Category:Audit Plan
MONTHYEARML20059N6872020-03-0202 March 2020 Regulatory Audit Plan for NuScale DCA Chapters 6, 7, and 15 ML19270G6762019-11-22022 November 2019 Audit Summary for the Regulatory Audit of NuScale Power, LLC, Final Safety Analysis Report Chapter 15, Transient and Accident Analyses, (Memo) ML19284A5162019-11-22022 November 2019 Audit Summary for the Regulatory Audit of NuScale Power, LLC, Final Safety Analysis Report Chapter 15, Transient and Accident Analyses. (Encl. 1 Non-Proprietary Version) ML19255F0222019-09-12012 September 2019 Audit of NuScale Documents Related to Change in Iab Operating Range and Cram ML19225B5942019-08-22022 August 2019 Audit Plan for the Regulatory Audit of the NuScale Power, LLC, Seismic Category I Equipment and Environment Qualification of Electrical Equipment Specifications ML19207A2992019-07-30030 July 2019 Audit Plan for the Regulatory Audit of the NuScale Power, LLC, Containment Isolation Valves and Reactor Safety Valves ML19203A2492019-07-24024 July 2019 Audit Plan for the Regulatory Audit of the NuScale Power, LLC, Component Design Specifications ML19158A4442019-06-12012 June 2019 Audit Plan for the Audit of Nuscale Power, Llc., Helical Steam Generator Tube Modal Testing ML19150A3212019-06-0505 June 2019 Audit Plan for the Regulatory Audit of NuScale Power, LLC Human Factors Engineering Verification and Validation Results Summary Report Supporting Analyses and Confirmatory Item Closure Verification ML19150A2842019-05-31031 May 2019 Regulatory Audit Plant for the Audit of NuScale Documents Associated with Accident Source Term and Pass Exemption Request ML19116A2152019-04-29029 April 2019 Plan for Regulatory Audit of NuScale Power, LLC, Component Design ML19108A4002019-04-26026 April 2019 Hfe ITAAC and Di Implementation Review Audit Plan ML19067A1432019-03-20020 March 2019 Plan for Regulatory Audit of Nuscale Power, LLC, Emergency Core Cooling System Valve Design Demonstration Testing and Follow-Up Items ML19060A2712019-03-0404 March 2019 Phase 4 Audit Plan for the Audit of NuScale Power, Llc., Documents Related to Reactor Internals Comprehensive Vibration Assessment Program ML19018A1122019-01-28028 January 2019 Regulatory Audit of Nuscale Design Certification Application, Final Safety Analysis Report, Tier 1 and Tier 2, Section 3.5.3 Barrier Design Procedures. ML19058A5232019-01-27027 January 2019 Audit Plan - Neutron Fluence Bioshield-Containment Final Rev 1 ML18348A9862019-01-0808 January 2019 Regulatory Audit Plan for the Audit of Nuscale Documents Associated with EQ and Radiation Protection Neutron Source Term ML18348B0762019-01-0707 January 2019 Audit Plan - Nuscale Chapter 20 - RAI 9486 ML19008A3552018-12-28028 December 2018 Audit Plan for the Regulatory Audit of Nuscale Power, LLC, Topical Report Loss of Coolant Accident Evaluation Model. ML19004A0982018-12-20020 December 2018 Audit Plan for the Regulatory Audit of Nuscale Power, LLC Design Certification Application, Chapter 15, Transient and Accident Analyses ML18344A1512018-12-13013 December 2018 Phase 2 Audit Plan for the Audit of NuScale Power, LLC Documents Related to Reactor Internals Seismic Analysis ML18324A5512018-11-26026 November 2018 Audit Plan for Regulatory Audit of Nuscale Design Certification Application, Final Safety Analysis Report, Tier 2, Section 3.7 Seismic Design and Section 3.8 Design of Category I Structures ML18323A4452018-11-20020 November 2018 Audit Plan for the Regulatory Audit of NuScale Power, LLC Topical Report TR-0516-49416, Non-Loss-Of-Coolant Accident Analysis Methodology, Revision 1 - Memo ML18284A2592018-10-12012 October 2018 Audit Plan for the Second Regulatory Audit of Environmental Report for NuScale Power LLC Regarding the Severe Accident Mitigation Design Alternative Analysis ML18243A2962018-09-0606 September 2018 Audit Plan for the Phase II Regulatory Audit of the Design Basis Failed Fuel Fraction for NuScale Power, LLC Design Certification Application ML18236A5332018-08-28028 August 2018 Phase 2 Audit Plan for the Audit of Nuscale Power, LLC Documents Related to Reactor Internals Comprehensive Vibration Assessment Program ML18235A5092018-08-28028 August 2018 Audit Plan for the Follow-Up Regulatory Audit of Nuscale Power, LLC; Sections 3.9.4, Control Rod Drive System, and 4.6, Functional Design of Control Rod Drive System ML18114A0552018-08-25025 August 2018 Phase 2 Audit Plan for Design Specifications Meb May - June 2018 ML18229A1142018-08-22022 August 2018 Audit Plan for Regulatory Audit of Nuscale Power, LLC Design Documents for Containment Isolation Valves and Reactor Safety Valves ML18177A0872018-06-28028 June 2018 Addenda to the NuScale Containment and Ventilation System Audit Plan ML18158A1642018-06-12012 June 2018 Audit Plan for the Phase II Regulatory Audit of the Pool Leakage Detection System for the Ultimate Heat Sink for Nuclear Power, LLC ML18144A7582018-06-0404 June 2018 June 26-28 2018 NuScale Hfe Audit Plan ML18074A0792018-03-14014 March 2018 Audit Plan for NuScale Computer Codes Section 3.9.1 March - April 2018 ML18067A1292018-03-0808 March 2018 Audit Plan NuScale Chapter 4 ML18053A2162018-03-0505 March 2018 2018 SPRA-NuScale Audit Plan ML18060A0682018-03-0505 March 2018 Audit Plan for the Regulatory Audit of ECCS Valves Design and FMEA Analysis, March - May 2018 ML17356A1202017-12-27027 December 2017 Audit Plan for Nuscale Power, LLC, Final Safety Aanalysis Report - Chapter 20, Mitigation of Beyond Design-Basis Events ML17264A6772017-09-27027 September 2017 Audit Plan for the NuScale SBO Transient Sensitivity Analysis November 2017 ML17255A8992017-09-26026 September 2017 June 2017 Chapter 8 Audit Report 2020-03-02
[Table view] Category:Memoranda
MONTHYEARML24004A0472024-01-31031 January 2024 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Summary of the November 16, 2023, Observation Public Meeting to Discuss Nuscale’S Us600 Exemption Request ML20274A1082020-09-30030 September 2020 Summary of September 16, 2020 Public Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC to Discuss Operator Licensing Topics ML20199M1492020-08-19019 August 2020 Memo Transmitting Summary of the July 15, 2020 Pre-Submittal Meeting with NuScale, LLC, Regarding Its Plans to Submit a Topical Report Using Automated Test System ML20219A4112020-08-10010 August 2020 Summary of the May 28, 2020, Category 1 Public Teleconference with NuScale Power, LLC to Discuss NuScales Standard Design Application Control Room Staffing Topical Report-0520-69851 ML20210M0772020-07-28028 July 2020 Memo - Category 1 Public Meeting - Audit Exit NuScale Emergency Core Cooling System Boron Redistribution Issue and Applicable Design Changes ML20160A2472020-07-28028 July 2020 Audit Summary Memo NuScale ECCS Boron Redistribution Issue ML20176A1582020-07-10010 July 2020 Audit Summary 2019 Memo NuScale Chapter 15 ML20108F5082020-05-27027 May 2020 Summary of April 15 2020 Public Meeting on NuScale EPZ Sizing Methodology TR ML20140A1892020-05-19019 May 2020 Public Meeting Summary May 14, 2020, NuScale Boron Redistribution Issue ML20114E2162020-05-0404 May 2020 Summary of the April 1, 2020, Category 1 Public Teleconference with NuScale Power, LLC to Discuss the Emergency Core Cooling System Boron Distribution of the Design Certification Application ML20114E0192020-04-27027 April 2020 Summary of the April 15, 2020, Category 1 Public Teleconference with NuScale Power, LLC to Discuss the Emergency Core Cooling System Boron Distribution of the Design Certification Application ML20114E0392020-04-23023 April 2020 Meeting Summary for the April 21, 2020, Public Meeting to Discuss NuScale SDA Significance Review Process ML20097C2292020-04-0707 April 2020 Summary of the March 9, 2020, Category 1 Public Teleconference with NuScale Power, LLC to Discuss the Emergency Core Cooling System Boron Distribution ML20072M7982020-03-19019 March 2020 Meeting Summary for the January 30, 2020, Public Meeting to Discuss NuScale SDA Regulatory Engagement Plan ML20076D8852020-03-16016 March 2020 Summary Report for the January 2019 Regulatory Audit of NuScale Chapter 20 ML20072K5232020-03-11011 March 2020 Summary of the September 4, 2019, Public Teleconference with NuScale Power, Llc., Regarding Responses to Staff Requests for Additional Information (RAI) (52-048) ML20059N6872020-03-0202 March 2020 Regulatory Audit Plan for NuScale DCA Chapters 6, 7, and 15 ML20054A0602020-02-28028 February 2020 Regulatory Audit Report for NuScale DCA Inadvertent Actuation Block (Iab) Operating Range Change ML20044E3522020-02-18018 February 2020 Memo to ACRS Rod Ejection Accident Methodology SER ML20049H1872020-02-18018 February 2020 Memo to ACRS Rea NON-LOCA TR SE ML20049H5442020-02-18018 February 2020 Letter to NuScale NON-LOCA TR SER ML20042E0242020-02-12012 February 2020 LOCA Topical Report Phase IV Audit Report - Public ML20042E0392020-02-12012 February 2020 NON-LOCA Topical Report Phases 3 and 4 Audit Report ML20010D1312020-01-16016 January 2020 Audit Summary Memo NuScale LOCA TR ML19345E9362020-01-13013 January 2020 Summary of the December 9, 2019, Public Teleconference Meeting on Incorporation by Reference ML19340A9712020-01-13013 January 2020 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Report of the Regulatory Follow-Up Audit Performed Between May 1, 2019, Through September 19, 2019, Regarding the Nuscale Stress and Fatigue Analysis of Major Design Components (Public) ML20006G4202020-01-0808 January 2020 ACRS Review of NuScale Power, LLC, Design Certification Application - Safety Evaluation with No Open Items for Chapters 2, 8 and 12 ML19343C7562020-01-0808 January 2020 Generator Tube - Siet Audit Report (Public) ML20006G5752019-12-20020 December 2019 Proposed Recommendation for ACRS Review of NuScale Power, LLC, Design Certification Application - Safety Evaluation with No Open Items for Chapter 8, Electric Power ML19331A3972019-12-20020 December 2019 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Report of the Regulatory follow-up Audit Performed Between 8/22/19 - 9/24/19, Regarding NuScale Power, Seismic Category I Equipment and Environment Qualification of Electrical Equipment Specifications ML19340A0152019-12-20020 December 2019 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission'S Report of the Regulatory Audit Performed Between March 4, 2019, Through September 10, 2019, for Nuscale Power, LLC, Regarding Nuscale'S Power Module Leakage Flow Instability Analysis - Public Memo ML20006G4892019-12-19019 December 2019 Proposed Recommendation for ACRS Review of NuScale Power, LLC, Design Certification Application - Safety Evaluation with No Open Items for Chapter 2, Site Characteristics and Site Parameters ML19340A0192019-12-19019 December 2019 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Report - Regulatory Audit Between 03/20/19 - 10/09/19 - Emergency Core Cooling System Valve Design Demonstration Testing and Follow-Up Items NuScale Power, LLC, Standard Plant Design Certification ML20006G7002019-12-19019 December 2019 Proposed Recommendation for ACRS Review of NuScale Power, LLC, Design Certification Application - Safety Evaluation with No Open Items for Chapter 12, Radiation Protection ML19143A1042019-12-12012 December 2019 DCA - Safety Evaluation with No Open Items for Chapter 19, Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Severe Accident Evaluation for New Reactors - Memo ML19168A1382019-12-12012 December 2019 LLC, Design Certification Application - Safety Evaluation with No Open Items for Chapter 3, Design of Structures, Systems, Components and Equipment ML19169A2992019-12-11011 December 2019 Memo to ACRS Transmitting SER - Chapter 15 ML19169A1322019-12-10010 December 2019 Memo to ACRS Transmitting SER ML19165A2792019-12-0909 December 2019 Nuscale Power, LLC, Design Certification Application - Safety Evaluation with No Open Items for Chapter 1, Introduction and General Discussion ML19168A1682019-12-0909 December 2019 Nuscale Power, LLC, Design Certification Application - Safety Evaluation with No Open Items for Chapter 4, Reactor - Memo ML19168A2002019-12-0909 December 2019 Memo to ACRS Transmitting SER - Chapter 6 ML19169A3142019-12-0404 December 2019 LLC, Design Certification Application - Safety Evaluation with No Open Items for Chapter 16, Technical Specifications - Memo ML19169A3322019-12-0404 December 2019 LLC, Design Certification Application - Safety Evaluation with No Open Items for Chapter 20, Mitigation of Beyond-Design-Basis Events - Memo ML19169A2952019-11-26026 November 2019 Memo to ACRS Transmitting SER ML19319C2322019-11-26026 November 2019 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Summary Report of Regulatory follow-up Audit of Design Documents for NuScale Containment Isolation Valves and Reactor Safety Valves ML19270G6762019-11-22022 November 2019 Audit Summary for the Regulatory Audit of NuScale Power, LLC, Final Safety Analysis Report Chapter 15, Transient and Accident Analyses, (Memo) ML19169A2912019-11-22022 November 2019 Memo to ACRS Transmitting SER ML19169A1192019-11-22022 November 2019 Memo to ACRS Transmitting Phase 4 SER for Chapter 8 ML19162A2732019-11-15015 November 2019 LLC, Design Certification Application Memo - Safety Evaluation with No Open Items for Chapter 18, Human Factors Engineering ML19162A0962019-11-13013 November 2019 Nuscale Power, LLC, Design Certification Application - Safety Evaluation with No Open Items for Chapter 2, Site Characteristics and Site Parameters 2024-01-31
[Table view] |
June 12, 2019 MEMORANDUM TO: Samuel S. Lee, Chief Licensing Branch 1 Division Licensing, Siting, and Environmental Analysis Office of New Reactors FROM: Marieliz Vera, Project Manager /RA/
Licensing Branch 1 Division Licensing, Siting, and Environmental Analysis Office of New Reactors
AUDIT PLAN FOR THE AUDIT OF NUSCALE POWER, LLC, HELICAL STEAM GENERATOR TUBE MODAL TESTING On January 6, 2017, NuScale Power, LLC (NuScale), submitted a design certification (DC) application for a small modular reactor to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
(Agencywide Documents Access and Management System Accession No. ML17013A229).
The NRC staff started its detailed technical review of NuScales DC application on March 15, 2017.
The purpose of the subject audit is to examine NuScales helical steam generator tube modal testing related to the reactor internals comprehensive vibration assessment review. The onsite audit will take place at General Vessels in Cremosano and SIET S.p.A in Piacenza, Italy, from June 24 - 25, 2019. The audit is currently scheduled from June 24, 2019 to August 30, 2019, including potential post-onsite audit activities such as reviewing preliminary modal testing results in the electronic reading room. The audit plan is enclosed.
Docket No.52-048
Audit Plan cc w/encl.: DC NuScale Power, LLC Listserv CONTACT: Marieliz Vera, NRO/DLSE 301-415-5861
APPLICANT CONTACT: Richard Danforth DURATION: June 24, 2019 to August 30, 2019 LOCATION: General Vessels Via Delle Lame 1 26010 Cremosano, Italy SIET S.p.A.
Via Nino Bixio, 27/c 29121 Piacenza, Italy AUDIT TEAM: Yuken Wong (NRO, Audit Lead)
Stephen Hambric (NRC Consultant)
Marieliz Vera (NRO, Project Manager)
I. BACKGROUND On March 15, 2017, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) accepted and docketed (Reference 1) a standard design certification application (DCA) (Reference 2) submitted by NuScale Power, LLC (NuScale), to certify its small module reactor design.
Between September 5, 2018, and October 4, 2018, the NRC staff completed Phase 2 of the NuScale reactor internals comprehensive vibration assessment program (CVAP) audit that included review and examination of NuScales design documents, drawings, test plans, and test reports. The NRC staffs Phase 2 audit summary report is available in Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) under Accession No. ML18333A221 (Reference 3).
This summary outlined the main criteria the NRC staff will consider when determining the need for steam generator tube TF-3 testing in support of the design certification review. These considerations included updating the steam generator design calculations for fluid-elastic instability (FEI) and vortex shedding (VS) to include steam generator (SG) tube boundary conditions validated using the ongoing TF-3 single tube modal testing.
This audit plan describes the NRC staffs plans for conducting the audit of NuScales helical steam generator tube modal testing (TF-3).
II. PURPOSE The purpose of the audit is to examine the NuScale helical steam generator tube modal testing (TF-3) to verify that the tube and support configuration is prototypical to the design and boundary conditions that will exist during operation. The results of this audit will inform the NRC staffs decision if NuScale helical steam generator tube flow testing data is needed to support the design certification and the subsequent safety finding of the adequacy of the steam generator tube design against flow-induced vibration.
III. REGULATORY AUDIT BASIS Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), Part 50, Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities, Appendix A, General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants, General Design Criterion 4, Environmental and dynamic effects design bases, states the following:
Structures, systems, and components important to safety shall be designed to accommodate the effects of and to be compatible with the environmental conditions associated with normal operation, maintenance, testing, and postulated accidents, including loss-of-coolant accidents. These structures, systems, and components shall be appropriately protected against dynamic effects, including the effects of missiles, pipe whipping, and discharging fluids, that may result from equipment failures and from events and conditions outside the nuclear power unit.
The NRC staff will conduct this audit in accordance with the guidance provided in the Office of New Reactors (NRO)-REG-108, Regulatory Audits (Reference 4).
IV. REGULATORY AUDIT SCOPE The scope of the NRC staffs audit will include the examination of the helical steam generator tube modal testing (TF-3) in General Vessels (Cremosano, Italy) to verify that the tube and support configuration are prototypical of the design and boundary conditions during operation.
The modal testing will verify the vibration analysis input assumptions such as frequency, damping values, and thermal expansion. The audit will also include the examination of the helical steam generator tube specimen used for the TF-1 and TF-2 testing in SIET (Cremosano, Italy). In the Phase 2 CVAP audit report (ADAMS Accession No. ML18333A221), the NRC staff outlined the approach to make a reasonable assurance finding and a decision if the helical steam generator tube TF-3 testing data is needed for design certification. This audit at General Vessels and SIET is one part of this approach to being able to make the finding.
V. DOCUMENTS/INFORMATION NECESSARY FOR THE AUDIT The NRC staff requests NuScale to make documents available to the NRC staff related to the helical steam generator tube thermal expansion calculation and TF-3 test plan and procedure.
A NuScale engineer and/or SIET engineer familiar with the test and documents should be available during the audit.
Appropriate handling and protection of proprietary/export-controlled information shall be acknowledged and observed throughout the audit.
VI. SPECIAL REQUESTS The NRC staff requests that NuScale provide at the test facility hardcopies of the documents stated in Section V or on a computer with electronic files of these documents. The NRC staff also requests that NuScale provide these documents in the electronic reading room (eRR) prior to the start of the audit (if available) and for the duration of the audit. The NRC staff may request preliminary modal testing results be provided in the eRR.
VII. AUDIT ACTIVITIES AND DELIVERABLES The NRC audit team will review the technical areas identified in Section IV of this audit plan.
Depending upon the effort needed in a given area, NRC team members may be reassigned to ensure adequate coverage of important technical elements.
The regulatory audit is currently scheduled between June 24, 2019 to August 30, 2019. Within 90 days from the conclusion of the audit, the audit team will issue a publicly available audit summary report to the applicant.
The NRC project manager will coordinate with NuScale in advance of audit activities to verify specific documents and identify any changes to the audit schedule and requested documents.
The audit entrance/exit meetings are to be scheduled as follows:
- Entrance Meeting: June 24, 2019.
- Exit Meeting: August 30, 2019.
Periodic audit meetings may be requested by the NRC staff after the onsite audit at General Vessels in Cremosano and SIET S.p.A in Piacenza, Italy, is completed to address questions or issues that may arise. These meetings will be schedule through the project manager, on an as-needed basis.
The NRC staff acknowledges the proprietary nature of the information requested. It will be handled appropriately throughout the audit. While the NRC staff will take notes, the NRC staff will not remove hard copies or electronic files from the audit site.
The audit outcome may be used to identify any additional information to be submitted for making regulatory decisions, and it will assist the NRC staff in the issuance of RAIs (if necessary) for the licensing review of NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 3, and any related information provided in other chapters, in preparation of the NRCs Safety Evaluation Report.
If necessary, any circumstances related to the conductance of the audit will be communicated to Marieliz Vera (NRC) at 301-415-5861, or email: Marieliz.Vera@nrc.gov.
- 1. NRC Letter, NuScale Power, LLC, - Acceptance of an Application for Standard Design Certification of a Small Modular Reactor, ML17074A087, issued March 23, 2017.
- 2. NuScale Standard Plant DCA, Revision 0, issued December 2016.
- 3. Audit Summary Report of Phase 2 NuScale Reactor Internals Comprehensive Vibration Assessment Program, ML18333A221, issued December 13, 2018.
- 4. NRO-REG-108, Regulatory Audits, ML081910260, issued April 2, 2009.