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Slides - SNC Presentation - Pre-Submittal Meeting on April 4, 2024 - Proposed Vogtle 3 and 4 TS 3.7.6 LAR
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 04/04/2024
From: Turner Z
Plant Licensing Branch II
To: Brown R
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Shared Package
ML24089A161 List:
Download: ML24089A149 (1)


Planned Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 3 and 4 License Amendment Request Changes to Technical Specification 3.7.6, Main Control Room Emergency Habitability System (VES), Action A and Surveillance Presubmittal Meeting: April 4, 2024

Agenda Technical Specification (TS) 3.7.6 Action A Planned Changes TS 3.7.6, Action A Current TS Plant Operational Experience TS 3.7.6 Action A Planned Changes Application to the Detailed Design Surveillance Requirement (SR) Planned Changes Summary Schedule Discussion

Revise VES TS 3.7.6 Action A and Surveillance Current Technical Specifications ( - pg.258,260)

Excessively restrictive and unnecessarily increases the potential for an unnecessary plant shutdown Currently more than one inoperable valve requires entry into Action F - immediate plant shutdown.


Revise VES TS 3.7.6 Action A and Surveillance VEGP Experience Leading to Inoperable Valve(s)

  • Packing Leakage: stroking could result in temporary inoperability
  • Stem Lubrication: stroking could result in temporary inoperability
  • Seat Leakage: stroking could result in temporary inoperability
  • V002B Body Leakage: Isolated for Repair 4

Revise VES TS 3.7.6 Action A and Surveillance Planned Change: TS 3.6.7, Action A

Revise VES TS 3.7.6 Action A and Surveillance NUREG-1431, Westinghouse Standard Technical Specifications (ML21259A155; pgs. 265-266) 6 LCO 3.5.2 Two ECCS trains shall be OPERABLE Planned Change:

TS 3.6.7, Action A LCO 3.7.6 VES shall be OPERABLE

Revise VES TS 3.7.6 Action A and Surveillance Design Detail:

Nuclear Island Nonradioactive Ventilation System (VBS) Design (Simplified UFSAR Figure 9.4.1-1) 7

Revise VES TS 3.7.6 Action A and Surveillance Design Detail: VES Design (Simplified UFSAR Figure 6.4-2) 8 CAS V002A V002B V005B S

V005A S

Silencer Silencer HEPA Filter Charcoal Filter High Efficiency Filter Shift Supervisors Office Main Control Area V022A V022B PD PDT004B PD PDT004A Silencer Main Control Area D001A D001B Vestibule D002 D003 V001 Air Bank 1 Air Bank 2 Air Bank 3 Air Bank 4 V046 V044 V045 Not Shown:

Toilet Sanitary Drain (SDS) Vent Line with 2-In-Series Valves

Revise VES TS 3.7.6 Action A and Surveillance Details of Change:

VES safety function includes the following types of functions required to be OPERABLE for opening:

  • Air Delivery Function
  • Pressure Relief Function
  • Eductor Bypass Function
  • Distribution Function VES flow paths safety function requiring valve/damper to be OPERABLE for closing:
  • Pressure relief flow path
  • SDS vent line flow path
  • VBS Isolation flow path (earlier slide)

(Simplified UFSAR Figure 6.4-2) 9

Revise VES TS 3.7.6 Action A and Surveillance Planned Bases Anticipated TS Bases Detail Provided in Accompanying File V34_Bases_3.7.06 - PSM Draft Note these preliminary draft TS Bases changes have not had final verification 10 Planned TS Action A Change

Revise VES TS 3.7.6 Action A and Surveillance Planned Change to SR Change is consistent with TSTF-541, Add Exceptions to Surveillance Requirements for Valves and Dampers Locked in the Actuated Position (for example, NUREG-1431 SR addresses equivalent valves)

Isolation valves (refer to TS Bases) are the VBS and SDS Isolation Valves that close on VES Automatic Actuation Note VEGP SR and SR are not included with this TSTF-related Change SRs are for pressure relief valves and dampers, which are dual function flow paths Note VEGP SR is not included with this TSTF-related Change Air delivery valves cannot be secured in the actuated position (opened) without depleting stored air Will not Reference TSTF/CLIIP for Justification. Stand-Alone Justification Provided, including NRC SE Conditions 11

Revise VES TS 3.7.6 Action A and Surveillance Summary The original TS should have included a Separate Condition Entry allowance as found in other TS with independent flow paths each with designed redundancy The complexity of the various VES functions with varying numbers of flow paths to achieve the safety function is supported by enhanced Bases descriptions This Amendment would significantly reduce the likelihood of an unnecessary plant shutdown, while retaining the original 7-day Completion Time for correcting the condition reflective of a valve or damper inoperability Adoption of TSTF-541-like change achieves additional industry consistency 12

Revise VES TS 3.7.6 Action A and Surveillance Schedule

  • Target Transmittal to NRC:

June 29, 2024

  • SNC Request NRC Issuance of Amendment:

12 Months After NRC Acceptance of LAR Submittal 13

Revise VES TS 3.7.6 Action A and Surveillance Discussion 14