Letter Sequence RAI |
- Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request
- Acceptance...
MONTHYEARML0917402832009-07-10010 July 2009 University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information License Renewal Project stage: RAI ML13079A2162013-02-28028 February 2013 Letter from Kelly Mescher the Court in Sherman V. the Curators of the University of Missouri Project stage: Other ML13079A2152013-03-0505 March 2013 Statement of Intent Project stage: Other ML13079A2172013-03-12012 March 2013 Letter from Ralph A. Butler Enclosed with University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor'S Responses to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission'S (NRC) Request for Additional Information, Dated February 11, 2013, Regarding Our Renewal Requ Project stage: Request ML13079A2142013-03-12012 March 2013 Written Communication as Specified by 10 CFR 50.4(b)(1) Regarding the Response to the University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information Updated Financial Information for License Renewal (TAC No. ME1580), Dated 02/11/20 Project stage: Request ML13079A2182013-03-12012 March 2013 University of Missouri System 2012 Financial Report Project stage: Other ML14324A7072014-12-0303 December 2014 Request for Additional Information Regarding the MURR License Renewal Review (Updated Info 11/19/2014) Project stage: RAI ML15034A4732015-01-28028 January 2015 University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor Response to NRC Request for Additional Information Re License Renewal Application Project stage: Response to RAI ML15034A4742015-01-28028 January 2015 Written Communication as Specified by 10 CFR 50.4(b)(1) Regarding the Response to the University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information Regarding the Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103 for the University o Project stage: Request ML15049A0392015-02-12012 February 2015 University of Missouri-Columbia - Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R- 103 Dated December.3, 2014 Project stage: Response to RAI ML15051A0042015-02-20020 February 2015 University of Missouri at Columbia, Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure Project stage: Withholding Request Acceptance ML15098A6482015-04-17017 April 2015 University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information Regarding the Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103 for the University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor Project stage: RAI ML15154B8122015-07-21021 July 2015 University of Missouri at Columbia Acknowledgement of the Imposition of an Administrative Limit for the Quantity of Iodine Processed in the Iodine Processing Laboratory Hot Cells for Facility Operating License No. R 103 Project stage: Other ML15224B3092015-09-14014 September 2015 University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information Regarding, Physical Security Plan Review for Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103 for the University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor Project stage: RAI ML15260A4392015-09-15015 September 2015 University of Missouri-Columbia - Request for a Copy of the Emergency Plan in Support of the Renewal of Amended Facility License No. R-103 Project stage: Request ML15275A3142015-10-0101 October 2015 University of Missouri, Columbia - Responses to NRC Request for Additional Information, Dated April 17, 2015, Regarding Renewal Request for Amended Facility Operating License Project stage: Response to RAI ML15350A0882015-10-0606 October 2015 State of Missouri, Federal Assistance Clearinghouse Letter NRC Request for Additional Info Regarding the Physical Security Plan Review for Renewal of Facility Operating License No.R-103 for the Univ. of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor Project stage: Request ML15280A3142015-10-28028 October 2015 University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor Request for Additional Information Regarding the Proposed Technical Specifications for the Murr License Renewal Review Project stage: RAI ML15344A0232015-12-0202 December 2015 University of Missouri(Um) at Columbia - Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Physical Security Plan Review for Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103 for the Um at Columbia Research Reactor Project stage: Response to RAI ML15331A0492015-12-0909 December 2015 University of Missouri at Columbia Review of the Emergency Plan in Support of the License Renewal Project stage: Approval ML15337A1752015-12-17017 December 2015 University of Missouri at Columbia Clarifications Needed to NRC Staff Request for Additional Information Regarding the Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103 for the University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor Project stage: RAI ML16028A2552016-02-0808 February 2016 University of Missouri at Columbia; Request for Additional Information Updated Financial Information for Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103 for the University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor (Tac No. Me1580) Project stage: RAI ML16103A5302016-04-0808 April 2016 Univ. of Missouri, Columbia - Transmittal of Responses to NRC Request for Additional Information Dated February 8, 2016 Regarding Renewal Request for Amendment Project stage: Response to RAI ML16110A1642016-04-15015 April 2016 University of Missouri - Columbia Research Reactor, Response to Request for Additional Information on License Renewal Amendment Request Project stage: Response to RAI ML16155A1322016-05-31031 May 2016 University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor'S Responses to the NRC Request for Additional Information, Dated October 28, 2015, Regarding Our Renewal Request for Amended Facility Operating License No. R-103 Project stage: Request ML16209A2362016-07-25025 July 2016 University of Missouri, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Proposed Technical Specifications for the License Renewal Project stage: Response to RAI ML16215A4152016-08-0202 August 2016 MURR Hazards Summary Report - Addendums 1-5 Redacted, in Support of an Application for a Research Reactor Project stage: Request ML16216A1222016-08-24024 August 2016 University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information Financial Information for Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103 for the University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor Project stage: RAI ML16239A4252016-09-0707 September 2016 University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information Regarding the Proposed Technical Specifications for the Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103 for the University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor Project stage: RAI ML16313A5172016-11-0707 November 2016 University If Missouri, Response to NRC Request for RAI, Dated September 7, 2016 Regarding License Renewal Amendment Project stage: Request ML16321A4552016-11-15015 November 2016 Written Communication as Specified by 10 CPR 73.4 Regarding Changes to the University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor Physical Security Plan That Was Previously Submitted in Response to University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Project stage: Request ML16321A4852016-11-15015 November 2016 University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor - Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Renewal Request Project stage: Response to RAI ML15289A0142016-11-18018 November 2016 FRN: General Notice: Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact RE: Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103, University of Missouri at Columbia Project stage: Request ML15289A0122016-11-18018 November 2016 University of Missouri at Columbia - Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Regarding Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103 for the University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor Project stage: Other ML16350A4242016-12-14014 December 2016 Written Communication as Specified by 10 CFR 50.4(b)(1) Regarding Responses to the University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information Regarding the Proposed Technical Specifications for the Renewal of Facility Operating Project stage: Request ML16124A8872017-01-0404 January 2017 the University of Missouri Columbia Safety Evaluation Report for the Renewal of the Facility Operating License for the Nuclear Research Reactor Project stage: Approval 2015-07-21
[Table View] |
MONTHYEARIR 05000186/20242022024-11-0404 November 2024 The Curators of the University of Missouri – U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Safety Inspection Report 05000186/2024202 IR 05000186/20244102024-11-0404 November 2024 The Curators of the University of Missouri - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Security Inspection Report No. 05000186/2024410 (Public) 05000186/LER-2024-003, University of Missouri Research Reactor, Specification Deviation from Technical Specification 3.2.g.212024-10-25025 October 2024 University of Missouri Research Reactor, Specification Deviation from Technical Specification 3.2.g.21 ML24281A1322024-10-0404 October 2024 University of Missouri - Notification of NIST Award 60NANB23D160 NEPA Catex ML24270A0992024-10-0101 October 2024 Examination Confirmation Letter No. 50-186/Ol-25-01, University of Missouri - Columbia ML24142A1432024-08-27027 August 2024 Examination Result Letter No. 50-186/OL-24-02, University of Missouri - Columbia ML24142A1422024-08-27027 August 2024 Examination Report Letter No. 50-186/OL-24-02, University of Missouri - Columbia ML24184A1132024-07-0202 July 2024 Written Communication as Required by University of Missouri Research Reactor Technical Specification 6.6.c(3) Regarding a Deviation from Technical Specification 3.10.d IR 05000186/20242012024-05-29029 May 2024 The Curators of the University of Missouri - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Safety Inspection Report No. 05000186/2024201 05000186/LER-2024-001, Written Communication as Required by by LER 2024-001-00 for University of Missouri Research Reactor Technical Specification 6.6.c(3) Re Deviation from Technical Specification 3.1 0.d2024-05-23023 May 2024 Written Communication as Required by by LER 2024-001-00 for University of Missouri Research Reactor Technical Specification 6.6.c(3) Re Deviation from Technical Specification 3.1 0.d ML24081A1332024-04-0202 April 2024 University of Missouri-Columbia (MURR) – Change of Facility Project Manager ML24064A1922024-03-0101 March 2024 Federal Funding for the Conversion of the University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor from Highly-Enriched Uranium Fuel to Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel ML24044A1162024-03-0101 March 2024 Examination Confirmation Letter No. 50-186/OL-24-02, University of Missouri-Columbia ML24059A4412024-02-28028 February 2024 Univ. of Missouri - Columbia - Submittal of Annual Operating Report Technical Specification 6.6.e IR 05000186/20232022023-12-12012 December 2023 The Curators of the University of Missouri - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Safety Inspection Report No. 05000186/2023202 ML23198A0222023-08-29029 August 2023 Examination Report Letter No. 50-186/OL-23-02, University of Missouri - Columbia ML23198A0232023-08-29029 August 2023 Examination Result Letter No. 50-186/OL-23-02, University of Missouri-Columbia ML23221A1172023-08-0303 August 2023 Written Communication as Specified by 10 CFR 50.4(b)(4) Regarding the Submittal of the Physical Security Plan for the University of Missouri Research Reactor as a Part of the Process to Renew Amended Facility Operating License R-103 ML23213A0592023-08-0101 August 2023 Written Communication as Specified by University of Missouri Research Reactor Technical Specification 6.6.2(d) Regarding a Permanent Change in the Facility Organization Involving the Executive Director IR 05000186/20232012023-07-31031 July 2023 The Curators of the University of Missouri – U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Safety Inspection Report No. 05000186/2023201 ML23186A2132023-07-31031 July 2023 Examination Confirmation Letter No. 50-186/OL-23-03, University of Missouri - Columbia 05000186/LER-2023-003, University of Missouri - Columbia Research Reactor, Written Communication as Required Technical Specification 6.6.c(3) Regarding a Deviation from Technical Specification 3.2.b2023-06-0606 June 2023 University of Missouri - Columbia Research Reactor, Written Communication as Required Technical Specification 6.6.c(3) Regarding a Deviation from Technical Specification 3.2.b ML23124A0422023-05-0808 May 2023 Examination Confirmation Letter 50-186/OL-23-02, University of Missouri - Columbia ML23103A0742023-04-10010 April 2023 University of Missouri, Columbia Research Reactor, Shipment of Radioactive Material Shipment Identifier MURR 23-01 Highway Route Controlled Quantity ML23024A2772023-04-0707 April 2023 Cover Letter for the Security Inspection Report for the University of Missouri (Public) - October 2022 ML23089A3162023-03-29029 March 2023 Letter Notifying Univ. of Missouri That Us Dept. of Energy Funding Will Not Be Available in Fiscal Year 2023 to Complete the Conversion of MURR to LEU Fuel ML23087A1142023-03-29029 March 2023 Examination Results Letter No. 50-186/OL-23-01, University of Missouri - Columbia ML23087A1132023-03-29029 March 2023 Examination Report No. 50-186/OL-23-01, University of Missouri-Columbia ML23055B1372023-02-24024 February 2023 Submittal of Annual Operating Report for the University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor as Required by MURR Technical Specification 6.6.e IR 05000186/20222022023-02-23023 February 2023 The Curators of the University of Missouri - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Routine Inspection Report No. 05000186/2022202 - Cover Letter and Enclosure ML23031A0132023-02-14014 February 2023 Examination Confirmation Letter No. 50-186/OL-23-01, University of Missouri-Columbia ML23017A2072023-01-13013 January 2023 Written Communication as Required by University of Missouri Research Reactor Technical Specification 6.6.c(3) Regarding a Deviation from Technical Specification 6.1.f ML22349A0422022-12-0808 December 2022 Written Communication as Specified in 10 CFR 50.54(b)(5) Regarding Changes to the University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor Facility Emergency Plan Without Prior Commission Approval Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(q)(3) ML22314A2102022-11-0909 November 2022 Written Communication as Required by Technical Specification 6.6.d(2), Other Reports, Regarding a Change in University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor Organization Involving the Reactor Facility Director ML22304A0042022-10-27027 October 2022 University of Missouri - Columbia, Shipment of Radioactive Material, Highway Route Controlled Quantity ML22291A0322022-10-14014 October 2022 University of Missouri Written Communication as Required by 10 CFR 73, Appendix G Regarding a Deviation from the MURR Physical Security Plan ML22290A0042022-10-12012 October 2022 University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor, Reportable Event Report Pursuant to 20.2201(a)(ii) Regarding Loss of Licensed Material During Shipment IR 05000186/20222012022-06-14014 June 2022 The Curators of the University of Missouri - U.S. NRC Routine Inspection Report No. 05000186/2022201 ML22158A0792022-06-0606 June 2022 Submittal of Revised Annual Operating Report for the University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor as Required by MURR Technical Specification 6.6.e ML22097A0592022-04-0707 April 2022 Approval for Spent Nuclear Fuel Highway Route Application - NRC Route No. 182D - Docket Number 050-0186 ML22088A0782022-03-25025 March 2022 Univ. of Missouri, Federal Funding for the Conversion of the Columbia Research Reactor from Highly-Enriched Uranium Fuel to Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel IR 05000186/20212032022-03-0202 March 2022 The Curators of the University of Missouri U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Routine Inspection Report No. 05000186/2021203 ML22056A5162022-02-25025 February 2022 Submittal of Annual Operating Report for the University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor as Required by MURR Technical Specification 6.6.e ML22038A6012022-02-0808 February 2022 Acceptance for Spent Nuclear Fuel Highway Route Application NRC No. 182D-Docket No. 050-0186 ML22013B1412022-01-21021 January 2022 Examination Confirmation Letter No. 50-186-OL-22-02, University of Missouri-Columbia ML21327A3042021-11-23023 November 2021 Written Communication as Required by University of Missouri Research Reactor Technical Specification 6.6.c(3) Regarding a Deviation from Technical Specification 3.2.f.6 05000186/LER-2021-004, University of Missouri Research Reactor, Deviation from Technical Specification 3.2.g.102021-11-23023 November 2021 University of Missouri Research Reactor, Deviation from Technical Specification 3.2.g.10 ML21298A1972021-10-25025 October 2021 University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor - Written Communication as Required by University of Missouri Research Reactor Technical Specification 6.6.c(3) Regarding a Deviation from Technical Specification 3.2.g.6 ML21253A2482021-09-23023 September 2021 Examination Confirmation Letter No. 50-186/OL-22-01, University of Missouri Columbia ML21221A3252021-08-0909 August 2021 University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor, Written Communication as Required by Technical Specification 6.6.c(3) Regarding a Deviation from Technical Specifications 3.2.a 2024-08-27
[Table view] Category:Request for Additional Information (RAI)
MONTHYEARML17284A0432017-11-0101 November 2017 University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information License Amendment Request to Implement Selective Gas Extraction Target Experimental Facility at the University of Missouri Research Reactor (CAC A11010/05000186/L-2017- ML17234A7332017-09-0707 September 2017 University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information License Amendment Request to Implement Selective Gas Extraction Target Experimental Facility at the University of Missouri Research Reactor ML16239A4252016-09-0707 September 2016 University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information Regarding the Proposed Technical Specifications for the Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103 for the University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor ML16216A1222016-08-24024 August 2016 University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information Financial Information for Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103 for the University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor ML16083A0252016-03-23023 March 2016 University of Missouri at Columbia - Clarifications Needed to Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff Request for Additional Information Regarding the Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103 ML16028A2552016-02-0808 February 2016 University of Missouri at Columbia; Request for Additional Information Updated Financial Information for Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103 for the University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor (Tac No. Me1580) ML16008A9052016-01-12012 January 2016 MURR Iodine La RAI Proprietary Determination Letter ML15337A1752015-12-17017 December 2015 University of Missouri at Columbia Clarifications Needed to NRC Staff Request for Additional Information Regarding the Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103 for the University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor ML15307A0752015-11-19019 November 2015 Enclosuuniversity of Missouri at Columbia - Attachment Public Request for Additional Information ML15307A0732015-11-19019 November 2015 University of Missouri at Columbia - Cover Letter Request for Additional Information Regarding the License Amendment Request to Modify the Technical Specifications to Produce Radiochemical Sodium Iodine at the University of Missouri at Colu ML15280A3142015-10-28028 October 2015 University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor Request for Additional Information Regarding the Proposed Technical Specifications for the Murr License Renewal Review ML15098A6482015-04-17017 April 2015 University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information Regarding the Renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103 for the University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor ML14324A7072014-12-0303 December 2014 Request for Additional Information Regarding the MURR License Renewal Review (Updated Info 11/19/2014) ML1210101092012-04-12012 April 2012 University of Missouri, Columbia - Request for Additional Information, License Amendment Dated August 24, 2011 Safety Limits ML1117515642011-07-0101 July 2011 University of Missouri - Columbia - Request for Additional Information License Amendment, Center Test Hole (TAC N0. ME1876) ML1035606622010-12-27027 December 2010 University of Missouri - Columbia - Request for Additional Information License Amendment Center Test Hole ML1011602662010-06-0101 June 2010 University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information License Renewal, Safety Analysis Report, 45-Day Response Questions ML1011602442010-05-0606 May 2010 University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information License Renewal, Safety Analysis Report, Complex Questions ML1010407262010-04-20020 April 2010 University of Missouri at Columbia, Request for Additional Information Regarding License Renewal, National Historic Preservation Act ML0936200962009-12-30030 December 2009 University of Missouri at Columbia, RAI, Environmental Report ML0936200822009-12-30030 December 2009 University of Missouri at Columbia, RAI, License Renewal References ML0917402832009-07-10010 July 2009 University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information License Renewal ML0823907242008-08-26026 August 2008 University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information License Amendment on Fueled Experiment Conditions ML0722203632007-08-10010 August 2007 University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information License Amendment on Fueled Experiment Conditions (TAC MD 5782) ML0527104062005-10-0707 October 2005 RAI Letter - Security Measures - Butler ML0402204892004-01-28028 January 2004 University of Missouri at Columbia - Request for Additional Information License Amendment on Definitions, Limiting Conditions for Operations and Reporting Requirements ML0316401192003-06-23023 June 2003 Univ of Missouri - Columbia -- Request for Additional Information Security Plan 2017-09-07
[Table view] |
December 17, 2015 Mr. Ralph Butler, Executive Director University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor Center 1513 Research Park Drive Columbia, MO 65211
Dear Mr. Butler:
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is continuing its review of your application for the renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103, dated August 31, 2006 (redacted versions of the application and supplement are available on the NRCs public web site at www.nrc.gov under Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession Nos.:
ML062540114 - cover letter; ML092110573 - Safety Analysis Report (SAR), Chapters 1-9; ML092110597 - SAR, Chapters 10-18), for the University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor. The NRC staff reviewed your responses, by letter dated October 1, 2015 (ADAMS Accession No. ML15275A314), to our request for additional information (RAI), by letter dated April 17, 2015 (ADAMS Accession No. ML15098A648), and identified several RAI responses which needed additional information or clarification. These RAIs were discussed with your staff by a conference call conducted on November 20, 2015. Those RAI responses which need additional information or clarification are provided in the enclosure.
In accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 50.30(b), Oath or affirmation, you must execute your response in a signed original document under oath or affirmation. Your response must be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.4, Written communications. Information included in your response that is considered sensitive or proprietary, that you seek to have withheld from the public, must be marked in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390, Public inspections, exemptions, requests for withholding. Any information related to security should be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 73.21, Protection of Safeguards Information: Performance Requirements. Following receipt of the additional information, we will continue our evaluation of your renewal request.
R. Butler If you need additional time to complete this request, or have any questions regarding this review, please contact me at (301) 415-0893, or by electronic mail at Geoffrey.Wertz@nrc.gov.
Geoffrey A. Wertz, Project Manager Research and Test Reactors Licensing Branch Division of Policy and Rulemaking Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-186
As stated cc: See next page
University of Missouri-Columbia Docket No. 50-186 cc:
Les Foyto, Associate Director Reactor and Facilities Operations University of Missouri - Columbia Research Reactor Center 1513 Research Park Drive Columbia, MO 65211 Homeland Security Coordinator Missouri Office of Homeland Security P.O. Box 749 Jefferson City, MO 65102 Planner, Department of Health and Senior Services Section for Environmental Public Health P.O. Box 570 Jefferson City, MO 65102 Deputy Director for Policy Department of Natural Resources 1101 Riverside Drive Fourth Floor East Jefferson City, MO 65101 A-95 Coordinator Division of Planning Office of Administration P.O. Box 809, State Capitol Building Jefferson City, MO 65101 Test, Research, and Training Reactor Newsletter University of Florida 202 Nuclear Sciences Center Gainesville, FL 32611
ML15337A175; *concurrence via email NRR-106 OFFICE DPR/PRLB/PM* DPR/PRLB/LA* DPR/PRLB/BC DPR/PRLB/PM NAME GWertz NParker AAdams (AAdams for) GWertz DATE 12/02/2015 12/03/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION CLARIFICATIONS NEEDED FOR THE REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR THE RENEWED LICENSE FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA RESEARCH REACTOR LICENSE NO. R-103; DOCKET NO. 50-186 The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is continuing its review of your application for the renewal of Facility Operating License No. R-103, dated August 31, 2006 (redacted versions of the application and supplement are available on the NRCs public web site at www.nrc.gov under Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession Nos.:
ML062540114 - cover letter; ML092110573 - Safety Analysis Report (SAR), Chapters 1-9; ML092110597 - SAR, Chapters 10-18), for the University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor. The NRC staff reviewed your responses, by letter dated October 1, 2015 (ADAMS Accession No. ML15275A314), to our request for additional information (RAI), by letter dated April 17, 2015 (ADAMS Accession No. ML15098A648), and identified several RAI responses which needed additional information or clarification. These RAIs were discussed with your staff by a conference call conducted on November 20, 2015. Those RAI responses which need additional information or clarification are provided below.
Note: The numbering in the column labeled RAI No. corresponds to the RAIs issued by NRC letter dated April 17, 2015. The brackets [page] at the end of each item indicate the page number on the RAI response provided by MURR letter dated October 1, 2015.
RAI No. Information/Clarification Needed
- 1. a. i. No information was provided for the rod time for full insertion (scram). Provide a consistent and conservative definition of the full control rod insertion and ensure that this definition is used for all accident analyses [page 5].
ii. Table 2 indicates that the shim blade worth is .01364 (positive) and the 80 percent inserted worth is -0.1127 (negative). Ensure that a consistent use of the sign (positive/negative) for control blade worth is used in all responses
[page 6].
iii. The response indicates that using fresh (new) control blades is conservative.
For some situations this does not seem correct, (e.g., depleted blades would be more conservative for shutdown margin). Clarify and revise the response as necessary [page 6].
iv. Table 3 does not provide the individual blade worths as requested (for blades 1, 2, 3, 4, shim and regulating). Provide individual blade worths and revise calculations of core sub-criticality [page 7].
- 1. b. The information provided in the response only addressed Loss of Coolant Accident and Loss of Flow Accident. Provide blade worths and scram times for all accidents analyzed, or ensure that a consistent set of such values are used in the accident analyses [page 7].
- 3. c. Only blade D measurements were provided. Provide a numerical list of the control blade worths (calculated and measured) for blades 1, 2, 3, 4, shim, and regulating for the operational core(s), and specify the conditions that apply (power, flow, xenon, temperature, etc.) [page 20].
- 4. The response referenced SAR 4-41 and 4-42, which related to a core configuration described as typical. However, the methods used in that analysis are not consistent with the analytical methods defined in the current RAI responses. Explain [page 26].
- 6. a. i. The insertion of excess reactivity analysis does not specify what blade worths were used. Provide the blade worths [page 31].
ii. Table 1 does not specify which values pertain to the top or bottom of fuel and how this data was generated. Provide clarification [page 32].
- 7. a. i. The basis for the peaking factor of 2.423 was not explained. Explain [page37].
ii. The response describes the use of 5,474-gram fuel, but the inventory appears to use 6.2 kg. Clarify the basis for the inventory provided [page 37].
- 7. d. RAI responses appear to reference Attachment numbers that are not correct (Attachment 8 may actually be Attachment 10, Attachment 9 may actually be Attachment 11, etc.). This appears to occur in multiple locations in the response document. Review and revise as necessary.
- 7. g. i. The basis for establishing the source term is not clear. Provide the basis, and, if possible, the source term output (e.g., ORIGEN, etc.) [page 40].
ii. The information provided on the average radioiodine concentrations refers to their decayed values, but the values seem to be constant (not decayed).
Explain and provide assumptions for decay, if applicable [page 45].
iii. The values for Krypton (Kr)-89, Kr-90, Xenon (Xe)-135m, Xe-137, and Xe-138 concentrations appear to be low in comparison to confirmatory calculations done by the NRC staff [pages 45 and 53]. Explain and revise as necessary.
iv. It appears that the derived air concentration (DAC) values were used from different sources (10 CFR Part 20 Appendix B, and 10 CFR 835). Provide dose calculations using a consistent methodology [page 48].
- v. It appears that the thyroid dose calculation is provided instead of the committed effective dose equivalent (CEDE). Provide the CEDE [page 48].
vi. The basis for the dilution source reduction factor of 292 is not clear. Provide the basis for this value [page 51].
vii. The basis for the use of the effluent concentration limit of 2.0x10-8 is not provided. Explain [page 51].
- 9. a. The response does not describe the alarms that would indicate a fuel malfunction event. Provide a description of all such alarms and fully respond to the information requested in the RAI [page 59].
- 9. b. i. The basis for establishing the source term is not clear. Provide a basis, preferably the source term output (e.g., ORIGEN, etc.) [page 59].
ii. The source term values appear incorrect for 30 minutes of decay based on confirmatory calculations by NRC staff. Explain and revise as necessary
[page 62].
iii. On page 63 of the response the activity in the pool water is stated to be instantaneously released but on page 64 this activity is stated to be decayed.
Explain if the radioisotopes are decayed, and if they are, the basis and assumptions used [page 64].
iv. It appears that the thyroid dose calculation is provided instead of the CEDE.
Provide CEDE [page 67].
- v. The basis for the use of the effluent concentration limit of 2.0x10-8 is not provided [page 70].
- 10. a The response does not describe the alarms that would indicate an experiment malfunction event. Provide a description of all such alarms and fully respond to the information requested in the RAI [page73].
- 10. b i. Neither the SAR, nor the response, explain how venting of a fueled experiment is accomplished. Describe this path and the equipment involved in that path for monitoring and/or mitigating radioisotopes released in this manner [page 74].
ii. The response does not describe the limiting locations of a failed fueled experiment for occupational or public receptors. Explain in the revised response and ensure that the response addresses both vented and unvented fueled experiments [page 74].
- 10. c i. The response indicates that releases from fueled experiments are tallied with the normal release information reported annually. It does not clarify what level of reporting would occur if a failed fueled experiment would occur and when that reporting would take place. Clarify [page 74].
ii. The basis for establishing the source term is not clear. Provide a basis, preferably the source term output (e.g., ORIGEN, etc.) [page 76].
iii. The response indicates that this accident involves an instantaneous release.
It is not clear why there is a discussion of decaying the isotopes. Explain
[page 77].
iv. The values of Kr-89, Kr-90, Xe-137, and Xe-138 concentrations appear to be low in comparison to confirmatory calculations performed by the NRC staff.
Explain and revise as necessary [pages 78].
- v. It appears that the DAC values were used from different sources (10 CFR Part 20 Appendix B, and 10 CFR 835). Provide dose calculations using a consistent methodology [page 80].
vi. It appears that the thyroid dose calculation is provided instead of the CEDE.
Provide the CEDE [page 80].