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Advising Pse&G Elected Option No. 2 for Installation of Hardware Improvements to Prevent Reactor Vessel Overpressurization
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 03/25/1977
From: Librizzi F
Public Service Electric & Gas Co
To: Lear G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML19031A105 (33)


Public Service Electric and Gas Company 80 Park Place Newark, N.J. 07101 Phone 201 /622-7000 March 25, 1977 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 7920 Norfolk Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Attention: Mr. George Lear, Chief Operating Reactors, Branch Division of Operating Reactors

Dear Mr. ,



SALEM GE~~RATING STATION - UNIT NO. 1 OVERPRESS°tiRIZATION PROTECTION DOCKET No:\'o0-272 Public Servibe has elected Option No. 2 as described in your letter of February 4, 1977, for the installation of hardware im-provements to prevent reactor vessel overpressurization. The interim hardware will be installed and made operable by December 31, 1977. Permanent long-term improvements which will comply to the design criteria established at the November 4, 1976 meeting in Bethesda, ~ill be installed during the first refueling outage scheduled for the first quarter of 1979.

Attached is the additional information requested in Enclosure No. 1 of the February 4, 1977 letter.

Sincerely yours,

}~' -

Frank P.~?~'i General Manager -

Electric Production The Energy People 95-2001 300M 8*75

  • t t ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS CONTAINED IN ENCLOSURE NO. 1 STAFF POSITION AND INFORMATION REQUESTS SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION - UNIT NO. 1 DOCKET NO. 50-272 la) The material will be presented as part of the "Current Topic" subject matter in the Licensed Operator Requalification Pro-gram. Based on the current schedule, the material will be presented starting April 25, 1977, and will have been dis-cussed with all shifts by June 30, 1977.

b) The discussion will be conducted in a formal classroom train-ing session. An outline of the lesson plan follows:

Overpressurization Lesson Plan I. Discuss Technical Specification limits on RCS Pressure/


a. Review NDTT
b. Effects of neutron exposure over vessel life.
c. Discuss basis for Technical Specification limits.
a. Review Overpressure Alarm and printout based on the Pressure/Temperature limits curve (Fig. 3-4-2) of Technical Specifications.

II. Discuss administrative steps taken at Salem to reduce the possiblity of an overpressurization of the RCS. Empha-size the importance of using the applicable procedure.

Procedure No.

II-1.3.4 - Final step in the RCS Fill & Vent Procedure allows the option of forming a bubble in the pressurizer.

II-1.3.1 - An RCS pressure spike may result from start-ing a RCP if all pumps are off and RCS or SG temperature is significantly above seal in-jection temperature. Precautions must be taken to limit the pressure excursion, par-ticularly if the RCS is solid.

II-6.3.2, 6.3.3 - Initiating and Terminating RHR - Review the applicable precautions and steps, i.e.,

pressure excursions when starting and stop-ping pumps, leaving letdown orifices open even though letdown is from RHR, and the use of the RHR system while forming a bubble in the pressurizer.



l I-3.2 - Cold Shutdown to Hot Standby 3.1.l Precaution - When the RCS is solid, an increase in RCS pressure should be expected whenever an RHR pump is stopped.

5.2.3 A bubble must be formed prior to commencing heatup.

5.20, Placing the SI accumulators, SI pumps, and the 21 centrifugal charging pumps back in service.

I-3.6 - Hot Standby to Cold Shutdown 5.18, Removing the SI accumulators, SI pumps, and 21,24 centrifugal charging pumps from servica.

3.1.4, Observe precautions when starting and stop-6 ping RHR and Reactor Coolant Pumps.

III. Discuss Most Likely Causes of Overpressurization:

a. Charging/Letdown flow mismatch.
b. Loss of RHR relief path protection.

(1) Improper operation (2) Control interlock

c. Inadvertent safety injection
d. Pump starts with nonuniform temperature distribution.
e. Improper use of pressurizer heaters.

Include in discussion the means of minimizing the above possiblities, review incidents as outlined in the RCS Overpressurization Protection Meeting outline, emphasize the need for careful review of any tests or instrument checks to be run, especially when in a solid water con-dition.

IV. Discuss future plans for minimizing the possibility of RCS Overpressurization.

c) A review of the past PWR Appendix G violations indicates that all are credible events for the Salem plant.


d) The likelihood of an overpressurization event is reduced by maintaining a steam bubble in the pressurizer at all times. The only exception is when the Reactor Coolant System is filled and vented. After the Reactor Coolant System is filled and vented, a steam bubble is formed and maintained through Operational Mode-5 to 1. The following excerpt from OI II-1.3.4, reflects this change:

5.25 A pressurizer bubble may be formed, if desired, as follows:

5.25.l Increase reactor coolant pressure as desired for formation of a bubble in the pressurizer by adjusting the Let-down Pressure Control Valve 1CV18.

Adjust charging flow to minimum.

5.25.2 Energize all pressurizer heaters to begin pressurizer heatup and bubble formation. Observe precaution 3.13.

5.25.3 Place the Pressurizer Level Controls in automatic.

Enclosed are Diagram Nos. 220413 and 205201 which in-clude the piping and instrument drawing requested.

2a) The reactor coolant system is charged solid following a refueling operation in order to vent entrapped air from the RCS in accordance with OI II-1.3.4, "Filling and Vent-ing RCS". Immediately upon completion of fill and vent procedures, a steam bubble is formed in the pressurizer~

In addition, OI I-3.7 "Cold Shutdown to Refueling", is under revision to more accurately reflect the desir~ to maintain a pressurizer bubble. A pressurizer steam bubble will be maintained at all times except when venting the RCS. Therefore, it is not necessary to use other means of maintaining a bubble.

b) Enclosed is OI II-1.3.4, "Filling and Venting the RCS", and the Reactor Coolant Piping Diagram #205201-A-8760-8.

3a) The Safety Injection System piping diagram #205234-A-8761-9 indicates the flow path to the RCS from the SI pumps. A copy of that diagram is included.

The following pumps and valves will be closed and/or de-energized:

Pumps - No. 11, 12 - Charging Safety Injection Pumps No. 11, 12 - Safety Injection Pumps Valves - ISJ12, 13 11SJ40, 134 12SJ40, 134

.t b) The head-flow characteristics for each of the safety injection pumps are provided in Attachment #1.

c) On-the-spot changes are to be made by March 28, 1977, to OI I-3.6, "Hot Standby to Cold Shutdown", and OI I-3.2, "Cold Shutdown to Hot Standby". These changes will deenergize the proper pump and valves during cold shutdown operation.

d) The SIS pumps and valves may not be isolated and deenergized under the following circumstances:

1) Valve stroking and pump operation following scheduled maintenance that is required for in-service testing of valves and pumps.
2) Valve stroking and pump operation required by the Safety Technical Specifications valve and pump in-service testing program.
3) An inoperative positive displacement pump requiring the operation of a centrifugal pump as required by the Technical Speci-fications.

Adequate precaution in the appropriate Operating Instructions will be included to prevent inadvertent operation of SIS under the above circumstances.

e) SIS Breaker Location No. 11 - Charging Safety Injection Pump - lB - 4kv Vital Bus No. 12 - Charging Safety Injection Pump - lC - 4kv Vital Bus No. 11 - Safety Injection Pump - lA - 4kv Vital Bus No. 12 - Safety Injection Pump - le - 4kv Vital Bus Valve No. llSJ-40 lA East Valve and Misc. Control Center 12SJ-40 lC West " " " " Ii llSJ-134 lA East " " " " "

12SJ-134 lC West II

" II

" "II II lSJ-12 lB West "II II II II II lSJ-13 lC East *II II All pumps and valves can be operated from the control room.

f) No position indication or status signal will be lost in the control room on llSJ-40 and 12SJ-40. It will be lost on the other valves and pumps. In accordance with safety tagging procedures, console bezel plastic covers denote the valve or pump status when tagged out.

g) Administrative Procedure No. 5 "Operating Practices" ad-dresses the use of check-off sheets that are a part of the Operating Instructions that assure proper valve line up of the SIS. The Shift Supervisor and/or Shift Foreman are responsible.

h) The overall impact of lowering the pressure on the SIS accumulators would be a need for additional manpower to vent and refill the accumulators. The venting of the nitrogen inside containment could be a health hazard, due to the quantity vented off. The additional cost of manpower, nitrogen and time dealys would make it un-feasible.

The SIS accumulators are normally maintained while in cold shutdown at the Technical Specification pressure with ll-14SJ-54 valves closed and tagged shut in accor-dance with OI I-3.6, "Hot Standy to Cold Shutdown".

4a) Operating the plant in a cold shutdown condition with a bubble in the pressurizer precludes an overpressurization event. The bubble is normally maintained at Salem. Also see answers to Question 2.

Sa) The unit's computer (Westinghouse Prodac-250) is programmed b) to continuously monitor reactor coolant temperatures and c) pressure and compare these parameters with the limits of the Technical Specification curve (Fig. 3-4-2). If the pressure exceeds the allowable value the computer will activate an alarm which will be printed on the alarm type-writer and displayed on the operator's control consol CRT.

The punched alarm will be accompanied by an audible alarm bell.

The equations for the pressure temperature limit for heatup rates up to 60°F/Hr curve (Fig. 3-4-2) in the Technical Specifications, was determined by a standard curve fit program used on a Uniyac Computer and was subsequently programmed into the Salem No. 2 Unit Prodac-250 Computer for checkout. Follow-ing the checkout the program was locked into the Salem No. l Unit Prodac-250 Computer and is currently in service. The inputs are adequately isolated from all safety-related instru-mentation to have no adverse affects on that instrumentation.

The security of the software for the computer program is main-tained by:

1) Programmer's console is locked and may be used only by authorized trained personnel.


2) The computer has diagnostic programs which print errors detected with software.
3) A program exists which can be called on demand from the programmer's console which will print any changes in the bulk memory. Since all pro-grams reside on disc, any change made to a pro-gram would be printed.

6a) The design pressure of the RHR system is 2485 psi up stream of 1RH2 and down stream of 1RH26, 450 psi down stream of 1RH2 and 600 psi up stream of 1RH26. A piping diagram of the Residual Heat Removal No. 205232-A-8761-5 is enclosed to answer the rest of Question 6a.

b) lRHl and 1RH2 are interlocked with RCS pressure and cannot be open when pressure is greater than 390 psi, and will automatically close at a RCS pressure of 600 psi.

c) The normal stroke time of isolation valves are: lRHl and 1RH2, 1 minute 45 seconds - 1RH26 - 53 seconds.

d) The setpoint and capacity of RHR relief and safety valves are:

1RH3 -450 psi 900 gpm 1RH25-600 psi 20 gpm e) The residual heat removal pump high discharge pressure alarm is set at 600 psi (+0-12 psi) and will alarm in the control room.

7a) The Appendix G pressure limit is 410 psi and the minimum pressure needed for RCP operation is a pressure sufficient to maintain a minimum of 285 PSID across No. 1 RCP seal.

Enclosed is the operating curve for Salem No. 1.

b) Operating Instruction II 1.3.1, "Reactor Coolant Pump Opera-c) tion", II-6.3.2, "Initiating Residual Heat Removal", and III-6.3.3, "Terminating Residual Heat Removal": answer these questions in detail and are enclosed.

d) The instrumentation used to monitor RCS temperatures are wide and narrow range RTD's. The narrow range (530° to 630°F) is used while operating and the wide range (100° to 600°F) when in a shutdown condition.

The criteria for the plant to be in an isothermal state is a no-load condition with b. T = 0



' l.

100 200 300 400 500 .6 00.

2400 *::::::= -2400 PZR RELIEF 2335 E

~§Safety Limit 2735 psig

~~PZR Safety Valves 2485

~f§Reactor. Trip 2385 2200 ~c=* PZR*Relief Valves 2335



~!§Sprays Full Open. & Alm 2310 NOR OP 2235

.=:~1=2Sprays Full Closed 2260 i~

t=t=~Control Htrs Off 2250


2000 l=t=t NORMAL OPERATING 2235 2000

~~Control Htrs On 2220

~-=B.U. Htrs. Off 2218 cc-_,!_

Fi ~B.U. Htrs, On & Alm 2210 =*

1800 E~tr=:Relief Vlv Enable

~:~§:H§s.r. Block.Permissive

~~EL§Reactor Trip

~;:gSafety Injection 2185 1915 1865 1765

  • =n

... ~ -


~§Auto Close RHl & 2 600 1600 f!.600 I" ~ RHR Relief Vlv 450

~ Open Permissive RHl & 2 390 Cl)'

p., -

  • ~ 1400
i Cl)



1200 1000 l 1000 800 800 600 400

"'"- =.-~:.

--r----.....- '-- 200

~"+.-- - =::t=:: -::::.:+:== r::-..=.J_

~-~I -*' =-~_:-- ::=E- ~ -:::::r::t=;:_ ~


~* ~+/-C--

-i= . --:----* ~:__.

0 REACTOR COOLANT TEMPE?.ATURE - T/AVG (°F) ~!(), ),: 4/_,__,_

/'ft? 1//z-.6/77


'* (~----..

\ .



- II-1. 3 .1

l. 0 PURPOSE 1.1 This instruction outlines the precautions to be observed and the steps required when placing a Reactor Coolant Pump in service.


2. l The RCS has been filled and vented IAW OI II-1. 3. 4, "Filling and Venting the RCS"~

NOTE Intermittent operation of the RCP **s is allowed during the venting procedure.

2.2 Seal injection flaw is being supplied !AW O! II-3.3.l, "Establishing Charging, Let-down, and Seal Injection Flaw".

2.3 Component coaling flaw has been established to the pump to be started.

2.4 Reactor Coolant System pressure is sufficient to maintain a minimum No. l Seal ~P of 285 psid.

2.5 VCT pressure is at least 15 psig to provide lubrication far No. 2 Seal.

2.6 Fire protection to the RCP motor(s) is operable.

3.0 PRECAUTIONS 3.1 An RCS pressure spike may result from starting a Reactor Coolant Pump if all pumps are off and RCS or Steam Generator temperature is significantly above seal injection temperature. Precautions must be taken to limit the pressure excursion, particularly if the RCS is "SOLID".

3.2 Maintain > 15 psig in the VCT to insure an effectiv~ back pressure on the RCP No. 2 Seal to maintain lubrication of that seal.

3.3 At all times during RCP startup and operation, a ~P of at least 285 psid must be maintained across No. 1 Seal.

3.4 During RCP operation, flaw shall be maintained through No. l Seal bypass line when-ever No. 1 Seal l~akage flaw is less than l gpm to insure cooling flow to radial bearing(s).

Rev. 2 1/29/77




A 3.5


A, Loss of Component Cooling water, Seal Injection water, or both:

II-1.3.l 3.5.1 Loss of Seal Injection:

1) Pump may be operated if one of the following conditions exist:

a) Reactor Coolant System temperature is < 150°F, or b) No. l Seal leak rate is < 5 gpm and at least 40 gpm Component Cooling water is being supplied to the RCP thermal barrier heat exchanger.

3.5.2 Loss of Component Cooling to Motor Bearing Oil Coolers and Thermal Barrier:

l) Pumps must be stopped before bearing temperature reaches 200°F (~ 2 min.).

3.5.3 Loss of Component Cooling Water and Seal Injection Water:

1) RCP(s) must be stopped within one minute, if neither Component Cooling or Seal Injection can be restored within that time.

NOTE Either Seal Injection or Component Cooling must be restored within 2 minutes of loss to prevent damage to radial bearing.

3.6 Reactor Coolant Pumps are not designed for frequent starting and stopping, as this may damage motor windings. Th.e starting duty listed below must be adhered to:

3.6.1 A Reactor Coolant Pump may only be started providing the motor has remained at rest.for a minimum of 1/2 hour.

3.6.2 RCP starts should be minimized and should not average more than six per day throughout the life of the motor.

3.6.3 Only one Reactor Coolant Pump is to be started at any one time.

3.7 Reactor coolant stand pipe level must be above Low Level Alarm to ensure that No. 3 Seal does not operate dry.

3.8 The following temperature limits must be observed during Reactor Coolant Pump operation:

3.8.1 Pump Bearing Temperature 205°F max.

Lower Motor Bearing Temperature 200°F max.

Upper Motor Bearing Temperature 200°F max.

Motor Windings Temperature 248°F max.

Rev. 2 l/29/77



  • - II-1. 3 .1 The maximum allowable Reactor Coolant Pump vibration measured at the motor flange at running speed is 5 mils.

3.10 The maximum allowable RCP v-ibration, measured at the shaft below the coupling, is 20 mils.

4.0 CHECK OFF SHEET 4.1 None 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Start the Reactor Coolant Pump Oil Lift Pump and allow to operate for two (2) minutes to establish oil pressure above the permissive (> 500 psi).

5.2 Start the Reactor Coolant Pump.

5.2.l Monitor pump running current, RC-_loop flow, RCP bearing temperature, seal leak off flows and Component Cooling water flows and temperature.

5.3 Stop the Oil Lift Pump after the Reactor Coolant Pump has run for one (1) minute.

5.4 Read and record on Control Console Reading Sheet, the vibration for the pump which was placed in service.


-*-\ 6. 0 FINAL CONDITIONS 6.l Reactor Coolant Pump(s) running under normal conditions.

Prepared by B. N. Young (NSS)

SORC Meeting No.~~~~~1_8_-_7_7~~~~~~~~


Manager - Salem lenerating Station


Rev. 2 l/29/77





  • II-l.3.4 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 This procedure describes the filling and venting of the Reactor Coolant System and connected systems where applicable, including the reactor vessel. head and Pressurizer, with primary grade borated water following a maintenance or refueling shutdown wherein the RCS has been depressurized and drained.

2.0 INITIAL CONDITIONS 2.1 The RCS is aligned IAW Check Off Sheet 4.1, except that a level indicator is installed on 113 loop drain, 13RC13 and 13RC15 which are open.

2.2 Water level has been reduced in the system for refueling or maintenance work. This level will normally be between the reactor head flange and the top of the reactor nozzles.

2.3 The reactor vessel head is bolted in place.

2.4 The Residual Heat Removal System is in service IAW OI II-6.3.2, "Initiating Residual Heat Removal".

2.5 eves is aligned to supply RCS makeup, charging and letdown and RCP seals IAW OI II-3.3.1, "Establishing Charging, Letdown and Seal Injection Flow".

2.6 The refueling level instrument is in place and indicating level IAW OI II-1.3.6, "Draining the Reactor Coolant System".

2.7 The RWST contains a minimum of 200,000 gallons (% 23.6 feet} of borated water with a concentration > 2000 ppm.

2. 8 The Waste Gas System is in service I.AW OI II-12. 3 .1, "Gaseous i'iaste Disposal System -

Normal Operation".

2.9 The gas analyzer is operable to sample PRT gases I.AW OI II=-10.3.2, "Gas Analyzer Operation".

3. 0 PRE.CAUTIONS 3.1 When the RHR System is aligned to the RCS, do not pressurize the RCS above 425 psig.

3.2 Observe MPT limits of the Technical Specifications.

, 3.3 Do not vent the RCS, if coolant temperature is > 200°F.


Rev. 3 1/29/77



3.4 II-1.3.4 Observe the requirements of the Radiation Exposure Permits (REP's) when venting radioactive vapor and gases.

3.5 Provisions must be made for collecting reactor coolant released from open vent and drain valves.

3.6 The Control Rod Drive Mechanisms do not require venting unless it is intended to operate these mechanisms with a Reactor Coolant System pressure of less than 50 psi.

If necessary to vent the CRDM's, take precaution against wetting the operating coils.

3.7 One Pressurizer Safety Valve must be operable.

3.8 Monitor Source Range neutron level while filling the RCS. If count rate doubles, stop filling and determine the cause before resuming the filling operation.

3.9 When the Reactor Coolant System is drained, the head temperature shall be monitored twice a shift until the head is unbolted. The reactor head should not be cooled below l00°F without reducing the tension on the studs.

3.10 When using the temporary tygon hose connected to the loop as a level indication, any nitrogen pressure present within the Reactor Coolant System will indicate a false high level in relation to the pressure applied.

3.11 RCP seal injection must be in service while filling the RCS .

3.12 Makeup controls must be set for a concentration equal to or greater than that ~n the RCS.

3.13 During formation of a Pressurizer bubble, plot on Operations Log No. 5 the Pressurizer heatup rate on at least a 30 minute interval maintaining the heatup rate ~ 200°F/hour.

This plot of the Pressurizer heatup rate is required to satisfy Technical Specification surveillance SP(0)

3.14 The Pressurizer sprays must not be used if the temperature differential between the Pressurizer and the spray fluid is greater than 320°F.

4.0 CHECK OFF SHEETS 4.1 Reactor Coolant System Valve Lineup 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Start one Charging Pump and initiate seal flow to the Reactor Coolant Pumps IAW OI II-3.3.1, "Establishing Charging, Letdown and Seal Injection Flow", if it is not in service.

5.2 Open Pressurizer Spray Valves PSl and PS3; and open Auxiliary Spray Valve CV75.

( .


5.3 Close the PRT Nitrogen Supply Valve NT25.

Rev. 3 1/29/77


5.4 5.5 Open one Power Operated Relief Valve, PRl or PR2.

Open PRT Vent Valve PR15. ---

  • II-1. 3. 4 5.6 Open Charging Pump Suction Valves from RWST, SJl and SJ2; close VCT Outlet Valves CV40 and CV41.

5.7 Adjust charging flow to maximum and close Letdown Pressure Control Valve CV18.

5.8 When the Cold Calibrated Pressurizer Level Channel indicates 5 to 10%, vent the reactor vessel head through valves RCl and RC35 until a solid stream of water is obtained. Isolate the refueling level indicator by closing Loop 13 Cold Leg Drain Valves l3RC13 and l3RC15.

5.9 Allow the Pressurizer to fill until a level increase occurs in the Pressurizer Relief Tank.

5.10 Close Pressurizer Eower.Operated Relief Valves PRl and PR2.

5.11 Open VCT Outlet Valves, CV40 and CV41, then close RWST to Charging Pump Valves SJl and SJ2.

5.12 Adjust Letdown Pressure Control Valve CV18 and charging flow to maintain RCS pressure about 400 psig.

5.13 Visually inspect the RCS for leakage.

5.14 Run one Reactor Coolant Pump for about 30 seconds.IAW OI II-1.3.l, "Reactor Coolant Pump Operation", then stop the RC Pump.

5 .15 Reduce RCS pressure to as low as practicable (less than 50 psig), then, at* least 10 minutes after stopping the pump, vent the reactor vessel head through RCl and RC35.

Collect all drainage.

5.16 Repeat steps 5.12, 5.14 and 5.15 above for each of the other Reactor Coolant Pumps.

5.17 Run one Reactor Coolant Pump for about l to 1-1/2 minutes IAW OI II-1.3.l, "Reactor Coolant Pump Operation". Stop the RC Pump. Repeat for each of the other Reactor Coolant Pumps.

5.18 Reduce RCS pressure as low as possible (less than 50 psig) then, at least 30 minutes after stopping the pumps, vent the reactor vessel head through RCl and RC35.

Collect all drainage.

5.19 Repeat steps 5.17 and 5.18 until no air is evident.

5.20 Open one Power Operated Relief Valve, PRl or PR2.

Rev. 3 1/29/77 r

II-1. 3. 4 5.21 Close Letdown Pressure Control Valve CVl8 until a level increase in the PRT is



observed. Close the power relief valve. Adjust.RCS pressure to 50 psi with CV18.

5.22 Close Pressurizer Spray Valves PSl and PS3; and close Auxiliary Spray Valve CV75.

5. 23 Purge the PRT, as necessary, *and place in service !AW OI II-2. 3. 3, "Pressurizer Relief Tank - Normal Operation".
5. 24 Place a blin.d flange on the reactor vessel vent line and check RCl and RC35 closed.

5.25 A Pressurizer bubble may be formed, if desired, as follows:

5.25.l Increase reactor coolant pressure as desired for formation of a bubble in the Pressurizer by adjusting the Letdown Pressure Control Valve lCVl8. Adjust charging flow to minimum.

5.25.2 Energize all Pressurizer heaters to begin Pressurizer heatup and bubble formation. Observe precaution 3.13.

5.25.3 Place the Pressurizer Level Controls in automatic.

J 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS 6.1 RCS is filled and vented.

6.2 RHR is in operation with RCS pressure about 50 psi.

6.3 The Pressurizer Relief Tank is in service !AW OI II-2.3.3, "Pressurizer Relief Tank -

Normal Operationn.

6.4 A visual inspection for leakage from the RCS has been conducted.

6.5 Charging, Letdown and Seal Injection are in operation.

Prepared by~~~~~-B_.~N_.~Y_o_un~~g~(_N_S_S_l'---~~~~

J .

Manager - Salem Generating Station SORC* Meeting No.~~~~~~1~8_-_7_7~~~~~~~~-

Rev. 3 l/29/77

11--(J.3.2 OPERl\'.L' .I.NC JN S 'l'HUC'J' ION I I-- 6. 3. 2 IN JTIATING HES I DUAL llEAT H l~MOV/\.L J..O PUP.POSE 1.1 This instruction outlines the s8quence of placing th~

RHR system in service to remove decay heat from the core during plant cooldown and refueling operations. It also describes the procedure for determining and correcting the boron concentration in the RHR system.

1.2 In the event plant coriditions require a delay during some part of this procedure, the Watch Engineer will retain the data sheets until the procedure is continued or terminated.

1.3 If this procedure is terminated prior to completion, the Watch Engineer will note the termination time and date on each data sheet which has been started. He will then

£ile these data sheets in the normal manner.

1.4 Al~ steps of this instruction with an asterisk are to be signed off on the appropriate check off sheets.

1.5 Procedural steps mµst be completed in sequence, initial conditions may be satisfied in an~ order.


  • *2.1 Reactor Coolant System is less than 350°F and between 350 and 37 5 psig (pressure requirement only if RCP is in op,eratiory.
  • 2.2 Component cooling water is available to the RHR heater changers and RHR pump mechanical seal heater changers IAW OI II-7.3.2, "CCW System - Normal Operation".

Pc'\T. ')

    • l- 3/17./"76

j .1. {I * \ , /,

  • 2. 3 r_:*;r::; -- Chargin<J and Letdown ~3ystcm is in opr.:ration JAW i

i ._) OJ JJ-3.3.l, "E[~tLJ.blisl1ing Charging, Letdown c:tnd Seal InJcc:.:i-onl ' I-,1

  • ow. II 1

I I *2.4 RJrn. System is aligned for power operation IAW OI II-6.3.3, j

"Terminating Residual Heat Removal".

l l 3. 0 PREC/~UTIOHS

j 3.1 The RHR System shall not be aligned to the reactor coolant l system when reactor coolant is greater than 425 psig or l 350°F. (Relief valve RH3 is set at 450 psig) l j

3.2 Before placing the RHR system in service, its boron concen-tration must be such that if the RCS was at that concentra-I tion, the minimum shutdown margin requirements would be met.

li I

' 3.3 Reactor coolant system pressure and temperature must be within the limits of Technical Specifications, ~igure

.3. 4- 3.

3.4 Maxi~um component cooling water temperature is 120°F.

3.5 RER p*.::np maximum seal water temperature is* 180°F.

3.6 Flc*.-: :.i~rough the EHR system must be initiated slowly to


avoi'" '.~licrmal shock. A warmup period of five to ten min* ~t low flow is required before flow is increased th i u ; " l he heat exchanger.

NOTE To further reduce the thermal

  • .)

shock problem, it is recommended that low temperature on the com-ponent cooling side be avoided.

F,~'V. 5 J/1-7./76

-* e 3.7 Do not allow the water level in the reactor vessel to drop below the center line of the hot leg pipe 0hile RHR p0mps are in operation.

3.8 Do not allow RHR system pressure to exceed 600 psig at any time.

3. g* During RCS hea tup and cooldown with the rum sys tern valved to a solid RCS starting of a reactor coolant pump, if all pumps are stopped, can result in overpres$urizing the RHR system. A quantity of cold seal injecti6n water will accumulate in the RCP volute and upon starting, this water will be heated in the steam generator causing a significant pressure surge. To preclude this problem, special attention 11 must be given the precautions given in OI II-1.3.l, .l~eacto:c Coolant Pump Starting".

3.10 During RHR operation, observe the RCP minimum No. 1 seal pressure differential of 285 psig when operating a RC pump.

3.11 If the RCS is solid and letdown is from RHR, the Letdown Pressure Control Valve CV18 must be adjusted immediately upon starting an RHR pump to prevent dropping RCS .pressure below the minimum required for RCP operation.

NOTE Letdowri pressure control valve is to be in manual control when starting pump.

3.12 Prior to starting an RHR pump, verify that its minimum flow valve is open.

Rev. 5 3/12/76

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  • 5,1 Remove administrative controls from the following valves:

5.1.1 Remove blocking tags and close breaker for valve 1SJ69.

5.1.2 Select "Valve Operable" position on control power lockout switch for valves llSJ49 and 12SJ49.

  • 5.2 Establish component cooling water flow through RHR heat Gxchanger by openiny valves 11CC16 and 12CC16, RHR Heat Exchanger ccw Outlet Valves.
  • 5.3 Verify 1SJ69, RHR Suction From RWST valve open.
  • 5.4 Verify 11RH4 and 12RH4, RHR Pump Suction valves and 11Rli29 and 12RH29, RHR Pump Min. Flow valves open.
  • 5.5 Open llRH12 and 12RH12, RHR Heat Exchanger Bypass Iso valves.
  • 5.6 Verify 11RH17 and 12RH17, RHR System Letdown Isolation valves open.
  • 5.7 Close llRHl8 and 12RH18, RHR Heat Exchanger Outlet valves.
  • 5.8 Close 11SJ49 and 12SJ49, RHR Discharge to Cold Legs.
  • 5.9 Verify 11RH19 and 12RH19, Heat Exchanger Cross Discharge valves open .
  • ) *5.10 Verify 1RH20, RHR Heat Exchanger Bypass valve closed.

Re\'. 5 3/ 1 -... ;*15 J. ,(_ I

JI*- 6. 3. 2

  • 5.11 Start one, or both, RHR pump(s) and recirculate through their respective minimum flow valves 11RH29 and 12RH29.


  • 5.12 After approximately ten (10) minutes, obtain a water sample for boron analysis Ili.W PD*-3.5.046, "RHR Heat Exchanger Outlet Sampling". *
  • 5.13 If the boron concentration is lower than required, borate the RI-IR system as follows:

5~13.1 Adjust the charging rate to minimum charging.

5.13.2 Bypass the mixed bed demineralizer by switching 1CV21 Diversion valve to the "MB Diversion to VCT" position.

5.13.3 Divert letdown to the CVCS holdup tanks by switch-

.) . ing 1CV35 Diversion valve to the "Flow to HUT" position.

NOTE If during the next step of* this procedure the VCT requires makeup, switch valve 1CV35 to "Flow to VCT" position until level is'returned to normal.

5.13.4 While opening 1CV18 Letdown Pressure Control valve to maintain RCS letdown, open 1CV8 Letdown Flow From RHR until the total combined letdown is


'V 100 gpm.

5.13.5 After 30 minutes, stop letdown from the RHR system and resample RHR system.

Rev. 5 3/12/76

II-6.J.2 5.13.6 Repeat steps 5.13.1 through 5.13.5 above until RHR boron concentration is adequate.

  • 5.14 Open lRHl and 1RH2, RHR Common Suction valves. (Requires RCS pressure< 360 psig.)
  • 5.15 Close valve 1SJ69, RHR Suction From RWST.
  • 5.16 Establish RHR system letdown to the CVCS by slowly opening CVS, Letdown From RHR, while adjusting CV18, Letdown Pressure Control valve, to maintain the desired letdown flow.

NOTE The three CVCS Letdown Orifice Isolation Valves 1CV3, 1CV4 and 1CV5 should remain open even though letdown is from RHR. This provides additional relieving capacity in case of inadvertent RCS pressurization.

  • 5.17 Open 11SJ49 and 12SJ49 RHR , Cold Legs.
  • 5.18 Over period of 5-10 minutes, crack open 1RH20 RHR HX Bypass valve and slowly increase RHR syste~ temperature to RCS temperature.


  • 5.19 Over a period of 5-10 minutes, slowly open 1RH20 to desired l

! flow, 3000 gpm for 1 pump operation or 6000 gpm for 2 pump I

l j


l l 9)


  • nev. 5 3/12/'/G

JJ G.3.2 NOTE Adjustment of 1CV18, Letdown Pr~ssure Control valve will be required to maintain de-sired letdown during above steps.

  • 5.20 Establish desired RCS cooldown rate by slowly opening llRHlB and 12RH18 RHR Heat Exchanger Outlet Valves, v~1ile closing 1RH20 to maintain total flow established in step 5.16.
  • 5.21 When desired RCS temperature is reached, stop one RHR pump and maintain 3000 gpm flow with other pump.

Prepared by F. E. Flynn (NSS) 1! Manager Salem Generating StaU.on J v SORC Meeting No. 21-76


Rev. 5 3/12/76

JI-6.J.J OPERATING INSTRUCTION II-6.3.3 1 9) 'J.'ERMINATING RESIDUAL IIEA'l' REMOVAL 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 To provide instructions for *terminating residual he~t removal in preparation for plant startup with either of the following plant conditions:

I. RCS Solid (no bubble in pressurizer).

II. With a bubble in the pressurizer.

1.2 In the event plant conditions require a delay during some part of this procedure, the Watch Engineer will retain the dat~ sheets until the procedure is continued or terminate~.

9J 1.3 If this procedure is terminated prior to completion, the

~~tch Engineer will note the termination and time and j

l date on each data sheet which has been started. He will then file these data sheets in the normal manner.

1.4 All steps of this instruction with an asterisk are to be signed off on the appropriate check off sheets.

1.5 Procedural steps must be completed in sequence, initial conditions may be satisfied in any order.


2.1 The Residual Heat Removal System is in operation IAW OI II-6.3.2, "Initiation of Residual Heat Removal".

Rev. 5 3/12/76 J

.1 I. *I). 3. J 3.0 PRECAUTIONS 3.1 The Residual Heat Removal System is designed for operation as part of the engine~red safeguard system. Prior to power operation, all valves must be returned to the proper valve lineup JAW attached Check Off Sheets 4.3 & 4.4, RHR System Electrical and Valve Lineups for Power Operation.

3.2 The RHR system shall not be aligned to the reactor coolant system when the pressure is greater than 425 psig or 350°F (Relief valve RH3 is set at 450 psig)~

3.3 Do not allow RHR system pressure to exceed 600 psig at any time.

3.4 If the RCS is solid and letdown is from RHR, an increase in reactor coolant pressure should be expected when an RHR "-- .. **

pump is stopped (100 psi).

3.5 Maintain the RCS pressure < 375 psig when lRHl and 1RH2 RHR Common Suction valves are open.

4.0 CHECK OFF SHEETS 4.1 Terminating RHR with Solid RCS 4.2 Terminating RHR with Bubble in Pre.ssurizer 4.3 RHR System Electrical Alignment for Power Operation 4.4 RHR System Valve Alignment for Power ()peration:

5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Terminating RHR with solid RCS (no bubble in pressurizer)

  • 5.1.1 Slowly close 11RH18 and 12RH18 RHR Heat Exchanger

.) Outlet valves.

Rev. 5 3/12/76 i


lT--G.3.3 -

  • 5.1.2 Close 1RH20 RHR Heat Exchanger Bypass valve.
  • 5.l.3 Close 11SJ49 and 12SJ49 RHR Discharge to Cold Legs.
  • 5.1.4 Verify that the RHR pump Minimum Flow valves 11 &

12RH29 open when pump flow~ reach 500 gpm.

  • 5.1.5 Maintain miniflow for one-half hour or until RIIR pumps are cooled down.



  • 5.1.6 Place leV18 Low Pressure Letdown Control valve in manual to control reactor coolant system pressure increase when RHR pumps are stopped.
  • 5.1.7 Stop the RHR pump(s).
  • 5.1.8 When the pressurizer bubble has been formed, switch to eves letdown by slowly closing Letdown Flow from RHR valve 1CV8 and adjusting the Letdown Pressure Control valve leV18 to maintain desired letdown flow.
  • 5.1.9 Close lRHl and 1RH2 RHR Common Suction valves.
  • 5 .1.10 Lock out 1RH2 by use of console operated key switch.
  • 5.l.11 Open 11RH18 and 12RH18 RHR,Heat E~changer Outlet valves.
  • 5.1.12 After RHR heat exchan~ers have cooled down, close RHR Heat Exchanger CCW Outlet valves 11CC16 and 12CC16.
  • 5.1.13 Reduce component cooling flow by stopping pumps and/or securing component cooling water heat excharigers, as required.

Rev. 5 3/12/76

l 1 . (i

  • 3 . 3
  • 5. L J.4 Complete Check Off Sheet 4. 3 RIIR System Electrical Alignment for Power Operation.
  • 5.1.15 Complete Check Off Sheet 4.4 RHR System Valve Alignment for Power Operation.

5.2 Terminating RHR with Bubble in Pressurizer

  • 5.2.1 Slowly close 11RH18 and 12RH18 RHR Heat Exchanger Outlet valves.
  • 5.2.2 Close 1RH20 RHR Heat Exchanger Bypass valve.
  • 5.2.3 Close 11SJ49 an~ 12SJ49 RHR Discharge to Cold Legs.
  • 5.2.4 Verify that the RHR Pump Minimum Flow valves 11 and 12RH29 open when pump flows reach 500 gpm.
  • 5.2.5 Switch to CVCS letdown by slowly closing Letdown Flow.from RHR valve 1CV8 and adjusting the Letdown Pressure Control valve 1CV18 to maintain desired letdown flow.
  • 5.2.6 Open lSJ69 RHR Suction from RWST.
  • 5. 2. 7 Close lRHl and 1RH2 RHR Conm10n

,, Suction valves.

  • 5.2.8 Lock out 1RH2 by use of console operated key switch.
  • 5.2.9 Maint~in rniniflow* for one-half hour or until RHR pumps are cooled down.
  • 5.2.10 Stop the RHR pump(s).

Rev. 5 3/12/76


  • I

'1' .j

  • 5.2.11 After RHR heat exchangers have cooled down, close RHR Heat Exchanger CCW Outlet valves 11CC16 and
  • 12cc16.
  • 5.2.12 Reduce component cooling flow by stopping pumps and/or securing Component Cooling Heat Exchangers, as required.
  • *k 5. 2. 13 Complete Check Off Sheet 4. 3 RHR System Electrical Alignment. for Power Operation.

7' 5. 2. 14 Comple.te Check Off Sheet 4. 4 RHR System Valve Align-ment for Power Operation.

6.0 FINIAL CONDITIONS 6.1 The RHR system is aligned for plant power operation.

l ~


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1 ll j Prepared by F. E. Flynn (NSS) 1 SORC Meeting No. 21-76


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