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E-Mail: Palisades Nuclear Plant - Request for Information for Onsite Review 2016 002 (Msh)
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/10/2016
Download: ML16132A175 (1)


ADAMS Accession Number ML16132A175 NRC Information Request (5/10/16) - IP 92702 - Followup on Traditional Enforcement Actions Including Violations, Deviation, Confirmatory Action Letters, Confirmatory Orders, And Alternate Dispute Resolution Confirmatory Orders -

Documents Selected for Onsite Review.

On November 24, 2015, the NRC issued a Notice of Violation (NOV) (EA-15-171) of Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 50.9 to Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc (ENO) involving the failure to provide information to the NRC that was complete and accurate in all material respects in letter PNP 2014-015, Relief Request Number 4-18 - Proposed Alternative Use of Alternate ASME [American Society of Mechanical Engineers] Code Case N-770-1 Baseline Examination, submitted to the NRC on February 25, 2014 (ML14056A533). This issue was discussed in detail as an Apparent Violation in Inspection Report 2015012 that resulted from an error in a calculation supporting the analysis results provided in your February 25, 2014, letter, and, once identified by your staff, was promptly reported to the NRC.

To support a review of the corrective actions completed for this NOV (EA-15-171),

please provide a paper copy of the documents below to the Palisades Resident Inspectors Office on or before 11:00 am on June 6, 2016. Please direct questions on this request to the lead inspector Mel Holmberg at or 630-829-9748.

1. Corrective Action Program records related to this NOV that demonstrate:
a. Corrective actions have been completed including copies of revised/corrected relief requests, site procedures or process changes, and records of site/vendor briefings, lessons learned or training completed as a corrective action.
b. For any outstanding (e.g. open) corrective actions that due dates and action owners have been assigned.
c. Cause analysis or investigations completed by the site and vendor related to this NOV.
d. Extent of condition investigations and generic implication evaluations related to this NOV completed by the site and vendor.
e. The significance level assigned to this issue in the corrective action program.
f. Completed or planned effectiveness reviews of the corrective actions to prevent recurrence (if applicable).
2. Points of contact (numbers and names) of site and vendor staff that would be the leads for questions related to the documents identified above.
3. Quality Assurance (QA) audits conducted related to the area in which this NOV was identified.
4. Site procedures that provide guidance for followup, investigation and resolution of issues identified as NRC violations. In particular, the site procedures that govern the type of cause investigation required (e.g. root cause).

ADAMS Accession Number ML16132A175 NRC Information Request (5/10/16) - IP 92702 - Followup on Traditional Enforcement Actions Including Violations, Deviation, Confirmatory Action Letters, Confirmatory Orders, And Alternate Dispute Resolution Confirmatory Orders -

Documents Selected for Onsite Review.

On November 24, 2015, the NRC issued a Notice of Violation (NOV) (EA-15-171) of Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 50.9 to Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc (ENO) involving the failure to provide information to the NRC that was complete and accurate in all material respects in letter PNP 2014-015, Relief Request Number 4-18 - Proposed Alternative Use of Alternate ASME [American Society of Mechanical Engineers] Code Case N-770-1 Baseline Examination, submitted to the NRC on February 25, 2014 (ML14056A533). This issue was discussed in detail as an Apparent Violation in Inspection Report 2015012 that resulted from an error in a calculation supporting the analysis results provided in your February 25, 2014, letter, and, once identified by your staff, was promptly reported to the NRC.

To support a review of the corrective actions completed for this NOV (EA-15-171),

please provide a paper copy of the documents below to the Palisades Resident Inspectors Office on or before 11:00 am on June 6, 2016. Please direct questions on this request to the lead inspector Mel Holmberg at or 630-829-9748.

1. Corrective Action Program records related to this NOV that demonstrate:
a. Corrective actions have been completed including copies of revised/corrected relief requests, site procedures or process changes, and records of site/vendor briefings, lessons learned or training completed as a corrective action.
b. For any outstanding (e.g. open) corrective actions that due dates and action owners have been assigned.
c. Cause analysis or investigations completed by the site and vendor related to this NOV.
d. Extent of condition investigations and generic implication evaluations related to this NOV completed by the site and vendor.
e. The significance level assigned to this issue in the corrective action program.
f. Completed or planned effectiveness reviews of the corrective actions to prevent recurrence (if applicable).
2. Points of contact (numbers and names) of site and vendor staff that would be the leads for questions related to the documents identified above.
3. Quality Assurance (QA) audits conducted related to the area in which this NOV was identified.
4. Site procedures that provide guidance for followup, investigation and resolution of issues identified as NRC violations. In particular, the site procedures that govern the type of cause investigation required (e.g. root cause).