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Audit Plan for the Regulatory Audit of the NuScale Power, LLC, Seismic Category I Equipment and Environment Qualification of Electrical Equipment Specifications
Person / Time
Site: NuScale
Issue date: 08/22/2019
From: Vera Amadiz M
To: Samson Lee
Vera Amadiz M, 415-5861
Download: ML19225B594 (6)


August 22, 2019 MEMORANDUM TO: Samuel S. Lee, Chief Licensing Branch 1 Division of Licensing, Siting, and Environmental Analysis Office of New Reactors FROM: Marieliz Vera, Project Manager /RA/

Licensing Branch 1 Division of Licensing, Siting, and Environmental Analysis Office of New Reactors


AUDIT PLAN FOR THE REGULATORY AUDIT OF THE NUSCALE POWER, LLC, SEISMIC CATEGORY I EQUIPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIFICATION OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS On January 6, 2017, NuScale Power, LLC (NuScale) submitted a design certification application (DCA) for a small modular reactor to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

(Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML17013A229). The NRC staff initiated its detailed technical review of NuScales DCA on March 15, 2017.

The purpose of the subject audit, to be conducted by the NRC staff, is to confirm that the appropriate changes have been completed for the audit items that were assigned the status of confirmatory in the NRC staffs audit report, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff Report of Regulatory Audit for NuScale Power, LLC: Seismic Category I Equipment and Environment Qualification of Electrical Equipment Specifications, dated October 25, 2018 (ADAMS Accession No. ML18173A291).

The audit will review information located at the NuScale Office in Rockville, Maryland, and in the NuScale Electronic Reading Room. The audit is currently scheduled to begin on August 22, 2019, and end on September 11, 2019. The audit plan is enclosed.

Docket No.52-048


As stated cc w/encl: DC NuScale Power, LLC Listserv CONTACT: Marieliz Vera, NRO/DLSE 301-415-5861


APPLICANT CONTACTS: Marty Bryan, NuScale DURATION: August 22, 2019 - September 11, 2019 LOCATION: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

Rockville Office 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 Electronic Reading Room (eRR)

AUDIT TEAM: Michael R. Breach, Mechanical Engineer (NRC), Audit Lead Jorge A. Cintron-Rivera, Electrical Engineer (NRC)

Sheila Ray, Electrical Engineer (NRC)

Marieliz Vera Amadiz, Project Manager (NRC)

Tuan Le, Mechanical Engineer (NRC)

I. BACKGROUND On January 6, 2017, NuScale submitted a design certification application (DCA) for a small modular reactor (SMR) to the NRC (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML17013A229). In a letter dated March 23, 2017, the NRC accepted for docketing the DCA for the SMR design submitted by NuScale (ADAMS Accession No. ML17074A087).

The NRC staff has conducted an initial audit of design specifications for Seismic Category I equipment described in the NuScale DCA, Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), Section 3.9.6, Functional Design, Qualification, and In-service Testing Programs for Pumps, Valves, and Dynamic Restraints, Section 3.10, Seismic and Dynamic Qualification of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment, and Section 3.11, Environmental Qualification of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment. The audit was conducted from November 8, 2017, to January 31, 2018, in accordance with the audit plan (ADAMS Accession No. ML17307A382).

The purpose of the audit was to: (1) gain a better understanding of the NuScale design; (2) verify FSAR information; (3) identify information that may require docketing to support the basis

of the licensing or regulatory decision; and (4) review related documentation and non-docketed information to evaluate conformance with regulatory guidance and compliance with NRC regulations.

The NRC staff identified several items that required further action from NuScale (ADAMS Accession No. ML18173A291). NuScale provided acceptable courses of corrective action to the observations and the NRC is tracking the items as confirmatory items. The purpose of this audit is to confirm those items II. PURPOSE The purpose of this audit is to confirm the design specification deficiencies identified in the initial audit have been corrected.

III. REGULATORY AUDIT BASIS The audit basis is to confirm that the NuScale SMR Seismic Category I Mechanical and Electric Equipment qualification is being performed consistent with the NuScale DCA and applicable NRC regulatory guides.

Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 52, Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for Nuclear Power Plants, Section 47, Contents of Applications; Technical Information, states the following:

The application must contain a level of design information sufficient to enable the Commission to judge the applicants proposed means of assuring that construction conforms to the design and to reach a final conclusion on all safety questions associated with the design before the certification is granted.

The information submitted for a DC must include performance requirements and design information sufficiently detailed to permit the preparation of acceptance and inspection requirements by the NRC, and procurement specifications and construction and installation specifications by an applicant.

The Commission will require, before DC, that information normally contained in certain procurement specifications and construction and installation specifications be completed and available for audit if the information is necessary for the Commission to make its safety determination.

IV. REGULATORY AUDIT SCOPE The scope of this audit is the review of design specifications for Seismic Category I Mechanical and Electrical equipment described in the NuScale FSAR (DCA, Part 2) to confirm that NuScale addressed the observations that NRC is tracking as a confirmatory item from the initial audit (Reference 4).

V. DOCUMENTS/INFORMATION NECESSARY FOR THE AUDIT Design specifications for the following seismic category I mechanical and electrical equipment are to be made available to the NRC staff, in the NuScale electronic reading room (eRR):

1. NuScale Design Specification, EQ-A010-2224, ASME Design Specification for Secondary Side Containment Isolation Valves, Revision 1.
2. NuScale Design Specification, EQ-A010-2235, ASME Design Specification for Primary Systems Containment Isolation Valves, Revision 1.
3. NuScale Design Specification, EQ-B010-3227, ASME Design Specification for CVCS Class 3 Valves, Revision 1, dated June 1, 2017.
4. NuScale Design Specification, EQ-B030-2258, ASME Design Specification for Decay Heat Removal System Actuation Valves, Revision 1.
5. NuScale Design Specification, EQ-A012-2041, ASME Design Specification for Pressurizer Heater Bundles, Revision 1.
6. NuScale Design Specification, EQ-A013-5418, ASME Design Specification for CNV Electrical Penetration Assemblies, Revision 1.
7. NuScale Design Specification, EQ-C020-3263, Condensate and Feedwater System Regulating Valve Equipment Requirement Specification, Revision 1.
8. NuScale Design Specification, EQ-C020-3445, Feedwater System Check Valve Equipment Requirement Specification, Revision 1.
9. NuScale Design Specification, EQ-A014-4255, ASME Design Specification for Thermal Relief Valves, Revision 1.
10. NuScale Design Specification, EQ-B020-2140, ASME Design Specification for Emergency Core Cooling System Valves, Revision 2.
11. Updated DCA Part 2, to confirm response 15 in reference 4.

Appropriate handling and protection of proprietary information shall be observed throughout the audit.

VI. SPECIAL REQUESTS The NRC staff requests that NuScale provide the technical staff with access to the audit documents. NuScale can upload the requested documents into the NuScale eRR for staffs review. During the audit, the staff may have questions and discussion items for the NuScale subject matter experts. When the staffs review of the documents associated with a specific issue is complete, the staff will notify either the NRO, Division of Licensing, Siting, and Environmental Analysis or NuScale that these documents can be removed from eRR thereby minimizing their residence time in eRR.

VII. AUDIT ACTIVITIES AND DELIVERABLES The NRC audit team will review the design specifications listed in Section V, to confirm that all corrective actions were completed. The regulatory audit will be scheduled for August 22, 2019 through September 11, 2019, from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM, at the NRC Rockville Office, 11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland, 20852-2738. At the end of the audit, a technical audit summary will be sent by the technical reviewers to the NRC Project Manager (PM) for prompt issuance to the applicant as well as a public version of the same.

The audit entrance/exit meetings and weekly audit meeting are to be scheduled as followings:

  • Entrance Meeting - August 22, 2019; Exit Meeting: September 11, 2019.
  • Weekly Audit Meeting as needed: Friday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT.

The NRC staff acknowledges the proprietary nature of the information requested. It will be handled appropriately throughout the audit. While the NRC staff may take notes, the NRC staff will not make hard copies or electronic files from the audit site.

The NRC will hold weekly audit calls and/or meetings with NuScale to identify issues that have been closed or will be resolved by another mechanism, such as RAIs or public meetings. In the weekly meetings, NRC will also identify any new emerging information needs as well as documents that can be removed from eRR. At the completion of the audit, the audit team will issue an audit summary within 90 days that will be declared and entered as an official agency record in ADAMS records management system.

The audit outcome may be used to identify any additional information to be submitted for making regulatory decisions, and it will assist the NRC staff in the issuance of RAIs (if necessary) for the licensing review of NuScale FSAR Chapter 3 and any related information provided in other chapters, in preparation of the NRCs Safety Evaluation Report.

If necessary, any circumstances related to the conductance of the audit will be communicated to Marieliz Vera Amadiz, NRC at 301-415-5861 or email:


1. NRC Letter, NuScale Power, LLC - Acceptance of an Application for Standard Design Certification of a Small Modular Reactor, March 23, 2017, ADAMS Accession No. ML17074A087.
2. NRO-REG-108, Regulatory Audits, April 2, 2009, ADAMS Accession No. ML081910260.
3. NuScale Standard Plant DCA Revision 2, November 2018, ADAMS Accession No. ML18310A279.
4. NRC Letter, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff Report of Regulatory Audit for NuScale Power, LLC: Seismic Category I Equipment and Environment Qualification of electrical equipment specifications, dated October 25, 2018, ADAMS Accession No. ML18173A291.