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Comment (10) of L. Amyot Opposing Emergency Planning Exemption Requests for Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 04/04/2014
From: Amyot L
- No Known Affiliation
Rules, Announcements, and Directives Branch
69FR1900 00010, NRC-2014-0002
Download: ML14107A017 (1)


Page 1 of 1 RULES AfI.N DIFECTIVES-As of: April 08, 2014 Received: April 04, 2014 Status: PendingPost PR -s Pm 1: 58 Tracking No. ljy-8bcp-xvbr Comments Due: April 10, 2014 Submission Type: Web Docket: NRC-2014-0002 RECEI\\/ED Emergency Planning Exemption Requests for Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants Comment On: NRC-2014-0002-0003 Emergency Planning Exemption Requests for Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants; Extension of Comment Period Document: NRC-2014-0002-DRAFT-0008 Comment on FR Doc # 2014-05105 Submitter Information Name: L Amyot General Comment As a resident of a small community (18,000 people) within a 20-mile radius of Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant, I am very concerned with the request made by Vermont Yankee (VY) to be absolved from responsibility for our safety as they decommission the plant, starting at the end of 2014.

VY has shown itself to be very cavalier in its attitude toward safety, hiding leaks of nuclear materials, lying to nuclear regulators and fighting all attempts by the State of Vermont to make the plant more safety conscious and safe.

I do not feel at all safe with them as a neighbor, even now while they are still being regulated. I cannot imagine how we all will be able to sleep if they are granted any emergency planning exemption while they are decommissioning the plant. The opportunity for accidents and spills during the removal or encasement of nuclear waste is too enormous to even contemplate. To remove an emergency plan from the mix would be an almost certain death sentence for many of the people here as well as a condemnation of one of the most beautiful parts of the United States.

PLEASE do not grant this exemption form Vermont Yankee or any other nuclear power plant while it is in the process of decommissioning. To do so would be to risk the lives of many hundreds, possibly thousands of American citizens.

Thank you SUNSI Review Complete Template = ADM - 013 E-RIDS= ADM-03 Add=__?-ý
