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NEIMA Section 108 Public Meeting Slides - Oyster Creek - October 3, 2019
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 10/03/2019
From: Kimberly Conway
Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs
Conway K
Download: ML19269B689 (15)


2 Agenda NRC Category III Public Meeting to obtain comments to identify best practices for establishment and operation of local community advisory boards (CABs) for decommissioning nuclear power reactors, including lessons learned from existing CABs Meeting Safety Procedures


NRC Presentation Ground Rules Public Comments Close the Meeting at 9 p.m.

Decommissioning Experience

The NRCs current decommissioning regulations are performance-based and risk-informed

Extensive decommissioning experience

A total of 10 power reactor sites have completed decommissioning and had the reactor licenses terminated for unrestricted use 3

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Cumulative Completion of Decommissioning Sites 1998-2018 Materials Sites Research Reactors Power Reactors

Stepan Company (Maywood, NJ) 4 Decommissioning Experience 2010 2016

Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act (NEIMA) Section 108 January 14, 2019 - legislation issued. Section 108, The Commission shall submit to Congress..a report identifying best practices with respect the establishment and operation of a local community advisory board (CAB) to foster communication and information exchange between a licensee planning for and involved in decommissioning activities and members of the community that decommissioning activities may affect, including lessons learned from any such board in existence..

Comments may be submitted to the NRC until November 15, 2019, through the NEIMA Section 108 Website, the website, letter, or email 5

An organized group of citizens interested in safe decommissioning practices and spent fuel management at a decommissioning facility Sponsor is usually the local licensee or mandated by the State legislature Composition typically includes local community leaders and elected officials, State representatives, and members of licensee staff Most CABs have a governing charter to establish roles and responsibilities Community Advisory Boards 6

Reviews licensee plans for decommissioning Provides insight into potential impact on the local community Opportunity for public education on decommissioning Can make recommendations to State officials Provides input on site restoration, plans for future reuse of the site and economic development Typical CAB Responsibilities 7

A description of:

CAB discussion topics

CAB recommendations to inform the decision making processes during decommissioning

CAB interactions with the Commission and other Federal regulatory bodies to support the board members overall understanding of the decommissioning process and promote dialogue between the affected stakeholders and the licensee involved in decommissioning activities

How a CAB could offer opportunities for public engagement throughout all phases of the decommissioning process Report to Congress Contents 8

CAB best practices for:

CAB membership composition, selection process, terms

When the CAB was established and the frequency of CAB meetings

Specific logistics required to support the CAB

Other identified best practices or activities These topics are captured in a questionnaire that is available at the meeting or can be electronically submitted Report to Congress Contents 9

Public comments at NRC NEIMA public meetings Fill out the NEIMA questionnaire online here: Submit Comments Electronically to Federal Rulemaking website: Docket ID NRC-2019-0073-0001 Scan completed questionnaires and send to: Mail completed questionnaires to:

Kim Conway, U.S. NRC 11545 Rockville Pike, Mail Stop T-5 A10 Rockville, MD 20852 Methods to Submit Comments 10

Additional information is available on the NRC website: 11 NEIMA Section 108 Web Page

David McIntyre, Office of Public Affairs Phone: 301-415-8206 Email: Questions 12


Public comments at NRC NEIMA public meetings Fill out the NEIMA questionnaire online here: Submit Comments Electronically to Federal Rulemaking website: Docket ID NRC-2019-0073-0001 Scan completed questionnaires and send to: Mail completed questionnaires to:

Kim Conway, U.S. NRC 11545 Rockville Pike, Mail Stop T-5 A10 Rockville, MD 20852 Methods to Submit Comments 14

Additional information is available on the NRC website: 15 NEIMA Section 108 Web Page