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May 12, 2015, Meeting with Southern Nuclear Company, Draft Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2, On-Shift and Augmented Emergency Response Organization Summary
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/08/2015
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Williams A
Shared Package
ML15127A455 List:
Download: ML15128A003 (5)


VEGP 1-2 On-Shift Staff and Augmented ERO Summary Technical Support Emergency Center (TSC) /

Operations Facility Emergency Operations Support On Shift (EOF)

Preparedness Function Center (OSC)

Alert or Greater Alert or Greater Augment w/in 90 min Augment w/in 90-min Command & Control

  • Provide overall ERO command and control until relieved.

Emergency Director

  • Approve emergency Emergency Director Shift Manager TSC Manager action level (EAL) and/or EOF Manager (1) OSC Manager PAR classifications until (2)

(3) relieved

  • Authorize personnel does extensions until relieved Communications
  • Communicate EAL and TSC ERF Communicator EOF ERF Communicator PAR classifications to Communicator1Note 1 TSC ENS Communicator EOF ENN Communicator offsite agencies, OSC ERF Communicator (2) including NRC, until (3) relieved.

Radiation Protection

  • Provide qualified radiation protection coverage for responders accessing potentially unknown radiological environments during emergency conditions Radiation Protection OSC RP Technician Technicians Not Applicable
  • Provide in-plant surveys, (4)

(2) onsite surveys and offsite surveys

  • Support offsite field monitoring teams1
  • Control dosimetry and access control 1

VEGP 1-2 On-Shift Staff and Augmented ERO Summary Technical Support Emergency Center (TSC) /

Operations Facility Emergency Operations Support On Shift (EOF)

Preparedness Function Center (OSC)

Alert or Greater Alert or Greater Augment w/in 90 min Augment w/in 90-min Supervision of Radiation Protection

  • Evaluate and assess plant and offsite radiological data in the development of onsite protective actions and offsite PARs, until relieved
  • Recommend onsite protective actions and offsite PARs to the OSC RP Supervisor applicable decision Note 1 TSC RP Supervisor Not Applicable maker, until relieved (2)
  • Direct all radiation protection activities, until relieved
  • Provide relevant information to applicable communicators in support of protective action recommendations to offsite agencies, until relieved.

Dose Assessments /

Projections EOF Dose Assessment

  • Perform dose Chemistry Technician Supervisor assessments/projections Not Applicable (1) EOF Dose Analyst and provide input to (2) applicable PAR decision maker, until relieved Emergency Classifications Shift TSC Operations Supervisor
  • Evaluate plant Technical (1) Not Applicable conditions and Advisor1 recommend emergency Note 1 classifications, until relieved 2

VEGP 1-2 On-Shift Staff and Augmented ERO Summary Technical Support Emergency Center (TSC) /

Operations Facility Emergency Operations Support On Shift (EOF)

Preparedness Function Center (OSC)

Alert or Greater Alert or Greater Augment w/in 90 min Augment w/in 90-min Engineering Engineering Supervisor Shift Technical

  • Provide engineering Reactor Engineer Advisor1Support coverage related to the Electrical Engineer Not Applicable Supervisor specific discipline of the Mechanical Engineer (1) assigned engineer, until (4) relieved STA Note 2 Security staffing is per Security the site Security Plan NA Not Applicable Electrical Maintenance Mechanical Repair Team Activities Maintenance Not Applicable Not Applicable I&C Maintenance (3)

Mechanical Maintenance Group Lead Maintenance Electrical Maintenance Supervision of Repair Supervisor Group Lead Not Applicable Team Activities (1) I&C Maintenance Group Lead RP/Chemistry Group Lead (4)

Onsite Offsite Field Monitoring Teams RP Technician Field Monitoring Team Not Applicable (FMTs) (1) Personnel (2)

JIC Public Information

  • Manage and coordinate Not Applicable Not Applicable Director media information (1) related to the event Total 910 30 Note 1 - Other personnel may be assigned this function if no collateral duties are assigned to an individual that are beyond the capability of that individual to perform at any given time. A 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E shift staffing evaluation must be performed to support assignment of multiple roles to individual responders on-shift Note 2 - Shift Technical Advisor (STA) - Qualification or Collateral Duty of Qualified Shift Personnel 3