Category:Audit Plan
MONTHYEARML20059N6872020-03-0202 March 2020 Regulatory Audit Plan for NuScale DCA Chapters 6, 7, and 15 ML19270G6762019-11-22022 November 2019 Audit Summary for the Regulatory Audit of NuScale Power, LLC, Final Safety Analysis Report Chapter 15, Transient and Accident Analyses, (Memo) ML19284A5162019-11-22022 November 2019 Audit Summary for the Regulatory Audit of NuScale Power, LLC, Final Safety Analysis Report Chapter 15, Transient and Accident Analyses. (Encl. 1 Non-Proprietary Version) ML19255F0222019-09-12012 September 2019 Audit of NuScale Documents Related to Change in Iab Operating Range and Cram ML19225B5942019-08-22022 August 2019 Audit Plan for the Regulatory Audit of the NuScale Power, LLC, Seismic Category I Equipment and Environment Qualification of Electrical Equipment Specifications ML19207A2992019-07-30030 July 2019 Audit Plan for the Regulatory Audit of the NuScale Power, LLC, Containment Isolation Valves and Reactor Safety Valves ML19203A2492019-07-24024 July 2019 Audit Plan for the Regulatory Audit of the NuScale Power, LLC, Component Design Specifications ML19158A4442019-06-12012 June 2019 Audit Plan for the Audit of Nuscale Power, Llc., Helical Steam Generator Tube Modal Testing ML19150A3212019-06-0505 June 2019 Audit Plan for the Regulatory Audit of NuScale Power, LLC Human Factors Engineering Verification and Validation Results Summary Report Supporting Analyses and Confirmatory Item Closure Verification ML19150A2842019-05-31031 May 2019 Regulatory Audit Plant for the Audit of NuScale Documents Associated with Accident Source Term and Pass Exemption Request ML19116A2152019-04-29029 April 2019 Plan for Regulatory Audit of NuScale Power, LLC, Component Design ML19108A4002019-04-26026 April 2019 Hfe ITAAC and Di Implementation Review Audit Plan ML19067A1432019-03-20020 March 2019 Plan for Regulatory Audit of Nuscale Power, LLC, Emergency Core Cooling System Valve Design Demonstration Testing and Follow-Up Items ML19060A2712019-03-0404 March 2019 Phase 4 Audit Plan for the Audit of NuScale Power, Llc., Documents Related to Reactor Internals Comprehensive Vibration Assessment Program ML19018A1122019-01-28028 January 2019 Regulatory Audit of Nuscale Design Certification Application, Final Safety Analysis Report, Tier 1 and Tier 2, Section 3.5.3 Barrier Design Procedures. ML19058A5232019-01-27027 January 2019 Audit Plan - Neutron Fluence Bioshield-Containment Final Rev 1 ML18348A9862019-01-0808 January 2019 Regulatory Audit Plan for the Audit of Nuscale Documents Associated with EQ and Radiation Protection Neutron Source Term ML18348B0762019-01-0707 January 2019 Audit Plan - Nuscale Chapter 20 - RAI 9486 ML19008A3552018-12-28028 December 2018 Audit Plan for the Regulatory Audit of Nuscale Power, LLC, Topical Report Loss of Coolant Accident Evaluation Model. ML19004A0982018-12-20020 December 2018 Audit Plan for the Regulatory Audit of Nuscale Power, LLC Design Certification Application, Chapter 15, Transient and Accident Analyses ML18344A1512018-12-13013 December 2018 Phase 2 Audit Plan for the Audit of NuScale Power, LLC Documents Related to Reactor Internals Seismic Analysis ML18324A5512018-11-26026 November 2018 Audit Plan for Regulatory Audit of Nuscale Design Certification Application, Final Safety Analysis Report, Tier 2, Section 3.7 Seismic Design and Section 3.8 Design of Category I Structures ML18323A4452018-11-20020 November 2018 Audit Plan for the Regulatory Audit of NuScale Power, LLC Topical Report TR-0516-49416, Non-Loss-Of-Coolant Accident Analysis Methodology, Revision 1 - Memo ML18284A2592018-10-12012 October 2018 Audit Plan for the Second Regulatory Audit of Environmental Report for NuScale Power LLC Regarding the Severe Accident Mitigation Design Alternative Analysis ML18243A2962018-09-0606 September 2018 Audit Plan for the Phase II Regulatory Audit of the Design Basis Failed Fuel Fraction for NuScale Power, LLC Design Certification Application ML18236A5332018-08-28028 August 2018 Phase 2 Audit Plan for the Audit of Nuscale Power, LLC Documents Related to Reactor Internals Comprehensive Vibration Assessment Program ML18235A5092018-08-28028 August 2018 Audit Plan for the Follow-Up Regulatory Audit of Nuscale Power, LLC; Sections 3.9.4, Control Rod Drive System, and 4.6, Functional Design of Control Rod Drive System ML18114A0552018-08-25025 August 2018 Phase 2 Audit Plan for Design Specifications Meb May - June 2018 ML18229A1142018-08-22022 August 2018 Audit Plan for Regulatory Audit of Nuscale Power, LLC Design Documents for Containment Isolation Valves and Reactor Safety Valves ML18177A0872018-06-28028 June 2018 Addenda to the NuScale Containment and Ventilation System Audit Plan ML18158A1642018-06-12012 June 2018 Audit Plan for the Phase II Regulatory Audit of the Pool Leakage Detection System for the Ultimate Heat Sink for Nuclear Power, LLC ML18144A7582018-06-0404 June 2018 June 26-28 2018 NuScale Hfe Audit Plan ML18074A0792018-03-14014 March 2018 Audit Plan for NuScale Computer Codes Section 3.9.1 March - April 2018 ML18067A1292018-03-0808 March 2018 Audit Plan NuScale Chapter 4 ML18053A2162018-03-0505 March 2018 2018 SPRA-NuScale Audit Plan ML18060A0682018-03-0505 March 2018 Audit Plan for the Regulatory Audit of ECCS Valves Design and FMEA Analysis, March - May 2018 ML17356A1202017-12-27027 December 2017 Audit Plan for Nuscale Power, LLC, Final Safety Aanalysis Report - Chapter 20, Mitigation of Beyond Design-Basis Events ML17264A6772017-09-27027 September 2017 Audit Plan for the NuScale SBO Transient Sensitivity Analysis November 2017 ML17255A8992017-09-26026 September 2017 June 2017 Chapter 8 Audit Report 2020-03-02
[Table view] Category:Letter
MONTHYEARML23234A1232024-03-28028 March 2024 US600 DC and SDA 50.46 Exemption - Letter ML23180A1512023-06-29029 June 2023 LLC, Request for Exemption to the Reporting Requirements of 10 CFR 50.46(a)(3) ML21102A3072021-04-15015 April 2021 OEDO-21-00155 - Lessons-Learned from the Design Certification Review of the NuScale Power, LLC, Small Modular Reactor ML21050A4312021-02-19019 February 2021 LLC - Lessons-Learned from the Design Certification Review of the NuScale Power, LLC Small Modular Reactor ML20247J5642020-09-11011 September 2020 Standard Design Approval for the NuScale Power Plant Based on the NuScale 600 Standard Plant Design Certification Application ML20231A8042020-08-28028 August 2020 Final Safety Evaluation Report for the NuScale Standard Plant Design ML20224A4602020-08-25025 August 2020 OEDO-20-00292-Response to the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Letter on NuScale Power, LLC, Report on the Safety Aspects of the NuScale Small Modular Reactor ML20231A5982020-08-25025 August 2020 OEDO-20-00285_NuScale Area of Focus - Boron Redistribution ML20210M8902020-07-29029 July 2020 Area of Focus - Boron Redistribution ML20195A5872020-07-13013 July 2020 LLC - Submittal of Draft Operator Licensing and Examination Standard for NuScale Small Modular Reactors ML20195C7662020-07-13013 July 2020 LLC Request for Standard Design Approval Based on the NuScale Standard Plant Design Certification Application ML20192A3262020-07-10010 July 2020 LLC, Submittal of Environmental Report: Revision Status ML20198M3932020-07-0202 July 2020 LLC Submittal of Revised Packing Slip for Submittal of the NuScale Standard Plant Design Certification Application, Revision 4.1, Dated June 19, 2020 ML20174A3472020-07-0101 July 2020 OEDO-20-00220 - Area of Focus - Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Emergency Core Cooling System Valve Performance ML20184A2872020-07-0101 July 2020 LLC Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled ACRS Full Committee Presentation: NuScale Topic - Boron Redistribution and General Design Criterion 33, PM-0720-70785, Revision 0 ML20181A2702020-06-22022 June 2020 Final SER for NuScale TR-0516-49422 Loss-of-Coolant Analysis Model, Rev 2 (Letter) ML20181A4322020-06-22022 June 2020 Final SER for NuScale TR-0516-49416 NON-Loss-of-Coolant Analysis Model, Rev 3 (Letter) ML20198M3922020-06-19019 June 2020 LLC - Submittal of the NuScale Standard Plant Design Certification Application, Revision 4.1 ML20171A7312020-06-19019 June 2020 LLC, Submittal of Riser Flow Hole Methodology and Associated Changes to Final Safety Analysis Report Incorporating Its Use ML20157A2232020-06-0303 June 2020 Letter to NuScale Requesting -A for TR-0716-50350 ML20150C5172020-05-29029 May 2020 LLC Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled NRC Public Meeting Presentation: Boron Redistribution and Associated Design and DCA Changes, PM-0620-70336, Revision 0 ML20150E1772020-05-29029 May 2020 LLC - Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled ACRS Full Committee Presentation: NuScale Topic - Extended Dhrs Operation and RCS Boron Redistribution (Closed Session), PM-0620-70243, Revision 0 ML20150C8812020-05-29029 May 2020 LLC Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled ACRS Full Committee Presentation: NuScale Topic - Boron Redistribution and Associated Design and DCA Changes, PM-0620-70244, Revision 0 ML20149M1192020-05-28028 May 2020 LLC Summary of Impacts to Erai 8930 Response and Discussion on the Exemption from General Design Criterion 33 ML20141L8082020-05-20020 May 2020 LLC Submittal of Containment Response Analysis Methodology Technical Report, TR-0516-49084, Revision 3 ML20141N0122020-05-20020 May 2020 LLC Submittal of Changes to Final Safety Analysis Report, Section 6.2, Containment Systems, Section 6.3, Emergency Core Cooling System, and Technical Report TR-0516-49084, Containment Response Analysis Methodology Technical Report ML20141L8162020-05-20020 May 2020 LLC, Submittal of Long-Term Cooling Methodology, TR-0916-51299, Revision 3 ML20141M7642020-05-20020 May 2020 LLC Submittal of Nuclear Steam Supply System Advanced Sensor Technical Report, TR-0316-22048, Revision 3 ML20141L7872020-05-20020 May 2020 LLC, Submittal of Second Updates to Standard Plant Design Certification Application, Revision 4 ML20141M1142020-05-20020 May 2020 LLC Submittal of NuScale Instrument Setpoint Methodology Technical Report, TR-0616-49121, Revision 3 ML20141L8042020-05-20020 May 2020 LLC Submittal of Technical Specifications Regulatory Conformance and Development, TR-1116-52011, Revision 4 ML20128J3162020-05-18018 May 2020 OEDO-20-00167 - Response to the ACRS Letter on Combustible Gas Monitoring ML20133K0882020-05-12012 May 2020 LLC, Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled Public Meeting Presentation: Topic - Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) Boron Distribution (Closed Session), PM-0420-69512, Revision 0 ML20133J9142020-05-11011 May 2020 LLC Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled Public Meeting Presentation: Topic - Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) Boron Distribution, PM-0420-69511, Revision 0 ML20112F4552020-05-0101 May 2020 LLC, Design Certification Application Phases 5 and 6 Review Status ML20107F8492020-05-0101 May 2020 OEDO-2000140 - NuScale Area of Focus - Helical Tube Steam Generator Design ML20104A0792020-04-27027 April 2020 OEDO-20-00115 - Safety Evaluation Report for Topical Report TR-0516-49416, Revision 2, Non-Loss-of-Coolant Accident Analysis Methodology ML20099H0802020-04-0808 April 2020 LLC - Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled NRC Public Meeting: Revisions to NuScales EPZ Sizing Methodology Topical Report, PM-0420-69598, Revision 0 ML20098G2372020-04-0707 April 2020 Nuscale Power, LLC Submittal of Remaining Closure Items for the Emergency Core Cooling System Valve Failure Mode Effects Analysis Audit Items ML20097F1922020-04-0606 April 2020 Nuscale Power, LLC Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled ACRS Full Committee Presentation: Nuscale Topic - Hydrogen/Oxygen Monitoring, PM-0420-69518, Revision 0 ML20094H6742020-04-0303 April 2020 LLC Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled ACRS Full Committee Presentation NuScale Topic-Probabilistic Risk Assessment with a Focus on Emergency Core Cooling System Analysis PM-0420-69559, Revision 0 ML20092L8992020-04-0101 April 2020 LLC - Submittal of Updates to Standard Plant Design Certification Application, Revision 4 ML20072M6682020-03-30030 March 2020 Response to NuScale Letter Dated February 24, 2020, on Planned SDA Application Content ML20072H3332020-03-0909 March 2020 LLC - Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled Public Meeting Presentation: Topic - Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) Boron Distribution, PM-0320-69218, Revision 0 ML20057D9002020-03-0606 March 2020 Submittal of Errata to Final SE for NuScale Power, LLC TR-1010-859-NP-A, Quality Assurance Program Description for the NuScale Power Plant ML20062F7262020-03-0505 March 2020 Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure for Nuscale Power, LLC Letter Public ML20069A9632020-03-0404 March 2020 LLC Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled ACRS Full Committee Presentation: NuScale Topical Report, Loss-of-Coolant Accident Evaluation Model, PM-0320-69138, Revision 0 ML20069A1772020-03-0404 March 2020 LLC - Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled ACRS Full Committee Presentation: NuScale Topical Report-Non-Loss-of-Coolant Accident, PM-0320-69141, Revision 0 ML20069A1572020-03-0404 March 2020 LLC - Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled ACRS Full Committee Presentation: NuScale Topical Report-Rod Ejection Accident Methodology, PM-0320-69146, Revision 0 ML20066G2802020-03-0303 March 2020 LLC, Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled ACRS Subcommittee Presentation: NuScale Topic - Hydrogen Monitoring, PM-0220-69071, Revision 0 2024-03-28
[Table view] |
March 5, 2018 Mr. Thomas Bergman Vice President, Regulatory Affairs NuScale Power, LLC 1100 NE Circle Boulevard, Suite 200 Corvallis, OR 97330
Dear Mr. Bergman:
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff has prepared an audit plan related to the review of Chapters 17, Reliability Assurance Program, and 19, Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) and Severe Accident Evaluation, of the NuScale Power, LLC (NuScale), design certification application. The audit plan describes the scope and purpose of the audit, identifies the audit team, and describes the types of documents (listed by topic area) that should be made available to the NRC staff. The audit plan is enclosed.
The audit will be conducted over a four-week period, beginning March 6, 2018, at the NuScale Rockville Office located at 11333 Woodglen Drive, Suite 205, Rockville, Maryland 20852, with access to members of the NuScale Corvallis Office (via video teleconference from the NuScale Rockville Office) as needed to support audit objectives.
If you have any questions, please contact the Project Manager, Rani Franovich, at (301) 415-7334 or Rani.Franovich@nrc.gov.
Samuel S. Lee, Chief Licensing Branch 1 Division of New Reactor Licensing Office of New Reactors Docket No.52-048
- 1. Audit Plan cc: NuScale listserv 1
APPLICANT CONTACTS: Darrell Gardner (NuScale)
Jim Curry (NuScale)
DURATION: The audit duration is from March 6, 2018 until April 3, 2018.
During this time the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff from the Office of New Reactors (NRO) and the Office oF Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) will examine specific documents which support responses to several NRC requests for additional information (RAIs) regarding review of Chapters 17. Reliability Assurance Program and 19, Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) and Severe Accident Evaluation of the NuScale design certification application (DCA) final safety analysis report (FSAR).
LOCATION: NuScale Rockville Office 11333 Woodglen Drive, Suite 205 Rockville, MD 20852 AUDIT TEAM: Mark Caruso (NRO, Audit Lead)
Michelle Hayes (NRO/Acting Branch Chief)
Jason Schaperow (NRO)
Tony Nakanishi (NRO)
Marie Pohida (NRO)
Alissa Neuhausen (NRO)
Greg Makar (NRO)
Leslie Terry (NRO)
Brad Harvey (NRO)
Hossein Esmaili (RES)
Shawn Campbell (RES)
Keith Compton (RES)
Rani Franovich (NRO, Project Manager)
I. BACKGROUND On January 6, 2017, NuScale, submitted a DCA for the NuScale design to the NRC for review and approval (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML17013A229). On March 15, 2017, the NRC staff accepted the DCA for docketing and initiated its technical review. As part of its safety review of the DCA, the NRC staff performed an audit of the information supporting Chapters 19 and 17.4 of the FSAR submitted with the application. The audit commenced on April 3, 2017, and ended on August 17, 2017. The results of the audit are documented in an audit report dated November 3, 2017 (ADAMS Accession No. ML17305A024).
The NRC staff will conduct a second audit commencing on March 6, 2018, and ending on April 3, 2018. During this audit, the NRC staff will focus its examination on specific documents that support responses to several NRC RAIs pertaining to its review of Chapter 19 and Chapter 17.4 of the FSAR. During this audit, the NRC staff will examine documented analyses that support the severe accident evaluation, thermal-hydraulic accident simulations that support the PRA level 1 accident sequence analysis, documented analyses that support the seismic margins analysis, and documentation of information considered by members of the design reliability assurance program expert panel to establish risk significance of selected structures, systems and components (SSC).
The audit will be conducted in NuScales Rockville Office and via the NuScale electronic reading room (ERR) when available. In light of uncertainty in the amount of documentation that will need to be reviewed during the audit and limited availability of some audit team members, the NRC staff has established a bounding time period for the audit of one month; however, the audit may not take a month to complete. The NRC staff will endeavor to complete the audit as expeditiously as possible. An exit meeting will be held at the end of the audit to report the overall results.
II. PURPOSE AND REGULATORY BASIS Purpose of Audit The purpose of this audit is for the NRC staff to examine and evaluate documents that support responses to the RAIs below. This examination and evaluation will inform the NRC staffs review of the responses to the RAIs. The pertinent RAI responses are listed below in Table 1 of Section III.
Regulatory Basis for Audit Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulation (10 CFR), Section 52.47(a)(27) states that a DCA must contain an FSAR that includes a description of the design-specific PRA and its results.
10 CFR 52.47(a)(23) states that a DC application must contain an FSAR that includes, for light-water reactor designs, a description and analysis of design features for the prevention and mitigation of severe accidents (SAs) (e.g., challenges to containment integrity caused by core-concrete interaction, steam explosion, high-pressure core melt ejection, hydrogen combustion,
and containment bypass).
The NRC staff must have sufficient information to ensure that the applicant has adequately considered SAs and the use of PRA in the design and operation of facilities under review as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.206, Combined License Applications for Nuclear Power Plants (LWR Edition), Section C.I.19.2.
III. REGULATORY AUDIT SCOPE The specific scope of this audit is described below in Table 1, Audit Scope:
Table 1: Audit Scope NRC NuScale letter responding ADAMS FSAR Topic RAI to the RAI Accession No. Section 8882 RAIO-0817-55372, August ML17222A683 19.2 Reactor pool 17, 2017 decontamination factor.
8903 RAIO-0917-55876, August ML17251B163 19.2 Gravity-driven reflood of 10, 2017 reactor pressure vessel (RPV) through open reactor recirculation valves (RRVs).
8977 RAIO-1017-56550, ML17284A652 19.2 Large release definition.
October 11, 2017 9043 RAIO-1017-56516, ML17283A413 19.2 In-vessel retention October 10, 2017 analyses.
8879 RAIO-0817-55698, August ML17241A139 17.4 Expert panel decision-28, 2017 making process.
8899 RAIO-0118-58237, January ML18018B375 19.1.5 Fragility calculations for 18, 2018 reactor bay wall, reactor building (RBX) exterior wall, and RXB roof.
Bases for screening SSCs with fragilities below the plant-level high confidence of low probability of failure (HCLPF).
8926 RAIO-0917-56321, ML17272B031 19.1.6 Dropped module September 29, 2017 consequence analysis.
8840 RAIO-0717-55003, July ML17262B215 19.1.4 Containment isolation for 19, 2017 loss of coolant accidents (LOCAs) inside containment.
In addition, the NRC staff has completed its MELCOR confirmatory analyses and will be comparing the results to NuScales analytical results. The purpose of this comparison is to identify and understand any modeling differences.
NuScale should make available all documents providing technical information in support of the responses to the NRC RAIs listed above in Table 1.
V. SPECIAL REQUESTS The NRC staff requests the documents associated with topic areas listed above be available to NRC auditors in the ERR to the extent possible. Use of the ERR allows multiple auditors to examine the same document at the same time, which improves the efficiency of the audit.
VI. AUDIT ACTIVITIES AND DELIVERABLES The NRC audit team is expected to consist of 11 individuals covering the technical topics identified above in Section III. The task assignments are shown in Table 2, Reviewer Assignments.
Table 2: Reviewer Assignments Reviewer Technical Topic Mark Caruso Risk-significance classification for chemical volume and control injection function and containment flood and drain system Jason Schaperow Assumed reactor pool decontamination factor.
Hossein Esmaili Gravity-driven re-flood of RPV through open RRVs.
Shawn Campbell Large release definition.
Marie Pohida Analysis of In-vessel retention.
Greg Makar MELCOR confirmatory analyses.
Leslie Terry Thermally induced steam generator tube failure probability Brad Harvey Keith Compton Alissa Neuhausen Calculations supporting fragility evaluations for reactor bay wall, RBX exterior wall, and RXB roof.
Mark Caruso Screening analysis for SSCs with fragilities below the plant-level HCLPF; Application of 14 hazard bins in establishing cutsets for determining plant-level HCLPF.
Marie Pohida Dropped module consequence analysis Jason Schaperow Tony Nakanishi Assessment of decay heat removal system performance during Marie Pohida LOCAs inside containment with containment evacuation line containment isolation failure with consideration to the Passive System Reliability Report.
Consideration of additional heat generation during anticipate transient without scram (ATWS).
The NRC staff acknowledges the proprietary nature of the information requested and will handle the information appropriately throughout the audit. While the NRC staff will take notes, the NRC staff will not remove hard copy or electronic files from the audit site(s).
A non-public entrance meeting will be conducted on March 6, 2018, and a non-public exit meeting will be held in early April 2018 after the audit is completed to present audit results to
NuScale representatives. During the audit, the NRC staff will communicate with the NuScale staff in person and via teleconference, as necessary. These communications may consist of requests for additional materials to be placed in the ERR, if needed; discussions for the purpose of clarifying information the NRC staff has audited; and any other technical matters that arise during the audit. The NRC staff will provide its questions to the NuScale staff in writing via email prior to teleconferences to allow the NuScale staff to prepare for the discussion. Teleconferences will be held as needed during the course of the audit. A minimum of one teleconference will be held each week to ensure communication is regular and issues are identified in a timely manner. An audit report will be prepared within 90 days of the exit meeting to document the results of the audit. This report will be made publicly available in ADAMS.
If necessary, any questions related to the conduct of the audit will be communicated to the NRC project manager, Rani Franovich, at 301-415-7334 or rani.franovich@nrc.gov.