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NRC Responses to Carolina Environ Studies Group 781115 Interrogatories 47,50,55,59,60,61,62,63,65,66,67,68,69,70, 72,73,74,76 & 78.W/encl Affidavit of Bs Spitalny
Person / Time
Site: 07002623
Issue date: 01/12/1979
From: Spitalny B
Shared Package
ML19270F270 List:
NUDOCS 7902060084
Download: ML19270F269 (11)



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u In the Matter of





Docket No. 70-2523


( Amendment to Materials License


SNM-1773 for Oconee Nuclear


Station Spent Fuel Transportation


and Storage at McGuire Nuclear





INTERROGATORIES OF NOVEMBER 15, 1978 In accordance with 10 CFR Section 2.720(h)(2)(ii), the NRC Staff responds to CESG's interrogatories of November 15, 1978 as follows: d/

Interrogatory 47 Provide a plan drawing of sthetures, roads, and terrain as relevant showing the present Oconee fucl storage structures, related buildings, and features said to limit further fuel storage construction at this site.

Provide a drawing of the entire Oconee site showing roads, structures, bodies of water, railroad tracks and such other features as would bear on the construction of additional fuel storage facilities.

Answer Plan drawings of the Oconee Nuclear Station and site may be seen in the Oconee Final Safety Analysis Report (Dockets 50-269, 50-270 and 50-287).

TP, ESAR is available at the Commission's Public Document Room in 19cces cosy


The affidavit of B. Spitalny is attached to the Staff responses.

The Staff is filing contemporaneously its objections to certain CESG interrogatories.

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..asningw., D. C., c r locally u.

Ccunty Library, 201 South Spring Street, Walhaila, South Carolina.

Additionally, a copy is available frcm the 1..ensee.

Interrogatory 50 Provide copies of the correspondence, Duke /NRC, in which the NRC indicated that the transport of fuel aged less than 270 days would not be acceptable?

Answer All correspondence originated by the Staff has been forwarded to all parties in this proceeding.

It is the Staff's understanding that all correspondence originated by the licensee has also been furnished to the parties.

Interrogatory 55 What are the full particulars of the NRC quality assurance program for individual spent fuel casks? Does this program include maintenance and pretests before individual shipments?

If so, provide full details.

Answer NRC requires registered users of certified shipping packages to maintain a Quality Assurance Program in accordance with 10 CFR Section 71.51. A full description of the quality assurance criteria for shipping packages for radioactive material may be found in Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 71.

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The detailed Quality A::urance Program covering the chippir.g packages to be used in the proposed shipments which are the subject of this licensing action is available from the licensee.

Interrocatory 59 Define regions of wear and/or fatigue in the repeated use of an NFS-4 cask? What program is in effect for monitoring physical changes in the cask? What means are used to effect the seal of the borated water in the cask?

Is the spent fuel assembly in the cask immersed in water?

If so, is the water borated or otherwise modified?

If so, what sealing system is employed?

Answer Details associated with use of the NFS-4 cask are available in the Nuclear Fuel Services Safety Analysis Report (NFS SAR) which accompanied the application for a certificate of compliance. This document is voluminous and is available at the Comission's Public Document Room in Washington, D. C.

Also, the Staff understands that the licensee has made this document available for your use in its Charlotte, N. C. offices. The Docket No. is 71-6698.

Further details regarding the NFS-4 cask are found in the Certificate of Compliance No. 6698 issued for that cask and in Staff's Safety Evaluation for the NFS-4 cask. Copies of these two latter documents are provided with this response. Section 5 of the Certificate of Compliance discusses the means of sealing the cask.

Additionally, Sections 6 through 9 inclusive discuss the requirements for the use of a coolant.


Finally, the licensee is required under 10 CFR Sections 71.53 and 71.54 to provide a program to insure that. the shipping package is not damaged in any way which could significantly reduce the effectiveness of the packaging. Details of the program are available from the licensee.

_ Interrogatory 60 Provide the mean cask temperature as a function gf time for extreme sumner weather. Assume an ambient temperature of 100 F and full July solar radiation incidence for this solar region (SC/NC).

Provide the temperature-time function under similar conditions for the borated water.

If the assembly is water immersed, provide information as foregoing. What is the corresponding time-temperature function for the hottest fuel pellet; for the fuel rod sheath?

Answer Section III of the NFS SAR for the NFS-4 spent fuel cask analyzes temp-erature considerations for normal and abnormal conditions. Additionally, the subject is discussed in the Staff's Safety Evaluation for the NFS-4 cask.

Interrogatory 61 What steady state, maximum sheatg temperature will be reached in a fuel assembly in ambient air at 100 F which is subject only to natural radiative and convective cooling?

Answer The response to Interrogatory 60 is applicable.

Interrocatory 52 Describe each accident to date involving the motor transport of spent fuel giving time, place, driving conditions, and extent of wnatever damages occurred.

Answer The most complete information in this area is available from the Department of Transportation's Hazardous Materials Incidents Reporting System. One incident is reported in "The Peach Bottom Spent Fuel Element Shipping Cask


Accident, Dec. 8,1971".

Full details of this accident may be found in ORNL-TM-3844 available from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830.

This accident involved the overturn of a truck bed; however, no significant damage to the cask, and no release of radioactive materials occurred.

A second incident occurred on February 9,1978. This accident occurred as a result of structural failure in a truss-type trailor.

Enclosed for your use is a copy of the accident report associated with this accident.

Detailed descriptions of failures of equipment auxiliary to the NFS-4 cask are documented in Docket No. 71-6698.

Additional incidents were of lesser significance than those identified above and also did not involve cask failures.

Detailed information should be sought from the Department of Transportation.

Interrogatory 63 What screening and testing is applied to drivers to be utilized?

What minimum qualifications are imposed? What restrictions are placed on driver operation such as elapsed time since last trip, sleep in the 24-hour period preceding the trip, continuous driving time in any trip segment, maximum driving time in any 24-hour period, condition in regard to drugs, intoxicants, physical tone, alertness, coordination, emntional state, etc.?

Answer Under the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding between the NRC and the


DOT (published in the Federal Register on April 2,1973, 38 FR 8466), the 00T sets regulations concerning motor carrier operators. Individual carriers may have additional requirements.

Interrogatory 65 What means of communication are provided for drivers of spent fuel vehicles? Is there a monitor to assure a continuous communication capability?

Is the transport crew a driver? Is a relief driver or helper assigned?

Answer The response to Interrogatory 63 is applicable.

Interrogatory 66 What is the average mass of Pu-239 present in a representative spent fuel assembly? What is the mass of total radionuclides (excluding actinides)? What is the mass of volatile radionuclides? Historically, what percentage of Oconee fuel rods have been " leakers"?

. Answer Isotopic compositions of spent fuel are obtainable as functions of time by means of the Origen Computer Code. Appropriate calculations are reported in " Siting of Fuel Reprocessing Plants and Waste Management Facilities",

ORNL-4451 (July 1971) available from Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Duke has provided the Staff with a historical average of.028% of the fuel rods identified as leakers at the Oconee facility.

Interrogatory 67 Describe the shielding provided for the driver; specify the radiation attenuation factor. What is the hourly dose rate? (270 day aged fuel)

Answer The DOT regulations specify that normally occupied posit 1 of the vehicle not be exposed to more than 2 mrem /hr.

Actual operating experience should be available from the licensee.

Interrogatory 68 What training is the driver given in regard to emergencies involving the leakage of radioactive materials?

Answer Driver training is the responsibility of individual carriers.

Information in this area should be available from the licensee.

nterrogatory 69 What is the maximum internal pressure the cask is designed to maintain? How, and how of ten, is the cask tested in regard to meeting this requirement? Dces this cask contain provisions for thermal expansion of contents? If so, describe.

Answer Design pressure for the NFS-4 cask is 1100 psig.

The NRC requires routine determinations that its regulations are satisfied prior to each use of the cask (see response to question 55).

Section 15 of the Certificate of compliance provides a requirement of periodic maintenance and testing.

, lith respect to provisiores for thermal expansion, Section 6 of the Certificate of Compliance requires that if coolant is used, 24 gallons of coolant shall be drained off from the water-filled cavity.

Interrogatory 70 Will escort vehicles be regularly provided the transport vehicle?

Are any of the personnel to be armed?

If so, provide detail.

Answer Spent fuel shipment escorts are not required by the NRC regulations.

Interrogatory 72 Provide a copy of the analysis of NAC-1, Docket No. 71-6698 and NRC Certificate of Compliance No. 6698. The NFS SAR for the NFS-4 cask, as discussed in the response to question 60, is available to CESG from the licensee. The Staff's Safety Evaluation and the Certificate of Compliance No. 6698 are enclosed for your use.

Interrogatory 73 Produce documentation of "four impact tests and a fifth test conducted in 1977 and 1978 by Sandia Laboratories", cf. first paragraph foregoing.

Answer The documentation requested may be obtained through Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Additionally, the licensee has these documents available for your use at i ts offices in Charlotte, N. C.

Interrogatory 74 State the proposed possible or estimated cost of (a) a new fuel pool at Oconee adjacent to the unit 3 pool; (b) a fuel pool at Oconee detached from the other pools but on the reservatinn. ProviCe a detailed estimate for each part of construction of the indicated pools.

Answer The information employed by the Staff in its review is presented in Section 9 of its recently issued Environmental Impact Appraisal. 2/

2_/ " Environmental Impact Appraisal Related to Spent Fuel Storage of 0conee Spent Fuel at McGuire Nuclear Station - Unit 1 Spent Fuel Pool", December 1978.

, :nterrogatory 76 (A) Have Duke's NAC-l casks undergone Appendix B tests?


If so, describe tests and results.


If not, why not?

Answer (A) No.


(B) Not applicable.

(C) Packages constructed to an approved design do not require further testing


to the requirements of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 71.

The design has previously been shown, by analysis or testing, to meet the requirements of Part 71.

Interrogatory 78 Provide cost / benefit of the alternatives considered in the matter of spent fuel.

Answer A cost / benefit analysis has been performed in the Environmental Impact Appraisal for this licensing action.

CESG has been supplied with a copy of this document.



DUKE POWER COMPANY Docket No. 70-2623


(Amendment to Materials License SNM-1773 for Oconee Nuclear



Station Spent Fuel Transportation


and Storage at McGuire Station)


AFFIDAVIT OF BRETT S. SPITALNY I, Brett S. Spitalny, am employed by the Nuclear Regulatory Comission in the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Fuel Reprocessing and Recycle Branch, as the project manager for the amendment to Materials License No. SNM-1773.

I have prepared, or supervised in the preparation of, the responses to Carolina Environmental Study Group Interrogatories numbered 47, 50, 55, 59, 60, 61,'62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 76, and 78.

These e,swers are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

[% ti S SM.E.

Brett S. Spitalny i

Subscribed and sworn to before me this /c 73 day of January,,1979.

.: lrcl L,

Notary Public

'q,fc i o /, / 9, M,

My Commission Expires:
