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Forwards Questions & Comments Re Cycle 6 Reload W/Exxon Fuel & Potential Stretch Power Concept.Urges Holding of Public Hearing on Each Operating Nuclear Plant Every Three to Five Yrs,In Order to Provide Status Rept to Ratepayers
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 01/21/1980
From: Weber J
To: Erickson P
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19296B911 List:
NUDOCS 8002220363
Download: ML19296B912 (2)



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ca m n 21,"leec Cest '<r. Fetar 3. Ericksen:

Even af ter the mblic -eetine lasted airest 'ive beurs, I still have cuestions and ec- ente rerarding C F 's " ort Calhoun I:cekat o CC-PA5) Cy-cle 6 relcad with E7xon 'uel ,ni the notential stretch pcwer ccreert. These cuestions snd co Tents are as follows:

1) lith the possible excertian o' the v aine Yankee riant whic.5 <xperienced toth a loCvli(themal) ,nd 35'0! (CEE) becst between Dece ter 107: and Decerter 197a - and cirht rossitl/ auslify as a "stratch power" unit - I at not sa-tisfied that CFFJ ner anyone else sttendine the public =eetine on Januan 16 actually verified the existence of any nuclear plants thc t huve been granted "ctretch power" status in this country. In 'act though a 2,297.5 W ther al) increase:cccurred in total at 6 plants during th,t ti .efrare, a net reiucticn of 37:04 (DER) also occurred durine that tire.
a. Has the NRO granted any plants stretch power rating' If so, which ones snd how :sny 7.i(ther al)?
b. shy the net recuction of 37M4(CER) during that timefrare?
c. ihy are not both the %~.,1 and electriesl ratines of nuclear reactors licensed by the :;RO?
2) Why do URO raculatory/ licensing procedures remit CFFD to put Exxcn

'uel in its Fort Calheun reactor he"cre an CE has teen given tv the ':EC to e-erste with such fuel'

?) Ens the NF" Icr its predecestor AE0) ever deniod an arplicatien for mixed fuel ocerstion s#ter the fuel has been Icaded' a) Cycle 4 will protably be the icngest that C F7 envisicne 'or "crt .

0,1houn. In licht of the length cf such cycle, is it net st least a little unusunl that Cycle 5 has concluded with no N?O CE on either Exvon 'ael lead-inr/ccerstien and/or, stretch rewer' Cr ihnt OFF3 weited until so close to the end of Cve'.e c to ske its a pliestions?

5) Why era 10 cr' tarrels o' low-level wastes te te cenerated using Exxon fuel as cercsed to OE 'uel rer year'

/) ;ihy net 'shculi E7xen 'uel c-eratier Cy be mnted) ices CF 3 retain 1, t2Cy J f theres1) ratine end furt o erate lonen betvaen re#uelires' iculdn't euch o eratien save rcra than stretch po ter coule gene ste in sided r'vanues?

7) In 0F70's accliestion/s' in 1070, iii the utility stirers the ecst cf creire ??.'fi cf electricit r via censertation, cereneratien or scisr/ wind al t e rst ives  !" -et, why icn' t "?.0 reculn tiene racuire nn sc-lica-t te ake zuch a vslus'ile and 1 rcrtant assess-ent' Isn' a similar assess: ant en al-tematives new reauired c' N riant c.nst u0tien work rer-its? Jhv not the ere -recedura fcr existinc clants unierroi-I -cii#icStier.s in *a"#0msnee' R) Ever"ene sears in agraerent thst Tortlalhoun has an sciml dasign limit cf 1,:CCMit. Then why is CFFD per-ittei to pisn 'cr a 1,:#r r tinz?

-imila rly, the 1,:#C ratine is 10 rercent ateve current 1,120 -- Ev 1@"

9) De current *:30 :rtce iures/reguls tic- - recuire a le cnstration cf read "cr stretch rcwer acplicaticts? The verbal replies by C~F3 ersonnel cer-tainly did not indicate a need for an additicnal ??Md. Tc the contrart, ,

thrcdch the first 10 cen-hs c' l??' CFFD ratepayers used onl:t abcut 7:' of the total electricity renersted by CFFD' units. Cheuldn't the intarests Of CT'O's ratepeyerr. -- both econc-ic, sa'et > an1 anviren-ents! -- core 'cro-8 002220 g f

page two ecct in any review that :;RC cight erferr o' an analysis for further increar-ing the generating capacity of a unit beycnd what is trudently needed?

10) It was not clear why Irxen !!uclear Ccepany was revising its cceputer code. Vhat are the reasons?
11) ihy are ses11 break analys's and set reints an iter of concern with the leading of Exxon 'uel?
12) Screene 'rce either your or CFFO's staf' rentiened that when a request for a 1,C Cit rating is made to +he "RC that at leact a public meetine will te held without the need 'or a srecial request such se by the "stural escurces Oc:=ittee. !s this correct" But also shouldn't it be a normal ecurse of ev=nts to hold a public hearine en each crerating nuclear elsnt every three years l'ive maricum) regsriless o' license medi'ications er not? The rain toric of cuch meetines wculd be a status reecrt to the raterave-s of the utility . . . and provide an opportunity 'or cuestions and cer ents on such oceratiensi ststus. .
13) One last :uestien/corrert on the design limits Of ?crt Osiheun...

is the failure /deterioraticn of ths sare seal in a coolant pump within a 14-Icnth indiestion that stresdv the unit is at its c-erationsi limits? What is, af ter sll, the weakest link in the Fort Calkoun unit? If such a ieter-cination has not been made, when will it' Thank you for your attendance and attentien en January 14 I wculd also serreciate snswers to all of the abcve questicns. Thank ycu.

Ycurs t ruly, Jchn leber Jr.

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