to eliminate or significantly reduce the harmful effects'or damage. -F.j.MississippiPower&LightCompany(MP&L)isauthorizedtotransfer its. rights under CPPR-119 to construct the facility to SERI, provided however, that until further. authorization of the Commission, MP&L and SERI shall continue to be responsible for compliance with the obligations imposed on the Licensees in the-antitrust conditions identified in Paragraph 3.D, and provided further that SERI accepts.its rights under CPPR-119 to construct the facility subject to the outcome of the pending separate antitrust-review of the antitrust considerations Of thic trinefer. . 2. 3 ff.Z45 St7~ S 4. This subject to the limitation that a license authorizing operation of the facility will not be issued by the comission unless (a) the applicants submit to the Comission the complete final safety analysis report, portions of which may be submitted and evaluated from time to time; (b) the Comission finds that the final design provides reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered by the operation of the facility in accordance with procedures approved by it in connection with the issuance of said license; (c) the.Comission finds that operation of the facility will be in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Comission's regulations and l' all applicable requirements of said Part 51 were satisfied; and (d) the applicants submit proof of financial protection and the execution of an indemnity agreement as requirr by Section 140 of the Act. j 5. This permit is effective as of its date of issuance and shall expire on the latest completion date indicated in paragraph 3.A above. FOR THE ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION A. Giambusso, Deputy Director for Reactor Projects Directorate of Licensing Date of Issuance: SEP 4, 1974 M9102501/SNLICFLR - 9

G ju -ca? 'x,. j d -. ~~ p-;, +. h,w' sl w e h l,5 l ' 'q. s -Insert to Construction Permit 3.F- + 5 ';.' S\\'- t y .2.. MP&L and SERI are responsible'and accountable for the' actions of.their I respective agents to'.the extent said agents' actions contravene the -antitrust conditions, s b y v: i y g o-5 \\ t-k 1 k o + i < 9 L. n-p< - 1 s E T i' f f ~M9112002/SNLICFLR - 1 ,}}