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Response to IE Circular 76-03 Concerning Radiation Exposures in Reactor Cavities
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 10/29/1976
From: Stallings C
Virginia Electric & Power Co (VEPCO)
To: Moseley N
IEC-76-003, Serial No. 247/091376
Download: ML19095A555 (1)


V I - N I A ELECTRIC .AND POWER RICUMOND,VIUGINJ.A 23261 C'.A.NY October 29, 1976 Mr. Norman C. Moseley, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II - Suite 818 Docket 230 Peachtree Street, Northwest Atlanta, Georgia 30303 License

Dear Mr. Moseley:

This is in response to IE Circular 76-03 concerning radiation exposures in reactor cavities. We have conducted a review of our radiation protection program in light of the information in IE Circular 76~03. The following actions have been taken at the Surry Power Station.

J.. A thorough review of plant areas and operations to identify high radiation areas, both continuous and transient, as de-fined in 10 CFR 20.202(b) has been conducted. Furthermore, a weekly update of high radiation areas has been instituted.

2. It has been verified that entryways into high radiation areas are conspicuously posted and locked or otherwise controlled in such a manner as to explicitly identify the nature of the hazard, appropriately control entry and require pre-entry surveys.
3. Radiation protection procedures and radiation protection training and retraining programs specifically address the matter of control and access to high radiation areas. Ap-propriate retraining has been conducted for plant personnel.
4. Radiation work permits and administrative procedures are utilized to ensure appropriate review and approval so that radiation conditions within any area are known and not subject to change while the area is occupied.

We intend to periodically audit the actions identified above to ensure con-tinued compliance.

Very truly yours, I

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C. M. Stallings ry .

Vice President-Power Supply and Production Operations r-*' ,

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