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Ecological Studies of the North Branch Susquehanna River in the Vicinity of the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station - Progress Report for the Period January-December 1974
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Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/31/1976
Ichthyological Associates, Pennsylvania Power & Light Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18025A091 (318)


ECOLOGICAL STUDIES OF THE NORTH BRANCH SUSQUEHANNA RIVER IN THE VICINITY OF THE SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION Progress Report for the Period January-December 1974 Theodore V. Jacobsen, M. S., Project Leader and Editor Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

R. D. 1, Berwick, Pennsylvania 18603 PHYSICOCHEMICAL ANALYSES by Katherine M. Smith and Walter J. Soya IRON AND ITS EFFECTS by Qilliam F. Gale, Theodore V. Jacobsen and Katherine M. Smith MACROINVERTEBRATES by William G. Deutsch LARVAL FISHES by William F. Gale and Harold W. Mohr, Jr.

SPAWNING AND LARVAL-FISH DRIFT by William F. Gale and Harold W. Mohr, Jr.

FISHES by Gerard L. Buynak and Andrew J. Gurzynski TERRESTRIAL ECOLOGY R. Burton by'ohn For PENNSYLVANIA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY Ichthyological Associates, Inc.

Edward C. Raney, Ph.D.; Director 301 Forest Drive, Ithaca, New York 14850 MAY 1976

3HT NI 83V15I ANNAH3UPBUB HDYMH HT5iON 3HT %0 83IGUTB JADXQOJOD3 NOITATB DI5iTD3J3 MA3TB ANNABHUPBUB 3HT f0 YTINIDIV PVef xedmeesG-yxnunaL botxe'I erfx xone xxoqeH aaexsox'i xoxkb3 bns xsbaeJ doepox'I ,.8 .H ,neadoosI..V exobosrfT

.snl ,aexskooaaA lsoigoloyrfxrfoI COa8I aknavtyanneg ,AokmeK ,l .G 838YJANA JA'HYKHDODIBYH'I Vd sgoB .L xedlst/ bna rf <<kmB .Yi snkxeffdaà BTD33'KZ BTI GNA NOSfX rflkmB .8 enkxerfxsN bna nsadoosL .V sxohoeifT ,slsQ .'I mskll"M 83T&l83TH + NIOADAH rfeaxusG .0 milkllkW 83HBXZ JAVAJ gd

.xh,xrfcN .W bloxaH bns slaQ .3 makllk'vl TZI~fG HBXZ-JAVmJ GNA W'INMAZB Yd

.xL ,xrfoN .M hloxsH brta sfsO .3 mskllkM

'xone 83HBXB Yd kiarryzxuD .f. wsxbnA brfs Asnyu8 .J hxaxsO YOOJOD3 JAIATBmra3T gd noxxu8 .A nrfoL YNA&iOD THOIJ GNA SL99105 AXNAVJYBNN3'I

.onI ,aexskooaaA J.sekgoloyrf;fol xoxoexkG ,,ti.rIS ,ysnsS .D bxsvb3 OCSPI AxoY wsN csearf>l eevkxG aasxo3 LOB aVer YAH

CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION............................................................. 1 PHYSICOCHEMICAL ANALYSES .. ........................................... 3 IRON AND ITS EFFECTS . ................................................. 42 MACROINVERTEBRATES....................................................... 97 LARVAL FISHES....... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 141 SPAWNING AND LARVAL-FISH DRIFT......................................... 172 FISHES ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 231 TERRESTRIAL ECOLOGY.............. . ... . .............................280

INTRODUCTION This is the fourth annual progress report on the ecological studies conducted as part of the preoperational phase of the environmental moni-toring program of the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES). These studies are financed by the Pennsylvania Power and Light Company.

The nuclear-powered SSES will be a twin unit, 2,200 megawatt facility located on a 955-acre Site in Salem Township, Luzerne County, approxi-mately 8 km northeast of Berwick, Pennsylvania. Physiographically, the Site is within the Ridge and Valley Section of the Appalachian Valley Province. Site elevations above mean sea level vary from about 150 m on the flood p lain to a maximum of 275 m near the northwest property line.

Units 1 and 2 are presently scheduled to go on line in 1980 'and 1982, respectively. The Station will use water from the North Branch Susque-hanna River for cooling purposes.

The objective of the ecological studies is to collect sufficient biological data to establish a baseline of preoperational conditions.

Throughout 1974 data on water chemistry, periphyton, macroinvertebrates, and larval and adult fishes were collected to describe and evaluate the iver ecosystem.

River Terrestrial studies were conducted to gather information about plants, trees, birds, and mammals found near the construction Site.

Data from all studies, except periphyton, are included in this report.

Periphyton data will be presented in a later report.

The study area for most of the aquatic investigations included that portion of the North Branch Susquehanna River which extends from Falls to VOITDUGOSfTNI Danville, Pennsylvania. The "Wyoming Region" of the northern anthracite BsibuDB EG9igoJooo 9rfd ffo JJ0$ 9x Bssxar.xq Jsurrrts rfoxuoV 9ffd Bf BlffT coal field lies beneath or adjacent to the River throughout much of the

-ills JGsrl tmrtoxivrI9 9rff ':fo 9:.Grfq Lrtrtoidswsqosxq Brfd to lxsq BG bseouf>rrno study area upriver from the SSES Site. Acid mine drainages, which enter

.Saorf'7 . (8388) lroiaSSZ ~iIN>BLH ms9i8 GarlsrfsuPBu8 olla'o mszgOxq grlivo1 the River from abandoned strip and shaft mines, degrade the water quality ogflsqflloV Jrfgi J hits xswo'J G kflsvJgaflrtsq rlrfI p<f f>9-'lrrsll1% .9'fs Bsibufs of the River at the SSES Site. The slope of the River bed in the study ydiEiosi Nallwsgam 00%,2,virtu rriwd G Grf LJlw 8.'fZZ b9a9wrlrf-vG9Jourl orfT area is about 0.3 m per km. River depth ranges from 1 m to 5 m and the

-ixoxqqs ,yalruo'J 9IIIGBU.I ,qlrfarlwoT llIBJGZ rli 9ai8 eros-226 G Uo bsasooi width varies from 100 m to 480 m. During periods of low flow in late Olfe,yJJcoirfqshgoiayrfq .GirlsvJyarrrtsq,3foirrI98 to laser':.!wort m>f 8 yE9ssm summer and early fall the River consists of a series of long pools sepa-yBIIGV rlsirf9GIGqqA 9rf5 'Xo lloido98 grlf Isla bns 'I;)biff Grf1 rri.;l=iw r3i odi8 rated by shallows where the remains of abandoned eel walls are found. In IIo m 02 J Buorfs rtloT'1 ~sv,f9v9 f G9B rls9fll 9vo(fs BffoidsvQE9 Bdi8 .nulI f'vo'xq times of moderate to high discharge the River level increases from 1 m to

~ GlIi E QN Ir qo'rq NB9wff t'Iolr sfU 'xs )rt m V.a Ro Plurtixslfl I rl't frl'lq bool 9ffd 3 m and its flow characteristics resemble those of an open channel. In

,E8QL hits I8Pf ni arri f rlo o~, I I b9JUbsrfoa yfarrsasvq Uxs C bits J BdilIU 1974, the annual mean discharge of the River at the SSES Site was 420 m /

-9upBUZ rfarIG'X8 r.lzoV...><a mori vs tsw UBU I Eiw llc ilsd8 9lfT .vLGV3.iooqana sec. The greatest flood on record occurred on 23 June 1972, when the

,BGBoqxuq 8rrirnon zo't zovlH Grlrrsrf River crested at 157.50 m above mean sea level at approximately 0300 NrrsioHRua Noelloo OJ Bi Bsibu1B JG'Iipolo9e 3rld io Bvi39~3ldo Bll'l'ours.

.BrroiSLbrloo lslloilswoqosvq io arri Edgar.r.' rfailds~as oS Gdsb Jsoigofl3irf In addition to the aquatic and terrestrial studies, Ichthyological

, BGSG".rislzrtvrliorosm,rroa'grfqixoq, v~ tsimsrfu x9arlw Go Grr b 47f3f auorfuoxlfT Associates collected samples of River and well water, silt, aquatic vas-slll BIGUJ.GV9 furs 9rfixoB9b o.t bsaOBUoo mew Bnrfafl a.fuhs brIG EGV~GJ hrls cular plants, fish flesh, and oak tree buds for determination of back-rroidsmxolrli xslf9sg oJ bsdoubrloo sw9w Bsibrr la Jsix:taozx9T .moeayaoolt "9viff ground radiation levels by Radiation Management Corporation, 3508 Market

.90i8 rloitouxlarroo srfd xsen hrruoh BEGmmsm brrs,abxid,B99xl,alrrsiq Nuorfs Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Monthly, quarterly, and semiannual

.Dvoqox Birfl ni b9hUJ9rri sos,r.o~yrfqlr9<l tqoox.>,B9ifUJB rim% Gls(f thermoluminescent dosimeters were also tended on the River bottom at the

.awoq9z vsdGL G rli b93IIBB9xq 9d EJiw stsb lrodyrfqJ'zsq proposed location of the discharge of the SSES.

no br">8 LJ98 bns c?328 gs b9399lloo Gasb Jsoi)>r!)rfgo)isVrà .6-A ofdGT o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ PHYSICOCHEMICAL'IANAL>YSES)upau<<". if )ns r8 iIJ roN 02 ...........................a~by'. Jau;~uA... Isoim9ifooof:ayd'I .0$ --A sfdr>T l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Katherine. M..)Smi'th'.mnd)'.Mal'ter Joo Soyam9rfoo)lavifq .II-A 9JdGT RR .................. o.......PVf)I xr)do)GO... JGGImsrfoooiayrf'i .EI-A sldsT CP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ Pk'QI 'x9dmsvoN, ~ . JG>olmsffoooLagff9 >>CI-A sfdsT

~ . ~ . ~ ~ . ~ ~.......... ~.....)~(<~I 39dm999<<I... f Golrmsifbool'spiff .Al-A eldGT TABLE OF CONTENTS P 'f8<<>> NG> b9199J Ioo aslqmE>a Isn iu ib mo'r'I Gdsb Jsol'ra<<)rf')ooieyrfq . QI-A 9KdsT

,VGR CZ-ER,rfavs'6" .~.'-f,z VX8 E)nnsrfi)upau8 rioirsz8 if'".Off 9rfr no Page i'2 .........PVf)I xodm999G QI-8I f)ns,aorlrrrslqoP 9I-BI,Ylub 7'I-EEI INTRODUCTION.... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6

'll A 9Jds<<,"

i>zuoil 00f)0 DE) b9899lloo aoJqirrsa nk r><<>13,r,an9b IE)xxs 1'.)$ 8 PROCEDURES....Grxasd9vf)GIj8..d~ir~w8..~fa~n:<.:~pe. po..P;.~8.,ep. p.f,~~~,).kr). qp.'r~:ri),.... 7

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ o>> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ )~%Pl <<MQVJH RE SULTS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

as b9099IXOO s.")Xqmsa nua xsvlv moxi Gdsb Jr>oimsrlao>>layrVI .H-A sldGT REFERENCES< CITED) .PHPP... (.!Ibf..<rr> .P; jPP, ... (.".ii~4~,') .P<<~PP<< ...~."rn:ir<refi ..qf rr.<.... 9

, l,'also) bn98 IJ98, rof>>birn) br>98 f..K98, (aif;fi"~) bn98 IJ98 ifonm8 rfdwoN 9rid r.o 9.flivnGG brrs,qvudamool8,)folvx98 OE, o ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ >> e ~ o ~ > E CI <<,fsv kH k>rrnsrf OrrperiP>>

LIST OF TABLES nsom 9vods Jsv@J xeviz,swuassuqmoa velsw lo a9;rr-xsvs y~IEGG .8I-A ~lds1 Table 'A-1. - Phys icochemica1< pa'r'am'e t'ers) "de't'ecmihe'd~vf or -"each Jpro gram sin


1 974 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

11 9Jdal.f xo rfauom 9rfa as aouJGV Hq bns 9xuesssqm99 v.)1E)><< .Qi-A 9JdGT Table A-2>>o ~ ~ Locations of- physicochemical data~~cdlle'ctd'onrstations,'Eon the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974.................... 12 Gift gnofs PHBP. ss bsaoolloo Gssb Xsolm9)fooof:GYdq ylrilrrrM .02-A 9IdGX Table A-3. Phy'sitcochem'i'ca1<<da't'a<fc'O'X1ec'te'd'8atf "SSES >'on'dthe'r North ~Branch Susqudfianna'.ER'iver)<rtfknuary'r)l'974~<<). J)9:r:):)f.f!):)..'-):i.*).'r..":).r- ."i."?..... 13 8E. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - > ~ >>Glnsvl/annsq, frodsXzGH ~ /fir>qs)OO Dlf<<)l.f blrs 'x.')wo'I


Table A-4. Physicochemical data collected at SSES and Bell Bend on the

'-N'oi th" &ranch '-8'us quehadna)i'River'>Feb iuary 1974 <<'~a:i& ~:).""-. 0.... J 5-14 9 I dsT

,(I-A .8li) sore v.)u"G Gifts n~ <<>9gsnks-b bios anion Table A-5. Physi'cocheinlrcali"I. ~P .rr'Ma'r'chq1974'A'r. ".r.')r.r..srs..":raff..:&FP i. ~ .. 15

()<') ................Glnsvlyana )"., nods;)nDI, asozuoas8


Table A-6. Physicochemical... April 1974............................ 16 s)I99">r) xojsm owd Wo rirroktsnlmxodsb yzaaiim<<)rfo vsdsw 9gsvsvA .ZEi-A A-7. Physicqf:hemical)g.-rf...,May,<bu J.., f~. n) sids'I'able

~ ~ ~ ~ 17

-nn~'E g Nxoqarm.) JJB(, esoxuoae>>~f .IG );u<<)t.rnoxkvn':I Io Dnsmg JsqaQ Table>A-8...,,Physicochemical ......, June .1974,...,...,...,...,;,;i)r);".<;,. ~ ~ ~ ~ 18

Page Table A-9. Physicochemical data collected at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna'iver, July 1974......... ..... ... 19 Table A-10. Physicochemical . . . August 1974....... 20 Table A-ll. Physicochemical . . . September 1974........................ 21 Table A-12. Physicochemical . . . October 1974.......................... 22 Table A-13. Physicochemical . . . November 1974......................... 23 Table A-14. Physicochemical . . . December 1974......................... 24 Table A-15. Physicochemical data from diurnal samples collected at SSES on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1-2 March, 22-23 May, 16-17 July, 18-19 September, and 18-19 December 1974......... 25 Table A-16 Bacterial densities in samples collected at 0900 hours0.0104 days <br />0.25 hours <br />0.00149 weeks <br />3.4245e-4 months <br /> during diurnals at SSES on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974................. .............................-. 29 Table A-17. Physicochemical data from river run samples collected at Falls, Nanticoke, SSES (right), SSES (middle), SSES (left),

Bell Bend (right), Bell Bend (middle), Bell Bend (left),

Berwick, Bloomsburg, and Danville on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974..................................... 30 Table A-18. Daily averages of water temperature, river level above mean sea level, and river discharge at SSES, 1974................ 34 Table A-19. Water temperature and pH values at the mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek, 1974..................................... 37 Table A-20. Monthly physicochemical data collected at SSES along the west (right) bank North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974.

Samples were collected and analyzed by Pennsylvania Power and Light Company, Hazleton, Pennsylvania........... ~ . 38 Table A-21. Discharges and average water chemistry determinations of nine major acid mine drainages in the study area (Fig. A-l),

1974. Data are from the Department of Environmental Resources, Kingston, Pennsylvania...................... '.... 40 Table A-22. Average water chemistry determinations of two major creeks in the study area (Fig. A-l), 1974. Data are from the Department of Environmental Resources, Williamsport, Penn-sylvania..... ~ .............................................. 40

LIST OF FIGURES Page Fig. A-1. Map of the study area with sampling stations and sewage and acid mine drainage effluents.......... 41

a:raUOIZ VO rar~

INTRODUCTION Acid mine,drainages enter the North Branch Susquehanna River at sev-sgswss bas aaor'9s5a gaELqmss rfDEw sees ybuaa sold io qsM .L-A fA eral locations upriver from the:SSES'~ B&e -('Fi'g'.sA-1')Q>mDissolved iron in the drainages oxidixes in the River forming ferric precipitates of "yellow boy." These precipitates color the River brownish-orange in summer and coat the substrate throughout the year. The occurrence of ferric com-pounds in the River has been well documented by Anderson (1963), Penn-sylvania Department of Health (1963), and FWPCA (1967). No one, however, has attempted to determine the effects of temperature and flow on iron oxidation in the River and to relate these changes to iron deposition on the substrate.

Experiments were designed to measure oxidation and deposition rates of iron in the field and the laboratory. These data were analyzed with physicochemical and biological data collected during monitor sampling in 1973 (Ichthyological Associates 1974), 1974, and 1975 'hese analyses and results are presented in the section "Iron and lts Effects" of this report.

Monitoring of the water quality of the North Branch Susquehanna River in the vicinity of the SSES Site was continued throughout 1974. The ob-jective since 1971 has been to establish baseline values of physicochemi-cal parameters for evaluation of possible effects stemming from the con-struction and operation of the SSES. The study area (Fig. A-1) included the 115-km stretch of the North Branch between Falls and Danville, Penn-sylvania.

)bs>'I Q"rsw arri)'x Ir)vxH )LLXvrr<rr h<<T)< <<) f"TdsfllooLH <)folw'xsH < ()frlscf 919L f)rrG PROCEDVRES satb lrrMost  !)SP..xs fllri)~s(f )1 r~rrs,z.')cfTT<<aqsP. f f <TfLuf. Rf <yr>f P,v<<suzds~ Pf <<ro physicochemical monitoring was done at the SSES Site wit'h 'semi-

.srI011r a. brr)H f.fsH brlG:!3PP. er);( Ir) vLrro,<<rs)fsd sxsw asufsv weekly and diurnasl sampling progiams. In the 'iver run" program samples bTIG afsvsl 1~ rilT. Vrx)sf),sms~!:01cr;Ill~<<)11rrolT ss1'<<f1 scf1 09 rlolllbbr)  !IT w'ere 'also collected up and downriver "from the SSES Site. A total of 25 a;)ttLh foist suourrxdlroo vri~-7 !)TO <<i PHPP< df) borrr&3<) T<)f> 9 r<)w sslu'flvlsqllrs j 'xoluw

"'parameters was measur'ed in these programs (Table A-1) . Sample collection s brls 1<<)banner rfdqsb sq'vd-1<<>Ldducf c'.f-'f)02:) L<3f)nM L01s11H oonA rIG rrn sbr:,T<

and analyses were conducted according to field anct laboratory methods sxo;:< sa sdT .xsfno)r>> sar)tsz~nntol ff L" boM <xsnobssc P. quxrf110R'rlG abss,f de'scr'ibe'd in Standard Methods (1971). These 'methods have been detailed ltl OK Nuocfs iPOD T<<)d rsvUf '<cf9 lIo bs3soo f -'3'xsw R I )b"IO-')n'7 <) <vcf r0%


<10'I previous reports (Xchthyological Associates 1972, 1973, and 1974).

~rB fc) s Tsmla~s TIA .yzo1G1ndGL 'ss TsilooaaA fsnlgolovrfdcfOI DG:frI~-.'d Oasw A descriptioii of the 13 'sampling stations is given in Table A-2 and their b ) talus fr o <<)eLG ~Gw 812~ ar) oqxsrloaib esvl&

relative locakions are shownydin Fig. A-l.

vd f)s1snogua bo>f1sTTG G1<<TGvLVar<an'I z".UcfaivzGH snfvtnP. "Tc)rfdx)OW LGrrok'~I ~ s1.! cfH .0 .O In the semiweekly program at SSES, samp1es were collected from January

. (>> Vl) f nods'.noaaA Iso lqoLOyrf.rrfuI3 through December. Also, from February through December, samples were cox-

<'P J 3)30rf<'Vo'Yf f GT."<Ir<VJ Qalrrlr)'>> Orle I I p f03!>>.'rods I Ynds(/ lIODS l sf)fr Srfd 4~

lected twice weekly at BelI Bend. Water temperature and pH weie usually Sfr<)L crt Qusoxs Vf<<f Prrnlp QsLqr<1) a 10QGw f)s90 ) f Loo vcIQqrrr03 dcf<fLaJ brll) fswo 1 measured at the mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek (Fig. A-1) on days when 1G01;<0IO<rflchJ 5). ~sv3fT 3rD ",o )frrsd aasw srfa:Iovl ar)o,)rribrw gcf,yluL brrr; semiweekly data were collected.

)<TO)3 8 f')9..".gs rscf 1801frlorfQor)lagrfq V)~ Zo LG301 A .g fodhxocls f. <<sd)i I:)oasA The diurnal sampling program consisted of 24-hour studies at SSES on

.bszyfsrrr) ssw sLqlr;l)a lfnss 1-2 March, 22-23 May, 16-17 July, 18-19 September, and 18-19 December.

Some parameters were measured at 3-hour intervals, but others, which P.'1'.IU P,SS fluctuated little in diurnals conducted during previous years (Ichthyo-

<grrixuf) bsdosf fo sisfcrTTGa 'fo a<) yLGIIG,fsolr!Tsrfoooi;.:yrfo slf5 Ro alfuasH 1973 and 1974), were measured at 12-hour intervals.

logical Associates lfpuOxrfl r.-A esfdGT rl1 rrsvi;.f szG PSPP. IG amr1qnxq LGIIXrrlb brrG yL>fssw1,'<sa slit Bacterial densities were determined once.

bsrrln.wslsb ssialarrub LsimdoGH .TfL viaosqas1,c'-A brrr) Af-A LGTIXu1'b Gran rr1 On each of the five river runs, samples were first collected at Falls,

-Seer SZG !TTG1qO~q rru1 zSVEx srfa l,rov 1 r.SGG .c)l-A sldGT rlf nWOrfs SZG Vbuas the Station farthest upriver. Samples were then collected at Nanticoke, 9'f~ 40 as"]'Tsffoa~if) olIG a rsvsL <<9 luaG'xscri1<p) 7 I 1srf 7 I -A 9 I dGT rr f f)r) DlIsa SSES (right bank, midriver, and left bank), Bell Bend (right bank, midriver,


and left bank), Berwick, Bloomsburg, and Danville. River runs were made on 14 February, 9 May, 18 July, 11 September, and 16 December. Secchi disc values were taken only at the SSES and Bell Bend Stations.

In addition to the three monitoring programs, daily River levels and water temperatures were determined at SSES from 7-day continuous recordings made on an Acco Bristol, Model G500-15 bubbler-type depth recorder and a Leeds and Northrup Speedomax, Model R temperature recorder. The sensors for both recorders were located on the River bottom, about 20 m from the west bank at Ichthyological Associates'aboratory. An estimate of the River discharge at SSES was also calculated by a method suggested by I

Mr. 0. D. White, National Weather Service, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (Ichthyological Associates 1974).

Throughout 1974 the Hazleton Water Laboratory of the Pennsylvania Power and Light Company collected water samples monthly, except in June and July, by wading out from the west bank of the River at Ichthyological Associates'aboratory. A total of 47 physicochemical parameters from each sample was analyzed.

RESULTS Results of the physicochemical analyses of samples collected during the semiweekly and diurnal programs at SSES are given in Tables A-3 through A-14 and A-15, respectively. Bacterial densities determined in the diurnal study are shown in Table A-16. Data from the river run program are pre-sented in Table A-17. Daily temperatures, levels, and discharges of the

River at SSES are presented in Table A-18. Temperature and pH values moni-tored at the mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek are given in Table A-19.

The physicochemical data collected by the Hazleton Water Laboratory at SSES are shown in Table A-20.

The locations and volumes of acid mine drainage and domestic sewage effluents in the study area from Falls to Nescopeck were provided by Mr.

Lawrence Pawlush, Department of Environmental Resources, Kingston, Penn-sylvania. Water chemistry data from nine major acid mine drainages are presented in Table A-21. Similar data in Table A-22 for Fishing and Catawissa Creeks were supplied by Mr. Leon Oberdick, Jr., Department of Environmental Resources, Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Sewage and acid mine drainages are shown graphically in Fig. A-l.

REFERENCES CITED American Public Health Association, 1971. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 13th ed. A.P.H.A., Washington, D.C. 874 pp.

Anderson, P. 1963. Variations in the chemical character of the Susque-hanna River at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Geol. Surv. Water Supply Paper 1779-B. 1-17.

Federal Water Pollution Control Administration. 1967. Biological survey of the Susquehanna River and its tributaries between Cooperstown, New York and Northumberland, Pennsylvania. CB-SRBP Working Doc.

No. 2. FWPCA Middle-Atlantic Region.

Ichthyological Associates. 1972. An ecological study of the North Branch Susquehanna River in the vicinity of Berwick, Pennsylvania (Progress report for the period January-December 1971). Pennsylvania Power and Light Co., Allentown, Pennsylvania. 232 pp.

10 Ich'Ehyo1ogkca~l Absssoci'Ates, Hnc. r

'1973. An eHologi8a1 s8u8y of tIfe North Branc) Susquehanna River in the vicinity of Berwick, Pennsylvania (Pkogreas rep8Ft for"th8 peri8dqJanuary'-Decemb'er'l972)".'ennsylvania Power and Light Co. Allentown~ Pennsvlvania. 658 pp 3s yxo9sxods.i zsdsM EsoleJ.zsH ori~ yd bedosiioo s5sb Jsolmsrfoooi ayrfq sdT 1974. An ecological study of the North Branch Susquehanna River in the vicinity of Berwick, Pennsylvania'(Progress reporPfor the period January-December ].973). Pennsylvania Power and Light Co lien~)o~wsn~m ge~nnRyj".va'n~iazn 858mpp os xo asmulov ~ns

Department of Health. 1365. Nort8 Bianth of the"SusqueHanna sri'ennsylvania River mine drainage study. Publ. 5:

-rrrrs'r ,rroJagrr12 .1-50.

,zsoirjoas)i ~sdrremooxivrrH Mo JrrsmdxsqnQ ,rfarrlws'I eoasxwsJ sos aegsrrisxb srrim bios vojsm srrirr mod% s:rsb yrdaimsrfo zeus>f .siasvlye brrs grrirfai1 ~o3, RZ-A slxfsT rri sssb xslirrriP, .lS-A ofdsT aE bsarrsasxq 9o drrsmavsqeQ ,.xL ,A>ibvsd0 rroeJ .~H yd bsilqqrra sxvw egssxD saaiwsssO orrim bios bas 93swe8 .sirzsvlyaorreq ,dxoqamsilXHl,asovvoasff Xsdrrsmrrovf:vrr3

.L-A .gEV re yllsoirfqsxa rrworfa sos aeqsrris~b

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2382 b:<ov'2 >sob<st:<2(f mvkff nota<>ooJ no2>st8 (z~rz (b>>b J>fnsd tif2Zr..>r.~n>,n>r..rPXO ram Parameters . <<b Semiweeklyzbb <>Hb}Diuxnalbbf22ff River Run River level above msll> yo ~nod qd82~ <<o<t (Xq Ot.8) ~ OOI <log 2<<~qqh 9>fo'>klnsH E.CI .s'L,r>>foo24<zsH ar. oqhkwd o>footunsH River current X

,>fosv0 nu<<olfr>wqr><f .;It>W 4o <frau<!rb!>de etksoqqo v!>vkzbllf 8H<d2 River discharge bosoq zq obfzops povkgqu (-X p0()R) zz 00'I >y r,tyozqqr 0 0 8382 !Ia znuultI'>

Air temperature X X An>><< (doss) vkol <>rf<:".oct (tt <}cb) r> OR <(I>z"':btxovqqh (d 2>>l) PH88 Water temperature(l >gs~zkxc>"<fqs or!i,l a!,(zc><<>nbbrX >upeu2-vu< Jb oM '!X'fd>'obb.>d X

-qslf >ItekJ lo bfzuo<>< obf!I >to".I zovktb,wab (a '. Oc}<}) rz 00R

>l;->>z?X nsqol low Dissolved -oxygen X pH rusk.l vswoq sr>nb<d:>upau?-x<XtbzoM orfa bftu.;n')dXv'>vtchkM X (slhf>2m) 8q88 bfab<O<s sbft raut Z~bvtsb<W'">> (Zl 0<}6) .z OI}R <(I>os<zlx<nqqs Total alkalinity Specif ic conductance>fnsd (~s.>w) r<>z'X(}l c}c}) >o 0<, <flog.,".txovqcfh X (I<f82 z) 8J28 2xozqc" n  : >q ."ubnb>>bfoupsu2-zoot<;oH sift << t<.onod vs~~ zov,"grrwah (s Oii}<}) <3 Q)R >flomb:rb Sulfate a.<> R.O

> Ib

!oowQ r<>qofJb<bqs(f nfl>2.1 Total iron X X ll

>vkabb',"c>I> (t"..ih(>>') b;, 00' ~'fodb.r2xrnqqb. x >vtzhkM hrb>>H82 ar ann< (l'o h~ .cyz <>bfd r.:o'z't

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txovqqs cduIQ 31><>if >fatso(f obfa

>fo>wo bb~qollrwqswg<> <14uosb >dt vox't x>v>tnwob Fixed total" residue X Nonfiltrable residue!>>s"<kxo'zqq>

n'.>qollswqsr> Ic>

<<bio tsoff >>oX'zs<<obf~

ifduo>s ndt b<boxz w>>vk-.n.<>b >.

'3>>r<<o 2

X >"

<<'03, I

'I >M V.(  !'>'i< >

Fixed nonfiltrable residue X X Turbidity >3kb>,c<<l< >fn!8 3<fai.. '<fan b';.>IX ('tI c}c b>z O>R >f! >X"ekxnvqqh (abf<IL>$ b<b".Ib ll.ruff (at OORI) rz ORr "'sr<kxozqqs duf.') Z>bar zf )kwxuff obft r,r>rlSWqb>'rb 'la bftuariS ><f5 i,<nl WOV2anWOf>

                                                                                                                           'I A!>   n'.)   <b Secchi disc depth                                                                           X                                      X Total        soluble        phosphate            ~o     ~'-'d     """l'" '"""z tv <'>8
                                                                                                , "') "d        "
                                                                                                                             <'a<ulffkH X'-'"""'"""

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8. c> Q. Qf cd'> t>3 '>sf> k 1 '. i Nitrate Barometer s->>ac.'.>> >bts )3nf <<c>z2 Xz'2 OR8) xr Odl ply)'r>" ztxozqqh <"'"zbb'4.'!'<or>
      < ~ <bt            , ,,                                               sq    r,'>'zbr'fb>>,c>QIII       '5<r     of<bt'zd      Cd<3     g< wbfb<    lH                                          lb'l Weather                                                                                     X                                      X
                                              >lb>>? 3<...z>kb>        abf,*~tv     r:o>! (z), OR')                    b   OR" ylwabzbtxov<fqA                                                Jkv>34f1 tv<is(f t<r o;ff>! zd X8 <(sw<f22H Fecal coliform Fecal streptococcus

12 Table A-2, Locations of physicochemical data collection stations on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 Station Location River Distance from SSES km mi Falls A'pproximately 140 m (460 ft) from right bank of State Highway, 92 bridge at Falls, Pa. 64. 4 40. 0 Nanticoke Approximately 100 m (330 ft) from right bank of "old" Nanticoke bridge at Nanticoke, Pa. 21.7 13.5 SSES Midriver opposite the mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek, approximately 600 m (2000 ft) upriver fromthe proposed effluent of SSES-SSES (left) Approximately 20 m (66 ft) from the left (east) bank beneath the Montour-Susquehanna Power Line, approximately 200 m -(660 ft) downriver from the mouth of Little Wap-wallopen Creek 0.2 0.1 SSES (middle) Midriver beneath the Montour-Susquehanna Power Line, approximately 200 m (660 ft) downriver from the mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 0.2 0.1 SSES (right) Approximately 20 m (66 ft) from the right (west) bank beneatli the Montour-Susquehanna Power Line, approxi-mately 200 m (660 ft) downriver from the mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 0.2 0.1 Bell Bend Midriver approximately 1200 m (4000 ft) downriver from the proposed effluent at SSES 2.0 1.3 Bell Bend (left) Approximately 20 m (66 ft) from the left bank opposite the Berwick Boat Club, approximately 520 m (1700 ft) downriver from the mouth of Wapwallopen Creek 2.7 1.7 Bell Bend (middle) Midriver opposi,te the Berwick Boat Club, approximately 520 m (1700 ft) downriver from the mouth of Wapwallopen Creek 2.7 1.7 Bell Bend (right) Approximately,20 m (66 ft) from the right bank opposite the Berwick Boat Club, approximately 520 m (1700 ft) downriver from the mouth of Wapwallopen Creek 2.7 1.7 Berwick Approximately 170 m (560 ft) from right bank of State Highway 93 bridge at Berwick, Pa. 10.9 6.8 Bloomsburg Approximately 160 m (520 ft) from left side of State Highway 487 bridge"at Bloomsburg, Pa. 29.4 18.3 Danville Approximately 220 m (720 ft) from right side of State Highway 54 bridge at Danville, Pa. 50.6 31.4

Table A-3. Physicochemical data collected at SSES on the North Branch Susquehanna River, January 1974 Date Time River Level River Current River Discharge Temperature Dissolved Percent pH Total Specific Sulfate above msl (m/sec)(ft/sec) (m3/sec) (cfs) Air Water Oxygen Saturation Alkalinity Conductance (mg/I)

m. ft oC oC m /1 DO m /1 u mho/cm 2 Jan 1530 150.63 494.1 1.27 4.2 983 34,700 -2.0 1.0 13.40 92 6.9 30 153 35 4 Jan 1530 i" 150.11 492.4 1.06 3.5 682 24,100 -1.0 1.0 13. 05 91 7.0 35 180 42 7 Jan 1015 149.59 490.7 0.83 2.7 430 15,200 -4.0 0.5 13. 15 91 6.9 40 220 54 9 Jan
  • 1530 149.39 490.1 0.75 2.5 351 12,400 -5.0 0.0 13.20 96 6.9 50 242 58 11 Jan 1400 149.23 489.6 0.69 2.3 289 10,200 -0. 5 0.0 12.85 89 6.9 45 280 66 14 Jan 1345 149.13 489. 2 0. 65a 2. 1 337 11,900 -5.0 0.0 13.40 91 6.9 55 280 68 16 Jan 1315 149.06 489.0 0.62 2.0 258 9,120 4.0 0.0 12.80 89 6.9 60 310 73 18 Jan 1430 149.22 489.5 0.68a 2.2 292 10,300 -7.0 0.0 13.50 91 6.9 35 280 63 23 Jan 1500 150. 63 494.1 1.26 4.1 929 32,800 2.5 0.5 13.05 91 6.9 40 290 35 25 Jan 1600 151. 10 495.7 1.45a 4.8 1,260 44,600 7.0 2~0 13.70 98 6.9 35 160 33 28 Jan 1545 151. 03 495.5 1.42 4.7 1,190 42,100 3.5 3.5 12.60 95 6.9 30 146 28 30 Jan 1515 151.52 497.1 1.56 5.1 1,610 56,800 10.5 3.5 12.35 93 7.0 35 125 28 Mean 150. 05 492. 2 1 '2 3' 718 25,400 0.2 1.0 13. 09 92 6.9 41 222- 49 Standard deviation 0.89 2.9 0.36 1.2 464 16,400 5.3 1 ~ 3 0.39 3 0.0 10 66 17 Date Iron (mg I) Percent Residue (mg I) Turbidity Secchi Barometer Weather Total Dissolved Dissolved Total Fixed Non- Fixed Non- (JTU) Disc (mm Hg) (in Hg)

Iron Total filtrable filtrable De thm 2 Jan 2. 00 0. 71 36 25 24 30 0. 60 778 30.64 Overcast 4 Jan 2.17 1.24 57 161 106 15 14 23 0.92 768 30.23 Clear, sunny 7 Jan 2.49 1.81 73 194 121 8 7 12 1.13 758 29.86 Overcast 9 Jan 3.00 1.83 61 202 121 10 6 20 1.32 764 30.07 Overcast 11 Jan 3.38 2.00 59 215 140 10 8 12 1.30 754 29.68 Overcast 14 Jan 3.45 1.90 55 224 151 8 8 20 1.55 771 30.35 Overcast 16 Jan 3.71 1. 84 50 240 161 8 8 20 1.46 751 29.58 Overcast 18 Jan 3.05 1.35 44 273 179 9 8 30 1.10 772 30.40 Overcast 23 Jan 3.92 0.48 12 210 150 66 56 45 0.34 758 29.86 Overcast 25 Jan 5.84 0.32 5 243 196 136 128 85 0.22 769 30.29 Overcast 28 Jan 2. 79 0. 37 13 169 132 56 51 40 0.40 754 29.69 Heavy rain 30 Jan 3.20 0.30 9 162 127 69 59 55 0.29 760 29.94 Clear, sunny Mean 3.25 1 ~ 18 40 208 144 35 31 33 0.89 763 30.05 Standard deviation 1.00 0.70 24 36 27 40 37 21 0.49 9 0.33 a Estimated value > 0.21 m/sec (0.7 ft/sec) P 0. 05.

Table A-4 ~ Physicochemical data collected at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, February 1974 Date Time River Level River Current River Discharge Temperature Dissolved Percent pH Total Specific Sulfate above msl (m/sec) (ft/sec) (m /sec) (cfs) Air Water Oxygen Saturation Alkalinity Conductance (mg/I) m ft C C (m /1 DO m /I mho/cm 1 Feb 1500 150.80 494.7 1. 33 4.4 1,080 38,200 1.5 3.0 12.60 93 6.9 35 132 34 4 Feb 1500 149.96 492.0 1. 10 3.6 620 21,900 -7.5 0.5 13.30 92 6.9 40 180 42 7 Feb 1110 149.55 490.6 =

0. 82 2.7 399 14,100 -2.5 0.0 12.80 88 6.9 40 239 64 11 Feb 1515 149 '5 489.6 0. 88 2.9 289 10,200 -3.5 0.0 13.10 90 7.0 50 250 57 14 Feb 1100 149.32 489.9 0.52 1.7 297 105500 -4.0 0.0 12.80 87 7.0 50 278 60 18 Feb 1430 149.13 489.2 0.65 2.1 252 8,890 1.5 0.0 12.80 88 7.0 60 290 65 21 Feb 1445 149.08 489.1 0.63 2.1 240 8,480 7.0 2.0 12.45 89 6.9 55 290 64 26 Feb 1500 150.40 493.4 1.14 3.7 872 30,800 -0. 5 0.0 13.60 92 7.0 30 145 33 Mean 149.69 491.1 0. 88 2.9 506 1?r900 -1. 0 0.7 12.93 90 7.0 45 225 52 Standard deviation 0.64 2.1 0.28 0.9 319 11,300 4.4 1.2 0.38 2 0.1 10 65 14 1 Feb 4 Feb 1545 -7.5 1.0 13.35 94 6.8 35 178 41 7 Feb 11 Feb 1545 -3.5 0.0 13.40 92 6.9 45 249 58 14 Feb 1130 -4.0 0.0 12.80 88 7.0 50 275 58 18 Feb 1500 1.5 0.0 12.90 88 7.0 60 286 64 21 Feb 1500 7.0 2.0 12.40 90 7.0 55 290 64 26 Feb 1530 "0.5 0.0 13.65 93 7.0 35 140 31 Mean -1.2 0.5 13.08 91 7.0 47 236 53 Standard deviation 5.1 0.8 0.46 3 0.1 10 63 14 Date Iron (mg/I) Percent Residue (mg/1) Turbidity Secchi disc Barometer Weather Total Dissolved Dissolved Total Fixed Non- Fixed Non- (JTU) Depth (m) (mm Hg) (in Hg)

Iron Total filtrable filtrable 1 Feb 2.47 0.66 27 139 104 34 28 35 0.45 763 30.04 Overcast 4 Feb 2.14 1.21 57 143 108 12 12 22 0. 88 758 29.85 Partly cloudy 7 Feb 2.50 1.63 65 157 121 10 8 13 1.18 756 29.75 Overcast 11 Feb 2.64 1.40 53 184 131 9 8 12 1.00 755 29.74 Partly cloudy 14 Feb 3.55 1.74 49 206 146 12 8 25 0.98 763 30.05 Clear, sunny 18 Feb 2.73 1.23 45 197 153 6 4 18 1.45 758 29.84 Clear, sunny 21 Feb 2.94 1.24 42 213 144 10 8 22 1.20 769 30.26 Clear, sunny 26 Feb 3.73 0.39 10 175 131 66 59 58 0.20 769 30.36 Clear, sunny Mean 2. 84 1. 19 44 177 130 20 17 26 0.92 761 29. 97 Standard deviation 0.55 0.46 18 28 18 21 19 15 0.41 6 0.21 1 Feb 4 Feb 2.12 1.20 5? 140 128 14 10 20 0.89 Partly cloudy 7 Feb 11 Feb 2.76 1.36 49 172 130 7 6 12 1.00 Partly cloudy 14 Feb 3.38 1.51 45 194

                                                                               '32 ll           8           26             1.05                           Clear,  sunny 18 Feb                   2.81       1 ~ 19          42            203     148         8           6           17             1.49                           Clear,  sunny 21 Feb                   2.87       1.07            37            210     154         9           7           20             1.10                           Clear,  sunny 26 Feb                   3.65      0.33"              9           160     126        66          57           56             0.20                           Clear,  sunny Mean                     2.93       1.11            40            180     136        19          16           25             0.96 Standard deviation
                                                                                                                '6 0.53      0.41             17             27      12        23          20                          0.42 Estimated value + 0.21 m/sec (0.7           ft/sec)   P  ~ 0.05.

Table A-5. Physicochemical data collected at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, March 1974 Date Time River Level River Current Riper Discharge 'Temperature Dissolved Percent pH Total Specific Sulfate above msl (m/sec)(ft/sec) (m /sec) (cfs) Air Water Oxygen Saturation Alkalinity Conductance (mg/1) (m) ft ( C) ( C) ( /1) DO m /I mho/cm Har 0900 149. 78 491. 4 0. 94 3. 1 504 17,800 2.0 1.5 13.10 94 6.9 35 190 42 1 4 Mar 1430 149.74 491. 2 1. 06 3.5 518 18>300 18.5 3.0 12.60 94 7.0 40 215 44 7 Har 1550 150.96 495.2 1. 28 4.2 1,,190 42>100 '20. 0 5.0 12.20 95 7.1 30 149 30 12 Mar 1500 150.47 493.6 1. 20 3.9 929 32,800 3.5 4.0 12.30 94 6.9 40 272 37 149.78 491.4 0. 91 3.0 521 18,400 4.0 2.5 12.55 92 6.9 35 192 48 15 Mar 1330 18 Mar 1515 149.75 491.3 0. 90 3.0 515 18,200 8.0 3.0 12.60 94 6.9 40 204 40

 >u   21 Mar     1500     149.80    491.4      0. 92     3.0          518     18,300           3.5   4.0       12.10        95        "69      40             213           45
~     25 Mar     1530     150.11    492.4      1. 04     3.4          668     23,600           1.5   4.0       12.60        95          6.9    35             199           43 29 Mar     1345     149.67    491."0     0. 87     2.9          456     16,100          -3. 5  4.0       12.20        93          6.8    35             230           55 Mean                150.01    492. 1     1. 01     3.3          647     22,800           6.4   3.4       12.47        94          6.9    37             207            43 Standard deviation    0.44       1.4     0.14      0.5          250       8>830          7.9   1.0        0.31         1          0.3     4              33             7 Har    0945                                                                          2.0   1.5       13.00        93          6.9    35             187            42 1

4 Mar 1500 18. 5 3.0 12.40 92 7.0 40 ,210 42 7 Mar 1625 20.0 5.5 11.70 92 7.1 30 147 .28 12 Mar 1530 3.5 4.0 12.10 92 6.9 30 . 272 36 Mar 1345 4.0 2.5 12.60 92 6.9 35 195 50 g>n 15 18 Mar 1545 8.0 3.0 12 '5 91 6.9 6.9 40 40 202 213 40 45 21 Mar 1530 3.5 4.0 12.20 93

  <25     Har    1600                                                                          1.5   4.0       12.60        96          6.9    35             194            43

g 29 Har 1430 '3.5 4.0 12.25 94 6.8 35 228 52 6.4 3.5 12.36 93 6.9 36 205 43 Mean Standard deviation 7.9 1.1 0.37 1 0.1 4 34 7 Date Iron (mg/1) Percent Residue (mg/I) Turbidity Secchi disc Barometer Weather Total Dissolved Dissolved Total Fixed Non- ,. Fixed Non- (JTV) Depth (m) (mm Hg) (in Hg) Iron Total filtrable filtrable Mar 2. 18 1.09 50 167 110 16 16 16 0.68 760 29.93 Overcast 4 1 Mar 1.92 0.96 50 175 113 ll 10 10 77 1.07 754 759 29;68 29.88 Overcast Clear, sunny 7 Mar 4.65 0.13 3 215 158 108 99 12 Mar 2.79 0.44 16 191 133 44 41 37 0.35 761 29.96 Partly cloudy

  >>>  15  Mar                2. 10     1. 11           53            152        76         14            12           10          1.00      765     30.12      Overcast
  >>>  18  Mar                2.14      1.00            47            155       111         12            11           16          1.01      752     29.62      Clear, sunny

~ 21 Mar 2.29 1.08 47 269 145 12 10 16 0.85 743 29.25 Overcast 25 Mar 2.20 0. 88 40 276 162 18 16 22 0.82 774 30.46 Clear, sunny 29 Mar 3.30 1. 88 57 309 200 12 11 17 1.03 763 30.03 Snow, rain Mean 2.62 0.95 40 212 134 27 25 25 0. 85 759 29.88 Standard deviation 0.87 0.48 18 , 59 37 32 29 21 0.24 9 0.34 1 Mar 2. 10 0.92 44 147 86 16 15 18 0. 67 Overcast 4 Mar 1.81 0.87 48 171 109 14 10 10 1.00 Overcast 7 Mar 4.67- 0.13 3 311 181 110 101 77 Clear, sunny

2. 72 0.35 13 166 181 49 45 39 0.33 Partly cloudy Q 12 Mar 10 1. 00 Overcast 1.02 52 192 110 15 12 g 15 Har 1. 96 10 17 1.00 Clear, sunny
   ~ 18 Mar                  1. 97     0.90            46            152       100          12 21 Mar                 2.11      1.01            48            264       170          12           10           16          0.87                          Overcast g~                                                                                                    16           22          0.80                          Clear, sunny 25 Mar                 2.09      0.83            40            298       182          17 29 Mar                 3.42      1.77             52           294       198          14            10          20          1.00                          Snow, rain Mean                   2.54      0.87             38           222       140         29            25           25          0.83 69        42         33           30           21          0.24 Standard deviation    0.94      0.46             18 Estimated value + 0.21 m/sec     (0.7 ft/sec)      P    0.05.
   '1'able A-6. Physicochemical   data collected at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River,                      April 1974 Date         Time       River Level River Current                River Discharge       Temperature      Dissolved Percent             pH -

Total Specific Sulfate above msl (m/sec)(ft/sec) (m3/sec) (cfs) Air Water Oxygen Saturation Alkalinity Conductance (mg/I) m ft oC C m /1 DO m /I mho/cm 1 Apr 1530 149.98 492. 0 1.08 3.5 595 21,000 6.0 4.0 12.60 97 6.9 40 221 50 4 Apr 1430 152.22 499. 4 1.65 5.4 2,070 73,100 21. 0 7.0 11.60 97 6.9 35 128 28 8 Apr 1550'550 151.19 496. 0 1.48 4.9 1,380 48,600 1.5 6.5 11.30 91 6.9 30 145 34 11 Apr 150.80 494.7 1.21 4.0 1,050 37,200 15.5 5.0 12.10 93 6.9 35 168 37 19 Apr 1550 150.50 493.7 l. 20 a 3' 906 32,000 12.0 11.0 10.55 94 6.9 40 170 39 23 Apr 1050 149.82 491.5 0.95 3.1 538 19,000 13.0 12.5 9.55 90 6.9 40 220 48 g 26 Apr 1115 149.67 491.0 0.91 3.0 459 16,200 13.4 12.0 10.00 92 6.9 50 248 52 30 Apr 1530 149.26 489.7 0.79 2.6 300 10,600 19.0 17.0 9.40 98 7.0 50 273 62 Mean 150.43 493 ~ 5 1.16 3~8 912 32, 200 12.7 9.4 10.89 94 6.9 40 197 44 Standard deviation 0.96 3.2 0.29 1.0 585 20,700 6.4 4.5 1. 19 3 0.0 7 51 11 1 Apr 1415 6.0 4.0 12.65 97 6.9 40 221 48 4 Apr 1515 21 ~ 0 7.0 11.60 95 6.9 30 120 26 8 Apr 1645 1.5 6.5 11.25 91 6.9 30 142 33 11 Apr 1615 15.5 5.5 12.20 96 6.9 35 160 37 R 19 Apr 1610 12.0 11.0 10.25 92 6.9 40 165 38 23 Apr 1115 13.0 13.0 9.55 90 6.9 40 220 49 26 Apr 1200 13.5 12.0 10.00 93 7.0 50 238 51 30 Apr 1600 19.0 17.0 9 '0 98 7.0 55 271 62 Mean 12.7 9.5 10.88 94 6.9 40 192 43 Standard deviation 6.4 4.4 1.22 3 0.0 9 53 12 Date Iron mg I Percent Residue mg 1 Turbidity Secchi disc Barometer Weather Total Dissolved Dissolved Total Fixed Non- Fixed Non- (JTU) Depth (m) (mm Hg) (in Hg) Iron filtrable filtrable 1 Apr 2.84 1. 56 55 454 247 14 12 20 1. 15 752 29.61 Overcast 4 Apr 10.92 0. 11 1 460 342 278 249 90 0. 15 750 29.53 Overcast 8 Apr 4.08 0. 62 15 241 175 71 68 60 0.30 763 30.04 Snow 11 Apr 2.45 0. 73 30 221 139 26 23 20 0.60 771 30.36 Clear, sunny 19 Apr 3. 63 0. 65 18 282 165 55 54 39 0.54 765 30.13 Partly cloudy w 23 Apr 3. 11 0. 36 12 170 127 31 27 48 0.60 750 29.54 Partly cloudy ca 26 Apr 2. 91 0. 23 8 185 133 19 18 30 0.91 765 30.10 Partly cloudy 30 Apr 3. 19 0. 08 3 196 142 21 17 38 0.70 756 29.76 Overcast Mean 4.14 0.54 18 276 184 64 58 43 0.62 759 29.88 Standard deviation 2.78 0.48 18 117 75 89 79 23 0.32 8 0.31 1 Apr 2.82 1. 50 53 243 167 15 14 18 1. 08 Light rain 4 Apr 11.00 0. 18 2 420 346 281 261 90 0. 15 Overcast 8 Apr 3.98 0. 55 14 212 161 70 64 54 0.30 Snow 11 Apr 2.40 0. 90 38 186 113 28 22 22 0.60 Clear, sunny g~ 19 Apr 3.36 0. 56 17 227 148 54 53 38 0.40 Partly cloudy 23 Apr 3.00 0. 40 13 168 126 30 27 48 0.60 Partly cloudy

 ~      Apr                 2.28    0.49                21           180     129        22              17            30          0.85                             Partly cloudy g 30 Apr                   3. 00   0.09                  3          194     141        21              16            38          0.89                             Overcast Mean                     3. 98   0.58                20           229     166        65              59            42          0.61 Standard deviation       2. 89   0.45                17.           81      75        89              84            23          0.32 a

Estimated value d 0.21 m/sec (0. 7 ft/sec) P ~ 0.05.

Table A-7. Physicochemical data collected at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, May 1974 Date Time River Level River Current Riper Discharge Temperature Dissolved Percent pH Total Specific Sulfate above msl (m/sec)(ft/sec) (m /sec) (cfs) Air Water Oxygen Saturation Alkalinity Conductance (mg/l) m ft C C m/I DO m /1 mho/cm 3 May 1530 149.36 490. 0 0. 93 3.1 331 11,700 9.0 15.0 10. 40 103 7.1 50 260 56 6 May 1535 149.29 489.8 0 71a 2.3 303 10,700 6.0 13.0 10.65 101 7.2 50 256 58 9 May 1115 149.16 489.3 0.66 a 2.2 264 9,330 13.5 11. 5 11.10 101 7.2 55 272 60 16 May 1430 150.30 493.1 l. 16 3.8 782 27,600 23.0 16.0 9.10 91 7.1 40 154 34 g~ 20 May 1530 149.95 491.9 1. 08 3.5 592 20~900 20.0 19.0 9.55 101 7.4 45 197 40 23 May 0900 149. 39 490.1 0.83 2.7 348 12,300 16. 0 20. 0 8.65 95 7.1 45 213 47 28 May 1530 149.16 489.3 0. 66a 2.2 266 9,400 16.5 17.0 11.50 119 7.7 60 260 58 31 May 1100 149.06 489.0 0. 74 2.4 233 8,220 17.5 18.0 10.70 113 7.5 65 265 58 Mean 149.46 490.3 0.85 2. 8 390 13,800 15.2 16.2 10.20 103 7' 51 235 51 Standard deviation 0.44 1.4 0.19 0.6 194 6,840 5.6 2.9 1.00 9 0.2 8 42 10 3 May 1550 9.0 15. 0 10. 35 101 7.0 50 258 58 6 May 1600 6.0 13. 0 10.70 101 7.1 50 255 56 9 May 1220 13.5 11. 5 11.10 101 7.3 55 272 59 R 16 May 1500 23.0 16. 0 9.05 90 7.0 40 150 32

~  20  May      1610                                                                        20.0  19.0        9.50           101         7.3   45              197              37 A 23   May      0945                                                                        16.0  20. 0       8.65            94         7.0   45              213              47 N 28   May      1600                                                                        16.5  17. 0      11.65           120         7.8   60              260              58 31  May      1145                                                                        17.5  18.0       10.90           115         7.6   65              264              58 Mean                                                                                     15. 2 16.2       10.24           103         7'    51              234             ,51 Standard deviation                                                                         5.6  2.9        1.06             10        0.3     8               43             11 Date                          Iron (mg/1)          Percent                          Residue (mg/I)               Turbidity Secchi disc          Barometer        Weather Total Dissolved          Dissolved       Total Fixed Non-               Fixed Non-      (JTU)        Depth (m)   (mm Hg)   (in  Hg)

Iron Total filtrable filtrable 3 May 2. 91 0. 11 4 191 135 23 18 28 0.70 752 29.62 Overcast 6 May 2. 73 0. 10 4 200 142 17 10 22 0.90 752 29.60 Light rain 9 May 2.91 0. 07 2 198 142 16 9 21 1.00 760 29.94 Rain 16 May 2. 80 0.29 10 168 123 50 45 44 0.50 763 30.04 Clear, sunny

~  20  May                   2.08      0.32              15            195      126       35            29             20             0.80     770       30.30      Clear, sunny
~  23  May                   2.27      0.33              15            163      118       21             16            24             0.70     754       29.68      Light rain 28  May                   2.36      0.06               3            204      133       24             17            28             0.66     762       29.99      Partly cloudy 31  May                   2.20      0.05               2            190      133       24             16            25            0.80      761       29.95      Overcast Mean                      2.53      0. 17              7            189      132       26            20             26            0.76      759       29.89 Standard deviation        0.34      0. 12              6             15        9        11            12             8            0.15          6      0.24 3 May                    2. 72     0. 10              4            187      133       20             12            28             0. 72                         Overcast 6 May                    2.46      0. 28             11            201      142        19            10            20            0 '0                           Light rain 9 May                    2. 81     0 F 05             2            202      143        16            11            20            0.83                           Rain a 16 May                     2. 66     0.22               8            164      121       44            38             44             0.42                          Clear, sunny Pg 20 May                    2. 21     0.39              18            185      127       34            27             20            0.77                           Clear, sunny 23 May                    2.05      1. 02            50             186      120       22             17            23             0.72                          Light rain
~ 28 May                     2.08      0.04               2            197      127       22             14            22,           0:70                           Partly cloudy w 31 May                     2.09      0. 07              3            196      130        18            14            25             0.70                          Overcast Mean                    r 2.38      0.27              12            190      130       24             18            25            0.72 Standard deviation        0. 32     0.33              16             12        9        10            10             8             0.14 a

Estimated value p 0.21 m/sec (0.7 ft/sec) P ~ 0.05.

Table A-8. Physicochemical data collected at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, June 1974 Date Time River Level River Current River Discharge Temperature Dissolved Percent pH Total Specific Sulfate above msl (m/sec)(ft/sec) (m3/sec) (cfs) Air Water Oxygen Saturation Alkalinity Conductance (mg/l) m ft oC (oC m /I DO m /l umho/cm 3 Jun 1350 149. 03 488 ~ 9 0.65 2.1 236 8,350 19. 0 18.0. 10.20 106 7.2 42 250 55 7 Jun 1330 148.76 488. 0 0.50 1.6 156 5,510 16. 0 22. 0 10.70 120 7.5 52 309 71 10 Jun 1400 148.60 487.5 0.39 1.3 125 4,420 27.0 24. 5 11. 60 138 7.9 52 342 82 13 Jun 1330 148.58 487.4 0.46 1.5 119 4,190 18. 0 23. 0 9.80 113 7.5 54 360 83 17 Jun 1400 148. 65 487.7 0.38 1.2 146 5,170 18.0 22. 0 8.80 101 7.3 58 382 84 20 Jun 0930 148.83 488.2 0.68 2.2 172 6,080 17.5 21.5 8.65 97 7.4 54 308 62 25 Jun 1300 148.65 487.7 0 45a 1 5 151 5,320 12.5 21.0 9.50 106 7.2 51 334 72 28 Jun 1030 148.70 487.8 0.58 1.9 136 4,800 15.0 20.5 10.70 116 7.5 54 338 68 Mean 148. 72 487. 9 0.51 1.7 155 5,480 17. 9 21.6 9.99 112 7.4 52 328 72 Standard deviation 0. 15 0.5 0. 11 0.4 37 1,310 4.2 1.9 1,.01 13 0.2 5 40 10 3 Jun 1420 19.0 18.0 10.20 107 7.3 43 248 56 7 Jun 1400 16.0 22.0 11.20 127 7.7 50 309 69 10'un 1430 27.0 24.5 12.00 142 8.0 52 338 80 13 Jun 1400 18.0 23.0 10.00 115 7.5 46 356 85 17 Jun 1430 18.0 22.0 8.90 101 7 ' 60 378 85 20 Jun 1000 17.5 21.5 8.40 94 7.4 56 308 58 25 Jun 1330 12.5 21.0 9.65 107 7 ' 53 330 73 28 Jun 1100 15.0 20.5 10.70 118 7.6 58 335 68 Mean 17.9 21. 6 10.13 114 7.5 52 325 72 Standard deviation 4.2 1.9 1. 18 15 0.2 6 39 11 Date Iron (mg/1) Percent Residue (mg/l) Turbidity Secchi disc Barometer Weather Total Dissolved Dissolved Total Fixed Non- Fixed Non- (JTU) Depth (m) (mm Hg) (in Hg) Iron filtrable filtrable 3 Jun 2.44 0. 06 2 186 127 21 12 22 0.84 766 30. 14 Clear, sunny 7 Jun 2. 64 0. 12 5 224 158 18 11 32 0.56 768 30.23 Partly cloudy 10 Jun 2. 71 0. 07 3 236 172 19 12 35 0.53 752 29.62 Clear, sunny 13 Jun 3.11 0. 10 3 247 177 18 11'3 50 0.56 764 30.06 Clear, sunny 17 Jun 3.63 0. 03 1 258 191 19 38 0.48 755 29.71 Clear, sunny 20 Jun 2.66 0.06 2 274 183 19 14 38 0.50 761 29.96 Overcast 25 Jun 2.98 0.07 2 166 117 18 12 46 0.50 758 29.83 Rain 28 Jun 2.91 0.38 13 234 166 19 14 50 0.43 767 30.20 Overcast Mean 2.88 0.11 228 161 19 12 39 0.55 761 29.97 Standard deviation 0.37 0. 11 36 26 1 1 10 0.12 6 0.23 3 Jun 2. 20 0. 08 4 186 125 21 12 20 0.91 Clear, sunny 7 Jun 2. 08 0. 05 2 207 148 16 8 28 0.60 Partly cloudy 10-Jun 2. 03 0. 04 2 240 167 10 9 28 0.56 Clear, sunny a 13 Jun 2.56 0.38 15 241 178 14 10 45 0.53 Clear, sunny 17 Jun 2.45 0.07 3 256 188 17 10 32 0.58 Clear, sunny FCI 20 Jun 3.11 0. 11 4 282 190 23 18 39 0.50 Overcast 25 Jun 0. 05 244 171 18 12 44 0.48 Rain IO 28 Jun 2.75 0. 05 2 229 158 19 9 48 0.43 Overcast Mean 2.45 0. 10 236 166 17 11 36 0.57 Standard deviation 0.39 0. 11 29 22 4 3 10 0. 15 Estimated value + 0.21 m/sec (0.7 ft/sec) P ~ 0.05.

Table A-9. Physicochemical data collected at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, July 1974 Date Time River Level River Current River Discharge Temperature Dissolved Percent pH Total . Specific Sulfate above msl (m/sec) (ft/sec) (m3/sec) (cfs) Air Water Oxygen Saturation Alkalinity Conductance (mg/I) m ft oC C m /I DO m /I umho/cm 2 Jul 1400 149.55 490. 6 0.85 2.8 450 15,900 24.5 20.5 7.70 85 7.3 48 210 35 5 Jul 1100 148.97 488.7 0.58a 1.9 213 7,520 20.0 24.0 7.00 82 7.0 36 251 52 8 Jul 1330 149.35 490.0'88.2 0 73a 2.4 331 11,700 24.0 25.0 8.85 105 7.3 40 196 37 12 Jul 1400 148.83 0.49 1.6 161 5,690 20.0 24.5 10.95 129 8.0 48 266 58 16 Jul 0900 148.63 487.6 0.32 1.0 115 4,060 14.5 24.5 8.60 101 7.4 46 320 72 18 Jul 1110 148.57 487.4 0.32 1.0 106 3,750 27.0 25.0 8.60 101 7.5 56 339 82 22 Jul 1430 148.44 486.9 0.25 0.8 86 3,040 20.0 24.5 11.10 131 7.8 46 370 72 25 Jul 1330 148.44 486 ' 0.17 0.6 84 2,950 18.0 22.0 7.30 83 7.0 59 410 94 29 Jul 1300 148.50 487.2 0. 30 1.0 96 3,400 21. 0 24.0 11.70 138 7.9 47 376 110 Mean 148.81 488. 2 0.45 1.5 182 67450 21.0 23.8 9.09 106 7.5 47 304 68 Standard deviation 0.41 1.4 0.23 0.8 128 4,540 3.7 1.5 1.74 22 0.4 .7 77 25 2 Jul 1430 24. 5 21. 0 7.80 87 7.4 46 210 33 5 Jul 1145 20.0 24. 0 7.20 85 7.0 41 252 49 8 Jul 1400 24.0 25.0 8.95 107 7.4 42 196 37 12 Jul 1430 20. 0 25.0 11.00 131 8.3 50 258 57 16 Jul 0830 14. 5 24.5 8.40 99 7.4 53 315 71 18 Jul 1330 29.0 26.0 9.50 116 7.7 55 343 78 a 22 Jul 1500 20. 0 25.0 12.30 146 8.2 58 368 83 LQ 25 Jul 1415 18. 0 22.0 7.95 90 7.2 62 409 95 29 Jul 1330 21. 0 24.0 12.25 144 8.5 57 376 92 Mean 21.2 24.1 9.48 112 7.7 52 303 66 Standard deviation 4.2 1.6 1.93 24 0.5 7 77 23 Date Iron (mg/I) Percent Residue (mg/I) Turbidity Secchi disc Barometer Weather Total Dissolved Dissolved Total Fixed Non- Fixed Non- (JTU) Depth (m) (mm Hg) (in Hg) Iron filtrable filtrable 2 Jul 3. 68 0. 32 9 213 142 70 62 70 0.31 Clear, sunny 5 Jul 2. 91 0. 45 15 211 149 32 25 47 0.45 762 30.00 Overcast 8 Jul 3. 23 0. 50 15 170 123 36 32 30 0.39 764 30.06 Clear, sunny 12 Jul 2. 10 0. 11 5 187 124 12 8 24 0.68 765 30.12 Clear, sunny cn 16 Jul 2. 17 0. 17 8 241 165 18 8 40 0.51 762 30.01 Partly cloudy 18 Jul 2.01 0. 11 5 249 163 14 5 29 '.58 766 30.16 Overcast 22 Jul 2. 00 0. 07 4 247 184 16 6 30 0.68 764 30.08 Clear, sunny 25 Jul 2. 66 0. 03 1 277 208 14 6 29 0.51 762 29.99 Partly cloudy 29 Jul 2.49 0. 04 2 , 279 190 18 9 38 0.42 756 29.75 Overcast Mean 2. 58 0. 20 7 230 161 26 18 37 0. 50 763 30.02 Standard deviation 0.59 0. 18 5 38 29 19 19 14 0. 13 0.12 2 Jul 3. 08 0.34 11 190 141 56 47 60 0. 31 Clear, sunny 5 Jul 2. 73 0.39 14 202 150 29 21 45 0.51 Overcast 8 Jul 2.42 0.50 21 162 109 26 24 26 0.50 Clear, sunny g 12 Jul 1. 70 0.19 11 188 134 12 6 22 0.70 Clear, sunny ga 16 Jul 1. 87 ~ 0.08 4 218 155 14 6 34 0.53 Partly cloudy 18 Jul 1. 81 0.32 18 251 162 11 6 25 0.59 Partly cloudy gg 22 Jul 1. 71 0.05 3 246 179 12 4 27 0.70 Clear, sunny 25 Jul 2. 05 0.04 2 291 208 13 8 27 0.52 Partly cloudy 29 Jul 1.93 0.04 2 274 195 14 8 37 0.46 Overcast Mean 2.14 0.22 10 225 159 21 14 34 0.54 Standard deviation 0.49 0.18 7 43 31 15 14 12 0.12 Estimated value + 0.21 m/sec (0.7 ft/sec) P ~ 0.05.

Table A- 10. Physicochemical data collected at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, August 1974 Date Time River Level River Current River Discharge Temperature Dissolved Percent pH Total Specific Sulfate above msl (m/sec)(ft/sec) (m /sec) (cfs) Air Water Oxygen Saturation Alkalinity Conductance (mg/1) 2 Aug 1245 m 148.48 ft 487. 0. 40 1.3 3,730 oC 24.0 oC m /l DO m /I (umho/cm 1 106 24.0 10. 10 119 7.7 53 348 83 5 Aug 1315 148.53 487.3 0.48 1.6 118 4,170 19.5 24.0 9.80 115 7.9 60 349 77 8 Aug 1330 148.37 486.'7 0.28 0.9 88 3,110 21.0 24.0 12.20 142 8.2 53 373 91 12 Aug 1330 148.31 486. 5 0.26 0.9 70 2,470 20.5 24.5 11.30 133 7.6 48 400 100 15 Aug 1415 148.26 486.4 0.16 0.5 62 2,190 20.0 25.0 10.20 120 7.5 48 440 120 19 Aug 1415 148.25 486.3 0.19 0.6 55 1,950 23.5 25.0 9.75 116 7.3 38 457 123 22 Aug 1500 148.21 486.2 0. 10 0.3 50 1,770 20.0 25.5 10.00 119 7.3 38 480 140 26 Aug 1400 148.21 486.2 0.12 0.4 50 1,750 20.5 24.5 7.70 91 7.1 50 479 125 29 Aug 1345 148.26 486.4 0.23 0.8 61 2,160 20.5 24.0 6.25 74 6.9 38 429 110 Mean 148.32 486. 6 0.25 0.8 73 2,590 21.1 24.5 9.70 114 7' 47 417 108 Standard deviation 0. 12 0.4 0.13 0.4 25 881 1.6 0.6 1.78 21 0.4 8 52 21 2 Aug 1315 24.0 24.5 11. 00 130 7.8 54 342 81 5 Aug 1345 19.5 24.0 10. 20 120 8.2 60 350 68 8 Aug 1400 21.0 24.5 13.85 164 8.5 56 371 90 g 12 Aug 1400 20.5 25.0 12. 15 145 8.0 55 397

                                                                                                                                                       .                  97 15 Aug        1500                                                                   20.0  25.0       11. 35        135         7.8    54             435             120 19 Aug        1515                                                                   23.5  26.0       10.50         128         7.6    53             444             125
~~22    Aug      1530                                                                   20.0  25.5       10.20                     7.4 123                48             478             140
~ 26    Aug      1430                                                                   20.5  24.0        8.00          94         7.2    50             482             130 29 Aug        1415                                                                   20.5  23.5        6.75          78         7.0    43             437             115 Mean                                                                                  21.1  24.7      10.44          124        7.7    53              415             107 Standard deviation                                                                     1.6   0.8       2.10          26        0.5      5               52             24 Date                          Iron (mg/1)        Percent                  Residue (mg/I)                     Turbidity Secchi disc        Barometer        Weather Total Dissolved        Dissolved     Total Fixed Non-                Fixed Non-      (JTU)      Depth (m)   (mm Hg)  (in  Hg)

Iron Total filtrable filtrable 2 Aug 2.43 0. 05 241 170 16 9 50 0.49 763 30.03 Partly cloudy 5 Aug 2. 77 0. 08 254 165 20 11 38 0.41 762 30.00 Partly cloudy 8 Aug 3. 04 0.07 257 186 22 13 47 0. 36 767 30.18 Overcast 12 Aug 2.47 0.06 283 201 16 9 37 0.47 765 30.13 Partly cloudy 15 Aug 1. 84 0.06 300 226 14 8 38 0.59 767 30.20 Partly cloudy ra 19 Aug 2.46 0.05 315 238 15 8 34 0.48 763 30.03 Partly cloudy cn 22 Aug 2.53 0.06 320 250 17 8 38 0.43 768 30.24 Overcast 26 Aug 29 Aug 2.42

2. 60 0.07 0.09 318 249 16 9 36 0 '0 764 30.09 Overcast 288 227 13 9 33 0.62 757 29.80 Overcast Mean 2.51 0. 07 286 212 17 9 39 0.49 764 30.08 Standard deviation 0. 32 0. 01 30 33 3 2 6 0. 09 3 0.13 2 Aug 2.41 0. 05 2 245 173 16 10 50 0.50 Partly cloudy 5 Aug 2.54 0. 08 3 236 165 18 11 40 0.43 Partly cloudy 8 Aug 1.94 0. 04 2 265 194 14 8 40 0.38 Overcast Q. 12 Aug 1.66 0.05 3 267 201 12 7 33 0.49 Partly cloudy 15 Aug 1.48 0.08 5 291 227 12 7 38 0.61 Partly cloudy 19 Aug 1.84 0.08 4 297 230 14 7 32 0.58 Partly cloudy ca 22 Aug 1.41 0.14 10 315 246 8 6 30 0.50 Overcast 26 Aug 1. 51 0.06 4 319 251 12 7 34 0.55 Overcast 29 Aug 1. 80 0.06 3 295 231 20 8 37 0.66 Overcast Mean 1. 84 0.07 4 281 213 14 8 37 0.52 Standard deviation 0.40 0.03 2 29 31 4 2 6 0.09

Table A-11. Physicochemical data collected at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, September 1974 Date Time River Level River Current Discharge Temperature Dissolved Percent pH Total Specific Sulfate above msl (m/sec)(ft/sec) Reer (m /sec) (cfs) Air Water Oxygen Saturation Alkalinity Conductance (mg/l) m ft oC oC m /I DO m /1 mho/cm 3 Sep 1315 149. 08 489. 1 0. 75 2.5 220 7,760 17.5 20.5 6.75 75 7.0 42 300 68 6 Sep 1330 149.26 489.7 0. 90 3.0 306 10,800 17.0 18.0 8. 10 84 7.0 36 261 63 9 Sep 1315 148.87 488.4 0. 51 1.7 196 6,930 16. 0 19.0 8.10 85 7.0 39 290 70 11 Sep 1140 148.67 487.7 0.45 1.5 143 5,060 14. 0 20.0 8.25 90 6.9 47 304 78 16 Sep 1330 148.54 487.3 0.37 1.2 115 4,060 16. 0 20.0 8.75 94 7.1 34 325 84 w 19 Sep 0900 148.60 487.5 0.47 1.5 125 4,400 9.0 19.0 8.70 92 7.2 50 322 85 cn 23 Sep 1330 148.90 488.5 0.62 2.0 186 6,580 6.5 16.0 8.30 81 7.4 48 305 65 26 Sep 1400 149.98 488.7 0.70 2.3 214 7,540 12.0 14. 0 9.80 95 7.4 50 305 62 30 Sep 1315 148.90 488.5 0.43 1.4 191 67740 12.0 16.0 8.40 85 7.0 26 270 73 Mean Standard deviation 148.98 488.4 0.58 1.9 188 13.3 18.1 8 '5 87 7.1 41 298 72 0.44 0.8 0. 18 0.6 58 2,050 3.8 2.2 0.80 7 0.2 8 21 9 3 Sep 1345 17.5 21.0 6.85 76 6.9 44 300 71 6 Sep 1400 17.0 18.0 8-30 87 7.0 44 259 63 9 Sep 1345 16.0 19.0 8.40 89 7.1 49 288 69 11 Sep 1315 20.0 20.0 8.40 91 6.9 46 300 78 g 16 Sep 1400 16.0 20.0 9.25 101 7.2 40 322 85

~ 19 Sep      0930                                                                9.0    18.5      8.80            93         7.2  49             320             85

~ 23 Sep 1400 6.5 16.0 8.40 94 7.4 60 306 64 w 26 Sep 1440 12. 0 14.0 9.90 95 7.6 60 310 63

~ 30 Sep      1345                                                               12.0    16.0      8.40            84         7.0  42             268             72 Mean                                                                          14. 0   18.1      8.52            89         7.1  48             297             72 Standard deviation                                                             4.4     2.3      0.82             7         0.2    7             22              9 Date                       Iron (mg/I)           Percent          Residue (mg/l)                      Turbidity Secchi disc      Barometer       , Weather Total Dissolved         Dissolved   Total Fixed Non-           Fixed Non>>      (JTU)         Depth (m) (mm Hg) (in  Hg)

Iron Total filtrable filtrable 3 Sep 5.43 0.34 6 224 172 52 41 60 0. 29 754 29.69 Rain 6 Sep 5.23 0.73 14 202 152 55 41 48 0.40 771 30.35 Overcast 9 Sep 3.38 0.35 10 198 143 24 17 29 0.64 768 30.24 Overcast 11 Sep 3.19 0. 08 3 207 150 15 6 40 0.67 Partly cloudy 16 Sep 3.38 0. 06 2 218 172 19 8 29 0.70 765 30.12 Partly cloudy g 19 Sep 3.41 0.02 1 234 168 22 ll 42 0.48 0.58 768 30.25

30. 37 Fog Overcast g 23 Sep 3.22 0.05 2 219 160 19 13 45 771 26 Sep 2.42 0.04 2 214 154 19 13 20 0.65 756 29.76 Partly cloudy 30 Sep 2.95 0.40 14 194 142 17 13 39 0.60 756 29.76 Partly cloudy Mean 3. 62 0.23 212 157 27 18 39 0.56 764 30.07 Standard deviation 1. 02 0.24 13 12 15 13 12 0. 14 0.29 3 Sep 4.72 0.42 9 219 163 44 32 60 0.31 Rain 6 Sep 4.64 0.77 17 210 156 41 34 43 0.40 Overcast 9 Sep 3.41 0.36 11 202 147 19 12 26 0.65 Overcast
~ 11 Sep                   3. 29    0.08                2      210     156       19            12            42            0.71                       Partly cloudy g~ 16 Sep                   3.60     0.23                6      217     168       18            11            32            0.70                       Partly cloudy 19 Sep                  3.51     0.03                1      245     180       21            13            42            0.48                       Fog
~~ 23 Sep                  2.94     0.                  1      218     167       23            17            42            0.60                       Overcast
~ 26 Sep 04'.

2.06 05 2 212 157 18 11 18 0.70 Partly cloudy 30 Sep '2.69 0.47 17 190 141 17 12 34 0.64 Partly cloudy Mean 3.43 0.27 7 214 159 24 ~ 17 ~ 38 0.58 Standard deviation 0.85 0.25 7 15 12 10 9 12 0.15

Table A-12. Physicochemical data collected at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, October 1974 Date 4 Oct 7 10 14 17 Oct Oct Oct Oct 21 Oct Time 1115 1415 1430 1500 1415 River Level above msl (m) 148.80 148.70 148.64 148.50 148.57 148.67 (ft) 488. 1 487.8 487.6 487. 2 487.4 487.7 River Current (m/sec)(ft/sec) 0.40 0.47 0.47 0.33 0.39 0.46 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.3 1.5 River Discharge (m3/sec) 164 148 122 96 116 (cfs) 5,780 5,230 4,300 3,400 4%090 Temperature Air Water Oxygen oC 2.0 12.0 14.0 14.0 12.5 2.0 oC 10.5 12.5 13.0 13.5 12.5 8.0 Dissolved Percent m /1 9.90 10.70 10.40 10.50 8.40 8.60 Saturation DO 87 99 96 100 79 pH 6.9 6.9 7.0 7.0 6.8 6.9 Total

                                                                                                                                .m 30 37 38
                                                                                                                                  .44 34
                                                                                                                                      /l Specific Alkalinity Conductance umho/cm 298 313 309 302 362
                                                                                                                                                        '0'0'3   Sulfate (mg/1) 72 90 1330                                               132     4650                                      70                42             325              83 24 Oct      1030      148.55   487.3     0.33       1.1        106      3,750      2.0     6.5    11.00           88         6.9    49             348              85 29 Oct      1315      148.50   487. 2    0.27       0.9         98      3,450     14.0     9.5    10.65           92         6.9    40             355              91 Mean                  148. 62  487. 5    0.39       1.3        123     4,330       9.1    10.8    10.02           89         6.9    39             326              83 Standard deviation      0.11     0.3     0. 08      0.2         24         850     5.9     2.6     0.99           10         0.1     6               25              6 4 Oct      1200                                                                   2.0    10.5    10.00           89         6.9    48             296   .          78 7 Oct      1445                                                                  12.0    13.0    10.85          102         6.9    44             304              78 10 Oct      1500                                                                  14.0    13.0    10.50           99         7.2    49             289              82 14 Oct      1545                                                                  14.0    13 '    10.55          100         7.1    46             309              82 17 Oct      1445                                                                  12.5    13.0     8.30           78         6.8    48             359             88 21 Oct      1400                                                                   2.0     8.0     8.60           72         6.9    53             321              82 24 Oct      1115                                                                   2.0     6.5    10.90           88         6.9    59             340              85 29 Oct   . 1345                                                                  14.0     9.5    10.65           93         6.8    50             342              91 Mean                                                                               9.1    10.8    10.04           90         6.9    50             320              83 Standard deviation                                                                 5.9     2.6     1.02           11         0.1     5               25              5 Date                        Iron (mg/1)        Percent                     Residue (mg/1)               Turbidity Secchi disc          Barometer        Weather Total Dissolved        Dissolved      Total Fixed Non-             Fixed Non-     (JTU)        Depth (m)  (mm   Hg) (in  Hg)

Iron Total filtrable filtrable 4 Oct 3. 11 0. 04 203 157 16 10 28 0.90 774 30.47- Partly cloudy 7 Oct 3.38 0. 04 207 155 18 12 20 0.80 764 30.07 Clear, sunny 10 Oct 3.20 0. 03 207 152 15 12 31 0.86 771 30.36 Clear, sunny 14 Oct 3.03 0. 04 236 174 11 8 27 0.88 763 30.05 Overcast 17 Oct 3.30 0. 13 234 182 12 8 40 0.70 754 29.67 Clear, sunny 21 Oct 3. 04 0. 18 212 163 12 8 45 1. 03 778 30.62 Partly cloudy 24 Oct 2.80 0. 06 230 170 10 7 23 1.01 771 30.37 Clear, sunny 29 Oct 2.41 0. 19 239 184 9 5 37 1.30 771 30.35 Partly cloudy Mean 3. 03 0.09 221 167 13 9 31 0.94 768 30.24 Standard deviation 0. 31 0.07 15 12 3 2 9 0.18 8 0.30 4 Oct 3. 19 0. 05 208 152 19 14 28 1. 00 Partly cloudy 7 Oct 2.84 0. 03 204 152 16 11 17 0.90 Clear, mnny 10 Oct 3.02 0. 06 199 145 15 9 31 0.88 Clear, sunny 14 Oct 2.76 0. 03 232 172 8 6 25 0.88 Overcast 17 Oct 3. 19 0. 05 236 184 10 6 35 0.87 Clear, sunny 21 Oct 2.92 0.08 213 170 12 9 39 1.08 Partly cloudy 24 Oct 2.56 0.03 225 170 11 6 20 1.04 Clear, sunny 29 Oct 2.15 0.03 215 166 8 6 34 1.32 Partly cloudy Mean 2.83 0.04 216 164 12 8 29 1.00 Standard deviation 0.35 .02 13 13 4 3 8 0.15

Table A-13. Physicochemical data collected at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, November 1974 River Discharge Temperature Dissolved Percent pH Total Specific Sulfate Date Time River Level River Current Alkalinity Conductance (mg/l) above msl (m/sec)(ft/sec) (m /sec) (cfs) Air Water Oxygen Saturation m ft oC oC m /I DO m /I mho/cm

20. 0 12. 0 9.90 91 6.9 46 369 88 1 Nov 1530 148.49 487. 1 0. 22 0.7 90 3, 170 12.0 13. 0 8.30 79 6.9 50 399 96 4 Nov 1040 148.44 487.0 0.24 0.8 83 2,920 93 Nov 1100 148.54 487' 3 0. 31 1.0 126 4,440 '6. 5 12.0 8.00 73 7.0 54 390 7 55 1550 148.96 488. 7 0. 69 2.3 220 7,780 10. 5 9.0 9.90 85 6.9 40 250 11 Nov 213 51
0. 83 2.7 360 12,700 7.0 7.0 9.90 81 F 1 30 14 Nov 1330 149. 30 489 ~ 8 42 Nov 1330 149. 56 490. 6 0. 91 3.0 442 15,600 8.0 5.0 10.95 85 6.8 16 170 18 50 21 Nov 1400 149. 36 490. 0 0.79 2.6 360 12,700 0.0 5.0 10.85 88 7.0 28 190 ~

Pg 0.0 4.5 11.50 89 6.8 24 172 43 25 Nov 1345 149.73 491. 2 0.93 3.1 515 18,200 38 cQ 1045 149.76 491. 3 0.99 3.2 532 18,800 -4.0 3.0 12.25 90 6.9 26 164 27 Nov 6.7 7.8 10. 17 85 6.9 35 257 62 Mean 149.13 489. 2 0.66 2.2 303 10,700 24 0.31 1.0 6,310 7.3 3.8 1. 40 6 0.1 13 100 Standard deviation 0.53 1.7 179

20. 0 12. 0 10. 10 94 6.9 56 372 95 1 Nov 1500 393 93
12. 0 13.0 8.20 77 6~ 8 52 4 Nov 1115 378 99 Nov 1315 6.5 12. 0 8.10 75 6.9 47 7 250 54 6.9 ll Nov 1530 10. 5 7.0 9.0 7.0 9.80 10.20 84 84 7.0 50 42 210 "

48 14 Nov 1400 40 8.0 5.0 11. 05 86 6.8 35 168 5,

   ,18    Nov       1400 0.0    5.0     10. 80          84        6.9    34                189             45 21    Nov       1445                                                                                                                                                       42
+25       Nov       1430                                                                     0.0    4.5     11.50           89        6.9     34            -  170
~                                                                                         -4.0      2.0     12.10           88        6.8     39               168             38 g   27    Nov       1115 6.7    7.7     10.21           85        6.9    43                255              62 Mean 7.3    3.9       1.37           6        0'       8                98              26 Standard deviation Date                           Iron (mg/I)         Percent                      Residue (mg/1)                 Turbidity Secchi disc         Barometer         Weather Total Dissolved        Dissolved,  Total Fixed Non-                 Fixed Non--       (JTU)     Depth (m)   (mm   Hg) (in  Hg)

Iron Tot'al filtrable filtrable 1 Nov 2.42 0.05 2 238 180 8 4 20 1.20 764 30.07 Overcast Nov 2.51 0.03 250 197 8 5 20 1. 28 756 29.75 Overcast 4 7 Nov 3.39 0.04 1 1 246 192 11 8 30 0 '7 766 30.17 Overcast 11 Nov 2.00 0.66 33 162 118 12 8 22 0.90 761 29.97 Partly cloudy 14 Nov 4.30 0.51 12 169 127 42 35 44 0.50 759 29.90 'Overcast M 18 Nov- 2.11 0.41 19 137 102 24 ,20 31 0.52 764 30.06 Partly cloudy ca 21 Nov 2.16 0. 66 3 137 110 19 14 22 0.80 738 29.05 Rain, snow 25 Nov 2. 11 0. 39 18 132 103 25- 22 23 0.55 758 29.84 Rain 27 Nov 1. 56 0.47 30 118 92 16 12 19 0.68 765 30.10 Clear, sunny Mean 2.51 0. 36 16 177 136 18 14 26 0.82 759 29.88 Standard deviation 0.84 0.26 13 53 42 11 10 8 0.29 9 0.34 1 Nov 2.30 0.04 2 239 177 8 6 19 1.20 Overcast 4 Nov 2.12 0.05 2 246 194 7 4 19 1.36 Overcast 7 Nov 2.98 0.01 0 247 196 10 6 28 1.04 Overcast 11 Nov 1.88 0.70 37 161 120 12 8 20 0.98 Partly cloudy 14 Nov 3.49 0.50 14 166 121 32 26 34 0.60 Overcast g w 18 Nov 2.09 0.39 19 129 99 26 19 30 0.47 Partly cloudy 21 Nov 1.98 0.66 33 136 105 17 12 20 0.80 Rain, snow

~                               1.90      0.37                      130      100         26             19            22           0.59                             Rain g25        Nov                                            19 12            19           0.63                             Clear, sunny w 27       Nov                  1. 63     0. 45           28        121        95        16 Mean                        2. 26     0.35            17        175      134         17             12            23           0.85 Standard deviation         0. 59     0.26            14          54     .42           9              7             6          0.31

Table A-14. Physicochemical data collected at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, December 1974 Date Time River Level River Current River Discharge Temperature Dissolved Percent pH Total Specific Sulfate above msl (m/sec)(ft/sec) (m /sec) (cfs) Air Water Oxygen Saturation Alkalinity Conductance (mg/1) m ft oC C m /1 DO m /l mho/cm 2 Dec 1330 149.31 489. 8 0. 86 2.8 328 11,600 0.0 1.0 12. 50 91 7.0 28 203 48 5 Dec 1330 149.26 489.7 0.84 2.8 309 10,900 -2.0 0.5 12.80 88 6.8 40 212 48 9 Dec 1530 151 '6 496.5 1.34 4.4 1,370 48,300 -1. 0 3.0 11 '0 87 6.9 15 138 33 12 Dec 1315 150.94 495.2 1.21 4.0 1,190 42,100 2.0 2.0 12.30 89 6.7 16 122 32 16 Dec 1130 149.95 491.9 0.98 3.2 617 21,800 1.0 3.0 12.00 90 7.0 32 160 38 19 Dec 0900 150.05 492.2 0.98 3.2 648 22,900 -5.5 1.5 12.20 87 6.9 34 170 37 24 Dec 1215 149 '0 490.1 0.76a 2.5 365 12,900 -1.0 1.5 12.65 90 7.0 31 200 51 27 Dec 1400 $ 49.57 490.7 0.91 3.0 433 15,300 -3.0 1.0 12.85 90 6.7 28 208 44 30 Dec 1415 ~ 149 '0 489.8- 0.86 2.8 320 115300 3.0 1.0 12.45 87 7.0 26 232 55 Mean 149.90 491.8 0. 97 3.2 620 21,900 -0.7 1.6 12.37 89 6.9 28 183 43 Standard deviation 0.77 2.5 0. 19 0.6 397 14,000 2.6 0.9 0.40 2 0.1 8 37 8 2 Dec 1430 0.0 1. 5 12. 65 90 6.9 30 198 48 5 Dec 1415 -2. 0 1.0 12.80 90 6.8 32 205 48 9 Dec 1600 -1.0 3.0 11.70 87 6.8 30 140 33 12 Dec 1345 2.0 2.0 12.40 90 6.6 24 119 30 16 Dec 1415 2.0 3.0 12.00 89 7.0 33 155 38 19 Dec 0930 -5.5 1.0 12.20 86 6.7 32 170 38 24 Dec 1245 -1. 0 1.5 12.70 91 7.1 34 203 48 27 Dec 1430 -3.0 1.0 12.70 89 6.7 42 202 45 30 Dec 1500 3.0 1.0 12.55 88 7.0 20 222 52 Mean -0.6 1.7 12.41 89 6.8 31 179 42 Standard deviation 2.7 0.8 0.37 2 0.2 6 35 8 Date Iron (mg/I) Percent Residue (mg/I) Turbidity Secchi disc Barometer Weather Total Dissolved Dissolved Total Fixed Non- Fixed Non- (JTU) Depth (m) (mm Hg) (in Hg) Iron Total filtrable filtrable 2 Dec 1.75 0. 82 47 134 103 10 6 17 1.22 750 29.13 Overcast 5 Dec 1. 53 0. 88 58 135 116 4 2 18 1. 70 769 30.26 Partly cloudy 9 Dec 14. 80 0. 13 1 385 336 285 249 187 0. 11 755 29.72 Partly cloudy 12 Dec 3.07 0. 14 5 134 107 59 52 59 0. 28 761 29.96 Overcast 16 Dec 1. 50 0. 54 36 120 93 14 13 27 0. 80 752 29.60 Heavy rain

~    19 Dec                    1. 60      0. 60            38           100      73         14           11             15            0.95      758     29.83      Snow

~ 24 Dec 1. 64 0. 89 54 140 111 6 5 10 1.79 764 30.06 Rain 27 Dec 1 54

                                 ~        0.74             48           136     107          7            6              9            1.40      764     30.06      Overcast 30 Dec                     1. 71      0.97             57           144     110          5            4            11             1.20      766     30.14      Partly cloudy Mean                       3. 24      0.63             38           159     128         45           39            39             1.05      760     29. 86 Standard deviation         4.36       0.31             21            86      79         92           80            58             0.58               0. 34 2 Dec                    1 ~ 80     0.83             46           133     103          9            5            15             1. 23                        Overcast 5 Dec                    1. 51      0. 88            58           133     108          5            2            18             1. 50                        Partly cloudy 9 Dec                   12. 60      0. 16              1          351     300        267          232           178             0. 12                       Partly cloudy 12 Dec                     3.22       0. 15             5           136     114         61           55            59             0. 28                        Overcast A 16 Dec                        1. 56      0. 60            38                    93                                    20             0. 90                        Overcast aSal                                                                     124                 15           14 19 Dec                     1 '5       0.60             41           125      93         12           10            10             0.92                         Snow 24 Dec                     1.62       0. 89            55           141     109          8            5            10             1 ~ 75                       Rain Dd 27 Dec                      1.45       0.74             51           137     106          6            5            10             1.30                         Overcast
~ 30 Dec                       1.70       l. 00            59           150     113          5            4            11             1.22                         Partly cloudy Mean                       2.99       0. 65            39           159     127         43           37            37             1.02 Standard deviation         3.65       0. 31            22            72      65         86           75            55             0.54 a

Estimated value i 0.21 m/sec (0.7 ft/sec) P ~ 0.05.

Table A-15. Physicochemical data from diurnal samples collected at SSES on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1-2 March, 22-23 May, 16-17 July, 18-19 September and 18-19 December 1974 Time River Level Temperature Dissolved Percent pH Total Specific Sulfate Iron Percent above msl Air Water Oxygen Saturation Alkalinity Conductance (mg/I) Total Dissolved Dissolved (m) (ft) (oC) (oc) (mg/I) Dissolved (mg/1) (nmho/cm) (mg/l) (mg/1) Iron 0 en 0900 149.79 491. 4 2.0 1.5 13. 10 94 6.9 35 190 42 2.18 1.09 ~ 50 1200 149.79 491.4 4.5 1.0 13. 20 93 6.9 1500 149.77 491. 3 4.5 1.5- 13. 35 95 6.9 1800 149.77 491.3 4.0 2.0 13. 15 95 6.8 2100 149.76 491. 3 2.0 2.0 13. 10 94 6.7 30 192 44 2.20 1. 13 51 2400 149.74 491. 2 1.5 1.5 13.00 92 6.8 0300 149.74 491. 2 -1. 0 2.0 12.90 93 6.8 0600 149.72 491. 2 -2.0 2.0 12.85 92 6.8 0900 149.72 491. 2 -1. 0 1.0 12.75 89 6.8 35 202 46 1. 95 1.09 56 Mean 149.76 491.3 1.6 1.6 13.04 93 6.8 33 195 44 2. 11 1.10 52 .Standard deviation 0.03 0.1 2.5 0.4 0.19 2 0.1 3 6 2 0.14 0.02 3 0900 149.51 490.5 16. 0 19.5 8. 95 96 7.1 40 201 46 2.49 0.69 28 1200 149.49 490.4 21. 0 19.5 9. 10 98 7.1 1500 149.49 490.4 25. 0 20.5 9. 20 102 7~ 1 1800 149.47 490.3 21. 5 20.0 9.30 102 7.0 2100 149.46 490.3 19.5 20.0 9. 00 99 7.0 45 210 46 2.45 0.39 16 2400 149.43 490.2 18.5 19.0 9.10 97 7.0 0300 149.41 490.1 18.0 20.0 9.00 99 7.0 0600 149.39 490. 1 18.0 20.0 8.70 96 7.1 0900 149.39 490. 1 16.0 20.0 8.65 95 7.1 45 213 47 2.27 0.33 14 Mean 149.45 490. 3 19. 3 19.8 9.00 98 7.1 43 208 46 2.40 0.47 19 Standard deviation 0.05 0.2 2.9 0.4 0.21 3 0.1 3 6 1 0.12 0. 19 8 0900 148. 64 487.6 14. 5 24.5 8. 60 101 7.4 46 320 72 2. 17 0. 17 1200 148.64 487.6 19. 5 25.5 9.90 119 7.8 1500 148.62 487.6 20. 5 26. 0 10.80 132 , 7.9 1800 148.62 487-6 21.0 26.0 12.10 148 8.1 2100 148.60 487.5 17.5 25.0 10.80 127 8.0 54 327 75 2.12 . ~ 0.03 2400 148.58 487.4 16.0 23.5 9.90 114 7.7 0300 148.58 487.4 14.5 24.0 9.50 110 7.7 0600 148.58 487.4 14.0 23. 5 8.55 98 7.5 '.39 0900 148.58 487.4 16.0 24.0 8.65 101 7.6 48 328 76 0. 13 Mean 148.60 487.5 17. 1 24.7 9. 87 117 7.7 49 325 74 2 '3 0.11 5 Standard deviation 0.03 0.1 2.7 1.0 1. 21 17 0.2 4 4 2 0.14 0.07 4

Table A-15 (cont.) Time Residue Turbidity Secchi Total Nitrate Barometer Weather Total Fixed Nonfiltrable Pixed Non- (JTU) Disc . Soluble (mg/l) (mm Hg) (in Hg) (mg/l) Total (mg/l) filtrable Depth Phosphate m /l m /l (cm m /l 0900 167 110 16 16 16 0. 68 0.05 5.50 760 29.93 Overcast 1200 0.70 762 29,99 Overcast 1500 0.65 762 30.00 Overcast 1800 0.72 764 30.07 Overcast 2100 169 116 15 14 16 0.05 6.13 766 30.14 Overcast 2400 766 30.14 Overcast 0300 765 30.11 Overcast 0600 765 30.10 Clear 0900 262 130 14 10 18 0.68 0.07 6.00 763 30.05 Snow Mean 199 119 15 13 17 0.69 0.06 5.88 764 30.06 Standard deviation 54 10 1 3 1 0. 03 0.01 0.33 2 0.07

0900, 1200 161 114 32 30 31 0.66 0 '6 3.75 759 29.89 Partly cloudy 0.60 759 29.87 Partly cloudy 1500 0.53 755 29.71 Clear, sunny 1800 0.52 754 29.68 Rain 2100 162 113 26 22 35 0.08 5.40 754 29.69 Overcast 2400 762 30.00 Overcast 0300 753 29.64 Light rain 0600 0.62 753 29.64 Light rain 0900 163 118 21 16 24 0.70 0.05 4. 65 754 29.68 Light rain Mean 162 115 26 23 30 0.60 0.06 4.60 756 29.76 Standard aeviation 1 3 6 7 6 0.07 0.02 0.83 3 0.13 0900 241 - 165 18 40 0. 51, 0.08 3.40 762 30. 01 Partly cloudy 1200 0.52 763 30.02 Partly cloudy 1500 0.51 763 30.02 Clear, sunny 1800 0.50 763 30.03 Clear, sunny 2100 221 161 32 0. 10 4.10 765 30.11 Clear 2400 767 30.18 Clear 0300 767 30.18 Clear 0600 768 30.23 Fog 0900 231 162 14 40 0.51 0. 13 3.25 769 30.29 Clear, sunny Mean 231 '63 15* 37 0. 51 0.10 3.58 765 30. 12 Standard deviation 10 2 2 5 0.01 0.03 0.45 ' 0. 11

Table A-15 (cont.) Time River Level Temperature Dissolved Percent pH Total Specific Sulfate Iron Percent above msl Air Water Oxygen Saturation Alkalinity Conductance (mg/l) Total Dissolved Dissolved (m) (ft) ( C) ( C) (mg/l) Dissolved (mg/I) (umho/cm) (mg/I) (mg/l) Iron en 0900 148.60 487. 5 11. 5 19. 0 8.35 89 7.0 38 345 87 '.95 0.05 1200 148. 62 487. 6 14.5 19.0 8.90 95 7.1 1500 148.64 487. 6 15 ' 19.5 10.10 109 7.2 e 1800 148.65 487. 7 16.0 19.5 10.35 111 7 2 2100 148.65 487. 7 12.0 19.0 9.85 104 7.2 54 338 82 3.22 0.02 2400 148.65 487.7 10.5 19.0 9.65 102 7.2 ci 0300 148.64 487.6 9' 19.0 9.25 97 7.2 0600 148.62 487.6 9.0 18.5 8.85 93 7.1 0900 148.60 487.5 9.0 19.0 8.70 92 7.2 50 322 85 3.41 0.02 Mean 148.63 487.6 11.9 19. 1 9.33 99 7.2 47 335 85 3.53 0.03 -1 0.1 0.38 0.02 -0 Standard deviation 0.02 0.1 2.7 0.3 0.69 8 8 12 3 0900 150.08 492.3 -3.0 2.0 12.30 90 6.9 32 180 40 1.35 0.56 42 1200 150.08 492.3 -2.0 2.0 12.40 91 6.9 1500 150.08 492 ~ 3 -3.0 2.0 12.45 90 6.9 1800 150.08 492.3 -3.0 1.5 12.10 86 7.0 a 2100 150.08 492.3 -4.0 2.0 12.30 89 6.9 32 170 41 1.61 0.53 33 2400 150.08 492.3 -5.5 2.5 12.25 89 7.0 0300 150.07 492.3 -6.0 2.0 12.25' 89 7.0 co 0600 150.07 492.3 -6.0 2.0 12.40 90 7.0 0900 150.05 492.2 -5.5 1.5 12.20 87 6.9 34 170 37 1. 60 0.60 38 Mean 150.07 492.3 -4.2 1.9 12.29 89 6.9 33 173 39 1.52 0.56 38 Standard deviation 0.01 0.0 1.5 0.3 0.11 2 0.1 1 6 2 0.15 0.04 5

Table A-15 (cont.) Time Residue Turbidity Secchi Total Nitrate Barometer Weather Total Fixed Nonfiltrable Fixed Non- (JTU) Disc Soluble (mg/1) (mm Hg) (in Hg) (mg/1) Total (mg/1) filtrable Depth Phosphate (mg/1) m /1 cm m /1 0900 226 177 21 13 53 0. 53 0.08 5. 05 761 29.95 Overcast 1200 0. 50 761 29.96 Partly cloudy 1500 0.48 761 -29.97 Partly cloudy

4) 1800 0.50 763 30.03 Partly cloudy 2100 239 176 19 38 0. 10 5. 15 765 30.10 Overcast 2400 766 30.14 Clear co 0300 766 30.17 Clear 0600 767 30.20 Partly cloudy 0900 234 168 22 11 42 0. 48 0. 08 4.20 768 30.25 Fog Mean 233 174 = 21 12 44 0. 50 0.09 4.80 764 30.09 Standard deviation 7 5 2 1 8 0. 02 0.01 0.52 3 0.11

0900 92 70 12 12 21 0.90 0. 11 4.20 755 29.74 Overcast 1200 0.88 756 29.77 Partly cloudy 0 1500 0.67 758 29.86 Overcast 1800 761 29.98 Overcast o 2100 102 18 14 24 0. 12 3.65 762 30.00 Overcast 2400 762 30.00 Overcast 0300 761 29.97 Overcast 0600 759 29.90 Overcast 0900 0.95 0. '5 29.83

                      '8 100     73        14                  15                  13    3        758             Snow Mean                         73        15        12        20      0.85     0. 12    3.77     759    29.88 Standard deviation     5      3         3          2        5      0.12     0.01     0.39       3     0.10

29 Table A-16 Bacterial densities in samples collected at 0900 hours during diurnals at SSES on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 Date Total Coliform . Fecal Coliform Fecal Streptococcus FC/FS (colonies/100 ml (colonies/100 ml) (colonies/100 ml Ratio 1 Mar 14,000 90a 300 0.3 22 May 16,000 240 110 2.2 16 Jul 43,000 420 340 1.2 18 Sep 93,000 1,300 240 18 Dec 9,100 260 230 1.1 a Estimated count from a non-ideal colony count.

Table A-17.Physicochemical data from river run samples collected at Falls, Nanticoke, SSES (right), SSES (middle), SSES (left), Bell Bend (right), Bell Bend (middle), Bell Bend (left), Bervlck, Bloomsburg, and Danville on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 Date Time River Discharge Temperature Dissolved Percent Saturation pH Total Specific Sulfate (m3/sec) (cfs) Air Water Oxygen Dissolved Oxygen Alkalinity Conductance (mg/l) oC 'C m /l m /1 mho/cm 14 Feb 0820 270 9,520 -3. 0 0.0 13. 60 93 7.7 55 200 26 9 May 0830 240 8,470 13. 0 11. 0 11. 20 101 8.1 60 205 25 18 Jul 0845 97 3,440 20. 5 24.0 8.10 95 8.9 69 234 26 11 Sep 0845 122 4,320 15.0 19.0 8.55 91 8.1 42 205 28 16 Dec 0910 564 19,900 4.0 3.0 12.20 90 7.1 37 150 23 Mean 259 9,130 9.9 11.4 10.73 94 8.0 53 199 26 Standard deviation 186 6,560 9.3 10.2 2.36 4 0.7 13 30 2 14 Feb 0935 289 10,200 -4.0 0.0 12.80 88 7.1 50 263 54 9 May 1000 258 9,100 13 ' 11. 0 10.80 97 7.3 55 274 58 18 Jul 1005 103 3,640 24.0 24.0 8.00 94 7.5 59 350 80 11 Sep 1000 135 4,750 17.0 19.0 8.30 88 7.1 45 305 83 16 Dec 1030 603 21,300 4.5 3.9 12.10 90 7.0 23 158 34 Mean 278 9>800 11. 0 11.4 10.40 91 7.2 46 270 62 Standard deviation 198 7,010 10.9 10.2 2. 18 4 0.2 14 71 20 14 Feb 1050 297 10,500 -4.0 0.0 12.70 86 7.0 50 272 63 9 May 1100 264 9,330 13.5 11. 5 11.15 101 7.2 55 270 60 18 Jul 1045 106 3,750 27.0 25.0 8.80 104 7.7 56 335 80 11 Sep 1150 143 55060 14.0 20. 0 8.50 92 7.0 48 300 78 16 Dec 1145 617 21,800 1.0 3.0 11.60 87 7.0 32 160 38 Mean 285 10,100 10.3 11.'9 10.55 94 7.2 48 267 64 Standard deviation 202 7,130 12.2 10.7 1.83 8 0.3 10 66 17 14 Feb 1100 297 10,500 -4.0 0.0 12.80 87 7.0 50 278 60 9 May 1115 264 9,330 13.5 11.5 11.10 101 7.2 55 272 60 18 Jul 1110 106 a 3,750 27.0 25.0 8.60 101 7.5 56 339 82 11 Sep 1140 143 5,060 14.0 20.0 8.25 90 6.9 47 304 78 16 Dec 1130 21,800 1.0 3.0 12.00 90 7.0 32 160 38 617'85 Mean 10,100 10.3 'l:9 10.55 94 7.1 48 271 64 Standard deviation 202 7,130 12.2 10.7 2.03 7 0.2 10 67 18 14 Feb 1110 297 10,500 -4.0 0.0 12.95 88 6.8 40 218 47 9 May 1125 264 9,330 13.5 11. 0 11.00 101 7.2 45 227 51 18 Jul 1130 106 3,750 27.0 25. 0 9.20 108 7.7 55 336 80 ll Sep 1130 143 5,060 14.0 19.0 8.40 89 7.0 43 268 67 16 Dec 1205 617 21,800 1.0 3.0 11.90 89 7.0 30 150 42 Mean Standard deviation 285 10,100 10.3 11.6 10 '9 95 7.1 43 240 57 202 7,130 12.2 10.5 1.88 9 0.3 9 68 16

Table A-17 (cont.) Date Iron Percent Residue Turbidity Secchi Total Nitrate Weather Total Dissolved Dissolved Total Fixed Non- Fixed Non- (JTV) Disc Soluble (mg/l)

                       .(mg/l) (mg/I)     Iron      (mg/1) Total filtrable filtrable             Depth  Phosphate m   /l   m   /1   m   /I              m      m/I 14 Feb              0.29       0.06     21       133     77          5        4        3             0.06      5.94   Overcast 9 May             0. 30      0.06     20       135    84           6        3        4             0.05      3.45   Overcast 18 Jul              0. 44      0.12     27       176   126         16       10        12             0.13      1.82   Overcast 11 Sep              0. 50      0.06      12      114    92         14       10       22              0.08      2.65   Fog 16 Dec              0.60       0.05        8     101     82        11         9      21              0. 11     3.95   Overcast Mean                0. 43      0.07      18      132     92        10                 12             0.09      3.56 Standard deviation 0.13        0.03        8       28    20          5                  9            0.03      1.56 14   Feb            5. 16      1.76     34       225   160         52       44       42              0. 13     6.00   Partly cloudy 9  May            2. 70,     0. 45     17      184   132         16       10       23              0.06      3.50   Light rain 0    18   Jul            3.40       0. 09       3     242   171         21       12       44              0.09      6.26   Overcast 0    11   Sep            3.93       0. 12       3     209   158         26       18       50              0.08      3.75   Fog V                                                                                                         0.13      6.30   Rain pl   16   Dec             1.00      0. 22    22       109     82        13       11       23 m

m Mean 3.24 0.53 16 194 141 26 19 36 0.10 5.16 Standard deviation 1.54 0.70 13 52 36 16 14 13 0.03 1.41 14 Feb 3.35 1. 59 48 184 140 10 8 22 1.10 0.07 6.00 Clear, sunny 9 May 2. 56 0.07 3 192 136 12 9 20 0.90 0.10 6.90 Rain CO 18 Jul 1. 74 0.03 2 232 169 12 4 28 0.59 0.12 5.65 Overcast 11 Sep 3. 11 0. 11 4 201 151 16 11 40 0.67 0.06 4.20 Partly cloudy 16 Dec 1.45 0. 56 39 115 86 14 12 24 0.80 0.15 3.80 Heavy rain M CQ M Mean 2.44 0. 47 19 185 136 13 27 0.81 0. 10 5.31 Standard deviation 0.83 0. 66 22 43 31 2 8 0.20 0.04 1.29 14 Feb 3 '5 1. 74 49 206 146 12 8 25 21 0.98 1.00 0.05 0.10

4. 75 6.45 Clear, sunny Rain 9 May 2.91 0. 07 2 198 142 16 9 18 Jul 2.01 0.11 6 249 163 14 5 29 0.58 0.10 3.92 Overcast 11 Sep 3. 19 0.08 2 207 150 15 6 40 0.67 0.05 4.25 Partly cloudy 16 Dec 1. 50 0.54 36 120 93: 14 13 27 0.80 0. 12 3.80 Heavy rain Mean 2.63 0. 51 19 196 139 14 28 0.81 0.08 4.63 Standard deviation 0.85 0. 72 22 47 27 1 7 0.19 0.03 1.08 14 Feb 2.49 1. 12 45 165 109 9 5 20 1.25 0.05 4.45 Clear, sunny 9 May 1.81 0. 07 4 174 125 16 13 15 0.80 0.08 4.65 Rain 4J W 18 Jul 1. 91 0.04 2 238 166 19 9 28 0.58 0.08 4.65 Overcast Cl 11 Sep 2. 32 0. 15 6 169 128 14 6 35 0.72 0.03 3.20 Partly cloudy 16 Dec 1. 39 0. 59 42 107 82 12 10 25 0.80 0.10 3.40 Heavy rain Ch tQ C/l Ch Mean 1. 98 0. 39 20 171 122 14 25 0. 83 0.07 4.07 Standard deviation 0.44 0. 46 22 46 31 4 8 0.25 0.03 0.71

Table A-17 (cont.) Date River Discharge Temperature Dissolved Percent Saturation pH Total Specific . Sulfate (m3/sec) (cfs) Air Water Oxygen Dissolved Oxygen Alkalinity Conductance (mg/1) C oC m /l m /l mho/cm 14 Peb 1120 297 10,500 -4.0 0.0 12.80 88 6.9 50 272 55 9 May 1235 264 9,330 13. 5 11 ' 11.15 102 7.5 55 270 58 c~ 18 Jul 1300 106 3,750 29.0 25.5 10.45 126 8.3 57 349 78 >>>w 11 Sep 1300 143 5,060 20. 0 20.5 9.00 99 7.0 46 304 77 ~~ 16 Dec 1430 617 21,800 2.0 3.0 12.10 90 6.9 32 153 37 cq Mean 285 10,100 12. 1 12.1 11.10 101 7.3 48 270 61 Standard deviation 202 7,130 13.3 11.0 1.48 15 0.6 10 73 17 14 Peb 1140 297 10,500 -4.0 0.0 12.80 87 7.0 50 275 58 9 May 1220 264 9,330 13.5 11.5 11.10 101 7.3 55 272 59 c~ 18 Jul 1330 106 3,750 29.0 26.0 9.50 116 7.7 55 343 78 >a~ 11 Sep 1315 143 5,060 20.0 20.0 8.40 91 6.9 46 300 78 ~g 16 Dec 1415 617 21,800 2.0 3.0 12.00 89 7.0 33 155 38 Mean 285 10,100 12.1 12.1 10.76 97 7.2 48 269 62 Standard deviation 202 7,130 13.3 11.0 1.80 12 0.3 9 70 17 14 Feb 1200 297 10,500 -4. 0 0.0 13.05 89 7.2 40 211 42 9 May 1255 264 9,330 13. 5 11. 0 11. 35 102 7.4 35 197 44 a~ 18 Jul 1400 106 3,750 29.0 26.0 11.40 139 8.5 54 320 74 w 11 Sep 1330 143 5,060 20.0 20.0 9. 20 100 7.1 39 244 64 ~~ 16 Dec 1400 617 21,800 2.0 3.5 11. 90 88 6.8 24 132 36 Mean 285 10,100 12. 1 12.1 11.38 104 7.4 38 221 52 Standard deviation 202 7,130 13.3 11.0 1.40 21 0.7 11 69 16 14 Peb 1330 303 10>700 -2.0 0.5 13.00 90 7.1 55 274 61 9 May 1435 267 9,420 13.5 11.5 11. 65 106 7.5 55 276 61 18 Jul 1530 107 3,790 28.5 26.5 11. 30 139 8.3 54 331 74 11 Sep 1500 146 5,170 26.0 21. 0 9.20 102 7.5 44 302 79 16 Dec 1530 623 22,000 6.5 3.0 12.40 92 6.9 32 168 42 Mean 289 10,200 14.5 12. 5 11. 51 106 7.5 48 270 63 Standard deviation 204 7,180 12.9 11. 2 1.45 20 0.5 10 62 14 14 Peb 1430 314 11, 100 0.0 1.0 13.00 92 7.3 50 278 60 9 May 1550 275 9,700 14.5 12.0 11.55 107 7.5 50 272 64 18 Jul 1615 111 3,920 28.5 27.0 13. 05 161 8.7 50 328 75 s 11 Sep 1545 157 5,540 28.0 21. 5 9.70 109 7.5 42 290 81 16 Dec 1600 640 22,600 7.5 4.0 12.20 90 6.8 30 170 45 Mean 299 10,600 15.7 13. 1 11.90 112 7.6 44 268 65 Standard deviation 208 7,340 12.6 11. 1 1.38 29 0.7 9 59 14 14 Feb 1505 351 12,400 2.0 1.5 13.05 93 7.2 50 269 57 9 May 1635 297 10,500 16.0 12.0 11. 60 107 7.5 55 270 61 18 Jul 1700 122 4,300 30.0 27.0 12.40 153 8.9 48 315 68 11 Sep 1630 187 6,600 24.0 20.5 9.40 103 7.6 40 280 82 g 16 Dec 1645 691 24,400 7.0 4.0 12.40 92 7.1 30 162 42 A Mean 330 11>600 15. 8 13.0 11.77 110 7.7 45 259 62 Standard deviation 221 7,810 11. 6 10.8 1.42 25 0.7 10 57 15

Table A-17 (cont.) Date Iron Percent Residue Turbidity Secchi Total Nitrate Weather Total Dissolved Dissolved Total Fixed Non- Fixed Non- (JTU) Disc Soluble (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) Iron (mg/1) Total filtrable filtrable Depth Phosphate m /1 m /1 m /1 m m/1 14 Feb 3.06 l. 34 44 195 136 10 8 22 1. 03 0.06 3. 13 Clear, sunny 9 May 2.35 0-09 4 198 144 14 9 18 0.86 0.06 5.50 Rain 18 Jul 1.36 0. 08 6 220 162 14 3 24 0.59 0.08 3.55 Partly cloudy e+ u 0.70 0.07 3.50 Partly cloudy ~ ~~ll Sep 2.67 0. 11 4 203 148 14 8 40 ~~16 Dec l. 43 0. 54 38 116 86 16 10 18 0.82 0. 13 3.70 Overcast Mean 2.17 0.43 19 186 135 14 8 24 0.80 0.08 3.88 Standard deviation 0.75 0.54 20 41 29 2 3 9 0.17 0.03 0.93 14 Feb 3.38 l. 51 45 194 132 11 8 26 1. 05 0.04 5.04 Clear, sunny 9 May 2.81 0.05 2 202 143 16 11 20 0.83 0.11 6.00 Rain g~18 Jul l. 81 0.32 18 251 162 11 6 25 0.59 0.12 3.95 Partly cloudy

   ~ 11 Sep                  3.29       0.08        2     210   156         19          12       42      0.71    0.04      3.65     Partly cloudy 1.56       0.60     38       124     93        15          14        20     0.90    0.12      2.70     Overcast

~ 8 16 Dec Mean 2.57 0. 51 21 196 137 14 10 27 0.82 0.09 4.27 Standard deviation 0.84 0. 60 20 46 27 3 3 9 0.18 0.04 1.28 14 Feb 1. 99 0.90 45 145 91 5 4 10 1. 38 0.04 5. 85 Clear, sunny 9 May 1. 27 0.11 9 133 95 9 8 10 l. 05 0.05 8.00 Rain

+ ~u18     Jul               1. 27      0.08        6     211   161         12            4       20     0.56    0.16       1.95    Partly cloudy
    ~ 11 Sep                 2.00       0. 12       6      154  121         12            6       30     0.75+   0.04      3.90     Partly cloudy

~~ 16 Dec 1.28 0.42 33 100 80 12 11 10 0.81 0.10 4.00 Overcast Mean 1.56 0.33 20 149 110 10 7 16 0.91 0.08 4.74 Standard deviation 0.40 0.35 18 40 32 3 3 9 0.32 0.05 2.29 14 Feb 3. 30 l. 30 39 198 142 14 12 22 0. 05 2. 95 Clear, sunny 9 May 2. 72 0. 16 6 198 143 15 13 18 0. 12 6.50 Light rain v 18 Jul 1. 25 0. 10 8 224 165 14 4 20 0. 09 7.80 Partly cloudy 11 Sep 3.21 0.27 8 193 148 19 12 40 0. 05 3.70 Partly cloudy 16 Dec 1.36 0.51 38 114 86 14 12 19 0. 12 4.30 Overcast Mean 2.37 0.47 20 185 137 15 11 24 0.09 5.05 Standard deviation 1. 00 0.49 17 42 30 2 4 9 0.04 2.03 14 Feb 2.93 0. 83 28 201 138 13 8 21 0.08 5.30 Clear, sunny 9 May 2. 35 0. 10 4 208 147 16 13 15 0.07 6.20 Light rain 18 Jul 0. 75 0. 09 12 213 163 13 4 16 0.06 4.72 Partly cloudy g 11 Sep 2. 85 0. 11 4 196 149 23 14 37 0.07 3.75 Partly cloudy 0.16 4'. 25 Overcast o 16 Dec l. 54 0.44 29 124 96 14 11 19 Mean 2 '8 0. 31 15 188 139 16 10 22 0.09 0.04 4.84 0.95 Standard deviation 0.93 0.32 12 37 25 4 4 9 14 Feb 2. 16 0. 52 24 213 134 11 6 17 0.05 4.63 Clear, sunny 9 May 2.45 0. 04 2 192 137 14 11 15 0.08 15.34 Overcast 18 Jul 0. 62 0. 04 6 189 142 12 3 15 0.03 1.90 Partly cloudy 0.06 4.30 Overcast c11

  >>         Sep               3. 04      0. 11       4     198   156         26          14 10 37 17             0.13      3.80     Rain 16 Dec                 1. 46      0.44      30        91    68        11 Mean                   1.95       0.23      13      177   127         15            9       20             0.07      6.00 Standard deviation 0. 93          0.23      13        49    34          6           4         9            0.04      5.33

34 Table A-18. Daily averages of water temperature, river level above mean sea level, and river discharge at SSES, 1974 Date Water River Level River Discharge Date Water River Level River Discharge Temperature above mala (cfs) (m3/sec) Temperature above msl (cfs) (m~/sec) C m ft (c) (m) (ft) 1 Jan 1.0 151.02 495.4 42,500 1,200 Mar 0.8 149. 77 491. 3 2 Jan 0.6 150.66 494.2 34,700 983 2 Mar 1.1 149.73 491.2 17,300 490 3 Jan 0.4 150.40 493.4 28>900 818 3 Mar 1.5 149.75 491. 3 17,700 501 4 Jan 0.1 150.16 492.6 24,100 682 4 Mar 2.3 149.77 491.3 18,300 518 5 Jan 0.0 149.95 491.9 20,500 580 5 Mar 4.2 150.06 492.3 24,000 680 6 Jan -0. 1 149.73 491.2 17,300 490, 6 Mar 4.8 150.76 494.6 37,500 1,060 7 Jan -0.1 149.58 490.7 15,200 430 7 Mar 4.8 151.00 495.4 42,100 1,190 8 Jan -0.5 149.44 490.2 13,400 379 8 Mar 4.7 150.79 494.7 36,900 1,040 9 Jan -0.8 149.39 490.1 12,400 351 9 Mar 4~1 150.72 494.4 35,900 1,020 10 Jan <<0.8 149.32 489.9 11,100 314 10 Mar 3.8 150.91 495.1 40,800 1,160 11 Jan -0. 8 149.26 489.7 10,200 289 11 Mar 3.5 150.88 495.0 40,100 1,140 12 Jan -0. 8 149.25 489.6 9,860 279 12 Mar 3' 150.55 493.9 32,800 929 13 Jan -0. 8 149.28 489.7 10,900 309 13 Mar 2.8 150.25 492.9 26,500 750 14 Jan -0. 5 149.13 489.2 11,900 337 14 Mar 2' 150.02 492.1 21>900 620 15 Jan -0. 2 149.00 488.8 10,100 286 15 Mar 2.3 149.82 491.5 18>400 521 16 Jan 0.0 149.07 489 ' 9,120 258 16 Mar 2.7 149.70 491.1 16,300 462 17 Jan 0.1 149.18 489 ' 9,760 276 17 Mar 2.7 149.74 491.2 17,300 490 18 Jan -0.5 149.25 489.6 10,300 292 18 Mar 2.1 149.77 491.3 18,200 515 19 Jan -0. 7 149.20 489.5 9,670 274 19 Mar 2.6 149.81 491.5 18,900 535 20 Jan -0. 4 149.19 489.4 9,510 269 20 Mar 3.1 149.80 491. 4 18>600 527 21 Jan 0.0 149.24 489.6 10,400 294 21 Mar 3 ' 149.80 491.4 18,300 518 22 Jan 0.2 149.96 492.0 23,300 660 22 Mar 3.1 150.14 492.5 24,200 685 23 Jan -0. 2 150.37 493.3 32,800 929 23 Mar 3.2 150.22 492.8 25,300 716 24 Jan 0.1 150.78 494.6 38,700 1, 100 24 Mar 3.4b 150.12 492.5 23>700 671 25 Jan 0.3 151.12 495.8 44,600 1>260 25 Mar 3 5 150.11 492.4 23,600 668 26 Jan 0.2 150.74 494.5 36,100 1>020 26 Mar 3.4 150.01 492.1 22,100 626 27 Jan 1.1 150.51 493 ' 31,800 900 27 Mar 3.6 149.88 491. 7 19,600 555 28 Jan 2.1 150.94 495.2 42,100 1 '90 28 Mar 4.0 149.73 491.2 17,200 487 29 Jan 2.0 151.62 497.4 58,700 1,660 29 Mar 3'. 8 149.69 491.1 16>100 456 30 Jan 2.1 151.53 497.1 56,800 1>610 30 Mar 2.8 149.60 490.8 15,300 433 31 Jan 2.5 151.20 496.0 47,400 1,340 31 Mar 2.0 149.67 491.0 16,400 464 Mean 0.2 149.98 492.0 24>000 679 150.08 492.4 23>800 675 Stan dev 0.9 0.83 2.7 15,500 439 Stan dev 1.0 0.43 1.4 8,420 239 1 Feb 2.4 150.83 494.8 38,200 1>080 1 Apr 2.6 149.92 491.8 21>000 595 2 Peb 1.9 150.53 493.8 31,500 892 2 Apr 3.3 150.35 493.2. 28,800 816 3 Feb 1.0 150.26 492.9 26,100 739 3 Apr 4.0 151.30 496.3- 51,100 1>450 4 Peb 0.2 150.00 492.1 21>900 620 4 Apr 5.6 152.12 499.0 73>100 2 '70 5 Peb -0. 6 149.81 491 ' 18,700 530 5 Apr 7 ' 152.23 499.4 75,700 2> 140 6 Feb -0. 6 149.70 491.1 16>300 462 6 Apr 7.6 152.16 499.2 73,200 2,070 7 Peb -0.8 149.53 490.5 14>100 399 7 Apr 6.8 151.74 497.8 61,000 1,730 8 Peb -0. 7 149.47 490.3 13,200 374 8 Apr 6.1 151.25 496.2 48,600 1,380 9 Peb -0. 6 149.45 490.3 12,400 351 9 Apr 5.2 151.03 495.5 42,900 1,210 10 Feb -0. 6 149.31 489.8 11,300 320 10 Apr 4.1 150.95 495.2 40,900 1,160 11 Feb -0. 8

             -0. 6 149.27 149.26 489.7 489.7 10,200        289             ll   Apr      4.4           150.81    494.7    37,200         1>050 12 Feb                                   10,100        286             12   Apr      5.1           150.87    494 '    38,600         1,090 13 Feb        -0. 4     149.25    489.6  11,100        314             13   Apr      6.1           151.26    496.2    48,200         1,360 14 Feb        -0. 4     149.35    490.0  10>500        297             14   Apr      7.7           151.46    496.9    51,000         1,440 15 Feb        -0. 6     149.32    489.9  10,200        289             15   Apr      9.0           151.49    497.0    53,000         1 '00 16 Feb        -0. 7     149.26    489 '    9>710       275            16    Apr      8.9           151.81    498.0    63,300         1,790 17 Peb        -0.4      149.18    489.4    9,440       267            17    Apr      8.7           151.46    496.9    51,600'0,200 1,460 18 Feb        -0.3      149.14    489.3    8,890       252            18    Apr      8.9           150.93    495.1                   1,140 19 Peb        -0. 1     149.05    489.0    8,340       236            19    Apr      9.4           150.57    494.0    32,000            906 20 Feb          0.4     149.07    489.0    8,370       237            20    Apr      9.4           150.34    493.2    27,600            782 21 Feb          0.9     149.08    489.1   8,480        240            21    Apr     10. 2        150.18    492.7    24,700            699 22 Peb          1.6     149.21    489.5  10>300        292            22    Apr     11.2           149.97    492.0    21,300            603 23 Peb          1.9     150.68    494.3  38,900    1,100              23    Apr     11.8           149.83    491.5    19>000            538 24 Peb          0.3     151.58    497.6  58,700    1,660              24    Apr     11. 3          149.73    491.2    17,600            498 25 Feb          0.0     150.97    495 '  41,600    1,180              25    Apr     10.3           149.69    491.1    17,000            481 26 Feb        -0. 2     150.50    493.7  30,800       872             26    Apr     10.6           149.66    491.0    16>200            459 27 Feb        -0. 2     150.08    492.3  23,200       657             27    Apr     11.0           149.60    490.8    14,800            419 28 Feb          0.1     149.89    491.7  19>700       558             28    Apr     12.0           149.47    490.3    13,100            371 29    Apr     13.8           149.45    490.3    11>700            331 Mean            0.1     149.75   491.3   19,000       538             30    Apr     15.0           149.27    489.7    10,600            300 Stan dev        0.9       0.69       2'  12,800       363 Mean           8.2           150.70    494.4    37,500         1,060 Stan dev       3.2              0.90     3.0    19,800            559

35 Table A-18 (cont.) Date Water ver eve ver D sC. arge ate ater R ver Level ver D a~barge Temperature above msl (cfs) (m>/sec) Temperature above msl (cfs) (m /sec) C (m) (ft) (G) (m) (ft) 1 May 15. 2 ~ 3 11,400 323 1 Jul 20.5 .24 489.6 13,900 394 2 May 15. 0 149.36 490.0 11>700 331 2 Jul 20.5 149.62 490.8 15,900 450 3 May 14.2 149.37 490.0 11,700 331 3 Jul 20.9 149.45 490.3 12,700 360 4 May 13.3 149.37 490.0 11,700 331 4 Jul 22.4 149.13 489.2 8,920 253 5 May 12. 8 149.32 489.9 11,100 314 5 Jul 23.1 148.98 488.7 7 '20 213 6 May 12. 1 149.27 489.7 10,700 303 6 Jul 23.9 149.41 490.1 13,500 382 7 May 11. 1 149.22 489.5 10,100 286 7 Jul 24.7 149.57 490.7 14,600 413 8 May 10. 9 149.18 489.4 9,510 , 269 8 Jul 24.8 149.37 490.0 11,700 331 9 May ll. 1 149.17 489.4 9,330 264 9 Jul 25.5 149.16 149.03 489.3 488.9 9,170 260 10 May 11. 1 149.25 489.6 10,100 286 10 Jul 25.5 7,720 219 11 May 11. 6 149.32 489.9 11,200 317 11 Jul '24.6 " 148.93 488.6 6,650 188 12 May 12. 3 149.49 490.4 13,600 385 12 Jul 23.9 148.85 488.3 5,690 161 13 May 12.2 149.87 491.7 592 13 Jul 23.4 148.77 488.0 5,020 142 20,900'6,700 14 May 12.2 150.73 494.5 1,040 14 Jul 23.8 148.70 487.8 4,560 129 15 May 13.5 150.73 494.5 35,500 1,010 15 Jul 24.0 148.65 487.7 4,330 123 16 May 15.1 150.35 493 ' 27,600 782 16 Jul 24.1 148.60 487.5 4,060 115 17 May 16.6 150.02 492.1 21,600 612 17 Jul 23.6 148.58 487.4 3>880 110 18 May 17'. 6 149.81 491.5 18,300 518 18 Jul 23.6 148.57 487.4 3,750 106 19 May 18. 1 149 '6 491.6 19,900 564 19 Jul 23.8 148.58 487.4 487.4 3,780 3,630 107 103 20 May 18. 2 149.96 492.0 20,900 592 20 Jul 23. 1 148.58 21 May 18. 0 149.71 491.1 17,000 481 21 Jul 22.5 148.53 487.3 3,390 96 22 May 18. 6 149.50 490.4 14,000 396 22 Jul 22.2 148.47 487.1 3,040 86 23 May 19.4 149.40 490.1 12,300 348 23 Jul 21.4 148.43 486.9 2,800 79 24 May 19.2 149.32 489.9 11,100 314 24 Jul 20.3 148.43 486.9 2,850 81 25 May 18 ' 149.28 489.7 10>500 297 25 Jul 20.4 148.45 487 ' 2,950 84 26 May 17.7 149.25 489;6 10,300 292 26 Jul 20.0 148.49 487.1 3>100 88 27 May 16 ' 149.21 489.5 9,910 281 27 Jul '0.9 148.52 487.2 3,250 92 28 May 16.6 149.17 '89.4 9,400 266 28 Jul 21.7 148.50 487.2 3,230 92 29 May 16.5 149.09 489 ' 8>640 245 29 Jul 22. 2 148.50 487.2 3,400 96 16.7 149.07 489.0 8,310 235 30 Jul 22.3 148.65 487.7 4,640 131 30 31 May May 17.4 149. 07 489.0 8,220 233 31 Jul 22.4 148 '5 487.7 4,660 132 Mean 15. 2 149.52 490.5 14,600 414 Mean 22.8 148.82 488.2 6,400 181 Stan dev 2.8 0.45 1.5 7,430 211 Stan dev 1.6 ~ 0.37 1.2 4,070 115 1 Jun 17.4 149.15 489. 3 9,340 264 1 Aug 22.8 148.57 487.4 3>780 107 2 Jun 17.2 149.26 489.7 10>000 283 2 Aug 22.4 148.50 487.2 3,730 106 3 Jun 17.4 149.06 489.0 8,350 236 3 Aug 22.6 148.52 487.6 4>650 132 4 Jun 18.6 148. 98 488.7 7,410 210 4 Aug 22.7 148.62 487.6 4,670 132 5 Jun 19.7 148.88 488.4 6,630 188 5 Aug 22.2 148.55 487.3 4,170 118 6 Jun 20.5 148.83 488.2 6>020 170 6 Aug 22.0 148.47 487.1 3>650 103 7 Jun 20.8 148. 79 488.1 5>510 156 7 Aug 22.7 148.41 486.9 3,300 93 8 Jun 21.0 148.74 488.0 5,090 144 8 Aug 22.7 148.39 486.8 3,110 88 9 Jun 21.3 148.68 487.8 4,730 134 9 Aug 22.5 148.40 486.8 3,030 86 10 Jun 22.7 148. 63 487.6 4,420 125 10 Aug 22.6 148.40 486.8 2,900 82 11 Jun 23.1 148.63 487.6 4,400 125 11 Aug 22.7 148.37 486.7 2,690 76 12 Jun 21.8 148.60 487.5 4,300 122 12 Aug 22.5 148.31 486.5 2,470 70 13 Jun 21.2 148.58 4>87. 4 4,190 119 13 Aug 23.1 148.28 486.4 2,310 65 14 Jun 20.8 148.61 487.5 4,200 119 14 Aug 23.6 148.26 486.4 2,200 62 15 Jun 21.1 148.62 487.6 4 '50 118 15 AUK 23.6 148.26 486.4 2,190 2,220 62 16 Jun 20.8 148.60 487.5 4,450 126 16 Aug 23.3 148.30 486.5 63 17 Jun 20.7 148.64 487.6 5,170 146 17 Aug 23.5 148.30 486.5 2,130 60 18 Jun 21.1 148.84 488 ' 6,750 191 18 Aug 23.3 148.28 486 ' 2,060 58 19 Jun 21.5 148.94 488.6 7,050 200 19 Aug 23.7 148.25 486.3 "1,950 55 20 Jun 21.8 148.83 488.2 6,080 172 20 Aug 23.8 148.24 486.3 1,860 53 21 Jun 21.9 148.76 488.0 5>300 150 21 Aug 24.2 148.21 486.2 1,800 51 22 Jun 22.3 148.75 488.0 5 '60 152 22 Aug 23.3 148.21 486.2 1 F 770 50 23 Jun 21.7. 148.74 488.0 5,110 145 23 Aug 24.0 148.25 486 ' 1>840 52 24 Jun 21. 4 148.66 487.7 4,700 133 24 Aug 24:5 148.28 486.4 1,900 54 25 Jun 20.4 148.67 487.7 5,320 151 25 Aug 23.9 148.27 486.4 1,850 52 26 Jun 19.8 148.76 488.0 5,410 153 26 Aug 23.0 148.22 486.2 ',750 50 27 Jun 19.9 148.73 487.9 5>060 143 27 Aug 23.1 148.21 486.2 1,760 50 28 Jun 19.8 148.70 487.8 4,800 136 28 Aug 23.2 148.32 486.6 2,000 57 29 Jun 19.6 148.82 488.2 6,240 177 29 Aug 22.5 148.25 486.3 2,160 61 30 Jun 20.1 148.90 488.5 6,710 190 30 AUB 22.4 148.37 486.7 2,530 72 31 Aug 22.2 148.45 487.0 3,290 93 Mean 20.6 148.78 488.1 5>740 163 Stan dev 1.5 0.17 0.6 1>500 42 Mean 23.1 148.35 486.7 2,640 75 Stan dev 0.6 0.12 0.4 879 25

36 Table A-18 (cont.) Date Water River Level River Discharge Date Water River Level River Dis~harge Temperature above msl (cfs) (m3/sec) Temperature above msl (cfs) (m /sec) C m ft C m ft 1 Sep 22 ' 148.47 487.1 3,640 103 1 Nov 11.0 148.50 487.2 3,170 90 2 Sep 21.8 148.78 488.1 6,080 172 2 Nov 11.8 148.47 487.1 3,050 86 3 Sep 20.8 149.01 488.8 7,760 220 3 Nov 12.0 148.45 487.0 2,970 84 4 Sep 19.0 149.14 489.3 10>100 286 4 Nov 12.6 148.44 487.0 2,920 83 5 Sep 17.9 149.15 489.3 9,770 277 5 Nov 12 9 148.43 486.9 2,970 84 6 Sep 17.7 149.23 489.6 10>800 306 6 Nov 12.6 148.47 487.1 3,350 95 7 Sep 17.7 149.32 489.9 11,200 317 7 Nov 12.0 148.56 487.4 4>440 126 8 Sep 18.3 149.10 489.1 8,850 251 8 Nov 11.0 149.13 489.2 9,290 263 9 Sep 18.5 148.90 488.5 6>930 196 9 Nov 10.1 149.44 490.2 10,500 297 10 Sep 18.8 148.77 488.0 5,780 164 10 Nov 9.7 149.15 489. 3 9,100 258 11 Sep 19 F 1 148.68 487.8 5,060 143 11 Nov 8.7 149.00 488.8 7,780 220 12 Sep 20.3 148.60 487.5 4,470 127 12 Nov 8.5 148.93 488.6 7,070 200 13 Sep 21.4 148.57 487.4 4>110 116 13 Nov 8.2 149.02 488.9 8,450 239 14 Sep 21.8 148.62 487.6 4,710 133 14 Nov 7.6 149.35 490. 0 12,700 360 15 Sep 20.9 148.61 487.5 4,630 131, 15 Nov 6.7 149.85 491. 6 19,500 552 16 Sep 20.1 148.54 487.3 4,060 115 16 Nov 6.0 149.94 491.9 20,900 592 17 Sep 19.8 148.52 487.2 4,170 118 17 Nov 5.6 149.79 491.4 18,500 524 18 Sep 19. 6 148. 62 487.6 4,680 133 18 Nov 4.9 149.58 490.7 15,600 442 19 Sep 19. 1 148.60 487.5 4,400 125 19 Nov 4.6 149.43 490.2 13,300 377 20 Sep 19. 4 148.57 487.4 3,940 112 20 Nov 4.8 149.34 489.9 12>000 340 21 22 Sep 19.4 18.3 148.58 148.72 487.4 487.9 3,920 111 21 Nov 5.0 149 '2 489.9 12,700 360 Sep 5,960 169 22 Nov 4.8 149.67 491.0 17,400 493 23 Sep 16.6 148.88 488.4 6,580 186 23 Nov 4.1 150.00 492.1 21>900 620 24 Sep 14. 6 148.85 488.3 7>070 200 24 Nov 3.9 149.95 491. 9 21,100 597 25 Sep 14.0 149.06 489.0 8,580 243 25 Nov 3.9 149.75 491.3 18,200 515 26 Sep 13.6 148.98 488.7 7,540 214 26 Nov 3.7 149.69 491.1 17,700 501 27 Sep 14.0 148.85 488.3 6>240 177 27 Nov 2' 149.77 491.3 18,800 532 28 Sep 14.5 148.80 488.1 5,830 165 28 Nov 2.1 149. 74 491.2 17>800 504 29 Sep 14.8 148.90 488.5 ',650 188 29 Nov 1.9 149.60 490 ' 15,300 433 30 Sep 15.1 148.90 488.5 6,740 191 30 Nov 1.6 149.48 490.4 13,500 382 Mean 18.3 148.81 488.2 6,340 180 Mean 7.2 149.27 489.7 12,100 342 Stan dev 2.6 0.23 0.8 2>180 62 Stan dev 3.7 0.53 1.7 6>370 180 1 Oct 14. 7 148.88 488.4 6,030 171 1 Dec 1.5 149.37 490.0 12,200 345 2 Oct 13.5 148.77 488. 0 5,740 163 2 Dec 1.5 149.32 489.9 11>600 328 3 Oct 12.2 148.78 488.1 5,840 165 3 Dec 1.7 149.35 490.0 12,100 343 4 Oct 10.9 148.80 488.1 5,780 164 4 Dec 1.5 149.31 489.8 11>400 323 5 Oct 10.8 148.77 488.0 5,650 160 5 Dec 0.9 149.28 489.7 10,900 309 6 Oct 11.7 148.76 488.0 5,570 158 6 Dec 0.8 149.25 489.6 10,200 289 7 Oct 12.2 148.72 487.9 5,230 148 7 Dec 0.5 149.15 489.3 9>260 262 8 Oct 12. 3 148. 67 487.7 4,800 136 8 Dec 1.3 149.35 490.0 13,600 385 10 11 9 Oct Oct Oct

12. 1
12. 2
12. 5 148.61 148.60 148.59 487.5 487.5 487.5 4,530 4>300 4,030 128 122 114 10 11 9 Dec Dec Dec 2 ',

2.7 2.1 151.10 151.78 151.38 495.7 497.9 496.6 48,300 66,100 54,700 1,370 1>870 1,550 12 Oct 12. 9 148.57 487.4 3,760 106 12 Dec 1.9 150.93 495.1 42>100 1,190 13 Oct 13. 2 148.52 487.2 3,570 101 13 Dec 1.9 150.56 493.9 33,200 940 14 Oct 13. 2 148.48 487.1 3,400 96 14 Dec 2.0 150.30 493.1 27,700 784 15 Oct 13. 2. 148.46 487.0 3,280 93 15 Dec 2.1 150.10 492.4 23,900 677 16 Oct 13. 0 148.49 487.1 3,500 99 16 Dec 2' 149.97 492.0 21>800 617 17 Oct 12.4 148.57 487.4 4,090 116 17 Dec 2.3 150.00 492.1 23,500 665 18 Oct 11.8 148.62 487. 6 4>190 119 18 Dec 2.2 150.08 492.3 ~ 24,600 697 19 Oct 10.7 148.61 487. 5 ~ 4,270 121 19 Dec 1.8 150.03 492.2 22,900 648 20 Oct 9.3 148. 65 487.7 4,620 131 20 Dec 1.5 149.88 491.7 20,100 569 21 Oct 8.1 148.66 487.7 4,650 132 21 Dec 1.3 149.73 491.2 17,400 493 22 Oct 7.7 148.61 487.5 4,300 122 22 Dec 1.4 149.59 490.7 15,400 436 23 Oct 7.6 148.58 487.4 3,960 112 23 Dec 1.4 149.47 490.3 14>000 396 24 Oct 7.6 148.55 487.3 3,750 106 24 Dec 1.4 149.40 490.1 12,900 365 25 Oct 7.7 148.55 487.3 3,630 103 25 Dec 1.5 149.37 490.0 12,800. 362 26 Oct 7.8 148.55 487.3 3,580 101 26 Dec 1.5 149.57 490.7 15,600 442 27 Oct 8.1 148.54 487.3 3,570 101 27 Dec 1.3 149.58 490.7 15,300 433 28 Oct 8.4 148.51 487.2 3,500 99 28 Dec 1.1 149.49 490.4 13>600 385 29 Oct 9.2 14>8. 50 487.2 3,450 98 29 Dec 1.1 149.37 490.0 12>100 343 30 Oct 9.8 148.49 487.1 3,390 96 30 Dec F 1 149.28 489..7 11,300 320 31 Oct 10.4 148.49 487.1 3,300 93 31 Dec 1.1 149.25 489. 6 11,100 314 Mean 10.9 148. 61 487.5 4,300 122 Mean 1.6 149.83 491. 5 21,000 595 Stan dev 2.2 0. 11 0.4 876 25 Stan dev 0.5 0.68 2~ 2 14,100 399 Average of 24 points, on the hour from 0100 through 2400 hours. Approximate value.

37 Table A-19. Water temperature and pH values at the mouth of Little Wapvallopen Creek, 1974 Date Time Water Temp. pH Date Time Water Temp. pH oC OC 2 Jan 1530 1.0 6.1 3 Sep 1315 18.0 6.6 4 Jan 1530 2~ 0 6~5 6 Sep 1330 11. 0 6.7 7 Jan 1015 0.0 6.5 9 Sep 1315 16.5 6.7 11 Jan 1400 1.0 6.6 11 Sep 1140 16.0 6.7 14 Jan 1345 0.0 6.5 16 Sep 1330 15 ~ 5 6.9 16 Jan 1315 1.0 6.6 19 Sep 0900 14.0 6.7 18 Jan 1430 0.0 6.6 23 Sep 1330 12.0 6.8 23 Jan 1500 2.5 6.6 26 Sep 1400 11.5 6.9 25 Jan 1600 2' 6.6 30 Sep 1315 14.0 6.8 28 Jan 1545 3.5 6.6 4 Oct 1115 6.5 6.5 30 Jan 1515 4.5 6.6 7 Oct 1415 11.0 7.2 I Feb 1500 2' 6.6 10 Oct 1430 10.5 6.6 4 Feb )500 0.0 6.6 14 Oct 1500 11.5 6.5 7 Feb 1110 0 0

                               ~               6.5             ,. 17 Oct       1415             11.0    6.4 18 Feb      1430              1.0              6.5                21 Oct       1330             ,.5. 0  6.4 21 Feb       1445             2'                6.6                24 Oct       1030               5.0   6.5 26 Feb       1500             0.0               6.6                29 Oct       1315               9.0   6.4 I Mar     0900             2.0               6.5                 I Nov       1530             12.0    6.5 4 Mar      1430             5.0               6.7                 3 Nov       1040             12. 0   6.5 7  Mar     1550             7.0               7.0                 7 Nov       1100               9.5   6.5 12  Mar     1500             4.5 2.5 6.6 6.6 ll Nov       1550               7.5   6.5 15  Mar     1330                                                  14 Nov      1330                6.5   6.4
)8  Mar     1515             4.0               6.6                18 Nov      1330                4.0   6.2 21   Mar     1500             4.0               6.6                25 Nov      1345                5.0   6. 6'.6 25   Mar     1530             5.0               6.6                27 Nov      1045                0.0 29   Mar     1345             0.5               6~ 5                2 Dec      1330                3.0   6.7 I Apr      1530             5.0               6.6                 5 Dec      1330                0.5   6.7 4  Apr     1430            11.5               6.6                 9 Dec      1530                3.0   6.6 8 Apr      1550             7.5               6.6                12 Dec      1315                2.5   6.5 li Apr       1550             8.0               6.5                16 Dec      1130                3.0   6.6 19   Apr     1550            11. 0              6.6                19 Dec      0900                1.0   6.5 23 Apr       1050            12. 5              6.6                24 Dec      1215                2.5   6.7 26 Apr       1115            10.5               6.7                27 Dec      1400                1.0   6.3 30 Apr       1530            16.5               6 '                30 Dec      1415                2.5   6.5 3 May      1530            12. 0              6.8 6 May      1535            10. 0              6.7 9 May      1115            10 ~ 0             6.7 16 May       1430            17.5               6.8 20 May       1530            17.5               6.8 23 May      0900             16.5               6.7 28 May       1530            14. 0              6.7 31 May       1100            15.5               6.7 3  Jun     1350            16.0               6.8 7  Jun     1330            18.0               6.7 10   Jun     1400            22.5               6.7 13   Jun     1330            17.5               6.8 17   Jun     1400            19.5               6.7 20   Jun    0930             17.0               6.6 25   Jun     1300            15.5   - =

6.7 28 Jun 1030 16.5 6.7 2 Jul 1400 19.0 6.8 5 Jul 1100 20. 0 6.7 8 Jul 1330 22. 0 6.8 12 Jul 1400 19.0 6.7 16 Jul 0900 18.0 6.7 18 Jul 1110 19.0 6.8 22 Jul 1430 19.5 6.8 25 Jul 1330 18. 0 6.8 29 Jul 1300 21. 0 6.7 2 Aug 1245 19.5 6.8 5 Aug 1315 19. 5 6.9 8 Aug 1330 19. 5 6.8 12 Aug 1330 19.5 6.7 15 Aug 1415 21.0 6.7 19 Aug 1415 21.0 6.8 22 Aug 1500 20. 0 6.8 26 Aug 1400 19.0 6.6 29 Aug 1345 20.0 6.9

38 Table A-20. Monthly physicochemical data collected at SSES along the west (right) bank North Branch Susque-hanna River, 1974. Samples were collected and analyzed by Pennsylvania Power and Light Company, Hazleton, Pennsylvania Sample number 130 131 132 133 134 Date 15 Jan 27 Feb 12 Mar 16 Apr 14 May Jun Time 1430 1030 1430 1430 1430 River temperature, F 35 ~ 0 33. 0 39. 0 48.0 52.5 Color (Pt-Co units) 34.0 31.0 35.0 7.0 Turbidity (FTU) 13.0 22.0 23. 0 160.0 22.0 pH value at 25 C 7. 10 7.00 7.25 7.25 7.00 Specific conductance at 25 C (umho/cm) 3+.0 160.0 150.0 130.0 160.0 Suspended matter 29. 0 30.8 46.0 427.5 116.0 Loss on ignition 5.0 3' 4.5 33.1 18.5 Ammonia nitrogen (as N) 0.64 0.16 0.17 0.21 Nitrate nitrogen (as N) 0.93 0.69 0.52 0.49 Total sulfides (as S) 0.000 0.020 0.006 0.002 0.002 Methyl orange alkalinity (as CaCO>) 46. 0 29.0 25.0 28.0 31. 0 Hardness (as CaC03) 114.5 53 ' 50.0 45.5 50.5 Total dissolved solids at 103 C 196.6 99.0 87.0 81. 6 86.8 Loss on ignition 48.0 29.0 23.6 29.2 31. 2 Silicon dioxide (8102) 6.25 4.55 4.80 4.25 2. 50 Calcium (Ca) 32.8 15.2 15.2 14.4 17.6 Magnesium (Mg) 7.9 3.8 2.9 2.3 1.6 Sodium (Na) 10.0 5.4 5.3 3.6 5.1 Potassium (K) 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.7 1.2 Bicarbonate (HC03) 56. 1 35.4 30. 5 34.2 37.8 Sulfate (SO4) 76.4 32.8 28.8 20.2 20.4 Chloride (Cf) 12.7 8.5 7.3 4.9 7.3 Nitrate (N03) 4.10 3.06 2.30 2.17 Phosphate (P04), total soluble 0.04 0. 14 0.04 0.22 0.054 Total mineral solids 195. 8 111. 1 99.1 86.8 93.8 Dissolved oxygen (0 ) 13.6 12. 0 9.5 9.7 Biochemical oxygen 3emand (5 day B.O.D.) 1. 35 2.05 0.80 1.70 Chemical oxygen demand 7.08 7.65 7.00 31.51 23.38 Ion Anal sis m /1 Positive ions Calcium (Ca) l. 64 0.76 0. 76 0.72 0.88. Magnesium (Mg) 0.65 0.31 0.24 0.19 0.13 Sodium (Na) 0.44 0.23 0.23 0.16 0.22 Potassium (K) 0. 03 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.03 Total 2.76 1.33 1.28 1.11 1. 26. ( Negative ions Bicarbonate (HC03) 0.92 0.58 0.50 0.56 0.62 Sulfate (SO ) 1.59 0.68 0.60 0.42 0.42 Chloride (Cf) 0.36 0.24 0.21 0.14 0.21 Nitrate (NO~) 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.04 Phosphate (F04) trace trace trace 0.01 0.00 Total 2.94 1.55 1.35 1.17 1.25 Trace Metal Anal sis m /1 Iron in solution (Fe) 0.05 0.60 0.48 0.08 0. 19 Total iron (Fe) 3.50 2.06 2.42 17.30 3. 98 Aluminum in solution (Al) 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.00 0.02 Total aluminum (Al) 0.13 1.19 0.59 0.55 2.37 Manganese in solution (Mn) 0. 56 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.03 Total manganese (Mn) 0.71 0.20 0.20 0.47 0.21 Copper in, solution (Cu) 0.02 0. 01 0.01 . 0.01 0.01 Total copper (Cu) 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.03 Zinc in solution (Zn) 0.01 0. 01 0.01 0.02 0.01 Total zinc (Zn) 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.10 0.09

39 Table A-20 (cont.) Sample number 135 136 137 .138 138 Date Jul 14 Aug 17 Sep 15 Oct 5 Nov 3 Dec Time 1430 1400 1330 1345 1345 River temperature ( F) 78. 7 70. 0 59.9 57.0 38. 8 Color, (Pt-Co units) 24.0 13 ~ 5 5.5 7.0 42.0 Turbidity (FTU) 7.5 21.0 8.6 9.4 11. 0 pH at 25 C 8 '5 7.55 7.20 7.20 380.0 7.50 215.0 Specific conductance at 25oC (pmho/cm) 405.0 325.0 355.0 Suspended matter 17. 7 73.0 7.0 43.1 19.4 Loss on ignition 5.6 11.4 1.9 $7 ~ 3 2.6 nitrogen (as N) 0.28 0.26 0.40 -'0.41 0.21 Ammonia Nitrate nitrogen (as N) 0. 22 0.38 0. 61 '.86 0.52 Total sulfides (as S) 0.003 0.004 0.00 0.002 0.003 Methyl orange alkalinity (as CaCO>) 57.0 49.0 53.0 57.0 44.0 Hardness (as CaCO>) 161.0 119.5 132.5 155.7 80.5 Total dissolved solids at 103 C 264.8 206.4 225 ' 248.4 131.0 Loss on ignition 69.6 53.2 55.2 69.2 39.4 Silicon dioxide (Si02) 1.20 1.30 1.50 1.80 4.60 Calcium (Ca) 44.8 34.4 35.6 42.7 24.4 Magnesium (Mg) 11.9 8.1 10.6 11. 9 4.7 Sodium (Na) 12.8 10.9 11.0 14 ~ 0 7.5 potassium (K) 2.25 1.7 2.0 2.0 1.8 Bicarbonate (HC03) 69.54 59.8 64.6 69.5 53.7 Sulfate (S04) 95.0 81. 0 71.0 89.4 41. 2 Chloride (Cl) 16.99 12.7 13. 3 16.4 10. 9 Nitrate (NO ) 0.99 1.70 2.68 3.80 2.30 Phosphate (/04), total soluble 0.48 0.05 0.02 0. 05 0.15 Total mineral solids 260.45 212.2 212.3 255.4 152.3 Dissolved oxygen (02) 8.5 10.5 8.3 10 ' 13 ' Biochemical oxygen demand (5 day B. 0 D.) 3.68 3.40 0.95 2.93- 1.50 Chemical oxygen demand 17.82 21.13 16.54 15.38 6.07 Ion Anal sis m /I Positive iona Calcium (Ca) 2. 24 1 ~ 72 1. 78 2. 13 l. 22 Magnesium (Mg) 0.98 0.67 0.87 0.98 0. 39 Sodium (Na) 0.56 0.47 0.48 0.61 0. 33 Potassium (K) 0.06 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.05 Total 3.84 2.90 3.18 3.77 1.99 Negative ions Bicarbonate (HC03) 1. 14 0.98 1.06 l. 14 0.88 Sulfate (SO ) 1. 98 1.68 1.48 1.86 0.86 Chloride (Ci) 0.48 0.36 0.38 0.46 0.31 Nitrate (NO ) 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.04 Phosphate (/04) 0.02 trace 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 3.64 3.05 2.96 3.52 2.09 Trace Metal Anal sis m /I 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.52 Iron in solution (Fe) 0.01 1.96 Total iron (Fe) 1.26 3.78 2.01 2.78 Aluminum in solution (Al) 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 Total aluminum (Al) 0.88 0 '8 0.17 0.48 0.56 0.10 0.22 Manganese in solution (Mn) 0.21 0.33 0.63 Total manganese (Mn) 0.52 0.60 0.71 0.69 0.26 Copper in solution (Cu) 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 Total copper (Cu) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0. 01 Zinc in solution (Zn) trace 0.00 0.01 0 00 0. 01

                                                                                         '2 F

Total zinc (Zn) 0.01 0.01 0 '2 0 0.01

Table A-21. Discharges and average water chemistry determinations of nine major acid mine drainages in the study area A-l), Data are from the Department of Environmental Resources, Kingston, Pennsylvania (Fig. 1974. Drainage Discharge pH Alkalinity Acidity Total Sulfate 'Specific m3/sec gpm (mg/I) (pH 4) (pH 8) Iron (mg/l) Conductance m /I m /l (m /1) umho/cm Old Forge Borehole 1. 26 20,000 5.6 63 191 59 968 (5-6)a Duryea Outfall 1.26 20,000 5.8 87 53 47 904 250 (1-5) Butler Tunnel <0.32 <5,000 3.8 88 117 23 465 (1-2) South Wilkes-Barre Outfall 1.07 177000 4.9 20 98 586 267 2,440 (1-6) Buttonwood Tunnel 0.88 14,000 5.4 41 265 1,000 147 1,571 (1-5) Askam Outfall 0.63 10,000 5.8 38 340 284 3,120 (2) b Newport Creek 0.76 12,000 4.0 85 725 314 2,875 (Glen-Nan Coal Co.) (1-2) Hocanaqua Outfall <0.32 <5,000 3.1 25 65 250 51 825 (1-2) Nescopeck Creek 4.2 70 158 320 (2-3) a Number of samples averaged. January through April only. Table A-22. Average water chemistry determinations of two major creeks in the study area (Fig. A-l), Data are from the Department Environmental Resources, Williamsport, Pennsylvania 1974. of Creeks pH Alkalinity Acidity Total Sulfate CaC03 (mg/1) (pH 4) (pH 8) Iron (mg/1) Hardness m /1 m /I m /I m /l Fishing Creek (3) 7.1 15 0 0 0 '0 10 28 Catawissa Creek 4.6 21 0.22 40 48 (2-4) a Number of samples averaged.


     < 0.52 M/SEC (5,000 GPM)        0                                                      TOBY CR                   BUTLER TUNNEL 0.65- 095 M/SEC 110-15,000 GPM1    O                                                                           DURYEA OUTFALL 0.95-126 M/SEC (15" 20,000 GPM)                                            HARVEYS CR.


                                                                                                  ~SOUTH          WILKES-BARRE GUT TONWOOO OUTFALL SHICKSHINNY CR.l                                         TUNNEL ASKAM OUTFALL NANTICOKE CR.


                                                                         -MOCANAQUA OUTFALL g LITTLE WAPWALLOPEQ I'CR SSES BELL BEND B E RWICK-.                           WAPWALLOPEN CR DANVILLE FISHING CR.                            NESCOPECK CR.
                                                                                                 ~~        5 KILOMETERS BLOOMSBURG CATAWISSA CR.

Fig. A-1. Map of the study area with sampling stations and sewage and acid mine drainage effluents.

42 IRON AND ITS EFFECTS by William F. Gale, Theodore V. Jacobsen and Katherine M. Smith TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACTo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o 45 INTRODUCTION. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.... ~............,.............. ~ 48 DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . .. .........................,...

                                                                                ~      ~                                                               48 PROCEDURES  ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~          51 Iron Oxidation in Laboratory Exper ments.............................                                                                             51 Iron Deposition in Fi'eld Experimen ts                                   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~                                            52 Iron Concentrations in the River..                                   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~       54 RESULTS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~       55 Iron Oxidation.              ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~   ~ ~ ~   ~ ~                55 Iron Deposition.               ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~                                 57 Iron Concentrations                              ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~  ~     59 DISCUSSION.          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~      ~ ~     ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~       62 Iron Deposition.               ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~   ~ ~     62 Iron Concentrations.                   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~      67 Effects of Iron on River B iota.                              ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~                  72 Effects of Iron on Man.                      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~                                                              79 REFERENCES           CITED. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~        .,...,......,...... .....,,......       ~                              79 LIST       OF TABLES Table 1.           Some      chemical and physical characteristics of Susquehanna River water at                SSES (mean values based on 257 samples; about 3/wk in 1973 and 2/wk in                           1974).:...............................

43 Page Iron deposition (mg/m ) on monthly (M) and cumulative (C) acrylic plates near the river bottom at Falls, SSES, Bell Bend and Nescopeck in 1974-5. Mean daily deposition (D) was determined by dividing monthly values by the sampling P eriod duration...........................,................ 83 Algal density (units/mm ) and mean iron deposition (mg/m ) on clean and colonized acrylic plates (smooth and roughened) near the river bottom at SSES in Experiment F, June 1975. Colonized plates had been placed in an artificial stream to establish an algal flora. Means are based on 4 samples (2 per plate) except that one colonized, smooth plate was 1 os't o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ River level, total iron concentration, ferric iron concen-tration (as / of total), sulfate concentration and water temperature in the Susquehanna River at SSES during selected periods of 1973-4 when river discharge increased sharply...... 85 LIST OF FIGURES Map of study area showing sampling stations (circles), cities (squares) and areas of acid mine effluents........... ~ . 86 Color changes due to oxidation of ferrous iron in heated river water: 1 thermometer; 2 aquarium heater; 3 river water; 4 graduated cylinder................................ 87 Detritus-free apparatus for iron deposition and periphytic algae studies............................................... 88 Oxidation of ferrous iron in river water at five tempera-ture ranges in laboratory Experiment B........................ 89 Iron deposition (g/m ) on monthly and cumulative acrylic plates near the river bottom at SSES and Falls in Experi-ment C, 1974-5. Mean and maximum river levels (M) are for S SES ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 90 Iron deposition (mg/m ) on acrylic plates near the river bottom, iron concentration (mg/1) near the plates and river level (M) in Experiment D at SSES between January 28 and A pril 2, 1975 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 91 Iron deposition (mg/m 2 ) on the upper and lower surfaces of acrylic plates at various angles near the river bottom at SSES in Trials I and II of Experiment E in 1975............. 92

44 Page Fig. 8. Iron concentrations in surface samples (dashed line) as a percentage of iron concentrations in bottom samples (solid "0" line) at four stations on the Susquehanna River in 1973... 93 Fig. 9.'otal iron concentrations (mg/l) in the Susquehanna River at Falls (F), Nanticoke (N), Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES), Mifflinville(M), Bloomsburg (B), Catawissa (CA), Danville (D), Sunbury (S), Clerks Ferry (CF) and Columbia (CO) in January, May, August and October, 1973....... 94 Fig. 10. Iron loads (g/sec) at 10 stations (see Fig. 9 for desig-nations) in the Susquehanna River in January, May, August and October, 1973........ .. . .. . .......,.. ............ 95 Fig. 11. Total iron (metric tons/day) in the Susquehanna River passing Falls, Nanticoke, SSES and Nescopeck in 1973.......... 96

45 ABSTRACT The northern branch of the Susquehanna River near Berwick, Pennsylvania is polluted with iron-rich, acid mine effluents. In 1973-4 the River at the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES) contained up to 38.5 mg/l of iron with a monthly mean of 3.72 mg/1. The River transported from 16 to 844 metric tons (mean 358) of iron past SSES daily. High iron concen-trations (mg/1) in the River did not necessarily coincide with high iron discharges (kg/sec). Turbidity was high much of the year; Secchi disc values ranged from 2-179 cm (mean 66 cm). Turbidity increased during periods of elevated river discharge primarily because of high silt loads and during periods of low river discharge (in summer) because of colloidal and suspended iron particles. Nonfiltrable residues (from 12 to 148 mg/l) were closely correlated with ferric iron concentrations (r=.94 in 1973 and .88 in 1974) as were fixed nonfiltrable residues (r=.93 in 1973 and .86 in 1974). Water temperature proved to be a major factor limiting iron oxidation in the River and large seasonal differences in water quality reflected changes in water temperature. Ferric/ferrous iron ratios were high (up to

78) in summer when the River was brownish-orange and low (less than 10) in winter, when the River was nearly clear. In laboratory experiments, 94/

of the ferrous iron in 24 C River water, containing 3.0 mg/1 of ferrous iron, oxidized in 2 hours. In 0 C River water about 42, 19, and 4/ of the ferrous iron remained unoxidized after 1, 2, and 4 days, respectively.

46 Except during high river discharge, the distance iron traveled from the effluent above Nanticoke was inversely related to water temperature. In summer, up to 73K of the iron was removed from the water column within 50 km of the effluent. In January, in the same distance, just.4/ of the iron was removed from the water column and only 52/ was removed within 150 km of the effluent. Elevated river discharges scoured some iron from the rocky substrate and increased iron concentrations in the water. During high river flow in May, iron concentrations remained high (decreasing by just 17/) at Columbia, Pennsylvania, which is 193 km downriver from SSES. In 1974 the rate of iron deposition on acrylic plates located near the River bottom was low in winter and during periods of elevated river discharge. Deposition rates were high in August and September, when water temperatures were high and river discharge was low. Deposition rates ranged from 4 to 393 mg/m /day. Up to 27,000 mg of iron/m were present on "cumulative" acrylic plates when sampled in October. In late summer and early fall an abundance of chironomids and their cases on the plates helped trap particulate iron and protected it from erosive water currents. In another experiment the upper surfaces of acrylic plates angled into the current at 0, 5, 30, 45, 60, and 90 from horizontal, collected more iron (sig. 0.01 level) than lower surfaces. Much iron can be removed from the water column in ways other than by settling (abiotic) or by straining (biotic). More than twice as much iron was deposited on roughened acrylic plates than on smooth plates. In another experiment, roughened plates (colonized by aquatic biota) collected about twice as

47 much as smooth (colonized) plates, and elevenfold more iron than smooth (uncolonized) plates, suggesting that minute iron particles may have (1) lodged in small irregularities on roughened surfaces, and (2) adhered to sticky biotic slimes. Ferric iron in the River seemed to impair the ecosystem at all trophic levels. Iron particles increased turbidity, thus shading algae and vascular plants; standing crops of periphytic algae averaged tenfold greater in the River above mine effluents than below. Vascularplants were restricted to water less than 80 cm deep (at low water). Iron seemed to form around some phytoplankton cells to produce a clump that settled out of the water column. Chironomids excluded, the standing crop of benthos in waters slightly polluted with iron was fourfold greater than in heavily polluted water. Chironomids seemed to profit from mine drainage and up to 78,000/m 2 (mostly Rheotan tarsus) were found in heavily polluted areas. Although catch/ effort of fish was about threefold greater in slightly polluted sections of the River than in heavily polluted ones, most species occurred in both sections. The eggs or nest larvae of 16 species of fish (including large-and walleye, Stizostedion vitreum) were collected in 1974-5 in the heavily polluted waters near SSES; 18 species of larval fish were collected there in pump and push-net samples. Mine drainage greatly reduced recreational use of the River near SSES.

48 INTRODUCTION Many Appalachian streams are degraded by coal mine effluents (Herricks and. Cairns 1974). Several are highly acidic and low pH has a deleterious effect upon their biotas, but high concentrations of iron are of even 1 greater consequence to the ecology of some streams and rivers, such as the Susquehanna. The chemical reactions involved in transformation of pyrite and marcasite in coal mines to the dissolved (ferrous) iron in mine ef-fluents have been investigated many times and although many intricacies are still in doubt, basic oxidative reactions of. iron sulfides are under-, stood (Barnes and Romberger 1968). Several studies have investigated effects of acid water on aquatic organisms (Parsons 1957 and Katz 1969 review the literature). Ho~ever the effects of iron precipitates on stream biota- have received little attention, and the interactions of iron, after it leaves the mine,. with'ts physical and chemical environment have been largely ignored., Basic objectives in this study were to determine effects of temperature and river discharge on iron oxidation in the Sus-quehanna River (as expressed by seasonal changes in the ferric/ferrous iron ratios) and to relate those changes to iron deposition on the sub-strate. We also examined the effects of iron pollution upon the aquatic ecosystem. DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA The Susquehanna River drains the largest basin (7,225 km ) in the eastern United States (Williams and Reed 1972). Its northern branch arises in Otsego Lake in southeastern New York, passes south through the

49 mostly-wooded hills of northeastern Pennsylvania, through the anthracite coal fields near Scranton and Wilkes-Barre, joins the West Branch Sus-quehanna River at Northumberland, and finally heads southeast to Chesa-peake Bay (Fig. 1). I Most of our investigation was restricted to a 74-km stretch of river between Falls, where the River is slightly polluted with iron, rated "excel-lent" in 1965 by HG'CA (1967), and Nescopeck, where the River is heavily polluted with iron (Fig. 1). The study was focused at the Site of the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES) about 9 river-kilometers above Nescopeck, Pennsylvania. At SSES the 350-m wide River is rocky-bottomed with moderate to strong currents and depths usually less than 2-3 m. During low river flow, abandoned eel walls (rows of cobbles and boulders built to direct eels into a trap) help maintain river pools, some of which are several kilometers long. Although acidic coal-mine waters were detectable in samples taken from the east channel of the Susquehanna at Harrisburg from 1945-9 (Anderson 1963), mine drainage was not a major problem in the River until 1961 when large amounts of mine water began to be pumped into Solomon's Creek, a tributary located downstream from Wilkes-Barre (Pennsylvania Department of Health 1963). Presently, acidic mine effluents are carried into the Sus-quehanna by the Lackawanna River (Fig. 1) and by several seeps, bore holes, and creeks between the Lackawanna River and Nanticoke and at a few sites down-river. Volumes of some effluents, including a major effluent that seems to enter the bottom of the Susquehanna about 4 km above Nanticoke, cannot

50 be calculated. Mine effluents contain large amounts of ferrous iron that oxidize into insoluble ferric compounds (mostly ferric hydroxide) as effluents are oxygenated and neutralized by River water. Much of the ferric compounds precipitate out, but some colloids and suspended particles remain in the water column. In summer, ferric compounds may "color" the entire River brownish-orange and in July and August patches of brownish foam, some 15 cm thick, are observed on the surface. In winter, much of the color disappears and it is sometimes almost clear. The substrate remains iron-coated throughout the year, 'even after scouring. Turbidity increases during periods of elevated river discharge, pri-marily because of high silt loads, and during periods of low river dis-charge (in summer) because of colloidal and suspended iron particles. Turbidity due to particulate iron is especially pronounced from June through October, when river discharge is usually low. Then the River carries little silt and, if it werenot for the iron, it would be fairly clear. Total iron discharge (kg/sec) is low in summer, but ferric iron concentrations and ferric/ferrous iron ratios are high (Table 1). Secchi disc readings averaged 66 cm in 1973-4 with a daily range of 2-179 cm. River levels in 1973 ranged from 148.3 m (msl) on October 26 to 152.5 m on April 6; the monthly mean River level (150.4 m) was highest in April (Table 1). In 1974, River levels ranged from 148.2 m (msl) on August 21 to 152.2 m on April 5; the highest monthly mean (150.4 m) occurred in April. River water remained near neutral in 1973-4 with a monthly minimum of 6.8 and a maximum of 7.5; daily pH values ranged from 6.7 to 8.2. Dissolved

51 oxygen was abundant, averaging 10.39 mg/1 with a range of 5.85 to 13.80 mg/1. Nonfiltrable residues ranged from 12 to 148 mg/1 and were closely correlated with ferric iron concentrations in 1973 (r=.94) and 1974 (r .88). Organic matter composed relatively little of the nonfiltrable residue since about 85/ of the weight remained after combustion in a muffle furnace at 550 C for 1 hour. Fixed nonfiltrable residues were closely correlated with ferric iron concentrations in 1973 (r=.93) and 1974 (r=.86). Sulfate levels ranged from 39 to 143 mg/1 in 1973-4 and were closely correlated (r=.94) with specific conductance, which ranged from 178 to 497 pmho/cm; both were inversely related to river discharge. Sulfate discharge (kg/sec) was low in summer and autumn, probably a result of reduced mine drainage. PROCEDURES Iron Oxidation in Laboratory Experiments Experiment A To determine if, and how fast, clear river water would turn "color" when warmed, about 950 ml of 0 C water collected from the River surface, below a mine effluent in Wilkes-Barre, was added to each of two 1,000-ml graduated cylinders containing four thermometers and an aquarium heater (Fig. 2). Only one heater was plugged in. Color changes and tem-peratures were noted at 10-minute intervals for 1 hour. The experiment was repeated using a mixture of ferrous sulfate and distilled water. Experiment B To measure the oxidation rate of ferrous iron in River water of various temperatures, water was collected from below the

52 Nanticoke bridge and placed into baths of various temperatures in 200-ml jars, sealed to prevent spillage or contamin'ation. The water contained 3.0 mg/1 of ferrous iron and more than 12 mg/l of dissolved oxygen. The jars contained much more dissolved oxygen than was needed since 1 mg/1 of dissolved oxygen is sufficient to oxidize 7 mg/1 of ferrous iron (Kim 1968). Iron oxidation rates have been determined in the laboratory but rates in natural systems, where "Insidious trace quantities of impurities may strongly accelerate the oxidation reaction" (Stumm and Lee 1961) can differ from those measured in a controlled environment. The experiment'as in-itiated on February 12, 1975, when River temperatures were near 0 C. The amount of ferrous iron oxidized after various lengths of time (from 0.5 to 192 hrs) was determined by subtracting the amount of ferrous" iron re-maining 'after the allotted time from the initial 3.0 mg/1. Samples from three replicates were analyzed each sampling period and a mean was de-rived by averaging the results from the two most similar samples. Iron Deposition in Field Experiments Experiment C Iron deposition was measured on roughened acrylic plates placed near the River bottom in the channel at Falls, SSES, and Nescopeck and near shore at Bell Bend (Fig. 1), from January 1974 through March 1975. The plates were bolted to squares of slate (Fig. 3) which slipped into a weighted acrylic holder and were held in place by velcro patches. The slates were being used in a periphyton study but were not suitable for deposition of iron because they contained substantial amounts K of iron. The holders were built without projections to avoid catching

53 detritus, for even a small piece of detritus moving in the current could remove deposited iron. The plates were angled into the current at about 5 horizontal. Randomly selected plates were sampled by a SCUBA diver using a bar-clamp sampler (Gale 1975) with a collecting cup (Fig. 3, B) modified to enclose either a 5.1 cm or a 15.5 cm sample area. The diver collected a 200-ml water sample near the plates for iron analysis. One sample from each of two "monthly" plates (inundated for about 30 days) were taken from February 1974 through March 1975. Also, two samples were taken each month from one "cumulative" plate, placed in the River on Jan-uary 15, 1974 (at Falls on .January 18). Plates sampled were replaced by clean ones. In the laboratory, water from inside the sampling cup was removed through the discharge port and replaced by hot hydrochloric acid through a tube in the top of the cup (Fig. 3).. In a few instances the cup had to be removed so the sampling area could be scraped to remove material adhering to it. The amount of iron in the sample was determined by the phenanthroline method (Standard Methods 1971). The result was cor-rected by subtracting the amount of iron in the River water collected coincidentally with the sample; the amount was based upon iron concentration in the 200-ml water sample taken near the plates. Experiment D In January 1975, at SSES a group of roughened acrylic plates were placed into one of the holders used in experiment C, so that iron deposition could be measured after shorter than usual durations (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 days). To observe the effects of increasing River discharge on deposited iron, extra samples were taken after 21, 25, and 28 days, when rapid increases in River level were anticipated.

Experiment E Six roughened 14 cm 2 acrylic plates were placed (angled into the current at 0, 5, 30, 45, 60, and 90 from horizontal) in the channel at SSES to measure iron deposition on sloping surfaces. Iron deposition was mea'sured twice: Trial I, March 7-April; Trial II, April 2-18, 1975. Experiment F To determine if the rate of iron deposition on a clean surface equals that on a surface containing an aquatic biota, 12 acrylic plates (6 rough and 6 smooth) were conditioned in an artificial stream of swimming-pool water in direct sunlight. Three rough and three smooth control plates were covered with opaque.PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and the edges sealed with silicone rubber to keep water out. The plates were exposed June 2,'975 and after 14 days, the PVC covers were removed and 2 exposed plates (1 rough, 1 smooth) were sampled to determine if iron and algae had accumulated. The remaining plates were placed at 5 angles in an acrylic holder on the River bottom at SSES. Two iron samples were taken from each plate with a bar-clamp sampler. Algal counts were made by Dr. Rex L. Lowe. Iron Concentrations in the River Most field and laboratory procedures employed in this study were detailed in previous reports (Ichthyological Associates 1972, 1973, and 1974) and will be described here briefly. Water samples for iron analyses were taken from the River surface at SSES three times a week in 1973 and twice a week in 1974. Monthly "river run" samples were collected at Falls, Nanticoke, SSES, and Nescopeck in 1973 (Fig. 1); samples were collected

55 once each season in 1973 on extended "river runs" from Falls or SSES to Columbia and in 1974 from Falls to Danville. On extended "river runs" only the samples collected near the east shore at Sunbury and stations farther downriver were analyzed for this report. Samples were collected on both sides of the River below the confluence of the Susquehanna with its west branch and we found that waters from the two had not mixed suf-ficiently, by the time they reached Columbia, to lose their chemical iden-tity. This situation is "Probably due to the small depth-width ratio and the extreme width of the river" (Anderson 1963). Samples collected during 24-hour studies in 1973-4 showed no major differences in iron concentrations. Thus the results are not included here. A portion of the water collected for iron determinations was immediately filtered through a Millipore filter paper 8AAWP0470M (0.80 um pores) in 1973 and 8HAWP0470M (0.45 pm pores) in 1974 to remove ferric particles. The amount of ferrous iron in filtered water and the total amount of iron in a second, unfiltered, sample was later determined by the phenanthroline method. Ferric levels were determined by subtracting the amount of ferrous iron in the filtered sample from the amount of total iron in the unfiltered sample. RESULTS Iron Oxidation In Experiment A, iron oxidation and precipitation, a process that might require several hours to days in the River, was observed in less than an hour by warming the water to speed oxidation. Water in the

56 heated cylinder stratified within 10 minutes just below the heater, where the warm water layer ended Within 20 minutes warm water in the upper stratum began to turn yellow as ferrous iron oxidized (Fig. 2), and colloidal-sized particles formed. Little color change occurred in the cool lower stratum. After 40 minutes, warm water turned a dark yellow and "fingers" projected downward into the 'colder water. After 60 minutes large clumps of,ferric floe were abundant in the water and on the bottom. The warm water seemed clearer than it had after 30 and 40 minutes, when particles were smaller and more dispersed. No color changes appeared in the control cylinder. Similar results were obtained when a mixture of ferrous sulfate and distilled water was substituted for River water. In Experiment B, the oxidation rate of ferrous iron was directly related to water temperature and to iron concentration. Oxidation of ferrous iron was rapid in warm water and a pronounced .color was noted by the time the water reached 44 C. Since only 12% of the iron remained unoxidized at that time the data for the 44 C samples have not been in-cluded in Fig. 4. About, 94% of the ferrous iron in 24 C water had oxidized within two hours, whereas 41, 19, and 4% of the ferrous iron in 0 C water was unoxidized after 1, 2, and 4 days, respectively. In most instances a small amount of ferrous iron remained in the samples after the experiment was terminated. Even in samples in which all of the iron was oxidized some ferric iron may have returned to the ferrous state and reentered solution. For example, 44 C samples contained 0.0 mg/l of iron after 12 hours but replicates contained O.OS mg/l after 24 hours, 0.03 mg/l after

57 48 hours, 0.02 mg/l after 96 hours, and 0.04 mg/1 after 192 hours. The 0.72 mg/1 iron value obtained for the 9.5 C samples at 24 hours seems too-high; for no obvious 'reasons iron values in this set of replicates varied. widely (0.15, 0.53, and 0. 93 mg/1). The higher than expected values were rechecked for accuracy but no errors-were found. Iron Deposition The "detritus-free" acrylic holders used in Experiment C worked well and no detritus was observed on them. The velcor patches held up for several months before some came loose; these were rebonded to the slates i with silicone sealant and no further problems were encountered. It was feared that the acrylic holder might become partly buried with sand and stones during periods of high river discharge, as did "Bar-B-g" baskets used in benthological studies. Some sand accumulated behind the holder and below the plates but the top and front of the holder did not seem to change in relation to adjacent substrate. In Experiment C (Table 2) iron deposition on monthly plates averaged 2 2,200 mg/m (range, 120-11,000 mg/m 2 ) at SSES, Bell Bend, and Nescopeck. Falls, the control Station, had much less iron (sig. 0.01 level of con-2 fidence) with a mean of 620 mg/m 2 (range, 29-4,400 mg/m ) . At Falls a K gradual but steady increase occurred in the mean daily iron deposition a on monthly plates from February through May. Deposition then increased 2 At the three rapidly and peaked at 133 mg/m /day in August (Table 2). stations downriver from mine effluents, substantial amounts of iron were deposited in March 1974; the daily mean ranged from 44-94 mg/m 2 /day.

58 Deposition decreased sharply in April to 4-6 2 mg/m /day and peaked in August at 253 mg/m 2 /day." Maximum values were not obtained until September at Bell Bend (393 mg/m /day) and October at Nescopeck (256 mg/m /day). Iron deposition on cumulative plates, which had been in the River for 1 to 14 months, was measured (Fig. 5). Plates at SSES had at least three-fold more iron than plates at Falls and values were significantly dif-ferent at the 0.01 level of confidence using the "F" test. Cumulative plates at SSES, except in March 1975, contained more iron than monthly plates. However, the amount of iron on cumulative plates was usually less than the sum of the monthly iron values for the same period. In April, for example, at SSES only 300 mg/m 2 of iron was present on cumulative plates, which had been in the River for a three month period; the sum of 2 the monthly accumulations for that period was 2,780 mg/m . Iron deposits on monthly plates in June, July, and August at Falls exceeded those on cumulative plates at the same site. In Experiment D, the rate of iron deposition, in which iron measurements were determined at fairly short intervals, was variable (Pig.

6) and ranged from 10 to 57 mg/m 2 /day. Iron accumulation was slow the first eight days then increased until the River rose after 21 days. Be-tween February 21 and 24, when the River was rising rapidly, iron deposits decreased from 1,300 mg/m 2 to 300 mg/m 2 . During the same period, iron in water samples collected near the plates increased from 2.33 to 5.70 mg/1.

In Experiment E (Fig. 7) iron was deposited in nearly equal amounts on the upper and lower surfaces of acrylic plates set at 0-30 angles,

59 whereas the upper surfaces of plates with 45, 60, and 90 angles contained more iron than the lower surfaces. Overall, the upper surfaces had more iron (sig. at 0.01 level of confidence) than the lower surfaces. The difference in iron concentrations on plates with different angles was significant (0.05 level of confidence) in Trial I but not in Trial II. 0 0 The roughened 5 plate contained over twice as much iron as a smooth 5 plate in both trials. In Experiment F, roughened plates (colonized by algae in the arti-ficial stream) contained the most iron, and had nearly twice as much as smooth (colonized) plates and about elevenfold more than smooth (uncolo-nized) plates (Table 3). The smooth (colonized) plate contained nearly twice as much iron as the roughened ('uncolonized) plates. Algae density was highest on roughened plates; Scenedesmus spp. composed over 50/ of the total algae on both plates. Iron Concentrations At Falls, SSES, and Necopeck overall iron concentrations in water samples from .the surface and bottom were not as similar as expected (Fig. 8). Largest differences occurred in May and June"when surface samples contained from 30 to 58/ more iron than did bottom samples. Even larger differences were noted at Nanticoke where surface samples contained from 2 to 80/ less iron than bottom samples, except in May, when the River was high and surface samples contained 24/ more iron than bottom samples did.

60 Large amounts of iron (up to 38.50 mg/l) were found in the River at SSES throughout the study (Table 4). In 1973-4 (Table 1) levels averaged 3.72 mg/1 for an iron discharge of 2.15 kg/sec. Total iron discharge (kg/ sec) was highest from January through April in 1973 and from December 1973 through April in 1974; maximum values occurred in March (1973) and in April (1974). Minimum values occurred in October (1973) and in August (1974). High iron concentrations (mg/l) did not always coincide with high iron discharges as can be seen in October 1973 when substantial amounts of iron were in the water but when iron discharge was very low. Maximum iron concentrations, however, did coincide with maximum iron discharges. At Falls, iron levels were almost always low; the minimum was 0.18 mg/1 and the mean was 1.59 mg/1, but up to 7.80 mg/1 of iron were detected. On monthly "river runs" highest iron concentrations were found at Falls in June (1973) and the lowest occurred in November; total iron (kg/sec) carried downriver was greatest in December. Pronounced seasonal differences were observed in the ferric/ferrous iron ratios at SSES (Table 1); low values ( 10) were obtained in January, February, and May in 1973, and January through March 1974, when much of the iron remained in solution. Ratios were high from June through October of both years as high water temperatures speeded oxidation. The highest monthly ratio, 78, occurred in September 1973. During both 1973 and 1974 ratios were lower in July than in June and in August. Ferrous iron was, not abundant at Falls on monthly "river runs" and never exceeded 0. 21 mg/1; it composed relatively little.of the total iron and only twice composed more than 20/ of it. At SSES, ferrous iron was

61 sometimes abundant (up to 3.36 mg/1) and composed up to 58/ of the total iron. At Falls the mean ferric/ferrous ratio was 18, whereas at SSES it was only 5; the high ratio at Falls probably means that this station is comparatively far from the source of iron. Raw data provided by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation revealed that at Smithboro, New York (1968-73) the Susquehanna contained up to 4.6 mg/1 of iron and 19 of 67 samples contained at least 1.0 mg/1 of iron. The Chemung River, a major tributary entering downriver from Smithboro, contained up to 6.0 mg/1 of iron. On extended "river runs", large seasonal differences were observed in the distance iron traveled downstream (Figs. 9, 10) . In January, iron concentrations diminished gradually downriver and 4/ of the iron present at Nanticoke had keen removed from the water column at Blooms-burg, 50 km downriver, and only 42/ had been removed at Clarks Ferry, 150 km below the effluent. In May, iron levels declined little down-river and water at Columbia contained 83/ as much iron as water at SSES did. In August and October samples, iron concentrations dropped sharply and about 75/ of the iron present at Nanticoke had disappeared before it reached Bloomsburg. Water at Catawissa had slightly higher iron con-centrations than water at Bloomsburg; at Sunbury, iron concentrations leveled off and remained fairly constant to Columbia.

62 DISCUSSION Iron Deposition Methods of deposition At SSES, iron seemed to have been removed from the water column in at least two ways: (1) flocculent ferric parti-cles settled by gravity (abiotic removal), and (2) were strained from t'e water by submerged plants'nd filter-feeding organisms such as bryozoans, clams, and hydropsychid caddisflies (biotic removal). Also iron may have oxidized on or near the substrate/water interface, as was suggested by the presence of iron on the bottom of artificial substrates in Experiment E. Or, iron might have been carried underneath the plates by water currents and held in place by electrostatic forces, sticky biotic slimes or by other means. Iron probably does not combine chemically with'iver substrates J since it developed on submerged objects with different chemical compo-sitions such as aluminum, glass, and a v'ariety of plastics. Results of 4 Experiment F clearly demonstrated that the aquatic environment can act upon exposed surfaces making them more subject to iron deposition; sur-faces previously exposed to water and sunlight accumulated more iron than "clean" unexposed surfaces. The fact that the smooth (colonized) plates contained nearly twice as much iron as the rough (uncolonized) plates may indicate that the presence of a biota is of more consequence than initial surface texture. But,'he greater accumulation of iron on colonized plates might reflect increased surface area or a greater abundance of crevices pro-duced by the algae cells inhabiting the plate, or it might result from iron

63 adhering to the sticky, gelantinous sheath that surrounds some algae and bacteria. Starkey (1945) indicated that precipitation of iron on algae and other plant surfaces is a "relatively common" event. Precipitation is caused by slightly higher oxygen concentrations, "more strongly oxidizing conditions", near the photosynthesizing plant.'ron ba'cteria, which ob'tain energy by oxidizing ferrous iron in some very acidic streams, probably precipitate little, if any, iron in the near-neutral Susquehanna water. Optimum pH for different kinds of iron bacteria may vary with environmental conditions but is probably less than 4.5. Dr. Richard F. Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, two genera commonly thought to'be "iron bacteria", from River stones we provided. In some instances, iron can also be transfor'med by nonspecific bacteria (Starkey 1945). In this study it was impos'sible to quantify iron deposition produced in different ways. General observations made while SCUBA diving, however, indicated .that abiotic removal of iron from the water 'column might be highest in summer, when water temperatures werehigh and River discharge was low. During'hat time clumps of iron of varying sizes seemed to settle almost everywhere in quiet waters, with largest amounts in crevices between stones. Fanning the substrate with hand movements produced clouds of ferric particles which quickly began to resettle as they drifted down-stream. The rate of biotic removal of suspended ferric particles was probably maximal during low water in late summer and early autumn when ferric con-'

centrations were high, plant beds were fully developed, and filter-feeding organisms were active. Plant beds became clogged with flocculent iron in late summer. But, because submergent plant beds were not abundant near SSES and because patches of water willow, Justicia americana, (abundant on intermittent islands, eel walls, and along the shore in some places) were above the water most of its growing season, relatively little iron was removed from suspension by vascular plants. Filter-feeding benthic organ-isms, except for chironomids, were generally scarce in polluted portions of the River and also may have done little to reduce iron levels in the water. Where they occurred, however, caddisfly nets were highly effective filters and became heavily laden with particulate iron. Because small amounts of ferrous iron are in solution continuously, deposition of iron by oxidation at the substrate/water interface might occur throughout the year. In winter, when ferrous iron is most abundant at SSES (Table 1), oxidation is slowed by low water temperatures, I as was demonstrated in Experiment B. Yet, the substrate is covered with a much brighter brownish-orange coating during January and February than it is at other times, which gives the illusion of an unusually heavy deposit of iron, when it is actually less than at some other times (Table 2). Per-haps the most plausible explanation for the color difference is that during most of the growing season the bright color is masked by accumulations of living organisms, organic matter, and silt. The, River is usually at a low level and almost silt-free in January and February (when much of the water-shed is frozen) and, because of low water temperature, periphytic algae

65 growth is reduced and most benthic organisms have sought shelter in the substrate. Deposition rate When analyzing data from Experiment C (Table 2) it should be remembered that the iron accumulation on monthly plates was the net amount; it equaled gross deposition minus iron lost to erosion and in other ways. Thus a low monthly iron value need not reflect a low instantaneous rate of iron deposition for the entire month or even for most of it. In Experiment C, the high rate of iron deposition in late summer and early autumnwas probably a result of at least three factors: (1) high water temperature'; (2) low river discharge, and; (3) heavy colonization of plates in late summer by chironomids and lesser coloni-sation by some other organisms such as the bryozoan, Plumatella ~re ens. As was seen in Experiments A and B, high water temperatures speed oxidation and produce large amounts of flocculent ferric hydroxide particles. Low'iver discharge and concomitant low velocities permit


these suspended particles to settle out; from August through October maximum river levels were less than 149.5~m above msl (Fig. 5). Chiro-nomids may increase iron deposition by the cases they build on the plate's surface; many plates contained a mat of chironomid cases two and three layers thick. These cases, which probably contain large'mounts of iron, promote iron deposition by: (1) providing an irregular surface to trap particles; (2) increasing the surface area for iron adherence, and; (3) protecting iron deposited on plates from scouring. Sampling cup diameter was used to determine surface area for values in Table 2 and

66 projections on the plate surface might have biased iron, values upward. Also, many organisms living on the plate were coated with iron and probably had iron in their guts. Hydropsychid larvae, for example, from Bell Bend and SSES (dry wt. 0.8041 g), averaged ninefold more iron on or in them than similar larvae from Falls (0.5936 g). From July through October at SSES, there was an increase in iron con-centrations on cumulative plates and the 27,000 mg/m 2 of iron on the October cumulative plate greatly exceeded the combined total (18,300 mg/m ) of the monthly plates for the entire period from January through October. The greater amount of iron on the cumulative plates may have resulted from the greater abundance of invertebrates colonizing them. On cumulative plates most major decreases in deposited iron were associated with moderate to high river discharges, when much of the iron that had coated the substrate during low water was abraded away by molar action. Some effects of increased river discharge on deposited iron can be seen in Fig. 5; iron levels on cumulative plates decreased in April (when maximum and mean River levels were higher than they were in Feb-ruary and March), in November (when the River rose to 150.0 m above msl), and again in December (when the River rose to 151.8 m above msl). Results of Experiment D (Fig. 6) further documented effects of rising River levels when iron deposits diminished by 77/ over a 3-day period. Between August and September a major decline in deposited iron (2,500 to 820 mg/m 2 ) on'umulative plates, occurred at Falls that cannot be associated with increased river discharge. During this time the River was

67 at a low level. The fact that iron deposits on monthly plates exceeded those on cumulative plates in June, July,,and August is also unusual, but both events could have been caused by the algal mat peeling away from the cumulative plates. Disturbance of cumulative plates by suckers and other bottom-feeding fishes could also have been a factor. The and scarce at SSES, feeds by scraping off the upper surface of rubble (Raney and Lachner 1946). Cumulative plates probably would have been preferred feeding sites, since they usually contained a greater abundance of algae and invertebrates than did monthly plates. Iron Concentrations The rather turbulent Susquehanna seemed to mix vertically in 1974-5. Mixing was especially obvious in summer at Nanticoke, where standing on the bridge we observed "clouds" of churning ferric clumps that seemed to "boil" up from the bottom, as they were swept downstream. It was sur-prising, therefore, to find that surface samples from Falls, SSES, and Nescopeck contained larger amounts of iron, in early summer, than did bottom samples (Fig. 8). High River levels in May could have been a k factor in causing the differences by scouring loose iron deposited on the substrate. Some iron particles, when attached to algal cells, may form clumps that are less dense than water. At Nanticoke, iron concentrations were nearly always higher in bottom samples; up to 80/ more iron was present than in surface samples. In the laboratory, we often observed that ferric compounds settling from Nanticoke

68 waters were dark and sometimes almost black; ferric compounds from SSES, Nescopeck, and Wilkes-Barre were more orange. A major sewage treatment plant is present about 7 km above Nanticoke and materials from its effluent may combine with ferric compounds to make. them darker and slightly heavier, so that they tend to sink. Or, because the Nanticoke sampling Station is only 4 km below a large mine-water effluent that seems to seep into the r River through the bottom, iron may not haje traveled a sufficient distance to mix thoroughly. Effects of temperature' Total iron concentrations in the River varied seasonally as did ferric/ferrous iron ratios.= Water temperature and river discharge are prime factors in these changes. The ferric/ ferrous iron ratio was low in winter when decreased oxidative rates associated with cold, water kept ferrous iron in solution longer. In January, about a third of the iron at SSES (Table'2) was in solution and as a result, turbidity decreased and the River was sometimes almost clear. There seems to be a general misconception among persons living along the Susquehanna that a relatively clear River indicates that mine waters are not being pumped into it. Since the 1972 'flood which resulted from Tropical Storm Agnes, pumping has been terminated and the flow of mine water is not regulated by man. Color changes in the River resulting from temperature differences probably mask any changes relatable to fluctuations in mine discharge. Another result of the reduced oxidation rate in winter is that iron remained in the water column longer than it would have otherwise. In laboratory Experiment B, it was observed that

69 19/ of the ferrous iron in 0 C water remained unoxidized after 48 hours, which is enough time for it to have been carried past Harrisburg, at 4 km/ hr (the velocity at SSES on the January sampling date). Since velocities increase downriver, the iron might travel to Columbia or farther in two days; iron probably wo'uld travel even farther before ferric particles would be-come large enough to settle out. In January, total iron gradually declined downstream; ferric iron increased at Mifflinvilleand at Bloomsburg, then remained fairly constant to Clarks Ferry (Fig. 10). Since there was little net change in the concentration of ferric iron between Catawissa and Clarks L Ferry the oxidation rate of ferrous iron must have been about equal to the deposition rate of ferric particles. However, not all of the decline in total iron should be attributed to removal of ferric iron from the water column because some iron may oxidize on the substrate-water interface; initially, such iron would not increase turbidity. Effects of river discharge The distance iron traveled downstream was often a function of river discharge. In spring and early summer, warm water hastened iron oxidation and produced a ferric/ferrous ratio of 4 in May, when 81/ of the iron at SSES had oxidized. Under these conditions it might be expected that ferric compounds would settle to the bottom, and sharply reduce iron concentrations downriver. Instead, only a minor de-crease occurred. River discharge was higher in May than on other "river runs" and seemed to have kept ferric particles from settling out (Fig. 10); in some instances it may have resuspended iron already deposited. It is noteworthy that iron concentrations were higher at Mifflinvillethan at

70 SSES, since there were no major iron-bearing effluents between SSES and Mifflinville (Nescopeck Creek contributed only small amounts of iron). The increase in iron could have resulted from the resuspension of ferric compounds from areas such as Nescopeck, where the broad, shallow River exposed a large surface area to scouring forces. Rapid increases in River level in March 1973 were accompanied by increased ferric iron concentrations in the water; iron concentration then decreased rapidly as the River declined (Table 4). From March 12 through 16, River levels and iron values were fairly stable. By March

19. the River had risen quickly to 152.1 m above msl and total iron increased from 3.14 to 38.50 mg/1. Had the increase in iron been due to increased mine discharges, there should have been an increase in the percentage of ferrous iron and in sulfate concentrations. However, ferrous iron decreased from 13.4 to 0.5X of the total and dilution de-creased sulfate concentrations. The small change in water temperature from 7.0 to 5.5 C probably did not have a noticeable effect. If it had had an effect it would have increased the amount of ferrous iron.

By March 20, the River started to decline quickly (Table 4) and total iron had decreased from 38.50 to 13.00 mg/1; ferrous iron, however,, still composed only 1.2X of the total. On April 3, as the River rose again, total iron increased and the percentage of ferrous iron decreased; sulfates also decreased. By April 6, the River reached 152.5 m above msl; total iron increased to 13.50 mg/1 and ferrous iron composed 1X of the total. The fact that iron levels were higher on March 19 at 152.1 m above msl than on April 6 at 152.5 m above msl may be a result of a more gradual

71 River increase in April which allowed more of the iron to be scoured, away before the River peaked; it might also indicate that 'the period since the last "high" River level was too short for much iron to accumulate on the substrate. Much the same situation was manifested in December when a River level of 150.1 m above msl on the 7th resulted in an iron concen-tration of 19.00 mg/1 and on the 27th a River level of 151.6 m above msl, resulted in an iron concentration of only 3.38 mg/l. Low river discharge coupled with rapid oxidation produced a high deposition rate observed on the extended "river run" in August; 73X of the iron at Nanticoke had disappeared before it reached Bloomsburg, At SSES, iron deposition reached its maximum on acrylic plates in August at 2 253 mg/m /day (Table 2). A small influx of iron occurred at Catawissa, but most settled out before it reached Sunbury. Ferric iron composed about 95/ of the total iron in August and it was impractical to depict both sets of data points in Fig. 10. River discharge was extremely low on the October extended "river run" and in spite of cooler water, nearly 98/ of the iron at SSES had been oxidized. Iron concentrations decreased rapidly downstream to the lowest concentrations found on "river runs." By combining iron concentrations on monthly "river runs" with river discharges, the total amount of iron passing Falls, Nanticoke, SSES, and Nescopeck in 24 hours can be estimated (Fig. 11). The total amount of iron passing downriver was least in late summer (when the River appeared to be most heavily laden with iron) and during periods of low river dis-

72 charge in fall. Largest amounts of iron passed downriver in May, June, and December, when River levels were high. Nearly 1,000 metric tons of iron passed Nescopeck in December, about twice that estimated for SSES. Since there are no mine effluents between the two Stations (Fig. 1) the greater discharge of iron at Nescopeck was probably due to the fact that the River there is approximately twice as wide as it is at SSES. The greater width exposed about twice as much substrate to scouring. By converting total iron (kg/sec) in Table 1, where samples were taken on 257 days, good monthly and annual estimates can be obtained. Upon this basis, there was from- 16 to 844 metric tons-(mean 358) of iron passing SSES daily in 1973-4. Probably much of the iron eventually settled within impounded stretches of the lower Susquehanna, but most of it may have reached Chesapeake Bay. Williams and Reed (1972) found that about 60X of the Susquehanna's annual sediment load (nearly "3 million tons") was deposited in the Bay. Whether ferric compounds were included in the "sediment load", described as 10X sand, 50/ silt, and 40/ clay, is not clear. Siltation threatens an important shellfish industry in the Bay and an investigation into the effects of iron precipitates upon marine biota near the River mouth might be warranted. Effects of Iron on River Biota Plants Phytoplankton, periphytic algae, and aquatic vascular plants seemed to be adversely affected by ferric iron in the Susquehanna. Although a low concentration of ferric iron may not be toxic to many aquatic organisms, in the sense that it doesn't poison them, it has tremendous impact upon

73 River biota, nonetheless. By increasing turbidity and by coating plant surfaces, ferric iron decreases the amount of light available for photo-synthesis. Vascular plant beds, which residents along the River remember as "numerous", "extensive", and "luxuriant" before mine drainage became a problem, have been virtually eliminated throughout the study area in nodosus) are neither dense nor luxuriant and are too clogged with iron to be used by macroinvertebrates. Besides shading the phytoplankton, settling ferric iron may, also carry algae cells out of the water column as it moves to the bottom. Large ferric clumps examined with an electron microscope seemed to have been formed by small ferric particles aggregating around phytoplankton cells (personal communication with Dr. Rex L. Lowe, Department of Biology, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio). In 1972 (Ichthyo-logical Associates 1973), it was reported that below mine effluents phyto-plankton density in the River decreased by about 35%, mostly between July and December. Periphytic algae is especially vulnerable to ferric iron because in addition to being shaded, it may be prevented from attaching to a stable substrate by the ferric coating on the River bottom. Outer portions of this coating tend to be loose and cells attached to it may be dislodged by slightly elevated river discharges. In 1973 and 1974 the standing crops of periphytic algae found on stones at Falls averaged

74 about tenfold greater than at SSES, where as 'few as 1 cell/mm 2 was found; at Falls, the smallest number found was 256 cells/mm 2 . During the winter, when the River was fairly clear, colonization of clean substrates by periphytic algae was slow at Falls and SSES and the extra light resulting from clearer water may have been of little value to the algal community. Iron seemed to affect biota least in turbulent, shallow water, where the current helped keep the substrate clean and light reached the River r bottom. The eel walls at Nescopeck, for example, were especially suitable habitats, where rocks were sometimes covered with algae and where un-expected organisms such as sponges, up to 20 cm in diameter, could be found. Benthos Even a casual examination of a River stone at SSES re-vealed that the benthic community had been severely depressed. Between January and June stones the size of grapefruit often contained only one or two caddisfly (Cheumatopsyche) larvae, a group rather tolerant of sus-pended ferric iron (Sykora et al. 1972). Similar sized stones at Falls often contained 100 or more invertebrates with representatives: of several orders. Mayflies seemed especially susceptible to mine drainage and at SSES there were from 0 to 115/m 2 (mean 44/m ), whereas at Falls; there were from 275 to 1,225/m 2 with a mean of'15/m 2 <<(Ichthyological Associates 1974). In September, not one mayfly was collected in 7 dome samples (Gale and Thompson 1975) at SSES. If chironomids are excluded from standing crop estimates for 1973 (based on 7 dome samples taken at about 6-wk intervals), Falls had from 2,700 to 4,900 macroinvertebrates/m 2 (mean 3,600/m 2 ); at 4 SSES sites there were 100 to 3,200 organisms/m

75 with a mean of only 900/m 2 (based on 49 dome samples). Bielo (1963) sampled the River's benthos from Falls to Columbia, in the fall of 1960, and found that mine drainage greatly disrupted the benthic community. 2 At Nanticoke he found only 28 organisms/m (1.1 kg/ha) whereas at Falls 2 of there were 1,737 organisms/m (62.6 kg/ha). Numbers,and weights organisms remained low at Mifflinville,Catawissa, and Danville and only partially recovered at Columbia. SSES had many more chironomids that did Falls and likely they bene-fited from mine drainage through the reduction of competitors and preda-tors. Stones at SSES were, heavily colonized by .chironomids from July to ., October; on some evenings in July and August clouds of emerging midges hovered over the River like a meter-thick layer of fog. Densities of 2 chironomids in 1974 sometimes exceeded 78,000/m at;SSES (Ichthyological (Worth and Stone 1974), was by far the most abundant. The effects of ferric hydroxide upon Gammarus minus, an invertebrate not found near SSES, was investigated in the laboratory by Sykora et al. (1972). They found that the amphipod was adversely affected by iron and "The safe concentration for reproduction and growth of this species seems to be less than 3 mg Fe/I ~ In our study, the amphipod ~Halella azteca was commonly collected at Falls but was rarely found at SSES and Nescopeck. The way in which Gammarus was killed in the laboratory experiments was not indicated andmay not have been recognized. The. manner in which ferric compounds affect the benthic macroinvertebrates in the natural

76 environment is also poorly understood. It may consist of a series of inter-relationships far too complex to be dismissed with a simple, but vague "smothering" explanation. Burrowing organisms might perish if oxidation of ferrous iron in interstitial waters depleted dissolved oxygen or if ferric compounds sealed the substrate, preventing an exchange of dissolved gases with the water column. The respiration of macroinvertebrates living on the substrate at SSES may have been hindered by the heavy coating of iron that formed on them and in some instances upon their eggs. But, it seems doubtful if large macroinvertebrates, such as crayfish, would have been "smothered" by any layer of iron we encountered at SSES. Yet, cray-fish seemed to be a victim of mine drainage for they were scarce at SSES and were abundant at Falls. It seems more probable that iron precipitates have their greatest impact upon the benthos by reducing the standing crops of algae and vas-cular plants basic steps in some aquatic food chains (the loss of vas-cular plants also deprives many organisms of shelter). Weed and Rutschky S I (1972) investigating the Tioga River, attributed the lack of benthic organisms in areas "blanketed" with ferric hydroxide to an absence of "plant life." Iron precipitates may further depress the benthic community by filling small crevices in the substrate that are used by a variety of invertebrates. Falls and SSES had similar substrates composed mainly of gravel and cobbles with some sand and boulders; but, at Falls, crevices between stones were deeper and more numerous than at SSES. It is not known if the more com-pacted substrate at SSES was a result of the ferric precipitates, the coal

77 "fines" found there, or was brought about in other ways. Fish In some instances, iron may not be deleterious to fish, at least not directly. Ellis (1937) reported finding "good fish faunae" in waters with up to 30 mg/1 "free iron." But, in laboratory experiments growth of iron concentrations exceeding 1.5 mg/1; survival of fry was substantially reduced in iron concentrations of 1.5 to 6.0 mg/1 and no fry survived in higher concentrations (Smith et al. 1973). It is difficult to objectively assess the effects of mine drainage upon the fishery at SSES because pop-ulation estimates for fish are not available. A good idea of the rela-tive abundance of fish at Falls and SSES is available, however, for 1973, when fish at both Stations were sampled monthly by electrofisher, Oneida-style trap net, frame net, and seine, with as nearly equal sampling effort as possible (Ichthyological Associates 1974). Usually, similar species of fish were found at both Stations. At Falls the catch included suckers (64/), sunfishes (21/), minnows (12/), and others (3X); at SSES it included suckers (39X), sunfishes (25/), minnows (19/), catfishes (15/), and others (2/). But, about threefold more fish were taken at Falls (4,880 specimens of 30 species) than at SSES (1,629 specimens of 32 species). Therefore, mine drainage appears to have had major impact upon the fishery quantitatively. However, other factors may be involved. Reduction in numbers of fishes might be a result of an inability to reproduce. Although Bradford, Miller and Buss (1966) found that up to

78 Smith et al. (1973),- in another laboratory study, found that 50X less fat-head minnow eggs hatched, in low concentrations of suspended ferric iron (1.5 mg/1) than in controls. It was thought small ferric particles (most numerous in low iron concentrations) might have clogged egg pores and smothered the embryos. Because of the heavy iron deposits on the substrate and the high iron concentrations, in the water at SSES, it was questionable whether fish would spawn there and if they did, if the eggs could survive. In 1974-5 the eggs or nest larvae of 16 species of fish (including dolomieui; and. walleye, Stizostedion vitreum) were found near SSES (Ichthyological Associates 1976) and 18 species of,,larval fish were col-lected in pump and push-net samples, establishing that many species of fish spawned near SSES and that at least some of the eggs yielded viable offspring. But even so, iron may have had a deleterious effect on walleye, sucker, and darter eggs in 1974-5, for many of them were dead when col-lected. Mine drainage, could reduce numbers of fishes in the River in ways ., other than by lowered reproduct'ion. Sykora et al. (1972), for example, concluded that "The most important effect of suspended iron on aquatic fauna is of a physical nature, producing high turbidities which prevent fish, from eating (in high concentrations) or exerting some effect on the most susceptible stages of the life cycle the eggs and hatched fry

79 in low concentrations." Fewer fish might also result from a reduced food supply and we believe that a shortage of food in portions of the Susquehanna polluted by mine drainage is a problem of greater magnitude-than an in-ability to perceive it. Effects of Iron on Man Y Mine drainage has greatly reduced recreational use of the River near SSES. Swimming, fishing, boating, and canoeing are much more intense up-river, at Falls. Only very limited sport fishing occurs near SSES in up to 11.4 kg; walleye, up to 3.6 kg) inhabit the area. Some of the main reasons given on a questionnaire for the, lack of sport fishing were: (1) the low number of game fishes; (2) fear of eating fish from "polluted"

                                            '1 water, and; (3) the displeasing appearance          of the River. The  latter  may also be  a  factor in the decision of      most communities not to use       it as  a municipal water supply.

REFERENCES CITED American Public Health Association. 1971. Standard methods for the exam-ination of water and wastewater. 13th ed. AD P.H.A., Washington, D.C. 874 pp. Anderson, P.'963. Variations in the chemical character of the'usque-hanna River at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Geol. Surv, Water'Supply Paper 1779-B. 1-17. Barnes, H. and S. Romberger. 1968. Chemical aspects of acid mine drainage. J. Water Poll. Contr. Fed. 40: 371'-384.

80 Bielo, R. 1963. A fishery investigation of the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania. M. S. thesis, Univ. Del., Newark. 71 pp. Bradford, A., J. Miller and K. Buss. 1966. Bio-assays on eggs and larval of the Susquehanna River for restoration of shad. U.S. Dept. Int. (et al.) Washington, D.C. 292-961 0 68-5. Ellis, M. 1937. Detection and 'measurement of stream pollution. Bur. Fish. Bull. 48: 365-437. Federal Water Pollution Control Administration. 1967. Biological survey of the Susquehanna River and its tributaries between Cooperstown, New York and Northumberland, Pennsylvania. CB-SRBP Working Doc. No. 2. FWPCA Middle-Atlantic Region. Gale, W. 1975. Ultrasonic removal of epilithic algae in a bar-clamp sampler. J. Phycol. 11: 472-473. Gale, W. and J. Thompson. 1975. A suction sampler for quantitatively sampling benthos on rocky substrates in rivers. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 104: 398-405. t Herricks, E. and J. Cairns, Jr. 1974. Rehabilitation of streams receiving acid mine drainage. Vir. Wat. Res. Cen. Bull. 66: 1-284. Ichthyological Associates. 1972. An ecological study of the North Branch Susquehanna River in the vicinity of- Berwick, Pennsylvania (Progress report for the period January-December 1971). Pennsylvania Power and Light Co., Allentown, Pennsylvania. 232 pp. 1973. An ecological study of the North Branch Susquehanna River in the vicinity of Berwick, Pennsylvania (Progress report for the period January-December 1972). Pennsylvania Power and Light Co., Allentown, Pennsylvania. 658 pp. 1974. An ecological study'of the North Branch Susquehanna River in the vicinity of Beruick, Pennsylvania (Progress report for the period January-December 1973). Pennsylvania Power and Light Co., Allentown, Pennsylvania. 838 pp. 1976. An ecological study of the North Branch Susquehanna River in the vicinity of Berwick, Pennsylvania (Progress report for the period January-December 1974). Pennsylvania Power and Light Co., Allentown, Pennsylvania. 314 pp. Katz, M. 1969. The biological and ecological effects of acid mine drainage with particular emphasis to the waters of the Appalachian Region. Appalachian Regional Commission, Washington, D.C.

81 Kim, A. 1968. An experimental study of ferrous iron oxidation in acid mine water. Pages 40-46 in ORSANCO, second symposium on coal mine drainage research. Carnegie Mellon Univ. Parsons, J. 1957. Literature pertaining to formation of acid-mine wastes and their effects on the chemistry and fauna of streams. Trans. Ill. Acad. Sci. 50: 49-59. Pennsylvania Department of Health. 1963 North Branch of the Susquehanna River mine drainage study. Publ. 5: 1-50. Raney, E. and E. Lachner. 1946. Age, growth, and habits of the hogsucker, 76-86. Smith, E., J. Sykora, and M. Shapiro. 1973. Effect of lime neutralized iron hydroxide suspensions on survival, growth, and reproduction of 30: 1147-1153. Starkey, R. 1945. Transformation of iron by bacteria in water. J. Amer. Wat. Works Assoc. 37: 963-984. Stumm, W. and G. Lee. 1961. Oxygenation of ferrous iron. Indust. and Engin. Chem. 53: 143-146. Sykora, J., E. Smith, M. Shapiro and M. Synak. 1972. Chronic effect of ferric hydroxide on certain species of aquatic animals. Pages 347-369 in Fourth symposium on coal mine drainage research, Proceedings. Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Weed, C. and C.'utchky III. 1972. Benthic macroinvertebrate community structure in a stream receiving acid mine drainage. Proc..Penn. Acad. Sci. 46: 41-47. Williams, K. and L. Reed. 1972. Appraisal of stream sedimentation in the Susquehanna River Basin. U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1532-F. 1-24. Wirth, W. and A. Stone. 1974. Aquatic diptera. Pages 372-482 in R. Usinger (Ed.) Insects of California. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley.

82 Table 1. Some chemical and physical characteristics of Susquehanna River. water at SSES (mean value's based on 257 samples; about 3/wk in 1973 and 2/wk in 1974). e Month Mean pH Spec. Sulfate Sulfate NFR FNFR., Secchi Ferric Ferrous Ferric Total Total H20 Cond. (mg/I) (kg/sec) (mg/I) (mg/I) Disc Iron Iron Fezzous , Iron Rivez'zon Temp (umho/cm) Depth (mg/I) (mg/I) Ratio (mg/I) (kg/sec) m (msl) 1973 Jan 0.8 7.1 213 52 24 29 59 2 '3 1.87 2 4.30 2.38 149.80 Feb 0.5 ,6.8 241 72 25 48 67 3 '2 2.78 2 6.20 3.65 149.54 Mar 5.2 6.9 189 39 25 148 137 40 6 '9 0.81 26 7.30 9.77 150.33 Apr 10.0 6.9 203 30 74 69 59 3 '4 0.48 27 4.12 . 5.26 150.35 May 13. 6 7. 0 211 44 25 32 29 70 2.35 0.59 8 2.94 1 '4 149. 87 Jun 22.3 7,1 294 70 21 36 30 66 3.63 0.14 62 3.77 1 34 149.20 II Jul 24.8 6.9 367 99 18 28 - 24 58 3 '0 0 '7 38 3.58 0.93 148.94 Aug 25. 1 7. 1 455 142 13 71 2.32. 0.06 45 2.38 0.26 148.56 Sep 21.1 7.1 432 113 16 10 62 3.10 0.08 78 3.17 0.36 148.55 Oct 15.3 '.9 497 143 10 12 58 i 3.31 0 '6 77 .3.37 Q.24 148.40 Nov 7.1 7.0 349 81 12 25 19 64 3 '1 0.39 16 4.20 0.71 148.74 Dec 3.2 6.9 178 41 27 97 87 42 5 '4 0.69 16 6 '3 5 '1 150. 18 1974 I Jan 1 ~ 0 6.9 222 49 28 35 31 89 2.07 1.18 3.25 2 '2 150.05 Feb 0. 7 7. 0 225 52 23 '20 17 92 1.65 1 ~ 19 , 2.84 1.43 149.69 I Mar 3. 4 6.9 207 43 26 27 25 85 1.67 0.95 5 2.62 1.84 150. 01 e


Apr 9.4 6.9 197 44 35 64 58 62 3.60 0.54 21 4.14 4.97 150.43 May 16.2 7.3 235 51 19 26 20 76 2.37 0.17 24 2.53 0.99 149.46 Jun 21.6 7.4 328 72 19 12 55 2.77 O.P1 43 2.88 0 '4 148. 72 Jul 23.8 7 ' 304 68 10 26 18 50 2.38 0.20 27 2.58 0.53 148.81 Aug 24.5 7.5 417 108 17 9 49 2.44 0 '7 38 2. 51 0. 19 148.32 Sep 18. 1 7~1 298 72 13 27 18 56 3 '9 0.23 47 3.62, 0.71 148.98 Oct 10.8 6~9 326 , 83 10 13 9 94 2.94 0.09 55 3.03 0.38 148.62 Nov 7.8 6.9 257 62 15 18 14 82 2.15 0.36 26 2.51 0.72 149. 13 Dec 1.6 6.9 183 43 24 45 39 105 2.60 0.63 16 3.24 3.20 149.90 Nonfiltrable residue (residue retained on a Millipore filter) . b Fixed Nonfiltrable residue (nonfiltrable residue remaining after combustion at 550 C for 1 hour). c Total iron (mg/I) x river discharge (ml/sec).

2 Table 2. Iron deposition (mg/m ) on monthly (M) and cumulative (C) acrylic plates near the river bottom at Falls, SSES, Bell Bend and Nescopeck in 1974-5. Mean daily deposition (D) was determined by dividing monthly values by the sampling period duration. 1974 1975 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Falls (D) 1 2 4 31 17 133 23 50 2 3 1 (M) 29 32 45 100 840 600 4400 640 1700 110 29 48 68 29 (c) 65 58 200 380 350 2500 820 7200 680 600 780 990 340 SSES (D) 10 75 4 30 30 46 253 ill 20 6 52 48 91 33 (M) 260 2400 120 740 960 1500 8600 3000 720 210 1400 1400 2000 1400 5 (C)

                    "   3100      300   940   3800   34'00    16000   26000    27000    21000    5200       7700    9400       860 Bell Bend (D)             44           17      17     44       188     393       69        18    90          54     155 (M)          1400          410    480   1600      6400    11000     2400       620  2800       1500    3100 Nescopeck '(D)             94        6   15        8    28        50       54     256        35    65          50      81

(M) 3000 220 350 220 1000 1700 1500 9200 1200 2000 1400 1700

2 Table 3. Algal density (units/mm ) and mean i.ron deposition (mg/m ) on clean and colonized acrylic plates (smooth and roughened) near the river bottom at SSES in Experiment F, June 1975. Colonized plates had been placed in an artificial stream to establish an algal flora. Means are based on 4 samples (2 per plate) except that one colonized, smooth plate was lost. Uncolonized Plates Colonized Plates plate algal iron algal dominant iron (units/mm2) (mg/m ) (units/mm ) genus (mg/m ) smooth 49 2,200 Scenedesmus 300 uadricauda rough 160 3,800

85 Table 4. River level, total iron concentration, ferric iron concentration (as X of total), sulfate con-centration and water temperature in the Susquehanna River at SSES during selected periods of 1973-4 when river discharge increased sharply. Date River level Total iron Perric Water temp. Sulfate msl (m) (mg/l) (X total) (c) (mg/l) Mar 12 150. 1 3.04 78.0 7.0 33 15 150.0 2.70 69. 6 7.0 36 16 150. 6 3. 14 86. 6 7.0 27 19* 152. 1 38.50 99.5 5.5 18 20 151.4 13.00 98.8 4,5 23 21 150.9 4.80 94.6 4.0 23 26 149.9 2.68 61. 2 5.5 42 28 150. 1 2.26 52. 7 6.5 33 29 150. 0 2. 68 70. 5 7.5 38 Apr 3 151. 1 4. 75 96.2 8.5 25 151.4 5,60 96.8 8.0 22 6k 152. 5 13.50 99 ' 6.5 17 151.0 2.65 82. 3 7.0 25 151.0 2. 58 72. 9 7.0 27 13 150. 7 2.44 65.6 6.0 33 Nov 30 149. 3 4.22 85. 3 7.5 52 Dec 3 149. 1 2. 66 66.5 56 149.2 3.51 79. 5 7.0 58 150.1 19.00 97.7 6.5 36 10 151 0

                      ~                   13.20                 97.7                   4.5                  27 12            150. 9                   8.10                 97.8                   3.5                  32 14            150.1                    2.93                 80. 2                  3.0                 36 17            149.6                    2.16                 47. 2                  0.0                  46 19            149.1                    3.01                 33. 9                   0.0                "56 24            151.3                    3. 38                88.8                    0.0                  32 27            151.6                    3.38                 90. 8                   2.0                 28 Jan    2           150.6                     2 ~ 00              64.5                    1.0                 35 150. 1                  2.17                42. 9                   1.0                 42 149. 6                    2. 49               27.3                    0.5                 54 149. 4                    3. 00                39. 0                  0.0                 58 Periods of rapid increase in      river level.


                                      ~J BURG
                                   -SUSQUEHANNA RIVER COLUMBIA 20             50 KM
     ~ilIll >>I ACID MINE EFFLUENT AREAS Fig. 1.       Hap of study area showing sampling stations (ci.rcles), cities (squares) and areas of acid mine effluents.

87 Ml MUTE 5 0 10 20 YEI.LOW TINT 1 9 C 34o 58 -"=-.-"',. YELLOW

 ~'e 2                     80                          24o                49o 80                          10o                16'0 DARK YELLOW 3-70                            80
;<,".-.,  DARK YELLOW +

""-i>>""'GGREGATES 30 40 50 60 a .cA. 73oC I]III>> J 82o c 78 ~~ ~ a se -.

                                  ~P;~     22'p,',,    cl llpi',          '>>'pal>>tt)l'.(l,(p o'N 66o                     76o                         750                790 28o     pgff'I 34o               IIItt'2o      36o 10o                     11 o         '             'l2O                13o
t. ~ ', ~

Fig. 2. Color changes due to oxidation of ferrous iron in heated river water: 1 thermometer; 2 aquarium heater; 3 river water; 4 graduated cylinder.


  ~   J 5 6 A                           HCI CURRENT    ~

W<r;~r Fig. 3. Detritus-free apparatus for iron deposition and periphytic algae studies. A. Acrylic holder with two plates removed (top view): 1 metal retaining strap; 2--deflecting shield, acrylic; 3 slate (14 cm2); 4 acrylic plate (7 x 14 cm) fastened to slate; 5 velcrq patch; acrylic strip. B. Sampling cup (cut away, side view): acrylic cap; 2 flexion joint; 3--split ring; 4 tygon tube 6 1 surrounding acrylic tube. C. Acrylic holder, (end view) with sampler in place: 1 steel stake (buried); 2 concrete ballast; 3 bar-clamp sampler.

TEMPERATURE (C) 24 ( 25.0-24.5) 15 ( 14.O-16.O) 9.5 (9.0 -10.0 ) 2 3 (2.0-4.0) (3 0 (0.0-1.0 ) Z'. O CL (/) 0 K LL1 0 96 24 l2 24 48 HOURS pig. 4. pxigation of ferrous iron in river water at five temperature ranges in laboratory Experiment B.



l52 >~


hl 20 /


I50ao W Cl X ~ MEAN RlVER LEVEL I5 l48 K O K 10 0 F M A 'M J J A S 0 N D J F M l974 l975 Fig. 5. Iron deposition (g/m 2 ) on monthly and cumulative acrylic plates near the river bottom at SSES and Falls in Experiment C, 1974-5. Mean and maximum river levels (M) are for SSES.

N l52 l 5l p+() l50

  +     l49 l500                                                                                      6.0 I 1 5.0 MG/M                                    MG/L l000                                       I l

40 I C9 I I I I I C I I

                                                                                               ~.0  >

oK I 500 W ag ~ 2.0

                                                                            ~ em~~                   K I.O 0                                                                                    0 l24 8             l6    2I  25'28 52                                       64 DAYS          SUBMERGED Fi g..6.
   .       Iron deposition (mg/m ) on near the plates and acrylic plates near the river bottom, iron concentration (mg/1) river level (M) in Experiment D at SSES  between January 28 and April 2, 1975.

92 CURRENT O O TRIAL I OO o iii o~ o oo ~0c 920 eoo qOo 920 920 O O Cb TRIAL Il

                                                   ~O o
                                ~g0 480          480.

580 480

                ,i                          t KYi i Fig. 7. Iron deposition (mg/m 2 ) on the upper and lower surfaces of acrylic plates at various angles near the river bottom at SSES in Trials I and II of Experiment E in 1975.


 +60 FALLS                                 h5 Ig I

I I I I I I I I 0 ~ s~ I I r

                                                                    ~a I
  +25  NANTlCOKE I II II 0
                                                       \                       r l\



rrr~ rr l

 '>5   SSES 0



j og M -4 M J J A S 0 N 0 Fig. 8. Iron concentrations in surface samples (dashed line) as a percentage of iron concentrations in bottom samples (solid "0" line) at four stations on the Susquehanna River in 1973.


                                                        - AUG
                                                        + OCT 4

C9 z O

                                                                             %s g~

as~ es ~ s K

                                                                                               ~ ~ 0 ~ ~
                                         ~   L 0

N SSES M BCA D CF CO Fig. 9. Total iron concentrations (mg/1) in the Susquehanna River at Falls (F), Nanticoke (N), Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES), Mifflinville (M), Bloomsburg (B), Catawissa (CA), Danville (D), Sunbury (S), Clarks Perry (CF) and Columbia (CO) in January, May, August and October, 1973.

O hl 1500 JAN

             ----- MAY (O.OC, 292)

CO - AUG l250 OCT


C9 (

                                                /       as~                ~ ~ aA V             ~ ~ ea ~ m ~ ~

z O


a~ K IOOO (IS.O', <os) a~

                                                                                                            ~ la
                                                                                      ~ a
                                                                                                  +a ~ ~ %~

750 500 ..r (24.5C, 104)' 250 y I-O I- /.1(16.0 C, 69)

        ,0 N-    SSES    M    BCA 0                               CF                             CO Fig. 10. Iron loads (g/sec) at 10 stations (see Fig. 9 for designations) in the Susquehanna River in January, May, August and October, 1973 (the upper line, of a pair, denotes total iron and the lower line denotes ferric iron). Ferric iron is not indicated for August, when      it  composed over 95% of the total. Water temperatures (C) and river discharges (m /sec) are in parentheses.

'0 0 TOTAL IRON (METRIC TONS/DAY) x IOO W l5 0 lo rt e O rt rt O 0 IJ. V

       $ 0                   g M~                                             ZSZgll Ch   g                                         Pl V)D~<

W lD cnmz M rt ))m oman~ o


f5 O Ul 0 0I rt K 0 ft o Pq III rt la VJ O 0 '00 C4 fD llI C O V. rt C) lD N M Ch I C I O'W C 8 la Q lb 8 C4 Ql I

0) 0 O Q

O lb OI rt g lb rt '4 lD QI OI ( 00 lD lh la

97 MACROINVERTEBRATES by William G. Deutsch TABLE OF CONTENTS Page i 100 S UMMARY~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 102 INTRODUCTION.............

                                                        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~     ~ ~

102 PROCEDURES ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 104 RE SULTS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 105 Seasonal Changes in Density...... ~ ~ ~ Seasonal Changes in gaxa Diversity... 108 The Equitability Component of Species Diversity 109 The Indices ofPercent Similarity and Coefficient of C ommunity.................. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ 110 DISCUSSION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ REFERENCES CITED:................... ~ 117 LIST OF TABLES Table C-l. Description and location of benthos sampling stations on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974.......... 119 Table C-2. Numbers of benthic organisms collected with a dome sampler at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, January 1974...........,,......,.. 120 Table C-3. Numbers... at six stations... May 1974......... 121

98 Page Table C-4. Numbers of benthic organisms collected with a dome sampler at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 12 July 1974....................... 123 Table C-5. Numbers... at six stations... September 1974.... 124 Table C-6. Numbers... December 1974........................... 126 Table C-7. A partial list of invertebrates collected in the study area of the North Branch Susquehanna River, from 1971 through 1974........;....... ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ 128 Table C-8. Percent of total organisms for major macroinverte-brate groups collected at 6 stations on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974........................ 130 J Table C-9. Individual sample and site grouped data for macro-invertebrates collected with a dome sampler from all stations on the North Branch Susquehanna River 1 974 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                                                                                                                   ~ ~ ~ ~  13]

Table C-10. The equitability component of species diversity of benthos samples collected at .six stations (two sites at SSES) in January, May, July, September, and De-cember on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974.... 134 Table C-ll. The percent similarity between January and May, May and July, July and September, and September and De-cember benthos samples collected at SSES I (SI), SSES II (SII), and Bell Bend (BB) on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974........................34 Table C-12. The percent similarity between benthos samples col-lected at SSES I (SI), SSES II (SII), and Bell Bend (BB) in January and July on the North Branch Sus-quehanna'River, 1974.............................. ~ ~ ~ ~ 134 Table, C-.13. The percent similarity between benthos samples col-lected at Falls (F), SSES I (SI), SSES II (SII), Bell Hend,(BB), Nescopeck (N), Bloomsburg (B),'nd Danville (D) in May, September, and December on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974.................. 134 Table C-14. The coefficient of community between January and May, May and July, July and September, and September and December benthos samples'ollected at SSES I (SI), SSES II (SII), and Bell Bend (BB) on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974......................- ..... ~ 135

99 Page Table C-15. The coefficient of community between benthos samples collected at SSES I (SI), SSES II (SII), and Bell Bend (BB) in January and July on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974............................... 135 Table C-16. The coefficient of community between benthos samples collected at Falls (F), SSES I (SI), SSES II (SII), Bell Bend (BB), Nescopeck (N), Bloomsburg (B), and Danville (D) in May, September, and December on the, North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974.................. 135 LIST OF FIGURES Fig. C- l. Location of benthos sampling stations on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974.........-............... 136 2 Fig. C-2. Mean numbers of macroinvertebrates/m collected with a dome sampler from SSES I, SSES II, and Bell Bend in January (J), May (M), July (Ju), September (S), and December (D) on the North Branch Susquehanna R iver, 1974........................................... 137 Fig. C-3. Percent of total organisms for major macroinvertebrate groups collected at six stations on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974............................... 138 Fig. C-4. Diversity values (3) for 3 sampling periods from Falls (F), SSES I (SI), SSES II (SII), Bell Bend (BB), Nes-copeck (N), Bloomsburg (B), and Danville (D) on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974.................. 139 Fig. C-5. Diversity (d) values for 5 sampling periods from SSES I, SSES II, and Bell Bend, on the North Branch Susque-hanna River, 1974..................................... 140



1. The objective of this study was to describe the seasonal changes in the macroinvertebrate community in the North Branch Susquehanna River from Falls to Danville, Pennsylvania, with special emphasis in the vicinity of the SSES Site.


2. A SCUBA diver used a dome suction sampler (0.18 m ) to collect quantitative benthic samples at Falls, SSES I and II, Bell Bend, Nescopeck, Bloomsburg, and Danville, in May, September, and December 1974. SSES I and II and Bell Bend were also sampled in January and July 1974.
3. Invertebrate densities at Falls ranged from 9,524 to 14,570/m (x =

12,778/m ), at SSES I from 389 to 83,781/m (x = 27,126/m ), at SSES II from 759'o 47,461/m (x = 20,073/m ), at Bell Bend from 429 to 11,868/m (x 4,409/m ), at Nescopeck from 2,660 to 9,976/m (x = 7,457/m ), at Bloomsburg from 1,874 to 4,634/m (x = 3,621/m ), and at Danville from 2,975 to 23,540/m (x = 16,549/m ).

4. Chironomids were the most numerous organisms at Falls, SSES I and II, and Bell Bend. Densities reached about 78,000/m 2 at SSES I in Sep-t were the most abundant organisms at Nescopeck, Bloomsburg and Danville.


5. The number of taxa identified at Falls ranged from 39 to 51 and was much Qigher than at SSES I (8-33), SSES II (8-26), Bell Bend {9-25),

Nescopeck {13-29), Bloomsburg (16-22), or Danville (14-32); clean water forms (stoneflies, mayflies, caddisflies) were usually more abundant at Falls than at other stations.

6. An additional 61 kinds of aquatic inver'tebrates were identified from collections taken near SSES; identifications were verified by various taxonomic specialists listed in the text.
7. Based upon indices of diversity, percent similarity of taxa compo-sition and coefficient of community, the study area could be divided into 4 zones: Zone 1, Falls; Zone 2, SSES I and II and Bell Bend; Zone 3, Nescopeck; Zone 4, Bloomsburg and Danville.

102 INTRODUCTION The objective of this study was to describe the seasonal changes in the macroinvertebrate community in the North Branch Susquehanna River from Falls to Danville, Pennsylvania, with special emphasis in the vicinity of the SSES Site. From 1971-74, macroinvertebrates were collected using a variety of sampling gear and techniques. These included qualitative sampling by hand-picking or netting, light trapping, and the use of artificial substrates (Bar-B-Q baskets with stones or cement spheres inside). From 1973 to the present, the dome (suction) sampler was used with SCUBA to sample the River bottom (Gale and Thompson 1975). PROCEDURES In 1974, the dome sampler was used exclusively to quantitatively sample macroinvertebrates in the River. Th'e location of stations at Falls, SSES I and II, Bell Bend, and Nescopeck was unchanged from 1973. Two sites of the SSES Transect (SSES III and IV) were eliminated to reduce sampling effort. Based upon the previous year, Sites I and II were determined to be representative of the area. At the request of the Pennsylvania Power. and Light Company, sampling stations at Blooms-burg and Danville, Pennsylvania were added. Station locations are shown in Fig. C-1 and sites are described in Table C-l. I SSES I, II, and Bell Bend were sampled on the following dates: 7, 8 January; 8 May; 12 July; 9, ll September; and 24, 27 December. Other stations were sampled on 7, 8, 9 May; 10, ll, 12 September;

103 and 23, 26, 27 December. Three replicates were collected at each station and examined, except in September when two replicates were examined because of large numbers of organisms and the overwhelming proportion of chironomids. Organisms were identified using the keys of Claassen(1931), Johannsen (1934-37), Burks (1953), Pennak (1953), Usinger (1956), Hilsenhoff (1970), and Harman and Berg (1971). Many identifications were verified by the following specialists: Dr. Richard Howmiller, University of California, Santa Barbara (oligochaetes); Dr. Vincent Resh, University of California, Berkeley (cladocerans); Dr. Harley Brown, University of Oklahoma (riffle beetles); and Mr. William Beck, Florida A & M University (chironomids). Specific sampling techniques (use of the dome sampler) and sample processing (washing samples, sorting, and enumerating organisms) are pre-sented in the 1973 annual report of Ichthyological Associates (Ichthyological Associates 1974). The area sampled by the dome was approximately 0.18 2 m , and a factor of 5.62 was used to convert the number of organisms/sample to the number of organisms/m . The index of Wilhm and Dorris (1968) was used to calculate species diversity (d): d = E (n./n) log (n ~ /n), where ni = the total number of individuals in the ith taxon in a sample and n = the total number of in-dividuals in all taxa in a sample. Diversity values were not as high as they would have been had all organisms been identified to species, but they were useful in comparing the sampling sites of this study. The equitability component of species diversity was calculated using the table presented by Lloyd and Ghelardi (1964). Equitability is a ratio of the numberof hypothetical "equitably distributed" species (S') that would

104 be needed to produce a species diversity equivalent to the one observed, to the actual number of species in the sample (S): E = S'/S. Like evenness, it is an index of the relative abundance of individuals in each taxon of a sample (the proportion of common and rare species), but rather than being based upon a mathematical maximum (total numerical equality of taxa), it is based upon a theoretical "ecological maximum" developed by HacArthur (Lloyd and Ghelardi 1964). An index of percent similarity was used to compare the composition of taxa at one station with. another, and to detect seasonal changes in percent composition at a single station. The formula for percent similarity is: PSc = 100 -0 ' E


a b~ ~ E min (a,b), where PSc is the percent similarity 'nd "a" and "b" are the percentages of a species in sample "A" and "B". Calculations were made for similarity between all stations during a given sampling period, and similarity at one station between two sampling periods. The coefficient of community (CC) was calculated using the formula: CC = c/a+b-c, where "a" is the number of taxa in the first sample, "b" is the number of taxa in the second sample, and "c" is the number of taxa shared by both samples. Like the percent simila'rity calculation, co-efficients of community were determined for each pair of stations on a given sampling period, and for. one station (SSES I, SSES II, or Bell Bend) between two sampling periods. RESULTS Numbers and types of organisms collected during the five sampling periods at all stations are in Tables C-2 through C-6. A partial list of invertebrates collected in the North Branch Susquehanna River from 1971-74 is found in Table C-7. An additional 61 kinds of aquatic invertebrates were

105 identified from collections taken near SSES, including 10 species of oligo-chaetes, 16 cladocerans,' stoneflies, 8 caddisflies, and 5 chironomids. Most of these identifications were verified by various taxonomic specialists. Seasonal Changes in Density Invertebrate densities at Falls ranged from 9,524 to 14,570/m 2 (x = 12,778/m ), at SSES I from 389 to 83,781/m (x = 27,126/m ), at SSES II from 759 to 47,461/m 2 (x -== 20,073/m 2 ), at Bell Bend from 429 to 11,868/m 2 (x = 4,409/m ), at Nescopeck from.2,660 to 9,976/m (x = 7,457/m ), at Bloomsburg from 1,874 to 4,634/m (x = 3,621/m ), and at Danville from 2,975 to 23,540/m (x = 16,549/m ). In January, the density of organisms at all sites was low oompared to warmer months, although at SSES II (x = 2,100/m 2 ) it was much higher than at SSES I (x = 389/m 2 ) or Bell Bend (x = 429/m 2 ) (Table C-2). Chironomids were the most numerous organisms, and were found in relatively equal proportions at all sites (SSES I, 59.0X; SSES II, 45.5X; Bell Bend, (x 467/m ; abundant at SSES II (40.8X) than at SSES I (18.2X) or Bell Bend (7.4X) (Table C-8) . In May, densities remained low at SSES I (x 515/m ) and Bell Bend 2 (x = 672/m ), and declined, at SSES II (x = 759/m ) relative to January. The proportion of taxa at SSES I was very similar to that of January. However, at SSES II and Bell Bend, the percentage of tubificid oligochaetes increased sharply (from 2.0X to 36.8X at SSES II; from 5.2X to 24.8X at

106 Bell Bend) (Table C-8) . At Falls, the mean density of organisms (9,524/m ) was much higher than at downriver sites, and the number of taxa identi- 'ied at Falls (40) was also far greater than at SSES I (8), SSES II (8), or Bell Bend (9) (Table C-9). Five species of stonef lies were found at Falls, whereas none were collected at other sites (Table C-3). Six species of mayflies were found a't Falls and two species were collected at SSES; eleven species of caddisflies were collected at Falls and only two portion of chironomids at Falls was high (x = 66.2%), and was more com-


parable to percentages at SSES and Bell Bend than to stations farther down-river. Chironomids were never the most abundant organism at Nescopeck, Bloomsburg, or Danville, although they were always common. Hydropsychid caddisflies were most numerous at Nescopeck (x = 58.7%) and Danville (x = 56.4%), and tubificids were predominant (x = 56.7%) at Bloomsburg. Between May and July, the standing crop increased by more than 66 fold at SSES I, 52'old at SSES II, and 17 fold at Bell Bend, mainly due to the abundance of chironomids (Table C-4). In July, chironomids composed be-tween 89.6 and 95.6% of the benthos at these Sites (Table C-8). Mean density at SSES I and II was 37,174 organisms/m . Blackfly larvae (Simuliidae) were relatively abundant at this time, composing 5 and 12% of the benthos (exclusive of the chironomids) at SSES I and II, respectively. Cheumatopsyche density increased 19 fold at SSES I (x = 1,354/m 2 ) and almost 8 fold at SSES II (x = 828/m ). By September, chironomid densities at SSES I reached 78,000/m (Table C-5). Consequently, density of total organisms was at an annual high at

107 2


nomid at SSES I and II, and large swarms of adultsemerged from the River on several nights during this month. Whereas blackfly larvae were relatively common at SSES in July, they were. absent from samples collected at both Sites in September (Table C-5). Numbers of dance flies (Empididae) rose from 483/m in July to 2,722/m in September at SSES I, and from 251/m in July to 854/m in September at SSES II (based on replicate means). Total dipterans (mainly chironomids) composed from 52.6 to 89.5/ of the total number of organisms from Falls to Bell Bend, but from Nescopeck to Danville they only made up from 6.5 to 20.7/ of the benthos (Table C-8). Several caddisflies were more common through-out the entire study area in September, compared to previous months. 2

                                                                     ,>>   I (x = 301/m      at  SSES  I and     258/m   at  SSES  II) and were comparable      to,those of July. Several molluscs were          common   at Nescopeck, especially the limpet, Ferrissia           (x =  1,152/m ) and the        fingernail clams, Pisidium (x      = 618/m )

and Sphaerium (x = 534/m ). By December, the total number of organisms declined at all stations except Danville, where a large increase in tubificid oligochaetes- and nematodes occurred (Table C-6). Late summer emergence of chironomids at SSES I and II caused a more drastic decrease in total densities at these sites. than at Falls or at stations below Bell Bend. Dipterans (mainly chironomids) were still the most abundant organisms at Falls (x = 76.5/), SSES I (x = 50.1X) and SSES II (x = 56.9/), while the tubificids composed

108 the largest number of organisms at Nescopeck (x = 31.6X), Bloomsburg (x ~ 38.3/), and Danville (x = 46.0X) (Table C-8). Seasonal changes in organism density are presented in Table C-9 and Fig. C-2. The percent composition of major taxa at all stations is illustrated in Fig. C-3. Seasonal Changes in Taxa Diversity In the spring and winter, diversity values were similar throughout the study area (Fig. C-4). Diversity of macroinvertebrates in May from all sites differed slightly (1.64-2.24) without any apparent trend (Table, C-9). In December, diversity values at all stations were simi-lar from Falls to Danville (1.75-2.43), although there was a slight increase at sta'tions downstream from SSES. In general, the taxa domi-nant at each station in May were the same in December (Table C-8). How-ever, diversity values of September showed drastic differences between sites. Values at Falls (1.75) and SSES I (0.91) indicated a moderate drop in habitat quality between these Sites. But diversity at Bell Bend (2.72) and Nescopeck (3.46) was evidence of an improvement of habitat downstream of SSES (Fig. C-4). Habitat quality was influenced by water quality as well as factors such as depth and substrate type. Downriver from Nescopeck, diversity values declined. Figure C-4 shows that diversity values at Falls and Danville were seasonally stable. The Danville station was particularly uniform in this respect; samples collected in three seasons had the following diversities: May, 2.1; September, 2.12; and December, 2.23. At all stations except Falls and Danville, seasonal changes in diversity were evident, particularly

109 in the summer and early fall. However, these changes were not a consistent increase or decrease at all stations, but rather a moderate decrease at I SSES and a sharp increase at Nescopeck (Fig. C-4). The latter stations are only 10 km apart and are both subject to mine drainage pollution. s Diversity values at both Bell Bend and Bloomsburg increased in September compared to other months. Figure C-5 indicates differences in diversity 'at SSES I and II and Bell Bend dbring five sampling periods. The abundance of chironomids at 4 the three sites in July resulted in the lowest diversity values of the year. The iversity sharply increased at Bell Bend when chironomids dropped fred 95.8/ (July) to 52.6% (September) of the total benthos. A moderate ihcrease in diversity occurred at SSES e II, while at SSES I, it remained low until December. The Equitability Component of Species Diversity Equitability components differed more at the upriver stations, Falls, SSES, and Bell Bend, than at the downriver stations, Nescopeck, Blooms-burg, and Danville (Table C-10). At Falls, equitability was consistently low (May, 15/; September, 10.3/; December, 7.8X). Equitability was high I at SSES I in January (50.0/) and May (50.0/), but dropped in July (10.5/) and September (7.7X) when chironomids were abundant. A similar pattern I I occurred at SSES II and Bell Bend. Equitability was generally correlated with diversity values (particularly at SSES and Bell Bend) although distinct differences were apparent. In May and December at Falls, equitability values were much lower than at other stations, although

110 diversity values were relatively equal (1.7-2.4). This indicated that many of the organisms which contributed to the very high numbers of taxa at Falls (x 46) were scarce. Nescopeck, the station with the highest single diversity (3.46 in September), did not have the highest annual equitability component (75/), but rather a moderately high equitability (55.2/) and number of taxa (29). The Indices of Percent Similarity and Coefficient of Community The indices of percent similarity and coefficient of community were used separately and in conjunction to determine relationships of the ben-thos between stations (Tables C-ll through C-16). Whittaker and Fair-banks (1958) noted that each measurement has advantages and limitations. I The percent similarity may over-value the sharing of dominant species to the neglect of differences in overall community composition. The coef-ficient of community may over-value minor species to the neglect of dif-ferences in dominance and major species. These limitations were par-ticularly evident in the comparison of Falls with SSES where the per-cent'imilarity index revealed the highest correlations between any two stations (Table C-13) while the coefficient of community index indicated some of the lowest (Table C-16). Between other stations, the measurements were more consistent. Therefore, the indices were combined to show those stations which were consistently similar or dissimilar year-round. An arbitrary scale was established where indices below 50/ indicated low similarities between stations, those 50/ to 69/ moderate similarities,

1 1,1 and those 70/ or above, high similarities. Combined indices revealed that no two stations had high similarities at all sampling periods. Indices indicated moderate to high similarities between SSES I and SSES II, Nes-copeck and Danville, and Bloomsburg and Danville. Moderate to low simil-arities were revealed between the following pairs: Falls, and Nescopeck, Falls and Danville, SSES I and Bloomsburg, SSES I and Danville, SSES II and Nescopeck, SSES II and Bloomsburg, SSES II and Danville, Bell Bend and Nescopeck, Bell Bend and Bloomsburg, and Bell Bend and Danville. Consistent low similarities were indicated between Falls and Bloomsburg. DISCUSSION Falls consistently had a greater number of taxa than the downriver stations and organisms often associated with clean waters were found'here. The standing crop was much higher at Falls in the spring, but was relatively low in autumn and winter. Unlike in 1973, the diversity indices at Falls in 1974 were not the highest, and at times were con-siderably lower than at other stations. Values of the equitability com-ponent of species diversity were low for all sampling periods at Falls which indicated that many taxa were scarce. The higher proportion of chironomids relative to 1973 was the major factor which resulted'in lower diversities and equitability values. This also accounted for relatively high indices of percent similarity of species composition between Falls and SSES. If the chironomids at all stations were identified to genus or species, the percent similarity between Falls and SSES probably would be much less. Surely the diversity indices and equitability components would have increased.

112 The coefficient of community between Falls and SSES was lower than that of any pair of stations, especially in May '(Table C-16) ~ This in-dicated that although the proportion of dominant organisms between Falls and SSES was similar, the overall community composition was very different. Both the numbers of pollution sensitive organisms at Falls, and water chemistry results gave further evidence that it was less polluted by mine drainage than SSES. A large number of taxa was found at Falls which in-dicated that it is probably the most physically diverse habitat in the study area (Lloyd and Ghelardi 1964). Major sources of mine drainage enter the River below Falls (Fig. C-1). The effects of this pollution have been discussed in detail by Gale et al. (1976) and Ichthyological Associates (1974) It was concluded that at SSES and Nescopeck, mine drainage is the single most important-factor governing the benthic community. Specifically, it was neither a lowered pH nor a lack of dissolved oxygen which affected the benthos, but rather the results of suspended and settled ferric hydroxide. With increased water temperatures and decreased River discharge in late summer, suspended ferric hydroxide becomes concentrated and tur-bidity greatly increases at SSES. In 1974, the mean ratio of insoluble, ferric iron to soluble, ferrous iron was more than three times greater from June through October (42) than during other months (12.3) (Gale et al. 1976). Under these conditions, light penetration is reduced, elim-inating vegetation which provides food and shelter for,several macro-invertebrates. Weed and Rutschky (1972) attributed a lack of benthic organisms in areas of the Tioga River "blanketed" with ferric hydroxide to an absence of plant life.

113 In September 1974, diversity increased from 0.91 at SSES I to 3.46 at Nescopeck (Fig. C-4). Although mine drainage pollution was present at both Sites, Nescopeck probably was a more favorable station for benthos because it was shallower (0.5 m) than at the SSES I Site (1 ' m). On 11 September 1974 the Secchi disc reading at SSES was 0. 67 m, or slightly more than half the total depth (1.3 m). This indicated that less than 5/ of the surface sunlight was available at the river bottom (Reid 1961). On the same day, the River bottom at Nescopeck was visible, and adequate light was available for growth of periphyton. Settled ferric hydroxide was much less at Nescopeck, probably because of increased scouring in the riffles. From June through September, monthly deposition of ferric iron at SSES ranged from 960 mg/m (June) to 8,600 mg/m (August) (x = 4,265 mg/m ). During this same period at Nescopeck 2 amounts of deposited iron varied from 220 mg/m (June) to 1,700 mg/m 2 (August) (x = 1,105 mg/m ). Thus iron deposition during the summer of 1974 was nearly 4 times higher at SSES than at Nescopeck, and in September it was twice as hi'gh, based on monthly means (Gale et al. 1976). The number of taxa found at Nescopeck (29) in September was not much greater than the number collected at SSES I (26), but the numerical pro-portions of certain groups were very different. Chironomids, mainly Rheotan tarsus, composed almost 90/ of all organisms at SSES I'hereas at Nescopeck they made up only 18.5/. Fingernail clams and snails were important groups at Nescopeck, but were scarce at SSES I. The limpet, Ferrissia,which was absent from SSES I and rare at SSES'I (<0.2/) composed 11.5/ of the benthos at Nescopeck. Geldiay (1956)

114 found that the limpet ~Anc lus fluviatilis was restricted from certain lake depths because of insufficient light for algal growth. He also found that substrates most favorable to limpets were unsilted bare rocks and stones, and that they fed by grazing on algae that covered the substrate. In another study by Harman (1972), Ferrissia tarda and F. rivularis were found to be associated with a clean cobble substrate. The presence of Ferrissia at Nescopeck was probably due to a healthy epilithic algae growth and a clean substrate. Besides chironomids, the caddisfly, Cheumato s che thrived at SSES. In September, it composed more than 50/ of all organisms there, exclusive of the chironomids, and its density (about 6,000/m 2 ) was approximately twice that at Nescopeck. In laboratory experiments by Sykora et al. (1972), Cheumato s che was found to have a low susceptibility to suspended ferric hydroxide, and adults continued to emerge from water containing as much as 20 mg Fe/1. The optimum habitat (Buscemi 1964) for certain caddisfly filter-feeders may be determined by low current velocities in the crevices below stones which enhances the deposition of organic materials. Gushing (1963) found a correlation between high particle counts of amorphous organic matter and the abundance of hydropsychid larvae in the Montreal River. Chironomids (especially Rheotan tarsus) and Cheumato s che are two tolerant groups which can survive under the adverse conditions found at SSES in the summer. As opportunists, populations of these organisms ex-panded without the competition for food and space from other macroinverte-brates. Herricks and Cairns (1972) also found that Cheumato s che and

115 chironomid larvae consistently appeared in high numbers in streams under stress from acid mine drainage. In general, diversity values were helpful in describing differences between benthic populations at the six sampling stations, but they did not indicate water quality as much as habitat quality. Physicochemical characteristics of water were similar at stations with evident differences in macroinyertebrate populations. When interpreting diversity. indices in September, SSES would be classified as "highly polluted" while Nesco-peck would be "clean" (Wilhm and Dorris 1968), yet the water quality was similar at both Stations (based upon pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, ferric hydroxide concentrations, etc.). Other factors such as water depth, light penetration, and substrat'e characteristics, enabled a di-verse benthic population to exist at Nescopeck in spite of "polluted" waters. The indices of percent similarity and coefficient of community were valuable in determining relationships between the macroinvertebrate com-munities of all stations. By also considering diversity and indicator organism data, the study area could generally be divided into four zones as follows: Zone 1: Falls Structurally diverse, clean water, located up-stream from major sources of mine drainage; generally unlike all downriver stations at all times of the year (except like SSES in percent composition of chironomids present).

116 Zone 2: SSES I, SSES II, Bell Bend Under stress from mine drainage pollution entering the River downstream from Falls, generally dominated by tolerant chironomids and Cheumato s che; low to moderate similarities to downriver stations (based upon percent similarity and coefficient of community indices) and low coefficients of community with'alls (especially in May).- Zone 3: Nescopeck transition A area with characteristics similar

       ,  to adjacent stations; water quality           was like that of   SSES (mine drainage    pollution) but shallowness resulted in

greater light penetration, and a cleaner substrate (less settled ferric hydroxide) which distinguished it from up-river stations; macroinvertebrate community was moderately similar to SSES I, except in September when chironomids were far less abundant; moderate to high similarities with Danville at all times of the year. Zone 4: Bloomsburg, Danville Generally dominated by oligochaetes

         'and hydropsychid      caddisflies; chironomids      were less abundant than at SSES; moderate to high          similarities within    zone during   all sampling periods; generally dissimilar from up-river stations,     perhaps due to organic enrichment from pop-ulated areas or increased sedimentation at the sampling sites; probably     under less stress      from mine drainage pol-lution.

117 REFERENCES CITED Burks, B. D. 1953. The mayflies, or Ephemeroptera, of Illinois. Bull. Ill. Nat. Hist. Sur. 26. 216 pp. Buscemi, P. A. 1964. The importance of sedimentary organics in the dis-tribution of benthic organisms. Pages 79-86 in K. W. Cummins, C. A. Tryon, Jr. and R. T. Hartman, Eds. Organism-substrate relationships in streams. Spec. Pub. No. 4, Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology, Univ. of Pittsburgh. Claassen, P. W. 1931. Plecoptera nymphs of North America. Charles C. Thomas Publishing Co., Springfield, Illinois. 199 pp. Gushing, C. E. 1963. Filter-feeding insect distribution and planktonic food in the Montreal River. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 92(30): 216-219. Gale, W. F. and J. D. Thompson. 1975. A suction sampler for quantita-tively sampling benthos on rocky substrates in rivers. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 104: 398-405. Gale, W. F., T. V. Jacobsen and K. M. Smith. 1976. Iron and its role in a river polluted by mine effluents. (unpublished manuscript). Geldiay, R. 1956. Studies on local populations of the freshwater limpet

     ~Anc   lus Eluviatllls Mullet. J. Anlm. Ecol. 25: 389-402.

Harman, W. C. and C. 0. Berg. 1971. The freshwater snails of central New York with illustrated keys to the genera and species. Cornell Univ. Agri. Exp. Sta., Ithaca, New York. 1: 1-68. Harman, W. M. 1972. Benthic substrates: their effect on fresh-water mollusca. Ecology 53(2): 271-277. Herricks, E. E. and J. Cairns, Jr. 1972. The recovery of stream macro-benthic communities from the effects of acid mine drainage. Pages 370-397 in Fourth symposium on coal mine drainage research, Pro-ceedings. Mellon Institute, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Hilsenhoff, W. L. 1970. Key to genera of Wisconsin Plecoptera (stonefly) nymphs, Ephemeroptera (mayfly) nymphs, Trichoptera (caddisfly) larvae. Dept. Nat. Resour. Res. Rpt. 67. Madison, Wisconsin. 68 pp. Ichthyological Associates, Inc. 1974. An ecological study of the North Branch Susquehanna River in the vicinity of Berwick, Pennsylvania (Progress report for the period January-December 1973). Pennsylvania Power and Light Co., Allentown, Pennsylvania. 838 pp.

118 Johannsen, 0. A. 1934-37. Aquatic diptera. Parts I through IV. Memoirs 164, 177, 205, and 210 Cornell University Experimental Station, 1934, 1935, 1937, and 1937, respectively. Reprinted in 1970 by Entomological Reprint Specialists, Los Angeles, California. Lloyd, M. and R. J. Ghelardi. 1964. A table for calculating the equitability component of species diversity. J. Anim. Ecol. 33: 217-225. Pennak, R. W. 1953. Fresh-water invertebrates of the United States. The Ronald Press Co., New York. 769 pp. Reid, G. K. 1961. Ecology of inland waters and estuaries. Reinhold Pub-lishing Corp., New York. 375 pp. Sykora, J., E. Smith, M. Shapiro and M. Synak. 1972. Chronic effects of ferric hydroxide on certain species of aquatic animals. Pages 347-369 in Fourth symposium on coal mine drainage research, Proceedings. Mellon Institute, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Usinger, R. L. (ed.). 1956. Aquatic insects of California. Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley, California. 508 pp. Weed, C. and C. Rutchky III. 1972. Benthic macroinvertebrate community structure in a stream receiving acid'ine drainage. Proc. Penn. Acad. Sci. 46: 41-47. Whittaker, R. H. and C. W. Fairbanks. 1958. A study of plankton copepod communities in the Columbia Basin, southeastern Washington. Ecology 39: 46-65. Wilhm, J. L. and T. C. Dorris. 1968. Biological parameters for water quality criteria. Bioscience, 18: 477-481.

119 Table C-1. Description and location of benthos sampling stations on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 Station River Distance Depth Substrate Location from SSESa (m) (ft) Typec (km) (mi) Falls +64 ' 40 1.2 4.0 cobble-boulder 60 m (198 ft) from right bank along a line N57oE from the right bank, 209 m (690 ft) downriver from State Highway 92 bridge at Falls, Pa. SSES Transect The transect follows a line E15 S from the right bank upriver 520 m (1716 ft) from the I. A. laboratory dock. Site I 1.5 5.0 gravel-pebble Along transect 57 m (188 ft) from the right bank. Site II 1.5 5.0 pebble-cobble Along transect 110 m (363 ft) from right bank. Bell Bend -1. 6 1.5 5.0 gravel-pebble 35 m (116 ft) from right bank along with boulders a line N85 E from the right bank, 1480 m (4884 ft) downriver from I. A. laboratory dock. Nescopeck -9. 7 0.5 1.6 gravel-bedrock 44 m (145 ft) from left bank along a line N21 W from the left bank, 1590 m (5247 ft) upriver from State Highway 93 bridge at Nescopeck, Pa. Bloomsburg -29.4 18.3 1.5 5.0 pebble-boulder Approximately 160 m (520 ft) from left side of State Highway 487 bridge at Bloomsburg, Pa. Danville -50.6 31.4 1.4 4.5 gravel-pebble Approximately 220 m (720 ft) from with boulders right side of State Highway 54 bridge at Danville, Pa. The + indicates upriver, downriver. b Station depths when river surface elevation is 148.9 m (488.5 ft) msl at SSES. c Based on predominant particle size.

Table C-2. Numbers of benthic organisms collected with a dome sampler at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, January 1974 Station SSES SSES Bell Bend Site I II Collection No. MOM-74-129 MOM-74-130 MOM-74-131 Date 7 Jan 7 Jan 8 Jan Re licate 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 Taxa Nematoda 0 0 0 2 0 14 Annelida Oligochaeta 0 5 0 13 3 4 5 Arthropoda Insectaa Plecoptera Unidentified 4 0 0 0 0 0 Ephemeroptera Baetis 0 1 0 0 0

              ~Eheae       ella                                                     0                               1                         1        1       0
              ~He   re eels                                                         0                               2                        2        0        1
              ~Iso      ehda                                                        1                               0                        2        3        0 Potamanthus                                                          0                               0                        0        0        0 Stenonema                                                            3                             12                        16       10        8 Odonata
              ~Ar   ia                                              0        0     0                                                         1        4        0 Trichoptera 1        3    16                   78       143         28               4        6        1 oHsche                                        3              8                   63       124 Horoddrro
              ~N*  re    ll   sls                                   1 1

0 4 0 0 16 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 1 2 1 Coleoptera 7

              ~Dhlr hl                                              0        0     0                                         0               0        0        4 Stenelmis (larvae)                                    1        0      1                                        1               0        4        0 (adults)                             0        0     0                                         4               0        0        0 Diptera Chironomidae                                            53       27     43                  181       200        129              46       27      50 Empididae                                                 5        7    15                   29         30        26               0        0        4 Simuliidae                                                0        1     0                     0         0         0               0        0        0 Mollusca Pelecypoda Pisidium                                              0        0     0                                                         0        0        0 Total   No. org/sample                                       70       47     91                  378       523       220               80      61       88 2

Total No. org/m 393 264 511 2,124 2,939 1,236 450 343 495 a Unless otherwise stated, all insects were nymphs or larvae.

121 Table C-3, Numbers of benthic organisms collected with a dome sampler at six stations on the North Branch Susquehanna River, May 1974 Station Falls SSES SSES Bell Bend Site I II Collection No. MOM-74-138 MOM-74-134 MOM-74-135 MOM-74-136 Date 9 May 8 May 8 May 8 May Re licate 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Taxa Pla tyhelminthes Turbellaria

             ~De $ 1                                                                                            0      0 Annelida Oligochaeta                            118    74     89                             105     21     23       17      4      68 Hirudinea
             ~dobdella                                                                                          0 Unidentified                                                                                       0 Arthropoda Crustacea Amphipoda
             ~Halell Decapoda Orconectes Insectaa Plecoptera Acroneuria                                                                                         0
             ~Am  ht      ra                                                                                    0
  • 1 0
             ~He       1                                                                                        0
             ~Parse    enetn                                                                                    0 0       0                                 0 Ephemeroptera
             ~xh     e   *11               24    30       4                              0      0               0      0
             ~Hra ent                      48     8     16                               0      0               0      0
             ~Hexa e la
             ~lht Po tamanthus 4

6 1 1 1 4 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Stenonema 86 67 27 3 13 r9 4 ~ Odonata

             ~Ar  ia Megaloptera
             ~oor d 1 s                                               0 Trichoptera
             ~Ale                           0     0       1      0    0       0          0      0      0        0
             ~Athrt sod s                   2    10      8       0    0       0          0      0      0        0 Cheumato      s che           4   146     75     15    13      10         25     16     15       13 Chimarra                       1     0       0      0    0                  0
  • h* 192 58 34 6 5 17 Macronemum 1 4 3 0 0 0
             ~ne   **11      ls            14     8       7      0    0                  0                      0 Oecetis                        3     4      4       0    0                  0                      0 22    12     25       0    0                  0                       1
             ~PA   h      1                 0     1       2      0    0                  0
             ~Pena        ehe               0     2      0       0    0                  0 Coleoptera Berosus                        0     2       0
             ~Dbt        hta               13     4       6
             ~Phe         s                 0     0       2 Stenelmis                    62    63     41 Diptera Ceratopogonidae                   2     0      0       0    0       0          0      0      0        0      0       0 Chironomidae                 1,162 1,003 1,177       47    80      55         78    39      12       39     66     97 Empid idee                       11                    9   13       5          6     17      0        1      5       4 Simuliidae                        5                    1    0       0          0      0      0        0      0       0 Molluscs Gastropoda Ferrissia                           10
             ~Lnea                                0
             ~Ph  sa                              0 Pelecypoda
             ~ah       t                   81    45     96 Total  No. org/sample             1,877 1,564 1,643       86   117      72       234    115     56        87     84    188 2

Total No. org/m 10,549 8,790 9,234 483 658 405 1,315 6416 315 489 472 1>057

122 Table C-3 (cont.) Station Nescopeck Bloomsburg Danville Collection No. MOM-74-137 MOM-74-133 MOM-74-132 Date 8 May 7 May 7 May Re licate 1 2 1 2 1 2 Taxa Platyhelminthes Turbellaria

             ~Dante Annelida Oligochaeta                           25      12     24             111      280       176    62     108       117 Hirudinea
             ~nr    bdell Unidentified Arthropoda Crustacea Amphipoda
             ~H1     11 Decapoda Orconectes Insectaa Plecoptera Acroneuria
             ~shtne r
             ~ls     rla
             ~NS eris
             ~PS *ntl a Phas ano hora Ephemeroptera
             ~Eben     rails                                             4
             ~H*  t      1                                               0
             ~Hs     e  ie                                               0
             ~ts*      hia                                               0 Potamanthus                                                0 I            Stenonema                                                  2 Odonata
             ~Ar  ia                      0 Megaloptera
             ~C*   dal                                                                            0       0         0 Trichoptera
             ~dr 1*II                     0       0      0               0         0        0      0      0        <<0
             ~Ath 1 *d*                   0       0      0               1         0        0     0       0         5 Cheumato     s che       214     158      93              37       21        45   122     164       194 Chimarra                    1       0      0               0         0        0     0       0         0
  • ha 189 122 57 12 18 28 102 142 165 Macronemum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
             ~nr*      11 sis             0       0      0               2         2        3     0       0         0 Oecetis                     0       0      0               1         0        1     0        1        0 0       0      0               0         0        0     0       0         0 eh                      0       0      0               0         0        0     0       0         0
             ~PS Coleoptera 1

he 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Berosus 0 0 0 D~nbdr his 0 0 0 '

             ~Ps Ile     s                0                                                 0 Stenelmis                   0                                                 2             4 Diptera Ceratopogonidae                 0       0      0               0         0        0     0       0         0 Chironomidae                 148     104     186              64       84        80    90     125       165 Empididae                       4     11       2               1         4        4     4       0         5 Simuliidae                      1       1      1               0         0        0      1      0         0 Molluscs Gastropoda Ferrissia
             ~Ph  sa Pelecypoda
             ~Shs*r1                    10              26 Total  No. org/sample             598     420     402            237      417       346    386     548      654 2

Total No. org/m 3,361 2 360 2,259 1,332 2,344 1,945 2>169 3>080 3,675 Unless otherwise stated, all insects were nymphs or larvae.

Table C-4. Numbers of benthic organisms collected with a dome sampler at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 12 July 1974 Station SSES SSES Bell Bend Site I II Collection No. MOM-74-139 MOM-74-140 MOM-74-141 2' Re licate 1 2 3 1 2 1 Taxa Platyhelminthes Turbellaria 4 0 0 0 Nematoda 73 52 59 24 Annelida 22 65 23 21 35 57 20 18 Oligochaeta Arthropoda Insectaa Plecoptera

             ~Neo  erl Ephemeroptera Caeni.s                                              6                                                         0
             ~Ehsaerella                                         14                                                         0
             ~leos chl                                            0                                                         1 Stenonema                                            1 Tricor thodes                                        0                                                         0 Unid. Heptagenii aeb                                 2                                                         0 Megaloptera Sialis Trichoptera
             ~Arhrd sodas                                         0       0       0                     0          0        0                 0        1       4 376      174     173                  227         111      104                17      57      32 HWdro a che                                         45      88      19                    14         21       26                 3      12       10 Unid. Hydropsych idae b                           157        0      40                   24           8        0                 0       0        0 Unid. pupae                                          2       0       0                     0          0        0                 0       0        0 Coleoptera Berosus                                              9       0       0
             ~Dhdra hla                                           0       0       0 Stenelmis                                         . 10      17      15 Diptera Chironomidae                                      7,668    3,546   5,249                11,795      3,788    4,809             1,216   2,082    2,712 Empididae (larvae)                                     68     111      79                   53          45       36                14      27       17 (pupae)                                    0       0       0                     4          0        0                 0       0        0 Simuliidae                                             82      83      64                    17         23        8                 1       2        1 Mollusca Gastropoda
             ~Lnea                                                                                                                            3                1
             ~Ph  sa                                                                                                                         13               14 Pelecypoda Pisidium                                                             0                     0                                     0                0
             ~dh   erl                                                            0                    12                                    10                2 Total  No. org/sample                                  8,589    4,045   5,726                12,247     4,033     5,048             1,301   2,217    2,817 Total  No. org/m 2                                    48,270 22,733 32,180                   68,828    22,665    28,370             7,312 12,460 15,832 Unless otherwise stated,       all insects were nymphs or larvae.

b Immature or damaged specimens.

124 Table C-5. Numbers of benthic organisms collected with a dome sampler at six stations on the North Branch Susquehanna River, September 1974 Station Falls SSES SSES Bell Bend Site Collection No. MOM-74-148 I II MOM-74-144 MOM-74-145 MOM-74-146 Date 12 Sep 9 Sep 9 Sep 11 Sep Re licate 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Platyhelminthes Turbellaria 6 21 0 0 0 0 1 0 Nematode 16 5 106 56 220 180 168 166 Annelida Oligochaeta 80 39 19 27 11 Hirudinea 0 3 0 0 0 Arthropoda Crustacea Amphipoda Gammarus Azachnoidea Hydracarina 29 92 16 48 24 Insectaa Plecoptera

              ~>h           h Ephemeroptera Caenis                               18             5                                                                          0
              ~ED       E  11                         0          18                                                                           0
              ~ts      ht                             0            0                                                                          0 Potamanthus                            9            6                                                                          0 Stenonema                              1            3                                                                          0
              ~yt e eh*des                           0             1                                                                          0 Unid. Ephemeridae                      1            0                                                                          0 Unid. Heptageniidae                 52            36                                                                           0 Odonata Unid. Cocnagrionidae Hemiptera Unidentified Megaloptera Sialis Trichoptera
              ~deh  t      d*                        0            0            4           6              0           0            0          0 16           87-      1,024        1>245         1,086          948           42         55
              ~Hd          eh                        3          24           35           72            64           28            0          0 Macronemum                             0             1           4           0              0           0            0          0
              ~NA   a  tt t                          8          62             5           0               1          5            0          3 Oecetis                             31           42           34           22            84           96          41         71
              ~>1         e*                      127            16          33            4              0           0          45           0 Unid. Hydropsychidae              11           46           60         162           521          348           16           0 Unid. Hydroptilidae                 2            0            0           0              0           0            0          0 Unid. Leptoceridae                   1            1           0           8              0           0            0          0 Unid     Psychomyiidae               13           78             0           0              4          16            0          7 Unidentified (larvae)                  0            3            0           0              0           0            0        37 (pupae)            4            0            9          11              7          12            1          1 Coleoptera Berosus                                0            4
              ~Dht       ht                          3            0 Pseohenus                              0            0 Stenelmis (larvae)                     0            0 (adults)              0            0 Unid. Elmidae (larvae)               33           39 Diptera                      (adults)          0            1 Chironomidae (larvae)                 2,444        1,540      11,712       13,889         8,360       4>311           570        545 (pupae)             50           38           88           21            38 Empididae (larvae)                         2            8        363          606 12            3          1 168         136           34         24 (pupae)                    0            0          15            2 Simuliidae                                 1          10            0            0 9           0            0          1 Unidentified (pupae)                                                                            0           0            1          2 0            0           0            0              0           4           0           0 Molluscs Gastropoda Helisoma                               0            0                                                   0            1          0 0            0                                                   8          13         20
            ~>1                                     0             0                                                 24          30         60 Ferrissia                             18           54                                                    4           0           8 P*1* yp   d Pisidium                               1            2           0          20             13            3           9        97
             ~sha      t                             7          18            7            9            35          45          63          37 Total  No. org/sample                     2,968        2>217      13>569       16,246        10>658        6,232        1,073      1,172 Total  No. org/m                         16,680       12,460      76,258       91>303       59,898       35>024        6,030      6,587

126 Table 0-6. Nusbers of benthic organfsns collected ufth a done saspler at sfx stations on the North Branch Susquehanna River, Decenber 1974 Station Pails SSES SSES Bell Bend Site- I II Collection No. WCD-74-079 -080 "081 -082 -083 -084 -085 -086 -087 -097 -098 099 Date 23 Dec 24 Dec 24 Dec 27 Dec-Re lfcste 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 Taxa Platyhelnfnthes Turbellarfa Nenatoda 18 17 13 16 27 8 40 8 7 ll 1 0 0 ll 0 1 112 55 53 49 36 179 241 197 Annelfda Olfgochaeta 85 160 658 535 607 58 31 110 78 61 36 Arthropoda Ctustacea Isopoda fhfpllHR 0 Anphfpoda 1 - 0 Decspoda f)ISRag BIRR 0 Arachnofdea Hydracarfna 0 12 10 16 0 10 58 Insects Collesbola JRRIIVfNIHE 1 0 0 Plecoptera J~ot e~rx Unfdentffiedo 0 0 0 0 Epheseroptera Baetfs 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 3 0 0 BR~serBlla 9 40 14 1 0

               ~ifghhq                          5         3         1                               0                          0 BRIAfsmf)mg                      4         4       10                                0                          0 Bkfhfgggna                        1        0         1                               0                          0 l<<ifgDfmm                                52       40                                 1                          0 Unfd. Baetfdae b                0         1        0                                0                          0 Unfd. Epheneifdae b             0         1        0                                0                          0 Unfd. Heptagenffdae           39        68      105                                 5                          6 Odonata                              b Vnfd. Coenagrfonfdae            1                                                            0       1         0 Henfptera Unid. Corfxfdaeb                0                                                            0       0                               0 Hegaloptera ldfmb~~s                         0                                                                                                    0 0                                                                                                    0
              ~u Trfchoptera I

0 0> 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BthrfagttdgL ShgmaLRRBIShg Jhdumgxghg 58 ll 0 105 22 1 83 36 0 518 53 0 487 64 0 790 92 0 553 38 0 495 32 0 573 75 0 79 0 3 55 0 2

                                                                                                                                                         '9   0 Bggzaumm.                         0         3        1                    0          0         0       0         0           0         0
              ~s 1

f sfs 31 83 78 1 1 0 0 1 0

                                                                                                                                  '        0         0 13        14       27          10        11         24        0      11         9            0        0 BRlISRB~ous              b      11       39        15            1        0          0        0       0                      0        0 Unfd. Leptocerfdae           0         8         0           0        0          0        0       0         0            0        0 Unfd. Lfsnephflfdae          0         0         0          0         0          0        0       0         0            0 Void. Hydropsychfdag         0       55          6           0       95         58        0      32       33    "        0 Unfd. Hydroptflfdae          0         0         I           1        0          0        0       0         0            0 Unfd. Rhyacophflfdae         0         0         3          0         0          0        0       0         0            0 Void. Psychonyffdae b        0         9         5          0          1         0        0       0         0            0 Unfdentfffed (larvae)          5         0        0           0         0          0        0       0         0            0 Lepfdoptera 0                                                            0       0
              ~s Coleoptera
              ~1~a<<hf a 2

1 1 I 3 1 0 5 ARrimgzxe 0 4 0

              ~p~s       Lfg  (larvae) 0 24       27 0

2 14 1 0 0 ~ (adults) 0 0 0 0 Unfd. Elnfdae (larvae) 0 12 0 '0 (adults) 2 0 0 0 Dfptera Ceraropogonfdae 1 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chfrononidae (larvae) 1,158 2>316 2>317 1>138 1,136 1 >674 803 499 1>539 102 165 83 (pupae) 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 Espfdfdae 6 123 113 202 54 56 111 35 23 21 2 0 0 1 1 0 kjp".N'nidentfffed 0 0 (larvae) 0 0 (pupae) 0 0 1 0 Hollusca Castropods

                ~Craulus                       0         0        0           0         0          0        1       0         0            0        0
                ~Lea                           0         0        1           0         4          5        0       0         0            0        0        1 Ph sa                         0        0         0           1         0          2        1       0         1            0        0        0 err ssfa                     4       22         3           1         0          0        0       2         4            0        0        0
  >  I   <<W>

Pisfdfus<< 0 4 0 4 3 3 1 3 2 0 1 0

                >~<<<<                           5       38         3         19        19         34        11       7         7            0        4        9 Total     No. org/sasple         1 ~ 549    3,068     2,984      2,602     2>611      3>622     1;S78 1,233      2>577           498      571      408 Total     No. orgln 2           8>705 17,242 16>770             14>623 14>674 20,356            8,868 6,929 14>483           2 ~ 799 3 ~ 209 2 <<293

127 Table 0-6 (cont.) Station Nescopeck Bloeasburg Danville Collection No. NCD-74 -094 -095 -096 -091 -092 -093 -088 -089 -090 Date 27 Dec 26 Dec 26 Dec Re lfcste 2 1 2 3 I 2 Taxa Hatyhelnfnthes Turbellar Ia 7 7 18 0 0 0 1 5 1 Nenatoda 467 679 348 121 66 189 479 629 371 Annelid a Olfgochaeta 435 318 888 330 282 277 1>368 1>657 2>759 hrthropoda Crustacea Isopoda Assi lus Asphipoda Css>sarus Decapoda

              ~IR hrachnofdea Hydracarfna Insects Collenbola Isotonurus Plecoptera
              ~Taenfo >C~ree Unidentified Epheneroptera Baetfs                                                                                                    0 Caenfs                                                                                                     0 II                                                                                            0
              ~hh Potananthus 0


              ~RI h                                                                                                      0 Stenonena                                                                                                13 Vnid. Bsetidae                                                                                             0 Unfd. Epheneridae                                                                                          0 Unid. Heptagenffdae                                                                                       24 Odonata Unid. Coenagrionfdaeb Henfptera Unid. Corfxidae Megaloptera
              ~dd      I Sialfs Trfchoptera
              ~ha etus                           0       0         0        0       0      0          0        0         0
              ~AI                                 1      0         0        I       4       1         0        0         1
              ~dh   I                            0       0         0        0       0      0          0        0         0
              ~dd uh h

385 21 282 10 404 14 285 6 173 2 237 5 666 161 847 224 738 228 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0

              ~>I Macrone>>u>>

Oecetfs I I 9 1 0 0 0 0 10 13 14 10 0 2 0 4 0 15 10 25

              ~FI                                0       0         0        0       0      0          0        0         0 Unid. Leptocerfdae              0       0         0        0       0      4          0        0         0 Unfd. Lfnnephflfdae             0       0         0        0       0      0          0        0          1 Unfd. Hydropsychfdaeb           0       2        29        0      15     25         13       55        45 Unfd. Hydroptflidaeb            0       0         0        0       0      0          0        1         1 Vnfd. Rhyacophilfdae            0       0         0        0       0      0          0        0         0 Unfd. Psychonyffdaeb            0       4         4        0       0      0          1        0         0 Vnidentiffed (larvae)              0       0         0        0       0      0          0        0         0 Lepfdoptera
              ~Nhu    la Coleoptera Berosus                           0       1         0                       0                   0
              ~I>hi      hl                      0       0         0                       0                   1
              ~dl                                0       0         2                       0                   0
              ~dl d                              0       0         0                       0                   2 Stenelufs (larvae)                5       2         1                        1                  3 (adults)           0       0         0                       0                   0 Unfd. El>sfdae (larvae)b           0       8         0                       0                   0 (adults)      0       0         0                       0                   0 Dfptera Ceratopogonidse                        0       0         0        0       0      0          0        0         0 Chironosfdae (larvae)                233     146       193       88     30      37       567      759        695 (pupae)            0       0         0        0      12      0          0        0         0 Espfdfdae                            25      34        53        4       0       8       27       20          7 Sfnulifdae                            0       0                  0       0      0          4        0         0 FnDentBfed {larvae)                            8                                 8 Molluscs                       (pupae)

Gastropoda 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 9 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 6 0 0 0 0 1 errTssfs 17 8 22 5 3 0 6 23 48 Pelecypoda- 25 3 0 0 Pfsfdfus 5 3 2 1 1 14 2 15 28 12 - 2 0 2 0 Total No. orglsanple 1~ 626 1,516 2,055 914 617 793 3 ~ 323 l>,270 4,973 Total No. orgls>2 9>138 8>520 11,549 5,137 3,468 4,457 18,67S 23,997 27>948 bUnless other>>fse stated, all insects vere nysphs or larvae. Innature or danaged specfnens.

i28 Table C-7. A partial list of invertebrates collected in the study area of the North Branch Susquehanna River, from 1971 through 1974 (Species names followed by an asterisk are 1974 additions) Porifera Branchiura Spongillidae ~Ar I s sp.e

                   ~Sflla        lac stria                                   Isopoda Asellus Coelenterate                                                                                               communis Hydroida                                                                Amphipoda
                   ~Hdra sp.                                                               Gammarus sp.*

Trachylina ~Hslella a*t*ca Decapoda Platyhelminthes Cambarus bartoni Turbellaria Orconectes limosus

                   ~Des%a ~tt      rina                                                    0.   ~ran              s Nematode                                                                   Arachnoidea Bryozoa                                                                       Hydracarina Lophopodidae                                                  Insects
                   ~Lo ho     d lla csrterl*                                 Collembola Annelida                                                                             Sminthuridae Oligochaeta                                                                              S   fnth rides ~austfc s*

Aeolosomatidae Isotomidae Aeolosoma sp.* Isoto r s Hsf stria Lumbriculidae Plecoptera L Wrfcul s ~varie at se Pteronarcidae Tubificidae ~Pinero arc s sp. Bronchi rs ~serob v1 ~All rc bi lobes Limnodrilus'hoffmeisteri Nemouridae Peloscolex multisetosus* ~Am bine ra del sa Lumb ricidae B schvatera sp Naididae ~faenf ter x b rskf

                   ~Cha   to aster ~lan    I"                                       Capniidae Nels ~beh fn ie                                                        ~Al loco nia            sp.

N. ~elfn uis* Perlidae N. Hardalfs>> Acroneuria abnormis>> Pristine sima* A. arida P. schmiederi* A. ~lcorfas* A. ruralis Hirudinea Rhynchobdellida ~xe la ~cl e a Glossiphoniidae ~pra etfna media Actinobdella triannulata* Perlodidae Helobdella ~sta nolle ~Iso erie richardsooi Placobdella ornate Ephemeroptera P. pedfc late* Ephemeridae Piscicolidae ~Eh ors E ttulata Illinobdella alba* ~Shoran le hon

                   ~Nsobdallo oor*i*                                                      ~Hexa      eni     lf bate Pharyngobdellida                                                                      Potamanthus            verticus Erpobdellidae                                                          Caenidae
                   ~Er obdella Hunctata                                                    Caenis spp.

Arthropoda Crustacea Ephemerellidae Cladocera ~Ehe trails bicolor Sididae E. deficiens

                   ~Dta   hanoso a ~brach      r
  • E. d rath a Latona setifera* E'. needha I Sids ~cr st llf ae E. se tentrionalis E. verisimilis Chydoridae Al na Hatteras E. walkeri Leptophlebiidae Alonella acutirostris* ~thoroter es sp.

dor s ~shaerfc s* 'th

                                                                                           ~Dobro hlebfa sp.

E rrcereus la ellatuse Parale to hlebia sp. Daphinidae Baetidae

                   ~Da hnfa spp.e                                                          Baetis sp.

N*f Bosminidae, a ~cr co a* Callibaetis sp.*

                                                                                           ~leon tt* sf 1 this    sp.
                                                                                                                 'p B s fna ~ere      o 1*                                          Heptageniidae B   ~lfr Macrothricidae s  tris*                                                  ~Eeo       s sp     ~
                                                                                           ~Hta enfa ~lcidi annie ocrg~tus sordidus*                                                 ~Hta e ia.sp.
                   ~11 I.  ~fif      res Macrothrix laticornis*
  • s Stenonema p.


129 Table C-7 (cont.) Heptageniidae (cont.) Hydrophilidae cont. Stenonema fuscum ~kdrobi s sp."

                                                                           ~Tro istern    s sp.

S. ithaca Psephenidae Odonata ~ps* hen s harrioki Anisoptera Dryopidae Gomphidae Helichus sp.

                  ~Droop om hus         ~sin    sus                 Elmidae Aeschnidae                                                     ~Dbtra hia vittata
                  ~BU eris vinos
                                                                           ~Nacron thus Blabratus Libellulidae                                                   ~Otiose v s sp.
                  ~Did       s tra s arse                                  Stenelmis bicarinata Macromia       illinoinesis                              Stenelmis spp.

Somatochlora sp. Diptera Zygoptera Tipulidae Agrionidae ~Ti ula spp.

                  ~Arion sp.                                        Simuliidae Coenagrionidae                                                 Simulium vittatum
                  ~Ar ia sp.                                        Rhagionidae Hemip tera                                                            Arherix ~varie ata Gerridae                                                Empididae Gerris sp.                                              Hemerodromia spp.

Metrobates sp. Chironomidae

                  ~Tre obatas sp.                                      Tanypodinae Notonectidae                                                   ~Ablabes is spp.

Notonecta sp. Nepidae Pentaneura sp. Ranatra sp. Procladius sp.* Belostomatidae Pentaneurini spp. Belistoma sp." Diamesinae Corixidae* Diamesa spp. Megaloptera Orthocladiinae Sialidae Cardiocladius sp. Sialis ~va ans ~CL'tcoco Us app Corydalidae Orthocladius sp. Chauloides sp.

  • Psectrocladius spp.*
                  ~tor dal s o n tus                                    Chironominae Trichoptera                                                            Chironomus spp.

Rhyacophilidae Cr tochironomus sp.*

                  ~AS    et  s   sp.*                                       Endochironomus spp.
                  ~P*t      tile     sp.*

Philopotamidae Chimarra obscura Psychomyiidae Ceratopogonidae

                  ~Nc  tscli sis        sp                                  Bezzia sp.


                  ~pot      ia sp.*                       Gastropoda
                  ~PS  cho ia sp
  • Physidae Hydropsychidae ~ph sa ~rina Lymnaeidae
                  ~Hdr*        che bette 1                                 L~mnea   humilis H. bifida (grp.)                                 Planorbidae N. ~haleraca                                            ~G1       s  ~arv s>>

Macronemum sp. Helisoma trivolvus Hydroptilidae Ancylidae

                  ~Aralea sp.                                               Ferrissia    sp Limnephitidae                                 Pelecypoda
                  ~LL    e  hil    s   sp.>>                          Sphaeriidae Pvvcno   sv   h     sp ~                                 Pisidium sp.

Leptoceridae ~Shaert striaein

                  ~Athri sodas transvers s*                                 S. transversum
                  ~Le   t cells sp.*                                 Unionidae Oecetis cineracens>>                                      Alasmidonta undulata Trianoides        ~LU    sto                             A. varicosa Lepidop tera                                                           Anodonta cataracts Pyralidae                                                      ~ELLA   tio ~planet      s
                  ~Nm h     la sp.*                                        ~La     ilia  carlos Coleoptera                                                            ~has  1  onto s b    iridis*


                  ~Felt d     t*s sp.*

Hydrophilidae Berosus ~ere rinus

Table C-g. Percent of total organisms for major macroinvertebrate groups collected at 6 stations on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 X Total/month X Total/year X Total/month X Total/year Jan Ma Jul Se Dec Jan Ma Jul Se Dec FALLS NESCOPECK Nematoda 0.0 <1.0 - <1.0 <1.0 Nematoda 0.0 8.8 28.7 17-8 Oligochaeta 5.5 2.3 3.7 3.8 ,Oligochaeta 4.3 1.7 31.6 17.4 Ephemeroptera 6.5 2.9 6.3 5.4 Ephemeroptera 2.1 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Trichoptera 12.6 11.1 9.5 10.9 Trichoptera 58.7 43.5 22.6 Coleoptera 3.7 35.0 1.6 1.2 2.1 Coleoptera <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Diptera 66.2 78.9 76.5 74.3 " 32.4 18.4 13.2 17.7 Pelecypoda 4.4 <1.0 <1.0 1.7 Diptera Pelecypoda 2.9 11.5 1.2 5.1 Miscellaneous (<1X) <1.0 2.2 1.0 1.4 Miscellaneous (<1X) <1.0 14.8 2.2 6.3 SSES I BLOOMSBURG Nematoda 0.0 0.0 <1.0 <1.0 2.3 <1.0 Nematoda 0.0 2.9 16. 2 8.5 Oligochaeta 2.4 2.4 <1.0 <1.0 20.3 3.4 Oligochaeta 56.7 8.9 38.3 32.2 Ephemeroptera 3.8 1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Ephemeroptera 1.3 0.0 <1.0 <1.0 Trichoptera Coleoptera 18.2 18.5 5.8 9.2 24.9 10.6 Trichoptera 17.1 71.0 34.3 43.0 1.0 1.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Coleoptera <1.0 2.4 <1.0 1.0 Diptera 72.5 76.4 92.3 89.5 50.1 84.2 Diptera 23.7 6.5 7.7 10.5 Pelecypoda 0.0 0.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Pelecypoda <1.0 6.5 2.0 3.1 Miscellaneous (<1X) 1.9 0.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Miscellaneous (<1X) <1.0 2.5 <1.0 1.4 SSES II DANVILLE Nematoda 0.0 0.0 <1.0 2.4 2.6 1.4 Nematoda 0.0 11.8 11.8 7.0 Oligochaeta 2.0 36.8 <1.0 <1.0 3.7 1.1 Oligochaeta 18.1 <1.0 46.0 27.2 Ephemeroptera 3.3 4.2 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Ephemeroptera <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Trichoptera 40.8 20.5 ~ 2.5 19. 1 34.4 13.6 Trichoptera 56.4 75. 1 24.2 45.2 Coleoptera <1.0 1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Coleoptera <1. 0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Diptera 53.0 37.5 96.5 77.2 56.9 82.9 Diptera 24.6 20. 7 16.6 18.7 Pelecypoda <1.0 0.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Pelecypoda 0.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Miscellaneous (<1X) 0.0 0.0 <1.0 <1.0 1.5 <1.0 Miscellaneous (<1X) <1.0 2.3 <1.0 1.3 BELL BEND Nematoda 6.9 0.0 0.0 14.9 41. 8 9.1 Oligochaeta 5.2 24.8 <1.0 1.7 11.8 3.5 Ephemeroptera 19.2 5.0 <1.0 0.0 <1.0 <1.0 Trichoptera 7.4 8.9 2.1 14. 2 13. 3 6.6 Coleoptera 3.4 1.7 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Diptera 55.4 59.1 95.8 52. 6 29. 2 75.4 Pelecypoda 0.0 <1.0 <1.0 9.2 <1.0 2.3 Miscellaneous (<1X) 2.1 0.0 <1.0 7.4 1.7 2.2

Table C-9. Individual sample and site grouped data for macroinvertebrates collected with a dome sampler from all stations on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 0 Taxa t Organisms Density Diversity p Taxa p Organisms/ Density Diversity sam le (8 or /m2) (8) sam le 8 or /m d SSES I 7 Jan SSES II 8 May MOM-74-129 Rep 1 9 70 393 1.444 MOM-74-135 Rep 1 234 1,315 1.882 2 8 47 264 2.014 2 115 646 2.501 3 8 91 511 2.192 3 56 315 1.927 per site 12 2.084 per site 2.218 8.3 69.3 389.3 6.0 135.0 758.7 0.6 22.0 123.5 1.0 90.7 509.4 SSES II 7. Jan Bell Bend 8 May MOM-74-130 Rep 1 10 378 2,124 2. 102 MOM-74-136 Rep 1 87 489 2.260 2 11 523 2,939 2.096 2 84 472 1.219 3 12 220 1, 236 2.047 3 188 1,057 1.694 per site 16 2.191 per site 1.870 11.0 373.7 2, 100 7.7 119.7 672.7 1.0 151.5 851. 8 1.5 59.2 333.0 Bell Bend 8 Jan Nescopeck 8 May MOM-74-131 Rep 1 11 80 450 2.086 MOM-74-137 Rep 1 ll 598 3,361 2.005 2 9 61 343 2.523 2 9 420 2,360 2.036 3 9 88- 495 2.060 3 12 402 2,259 2.181 per site 14 2.442 per site 13 2.143 9.7 76.3 429.3 10. 7 473.3 2,660 1.2 13.9 78.1 1.5 108.3 609.2 Falls 9 May Bloomsburg 7 May MOM-74-138 Rep 1 29 1,877 10,549 2.230 MOM-74-133 Rep 1 11 237 1,332 2.032 2 28 1,564 8,790 2.157 2 10 417 2,344 1.509

              - 3        29        1,643           9,234           1.851                            3          12         346        1>945         2.009 per   site     40                                        2.163                        per si.te      16                                   1.864 28.7      1,695           9 >524                                                      11.0       333.3      1,874 0.6        162.8           914.7                                                     1.0         90.7        509.8 SSES  I    8 May                                                                    Danville     7 May MOM-74-134 Rep 1                        86             483          1.993           MOM-74-132   Rep 1           7         386        2; 169         2.118 2                     117             658          1.527                             2          9         548        3,080          2.105 3                      72             405          1. 103                            3          9         654        3>675          2.117 per   site                                               1.646                        per  site      14                                   2.133 5.7         91.7           515.3                                                     8.3       529.3      2,975 1.5         23.0           129. 6                                                    1.2        135.0        758.5

Table C-9 (cont.) p Taxa 0 Organis>as/ Density Diversity 0 Taxa 0 Organisns/ Density Diversity san le (0 or />a2 (8) sam le P or /c> (8) SSES I 12 Jul SSES II 9 Sep MOM-74-139 Rep 1 19 8,589 48,270 0.786 MOM-74-145 Rep 1 23 10>658 59,898 1. 268 2 10 4,045 22,733 0.823 2 19 6,232 35,024 1.649 3 11 5,726 32,180 0.639 per site 26 1.423 per site 19 0.729 21.0 8>445 47,461

13. 3 6> 120 34,394 2.8 3,130 17,589 4.9 2,298 12,912 SSES II 12 Jul Bell Bend 11 Sep MOM-74-140 Rep 1 14 12,247 68,828 0. 316 MO&74-146 Rep 1 18 1,073 6,030 2.307 2 11 4,033 22,665 0.474 2 21 1,172 6,587 2.764
              ,  2      10       5,048       28,370        0.377               per site   25                             2.721 per   site   16                                 0.368 19.5    1>123        6,309 11.7     7, 109      39,954                                        2.1        70.0        393.9 2."1    4,478       25,168 Bell Bend   12   Jul                                                 Nescopeck  11 Sep MOM-74-141  Rep   1      12       1>301         7,312       0.534    MOM-74-147 Rep  1     27      1,994        8>745     3.532 2      13       2>217        12,460       0.482                   2      24      1,556      11,206      3.286 3      12       2,817        15,832       0.329               per site   29                             3.464 per   site   14                                 0.433 25.5    1>775        9,976 12.3     2,112        11,868                                       2.1       309.7     1,740 0.6        763.5      4,291 Pails       12 Sep                                                   Bloousburg 10 Sep MOM-74-148  Rep -1       31       2,968        16,680        1.323   MOM-74-143 Rep 1      17      1,186        6,665     2.464 2      32       2,217        12,460       2.155                   2      17        463        2,602     3.272 per   site   39                                  1.754              per site   21                             2.795 31.5     2,593        14,570                                      17.0      824. 5     4>634 0.7        531.0      2>984                                       0.0       511.2     2,873 SSES  I     9 Sep                                                    Danville   10 Sep MOM-74-144  Rep 1        23      13,569        76,258       0. 891   MOM-74-142 Rep 1      19      4,473      25,138      2. 138 2      20      16,246        91,303       0.904                   2      16. 3,759      21,126      2.064 per   site   26                                 0.906               per site   22                             2.123 21.5    14,908        83>781                                      17.5    4,116      23>132 2.1     1,893        10>638                                       2.1      504.9      2>837

Table C-9 {cont.) 8 Taxa 0 Organisms/ Densit~ Diversity t Taxa 0 Organisms/ Densit~ Diversity sam le (b'r /m d sam le 8 or /m 3) Pails 23 Dec Nescop'eck 27 Dec WGD-74-079 Rep 1 31 1,549 8, 705 I. 792 WCD-74-094 Rep 1 15 1,626 9>138 2. 367

      -080      2      38        3,068      17,242      1. 816         -095     2      17       1,516      8,520       2. 192
      -081      3      36        2>984      16>770      1.575          -096     3      23       2,055     11>549       2.463 per site   51                               1.759               per site   27                              2.439 35        2,534      14,239                                     18.3     1,732      9,736 3.6        853.8    4,798                                      4.2        284.8   1,601 SSES  I      24 Dec                                              Bloomsburg  26 Dec WGD-74-082   Rep 1      23        2,602      14,623      2. 136  WGD-74-091  Rep 1      17         914      5,137       2.397
      -083      2      19        2,611      14,674      2.357          -092     2      14          617     3,468       2.246
      -084      3      24        3>622      20,356      2.290          -093     3      13          793     4,457       2. 173 per site   33                               2.295               per site   22                              2.368 22        2,945      16>551                                     14.7        774.7   4,354 2.6        586.3    3,295                                      2.5        149.3      839.3 SSES  II     24 Dec                                              Danville    26 Dec WGD-74-085   Rep 1      14        1,578       8, 868     1. 764  WCD-74-088  Rep 1      19.      3.323     18,675       2. 251
      -086      2      18         1,233      6,929      2.097          -089     2      21       4,270     23,997       2.348
      -087      3      19        2,577      14,483      1.902          -090     3      22       4,973     27,948       2.040 per site   25                               1.958               per site   32                              2.232 17         1,796     10,093                                     20. 7    4>189     23,540 2.6        698.0    3,923                                       1.5       828.0   4>653 Bell Bend    27 Dec WGD-74-097   Rep 1      14           498      2,799      2.449
      -098      2      14           571      3,209      2.233
       -099     3      12           408      2,293      2.224 per site   22                               2.366
13. 3 492. 3 2,767 1.2 81.6 458.8

134 Table C-10. The equitability component of species diversity of benthos samples collected at six stations (two sites at SSES) in January, May, July, September, and December on the North Branch Susque<< hanna River, 1974 Jan May Jul Sep Dec Falls 15.0 10. 3 7.8 SSES I 50. 0 50.0 10. 5 7.7 21. 2 SSES II 37.5 75.0 6.3 11. 5 20. 0 Bell Bend 50. 0 55.5 7.1 36.0 31. 8 Nescopeck 46.2 55.2 25.9 Bloomsburg 31. 3 47.6 31. 8 Danville 42. 9 27:3 18.7 Table C-ll. The percent similarity between January and May, May and July, July and September, and September and December benthos samples collected at SSES I (SI), SSES II (SII), and Bell Bend (BB) on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 SI SII BB Jan vs. May 87.6 62.2 72. 1 May vs. Jul 70.1 33.8 57.9 Jul vs. Sep 91. 2 77.0 51. 3 Sep vs. Dec 55.6 70. 1 47. 2 Table C-12. The percent simi,larity between benthos samples collected at SSES I (SI), SSES II (SII), and Bell Bend (BB) in January and July on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 January July 85.2 SII 91. 7 56.1 67.5 BB 91. 3 97.2 SII SI SI SII Table C-13. The percent similarity between benthos samples collected at Falls (F), SSES I (SI), SSES II (SII), Bell Bend (BB), Nescopeck (N), Bloomsburg (B), and Danville (D) in May, September, and December on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 May September 78.2 SI 78.8 59.6 51.8 SII 79.0 84.4

74. 1 71. 9 73.9 BB 56.8 56.6 59.2 45.7 57.6 53.0 48.7 N 21.8 23.4 34.8 44.1 45.0 57.2 76.7 41.3 38.1 B 15.7 13.9 26.8 30.5 58.7 57.0 85.0 50.6 62.5 44.9 39.2 D 25.8 27.6 39.2 27.0 53.3 69.9 B N BB SII SI F F SI BB D

B 14.6 51.4 44.7 47.1 75.1 N 17.9 56,2 4IO. 7 66. 1 BB 30.6 55.2 47. 1 SII 59.6 78.7 SI 51.6 December

135 Table C-14. The coefficient of community between January and May, May and July, July and September, and September and December benthos samples collected at SSES I (SI), SSES II (SII), and Bell Bend (BB) on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 SI SII BB Jan vs. May 66.7 50.0 53.3 May vs. Jul 42.1 33 3 53.3 Jul vs. Sep 40.6 44.8 25.8 Sep vs. Dec 32.5 64.5 38.2 Table C-15. The coefficient of community between benthos samples collected at SSES I (SI), SSES II (SII), and Bell Bend (BB) in January and July on the North Branch Susquehanna River; 1974 January July 55.6 SII 40. 0 57.9 36.8 BB 43.5 50. 0 SII SI SI SII Table C-16. The coefficient of community between benthos samples collected at Falls (F), SSES I (SI), SSES II (SII), Bell Bend (BB), Nescopeck (N), Bloomsburg (B), and Danville (D) in May, September, and December on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 May September

20. 0 SI 47.7 77.8 20.0 SII 44.4 62.5 70.0 70.0 22.5 BB 63.6 50.0 59.4 50.0 61.5 29.3 N 54.5 6).8 66.7 68.8 45.0 41. 2 41. 2 33. 3 B 42.9 51.6 62.1 64.3 66.7
66. 7 50.0 46.7 57.1 34.1 D 45.2 54.8 65.5 67.9 70.0 65.4 B N BB SII SI F F SI SII BB D 50.9 71. 1 58. 3 45.9 63.9 54. 3 B 35.2 48.6 56.7 46.7 63.3 N 41.8 57.9 62.5 48.5 BB 35.2 48.6 51.6 SII 35.7 65.7 SI 50. 0 December




     < 0.52 M/SEC (5,000 GPM)           0                       NORTH                                        p    a
                                                                                                    -".,':           BUTLER TUNNEL 0.65-095 M/SEC (l0-15,000 GPMI         O                                              TOBY CR DURYEA OUTFALL 0.95-I26 M/SEC (l5-20,000 GPM)


                                                                                               ~SOUTH            WILKES-BARRE SHICKSHINNY CR.(


                                               ~P FISHING CR DANVILLE                                    NESCOPECK NESCOPECK CR.
                                                                                              ~~           5 KILOMETERS BLOOMSBURG CATAWISSA CR.
                                                        . Fig. C-1. Location of benthos sampling stations on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974

137 90 80 - SSES SSES I II BELL BEND 70 60 O O O X 50 M r \ CO /r/ \ 40 \


C5 I 1 CC I \ O I I I I I l I \ I \


I I I I l


I I \ 20 I I \ I I I I \ I I I I I IO I I I

                                    /                                               ~

0 J M Ju S D Fig. 'C-2. Mean numbers of macroinvertebrates/m 2 collected with a dome sampler from SSES I, SSES II, and Bell Bend in January (J), May (M), July (Ju), Sep-tember (S), and December (D) on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974.

138 NEMATODA TRICHOPTERA PELECYPODA OLIGOCHAETA COLEOPTERA MISCELLANEOUS C I 0/ EPHEMEROPTER A .OIPTERA IOO 80 60 O I-40 20 S I S II BB N B D Fig. C-3. Percent of total organisms for major macroinvertebrate groups collected at six stations on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 (F = Falls, SI = SSES I, SII = SSES II, BB = Bell Bend, N Nescopeck, B = Bloomsburg, and D = Danville).

139 MAY SEP DEC 3.0

        /'vrr 2.5
                                                   ~ ~'~     ~ ~

N. /

                           //                        rr>~
                                 .r' V               /                  rrrr

l.5 I.O 0.5 0 F S.l S II BB N. D-Fig. C-4. Diversity values (d) for 3 sampling periods from Falls (F), SSES I (SI), SSES II (SII), Bell Bend (BB), Nescopeck (N), Bloomsburg (B), and Danville (D) on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974.

140 SSES

           - SSES II
           ------ BELL BEND I

6 ~

                                                               /       III~

I 2.5 I i I I I I

                    \                                   I 2.0 I

I I 0- 1 I l I CO I r

a. I.5 j LU ( \ I If Cl 1
                                              /              I I
                              '1 j


                                           /          !
                                          /        I i

j 0.5 Ij I

                                     ~  I
                                      )I 0



Fig. C-5. Diversity (d) values for 5 sampling periods from SSES I, SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 II,

141 LARVAL FISHES by William F. Gale and Harold W. Mohr, Jr. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION... ............ .... ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 144 PROCEDURES........... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o 144 Sampling CITED'by Net...... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ 144 Sampling by Pump..... ~ ~ ~ ~ 145 RE S ULTS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 146 REFERENCES .... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 148 LIST OF TABLES Table D-l. Species of larval fish collected at Falls and SSES on Branch Susquehanna River, 1974........................ the'orth 149 Table D-2. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m 3 in fixed- (drift) and push-net samples (2 stmultaneous replicates each) at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch Susquehanna River from 0839-0950 and 2301-0008 on 9-10 May 1974.............................. 150 Table D-3. Mean . . . 0830-0938 and 2307-0024 on 16-17 May 1974........ 150 Table D-4. Mean . . . 0830-0941 and 2300-0022 on 22-23 May 1974........ 151 Table D-5. Mean . . . 0822-0932 and 2300-2359 on 29 May 1974........... ]52 Table D-6. Mean . . . 0817-0921 and 2302-0010 on 5-6 June 1974......... 153

142 Page Table D-7. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m in fixed- (drift) and push-net samples (2 simultaneous replicates each) at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch Susquehanna River from 0825-0942 and 2301-0004 on 12-13 June 1974.................. 154 Table D-8. Mean . . . 0815-0928 and 2307-0012 on 19-20 June 1974....... 155 Table D-9. Mean . . . 0808-0909 and 2304-0008 on,26-27 June 1974....- ~ . 156 Table D-10. Mean . . . 0819-0924 and 2300-0007 on 2-3 July 1974..... ... 157 Table D-11. Mean . . . 0815-0930 and 2303-0005 on 10-11 July 1974....... 158 Table D-12. Mean . . . 0815-0925 and 2300-2358 on 17 July 1974,......... 159 Table D-13. Mean . . . 0815-0919 and 2306-0023 on 24-25 July 1974....... 160 Table D-14. Mean . . . 0817-0930 and 2255-0016 on 30-31 July 1974...-... 161 Table D-15. Mean . . . 0810-0911 and 2300-0006 on 7-8 August 1974....... 162 Table D-16. Mean . . . 0816-0917 and 2310-0028 on'3-14 August 1974- ~ ~ ~ ~ 162 Table D-17. Mean . . . 0810-0913 and 2303-0004 on 21-22 August 1974..... 163 Table D-18. Mean . . . 0815-0913 and 2300-0010 on 28-29 August 1974..... 163 Table D-19. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m 3 in 5-min pump samples (8 surface and 8 bottom replicates/sampling period) at SSES on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 28-29 May 1974.. 164 Table D-20. Mean . . . (4 surface and 4 bottom replicates/sampling period) . . . 12-13 June 1974.................,.............. 165 Table D-21. Mean . . . (4 surface,and 8 bottom replicates/sampling period) . . . 10-11 July 1974............................... 166 Table D-22. Mean . . . (4 surface and 4 bottom replicates/sampling period) . . . 13-14 August 1974........... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 166 Table D-23. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m in 5-min pump samples (8 surface and 8 bottom replicates/sampling period) at Falls on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 29-30 May 1974 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 167 Table D-24. Mean . . . 13-14 June 1974...........................,...... 168 Table D-25. Mean . . . 11-12 July 1974....... .. ... . .............,. 169 Table D-26. Mean . . . 14-15 August 1974................................ 169

143 Page Table D-27. Percent total and mean .density of larval fishes/10 m in 275 push-net samples collected at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch Susquehanna. River during the day {0800-1000) and at night (2300-0100), 1974.... ~ ......................... 170 Table D-28. Total numbers of larval fish collected in 276 fixed-net (drift), 275 push-net, and 343 pump samples at SSES on the North Branch Susquehanna River, May through October 1974.... 171

144 INTRODUCTION In spring and early summer of 1973 substantial numbers of fish larvae were found drifting in the North Branch Susquehanna River near SSES (Ichthy-ological Associates 1974). Larval fish samples were collected again in 1974 to determine the density of larvae drifting in the River near SSES from April through mid-October. The push-net sampling that was conducted in 1973 to collect larval fishes at Falls and Nanticoke (Ichthyological Associates 1974) was discontinued so that sampling could be intensified at SSES. Monthly pump sampling was continued at Falls from May through August. Samples collected in 1974, and some from 1975, have been analyzed and the data are in the section "Spawning and Larval-Fish Drift." Detailed methods of egg collection in the River and procedures employed in rearing larvae in a miniature aquarium system are there also. PROCEDURES Sampling by Net Boat-mounted nets made of nylon mesh (0.40 x 0.80-mm openings) with rectangular mouths (24 x 54 cm) were used at SSES from 10 April through 10 October 1974. Weekly samples, consisting of two simultaneous replicates at each site, were collected near each shore and in the channel between 0800 and 1000 and between 2300 and 0100. Descriptions of the sampling sites

145 are detailed in Ichthyological Associates (1974). Each net contained a = "quick-open" collecting bucket (Gale 1975) and had a Model 2030 digital flowmeter .mounted near the center of the net mouth to measure the volume of water sampled. To evaluate backpressure within the nets, an extra meter was mounted on the outside of one net to measure the flow of un-impeded water. Fish were collected: (1) with the boat pointed upriver and held stationary with the motor for 5 min (fixed-net or drift samples) and; (2) with the boat propelled slowly downriver for over 300 m (push-net or non-drift samples). The push nets sampled large volumes of water, to locate scarce species.


Sampling by Pump Larval fishes were sampled monthly from March through August in 1974 (in conjunction with a macroinvertebrate drift program that terminated in May) with a high-capacity, gasoline-powered trash pump on, a pontoon boat anchored in the River channel at SSES and at Falls. The pump intake was. about even with the upstream end of the boat and could be lowered to the bottomand raised by a hand winch. From 4 to 8 replicate samples were taken about 50 cm from the River surface and 10-20 cm from the bottom at 3-hour intervals for a 24-hour period; the pumping rate was usually about 2,500 liter/min. The volume of water pumped was determined by multiplying pumping duration by pumping rate (determined by filling a 1,280-liter trough twice). Water was pumped through a net attached to a holder on the back of the boat.

146 Samples were usually taken near midmonth at stationary or falling River levels, to reduce the amount of detritus in the samples and to avoid sampling macroinvertebrates during periods of "catastropic drift." In 1975, additional diurnal pump samples were collected at SSES to investi-gate diel drift patterns of some species that were scarce in 1974 samples; from 10 to 14 replicates were taken each 3-hour period, at surface and bottom. RESULTS Larvae of 22 and 14 species of fish were collected at SSES and Falls, respectively in 1974 (Table D-1). Less sampling effort was expended at Falls. White sucker and walleye, the first fishes collected in fixed-and push-net samples at SSES, were collected on 9-10 May (Table D-2). Quillback, tessellated darter, and yellow perch were taken first in 16-17 May samples (Table D-3); carp and .shorthead. redhorse were first taken in 22-23 May samples (Table D-4). Larvae taken in 29 May samples (Table D-5) were the same as those caught in earlier samples. Blunt-nose minnow (postlarva) and crappie spp. larvae were collected for the first time in 5-6 June samples (Table D-6). Rock bass larvae and post-larvae of comely shiner, spottail shiner, and spotfin shiner were first collected in 12-13 June samples (Table D-7). Actually, shiner prolarvae probably were present in some of the samples taken earlier but were small and could not be identified and were tabulated as "unidentified minnow." Northern hog sucker, a larva infrequently taken at SSES, and bluegill larvae were collected in 19-20 June samples (Table D-8). Post-larval ictalurids (white catfish, yellow bullhead, and brown bullhead)

147 were scarce and were first caught in 26-27 June samples (Table D-9). In 2-3 July samples, longnose dace and channel catfish postlarvae were taken for the first time (Table D-10). No additional species were July and August (Tables D-11 through D-17) except for pumpkinseed, which was first collected in 30-31 July samples (Table D-14). Too few fish were taken in September and, October samples to justify data tabulation; all 26 were postlarvae and all were minnows. Diurnal pump sampling was conducted monthly in May, June, July, and August at SSES. (Tables D-19 through D-22) and at Falls (Tables D-23 through D-26). In both net and pump sampling, the largest numbers of larvae were collected the first two weeks in June when quillback and carp larvae were abundant. Catch per effort was much greater at night than during the day with both types of gear. Maximum numbers of fish in pomp samples usually occurred at about 2400 near the River surface. Overall, catch per effort was about elevenfold .greater at SSES than it was at Falls. Quillback larvae composed 51/ of the total fish taken in fixed-net samples; carp and other cyprinids composed 32/ of the total (data presented in Table 5 in the appendix). Carp larvae and other cyprinids composed over 50/ of the total fish taken in push-net samples; quillback composed 28/ of the total (Table D-27). Prolarvae were much more abundant than postlarvae in fixed-net, push-net, and pump samples (Table D-28). Of the 2,440 fish taken in fixed-net samples, 76X were prolarvae. Prolarvae com-posed 62/ of the total (16,860) larvae taken in push-net samples. Pro-larvae composed 93X of the total (2,457) larvae collected in pump samples.

148 REFERENCES CITED 4 Gale, W. 1975. A quick opening bucket for plankton and larval fish nets. Prog. Fish-Cult. 37: 164. Ichthyological Associates, Inc. 1974. An ecological study of the North Branch Susquehanna River in the vicinity of Berwick, Pennsylvania (Progress report for the period January-December 1973). Pennsylvania Power and Light Co., Allentown, Pennsylvania. 838 pp.

149 Table D-1. Species of larval fish collected at Falls and SSES on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 Cyprinidae Minnows and Carps Cvyrinus ~car io carp a

                ~Notro   is  amoenus    comely shiner N. hudsonius  spottail shiner'nidentified cyprinidae                    unidentified  minnows Catostomidae  Suckers
                ~Car iodes ~crinus  quillhack Catostomus commersoni  white sucker Moxostoma macrole idotum  shorthead                         redhorse Ictaluridae  Freshwater Catfishes Ictalurus catus  white catfish I. natalis  yellow bullhead I. nebulosus  brown bullhead I. ~unctatus  channel catfish Notorus ~ansi nis ,.margined madtom Centrarchidae        Sunfishes
                ~Le  ernie  gihhosus  pumpkinseeda L. macrochirus  bluegill Pomoxis annularis  white crappie a P. ni romaculatus  black crappie Percidae     Perches Etheostoma olmstedi  tessellated                        darter Perca flavescens  yellow perch Stizostedion vitreum        walleye a

Collected only at SSES. b Collected only at Falls.

150 Table D-2. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m 3 in fixed- (drift) and push-net samples (2 simultaneous replicates each) at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch Susquehanna River from 0839-0950 and 2301-0008 on 9-10 May 1974 Fixed-net (drift) Push-net Time 0839 0855 0907 2301 2314 2323 0945 0926 0917 0003 2352 2335 Sites West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East bank bank bank bank bank bank bank bank Collection No. HWM-74-097 099 101 109 111 113 107 105 103 119 117 115 098 100 110

                                                '02 112   114  108     106    104       120    118    116 S ecies White sucker prolarva                 0        0 3    0          0        0.6   0     0 2     0      0        0       0.5    0. 1 postlarva                0        0      0          0        0     0     0       0      0        0       0      0 Walleye prolarva                          0      0          0.9      0.3   0             0      0.3       1.1    0.2    0.2 postlarva                         0      0          0        0     0             0      0        0       0      0 Table    D-3. Mean  density of larval fishes/10 m in fixed- (drift) and push-net samples (2 simultaneous replicates each)  at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch Susquehanna River from 0830-0938 and 2307-0024 on 16-17 May 1974 Fixed-net      (drift)                              Push-net Time   0830    0842   0855        2307    2326   2341  0934   0920    0909     0020   0011    2355 Sites  West  Channel  East        West   Channel East  West  Channel  East     West  Channel  East bank           bank        bank           bank  bank           bank     bank           bank Collection  No    HWM-74-121      123    125        133      135   137   131     129    127      143     141    139 122      124    126        134      136   138   132     130    128      144     142    140 S ecies Unidentified  minnow prolarva                          0     0           0        0     0             0      0        0 2     0      0 postlarva                         0     0           0        0     0             0      0        0       0      0 guillback prolarva                 0.4      0.2   0.3        11.2      7.6   4.1   0       0.5    0.3      7.8     3.2    1.8 postlarva                0        0     0           0        0     0     0       0      0        0       0      0 White sucker prolarva                 0.5      0.6   0           1.0      0.5   8.2   0.4     0      0.1      6.6     1.5   11.6 postlarva                0        0     0           0.7      0     3.7   0       0      0.1      1.2     0      2.0 Tessellated darter prolarva                 0        0     0         '.2        0     0     0              0.1      0.2            0.1 postlarva                0        0     0           0        0     0     0    00       0        0 0

0 0 Yellow perch prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 Walleye prolarva 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0.1 0.6 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0 0

151 3 Table D-4. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m in fixed- (drift) and push-net samples (2 simultaneous replicates each) at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch Susquehanna River from 0830-0941 and 2300-0022 on 22-23 May 1974 Fixed-net drift) Push-net Time 0830 0845 0855 2300 2315 2327 0907 0921 0935 2343 2357 0017 Sites West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East bank bank bank bank bank bank bank bank Collection No. HWM-74-145 147 149 157 159 161 151 153 155 163 165 167 146 148 150 158 160 162 152 154 156 164 166 168 S ecies Carp prolarva 0 0 0.2 1.0 2.4 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.5 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unidentified minnow prolarva 0 0 0.2 0.3 1.8 0.1 0.3 0.1 3.3 1.8 7.1 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 Quillback prolarva 0 0 2' 1.5 3.0 0 0.2 0 55 23 13 postlarva 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 White sucker prolarva 0 0 0 0 11.5 0.1 0 0 26.0 7.7 10. 1 postlarva 0 0 2.8 1.8 12.7 0.1 0.3 0 49.2 3.4 13 ' Shorthead redhorse prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tessellated darter prolarva 0 0 1.6 1.0 7.3 0 0.2 0 9.5 2.7 4.2 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yellow perch prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 0 0 0 4 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 Unidentifiable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8 0

152 Table D-5. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m in fixed- (drift) and push-net samples (2 simultaneous replicates each) at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch -Susquehanna River from 0822-0932 and 2300-2359 on 29 May 1974 Fixed-net (drift) Push-net Time 0822 0840 0852 2300 2310 2320 0903 0915 0927 2331 2345 2354 Sites West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East bank bank bank bank bank bank bank bank Collection No. HWM-74-287 289 291 299 301 303 293 295 297 305 307 309 288 290 292 300 302 304 294 296 298 306 308 310 S ecies Carp prolarva 0.6 2.3 2.0 0.6 0 2.1 1.1 1.4 1.2 1.7 1.5 2.3 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unidentified minnow prolarva 1.1 0.9 0 6.0 5.7 8.0 0.6 0 0.6 30.1 6.3 -22.4 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0.1 Quillback prolarva 1.4 2.6 0 40.7 11.8 16. 5 0. 1 0. 7 0 70. 2 21. 1 6. 1 postlarva 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 0 White sucker

 'rolarva                             0        0        0          0     0                  0      0         22      03      0 postlarva                        '0         0         1  2      0     0                  0      0        13.0     1.8     3.3 Shorthead redhorse prolarva                           0        0        03         05    05         0       02     0         5.0     0. 6   '0. 8 postlarva                          0        0        0          0     0          0       0      0         0       0       0  1 Tessellated darter prolarva                           0        0        2.4        0.9   0.5        0       0      0         3.8     0.7     0.4 postlarva                          0        0        0          0     0         0        0      0         0       0       0  1 Yellow perch prolarva                           0        0                   0     0         0        02     0         01      0       0 postlarva                          0        0                   0     0         01       0      0         01      0       0 Unidentifiable              0.3       0         0        0          0     0         0        0      0         0       0       0

153 Table D-6. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m 3 in fixed- (drift) and push-net samples (2 simultaneous replicates each) at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch Susquehanna River from 0817-0921 and 2302-0010 on 5-6 June 1974 Fixed-net drift Push-net Time 0817 0827 0837 2302 2313 2324 0841 0903 0915 2337 2352 0005 Sites West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East bank bank bank bank bank bank bank bank Collection No. HWM-74-375 377 379 387 389 391 381 383 385 393 395 397 376 378 380 388 390 392 382 384 '386 , 394 396 398 Species Carp prolarva postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0'.4 0 0 0.3 0 Bluntnose minnow prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 ' Unidentified minnow prolarva 2.1 1.1 0.8 16.2 3.5 20.7 1.3 0.7 0.4 51.9 4.3 227.6 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 5 9 Quillback prolarva 0.7 1.8 1.7 33.6 40.6 28.1 0.6 1.1 0 8

                                                                                            ~     53.5    27.8       34 7

postlarva 0 0 0 5.1 4.7 5.9 0 0 0 4.0 2.6 7.7 White sucker prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0. 7 postlarva 0.7 0 0 0 O O O.8 O 0.1 Shorthead redhorse prolarva 0.4 0.4 0 9.8 6.3 5.9 0.1 0.3 0 25.8 '9.2 "

                                                                                                                    '.2 postlarva               0        0      0       3.8       1.2   0.7     0       0       0.1      1.7      0.1 Crappie spp.

prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 0 01 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.9 0 0.3 0.4 Tessellated darter prolarva 0 0 5.5 1.2 0 0 0 8.3 0.4 0.7 postlarva 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Yellow perch prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.'1 0 0. 1 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

154 Table D-7. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m 3 in fixed-(drift) and push-net samples (2 simultaneous replicates each) at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch Susquehanna River from 0825-0942 and 2301-0004 on 12-13 June 1974 Fixed-net drift) Push-net Time 0825 0835 0847 2312 2301 2322 0903 0914 0937 2343 2332 2358 Sites West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East bank, bank bank bank bank bank bank bank Collection No HWM-74-431 433 435 443 445 447 437 439 441 449 451 453 432 434 436 444 446 448 438 440 442 450 452 454 S ecies Carp prolarva 1.0 4.4 2.3 0, 1.4 1.2 1.4 0.4 0.1 4.0 1.1 4.7 postlarva 1.6 0. 3 0 3.8 3.6 19.7 2.5 0.6 0. 3 40. 1 10.2 34.0 Comely shiner prolarva 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 0.1 Spottail shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 Spotfin shiner pro Larva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.7 0.1 1.3 Bluntnose minnow prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 Unidentified minnow prolarva 2.1 4.1 0.8 5.2 1.7 47.4 1.8 2.2 0.8 53.3 10.7 24.9 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 2 Quillback prolarva 0 1.3 0.8 26.4 17.1 65.9 0.1 0.9 1.4 70.8 25.9 100.6 postlarva 0.5 0 0 2.8 3.4 18.5 0.1 0 0.3 31.1 11.3 29 ' White sucker prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 0 0.8 Shorthead redhorse prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0.1 0.7 postlarva 0.6 0 3.8 1.0 5.8 0.5 0.4 0 7.4 1. 1 6.9 Rock bass prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 0 01 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 01 Crappy.e spp. prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 postlarva 0 0 1 5 0 0. 2 1.2 0.6 0.5 1.7 0.7 0.4 0.6 Unidentified sunfish prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 Tessellated darter prolarva, 0 0.3 0 1.4 1.7 3.5 0

  • 0 0 11.5 0.4 2.7 postlarva ~ 0 0 0 0 0.2 " 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.1 Yellow perch prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 Unidentifiable 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0.6

155 Table D-8. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m in fixed- (drift) and push-net samples (2 simultaneous replicates each) at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch Susquehanna River from 0815-0928 and 2307-0012 on 19-20 June 1974-Fixed-net (drift) Push-net Time 0815 0828 0840 2307 2324 2340 " 0852 0905 0932 0007 0024 0040 Sites West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East . bank bank bank bank bank bank bank bank Collection No. HWM-74-647 649 651 659 661 663 653 655 657 665 667 669 648 650 652 660 662 664 654 656 658 666 668 670 S ecies Carp prolarva 14 17 33 19 39 0 28 44 29 46 12 36 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4~ 6 0.3 3.6 Comely shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 01 0 , Spottail shiner prolarva postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6 0, 0 0 0.3 Spotfin shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 Bluntnose minnow prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0.6 0 0.4 Unidentified minnow prolarva 11 0 61 11 19 24 25 08 15 326 32 97 postlarva 0 0 0 04 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 1 ~ 4 Quillback prolarva 0.4 0 78.1 15.9 7.1 0 0.7 0 40 3

                                                                                                        ~    5.7    4.6 postlarva                         0      0       4.8     1.4    1.2     0.6     0.1    0         4.7    1.5    1.5 Northern hog sucker prolarva                  0       0      0      0        0      0               0      0                0      0 postlarva                 0       0      0      0 4      0      0               0      0                0      0 Shorthead redhorse prolarva                          0      0       0       0      0       0       0      0         0.3    0.3    0 postlarva                         0      0       0.7     1.0    0.6     0       0      0         4.4    0.3    1.0 Rock bass prolarva                          0      0       0       0      0               0      0         0.4    0      0.1 postlarva                         0      0       0       0      0               0      0         0.3    0      0.3 Bluegill prolarva                  0       0      0       0       0      0       0       0      0  1      0      0      0 post larva                0.4     0      0       0       0      0.6     0.1     0.3    0.6       0.3    0      0.3 Crappie spp.

prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0.3 Tessellated darter prolarva 0 0 0 11 19 18 0 0 0 129 1528 postlarva 0 0 0 0.4 0 0 0.1 0 0 4.3 0.3 0.1 Unidentifiable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0

156 Table D-9 ~ Mean density of larval fishes/10 m 3 in fixed- (drift) and push-net samples (2 simultaneous replicates each) at 3 SSES sites on thc North Branch Susquehanna River from 0808-0909 and 2304-0008 on 26-27 June 1974 Fixed-net drift) Push-net Time 0808 0818 0828 2304 2317 2327 0840 0853 0904 2343 2350 0003 Sites West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East bank bank bank bank bank bank bank bank Co11ection No. NWM-74-671 673 675 683 685 687 677 679 681 689 691 693 672 674 676 684 686 688 678 680 682 690 692 694 S ecies Carp prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 01 01 0 0 01 01 postlarva 0 3 0 0 0 0.7 0 0 0 0.1 0 0.4 Comely shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.2 Spot tail shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 33 14 12 Spotfin shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08 09 23 Bluntnose minnow prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 1.8 0.5 1.2 Unidentified minnow prolarva 0.3 0.8 1.1 0.4 1.4 0.5 0.3 0.1 6.5 3.7 2.6 postlarva 0 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.7 Quillback prolarva 0.3 0 10.9 3.8 12.3 0 0 0 124 131 83 postlarva 0 0= 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0.1 0.4 White sucker prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Short1)ead redhorse prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0.4 1.2 0.4 0.6 White catfish prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 03 0 02 Yellow bullhead prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0.1 0 Brown bullhead prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 1 0 0.1 0 Rock bass prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Bluegill prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 postlarva 0' 0 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Crappie spp. prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 Tessellated darter prolarva 0 0 0 2.7 0.4 0 0 0 0 6.3 3.8 1.5 postlarva 0 0 0 2.7 0.4 2.2 0.1 0.1 0 4.9 1.8 4.0

157 Table D-10. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m in fixed- (drift) and push-net samples (2 simultaneous replicates each) at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch Susquehanna River from 0819-0924 and 2300-0007 on 2-3 July 1974 Fixed-net drift Push-net Time 0819 0830 0843 2300 2311 2324 0856 0909 0919 2335 2350 0002 Sites West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East bank bank bank bank bank bank bank bank Collection No. NWM-74-695 697 699 707 709 711 701 703 705 713 715 717 S ecies . 696 698 700 708 710 712 702 704 706 714a 716 718 Carp prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 Comely shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 01 0 01 0 0 0 Spottail shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 12 03 02 07 87 0 380 03 04 0 Spotfin shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0.3 0.2 1 ~ 2 16 0 02 Bluntnose minnow prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 Longnose dace prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unidentified minnow prolarva 0.9 0 0 1 2 0 1 4 1 3 0 2 0 5 1 ' 0 6 0 9 postlarva 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0.6 0 0 0 Quillback prolarva 0 0 0.3 0.4 1 ~ 4 0 0 0 0.3 0.4 0.1 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 01 Shorthead redhorse prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 White catfish prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0.6 0.4 0.7 0 0 0 0.3 0 0.1 Channel catfish prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0.3 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Rock bass prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0.2 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 Bluegill prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 2 0 0 0 0 03 02 04 03 0 0 White crappie prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Crappie spp. prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 0 01 Tessellated darter prolarva 0.5 2.1 0 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.4 1.7 0 1.3 0.6 0.4 postlarva 0 0.3 0 1.2 2.2 1.4 0.1 0.6 0 2.3 1.5 0.5 Unidentifiable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 - 0 0 Sample was partially spilled and not counted.


                                                      ,"m3 Table   D-11. Mean  density of larval fishes/10             in fixed- (drift)  and push-net samples (2 simultaneous replicates each)  at  3 SSES  sites    on the North Branch Susquehanna      River from 0815-0930 and 2303-0005 on 10-11 July  1974 Fixed-net     (drift)                                   Push-net Time    0815      0825     0847       2303    2314    2324      0900   0912    0925     2335   2348     2400 Sites   West     Channel   East       West   Channel East       West  Channel  East     West  Channel   East bank               bank       bank           bank       bank           bank     bank            bank Collection   No. INM-74-719         721     723        731      733    735       725     727    729      737     739     741 720        722     724        732      734    736       726     728    730      738     740     742 S ecies Comely  shiner prolarva                   0          0       0          0        0     0          0       0      0        0       0       0 postlarva                  0          0       0          0        0     0.8        3.3     0      0.1      2.8     0       3.2 Spottail shiner prolarva                              0       0          0        0     0          0       0      0        0       0       0 postlarva                             0       0          0.4      0     0.4        0.1     0      0        04      0       01 Spotfin shiner prolarva                   0          0       0          0        0     0         ,0       0      0        0       0       0 postlarva                  0          0       0          0.8      0     0          0.3     0      0        04      0       12 Bluntnose minnow prolarva                   0          0       0          0        0     0          0       0      0        0       0       0 postlarva                  0          0       0          0        0     0          0       0      0        0       0       0  1 Longnose dace prolarva                   0          0       0          0        0     0          0       0      0                0       0 postlarva                  0          0       0          0        0.3   0          0       0      0                0       0 Unidentified   minnow prolarva                   0.4        0,      1.1        5.0      0.8   5.5        0.3     0.1    2.0     39.4     0.7    10.0 postlarva                  0          0       0          0        0     0          0       0      0        0       0       0 Quillback prolarva                   0          0       0          0.4      0     0.4        0       0      0         1.8    0.6     0.3 postlarva                  0          0       0          0        0     0          0       0      0        0       0       0 Channel  catfish prolarva                   0          0       0          0        0     0                  0      0        0       0       0 postlarva                  0          0       0          0        0     0                  0      0        0.1     0.1     0 Bluegill prolarva                   0          0       0          0        0     0          0       0      0        0       0     .0 postlarva                  0          0       0          0        0     0          0       0      0        0   1   0       0 Black crappie prolarva postlarva 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0: 0 0 03 Crappie spp. prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0.3 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 Unidentified sunfish prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tessellated darter prolarva 0 "' 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 0 05 postlarva 0 0 0 0.8 0 0 0 0 01 0 03

159 3 Table D-12. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m in fixed- (drift) and push-net samples (2 simultaneous replicates each) at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch Susquehanna River from 0815-0925 and 2300-2358 on 17 July 1974 Fixed-net drift) Push-net Time 0815 0827 0845 2300 2310 2322 0857 0910 0920 2333 2345 2353 Site West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East bank bank bank bank bank bank bank bank Collection No. HWM-74'-'007 1009 1011 1019 1021 1023 1013 1015 1017 1025 1027 1029 1008 1010 1012 1020 1022 1024 1014 1016 1018 1026 1028 1030 S acies Carp prolarva 0 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.7 0.2 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Comely shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 ' 0 0 0.6 0 0.6 0 0 0.9 Spotfin shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0.7 0 1.7 2.6 1.6 7.7 0.5 0.1 2.3 1.9 1.4 19.1 Bluntnose minnow prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unidentified minnow prolarva 0 ~ 7 0 4.0 5.3 4.9 4.9 0.2 0.4 1.4 9.2 2.6 3.5 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0.7 0 0 0 0 0 0.9 guillback prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yellow bullhead prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Channel catfish prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.3 0 Rock bass prolarva 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bluegill prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0.6 0 0 0.7 0.4 0 5.3 0 0 0.7 White crappie prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Crappie spp ~ prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

160 Table D-13. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m 3 in fixed- (drift) and push-net samples (2 simultaneous replicates each) at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch Susquehanna River from 0815-0919 and 2306-0023 on 24-25 July 1974 Fixed-net (drift) Push-net Time 0815 0825 0838 2306 2321 2333 0850 0903 0915 2345 2400 0017 Sites West Channel Bast West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East bank bank bank bank bank bank bank bank Collection No. HWM-74-1031 1033 1035 1043 1045 1047 1037 1039 1041 1049 1051 1053 1032 1034 1036 1044 1046 1048 1038 1040 1042 1050 1052 1054 S ecies Carp prolarva 0.9 0 0 0.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Comely shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0.7 0 0 0 0 02 04 Spotfin shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 35.3 0 0 0 0.4 0.2 50.5 Unidentified minnov prolarva 0.9 0 0.7 2.5 0.8 2.0 0.1 0.1 0 2.2 0.7 4.8 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 Quillback prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0.1 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rock bass prolarva 0 0 0.4 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bluegill prolarva 0 0 0 0 6.5 0 0 0 0 0 0.8 postlarva 0 2 7 0 0 18.3 0 0.1 3.7 0 0.5 3.2 Black crappie prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 Crappie spp. prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 postlarva 0 1.3 0 0.4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0.1

161 Table D-14. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m in fixed- (drift) and push-net samples (2 simultaneous replicates each) at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch Susquehanna River from 0817-0930 and 2255-0016 on 30-31 July 1974 Fixed-net drift Push- net Time 0817 0833 0845 2255 2308 2322 0859 0913 0925 0022 2350 0010 Sites West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East bank bank bank bank bank bank bank bank Collection No. NWM 74 lp55 lp57 1059 1067 1069 1071 1061 1063 1065 1073 1075 1077 1056 1058 1060 1068 1070 1072 1062 1064 1066 1074 1076 1078 Species Comely shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 1 Spotfin shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0.7 0 0 0 0.1 0 5.9 Unidentified minnow prolarva 0 0 3 0 0 0.8 6.7 0.8 0 0 0.7 0.5 2.4 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 01 Pumpkinseed prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Bluegill 1.8 prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 postlarva 0 0 0 30 01 01 109 01 31 69 Crappie spp. prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Unidentifiable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0

162 density of larval fishes/10 3 Table D-15. Mean m in fixed- (drift) and push-net samples (2 simultaneous replicates each) at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch Susquehanna River from 0810-0911 and 2300-0006 on 7-8 August 1974 Fixed-net drift) Push-net Time 0810 0825 0835 2300 2312 2325 0845 0855 0907 2338 2347 0001 Sites West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East bank bank bank bank bank bank bank bank Collection No. MWM-74-1079 1081 1083 1091 1093 1095 1085 1087 1089 1097 1099 1101 1080 1082 1084 1092 1094 1096 1086 1088 1090 1098 1100 1102 S acies Comely shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Spotfin shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 20.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 22.9 Unidentified minnow prolarva 0 0 0 4.6 3.7 1.7 0 0 0 1.7 1.4 2.1 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 Channel catfish prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 Pumpkinseed prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 0 03 0 Bluegill prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0. 7 12.0 0 02 13 Crappie spp. prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 02 0 0 01 Unidentifiable 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Table D-16. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m3 in fixed- (drift) and push-net samples (2 simultaneous replicates each) at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch Susquehanna River from 0816-0917 and 2310-0028 on 13-14 August 1974 Fixed-net (drift Push-net Time 0816 0826 0840 2310 2319 2329 0850 0901 0912 2338 2350 0022 Sites West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East bank bank bank bank bank bank bank bank Collection No. HWM-74-1103 1105 1107 1115 1117 1119 1109 1111 1113 1121 1123 1125 1104 1106 1108 1116 1118 1120 1110 1112 1114 1122 1124 1126 S ecies Comely shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0.9 Spotfin shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0. 4 26.4 0 0 0 0 0. 1 124. 1 Bluntnose minnow prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 Unidentified minnow prolarva 0.4 0 16 0 10 03 0 0 0 0.4 1.1 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bluegill prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 1.5 0 0 3.0

163 Table D-17. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m in fixed- (drift) and push-net samples (2 simultaneous replicates each) at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch Susquehanna River from 0810-0913 and 2303-0004 on 21-22 August 1974 Fixed-net (drift Push-net Time 0810 0820 0830 2303 2315 2325 0840 0855 0908 2335 2346 2358 Sites West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East bank bank bank bank bank bank bank bank Collection No. HWH-74-1319 1321 1323 1331 1333 1335 1325 1327 1329 1337 1339 1341 1320 1322 1324 1332 1334 1336 1326 1328 1330 1338 1340 1342 S acies Comely shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0.8 0 0 0 0.1 0 0.3 Spotfin shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 30.7 0 0 0 1.0 0 31.5 Unidentified minnow prolarva 0 0 15 0 08 0 0 0 09 0 07 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Channel catfish prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 Bluegill prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table D-18. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m in fixed- (drift), and push-net samples (2 simultaneous replicates each) at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch Susquehanna River from 0815-0913 and 2300-0010 on 28-29 August 1974 Fixed-net drift Push-net Time 0815 0826 0834 2300 2315 2325 0843 0855 0908 2337 2350 0005 Sites West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East West Channel East bank bank bank bank bank bank bank bank Collection No. EWH-74-1343 1345 1347 1355 1357 1359 1349 1351 1353 1361 1363 1365 1344 1346 1348 1356 1358 1360 1350 1352 1354 1362 1364 1366 S ecies Spotfin shiner prolarva 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.2 6.9 Unidentified minnow prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bluegill prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1

Table D-19. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m 3 in 5-min pump samples (8 surface and 8 bottom replicates/sampling period) at SSES on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 28-29 May 1974 Sampling period 0604-0753 0903-1045 1157-1343 1458-1636 1755-1935 2103-2257a 0024-0214 0306-0452 Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Species Carp prolarva postlarva 0.8 0 0.6 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.3 0 0.2 0 0.6 0 0.8 0 0.1 0 0 1.1 0 1.6 5.5 0 1.9 0

                                                                                                                                        '.5 0     0 1.3 Unidentified   minnow prolarva                      13    12       10    07       11     09      09      12     04      10      32     25      85     14        66     13 postlarva                     0     0        0     0        0      0       0      0       0      0        0.1    0.1     0     0          0     0 guillback prolarva                      2.4   4.1      3'    3.3      2.9    3.1     4.3    4.2     3.8    2.4     10.4    3.7    21.9    1.5      14.6    1.9 postlarva                     0     0        0     0        0      0       0      0       0      0        0      0       0     0         0      0 White sucker prolarva                      0     0        0     0        0      0       0      0       0      0        0      0       0     0         0      0 postlarva                     0     0        0     0        0      0       0      0       0      0        0.3    0.3     0     0         0.1    0.1 Shorthead redhorse prolarva                      0.1   0        0     0        0.1    0.2     0      0       0.2    0        0      0       0.3   0         0.6    0.1 postlarva                     0     0        0     0        0      0       0      0       0      0        0      0       0     0         0      0 Tessellated darter prolarva                      0.2   0        0     02       01     0       0.2    0       0      0        0.6    0       0.7   0.2       0.7    0 postlarva                     0. 0        0     0        0      0       0      0       0      0        0      0       0     0         0      0 Yellow perch prolarva                      0     0        0     0        0      0       0      0       0      0        0.1    0       0     0         0      0 postlarva                     0     0        0     0        0      0       0      0       0      0        0      0       0     0         0      0 Unidentifiable                   0.1   0        0     0        0      0       01     03      0      0        0      0 3     0     0         0.1    0.1 a

7 surface samples taken during this sampling period.

Table D-20. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m in 5-min pump samples (4 surface and 4 bottom replicateslsampling period) at SSES on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 12-13 June 1974 Sampling period 0605-0652 0904-0951 1200-1247 1500-1557 1804-1859 2057-2144 2358-0045 0304-0351 Sur Bnt Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Species Carp prolarva 5.3 0.9 4.9 0.2 1.5 0.2 1.5 0 0.9 0.2 1.3 0.2 1.3 0.7 3.1 0 postlarva 0.2 0 0.9 0 1.3 0.4 1.1 0 0.7 0.2 1.8 0.4 7.1 0.4 2.2 0.2 Unidentified minnow prolarva 40 44 29 15 22 15 18 44 07 31 60 20 153 15 86 09 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Quillback prolarva 1.3 9.3 2.9 3.5 1.1 2.2 0.9 1.3 0.9 4.2 3.3 0.2 65.3 2.2 19.0 0.2 postlarva 0 0.4 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0.2 0.2 0 7 ' 2 2 1 1 0 Shorthead redhorse prolarva 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0.4 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3.5 0.2 0.7 0 Rock bass prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Crappie spp. prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.2 0.4 0 Tessellated darter prolarva 0 0.4 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 0 0 1. 1 1.3 2.4 0. 7 0.7 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0.2 0 0.4 Unidentifiable 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0

Table D-21. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m3 in 5-min pump samples (4 surface and 8 bottom replicates/sampling period) at SSES on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 10-11 July 1974 Sampling period 0600-0647a 0857-0943a 1204-1315 1500-1610 1800-1911 2100-2211 2400-0111 0306-0417 Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Species Spottail shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Unidentified minnow prolarva 0 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 0.4 0 0 0 07 01 15 01 18 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Quillback prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 Crappie sp. prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 Tessellated darter prolarva 0 0 0.2 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 Unidentifiable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 bottom samples taken during this sampling period. Table D-22. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m3 in 5-min pump samples (4 surface and 4 bottom replicates/sampling period) at SSES on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 13-14 August 1974 Sampling period 0601-0648 0855-0942 1156-1243 1503-1550 1800-1847 2100-2147 2400-0047 0300-0347 Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Species Unidentified minnow prolarva 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Channel catfish prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2

Table D-23. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m3 in 5-min pump samples (8 surface and 8 bottom replicates/sampling period) at Falls on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 29-30 May 1974 Sampling period 0902-1040 1158-1348 1457-1701 1800-1938 2100-2235 2400-0135 0300-0522 0600-0732 Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Species Unidentified minnow prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Quillback prolarva 0.1 0.1 0 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0.6 0.1 0.3 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 White sucker prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 Northern hog sucker prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Shorthead redhorse prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tessellated darter prolarva 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 01 01 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table D-24. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m 3 in 5-min pump samples (8 surface and 8 bottom replicates/sampling period) at Falls on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 13-14 June 1974 Sampling period 0904-1033 1156-1319 1455-1616 1755-1921 2057-2222 2400-0125 0300-0425a 0605-0734 Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Species Carp prolarva 02 02 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0.1 1.4 0.6 3.0 1.0 0.8 1.1 postlarva 02 0 01 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0.6 0 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Unidentified minnow prolarva 0.2 0 0.1 0 0.1 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0.6 0.1 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Quillback prolarva 0.9 0. 6 0.1 0.1 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.3 0 1.0 0.3 0.4 0 0 0.3 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0.8 0.2 0.1 0 0 0 Northern hog sucker prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 Shorthead redhorse prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0.1 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 Rock bass prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0.1 0.1 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bluegill prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Crappie spp. prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tessellated darter prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 1.5 0.9 0.3 0.2 0.4 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0 0 0 0 Yellow perch prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 a 7 surface samples taken during this sampling period.

Table D-25. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m3 in 5-min pump samples (8 surface and 8 bottom replicates/sampling period) at Falls on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 11-12 July 1974 Sampling period 0900-1037 1201-1336 1500-1635 1800-1935 2100-2234 0005-0138 0307-0439 0610-0749 Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Species Unidentified minnow prolarva 0 0 1 0 0 02 02 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Channel catfish prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 White crappie prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 Table D-26. Mean density of larval fishes/10 m3 in 5-min pump samples (8 surface and 8 bottom replicates/sampling period) at Falls on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 14-15 August 1974 Sampling period 0900-1134 1210-1349 1501-1634 1800-1933 2110-2249 0005-0139 0300-0434 0605-0737 Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Sur Bot Species Spotfin shiner prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 Unidentified minnow prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yellow bullhead prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Channel catfish prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 Margined madtom prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bluegill prolarva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 postlarva 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unidentifiable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

Table D-27. Percent total and mean density of larval fishes/10 m in 275 push-net samples collected at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch Susquehanna River during the day (0800-1000) and at night (2300-0100), 1974. (tr = <0.05 fish/10 m ) Species Da Ni ht c~r West bank Channel East bank West bank Channel East bank Total Carp 0.4 0.3 0.2 2.6 0.8 2.3 6.6 Other cyprinids 0.3 2.5 11. 9 2.0 26. 9 46.7 Quillback 0.1 0.2 0.1 13.9 5.4 8.8 28.1 White sucker 4.3 0.7 1.8 6.7 Northern hog sucker ~ 0 Shorthead redhorse 2.1 0 6 0.7 3.4 Ictalurids 0.1 Centrarchids 0.1 0.1 1.9 0.2 0.3 1.0 3.8 Tessellated darter 0.1 2.9 0.6 0.8 4.3 Yellow perch & walleye 0.1 0.2 Unidentified 0.1 0.1 Total 1.7 1.0 4.8 38.1 10.5 42. 4

Table D-28. Total numbers of larval fish collected in 276 fixed-net (drift), 275 push-net, and 343 pump samples at SSES on the North Branch Susquehanna River, May through October 1974 (a "?" denotes species which may have been present but that were not identified) Fixed-net (drift) Push-net Pum prolarvae postlarvae prolarvae postlarvae prolarvae postlarvae Cyprinids 505 275 4965 4021 871 80 Carp 90 64 333 773 268 77 Comely shiner  ?  ? 135  ? Spottail shiner  ? 7 505  ? 1 Spotfin shiner  ? 189  ? 2443  ?  ? Bluntnose minnow  ? 3  ? 47  ? Longnose dace 2  ?  ?  ? Unidentified 415 6 4632 118 603 2 Catostomids 1242 210 4819 1623 1343 86 Quillback 1135 108 3972 766 1327 55 White sucker 55 58 483 650 0 7 Northern hog sucker 0 1 0 0 0 0 Shorthead redhorse 52 43 364 207 16 24 Ictalurids 8 0 18 White catfish 6 '0 .6 Yellow bullhead 0 0 2 Brown bullhead 0 0 2 Channel catfish 2 0 8 Centrarchids 12 51 61 584 1 Rock bass 2 0 17 8 1 Pumpkinseed 0 0 0 5 0 Bluegill 10 42 33 485 0 White crappie 0  ?  ? 4 0 Black crappie 0  ? 4 0 Crappie spp. 0 9 11 76 0 Unidentified 0 0 0 2 0 Percids 105 32. 605 164 62 Tessellated darter 100 32 578 156 61 Yellow perch 0 0 11 6 1 Walleye 5 0 16 2 0

172 SPAWNING AND LARVAL-FISH DRIFT by William F. Gale and Harold W. Mohr, Jr. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACTe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ INTRODUCTION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 176 EGG HATCHING AND FRY REARING. 177 Procedures..... 178 Results. 181 General Observations...... 181 FISH EGG COLLECTION.......... 184 Procedures. 184 Results and Discussion.... 185 LARVAL-FISH DRIFT....... 192 Procedures.............. ~ . 193 Results and Discussion.... 196 REFERENCES CITED. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 209 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Mean numbers of larval fishes/10 m 3 in 4 replicate pump and,8 replicate fixed-net (drift) samples collected simul-taneously........... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 214 Table 2. Condition of larval fishes (/ total) in 3 kinds of nets in pump tests 1 and 4, . 215

173 Page Table 3. Percent total and mean density of larval fishes/10 m in surface and bottom (combined) pump samples collected at 3-hr intervals for a 24-hr period at Falls (1974) and SSES (1974 5)o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 216 Table 4. Total numbers of larval fishes collected in 276 fixed-net (drift), 275 push-net, and 343 pump samples at SSES on the North Branch Susquehanna River, May through October 1974...... Table 5. Percent total and mean density of larval fishes/10 m in 276 fixed-net (drift) samples collected at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch Susquehanna River during the day (0800-1000) and at night (2300-0100), 1974.. 218 Table 6. Mean numbers of larval fishes in 5-min fixed-net (drift) samples (2 day and 2 night replicates/sampling period) in the channel at Falls, Nanticoke, and SSES in 1973............. >>9 LIST OF FIGURES Fig. l. Apparatus fear egg hatching and larval fish rearing............ Fig. 2. Map of study area showing sites where fish eggs were col-lected in 1974-5..'................... ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 221 Fig. 3. Phenological occurrence of fish eggs and larvae with col-lection methods (FN fixed net; PN push net; P = pumping; SS = SCUBA search; AS = artificial spawning materials; 0 = observed from shore), in the Susquehanna River at SSES in 1 974 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 222 Fig. 4. Gear to collect drifting larval fishes..................,..... 223 Fig. 5. Nets used in test pumping and method of attachment............ 224 Fig. 6. Numbers of quillback prolarvae in sets of surface and bottom samples (90.4 m /set) at 3-hr intervals in May and June 1974.. 225 Fig. 7. Numbers of tessellated darter prolarvae . . . May and June 1 975 ~ ~

                ~   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~      ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 226 Fig. 8   Numbers       of carp          larvae... May (1974) and June                                       1974-5.......             227 Fig. 9. Numbers       of white sucker larvae... May 1975..                                                     ~ ~     ~......       228 Fig. 10. Numbers       of    minnow         prolarvae            .   .   . May and June               1974...........               229 Fig. 11. Combined numbers                 of shorthead redhorse larvae in 4 sets of surface and bottom samples (361.6                                   m /4 sets) at 3-hr intervals in  May and June               1974-5..................,...........,.........                                                230

174 ABSTRACT Spawning and larval-fish drift in the Susquehanna River (northeastern Pennsylvania) was investigated from 1973-5. Eggs of 19 species of fish, collected in the River or artifically spawned, were hatched and reared to identi.fiable size using recirculated swimming-pool 'water in a minia-ture aquarium system that is described. The aquarium system was inex-pensive to construct, easily maintained, and is semi-mobile. Eggs or nest-larvae of 16 species of fish were found near SSES (Susquehanna Steam Electric Station) in waters badly degraded by mine effluents containing large amounts of iron. Eggs were located by pumping (8 species), arti-ficial spawning devices (7 species), SCUBA search (5 species), and obser-vations from shore (4 species). Quillback, white sucker, tessellated darter, yellow perch, walleye, and an unidentified I minnow were the first to spawn (April). Spotfin shiner, which had the longest spawning duration (June-August), was the last to stop. Quillback eggs were the most widely distributed; they occurred almost everywhere in the study area. At SSES, at least 18 species of drifting larval fish were collected by nets mounted on a stationary boat or by pumping. Maximum densities, 3 in respectively. 15.4 and 27.1 larvae/10 m , were found June 1974 and 1975, The most abundant larvae collected in 1974 by, pumping were quillback (56.0X of the total), minnows (24 .5/), and carp (14.0/) . During the day, the few drifting larvae were mostly near the bottom (in 1974-5; 36X of the total fish in pump samples were caught near the bottom). Large numbers of minnows, quillback, white sucker, shorthead redhorse, and tessellated

175 darter drifted near the surface at night; drift peaked at about 2400. Overall, the day/night drift ratio (weighted to equalize sampling effort) was 1:3.8. In 1974 at Falls (the control Station located above most mine effluents) maximum density of drifting larvae was 1.4 fish/10 m3 , eleven-fold less than at SSES. Density of drifting larvae did not reflect the density of spawning-sized fish, which were estimated to be about three-fold higher at Falls than at SSES. In heavily polluted waters at Nanti-coke larval-fish drift resembled that at Falls. In simultaneous tests with boat-mounted nets and pump sampler, no significant difference in sampling efficiency was detected with the "t" test. Condition of fish in pump samples was related to pumping duration, net shape, material, and 4 mesh size. Fish in best condition were taken in 5-min samples pumped into slender nets (mouth/length ratio 1:10) made of fine mesh monofilament nylon.

                                              '!76 INTRODUCTION In  1971, an   ecological investigation of the           Susquehanna   was  initiated before the construction of the Susquehanna               Steam  Electric Station     (SSES) above Berwick, Pennsylvania.          Near    SSES    the 350-m wide River was generally about 2-3     m deep;  it had  moderate to strong currents and a rocky bottom.

Large amounts of acid mine drainage, rich in dissolved iron, entered the River about 22 km upstream from SSES. Although acid in the effluents de-creased River ph slightly, ferrous iron in the effluents posed a greater problem for the River biota. The ferrous iron oxidized in the River forming insoluble ferric compounds, some of which, remained in suspension for sev-eral days or longer and which increased turbidity downriver for 215 km or more. In 1973-4, turbidity ranged from 2 to 179 cm (mean 66 cm) at SSES and the water column held up to 38.5 mg/1 of iron (monthly mean 3.72 mg/l). Iron completely coated the River bottom for over 100 km below the effluents. At SSES, iron deposition rates ranged from 4 to 393 mg/m /day and up to 2 27 g of iron/m accumulated on experimental plates (Gale et al. 1976). The effects of iron upon the aquatic ecosystem were discussed by Gale et al. (1976). In brief, the iron seemed to have had a deleterious effect upon the aquatic ecosystem at all trophic levels. Phytoplankton and peri-phytic algae, which were shaded by particulate iron, and benthic macro-invertebrates were less abundant in the zone of heavy pollution by mine drainage. Of the benthos, only chironomids thrived. Forty-seven species of adult fish were found in the River between SSES and Falls, Pennsylvania (a slightly polluted area upriver from most

177 mine effluents). Most fishes occurred at both sites, but total catch per effort at Falls was about threefold greater than at SSES (Ichthyological Associates 1974). Iron seemed to have affected the fishery more quanti-tatively than qualitatively. Fishes probably suffered from a lack of food. Iron may also have retarded the population by reducing successful reproduction. Although Bradford et al. (1966) found that up to 40 mg/l

                                  "<<E hatched   in a low   concentration (1.5 mg/1) of       ferric iron    than  in controls.

It was questionable if fishes would spawn in the River near SSES because of deposited iron on the substrate and large amounts of particulate iron "n the water. Fishes that spawn early in the year could avoid the polluted water by spawning in or below the mouths of tributary streams. In spring,'emperature differences in the River and in the streams are not great. Fishes which spawn in the River in summer might not spawn in or near the streams because of temperature differences; these fishes might spawn farther downriver where the stream water has mixed with river water. The main objectives in this study were to: (1) determine if and when fishes spawn in the River near SSES, and; (2) establish the density of drifting larval fishes. EGG HATCHING AND FRY REARING Identification of fish eggs and larvae is difficult because of a lack of adequate keys and it is often necessary to rear fish for positive iden-tification (Braum 1968). Although the difficulties of rearing some larval

178 fishes past the yolk-sac stage have long been recognized (Fish 1932), an attempt was made to rear larvae to assure correct identifications. Methods of handling eggs and fry in the laboratory are described before reporting upon results of field investigations. Procedures In a small room of a mobile home a miniature aquarium system (Fig. 1) was built to accomodate large numbers of samples (with few individuals). A simple method was devised for hatching eggs and rearing fry that could be followed by laboratory aids. Small systems, such as those described by McCormick and Syrett (1970), have been developed for specialized needs. Our system is simpler and less expensive to construct than most others, and functions well for rearing small numbers of larval fish. A 15.4-m 3 swimming pool outside the aquarium room was filled with well water and inoculated with a few liters of pond and river water to hasten biotic development. A "Little Giant" 4-MD pump forced reservoir I water to the top of the aquarium room where it was distributed by PVC (polyvinyl chloride) pipes (Fig. 1A). Regulators controlled water flow t'o individual tanks (Fig. 1B). Water overflowed into PVC "tees" and re-turned to the reservoir through a common drain. The water supply and drain were easily assembled because in most instances fittings and pipe did not need to be glued together to prevent leakage. Four sizes of acrylic aquaria containing 5-8 cm of water (2.7-8.0 1) were tiered along two walls; these were unattached and could be moved easily. The tanks were small and maintained a high flushing rate with

179 a small amount of water; the smallest flushed in three minutes. Lewis (1963) discusses the importance of flushing in the removal of dissolved wastes and salts. Overflow screens (Fig. 1C) were made from 5-cm lengths of PVC sewer and drain pipe (I.D. 10. 2 cm) with monofilament nylon or aluminum screen wire over the open ends. The use of thicker-walled pipe would provide larger bonding surfaces for the screen and would merit the extra expense. The overflow screen slipped over the standpipe and way easy to remove for cleaning. As larvae grew, fine mesh screens were replaced by larger meshed ones to eliminate daily cleaning. Outdoor plastic wading pools (17 x 90 cm) sometimes supplemented aquaria, where there were many larvae to be reared. Pieces of Styrofoam that covered about 80/ of the pools'urfaces Kept water in them 4 C cooler during the day and 2 C warmer at night. Pool tops were screened to ex-clude predaceous insects. Air from a Conde "Dri-Air" pump was distributed at reduced pressure through a garden hose extending above each tier of aquaria (Fig. 1A). Air flow to individual tanks was regulated by a plastic valve in-serted into the hose. Fish eggs attached to stones were returned to the laboratory, tempered, and placed in a pan of aerated reservoir water to hatch; later, larvae were poured into an aquarium. Unattached eggs were placed in small hatching cups (Fig. 1D and 1E) similar to those described by Eaton (1970). Cups were made from 8-cm lengths of plastic pipe (I.D. 10.2 cm) with tabs sawed,

180 heated, and bent at 90 angles. The small cups floated in aquaria, thus holding eggs above bottom sediments. When a shortage of aquaria occurred, egg cups with fine mesh to retain newly-hatched larvae were floated in the reservoir. A PVC pipe cap protected the eggs from direct sunlight (Fig. 1D) . The use of fingerbowls or other small containers for egg hatching presents two problems which are avoided with hatching cups (Webster 1945). First, small volumes of water may be subject to large diurnal temperature changes which may sometimes reach lethal levels. From May-July 1974, water in aquaria flushed with swimming-pool water averaged only 1.7 C warmer than River water. Mean weekly temperatures ranged from 11.2-25.0 C in aquaria and from 11.7-24.2 C in the River. Fouling is a second problem when small volumes of water are used, and especially when a few eggs die. Fouling was deterred by using hatching cups. The most crucial time in the life of a tank-reared fish occurs when the nutrients of the yolk sac are depleted and at this point the technician is likely to fail. Feeding was not a problem with the constant-flush sys-tem described here because the incoming water delivered phytoplankton, protozoans, rotifers, and microcrustaceans; additional food was provided, either directly or indirectly, by algae growing on the sides of the tanks. If only a few fish were in a tank, supplementary feeding was not re-quired for several days after feeding began. If many fish were present, they were slightly "overfed" with powdered fry-food (Tetra-min E), three or four times daily. Overfeeding is normally avoided when raising aquarium fishes, but it did not create a problem here because of aeration and flushing. Older larvae were fed coarser foods such as Tetra-min L.

181 living food. These were fed microcrustaceans strained from the reservoir and freshly hatched brine shrimp. Later, they received surplus fry and mosquito larvae. Some fishes, such as tessellated darter, Etheostoma olmstedi, readily accepted dried food but also fed heavily on living tubi-ficids (available at many aquarium shops) and mosquito larvae. Mosquito larvae thrived in outdoor wading pools, fertilized until the water turned black with feces. Ovipositing mosquitoes nearly always selected fertilized waters for their egg rafts and over a 12-day test period in August, 3 pools of fertilized water received an average of 16 egg rafts/pool/day; 3 unfer-tilized controls collected a total of only 3 mosquito rafts. Results Excellent success was achieved in rearing fish larvae. In 1974 some larvae hatched and were reared from 83/ of the first 100 egg collections. More eggs would have hatched had they arrived at the laboratory in good-condition. Collection damaged some eggs and some were dead when found. In 1974-5 eggs of 19 species of fish were hatched and reared. Yellow perch, Perca flavescens, a difficult species to culture according to Man-sueti (1964) and Hale and Garison (1972) was included. The fishes reared had a variety of food habits and it seems likely that most fishes in the study area could have been reared in the laboratory. General Observations Aquaria were superior to outdoor pools for rearing fish because of their: (1) small size, for handling fish; (2) continual flushing to

182 introduce food and remove dissolved wastes, and; (3) better visibility, for monitoring fish health, growth, and behavior. Although aquaria were small, over 100 fish were reared to a length of about 20 mm in a tank holding 8 liters. Fishes in the tanks with high visibility usually grew faster either because they tended to receive more attention or because the extra lighting facilitated feeding. Houde (1972) suggests that opti-mum feeding by marine fish larvae occurs in bright light. Eight-liter aquaria were preferred to smaller tanks because they were deep enough to accomodate an accumulation of 2-3 cm of solid wastes on the bottom. Solid wastes were usually not removed from aquaria until fishes were preserved or released. Growth-inhibiting metabolites, did not appear to accumulate in the aquaria for fishes in them grew well. Brown bullhead, Ictalurus nebulosus, for example, grew to a length of over 40 mm in a month. On the average, probably about 1 hour/day (7 days a week) was devoted to maintaining the 24-unit aquarium system. In the morning about 30-45 minutes were required for the feeding of fishes and cleaning of over-flow screens. Two or three other feedings took another 10-15 minutes. The aquarium system enabled identification of fish eggs (by rearing) and was a valuable source of larvae for reference collections. A reference series of 18 different species of river fish, included some undescribed in the literature. Reference series usually started with the egg and con-tinued through the postlarval stage. The aquarium system was also used to rear quantitative collections of larval fishes from the River so that we could determine which species of cyprinids were present.

183 The cost of the entire 24-unit system including a small air condi-tioner, but excluding labor and the cost of the aquarium room, was less than $ 1,000.00. The system should last for several years without much added expense and can be transported almost intact from one site to another. Only the outdoor pool needs dismantling. Pith a series of miniature aquaria and circulating pool. water, many species of warm water fish can be reared in a semimobile unit from eggs to identifiable size with comparative ease and little expense. The time the fish must be reared in the laboratory depends in part upon: (1) the availability of pertinent literature; (2) the expertise of the person making identifications; (3) the type of fishes concerned (minnow larvae, for example, often must be reared for several weeks,-and; (4) the number of species in the sampling area, for if there are few,some may be identi-fied by the process of elimination. Fortunately, egg rearing is not an eternal process, for the accumu-lation of even trivial information may provide clues that enable some eggs to be identified without rearing. Near SSES, for example, bluntnose minnow, Pimephales notatus, and tessellated darter were the only species found that spawned in patches on the undersurfaces of stones. Tessellated darter eggs, about 1.8 mm in diameter, are neatly placed next to one another in a single layer and are easily distinguished, even underwater, from those of the bluntnose minnow (1.6 mm diameter), which are more erratically placed and often occur iA layers two and three eggs deep.

184 FISH EGG COLLECTION Procedures In 1974, a SCUBA diver made weekly and nonsystematic searches for fish eggs and the River bottom near SSES from April 29 to August 1. During systematic searches, the diver moved across the current for up to 150 m, inspecting the substrate and examining the undersides of stones over 5 cm in diameter. Nonsystematic egg searches included probing of underwater bank holes, exploration of abandoned "eel walls" and examin-ation of large boulders around bridge abutments. Artificial spawning materials used from April ll to September 16, 1974, included a pile of spruce limbs; a 3.8 x 20 x 41-cm cement block with furnace filter on the upper surface; a plain block; a nylon-string mop head, and; a 20 x 100-cm PVC tube with the upriver end closed. These were placed on the River bottom in the channel, near shore, and in an "eel wall" to increase the probability of encountering fish eggs by localizing spawning. Also plastic barrels (200 liter) and "multiple-plate" samplers (20 x 20-cm black acrylic and 7.5 x 7.5-cm brown masonite) were occasionally placed in the River. Beginning April 25, 1975, River substrates were searched for fish eggs at about 2-week intervals using a gasoline-powered "3- or 4-inch" trash pump on a pontoon boat. The screened intake hose was dragged along bottom for 50-150 m at 27 sites (Fig. 2). Samples were pumped into 30 cm of water in a stock watering trough to reduce impact to eggs. Water overflowed via a 30-cm high standpipe into a scr'een that retained eggs, macroinvertebrates,

185 detritus, and some sand. Pump searches terminated on June 23 when few eggs were found perhaps because most species abundant in the study area had already spawned and low River levels made navigation impossible in many areas. Current veloci.ty and depths were measured at all 27 sites on a day when the River was at 149.3 m above msl; River levels usually do not fall below 149.0 m above msl from March to June. Velocities were taken with a Gurley 665 direct reading current meter at 5-sec intervals for 2 min and averaged. Results and Discussion Because visibility near the River bottom was often less than 20-30 cm, SCUBA searches produced eggs of only five species (Fig. 3). These in-cluded carp, Cvyrinus ~car io, bluntnose minnow, quillback, ~Car iodes'vvrdnus, white sucker, Catostomus commersoni, and tessellated darter. The SCUBA egg search enabled special areas to be sampled that could not be sampled in conventional ways and to gain information concerning micro-distribution of eggs on the substrate. SCUBA was also useful in placement and retrieval of artifical spawning devices. SCUBA was more effective in locating fish eggs in the Susquehanna at Port Trevorton, Pennsylvania, where water from the West Branch Susque-and redbreast sundish, ~he amis auritus, nests weze readily visible. Rock bass eggs, which averaged 2.2 mm in diameter, were easy to see, but the smaller redbreast sunfish eggs were nearly invisible in the nest. Small eggs could be detected indirectly by sifting handsful of pebbles from the

186 nest through our find those that were joined to other pebbles by fish eggs. Swallowtail shiner, ~Notro is ~zoene, eggs occurred in many of the redbreast sunfish nests. A total of seven kinds of eggs were collected on artificial spawning devices (Pig. 3). More eggs were collected on plate blocks than other artificial spawning devices systematically used. That bluntnose minnow and tessellated darter spawned under many plate blocks was unexpected, since much of the River bottom was covered with cobbles; the cobbles however, were usually embedded in the River bottom, whereas the blocks were propped up slightly, so that fish could swim underneath. Bluntnose and darter also spawned several times on the undersurfaces of spawning tubes. Channel catfish, Ictalurus functatus, never spawned inside the tubes or the large plastic barrels. Brown bullheads, opportunists which may spawn in pails, stovepipes, rubber tires, and discarded debris (Arm-strong 1962), spawned in one of the barrels. Mop heads on or suspended near the River bottom in the channel were not used as spawning sites but those near the River surface were used a proved better sources of "hard to collect" macroinvertebrates than fish eggs; the few that were, collected were mostly sucker eggs. Carp were expected to spawn on the limbs, because in 1973 we found thousands of carp eggs on a "christmas tree" anchored near the River bank at SSES. Stacks of black acrylic plates ("multiple-plate samplers" ) which were placed in the River intermittently in August in shallow water, sometimes

187 collected more than 20,000 spotfin shiner eggs/stack, far more eggs than were collected on all other spawning materials combined. Nearly all eggs were placed in crevices between the plates. Stacks of smaller, brown ma-sonite plates usually contained few eggs. Spotfin, simultaneously pre-sented with colored plates in 1975, almost always selected black or blue plates instead of green, red, yellow, orange, or white ones (Gale and Gale 1976). Location of spawning sites by pumping has proven successful in lakes (Rawson and Elsey 1950, Eschmeyer 1955, Manz 1964, Gennings 1968, Grin-stead 1971) and in rivers (Nelson 1968). In our study, pumping proved to be the most efficient method of surveying large sections. of the River bottom and both the "3- and 4-inch" pumps worked well. The major dis-advantage was that it caused many eggs not to hatch. Other more com-plex pumping systems, such as that described by Manz (1964) damage eggs less than ours. Nelson (1968) found that 65/ of the sauger,,Stizostedion canadense, eggs he collected in the Missouri River with a pump (like that used by Manz) were viable. His complex pumping systems required more sampling time. Another problem encountered was that the hose intake con-tained too few openings; these tended to clog and reduced sampling effi-cency. However, we substantiated that 8 species spawned in the study area using the pump, and also obtained a fair idea of where and when (Fig. 2). Some spawning had occurred before pump sampling began on April 25. During 1975 one or more kinds of eggs were found at almost every site, but sur-prisingly few eggs were found in clean, flowing water below creek mouths,

188 where mariy fishes congregated and were thought to spawn. Eggs or larvae of three species of fish, however, were observed in quiet backwaters below Wapwallopen Creek (Fig. 2). Walleye, Stizostedion vitreum, eggs, the first ones found in pump samples, were collected in April at five pumping sites (Fig. 2); the sites were less than 1 m deep and had a cobble-gravel sub-strate. Walleye probably spawns throughout April and some spawn earlier; on March 14, 1975, two walleye eggs were collected in a benthos sample taken near SSES with a suction sampler (Gale and Thompson 1975). White sucker, which spawned early like walleye, scattered substantial numbers of eggs on shallow, cobble-gravel areas near SSES. No eggs that could be identified as white sucker were collected at other River sites. However, the shallow areas near SSES are similar to others in the study area and likely white sucker spawn on them. In 1974 white sucker eggs were found in Luzerne Outerwear Creek (Fig. 2), about 125 m above its con-fluence with the River, where the Creek is about 1 m wide and 0.2 m deep. in the River, probably because the species is scarce near SSES. We ar-tificially spawned hog sucker from the River near SSES on April 30, and natural spawning probably occurred at that time. Shorthead redhorse, Moxostoma macrole idotum, eggs were first col-lected on May 15 below SSES; additional eggs were found between Little and Duck Islands on May 22 (Fig. 2). The area was a "popular" spawning site where eggs of 6 species of fish. were collected. Water between the islands was usually less than 1 m deep over a cobble-gravel bottom.

190 were collected on the undersurfaces of large stones and artificial sub-strates.'e did not attempt to quantify sampling effort at the 27 pump sampling sites, because of fluctuations in pump discharge that resulted from partial clogging of the intake screen. Each of the sites, however, was sampled at least five times and it was obvious that some sites contained a greater number and more kinds of eggs than did others. 'A greater variety of eggs seemed to occur in shallow water with strong currents, although the cor-relation coefficient for kinds of eggs vs. current was only +.50; for eggs vs. depth r = .34. Currents were measured about 20 cm from the substrate at the sites where pump searches for eggs was conducted and the current velocities in some shallow areas exceeded those measured in the channel. Currents ranged from .06 m/sec, where 1 kind of egg was found, to .78 m/sec. where 6 kinds of eggs were collected (5 by pumping). Depths taken at the same sites as currents ranged from 0.3 to 3.6 m. Eggs or nest larvae of carp, green sunfish, ~Le amis ~eanellus, pump-yellow perch were observed in shallow water from the River bank (Fig. 2). All but the carp were in quiet backwaters. Brown bullhead eggs and nest larvae of smallmouth bass were observed in isolated pools just upriver from Mocanaqua. Only bullhead and carp eggs had been collected by SCUBA or by pumping. Carp and yellow perch eggs were unguarded, but green sun-fish, pumpkinseed, and largemouth bass were in nests guarded by one of

189 Quillback began spawning around May 12 and a few eggs were still being collected on June 23. Their eggs were scattered over the substrate nearly everywhere, and were by far, the most widely distributed eggs of all those encountered (Fig. 2). Carp larvae were collected on May 22 but eggs were not found until early June (Fig 3); spawning continued past mid-June and a few eggs were collected on June 23. In 1974; large numbers of carp were observed spawn-ing near SSES on June 4; the next day two observers traveled by boat be-tween Mocanaqua and Wapwallopen Creek recording the sites where carp could be seen spawning. Almost all carp were spawning in beds of water willow, Justitia americana, and spike rush, Elocharis ~alustris, in water less 2 than 0.5 m deep. Five randomly selected 0.12 m quadrats of vegetation collected above Little Wapwallopen Creek on June 4, contained from 85 to 620 carp eggs with a mean of 296 (2,370/m 2 ). Minnow eggs were collected at several sites in 1975. Eggs of spot-fin shiner, probably the most abundant fish near SSES, were collected at four sites (Fig. 2). It is likely that spotfin spawned throughout the study area where crevices in the substrate were available. It spawned on stacks of acrylic plates placed in every definable habitat near SSES (Gale-and Gale 1976). Stone (1940) observed that spotfins spawned under the bark of fallen tree limbs. gpottail shiner, ~Notro is hudsonius, eggs were scattered over the rocky substrates below Little Island, in midriver at the Wapwallopen "eel wall" and near the upper end of Goose Island (Fig. 2). Eggs of bluztnose minnow were not found in pump samples, but some

191 the parents. The fish guarding the nest usually left as we approached on shore; but a green sunfish stayed within 20-40 cm of its nest and returned periodically to gently nip our fingers as we collected eggs. The nest, in water about 20 cm deep, was partly overhung by a small bush which had sev-eral eggs adhering to its roots. While driving at Port Trevorton, we had earlier observed that a channel catfish defended its eggs with a painful, rasping bite that drew blood; a rock bass also defended its nest, but bit more gently. But, it seemed more unusual for a fish to protect its eggs from a threat arising on land. It is often noteworthy, in fact, when fish allow themselves to. be approached; Hansen (1943), for example, found it notable that white crappie, Pomoxis annularis, allowed him to approach on the bank to within "12 to 24 inches" before leaving, the nest. Raney (1947) pointed oot thatspasning ~Notro 1s ardens exh1bited a "notable lack of fear of observers standing a few feet distant." The multi-directional approach to egg collection worked well. No single method seemed far superior to the others nor provided a complete picture of spawning activities in the study area. Our egg searching pro-gram provided an adequate answer to the basic question of whether River fishes spawned in portions of the River heavily polluted with suspended and deposited ferric compounds. We established that almost all fishes abundant at SSES spawned nearby, as did some that were rated less than abundant in Ichthyological Associates (1974). It seems likely that other species of fish spawned near SSES and their eggs, which may have been scarce, were missed in our limited sampling program.

192 During the course of this study brown eggs containing substantial deposits of iron on their shells were often found in the Susquehanna near SSES. Many of the eggs brought into the laboratory hatched. Also, we found many dead, often fungused, eggs in the River; these included eggs of carp, bluntnose minnow, quillback, white sucker, tessellated darter, yellow perch, and walleye. Iron in the River may reduce hatching success. However, it is not unusual to find some dead eggs in relatively unpolluted rivers, lakes, and ponds. Many of the eggs that die are unfertilized. In some instances, fertilized eggs in "good" water perish from disease. Webster (1945) for example, points out that an entire nest of smallmouth bass eggs may be enveloped with fungus within a day or two; at the same time nearby bass nests contain healthy eggs. Sometimes repeated spawning, destroys eggs previously spawned. Near SSES, spotfin shiner placed so many eggs within crevices in stacks of acrylic plates that those near the center, where water could not circulate freely, perished (Gale and Gale 1976). LARVAL-FISH DRIFT Larval fish collected in the field were identified by comparing them to laboratory-reared larvae in reference series and by using keys of Fish (1932), Norden (1961), Mansueti (1964), Mansueti and Hardy (1967), May and Gasaway (1967), Taber (1969), Meyer (1970), and Lippson and Moran (1974). Prolarval cyprinids could not be positively keyed and were identified only to family.

193 Good methods C of sampling drifting larvae in large rivers have not been established. Tow nets, which are commonly used to estimate larval fish density in marine and fresh water, are inappropriate for drift studies, where the object is to determine the numbers of fish swimming or being swept downstream by the current. We considered modifying systems used to collect macroinvertebrate drift in small streams; but, because relatively deep water, strong currents, and heavy detri.tal load were coupled with a rocky, almost impenetrable substrate in the River, new sampling methods were devised that provided mobility and good performance with minimal effort. Drift samples for different purposes were collected in different ways. To find when larvae of various species star'ted and stopped drifting, sam-ples were taken weekly with nets that extended from the sides of a small boat built to sample shallow waters close to shore (Fig. 4). To investi-gate diel changes in larval-fish drift, a system was devised that employed a high capacity trash puap to collect large numbers of surface and bottom samples. Procedures Rectangular-mouthed (24 x 54 cm), boat-mounted nets made of nylon mesh (0.40 x 0.80-mm openings) were used at SSES from April 10 to October 10, 1974. Weekly samples, consisting of two simultaneous replicates at each site, were collected near each shore and in the channel between 0800 and 1000 and between 2300 and '0100. Each net contained a "quick-open" collecting bucket (Gale 1975) and had a Model 2030 digital flowmeter

194 mounted near the center of the net mouth to measure the volume of water sampled. To evaluate the backpressure developing within the nets, an extra meter was mounted on the outside of one net to measure the flow of unimpeded water. Fish were collected: (1) with the boat- held stationary. pointed up-river for 5 min (fixed-net or drift samples),"and; (2) with the boat pro-pelled slowly downriver for about 300 m (push-net or nondrift samples). The push nets sampled large volumes of water to locate scarce species for phenological purposes. Collecting a sample required two persons; while one operated the engine, the other, in the front seat, lowered the nets to initiate sampling and lifted them to terminate it. The engine was momentarily slowed while the nets were lifted to reduce strain and facilitate their removal. Xn 1974, larval fish were sampled monthly from March through August (in conjunction with a macroinvertebrate drift program that terminated in May) with a high-capacity, gasoline-powered trash pump on a pontoon boat anchored in the River channel at SSES and Falls. The pump intake was about even with the upstream end of the boat and could be lowered to the bottom and raised by a hand winch (Fig. 4). To prevent water from being drawn from the substrate, and to gain additional weight, the "4-inch" intake pipe was placed inside a larger pipe with its upstream end cut at an oblique angle. By releasing dye upstream from the pump intake, a SCUBA diver found that the substrate surface was not disturbed by pumping when the intake was kept 10 cm or more about the River bottom. Several other types of intakes might have worked as well.

195 Replicate samples were taken about 50 cm from the River surface and 10-20 cm from the bottom at 3-hour intervals for a 24-hour period; the pumping rate was usually about 2,500 liter/min. The volume of water pumped was determined by multiplying pumping duration by pumping rate (determined by filling a 1,280-liter watering trough twice). Water was pumped through a net attached to a holder on the back of the boat. Sam-ples were usually taken near midmonth at stationary, or falling River levels, to reduce the amount of detritus in the samples and to avoid sampling macroinvertebrates during periods of "catastrophic drift." In 1975, additional diurnal pump samples were collected at SSES to investi-gate diel drift patterns of some species that were inabundant in 1974 samples. From 10 to 14 replicates were taken each 3-hour period, at sur-face and bottom. I Samples were preserved in 10X buffered formalin containing rose bengal stain. Fish containing observable yolk were considered prolarvae, as rec-ommended by Hubbs (1943) and those without yolk, were postlarvae, until scalation began (usually on the caudal peduncle); fish with scales were considered juveniles. On May 28 and 29, 1974, fixed-net samples were collected in conjunction with pump sampling in the channel at SSES to compare sampler efficiency. The fixed-net samples were collected about 5 m to one side of the pump intake on alternate sides of the pontoon boat. During 1974-5 groups. of larval fishes were introduced into the pump intake (through PVC pipe) and allowed to remain in the collecting net for different lengths of time to determine the effects of pumping duration on

196 fish condition; also, nets with different shapes and meshes were tested to determine which damaged larvae the least. Usually most of all of the fish in a test group introduced into the intake were recovered in the net. The number recovered was used to determine percentages'f damaged fish. Missing fish may have been: (1) lost before they reached the intake; (2) pulverized by the pump and passed through the net mesh, and; (3) left in the net after it was washed. Results and Discussion In efficiency tests (surface samples only), pump and fixed-net sam-piers usually collected about the same numbers of fish/10 m (Table 1) and no significant difference (.05 level of confidence) V was detectable with a "t" test. About the same number of species were collected by both sampling systems. Nineteen species were collected in push-net samples, including 4 not found in fixed-net samples and 17 were caught in fixed-net samples, including 2 species absent in push-net samples (Fig. 3). Push-net samples contained more larvae than fixed-net samples did, especially more large postlarvae which probably were not drifting. Push-net samples were more difficult to analyze because of the greater number of fish in them than were in fixed-net samples. To avoid backpressures, sampling nets were enlarged posteriorally (Pig. 4) to provide a larger filtering surface. The enlarged "bellies" made nets difficult to wash in the field. Nets were returned to shore between sampling periods, suspended, and washed under pressure with a

197 garden hose to remove particles clogging the mesh. Current meter readings outside the nets were usually about the same as those inside, indicating backpressures were not a problem. Mean catches in the right and left nets were not significantly different (.05 level of confidence) when subjected to an "F" test. Xn 1974 we observed that larvae collected in nets "A", used to collect drifting macroinvertebrates, were less damaged than those in'arval fish nets "B" (Fig. 5). To quantify this difference, the condition of 132 quillback larvae from 8 replicate pump samples (4 with each net) collected on the May 28-29 diurnal at SSES in 1974 were evaluated. Other species of fish occurred in the samples but were not included in the evaluation be-cause of their infrequent occurrence. Sample numbers were coded to pre-vent biased evaluations. Fish were evaluated liberally, and those with an eye or portion of the finfold missing, if otherwise undamaged, were considered "good-excellent." More severely damaged larvae that could be identified were rated "poor-fair." Of the larvae in net "A", 73X were rated in good-excellent condition, whereas only 44X of those in net "B" were similarly rated. Net "C" (Fig. 5) was tested and it was found that many larvae came out skinned, gutted, and headless. The enlarged "belly" of the net tended to collapse and its folds seemed to abrade the larvae in the turbulent pump discharge. Next, net "D" (Fig. 5) was tested. The net was large and contained external support rings to keep it from collapsing. Fish tested in it

198 remained in reasonably good condition, about the same as in net "A". Net "D", because of its size, was difficult to wash and many larvae were left on its side. Finally, nets "A" and "A'" were tested. Net "A'" resembled net "A" in size and shape but was made of coarse monofilament nylon (0.50-mm openings). The samples were coded and evaluated as before. Fish in net "A" fared much better than those in net "A'" and 80/ of those in 5-min samples and 72/ of those in 10-min samples, were in good-excellent con-dition (Table 2). Nearly all fish in both nets were in identifiable con-dition. At least two factors could account for net "A"'s superior performance over net "A'". First, net "A" had a soft mesh that may have been less abrasive to delicate fish than the coarse, stiff mesh in net "A'". Sec-ond, the fact that net "A" ballooned with water and remained turgid until pumping ceased, may have been even more important. Because the net was held open by pressure inside, fish and detritus were swept through it into a long collecting bucket (Gale 1975). The screened aperture on the col-lecting bucket partially clogged during sampling and created a "quiet water" area inside where fish escaped net abrasion. Net "A" was the easiest to wash because nearly all detritus collected in the sample could be found inside the collecting bucket or near its mouth. Faber (1968) described a rather similar "self-cleaning" net, with a mouth:length ratio of 1:6; the "self-cleaning" ability was attributed to the net's slender profile.

199 Although most damage to larvae may have occurred in the net, fish condition improved when the discharge hose was lengthened,to make it empty underwater, to reduce turbulence. The pump sampler worked well and offered several advantages. First, pump output was constant. Second, little effort was required to obtain replicate surface and bottom samples. The pontoon boat deck provided a stable 2.4 x 3.6-m platform on which to wash nets and process samples while additional samples, were collected. Third, because pumping efficiency was not affected by the nets, those with different mesh sizes could be interchanged. To reduce sampling time, we used macroinvertebrate samples as replicates for larval fish samples. Fourth, the pumping system was mobile and samples could be collected at several sites per station. Also, the boat was easily trailered overland and two individuals with a 4-wheel drive vehicle and a pontoon-boat trailer (such trailers lower vertically for each loading) could move the boat, with the pump on board, from one station to another. Pump sampling had at least three major disadvantages. First, many fish were damaged during collection and most were killed. Fish damage and mortaility were not so high in fixed- and push-net samples. Second, a relatively small amount of water was sampled by pumping and fishes occurring in very low densities might be missed. This disadvantage was mitigated in part by the fact that when large numbers of replicates were taken, a long column of water was sampled. This tended to reduce the effects of "clumped distribution ." Third, the cost of the boat, pump,

200 and associated gear exceeded $ 3,000.00. However, the pontoon boat drew little water and could be powered by a 9.5 HP outboard engine in most currents in the River. The boat had other uses,t's stability, winch, and large deck made it ideal for benthic sampling. The push-net sampling system worked well in the River for the jobs it was designed to handle. Push-net systems described for sampling estu-aries (Miller 1973) and tidal marshes (Herke 1969) would not be suitable for use in the Susquehanna. The push-net sampler's main advantage was that it could function close to shore, in water less than 1 m deep, as well as in the channel. Also, the sampler could be mounted on an inex-pensive "V"-bottomed aluminum fishing boat. The sampler's simple design enabled the frame to be fabricated with scrap metal for less than $ 30.00. The push-net system's main disadvantages were that it could not col-lect bottom samples in deep water, and the shape of the nets made them diff'icult to rinse. Slimmer "self-cleaning" nets like "A" in Fig. 5 might have worked as well and would have been easier to rinse between samples. In 1974-5 the first larvae in pump samples were collected at SSES and Falls in May; walleye and white sucker were the first species taken in early May (Table 3). In 1974, 2,469 larvae were taken at SSES; only 251 were caught at Falls. Larval fish density was maximum in June when 3 SSES had 15.4 fish/10 m and Falls had 1.4 fish/10 m 3.. In 1975, larval fish density at SSES was again maximum in June, with 27.1 fish/10 m 3.; Falls was not sampled. Overall, bottom samples from both stations contained 36/ of the total fish caught.

201 In 1974 quillback and minnows composed 79X of the overall total catch by pumping at Falls and SSES. At Falls, carp, quillback, and tessellated darter composed 35, 27, and 17X of the total catch, respectively. At SSES, quillback were by far the most abundant larvae collected (56X of the total) followed by minnows (25/) and carp (14X). In fixed-net samples at SSES in 1974, quillback composed 51/ of the total catch followed by minnows (26/) and carp (6/). The great preponderance of drifting quill-back larvae may denote a very high population or a stronger drifting ten-dency for the species; likely both are factors. Over 90/ of the drifting quillback in pump and fixed-net samples were prolarvae; the tendency to drift seemed to disappear rapidly as quillback matured and too few postlarvae were collected to be included in Fig. 6. That quillback drifted soon after hatching incre'ased their numerical im-portance in drift samples, because they had little time to incur losses due to predation. Prolarvae of some other species drifted in large numbers (Figs. 7 and 8). Nearly all drifting tessellated darters caught, especially those in pump samples, were prolarvae. Also, most. of the drifting carp in pump samples were prolarvae, although substantial numbers of postlarvae were sometimes taken. Over .99/ of the minnows taken in pump samples were prolarvae (Table

4) as compared to only 38/ in fixed-net samples from near shore. Little difference in catch could have resulted from postlarvae avoiding the pump intake, for 91X of the minnows taken in fixed-net samples in the channel

202 were prolarvae. Most of the difference in catch probably resulted from a shoreward movement of postlarval minnows. Pro and postlarvae of some species such as white sucker and shorthead redhorse were taken in nearly equal numbers, whereas prolarval centrarchids were caught less often than postlarvae, and prolarval ictalurids were never taken. Overall, prolarvae were more abundant than postlarvae in drift samples. Even in push-net samples, where the moving net could effectively catch larger fish, postlarvae composed only 38/ of the total (Table 4). Com-parison of the relative abundance of prolarvae in pump samples to that in fixed-net samples revealed that fish in the channel tended to be younger than those near shore. Prolarvae composed 93/ of the total in pump sam-ples and 74/ in fixed-net samples collected near the east and west banks (data not shown). That the pump collected both bottom and surface samples and the fixed-net took only "surface" samples was of little consequence, since the "surface" sample in shallow water also contained fish taken near the b ot tom. Results of fixed-net sampling at night seemed to indicate that density of drifting larvae was somewhat higher near either shore than in the chan-nel (Table 5), but the differences were not significant statistically (.05 level of confidence) when tested by an "F" test. During the day, when only low numbers of fish were caught in surface samples, there was little difference in fish density at the three sites. But because of the larger volume of water passing downriver in the channel (greater velocity and greater depth), the total numbers of fish passing downriver must have

203 been greater in the channel than along the shore. Priegel (1970) found that the majority of larval walleye drifting down the Wolf River in Wis-consin were in the channel. Although the same kinds of fishes were found at all three sites at SSES, minnows, which composed 26/ of the total fish, were especially abundant near the east bank in night samples. Of the total fish taken by fixed-nets, quillback were most abundant near the west bank and in the channel. Note that fish which drifted during periods of low river dis-charge, when fish density was increased by concentration, may appear more important numerically in Tables 3 and 5 than they actually were. River discharge can be compared in Fig. 3 with the occurrence of various species of fish. In almost all instances, maximum numbers of larvae were caught in surface -samples at night (Figs. 6 through 11), with an overall day/night ratio (weighted to equalize sampling effort) of 1:3.8. Numbers of fish usually peaked between 2400 and 0300 (up to 2.5 hours were required per sampling period). Usually, numbers of drifting fish fell after the 0300 sampling period. Sometimes, however, prolarval carp were still abundant near the surface at 0600 (Fig. 8). Few fish were taken during the day, usually at 0900 or 1200. Numbers of fish increased sharply in the 2100 sampling period; in 1975, maximum numbers of tessellated darter (Fig. 7) and white sucker (Fig. 9) prolarvae were collected during this time. Al-though large numbers of darter prolarvae were caught in the 2100 samples in 1974, maximum numbers of them were taken at 2400. The reason for the

204 difference may have been the larger number of replicates, in 1975 which caused some samples to be taken later than in 1974. Other investigators have documented nocturnal increases in drift of larval white sucker (Clif-ford 1972), white sucker, and longnose sucker, Catostomus catostomus, (Geen et al. 1966), redside shiner, Richardsonius balteatus (Lindsey and Northcote 1963), walleye (Prlegel 1970), rainbow trout, galmo ~airdnerf s e In the few studies conducted, the purpose of drifting seemed to have been to move larvae to a more suitable environment. Priegel (1970), for example, observed that walleye larvae, hatched along the Wolf River in marshes that dried up, moved into the River, and drifted into Lake Winne-bago, where they matured; for some it was a trip nearly 160 km long. Preigel contended that larvae starved to death if they did not reach the Lake with its abundant zooplankton within 3-5 days after hatching. Nelson (1968) observed that sauger hatched in the Missouri River drifted down-stream, for about 65 km, into Lewis and Clark Lake where they developed. Northcote (1962) found that rainbow trout fry, spawned in inlet streams of Loon Lake, drifted to reach the Lake, where they matured. In a series of studies of Sixteenmile Lake, Geen et al. (1966) observed that white and longnose sucker fry, hatched in Frye Creek, spent 1-2 weeks in the gravel, nearly depleting their yolk supply, before drifting into the Lake; redside shiner (Llndsey and Northcote 1963) and northern squawfish, ~Pt cho-Sixteenmile Lake. Clifford (1972) found that white sucker fry hatched in

205 "brown-water" of Bigoray River, where few adult white sucker lived, drifted into the larger Pembina River to grow. Why larval fish drift at SSES is puzzling, for it is about 200 km to the nearest permanent impoundment downriver which might be a target for them. The impoundment was not completed until 1931 and it is unlikely that the many species drifting at SSES would have altered basic behavior patterns in so few years, even if reaching the reservoir offered them some advantage. If it is assumed that drifting is an intrinsic aspect of the lives of many species of fish found at SSES and Falls, one immediately wonders if the elevenfold greater drift at SSES reflects a greater abundance of larvae, which might, in turn, denote a greater density of spawning fish't the latter station. Although fish populations have not been estimated for the stations, a good idea of the relative abundance of fish is avail-able for 1973, when fish populations were monitored monthly by electro-fisher', Oneida-style trap net, frame net, and seine, duplicating sampling tl effort as closely as possible (Ichthyological Associates 1974). At Falls the catch included suckers (64X), sunfishes (21/), minnows (12X), and others (3X); at SSES it included suckers (39/), sunfishes (25/), minnows (19/), catfishes (15/), and others (2/). About threefold more fish were taken at Falls (4,880 fish of 30 species) than at SSES (1,629 fish of 32 species). Even if large sampling errors occurred, it seems unlikely that the density of spawnizg-sized fish at SSES exceeded that at Falls in 1973.

206 Densities in 1974 were probably similar to those of 1973, since no major environmental changes occurred during that time. Therefore, the abundance of drifting fish larvae did not seem to reflect the density of spawning fish. Yet differences in drift could reflect differences in larval fish density. Although one would usually expect the greatest numbers of larvae in areas with the most spawning fish, there could be factors, such as predation, producing differential egg and larvae mortality of a magnitude that would more than offset the advantage of extra spawners at a station. There are three main reasons why predation on eggs and larvae at Falls probably exceeded that at SSES. First, visibility at Falls was almost always much better than at SSES, making prey easier to see and more vul-nerable. Second, the population of smallmouth bass and other piscivorous species which. prey upon larvae was much higher at Falls than at SSES. Third, there were substantial populations of crayfish and margined madtom, Natures ~dns1 n1s, at Falls, but not at SSES, wh1th represented a poten-S tially large egg loss. Whether predation was heavy enough to reduce the larval fish population at Falls by about 90/ more than at SSES can only be conjectured. If it is assumed that drifting is not an innate characteristic of the species found in the Susquehanna, then some environmental difference, such as mine drainage, may have caused more fish larvae to drift at SSES. It would not be unexpected if larvae drifted more in a marginal environment (such as that at SSES) than in a higher quality environment, such as that

207 at Falls. This possibility is supported by the laboratory experiments of avoided water containing suspended ferric compounds. It would not be un-likely for many larvae to try to avoid heavily polluted water. In a river such as the Susquehanna, where water and pollutants are mixed from surface to bottom, fish can avoid pollutants only by movement upstream above the pollution source, or by movement downstream to areas where the pollutant has been diluted or degraded to acceptable levels. Extensive upriver move-'ent would be impossible for most fish larvae, especially for poorly de-veloped prolarvae. Furthermore, movement upriver, in most instances, would entail movement into more heavily polluted waters. Avoidance by movement downstream would require the least effort. Sykora et al. (1972) found that heavy concentrations of iron interfered with fish feeding. The fact that the mouths of many prolarvae drifting near SSES had not yet opened, however, indicated that at least some larvae 'did not drift in quest of food. The greater larval fish drift at SSES might have resulted from the station's greater turbidity, another ramification of mine drainage. Geen et al. (1966) observed that white sucker drift- was larger on very dark nights and when the water was turbid. Hoar (1953) reports that chum salmon larvae lose their rheotactic response at night and consequently drift down-stream. Northcote (1962) indicated that trout may drift downstream at night because of lost visual orientation. But high turbidity is not un-usual in large North American rivers, especially in spring,,when melting snow and frequent rains keep river levels high. It is difficult to be-

208 lieve that evolution and natural selection would not have produced river fishes with larvae able to maintain their position during periods of high turbidi,ty, unless disoriented drift offered survival value over oriented drift. But if semiquantitative data (Ichthyological Associates 1974) con-cerning larval fish drift at Falls, Nanticoke, and SSES in 1973 (Table 6) is considered, it is found that the greater drift at SSES is even more puzzling that it seemed at first. At Nanticoke, 22 km upriver from SSES, the River was more heavily polluted with mine effluents and municipal wastes than at SSES. In the 1973 fish'onitoring program, 1,683 fish were caught at Nanticoke; these included suckers (66X), minnows (22X), catfishes (7/), sunfishes (3X), and others (2/). The fisheries at Nanticoke and SSES were similar. Therefore, if drift was more intense in marginal environments than in "good" ones, as postulated earlier, or if drift was more intense in turbid water than in clear water, it would be expected that drift at Nanticoke and SSES would be similar, but they were not. The fact that larval fish drift at Nanticoke resembled that at Falls seems to di-minish the probability that pollution at SSES increased larval fish drift. Although different species of fish in the same or different rivers and streams may drift for different reasons, the fact that drift in all studies tended to be greatest around 2400 provided a common denominator. Light, or the absence of it, seems to be a very strong factor in regu-lation of fish drift. But, while larval fish drift at night may be dis-oriented, as Northcote (1962) observed with rainbow trout, it does not necessarily follow that disorientation caused fish drift. It seems more

209 likely that drifting is an intrinsic part of the life of Susquehanna River fishes. It may be a means of dispersal or a method of reaching a better supply of planktonic food. Usually the amount of plankton is a river in-t creases downstream (Hynes 1970) and larvae are likely to encounter better feeding areas downriver. Except for rotifers, zooplankton was not abun-dant in the Susquehanna at SSES in 1972, but substantial amounts of phyto-plankton, mostly diatoms, were present in the River throughout the year (Ichthyological Associates 1973). Larvae may drift at night to avoid predators. It would be difficult for fish feeding by sight to detect minute fish larvae drifting disori-entedly like particles of debris. Larvae may drift near the River sur-face to gain extra speed. How often and how far larvae drift may be a function of environmental conditions, with fish in marginal environments drifting most often and traveling farthest. REFERENCES CITED Armstrong, P. 1962. Stages in the development of Ictalurus nebulosus. Univ. of Syracuse Press, Syracuse, New York. 8 pp. Bradford, A., J. Miller and K. Buss. 1966. Bio-assays on eggs and larval of the Susquehanna River for restoration of shad. U.S. Dept. Int. (et al.) Washington, D.C. 292-961 0 68 5. Braum, E. 1968. Rearing young fish. Pages 169-179 in W. Ricker (ed.) Methods for assessment of fish production in freshwaters. IBP Hand-book, No. 3. Clifford, H. 1972. Downstream movements of white sucker, Catostomus commersoni, fry in a brown-water stream of Alberta. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 29: 1091-1093.

210 Eaton, J. 1970. Chronic malathion toxicity to the bluegill (~be omie macrochirus Rafinesque). Wat. Res. 4: 673-684. Eschmeyer, P. 1955. The reproduction of lake trout in southern Lake Superior. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 84: 47-74. Faber, D. 1968. A net for catching limnetic fry. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 97: 61-63. Fish, M. 1932. Contributions to the early life histories of sixty-two species of fishes from Lake Erie and its tributary waters. U. S. Bur. Fish. Bull. 47: 293-398 W. 1975. A quick opening bucket for plankton and larval fish nets.

                                          'ale, Prog. Fish-Cult.       37:   164.

Gale, W. and C. Gale. 1976. Selection of artificial spawning sites by Gale, W., T. Jacobsen and K. Smith. 1976.* Iron, and its role in a river polluted by mine effluents. (unpublished manuscript). Gale, W. and J. Thompson. 1975. A suction sampler for quantitatively sampling benthos on rocky substrates in rivers. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 104: 398-405. Geen, G., T. Northcote, G. Hartman and C. Lindsey. 1966. Life histories of two species of catostomid fishes in Sixteenmile Lake, British Columbia, with particular reference to inlet stream spawning. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 23: 1761-1788. Gennings, R. 1968. Investigation of the reproduction of fishes in Canton Reservoir. Okla. Fish. Res. Lab. Ann." Rept., July 1966-June 1967: 86-93. Grinstead, B. 1971. Reproduction and some aspects of the early life history of walleye, Stizostedion vitreum (Mitchill) in Canton Reser-voir, Oklahoma. Pages 41-51 in Gordon E. Hall (ed.) Reservoir Fish. and Limnol. Spec. Pub. No. 8, Amer. Fish. Soc. Hale, J. and A. Carlson. 1972. Culture of the yellow perch in the labora-tory. Prog. Fish-Cult. 34: 195-198. Hansen, D. 1943. On nesting of the white crappie, Pomoxis annularis. Copeia. 1943: 259-260. Herke, W. 1969. A boat-mounted surface push-trawl for sampling juveniles in tidal marshes. Prog. Fish-Cult. 31: 177-179.

211 Hoar, W. 1953. Control and timing of fish migration. Biol. Rev. (Cam-bridge). 28: 437-452. Houde, E. 1972. Some recent advances and unsolved problems in the culture of marine fish larvae. Proc. World Maricult. Soc. 3: 83-112. Hubbs, C. 1943. Terminology of early stages of fishes. Copeia. 1943: 260. Hynes, H. 1970. The ecology of running waters. Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto. 555 pp. Ichthyological Associates, Inc. 1973. An ecological study of the North Branch Susquehanna River in the vicinity of Berwick, Pennsylvania (Progress report for the period January-December 1972). Pennsylvania Power and Light Co., Allentown, Pennsylvania. 658 pp. 1974. An ecological study of the North Branch Susquehanna River in the vicinity of Berulck, Pennsylvania (Progress report for the period January-December 1973). Pennsylvania Power and Light Co., Allentown, Pennsylvania. 838 pp. Lewis, W. 1963. Maintaining fishes for experimental and instructional purposes. So. Ill. Univ. Press, Carbondale. 100 pp. Lindsey, C. and T. Northcote. 1963. Life history of redside shiners, Richardsonius balteatus, with particular reference to movements in and out of Sixteenmile Lake streams. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 20: 100 1-1029. Lippson, A. and R. Moran. 1974. Manual for identification of early devel-opmental stages of fishes of the Potomac River Estuary. Martin Marietta Corp.-, Environ. Tech. Cen., Baltimore, Maryland. 282 pp. Mansueti, A. 1964. Early development of the yellow perch, Perca flavescens. Chesapeake Sci. 5: 46-66. Mansueti, A. and J. Hardy, Jr. 1967. Development of fishes of the Chesa-peake Bay region, Part I. In E. E. Deubler, Jr. (ed.) An atlas of egg, larval, and juvenile stages. Nat. Res. Inst., Univ. of Maryland. 202 pp. Manz, J. 1964. A pumping device used to collect walleye eggs from off-shore spawning areas in Western Lake Erie. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 93: 204-206. May, E. and C. Gasaway. 1967. A preliminary key to the identification of larval fishes of Oklahoma, with particular reference to Canton Reservoir, including a selected bibliography. Okla. Fish. Res. Lab. Bull. 5, Contr. 164. 33 pp.

212 McCormick, J. and R. Syrett. 1970. A controlled temperature apparatus for fish egg incubation and fry rearing. Nat. Water Quality Lab., Duluth, Minn. 9 pp. Meyer, F. 1970. Development of some larval centrarchids. Prog. Fish-Cult. 32: 130-136. Miller, J. 1973. A quantitative push-net system for transect studies of larval fish and macrozooplankton. Limnol. Oceanogr. 18: 175-178. Nelson, W. 1966. Reproduction and early life history of sauger, Stizo-stedion canadense, in Lewis and Clark Lake. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 97: 159-166. Norden, C. 1961. The identification of larval yellow perch, Perca flavescens and walleye, Stizostedion vitreum. Copeia 1961: 282-288. Northcote, T. 1962. Migratory behavior of juvenile rainbow trout, Salmo Bairdneri,l in outlet streams of Loon Lake, British Columbia. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 19: 20 1-270. Priegel, G. 1970. Reproduction and early life history of the walleye in the Lake Winnebago region. Wise. Dept. Nat. Res. Tech. Bull. 45. 105 pp. Raney, E. 1947. Nocomis nests used by other breeding cyprinid fishes in Virginia. Zoologica 32: 125-132. Rawson, D. and C. Elsey. 1950. Reduction in the longnose sucker population of Pyramid Lake, Alberta, in an attempt to improve angling. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 78: 13-31. Smith, E., J. Sykora, and M. Shapiro. 1973. Effect of lime neutralized iron hydroxide suspensions on survival, growth, and reproduction of 30: 1147-1153. Stone, U. 1940. Studies on the biology of the satinfin minnows, ~Notre is 98 pp. Sykora, J., E. Smith, M. Shapiro and M. Synak. 1972. Chronic effect of ferric hydroxide on certain species of aquatic animals. Pages 347-369 in Fourth symposium on coal mine drainage research, Proceedings. Mellon Institute, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.

213 Taber, C. 1969. The distribution and identification of larval fishes in the Buncombe Creek arm of Lake Texoma with observations of spawning habits and relative abundance. Ph.D. Disser., Univ. Okla. 106 pp. B.S. thesis, Univ. British Columbia. 44 pp. Updegraff, K. and J. Sykora. 1976. Avoidance of lime neutralized iron hydroxide solutions by coho salmon in the laboratory. Environ. Sci. Tech. 10: 51-54. Webster, D. 1945. Relation of temperature to survival and incubation of Fish. Soc. (publ. 1948), 75: 43-47.

214 Table 1. Hean numbers of larval fishes/10 m in 4 replicate pump and 8 replicate fixed-net (drift) samples collected simul-taneously time 0900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 0300 Pump 3.2 5.3 4.9 5.1 14.2 33.6 27.0 Fixed-net (drift) 4.6 3.4 5.3 2.3 40.9 34.1 27.4

Table 2. Condition of larval fishes (% total) in 3 kinds of nets in pump tests 1 and 4. Net shapes are shown in Fig. 5. Test Net Net mesh Pump Fish condition Fish considered Replicates used Opening Material time Good- Poor- Unidenti- Kinds Total (No.) (mm) (min) excellent fair fiable No. A 0.22 x 0.22 monofila- 73 27 Quillback 80 merit nylon (prolarvae) II B 0.40 x 0.80 nylon 44 56 52 A 0. 22 x 0. 22 monofila- 80 19 Spo t fin 141 ment nylon shiner (prolarvae) A'.50 x 0.50 67 31 131 A 0.22 x 0.22 10 72 27 156 A'.50 x 0.50 49 40 12 146

Table 3. Percent total'nd mean density of larval fishes/10 m in surface and bottom (combined) pump samples collected at 3-hr intervals for a 24-hr period at Falls (1974) and SSES (1974-5). (tr = <0.05 fish/ 10 m3) 1974 Jun Jul Jun 20 29 29 30 12.13 13 14 10 11 11 12 13,14 14 15 10 11 20,21 ~5 6 SSES Falls SSES Falls SSES Falls SSES Falls SSES SSES SSES Total Carp 1.2 0 2.5 0.6 1.9 8.1 Other cyprinids 2.1 tr 3.8 0.1 0.3 0. 1 0.1 tr 0 1.9 13. 7 39. 1 Ouillback 5.5 0. 1 8.1 0.4 tr 0 0 0 0 2.6 9.6 39.8 White sucker tr tr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 2.4 tr 5.9 Northern hog sucker 0 0 0 <0.1 Shorthead redhorse 0.1 tr 0.3 tr 0 0.4 1. 2 Ictalurids 0 0 0 0 tr tr 0 0.1 Centrarchids 0 0 0.1 tr tr tr 0.1 0. 3 Tessellated darter 0.2 O.l 0.5 0.2 tr 0 0.6 1.3 5.3 Yellow perch & walleye tr 0 0 0 tr tr tr 0.1 Unidentified 0.1 0 tr 0 tr 0 0 tr 0 tr tr 0.2 Total 9.2 0.2 15.4 1.4 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 , 0.2 7.6 27.1

Table 4. Total numbers of larval fishes collected in 276 fixed-net (drift), 275 push-net, and 343 pump samples at SSES on the North Branch Susquehanna River, May through October 1974 Fixed-net (drift) Push-net Pum prolarvae postlarvae prolarvae postlarvae prolarvae postlarvae Carp 90 64 333 773 268 77 Other cyprinids 415 211 4632 3248 603 Quillback 1135 108 3972 766 1327 55 Other catostomids 107 102 847 857 16 31 Ictalurids 18 Centrarchids 12 51 61 584 Percids 105 32 605 164 62

Table 5. Percent total and mean density of larval fishes/10 m in 276 fixed-net (drift) samples collected at 3 SSES sites on the North Branch Susquehanna River during the day (0800-1000) and at night 3 (2300-0100), 1974. (tr = <0.05 fish/10 m ) Species Da Ni ht ga West bank Channel East bank Wes t bank Channel Eas t bank Total Carp 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.5 1.2 6.3 Other cyprinids 0.5 0.3 0.8 2.5 0.9 8.6 25.6 guillback 0.2 0.3 O.l 10. 9 4.8 6.8 50. 9 White sucker 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.2 1.7 4.6 Northern hog sucker <0. 1 Shorthead redhorse 0.8 0.4 0.6 3.9 Ictalurids 0 0.1 0.3 Centrarchids 0.2 1.2 2.6 Tessellated darter 0.1 1.0 0.6 0.7 5.4 Yellow perch & walleye 0.1 0.2 Unidentified <0.1 Total 1.0 1.3 1.5 16.0 7.5 20. 8

Table 6. Mean numbers of larval fishes in 5-min fixed-net (drift) samples (2 day and 2 night replicates/ sampling period) in the channel at Falls, Nanticoke,and SSES in 1973 Ma Jun Jul Au Date 9 15 16 17 22 14 18 19 20 26 5 9 10 ll 19 8 13 14 15 24 Falls Nanticoke ll SSES 250 135 277

220 AIR I HqO 2 4 7 A 5 6 I I I I I I I D E 2 Apparatus for egg hatching and larval fish rearing. A. Arrangement of aquaria. 1) gate valve; 2) aquarium; 3) water line, 1.3 cm (I.D.) PVC pipe; 4) garden hose; 5) shelf; 6) drain, 3.2 cm (I.D.) PVC pipe;

7) PVC "tee". B. Side view of aquarium, enlarged. 1) PVC "tee";
2) No. 3 rubber stopper; 3) tygon tube; 4) flow regulator; 5) air stone;
6) overflow standpipe; 7) overflow screen. C. Enlarged frontal view of overflow screen. D. Egg hatching cup and cover, side view. 1)

PVC pipe cap; 2) PVC egg cup; 3) square Styrofoam float. E. Egg hatching cup, top view. 1) circular Styrofoam float; 2) egg cup support tab; 3) screened bottom.


                                                                                            ?e ARTIFICIALSPAWNING DEVICES EI       OBSERVED FROM SHORE OO       SCUBA SEARCH AREA SEARCHED Q4QS                                     LITTLE QRg        TOWN                                              2',5,'?  ~1                           WAPWALLOPEN RIVER CHANNEL SS ES         jF                             CREEK
                                                                       '~AQO' Ql  Qs  QS(2I/g        gl QI3      INEST LARYAE) 01 QIQ4QSS-SSES 5 QQS    6

2+,8P ~ PENNISYLVANIA eOS "EEL WALL'j-(-5.7 KM) WAPWALLOPEN I GOOSE ISLAND WAPWALLOPEN 2,5,7, 10 5 r I2 l4 CREEK "EEL WALL" 10 Fig. 2. Map of study area showing sites where fish eggs were collected in 1974-5. Numbers denote kinds of eggs collected (1~ tessellated darter; 2 ~ walleye; 3 yellow perch; 4 ~ white sucker; 5 ~ quill-back; 6 ~ shorthead redhorse; 7 ~ spottail shiner; 8 ~ spotfin shiner; 9 ~ bluntnose minnow; 10 ~ carp; 11 ~ brown bullhead; 12 green sunfish; 13 > pumpkinseed; 14 ~ largemouth bass; ? ~ unidenti-fied).


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ~ttrH POSTLARVAE WHITE CATFISH                                                                              ~t"            FN,PN Itr Itt      pN PUMPKINSEED                                                                                   (N                        V LARGEMOUTH BASS                                                                     I0     (NEST LARVAE)


                                                                                   "*.~- "-'


                                        ,lt Ill I Prt, I   Itl IrPwtrr  PN JP YELLOW PERCH I.B FN PN P
                                                                                                                                                   ~        ~

QUILLBACK AS,SS,P 3 AS,SS J'N, AS,P PNIP WHITE SUCKER WALLEYE FN,PN,P TESSELLATED DARTER IO 20 I IO 20 I IO 20 I IO 20 I IO 20 I IO 20 I IO APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Fig. 3. Phenological occurrence of fish eggs and larvae with collection methods (FN = fixed net; PN = push net; P = pumping; SS = SCUBA search; AS ~ artificial spawning materials; 0 = observed from shore), in the Susquehanna River at SSES in 1974-5. Decimal values are mean diameters of fish eggs (preserved in 10% formalin). Water temperatures ( C) are 5-day means; river levels (meters above sea level) were recorded at 1200 on the sampling date.

223 2 2 3

                           ~p 4 6

3 4' I I 2 I 0 7 I~ I I 1 r 2 3 4 44plfe Gear to collect drifting larval fishes. A. Push-net sampler (frontal view) without nets. 1) boat; 2) net frame (up position)';

3) net frame in sampling position; 4) security pin; 5) galvanized pipe; 6) net-frame support arm; 7) current meter. B. Push-net sampler (top view) with nets in place. Arrow denotes current flow.
1) angle iron; 2) steel rod; 3) net; 4) "quick-open" collecting bucket; 5) oarlock. C. Pump sampler. 1) water intake device in position to collect suiface sample; 2) pontoon boat; 3) steel cable;
4) winch; 5) pump; 6) discharge hose; 7)'PVC discharge pipe; 8) net;
9) intake hose. D. Water intake device (frontal view). 1) fin;
2) steel pipe (24 cm diam); 3) intake pipe (10 cm I.D. diam); 4) leg.

2.9 M vr:. O GUIDE RING PVC LIP Nets used in test pumping and method of attachment. "A", monofila-ment mesh (opening .22 x .22 mm); "B", "C", and "D" nylon mesh (openings .40 x .80 mm); E, upper end of net ready for attachment to PVC discharge pipe.



~l50 ~ ~ IOO cP 50 O ~h


0 0600 I200 I800 2400 0600 I200 I800 2400 MAY JUN Fig. 6. Numbers of quillback prolarvae in sets of surface and bottom samples (90.4 m /set) at 3-hr intervals in May and June 1974. Periods from sunset to sunrise or to end of sampling are shaded in Figs. 6 through 11; times are E.S.T.

l25 SURFACE IOO -BOTTOM O K 75 l-K 50. O R 25 rr

       ~ ~ ~ W~

r OQ

                       ~ ge ~

0600 I200 I800 2400 0600 0600 I200 I800 MAY JUN Pig. 7. Numbers of tessellated darter prolarvae in sets of surface and bottom samples (90.4 m /set) at 3-hr intervals in May and June 1975.


                                                           ~m~ j 0

MAY (1974) 50 cC P OSTLARVAE

0 50 O PROLARVAE O ~so% ~ l wWV ~y Zo Q


                      -BOTTOM (1974) 50 PROLARVAE 0600         I200          I800      2400 JUN (1975)

Fig. 8. Numbers of carp larvae in sets of surface and bottom samples (90.4 m3/ set) at 3-hr intervals in May (1974) and June 1974-5.

228 25 PROLARVAE ri 0 125 IOO POST LARVAE SURFACE BOTTOM 75 50 O R 0 0600 I200 I 800 2400 0600 MAY Fig. 9. Numbers of white sucker larvae in sets of surface and bottom samples (90.4 m /set) at 3-hr intervals in May 1975.

~ l50 SURFACE 80TTOM ~ l00 0R z 50 O R 0600 I200 l800 2400 0600 l200 l800 2400 MAY JUN Pig. 10. Numbers of minnow prolarvae in sets of surface and bottom samples (90.4 m /set) at 3-hr intervals, May and June 1974.


           > 40 IO z

20 0

                                   ~ > aug ~ me+ ~

0 s>'600 I200 1800 2400 3 MAY JUN - Fig. 11. Combined numbers of shorthead redhorse larvae in 4 sets of surface and bottom samples (361.6 m /4 sets) at 3-hr intervals in May and June 1974-5.

231 FISHES by Gerard L. Buynak and Andrew J. Gurzynski TABLE OF CONTENTS Page


o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 234 INTRODUCTION.. .................................................... 238 SEINING.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 238 Procedureso ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 238 Results and Discussion. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 239 TRAP NETTING.............. ~ ~ ~ o 243 Procedures....... ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o 243 Results and Discussion. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 244 ELECTROFISHING............ ~ ~ ~ Procedures............. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 246 Results and Discussion. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 247 TAGGING................... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 249 Procedures. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e 249 Results and Discussion. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o 249 REFERENCES CITED. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 251 LIST OF TABLES Table E-l. Descriptions of fish sampling stations on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974. .. . . . ... . ... 252 Table E-2. Fish species collected from the study areas on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974.............. . - .. ~ 253 Table E-3. Numbers of fish captured with a 3.05-m (10-ft) seine at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 25 April 1974... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 254

232 Page Table E-4. Numbers of fish captured with a 7.62-m (25-ft) bag seine at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Sus-quehanna River, 13 Hay 1974...............;.............. 254 Table E-5. Numbers . . . 13 June 1974.............................. 255 Table E-6. Numbers . ~ . 18 July 1974... ....

                                                      ~      ~ ~ ~   . .. .. .
                                                                      ~    ~   ~  ~ ~ ~  ....   ~ ~ ~  255 Table E-7. Numbers  .  .    . 19   August 1974...                   ~    ~ ~  ~ ~       ~ ~ ~   ~  256 Table E-8. Numbers...             17   September    1974.........................                      257 Table E-9. Numbers...             7  October    1974...................                                258 Table E-10. Numbers...           A 12 November      1974..........................                      259 Table E-ll. Numbers  .  .    . 30 December      1974..........................                      259 Table E-12. Frequency of capture and species composition (in percent) of fish taken by seine at SSES on the North Branch Susquehanna     River,        1974............... . .                        .. . .      . 260 Table E-13. Frequency   .    . . at   Bell Bend . . . 1974..................                        261 Table E-14. Comparisons of the east and west bank seining sites at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna                             River with respect to percent similarity of species                         compo-sition,  1974.............................................                                   6 Table E-15. Numbers  of fish captured with a 7.62-m (25-ft) bag seine at Bloomsburg and Danville on the North Branch Susquehanna     River, 1974........            ..................,......                    263 Table E-16. Numbers  of fish captured               with two, 0.92 x 1.83-m (3 x  6-ft)    frame nets and one, 1.22-m (4-ft) Oneida trap net at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna     River, April through            November        1974...........             264 Table E-17. Frequency of capture and species                composition (in percent) of fish taken by trap nets at                 SSES      on the North Branch Susquehanna River,             1974..............,............                       267 Table E-18. Frequency   .    . . at Bell    Bend . . . 1974....        .............             268 Table E-19. Numbers  of fish either              captured or observed in day and night  samples     using an a-c electrofisher at SSES and Bell Bend on- the North Branch Susquehanna River, April through December   1974.....        ~ ...... ... .....          .  ...... ...........               269

233 Page Table E-20. Frequency of capture and species composition (in per-cent) of fish taken by electrofisher at SSES on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974.... ................ 273 Table E-21. Frequency . . . at Bell Bend . . . 1974.................. 274 Table E-22. Numbers of fish either captured or observed using an a-c electrofisher at Bloomsburg and Danville on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974..................... 275 Table E-23. Numbers and species of fish tagged and percentage recovered on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1972 through 1974.......................................,..... 276 Table E-24. Tag return data for fish recaptured in 1974.............. 277 LIST OF FIGURES Fig. E- l. Monitoring stations at SSES on the North Branch Susque-hanna River, 1974..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o 278 Fig. E-2. Monitoring . . . at Bell Bend . . . 1974................. 279


1. A 3-m seine or a 7.6-m bag seine was used to determine the kinds of small fishes that occurred near the River shore in the vicinity of the proposed SSES intake and discharge structures. Samples were taken monthly from April through December 1974. As requested by PP&L monthly seine collections were taken at Bloomsburg and Dan-ville in May, September, and December with the 7.6-m bag seine.

2; Totals of 6,311 specimens of 25 species and 4,694 specimens of 25 species were captured at SSES and Bell Bend, respectively. At Bloomsburg and Danville totals of 324 specimens of 18 species and 89 specimens of 12 species were captured at each station, respectively.

3. Spotfin shiner was the most abundant fish collected at SSES, Bell Bend, and Danville. Bluntnose minnow was the most abundant fish taken at Bloomsburg.
4. About 75/ and 62/ of the fish captured were collected at night at SSES and Bell Bend, respectively. The species composition of the catch was similar during night and day.
5. More fish (87/) were taken near the east shore than at the west shore at SSES. At Bell Bend, 13/ more fish were taken on the west shore than on the east shore. The SSES east shore and Bell Bend west shore

235 were found to be the most similar with respect to the index of per-cent similarity. SSES west shore and Bell Bend west shore were the least similar.

6. Trap netting was conducted monthly at SSES and Bell Bend from April through November 1974 to sample large fish in water 1-3 m deep.
7. Fish were removed from the trap nets after 24 and 48 hours for iden-tification and enumeration. Scales and length-weight data were col-lected from selected species.
8. Totals of 1,157 specimens of 19 species and 210 specimens of 17 species were collected at SSES and Bell Bend, respectively.
9. Largest numbers of specimens and species were collected in April at SSES. At Bell Bend the most specimens and species of fish were cap-tured in July. About equal numbers of specimens were taken during each 24-hour fishing period.
10. White crappie was collected most frequently at SSES and the black crappie was captured most frequently at Bell Bend.

ll. Electrofishing was conducted at SSES and Bell Bend from April through December 1974, to determine the kinds of large fish present near shore in the vicinity of the proposed SSES intake and discharge structures's requested by PP&L monthly samples during May, September, and December were also taken at Bloomsburg and Danville.


12. Stunned fish excluding cyprinids, except for carp and fallfish, were identified and counted by observers on the electrofishing boat.
13. Totals of 3,456 specimens of 20 species and 3,296 specimens of 21 species were captured at SSES and Bell Bend, respectively. At Bloomsburg and Danville totals of 544 specimens of 10 species and 151 specimens of 9 species were taken, respectively.
14. White sucker was the most abundant fish caught at SSES, Bell Bend, and Bloomsburg. Carp was the most abundant at Danville. Quillback and white sucker were captured in all months sampled at SSES and Bell Bend. Numbers of species captured at SSES and Bell Bend tended to increase throughout the spring and summer, reach a maxi-mum in fall, and then decrease in early winter.
15. During the day, 2,726 specimens of 19 species were captured at SSES and Bell Bend combined; at night 4,026 specimens of 20 species were taken. Forage fishes (suckers, carp, quillback, and fallfish) composed 67/ of the catch at both stations. Larger game fishes (muskellunge, chain pickerel, smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, and walleye) made up 10X of the catch and smaller game fishes or pan fishes composed 22X of the catch.


16. Tagging was conducted in 1974 to monitor the movements of major game species in the vicinity of the proposed SSES intake and discharge structures. In 1974, 236 specimens of 8 species were tagged. Since 1972, 21 species have been tagged in the North Branch Susquehanna River.
17. Tags from 52 walleye, 2 muskellunge, and 1 northern pike were returned in 1974. Most tagged fish were recaptured in November.
18. Forty-eight percent of the walleye were recaptured in the area where thhy were tagged; 26% were taken upriver and 26% downriver from the tagging site. The mean distance traveled by walleye which left the tagging area was 61.2 km.

238 INTRODUCTION Fish data were collected in 1974 to describe species composition, relative abundance, growth, and movement of fishes above and below the proposed SSES intake and discharge structures. Included are data gathered from SSES, Bell Bend, Bloomsburg, and Danville in 42 seine collections, 48 trap net sets, and 48 electrofishing runs. These data will serve as a baseline to assess environmental impact associated with the construction and operation of the SSES. SEINING Procedures The seining program in 1974 was conducted to determine what kinds of small fish occurred near the River shore in the vicinity of the proposed SSES 'intake and discharge structures. Seining was conducted once per month from April through December at SSES and Bell Bend. The two sites at SSES were upstream and the two at Bell Bend were downstream of the proposed intake and discharge structures (Figs. E-1 and E-2). Substrate (Table E-1) at SSES (west shore) was composed of pebbles and gravel; at SSES (east shore) it was composed of fine sand and clay. A moderate amount of emergent vegetation was found near the west shore. At Bell Bend the substrate ranged from coarse and medium sand with sparse emer-gent vegetation at the east shore, to pebbles and gravel with no vege-tation near the west shore. A 3-m seine was used at all sites in April, but from May through December a 7.6-m bag seine was used to increase seining efficiency. At each site,'ne onshore haul was taken during the day and one at night.

239 During an onshore haul, one person stood on the River bank holding a seine brail while another person waded into the River with a second brail to a distance of about 6 m or to a depth of 1.3 m. The seine was pulled slowly upriver about 7.6 m before pulling it to shore. Fish were preserved in 10X formalin in the field. As requested by PP&L, monthly seine collections were taken at Blooms-burg and Danville (one site each) in May, September, and December. Two hauls were taken at each station during the day. Seining procedures were similar to those at SSES and Bell Bend. In the laboratory, fish were identified, enumerated, and stored in jars containing 40/ isopropyl alcohol (separate )ars for each site seined every month). Results and Discussion At SSES, 6,311 specimens of 25 species were captured by seine from April through December 1974 (Tables E-2 through E-ll). The spotfin shiner was the most abundant'Table E-12) and composed 47/ of the catch followed by spottail shiner (19.5/), bluntnose minnow (16.2/), comely shiner (4.8/), swallowtail shiner (3.5/), tessellated darter (2.3/), and others (6.8X). As a result of the increased fishing efficiency of the seine after dark, about 75/ of the fish were captured at night. The increase in efficiency probably resulted from the minnows moving toward shore at night. Species composition was similar, however, with 23 fishes captured at night and 21 during the day.

240 Of the fish captured at SSES, 87% were taken near the east shore. Some of the differences in numbers of fish captured near the east and west shores was probably due to the aquatic macrophytes which hindered seining at the west shore. Also, past observations revealed that minnows tended to congregate near the east shore. Concentrations of fish similar to those found near the east shore site have not been observed near the west shore. At Bell Bend, 4,694 specimens of 24 species were captured by seining from April through December (Tables E-2 through E-11) ~ The spotfin shiner was the most abundant and composed 52.9% of the total catch followed by the bluntno'se minnow (15.7%), spottail shiner (10.7%), tessellated darter (5.3%), comely shiner (4.9%), white sucker (3.2%), swallowtail shiner (2.7%), and all others (5.5%) (Table E-13). Fewer fish were taken during the day (38%) than at night (62%) at Bell Bend. As at SSES, species composition was about equal during the day and night with 19 and 20 species taken, respectively. The difference between the numbers of fish caught near the east and west shores at Bell Bend was not as great as it was at SSES. At Bell Bend only, 13% more fish were taken on the west shore than on the east shore. Numbers of fish captured at SSES and Bell Bend increased from April (74 at SSES and 106 at Bell Bend) to November (2,004 at SSES and 942 at Bell Bend). In December numbers of fish were 107 and 226 at SSES and Bell Bend, respectively. The most fish were captured in September, October, and November (Tables E-12 and E-13).

241 Fewer species were caught at SSES and Bell Bend in early spring; most were caught in fall. Seven species were captured at SSES in April. However, in October a maximum of 16 species were taken. At Bell Bend, the number of species taken per month ranged from 8 in April to 17 in August and September (Table E-'13). The spottail shiner, spotfin shiner, and bluntnose minnow were captured every month in which sampling occurred at SSES (Table E-12). The swallowtail shiner and the tessellated darter were captured in all months sampled except April and June, respectively. The abundance of these 9ishes throughout the year may have been due to a high reproductive capacity. The spotfin shiner, for example which is the most abundant species in the River, spawned from June through August in 1974; it might be a fractional spawner, (the female releases only a part of her eggs at one time and retains some of them for a later spawning) (Gale and Gale 1976). An extended spawning period would increase the chances of finding young individuals in every sampling month. Of the other species captured by seine, all creek chub and most fallfish, smallmouth bass, and bluegill were captured from May through September. Nearly all comely shiner (95%) were captured from August through November. The remaining 15 fishes were less abundant and no trends were observed. At Bell Bend the comely, spottail, swallowtail, and spotfin shiners and bluntnose minnow were collected each month sampled (Table E-13). The tessellated darter was captured in all months except June. Most of the fallfish and creek chub and all of the bluegill, smallmouth bass,

242 and black crappie were taken from May through September. These results are similar to those obtained at SSES. Most of the white sucker (all were young-of-the-year) were captured in June; none were found in April, May, or December. The large numbers of white sucker were captured in June because they were the most vulnerable to seining at that time. As -at SSES no trends in abundance of other fishes were observed. Overall, 70X more fish (6,311 vs. 4,694) and one more species (25 vs. 24) were taken at SSES than at Bell Bend. Stoneroller, margined madtom, and pumpkinseed were taken only at SSES, while rosyface shiner, northern hog sucker, and banded killifish were taken only at Bell Bend. The banded killifish was first found in this area in 1974 and only one specimen has been 'collected in four years. The index of percent similarity (Whittaker and Fairbanks 1958) was calculated to find the degree of similarity between the four seining sites with regard to their species composition. The index used was as follows: PSc = 100 .5 E


a bI, where PSc is the percent similarity, a and b are the percentages of a species at station a and b. The PSc will range from 0 (no similarity) to 100 (complete similarity). Results of the six possible comparisions are in Table E-14. The SSES east shore and Bell Bend west shore were the most similar (82.8/), while SSES west shore and Bell Bend west shore were the least similar (56.5X) of all combinations of sites compared (Table E-14). The percent similarity ranged from 66.4/ to 79.2X in the remaining four site com-parisons.

243 Totals of 324 specimens of 17 species and 89 specimens of 12 species were captured at Bloomsburg and Danville, respectively (Table E-15). The following 8 fishes composed 87/ of the total catch at Bloomsburg: blunt-nose minnow (30X), spotfin shiner (23X), swallowtail shiner (14X), white crappie (6X), bluegill (4X), spottail shiner (4/), black crappie (3X), and tessellated darter (3X). The spotfin shiner (38X) was the most abun-dant fish taken at Danville, followed by the bluegill (12/), comely shiner (llX), smallmouth bass (7/), swallowtail shiner (7/), and green sunfish (4/). These 6 fishes composed 79/ of the total catch at Danville. The pumpkinseed was the only fish taken at Danville and not at Bloomsburg. The golden shiner, common shiner, white sucker, rock bass, white crappie, and black crappie were taken at Bloomsburg but not at Danville. The green sunfish was taken at both.Bloomsburg and Danville but not at either SSES or Bell Bend. TRAP NETTING Procedures Trap netting was conducted in 1974 to sample large fishes in water 1-3 m in depth. One l. 2-m Oneida net (l. 3-cm mesh) and two 0. 9 x 1. 8-m frame nets (1 3-cm mesh) were set

                 ~                           at  each    station. These nets have been described in      detail in     a  previous report (Ichthyological Associates 1973).

Trap nets were set once per month from April through November at SSES and Bell Bend (three sites each). All three sites at ~ SSES were up-stream from the proposed intake and discharge structures (Fig. E-1) and

244 the three sites at Bell Bend were downstream from it (Fig. E-2). Trap nets were set in areas free of large rocks and logs. Substrate type and abundance of aquatic vegetation were recorded at each site (Table E-l). Fish were removed from the nets after 24 and 48 hours for identi-fication and enumeration. Scales and length-weight data were collected from selected species. Results and Discussion At SSES, 1,157 specimens of 19 species were caught with trap nets from April through November 1974 (Tables E-2 and E-16). Four fishes composed 90X of the total catch at SSES. White crappie was the most abundant, and composed 58X of the total catch (Table E-17). Black crappie was the next most abundant with 20/ followed by brown bullhead (9/), and bluegill (3X). The largest number of fish was taken in April; most were immature crappie. The catch of fish then decreased in May and June when fewer crappie were taken. Most fishes captured per month (Table E-16) were taken in April (13 species), and the least (7) in June. The brown bullhead and black crappie were captured every month in which sampling was conducted. The bluegill and white crappie were captured almost as frequently. Most fish were caught during the first 24 hours of fishing at SSES in 6 out of the 8 months nets were set (Table E-16). Only in June were more fish taken during the second 24 hours. In November, equal numbers of fish were taken during both 24-hour periods. Overall, 60X of the total fish captured with trap nets were taken during the first 24-hour period.

245 At Bell Bend 210 specimens of 17 species were captured with trap nets from April through November 1974 (Tables E-2 and E-16). No one species dominated the catch numerically as did the white crappie at SSES. Six fishes composed 79X of the total catch (Table E-18). Black crappie was the most abundant and composed 22/ of the total catch; it was followed by bluegill (13/), pumpkinseed (12/), quillback (12/), white crappie (10/), and rock bass (10X). Most fish and largest number of species were cap-tured at Bell Bend in July; the least number of specimens and species were collected in November (Table E-16). No single species was taken every month in trap net samples at Bell Bend. The rock bass was cap-tured in all sampling months except November. More fish were taken during the first 24 hours in 3 out of 8 months, during the second 24-hour period in 4 months, and equal numbers during both 24-hour periods in September. Approximately 50X of the fish were captured during each 24-hour period. At both sampling Stations, a total of 1,367 specimens of 22 species was captured using trap nets. More fish and a larger number of species were captured at SSES than at Bell Bend. American eel, spottail shiner, and smallmouth bass were captured only at Bell Bend whereas muskellunge, golden shiner, shorthead redhorse, yellow bullhead, and yellow perch were taken only at SSES.

246 ELECTROFISHING Procedures The electrofisher has been used to capture fish for sampling since 1972. The major components are a 4-KW Onan generator, a variable voltage pulsator (Power Control Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), and an 18-ft flat-bottomed boat. A more detailed description of the electro-fisher is given in Ichthyological Associates (1973). Electrofishing in 1974 was used to determine what large fish are present near shore; sampling was conducted once per,month from April through December. Two 20- to 30-minute "runs" were conducted at each station (Figs. E-1 and E-2). Each run was made once during the day and again at night. On a run, the electrofishing boat moved slowly downriver, parallel to and about 1-15 m from shore. Stunned fish, excluding cyprinids except for carp and fallfish, were identified to species and counted by an observer on the bow of the electrofishing boat. Fish that surfaced in the water behind the observer were recorded by the driver. Fish which could not be positively identified in the water were captured for closer examination. As requested by PP&L, electrofishing runs were made at Bloomsburg and Danville in May, September, and December. Two sites were located at each Station; one on each side of the River. Two 10-minute runs per site were taken during the day only. Electrofishing procedures were similar to those at SSES and Bell Bend.

247 Results and Discussion A total of 3,456 specimens of 20 species was captured at SSES with the electrofisher from April through December (Tables E-2 and E-19). Five fishes composed 73.6/ of the fish captured at SSES (Table E-20). White sucker was the most abundant and composed 21.5/ of the total catch; it was followed by white crappie (17.7/), quillback (14.5/), shorthead redhorse (10.7/), and black crappie (9.2/). In general numbers of species captured increased throughout the spring and summer, reached a maximum in fall, and then decreased in early winter. Greatest numbers of species were taken in October at SSES (Table E-20). Quillback and white sucker were captured in all months (Table E-20). Carp, shorthead redhorse, bluegill, and smallmouth bass were captured in 8 out of 9 months. The greatest numbers of fish were captured in December. At Bell Bend 3,296 specimens of 21 species were captured from April through December 1974 (Tables E-2 and E-19). Four fishes composed 77/ of the total catch (Table E-21). White sucker was the most abundant and composed 29.9/ of the catch. Quillback was the next most abundant with 26.9/; it was followed by shorthead redhorse (12.3/) and carp (7.5/). Like SSES, numbers of fishes captured per month at Bell Bend increased throughout the spring and summer months, and reached a maximum in the fall. Greatest numbers of fishes were taken in December at Bell Bend. Carp, quillback, and white sucker were captured in all months electro-fished (Table E-21). Shorthead redhorse, bluegill, and walleye were captured in '8 of the 9 months. The largest numbers of fish were taken in October.

248 Combined, a total of 6,752 specimens of 21 species was captured at SSES and Bell Bend. Carp, fallfish, quillback, white 'sucker, and short-head redhorse composed 67/ of fish captured. Species of large-sized game fishes (muskellunge, chain pickerel, smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, and walleye) composed 10/ of the catch; small-sized game or pan fishes composed 22/ of the catch. Except for a brown trout, which was taken at Bell Bend in December, all fishes taken at SSES were also cap-tured at Bell Bend. During the day 2,726 specimens of 19 species were captured at both Stations; at night 4,026 specimens of 20 species were taken (Table E-19). About equal numbers of eel, muskellunge, chain pickerel, carp, white sucker, channel catfish, pumpkinseed, bluegill, smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, and black crappie were captured during the day and night. More fallfish and northern hog sucker were taken during the day. More quillback, shorthead redhorse, brown bullhead, rock bass, white crappie, yellow perch, and walleye were taken at night (Table E-19). Danville and Bloomsburg were sampled in May, September, and December 1974 (Table E-22). A total of 544'specimens of 10 species and 151 speci-mens of 9 species was captured at Bloomsburg and Danville, respectively. The most abundant fish captured at Bloomsburg was the white sucker, while at Danville, carp was most abundant. No chain pickerel were found at Bloomsburg but three were captured at Danville. At Danville, no northern hog sucker, shorthead redhorse, redbreast sunfish, or walleye were ob-served; they were captured at Bloomsburg. Redbreast sunfish was the only fish taken downriver that was not taken at SSES in 1974.

249 TAGGING Procedures Selected game fishes captured during monthly monitor sampling at SSES and Bell Bend were tagged in 1974. On 7 November 1974 fish were also tagged below the PF&L Dam at Hummels Wharf, Shamokin Dam, Pennsyl-vania. Larger fish were anesthetized and tagged with Monel metal jaw tags (Salt Lake Stamp Company, Salt Lake City, Utah). Each tag was inscribed with the message, "Reward-I.A. Research, Berwick, Pa.". Scales were taken for age and growth studies after each fish had been tagged, weighed (nearest gram), and measured (nearest millimeter). The date and location of capture were recorded. In most instances fish were released in the same area of capture. Anglers who returned tags were rewarded with a fishing lure and a chance in a drawing for a $ 50.00 gift certificate. Each was sent a letter explaining the tagging program, along with a questionnaire to ob-tain information about his or her fishing habits. Results and Discussion Since 1972, 21 species were tagged in the North Branch Susquehanna River (Table E-23). In 1974 tagging efforts were limited to 236 specimens of 8 species; 86% walleye, 8% muskellunge, 3% largemouth bass, and 3% brown trout, northern pike, chain pickerel, rock bass, and smallmouth bass com-bined.

250 Fifty-five tags from three fishes (52 walleye, 2 muskellunge, and 1 northern pike) were returned in 1974 (Table E-24). Of the walleye, 48/ were recaptured in the area that they had been tagged, and 26X were taken upriver and 26/ downriver. Average distances traveled were 88 km and 34 km up and downriver, respectively. Farthest distances traveled by tagged walleye were 356.0 km and 95.1 km upriver and downriver, respec-tively. The upriver migrant tagged on 19 November 1973 at the Fabri-dam, Sunbury, Pennsylvania, was caught'y an angler at Johnson City, New York on 9 May 1974. The downriver migrant tagged on 14 January 1974 at the mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek was recaptured on 6 July 1974 at Dewart, Pennsylvania, in the West Branch Susquehanna River. This fish traveled approximately 59 km down the North Branch and then moved 35 km up the West Branch. Behmer (1964) in a study of movement of fishes in the Des Moines River in "Iowa found that 24/ of the tagged walleye remained in the area they were tagged, 44X moved upriver, and 32X went downriver. Only three of these walleye moved more than 8.0 km with the maximum movement of only 28.9 km. This study, however, extended only over 95 days. Cleary (1958, cited by Behmer 1964) in a study of walleye movement in the Missi-ssippi River, found an average movement of 80.5 km traveled by fish which moved out of their home pools. In our study, the average movement of walleye which left the tagging areas was 61.2 km in 1974. Northern pike moved upriver a distance of 6.5 km (Table E-24). Two muskellunge remained near the area they were tagged; one remained in the same area and one moved a distance of 0.4 km.

251 The number of tag returns per month may be indicative of fishing pressure on northern pike, muskellunge, and walleye in the River. Most tagged fish were captured in November (13 fish), followed by February (12 fish), May (8 fish), March (7 fish), October and January (5 fish each), July and December (4 fish each), and April, June, August, and September (0 each). Most of fishing pressure was from January through March and October through December, 1974. Based on tag returns the fishery for muskellunge, northern pike, and walleye is a winter fishery. REFERENCES'CITED Behmer, D. J. 1964. Movements and angler harvest of fishes in the Des Moines River, Boone County, Iowa. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 71: 259-263. Cleary, R. 1958. Iowa Conserv. Comm. Biol. Rept. 10(4): 4-5. (cited by Behmer 1964). Cummins, K. W. 1962. An evaluation of some techniques for the collection and analysis of benthic samples with special emphasis on lotic waters. Amer. Midi. Nat. 67 (2):. 477-504. Gale, W. F. and C. A. Gale. 1976. Selection of artificial spawning sites Ichthyological Associates, Inc. 1973. An ecological:study of the North Branch Susquehanna River in the vicinity of Berwick, Pennsylvania (Progress report for the period January-December 1972). Pennsylvania Power and Light Co., Allentown, Pennsylvania. 658 pp. Whittaker, R. H. and C. W. Fairbanks. 1958. A study of the plankton copepod communities in Columbia Basin, southeastern Washington. Ecology 39: 46-65.

252 Table E-1. Descriptions of fish sampling stations on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 Station Gear Location Substrate Vegetation a SSES Oneida trap net East bank 220 m (722 ft) below mouth of Fine sand to clay None Little Wapwallopen Creek SSES Frame net West bank 220 m (722 ft) below Ichthyo- Cobble None logical Associates'aboratory SSES Frame net East bank 1100 m (3608 ft) below mouth Cobble Sparse of Little Wapwallopen Creek SSES Seine East bank 15 m (49 ft) below mouth of Fine sand to clay None Little Wapwallopen Creek SSES Seine West bank 300 m (984 ft) below Ichthyo- Pebble and gravel Moderate logical Associates'aboratory Bell Bend Oneida trap net East bank 300 m (984 ft) below Berwick Pebble and gravel Sparse Boat Club landing Bell Bend Frame net West bank 450 m (1476 ft) above mouth Cobble None of small stream directly across from Wapwallopen Creek Bell Bend Frame net East bank 750 m (2461 ft) above mouth Pebble and .gravel Sparse of Wapwallopen Creek Bell Bend Seine East bank directly below launching ramp Coarse and medium Sparse at Berwick Boat Club sand Bell Bend Seine West bank 300 m (984 ft) above mouth Pebble and gravel None of small stream, directly across from Wapwallopen Creek Bloomsburg Seine Directly above and below Towne Marine Cobble None launching ramp Danville Seine Directly above and below Danville Boat Cobble None Club launching ramp a Classification modified from Cummins, K. W., 1962.

253 Table E-2. Fish species collected from the study areas on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 Angui.llidae Freshwater Eels

             ~Aufll         o   t  ata   -  American sal Salmonidae     -  Trouts Salmo     trutta -      brown    trout Esocidae    -  Pikes Esox    lucius     -  northern pike
g. ~was Anon muskellunge E. ~ni er chain pickerel Cyprinidae - Minnows and Carps
             ~Cam catena anomalum
                                             - stonoroller
             ~Grin      s ~car 1      -  carp
             ~gxo   lasso     ~axf1 1fn       o  - cutlips  minnmr Nocomis     ~iero      o on   -  r1wer ch b
             ~goto 1 on s ~cr sole cas - golden shiner
             ~Notre is a canus - comely shinar N. cornutus  common             shiner N.  ~s      n    s  - spottail       shiner N. Nrcona  swallowtail shiner N. rubellus - rosyface shiner N. ~silo rer s - spotfin shiner
             ~gtr is spp. - shiner                spp.
             ~pf e   hales notatus - bluntnose minnow
             ~ghfnfchth s atratulus  blacknose dace Semotilus atromaculatus - creek chub
g. ~cor oralis - fallffsh Catostomidae - Suckers
             ~Car fades ~crtnus - quillback Catostomus commersoni  white sucker
             ~He t      lf      ~ni  ricans     - n  rthern hog s eksr Ictaluridae - Freshwater Catfishes Ictalurus cetus - white catfish I. natalis  yellow bullhead I. nebulosus - brown bullhead
l. p nceat s -\hannel catfish Cyprinodontidae Killifishes P d lus ~dig bonus - banded kfllifish Centrarchidae Sunfishes
             ~Ablo lites ~xu estrfs - rock bass
             ~Le o is aurftus - redbreast sunfish L. ~c anelf s - green sunfish L. Nfbb sus - pu pkinseed L. macrochirus  bluegill
             ~Micr terus dolomie 1 - small uth bas M. salmoides  largemouth bass Pomoxis annularis  white crappie Percidae     - Perches Etheostoma olmstedi  tessellated               darter Perca flavescens - yellow perch Stizostedion vitreum              walleye

Table E-3. Numbers of fish captured with a 3.05-m (10-ft) seine at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 25 April 1974 SSES BELL BEND East West Total East West Total Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night S ecies Time 1605 2215 1620 2230 1535 2300 1545 2245 Comely shiner 0 8 0 0 8 0 1 0 7 8 Spottail shiner 3 17 0 13 33 0 26 0 27 53 Swallowtail shiner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 Rosyface shiner 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 Spotfin shiner 5 2 0 7 14 3 6 0 8 17 Bluntnose minnow 1 2 0 8 11 7 1 1 3 12 Pallfish 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 White crappie 1 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 Tessellated darter 1 2 0 1 4 1 2 1 2 6 Total 11 33 0 30 74 11 44 2 49 106 Table E-4. Numbers of fish captured with a 7.62-m (25-ft) bag seine at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 13 May 1974 SSES BELL BEND East West Total East West Total Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night S ecies Time 1215 2230 1145 2200 1115 2130 1130 Comely shiner 0 4 0 0 4 0 2 0 2 Spottail shiner 83 163 6 4 256 41 111 m 160 Swallowtail shiner 0 8 0 1 9 0 22 m 8 22 Spotfin shiner 6 2 21 12 41 5 130 0 'o 0 135 Bluntnose minnow 6 15 8 7 36 6 6 o 12 Fallfish 1 4 1 1 7 0 8 V ct m 8 White sucker 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 v o 0 c 0 Rock bass 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 1 N tf 1 White crappie 3 11 0 0 14 0 0 m 0 Tessellated darter 0 14 1 1 16 13 2 18 Total 99 223 37 26 385 65 282 358

Table E-5. Numbers of fish captured with a 7.62-m (25-ft) bag seine at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 13 June 1974 SSES BELL BEND East West Total East West Total Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night S ecies Time 1150 2305 1140 2250 1115 2235 1125 2240 Golden shiner 0 1 0 1 1 Comely shiner 0 0 0 2 2 Spottail shiner 3 4 0 0 2 Swallowtail shiner 0 1 1 0 1 Spotfin shiner 1 11 4 41 52 Bluntnose minnow 1 11 2 0 2 Quillback 0 3 0 5 5 White sucker 17 19 14 28 52 Shorthead redhorse 0 13 Rock bass 1 0 Bluegill 1 0 White crappie 5 0 0 0 0 0 Tessellated darter 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 Total 22 22 57 27 83 19 132 Table E-6. Numbers of fish captured with a 7.62-m (25-ft) bag seine at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 18 July 1974 SSES BELL BEND East West Total East West Total Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night S ecies Time 1505 1435 2245 1335 2215 1405 2230 Stoneroller 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 Cutlips minnow 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Golden shiner 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Comely shiner 0 0 0 0 5 0 14 0 19 Spottail shiner 19 159 27 205 16 5 42 12 75 Swallowtail shiner 6 0 0 6 1 6 0 0 7 Spotfin shiner 4 0 0 0 4 0 6 11 15 32 Bluntnose minnow 0 A 46 2 48 13 7 15 3 38 Creek chub O 4 tt 28 2 34 0 0 3 1 4 Fallfish 66 5 1 72 7 0 2 0 9 Quillback 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 1 2 White sucker 2 4 15 14 0 13 4 31 Northern hog sucker 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 Shorthead redhorse 2 0 6 0 2 0 2 Rock bass 0 1 1 0 0 0 Smallmouth bass 10 3 0 13 0 8 1 Largemouth bass 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 Black crappie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 Tessellated darter 16 8 .1 25 1 1 9 0 11 Total 146 257 39 442 57 25 125 39 246

Table E-7. Numbers of fish captured with a 7.62-m (25-ft) bag seine at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 19 August 1974 SSES BELL BEND East West Total East West Total Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night S ecies Time 1115 2345 1100 2330 1035 2300 1045 2315 Cutlips minnow 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 Golden shiner 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Comely shiner 0 4 0 4 2 0 19 0 21 Common shiner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Spottail shiner 2 59 5 70 5 5 0 20 30 Swallowtail shiner 1 22 0 23 1 1 0, 2 4 Rosyface shiner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Spotfin shiner 25 21 5 55 24 24 26 201 275 Bluntnose minnow 1 11 25 39 4 7 106 20 137 Fallfish 13 0 0 13 8 0 6 15 White sucker 0 9 0 18 2 6 0 21 29 Northern hog sucker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Shorthead redhorse 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Rock bass 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Pumpkinseed 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Bluegill 3 0 0 5 14 7 0 0 21 Smallmouth bass 5 2 1 12 0 0 4 1 5 Largemouth bass 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Black crappie 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 Tessellated darter 16 6 3 25 5 0 28 2 35 Total 66 136 39 29 270 71 51 190 272 584

Table E-8. Numbers of fish captured with a 7.62-m (25-ft) bag seine at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 17 September 1974 SSES BELL BEND East West Total East West Total Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night S ecies Time 1130 2315 1120 2300 1045 2230 1100 2245 River chub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Comely shiner 0 24 1 25 5 15 13 10 43 Satinfin shiner 0 27 0 27 3 2 0 27 32 Common shiner 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 Spottail shiner 0 92 0 94 0 9 1 16 26 Swallowtail shiner 0 16 0 16 0 15 4 3 22 Spotfin shiner 23 771 2 798 90 148 146 244 628 Bluntnose minnow 4 223 1 231 0 66 97 4 167 Creek chub 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 Fallfish 0 0 0 0 8 2 2 7 19 White sucker 0 15 0 17 0 15 1 14 30 Northern hog sucker 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Shorthead redhorse 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Channel catfish 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Rock bass 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 2 Pumpkinseed 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Bluegill 1 18 10 31 1 1 0 0 2 Smallmouth bass 0 0 1 2 3 1 1 0 5 Largemouth bass 4 1 2 7 0 1 1 0 2 Black crappie 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Tessellated darter 4 14 0 18 7 2 13 0 22 Total 37 1201 18 15 1271 119 281 280 327 1007

Table E-9 Numbers of fish captured with a 7.62-m (25-ft) bag seine at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 7 October 1974 SSES BELL BEND East West Total East West Total Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night S ecies Time 1115 2115 1100 2100 1030 2030 1045 2045 Golden shiner 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Comely shiner 1 6 0 5 12 4 0 0 8 12 Common shiner 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Spottail shiner 0 50 0 0 50 1 29 8 43 81 Swallowtail shiner 9 17 1 18 45 9 16 .0 10 35 Rosyface shiner 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Spotfin shiner 35 960 8 135 1138 10 183 44 405 642 Bluntnose minnow 115 261 3 28 407 11 216 12 45 284 Blacknose dace 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Pallfish 0 2 1 0 3 0 0 0 2 2 White sucker 0 12 0 0 12 0 4 0 4 8 Rock bass 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 Bluegill 1 2 0 0 3 0 2 3 1 6 Smallmouth bass 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 Black crappie 0' 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 Tessellated darter 5 6 1 9 21 11 7 0 1 19 Total 169 1323 14 195 1701 47 458 68 520 1093

Table E-10. Numbers of fish captured with a 7.62-m (25-ft) bag seine at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 12 November 1974 SSES BELL BEND East West Total East West Total Day Night Day Night Day Nigh>> Day Night S ecies Time 1500 2200 1445 2147 1345 2120 1430 2135 Golden shiner 0 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 Comely shiner 0 247 0 247 0 125 0 0 125 Spottail shiner 0 483 14 499 1 14 0 19 34 Swallowtail shiner 2 109 0 111 8 4 2 0 14 Spotfin shiner 607 280 3 893 3 71 501 44 619 Bluntnose minnow 6 188 2 201 16 29 2 30 77 White sucker 0 3 1 4 0 1 0 0 1 Rock bass 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Bluegill 1 12 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 White crappie 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Tessellated darter 0 8 8 25 25 35 7 4 71 Total 616 1338 22 28 2004 54 279 512 97 942 Table E-ll. Numbers of fish captured with a 7.62-m (25-f t) bag seine at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 30 December 1974 SSES BELL BEND East West Total East West Total Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night S ecies Time 1550 2310 1540 2250 1515 2230 1530 2240 Comely shiner 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 Spottail shiner 0 13 0 7 20 3 32 4 0 39 Swallowtail shiner 10 1 0 , 0 11 1 9 8 0 18 Spotfin shiner 4 3 4 6 17 18 27 6 35 86 Bluntnose minnow 2 32 0 2 36 0 9 0 1 10 Blacknose dace 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Creek chub 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Fallfish 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Banded killifish 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Rock bass 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Bluegill 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 Tessellated darter 12 0 2 0 14 4 42 19 2 67 Total 29 57 6 15 107 26 123 37 41 227

Table F 12. Frequency of capture and species composition (in percent) of fish taken by seine at SSES on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 Species Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Z Total Stoneroller 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0. 03 Cutlips minnow 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0. 02 Golden shiner 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 7 0 9 0. 14 Comely shiner 8 4 0 0 4 25 12 247 2 302 4.80 Common shiner 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0.03 Spottail shiner 33 256 4 205 70 94 50 499 20 1231 19.50 Swallowtail shiner 0 9 1 6 23 16 45 111 11 222 3.52 Rosyface shiner 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.02 Spotfin shiner 14 41 11 4 55 798 1138 893 17 2971 47.08 Shiner spp. 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 27 0.42 Bluntnose minnow 11 36 11 48 39 231 407 201 36 1020 16.16 Blacknose dace 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.02 Creek chub 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 34 0.54 Fallfish 1 7 0 72 13 0 3 0 0 96 1.52 Quillback 0 0 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 9 0. 14 White sucker 0 2 19 15 18 17 12 4 0 87 1. 38 Shorthead redhorse 0 0 0 6 2 1 0 0 0 9 0. 14 Channel catfish 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0. 02 Rock bass 0 0 1 1 2 2 1 0 0 7 0. 11 Pumpkinseed 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 0 0 6 0. 09 Bluegill 0 0 1 0 5 31 0 16 7 60 0. 95 Smallmouth bass 0 0 0 13 12 2 1 0 0 28 0.44 Largemouth bass 0 0 0 4 0 7 0 0 0 11 0.17 White crappie 3 14 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 23 0. 36 Black crappie 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. 0 0 3 0. 04 Tessellated darter 4 16 0 25 25 18 21 25 14 148 2.34 Total 74 385 57 442 270 1271 1701 2004 107 6311 99.98

Table E-13. Frequency of capture and species composition (in percent) of fish taken by seine at Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 Species Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Total Cutlips minnow 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 0.06 River chub 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.02 Golden shiner 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 0.06 Comely shiner 8 2 2 19 21 43 12 125 2 234 4.98 Common shiner 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 '0 3 0.06 Spottail shiner 53 160 2 75 30 26 81 34 39 500 10.65 Swallowtail shiner 2 22 1 7 4 22 35 14 18 125 2.66 Rosyface shiner 7 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 0.17 Spotfin shiner 17 135 52 32 275 628 642 619 86 2486 52.94 Shiner spp. 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 32 0.72 Bluntnose minnow 12 12 2 38 137 167 284 77 10 739 15.74 Blacknose dace 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0. 02 Creek chub 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 1 7 0.15 Fallfish 1 8 0 9 15 19 2 0 0 54 1. 15 Quillback 0 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 7 0. 15 White sucker 0 0 52 31 29 30 8 1 0 151 3.22 Northern hog sucker 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 6 0.13 Shorthead redhorse 0 0 13 2 0 0 0 0 0 15 0. 32 Banded killifish 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0.02 Rock bass 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 7 0. 15 Bluegill 0 0 0 0 21 2 6 0 0 29 0. 62 Smallmouth bass 0 0 0 9 5 5 1 0 0 20 0. 43 Largemouth bass 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 3 0.06 Black crappie 0 0 2 2 4 1 1 0 0 10 0. 21 Tessellated darter 6 18 0 11 35 22 19 71 67 249 5.30 Total 106 358 132 246 584 1007 1093 942 226 4694 99.99

262 Table E-14. Comparisons of .the east and west bank seining sites at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River with respect to percent similarity of species composition, 1974 Site Comparisons Percent Similarity SSES east to Bell Bend east 82.8 SSES east to Bell Bend west 79. 2 Bell Bend east to Bell Bend west 70. 9 SSES west to Bell Bend east 70.8 SSES east to SSES west 66.4 SSES west to Bell Bend west 56. 5

Table E-15. Numbers of fish captured with a 7.62-m (25-ft) bag seine at Bloomsburg and Danville on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 BLOOMSBURG DANVILLE Collection LRT-74-021 LRT-7 -138 LRT-74-024 LRT-74-136 AJG-74-329 Date No. 6 May 10 Sep '6 Dec AJG-74<<330 7 May 10 Sep 26 Dec Time 1500 1530 1550 1100 1130 1045 ~Sectes Total Total Golden shiner Comely shiner 10 10 Common shiner Spottail shiner 14 Swallowtail shiner 27 18 46 Spotfin shiner 18 39 18 75 22 34 Bluntnose minnow 85 98 Fall fish White sucker 0 Rock bass 0. 0 Green sunfish Pumpkinseed Bluegill 13 14 10 Smallmouth bass Largemouth bass White crappie 16 20 0 Black crappie 10 Tessellated darter Total 80 196 48 324 27 30 32 89

264 Table E-16. Numbers of fish captured with two, 0.92 x 1.83-m (3 x 6-ft) frame nets and one~ 1.22-m (4-ft) Oneida trap net at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, April through November 1974 SSES BELL BEND Collection No. AAS-74-005> 006, 007 022, 023, 028 009, 010, 011 024, 026, 027 Date 24-25 Apr 25-26 Apr 24-25 Apr , 25-26 Apr Time 0910-1430 1330-1120 1010-1516 1458-1045

~Scenes                                                              Total                                          Total Muskellunge                                  0               1           1                0                   0          0 Carp                                         0               1           1                 2                  1          3 Golden shiner                                1               0           1                0                   0         0 Spotfin shiner                               0               0           0                0                   1 Quillback                                    0               4                            3                   2 White    catfish                             1               1                            0                  0 Brown    bullhead                            3               4                             1                  2 Channel catfish                              0               1                            0                  0 Rock bass                                    1               1                             1                  2 Bluegill                                     1               0                            0                  0 White crappie                             288              60         348                 0                  0 Black crappie                              21             111         132                 2                  0 Yellow perch                                0                1           1                0                  0          0 Walleye                                      1               0           1                0                  0          0 Total                              317             185         502                                             17 SSES                                          BELL BEND Collection    No.            LRT-74-028, 029, 030    042, 043, 044                033, 034, 035     045, 046, 047 Date                                   20-21 May       21-22 May                      20-21 May           21-22 May Time                                    0915-0950       0830-0945                      1030-0910           0855-1045

~cecies Total Total Carp 3 1 4 0 0 0 guillback 2 0 2 2 0 White catfish 1 0 1 0 Brown bullhead 3 1 0 0 Rock bass 0 1 1 2 Pumpkinseed 2 1 1 0 Bluegill 1 0 0 0 Largemouth bass 0 0 0 1 White crappie 2 1 3 0 0 Black crappie 0 2 2 2 1 Total 14 7 21 SSES BELL BEND Collection No. LRT-74-057, 058, 059 074, 075, 076 062, 063, 064 071, 072, 073 Date 10-11 Jun 11-12 Jun 10-11 Jun 11-12 Jun Time 0955-0710 0700-1050 1010-0725 0715-1000 ~Sec tee Total Total Carp 0 0 0 1 2 3 guillback 0 0 0 1 2 3 White catfish 1 0 1 0 0 0 Brown bullhead 2 3 5 0 0 Channel catfish 3 0 3 0 0 Rock bass 0 0 0 2 2 Green sunfish 0 1 1 0 0 Bluegill 0 7 7 1 2 Largemouth bass 0 1 1 0 0 0 Black crappie 2 5 7 1 1 2 Total 17 25 15

265 Table E-16 (cont.) SSES BELL BEND Collection No. LRT-74-088, 089, 090 094, 095, 096 091, 092, 093 097, 098, 099 Date 17-18 Jul 18-19 Jul 17-18 Jul 18-19 Jul Time 1340-0945 0925-1110 1420-0900 0830-0950 ~Sec ice Total Total American eel 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 6 Carp Spotfin shiner 0 0 0 1 Quillback 1 1 1 3 White sucker 0 0 0 1 Yellow bullhead 0 1 0 0 Brown bullhead 4 6 1 5 Channel catfish 0 0 0 1 Rock bass 0 3 2 5 Green sunfish 0 1 1 1 Pumpkinseed 0 3 16 17 Bluegill 0 0 10 12 0 0 1 Smallmouth bass 0 0 1 Largemouth bass White crappie 37 26 63 9 Black crappie 19 31 50 15 Yellow perch 1 0 1 0 0 Walleye 1 0 1 0 0 0 Total 68 62 130 35 44 79 SSES BELL BEND Collection No. LRT-74-118, 119> 120 124, 125, 126 121, 122, 123 127, 128, 129 Date 20-21 Aug 21-22 Aug 20-21 Aug 21-22 Aug Time 1020-1105 0950-1140 0915-0940 0915-1425

~eeciee                                                Total                                  Total Golden shiner                    0                1         1                                    0 Quillback                        5               0         5                                      3 White sucker                     0                1         1                                     2 White. catfish                   0               0         0                                      1 Brown bullhead                  15              12       27                                       6 Channel catfish                  1                1         2                                    0 Rock bass                         1               1         2                                     2 Green sunfish                     1               4         5                                    0 Pumpkinseed                      2                6         8                                     3 Bluegill                        10               0        10                                    10 Largemouth bass                   1               0         1                                     0 48                                                7 White crappie                   23                       71 Black crappie                   32              15       47           18                        24 Walleye                          0                0         0           1               0         1 Total                     91              89      180          40                19       59

266 Table E-16 (cont.) SSES Collection No. LRT-74-139, 140, 141 148, 149, 150 142, 143, 144 145, 146, 147 Date 10-11 Sep 11-12 Sep 10-11 cep 11-12 Sep Time 1055-1135 1120-1140 1115-1105 1045-1340 ~>ecees Total Total Carp 1 1 2 1 guillback 4 1 5 0 White sucker 0 1 1 0 Shorthead redhorse 0 1 1 0 Brown bullhead 3 3 6 0 Channel catfish 1 3 4 0 Rock bass 0 0 0 3 Pumpkinseed 1 3 4 4 Bluegill 1 0 1 1 White crappie 19 10 29 0- 1 Black crappie 22 7 29 0 0 0

    ,Total                        52            30         82                                10 SSES Collection   No.       AJG-74-190, 191, 192 196, 197, 198       193, 194, 195 199, 200, 201 Date                            8-9 Oct       9-10 Oct            8-9 Oct       9-10 Oct Time                           0850-1055     1025-1017           0915-1125     1105-1100

~>esses Total Total guillback 0 0 0 10 10 White catfish 1 1 2 0 Brown bullhead 5 2 7 0 Channel catfish 1 0 1 0 Rock bass 12 0 12 1 Pumpkinseed 0 0 0 1 Bluegill 5 0 5 0 Largemouth bass 0 1 1 0 White crappie 36 19 55 1 4 Black crappie 38 16 54 0 0 0 Total 98 39 137 12 16 SSES BELL BEND Collection No. AJG-74-228, 229> 230 242, 243, 244 231, 232, 233 245, 246, 247 Date 12-13 Nov 13-14 Nov 12-13 Nov 13-14 Nov Time 0945-1130 1100-1125 1035-1045 1030-1055 ce s Total Total Muskellunge 0 1 1 0 Carp 1 1 2 0 Quillback 1 0 1 0 White catfish 0 7 7 0 Brown bullhead 26 17 43 1 Channel catfish 3 3 0 Rock bass 1 2 0 Bluegill 0 2 1 Largemouth bass 0 1 0 White crappie 8 13 1 Black crappie 2 5 0 0 0 Total 40 40 80

Table E-17. Frequency of capture and species composition (in percent) of fish taken by trap nets at SSES on the North Branch Susque-hanna River, 1974 Species Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total X Total Muskellunge 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0.17 Carp 1 1 0 2 0 2 10 0.86 Golden shiner 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0.17 Quillback 4 0 5 5 0 1 17 1. 46 White sucker 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0. 17 Shorthead redhorse 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.08 White catfish 2 0 0 0 2 7 13 1. 12 Yellow bullhead 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0. 08 Brown bullhead 7 6 27 6 7 43 105 9. 08 Channel catfish 1 0 2 4 1 3 14 l. 21 Rock bass 2 3 2 0 12 2 22 1. 90 Green sunfish 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 0.26 Pumpkinseed 0 3 6 4 0 0 16 1. 38 Bluegill 1 0 16 1 5 2 33 2. 85 Largemouth bass 0 0 1 0 1 1 4 0. 35 White crappie 440 63 71 29 55 13 674 58. 25 Black crappie 40 50 47. 29 54 5 234 20. 40 Yellow perch 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0. 17 Walleye 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0. 17 Total 502 21 . 25 130 180 82 137 80 1157 100.13

Table F 18. Frequency of capture and species composition (in percent) of fish taken by trap nets at Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 Species Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total X Total American eel 1 0 0 1 0. 48 Carp 6 0 0 13 6.91 Spottail shiner 1 0 0 2 0. 95 Quillback 3 3 10 26 12. 27 White sucker 1 2 0 3 1. 32 White catfish 0 1 0 2 0. 95 Brown bullhead 5 6 0 15 7.04 Channel cat@sh 1 0 0 1 0.48 Rock bass 5 2 1 21 10. 00 Green sunfish 1 0 0 1 0. 48 Pumpkinseed 17 3 1 26 12.28 Bluegill 12 10 0 27 12.66 Smallmouth bass 1 0 0 1 0.48 Largemouth bass 1 0 0 2 0.95 White crappie 9 7 4 22 10. 37 Black crappie 15 24 0 46 21.90 Walleye 0 1 0 1 0.48 Total 17 15 79 59 10 16 210 100. 00

269 Table E-19. Numbers of fish, either captured or observed in day and night samples using an a-c electro-fisher at SSES and Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, April through December 1974 SSES BELL BEND Collection No. AAS-74-001 AAS-74-003 AAS-74-002 AAS-74-004 Date 22 Apr 22 Apr 22 Apr 22-23 Apr Time 1103-1155 2220-2316 1200-1310 2320-0016 Da Ni ht Da Ni ht ~Sec ice Total Total Muskellunge 1 2 3 2 1 3 Carp 2 11 13 15 14 29 Quillback 62 58 120 71 44 .115 White sucker 5 12 17 15 27 42 Shorthead redhorse 6 10 16 10 63 73 Brown bullhead 0 0 0 1 0 1 Walleye 0 0 0 0 2 2 Total 76 93 169 114 151 165 SSES BELL BEND Collection No. LRT-74-053 LRT-74-056 LRT-74-054 LRT-74-055 Date 28 May 28 May 28 May 28-29 May Time 1340-1423 2300-2340 1428-1507 2347-0034 Da Ni ht Da Ni ht ~eecies Total Total Carp 2 13 15 3 4 7 Fallfish 0 0 0 0 1 1 Quillback 18 36 54 69 83 152 White sucker 5 33 38 3 27 30 Shorthead redhorse 4 5 9 10 52 62 Brown bullhead 0 3 3 0 0 0 Bluegill 2 2 4 2 2 4 Smallmouth bass 1 0 1 0 1 1 Yellow perch 0 1 1 0 0 0 Walleye 0 2 2 0 0 0 Total 32 95 127 87 170 257 SSES BELL BEND Collection No. LRT-74-077 LRT-74-078 LRT-74-079 LRT-74-080 Date 13 Jun 13-14 Jun 13 Jun 14 Jun Time 1407-1459 2325-0008 1500-1554 0008-0053 Da Ni ht Da Ni ht ~Scenes Total Total Carp 10 1 11 17 10 27 Fallfish 10 0 10 0 1 1 Qui,llback 8 3 11 25 45 70 White sucker 18 15 33 7 41 48 Northern hog sucker 0 0 0 0 7 7 Shorthead redhorse 17 5 22 4 12 16 Brown bullhead 0 0 0 1 1 2 Channel catfish 1 0 1 0 0 0 Rock bass 0 0 0 2 0 2 Pumpkinseed 1 0 1 6 0 6 Bluegill 1 0 1 4 2 6 Smallmouth bass 4 0 4 5 0 5 Largemouth bass 1 0 1 2 0 2 Walleye 0 1 1 1 2 3 Total 71 25 96 74 121 195

Table E-19 (cont.) 270 SSES BELL BEND Collection No. LRT-74-084 LRT-74-086 LRT-74-085 LRT-74-087 Date 16 Jul 16-17 Jul 16 Jul 17 Jul Time 1026-1120 2315-0011 1407-1547 0011-0056 Da Ni ht Da Ni ht

~Secies                                          Total                              Total Muskellunge                 0              0          0         4             0          4 Carp                      21               8        29          8           18         26 Fallfish                    2              0          2         0             0          0 Quillback                 30             65         95        19          105        124 White sucker              45             66       111           7           96       103 Northern hog sucker          1             0          1         1             2          3 Shorthead redhorse        33             63         96          2           76         78 Brown bullhead               1             1          2         0             0          0 Rock bass                   0              0          0         0             1          1 Pumpkinseed                 0              0          0         0             2          2 Bluegill                    1              1          2       23              7        30 Smallmouth bass           11               4        15          3             4          7 Largemouth bass             1              0          1         0             1          1 Black crappie               0              0          0         1             0          1 Yellow perch                3              0          3         0             0          0 Walleye                     0              1          1         0             1          1 Total             149            209        358         68         313        381 SSES                             BELL BEND Collection  No. LRT-74-131     LRT-74-133           LRT-74-132    LRT-74-134 Date                   29 Aug          30 Aug               29 Aug    29-30 Aug Time                 1038-1125     0015-0120             1335-1421    2320-0014 Da             Ni ht                Da          Ni ht

~Sec fee Total Total Muskellunge 0 1 1 1 0 1 Carp 4 14 18 22 7 29 Quillback 7 36 43 93 76 169 White sucker 6 36 42 50 98 148 Northern hog sucker 10 17 27 16 11 27 Shorthead redhorse 20 151 171 43 56 99 Rock bass 0 5 5 2 1 3 Pumpkinseed 2 10 12 5 0 5 Bluegill 3 31 34 7 3 10 Smallmouth bass 6 41 47 18 11 29 Largemouth bass 2 13 15 1 1 2 Black crappie 0 2 2 0 0 0 Yellow perch 0 1 1 0 0 0 Walleye 0 9 9 0 2 2 Total 60 367 427 258 266 524 SSES BELL BEND Collection No. LRT-74-151 LRT-74-153 LRT-74-152 LRT-74-154 Date 16 Sep 16-17 Sep 16 Sep 16-17 Sep Time 1024-1112 2337-0040 1340-1422 0040-0128 Da Ni ht Da Ni ht ~eecies Total Total American eel 0 1 1 0 0 0 Muskellunge 1 1 2 1 0 1 Carp 12 9 21 9 7 16 Quillback 10 27 37 92 40 132 White sucker 15 92 107 12 39 51 Northern hog sucker 35 30 65 0 1 1 Shorthead redhorse 1 52 53 24 19 43 Brown bullhead 0 0 0 0 1 1 Channel catfish 0 0 0 1 0 1 Rock bass 1 4 5 2 2 4 Pumpkinseed 0 3 3 17 4 21 Bluegill 4 12 16 16 8 24 Smallmouth bass 43 20 63 28 14 42 Largemouth bass 18 5 23 8 12 Black crappie 0 1 1 1 0 1 Yellow perch 0 0 0 3 1 4 Walleye 0 9 9 1 2 3 Total 140 266 406 215 142 357

271 Table E-19 (cont.) SSES BELL BEND Collection No. AJG-74-202 AJG-74-204 AJG-74-203 AJG-74-205 Date 17 Oct 17 Oct 17 Oct 17-18 Oct Time 0925-1058 2215-2344 1110-1235 2350-0132 Da Ni ht Da Ni ht ~eecees Total Total Chain pickerel 2 0 2 6 3 9 Carp 1 38 39 3 95 98 guillback 1 132 133 20 102 122 White sucker 263 61 '24 249 172 421 Northern hog sucker 66 8 74 0 0 Shorthead redhorse 1 2 3 0 Brown bullhead 0 5 5 7 7 Channel catfish 0 2 2 1 1 Rock bass 0 2 2 0 37 37 Pumpkinseed 0 1 1 0 0 Bluegill 16 18 34 7 0'2 19 Smallmouth bass 21 5 26 13 4 17 Largemouth bass 43 22 65 13 19 32 White crappie 0 1 1 0 2 2 Black crappie 0 5 5 2 2 Yellow perch 2 2 4 6 6 Walleye 2 3 5 18 18 Total 418 307 725 311 480 791 SSES BELL BEND Collection No. AJG-74-248 AJG-74-250 AJG-74-249 AJG-74-251 Date 19 Nov 19 Nov 19 Nov 19 Nov Time 1050-1205 1955-2120 1320-1450 2150-2335 Da Ni .ht Da Ni ht Success Total Total Muskellunge 1 2 3 0 1 1 Chain pickerel 1 3 4 41 25 66 Carp 2 6 8 4 9 13 Fallfish 0 0 0 0 1 1 Quillback 0 1 1 0 1 1 White sucker 5 43 48 24 82 106 Northern hog sucker 0 0 0 3 0 3 Shorthead redhorse 0 0 0 0 1 1 Brown bullhead 0 0 0 0 1 1 Rock bass 0 0 0 0 25 25 Pumpkinseed 0 0 0 1 0 1 Bluegill 13 28 41 1 17 18 Smallmouth bass 2 1 3 0 0 0 Largemouth bass 13 2 15 5 5 10 White crappie 13 99 112 3 2 5 Black crappie 2 76 78 0 0 0 Walleye 1 6 7 0 15 15 Total 53 267 320 82 185 267

272 Table E-19 (cont.) SSES BELL BEND Collection No. AJG-74-342 AJG-74-344 AJG-74-343 AJG-74-345 Date 30 Dec 30 Dec 30 Dec 30 Dec Time 0910-1020 1930-2100 1120-1240 2100-2220 Da Ni ht Da Ni ht ~eeefee Total Total American eel 0 0 0 1 0 1 Brown trout 0 0 0 0 1 1 Muskellunge 1 0 1 2 0 2 Chain pickerel 2 8 10 6 ll 17 Carp 0 0 0 0 2 2 guillback 5 3 8 0 2 2 White sucker 3 21 24 3 33 36 Northern hog sucker 0 1 1 1 0 1 Shorthead redhorse 0 1 1 0 33 33 Rock bass 1 1 2 0 2 2 Bluegill 8 3 11 0 1 1 Smallmouth bass- 10 1 11 0 8 8 Largemouth bass 1 11 12 8 3 11 White crappie 289 210 499 13 110 123 Black crappie 162 70 232 0 7 7 Yellow perch 1 11 12 0 1 1 Walleye 1 3 4 0 11 11 Total 484 344 828 34 225 259

Table E-20. Frequency of capture and species composition (in percent) of fish taken by electrofisher at SSES on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 Species Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total X Total American eel 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.03 Muskellunge 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 3 1 10 0.29 Chain pickerel 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 10 16 0.46 Carp 13 15 11 29 18 21 39 8 0 154 4.46 Fallfish 0 0 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 12 0.35 Quillback 120 54 11 95 43 37 133 1 8 502 14.53 White sucker 17 38 33 111 42 107 324 48 24 744 21.53 Northern hog sucker 0 0 0 1 27 65 74 0 1 168 4.86 Shorthead redhorse 16 9 22 96 171 53 3 0 1 371 10.73 Brown bullhead 0 3 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 10 0.29 Channel catfish 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0.09 Rock bass 0 0 0 0 5 5 2 0 2 14 0.41 Pumpkinseed 0 0 1 0 12 3 1 0 0 17 0. 49 Bluegill 0 4 1 2 34 16 34 41 11 143 4. 14 Smallmouth bass 0 1 4 15 47 63 26 3 11 170 4.92 Largemouth bass 0 0 1 1 15 23 65 15 12 132 3.82 White crappie 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 112 499 612 17.71 Black crappie 0 0 0 0 2 1 5 78 232 318 9.20 Yellow perch 0 1 0 3 1 0 4 0 12 21 0.61 Walleye 0 2 1 1 9 9 5 7 4 38 1. 10 Total 169 127 96 358 4"7 406 725 320 828 3456 100.02

Table F 21. Frequency of capture and species composition (in percent) of fish taken by electrofisher at Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974 0 Species Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total X Total American eel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0. 03 Brown trout, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0. 03 Muskellunge 3 0 0 4 1 1 0 1 2 12 0. 36 Chain pickerel 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 66 17 92 2. 79 Carp 29 7 27 26 29 16 . 98 13 2 247 7.49 Fallfish 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0.09 guillback 115 152 70 124 169 132 122 1 2 887 26.91 White sucker 42 30 48 103 148 51 421 106 36 985 29.88 Northern hog sucker 0 0 7 3 27 1 0 3 1 42 1. 27 Shorthead redhorse 73 62 16 78 99 43 0 1 33 405 12.29 Brown bullhead 1 0 2 0 0 1 7 1 0 12 0.36 Channel catfish 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0.06 Rock bass 0 0 2 1 3 4 37 25 2 74 2.25 Pumpkinseed 0 0 6 2 5 21 0 1 0 35 1.06 Bluegill 0 4 6 30 10 24 19 18 1 112 3.40 Smallmouth bass 0 1 5 7 29 42 17 0 8 109, 3.31 Largemouth bass 0 0 2 1 2 12 32 10 11 70 2.12 White crappie 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 123 130 3.94 Black crappie 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 7 11 0. 33 Yellow perch 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 0 1 11 0.33 Walleye 2 0 3 1 2 3 18 15 11 55 1. 67 Total 265 257 195 381 524 357 791 267 259 3296 99. 97

Table F 22. Numbers of fish either captured or observed using an a<<c electrofisher at Bloomsburg and Danville on the North Branch Susquehanna'iver, 1974 BLOOMSBURG DANVILLE Collection No. LRT-74>>022 LRT-74-137 AJG-74-341 LRT-74-023 LRT-74-135 AJG-74-340 Date 6 May 10 Sep 26 Dec 7 May 10 Sep 26 Dec Time 1155-1241 1620-1649 1440-1540 0947-1028 1038-1106 0935-1025 ~Secfes Total Total Muskellunge Chain pickerel 28 66 15 109 37 33 71 Carp Fallfish guillback 27 28 55 18 27 48 White sucker 24 145 170 10 Northern hog sucker 150 150 Shorthead redhorse 10 0 Redbreast sunfish Bluegill 13 Smallmouth bass 34 38 Walleye Unidentified Total 94 428 22 544 62 70 19 151

276 Table E-23. Numbers and species of fish tagged and percentage recovered on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1972 through 1974 No. Ta ed Total No. Total No. Percent S ecies 1972 1973 1974 Ta ed Recovered Recovered Amerlcal eel Brown trout 50. 0 Rainbow trout Northern pike 60. 0 Muskellunge 23 19 50 18 36.0 Chain pickerel 40.0 Carp 19 19 10. 5 guillback White sucker Shorthead redhorse 10 10 White catfish 15 15 Yellow bullhead 20. 0 Brown bullhead 113 113 6.2 Channel catfish 16 16 6.3 Rock bass 33. 3 ,Smallmouth bass 14 19 21. 1 Largemouth bass 24 34 23.5 White crappie 28.6 Black crappie 25 25 Yellow perch Walleye 172 231 204 607 179 29.5 Total 451 268 236 955 232 24. 3

Table E-24. Tag return data for fish recaptured in 1974 Species Reca tured Ca tured Ta ed and Released Distance traveled Date Location Date Location km mi) Northern pike 9 May 1974 Mocanaqua Pool 29 Mar 1973 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 6.5 4.0 Muskellunge 2 Feb 1974 Mouth of Briar Creek, Bexwick> PA 24 Apr 1973 Briar Creek, Warren Street C rossing 0.4 0. 2 Muskellunge 18 Feg 1974 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 17 Jan 1974 SSES 0.0 0.0 Walleye 16 Jan 1974 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 5 Dec 1973 SSES 0.0 0.0 Walleye 16 Jan 1974 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 2 Mar 1973 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 0.0 0.0 Walleye 16 Jan 1974 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 5 Dec 1973 SSES 0.0 0.0 Walleye 27 Jan 1974 Berwick Boat Club 18 Jan 1973 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 2.1 1.3 Walleye 27 Jan 1974 PP&L Dam, Hummels Wharf, PA 19 Nov 1973 Fabri-Dam, Sunbury, PA 1.6 1.0 Walleye 5 Feb 1974 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 2 Mar 1973 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 0.0 0.0 Walleye 13 Feb 1974 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 4 Dec 1973 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 0.0 0.0 Walleye 19 Feb 1974 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 16 Jan 1974 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 0.0 0.0 Walleye 21 Feb 1974 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 16 Jan 1974 SEES 0.0 0.0 Walleye 21 Feb 1974 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 17 Jan 1974 SSES 0.0 0.0 Walleye 21 Feb 1974 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 7 Jan 1974 SSES 0.0 0.0 Walleye 21 Feb 1974 Mouth of Wapwallopen Creek 29 Dec 1972 SSES 1.9 1.2 Walleye 21 Feb 1974 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 2 Mar 1973 SSES 0.0 0.0 Walleye 2 Mar 1974 Mouth of Fishing Creek, Bloomsburg, PA 19 Nov 1973 Fabri-Dam, Sunbuzy, PA 44.0 27.0 Walleye 4 Mar 1974 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 2 Mar 1973 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 0.0 0.0 Walleye 8 Mar 1974 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 5 Dec 1973 SSES 0.0 0.0 Walleye 8 Mar 1974 Mouth of Little 'Wapwallopen Creek 15 Jan 1974 SSES 0.0 0.0 Walleye 8 Mar 1974 Fabri-Dam, Sunbury, PA 19 Nov 1973 Fabri-Dam, Sunbury, PA 0.0 0.0 Walleye 19 Mar 1974 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 15 Nov 1974 SSES 0.0 0.0 Walleye 21 Mar 1974 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 20 Nov 1973 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 0.0 0.0 Walleye 7 May 1974 Mouth of Shickshinny Creek 7 Jun 1973 Little Island 2.0 1.2 Walleye 9 May 1974 Johnson City, NY 19 Nov 1973 Fabri-Dam, Sunbury, PA 356.0 221. 0 Walleye 20 May 1974 Bloomsburg, PA 19 Nov 1973 Fabri-Dam, Sunbury, PA 44.0 27.0 Walleye 22 May 1974 SSES 25 Apr 1974 SSES 0.0 0.0 Walleye 23 May 1974 Mouth of Wapwallopen Creek 20 Jun 1973 Mouth of Wapwallopen Creek 0.0 0.0 Walleye 27 May 1974 Dalmatia, PA 19 Nov 1973 Fabri-Dam, Sunbury, PA 31. 2 19.5 Walleye 6 JuL 1974 Dewart, PA 14 Jan 1974 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 95.1 59.2 Walleye 16 Jul 1974 Tunkhannock, PA 4 Dec 1973 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 86. 4 54.0 Walleye 18 Jul 1974 Clarks Ferry, PA 19 Nov 1973 Fabri-Dam, Sunbury, PA 54.2 33. 7 Walleye 30 Jul 1974 Millersburg, PA 19 Nov 1973 Fabri-Dam, Sunbury, PA 48.0 30. 0 Walleye 12 Oct 1974 Selinsgrove, PA 4 Mar 1974 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 71. 4 45.0 Walleye 30 Oct 1974 PP&L Dam, Hummels barf, PA 19 Nov 1973 Fabri-Dam, Sunbury, PA 1.6 1.0 Walleye 30 Oct 1974 PP&L Dam, Hmaaels Wharf, PA 19 Nov 1973 Fabri-Dam, Sunbury, PA 1.6 1.0 Walleye 30 Oct 1974 PP&L Dam, Hummels Wharf, PA 15 Jan 1974 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 65.2 40.5 Walleye 31 Oct 1974 PP&L Dam, Hummels Wharf, PA 19 'Nov 1973 Fabri-Dam, Sunbury, PA 1.6 1.0 Walleye 1 Nov 1974 Selinsgrove, PA 19 Nov 1973 Fabri-Dam, Sunbury, PA 9.7 6.0 Walleye 1 Nov 1974 Selinsgrove, PA 15 Jan 1974 Bell Bend 69. 3 43.7 Walleye 2 Nov 1974 Fabri-Dam, Sunbury, PA 19 Nov 1973 Fabri-Dam, Sunbury, PA 0.0 0.0 Walleye 5 Nov 1974 Bell Bend 17-Oct 1974 Bell Bend 0.0 0.0 Walleye 6 Nov 1974 SSES 5 Nov 1974 Bell Bend 1.9 1.2 Walleye 8 Nov 1974 PP&L Dam, Hummels Wharf, PA 7 Nov 1974 PP&L Dam, Hummels Wharf, PA 0.0 0.0 Walleye 8 Nov 1974 PP&L Dam, Hummels Wharf, PA 7 Nov 1974 PP&L Dam, Hummels Wharf, PA 0.0 0.0 Walleye 10 Nov 1974 Kellersburg, PA 15 Jan 1974 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 82. 0 51.0 Walleye 10 Nov 1974 Endwell, NY 19 Nov 1973 Fabri-Dam, Sunbury, PA 320. 0 200.0 Walleye 10 Nov 1974 Berwick Boat Club 7 Nov 1974 PP&L Dam, Hummels Wharf, PA 70. 0 43. 5 Walleye 10 Nov 1974 Fabri-Dam, Sunbury, PA 7 Nov 1974 PP&L Dam, Hummels Wharf, PA 1.6 1.0 Walleye 14 Nov 1974 Fabri-Dam, Sunbury, PA 3 Mar 1973 Wapwallopen Creek 57. 9 36. 0 Walleye 28 Nov 1974 Fabri-Dam, Sunbury, PA 4 Mar 1973 Mouth of Little Wapwallopen Creek 59.2 37.2 Walleye 3 Dec 1974 Bezwick Boat Club 17 Oct 1974 Bell Bend 0.2 0.1 Walleye 6 Dec 1974 PP&L Dam, Hummels Wharf, PA 7 Nov 1974 PP&L Dam, Hummels Wharf, PA 0.0 0.0 Walleye 21 Dec 1974 Fabri-Dam, Sunbury, PA 7 Nov 1974 PP&L Dam, Hummels Wharf, PA 1.6 1.0 Walleye 25 Dec 1974 PP&L Dam, Hum@mls Wharf, PA 7 Nov 1974 PP&L Dam, Hummels Wharf, PA 0.0 0.0


                       =""--GAS-LINE       CROSSING RUN        RUN I


                                          .... SN      SEINE Fig. E-1. Monitoring stations at  SSES    on the  North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974.


                         , RUN 2


                   ~ 'ERWICK TN

BOAT CLUB RUN E NORTH LEGEND RUNS I "5 " A C ELECTROFISHER I KILOMETER Ll TN " TRAP NETS'.. SN - SEINE I MILE Fig. E-2. Monitoring stations at Bell Bend on the North Branch Susquehanna River, 1974.

280 TERRESTRIAL ECOLOGY John R. Burton TABLE OF CONTENTS Page S UMMARYo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 282 INTRODUCTION.......................... ~ ........ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 284 TREES AND SAPLINGS 284 Procedures..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 284 Results.o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 286 BIRDS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 289 Procedures..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 289 Results........ 90 MAMMALS~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 292 Procedures..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 292 Resultss ~ ~ '

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~                ~   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~      293 REFERENCES         CITED...............,......................,....,............                                                                    294 LIST      OF TABLES Table    F-l.          Locations of vegetational Transects 9-12 in the                                                      vicinity of      SSESy       1974 ~    ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~   ~ ~          ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Table F-2. Trees and saplings sampled on Transects 9-12 in the vicinity of SSES, 1974...................,,.......,....,.. 296 Table F-3. Phytosociological analyses of 308 trees sampled on vege-tational Transect 9 in the vicinity of SSES, 1974......... 297

281 Page Table F-4. Phytosociological analyses of 308 saplings sampled on vegetational Transect 9 in the vicinity of SSES, 1974...... 297 Table F-5. Phytosociological . . . 400 trees . . . Transect 10 . 1 974 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 298 Table F-6. Phytosociological . . . 400 saplings . . . Transect 10 1 974 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 298 Table F-7. Phytosociological . . . 216 trees . . . Transect 11 1 974 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 299 Table F-8. Phytosociological . . . 216 saplings . . . Transect ll 1 974 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 299 Table F-9. Phytosociological . . . 152 trees . . . Transect 12 . 1 974 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 300 Table F-10. Phytosociological . . . 150 saplings . . . Transect 12 1 974o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 300 Table F-ll. Phytosociological . . . 1,076 trees . . . Transects 9-12

           ~  ~   ~   1974     ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~     ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~                                    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~    30 1 Table F-12. Phytosociological                     .    .    . 1,074 saplings                       .      .   . Transects 9 -12... 1974............................................                                                                                302 Table F-13. List of         herbaceous              plants found in the vicinity of                                                SSES, 1 974  ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~            ~    ~ ~   ~     ~        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~     ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~   303 Table F-14. List of birds                observed              in the vicinity of                              SSES,        1974.......               304 Table F-15. Numbers         of bird species observed during 20 systematic bird counts in the vicinity of SSES from January through.

December 1974........................ ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 306 Table F-16. List of mammals collected in the vicinity of SSES, 1974.... 309 Table F-17. Small mammals captured, sexed, and measured in the vicinity of SSES, 1974.......................-.............. 310 I Table F-18. Mammals captured, sexed, and weighed in the vicinity of SSES 1974.............. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ 31 3 LIST OF FIGURES Fig. F-1. Locations of the bird-count route, vegetational transects (9-12), and relevant landmarks in the vicinity of SSES, 1974 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 314



1. The objectives of the terrestrial studies in 1974 were to further identify and describe the floral communities and faunal populations found in the vicinity of the =SSES Site.
2. Trees and saplings were sampled using the plotless quarter method at L

four transects. Phytosociological indices were calculated for each species of tree and sapling sampled. Herbaceous plants were also collected along the transects.

3. Red maple, black oak, eastern hemlock, and gray birch composed 47/ and 37X of the total"importance values"of all transects for trees and saplings, respectively. Similarity in the composition of trees and saplings suggests that dominant tree species are successfully re-producing>>

A total of 42 species of herbaceous plants representing 19 families was either collected or observed.

5. Bird populations were sampled by systematic counts 1-3 times each month. Nonsystematic observations of birds were also made.
6. A total of l38 species of birds was identified. Ninety-seven species of 34 families were identified during 20 systematic counts and the remaining 41 species, mostly aquatic forms, were observed on the River in the vicinity of the SSES Site.


7. Numbers of birds per systematic count were low in winter and summer and high during spring and fall migrations.
8. The icterids, mostly common grackle, rusty blackbird, and red-winged blackbird, and the fringillids (finches, sparrows, cardinals, etc.)

composed over 50/ of the total number of birds counted. The only sturnid observed was the starling; it only made up 8/ of the total count but was the most numerous bird species seen on the Station Site. The turdids, mostly American robin and wood thrush, composed about 7/ of the total counts. Most of the Corvidae (crows and blue-jays), Paridae (chickadees and titmice), Columbidae (doves), and the Picidae (woodpeckers) were year-round residents and they composed nearly 15/ of the birds counted.

9. Live trapped mammals were sexed, measured, and either marked or tagged before they were released.
10. Of the 188 mammals (13 species) captured in the vicinity of the SSES Site, 142 were small mammals and 46 were either game or fur-bearers. All of the recaptured small mammals were taken at the stations of initial capture.

284 INTRODUCTION The terrestrial ecology in the vicinity of the SSES Site has been investigated by Ichthyological Associates since 1971. The most com-prehensive studies were made in 1973 when the distribution of trees and saplings and the phenological occurrence of birds were examined quan-titatively (Ichthyological Associates 1974). Species lists of herbaceous plants, shrubs, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals were also presented. The objectives of the terrestrial studies in 1974 were to further identify and describe the floral communities and faunal populations found in the vicinity of the SSES Site. Studies of tree and sapling dis-tribution and bird phenology were continued as were the qualitative in-vestigations of herbaceous plants and mammals. Species lists were limited to forms that were either observed or sampled during 1974. TREES AND SAPLINGS Procedures The distribution of trees and saplings was determined on Transects 9 through 12 (Table F-1 and Fig. F-1) from June through early October 1974. Trees, woody stems with a diameter breast height (DBH) greater than 9. 1 cm, and saplings, stems with a DBH from 2.5 to 9.1 cm were measured using the plotless quarter method of Cottam and Curtis (1956). The first sampling point on each transect was established 13.7 m from the edge of the woods and subsequent points were located at 13.7-m intervals along the transect. Each point was the center of four quadrats. The

285 closest tree and sapling to the sampling point in each quadrat were measured (DBH) and identified with keys by Harlow and Harrar (1958), Symonds (1958), Harlow (1959),, and Hosie (1969). Six phytosociological indices were calculated for each species of tree and sapling sampled in each transect. The relative density of each species was found by dividing the number of that species by .the total number of all species. The relative dominance of each species was calculated by dividing its total basal area by the total basal area of all species. The relative frequency of each species was calculated by dividing the number of points of occurrence of that species by the number of points of occur-rence of all species. The total basal area of each species is equal to the sum of the basal areas of that species. The percent frequency of each species was found by dividing the number of points, of occurrence of that species by the total number of points taken. The"importance value"of each species was equal to the sum of its relative density, relative dominance, and relative frequency. Herbaceous plants were collected as time permitted during establishment of the transects in April and May, and throughout the tree and sapling sur-vey from June through August. Herbs were identified using keys by Britton and Brown (1913), Fernald (1950), Cobb (1956), and Peterson and McKenney (1968). Specimens of new species were dried and mounted on herbarium sheets for future reference.

286 Results A total of 46 'species of trees and saplings was identified (Table F-2) A and measured in quadrats at 269 points on Transects 9 through 12. The phytosociological analysis of each tree and sapling species was tabulated by transect. The analyses of the 308 trees of 26 species identified along Transect 9 are in Table F-3. The red maple was the most abundant species; it accounted for over 25/ of the total importance value of the Transect. The three next most abundant species were black oak, sweet birch, and gray birch. They had nearly equal importance values (approximately 27) although the numbers of each species sampled varied from 28 to 38. Black cherry, bigtooth aspen, tuliptree, white oak, and white ash composed 38X of the total basal area and together made up nearly 30/ of the total importance value of the Transect. The remaining 17 species composed 18X of the total importance value. On Transect 9, 308 saplings of 25 species were sampled (Table F-4). The red'aple was the dominant sapling; it composed 20X of the "total impor-tance value of the Transect. The black oak, flowering dogwood, gray birch, and sweet birch were the next most abundant species; they accounted for nearly 35/ of the total importance value of Transect 9. The serviceberry and the white oak made up an additional 9/ of the 'total importance value. The importance value of each of the remaining 18 species ranged from 0.89 to 9. 12 Of the 400 trees of 29 species sampled along Transect 10 (Table F-5), the black oak and the red maple composed about 45/ of the total relative dominance. These two species accounted for over 40/ of the total importance

287 value of the Transect. Virginia and white pines made up about 20X of the total basal area and nearly 17/ of the total importance value of Transect 10. Black cherry, flowering dogwood, and sweet birch composed an additional 17/ of the total importance value. Except for sassafras, white oak, and white ash, the importance values of the remaining 19 species were all less than 7.2. A total of 400 k saplings of 32 species was found along Transect 10 (Table F-6). Flowering dogwood was by far the most abundant sapling; it had an importance value threefold more than the red maple, the second ranked species. The third ranked black cherry and fourth ranked sassa-fras had importance values of 20.23 and 18.52, respectively. White ash, black cherry, and mockernut hickory all had importance values greater . than 10. The rest of the 25 species made up 28/ of the total number of saplings sampled. On Transect ll, 216 trees of 19 species were identified (Table F-7). Red maple was the dominant species. Its importance value was nearly twice as great as the second ranked black oak. Black oak was less abundant than the gray birch, but it had a higher importance value. White oak, mockernut hickory, sweet birch, and Virginia pine were also:common. The remaining 12 tree species accounted for 19/ of all trees sampled. Red maple and flowering dogwood saplings composed 39X of the total importance value of Transect 11 (Table F-8). Gray birch and sassafras ranked third and fourth, respectively, in abundance and importance value. Mockernut hickory, white oak, and sweet birch, in the order listed, were the next most abundant species. The remaining 12 species composed 15X of the total number of saplings sampled.

288 Transect 12 was the shortest transect and it contained the fewest tree species (13) (Table F-9). Eastern hemlock was by far the most dominant species. It composed 57/ of the total importance value for the Transect. Sweet birch was the next most abundant species; its importance value, how-ever, was less than one third that of the eastern hemlock. The other 11 tree species were less numerous and their combined importance was less than 25/ of the total. A total of 150 saplings of 17 species was measured in Transect 12 (Table F-10). Despite the occurrence of four additional species and slight differences in the ranking of the less abundant species, the com-position of the saplings was similar to that of the trees in Transect 12. Eastern hemlock was dominant and it composed 56/ of the total importance value. Sweet birch was the next most abundant species even though its importance value was only about 16/ of the total. With the possible ex-ception of red maple and flowering dogwood, the importance values of the remaining species indicated that they were of little importance in the subcanopy. In the combined phytosociological analyses of Transects 9 through 12, the first five rankings of trees (Table F-ll) and saplings (Table F-12) included red maple, black oak, eastern hemlock, and gray birch. These four species composed 47/ and 37/ of the total importance values of all the transects for trees and saplings, respectively. The difference be-tween the percentages is due largely to the first place ranking of the flowering dogwood as a sapling. Despite its overall dominance as a sapling species, flowering dogwood will never attain dominance in the

289 canopy because of its relatively small size at maturity. Therefore, ex-eluding flowering dogwood, the basic similiarity in the composition of the samplings and trees shows that the dominant tree species are success-fully reproducing. A total of 42 species of herbaceous plants representing 19 families was either collected or observed along Transects 9 through 12 (Table F-13). Most of these were recorded in April and May. BIRDS Procedures From 1 to 3 systematic bird counts were made each month from January through December 1974, except in November. Most counts were made during spring and fall bird migrations. Each count was conducted along a 7.9-km route through various habitats in the vicinity of the SSES Site (Fig. F-1). Due to construction activities, the three, circular trails of the route were modified slightly from those used in 1973 (Ichthyological Associates 1974). As in 1973, each count began one hour after sunrise. The three trails were rotated so that each habitat was sampled at a dif-ferent time of the morning. Bird species and number observed were re-corded along with related field data. Identifications were usually made with the aid of 750 stellar binoculars but more common species were often identified by their calls. Species identifications were based on refer-ences by Peterson (1947) and Robbin et al. (1966).

290 Some birds were occasionally seen in the vicinity of the SSES Site that were not observed during the systematic bird counts. These sightings were included in the species list. Results A total of 138 species of birds was identified (Table F-14). In 20 systematic bird counts, 6,529 birds were enumerated and 97 species of 34 families were identified (Table F-15). Most of the remaining 41 species were aquatic forms observed on the North Branch Susquehanna River near the Station Site. As in 1973, the number of birds per systematic count was low in winter and summer and high during spring and fall migrations (Table F-15). An average of 171 birds per count was found in January and February. In March, April, and May there was an average of 450 birds in 8 counts. An average of 282 birds were observed in counts in June, July, and August. On 30 September, 426 birds were recorded and fall migration probably peaked around this time. On 31 October, 157 birds were enumerated and only 115 were counted on 20 December. The icterids, mostly common grackle, rusty blackbird, and red-winged blackbird, composed 30/ of the total birds observed (Table F-15). The common grackle was numerous in spring, less abundant in summer, and only two were seen in the fall migration. Although less numerous than the common grackle, fluctuations in the abundance of the rusty blackbird were

291 similar except that more were observed in fall. The red-winged black-bird was relatively abundant from March through July. Fifteen species of fringillids (finches, sparrows, qardinals, etc.) composed over 20/ of the total birds observed (Table F-15). The American goldfinch was the most abundant fringillid observed in late spring and early fall. It was seen on all bird counts from 29 April through 20 December, except on 14 August. The song sparrow, the next most abundant species, was found throughout the year. The tree sparrow, third in abundance, was most numerous in the early spring and in the winter counts. The field sparrow was observed on all bird counts from 8 April through 20 December, but most were seen in April and May. The cardinal, the fifth most abundant fringillid, was observed on all bird counts, except on 20 December. Although the sturnids composed only 8/ of the total birds counted, the starling, the only species observed in this family, was the most numerous bird seen on the Station Site (Table F-15). The turdids, mostly American robin and wood thrush, composed about 7/ of the total counted (Table F-15). The American robin was relatively abundant from early spring through early fall and the wood thrush was generally most numerous in summer. The Corvidae (crows and bluejays), Paridae (chickadees and titmice), Columbidae (doves), and the Picidae (woodpeckers) composed nearly 15/ of the total birds enumerated (Table F-15). Most species in these families were year-round residents.

292 The remaining 26 families accounted for about 16/ of the total birds counted (Table F-15). Trends in abundance of the more numerous species in these families are evident in the tabular data. MAMMALS Procedures Small mammals were captured with Sherman live traps during 13, 4-day trapping periods at 7 sampling stations in the vicinity of the SSES Site from 6 May through 4 October 1974. Traps were set in a grid at 7.6-m intervals with 100 traps covering a 62-m square plot. Traps were baited with "rolled" oats and set on Monday mornings, examined at least every 24 hours, and collected on Friday mornings. Each captured mammal was identified, sexed, and measured to determine the length of its body, tail, right hind foot, and ear. Before releasing them at the capture station, all small mammals were marked by removing either one or a com-bination of two toes. Game and fur-bearing mammals were captured with Tomahawk live traps from 1 May through 23 September 1974. Traps were baited with lettuce or fish remains and set at a total of 10 stations. The sex and weight of each mammal was determined before it was tagged with a numbered aluminum ear tag (National Band and Tag Company) and released at the capture station.

293 Results Thirteen species of mammals were captured in the vicinity of the SSES Site in 1974 (Table F-16). The capture and recapture stations (Tables F-17 and F-18) are shown in Fig. F-l. A total of 142 small mammals of 8 species was captured at the 7 was not only the most numerous small mammal captured (88), but it was also the most widely distributed (captured at all 7 stations). Twenty of the 47 recaptures were taken from 2 to 4 times. All recaptures, however, were taken at the station of initial capture. The eastern chipmunk was the next most abundant species; it accounted for 15/ of all captures. Twenty-two chipmunks were taken at 5 stations; 5 of these were recaptured, all were taken at stations where they were tagged. The short-tail shrew and woodland jumping mouse composed 11/ and 5/ of the total catch, respectively. Sixteen short-tail shrew were captured at 6 stations but none were recaptured. Of the 7 woodland jumping mice captured, 2 were recaptured at the same stations where they were first taken. The remaining 6/ of the total catch was made up of the meadow vole, meadow jumping mouse, red squirrel, and pine vole. Nine specimens were marked, but only 1 jumping mouse was recaptured and it was taken at the same station where it had been (12), eastern cotton-marked'orty-six game and fur-bearing specimens, opossum tail (9), eastern woodchuck (12), raccoon (12), and muskrat (1) were cap-tured (Table F-18). Six of the 8 recaptures were taken at the stations

294 where they were tagged. One raccoon was recaptured twice at the Canal (Lake Took-a-while) Station, approximately 700 m east of the Canal (Grove Motel) Station where it had been tagged. REFERENCES CITED Britton, N. L. and A. Brown. 1913. An illustrated flora of the northern United States and Canada. Dover Publications, Inc., New York. Vol. 1-3. 2052 pp. Cobb, B. 1956. A field guide to the ferns and their related families of northeastern and central North America. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, Massachusetts. 281 pp. Cottam, G. and J. Curtis. 1956. The use of distance measures in phyto-sociological sampling. Ecology 37: 451-460. 1'n E. A. Phillips, 1959. Methods of vegetation study. Henry Holt and Co., Inc. 107 pp. Fernald, M. L. 1950. Gray's manual of botany. American Book Co., New York. 1632 pp. Harlow, W. M. 1959. Fruit key and twig key to trees and shrubs. Dover Publications, New York. 56 pp. Harlow, W. M. and E. S. Harrar. 1958. Textbook of dendrology. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York. 561 pp. Hosie, R. C. 1969. Native trees of Canada. Queens Printers, Ottawa. 380 pp. Ichthyological Associates, Inc. 1974. An ecological study of the North Branch Susquehanna River in the vicinity of Berwick, Pennsylvania (Progress report for the period January-December 1973). Pennsylvania Power and Light Co., Allentown, Pennsylvania. 838 pp. Peterson, R. T. 1947. A field guide to the birds of northeastern United States. Houghton MifflinCo., Boston, Massachusetts. 230 pp. Peterson, R. T. and M. McKenny. 1968. A field guide to the wildflowers of northeastern and north-central North America. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, Massachusetts. 420 pp. Robbin, C. S., B. Bruun, H. S. Zim and A. Singer. 1966. Birds of North America. A guide to field identification. Golden Press, Inc., New York. 340 pp. Symonds, G. 1958. The tree identification book. William Morrow and Co., Inc., New York. 272 pp.

295 Table F-1. Locations of vegetational Transects 9-12 in the vicinity of SSES, 1974 Transect Transect Length Sampling Location No. (m) Points 1056 77 Extends westerly and parallel to the Montour-Susquehanna Transmis-sion Line from a point 48 m on a line S20 W from the second 220 KV pole west of U.S. Highway 11. 10 1372 100 Extends westerly and parallel to Township Road 419 from a point 148 m on a line, oriented by the PP&L railroad spur, which origi-nates from the center of the inter-section of the spur tract and Town-ship Road 419. 741 54 Extends due north from a point on Township Road 419 which is 94 m on a line due west from the northwest corner of the PP&L fence. 12 521 38 Extends easterly from a point 229 m on a line S58 E from the southeast corner of the brick farm house (Mr. Bruce Thomas) on Township Road 436.

Table F-2. Trees and saplings sampled on Transects 9-12 in the vicinity of SSES, 1974 Pinaceae Pine Family Rosaceae Rose Family Pinus strobus white pine Malus sp. apple P. ~vfr infana - Virgiafa pine Prunus serotina black cherry P. ~rf ida - pitch pine P. ~vfr iniana - choke cherry Pinus sp. pine Prunus sp. cultivated cherry Pleas Blauca hite spruce ~Ceatae us sp. hawthorne Picea sp. spruce Amelanchier sp. serviceberry

    ~Tsu a canadensis  Eastern hemlock Anacardiaceae     Cashew  Family Salicaceae     Willow  Family                                                                       staghorn Rhus  tvvhfna              sumac Aceraceae  Maple Family Juglandaceae       Walnut  Family                                                    Acer rubra  red maple
   ~Ju  lans ~nf  ra  black walnut                                                  A. ~s icatum - mountain maple J. cinerea  butternut
   ~Car a cordiformis  bitternut hickory                                        Tiliaceae    Linden  Family C. ~labra  pfgnur. hickory                                                     Tilia americana     basswood C. ovata  shagbark hickory C. tomentosa - mockernut hickory                                            Melastomataceae  Melastoma Family
                                                                                    ~E ssa ~s lvatfca bleak t palo Corylaceae  Hazel Family
   ~tor lus cornuta  beaked hazelnut                                           Cornaceae  Dogwood Family
   ~tetr a v~fr fnfana  Eastern hopbornbeam                                        Comus florida - flowering dogwood Betula lenta    - sweet  birch                                                  C. alternifolia - alternate-leaf dogwood B.  ~olffolfa -     gray bfrch B. ~ni ra  river birch                                                     Oleaceae    - Olive Family B. ~a   rffera  paper birch                                                    Fraxinus americanus  white ash Fagaceae  Beech Family
   ~ya us Brandffolfa - American beech tgtereus rubra  red oak Q. velutina - black oak fb Brfnus  chestnut oak Q. alba  white oak Castanea dentata  American chestnut Ulmaceae  Elm Family Ulmus americana  American elm Vlmus sp. elm Celtis occidentalis       hackberry Magnoliaceae  Magnolia Family Liriodendron ~tuff tiers      tuliptree Lauraceae  Laurel Family Sassafras albidum  sassafras

297 Table F-3. Phytosociological analyses of 308 trees sampled on vegetational Transect 9 in the vicinity of SSES, 1974 Number Relative Relative Relative Basal Area Frequency Importance Sampled Density Dominance Frequency (total) Value S ecies X X z ft2 Red maple 94 30.52 22.65 24.76 25.45 67.53 77.93 Black oak 28 9.09 10.27 8.57 11.54 23.38 27.93 Sweet birch 30 9.74 8.89 8 '7 9 '9 23.38 27.20 Gray birch 38 12.34 4.32 10.48 4.86 28.57 27.14 Black cherry 19 6.17 8.39 6.19 9.43 16.88 20.75 Bigtooth aspen 18 5. 84 6.54 7.62 7.35 20.78 20.00 Tuliptree 7 2. 27 11.91 2.86 13.39 7.79 17.04 White oak 13 4. 22 5.65 5.24 6.35 14.29 15.11 White ash 8 2. 60 5.96 3.33 6.70 9.09 11.89 Virginia pine 9 2.92 2.69 2.86 3.02 7.79 8.47 Flowering dogwood 9 2. 92 0.72 4.29 0.81 11.69 7.93 Red oak 5 1. 62 3.64 2.38 4.09 6.49 7.64 Basswood 5 1. 62 1.40 1.90 1.57 5.19 4.92 Serviceberry 5 1. 62 0.53 2.38 0.60 6.49 4.53 Shagbark hickory 3 0. 97 1. 17 1.43 1.31 3.90 3 '7 American elm 2 0. 65 I 41

                                                             ~          0.95         1 ~ 58          2.60              3.01 Sassafras                         3         0.97           0.25           1.43       0.28             3.90              2.65 Bitternut hickory                 2         0.65           0.65          0.95        0.73             2.60              2.25 Pine sp.                          3         0.97           0.49          0.48        0.55             1.30               1.94 Elm sp.                            1        0.32           0.84          0.48        0.94             1.30               1.64 River birch                        1        0.32           0.67          0.48        0  '5            1.30               1.47 Pignut hickory                     1        0.32           0.31          0.48        0.35             1.30               1.11, Pitch pine                         1        0.32           0.29          0.48        0.33             1.30               1.09 Black walnut                       1        0.32           0.18          0.48        0.20             1.30              0.98 White pine                        1         0,32           0. 11       0.48        0.12             1.30              0.91 Chestnut oak                      1         0.32           0.08          0.48        0.09             1.30             '0.88 Totals                   308         99.94        100.01        100.03      112.38           272.74            299.98 Table     F-4. Phytosociological analyses of 308 saplings sampled on vegetational Transect      9   in the vicinity of       SSES, 1974 Number     Relative      Relative      Relative    Basal Area       Frequency       Importance Sampled    Density       Dominance     Frequency    (total)               X           Value S  ecies                                    X              X             X           ft2 Red maple                       63         20. 45        23. 75        16.67         1.95           48.05             60.87 Black oak                       55         17.86         13.64         14.86         1.12           42.86             46.36 Flowering dogwood               42         13. 64        12.55         11.71         1.03           33.77             37.90 Gray birch                      32         10.39         14.62         10.36         1.20           29.87             35.37 Sweet birch                      18         5.84           7.80          6.31        0.64            18 18
                                                                                                       ~             19.95 Serviceberry                     15         4.87           4.14          6.31        0.34            18. 18           15.32 White oak                        12         3.90           4.02          4 '5        0.33            14. 29           12.87 White ash                         8         2.60           2.92          3 '0        0.24            10.39              9.12 Hawthorne                       ll          3.57           1.22          4.05        0.10            11.69              8.84 Pignut hickory                    9         2.92           1 ~  95       3.60        0.16           10.39               8.47 Sassafras                         5         1.62           2.56          2.25        0. 21            6. 49             6.43 Bitternut hickory                 6         1.95           2.07          2.25        0. 17            6.49              6.27 Red oak                           6         1. 95          0.85          2.25       '0. 07            6.49              5.05 American beech                    4         1.30           1.58          1.80        0.13             5 '9              4.68 Black tupelo                      4         1.30           0.97          1.35        0.08             3.90              3.62 Eastern hophornbeam               4         1.30          0.49           1.80        0.04             5.19              3.59 Black cherry                      2         0.65           1.46          0.90        0.12             2.60              3.01 Hackberry                         3         0.97           1.10          0.90        0.09             2.60              2.97 Shagbark hickory                  2         0.65          0.73           0.90        0.06             2.60              2.28 White pine                        2         0.65          0.12           0.90        0.01             2.60              1.67 Pine sp.                          1         0.32          0. 73          0.45        0.06             1.30              1.50 Bigtooth aspen                    1         0.32          0. 37          0.45        0.03             1.30              1.14 Alternate-leaf   dogwood          1         0.32          0. 12          0.45        0.01             1.30              0.89 Basswood                          1         0.32          0. 12          0.45        0.01             1.30              0.89 Beaked hazelnut                   1         0.32          0.12           0.45        0.01             1.30              0.89 Totals                   308        99.98         100.00         99.97         8.21          288.32           299.95

298 Table F-5. Phytosociological analyses of 400 trees sampled on vegetational Transect 10 in the vicinity of SSES, 1974 Number Relative Relative Relative Basal Area Frequency Importance Sampled Density Dominance Frequency (total) z Value S ecies X X 2 ft2 Black oak 78 19.50 33. 38 16.85 74.83 45.00 69.73 Red maple 64 16.00 11.48 17.23 25.73 46.00 44.71 Virginia pine 47 11.75 9.03 6 '4 20.24 18.00 27.52 White pine 27 6.75 10.45 5.99 23.42 16.00 23.19 Black cherry 28 7.00 4.16 6.74 9.33 18.00 17.90 Flowering dogwood 26 6.50 1.43 8.61 3.21 23.00 16.54 Sweet birch , 17 4.25 6.20 4.87 13.89 13. 00 15.32 Sassafras 18 4.50 2.36 4.87 5.30 13.00 11.73 White oak 14 3.50 4.10 4.12 9.18 11.00 11.72 White ash 15 3.75 3.75 4.12 8.40 11.00 11.62 Mockernut hickory 10 2.50 1.31 3 '7 2.93 9.00 7.18 American beech 7 1.75 2.83 1.50 6.34 4.00 6.08 Black walnut 8 2.00 0.97 1.87 '2. 18 5.00 4.84 Spruce sp. 6 1.50 1. 10 1.87 2.47 5.00 4.47 Chestnut oak 5 1.25 1. 08 1.87 2.42 5.00 4.20 Gray birch 7 1.75 0.48 1.87 1.07 5.00 4.10 Tuliptree 3 0.75 1.59 1.12 3.56 3.00 3.46 Hackberry 4 1.00 1. 52 0.75 3.41 2.00 3.27 Bigtooth aspen 2 0.50 1.09 0.75 2.45 2.00 2.34 Basswood 2 0.50 0.48 0.75 1 ~ 07 2.00 1.73 Eastern hemlock 2 0.50 0.36 0.75 0.81 2.00 1.61 Choke cherry 2 0.50 0.13 0.75 0.30 2.00 1.38 Staghorn sumac 2 0.50 0.08 0.37 0. 19 1.00 0.95 Malus sp. 1 0.25 0.23 0.37 0.51 1.00 0.85 Black tupelo 1 0.25 0.17 0.37 0.37 1.00 0.79 Pignut hickory 1 0.25 0.11 0.37 0.25 1.00 0.73 Hawthorne 1 0.25 0.05 0.37 0.12 1.00 0.67 Butternut 1 0.25 0.04 0.37 0.08 1.00 0.66 Shagbark hickory 1 0.25 0.04 0.37 0.09 1.00 0.66 Totals 400 100.00 100.00 99.95 224.15 267.00 299.95 Table F-6. Phytosociological analyses of 400 saplings sampled on vegetational Transect 10 in the vicinity of SSES, 1974 Number Relative Relative Relative Basal Area Frequency Importance Sampled Density Dominance Frequency (total) X Value S ecies Z X X ft2 Flowering dogwood 149 37.25 39. 34 24.18 3.91 66.00 100.77 Red maple 42 10.50 9.86 12.45 0.98 34.00 32.81 Black cherry 26 6.50 6.04 7.69 0.60 21.00 20.23 Sassafras 23 5.75 6.54 6.23 0.65 17.00 18.52 White ash 19 4.75 3.52 4.76 0.35 13.00 13. 03 Black oak 15 3.75 3.42 4.76 0.34 13.00 11.93 Mockernut hickory 13 3.25 2.92 4.03 0.29 11.00 10.20 Hawthorne 14 3.50 1.81 4.40 0.18 12.00 9.71 Sweet birch 10 2.50 3.12 3.30 0.31 9.00 8.92 Gray birch 8 2. 00 2.31 2.93 0.23 8.00 7.24 White oak 8 2. 00 1.91 2.93 0.19 8.00 6.84 Serviceberry 8 2. 00 1. 71 2.93 0.17 8.00 6.64 American beech 9 2.25 2.62 1.47 0.26 4.00 6.34 Black walnut 8 2.00 2.01 2.20 0.20 6.00 6.21 White pine 6 1 ~ 50 1.71 1.83 0.17 5.00 5.04 Pignut hickory 5 1.25 1.01 1.47 0.10 4.00 3.73 Choke cherry 4 1.00 1.11 1.47 0.11 4.00 3.58 White spruce 3 0.75 1.41 1.10 0.14 3.00 3.26 Shagbark hickory 4 1.00 0. 91 1.10 0.09 3.00 3.01 Staghorn sumac 3 0.75 l. 51 0.73 0.15 2.00 2.99 Spruce sp. 3 0.75 0.91 1.10 0.09 3.00 2.76 Hackberry 3 0.75 0. 80 0.73 0.08 2.00 2.28 American chestnut 3 0.75 0.40 1. 10 0.04 3.00 2.25 Green ash 3 0.75 0.40 1.10 0.04 3.00 2.25 Chestnut oak 2 0.50 0.80 0.73 0.08 2.00 2.03 American elm 2 0.50 0.40 0.73 0.04 2.00 1.63 Alternate-leaf dogwood 2 0.50 0.10 0. 73 0.01 2.00 1.33 Virginia pine 1 0.25 0.70 0.37 0.07 1.00 1.32 Cherry sp. 1 0. 25 0.40 0.37 0.04 1.00 1. 02 Bigtooth aspen 1 0.25 0.10 0.37, 0.01 1.00 0.72 Bitternut hickory 1 0.25 0.10 0.37 0.01 1.00 0.72 Beaked hazelnut 1 0.25 0.10 0.37 0.01 1.00 0.72 100.00 100.00 100.03 9.94 273.00 300.03 Totals 400

299 Table F-7. Phvtosociological analyses of 216 trees sampled on vegetational Transect 11 in the vicinity of SSES, 1974 Number Relative Relative Relative Basal Area Frequency Importance Sampled Density X Dominance X Frequency (total) X Value S acies Red maple 62 28.70 30.57 20.98 26.04 55.56 80.25 Black oak 22 10.19 22.05 11.19 18.78 29.63 43.43 Gray birch 39 18.06 6.45 15.38 5.49 40.74 39.89 White oak 14 6.48 9.35 7.69 7.96 20.37 23.52 Mockernut hickory 15 6.94 4.16 7.69 3.54 20.37 18.79 Sweet birch 12 5.56 5.48 5.59 4.67 14.81 16.63 Virginia pine 10 4.63 4.79 5.59 4.08 14.81 15.01 Black cherry 9 4.17 3.66 4.20 3.12 11.11 12.03 Sassafras 8 3. 70 1 '0 5.59 1.36 14.81 10.89 8.52 " Red oak 4 1.85 3.87 2.80 3.30 8.44 Chestnut oak 6 2. 78 2.15 3.50 1.83 9.26 8.43 Bigtooth aspen 5 2.31 2. 71 2.80 2.31 8.44 , 7.82 White ash 3 1.39 0. 96 2.10 0.82 5.56 4.45 Green ash 2 0.93 0.29 1.40 0.25 3.70 2.62 Pitch pine 1 0.46 0.94 0 '0 0.80 1.85 2.10 Pignut hickory 1 0.46 0.32 0.70 0. 27 1.85 1.48 Flowering dogwood 1 0. 46 0.27 0.70 0. 23 1.85 1.43 Paper birch 1 0. 46 0.26 0.70 0.22 1.85 1.42 Hawthorne 1 0. 46 0:12 0.70 0.10 1.85 1. 28 Totals 216 99.99 100.00 100.00 85.17 266.86 299.99 Table F-8. Phvtosociological analyses of 216 saplings sampled on vegetational Transect 11 in the vicinity of SSES, 1974 Number Relative Relative Relative Basal Area Frequency Importance Sampled Density Dominance Frequency (total) X Value S ecies X 2 X ft Red maple 51 23. 61 19. 11 20.83 1.07 55.56 63.55 Flowering dogwood 40 18.52 20.18 14.58 1.13 38.89 53.28 Gray birch 27 12 50 17.68 11.81 0.99 31.48 41.99 Sassafras 33 15.28 10.00 15.28 0.56 40.74 40.56 Mockernut hickory 17 7.87 11.07 6 ~ 25 0.62 16.67 25.19 White oak 10 4.63 5.71 6. 25 0.32 16.67 16.59 Sweet birch 7 3.24 4.11 4. 86 0.23 12.96 12.21 Black oak 7 3.24 1.96 4.17 0.11 '9.37 Pignut hickory 4 1.85 2.68 2.78 0.15 7.41 7,31 Black cherry 3 1.39 1. 96 2.08 0.11 5.56 5.43 Hawthorne 4 1.85 1. 07 2.08 0.06 5.56 5.00 Green ash 3 1.39 1.25 2.08 0.07 5.56 4.72 Virginia pine 2 0.93 1.07 1.39 0.06 3.70 3.39 Bigtooth aspen 2 0 '3 0.54 1.39 0.03 0.01 3.70 3.70 2.86 2.50 Eastern hemlock 2 0.93 0.18 1.39 Red oak 1 0.46 0.54 0.69 0.03 1.85 1.69 Serviceberry 1 0.46 0.36 0 '9 0.02 1.85 1.51 1.51 White ash 1 0.46 0.36 0.69 0.02 1.85 Black tupelo 1 0.46 0.18 0.69 0.01 1.85 1.33 Totals 216 100.00 100.01 99.98 5.60 266.67 299.99

300 Table F-9. phytosociological .analyses of 152 trees sampled on vegetational Transect 12 in the vicinity of SSES, 1974 Number Relative Relative Relative Basal Area Frequency Importance Sampled Density Dominance Frequency (total) X Value S ecies Z X x ft2 Eastern hemlock 96 63. 16 65.25 44.00 42.48 86.84 172.41 Sweet birch 26 17. 11 16.22 21.33 10.56 42.11 54. 66 Chestnut-oak 6 3. 95 3.78 8.00 2.46 15. 79 15. 73 American beech 6 3.95 4.61 6.67 3.00 13.16 15.23 Red maple 6 3.95 2.83 6.67 1.84 13.16 13.45 White pine 3 1.97 1.14 2.67 0.74 5.26 5.78 Black oak 2 1.32 1.26 2.67 0.82 5.26 5.25 Bigtooth aspen 2 1.32 1.78 1.33 1.16 2.63 4.43 Bitternut hickory 1 0.66 1.17 1.33 0.76 2.63 3.16 Black tupelo 1 0.66 0.68 1.33 0.44 2.63 2.67 Black walnut 1 0.66 0.54 1.33 0.35 2.63 2.53 Basswood 1 0.66 0.38 1.33 0.25 2.63 2.37 Black cherry 1 0.66 0.37 1.33 0.24 2.63 2.36 Totals 152 100.03 . 100.01 99.99 65.10 197.36 300.03 Table F-10. Phytosociological analyses of 150 saplings sampled on vegetational Transect 12 in the vicinity of SSES> 1974 Number Relative Relative Relative Basal Area Frequency Importance Sampled Density Dominance Frequency (total) X Value S acies f Eastern hemlock 94 62. 67 67.02 38.96 3. 19 78. 95 168.65 Sweet birch 22 14.67 12.61 22.08 0.60 44.74 49.36 Red maple,, 7 4. 67 3.78 6.49 0. 18 13.16 14.94 Flowering dogwood 5 3 '3 5.04 5.19 0.24 10.53 13.56 Hountain maple 4 2.67 1.89 3.90 0. 09 7.89 8.46 Chestnut oak 3 2.00 2.10 3.90 0. 10 7.89 8.00 White ash 2 1.33 1.47 2.60 0. 07 5.26 5.40 Black tupelo 2 1.33 0.63 2.60 0.03 5.26 4.56 Pignut hickory 2 1.33 0.63 2.60 0.03 5.26 4.56 Red oak 2 1.33 0.42 2.60 0.02 5.26 4.35 Eastern hophornbeam 1 0.67 1.47 1.30 0.07 2.63 3.44 White oak 1 0.67 1.47 1.30 0. 07 2.63 3.44 Basswood 1 0.67 0.42 ,1 30

                                                                          ~           0.02            2.63          2.39 Black oak                       1           0.67          0.42           1.30          0.02            2.63          2.39 American chestnut               1           0.67          0.21           1. 30         0.01            2.63          2.18 American beech                  1           0. 67         0.21           1.30          0.01            2.63          2.18 Black walnut                    1           0. 67         0.21           1.30          0.01            2.63          2.18 Totals                 150          100.02        100.00         100.02          4.76         202.61         300.04

301 Table F-11. Phytosociological analyses of 1,076 trees sampled on vegetational Transects 9-12 in the vicinity of SSES, 1974 Number Relative Relative Relative Basal Area Frequency Importance Sampled Density Dominance Frequency (total) z Value S ecies Z X X ft2 Red maple 226 21. 00 16.24 19. 14 79.06 49.44 56. 38 Black oak 130 12.08 21.77 11. 65 105.97 30.11 45. 50 Sweet birch 85 7.90 8.03 7. 91 39.11 20.45 23.84 Eastern hemlock 98 9.11 8.89 5.04 43.29 13.01 23.04 Gray birch 84 7.81 2. 35'.62 7.05 11.42 18.22 17.21 Virginia pine 66 6.13 4.60 27.34 11.90 16.35 Black cherry 57 5.30 4.54 5.47 22.12 14.13 15 '1 White oak 41 3.81 4.83 4.75 23.49 12.27 13.39 White pine 31 2.88 4.99 2.73 24.28 7.06 10.60 Flowering dogwood 36 3.35 0.87 4.75 4.25 12.27 8.97 White ash 26 2.42 3.27 3.02 15.92 7.81 8.71 Bigtooth aspen 27 2.51 2.73 3.31 13.27 8.55 8.55 Sassafras 29 2.70 1.43 3.45 6.94 8.92 7.58 Mockernut hickory 25 2.32 1.33 2 '8 6.47 7.43 6.53 Tuliptree 10 0.93 3.48 1.29 16.95 3.35 5.70 Chestnut oak 18 1.67 1. 40 2.45 6. 80 6.32 5.52 American beech 13 1.21 1. 92 1.29 9. 34 3.35 4.42 Red oak 9 0.84 1.52 1.29 7.39 3.35 3.65 Black walnut 10 0.93 0.56 1.01 2.73 2.60 2 '0 Basswood 8 0.74 0.59 1.01 2.89 2.60 2.34 Spruce sp. 6 0.56 0.51 0.72 2.47 1 '6 1.79 Hackberry 4 0.37 0.70 0.29 3.41 0.74 1.36 Serviceberry 5 0.46 0.12 0.72 0.60 1.86 1.30 Shagbark hickory 4 0.37 0.29 0.58 1.40 1.49 1.24 Bitternut hickory 3 0.28 0.31 0.43 1.49 1.12 1.02 Pignut hickory 3 0.28 0.18 0.43 0.87 1.12 0.89 American elm 2 0.19 0.32 0.29 1.58 0.74 0.80 Pitch pine 2 0.19 0.23 0.29 1 ~ 13 0.74 0.71 Black tupelo 2 0.19 0.17 0.29 0.81 0.74 0.65 Choke cherry 2 0.19 0.06 0.29 0.30 0.74 0.54 Green ash 2 0. 19 0. 05 0.29 0.25 0.74 0.53 Hawthorne 2 0. 19 0.05 0.29 0.22 0.74 0.53 Pine sp. 3 0.28 0. 11 0.14 o 55 '0.37 0 53 Elm sp. 1 0.09 0. 19 0.14 0.94 0.37 0.42 River birch 1 0.09 0. 15 0.14 0.75 0.37 0.38 Staghorn sumac 2 0.19 0.04 0.14 0. 19 0.37 0.37 Malus sp. 1 0.09 0.10 0.14 0. 51 0.37 0.33 Paper birch 1 0.09 0.05 0.14 0. 22 0.37 0.28 Butternut 1 0.09 0.02 0. 14 0.08 0.37 0.25 Totals 1,076 100.02 100.01 99. 98 486.80 258.36 300.01

302 Table F-12 'hytosociological analyses of 1,074 saplings sampled on vegetational Transects 9-12 in the vicinity of SSES, 1974 Number Relative Relative Relative Basal Area Frequency Importance Sampled Density Dominance Frequency (tot~i) z Value S ecies Z X X ft Flowering dogwood 236 21.97 22.13 16. 34 6.31 43.49 60.44 Red maple 163 15.18 14.66 14.80 4.18 39.41 44.64 Eastern hemlock 96 8.94 11.22 4.47 3.20 11.90 24.63 Gray birch 67 6.24 8.49 6.70 2.42 17.84 21.43 Black oak 78 7.26 5.58 7.40 1.59 19.70 20.24 Sweet birch 57 5.31 6.24 6.56 1.78 17.47 18.11 Sassafras 61 5.68 4.98 6. 15 1.42 16.36 16.81 White oak 31 2.89 3.19 4.05 0.91 10.78 10.13 Black cherry 31 2.89 2.91 3.63 0.83 9.67 9.43 Mockernut hickory 30 2.79 3.19 2.79 0.91 7.43 8.77 White ash 30 2.79 2.39 3.35 0.68 8.92 8.53 Serviceberry 24 2.23 1.86 3.21 0.53 8.55 7.30 Hawthorne 29 2.70 1.19 3.35 0.34 8.92 7.24 Pignut hickory 20 1.86 1.54 2.51 0.44 '.69 5.91 American beech 14 1.30 1.40 1.26 0.40 3.35 3.96 Black walnut 9 0.84 0.74 0.98 0.21 2.60 2.56 Red oak 9 0.84 0.42 1.12 0. 12 2.97 2.38 White pine 8 0.74 0.63 0.98 0. 18 2.60 2.35 Bitternut hickory 7 0.65 0.63 0.84 0.18 2.23 2.12 Black tupelo 7 0.65 0.42 0.84 0.12 2.23 1.91 Chestnut oak 5 0.47 0. 63 0.70 0.18 1.86 1.80 Green ash 6 0.56 0.39 0.84 0.11 2.23 1. 79 Shagbark hickory 6 0.56 0.53 0.70 0.15 1.86 1.79 Hackberry 6 0.56 0.60 0.56 0.17 1.49 1.72 Eastern hophornbeam 5 0.47 0.39 0.70 0.11 1.86 1.56 Choke cherry 4 0.37 0.39 0.56 0.11 1.49 1.32 White spruce 3 0. 29 0.50 0.42 0.14 1. 12 1.21 Bigtooth aspen 4 0. 37 0.25 0.56 0.07 1.49 1.18 Virginia pine 3 0. 29 0.46 0.42 0.13 1.12 1. 17 American chestnut 4 0.37 0.18 0.56 0.05 1.49 1. 11 Mountain maple 4 0.37 0.32 0.42 0.09 1.12 1.11 Staghorn sumac 3 0.29 0.53 0.28 0.15 0.74 1.10 Spruce sp. 3 0.29 0.32 0.42 0.09 1.12 1.03 Alternate-leaf dogwood 3 0.29 0.07 0. 42'. 0.02 1.12 0.78 American elm 2 0. 19 0.14 28 0.04 0.74 0.61 Basswood 2 0. 19 0.11 0. 28 0.03 0.74 0.58 Beaked hazelnut 2 0. 19 0.07 0.28 0 '2 0.74 0.54 Pine sp. 1 0. 09 0.21 0.14 0.06 0.37 0.44 Cherry sp. 1 0. 09 0.14 0. 14 0.04 0.37 0.37 Totals 1,074 100.05 100.04 100.01 28.51 266.18 300.10

Table F-13. List of herbaceous plants found in the vicinity of SSES, 1974 Rosaceae Rose Family Ophioglossaceae Succulent Fern Family '-toot

  ~gott hf ~vfr info o - ratelesnake fern                                           G1llenia   trifoliate    bownan s Polypodiaceae    -  Fern Family                                                   Leguminosae   -  Pulse Family           b
  ~hr    eerie ~aar 1    lis   narginal woodferns                                  Trifolium repens - white clover a                                               h-op clover Dennstaedtia y       ctil  b la  hayscented fern                                 T. ~ararf Melilotus alba  white sweet clover, melilot Onoclea    sensibilis - sensitive fern                                            Coronilla varia  crown-vetch, axseed naked-flowered tick-trefoil
  ~pof  stichmn actostiehoides  Christmas fern                                     Desmodium    nufidlorum Pterfdime ~a ilinu  bracken fern Adiantu ~edatma - aaidenhair-fern                                              Geraniaceae    Geranium Family Geranium maculatum - wild geranium Liliaceae     Lily Family Veratrum viride - false hellebore, Indian poke                                 Araliaceae  Ginseng Family
  ~ornftho alms mabell tu - star of-Bethlehms                                       Panax trifolius - dwarf ginseng Orchidaceae - Orchid Family Umbelliferae  Parsley Family Habenaria orbiculata  round-leaved orchid
                                                                                    ~Ctot enia ca adensis - honewort v

Labiatae Mint Family Urticaceae Nettle Family

                     - stinging nettle b                                            Leonurus cardiaca  motherwort Urtica dioica Scrophulariaceae      Figwort  Family Polygonaceae  Buckwheat Family                                                      Veronica ana    allis-a uatica   water speedwell R nex y tie tia  patience dock R. ~erfs us - curled       ck
                            ]                                                    Compositae  Compositae Family
                                                                                    ~grf exon ann s - daisy fleabane Rumex sp. dock sp.

Tovara ~vfr infa a Virginia kn tweed

                                                                                    ~Glf so a ciliate - gal1nsoga Senecio aureus - golden ragwort Caryophyllaceae  Pink Family Cerastium arvense  Geld chickweed Ranunculaceae  Crowfoot Family Ranunculus abortivus  kidneyleaf buttercup Coptis groenlandica       goldthread a
             -                                                                         Positive identification pending Cruciferae      Mustard Family b
   ~Thlas 1 arvense  field pennycr ss                                                 Observed, not   collected.

Allaria officinalis garlic mustard b

  ~gfs bri      officinale - hedge-n stard Nasturtium officinale       watercress Barbarea ~lords - inter cress Cards ine ~ens lva 1 a - Pennsylvanfa        bittercress Crassulaceae     Orpine Family gedms ~tele hims  orpine,      live  forever-b Saxifragaceae  Saxifrage Family
   ~Saxtfra  a ~vir 1 tens'       early saxifrage Mitella ~df   h  lla - nitetwort

Table F-14. List of birds observed in the vicinity of SSES, 1974 Gaviiformes - Loons Gruiformes - Marsh Birds Gavia immer Common loon Porzana carolina Sora Fulica americana American coot Podicipediformes Grebes

  ~podfce s aurlt s  Horned grebe                                       Charadriiformes  Shore Birds and Gulls
  ~podfl b s ~odice s     -  Pied-billed  grebe                              Charadrius vociferus  Killdeer Philohela minor - American woodcock Ciconiiformes  Deep-water Waders                                            ~ta ella Eaallfna o - Cozzson snipe Ardea herodias  Great blue heron                                          Actitis macularia  Spotted sandpiper A. occidentalis  Great white heron                                       ~Trin a   solitaria  Solitary sandpiper Butorides virescens  Eastern green heron                                  Totanus ~flavi es  Lesser yellow-legs
  ~Hcefoorax ~nccfcora - Black-crowned n1ght heron                           Lar s ~ar entatus - Herr1ng g 11 Bot rus ~lentf I caus - American bittern                                  L. delawarensis - Ring-billed gull L. ~htladel hia - Bonaparte's g 11 Anseriformes  Ducks, Geese and Swans                                         Sterna hirundo  Common tern Olor columbianus - Whistling swan Branta canadensis  Canada goose                                       Columbiformes  Pigeons and Doves Columba livia  Rock dove A. z~ubrf es - Black d ek                                                  Zenaiduraamacroura - Mourning dove A. ~st e era  Gadw 11 Mareca americana  American widgeon                                    Cuculiformes       Cuckoos Anas acuta  Pintail                                                      ~Coco z s    america      s   - yello billed    cuckoo A. carolinensis  Green-winged teal A. discors  Blue-winged teal                                          Strigiformes       Nocturnal      Birds of Prey Aix ~s onsa - Wood duck                                                    B  bo ~vtx   I ian     -   Great-horned    o 1 Ayyth a americana - Redhead A. collaris  Ring-necked duck                                         Caprimulgiformes  Nighthawks and Whip-poor-wills A. valisineria"- Canvasback                                                Chordeiles minor - Common nighthawk A. affinis  Lesser scaup
  ~gce halo ~ela ula - Damson golden ye                                  Apodiformes  Swifts and Hummingbirds B. albeola  Bufflehead                                                   Chaetura ~e1a ica - Chimaey s            ift Melanitta ~de landi - Hhite-wi      ged scoter                            Archilochus colubris  Ruby-throated hummingbird Oidemia ~ni ra  Common scoter                                         Coraciiformes       Kingfishers
  ~or  ra da afcensfs - R ddy duck                                          ~Me  seer   le  ~ale on   -   Belted  kingfisher
  ~Mer us cucullatus - Hooded merganser M. ~mer sneer  Damson merganser                                       Piciformes  Woodpeckers M. serrator  Red-'breasted merganser                                     ~tla tes a rat s - Cosston f11eker
                                                                            ~Dote       s pileatus      -  Pileaeed oodpecker Falconiformes  Vultures and Diurnal Birds of Prey                           ~hendzoco us villosus  Hairy oodpecker Cathartes aura  Turkey vulture                                           D. Ruhesce s- Downy woodpecker
  ~Acct iter striatus - Sharp-shinned ha k Buteo ~aasfee sis - Red-tailed hawk                                    Passeriformes - Perching or Passerine Birds B. ~lat ter s - Broad-wi ged hawk                                         Tyrann s ~trace s - Pastern kingbird B. ~la a s - Rough-legged ha k                                            ~Miarchus crinitus  Great crested flyeaeeher Pandion haliaetus - Osprey                                                ~ga ornis ~hoebe - Eastern phoebe Paleo ~sarvezi s  American       kestrel                                 ~gm ido ax mi im s  Least flycatcher
                                                                            ~C nto    s irene - Eastern wood pe ee Galliformes     Gallinaceous Birds                                          ~Irido rocne bicolor - Tree s allow Bonasa umbellus     - Ruffed grouse                                       ~RI  aria  ~rf  aria -    Bank s    all w Phasianus    colchicus  -  Ring-necked pheasant
  ~Males  ris  Eaallo avo -  Turkey                                         Hirundo rustica  Barn swallow

Table F-14 (cont.) P~ro ne subis Purple martin

                                  -                       ~inus     ~tr    ~ - American- goldfinch P~~~uL           RBDBggg   Lis     Gray )ay             P~i  ilo  er thro hthalmus     Rufous-sided towhee
  /~no ~it     a   gg+~aB. - Blue jay                     Poo    ece    g    1   s  Vesper sparro Corvud ~beach rh cos - Common cro                       J o     ~h *mafia
                                                                             - Dark ey-ed Junco C. ~ossffra s       -  Fish crow                            i*ella arboreo - Tree sparrow Par s ~atr1ca      ill   s - Black ca-pped    chfckadte
                                                          ~S S. Rasserfna  Chipping sparrow P. bicolor  Tufted titmouse                            S. Fusilla - Field sparta
  ~it   a c~ag~ni~sk.- White-breasted nuthatch            Zonotrichia albicollis - White-throated       sparrow thf ~ff feria - Brown creeper                      Passerella iliaca  Fox sparrow Ce
  ~ro T.



a~ Winter

                             -  House wren wren M~elos iza      1 dla - So g sparrow
  ~r    QXhgguy     ~~gDuu. Carolina             wren Mf us    ~f1*etc - M ckfngbird Dumetella carolinensis             Gray catbird Toxostomavrufum - Brown thrasher Turdus m~fratorfus - American robin H~lacichla mustelina - Wood ehrush H. ~uttata Hermit thr sh H. ustulata  Olive-backed thrush P~olfo   tile    sacr lea     -  Blue-gray gnatcat her R~eulus ~sativa a      -  Golden-crowned kinglet R. calendula       -  Ruby-crowned kinglet
  ~So b   cilia    cedrorum     -  Cedar waxwing St rnus ~vcl      erie  - Starling Vireo flavifrons  Yellow-throated vireo V. olivaceus  Red-eyed vireo V.gilvus       Warbling vireo .

Mniotilta varia Black and white warbler Vermfvora t~ufica Dendroica petechia ill- YelloNashville arbler arbler D. caerulescens Black-throated blue warbler D. coronata Yellow-rumped warbler D. fuses - Blackburnian warbler D. ~ens lvanfca - Chasm t-sided achier D. castanea Bay-breasted warbler D. Pefmctum - Palm arbler Sef rus a~crace illus - Gvenbfrd S. noveboracensis Northern waterthrush Oporornisphiladelphia - Mourning warbler

  ~eat i~ypfhatric lee         -  Yello thr*at
  ~Set p     ga   t ttlci Ta -     American  redstart Passer domesticus  Ho se sparrow St rue%la '~ma na - Meadowlark
  ~A elai s phoenic          s - Red inged blackbird lct*r s ~alb la  Northern oriole
  ~gh s ca 11 s - Rusty blackbird
  ~iscal      s H fsc flea - Cosmon grackle Molothrus ater  Brown-headed cowbird
  ~pfran      olive ea - Scarlet tan ger Richmondena       cardinalis      Cardinal Pheucticus ludovicianus  Rose-breasted grosbeak Passerina ~c anea  Indigo bunting
   ~Hs eri hon ~*s *ref a - Evening grosbeak
   ~tr   oda       ~re         s  - P  rple ffnch

Table F-15 'umbers of bird species observed during 20 systematic bird counts in the vicinity of SSES from January through December, 1974 Jan Feb Mar Mar Apr Apr Apr May May Jun Jun Jun Jul Aug Sep Sep Oct Oct Nov Dec Species Family Family 16 20 12 25 8 19 29 8 20 28 7 18 28 16 14 17 30 10 31 20 Total Total Percent Ardeidae 16 0.25 Great blue heron 1 10 Eastern green heron 0 5 American bittern 0 1 Anseiinae 40 0.61 Canada goose 40 40 Anatinae 93 1.42 Mallard 13 10 79 Wood duck 0 0 14 Cathartidae 10 0. 15 Turkey vulture 0' 10 Accipitridae 15 0.23 Sharp-shinned hawk Red-tailed hawk Broad-winged hawk Hawk sp. Falconidae 5 0.08 American kestrel 0. 0 Tetraonidae 29 0.44 Ruffed grouse 2 29 Phasianidae 26 0.40 Ring-necked pheasant 26 Rallidae 1 0.02 American coot Charadriidae 14 0.21 Killdeer 14 Scolopacidae 10 0.15 American woodcock Solitary sandpiper Lesser yellow-legs Columbidae 229 3. 51 Rock dove 15 2 12 6 5 3 . 10 0 86 Mourning dove 0 13 11 15 10 11 13 5 0 143 Cuculidae 10 0.15 Yellow-billed cuckoo 0 .10 Strigidae 6 0.09 Great-horned owl Alcedinidae 17 0.26 Belted kingfisher 17 Picidae 193 2.96 Common flicker 17 16 12 11 11 0 110 Pileated woodpecker 0 1 1 0 1 0 7 Hairy woodpecker 0 1 1 2 1 4 19 Downy woodpecker 3 3 3 2 1 5 51 Woodpecker sp. 1 1 1 0 1 0 6 Tyrannidae 71 1. 09 Eastern kingbird 1 Great crested flycat cher 0 11 Eastern phoebe 0 36 Least flycatcher 0 16 Eastern wood pewee 0 3 Flycatcher sp. 4

Table F-15 (cont.) Jan Feb Mar Mar Apr Apr Apr May May May Jun Jun Jun Jul Aug Sep Sep Oct Oct Nov Dec Species Family Family 16 20 12 25 7 19 29 8 20 28 7 18 28 16 14 17 30 10 31 20 Total Total Percent Hirundinidae 113 1.73 Tree swallow 0 0 18 0 2 20 Bank swallow 0 0 0 6 0 12 0 0 0 2 Rough-winged swallow 0 0 0 0 Barn swallow 0 18 7 2 12 67 0 9 Purple martin 0 1 0 0 Swallow sp. 0 0 1 0 0 3 Corvidae 261 4.00 Blue jay 1 1 15 9 7 7 7 13 10 133 Common crow 13 12 6 7 8 12 5 0 1 128 Paridae 251 3.84 Black-capped chickadee 0 9 10 11 13 14 11 13 153 Tufted titmouse 10 4 3 1 1 1 0 3 55 Chickadee sp. 14 14 7 5 0 0 0 0 43 Sittidae 61 0.93 White-breasted nuthatch 10 61 Certhiidae 6 0.09 Brown creeper 0 0 0 Troglodytidae 78 1,19 House wren 14 11 68 Winter wren 0 0 1 Carolina wren 0 0 8 0 0 1 Wren sp. Mimidae. 105 1.61 Mockingbird 0 0 0 1 7 catbird 13 33 12 11 92 Gray Brown thrasher 2 1 0 0 6 Turdidae 436 6.68 American robin 22 17 39 50 21 26 21 22 30 21 33 14 24 7 16 369 Wood thrush 0 0 0 1 3 5 10 5 8 6 12 6 1 0 0 59 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 Hermit thrush 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Olive-backed thrush 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Thrush sp. 1 1 1.36 89 Sylviidae . 3 Blue-gray gnatcatcher. 0 0 0 0 Golden-crowned kinglet 11 15 10 5 77 Ruby-crowned kinglet 1 2 0 0 9 Bombycillidae 73 1.12 Cedar waxwing 0 17 38 73 Sturnidae 501 7.67 Starling 30 11 20 20 37 30 54 13 52 6 13 21 17 15 125 11 15 501 Vireonidae 28 0.43 Yellow-throated vireo 10 9 Red-eyed vireo Warbling vireo 3 6 Vireo sp. 2.10 Parulidae 137 Black and white 0 2 warbler

   'Nashville warbler                                                              iO                                     3 2                                  18 Yellow warbler

Table F-15 (cont.) Jan Feb Mar Mar Apr Apr Apr May May May Jun Jun Jun Jul Aug Sep Sep Oct Oct Nov Dec Species Family Family 16 20 12 25 8 19 29 8 20 28 7 18 28 16 14 17 30 10 31 20 Total Total Percent Black-throated blue warbler 2 0 0 3 Yellow-rumped warbler 10 1 0 17 Blackburnian warbler 0 0 2 2 Chestnut-sided warbler 1 0 0 2 Bay-breasted warbler 0 0 0 1 Palm warbler 0 0 3 4 Ovenbird 1 0 0 3 Northern water-thrush 1 0 0 2 Mourning warbler 0 0 1 1 Yellowthroat 3 12 3 54 American redstart 1 0 0 1 Warbler sp. 1 0 16 24 Ploceidae 4 0.06 House sparrow Icteridae 11 984 30.39 Meadowlark 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 Red-winged blackbird 0 57 21 21 27 65 47 36 29 39 19 29 18 0 0 0 410 Northern oriole 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 4 1 3 0 0 0 32 Rusty blackbird 0 107 75 49 23 11 12 6 11 17 11 36 50 0 421 Common grackle 0 217 200 140 123 82 70 43 31 22 54 31 10 0 0 2 1P25 Brownheaded cowbird 0 0 0 0 1 1 16 2 2 0 0 3 1 0 0 9 36 Blackbird sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 54 Thraupidae 16 0. 25 Scarlet tanager 16 Fringillidae 11341 20.54 Cardinal 4 4 12 10 4 9 4 13 7 6 4 5 2 3 5 4 8 5 11 0 120 Rose-breasted grosbeak 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 9 5 4 3 2 4 8 4 2 0 0 44 Indigo bunting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 7 2 6 9 8 4 2 0 0 0 42 Purple finch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 American goldfinch 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 77 29 17 5 9 7 11 0 26 10 21 5 234 Rufous-sided towhee 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 3 6 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 0 0 28 Vesper sparrow 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 8 Dark-eyed )unco 4 3 8 13 7 4 7 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 16 80 Tree sparrow 20 83 25 16 6 14 11 7 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 5 4 10 203 Chipping sparrow 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 9 5 6 6 5 4 1 1 0 0 0 42 Field sparrow 0 0 0 0 3 10 18 14 12 18 8 9 8 10 6 6 4 9 145 White-throated sparrow '2 5 5 0 2 0 8 18 2 2. 2 0 2 0 0 2 12 10 87 Fox sparrow 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Song sparrow 10 1 6 8 9 8 7 12 9 7 7 7 15 16 6 17 13 26 21 11 216 Sparrow sp. 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 40 24 13 0 .0 0 86 Unknown 13 7 16 16 4 13 19 14 8 25 15 13 17 18 25 19 18 0 0 0 260 260 3.98 TOTAL 140 202 549 488 381 415 448 563 357 395 278 300 311 281 242 267 426 214 157 115 6,529 6,529 99.99

309 Table F-16. List of mammals collected in the vicinity of SSES, 1974 Didelphidae Opossum Soricidae Shrews Blarina brevicauda shore-tailed shrew Leporidae Rabbits and Hares Sciuridae Squirrels and Relatives Tamias striata eastern chipmunk Marmota monax eastern woodchuck Tamiasciurus hudsonicus red squirrel Cricetidae Cricetids Microtus enns lvanicus meadow vole Ondatra zibethicus muskrat Zapodidae Jumping Mice

  ~Za us hudsondcus meadow dumping mouse Procyonidae  Raccoons
  ~Proc on later  raccoon

Table F-17. Small mammals captured, sexed, and measured in the vicinity of SSES, 1974. All recaptures occurred at the capture stations. Species Station Date Captured .Date(s) Recaptured Sex Len th mm Total Tail Ri ht-hindfoot Short-tailed shrew Orchard 18 Sep F 100 25 14 Orchard 30 Sep F 106 26 14 Pickerel Creek 13 Aug M 108 21 12 Pickerel Creek 14 Aug M 110 25 15 Pickerel Creek 15 Aug F 111 24 14 Pickerel Creek 15 Aug M 104 21 15 Pickerel Creek 15 Aug F 99 23 14 Pickerel Creek 28 Aug F 108 24 13 Transect 1 3 Jun M 110 30 14 Transect 1 3 Jun F 108 27 11 Transect 6 9 Sep M 100 20 14 Transect 6 12 Sep F 108 23 13 Transect 7 20 Aug M 108 23 13 Transect 7 20 Aug F 103 24 14 Transect 7 21 Aug M 105 28 15 Transect 9 10 Jun M 108 25 14 Eastern chipmunk Orchard 16 Sep M 217 62 36 15 Orchard 17 Sep 1 Oct M Orchard 17 Sep 30 Sep F 235 83 34 19 Orchard 18 Sep M 241 91 32 18 Orchard 19 Sep F Orchard 30 Sep M 217 87 32 15 Orchard 1 Oct M 229 89 35 16 Orchard 1 Oct F 242 94 34 18 Orchard 1 Oct M 238 88 36 18 Orchard 2 Oct F 224 86 35 16 Orchard 2 Oct F 208 83 33 18 Pickerel Creek 12 Aug 13 Aug, 27 Aug F 180 42 34 16 Pickerel Creek 14 Aug F, 223 88 30 14 Transect 1 3 Jun 5 Jun M 214 87 32 16 Transect 1 3 Jun M 201 75 33 16 Transect 1 3 Jun F 230 89 32 16 Transect I 5 Jun F 248 93 34 14 Transect 6 27 Sep F 202 82 31 17 Transect 9 14 May M 193 62 35 19 Transect 9 15 May 12 Jun M 190 42 35 16 Transect 9 16 May M 224 80 33 14 Transect 9 13 Jun F 230 88 35 16 Red squirrel Transect 9 14 May 193 62 35 19 Transect 9 15 May 190 48 35 16 P~*ssss spp I.A. Lab 20 May 139 59 18 12 I.A. Lab 20 May 65 22 6 4 I.A. Lab 20 May a 65 20 6 4 a I.A. Lab 20 May 63 21 6 4 I.A. Lab 20 May 63 21 6 4 I.A. Lab 20 May 125 53 18 12 I.A. Lab 20 May 126 50 18 12

Table F-17 (cont.) Species Station Date Captured Date{s) Recaptured Sex Len th mm) Total Tail Ri ht-hindfoot ~PC SCIIS SPP Orchard 16 Sep F 132 62 19 14 Orchard 17 Sep 30 Sep M 158 78 20 16 Orchard 17 Sep 1 Oct, 2 Oct M 161 76 20 15 Orchard 30 Sep F 141 70 20 16 Orchard 30 Sep F 159 77 20 16 Orchard 1 Oct M 159 72 18 14 Orchard 2 Oct M 138 68 20 17 Pickerel Creek 12 Aug 26 Aug M 159 78 19 15 Pickerel Creek 12 Aug 13 Aug F 177 87 20 16 Pickerel Creek 12 Aug 14 Aug 159 82 19 15 Pickerel Creek 12 Aug 14 Aug M 151 75 19 15 Pickerel Creek 12 Aug 13 Aug, 14 Aug F 165 76 20 15 Pickerel Creek 12 Aug M 165 80 20 14 Pickerel Creek 12 Aug 14 Aug M 12) 59 16 13 Pickerel Creek 12 Aug 26 Aug M 152 68 20 17 Pickerel Creek 12 Aug 29 Aug F 133 68 21 14 Pickerel Creek 13 Aug M 130 62 19 15 Pickerel Creek 13 Aug 15 Aug M 129 62 19 13 Pickerel Creek 13 Aug 26 Aug M 161 76 20 16 Pickerel Creek 13 Aug 14 Aug, 15 Aug, 29 Aug F 126 62 19 14 Pickerel Creek 14 Aug 27 Aug F 165 89 19 15 Pickerel Creek 14 Aug M 135 65 19 14 Pickerel Creek 26 Aug M 167 83 20 16 Pickerel Creek 26 Aug M 168 81 20 15 Pickerel Creek 27 Aug F 166 82 20 16 Pickerel Creek 28 Aug M 126 56 19 13 Pickerel Creek 29 Aug M 148 71 20 16 Transect 1 8 May 3 Jun F 170 81 20 16 Transect 1 9 May M 136 65 18 15 Transect 1 3 Jun 4 Jun M 163 80 20 15 Transect 1 3 Jun F 137 69 19 15 Transect 1 3 Jun F 148 70 19 13 Transect 1 5 Jun F 159 77 19 15 Transect 6 9 Sep M 143 68 19 14 Transect 6 9 Sep F 145 69 19 14 Transect 6 9 Sep 10 Sep M 163 78 20 15 Transect 6 9 Sep 12 Sep, 26 Sep F 146 68 20 15 Transect 6 9 Sep M 140 65 19 14 Transect 6 9 Sep 10 Sep, 11 Sep, 23 Sep M 146 64 19 16 Transect 6 10 Sep 11 Sep, 12 Sep, 24 Sep M 155 70 20 15 Transect 6 10 Sep F 160 74 20 15 Transect 6 10 Sep 12 Sep, 23 Sep F 141 67 19 14 Transect 6 12 Sep M 138 69 19 14 Transect 6 23 Sep 141 70 20 15 Transect 6 23 Sep M 161 81 20 17 Transect 6 25 Sep M 128 60 19 15 Transect 7 6 Aug 19 Aug, 21 Aug M Transect 7 6 Aug M Transect 7 8 Aug F 143 70 18 16 Transect 7 8 Aug F 165 80 19 16 Transect 7 19 Aug 21 Aug M 160 77 20 16

Table F-17 (cont.) Species Station Date Captured Date(s) Recaptured Sex Len th Total Tail Ri ht-hindfoot Peromyscus spp. Transect 19 Aug 21 Aug M 155 70 20 15 Transect 20 Aug 21 Aug M 131 58 18 13 Transect 20 Aug M 136 62 18 12 Transect 13 May 15 May, 16 May, 11 Jun F 145 74 19 15 Transect 13 May 14 May, 15 May, 10 Jun, 12 Jun F 175 85 21 15 Transect 13 May 15 May M 143 67 19 14 Transect 13 May 15 May, 10 Jun, 11 Jun, 12 Jun M 132 65 18 12 Transect 13 May 14 May, 11 Jun, 12 Jun, 13 Jun F 125 60 18 13 Transect 13 May 14 May, 10 Jun, 11 Jun M 139 69 18 14 Transect 14 May 16 May M 132 66 19 14 Transect 14 May 16 May M 135 64 19 14 Transect 14 May 16 May, 10 Jun, 11 Jun M 127 63 19 14 Transect 15 May 16 May, 10 Jun, 11 Jun, 12 Jun, 13 Jun F 144 70 19 15 Transect 16 May 16 May, 10 Jun M 140 62 19 14 Transect 16 May 13 Jun M 165 78 20 16 Transect 10 Jun 11 Jun, 12 Jun F 150 75 19 13 Transect 10 Jun 11 Jun, 12 Jun M 151 68 19 14 Transect 10 Jun M 142 68 19 14 Transect 10 Jun M 150 75 19 14 Transect 10 Jun 11 Jun M 154 75 19 15 Transect 10 Jun 11 Jun F 147 68 19 14 Transect 10 Jun M 140 71 19 14 Transect 11 Jun 13 Jun M 149 71 20 15 Transect 11 Jun 12 Jun F 132 65 19 14 Transect 11 Jun 12 Jun, 13 Jun F 148 70 19 14 Transect 11 Jun 12 Jun, 13 Jun F 144 67 19 14 Transect 11 Jun 12 Jun F 155 71 20 15 Transect 11 Jun M 150 75 20 16 Transect 11 Jun M 149 70 20 15 Transect 11 Jun F 158 77 19 16 Pine vole Pickerel Creek 29 Aug 103 83 15 Meadow vole Orchard 18 Sep M 120 38 20 12 Orchard 19 Sep M 118 38 19 11 Orchard 2 Oct M 142 39 20 13 Meadow pumping mouse Orchard 17 Sep F 198 78 30 12 Orchard 17 Sep M 176 110 29 11 Orchard 19 Sep 1 Oct M 180 110 28 12 Woodland )umping mouse Transect 3 Jun M 233 143 28 13 Transect 3 Jun F 219 89 30 15 Transect 14 May M 224 141 30 16 Transect 15 May 11 Jun F 226 143 31 16 Transect 10 Jun 12 Jun F 223 133 30 15 Transect 10 Jun M 235 142 30 15 Transect 11 Jun M 226 139 30 14 a Young of preceding female.

313 Table F-18. Mammals captured, sexed, and weighed in the vicinity of SSES, 1974. All recaptures occurred at the capture stations unless footnoted Species Station Date Captured Date(s) Recaptured Sex Weight k Opossum Near Transect 6 17 Sep 19 Sep F 2.3 Lake Took-a-while 5 Jun Fa 1.4 Little Wapwallopen Creek 5 Aug M 1.2 Little Wapwallopen Creek 21 Aug M 1.2 Pickerel Creek 16 May 23 May, 24 May, 30 May F 2.6 Pickerel Creek 24 May M 3 2


Pickerel Creek 26 Jul M 1.3 Pickerel Creek 23 Sep F 2.0 Transect 9 17 Jul M 4.1 Transect 9 18 Jul F 2.5 Transect 9 23 Jul F 2.6 Transect 9 28 Jul F 1.3 Eastern cottontail I.A. Lab 1 May 13 May F I.A. Lab 15 May M 0.2 I.A. Lab 24 May M 0.2 I.A. Lab 20 Jul 0.1 I. A. Lab 20 Sep M 0.1 I.A. Lab 20 Sep M 0.1 I.A. Lab 20 Sep M 0.1 I.A. Lab 20 Sep 0.1 Pickerel Creek 24 Jul 0.1 Eastern woodchuck Cemetery 18 Sep F Pickerel Creek 2 Jun F 3.0 Pickerel Creek 3 Jun M 1.2 Pickerel Creek 5 Jun 10 Jun M 1.2 Pickerel Creek 6 Jun M 1.2 Pickerel Creek 18 Jul F 1.8 Pickerel Creek 28 Jul M 1.8 Transect 1 17 Jul M 4.2 Transect 9 17 Jul M 3.0 Transect 9 17 Jul M 3.0 Transect 9 18 Jul F 4.8 Transect 9 18 Jul F 1.8 Muskrat Lake Took-a-while 24 Jul 1.5 b 1.8 Raccoon Canal (Grove Motel) 20 Aug 23 Aug , 28 Aug M Canal (Grove Motel 29 Aug M 3.1 Canal (Grove Motel) 29 Aug F 4.9 Canal (Lake Took-a-while) 13 Jun M 5.5 Canal (Lake Took-a-while) 4 Aug M 2.4 Pickerel Creek 29 May F 4.6 Pickerel Creek 30 May F 3.5 Pickerel Creek 20 Jul F 4.8 Pickerel Creek 28 Jul 1.7 Pickerel Creek 20 Aug F 2.4 Pickerel Creek 18 Sep F 7.0 Pickerel Creek 18 Sep Fc 2.0 a With young. b Recaptured in Canal (Lake Took-a-while) c Young of preceding female.


                                                                                                     =      PPSL PROPERTY LINE            ~ ~~~~  BIRD COUNT ROUTE 0  TRANSECT I

I 1 l ~



                                                                                                     ~      ROAD RAILROAD m       FIELD ORCHARD
                                                                                                                                          ~4 NORTH                   -CANAL                                     MARSH POND
                                                                                                      .TRANSMISSION          LINE       ~           GRASS OR 1

I I 0 METEOROLOGICAL TOWER ~ EXPOSED EARTH CEMETERY I I I I I I 4 I 4, I I LITTLE WAPWALLOPEN CREEK LA SSES 4, LAKE TOOK-A- H(LE REACTORS 4 @~4 CI CONSTRUCTION AREA NORTH ICKEREL CREEK SSES I. I PA. I I INTAKE I I EFFLUENT I I I I I IOO FE GROVE NORTH BRANC MOTEL i I l SUSQUEHANNA RIVER 400 METER lilllllll Fig. F-1. Locations of the bird-count route, vegetational transccts (9-12), and relevant landmarks in the vicinity of SSES, 1974.}}