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G Rohde (Southwest Action Group on Environ) 701111 Certificate of Representation Authorizing Coalition for Safe Nuclear Power to Petition to Intervene in Proceeding
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 12/04/1970
From: Rohde G
NUDOCS 8003090131
Download: ML19319D108 (2)



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1 I, Urr:. ira:.e itols?.e, secrcterv of .30uth:r sst 1,ct, ion aroup

% - r".rm. 7b, c.n rni.tcor : orated accociation, hereirf certifies that a

. .c : ti. oi .:. i.'or.rd oi ".irectors of said accociction, dul-/ called, after

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M ,1?70, that by resolution


?.1 re d a ;' pic.,cd (copf attached), the CorH tion for dafc i:uclotr ro. cr

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1. v: So .:it .mr.- i.. -/ c prccer.Cing for the reason, inter alia, ta20 cc.c .:ro-

. x. .r.' ce ti on of h .e Lo.ic Scr -- Corriscion in said precceding co;1d ad rcr el.-

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ns;.rt; c n :ci 1 int:rcat in t'.to protection of th natve el resevrcec ou the i :. .ci: J.r u .. c; 0 in t'ic conscrentionc.1, recreational, econo;. tic, nosthetic v3 u co;c .it7 irract of po::cr plant develon.acnt in the Lc':2 'rie .cea ^


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