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Startup Test 3:Transient In-Core Probe Sys Symmetry, Reproducibility & Total Uncertainty
Person / Time
Site: Dresden Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/25/1979
Shared Package
ML17174A048 List:
NUDOCS 7910050416
Download: ML19209A802 (2)



DRESDEN UNIT 2 STARTUP TEST NO. 3 TIP SYSTEM SYMMETRY, REPRODUCIBILITY, AND TOTAL UNCERTAINTY PURPOSE The primary purpose of this test is to !etermine the Transversing In-Core Probe (TIP) system total uncertainty (using a detailed statisti-cal analysis) which consists of geometric and random noise components.

A gross TIP symmetry check, which involves comparing in-tegrated symmetrical TIP string readings is also performed.


1) TIP Uncertainty-Gross Check The ma;.imum deviation between symmetrically located TIP pairs of LPRM strings should be less than 25%.
2) Total TIP Uncertainty-Statistimi Check The TIP geometric-random noise uncertainty obtained by averaging the uncertainties for all data sets must be less than 9%.

NOTE: A minimum of two and up to six data sets may be used to meet the above criteria.

If either criterion is not met and the cal-culations have been rechecked, the calibration of the TIP system (e.g. axial alignment) shall be checked. For the statistiea1 chdek, it may be necessary to emit data pairs from the analysis if exact octant symmetry is not attainable in fuel loading or contcol rod patterns.

In such cases, offline code predictions of exposure or control rod induced asymmetry may prove useful in explaining the uncertainty.

RESULTS Two complete sets of data required for evaluating TIP uncertainty were obtained during the D2 BOC7 Startup Testing Program.

Data was ob-tained at steady state power levels greater than 75% of rated power.

The results for each method of analysis are summarized below.

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2-RESULTS (Continued)

1) TIP Uncertainty (Cross Check)

To determine the symmetry component of TIP uncertainty, machine normalized, full power adjusted TIP readings were obtained and averaged for each symmetric TIP pair.

The percent deviation between each symmetrical TIP pair and their average was calculated and is given in Table 3.1.

The average deviation over all symmetric TIP pairs was 8.29% with a maximum deviation of 19.99%

(occurring in a TIP pair near the periphery).

The worst-case pair is less than the 25% criterion on maximum devia-tion.

2) Total TIP Uncertainty (Statistical Check)

The total TIo uncertainty was calculated using the method recommended b.

General Electric.

Individual nodal values of BASE (from he process computer) in the upper left-hand quadrant of th( core were divided by their symmetric counterpart and used to find an avtrage ratio R.

This P was then used to calculate the random noise-geometric uncertainty.

The first data set gave a value for random noise-geometric TIP Uncertainty of 7.0 3% (5-15-79 ) and the second of 7.43% (6-21-79).

This yields an average of 7.23%

which is less than the 9% criterion.

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