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Amends 39 to OL Application,Revising FSAR Sections 12,13 & 15 & Apps 12A & 12B Re Conduct of Operations,Initial Tests & Operations,Technical Qualifications & Emergency Plan, Respectively
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/01/1974
From: Rodgers J
Shared Package
ML19329D561 List:
NUDOCS 8003160167
Download: ML19329D580 (4)


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BEFORE THE ///'- C( h/

UNITED STATES d' ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION AMENDMENT N0. 39 TO APPLICATION BY FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION FOR A SECTION 104b CONSTRUCTION PERMIT AND LICENSE FOR A UTILIZATION FACILITY DOCKET NO. 50-302 Florida Power Corporation, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, Applicant for an operating license and construction permit for Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant, hereby amends its Application by the filing of Amendment No. 39.

Amendment No. 39 consists of updated pages to the Final Safety Analysis Report and Supplement No.1 contained therein. Specifically, Amendment No. 39 contains revisions to Section 13.0 Initial Tests and Operations and to Section 15.0 Technical Specifications. In addition, Section 12.0 Conduct of Operations, Appendix 12A Technical Qualifications, and Appen-dix 12B Emergency Plan, have been revised to incorporate new organiza- l tional changes. l


This amendment to the Application contains no restricted data or other defense infonnation.

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, Amendment No. 39 Page 2 In WITNESS WHERE0F, the applicant has caused its name to be hereunea signed by J. T. Rodgers, Asst. Vice President - Generation Engineet ing, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed by Betty M. Clayton, Asst.

Secretary, thereunto duly authorized the 1st day of May,1974.

FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION by M J ./f.7bigers Asst. Vice Pre (/ -

sident Generation Engineering ATTEST:

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Betty M. Clayto Asst. Secreta (CORPORATESEAL)

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of May, 1974.

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Notary Public My Connission Expires:

Notary Public State of Florida at Large i My Commission Expries July 9,1974 (NOTARIALSEAL) l i


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Docket 50-302

" - May 15, 1974 W ( h s/ 2 p AMENDMENT No. 39 (f,fvt.

FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION CRYSTAL RIVER PLANT UNIT 3 Amendment 39 to the Florida Power Corporation's Final Safety Analysis Report includes insert pages and responses to DRL inquiries.

The sheets of the Florida Power Corporation's Final Safety Analysis Report to be deleted and replaced with revised sheets dated 5-15-Th are listed below.

Remove the following sheet V Insert the followine sheets:

m: Foreword - F h (Volume 1 only). Pages: Foreword - F h (Volume 1 onlyd.'

s: Table of Contents - iv, x (One Table of Contents -iv , x (One each each in Volumes 1, 2, 3, h , 5, 6, 7 and in Volumes 1, 2, 3, h, 5, 6, 7 and Technical Specifications). Technical Specifications).


l 1-vii,1-39c ,1 ko,1-58c , b es: 1-vii, 1-39e, 1 ho, 1-58c, 1-58d, 1-58d, 1-59, 1-60. 1-59, 1-60.

/faies: 3 h6a, 3 46b. M 3 46a, 3 h6b.

( gf_ ads: h-1, h-2, 4-22a, h-22b. "Prges: h-1, 4-2, h-22a, h-22b.

IPjgIs: 5 k6a, 5 h9, 5-50, 5-50a, 5-50b, CP.M(es: 5 h6a, 5 h9, 5-50, 5-50a, 5-50b, 5-50c, 5-50d. 5-50c, 5-50d.

g: 7-25, 7-26, 7-31, 7-32. Jages: 7-25, 7-26, 7-31, 7-32.

s: 9-31, 9-32, 9-32a, 9-32b, 9-32c. Pa w 9-31, 9-32, 9-32a, 9-32b, 9-32c.

10-3, 10-3a.

M: 10-3, 10-3a.

11-21,11-21a. Eapfs: 11-21,11-21a.

[FJgtife: 11-2. ggure: 11-2.

Pag 6s: 12-1, 12-2, 12-3, 12 4, 12 ha, s: 12-1, 12-2, 12-3, 12 h, 12 ha, M2-5,12-6,12-7,12-8,12-21,12-22. 12-5, 12-6, 12-7, 12-8, 12-21, 12-22.

Figures: 12.1-3, 12.1 h. Figu*es: 12.1-3, 12.1 h.

- . N emove the following sheets: b Insert the following sheets:

Pages: 12A-1, 12A-2, 12A-5, 12A-6, Pages: 12A-1, 12A-2, 12A-5, 12A-6, 12A-7 ,

12A-7, 12A-8, 12A-19, 12A-20, 12A-69, 12A-8, 12A-19, 12A-20, 12A-69, 12A-70, 12A-70, 12A-71, 12A-72, 12A-73, 12A-Th, 12A-71, 12A-72 , 12A-73 , 12A-74 , 12A-7 5 ,

12A-75, 12A-76, 12A-77, 12A-78, 12A-79, 12A-76 , 12A-77 , 12A-78 , 12A-79 , 12A-80 ,

124-80,12A-83,12A-84 12A-83, 12A-8h.

ges: 12B-ii, 123-1, 12B-2, 12B-3, Pages: 12B-il, 12B-1, 12B-2, 12B-3, 12B h, 12B-h, 12B-5, 12B-6, 12B-11, 123-11a, B-5, 123-6, 123-11, 12B-11a, 12B-15, 12B-15, 12B-16, 123-17, 12B-18, 123-19, 12B-16, 12B-17, 12B-18, 12B-19, 12B-20, 12B-20, 12B-21, 12B-22, 12B-23, 12B-24, 12B-21, 123-22, 12B-23, 12B-2h, 12B-33, 12B-33, 12B-3h. 12B-34 igures: 2.1, 2.2, 2.2B, 2.3, 2.h, (F/gures: 2.1, 2.2, 2.2B, 2.3, 2.h, h.1, 4.1, B1-9, B1-10. ~B1-9, B1-10.

techments: C-1, C-2. dttachments: C-1, C-2.

V 13-1, 13-11, 13-1, 13-2, 13-3, 13 h,

[/4Pa Ts: 13-1, 13-11, 13-1, 13-2, 13-3, Pages:

s 13-4, 13-5, 13-6, 13-7, 13-8, 13-9, 13-5, 13-6, 13-7, 13-8, 13-9, 13-10, 13-11, 13-10, 13-11, 13-12,13-12a, 13-12b, 13-12,13-12a, 13-12b, 13-13, 13-lh, 13-27, 13-13, 13-1k, 13-27, 13-28. 13-29, 13-28, 13-29, 13-30, 13-37,13-37a, 13-38, 13-30, 13-37,13-37a, 13-3c.

gures: 13-1, 13-2, 13-3, 13 h. dgures: 13-1, 13-2, 13-3, 13 h.

k , Supplement 1 M: 5-7, 5-8, 13-1. M es: 5-7, 5-8, 13-1.

Technical Specifications (Section 15) es: 15-iv , 15-v , 15-vi , 15-1h , rJafes: 15-iv , 15-v , 15-vi , 15-vii . 15-lh ,

15-31, 15-32, 15-51, 15-61, 15-86, ~15-31, 15-32, 15- 51, 15-61, 15-86, 15-8T ,

15-87,15-11h ,15-121. 15-114, 15-11ka,15-121, 15-lh9a.