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DM Austin (Consumers Association) 701118 Certification of Representation Authorizing Coalition for Safe Nuclear Power to Petition to Intervene in Proceeding.Facts About Consumers Assoc & 701118 Minutes Encl
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 11/07/1970
From: Austin D
NUDOCS 8003090073
Download: ML19319D094 (3)




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CERTIFIC ATE EPRESENTATI W Dorothy M. Austin, Vice President of Ohio Consumers .ssoointion, a non-profit oorporation hereby certifies that a meeting of the trustees of said association, duly calle d, after reasonable notice on the , .: day of November, by motion duly off'ored and passed (copy attached), the Coalition for Safe Nuclear Power was formally authori:ed and directed to represent it before the Atomio Energy Commission in the matter of TOLEDO EDISON CO. 4}D CLEVElk D ELECTRIC ILLUMINATING CO (Davis Desse Nuolear Power Station)

Docket No. 50-346, and to petition for leave to intervene in the proceeding for the reason, inter alia, that the proposed action of the Atomio Energy Co::nnission in said proceedin6 could adversely affect its rights and irterests.

The purpose of our organization is stated on the attached sheet along with activities included in such purpose.

In lieu of the signature of the scoretary, I submit the minutes as mailed by the secretary pro-tem, including authorization of "Mrs. Austin."

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Signed ard sworn to before me this / day of /<' r < , < t 1970 try it oc - I/ /L '

Notary Publio


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POOR QUAUTY PAGES \s (-r -,x i .- u


800309 0 g'3 {/


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COPY Columbus, Ohio MINUTES Ohio Constasers Association Trustee Meeting November 18, 1970 Exe rpt s , Fage s 2 and 3 :

Mrs. Lemon called for reports. .....

The committee discussed the hearin6 cs pollution standards. It was duly moved and seconded that OCA be represented at the Monday, November 23 hearing on pollution standards either through persoral testifying or in written testimony in favor of standards bein6 improved . Unanimously approved by voice vote. Mrs. Austin was re-quested to send written testimony f or the 004.

Mrs. Austin reported on the Davis Besse Nuclear Pcwer Plant.

A motion duly n:ade and seconded reeocumended the OCA join with groups to act as interveners of the coalition protesting the Davis-Besse Nuolear Plant. Unanimously approved by voice vote.

Mrs. /.ustin will notify the coalition.

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.x c,:e-ated in !! arch, 3967, the Ohio Consumers Associatic, grew ct.t cf a serios e.' mce tir.;;

r en grcnpa and individua]5 interested in the concurcr movement. Thoso meetins;s drew w representativos from business, .labcr, and local consumer erganications. Todey,

'v. i.erl.) ralup includes sc :h graaps as the Oh' AFL-MO, the Ohi > Stata Coun 31 cf 1al-

. .x Cermerative Enterprises Tr :., Cceraanicationa Workers f A.nerica, mio Education ciation, United Auto Uorhera, llationwide Insurance, and Ohicis two major local coasurus or :.i:'.etioas, the Cleveland-based Censumers Iraque of Chio and the Consumers Confarance c,r terter " .'i .'.i. In turn, OCA is a member of +.he Consumer Federation of America e

.es ceganimd to ca ry en a pro.; rara of consumer education, help coordinate consun:ar ;, wor 1. fe- o <.onsumer in gover . ment, stud; and promote consumer legislaticn, j -

u :t renearch o ; cann.::mr pcSoms. 'n ! assist in the crganizing of local consumar

.;: . p. .

I n". . :civit.ias have 1:.cluhd tac .;;:usoriig of Chio Consumer As violies as wel2 as a "r.M/cc.c e en Credit Ia.ii ciati 2 activity has inchde.1 the precentation of

. r ' .r.c.y to the Federal Corv '.ssien :.'1' d ag for +.c el.i.niatic' cf lottery-type

w.e.s c.,

gas staticns and super urhats .c.'l support by resolui.i an ar t/ cr testimony for

. .~. l'e .2erai logisl-tion as Wuth-f r-lev .n;. th7 Wolescoe Poultry Act, Gas Pipeline

.we y an;' Wolesome Fish a:t:' rishs ry i'rc !2ct e ,

. g, a : ..,7 c .an.. .- .- - - - . .: ,. -...- .. .-

n t. + 17 n , .~h-t .

r.2 a' 'Lwembly, OCA d s prenc.nt,1y stud, tha possioility of spcnsorint. " holder-in-due-r T.eL i sici, ion aad c .,her .'tj.sittior. requirin( conf;ner e61 cation in the public schools,

i. .- e'.c rupporting establi :hm, t of a S*. ate Consumer Protect. ton Co= mission.


  • Ncoi scene., OA ha= backed esteb tichmut e.' on of ficial Censumer Protecticn Ccm-r'.._c. fr. t h.? city cc Columbus (aporo red oy City CouncG) and supported " cooling of f"
,ie' ice equ;ating dxr to <toor ra]or (also approved by City Council).

N h- ustit.tteri a Co suner Cc'r.p: sint i . ogram, offerin;; assistance to who'

. .,1 1 c ri cua :a. Coo. plaints are e'ther l andled direct'.y by OCA cr the consumer coe'<

.. . v .:, is r? e ra. to the ap;repr: ate p a110 or privato agenef, n 2 '

/ its en r,cinr. activ2ty, CCL al: a serves as an information center for individuc1 arJ cc. nemiere an<.' others t t&rc s : n tiu Consumer c.ovenent. '~his information service l u .. c. lica:.icn of a bi conth'y rew: '.etter. '

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