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Tech Specs Changes Re Fire Protection.Tables 3.18,3.14 & Spec 3.16/4.16
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/22/1979
Shared Package
ML19312A241 List:
NUDOCS 7910250274
Download: ML19312A242 (4)



Table 3.18 FIRE HOSE STATIONS Identification Location # Hose Size

1. Reactor Building 859 6 881 Elevation HV-31 1 1/2" HV-32 1 1/2" HV-33 1 1/2" 903 Elevstion HV-35 1 1/2" HV-36 1 1/2" HV-38 1 1/2" HV-34 1 1/2" 931 Elevation HV-37 1 1/2" HV-57 1 1/2" HV-59 1 1/2" 958 Elevation HV-39 1 1/2" HV-40 1 1/2" HV-42 1 1/2" 976 Elevation HV-41 1 1/2" HV-46 1 1/2" HV-56 1 1/2" HV-58 1 1/2" 1001 Elevation HV-43 1 1/2" HV-44 1 1/2" HV-45 1 1/2"
2. Cable Spreading Room HV-18 1 1/2"
3. Computer & Control Rooms HV-19 1 1/2"
4. Switchgear Rooms & Station Battery Room D.C. Switchgear Room & Station Battery Rooms HV-17 1 1/2"
5. Safety Related Pumps not in Reactor Building RHR Service Water Booster Pumps HV-16 1 1/2"
6. Fire Water Pumps & Service Water Pumps HT-1 2 - 2 1/2" (hydrant) 12\o \51 7910250174 216k


2 Control Room FP-SD-17-1 FP-SD-17-2 FP-SD-17-3 3 Cable Spreading Room FP-SD-16-1 FP-SD-16-2 FP-SD-16-3 FP-SD-16-4 FP-SD-16-5 FP-SD-16-6 4 Switchgear Rooms DC Switchgear Rooms FP-SD-15-2 FP-SD-15-3 Critical Switchgear Room FP-SD-22-1 FP-SD-22-2 5 Station Battery Rooms FP-SD-15-1 FP-SD-15-4 FP-SD-15-1A FP-SD-15-4A 6 Diesel Generator Rooms FP-SD-10-1 FP-SD-10-2 FP-SD-10-3 FP-SD-10-4 CO2-SD-DG1-A C02-SD-DG1-B CO2-SD-DG1-C CO2-SD-DG1-D CO2-SD-DG2-A CO2-SD-DG2-B CO2-SD-DG2-C CO2-SD-DG2-D 7 Diesel Fuel Storage Rooms CO2-TD-DG-1A CO2-TD-DG-1B 8 Safety Related Pumps not in Reactor Building RHR Service Water Booster Pumps FP-SD-14-3 Emergency Condensate Storage Tanks FP-SD-14-1 Fire Water Pumps & Service Water Pumps FP- FD-32-1 FP-FD-32-2 9 Auxiliary Relay Room & Reactor Protection Si stem Rooms Auxiliary Relay Room FP-SD-15-9 Reactor Protection System Room 1A FP-SD-15-7 Reactor Protection System Room IB FP-SD-15-8 216j 1210 158


2) Verifying the diesel starts from ambient conditions on the auto-starr signal and oper-ates for 2.15 minutes while loaded with the fire pump.
7. The fire pump diesel starting 24-volt battery bank and charger shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a) At least once per 7 days by verifying that:

1) The electrolyte level of each battery is above the plates, and
2) The overall battery vol-tage 3,24 volts.

b) At least once per 92 days by verifying that the specific gravity is appropriate for continued service of the battery.

c) At least once per 18 months by verifying that:

1) Ihe batteries, cell plates and battery racks show no visual indica-tion of physical damage or abnormal deteriora-tion, and
2) The battery-to-battery and terminal connections are clean, tight, free of corrosion and coated with, anti-corrosion material.

3.16 SPRAY AND/OR SPRINKLER SYSTEM 4.16 SPRAY AND/OR SPRINKLER SYSTEM APPLICABILITY APPLICABILITY Applies to the availability of automatic Applies *o the avaf' ability of automatic Fire Protection to Cable Spreading Room - Fire Protection to Cable Spreading Room -

918 Ft. Elev. of Control Building, Cable 918 Ft. Elev. of Control Building, Cable Expansion Room - 918 Ft. Elev. of Controlled Expansion Room - 918 It. Elev. of Controlled Corridor, and Northeast Corner - 903 Ft. Corridor, and Northeast Corner - 903 Ft.

Elev. of Reactor Building. Elev. of Reactor Building.

OBJECTIVE To assure automatic Fire Protection to the Cable Spreading Room - 918 Ft. Elev. of Con- } ,L 59 trol Building, Cable Expansion Room - 918 Ft.

Elev. of Controlled Corridor, and Northeast Corner - 903 Ft. Elev. of Reactor Building. 216e


SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS A. The Automatic Sprinkler Systems protcut- A. The Automatic Sprinkler Systems protect-ing the Cable Spreading Room, Cable ing the Cable Spreading Room, Cable Expansion Room, and Northeast Corner - Expansion Room, and Northeast Corner -

903 Ft. Elev. of Reactor Building shall 903 Ft. Elev. of Reactor Building shall be operable. be demonstrated to be operable by:

B. If the requirement of 3.16.A cannot be 1. At least once per 12 months by met, establish a continuous fire watch cycling each testable valve in the with backup fire suppression equipment flow path through at least one for the unprotected area within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />; complete cycle of full travel.

restore the system to OPERABLE status within 14 days or prepare and submit a 2. At least once per 18 months:

Special Report to the Commission pursu-ant to Specification 6.7.2 within the a) By performing a system func-next 30 days outlining the action taken, tional test which includes the cause of the inoperability and the simulated automatic actua-plans and schedule for restoring the tion of the system, and system to OPERABLE status. 1) Verifying that the auto-matic valves in the flow path actuate to their correct positions on a test signal, and

2) Cycling each valve in the flow path that is not testable during plant operation through at least one complete cycle of full travel.

b) By inspection of the spray headers to verify their integrity.

3.17 CARBON DIOXIDE SYSTEM 4.17 CARBON DIOXIDE SYSTEM APPLICABILITY APPLICABILITY Applies to the operational status of the High Applies to the operational status of the High Pressure Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing System Pressure Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing System protecting the Diesel Generator Rooms. protecting the Diesel Generator Rooms.

OBJECTIVE To assure continuous Automatic Fire Protection for the Diesel Generator Rooms.

SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS A. The High Pressure Carbon Dioxide Extin- A. The High Pressure Carbon Dioxide Extin-guishing System protecting the Diesel guishing System protecting the Diesel Generator Rooms shall be operable. Generator Rooms shall be demonstrated operable by:

1210 160 216f