ML18057B373 | |
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Site: | Palisades |
Issue date: | 11/12/1991 |
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ML18057B372 | List: |
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NUDOCS 9111190413 | |
Download: ML18057B373 (12) | |
ATTACHMENT 1 Consumers Power Company Pa 1i sades Pl ant Docket 50-255 REVISED PROPOSED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PAGE CHANGE PROPOSED CHANGES November 12, 1991 3 Pages
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4.3 SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE APPLICABILITY App 1i es to preoperat i ona 1 and i nservi ce structura 1 surveil 1ance of the reactor vessel and other Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 system components.
OBJECTIVE To insure the integrity of the Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 piping systems and components.
SPECIFICATIONS a,b,c,d - Deleted
- e. The Inservice Inspection program shall be reevaluated as required by 10 CFR SO, Section 50.55a(g)(5) to consider incorporation of new inspection techniques that have been proven pr act i ca 1, and the conclusions of the evaluation shall be used as appropriate to update the inspection program.
- f. Surveillance of the regenerative heat exchanger and primary coolant pump flywheels shall be performed as indicated in Table 4.3.2.
- g. A surveillance program to monitor radiation induced changes in the mechani ca 1 and impact properties of the reactor vessel materi a1s shall be maintained as described in Section 4.5.3 of the FSAR.
4-16 Amendment No.~~' )~~
The inspection program specified places major emphasis on the areas of highest stress concentration as determined by general design evaluation and experience with similar systems. <1> In addition, that portion of the reactor vessel shell welds which will be subjected to a fast neutron dose sufficient to change ductility properties wi 11 be inspected. The inspections wi 11 rely primarily on ultrasonic methods utilizing up-to-date analyzing equipment and trained personnel.
Preoperational inspections will establish base conditions by determining indications that might occur from geometrical or metallurgical sources and from discontinuities in weldments or plates which might cause undue concern on a postservice inspection. To the extent applicable, based upon the existing design and construction of the plant, the requirements of Section XI of the Code shall be complied with. Significant exceptions are detailed in the requests for relief which have received NRC approval and are contained in the Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 Long-Term Inspection Plans.
Valve Testing To ensure the continued integrity of selected check valves which are relied upon to preclude a potential LOCA outside containment, special requirements for periodic leak tests are* sp~cified. In addition a valve disk position check for the LPSI check valves is specified following each use of the LPSI system for shutdown cooling. This position check ensures that the four LPSI check valves have reclosed upon cessation of shutdown cooling flow.
References (1) FSAR, Section 4.5.6 (2) Deleted (3) Systematic Evaluation Program Topic V-II.A, NRC letter to the li.censee transmitting the final topic evaluation dated November 9, 1981.
4.-18 Amendment No. J~, Ji, i~~
- TABLE 4.3.2 Miscellaneous Surveillance Items Equipment Method Frequency
- 1. Regenerative Heat Exchanger
- a. Primary Side Shell to Volumetric 5-Year Maximum Tube Sheet Welds Interval(l00%)
- b. Primary Head Volumetric 5-Year Maximum Interval (100%)
- 2. Primary Coolant Pump Volumetric 100% Upper Flywheel Flywheels Each Refueling 4-23 Amendment No. $~, 7'
4.3 SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE APPLICABILITY Applies to preoperational and inservice structural surveillance of the reactor vessel and other Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 system components.
OBJECTIVE To insure the integrity of the Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 piping systems and components.
a,b,c,d - Deleted i
- e. The Inservice Inspection program shall be reevaluated as required by 10 CFR SO, Section 50.55a(g)(5) to consider incorporation of new inspection techniques that have been proven practical, and the conclusions of the evaluation shall be used as appropriate to update the inspection program.
- f. Surveillance of the regenerative heat exchanger and primary coolant pump flywheels shall be performed as indicated in Table 4.3.2.
- g. A surveillance program to monitor radiation induced changes in the mechanical and impact properties of the reactor vessel materials shall be maintained as described in Section 4.5.3 of the FSAR. T~i &pisi~iA fe~eval sehe~ijle shall he as iAeieatea iA Tahl e 1. a. iL 4-16 Amendment No.~$,~
Mardi 23*,.-J.996
The inspection program specified places major emphasis on the areas of highest stress concentration as determined by general design evaluation and experience with similar systems.< 1 > In addition, that portion of the reactor vessel shell welds which will be subjected to a fast neutron dose sufficient to change ductility properties will be inspected. The inspections will rely primarily on ultrasonic methods utilizing up-to-date analyzing equipment and trained personnel. Preoperational inspections will establish base conditions by determining indications that might occur from geometrical or metallurgical sources and from discontinuities in weldments or plates which might cause undue concern on a postservice inspection. To the extent applicable, based upon the existing design and construction of the plant, the requirements of Section XI of the Code shall be complied with. Significant exceptions are detailed in the requests for relief which have received NRC approval and are
.contained in the Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 Long-Term Inspection Plans.
Valve Testing To ensure the continued integrity of selected check valves which are relied upon to preclude a potential LOCA outside containment, special requirements for periodic leak tests are specified. In addition a valve disk position check for the LPSI check valves is specified following each use of the LPSI system for shutdown cooling. This position check ensures that the four LPSI check valves have reclosed upon cessation of shutdown cooling flow.
References (1) FSAR, Section 4.5.6 (2) FSAR, SectieR 4.5.3 (3) Systematic Evaluation Program Topic V-II.A, NRC letter to the licensee transmitting the final topic evaluation dated November 9, 1981.
4-18 Amendment No. ~~, l'I., ~
Mareh 23, 1999
- TABLE 4.3.2 Miscellaneous Surveillance Items Equipment Method Frequency
- 1. Regenerative Heat Exchanger
- a. Primary Side Shell to Volumetric 5-Year Maximum Tube Sheet Welds Interval(l00%)
- b. Primary Head Volumetric 5-Year Maximum Interval (100%)
- 2. Primary Coolant Pump Volumetric 100%. Upper Flywheel Flywheels Each Refueling TABLE 4.3.3 Reactor Vessel Surveillance Coupon Removal Schedule Capsule Capsule 1 Time 2 Number Location No A-240 2 - Barrel .26 @ 23 W-290 5 - 4.33 @ 5 T-330 5 - 4.33 @ 5 W-110 11 9.21 @ 11 W-100 20 - 16.5 @ 20 T-150 20 16.5 @ 20 W-280 25 - 20.6 @ 25 W-260 35 - 28.7 @ 35 W-80 39 32.0 @ 39 1
Refer to alisades FSAR, Volume 2, Section 4.5.3, Figure 11 for il of c ule locations.
2 EF based on 2530 MW power rating.
3 .26 EFPY from BCL 58§-12 Report, March 13, 1979.
4-23 Amendment No. ~~, ;t/(
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ATTACHMENT 3 Consumers Power Company Palisades Plant Docket 50-255 REVISED REACTOR VESSEL SURVEILLANCE COUPON REMOVAL SCHEDULE November 12, 1991 3 Pages
PROPOSED CHANGE TO THE REACTOR VESSEL SURVEILLANCE CAPSULE REMOVAL SCHEDULE The proposed surveil 1ance capsule remova 1 schedule has been revised:
- to reflect an actual average operating cycle length of 1.0 EFPY as opposed to the 0.8 EFPY previously used to develop the schedule and
- to reflect Palisades plans for a cycle length of 1.15 EFPY beginning with cycle 11 and
- to reflect the actual removal of surveillance capsules W-290 and T-330 at 5.21 EFPY.
The Palisades reactor vessel surveillance program is designed to monitor radiation induced changes to the mechanical and impact properties of the reactor vessel circumferential and longitudinal welds. The vessel weld areas are considered to be the part of the vessel most affected by neutron radiation. Monitoring the radiation effects on the weld materials demonstrates the vessel's ability to maintain its desi~n function. Material test data obtained through the analysis of sample spec1mens (surveillance capsules) can be used to determine the effect of neutron rad1ation on the Palisades reactor vessel weld materials throughout the plant's operating life of 32 effective full power years (EFPY).
At Palisades an EFPY is calculated using the actual accumulated thermal mega-watt (MW ) hours divided by the rated power and then converting the result to years. The surveillance capsule removal schedule uses an estimated EFPY cycle length to provide target dates for the surveillance capsule removal.
The current surveillance capsule removal schedule, Table 4.3.3, was incorporated with Amendment 79, dated February 28, 1984. This amendment removed the estimated target fast neutron fluence and converted the integrated power to EFPY. The Amendment. 79 changes were supported by the results of analysis performed on surveillance capsule A-240 which was removed in 1978.
This current schedule assumes an operating cycle length of 0.8 EFPY.
Current Status Current core designs and operating experience places the Palisades operating cycle length at approximately 1.0 EFPY as opposed to the 0.8 EFP.Y that the current technical specification schedule is based on.
Our most recent calculations indicate that Palisades will reach 8.99 EFPY at the end of cycle (EOC) 9, our current cycle, and 9.95 EFPY at EOC 10. Based on these calculat1ons, we will exceed the. target removal time of 9.21 EFPY for capsule W-110 during Cycle 10. Our plans for the 1992 refueling outa~e do not include removal of surveillance capsule W-110, therefore, we believe lt is prudent to change the surveillance capsule removal schedule coincident with the relocation of the schedule to the final safety analysis report (FSAR).
The relocation of the schedule is being done in accordance with Generic Letter 91-01.
Technical Justification Previous correspondence, dated June 14, 1985, January 23, 1986-, and March 17, 1986 stated that the weld materials used in the surveillance capsules at Palisades were not representative of the reactor vessel weld materials and therefore could not be used to reliably characterize our reactor vessel welds.
In the June 14, 1985 Technical Specifications Change Request which updated the Palisades reactor pressure vessel pressure and temperature limits, it was concluded that surveillance and weld deposit data we have obtained from other sources would more realistically reflect both the chemical and mechanical properties of the Palisades reactor vessel welds. The chemical properties from a reasonably large data base have been used to determine chemistries for the Palisades vessel longitudinal welds. A more limited, but reliable, data base has been employed for the vessel girth welds. License Amendment No. 97, dated September 11, 1986, acknowledged the use of credible surveillance data from sources outside the Palisades reactor vessel surveillance program.
In 1988 Palisades established a program to benchmark reactor vessel fluence codes and to provide confidence that we can accurately predict fluence levels
--*on the*reactor*vessel beltline. This program utilizes the remaining surveillance capsules as well as supplemental in-vessel and ex-vessel dosimetry that is installed and removed at various refueling outages.
Palisades removed and analyzed supplemental ex-vessel dosimetry at EOC 8 and plans to remove and analyze additional supplemental in-vessel and ex-vessel dosimetry at EOC 9. The installed W-110 surveillance capsule, which we plan to remove at EOC 10, will provide information useful in monitoring accumulated fluence to the vessel. Removing the W-110 surveillance capsule at EOC 10 will allow CPCo to acquire additional fluence information for Cycle 10 without incurring the additional expense of installing supplemental in-vessel dosimetry at the beginning of Cycle 10.
Therefore, since (1) it is recognized that the installed surveillance capsules do not adequately represent the actual chemical and mechanical properties of the vessel weld materials and (2) fluence data is being obtained through supplemental dosimetry, delaying the removal of capsule W-110 by approximately 0.7 EFPY will have no adverse effect on the overall physical characteristics data and fluence data pertaining to the Palisades reactor vessel. The surveillance capsule removal schedule will be maintained in the FSAR to reflect the remaining capsules use in the development of fluence and base metal characteristic data. In addition, we will continue to use surveillance and weld deposit data from other sources which more realistically reflect both the chemical and mechanical properties of the Palisades reactor vessel welds.
PROPOSED FSAR TABLE 4-23 Reactor Vessel Surveillance Coupon Removal Schedule Capsule Refueling Number Capsule 1 Target Removal Time 2 Number Primary-Optional Location EFPY@ Refuel No A-240 2 - Outside Core Barrel 2.26 @ 23 W-290 5 - 10 Vessel Wall 5.21 @ 54 T-330 5 - 16 Above Core 5.21 @ 54 W-110 10 - 5 Vessel Wall 9.95 @ 10 W-100 16 - 19 Vessel Wall 16.5 @ 16 T-150 16 - 5 Above Core 16.5 @ 16 W-280 19 - 16 Vessel Wall 20.6 @ 19 W-260 26 - 29 Vessel Wall 28.7 @ 26 W-80 29 26 Vessel Wall 32.0 @ 29 1
Refer to Palisades FSAR, Volume 2, Section 4.5.3, Figure 11 for illustration of capsule locations.
2 EFPY based on 2530, MWt power rating.
3 2.26 EFPY from BCL 585-12 Report, March 13, 1979.
4 5.21 EFPY from CPCo Engineering Analysis, EA-P-PTS-90-001, dated March 21, 1990.