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2013-11-Final Operating Test
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/15/2013
From: Garchow S
Operations Branch IV
Entergy Operations
laura hurley
ES-301, ES-301-1
Download: ML13330A432 (274)


ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Examination Level: RO SRO Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed (see Note) Code*

Determine Surveillance Requirements for OPDRV Conduct of Operations GJPM-OPS-2013-AS1 R-N 2.1.23 (4.3/4.4), 2.1.25 (3.9/4.2), 2.1.40 (2.8/3.9)

Manual On-Line Risk Assessment Conduct of Operations R-B GJPM-OPS-2013-AS2 2.1.20 (4.6/4.6), 2.1.25 (3.9/4.2), 2.2.17 (2.6/3.8)

Determine Penetration Isolation Requirements Equipment Control R-N GJPM-OPS-2013-AS3 2.2.15 (3.9/4.3), 2.2.40 (3.4/4.7), 2.2.41 (3.5/3.9)

Authorize Emergency Exposure Radiation Control R-N GJPM-OPS-2013-AS4 2.3.4 (3.2/3.7)1 Emergency Event Classification Emergency Procedures/Plan S/R-N GJPM-OPS-2013-AS5 2.4.41 (2.9/4.6)

NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are required.

  • Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank ( 3 for ROs; 4 for SROs & RO retakes)

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank ( 1)

(P)revious 2 exams ( 1; randomly selected)

All Surveillances ~~~ Sorted by Procedure Number / Late Date ~~~ Tuesday, November 12, 2013 0617

$$ Dollar Signs denotes Surveillances which have exceeded the NRC Late Date PMRQ # / WO # / LAST DUE LATE MODE APPL.

PROCEDURE / DESCRIPTION FREQ DAYS STATUS PERFORMED DATES DATES COMMENTS 50020026-01 52511024 11/10/2013 02 30 01/02/2014 01/03/2014 06OP1000-W -0001 W EEKLY OPERATING LOGS; VERIFY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,



$$ 50019718-01 00308791 03/13/2012 12 57 06/12/2012 07/04/2012 06OP1B21-C-0003-01 NUCLEAR BOILER VALVE OPERABILITY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, *, *, ,

91 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 06/12/2012 07/05/2012 0657 VALVE STROKES; USE ATT. 1 UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019719-02, ATT 2 50019719-02 52406117 03/13/2012 12 57 09/13/2013 01/28/2014 06OP1B21-C-0003-02 NUCLEAR BOILER VALVEOPERABILITY . **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, *, *, ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/13/2013 01/28/2014 1857 UPDATES ATT. 1, 50019718-01 UPDATES ATT 1, PMRQ 50019718-01 00015216-01 52402978 02/26/2012 10 30 02/15/2014 08/14/2014 06OP1B21-O-0003-01 NUCLEAR BOILER VALVE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/15/2014 08/14/2014 1030 OPERABILITY; NON ADS/SRV ACCUMULATOR CHECK VALVE TEST; USE ATTACHMENT 2 00015217-01 52476453 04/29/2010 21 05 04/27/2016 12/02/2016 06OP1B21-O-0003-02 NUCLEAR BOILER VALVE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,


00015218-01 03/16/2012 11 02 03/15/2016 03/15/2017 06OP1B21-O-0003-03 TEST 1B21F803 ONLY; USE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

1460 TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 03/19/2016 03/20/2017 1102 ATTACHMENT 5.

00015213-01 52402979 02/27/2012 16 10 02/16/2014 08/15/2014 06OP1B21-O-0004-01 ADS ACCUMULATOR CHECK VALVE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/16/2014 08/15/2014 1610 FLOW TEST ** USE ATT. 1 **

00015214-01 52413020 04/14/2012 22 23 10/15/2013 03/01/2014 06OP1B21-O-0004-02 ADS AIR SYSTEM DROP TEST 'A' BANK. **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/15/2013 03/02/2014 0423 USE ATTACHMENT 2.

00015215-01 52413021 04/14/2012 22 32 10/15/2013 03/01/2014 06OP1B21-O-0004-03 ADS AIR SYSTEM DROP TEST 'B' BANK. **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/15/2013 03/02/2014 0432 USE ATTACHMENT 3.

00015188-01 52405710 03/10/2012 06 45 02/28/2014 08/27/2014 06OP1B21-O-0005-01 D004A REFERENCE LEG PURGE LINE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/28/2014 08/27/2014 0645 CHECK VALVES TEST. USE ATT. 1 REPLACED 06OP1B21-C-0005-01 00015189-01 52405711 03/10/2012 06 50 02/28/2014 08/27/2014 06OP1B21-O-0005-02 D004B REFERENCE LEG PURGE LINE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/28/2014 08/27/2014 0650 CHECK VALVES TEST. USE ATT. 2 REPLACED 06OP1B21-C-0005-02 00015190-01 52405709 03/10/2012 06 48 02/28/2014 08/27/2014 06OP1B21-O-0005-03 D004C REFERENCE LEG PURGE LINE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/28/2014 08/27/2014 0648 CHECK VALVES TEST. USE ATT. 3 REPLACED 06OP1B21-C-0005-03 00015191-01 52405336 03/09/2012 23 57 02/27/2014 08/26/2014 06OP1B21-O-0005-04 D004D REFERENCE LEG PURGE LINE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/27/2014 08/26/2014 2357 CHECK VALVES TEST. USE ATT. 4 REPLACED 06OP1B21-C-0005-04


All Surveillances ~~~ Sorted by Procedure Number / Late Date ~~~ Tuesday, November 12, 2013 0617

$$ Dollar Signs denotes Surveillances which have exceeded the NRC Late Date PMRQ # / WO # / LAST DUE LATE MODE APPL.

PROCEDURE / DESCRIPTION FREQ DAYS STATUS PERFORMED DATES DATES COMMENTS 00015220-01 03/08/2012 12 50 03/07/2018 10/12/2018 06OP1B21-O-0006-01 MSRV TAILPIPE VACUUM BREAKER **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

2190 TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 03/13/2018 09/13/2019 1250 CHECK VALVE TEST Attach 1, 2, & 3 alternated every RFO such that one attachment is performed every RFO.

00015221-01 52359519 09/22/2008 23 56 09/21/2014 04/28/2015 06OP1B21-O-0006-02 MSRV TAILPIPE VACUUM BREAKER **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

2190 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/27/2014 03/29/2016 2356 CHECK VALVE TEST Attach 1, 2, & 3 alternated every RFO such that one attachment is performed every RFO.

00015222-01 52475872 04/27/2010 07 00 04/25/2016 11/30/2016 06OP1B21-O-0006-03 MSRV TAILPIPE VACUUM BREAKER **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

2190 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 05/01/2016 11/01/2017 0700 CHECK VALVE CHECK VALVE TEST Attach 1, 2, & 3 alternated every RFO such that one attachment is performed every RFO.

00011685-01 09/24/2005 00 00 09/09/2017 03/02/2018 06OP1B21-O-0011-01 MSIV ACCUM CHK VLV TST; OTBD 'A' & **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

4368 TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/03/2017 10/05/2020 0000 'C' 00011687-01 10/15/2008 17 10 09/30/2020 03/23/2021 06OP1B21-O-0011-02 MSIV ACCUM CHK VLV TST; OTBD 'B' & **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

4368 TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/24/2020 10/27/2023 1710 'D' 00011688-01 04/16/2012 03 40 04/01/2024 09/22/2024 06OP1B21-O-0011-03 MSIV ACCUM CHK VLV TST; INBD 'A' & **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

4368 TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 04/25/2024 04/28/2027 0340 'C' 1st time performed 00011689-01 52466306 00/00/0000 00 00 09/16/2014 03/09/2015 06OP1B21-O-0011-04 MSIV ACCUM CHK VLV TST; INBD 'B' & **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

4368 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = #Error #Error 'D' RF20 50019730-01 04/29/2012 16 26 04/08/2014 10/05/2014 06OP1B21-R-0002-01 [RF CONTINGENCY] ADS/SRV VLV **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 04/19/2014 10/16/2014 1626 OPERABILITY; Contingency for 06ME1B21-R-0008.

CAN BE UPDATED BY 06ME1B21-R-0008 (PMRQ 50020087-01) 50019731-01 04/29/2012 16 26 04/08/2014 10/05/2014 06OP1B21-R-0002-02 [RF CONTINGENCY] ADS/SRV VLV **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 04/19/2014 10/16/2014 1626 OPERABILITY; Contingency for 06ME1B21-R-0008.

CAN BE UPDATED BY 06ME1B21-R-0008 (PMRQ 50020087-01) 50019732-01 52403551 03/01/2012 13 05 09/01/2013 01/16/2014 06OP1B21-R-0006-01 CONTAINMENT, DRYW ELL & AUXILIARY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,


50019733-01 52410605 03/31/2012 14 25 10/01/2013 02/15/2014 06OP1B21-R-0006-02 CONTAINMENT, DRYW ELL & AUXILIARY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,


50019734-01 52411204 03/31/2012 16 26 10/01/2013 02/15/2014 06OP1B21-R-0006-03 CONTAINMENT, DRYW ELL & AUXILIARY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,


50019735-01 52410606 03/31/2012 15 52 10/01/2013 02/15/2014 06OP1B21-R-0006-04 CONTAINMENT, DRYW ELL & AUXILIARY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,



All Surveillances ~~~ Sorted by Procedure Number / Late Date ~~~ Tuesday, November 12, 2013 0617

$$ Dollar Signs denotes Surveillances which have exceeded the NRC Late Date PMRQ # / WO # / LAST DUE LATE MODE APPL.

PROCEDURE / DESCRIPTION FREQ DAYS STATUS PERFORMED DATES DATES COMMENTS 50019736-01 52411992 04/09/2012 16 14 10/10/2013 02/24/2014 06OP1B21-R-0006-05 CONTAINMENT, DRYW ELL & AUXILIARY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/10/2013 02/24/2014 2214 BUILDING ISOLATION VALVES FUNCTIONAL TEST. USE Per Table Function 5b is the ATTACHMENT 5. only function req in Mode 5, and note(h) adds this is not applicable when upper CTMT reactor cavity and transfer canal gates are removed and SR is met 50019738-01 52409674 03/27/2012 18 57 09/27/2013 02/11/2014 06OP1B21-R-0006-06 CONTAINMENT, DRYW ELL & AUXILIARY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,


50019739-01 52404892 03/06/2012 21 13 09/06/2013 01/21/2014 06OP1B21-R-0006-07 CONTAINMENT, DRYW ELL & AUXILIARY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,


50019740-01 52404893 03/06/2012 21 38 09/06/2013 01/21/2014 06OP1B21-R-0006-08 CONTAINMENT, DRYW ELL & AUXILIARY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,


50019741-01 52406113 03/13/2012 05 12 09/13/2013 01/28/2014 06OP1B21-R-0006-09 CONTAINMENT, DRYW ELL & AUXILIARY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,


50019742-01 52405939 03/11/2012 05 37 09/11/2013 01/26/2014 06OP1B21-R-0006-10 CONTAINMENT, DRYW ELL & AUXILIARY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,


50019743-01 52407336 03/20/2012 07 10 09/20/2013 02/04/2014 06OP1B21-R-0006-11 CONTAINMENT, DRYW ELL & AUXILIARY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,


50019744-01 52406114 03/13/2012 06 38 09/13/2013 01/28/2014 06OP1B21-R-0006-12 CONTAINMENT, DRYW ELL & AUXILIARY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,


50019745-01 52405927 03/11/2012 07 10 09/11/2013 01/26/2014 06OP1B21-R-0006-13 CONTAINMENT, DRYW ELL & AUXILIARY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,


50019746-01 52407966 03/21/2012 06 44 09/21/2013 02/05/2014 06OP1B21-R-0006-14 CONTAINMENT, DRYW ELL & AUXILIARY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,


$$ 50019747-01 52403552 01/01/2012 17 40 07/01/2013 11/14/2013 06OP1B21-R-0006-15 CONTAINMENT, DRYW ELL & AUXILIARY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,


50019749-01 52404684 03/03/2012 00 21 09/03/2013 01/18/2014 06OP1B21-R-0006-16 CONTAINMENT, DRYW ELL & AUXILIARY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,


50019750-01 52410850 04/03/2012 17 57 10/04/2013 02/18/2014 06OP1B21-R-0009-01 ADS 'A' LOGIC CHANNEL 'A' LOGIC SYS **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,



All Surveillances ~~~ Sorted by Procedure Number / Late Date ~~~ Tuesday, November 12, 2013 0617

$$ Dollar Signs denotes Surveillances which have exceeded the NRC Late Date PMRQ # / WO # / LAST DUE LATE MODE APPL.

PROCEDURE / DESCRIPTION FREQ DAYS STATUS PERFORMED DATES DATES COMMENTS 50019751-01 52410851 04/03/2012 15 17 10/04/2013 02/18/2014 06OP1B21-R-0009-02 ADS 'B' LOGIC CHANNEL 'B' LOGIC SYS **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,


50018871-01 09/22/2008 07 03 02/20/2020 05/03/2021 06OP1B21-R-0010-01 FEEDW ATER CHECK VALVE DP TEST **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

4380 TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/01/2020 10/04/2023 0703 (1B21F010A) AR 110326110326- Alternate performance of attachment 1 & 2 every 3rd refuel outage 50018872-01 50982343 02/23/2004 05 00 02/20/2014 05/04/2015 06OP1B21-R-0010-02 FEEDW ATER CHECK VALVE DP TEST **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

4380 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 03/03/2016 03/06/2019 0500 (1B21F010B) AR 110326110326- Alternate performance of attachment 1 & 2 every 3rd refuel outage

$$ 50019752-01 52414499 04/17/2012 18 57 07/17/2012 08/08/2012 06OP1B21-V-0001 MSIV FULL STROKE OPERABILITY TEST; **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

91 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 07/17/2012 08/09/2012 1257 PERFORM >600 PSIG PER IOI; **PERFORMED IN MODE 2 LCO #1-OPT-11-001 Considered PRIOR TO ENTERING MODE 1** See Comments COLD SHUTDOW N surveillance requirement and is required to be performed when proceeding to COLD SHUTDOW N prior to each Refueling Outage or proceeding to COLD SHUTDOW N for other reasons if not performed in the previous 92 days.

00011690-01 10/15/2008 07 40 10/22/2017 08/11/2019 06OP1B33-O-0001-01 RX RECIRC SYS VALVE TEST (LOOP 'A') **MODE APPL. = ,,,,,,

3294 TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/22/2017 01/23/2020 1940 00011691-01 00279957 00/00/0000 00 00 03/14/2013 01/01/2015 06OP1B33-O-0001-02 RX RECIRC SYS VALVE TEST (LOOP 'B') **MODE APPL. = ,,,,,,

3294 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = #Error #Error 50019753-01 52499399 08/03/2013 23 14 10/25/2013 11/16/2013 06OP1B33-Q-0003-01 REACTOR RECIRCULATION SYSTEM **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/02/2013 11/25/2013 1714 QUARTERLY VALVE TEST. USE ATTACHMENT 1 UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019754-01 50019754-01 52482854 04/11/2013 18 17 04/01/2015 09/28/2015 06OP1B33-Q-0003-02 REACTOR RECIRC SYSTEM **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 04/01/2015 09/28/2015 1817 QUARTERLY VALVE TEST. UPDATES PMRQ 50019753-01 00018938-01 52402232 02/26/2012 09 02 02/15/2014 08/14/2014 06OP1B33-Q-0003-03 REACTOR RECIRC VALVE TEST (1B33- **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/15/2014 08/14/2014 0902 F019 ONLY) 1B33-F019 is the only drywell B33 valve in procedure and must be stroked during RFOs because it must be observed locally during its stroke.

50019755-01 52502342 10/04/2013 23 55 11/04/2013 11/11/2013 06OP1C11-M-0001 CONTROL ROD OPERABILITY, REQ'D **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

31 AW AIT/C TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/04/2013 11/12/2013 1755 ONLY IF >LPSP REQUIRED ABOVE LPSP OF THE RPCS (03-1-01-2 Step 5.8.2) Reset Due Date 8/4/13 23:55 50019756-01 52496116 08/18/2013 02 51 11/10/2013 12/01/2013 06OP1C11-Q-0009-01 SCRAM DISCHARGE VOLUME VENT & **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 6, , , ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/17/2013 12/09/2013 2051 DRAIN VALVE STROKE; USE ATTACHMENT 1 UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019758-01, ATT 2 50019758-01 52496109 06/18/2013 02 51 06/08/2015 12/05/2015 06OP1C11-Q-0009-02 SCRAM DISCHARGE VENT & DRAIN **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 6, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 06/08/2015 12/05/2015 0251 VALVE STROKE; *USE ATTACHMENT 2* UPDATES PMRQ 50019756-01


All Surveillances ~~~ Sorted by Procedure Number / Late Date ~~~ Tuesday, November 12, 2013 0617

$$ Dollar Signs denotes Surveillances which have exceeded the NRC Late Date PMRQ # / WO # / LAST DUE LATE MODE APPL.

PROCEDURE / DESCRIPTION FREQ DAYS STATUS PERFORMED DATES DATES COMMENTS 50019759-01 52401140 02/20/2012 12 07 08/22/2013 01/06/2014 06OP1C11-R-0010 CONTROL ROD DRIVE ACCUMULATOR **MODE APPL. = 4, 5, 6, *, , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 08/22/2013 01/06/2014 1807 CHECK VALVE TEST 50020088-01 52411988 04/07/2012 13 35 03/28/2014 09/24/2014 06OP1C11-R-0013 CONTROL ROD DRIVE HYDRAULICS **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 03/28/2014 09/24/2014 1335 VALVE TEST Perform during RFOs 50019761-01 52506481 08/05/2013 09 12 10/28/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1C11-V-0003-01 RW L ROD BLOCK FUNCTIONAL TEST. **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,


50019762-01 00359207 08/05/2013 00 12 10/28/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1C11-V-0003-02 RW L ROD BLOCK FUNCTIONAL TEST. * **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,



50019766-01 52423323 06/10/2012 16 09 12/11/2013 04/27/2014 06OP1C34-R-0001 MAIN TURBINE/RFPT LEVEL 9 TRIP **MODE APPL. = 1, , , , , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 12/11/2013 04/27/2014 2209 FUNCTIONAL TEST 50019767-01 52504395 10/28/2013 03 12 11/25/2013 12/01/2013 06OP1C41-M-0001 STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL OPERABILITY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,


(INDEPENDENT OF C41 QTRLY ATTACHMENTS) 50018648-01 52510521 08/31/2013 13 05 11/14/2013 12/05/2013 06OP1C41-Q-0001-01 STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL 'A' **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/30/2013 12/22/2013 0705 QUARTERLY USE ATTACHMENT I 50018647-01 52498876 08/04/2013 16 24 10/26/2013 11/17/2013 06OP1C41-Q-0001-02 STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL 'B' **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/03/2013 11/26/2013 1024 QUARTERLY USE ATTACHMENT 2 00013940-01 08/09/2013 14 02 08/08/2017 08/08/2018 06OP1C41-Q-0001-05 1C41F033A 1C41F033A CHECK VALVE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

1460 TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 08/12/2017 08/13/2018 1402 CLOSED TEST (X-RAY) USE ATTACHMENT V. Modified W C-43; Last Performed 8/9/13; Perform all Update each on a staggered basis every 2 Annual w/ PMID Attachments 4 years apart on a 00013941-01 rotating basis-AR 105638; 00013941-01 52508572 08/09/2013 03 49 08/06/2015 08/05/2016 06OP1C41-Q-0001-06 1C41F033B 1C41F033B CHECK VALVE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

1460 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 08/12/2017 08/13/2018 0349 CLOSED TEST (X-RAY) USE ATTACHMENT VI Update each on Perform all Attachments 4 years apart a staggered basis every 2 Annual w/ PMID 00013940-01 on a rotating basis-AR 105638 50019769-01 03/26/2012 16 10 03/29/2015 08/13/2015 06OP1C41-R-0002-01 STBY LIQUID CONTROL INJECTION **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

549 TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/26/2013 02/10/2014 2210 TEST. W C-43, SCHEDULE ON 18 MONTH ROTATING BASIS Last Performed 3/26/12; Perform all WITH PMRQ 50019770-01. Attachments eighteen months apart on a rotating basis w/50019780 50019770-01 52371923 03/26/2012 16 10 09/26/2013 02/10/2014 06OP1C41-R-0002-02 STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL INJECTION **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/26/2013 02/10/2014 2210 TEST. W C-43, SCHEDULE ON 18 MONTH ROTATING BASIS Perform all Attachments eighteen WITH PMRQ 50019769-01 months apart on a rotating basis w/50019769 50019770-01 52371923 03/26/2012 16 10 09/26/2013 02/10/2014 06OP1C41-R-0002-02 STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL INJECTION **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/26/2013 02/10/2014 2210 TEST. W C-43, SCHEDULE ON 18 MONTH ROTATING BASIS Perform all Attachments eighteen WITH PMRQ 50019769-01 months apart on a rotating basis w/50019769


All Surveillances ~~~ Sorted by Procedure Number / Late Date ~~~ Tuesday, November 12, 2013 0617

$$ Dollar Signs denotes Surveillances which have exceeded the NRC Late Date PMRQ # / WO # / LAST DUE LATE MODE APPL.

PROCEDURE / DESCRIPTION FREQ DAYS STATUS PERFORMED DATES DATES COMMENTS 50019770-01 52371923 03/26/2012 16 10 09/26/2013 02/10/2014 06OP1C41-R-0002-02 STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL INJECTION **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/26/2013 02/10/2014 2210 TEST. W C-43, SCHEDULE ON 18 MONTH ROTATING BASIS Perform all Attachments eighteen WITH PMRQ 50019769-01 months apart on a rotating basis w/50019769 00015173-01 05/16/2010 06 15 03/20/2018 09/11/2018 06OP1C41-R-0002-03 1C41F007 & F222 CHECK VALVE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

2920 TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 05/22/2018 05/23/2020 0615 CLOSED TEST (X-RAY) AR 109869109869Changed freq to 8A per IST Program 00015174-01 51208619 03/28/2007 10 00 03/20/2014 09/11/2014 06OP1C41-R-0002-04 1C41F006 CHECK VALVE CLOSED TEST **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

2920 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 04/03/2015 04/04/2017 1000 (X-RAY) AR 109869109869Changed freq to 8A per IST Program 00021560-01 52431790 05/16/2010 06 15 03/20/2014 03/20/2015 06OP1C41-R-0002-05 1C41F222 CHECK VALVE CLOSED TEST **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

1460 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 05/19/2014 05/20/2015 0615 (X-RAY) AR 109869109869Changed freq to 4A per IST Program 50019772-01 52505726 08/02/2013 04 34 09/01/2013 09/08/2013 06OP1C51-V-0001-01 SRM CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST; USE **MODE APPL. = 2, 3, 4, 5, *, ,

30 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/01/2013 09/08/2013 1634 ATT. 1 **1/2 SCRAM** Retest before clearing LCO 1-PTS-12-0055 50019773-01 52505727 08/02/2013 08 50 09/01/2013 09/08/2013 06OP1C51-V-0001-02 SRM CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST; USE **MODE APPL. = 2, 5, , , , ,

30 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/01/2013 09/08/2013 2050 ATT. 2. **1/2 SCRAM** **NOT REQUIRED ABOVE IRM RANGE Retest before clearing LCO 1-PTS-3** 12-0055; ** NOT REQUIRED ABOVE IRM RANGE 3 **

$$ 50019775-01 52506297 08/02/2013 18 25 08/09/2013 08/10/2013 06OP1C51-V-0002-01 IRM FUNCTIONAL TEST; USE **MODE APPL. = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ,


$$ 50019775-01 52506297 08/02/2013 18 25 08/09/2013 08/10/2013 06OP1C51-V-0002-01 IRM FUNCTIONAL TEST; USE **MODE APPL. = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ,

7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 08/09/2013 08/11/2013 1225 ATTACHMENT 1 **1/2 SCRAM** ** REQUIRED W ITHIN 12 HOURS AFTER ENTERING MODE 2 FROM MODE 1 AS DIRECTED BY 03-1 03 50019776-01 52505728 08/02/2013 11 04 09/01/2013 09/08/2013 06OP1C51-V-0002-02 IRM FUNCTIONAL TEST; USE **MODE APPL. = 2, 5, 6, , , ,

30 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/01/2013 09/08/2013 2304 ATTACHMENT 2 **1/2 SCRAM**

50019777-01 52504377 07/28/2013 03 04 01/28/2014 03/15/2014 06OP1C51-V-0003-01 APRM CHANNEL 1 FUNCTIONAL TEST ** **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

184 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 01/28/2014 03/15/2014 0304 1/2 SCRAM** *

Or when HPCS is OOSVC.

$$ 50019777-02 52505732 08/02/2013 21 30 08/09/2013 08/10/2013 06OP1C51-V-0003-02 APRM CHANNEL 1 ROD BLOCKS ** 1/2 **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 08/09/2013 08/11/2013 1530 SCRAM** ** REQUIRED W ITHIN 7 DAYS OF STARTUP. ** 1/2 SCRAM "EOOS" *.

    • Do not perform during HPCS Quarterly Surv. Or when HPCS is OOSVC.

All Surveillances ~~~ Sorted by Procedure Number / Late Date ~~~ Tuesday, November 12, 2013 0617

$$ Dollar Signs denotes Surveillances which have exceeded the NRC Late Date PMRQ # / WO # / LAST DUE LATE MODE APPL.

PROCEDURE / DESCRIPTION FREQ DAYS STATUS PERFORMED DATES DATES COMMENTS 00030167-01 52504376 07/29/2013 03 26 01/29/2014 03/16/2014 06OP1C51-V-0004-01 APRM CHANNEL 2 FUNCTIONAL TEST **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

184 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 01/29/2014 03/16/2014 0326 ** 1/2 SCRAM** *

Or when HPCS is OOSVC.

$$ 00030167-02 52505734 08/02/2013 18 24 08/09/2013 08/10/2013 06OP1C51-V-0004-02 APRM CHANNEL 2 ROD BLOCKS ** 1/2 **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 08/09/2013 08/11/2013 1224 SCRAM** ** REQUIRED W ITHIN 7 DAYS OF STARTUP. ** 1/2 SCRAM "EOOS" *.

    • Do not perform during HPCS Quarterly Surv. Or when HPCS is OOSVC.

00030168-01 52489088 05/12/2013 01 51 11/12/2013 12/28/2013 06OP1C51-V-0005-01 APRM CHANNEL 3 FUNCTIONAL TEST **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

184 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/12/2013 12/28/2013 0151 ** 1/2 SCRAM** *

Or when HPCS is OOSVC.

$$ 00030168-02 52505731 08/02/2013 21 22 08/09/2013 08/10/2013 06OP1C51-V-0005-02 APRM CHANNEL 3 ROD BLOCKS ** 1/2 **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 08/09/2013 08/11/2013 1522 SCRAM** ** REQUIRED W ITHIN 7 DAYS OF STARTUP. ** 1/2 SCRAM "EOOS" *.

    • Do not perform during HPCS Quarterly Surv. Or when HPCS is OOSVC.

00030169-01 52504378 07/29/2013 16 42 01/29/2014 03/16/2014 06OP1C51-V-0006-01 APRM CHANNEL 4 FUNCTIONAL TEST **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

184 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 01/29/2014 03/16/2014 1642 ** 1/2 SCRAM** *

Or when HPCS is OOSVC.

$$ 00030169-02 52505730 08/02/2013 20 42 08/09/2013 08/10/2013 06OP1C51-V-0006-02 APRM CHANNEL 4 ROD BLOCKS ** 1/2 **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 08/09/2013 08/11/2013 1442 SCRAM** ** REQUIRED W ITHIN 7 DAYS OF STARTUP. ** 1/2 SCRAM "EOOS" *.

    • Do not perform during HPCS Quarterly Surv. Or when HPCS is OOSVC.

50019778-01 52510523 10/22/2013 02 48 11/19/2013 11/26/2013 06OP1C61-M-0001 REMOTE SHUTDOW N PANEL & ACCIDENT **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

28 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/21/2013 11/28/2013 1448 MON. CHANNEL CHECK 50019779-01 52440407 09/03/2012 18 14 02/25/2014 07/10/2014 06OP1C61-R-0002-01 REMOTE SHUTDOW N PANEL CONTROL **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

540 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/25/2014 07/10/2014 1814 CHECK 1H22 50019780-01 52399856 02/14/2012 18 30 08/07/2013 12/20/2013 06OP1C61-R-0002-02 REMOTE SHUTDOW N PANEL CONTROL **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

540 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 08/07/2013 12/20/2013 1830 CHECK 1H22 50019781-01 52411205 04/03/2012 19 09 10/04/2013 02/18/2014 06OP1C61-R-0002-03 REMOTE SHUTDOW N PANEL CONTROL **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/04/2013 02/19/2014 0109 CHECK; SRV SOLENOID 50019783-01 52421184 05/28/2012 04 02 11/28/2013 04/14/2014 06OP1C61-R-0002-04 REMOTE SHUTDOW N PANEL CONTROL **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/28/2013 04/14/2014 1002 CHECK; DIV 1. USE ATTACHMENT 4 50019784-01 52404683 03/02/2012 06 06 09/02/2013 01/17/2014 06OP1C61-R-0002-05 REMOTE SHUTDOW N PANEL CONTROL **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/02/2013 01/17/2014 1206 CHECK LSF


All Surveillances ~~~ Sorted by Procedure Number / Late Date ~~~ Tuesday, November 12, 2013 0617

$$ Dollar Signs denotes Surveillances which have exceeded the NRC Late Date PMRQ # / WO # / LAST DUE LATE MODE APPL.

PROCEDURE / DESCRIPTION FREQ DAYS STATUS PERFORMED DATES DATES COMMENTS 50019785-01 52440406 09/03/2012 18 15 02/22/2014 07/07/2014 06OP1C61-R-0002-06 REMOTE SHUTDOW N PANEL CONTROL **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

540 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/25/2014 07/10/2014 1815 CHECK LSF 50019786-01 52444705 09/24/2012 18 44 03/18/2014 07/31/2014 06OP1C61-R-0002-07 REMOTE SHUTDOW N PANEL CONTROL **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

540 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 03/18/2014 07/31/2014 1844 CHECK LSF 50019787-01 52411997 04/09/2012 13 51 10/10/2013 02/24/2014 06OP1C61-R-0002-08 REMOTE SHUTDOW N PANEL CONTROL **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/10/2013 02/24/2014 1951 CHECK INJ/SDC CHECKS (DIV 1) 50019788-01 52408672 03/23/2012 22 56 09/23/2013 02/07/2014 06OP1C61-R-0002-09 REMOTE SHUTDOW N PANEL CONTROL **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/23/2013 02/08/2014 0456 CHECK INJ 50019789-01 52409814 03/28/2012 16 17 09/28/2013 02/12/2014 06OP1C61-R-0002-10 REMOTE SHUTDOW N PANEL CONTROL **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/28/2013 02/12/2014 2217 CHECK E12F 50018792-02 52411990 04/09/2012 18 01 10/10/2013 02/24/2014 06OP1C61-R-0002-11 REMOTE SHUTDOW N PANEL CONTROL **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/10/2013 02/25/2014 0001 CHECK LSFT CHECKS W ITH E12F042A ONLY. USE ATTACHMENT 11 50019790-01 52498369 08/30/2013 05 25 11/22/2013 12/13/2013 06OP1C71-Q-0001 MSIV CLOSURE RPS FUNCTIONAL TEST. ** **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/29/2013 12/21/2013 2325 1/2 SCRAM **

$$ 50019793-01 52505733 08/02/2013 22 17 08/09/2013 08/10/2013 06OP1C71-V-0002-01 REFUELING INTERLOCK CHECK ONE **MODE APPL. = 5, 6, *, , , ,


$$ 50019794-01 00310012 03/24/2012 15 30 03/31/2012 04/01/2012 06OP1C71-V-0002-02 REFUELING INTERLOCK CHECK **MODE APPL. = 5, *, , , , ,


$$ 50019795-01 52413526 04/15/2012 20 44 05/15/2012 05/22/2012 06OP1C71-V-0002-03 REFUELING INTERLOCK CHECK; **MODE APPL. = 4, 5, *, , , ,

30 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 05/15/2012 05/23/2012 0844 HORIZONTAL FUEL TRANSFER SYS. PERFORM PER IOI; USE ATT VII completed 4/15/12 ATT. 3. REQUIRED W HEN USING HFTS ONLY. **Required wiithin 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> before operation of HFTS.**

50019796-01 52483548 11/11/2013 05 25 08/25/2013 08/26/2013 06OP1C71-W -0001 RPS MANUAL SCRAM PUSH BUTTON **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 AW AIT/C TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 08/25/2013 08/26/2013 2325 TEST; ** 1/2 SCRAM **

50019796-01 52484751 11/11/2013 05 25 11/18/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1C71-W -0001 RPS MANUAL SCRAM PUSH BUTTON **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2013 11/19/2013 2325 TEST; ** 1/2 SCRAM **

50019796-01 52484751 11/11/2013 05 25 11/18/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1C71-W -0001 RPS MANUAL SCRAM PUSH BUTTON **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2013 11/19/2013 2325 TEST; ** 1/2 SCRAM **

50019796-01 52484751 11/11/2013 05 25 11/18/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1C71-W -0001 RPS MANUAL SCRAM PUSH BUTTON **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2013 11/19/2013 2325 TEST; ** 1/2 SCRAM **

50019796-01 52484751 11/11/2013 05 25 11/18/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1C71-W -0001 RPS MANUAL SCRAM PUSH BUTTON **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2013 11/19/2013 2325 TEST; ** 1/2 SCRAM **

50019796-01 52484751 11/11/2013 05 25 11/18/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1C71-W -0001 RPS MANUAL SCRAM PUSH BUTTON **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2013 11/19/2013 2325 TEST; ** 1/2 SCRAM **


All Surveillances ~~~ Sorted by Procedure Number / Late Date ~~~ Tuesday, November 12, 2013 0617

$$ Dollar Signs denotes Surveillances which have exceeded the NRC Late Date PMRQ # / WO # / LAST DUE LATE MODE APPL.

PROCEDURE / DESCRIPTION FREQ DAYS STATUS PERFORMED DATES DATES COMMENTS 50019796-01 52492724 11/11/2013 05 25 11/18/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1C71-W -0001 RPS MANUAL SCRAM PUSH BUTTON **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2013 11/19/2013 2325 TEST; ** 1/2 SCRAM **

50019796-01 52492724 11/11/2013 05 25 11/18/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1C71-W -0001 RPS MANUAL SCRAM PUSH BUTTON **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2013 11/19/2013 2325 TEST; ** 1/2 SCRAM **

50019796-01 52492724 11/11/2013 05 25 11/18/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1C71-W -0001 RPS MANUAL SCRAM PUSH BUTTON **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2013 11/19/2013 2325 TEST; ** 1/2 SCRAM **

50019796-01 52492724 11/11/2013 05 25 11/18/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1C71-W -0001 RPS MANUAL SCRAM PUSH BUTTON **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2013 11/19/2013 2325 TEST; ** 1/2 SCRAM **

50019796-01 52492724 11/11/2013 05 25 11/18/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1C71-W -0001 RPS MANUAL SCRAM PUSH BUTTON **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2013 11/19/2013 2325 TEST; ** 1/2 SCRAM **

50019796-01 52492724 11/11/2013 05 25 11/18/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1C71-W -0001 RPS MANUAL SCRAM PUSH BUTTON **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2013 11/19/2013 2325 TEST; ** 1/2 SCRAM **

50019796-01 52492724 11/11/2013 05 25 11/18/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1C71-W -0001 RPS MANUAL SCRAM PUSH BUTTON **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2013 11/19/2013 2325 TEST; ** 1/2 SCRAM **

50019796-01 52492724 11/11/2013 05 25 11/18/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1C71-W -0001 RPS MANUAL SCRAM PUSH BUTTON **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2013 11/19/2013 2325 TEST; ** 1/2 SCRAM **

50019796-01 52492724 11/11/2013 05 25 11/18/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1C71-W -0001 RPS MANUAL SCRAM PUSH BUTTON **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2013 11/19/2013 2325 TEST; ** 1/2 SCRAM **

50019796-01 52492724 11/11/2013 05 25 11/18/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1C71-W -0001 RPS MANUAL SCRAM PUSH BUTTON **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2013 11/19/2013 2325 TEST; ** 1/2 SCRAM **

50019796-01 52492724 11/11/2013 05 25 11/18/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1C71-W -0001 RPS MANUAL SCRAM PUSH BUTTON **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2013 11/19/2013 2325 TEST; ** 1/2 SCRAM **

50019796-01 52492724 11/11/2013 05 25 11/18/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1C71-W -0001 RPS MANUAL SCRAM PUSH BUTTON **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2013 11/19/2013 2325 TEST; ** 1/2 SCRAM **

50019796-01 52492724 11/11/2013 05 25 11/18/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1C71-W -0001 RPS MANUAL SCRAM PUSH BUTTON **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2013 11/19/2013 2325 TEST; ** 1/2 SCRAM **

50019797-01 52505508 08/01/2013 03 43 10/31/2013 11/22/2013 06OP1D17-C-0001 OFFGAS POST-TREATMENT DISCHARGE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,


28 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/15/2013 11/22/2013 1405 MONITOR FUNCTIONAL 50019800-01 52509839 10/19/2013 22 32 11/16/2013 11/23/2013 06OP1D17-M-0003 STANDBY SERVICE W ATER SYSTEM 'A' & **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

28 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2013 11/26/2013 1032 'B' RAD MONITOR FUNCTIONAL TEST 50019801-01 52508427 10/14/2013 23 26 11/11/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1D17-M-0006 OFFGAS POST TREATMENT RAD **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,



All Surveillances ~~~ Sorted by Procedure Number / Late Date ~~~ Tuesday, November 12, 2013 0617

$$ Dollar Signs denotes Surveillances which have exceeded the NRC Late Date PMRQ # / WO # / LAST DUE LATE MODE APPL.

PROCEDURE / DESCRIPTION FREQ DAYS STATUS PERFORMED DATES DATES COMMENTS 50019802-01 52510392 10/21/2013 01 47 11/18/2013 11/25/2013 06OP1D17-M-0013 CARBON BED VAULT RAD MONITOR **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

28 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/20/2013 11/27/2013 1347 FUNCTIONAL 50019803-01 52506492 10/05/2013 16 53 11/02/2013 11/09/2013 06OP1D17-M-0017 VENTILATION EFFLUENT RAD **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

28 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/04/2013 11/12/2013 0453 MONITORING (GE) SOURCE CHECK 50019804-01 52507949 10/12/2013 22 22 11/09/2013 11/16/2013 06OP1D17-M-0018-01 STANDBY GAS TREATMENT EXHAUST **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,


50019806-01 52507950 10/12/2013 22 31 11/09/2013 11/16/2013 06OP1D17-M-0018-02 STANDBY GAS TREATMENT EXHAUST **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,


50019807-01 52507821 08/08/2013 22 20 10/31/2013 11/21/2013 06OP1D17-Q-0004 FHA VENTILATION RAD MONITOR FUNCT. **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/07/2013 11/30/2013 1620 TEST 50019808-01 52495768 08/10/2013 22 35 11/02/2013 11/23/2013 06OP1D17-Q-0005 CONTAINMENT/DRYW ELL VENTILATION **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/09/2013 12/02/2013 1635 EXHAUST RADIATION MONITOR FUNCTIONAL TEST 50019809-01 52499401 09/06/2013 22 46 11/28/2013 12/19/2013 06OP1D17-Q-0009 TURBINE BLDG VENT RAD MONITOR **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 12/05/2013 12/28/2013 1646 FUNCTIONAL TEST 50019810-01 52509656 08/15/2013 02 30 11/07/2013 11/28/2013 06OP1D17-Q-0010 FUEL HANDLING AREA POOL SW EEP **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/14/2013 12/06/2013 2030 EXHAUST RADIATION MONITOR FUNCTIONAL TEST 50019811-01 52508422 08/14/2013 23 26 11/06/2013 11/27/2013 06OP1D17-Q-0011 CONTAINMENT VENT RAD MONITOR **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/13/2013 12/06/2013 1726 FUNCTIONAL TEST 50019812-01 52502586 08/22/2013 23 01 11/14/2013 12/04/2013 06OP1D17-Q-0012 FHA VENT. EXH. RAD. MONITOR FUNCT. **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 5, *, ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/21/2013 12/13/2013 1701 TEST 50019813-01 52509657 08/18/2013 22 45 11/10/2013 12/01/2013 06OP1D17-Q-0015-01 MAIN STEAM LINE RAD MONITOR **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/17/2013 12/10/2013 1645 FUNCTIONAL TEST. USE ATTACHMENT 1 50019814-01 52509658 08/18/2013 23 15 11/10/2013 12/01/2013 06OP1D17-Q-0015-02 MAIN STEAM LINE RAD MONITOR **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,


50019816-01 52491985 08/18/2013 23 00 08/18/2013 09/08/2013 06OP1D17-Q-0015-03 MAIN STEAM LINE RAD MONITOR **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

84 AW AIT/C TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/17/2013 12/10/2013 1700 FUNCTIONAL TEST. USE ATTACHMENT 3 50019817-01 52509659 08/18/2013 23 35 11/10/2013 12/01/2013 06OP1D17-Q-0015-04 MAIN STEAM LINE RAD MONITOR **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,


$$ 00012490-01 52457200 12/01/2012 18 00 01/01/2013 01/08/2013 06OP1D17-V-0001 PLANT SERVIC W ATER (PSW ) RADIATION **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, *, ,


50019818-01 52505090 10/30/2013 03 02 11/27/2013 12/03/2013 06OP1D21-M-0001 AREA RADIATION MONITORS **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

28 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/29/2013 12/05/2013 1502 FUNCTIONAL TEST 50019819-01 52496115 08/17/2013 23 42 11/09/2013 11/30/2013 06OP1D23-Q-0001-01 DRYW ELL MONITORING VALVE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/16/2013 12/09/2013 1742 OPERABILITY TEST. UPDATED BY ATT. 2, PMRQ 50019820-01. UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019820-01, ATT 2


All Surveillances ~~~ Sorted by Procedure Number / Late Date ~~~ Tuesday, November 12, 2013 0617

$$ Dollar Signs denotes Surveillances which have exceeded the NRC Late Date PMRQ # / WO # / LAST DUE LATE MODE APPL.

PROCEDURE / DESCRIPTION FREQ DAYS STATUS PERFORMED DATES DATES COMMENTS 50019820-01 52445567 09/25/2012 03 33 03/19/2014 09/13/2014 06OP1D23-Q-0001-02 DRYW ELL MONITORING VALVE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,


$$ 50019821-01 52459029 12/13/2012 03 45 03/14/2013 04/05/2013 06OP1E12-C-0001-01 ADHRS CHECK VALVE FUNCTIONAL **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

91 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 03/14/2013 04/05/2013 2145 TEST; VERIFY VALVE 1E12F416 CLOSED BY LEAK RATE Pre-RFO, Forced or Planned TEST; REQ'D FOR ADHRS OPERATION; **RHR 'C' NF; E00S 9.6**

$$ 50019821-01 52459029 12/13/2012 03 45 03/14/2013 04/05/2013 06OP1E12-C-0001-01 ADHRS CHECK VALVE FUNCTIONAL **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

91 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 03/14/2013 04/05/2013 2145 TEST; VERIFY VALVE 1E12F416 CLOSED BY LEAK RATE Pre-RFO, Forced or Planned TEST; REQ'D FOR ADHRS OPERATION; **RHR 'C' NF; E00S 9.6**

00011704-01 00306132 04/13/2010 03 42 10/16/2014 12/01/2015 06OP1E12-C-0001-02 ADHRS CHECK VALVE OPEN FUNCT **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,


$$ 50019822-01 52411999 03/27/2012 06 50 06/26/2012 07/18/2012 06OP1E12-C-0012-01 RHR 'A' SHUT DOW N COOLING MODE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

91 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 06/26/2012 07/19/2012 0050 VALVE TEST; USE ATT. 1. --SCAFFOLD NOT REQUIRED-- UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019823-01, ATT 2 50019823-01 52411995 03/27/2012 06 50 09/27/2013 02/11/2014 06OP1E12-C-0012-02 RHR 'A' SHUT DOW N COOLING MODE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/27/2013 02/11/2014 1250 VALVE TEST UPDATES ATT 1, PMRQ 50019822-01 00011963-01 52401134 02/20/2012 19 29 02/09/2014 08/08/2014 06OP1E12-C-0012-03 1E12F050A CHECK VALVE OPEN TEST **MODE APPL. = ,,,,,,


$$ 50019825-01 52409517 03/23/2012 03 44 06/22/2012 07/14/2012 06OP1E12-C-0013-01 RHR 'B' SHUT DOW N COOLING MODE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

91 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 06/22/2012 07/14/2012 2144 VALVE TEST; USE ATT. 1 UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019826-01, ATT 2 50019826-01 52409512 03/23/2012 03 44 03/13/2014 09/09/2014 06OP1E12-C-0013-02 RHR 'B' SHUT DOW N COOLING MODE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 03/13/2014 09/09/2014 0344 VALVE TEST. UPDATES PMRQ 50019825-01**

Also Ref. W O 52021482-01 (LLRT) 00011965-01 52406398 03/14/2012 22 05 03/04/2014 08/31/2014 06OP1E12-C-0013-03 1E12F050B CHECK VALVE OPEN TEST **MODE APPL. = 3, 4, 5, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 03/04/2014 08/31/2014 2205 Modes 3 (<135 psig Rx press) , 4, 5

$$ 50019827-01 52413519 04/18/2012 06 12 07/18/2012 08/09/2012 06OP1E12-C-0014-01 LPCI 'A' COLD SHUTDOW N VALVE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

91 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 07/18/2012 08/10/2012 0012 TEST; USE ATTACHMENT 1 UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019828-01, ATT 2 50019828-01 52406552 03/16/2012 08 22 03/06/2014 09/02/2014 06OP1E12-C-0014-02 LPCI 'A' COLD SHUTDOW N VALVE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 03/06/2014 09/02/2014 0822 TEST; USE ATTACHMENT 2 UPDATES PMRQ 50019827-01

$$ 50019829-01 52458703 12/11/2012 08 39 03/12/2013 04/03/2013 06OP1E12-C-0015-01 LPCI 'B' COLD SHUT DOW N VALVE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

91 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 03/12/2013 04/04/2013 0239 TEST; USE ATT.1 UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019830-01, ATT 2


All Surveillances ~~~ Sorted by Procedure Number / Late Date ~~~ Tuesday, November 12, 2013 0617

$$ Dollar Signs denotes Surveillances which have exceeded the NRC Late Date PMRQ # / WO # / LAST DUE LATE MODE APPL.

PROCEDURE / DESCRIPTION FREQ DAYS STATUS PERFORMED DATES DATES COMMENTS 50019830-01 52405335 03/08/2012 04 56 02/26/2014 08/25/2014 06OP1E12-C-0015-02 LPCI 'B' COLD SHUT DOW N VALVE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/26/2014 08/25/2014 0456 TEST 18 MONTH, 6 MONTH GRACE UPDATES ATT 1, PMRQ 50019829-01

$$ 50019831-01 52464916 01/16/2013 10 44 04/17/2013 05/09/2013 06OP1E12-C-0016-01 LPCI 'C' VALVE TEST; USE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

91 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 04/17/2013 05/10/2013 0444 ATTACHMENT 1 UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019832-01, ATT 2 50019832-01 52408234 03/23/2012 06 23 03/13/2014 09/09/2014 06OP1E12-C-0016-02 LPCI 'C' VALVE TEST; USE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 03/13/2014 09/09/2014 0623 ATTACHMENT 2 UPDATES ATT 1, PMRQ 50019831-01 50019833-01 52510019 10/20/2013 15 08 11/17/2013 11/24/2013 06OP1E12-M-0001 LPCI/RHR SUBSYSTEM "A" MONTHLY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

28 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/19/2013 11/27/2013 0308 FUNCTIONAL TEST 50019834-01 52509675 10/14/2013 16 42 11/11/2013 11/18/2013 06OP1E12-M-0002 LPCI/RHR SUBSYSTEM "B" MONTHLY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

28 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/13/2013 11/21/2013 0442 FUNCTIONAL TEST 50019836-01 52504393 10/29/2013 00 02 11/26/2013 12/02/2013 06OP1E12-M-0003 LPCI/RHR SUBSYSTEM "C" MONTHLY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

28 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/28/2013 12/04/2013 1202 FUNCTIONAL TEST 00015223-01 52442329 09/05/2012 03 22 05/02/2016 05/02/2017 06OP1E12-O-0005-01 RHR SUBSYSTEM A CHECK VALVE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

1460 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/08/2016 09/09/2017 0322 TEST FOR 1E12F084A, F085A, & F274. AR 169080169080changed frequency to A13 and dd to 5/2/2016 00015224-01 52414819 04/24/2012 11 50 04/14/2014 10/11/2014 06OP1E12-O-0005-02 RHR SUBSYSTEM A CHECK VALVE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 04/14/2014 10/11/2014 1150 TEST FOR 1E12F041A 00015226-01 52439111 08/27/2012 04 28 01/03/2015 01/03/2016 06OP1E12-O-0006-01 RHR SUBSYSTEM B CHECK VALVE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

1460 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 08/30/2016 08/31/2017 0428 TEST FOR 1E12F084B, F085B, AND F273. AR 169080169080changed frequency to A13 and dd to 1/3/2015 00015227-01 52408673 03/24/2012 18 09 03/14/2014 09/10/2014 06OP1E12-O-0006-02 RHR SUBSYSTEM B CHECK VALVE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 03/14/2014 09/10/2014 1809 TEST FOR 1E12F041B **Does not update any attach & is not updated by any other Att.**

00015233-01 52339195 04/18/2011 04 46 09/05/2013 09/05/2014 06OP1E12-O-0007-01 RHR SUBSYSTEM C CHECK VALVE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

1460 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 04/21/2015 04/21/2016 0446 TEST FOR 1E12F084C, F085C, AND F278. AR 169080169080changed frequency to A13 and dd to 9/5/2013 00015234-01 52410709 04/08/2012 17 49 03/22/2014 09/18/2014 06OP1E12-O-0007-02 RHR SUBSYSTEM C CHECK VALVE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 03/29/2014 09/25/2014 1749 TEST FOR 1E12F041C

$$ 50019837-01 52503080 07/28/2013 04 11 10/18/2013 11/10/2013 06OP1E12-Q-0005-01 LPCI/RHR SUBSYSTEM 'A' MOV **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/26/2013 11/18/2013 2211 FUNCTIONAL TEST UPDATED BY ATT. 2, PMRQ 50019839-01;91 day frequency; 50019839-01 52490423 05/18/2013 06 22 11/09/2014 03/24/2015 06OP1E12-Q-0005-02 LPCI/RHR SUBSYSTEM 'A' MOV **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

540 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/09/2014 03/24/2015 0622 FUNCTIONAL TEST UPDATES ATT 1 50019837-01;18 Month frequency; 50019840-01 52507938 08/12/2013 11 01 11/04/2013 11/25/2013 06OP1E12-Q-0006-01 LPCI/RHR 'SUBSYSTEM 'B' MOV **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/11/2013 12/04/2013 0501 FUNCTIONAL TEST UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019842-01


All Surveillances ~~~ Sorted by Procedure Number / Late Date ~~~ Tuesday, November 12, 2013 0617

$$ Dollar Signs denotes Surveillances which have exceeded the NRC Late Date PMRQ # / WO # / LAST DUE LATE MODE APPL.

PROCEDURE / DESCRIPTION FREQ DAYS STATUS PERFORMED DATES DATES COMMENTS 50019842-01 52442328 09/02/2012 07 27 02/24/2014 08/21/2014 06OP1E12-Q-0006-02 LPCI/RHR SUBSYSTEM 'B' MOV **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

540 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/24/2014 07/09/2014 0727 FUNCTIONAL TEST UPDATES ATT 1, PMRQ 50019840-01 50019843-01 00357847 09/02/2013 22 40 11/24/2013 12/15/2013 06OP1E12-Q-0007-01 LPCI/RHR SUBSYSTEM 'C' MOV **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 12/01/2013 12/24/2013 1640 FUNCTIONAL TEST

  • UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019844-01, ATT 2 50019844-01 52411826 04/08/2012 02 38 09/30/2013 10/15/2013 06OP1E12-Q-0007-02 LPCI/RHR SUBSYSTEM 'C' MOV **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

540 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/30/2013 02/12/2014 0238 FUNCTIONAL TEST UPDATES ATT 1, PMRQ 50019843-01 50019845-01 52502585 07/30/2013 05 55 10/22/2013 11/12/2013 06OP1E12-Q-0023 LPCI/RHR SUBSYSTEM 'A' QUARTERLY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/29/2013 11/20/2013 2355 FUNCTIONAL TEST (PUMP) 50019847-01 52501160 08/15/2013 06 22 11/07/2013 11/28/2013 06OP1E12-Q-0024 LPCI/RHR SUBSYSTEM 'B' QUARTERLY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/14/2013 12/06/2013 0022 FUNCTIONAL TEST 50019848-01 52505086 07/30/2013 01 45 10/22/2013 11/12/2013 06OP1E12-Q-0025 LPCI/RHR SUBSYSTEM 'C' QUARTERLY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/29/2013 11/20/2013 1945 FUNCTIONAL TEST (PUMP) 00010678-01 52400929 02/17/2012 18 53 02/06/2014 08/05/2014 06OP1E12-R-0005 E12F050A/E12F053A ON-LINE LLRT **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/06/2014 08/05/2014 1853 PRE-RFO. UPDATES LLRT 06OP1E12-R-3F050A, PMRQ 50019556-01 & 06OP1E12-R-3F053A, PMRQ 50019558-01 00010679-01 52400930 02/19/2012 06 48 02/06/2014 08/05/2014 06OP1E12-R-0006 E12F050B/E12F053B ON-LINE LLRT **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/08/2014 08/07/2014 0648 PRE-RFO. UPDATES LLRT 06OP1E12-R-3F050B, PMRQ 50019557-01 & 06OP1E12-R-3F053B, PMRQ 50019559-01 50019849-01 52411996 04/09/2012 05 52 10/10/2013 02/24/2014 06OP1E12-R-0022 RHR 'A' CONTAINMENT SPRAY INITIATION **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,


50019850-01 52408671 03/23/2012 23 09 09/23/2013 02/07/2014 06OP1E12-R-0023 RHR 'B' CONTAINMENT SPRAY INITIATION **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,


$$ 50019851-01 52457183 12/02/2012 23 52 03/03/2013 03/25/2013 06OP1E12-V-0001-01 ADHRS VALVE FUNCTIONAL TEST **MODE APPL. = 4, 5, , , , ,

91 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 03/03/2013 03/26/2013 1752 WHEN 1E12F066A OPEN; USE ATT. 1. **RHR 'A', "EOOS 8.9"**

$$ 50019852-01 52457184 12/02/2012 23 52 03/03/2013 03/25/2013 06OP1E12-V-0001-02 ADHRS VALVE FUNCTIONAL TEST **MODE APPL. = 4, 5, , , , ,

91 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 03/03/2013 03/26/2013 1752 WHEN 1E12F066B OPEN; USE ATT. 2. **RHR 'B' NF** "EOOS 9.1"

$$ 50019853-01 52464744 01/15/2013 23 30 04/16/2013 05/08/2013 06OP1E21-C-0004-01 LPCS COLD SHUTDOW N VALVE TEST; **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

91 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 04/16/2013 05/09/2013 1730 USE ATTACHMENT 1 UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019854-01, ATT 2 50019854-01 52406551 03/16/2012 04 50 03/06/2014 09/02/2014 06OP1E21-C-0004-02 LPCS COLD SHUTDOW N VALVE TEST; **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 03/06/2014 09/02/2014 0450 USE ATTACHMENT 2 UPDATES ATT 1, PMRQ 50019853-01


All Surveillances ~~~ Sorted by Procedure Number / Late Date ~~~ Tuesday, November 12, 2013 0617

$$ Dollar Signs denotes Surveillances which have exceeded the NRC Late Date PMRQ # / WO # / LAST DUE LATE MODE APPL.

PROCEDURE / DESCRIPTION FREQ DAYS STATUS PERFORMED DATES DATES COMMENTS 50019855-01 52506751 11/06/2013 17 43 12/03/2013 12/10/2013 06OP1E21-M-0001 LPCS MONTHLY FUNCTIONAL TEST. **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

28 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 12/05/2013 12/13/2013 0543 00015176-01 52413515 04/18/2012 05 53 04/08/2014 10/05/2014 06OP1E21-O-0001-01 LPCS CHECK VALVE TEST (1E21-F006) **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 04/08/2014 10/05/2014 0553 50019856-01 52506743 08/06/2013 23 22 10/29/2013 11/19/2013 06OP1E21-Q-0002-01 LPCS MOV FUNCTIONAL TEST. *** USE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/05/2013 11/28/2013 1722 ATTACHMENT 1 UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019858-01, ATT 2 50019858-01 52491978 05/27/2013 05 26 11/18/2014 04/02/2015 06OP1E21-Q-0002-02 LPCS MOV FUNCTIONAL TEST. 18 **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

540 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2014 04/02/2015 0526 MONTH, 6 MO UPDATES ATT 1, PMRQ 50019856-01 50019859-01 52499532 09/08/2013 04 00 11/30/2013 12/21/2013 06OP1E21-Q-0006 LPCS QUARTERLY PUMP FUNCTIONAL **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 12/07/2013 12/29/2013 2200 TEST 50019860-01 52404885 03/05/2012 18 56 02/23/2014 08/22/2014 06OP1E22-C-0003-01 E22-F005 HPCS TESTABLE CHECK **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/23/2014 08/22/2014 1856 VALVE TEST; USE ATT 1 UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019861-01.

REF: CEP-IST-02 50019862-01 52506752 11/06/2013 03 42 12/03/2013 12/10/2013 06OP1E22-M-0001 HPCS MONTHLY FUNCTIONAL TEST **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

28 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 12/05/2013 12/12/2013 1542 00014420-01 52506287 01/21/2011 05 30 07/26/2015 09/09/2016 06OP1E22-O-0001-01 HPCS CHECK VALVE TEST (1E22-F006) **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

1647 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 07/26/2015 09/09/2016 2330 50019863-01 52506744 08/06/2013 08 44 10/29/2013 11/19/2013 06OP1E22-Q-0002-01 HPCS QUARTERLY VALVE TEST ** USE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/05/2013 11/28/2013 0244 ATT. 1.

  • UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019864-01 50019864-01 52489083 05/09/2013 21 45 10/31/2014 03/15/2015 06OP1E22-Q-0002-02 HPCS QUARTERLY VALVE TEST 18 **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

540 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/31/2014 03/15/2015 2145 MONTH; 6 MONTH GRACE. UPDATES PMRQ 50019863-01 50019865-01 52499402 09/06/2013 05 37 11/28/2013 12/19/2013 06OP1E22-Q-0005 HPCS QUARTERLY FUNCTIONAL TEST **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 12/05/2013 12/27/2013 2337 (PUMP).

  • 50019866-01 52504397 10/29/2013 03 11 11/26/2013 12/02/2013 06OP1E30-M-0002 SPMU MONTHLY VALVE POSITION CHECK **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

28 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/28/2013 12/04/2013 1511 CHECK SPMU VALVES & REFUELING GATES ARE IN PROPER LOCATION 50019867-01 52498370 06/28/2013 02 56 09/20/2013 10/11/2013 06OP1E30-Q-0001-01 SUPPRESSION POOL M/U VLV **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/27/2013 10/19/2013 2056 OPERABILITY TEST. **EOOS 10.0** USE ATTACHMENT 1 UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019869-01 50019869-01 52464545 01/13/2013 19 11 01/03/2015 07/02/2015 06OP1E30-Q-0001-02 SUPPRESSION POOL M/U VLV **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 01/03/2015 07/02/2015 1911 OPERABILITY TEST. **EOOS 10.0** 18 MONTH, 6 MO. FIXED UPDATES PMRQ 50019867-01 GRACE


$$ 50019870-01 52458864 12/12/2012 03 37 03/13/2013 04/04/2013 06OP1E32-C-0002-01 MSIV LEAKAGE CONTROL SYSTEM **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

91 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 03/13/2013 04/04/2013 2137 COLD SHUTDOW N VALVE TEST; USE ATT. 1 UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019871-01 50019871-01 52404519 02/27/2012 16 53 02/16/2014 08/15/2014 06OP1E32-C-0002-02 MSIV LEAKAGE CONTROL **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,



All Surveillances ~~~ Sorted by Procedure Number / Late Date ~~~ Tuesday, November 12, 2013 0617

$$ Dollar Signs denotes Surveillances which have exceeded the NRC Late Date PMRQ # / WO # / LAST DUE LATE MODE APPL.

PROCEDURE / DESCRIPTION FREQ DAYS STATUS PERFORMED DATES DATES COMMENTS 50019872-01 52504181 10/28/2013 16 38 11/25/2013 12/01/2013 06OP1E32-M-0001 MSIV-LEAKAGE CONTROL SYSTEM **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

28 AW AIT/C TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/27/2013 12/04/2013 0438 BLOW ER (OUTBOARD) TEST 50019873-01 52498371 07/29/2013 05 31 10/21/2013 11/12/2013 06OP1E32-Q-0001-01 MSIV LEAKAGE CNTRL SYS **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/28/2013 11/20/2013 2331 QUARTERLY VLV TEST. USE ATTACHMENT 1 50019874-01 52415835 04/30/2012 22 20 10/31/2013 03/17/2014 06OP1E32-R-0003 MSIV LEAKAGE CONTROL SYSTEM **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/31/2013 03/18/2014 0420 FUNCTIONAL TEST

$$ 50019875-01 52404691 03/04/2012 00 51 06/03/2012 06/25/2012 06OP1E38-C-0001-01 INBOARD FEEDW ATER LEAKAGE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,


00011790-01 09/30/2008 01 28 10/07/2017 07/27/2019 06OP1E38-C-0001-02 INBOARD FEEDW ATER LEAKAGE **MODE APPL. = ,,,,,,

3294 TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/07/2017 01/08/2020 1328 CONTROL SUBSYS VALVE OPERATOR UPDATES PMRQ 50019875-01 IF SAT, 06OP1E38-C-0001-01

$$ 50019876-01 52408236 03/22/2012 04 52 06/21/2012 07/13/2012 06OP1E38-C-0002-01 OUTBOARD FEEDW ATER LEAKAGE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

91 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 06/21/2012 07/13/2012 2252 CONTROL SUBSYSTEM VALVE OPERABILITY CHECK UPDATED BY PMRQ 00011791-01 00011791-01 00279972 00/00/0000 00 00 02/26/2013 12/16/2014 06OP1E38-C-0002-02 INBOARD FEEDW ATER LEAKAGE **MODE APPL. = ,,,,,,


$$ 50019877-01 52458865 12/12/2012 10 04 03/13/2013 04/04/2013 06OP1E51-C-0001-01 RCIC SYSTEM COLD SHUTDOW N **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

91 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 03/13/2013 04/05/2013 0404 VALVE OPER TEST; USE ATT.1 UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019879-01, ATT 2 50019879-01 52405708 03/10/2012 04 42 09/10/2013 03/04/2014 06OP1E51-C-0001-02 RCIC SYSTEM COLD SHUTDOW N **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/10/2013 01/25/2014 1042 VALVE OPERABILITY TEST; USE ATT. 2 UPDATES ATT 1, PMRQ 50019877-01 50020089-01 52423198 06/10/2012 05 02 12/11/2013 04/27/2014 06OP1E51-C-0005 RCIC PUMP LOW PRESSURE FLOW **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, *, , ,


TEST 50019880-01 00360076 10/11/2013 03 50 11/08/2013 11/15/2013 06OP1E51-M-0001 RCIC SYSTEM OPERABILITY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

28 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/10/2013 11/17/2013 1550 VERIFICATION. ** RX > 150 PSIG ** Perform RCIC Qtr. with 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> rated pressure per IOI-1 pg 86; RX > 150 PSIG; UPDATED BY 06OP1E51-Q-0003-01 PMRQ 50019883-01 00015240-01 08/09/2013 14 05 01/26/2016 09/07/2016 06OP1E51-O-0001-01 RCIC SYS CHECK VALVE TEST (1E51- **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, *, , ,

900 TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 01/26/2016 09/07/2016 1405 F011 & F204) EACH VALVE MUST BE INSPECTED AT LEAST EVERY 3 YEARS 50019881-01 52499403 07/07/2013 22 40 09/29/2013 10/20/2013 06OP1E51-Q-0002-01 RCIC SYSTEM VALVE OPERABILITY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, *, , ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/06/2013 10/29/2013 1640 TEST. USE ATTACHMENT 1. UPDATED BY ATT. 2, PMRQ 50019882-01. *RCIC NF "EOOS 9.0" *


All Surveillances ~~~ Sorted by Procedure Number / Late Date ~~~ Tuesday, November 12, 2013 0617

$$ Dollar Signs denotes Surveillances which have exceeded the NRC Late Date PMRQ # / WO # / LAST DUE LATE MODE APPL.

PROCEDURE / DESCRIPTION FREQ DAYS STATUS PERFORMED DATES DATES COMMENTS 50019882-01 52430970 07/23/2012 03 25 01/14/2014 05/29/2014 06OP1E51-Q-0002-02 RCIC SYSTEM VALVE OPER TEST 18 **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

540 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 01/14/2014 05/29/2014 0325 MONTH; 6 UPDATES PMRQ 50019881-01 50019883-01 52507826 10/11/2013 03 50 11/10/2013 11/15/2013 06OP1E51-Q-0003-01 RCIC SYSTEM QUARTERLY PUMP **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, *, , ,


  • RX > 945 PSIG *.*. *RCIC NON LCO 1-TS-12-0518; Perform RCIC FUNCTIONAL*
  • Qtr. with 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> rated pressure per IOI-1 pg 86; RX > 150 PSIG
UPDATES 06OP1E51-M-0001, PMRQ 50019880-01; AR 157201157201increased freq.

50019884-01 52407965 03/21/2012 02 29 09/21/2013 02/05/2014 06OP1E51-R-0006 RCIC SYS INITIATION LOGIC SYS **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/21/2013 02/05/2014 0829 FUNCTIONAL TEST 00010680-01 52400931 02/17/2012 16 00 02/06/2014 08/05/2014 06OP1E51-R-0007/ E51F013/E51F065 ON-LINE LLRT.

  • PRE- **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/06/2014 08/05/2014 1600 OUTAGE ** PRE RFO. UPDATES 06OP1M61-V-3E51F013, PMRQ 50019575-01 &

06OP1M61-V-3E51F065, PMRQ 50019579-01 50019885-01 52507827 11/10/2013 00 59 12/07/2013 12/14/2013 06OP1E61-M-0001 POST-LOCA DRYW ELL VACUUM BREAKER **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

28 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 12/09/2013 12/16/2013 1259 OPERABILITY. ** DIV 1 and 2 **

50019887-01 52504382 07/27/2013 14 40 10/19/2013 11/09/2013 06OP1E61-Q-0003-01 " A " DRYW ELL PURGE SYSTEM OPER **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/26/2013 11/18/2013 0840 **DRAW OIL SAMPLES PER PMRQ 50023623-02**

50019888-01 52507939 08/12/2013 04 46 11/04/2013 11/25/2013 06OP1E61-Q-0003-02 " B " DRYW ELL PURGE SYSTEM OPER **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/11/2013 12/03/2013 2246 **DRAW OIL SAMPLES PER PMRQ 50023627-02**

50019889-01 52500797 08/12/2013 00 08 11/04/2013 11/25/2013 06OP1E61-Q-0006-01 HYDROGEN ANALYZER ISOLATION **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,


  • D/W H2 UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019890-01, ANALYZER OOSV. ATT 2 50019890-01 52500795 07/12/2013 00 08 07/02/2015 12/29/2015 06OP1E61-Q-0006-02 HYDROGEN ANALYZER ISOLATION **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 07/02/2015 12/29/2015 0008 VALVE OPER 1 UPDATES ATT 1, PMRQ 50019889-01 50019891-01 52493100 09/03/2013 03 00 11/26/2013 12/16/2013 06OP1E61-Q-0007-01 COMBUSTIBLE GAS CONTROL SYSTEM **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, *, , ,

84 AW AIT/C TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 12/02/2013 12/24/2013 2100 QUARTERLY VALVE OPERABILITY. USE ATTACHMENT 1. UPDATED BY ATTACHMENT 2, PMRQ 50019892-01 50019892-01 52493093 06/03/2013 03 00 05/24/2015 11/20/2015 06OP1E61-Q-0007-02 CGCS QUARTERLY VLV OPER 18 **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 05/24/2015 11/20/2015 0300 MONTH; 6 MO FIXED GRACE. UPDATES PMRQ 50019891-01 50019893-01 52462954 12/20/2012 01 35 06/13/2014 10/26/2014 06OP1E61-R-0005 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT HYDROGEN **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

540 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 06/13/2014 10/26/2014 0135 RECOMBINER 'A' 50019895-01 52471295 02/14/2013 10 06 08/08/2014 12/21/2014 06OP1E61-R-0006 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT HYDROGEN **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

540 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 08/08/2014 12/21/2014 1006 RECOMBINER 'B' HEATUP TEST 50019896-01 52420056 05/23/2012 19 01 11/14/2013 03/29/2014 06OP1E61-R-0009-01 HYDROGEN IGNITER HEATUP TEST **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

540 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/14/2013 03/29/2014 1901


All Surveillances ~~~ Sorted by Procedure Number / Late Date ~~~ Tuesday, November 12, 2013 0617

$$ Dollar Signs denotes Surveillances which have exceeded the NRC Late Date PMRQ # / WO # / LAST DUE LATE MODE APPL.

PROCEDURE / DESCRIPTION FREQ DAYS STATUS PERFORMED DATES DATES COMMENTS 50019897-01 52463155 12/26/2012 00 11 06/19/2014 11/01/2014 06OP1E61-R-0009-02 HYDROGEN IGNITER HEATUP TEST **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

540 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 06/19/2014 11/01/2014 0011 (ACCESSIBLE 50019898-01 52404681 03/03/2012 05 15 09/03/2013 01/18/2014 06OP1E61-R-0009-03 HYDROGEN IGNITER HEATUP TEST **MODE APPL. = 3, 4, 5, , , ,



50019899-01 52421190 05/30/2012 23 33 11/21/2013 04/05/2014 06OP1E61-R-0009-04 HYDROGEN IGNITER HEATUP TEST **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

540 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/21/2013 04/05/2014 2333 50018918-01 52410848 04/02/2012 19 20 10/03/2013 02/17/2014 06OP1E61-R-0011-01 'A' DRYW ELL PURGE COMPRESSOR **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/03/2013 02/18/2014 0120 FLOW VERIFICATION. USE ATTACHMENT 1 50018917-01 52410847 04/02/2012 19 20 10/03/2013 02/17/2014 06OP1E61-R-0011-02 'B' DRYW ELL PURGE COMPRESSOR **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/03/2013 02/18/2014 0120 FLOW VERIFICATION. USE ATTACHMENT 2 50019900-01 00360379 08/08/2013 11 00 09/07/2013 09/14/2013 06OP1F11-V-0001-01 FUEL HANDLING PLATFORM **MODE APPL. = 4, 5, *, , , ,


$$ 50019901-01 52255572 04/23/2010 12 00 05/23/2010 05/30/2010 06OP1F11-V-0001-02 FUEL HANDLNG PLATFORM INTERLOCK **MODE APPL. = 4, 5, *, , , ,


$$ 00009990-01 00309859 03/22/2012 15 30 04/21/2012 04/28/2012 06OP1F11-V-0001-03 FUEL HANDLING PLATFORM **MODE APPL. = 4, 5, *, , , ,


$$ 50019902-01 52406119 03/13/2012 16 00 06/12/2012 07/04/2012 06OP1G33-C-0002-01 RW CU SYSTEM COLD SHUTDOW N **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

91 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 06/12/2012 07/05/2012 1000 VALVE TEST; USE ATT. 1 UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019903-01, ATT 2 50019903-01 52406112 03/13/2012 16 00 09/13/2013 03/07/2014 06OP1G33-C-0002-02 RW CU SYSTEM COLD SHUTDOW N **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/13/2013 01/28/2014 2200 VALVE TEST USE ATT 2 UPDATES ATT 1, PMRQ 50019902-01 00014588-01 04/26/2010 05 00 05/03/2019 03/27/2020 06OP1G33-O-0003-01 OPEN TEST FOR 1G33F052A ONLY **MODE APPL. = ,,,,,,

3294 TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 05/03/2019 08/03/2021 1700 00014589-01 52469688 // 09/30/2014 08/25/2015 06OP1G33-O-0003-02 OPEN TEST FOR 1G33F052B ONLY **MODE APPL. = ,,,,,,

3294 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/03/2014 08/25/2015 1800 50019905-01 52507820 08/10/2013 13 59 11/02/2013 11/23/2013 06OP1G33-Q-0001-01 RW CU SYSTEM VALVE OPERABILITY. **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, *, , ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/09/2013 12/02/2013 0759 (DIV 1 AND 2). USE ATTACHMENT 1. UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019906-01 50019906-01 52411024 03/08/2012 13 15 09/08/2013 09/08/2013 06OP1G33-Q-0001-02 RW CU SYSTEM VALVE OPERABILITY. **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, *, , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/08/2013 01/23/2014 1915 USE ATTACHMENT 2. UPDATES PMRQ 50019905-01


All Surveillances ~~~ Sorted by Procedure Number / Late Date ~~~ Tuesday, November 12, 2013 0617

$$ Dollar Signs denotes Surveillances which have exceeded the NRC Late Date PMRQ # / WO # / LAST DUE LATE MODE APPL.

PROCEDURE / DESCRIPTION FREQ DAYS STATUS PERFORMED DATES DATES COMMENTS 50019907-01 52408232 03/22/2012 09 30 09/22/2013 02/06/2014 06OP1G33-R-0002-01 STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL SYSTEM **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/22/2013 02/06/2014 1530 (RW CU ISOL) LOGIC SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL TEST CHANNEL A 50019908-01 52408233 03/22/2012 09 30 09/22/2013 02/06/2014 06OP1G33-R-0002-02 STANDBY LIQUID CONTR0L SYSTEM **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, , , , ,


$$ 50019909-01 52502340 07/21/2013 18 01 10/11/2013 11/01/2013 06OP1G41-Q-0001-01 FPCCU PUMP & VALVE TEST **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 10/18/2013 11/10/2013 1201 UPDATED BY PMRQ 50019911-01, 06OP1G41-Q-0001-02 50019911-01 52464544 01/14/2013 06 35 07/08/2014 01/02/2015 06OP1G41-Q-0001-02 FPCCU PUMP & VALVE TEST **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,

540 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 07/08/2014 11/20/2014 0635 UPDATES ATT 1, PMRQ 50019909-01 ONLY, 06OP1G41-Q-0001-01 00011697-01 52444703 04/10/2010 17 30 09/16/2014 02/25/2015 06OP1G41-Q-0001-03 FPCCU PUMP & VALVE TEST; G41F022 **MODE APPL. = ,,,,,,

1620 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/16/2014 10/26/2015 1730 & F048 ONLY.

00012997-01 52505078 07/18/2012 02 40 07/21/2015 04/20/2016 06OP1G41-Q-0001-04 FPCCU PUMP & VALVE TEST; G41F268 **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

1098 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 07/21/2015 04/20/2016 1440 ONLY.

50019912-01 52406399 03/14/2012 19 10 09/14/2013 01/29/2014 06OP1H13-R-0001 NUCLEAR STEAM SUPPLY SHUTOFF **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, *, , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 09/14/2013 01/30/2014 0110 SYSTEM ISOLATION PUSHBUTTON FUNCTIONAL TEST LCO 1-OPT-11-0004 50019913-01 52505725 08/02/2013 15 00 11/01/2013 11/23/2013 06OP1M10-C-0001 CONT & DRYW ELL PENET ISOL COLD SD **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,


28 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/11/2013 11/19/2013 1127 MONTHLY CHECK, PERFORM VISUAL INSPECTIONS 50019915-01 52510020 10/20/2013 21 30 11/17/2013 11/24/2013 06OP1M23-M-0004-01 CONTAINMENT PERSONNEL AIRLOCK **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

28 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/19/2013 11/27/2013 0930 INFLATABLE SEAL SYSTEM FUNTIONAL TEST; LOW ER DOOR. USE ATTACHMENT 1 50019916-01 52510021 10/20/2013 21 30 11/17/2013 11/24/2013 06OP1M23-M-0004-02 CONTAINMENT PERSONNEL AIRLOCK **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,


USE ATTACHMENT 2 50018846-01 52420202 05/25/2012 06 15 05/15/2014 11/11/2014 06OP1M23-O-0001 CONTAINMENT AIR LOCK INTERLOCK **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,


50019917-01 52505722 08/02/2013 15 43 02/02/2015 06/19/2015 06OP1M23-R-0001 DRYW ELL AIRLOCK INFLATABLE SEAL **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,



All Surveillances ~~~ Sorted by Procedure Number / Late Date ~~~ Tuesday, November 12, 2013 0617

$$ Dollar Signs denotes Surveillances which have exceeded the NRC Late Date PMRQ # / WO # / LAST DUE LATE MODE APPL.

PROCEDURE / DESCRIPTION FREQ DAYS STATUS PERFORMED DATES DATES COMMENTS 50019920-02 52509827 08/19/2013 21 34 11/11/2013 12/02/2013 06OP1M41-Q-0001-01 CTMT COOLING SYSTEM QUARTERLY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, *, , ,

84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/18/2013 12/11/2013 1534 VALVE TEST UPDATED BY 06OP1M41-Q-0001-02, PMRQ 50019921-01.

50019921-01 52509820 08/19/2013 21 34 02/19/2015 08/13/2015 06OP1M41-Q-0001-02 CTMT COOLING SYSTEM QUARTERLY **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, *, , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/19/2015 07/07/2015 0334 VALVE TEST - Calculated on 32% UPDATES PMRQ 50019920-02, 06OP1M41-Q-0001-01 00011437-01 52402231 02/26/2012 06 04 08/28/2013 02/19/2014 06OP1M41-Q-0001-03, CONTAINMENT COOLING SYSTEM **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, *, , ,

549 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 08/28/2013 01/12/2014 1204 VALVE STROKE - Calculated on 32%

00013992-01 52510388 08/21/2013 02 25 11/13/2013 12/04/2013 06OP1M41-Q-0002 CONTAINMENT LOW VOLUME PURGE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 84 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 11/20/2013 12/12/2013 2025 FLOW RATE MONITOR FUNCTIONAL 1M41-R600.

  • RUN LOW VOLUME PURGE 50018958-01 52417210 04/24/2012 18 30 04/14/2014 10/11/2014 06OP1M61-V-2B21F016 1B21F016,PENT 19 MAIN STEAM LINE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 04/14/2014 10/11/2014 1830 DRAIN Also see W O 52283037 50018947-01 52323662 05/07/2010 09 00 05/06/2015 08/04/2016 06OP1M61-V-2B21F019 1B21F019,PENT 19 MAIN STEAM LINE **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

1825 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 05/11/2015 08/10/2016 2100 DRAIN 50019372-01 52415091 04/14/2012 00 05 04/04/2014 10/01/2014 06OP1M61-V-2B21F022A 1B21F022A,PENT 5 MSL A B21F022A; **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 04/04/2014 10/01/2014 0005 USE APPENDIX A - TEST MEDIUM AIR 50019373-01 52415092 04/13/2012 21 00 04/03/2014 09/30/2014 06OP1M61-V-2B21F022B 1B21F022B,PENT 6 MSL B **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 04/03/2014 09/30/2014 2100 B21F022B; USE APPENDIX A - TEST MEDIUM AIR 50019374-01 52415093 04/13/2012 21 00 04/03/2014 09/30/2014 06OP1M61-V-2B21F022C 1B21F022C,PENT 7 MSL C **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 04/03/2014 09/30/2014 2100 B21F022C; USE APPENDIX A - TEST MEDIUM AIR 50019375-01 52412458 04/08/2012 15 55 03/29/2014 09/25/2014 06OP1M61-V-2B21F022D 1B21F022D,PENT 8 MSL D **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 03/29/2014 09/25/2014 1555 B21F022D; USE APPENDIX A - TEST MEDIUM AIR 50018998-01 52415087 04/14/2012 00 05 04/04/2014 10/01/2014 06OP1M61-V-2B21F028A 1B21F028A,PENT 5 MSL A B21F028A; **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 04/04/2014 10/01/2014 0005 USE APPENDIX A - TEST MEDIUM AIR 50018990-01 52405935 03/02/2012 21 00 02/20/2014 08/19/2014 06OP1M61-V-2B21F028B 2B21F028B,PENT 6 MSL B B21F028B; **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/20/2014 08/19/2014 2100 USE APPENDIX A - TEST MEDIUM AIR 50019377-01 52405814 03/02/2012 20 00 02/20/2014 08/19/2014 06OP1M61-V-2B21F028C 1B21F028C,PENT 7 MSL C **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/20/2014 08/19/2014 2000 B21F028C; USE APPENDIX A - TEST MEDIUM AIR 50019378-01 52405815 03/02/2012 20 00 02/20/2014 08/19/2014 06OP1M61-V-2B21F028D 1B21F028D,PENT 8 MSL D **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/20/2014 08/19/2014 2000 B21F028D; USE APPENDIX A - TEST MEDIUM AIR 50019379-01 52404894 02/28/2012 08 03 02/17/2014 08/16/2014 06OP1M61-V-2B21F067A 1B21F067A,PENT 5 MSL A B21F067A; **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/17/2014 08/16/2014 0803 USE APPENDIX A - TEST MEDIUM AIR 50019380-01 52404895 03/02/2012 21 00 02/20/2014 08/19/2014 06OP1M61-V-2B21F067B 1B21F067B,PENT 6 MSL B B21F067B; **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/20/2014 08/19/2014 2100 USE APPENDIX A - TEST MEDIUM AIR 50019382-01 52404888 03/02/2012 20 00 02/20/2014 08/19/2014 06OP1M61-V-2B21F067C 1B21F067C,PENT 7 MSL C **MODE APPL. = 1, 2, 3, , , ,

720 ACTIVE TECH SPEC DATE/TIME = 02/20/2014 08/19/2014 2000 B21F067C; USE APPENDIX A -TEST MEDIUM AIR


Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS2 GGNS 2012 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS2 JPM


Manual On-Line Risk Assessment_

Facility Number: GJPM-OPS-A2012-1AS1________

(If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 15 min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Kyle Grillis 3/21/13 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Ricky Patterson 9/12/13 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Dave Burrus 9/16/13 nd 2 Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 9/16/13 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 3/15/12 Page 1 of 7

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS2 Manual Risk Assessment Setting: Classroom Type: SRO Task: SRO-ADMIN-054 K&A: Generic 2.1.25: 4.2; 2.1.20: 4.6; 2.2.17: 3.8 Safety Function: Equipment Control [10CFR55.43b (5)]

Performance: Actual Reference(s): 01-S-18-6, Risk Assessment of Maintenance Activities Handout(s): 01-S-18-6, Risk Assessment of Maintenance Activities

  1. Manipulations: N/A
  1. Critical Steps: 1 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:

None Safety Concerns:

None Task Standard(s):

Determines the Plant Safety Index risk color is YELLOW in accordance with 01-S-18-6.

Revision 0 3/15/12 Page 2 of 7

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS2 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

The plant is at 100% power.

Maintenance activities will replace Agastat relay M41-R24, which will cause valve 1M41F037, Containment Cooling Vent Exhaust Auxiliary Building Outboard Isolation to fail closed and be incapable of opening as long as the relay is removed.

The EOOS computer program is not available.

All other equipment and structures are operable.

Initiating Cue(s):

Determine the Plant Safety Index risk color manually in accordance with 01-S-18-6, provided.

Revision 0 3/15/12 Page 3 of 7

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS2 Manual Risk Assessment Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

The candidate will determine the Plant Safety Index risk color for the given plant conditions using 01-S-18-6 Attachment IV.

Tasks: Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 01-S-18-6

  • Determines the Plant Safety Index risk color using 01-S-18-6 Attachment IV.

Standard: Candidate performs a manual analysis in accordance with 01-S-18-6 step 6.5.2a. Candidate reviews 01-S-18-6 Attachment IV page 1 and determines neither M41 system is not listed for quantitative risk. Candidate then reviews 01-S-18-6 Attachment V for qualitative risk and determines valve 1M41F037 is specifically listed as required for the M41 containment venting function. The candidate determines risk color valve 1M41F037 being failed closed or closed and not available is YELLOW.

Cue: None Notes: 1M41F037 is listed on the bottom of page 7of 01-S-18-6 Attachment V. It is not necessary for the candidate to distinguish this as qualitative versus quantitative risk.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 3/15/12 Page 4 of 7

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS2 Task Standard(s):

Determines the Plant Safety Index risk color is YELLOW in accordance with 01-S-18-6.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 3/15/12 Page 5 of 7

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS2 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 3/15/12 Page 6 of 7

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

The plant is at 100% power.

Maintenance activities will replace Agastat relay M41-R24, which will cause valve 1M41F037, Containment Cooling Vent Exhaust Auxiliary Building Outboard Isolation to fail closed and be incapable of opening as long as the relay is removed.

The EOOS computer program is not available.

All other equipment and structures are operable.

Initiating Cue(s):

Determine the Plant Safety Index risk color manually in accordance with 01-S-18-6, provided.

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS3 GGNS 2013 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS3 JPM


Determine Penetration Isolation Requirements___

Facility Number: N/A (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 30 min Applicant: ___________________________ Examiner: ___________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Kyle Grillis 8/30/13 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Ricky Patterson 9/12/13 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Dave Burrus 9/16/13 nd 2 Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 9/16/13 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 1 3/6/13 Page 1 of 9

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS3 Tagout Approval Setting: Classroom Type: SRO Task: SRO-ADMIN-48, SRO-M&S-5, SRO-NO-16 K&A: 2.2.15 (3.9/4.3), 2.2.40 (3.4/4.7), 2.2.41 (3.5/3.9)

Safety Function: N/A Performance: Actual Reference(s): EN-OP-102 (Protective and Caution Tagging) 02-S-01-17 (Control of Limiting Conditions for Operation)

UFSAR Table 6.2-49 (Attached)

E1240-03 (SPCU Isolation Valve Electrical Schematic)

E0300 (Fuse Tabulation)

M-1099 (SPCU P&ID)

Technical Specification Handout(s): EN-OP-102 02-S-01-17 (Control of Limiting Conditions for Operation)

E1240-03 (SPCU Isolation Valve Electrical Schematic)

E0300 page 91 (Fuse Tabulation, P60)

M1099 (SPCU P&ID) 04-1-01-P60-1 (SPCU SOI)

UFSAR Table 6.2-49 sheet 8 of 17 (Attached)

Technical Specifications

  1. Manipulations: N/A
  1. Critical Steps: 1 Revision 1 3/6/13 Page 2 of 9

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS3 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:

None Safety Concerns:

None Task Standard(s):

The operator identifies valves 1P60F009, 1P60F011, and 1P60F034 must be closed.

The operator indentifies 1P60F009 must be deactivated by removing fuse 1P60F016 and/or 1P60F015.

Revision 1 3/6/13 Page 3 of 9

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS3 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

The plant is in Mode 1.

Suppression Pool Clean Up System is shut down.

1P60F010, SPCU RTN FM CNDS PC FLTRS has failed in the open position.

Initiating Cue(s):

As CRS you are tasked to determine the action necessary to satisfy the Tech Spec requirements in accordance with plant procedures.

Revision 1 3/6/13 Page 4 of 9

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS3 Tagout Approval Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

None Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

The operator will determine the proper tagout to meet Tech Spec Action requirements for INOP valve P60-F010.

Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: Technical Specification Action A The operator must determine the required Tech Spec Action is to isolate the affected penetration flow path in accordance with TS Action A.1.

Standard: Determines the required action is TS Action A.1.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 3/6/13 Page 5 of 9

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS3 Step 2: 02-S-01-17 step 6.11.1

  • The operator determines valves 1P60F009, F011, and F034 must be closed.

Standard: The operator must determine the failed valve is the inboard boundary for the affected penetration and the penetration must be isolated using the outboard valve boundaries for the penetration. Determines the appropriate isolation valves for the penetration using UFSAR Table 6.2-49. P&ID M1099 may also be used. Determines 1P60F010, the failed valve, is the inboard isolation valve; therefore, outboard isolation valves 1P60F009, F011, and F034 must be closed.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 3/6/13 Page 6 of 9

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS3 Step 2: 02-S-01-17 step 6.11.4

  • The operator determines fuse 1P60F016 must be removed to electrically deactivate 1P60F009.

Standard: The operator, using E1240-03, determines ESF fuse 1P60F016 OR BOP fuse 1P60F105 must be removed to deactivate 1P60F009.

Cue: If the operator states he would deactivate 1P60F009 only by closing the local air supply isolation valve, as the Shift Manager direct the student to determine the method to electrically deactivate 1P60F009.

Notes: 02-S-01-17 step 6.11.4 states:

WHEN isolating Primary Containment, Secondary Containment, OR Drywell penetrations to meet action statements of LCOs, and, USE the following guidance to de-activate automatic valves:

For air-operated valves, PULL the associated fuse OR CLOSE actuator air isolation valve. There are two solenoid valves in series in the control air supply to 1P60F009. De-energizing either solenoid valve will satisfy deactivating 1P60F009 closed. The nomenclature for the fuses numbers listed on Bechtel electrical schematic E1240-03 is 1P60F016 and 1P60F015.

From the provided fuse tabulation, Fuse 1P60F016 is labeled as fuse 34 on terminal block C in 1H13P871 bay G, and Fuse 1P60F015 is labeled as fuse 10 on terminal block 2 (or fuse 2-10) in panel 1H22P178. It is acceptable for the candidate state either designation for fuse identification, and either or both fuses may be identified for removal by the candidate:

Fuse 1P60F016, also designated as Fuse 34 on terminal block C in panel 1H13P871 bay G, AND/OR Fuse 1P60F015, also designated as Fuse 2-10 (block 2, terminal 2 fuse) in panel 1H22P178.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 3/6/13 Page 7 of 9

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS3 Task Standard(s):

The operator identifies valves 1P60F009, 1P60F011, and 1P60F034 must be closed.

The operator indentifies 1P60F009 must be deactivated by removing fuse 1P60F016 and/or 1P60F015.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 1 3/6/13 Page 8 of 9

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS3 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 1 3/6/13 Page 9 of 9

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

The plant is in Mode 1.

Suppression Pool Clean Up System is shut down.

1P60F010, SPCU RTN FM CNDS PC FLTRS has failed in the open position.

Initiating Cue(s):

As CRS you are tasked to determine the action necessary to satisfy the Tech Spec requirements in accordance with plant procedures.

Index of references provided:

UFSAR Table 6.2-49 (partial)

E0300 page 91 (Fuse Tabulation, P60) 02-S-01-17, Control of Limiting Conditions of Operation EN-OP-102, Protective Tagging E1240-03 (SPCU Isolation Valve Electrical Schematic)

M1099 (SPCU P&ID) 04-1-01-P60-1 (SPCU SOI)

Technical Specifications (Partial)

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS4 GGNS 2013 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS4 JPM


Authorize Emergency Exposure Facility Number: NA (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 20 min Applicant: _______________________________ Examiner: ____________________________

Performance Time: _____________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Kyle Grillis 8/30/13 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Ricky Patterson 9/12/13 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Dave Burrus 9/16/13 nd 2 Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 9/16/13 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 1 9/16/13 Page 1 of 9

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS4 Authorize Emergency Exposure Setting: Classroom Type: RO Task: CRO-ADMIN-15 K&A: 2.3.4 (3.2/3.7)

Safety Function: N/A Performance: Actual Reference(s): 10-S-01-17 (Emergency Personnel Exposure Control)

EN-RP-201 (Dosimetry Administration)

Handout(s): 10-S-01-17 EN-RP-201 Calculator

  1. Manipulations: N/A
  1. Critical Steps: 5 Group: N/A Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:

None Safety Concerns:

None Task Standard(s):

Determines the current dose limit is 5 rem TEDE, selects Operator #1 to perform the task, and determines no additional approvals are required.

Revision 1 9/16/13 Page 2 of 9

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS4 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

A General Emergency has been declared.

There are high radiation levels in containment. The general area dose rate on elevation 135 ft. Containment is 8,200 mR/hr.

Containment entry is required to perform EP Attachment 23 to manually Vent the Scram Air Header.

Three qualified operators are available to perform the task.

Operator #1 has a current year-to-date exposure TEDE of 700 mrem and estimates he can enter Containment, perform Att. 23, and exit Containment within 30 minutes.

Operator #2 has a current year-to-date exposure TEDE of 20 mrem and estimates he can enter Containment, perform Att. 23, and exit Containment within 40 minutes.

Operator #3 has a current year-to-date exposure TEDE of 2400 mrem and estimates he can enter Containment, perform Att. 23, and exit Containment within 20 minutes.

The site Emergency Plan has been activated for the current conditions.

Initiating Cue(s):

You are directed by the SM to determine the exposure limit for this task, to select one of the three operators for the task based on exposure limits and the operators estimate of time required for Containment entry, and to determine approval requirements for the exposure limit.

Consider only TEDE with respect to exposure and limits.

Revision 1 9/16/13 Page 3 of 9

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS4 Authorize Emergency Exposure Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

The operator will evaluate a condition involving abnormally high radiological conditions and determine actions required to administratively control the dose received by determining who authorizes dose extensions in various situations.

Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

(Steps may be performed out of sequence)

Step 1: 10-S-01-1 section 6.1

  • Determine the exposure limit is 5 rem TEDE per 10-S-01-17.

Standard: Determines per 10-S-01-17 steps 6.1.2 and 6.1.3 that 10CFR20 whole body limit of 5 rem TEDE is in effect due to General Emergency Classification.



SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 9/16/13 Page 4 of 9

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS4 Step 2: Calculation for Operator #1

  • Determine expected final exposure following the task for Operator #1.

8,200 mrem 1 hr 30 min = 4,100 mrem + 700 mrem = 4,800 mrem hr 60min Standard: Determines the correct exposure.



SAT / UNSAT Step 3: Calculation for Operator #2

  • Determine expected final exposure following the task for Operator #2.

8,200 mrem 1 hr 40 min = 5,466 mrem + 20 mrem = 5,486 mrem hr 60min Standard: Determines the correct exposure.



SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 9/16/13 Page 5 of 9

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS4 Step 4: Calculation for Operator #3

  • Determine expected final exposure following the task for Operator #3.

8,200 mrem 1 hr 20 min = 2,733 mrem + 2400 mrem = 5,133 mrem hr 60min Standard: Determines the correct exposure.



SAT / UNSAT Step 5: 10-S-01-17 section 6.1

  • Selects Operator #1 to perform the task.

Standard: Determines Operator #1 will not exceed the limit of 5 rem TEDE if he performs the task, and determines Operator #2 and #3 will exceed the limit of 5 rem TEDE if he performs the task. Therefore, selects Operator #1 for the task.



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Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS4 Step 6: 10-S-01-17 section 6.1

  • Determine that no additional approval is required.

Standard: Determines per 10-S-01-17 steps 6.1.2 and 6.1.3 that administrative exposure limits are automatically suspended and Emergency Response personnel are automatically administratively extended to 10CFR20 limits for the current emergency classification. Since Operator #1 will not exceed the 10CFR20 limit of 5 rem TEDE, no additional approval is required.



SAT / UNSAT Task Standard(s):

Determines the current dose limit is 5 rem TEDE, selects Operator #1 to perform the task, and determines no additional approvals are required.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 1 9/16/13 Page 7 of 9

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS4 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 1 9/16/13 Page 8 of 9

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

A General Emergency has been declared.

There are high radiation levels in containment. The general area dose rate on elevation 135 ft. Containment is 8,200 mR/hr.

Containment entry is required to perform EP Attachment 23 to manually Vent the Scram Air Header.

Three qualified operators are available to perform the task.

Operator #1 has a current year-to-date exposure TEDE of 700 mrem and estimates he can enter Containment, perform Att. 23, and exit Containment within 30 minutes.

Operator #2 has a current year-to-date exposure TEDE of 20 mrem and estimates he can enter Containment, perform Att. 23, and exit Containment within 40 minutes.

Operator #3 has a current year-to-date exposure TEDE of 2400 mrem and estimates he can enter Containment, perform Att. 23, and exit Containment within 20 minutes.

The site Emergency Plan has been activated for the current conditions.

Initiating Cue(s):

You are directed by the SM to determine the exposure limit for this task, to select one of the three operators for the task based on exposure limits and the operators estimate of time required for Containment entry, and to determine approval requirements for the exposure limit.

Consider only TEDE with respect to exposure and limits.

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS5 GGNS 2013 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS5 JPM


Emergency Event Classification Facility Number: _______ N/A ___

(If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical 15 min Alternate Path Validation Time: 10 min Applicant: Examiner: _________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Kyle Grillis 9/18/13 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Roger Bond 9/18/13 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Marty McAdory 9/19/13 nd 2 Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 9/19/13 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 9/16/13 Page 1 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS5 Emergency Event Classification Setting: Classroom Type: SRO Task: SRO-A&E-015 K&A: 2.4.41 - 2.9/4.6 Safety Function: Emergency Procedures/Plan Performance: Actual Reference(s): 10-S-01-1 Handout(s): EAL flow charts from 10-S-01-1 10-S-01-1 (available)

  1. Manipulations: N/A
  1. Critical Steps: 1 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:

None Safety Concerns:

None Task Standard(s):

Within 15 minutes, classifies the event as:

for SCENARIO #1 a SITE AREA EMERGENCY per EAL FS1-(RC3,PC3) or SS3 for SCENARIO #2 a SITE AREA EMERGENCY per EAL SS3 for SCENARIO #3 an ALERT per EAL FA1-(RC1 or RC3) for SCENARIO #4 an ALERT per EAL FA1-(RC1 or RC3) or SA1 Revision 0 9/16/13 Page 2 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS5 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

Only the initial conditions for the specific scenario performed by the student as CRS will be given to the student.

Based on the scenario you just participated in:

Scenario #1 - Main Steam Line break in Auxiliary Building Steam Tunnel MSIVs 1B21F022B and 1B21F028B fail open ATWS Emergency Depressurization due to 2 Max Safe temperatures Scenario #2 - Feedwater Line break in Turbine Building ATWS Emergency Depressurization due to low reactor water level Scenario #3 - Failure of Service Transformers 11 and 21 Reactor Recirc line break in the Drywell Emergency Depressurization due to low reactor water level Scenario #4 - Loss of Offsite Power Failure of Division 2 Diesel Generator Reactor Recirc line break in the Drywell Emergency Depressurization due to low reactor water level Revision 0 9/16/13 Page 3 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS5 Initiating Cue(s):

Classify the event.

This JPM is time critical.

Revision 0 9/16/13 Page 4 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS5 Emergency Event Classification Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

Only the initial conditions for the specific scenario performed by the student as CRS is to be given to the student.

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

An event classification JPM is required of all licensed SROs not qualified as an Emergency Director in accordance with the Emergency Preparedness Plan.

Tasks: Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 10-S-01-1

  • For Scenario #1 Classify the event as a SITE AREA EMERGENCY
  • For Scenario #2 Classify the event as a SITE AREA EMERGENCY
  • For Scenario #3 Classify the event as an ALERT
  • For Scenario #4 Classify the event as an ALERT Standard: For Scenario #1: EAL FS1-(RC3,PC3) or SS3 (SITE AREA EMERGENCY)


For Scenario #3: EAL FA1-(RC1 or RC3) (ALERT)

For Scenario #3: EAL FA1-(RC1 or RC3) or SA1 (ALERT)

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 9/16/13 Page 5 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS5 Task Standard(s):

Within 15 minutes, classifies the event as:

for SCENARIO #1 a SITE AREA EMERGENCY per EAL FS1-(RC3,PC3) or SS3 for SCENARIO #2 a SITE AREA EMERGENCY per EAL SS3 for SCENARIO #3 an ALERT per EAL FA1-(RC1 or RC3) for SCENARIO #4 an ALERT per EAL FA1-(RC1 or RC3) or SA1 SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 9/16/13 Page 6 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013AS5 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 9/16/13 Page 7 of 11

Give this page to the student for Scenario # 1 only Initial Condition(s):

Based on the scenario you just participated in:

Main Steam Line break in Auxiliary Building Steam Tunnel MSIVs 1B21F022B and 1B21F028B fail open ATWS Emergency Depressurization due to 2 Max Safe temperatures Initiating Cue(s):

Classify the event.

This JPM is time critical.

Give this page to the student for Scenario # 2 only Initial Condition(s):

Based on the scenario you just participated in:

Feedwater Line break in Turbine Building ATWS Emergency Depressurization due to low reactor water level Initiating Cue(s):

Classify the event.

This JPM is time critical.

Give this page to the student for Scenario # 3 only Initial Condition(s):

Based on the scenario you just participated in:

Failure of Service Transformers 11 and 21 Reactor Recirc line break in the Drywell Emergency Depressurization due to low reactor water level Initiating Cue(s):

Classify the event.

This JPM is time critical.

Give this page to the student for Scenario # 4 only Initial Condition(s):

Based on the scenario you just participated in:

Loss of Offsite Power Failure of Division 2 Diesel Generator Reactor Recirc line break in the Drywell Emergency Depressurization due to low reactor water level Initiating Cue(s):

Classify the event.

This JPM is time critical.

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION Date of Examination: 11/8/2013 Exam Level: RO SRO-I SRO-U Operating Test No.: LOT-2013 Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)

System / JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function

a. 202001 A2.04 (3.7/3.8), A2.26 (2.9/3.1), A3.07 (3.3/3.3) / A-N-S 1 Returning a Recirculation Loop to Service at Power, GJPM-OPS-2013CR1
b. 217000 A4.04 (3.6/3.6) / RCIC Manual Startup, A-M-S 2 GJPM-OPS-2013CR2
c. 241000 A2.06 (3.1/3.2) / Open Main Steam Isolation Valves, M-L-S 3 GJPM-OPS-2013CR3
d. 205000 A4.03 (3.6/3.5) / Defeat SDC Injection Valve Isolation C-D-E-L-EN 4 Interlocks, GJPM-OPS-2013CR4
e. 219000 A4.01 (3.8/3.7), A4.02 (3.7/3.5), A4.05 (3.4/3.4 / A-M-S 5 Startup Suppression Pool Cooling B GJPM-OPS-2013CR5
f. 264000 A4.04 (3.7/3.7), / Start,Parallel and Load Div 1 D/G A-D-S 6 GJPM-OPS-2013CR6
g. 201005 A2.03 (3.2/3.2), A2.04 (3.2/3.2), A2.06 (3.2/3.2), A2.07 C-D-L 7 3.2/3.2, / Bypass a Control Rod in RACS, GJPM-OPS-2013CR7 In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)
h. 212000 A2.01, (3.7/3.9), / RPS Motor Generator Startup D 7 GJPM-OPS-2013PS1
i. 286000 A1.05 (3.2/3.2), / Perform Attachment IV of Shutdown D-E-L-R 4 from Remote Shutdown Panel ONEP, GJPM-OPS-2013PS2
j. 262001 2.1.30 (4.4/4.0), 2.1.20 (4.6/4.6), / Placing LSS in D 6 Standby, GJPM-OPS-2013PS3

@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.

  • Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank 9/ 8/ 4 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant 1/ 1/ 1 (EN)gineered safety feature - / - / 1 (control room system)

(L)ow-Power / Shutdown 1/ 1/ 1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A) 2/ 2/ 1 (P)revious 2 exams 3 / 3 / 2 (randomly selected)

(R)CA 1/ 1/ 1 (S)imulator

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR1 GGNS 2013 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR1 JPM


Returning a Recirculation Loop to Service at Power Facility Number: N/A ___

(If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 40 Min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Kyle Grillis 10/30/2013 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Jay Comfort 10/30/2013 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Mike Starnes 10/30/2013 nd 2 Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 10/30/2013 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 1 of 16

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR1 Returning a Recirculation Loop to Service at Power Setting: Simulator Type: RO Task: CRO-B33(1)-11 K&A: 202001 A2.04 (3.7/3.8)

A2.26 (2.9/3.1)

A3.07 (3.3/3.3)

Safety Function: 1 - Reactivity Control Performance: Actual Reference(s): 04-1-01-B33-1 (Reactor Recirculation System SOI) 05-1-02-III-3 (Reduction in Recirc Flow ONEP) 05-1-01-I-1 (Reactor Scram ONEP)

Handout(s): 04-1-01-B33-1 Section 6.2

  1. Manipulations: 7
  1. Critical Steps: 6 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:

Reset Simulator to IC-176 Run Schedule file GJPM-OPS-2013CR1 OR Perform or verify the following:

o Trip Reactor Recirc Pump o Verify that total FW flow is >4.5 mlbm/hr.

o Complete all steps of section 6.2.2b up to and including 6.2.2b(13).

o Reset B RFPT if tripped o Ensure Recirc Loop A flow is < 22,300 gpm.

o Ensure Recirc Loop B Suction and Discharge valves are open and the Recirc Pump circuit breakers are in alignment for start.

o Set the B Recirc Loop FCV at 20% with MIN ED postion indicated.

Insert Malfunction rr196b (B Recirc Incomplete Sequence) and rr012a (A Recirc Pump A trip)

Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 2 of 16

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR1 Returning a Recirculation Loop to Service at Power Safety Concerns:

None Task Standard:

Recognize incomplete start sequence for B pump and A pump trip on overcurrent, which causes NO recirc pumps running and places Mode switch to SHUTDOWN.

Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 3 of 16

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR1 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

Reactor Recirc Pump B tripped approximately 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> ago, the reason has been found and corrected Seal Purge flow for B Recirc pump is between 1.9 and 2.0 gpm.

All Seal Flow Annunciators are extinguished.

B Loop FCV is 20% open.

B33-F023B and B33-F067B are OPEN RE and I & C have been notified Another Operator has THI monitoring Initiating Cue(s):

The CRS directs you to return B Recirculation Loop to service in accordance with section 6.2 0f SOI 04-1-01-B33-1.

Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 4 of 16

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR1 Returning a Recirculation Loop to Service at Power Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

All controls will be from panel P680 in the Main Control Room.

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

The operator will return the B Reactor Recirc loop to service using plant procedures.

When the B pump is started CB5 B breaker will fail to close causing a incomplete sequence and the A pump will trip. This will leave NO Recirc pumps in operation, per 05-1-02-III-3, Reduction in Recirculation System Flow Rate ONEP, step 2.1.2 requires the student to place the Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN.

Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 04-1-01-B33-1 Step 6.2.2 b (1) 6.2.1.a ENSURE all prerequisites have been satisfied.

Standard: Verifies that all prerequisites are complete.

Cue: None.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 5 of 16

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR1 Step 2: 04-1-01-B33-1 Step 6.2.2 b (2)

  • RAISE respective BOP transformer tap setting to about 7.2 kV on Bus 11HD (12HE) for pump to be started.

Standard: Using the voltage controller for bus 12HE, places handswitch, BOPXFMR 11B X-WDG TO BUS 12HE LTC, to the raise position until 7.2 kV is indicated on bus 12HE voltage indicator R22-R603.

Cue: None.


SAT / UNSAT Step 3: 04-1-01-B33-1 Step 6.2.2 b (3)

IF only one Recirculation loop has been idle, THEN REDUCE operating loop flow rate to < 50% of rated loop flow (< 22,300 gpm).

Standard: Verifies operating loop flow is < 22,300 gpm.

Cue: None Notes:

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Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR1 Step 4: 04-1-01-B33-1 Step 6.2.2 b (4)

CHECK Reactor Feedwater flow is above 24% (about 4.5 mlb/hr) AND power is below 65% load line, IF necessary; AVOID operation in the Controlled Entry Region of Figure 1.

Standard: Verifies > 4.5 mlb/hr on total feedwater flow indicator C34-FR-R607 and power is < 65% load line using PF map or Cyclops computer.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 5: 04-1-01-B33-1 Step 6.2.2 b (5)

CHECK Reactor dome temperature 7.4°F greater than idle Recirc loop temperature.

Standard: Using the PDS computer student verifies Reactor Dome temp is 7.4°F greater than idle Recirc loop temp.

Cue: The CRS give permission to use PDS computer.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 7 of 16

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR1 Step 6: 04-1-01-B33-1 Step 6.2.2 b (6)


Standard: Verifies P680-3A-D4 & D10 alarms are clear.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 7: 04-1-01-B33-1 Step 6.2.2 b (7)

ENSURE the following breakers are in positions indicated.

CB-3A(B), RECIRC PMP FDR A(B) DRIVE MOTOR BRKR 252-1103B (252-1205B),

CLOSED CB-4A(B), RECIRC PMP FDR 252-1103C(252-1205C), CLOSED CB-1A(B), LFMG A(B) MTR FDR 152-1308(152-1411), OPEN CB-2A(B), LFMG A(B) GEN FDR 252-1103A(252-1205A), OPEN CB-5A(B), RECIRC PMP A(B) FDR 252-1103(252-1205), OPEN Standard: Verifies that CB-1B through 5B are in the required positions as described above.

Cue: None Notes:

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Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR1 Step 8: 04-1-01-B33-1 Step 6.2.2 b (8)

CHECK #1 seal cavity pressure indicates slightly higher than Reactor pressure.

Standard: Verifies that #1 seal cavity pressure for the B Reactor Recirc pump is slightly higher than Reactor pressure by using indicator B33-R603B and R602B.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 9: 04-1-01-B33-1 Step 6.2.2 b (9)

CHECK #2 seal cavity pressure indicates approximately half the value of #1 seal pressure.

Standard: Verifies that #2 seal cavity pressure for the B Reactor Recirc pump is approximately half the value of #1 seal pressure by using indicator B33- B33-R603B and R602B.

Cue: None Notes:

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Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR1 Step 10: 04-1-01-B33-1 Step 6.2.2 b (10)

CHECK HPU A(B) operational AND associated annunciators are extinguished on 1H13-P680-3A and 1H13-P634.

Standard: Verifies that annunciators on 1H13-P680-3A are extinguished.

Cue: If asked as a plant operator to verify HPU B is operational report system is operating normally.

If asked to verify annunciators extinguished on 1H13-P634, report all alarms are clear Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 11: 04-1-01-B33-1 Step 6.2.2 b (11)

  • RAISE Reactor Water Level setpoint to 40 on Narrow Range prior to starting Recirc pump.

Standard: Selects SETPOINT on Feedwater Master Level controller, Depresses the RAISE pushbutton slowly until 40 is indicated.

Cue: When RX LVL 40/32 HI/LO annunciates, tell student that another operator will respond.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 10 of 16

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR1 Step 12: 04-1-01-B33-1 Step 6.2.2 b (12)

PERFORM surveillance 06-OP-1B33-V-0005.

Standard: Student ensures surveillance 06-OP-1B33-V-0005 has been completed.

Cue: Tell student that surveillance 06-OP-1B33-V-0005 was completed 5 minutes ago.


SAT / UNSAT Step 13: 04-1-01-B33-1 Step 6.2.2 b (13)

NOTIFY Chemistry AND Radiation Protection that a possibility of a crud burst is possible as a result of the Recirculation pump start.

Standard: Student ensures Chemistry AND Radiation Protection have been notified.

Cue: Tell student that Chemistry AND Radiation Protection have been notified of a possibility crud burst.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 11 of 16

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR1 Step 14: 04-1-01-B33-1 Step 6.2.2 b (14)

  • DEPRESS RELEASE pushbutton on RECIRC PMP A(B) STOP/STOP LOCK pushbutton on 1H13-P680.

Standard: Depresses RELEASE pushbutton on Recirc pump B STOP/STOP LOCK pushbutton on 1H13-P680.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 15: 04-1-01-B33-1 Step 6.2.2 b (15)

  • DEPRESS START pushbutton on RECIRC PMP A(B) TRANS TO LFMG/START pushbutton on 1H13-P680 AND CHECK the following:

CB-5A(B), RECIRC PMP FDR A(B) PMP 252-1103 (252-1205), CLOSES (3 sec delay)

RECIRC PMP A(B) amps rise.

RECIRC PMP A(B) rpm rise to 1800 rpm Standard: Depresses START pushbutton on Recirc pump B TRANS TO LFMG/START pushbutton on 1H13-P680.

Cue: None Notes: When student depresses the START pushbutton for the B Recirc pump the CB-5B will fail to close causing an incomplete start sequence and the pump will not start, at the same time the A Recirc pump will Trip on overcurrent.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 12 of 16

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR1 Step 16: 05-1-02-III-3 Step 2.1.2

  • IF ANY of the following conditions of Steps 2.1.1 OR 2.1.2 exist, THEN IMMEDIATELY PLACE the reactor mode switch in the SHUTDOWN position.

No recirculation loops are in operation with the Reactor Mode switch in RUN position.

Standard: Places Reactor Mode switch to the SHUTDOWN position.

Cue: None Notes: When student depresses the START pushbutton for the B Recirc pump the CB-5B will fail to close causing an incomplete start sequence and the pump will not start, at the same time the A Recirc pump will Trip on overcurrent.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 13 of 16

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR1 Step 17: 05-1-02-I-1 Step 2.0

CONFIRM Reactor power decreasing.

IF Pressure Control System is maintaining reactor pressure greater than 850 psig, THEN PLACE Reactor Mode switch to SHUTDOWN.

Standard: Performs immediate operator action per the Reactor Scram ONEP.

Cue: If student doesnt immediately perform the immediate action for the Reactor Scram Onep, cue as the CRS directs you to perform the immediate actions of the Reactor Scram ONEP.

Notes: When student has completed the immediate actions of the Reactor Scram ONEP then stop the JPM.

SAT / UNSAT Task Standard(s):

Recognize incomplete start sequence for B pump and A pump trip on overcurrent, which causes NO recirc pumps running and places Mode switch to SHUTDOWN.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 14 of 16

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR1 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 15 of 16

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

Reactor Recirc Pump B tripped approximately 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> ago, the reason has been found and corrected Seal Purge flow for B Recirc pump is between 1.9 and 2.0 gpm.

All Seal Flow Annunciators are extinguished.

B Loop FCV is 20% open.

B33-F023B and B33-F067B are OPEN RE and I & C have been notified Another Operator has THI monitoring Initiating Cue(s):

The CRS directs you to return B Recirculation Loop to service in accordance with section 6.2 0f SOI 04-1-01-B33-1.

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR2 GGNS 2013 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR2 JPM


RCIC Manual Startup Facility Number: GJPM-OPS-E5102 (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 15 Min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Kyle Grillis 10/30/2013 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Jay Comfort 10/30/2013 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Steve Angel 10/30/2013 nd 2 Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 10/30/2013 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 1 of 13

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR2 RCIC Manual Startup Setting: Simulator Type: RO Task: CRO-E51-003 K&A: 217000: A4.04 - 3.6/3.6 Safety Function: 2 - Reactor Water Inventory Control Performance: Actual Reference(s): 04-1-01-E51-1, Rev. 131 Handout(s) 04-1-01-E51-1; Precautions / Limitations and section 5.2.2, Rev. 131

  1. Manipulations: 11
  1. Critical Steps: 8 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:

Reset Simulator to IC-176 Run Schedule File GJPM-OPS-2013CR2 Safety Concerns:

None Task Standard:

RCIC was started IAW SOI 04-1-01-E51-1. RCIC is secured due to inability to achieve 2000 rpm.

Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 2 of 13

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR2 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

RCIC is in STANDBY mode.

SSW A is in service.

RP has set up an air sampler in the RCIC room and is ready to take an air sample when RCIC starts.

RP states Containment High Volume Purge is not required due to the short duration of RCIC operation.

Another operator is monitoring Suppression Pool temperature per 06-OP-1M24-V-0001.

RCIC turbine oil level is between upper scribe marks in sight glass.

RCIC pump inboard and outboard bearing oil levels were checked and were visible in bulb.

All Prerequisites are met Initiating Cue(s):

The CRS directs you to perform a controlled manual startup of RCIC from the Control Room IAW 04-1-01-E51-1 step 5.2.2b with the following parameters:

o 800 gpm flow o 300 psig discharge pressure Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 3 of 13

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR2 RCIC Manual Startup Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

All controls and indications for this task are on panel 1H13-P601.

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

This task starts the RCIC system by manual operation of the system's individual components and controls.

The critical skills examined here are the operator's ability to locate and operate RCIC system controls in a manner that would provide for safe, uninterrupted operation of the system without reliance on the logic that would automatically operate this system in the same manner. Also, diagnostics involved for recognition of a RCIC Steam Supply isolation valve (E51-F045) fails to open.

The fault in this task is a RCIC Steam Supply isolation valve (E51-F045) fails to open due to breaker trip.

Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 4 of 13

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR2 Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 3.10 Place the RCIC DIV 1 and 2 MOV TEST switches in TEST position.

Standard: Turns the RCIC DIV 1 and DIV 2 MOV TEST switches clockwise to the TEST position as indicated by status lights RCIC DI(D2) MOV IN TEST STATUS and RCIC OOSVC alarm.

Cue: None Notes: May be performed any time prior to operating E51-F046.

SAT / UNSAT Step 2: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 b START RCIC RM FAN COIL UNIT USING RCIC RM FAN COIL UNIT handswitch on 1H13-P870-1C.

Standard: Starts the RCIC fan coil unit by turning its handswitch on P870 clockwise to the START position and observing its red light is on and its green light is off.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 5 of 13

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR2 Step 3: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 d IF desired to run RCIC in recirculation mode only, CLOSE F268, PRESS LOCK ISOL FOR F013; to PREVENT flow to the reactor due to disc flexing of E51-F013.

Standard: Directs a local operator to close E51-F268 Cue: E51-F268 is closed and the concurrent verification is completed.


SAT / UNSAT Step 4: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 f


Standard: Places controller E51-R600 in manual by sliding its mode control switch to the left until it snaps into the MAN position.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 6 of 13

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR2 Step 5: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 g

  • REDUCE RCIC FLO CONT output to minimum.

Standard: Reduces controller E51-R600's output to minimum by depressing the left-hand (CLOSE) output demand pushbutton until the horizontal output meter indicates 0%.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 6: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 h

Standard: Opens E51-F046 by turning is control handswitch on P601 in the clockwise direction to OPEN, and observing its red light is on and its green light is off.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 7 of 13

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR2 Step 7: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 i START Turbine Gland Seal compressor USING RCIC GL SEAL COMPR handswitch.

Standard: Starts the RCIC Gland Seal Compressor by turning its control handswitch on P601 in the clockwise direction to the START position, and observes its red light is on and its green light is off.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 8: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 j

Standard: Opens E51-F095 by turning is control handswitch on P601 in the clockwise direction to OPEN, and observing its red light is on and its green light is off.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 8 of 13

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR2 Step 9: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 k

  • After 6 seconds, OPEN F045 USING RCIC STM SPLY TO RCIC TURB handswitch..

Standard: Approximately six seconds after E51-F095 is opened, opens E51-F045 by turning is control handswitch on P601 in the clockwise direction to OPEN, and observing its red light is on and its green light is off.

Cue: None Notes: Due to a breaker trip the E51-F045 will lose indication.

SAT / UNSAT Step 10: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 k Recognize the E51-F045 has lost indication and is NOT open and RCIC turbine speed is <2000 rpm.

Standard: Recognizes the E51-F045 has lost indication and is NOT open, also, recognizes RCIC turbine speed is <2000 rpm.



SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 9 of 13

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR2 Step 11: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 3.2

  • Secures steam to the RCIC turbine.

Standard: Secures steam to the RCIC turbine by one of the following methods:

Close F095 USING RCIC STM SPLY BYP VLV handswitch.

Depress the RCIC Turbine Trip pushbutton Manually close the RCIC Turbine Trip Throttle Valve Cue:

Notes: After one of the above methods is performed to secure steam to the turbine the evaluator may stop the JPM.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 10 of 13

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR2 Task Standard(s):

RCIC was started IAW SOI 04-1-01-E51-1. RCIC is secured due to inability to achieve 2000 rpm.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 11 of 13

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR2 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 12 of 13

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

RCIC is in STANDBY mode.

SSW A is in service.

RP has set up an air sampler in the RCIC room and is ready to take an air sample when RCIC starts.

RP states Containment High Volume Purge is not required due to the short duration of RCIC operation.

Another operator is monitoring Suppression Pool temperature per 06-OP-1M24-V-0001.

RCIC turbine oil level is between upper scribe marks in sight glass.

RCIC pump inboard and outboard bearing oil levels were checked and were visible in bulb.

All Prerequisites are met Initiating Cue(s):

The CRS directs you to perform a controlled manual startup of RCIC from the Control Room IAW 04-1-01-E51-1 step 5.2.2b with the following parameters:

o 800 gpm flow o 300 psig discharge pressure

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR3 GGNS 2013 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR3 JPM


Open Main Steam Isolation Valves Facility Number: GJPM-OPS-B2111 (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 20 Min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Kyle Grillis 10/30/2013 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Jay Comfort 10/30/2013 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Steve Angel 10/30/2013 nd 2 Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 10/30/2013 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 1 Page 1 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR3 Open Main Steam Isolation Valves Setting: Simulator Type: RO Task: CRO-B21-001 K&A: 239001 A4.01: 4.2/4.0; 2.1.30: 4.4/4.0 223002 A4.03: 3.6/3.5 Safety Function: 3 - Reactor Pressure Control Performance: Actual Reference(s): 04-1-01-B21-1 section 4.3, 04-1-01-M71-1 section 5.7 Handout(s) 04-1-01-B21-1; 04-1-01-M71-1; Precautions / Limitations and section 4.3

  1. Manipulations: 4
  1. Critical Steps: 4 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:

Reset Simulator to IC-178 OR Simulator in IC - 4 Reactor Coolant Temperature < 200 deg F No Condenser Vacuum B21-F098A, B, C, D are OPEN.

MSIVs are closed with handswitches in CLOSE.

Condenser Vacuum Bypass switches are NORM.

MSIV DR VLV TRIP INIT annunciator H13-P601 19A-E4 is in alarm.

Open Vacuum Breakers Safety Concerns:

None Task Standard:

Main Steam Isolation Valves Inboard and Outboard are open.

Revision 1 Page 2 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR3 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

The plant is in Mode 4.

All Control Rods are fully inserted.

Preparations are being made for Reactor Startup.

The Main Steam Line Shutoff Valves B21-F098A, B, C, & D are open.

The Main and Reheat Steam System is ready for operation.

Reactor Pressure is 0 psig.

Turbine Pressure set is at 175 psig.

Reactor Water Level is at > 40 inches.

Main Condenser Vacuum is 0 inches Hg and rising with reactor coolant temperature less than 200 degrees F.

Initiating Cue(s):

The CRS directs you to reset the NSSS MSIV Isolation and to open the Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs) per 04-1-01-B21-1 Section 4.3.

Revision 1 Page 3 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR3 Open Main Steam Isolation Valves Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

All controls and indications for this task are on panel 1H13-P601.

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

This task is to open the Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs) with the plant shutdown and depressurized per the SOI.

Revision 1 Page 4 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR3 Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 04-1-01-B21-1, Step 4.3.1 a NSSSS isolation reset per SOI 04-1-01-M71-1.

Standard: Enters M71 SOI Cue: All prerequisites for SOI M71 section 5.6 are complete Notes: Student should recognize that prerequisite 4.3.1a of the B21 SOI has not been completed and enter M71 SOI section 5.6 This step may be performed as part of step 4 of this JPM.

SAT / UNSAT Step 2: 04-1-01-M71-1, Step 5.6.2 a (1)

  • PLACE the NSSSS Div 1, 2, 3, 4 CNDSR LO VAC BYP switches in BYPASS IF main condenser vacuum is less than 9" Hg.

Standard: Candidate places the NSSSS CNDSR LO VAC BYP switches to BYPASS.

Cue: If asked, as CRS concur with the student to place NSSSS CNDSR LO VAC BYP switches to BYPASS.

Notes: Switches are on H13-P601 sections 18B and 19B.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 Page 5 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR3 Step 3: 04-1-01-M71-1, Step 5.6.2 a (2)


Standard: Candidate verifies the handswitches for the MSIVs are all in the close position.

Cue: None Notes: These handswitches are on H13-P601 section 18C and 19C and should already be in the close position.

SAT / UNSAT Step 4: 04-1-01-M71-1, Step 5.6.2 a (3)


Standard: Candidate depresses the NSSSS INBD ISOL RESET and NSSSS OTBD ISOL RESET pushbuttons.

Cue: None Notes: These pushbuttons are on H13-P601 sections 18B and 19B. MSIV DR VLV TRIP INIT annunciator H13-P601 19A-E4 will clear.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 Page 6 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR3 Step 5: 04-1-01-M71-1, Step 5.6.2 a (4)

CHECK that INBD MSLD Logic Test AND OTBD MSLD Logic Test status lights are On.

Standard: Candidate checks that INBD MSLD Logic Test and OTBD MSLD Logic Test status lights on H13-P622 and P623 are ON.

Cue: Lights are on.


SAT / UNSAT Step 6: 04-1-01-M71-1, Step 5.6.2 a (6)

CHECK that A AND B pilot solenoid valve status light for 1B21-F022A, B, C, D (on 1H13-P622) AND 1B21-F028A, B, C, D (on 1H13-P623) is On.

Standard: Candidate checks that A and B pilot solenoid valve status light for 1B21-F022A, B, C, D and 1B21-F028A, B, C, D on H13-P622 and P623 are ON.

Cue: Lights are on.

Notes: Lights are on H22-P622 and P623 in the Control Room Back Panels and Upper Control Room.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 Page 7 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR3 Step 7: 04-1-01-B21, Step 4.3.2 a

  • OPEN outboard MSIVs, IF there is no dP across them, by PLACING handswitches MSL A, B, C, AND D CTMT OTBD ISOL handswitches for 1B21-F028A, B, C, AND D to AUTO.

Standard: Candidate opens the outboard MSIVs B21-F028A, B, C, D.

Cue: None Notes: Valves are controlled from H13-P601 section 19C. Order of valve opening is not critical SAT / UNSAT Step 8: 04-1-01-B21, Step 4.3.2 a Verifies no differential pressure exists across inboard MSIVs Standard: Candidate observes Reactor Pressure and Main Steam Line Pressure and notes the differential pressure is 0 psig.

Cue: None Notes: This can be accomplished using multiple indications in the control room and PDS. One method would be to look at the wide range Post Accident pressure recorders on H13-P601 and the Main Steam Line Pressure digital indicator on H13-P680 section 9D.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 Page 8 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR3 Step 9: 04-1-01-B21, Step 4.3.2 c

  • IF no differential pressure exists across inboard MSIVs, OPEN inboard MSIVs 1B21-F022A, B, C, AND D by PLACING MSL A, B, C, AND D DRWL INBD ISOL handswitches in AUTO.

Standard: Candidate opens the inboard MSIVs B21-F022A, B, C, D.

Cue: None.

Notes: Valves are controlled from H13-P601 section 18C. Order of valve opening is not critical.

After MSIVs are open the evaluator may stop the JPM.

SAT / UNSAT Task Standard(s):

Main Steam Isolation Valves Inboard and Outboard are open.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 1 Page 9 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR3 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 1 Page 10 of 11

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

The plant is in Mode 4.

All Control Rods are fully inserted.

Preparations are being made for Reactor Startup.

The Main Steam Line Shutoff Valves B21-F098A, B, C, & D are open.

The Main and Reheat Steam System is ready for operation.

Reactor Pressure is 0 psig.

Turbine Pressure set is at 175 psig.

Reactor Water Level is at > 40 inches.

Main Condenser Vacuum is 0 inches Hg and rising with reactor coolant temperature less than 200 degrees F.

Initiating Cue(s):

The CRS directs you to reset the NSSS MSIV Isolation and to open the Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs) per 04-1-01-B21-1 Section 4.3.

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR4 GGNS 2013 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR4 JPM


Defeat SDC Injection Valve Isolation Interlocks Facility Number: GJPM-OPS-EOP12 (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 15 Min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Kyle Grillis 9/12/2013 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean S. Dixon 9/12/2013 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Phillip Huff 9/12/2013 nd 2 Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 9/12/2013 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR4 Defeat SDC Injection Valve Isolation Interlocks Setting: Control Room Type: RO Task: CRO-EP-012 K&A: 205000: A4.03 - 3.6/3.5 Safety Function: 4: Heat Removal From Reactor Core Performance: Simulated Reference(s): 05-S-01-EP-1/Att. 12 Handout(s) 05-S-01-EP-1/Att. 12

  1. Manipulations: 5
  1. Critical Steps: 5 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:

Control Room operating panels and backpanels P618 and P629 are accessible, with permission from the Shift Manager to open panels for inspection only.

Safety Concerns:

Possible electric shock while inspecting interior of panels - Do not break the plane of any panels (student should use an appropriate indicating device to identify component /

connection locations).

Task Standard:

Steps 2.1 through 2.3 of EOP Att. 12 are completed IAW the procedure.

Revision 0 Page 2 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR4 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

EOPs have been entered Initiating Cue(s):

You have been directed to perform steps 2.1 through 2.3 of EP Attachment 12.

The SRO wants both RHR systems available for injection.

Another operator will complete the remaining steps of this attachment when directed.

Revision 0 Page 3 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR4 Defeat SDC Injection Valve Isolation Interlocks Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

Panel P629 is in the Upper Control Room; P618 is in the Main Control Room Jumper kits are in the Control Room emergency locker. Typical relay terminal block as shown:

B3 T3 M3 R3 R1 M1 T1 B1 B4 T4 M4 R4 R2 M2 T2 B2 Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

This task overrides all of the logic that automatically isolates the RHR Shutdown Cooling return valves so that this mode of RHR can be used to assist in reactor level control during an ATWS, since this injection pathway is into the reactor annulus instead of directly into the core.

Revision 0 Page 4 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR4 Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 05-S-01-EP-1, Attachment 12, Step 2.1 OBTAIN Jumper Kit No. 12 from the Control Room emergency locker.

Standard: Locates Jumper Kit No. 12 in the Control Room Emergency Locker and verifies the presence of two jumpers Cue: Contents as indicated (don't open the kit; just inspect it through the clear bag)


Steps 2 through 4 and Steps 5 through 7 comprise two groups, one for each RHR valve. Groups can be performed in any sequence, but steps within the groups must be performed in the sequence given SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 5 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR4 Step 2: 05-S-01-EP-1, Attachment 12, Step 2.2.1


o Locates relay E12A-K111B in panel P618, Bay C, 12th row from top, 1st relay from left o Simulates removal by describing unclipping and pulling the relay Cue: Relay E12A-K111B is removed Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 3: 05-S-01-EP-1, Attachment 12, Step 2.2.2

  • Install jumper No. 1 Standard: Simulates inserting the jumper's male banana plugs into the female banana plugs located at terminals M3 and R3 of the relay block for E12A-K111B Cue: Jumper is installed Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 6 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR4 Step 4: 05-S-01-EP-1, Attachment 12, Step 2.2.3 Reports that E12-F053B, RHR B SHUTDN CLG RTN TO FW valve Can now be Opened on panel 1H13-P601-17C.

Standard: Notifies shift management that valve E12-F053B can now be opened.

Cue: SRO acknowledges that RHR B Shutdown Cooling Return Valve E12-F053B can now be opened Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 5: 05-S-01-EP-1, Attachment 12, Step 2.3.1

  • REMOVE relay E12A -K111A Standard:

o Locates relay E12A-K111A in panel P629, Bay C, 11th row from top, 5th relay from left o Simulates removal by describing unclipping and pulling the relay.

Cue: Relay E12A-K111A is removed Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 7 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR4 Step 6: 05-S-01-EP-1, Attachment 12, Step 2.3.2

  • INSTALL Jumper No. 2 Standard: Simulates inserting the jumper's male banana plugs into the female banana plugs located at terminals M3 and R3 of the relay block for E12A-K111A Cue: Jumper is installed Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 7: 05-S-01-EP-1, Attachment 12, Step 2.3.3

Standard: Closes valve B21-F065A by depressing its CLOSE locked pushbutton and observing its green light energizes and its red light de-energizes Cue: Green light is on, red light is off Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 8 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR4 Step 8: 05-S-01-EP-1, Attachment 12, Step 2.3.3 Reports that 1E12-F053A, RHR A SHUTDN CLG RTN TO FW valve Can now be Opened on panel 1H13-P601-20C.

Standard: Notifies shift management that valve E12-F053A can now be opened Cue: SRO acknowledges that RHR A Shutdown Cooling Return Valve E12-F053A can now be opened Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Task Standard(s):

Steps 2.1 through 2.3 of EOP Att. 12 are completed IAW the procedure.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 9 of 11

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR4 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 Page 10 of 11

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

EOPs have been entered Initiating Cue(s):

You have been directed to perform steps 2.1 through 2.3 of EP Attachment 12.

The SRO wants both RHR systems available for injection.

Another operator will complete the remaining steps of this attachment when directed.

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR5 GGNS 2013 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR5 JPM


Startup Suppression Pool Cooling Facility Number: GJPM-OPS-E1204 (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 15 Min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Kyle Grillis 10/30/2013 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Jay Comfort 10/30/2013 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Mike Starnes 10/30/2013 nd 2 Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 10/30/2013 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 1 of 12

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR5 Startup Suppression Pool Cooling Setting: Simulator Type: RO Task: CRO-E12-008 K&A: 219000: A4.01 - 3.8/3.7 219000: A4.02 - 3.7/3.5 219000: A4.05 - 3.4/3.4 295013: AA1.01 - 3.9/3.9 Safety Function: 5 - Containment Integrity Performance: Actual Reference(s): 04-1-01-E12-1 Handout(s) 04-1-01-E12-1, Precautions / Limitations

  1. Manipulations: 6
  1. Critical Steps: 4 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:

Reset Simulator to IC-177 Run Schedule file GJPM-OPS-2013CR5)

OR Perform or verify the following:

Any IC RHR B in LPCI standby.

Start SSW B per SOI with flow through the RHR B Heat Exchangers.

Be ready to insert malfunction ct218b at 25%, "Suppression Pool Leak RHR B Room when RHR Pump B is started.

Safety Concerns:


Task Standard:

Suppression Pool Cooling B is started IAW SOI 04-1-01-E12-1, with SSW B flow is going through the RHR B heat exchanger. RHR pump B is secured and isolated due to indications of RHR pipe leak in RHR room.

Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 2 of 12

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR5 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

RHR B is in LPCI standby.

SSW B is operating with flow through the RHR B Heat Exchangers.

All prerequisites are complete.

Initiating Cue(s):

The CRS directs you to place RHR B in Suppression Pool Cooling Mode.

Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 3 of 12

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR5 Startup Suppression Pool Cooling Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

All controls will be from panels P601 and P870 in the Main Control Room.

Unless otherwise indicated, all valves are in the E12 system.

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

This task is to RHR B system in the Suppression Pool Cooling Mode. Once the student starts the pump and begins to establish flow a leak will occur downstream of the suction valve. Requiring the pump to be secured and the suction valve isolated.

Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 4 of 12

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR5 Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 04-1-01-E12-1, Step 5.2.2 b (2)

START RHR RM B FAN COIL UNIT on 1H13-P870 Standard: Starts RHR B fan coil unit by turning its handswitch on P870 clockwise in the START direction until the fan's red light is on and its green light is off.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 2: 04-1-01-E12-1, Step 3.14 Place the RHR B MOV TEST switch in TEST Standard: Turns the RHR B MOV TEST switch clockwise until it snaps in the TEST position. Verifies RHR BMOV IN TEST STATUS light and RHR B OOSVC alarm.

Cue: If asked, pre-start checks are complete.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 5 of 12

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR5 Step 3: 04-1-01-E12-1, Step 5.2.2 b (3)


Standard: Checks open F003B by observing an indication of "100%" or maximum scale on valve position indicator E12-R611B Cue: None.


SAT / UNSAT Step 4: 04-1-01-E12-1, Step 5.2.2 b (4)

Standard: Starts RHR Pump B by turning its control handswitch clockwise until it snaps in the START position, and observe its red status light on and its green status light off.

Cue: None (See note below)

Notes: NOTE prior to step 5.2.2 b (4) states Opening of F024B causes LPCI Mode to be inoperable. If notified by student as CRS acknowledge the LPCI will be INOP when F024B is opened.

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Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR5 Step 5: 04-1-01-E12-1, Step 5.2.2 b (5)


Standard: Opens E12-F024B, RHR B TEST RTN TO SUPP POOL by turning its handswitch clockwise in the OPEN direction and observing its green light on and its red light off.

Cue: None Notes: Student may report time that F024B is opened for Tech Spec INOP purposes When the candidate opens the F024B malfunction ct218b, Suppression pool leak will occur. OR Insert malfunction ct218b, Suppression Pool Leak RHR B Room, at 25% severity.

Alarms P870-4A-C3 SUPP POOL LVL HI/LO and P870-10A-C3 SUPP POOL LVL HI/LO are expected alarms when running RHR in Suppression Pool Cooling mode from pool wave action and should be acknowledged and allowed to fast flash.

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Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR5 Step 6: 04-1-01-E12-1, Step 5.2.2 b (5)

Observes and reports indications of a suppression pool leak in RHR B pump room.

Standard: Observes and reports indications of leak in RHR B pump room which include:

Lowering Suppression Pool Level on recorders M71R600A and B P870-10A-G1 RHR B PMP RM FLOODED P680-8A1-B2 RHR RM B SMP LVL HI-HI P870-4A-A3 SUPP POOL LVL LO-LO P870-10A-A3 SUPP POOL LVL LO-LO Cue: As Operator at the Controls at the P680 panel report, RHR RM B SMP LVL HI-HI alarm.

Notes: P680-8A1-B2 RHR RM B SMP LVL HI-HI would be acknowledged by Operator at the Controls.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 8 of 12

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR5 Step 7: 02-S-01-27, Step 6.4.2

  • Stop RHR Pump B.

Standard: Stops RHR Pump B by turning its handswitch counter-clockwise to the STOP position, and observes its green status light on and its red status light off.

Reports RHR B pump shutdown.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 8: 02-S-01-27, Step 6.4.2


Standard: Closes E12-F004B, RHR PMP B SUCTION FM SUPP POOL MOV, by turning its handswitch counter-clockwise to the CLOSED position and after MOV has stroked closed, observes MOV green status light on and MOV red status light off. Reports RHR B suction valve closed.

Cue: When E12-F004B is full closed, the Evaluator may stop this JPM.

Notes: Student may close E12-F024B, RHR B TEST RTN TO SUPP POOL if not it will auto close.

Ramp severity on malfunction ct218b, Suppression Pool Leak RHR B Room, to 0% severity, to stop the leak when RHR pump B is secured and E12-F004 is closed.

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Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR5 Task Standard(s):

Suppression Pool Cooling B is started IAW SOI 04-1-01-E12-1, with SSW B flow is going through the RHR B heat exchanger. RHR pump B is secured and isolated due to indications of RHR pipe leak in RHR room.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 10 of 12

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR5 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 1 10/30/2013 Page 11 of 12

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

RHR B is in LPCI standby.

SSW B is operating with flow through the RHR B Heat Exchangers.

All prerequisites are complete.

Initiating Cue(s):

The CRS directs you to place RHR B in Suppression Pool Cooling Mode.

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR6 GGNS 2013 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR6 JPM


Start, Parallel and Load Div 1 Diesel Generator Facility Number: GJPM-OPS-P75021 (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 25 Min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Kyle Grillis 9/12/2013 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean S. Dixon 9/12/2013 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Phillip Huff 9/12/2013 nd 2 Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 9/12/2013 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 17

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR6 Start, Parallel and Load Div 1 Diesel Generator Setting: Simulator Type: RO Task: CRO-P75-002 K&A: 264000 A4.04 (3.7/3.7) 2.1.30 (3.9/3.4) 262001 A4.01 (3.4/3.7)

Safety Function: 6 - Electrical Performance: Actual Reference(s): 04-1-01-P75-1 Handout(s) 04-1-01-P75-1, Precautions / Limitations

  1. Manipulations: 10
  1. Critical Steps: 9 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:

Reset Simulator to IC-176 Run Schedule file GJPM-OPS-2013CR6 OR Any Power IC.

No ECCS Initiations present.

Start up Standby Service Water A and place it through the RHR Heat Exchangers.

Place SSW A MOV test switch to TEST.

Place Malfunction p41148a on TRIGGER 1 Safety Concerns:


Task Standard:

Diesel Generator 11 is shutdown following loss of SSW A.

Revision 0 Page 2 of 17

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR6 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

Division I Diesel Generator is in Standby per the SOI.

Two Operators are standing by at the Diesel Generator.

I&C has completed ALL testing required to run the Diesel Generator and verified the crank case manometer.

The Diesel Generator will only run for 30 minutes.

Chemistry has sampled the Jacket Water System and it is ready for operation.

There are NO open work orders on the diesel.

Governor Oil level has been verified satisfactory.

Standby Service Water A is operating in the Chemical Addition Lineup.

The last Diesel Generator run for DG11 was 2 weeks ago.

SSW MOV Test switch is in TEST.

Another operator will take care of Diesel Generator Start Log.

Initiating Cue(s):

The CRS directs you to start Div I Diesel Generator and operate it in parallel with Offsite and load the Diesel to 3 MWe and 1.5 MVARs.

All local operation has been performed and begin at step 4.2.2 b Revision 0 Page 3 of 17

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR6 Start, Parallel and Load Div 1 Diesel Generator Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

All controls will be from panels P864 in the Main Control Room.

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

This task is to start the Division I Diesel Generator and parallel the generator to 15AA bus and load the generator with real and reactive load per the SOI. With the Diesel connected to the bus loaded, a loss of Standby Service Water will be received requiring the candidate to secure the Diesel Generator and prevent its operation.

Revision 0 Page 4 of 17

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR6 Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 04-1-01-P75-1, Step 4.2.2 b On Local Pump Control panel START Auxiliary Lube Oil pump C007A [C007B] by PLACING its Control switch HS-M031A [M031B] to CLOSE AND THEN BACK to AUTO.

After Turbo Oil Press Left Front R014A [R014B] gage AND Turbo Oil Press Right Front R015A [R015B] gage increase to 18 psig for Div 1 AND > 20 psig for Div 2, STOP Auxiliary Lube Oil pump by PLACING Control switch HS-M031A [M031B] to TRIP AND THEN BACK to AUTO.

Standard: Candidate instructs the local operator to start the Auxiliary Lube Oil Pump and return the control to AUTO and then stop the Auxilary Lube Oil Pump once Turbo Oil Press Left and Right rises > 20 psig.

Cue: Left and Right Turbo Oil Pressure is > 20 psig and the Auxiliary Lube Oil Pump is in AUTO.


SAT / UNSAT Step 2: 04-1-01-P75-1, Step 4.2.2 b

  • IMMEDIATELY START Standby Diesel Generator 11 [12] by PRESSING DIV 1 [2] DSL ENG RMT MAN START pushbutton on 1H13-P864 Standard: Candidate starts Division I Diesel Generator using Pushbutton under cap on H13-P864 section 1C.

Cue: If asked, DG Trouble Alarm due to low starting air pressure, the motor driven air compressor is operating.

Notes: Simulator operator may use RF-p75064 to reset local alarm.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 5 of 17

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR6 Step 3: 04-1-01-P75-1, Step 4.2.2 c (5)

Standby Diesel Generator 11 [12] Jacket Water Cooler Inlet Valve 1P41-F018A [1P41-F018B] Opens.

Standard: Candidate checks P41-F018A opens and SSW A is operating.

Cue: None.

Notes: Indication is on H13-P870 section 1C and F018A is already open as an initial condition.

SAT / UNSAT Step 4: 04-1-01-P75-1, Step 4.2.2 c (7)

DG 11 [12] READY TO LOAD status light on 1H13-P864-1B [2B] illuminated for Division 1 [2] DG.

Standard: Candidate checks DG 11 READY TO LOAD status light is on.

Cue: None Notes: Light is on H13-P864 section 1B.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 6 of 17

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR6 Step 5: 04-1-01-P75-1, Step 4.2.2 c (8)

CHECK that governor oil level is stable AND VISIBLE in sightglass.

Standard: Candidate contacts local operator to verify governor oil level is stable.

Cue: Governor oil level is stable at the black line in the sightglass.


SAT / UNSAT Step 6: 04-1-01-P75-1, Step 4.2.2 c (9)

IF DC Fuel Oil Booster pump has started, THEN STOP DC Fuel Oil Booster pump by TAKING its handswitch HS-M004A [M004B] to OFF AND BACK to AUTO.

Standard: Candidate contacts local operator to verify Fuel Oil Booster Pump.

Cue: Fuel Oil Booster pump is not running.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 7 of 17

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR6 Step 7: 04-1-01-P75-1, Step 4.2.2 c (10)

IF Aux Lube Oil pump is running, THEN shutdown Aux Lube Oil pump by taking its handswitch HS-M031A [M031B] to OFF AND BACK to AUTO AFTER REFERRING to precaution 3.30 AND 3.31.

Standard: Candidate contacts local operator to verify Aux Lube Oil Pump.

Cue: Aux Lube Oil pump is not running.


SAT / UNSAT Step 7: 04-1-01-P75-1, Step 4.2.2 c (11)

IF Aux Jacket Water Pump C004A (C004B) is still running, VERIFY Jacket water pressure is >35 psi at R050A [B] AND >15 psi at R020A[B] with the engine at 450 rpm, THEN STOP AUX JACKET WATER PUMP C004A (C004B) by PLACING its handswitch HS-M032A [M032B] to TRIP AND THEN BACK to AUTO.

Standard: Candidate contacts local operator to verify Aux Jacket Water Pump.

Cue: Aux Jacket Water pump is not running.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 8 of 17

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR6 Step 8: 04-1-01-P75-1, Step 4.2.2 d SELECT phase of bus voltage to be MONITORED with VM 4.16 kV BUS 15AA [16AB]

VOLTMETER handswitch.

Standard: Candidate observes voltmeter is selected to monitor bus 15AA voltage.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 9: 04-1-01-P75-1, Step 4.2.2 e

  • PLACE Standby Diesel Generator 11 [12] Output Breaker Synchronizing switch SYN CONT FDR BKR 152-1508 [152-1608] handswitch to ON.

Standard: Candidate turns on the sync switch for breaker 152-1508.

Cue: None Notes: Synchroscope will turn on and sync scope lights will be going on and off.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 9 of 17

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR6 Step 10: 04-1-01-P75-1, Step 4.2.2 f

  • PLACE DG 11 [12] PRL CONT handswitch momentarily to PRL (spring return to OFF) to defeat parallel interlock AND PLACES governor in the DROOP mode.

Standard: Candidate places DG 11 PRL CONT handswitch to PRL and ensures amber light above Div1 LSS TEST MODE SEL Switch comes ON.

Cue: None.

Notes: This places the Droop Circuit in service for the Diesel Generator.

SAT / UNSAT Step 11: 04-1-01-P75-1, Step 4.2.2 g

  • ADJUST Standby Diesel Generator 11 [12] INCOMING VOLTS DIV 1 [2] about 50 volts Above RUNNING VOLTS DIV 1 [2] with AUTO VOLT SET PT CONT DG 11 [12]


Standard: Candidate adjusts DG output voltage (INCOMING) to indicate 50 volts above bus 15AA (RUNNING) using AUTO VOLT SET PT CONT DG11 handswitch Cue: None.

Notes: If voltage is within range, no adjustments are necessary. This is acceptable and this step would be non-critical.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 10 of 17

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR6 Step 12: 04-1-01-P75-1, Step 4.2.2 h

  • ADJUST Standby Diesel Generator 11 [12] speed to bring frequency within range of bus frequency by USING GOV MAN CONT DG 11 [12] so that synchroscope indicator is ROTATING Slowly in the FAST direction (clockwise).

Standard: Candidate adjusts DG speed to get the Syncroscope turning slowly in the FAST (clockwise) direction using MAN GOV CONT DG 11.

Cue: None.

Notes: This is dependent on the comfortability of the candidate. Candidate may not have to adjust speed at all. This is acceptable and this step would be non-critical.

There May be a need to adjust Diesel Generator speed to obtain proper rotation of synchroscope indicator. Once indicator is rotating in the correct direction (clockwise) ALLOW it to make a few revolutions to ENSURE frequency stability.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 11 of 17

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR6 Step 13: 04-1-01-P75-1, Step 4.2.2 j

  • WHEN Standby Diesel Generator 11 [12] speed is such that the synchroscope indicator is moving Slowly in the FAST direction (clockwise) AND is approximately five minutes before the 12 o'clock position, CLOSE Diesel Generator Output breaker with BUS 15AA [16AB] FDR FM DG 11 [12] handswitch. Immediately after closing Diesel Generator Output breaker, OBSERVE BREAKER CLOSING lights to ENSURE breaker is Closed. (IF NOT Closed, RETURN BREAKER handswitch to TRIP position).

Standard: Candidate closes DG 11 output breaker 152-1508.

Cue: None.

Notes: Syncroscope should stop and the lights are off.

SAT / UNSAT Step 13: 04-1-01-P75-1, Step 4.2.2 k

  • Standby Diesel Generator 11 [12] load May be raised by going to RAISE on GOV MAN CONT DG 11 [12]

Standard: Candidate raises real load on the diesel generator to 3 MWe using the speed control.

Cue: For the purposes of this JPM the local indicators for MWe and MVAR are the same as the Control Room indication.

Notes: When load is raised to >2 MWe, SSW pump A will trip or simulator operator will trigger event 1.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 12 of 17

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR6 Step 14: 04-1-01-P75-1, Step 4.2.2 k

  • Standby Diesel Generator 11 [12] VARS loading May be adjusted with AUTO VOLT SET PT CONT DG 11 [12]. ADJUST VARS per Table on Step 3.27.

Standard: Candidate raises reactive load on the diesel generator to 1.5 MVAR using the voltage regulator control.

Cue: None.

Notes: Student may raise load to >2 MWe, causing SSW pump to Trip, before adjusting VARS. If so, this step becomes N/A and is NOT critical.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 13 of 17

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR6 Step 15: 04-1-01-P75-1, Step 4.2.2 l As soon as Standby Diesel Generator 11 [12] minimum load has stabilized, PLACE SYNCHROSCOPE handswitch to OFF position.

Standard: Candidate turns off the sync switch for breaker 152-1508.

Cue: None.


SAT / UNSAT Step 16: 04-1-01-P75-1, Step 4.2.2 l Recognizes SSW pump A trip.

Standard: Candidate recognizes SSW pump A has tripped on P870.


If candidate begins to perform actions on SSW A, cue the candidate another operator will realign SSW A.

If asked for direction, cue the candidate to unload Diesel Generator 11 and immediately secure the diesel.

Notes: The critical item is to remove the Diesel Generator from the bus and get the load off the machine.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 14 of 17

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR6 Step 17: 04-1-01-P75-1, Step 4.2.2 l

  • Trip Division 1 Diesel Generator using the REMOTE STOP pushbutton on H13-P864 panel.

Standard: Candidate trips the diesel generator using remote controls on H13-P864.

Cue: After the Diesel Generator is shutdown inform the candidate that another operator will place the Diesel in Maintenance and secure the Diesel Generator support system.

The evaluator may stop the JPM Notes: The student may elect to remove the load from the Diesel Generator prior to securing. If the student selects this path the load should be removed from the Diesel then the output breaker should be opened prior to depressing the STOP pushbutton.

SAT / UNSAT Task Standard(s):

Diesel Generator 11 is shutdown following loss of SSW A.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 15 of 17

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR6 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 Page 16 of 17

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

Division I Diesel Generator is in Standby per the SOI.

Two Operators are standing by at the Diesel Generator.

I&C has completed ALL testing required to run the Diesel Generator and verified the crank case manometer.

The Diesel Generator will only run for 30 minutes.

Chemistry has sampled the Jacket Water System and it is ready for operation.

There are NO open work orders on the diesel.

Governor Oil level has been verified satisfactory.

Standby Service Water A is operating in the Chemical Addition Lineup.

The last Diesel Generator run for DG11 was 2 weeks ago.

SSW MOV Test switch is in TEST.

Another operator will take care of Diesel Generator Start Log.

Initiating Cue(s):

The CRS directs you to start Div I Diesel Generator and operate it in parallel with Offsite and load the Diesel to 3 MWe and 1.5 MVARs.

All local operation has been performed and begin at step 4.2.2 b

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR7 GGNS 2013 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR7 JPM


Bypass a Control Rod in RACS Facility Number: GJPM-OPS-C11217 (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 15 Min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Kyle Grillis 9/12/2013 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean S. Dixon 9/12/2013 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Phillip Huff 9/12/2013 nd 2 Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 9/12/2013 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 10

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR7 Bypass a Control Rod in RACS Setting: Control Room Type: RO Task: CRO-C11(2)-014 K&A: 201005 A2.03 - 3.2/3.2 A2.04 - 3.2/3.2 A2.06 - 3.2/3.2 A2.07 - 3.2/3.2 Safety Function: 7 - Instrumentation Performance: Simulate Reference(s): 04-1-01-C11-2 Handout(s) 04-1-01-C11-2, Precautions / Limitations

  1. Manipulations: 4
  1. Critical Steps: 3 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:

Permission to open Control Room Back Panel Cabinets from the Control Room Supervisor or Shift Manager Safety Concerns:

Do NOT allow candidate to manipulate Control Room controls. Only point and discuss.

Task Standard:

Control Rod 20-09 has been bypassed in RACS 1, and the candidate has identified the location of RACS 2.

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Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR7 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

Reactor startup is in progress.

Rod Pattern Controller is in effect.

Control Rod 20-09 has caused a control rod block due to the rod position out of pattern.

Reactor Engineering has been consulted and concurs with bypassing the control rod.

Requirements of Engineering Procedure 17-S-02-400 have been met.

Initiating Cue(s):

The CRS gives you the key to the RACS cabinets.

The CRS directs you to bypass control rod 20-09 in both Rod Action Control Cabinets.

Another operator will complete Attachment V of 04-1-01-C11-2 in parallel with your performing the rod bypass.

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Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR7 Bypass a Control Rod in RACS Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

All Control Room operations will be on panels P651 and 652.

Sequence is critical for critical tasks unless otherwise noted.

Sequence within a division is critical. Performance of RACS 1 or 2 first is NOT critical.

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

This task is to bypass control rod positions in RACS 1 and 2 to allow Control Rod Movement to place the control rod in a specific position regardless of the Rod Pattern Controller. This is done when a control rod is out of position with regard to the Rod Pattern Controller to allow the rod to be put in pattern allowing Control Rod Blocks to be cleared.

Revision 0 Page 4 of 10

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR7 Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

(RACS 1)

Step 1: 04-1-01-C11-2, Step 5.1.2

Standard: Using Figure 1b of 04-1-01-C11-2 determines the binary address of control rod 20-09 is 00110 - 00011.

Cue: None Notes: Candidate may also use chart in panel RACS 1 P651 (RACS 2 P652). The binary address of each rod Can be found in the Analyzer Page window on 1H13-P653 OR Figure 1b.

SAT / UNSAT Step 2: 04-1-01-C11-2, Step 5.1.2 Unlock the cover to the binary switches on RACS 1 panel H13-P651 (RACS 2 P652)

Standard: Unlocks the cover to the binary switches on panel H13-P651 (RACS 2 P652)

Cue: Cover is unlocked Notes: DO NOT OPEN THE COVER SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 5 of 10

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR7 Step 3: 04-1-01-C11-2, Step 5.1.2 a (1)

  • PUT the binary address in the following format, looking from top to bottom:

X4X3X2X1X0Y4Y3Y2Y1Y0 Standard: On a Bypass Card selects binary code 00110 00011 by placing address switches (from top to bottom) 3, 4, 9, and 10 to the right. Switches 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7 should be to the left.

Cue: The switches are in the positions you indicated.

Notes: See attached drawing SAT / UNSAT Step 4: 04-1-01-C11-2, Step 5.1.2 a (2)

  • PLACE BYPASS switch to BYPASS position AND CHECK that BYPASS LED illuminates.

Standard: Place the bypass card bypass switch to the right BYPASS and observes the red LED illuminate on the top of the card.

Cue: Red LED on Notes: Bypass switch is the top switch. The rod is now bypassed in RACS 1 (2) when this step is complete.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 6 of 10

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR7 (RACS 2)

Step 5: 04-1-01-C11-2, Step 5.1.2 a (3)

Identifies RACS 2 at panel H13-P652 (RACS 1 at panel H13-P652)

Standard: Candidate indicates the rod bypass performed in RACS 1 (2) will be repeated in RACS 2 (1) by identifying H13-P652 (P651) as housing RACS 2 (1).

Cue: None Notes: When the candidate identifies the second RACS cabinet, the evaluator will end the JPM SAT / UNSAT Task Standard(s):

Control Rod 20-09 has been bypassed in RACS 1, and the candidate has identified the location of RACS 2.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 7 of 10

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR7 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 Page 8 of 10

Date of Examination: 11/11/2013 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013CR7 BYPASS SWITCH ON - Right EVALUATOR KEY OFF - Left (shown in OFF)

Do NOT give this page to Candidate!

Binary Address Depicted for Rod 20-09 00110 00011 Revision 0 Page 9 of 10

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

Reactor startup is in progress.

Rod Pattern Controller is in effect.

Control Rod 20-09 has caused a control rod block due to the rod position out of pattern.

Reactor Engineering has been consulted and concurs with bypassing the control rod.

Requirements of Engineering Procedure 17-S-02-400 have been met.

Initiating Cue(s):

The CRS gives you the key to the RACS cabinets.

The CRS directs you to bypass control rod 20-09 in both Rod Action Control Cabinets.

Another operator will complete Attachment V of 04-1-01-C11-2 in parallel with your performing the rod bypass.

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS1 GGNS 2013 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS1 JPM


RPS Motor Generator Startup Facility Number: __GJPM-OPS-C7101___________

(If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 10 min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Kyle Grillis 9/12/13 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Ricky Patterson 9/12/13 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Roger Bond 9/12/13 nd 2 Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 9/12/13 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 3/15/2012 Page 1 of 16

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS1 RPS Motor Generator Startup Setting: Plant Type: NLO Task: NOB-C71-002, 003, 004, 005 K&A: 212000 A2.01, 3.7/3.9 A1.01, 2.8/2.9 A1.03: 2.4/2.5; G2.1.30: 3.9/3.4 Safety Function: 7 - Instrumentation Performance: Simulate Reference(s): 04-1-01-C71-1 (Reactor Protection System SOI)

Handout(s): 04-1-01-C71-1

  1. Manipulations: 7
  1. Critical Steps: 5 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:

Area is accessible Do not operate plant equipment.

Fill in the appropriate train for initial conditions and initiating cues prior to commencing the JPM (There are 3 blanks).

Safety Concerns:

Extreme caution should be taken around the RPS Motor Generator Set to prevent accidental contact with the controls.

Use care when working around or near rotating equipment.

Adjust which RPS Room to go to based on plant Protected Train.

Task Standard(s):

RPS A(B) Motor/Generator is running at rated speed and voltage.

Revision 0 3/15/2012 Page 2 of 16

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS1 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

The plant is operating at 100% power.

Repairs have been completed on RPS (A or B) Motor/Generator.

04-1-01-N32-1 Manual Valve Lineup Checksheet has been completed for C71-PT-N005A - D and C71-PT-N006A - H 04-1-01-C71-1 Handswitch Lineup Checksheet, Attachment V, has been completed, as required.

04-1-01-C71-1 Electrical Lineup Checksheet, Attachment III, has been completed, as required.

RPS (A or B) Bus is being supplied by the Alternate Feed.

Initiating Cue(s):

The CRS directs you to perform section 4.1 of the SOI to startup the RPS (A or B)


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Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS1 RPS Motor Generator Startup Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

JPM may be performed on either RPS A or B System, depending on plant conditions. The RPS train components are identified as A(B) within this JPM.


Att. 1, on page 10, is a drawing of a typical EPA.

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

This task is to perform a startup of the RPS Motor Generator and align the RPS Bus to the Normal Supply per the SOI.

Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 04-1-01-C71-1 step 4.1.2 a CHECK OPEN GENERATOR OUTPUT circuit breaker on panel 1C71-S001A(B) on MG set.

Standard: Verifies that the circuit breaker's operating handle is in the "down" position, indicating an open breaker.

Cue: Circuit breaker handle is down.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 3/15/2012 Page 4 of 16

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS1 Step 2: 04-1-01-C71-1 step 4.1.2 b CHECK RPS MG A(B) Output Breakers 1C71-S003A(B) AND 1C71-S003C(D) are open.

Standard: Verifies that the EPAs' operating handles are in the "OFF/RESET OPEN" position.

Cue: Circuit breakers are in the OFF position.


SAT / UNSAT Step 3: 04-1-01-C71-1 step 4.1.2 c CHECK switches on RPS MG A(B) Output Breakers 1C71-S003A(B) and 1C71-S003C(D) are in NORM.

Standard: Verifies that the "Undervoltage", "Overvoltage" and "Underfrequency" test switches on RPS MG A(B) Output Breakers 1C71-S003A(B) and 1C71-S003C(D) are in the NORM position.

Cue: All switches in NORM.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 3/15/2012 Page 5 of 16

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS1 Step 4: 04-1-01-C71-1 step 4.1.2 d

  • DEPRESS MOTOR ON pushbutton on panel 1C71-S001A(B) until red ON light is lit.

Standard: Simulates depressing the "MOTOR ON" pushbutton on panel 1C71-S001A(B) until redlight is lit.

Cue: Red ON light is lit.


SAT / UNSAT Step 5: 04-1-01-C71-1 step 4.1.2 e CHECK generator output is 122-128 Vac on meter on panel 1C71-S001A(B). IF meter DOES NOT indicate in this range, CONTACT electrical group to adjust voltage as necessary.

Standard: Observes voltmeter on motor generator control panel 1C71-S001A(B) is indicating between 122 and 128 VAC.

Cue: As indicated (if MG is running. 124V if not running).


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 3/15/2012 Page 6 of 16

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS1 Step 6: 04-1-01-C71-1 step 4.1.2 f

Standard: Simulates pulling up on the circuit breaker's operating handle on panel 1C71-S001A(B) to close the breaker.

Cue: Circuit breaker handle is up.


SAT / UNSAT Step 7: 04-1-01-C71-1 step 4.1.2 g CHECK the ELECT PROT ASSY INPUT and the POWER SUPPLY OUTPUT red lights are lit at the 1C71-S003A(B) ELECTRICAL PROTECTION ASSEMBLY panel.

Standard: Check the ELECT PROT ASSY INPUT and the POWER SUPPLY OUTPUT red lights are lit at the 1C71-S003A(B) ELECTRICAL PROTECTION ASSEMBLY panel.

Cue: Red lights are lit Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 3/15/2012 Page 7 of 16

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS1 Step 8: 04-1-01-C71-1 step 4.1.2 h VERIFY the trip targets are reset on the following 1C71-S003A(B) relays:

UNDER VOLTAGE OVER VOLTAGE UNDER FREQUENCY Standard: Checks for presence of orange "trip target" lights.

Cue: Orange lights lit on UNDERVOLTAGE and UNDER FREQUENCY.


SAT / UNSAT Step 9: 04-1-01-C71-1 step 4.1.2 i

  • To reset the relay, PUSH the TARGET RESET pushbutton on the appropriate relay, on the 1C71S003A(B) panel.

Standard: Pushes the TARGET RESET pushbuttons for UNDER VOLTAGE and UNDER FREQUENCY and verifies all target lights are out.

Cue: No orange lights lit.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 3/15/2012 Page 8 of 16

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS1 Step 10: 04-1-01-C71-1 step 4.1.2 j

Standard: Simulates closing breaker 1C71-S003A(B) by rotating its operating handle counter-clockwise until it snaps into the "ON" position.

Cue: Circuit Breaker handle is in the ON position.


SAT / UNSAT Step 11: 04-1-01-C71-1 step 4.1.2 k CHECK that the ELECT PROT ASSY OUTPUT red light on the 1C71-S003A(B) panel is lit.

Standard: Checks that the red ELECT PROT ASSY OUTPUT light on 1C71-S003A(B) is lit.

Cue: Red light is lit.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 3/15/2012 Page 9 of 16

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS1 Step 12: 04-1-01-C71-1 step 4.1.2 l CHECK the ELECT PROT ASSY INPUT AND the POWER SUPPLY OUTPUT red lights are lit at the 1C71-S003C(D) ELECTRICAL PROTECTION ASSEMBLY panel.

Standard: Check the ELECT PROT ASSY INPUT and the POWER SUPPLY OUTPUT red lights are lit at the 1C71-S003C(D) ELECTRICAL PROTECTION ASSEMBLY panel.

Cue: Red lights are lit.


SAT / UNSAT Step 13: 04-1-01-C71-1 step 4.1.2 m VERIFY the trip targets are reset on the following 1C71-S003C(D) relays:

UNDER VOLTAGE OVER VOLTAGE UNDER FREQUENCY Standard: Checks for presence of orange "trip target" lights Cue: Orange lights lit on UNDERVOLTAGE and UNDER FREQUENCY.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 3/15/2012 Page 10 of 16

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS1 Step 14: 04-1-01-C71-1 step 4.1.2 n

  • To reset the relay, PUSH the TARGET RESET pushbutton on the appropriate relay, on the 1C71S003C(D) panel.

Standard: Pushes the TARGET RESET pushbuttons for UNDER VOLTAGE and UNDER FREQUENCY and verifies all target lights are out.

Cue: No orange lights lit.


SAT / UNSAT Step 15: 04-1-01-C71-1 step 4.1.2 o

  • CLOSE breaker C71-S003C(D).

Standard: Checks for presence of orange "trip target" lights Simulates closing breaker 1C71-S003C(D) by rotating its operating handle counter-clockwise until it snaps into the "ON" position.

Cue: Circuit Breaker handle is in the ON position.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 3/15/2012 Page 11 of 16

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS1 Step 16: 04-1-01-C71-1 step 4.1.2 p CHECK that the ELECT PROT ASSY OUTPUT red light on the 1C71-S003C(D) panel is lit.

Standard: Checks that the red ELECT PROT ASSY OUTPUT light on 1C71-S003C(D) is lit.

Cue: Red light is lit.


SAT / UNSAT Step 17: 04-1-01-C71-1 step 4.1.2 q CHECK GENERATOR A NORMAL FEED AVAILABLE white lights are lit on 1H13-P610.

Standard: Notifies Control Room about indication.

Cue: RO reports that the white light is lit, and he/she will pick up the task from here.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 3/15/2012 Page 12 of 16

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS1 Task Standard(s):

RPS A(B) Motor/Generator is running at rated speed and voltage.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 3/15/2012 Page 13 of 16

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS1 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 3/15/2012 Page 14 of 16







UNDERFREQUENCY UNDERFREQUENCY 15 9 3 13 0 1 TEST INPUT TEST OUTPUT Target turns orange when device is tripped Startup conditions: Startup/reset procedure:

MG is de-energized Startup the MG Push and rotate the breaker H/S Setpoints EPA INPUT and EPA OUTPUT The EPA INPUT and to the RESET-OPEN position lights are off POWER SUPPLY OUTPUT then toON to close the breaker. Parameter S003A/C S003B/D POWER SUPPLY OUTPUT lights should energize The EPA OUTPUT light on Undervoltage < 116.5 V < 117.4 V light is off Depress the TARGET RESET this EPA, and the EPA Overvoltage > 131.3 V > 131.4 V Breaker in the TRIP position pushbuttons on all protective INPUT and POWER Underfrequency < 57.6 Hz < 57.6 Hz relays with activated trip targets. SUPPLY OUTPUT lights on the downstream EPA, All trips have a 3.5 second time delay.

should energize.

Repeat for the next EPA Att. 1 Electric Protective Assembly (EPA)

Revision 0 3/15/2012 Page 15 of 16

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

The plant is operating at 100% power.

Repairs have been completed on RPS (A or B) Motor/Generator.

04-1-01-N32-1 Manual Valve Lineup Checksheet has been completed for C71-PT-N005A - D and C71-PT-N006A - H 04-1-01-C71-1 Handswitch Lineup Checksheet, Attachment V, has been completed, as required.

04-1-01-C71-1 Electrical Lineup Checksheet, Attachment III, has been completed, as required.

RPS (A or B) Bus is being supplied by the Alternate Feed.

Initiating Cue(s):

The CRS directs you to perform section 4.1 of the SOI to startup the RPS (A or B)


Revision 0 3/15/2012 Page 16 of 16

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS2 GGNS 2013 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS2 JPM


Perform Attachment IV of Shutdown From Remote Shutdown Panel ONEP Facility Number: __GJPM-OPS-C6102___________

(If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 10 min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Kyle Grillis 4/15/13 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Fred White 4/15/13 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Milton Whigham 4/15/13 nd 2 Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 4/15/13 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 03 GJPM-OPS-C6102 Page 1 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS2 Perform Attachment IV of Shutdown From Remote Shutdown Panel ONEP Setting: Plant (Inside CAA)

Type: NLO Task: NOB-ADMIN-024; CRO-ADMIN-008; CRO-C61-001 K&A: 203000 K4.14; 3.6/3.7 295016 AA1.07: 4.2/4.3; AK2.02: 4.0/4.1 2.1.30: 3.9/3.4; 2.4.35: 3.3/3.5 Safety Function: 4 - Heat Removal from Reactor Core Performance: Simulated Reference(s): 05-1-02-II-1, Rev 42 Handout(s) 05-1-02-II-1, Attachment IV

  1. Manipulations: 16
  1. Critical Steps: 16 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:

Area is accessible Do not operate plant equipment Safety Concerns:

Wear standard safety gear for work in the Turbine and Aux Bldg.

Precautions may be taken against accumulation of radioactive gas on clothing.

Task Standard:

Transfer of Auxiliary Building Alternate Shutdown Panels per ONEP is complete.

Revision 03 GJPM-OPS-C6102 Page 2 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS2 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

The plant has been scrammed.

A fire exists in the Main Control Room.

The Control Room Supervisor has evacuated the Main Control Room and established control of the plant at the Remote Shutdown Panels.

Initiating Cue(s):

The CRS directs you to complete the handswitch lineup per Attachment IV of 05-1-02-II-1.

Revision 03 GJPM-OPS-C6102 Page 3 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS2 Perform Attachment IV of Shutdown From Remote Shutdown Panel ONEP Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

Panels may be operated in any order. The sequencing is NOT CRITICAL.

This JPM is considered a Low Power JPM due to the requirement to scram the plant prior to manning the Remote Shutdown Panels.

This JPM is an Abnormal Operating Procedure requiring entry into the CAA.

Order of completion of panels is NOT critical.

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

This task is to align the Alternate Shutdown Panels in the Auxiliary Building per 05-1 II-1 Attachment IV separating the Main Control Room from the Division I equipment for safe shutdown in the event of a fire or security event in the Main Control Room.

Revision 03 GJPM-OPS-C6102 Page 4 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS2 Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Sequence is critical.

H22-P298 Area 7 166 ft elevation Step 1: 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IV, Step a

  • PLACE the following handswitches at 1H22-P298 (area 7, Elev 166') to LOCAL position:


Standard: Candidate places the above handswitches to LOCAL.

Cue: Handswitches are in LOCAL.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 03 GJPM-OPS-C6102 Page 5 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS2 Step 2: 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IV, Step b PLACE OR VERIFY the following components on panel 1H22-P298 are in the desired position:


  • 480V LCC 15BA2 (HS-M563) Energized (Closed) (LCC 15BA2 FDR FM BUS 15AA)

Q1T46-B004A-A (HS-M564) HS to RUN (ESF SWGR RM CLR EL 166)

Q1Z77-B001A Running (Only in Hi speed operation) (SFGD SWGR-BTRY RM AH UNIT A)

Q1Z77-F034A-A Indication Available (Opens on High Temp) (HVAC EQUIP RM SPLY)

Standard: Verifies indications Cue: Indications are as seen.

Notes: T46-B004A should be the only component to be manipulated; therefore it is the only critical part of this step.

SAT / UNSAT Step 3: 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IV, Step c NOTIFY RSD Panel SRO of any equipment NOT in desired position on panel 1H22-P298.

Standard: Notifies RSD SRO of any component not in desired position on panel 1H22-P298.

Cue: Acknowledge any report. Place components to desired position.

Revision 03 GJPM-OPS-C6102 Page 6 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS2 Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 4 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IV, Step d

  • On Panel 1H22-P295 (7/119) PERFORM the following to inhibit potential Reactor water drainage paths due to misoperation of valves caused by a fire:





Closes B21-F019 and B33-F020 Ensures G33-F034 is Closed Cue: Red light off. Green light on.


G33-F034 is not critical due to this valve is already closed.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 03 GJPM-OPS-C6102 Page 7 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS2 Step 5 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IV, Step e

  • PLACE the following handswitches at 1H22-P295 (area 7, Elev 119') to LOCAL position:


Standard: Places the above handswitches to LOCAL Cue: Handswitches are in LOCAL Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 03 GJPM-OPS-C6102 Page 8 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS2 Step 6 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IV, Step f PLACE OR VERIFY the following components on panel 1H22-P295 are in the desired position:



Q1T46-B001A-A (HS-M556) HS to RUN (ESF SWGR RM CLR EL 119)





Q1P41-F121A-A Closed ** (RHR HX A SSW INBD VENT VLV)

Standard: Verifies indications.

Cue: Indications are as seen.

Notes: T46-B001A should be the only component to be manipulated; therefore it is the only critical part of this step. Is the only critical portion of this step.

  • This is normal indication with no isolation OR initiation signal with plant at power.
    • These valves have no handswitches. IF NOT in desired position, THEN the RSD SRO Must be notified to evaluate effect on equipment operation AND additional actions to take. Valves May be operated manually IF required AND plant conditions allow.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 03 GJPM-OPS-C6102 Page 9 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS2 Step 7: 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IV, Step g NOTIFY RSD Panel SRO of any equipment NOT in desired position on panel 1H22-P295.

Standard: Notifies RSD SRO of any component not in desired position on panel 1H22-P295.

Cue: Acknowledge any report. Place components to desired position.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 03 GJPM-OPS-C6102 Page 10 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS2 Step 8 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IV, Step h

  • PLACE the following handswitches at 1H22-P296 (area 9, Elev 119') to LOCAL position:


Standard: Places the above handswitches to LOCAL.

Cue: Handswitches are in LOCAL.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 03 GJPM-OPS-C6102 Page 11 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS2 Step 9 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IV, Step i PLACE OR VERIFY the following components on panel 1H22-P296 in the desired position:

COMPONENT DESIRED POSITION Q1T51-B003-A (HS-M557) Indication Available (Running IF RHR A is running)


Q1T46-B002A-A (HS-M558) HS to RUN (ESF SWGR RM CLR W EL 119)

Q1X77-C001A-A (HS-M559) Indication Available (Running IF SDG 11 is running)

(DG11 O/A FAN)

Q1X77-F001A-A Indication Available (Open IF X77-C001A is running)



Q1P41-F237-A Open ** (SSW INL TO ESF RM CLRS A)

Q1P41-F238-A Open ** (SSW OUTL TO ESF RM CLRS A)

Standard: Verifies indications.

Cue: Indications are as seen.

Notes: T46-B002A should be the only component to be manipulated; therefore it is the only critical part of this step.

    • These valves have no handswitches. IF NOT in desired position, THEN the RSD SRO Must be notified to evaluate effect on equipment operation AND additional actions to take. Valves May be operated manually IF required AND plant conditions allow.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 03 GJPM-OPS-C6102 Page 12 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS2 Step 10: 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IV, Step j NOTIFY RSD Panel SRO of any equipment NOT in desired position on panel 1H22-P296.

Standard: Notifies RSD SRO of any component not in desired position on panel 1H22-P296.

Cue: Acknowledge any report. Place components to desired position.


SAT / UNSAT Step 11: 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IV, Step k NOTIFY the RSD Panel SRO that Attachment IV is complete.

Standard: Notifies RSD SRO Attachment IV is complete.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 03 GJPM-OPS-C6102 Page 13 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS2 Task Standard(s):

Transfer of Auxiliary Building Alternate Shutdown Panels per ONEP is complete.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 03 GJPM-OPS-C6102 Page 14 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS2 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 03 GJPM-OPS-C6102 Page 15 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS2 Revision 03 GJPM-OPS-C6102 Page 16 of 17

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

The plant has been scrammed.

A fire exists in the Main Control Room.

The Control Room Supervisor has evacuated the Main Control Room and established control of the plant at the Remote Shutdown Panels.

Initiating Cue(s):

The CRS directs you to complete the handswitch lineup per Attachment IV of 05-1-02-II-1.

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS3 GGNS 2013 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS3 JPM


Placing LSS in Standby Facility Number: __GJPM-OPS-R2101___________

(If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 10 min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Kyle Grillis 9/12/13 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Roger Bond 9/12/13 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Phillip Huff 9/12/13 nd 2 Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 9/12/13 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS3 Placing LSS in Standby Setting: Plant Type: NLO/CRO Task: NOB-R21-002 & CRO-R21-002 K&A: 262001 2.1.30: 4.4/4.0; 2.1.20: 4.3/4.2 Safety Function: 6 - Electrical Performance: Simulate Reference(s): 04-1-01-R21-1 (Load Shedding and Sequencing System SOI)

Handout(s): 04-1-01-R21-1

  1. Manipulations: 6
  1. Critical Steps: 6 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:

Area is accessible Do not operate plant equipment.

Fill in the appropriate train for initial conditions and initiating cues prior to commencing the JPM.

Safety Concerns:

Take care around the LSS Panels.

ONLY use the Non-Protected Train for performance of this JPM.

Task Standard(s):

LSS Division (1 or 2) is in Standby per the SOI.

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Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS3 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

The Division (Div 1 or 2) Load Shedding and Sequencing (LSS) Panel is shutdown for maintenance.

Bus (15AA or 16AB) is energized.

The ESF 125 VDC handswitch on the LSS Panel is in the OFF position.

ECCS initiation logic is RESET.

The Electrical Lineup Checksheet is complete.

Initiating Cue(s):

The CRS directs you to place the Division (Div 1 or 2) LSS System in Standby per the SOI.

It is not necessary to unlock and enter any panel. If a component can't be seen, point to its expected location and describe what you plan to do with it.

Revision 0 Page 3 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS3 Placing LSS in Standby Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

Div. 1 LSS panel 1H22-P331 is in the Div. 1 ESF Switchgear Room at Area 25A, El. 111'.

Div. 2 LSS panel 1H22-P332 is in the Div. 2 ESF Switchgear Room at Area 25A, El. 111'.

Panel 1H13-P864 is in the Main Control Room.

It is not necessary for the candidate to unlock and enter any panel. If a component can't be seen, he/she should be instructed to point to the component's expected location and describe what he/she plans to do with it.

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

This task is to align the Load Shedding and Sequencing Panel for Standby operation following maintenance. This prepares the ESF bus for emergency operation in the event of a degradation of power to the buses or a loss of coolant accident.

Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 04-1-01-R21-1, Step 4.1.2 a Locates correct LSS panel (Div 1 or 2)

Standard: Operator locates correct LSS panel Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 4 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS3 Step 2: 04-1-01-R21-1, Step 4.1.2 a (1)

  • ENSURE bus Bistable VOLT ADJUST handswitches are in the OFF position on the Bistable panel.

Standard: Places the VOLT ADJUST handswitches on the Bistable Panel in the OFF position.

Cue: Handswitches are in the OFF position.


SAT / UNSAT Step 3: 04-1-01-R21-1, Step 4.1.2 a (2)

  • PLACE eight control panel MANUAL TEST handswitches downward to the STANDBY position.

Standard: Using Figure 1 student recognizes correct handswitches.

Turns the eight Control Panel MANUAL TEST handswitches downward to the STANDBY position.

Cue: Handswitches are in the downward position.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 5 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS3 Step 4: 04-1-01-R21-1, Step 4.1.2 a (3)

  • PLACE Power Supply Assembly ESF 125 Vdc keylocked POWER SUPPLY handswitch to the ON position.

Standard: Using Figure 1 student recognizes correct handswitch.

Places the keylocked switch on the 125 VDC ESF Power Supply Assembly in the ON position.

Cue: Give student Figure 1 (Picture of inside of LSS panel) to determine correct handswitch.

Handswitch is in the ON position Notes: Keylock switch is located in the bottom of the panel's left section.

SAT / UNSAT Step 5: 04-1-01-R21-1, Step 4.1.2 a (4)

  • PLACE control panel Auto Test Toggle switch to the ON position.

Standard: Places the AUTO/TEST toggle switch on the panel in the ON position.

Cue: Handswitch is in the ON position.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 6 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS3 Step 6: 04-1-01-R21-1, Step 4.1.2 b (1)

PLACE DIV 1(2) LSS PNL TEST MODE SEL handswitch to the OFF position.

Standard: Notifies the Control Room to place Div 1(2) LSS panel mode select handswitch to OFF.

Cue: Control Room Operator reports that the Div 1(2) LSS panel mode select handswitch is in OFF Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 7: 04-1-01-R21-1, Step 4.1.2 b (2)

RESET the LSS System by DEPRESSING DIV 1(2) LSS PNL RESET pushbutton.

Standard: Notifies the Control Room to Reset the LSS system.

Cue: LSS Reset pushbutton is depressed and have the following indication:

Annunciator "DIV 1(2) LSS PNL IN TEST MODE" has Cleared.

Annunciator "DIV 1(2) LSS SYS FAIL" has Cleared.

DIV 1(2) LSS PNL RESET pushbutton White indicating light comes On.

Handswitch Amber indicating light goes OFF.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 7 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS3 Step 8: 04-1-01-R21-1, Step 4.1.2 c CHECK the following lights on Division 1(2) LSS panel are on and all others are off:

ESF POWER ON BOP POWER ON Standard: Locates indication for ESF and BOP power ON.

Cue: Lights are on.

Notes: Power indicator lights are located bottom of the panel's left section.

SAT / UNSAT Step 9: 04-1-01-R21-1, Step 4.1.2 d REFER to Tech Spec Sections 3.8.1 AND 3.8.2.

Standard: Notifies CRS to refer to listed Tech Specs Cue: The Shift Supervisor will review Tech Specs.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 8 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS3 Figure 1 Revision 0 Page 9 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS3 Task Standard(s):

LSS Division (1 or 2) is in Standby per the SOI.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 10 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/22/2012 Operating Test Number: LOT 2013 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2013PS3 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 Page 11 of 13

Give this page to the student Figure 1 Revision 0 Page 12 of 13

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

The Division (Div 1 or 2) Load Shedding and Sequencing (LSS) Panel is shutdown for maintenance.

Bus (15AA or 16AB) is energized.

The ESF 125 VDC handswitch on the LSS Panel is in the OFF position.

ECCS initiation logic is RESET.

The Electrical Lineup Checksheet is complete.

Initiating Cue(s):

The CRS directs you to place the Division (Div 1 or 2) LSS System in Standby per the SOI.

It is not necessary to unlock and enter any panel. If a component can't be seen, point to its expected location and describe what you plan to do with it.

Revision 0 Page 13 of 13

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Scenario 1 Page 1 of 2 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Scenario No.: 1 Op-Test No.: LOT-2013 Examiners: ____________________________ Operators: _____________________________

Objectives: To evaluate the candidates ability to operate the facility in response to the following evolutions:

Withdraw control rods per the start up control rod movement sequence.

Control rod data fault requiring entry of substitute position Control rod drift in.

Failure of ESF Transformer 11.

Main Steam Line leak outside containment with inability to isolate.

Scram Air Header failure to vent - ATWS below 5% power.

RCIC failure to automatically isolate.

Standby Liquid Control System piping failure.

Initial Conditions: Plant is operating at 5% power during start up. Reactor pressure is 400 psig.

Inoperable Equipment: none Turnover:

Plant is operating at 5% power during start up.

Reactor pressure is 400 psig.

Step 142of the start up control rod movement sequence has been completed.

Condensate Pumps A and C are in service.

Condensate Booster Pump A is in service.

Continue start up by performing steps 143 through 146 of the start up control rod movement sequence. Then, place Reactor Feed Pump A in service per IOI-1, step 6.2.13d.

o Reactor Feed Pump minimum flow controllers on 1H22-P171 have been verified to be in AUTO per IOI-1 step 6.2.13d.

o The walkdown of Reactor Feed Pumps per IOI-1 step 6.2.13d(1) has been completed satisfactorily.

This is a Division 1 work day.

Scenario Notes:

This is a new scenario.

Validation Time (60-90 min): 65 min Revision 2 7/08/13

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Scenario 1 Page 2 of 2 Event Malf. No. Event Type Event No. Description Withdraw control rods per the start up control rod 1 N (ATC) movement sequence. (03-1-01-1, Cold Shutdown to Generator Carrying Minimum Load; 04-1-01-C11-2, Rod Control and Information System; Control Rod Movement Sequence).

Control Rod 44-05 data fault resulting in a control rod 2 rci036 C (ATC) withdrawal block (ARI 04-1-02-1H13-P680-4A-C5; 04-1-01-C11-2, Rod Control and Information System, section 4.11).

C (ATC) z021021_60 Control Rod 60-45 drift in (05-1-02-IV-1, Control Rod/Drive 3 A (CREW)

-45 Malfunctions; ARI 04-1-02-1H13-P680-4A2-E4).


C (BOP) ESF Transformer 11 trip followed by trip of Division 1 Diesel r21134g 4 A (CREW) Generator (05-1-02-I-4, Loss of AC Power; 05-1-02-III-5, n41141a TS (CRS) Automatic Isolations, 02-S-01-27, Operations Philosophy).

Main Steam Line B leak in Auxiliary Building Steam Tunnel with failure/inability to isolate, ATWS - failure of scram air header to vent, power below 5%(EP-4, Auxiliary Building Control; EP-2A, ATWS RPV Control; 05-1-02-III-5, Automatic Isolations; 05 ms066b 02-I-1, Reactor Scram; 02-S-01-27 Operations Philosophy).

ms183b When the second area reaches its maximum safe ms184b temperature, the crew performs Emergency 5 c11167 M(CREW) Depressurization by opening 8 ADS/SRVs tte31n004a_d tte31n004b_d Before Emergency Depressurization, the crew terminates and prevents all injection except boron, CRD, and RCIC per EP-2A.

Following the ATWS, crew directs installation of EP Attachment 20 and inserts control rods by normal rod insertion per EP-2A step Q-1.

rf ATT03 RCIC failure to automatically isolate (ARI 04-1-02-1H13-P601-6 e51187a C (BOP) 21A-G3).

e51187b c41263 Standby Liquid Control System piping failure (SOI 04-1-01-C41-7 C (BOP) 1, Standby Liquid Control System, Attachment VI; EP-2, ATWS RPV Control, Attachment 28).

(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (A)bnormal (TS) Tech Spec

  • Critical Task (As defined in NUREG 1021 Appendix D)

Quantitative Attributes Table Normal Events 1 Abnormal Events 2 Reactivity Manipulations 0 Total Malfunctions 8 Instrument/Component Failures 4 EP Entries (Requiring substantive action) 2 Major Transients 1 EP Contingencies 1 Tech Spec Calls 2 Critical Tasks 3 Revision 2 7/08/13

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 1 Page 1 of 23 Simulator Setup:

A. Initialization

1. Log off all simulator PDS and SPDS computers (PDS and SPDS must come up after the simulator load for proper operation).
2. Startup the simulator using Simulator Instructors Job Aid section 6.3.


Prior to running the Schedule File, ensure no Event Files are Open. If an existing Event File is Open prior to running the Schedule File, then any associated Event Files will not automatically load.

3. Open Schedule.exe and Director.exe by clicking on the Icon in the Thunder Bar.
4. Set the Simulator to IC-193 and perform switch check (Using Quick Reset in Director).
5. Click on Open in the Schedule window and Open Schedule File 2013 NRC scenario 1.sch (in the Schedule Directory)
6. In Schedule window, click on the Stopped red block. The red block will change to a green arrow and indicate the scenario is active (Running).

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 1 Page 2 of 23

7. Click the Summary tab in the Director window. Verify the schedule files are loaded and opened per Section B below. (Note: Any actions in the schedule file without a specific time will not load into the director until triggered.)
8. Take the simulator out of freeze.
9. Log on to all simulator PDS and SPDS computers.
10. Verify or perform the following:

IC-193 Power approximately 5%

Ensure CRD Pump B is in service.

Ensure the BOC startup movement sequence available at the P680 and marked up through step 142 complete.

Advance all chart recorders and ensure all pens inking properly.

Ensure APRM/IRM recorders are displaying IRM trend mode.

Clear any graphs and trends off of SPDS.

Markup IOI-1 through step 6.2.13c.

11. Run through any alarms and ensure alarms are on. (Note: On T-Rex, to verify alarms are ON, the indicator will indicate Alarms On).
12. Place the simulator in Freeze.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 1 Page 3 of 23 B. File loaded verification:

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 1 Page 4 of 23 Revision 2 7/08/13

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 1 Page 5 of 23 Crew Turnover:

B. Assign the candidates crew positions.

C. Turnover the following conditions:

Power 5%

Pressure 400 psig BOC EOOS GREEN Work Day Division 1 Plant is operating at 5% power during start up.

Reactor pressure is 400 psig.

Step 142 of the start up control rod movement sequence has been completed.

At IOI-1 step 6.2.13d.

Condensate Pumps A and C are in service.

Condensate Booster Pump A is in service.

Planned Evolutions this shift:

Immediately following turnover:

Continue start up by the ATC performing steps 143 through 146 of the start up control rod movement sequence.

o Note that an independent Reactivity Management SRO per Operations Philosophy 6.8.1 will not be provided for this scenario.

Then, place Reactor Feed Pump A in service per IOI-1, step 6.2.13d.

o Reactor Feed Pump minimum flow controllers on 1H22-P171 have been verified to be in AUTO per IOI-1 step 6.2.13d.

o The walkdown of Reactor Feed Pumps per IOI-1 step 6.2.13d(1) has been completed satisfactorily.

This is a Division 1 work day.

B. Allow the crew to perform pre-shift brief and review procedures for planned evolutions.

C. Bring the crew into the Simulator, place the simulator is in RUN.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 1 Page 6 of 23 D. Allow the crew to walk down panels.

E. When the crew assumes the shift begin Scenario Activities.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 1 Page 7 of 23 SCENARIO ACTIVITIES:

Start SBT report and any other required recording devices (Video recording not allowed for NRC exams).

Withdraw control rods per the start up control rod movement sequence:

The crew will withdraw control rods per the startup rod sequence. When control rod 44-05, in the second step of the pull sheets to be performed, is withdrawn past position 04, a control rod block due to a simulated failed rod position reed switch will occur (Auto Event 2).

Control Rod 44-05 data fault causing control rod withdrawal block The crew will respond using ARI 04-1-02-1H13-P680-4A-C5, CONT ROD WITHDRAWL BLOCK and 04-1-01-C11-2, Rod Control and Information System, section 4.11.

If contacted as I&C to investigate the data fault, respond there is nothing that can be determined from the Control Room and that a WO will be needed for any troubleshooting from cabinets inside Containment.

The data fault will automatically delete when rod 44-05 is withdrawn to position 08 (Auto Event 12).

The crew will resume control rod withdrawal. When rod 44-61 in the next pull step is withdrawn to position 12, then rod 60-45 will begin to drift in (Auto Event 3).

Control Rod 60-45 drift in (05-1-02-IV-1, Control Rod/Drive Malfunctions; ARI 04 02-1H13-P680-4A2-E4):

The crew will respond using ARI 04-1-02-1H13-P680-4A2-E4 and 05-1-02-IV-1, Control Rod/Drive Malfunctions and insert the control rod.

When requested to valves 103QL and 105 QL to isolate control rod 60-45(QL) at its HCU, wait 5 minutes, then delete drift malfunction z061061_60_45 by triggering Event 13, and report valves 103 QL and 105 QL have been closed.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 1 Page 8 of 23 When ONEP actions have been addressed, the CRS has entered TS LCO 3.1.3 for rod 60-45, and any briefs are complete, at the Lead Evaluators discretion, insert malfunctions r21134g and n41141b by triggering Event 4 to cause ESF Transformer 11 to trip and DG11 to fail.

ESF Transformer 11 trip followed by trip of Division 1 Diesel Generator:

The crew will respond using 05-1-02-I-4, Loss of AC Power, and 05-1-02-III-5, Automatic Isolations.

If directed to investigate, as the building operator after approximately 3 minutes report DG11 is tripped and alarm 1H22P400-1A-E4, TRIP GENERATOR FAULT is sealed in, but there are no visible signs of a problem.

If requested to investigate, as Electrical Maintenance after approximately 5 minutes report a work order will be required for troubleshooting.

If directed to place DG11 in MAINTENANCE, wait 30 seconds, then, as the building operator at DG11 report you are ready to place DG11 in MAINTENANCE. When the control room operator reports the remote MAINTENANCE pushbutton is depressed, trigger Event 14 to insert remote function p75057 to simulate the local MAINTENANCE pushbutton on 1H22P400 being depressed and released.

If directed to rack out DG11 output breaker 152-1508, wait 5 minutes, then trigger Event 24 to insert remote function p75062, and report as the building operator you have racked out breaker 152-1508.

When the CRS has addressed LCO TS 3.8.1, and any transient briefs are complete, at the Lead Evaluators discretion, insert malfunction ms066b by triggering Event 5 to cause an unisolable steam leak from MSL B in the Aux Building steam Tunnel.

Main Steam Line B leak in Auxiliary Building Steam Tunnel with failure/inability to isolate, ATWS - failure of scram air header to vent, power below 5%, Standby Liquid Control System piping failure:

Main Steam Tunnel Temperature will rise to above the Max Safe value, lagged by RCIC Room Temperature.

The crew will respond using EP-4, Auxiliary Building Control; EP-2A, ATWS RPV Control; 05-1-02-III-5, Automatic Isolations; and 05-1-02-I-1, Reactor Scram.

Do NOT install EP Attachment 23.

Do NOT install EP Attachment 19 or 20 until the CRS has entered the Emergency Depressurization leg of EP-2A Revision 2 7/08/13

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 1 Page 9 of 23 Install other EP Attachments as requested.


Once the crew has begun control rod insertion and is maintaining the reactor within the established level band, and as directed by the lead evaluator:

Place the simulator in Freeze and turn horns off.

Stop and save the SBT report and any other recording devices.

Instruct the crew to not erase any markings or talk about the scenario until after follow-up questions are asked.

Critical Tasks:

When the second area reaches its maximum safe temperature, the crew performs Emergency Depressurization by opening 8 ADS/SRVs Before Emergency Depressurization, the crew terminates and prevents all injection except boron, CRD, and RCIC per EP-2A.

Following the ATWS, crew directs installation of EP Attachment 20 and inserts control rods by normal rod insertion per EP-2A step Q-1.

Emergency Classification:

Site Area Emergency on FS1-RC3,PC3.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 1 Page 10 of 23 Op-Test No: 2013 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 1 / 2 Event


Withdraw control rods per the start up control rod movement sequence.

Control Rod 44-05 data fault causing control rod withdrawal block.

TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Directs ATC to continue startup by performing steps 143 through 146 of the control rod movement sequence.

CRS Performs reactivity brief (This may have been done immediately before the crew entered the simulator.)

BOP Peer Check Control Rod Selection while monitoring reactor parameters.

Selects Control Rods per step 143 of the Control Rod Movement Sequence sheets. (Gang mode is allowed but is not used in the plant. Using either continuous or notch withdrawal is allowed.)

Step 143 Rods: 44-05, 20-61, 04-21, 60-45 from 00 to 12 Step 144 Rods: 20-05, 44-61, 60-21, 04-45 from 00 to 12 ATC For continuous withdraw, simultaneously DEPRESS and HOLD WITHDRAW and CONT WITHDRAW pushbuttons.

For notch withdraw MOMENTARILY DEPRESS WITHDRAW pushbutton and observe proper response.

(When step 143 is performed and 44-05 is withdrawn beyond position 04, a data fault will occur, producing a control rod withdrawal block)

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 1 Page 11 of 23 Op-Test No: 2013 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 1 / 2 (Cont.)



Withdraw control rods per the start up control rod movement sequence.

Control Rod 44-05 data fault causing control rod withdrawal block.

TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports a control rod withdrawal block indicated by:

alarm 1H13-P680-4A-C5, CONT ROD WITHDRAWL BLOCK status light WITHDRAW BLOCK blinking on 1H13P680-6C status light WITHDRAWL INHIBIT blinking on 1H13P680-6C Refers to ARI and determines rod block is due to a data fault indicated by:

status light CH DISAGREE backlit on 1H13P680-6C Determines affected control rod is 44-05:

Recognizes in ALTERNATE data mode, display for 44-05 will ATC alternately flash 08 and FF If in gang mode, deselects gang mode by depressing DRIVE MODE on 1H13P680-6C Individually selects each control rod in that gang (the rods listed in pull step 144) and identifying WITHDRAW BLOCK status light is backlit when rod 44-05 is selected.

Determines affected channel is channel 2:

Selects individual data mode by depressing DATA MODE pushbutton on 1H13P680-6C, then depressing adjacent DATA SOURCE pushbutton and noting CH 2 DATA status light is backlit when WITHDRAW BLOCK status light is backlit. Informs CRS.

CRS Directs ATC to substitute data for rod 44-05 at position 08.

Substitutes data for rod 44-05 at position 08 in accordance with 04-1-01-C11-2, Rod Control and Information System, section 4.11, on 1H13P680-6C:

Ensures individual drive mode is selected Deselects raw data by depressing RAW DATA pushbutton Ensures rod 44-05 is selected ATC Presses and releases ENTER SUBST pushbutton Presses SUBST POS and verifies red LED is lit beside rod 44-05 on RC&IS display on 1H13P680-6D Notifies I&C of data fault and entry of substitute position Selects alternating data by pressing DATA MODE pushbutton Selects raw data by pressing RAW DATA pushbutton.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 1 Page 12 of 23 Op-Test No: 2013 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 1 / 2 (Cont.)



Withdraw control rods per the start up control rod movement sequence.

Control Rod 44-05 data fault causing control rod withdrawal block.

TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Directs continuing control rod withdrawal per the startup sequence through step CRS 146.

Resumes control rod withdrawal step 144.

ATC (When rod 44-61 is withdrawn to position 12 in step 144, rod 60-45 will begin to drift in.)

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 1 Page 13 of 23 Op-Test No: 2013 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 3 Event


Control Rod 60-45 drift in TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports Control Rod 60-45 is drifting in as indicated by:

Annunciator P680-4A2-E4, CONT ROD DRIFT Determine Control Rod(s) that have drifted by depressing the ROD DRIFT pushbutton and observe the red LEDs of the drifted Control Rod(s) on the Control Rod Display Module. (from annunciator ARI).

Direction of drift may be noted by observing control rod position compared to as-left position in the previous pull sheet step but is not necessary.

ATC Applies continuous insert signal:

Selects rod 60-45 and Selects individual drive mode by pressing DRIVE MODE pushbutton Presses and holds IN TIMER SKIP pushbutton to fully insert rod 60-45.

This pushbutton should be held until rod 60-45 is hydraulically isolated if the direction of drift was NOT noted.

Acknowledges drift alarm using the RESET DRIFT pushbutton on P680 RC&IS (from annunciator ARI)

Enter Control Rod/Drive Malfunctions, 05-1-02-IV-1:

Directs the ATC to apply continuous insert signal until Control Rod reaches position 00.

CRS Directs the building operator to hydraulically isolate rod 60-45 by closing valves 103QL and 105QL at its HCU.

Directs the ATC to acknowledge the ROD DRIFT in accordance with the ARI 1H13P680-4A2-E4)

When building operator reports HCU 60-45 has been hydraulically isolated, releases IN TIMER SKIP, if held due to not knowing the direction of drift, and ATC resets drift alarm using the RESET DRIFT pushbutton on P680-6C (from annunciator ARI P680-4A2-E4)

Notifies Work Management and Reactor Engineering of event and requests assistance formulating troubleshooting plan and new reactivity management plan.

CRS Enters LCO 3.1.3 Condition C for control rod 60-45.

Conducts transient brief.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 1 Page 14 of 23 Op-Test No: 2013 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 4 Event


ESF Transformer 11 trip followed by trip of Division 1 Diesel Generator TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognize and report ESF Transformer 11 Lockout as indicated by:

Annunciator P807-4A-B5, ESF XFMR 11 LOCKOUT TRIP BOP Annunciator P807-4A-F2, ESF XFMR 11 TROUBLE There are also other alarms associated with the loss of power.

Enter 05-1-02-I-4, Loss of AC Power, and 05-1-02-III-5, Automatic Isolations.

CRS Direct the BOP to Reenergize 15AA using an alternate feeder breaker and Reenergize 15B42.

Recognize and report Division 1 Diesel Generator automatically re-energizes bus 15AA after approximately 7 seconds:

Indicating lights above handswitches for Division 1 AC loads on 1H13P601/P870 lit.

alarm 1H13P864-1A-A3, 4.16KV BUS 15AA UNDERVOLTAGE clears when acknowledged.

bus 15AA voltmeter 1R21R615A on 1H13P864-1B indicates ~4.16kv.

status light DG 11 READY TO LOAD LIT ON 1H13P864-1B lit

( ~ 5 seconds after DG11 re-energizes bus 15AA, DG11 will trip.)

Recognizes and reports trip of DG11 indicated by:

alarm 1H13P864-1A-A3, 4.16KV BUS 15AA UNDERVOLTAGE and BOP Div 1 LCC undervoltage alarms P864-1A-D3/4,E3/4, F3/4 alarm 1H13P864-1A-B1, DIV 1 DSL GEN TRIP Indicating lights above handswitches for Division 1 AC loads on 1H13P601/P870 extinguish after approximately 12 seconds, alarm 1H13-P864-1A-H1, DIV 1 LSS SYS FAIL Reenergizes 15AA with an alternate feeder breaker using one of the following sources:

ESF 12 via 152-1511 ESF 21 via 152-1501 Solicits cause of DG11 trip from local building operator. Reports to CRS.

CRS Direct the BOP restore instrument air to containment.

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ESF Transformer 11 trip followed by trip of Division 1 Diesel Generator TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP Opens 1P53F001, INST AIR SPLY HDR TO CTMT, on 1H13P870-3C.

Direct the BOP to perform applicable subsequent actions of 05-1-02-I-4, Loss CRS of AC Power.

Performs applicable subsequent actions of 05-1-02-I-4, Loss of AC Power.

Reenergizes 15B42 via 52-15405 using handswitch MCC 15B42 FDR FM LCC 15BA4 on 1H13P864-1C.

Resets NSSSS logic by depressing NSSSS INBD(OTBD) ISOL RESET pushbuttons on 1H13P601-18B(19B).

BOP Opens 1P41F239, PSW INL TO ESF RM CLRS A on 1H13P870-1C.

Opens 1P41F240, PSW OUTL TO ESF RM CLRS A on 1H13P870-1C.

Notifies Plant Chemistry to ensure SGTS Sping and AXM Rad Monitors are functioning correctly.

Solicits cause of DG11 trip from local building operator. Reports to CRS.

Direct the BOP to restore systems from isolations per 05-1-02-III-5, Automatic Isolations subsequent actions. May elect to start Standby Gas Treatment CRS System A to maintain Aux Building negative pressure pending restoration of normal ventilation systems.

Restores systems from isolations due to loss of Div 1 power per 05-1-02-III-5, Automatic Isolations Att. I (hard card) and subsequent actions and respective system SOIs:

P45, Floor and Equipment Drains System P11, Condensate and Refueling Water Transfer System T41, Auxiliary Building Ventilation System BOP T42, Fuel Pool Ventilation System P52, Service Air System P21, Makeup Water Treatment System P66, Domestic Water System If directed, starts SGTS A by depressing SGTS DIV 1 MAN INIT LOGIC A and LOGIC C pushbuttons on 1H13P870-2B.

(Not all systems will be restored during the timeframe of this scenario.)

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ESF Transformer 11 trip followed by trip of Division 1 Diesel Generator TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports loss of Fuel Pool Cooling system:

FPCCU trouble alarms 1H13P680-4A2-B6, C7, D6, D7 ATC Recognizes and reports loss of Reactor Water Clean-Up system:

Multiple RWCU trouble alarms 1H13P680-11A and handswitch indication of both RWCU pumps tripped on 1H13P680-11C.

Enters 05-1-02-III-1, Inadequate Decay Heat Removal for loss of spent fuel pool cooling.

CRS (The CRS may direct frequent monitoring of spent fuel pool temperature but is not expected to formulate plans for recovery of FPCCU or RWCU within the time frame of this scenario.)

Notifies Work Management of event and requests assistance formulating troubleshooting plan for ESF Transformer 11 and DG11.

Enters LCO 3.8.1 Condition B for DG11. If scenario timing allows, enters potential LCO 3.8.1 condition A for one offsite AC supply, ESF11, to bus CRS 15AA, and enters potential LCO for TR SR for loss of RWCU influent conductivity monitor, one of two continuous conductivity monitors.

Conducts transient brief.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 1 Page 17 of 23 Op-Test No: 2013 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 5 Event


Main Steam Line B leak in Auxiliary Building Steam Tunnel with failure/inability to isolate, ATWS - failure of scram air header to vent, power below 5%, Standby Liquid Control System piping failure TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports Main Steam Line Tunnel Temperature rising::


BOP Alarm 1H13P601-19A-F3, MN STM TNL dT HI Directs checking Aux Building Main Steam Tunnel temperature on PDS or CRS backpanel 1H13P642.

Retrieves and reports MSL Tunnel temperature and trend from PDS EP-4 ATC guide/display.

Retrieves and reports MSL Tunnel temperature and trend from NUS BOP temperature switch 1E31N604B or N604D on 1H13P642.

Recognizes and reports Main Steam Line Tunnel Temperature exceeding isolation setpoint and EP-4 entry condition (185°F):

Alarm 1H13P601-19A-A3(A4), MSL PIPE TNL CH-A(D) TEMP HI/INOP.

Alarm 1H13P601-18A-A3(A4), MSL PIPE TNL CH-B(C) TEMP HI/INOP Recognizes and reports Main Steam Line B failed to automatically isolate by observing MSIVs 1B21F022B and F028B full open indication on 1H13P601-BOP 18C and 19C:

Places handswitches MSL B DRWL INBD ISOL for 1B21F022B to CLOSE on 1H13P601-18C and observes valve remains open.

Places handswitches MSL B DRWL OTBD ISOL for 1B21F028B to CLOSE on 1H13P601-19C and observes valve remains open.

Reports inability to close 1B21F022B and F028B.

Enters EP-4 on MSL Tunnel Temperature high:

Announces evacuation of the Auxiliary Building on PA system.

CRS Enters EP-2 from EP-4 due to unisolable steam discharge outside primary containment.

Directs manual scram.

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Main Steam Line B leak in Auxiliary Building Steam Tunnel with failure/inability to isolate, ATWS - failure of scram air header to vent, power below 5%, Standby Liquid Control System piping failure TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP Recognizes and reports loss of switchyard/offsite power.

Provides a scram report:

Reactor Mode SW in SHUTDOWN.

All Rods are NOT Inserted (scram air header failure to vent ATWS).

Reactor power (~5%, Value depends when data taken).

ATC Reactor water level and trend.

Reactor pressure and trend.

Condensate/Feedwater is available.

Bypass valves and MSIVs are available (due to MSL B failure to isolate).

Enter EP-2A, ATWS RPV CONTROL, from EP-2 and 05-1-02-I-1, Reactor Scram.

Direct actions of EP-2A, ATWS RPV CONTROL steps 1 - 4:

CRS Directs ATC to initiate ATWS ARI/RPT.

Directs BOP to inhibit ADS.

Directs BOP to initiate and Override HPCS injection.

ATC Initiates ATWS ARI/RPT by arming and depressing ATWS/ARI CHANNEL 1 and CHANNEL 2 initiation pushbuttons on 1H13P680-3C.

Inhibits ADS on 1H13P601-19B.

Place ADS A and ADS B keylock switches to INHIBIT Override HPCS injection on 1H13P601-16C.

BOP Holds the HPCS pump handswitch in the STOP position.

Arms and depresses HPCS MAN INIT pushbutton on 1H13P601-16B Place the E22-F004, HPCS injection valve, handswitch to the CLOSE position.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 1 Page 19 of 23 Op-Test No: 2013 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 5 / 6 (Cont.)



Main Steam Line B leak in Auxiliary Building Steam Tunnel with failure/inability to isolate, ATWS - failure of scram air header to vent, power below 5%, Standby Liquid Control System piping failure TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Enter EP-2A step L-6 and direct the ATC to maintain level band 11.4 to 53.5 on Startup Level Control.

Direct BOP to initiate and override low pressure ECCS.

Enter EP-2A step Q-4 and direct SLC injection before Suppression Pool CRS temperature reaches 110°F. (SLC will not inject, Attachment 28 is required)

Enter EP-2A step P-4 and direct the BOP to stabilize pressure (should maintain pressure ~400 psig) using IPC and BCV Manual Jack.

Call for EP Attachments 12, 20, and 23.

Initiates Div 1 and 2 ECCS and overrides LPCS and LPCI A/B/C on 1H13P601:

Arms and depresses LPCS/RHR A MAN INIT and RHR B/RHR C MAN INIT pushbuttons.

Places handswitches for LPCS, RHR A, RHR B, and RHR C pumps to stop.

BOP Places handswitches for injection MOVs 1E21F005, 1E12F042A, 1E12F042B, and 1E12F042C to close.

Verifies amber override alarms for LPCS, RHR A, RHR B, and RHR C pump and injection MOV annunciate and seal in.

(This is optional for EP-2A step L-6 and may not be performed until the Emergency Depressurization leg of EP-2A is entered.)

Recognizes and reports RCIC room temperature high and failure of RCIC to automatically isolate:

(Event 6) 1H13P601-21A-G3, RCIC EQUIP AREA TEMP HI/INOP BOP Manually closes 1E51F063, RCIC STM SPLY DRWL INBD ISOL, and 1E51F064, RCIC STM SUPLY DRWL OTBD ISOL, on 1H13P601-21C.

Recognizes and reports E51F063 and F064 loss of power upon stroke.

CRS Directs monitoring EP-4 parameters as a critical parameter.

Monitors EP-4 area temperatures, radiation levels, and water levels using PDS and or backpanel NUS temperature switches and area radiation monitors.


Reports Main Steam Tunnel temperature above Max Safe limit, 250°F.

ATC Recognizes and reports RCIC room temperature above Max Safe limit, 212°F.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 1 Page 20 of 23 Op-Test No: 2013 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 5 (Cont.)



Main Steam Line B leak in Auxiliary Building Steam Tunnel with failure/inability to isolate, ATWS - failure of scram air header to vent, power below 5%, Standby Liquid Control System piping failure TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Enters Emergency Depressurization leg of EP-2A from EP-4:

Directs termination and prevention of all injection except RCIC, SLC, CRS and CRD.

Before Emergency Depressurization, the crew terminates and prevents all injection except boron, CRD, and RCIC per EP-2A.

Terminates and prevents Feedwater by Closing/ verifying closed the Startup ATC Level Control valve, N21-F040, N21-F009A, and N21-F009B on 1H13P680-1C.

Verifies HPCS overridden, and if previously overridden, verifies LPCS, RHR A, RHR B, and RHR C pumps overridden off and injection valves overridden closed on 1H13P601-16C, 21C, 20C, 17C; Or if not previously performed, initiates Div 1 and 2 ECCS and overrides LPCS and LPCI A/B/C on 1H13P601:

Arms and depresses LPCS/RHR A MAN INIT and RHR B/RHR C MAN INIT pushbuttons.

BOP Places handswitches for LPCS, RHR A, RHR B, and RHR C pumps to stop.

Places handswitches for injection MOVs 1E21F005, 1E12F042A, 1E12F042B, and 1E12F042C to close.

Verifies amber override alarms for LPCS, RHR A, RHR B, and RHR C pump and injection MOV annunciate and seal in.

CRS Directs opening 8 ADS/SRVs.

Opens 8 ADS/SRVs at 1H13P601-19C.

When the second area reaches its maximum safe temperature, the BOP crew performs Emergency Depressurization by opening 8 ADS/SRVs Revision 2 7/08/13

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 1 Page 21 of 23 Op-Test No: 2013 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 5 / 7 (Cont.)



Main Steam Line B leak in Auxiliary Building Steam Tunnel with failure/inability to isolate, ATWS - failure of scram air header to vent, power below 5%, Standby Liquid Control System piping failure TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When reactor pressure decreases to MSCP (206 psig), directs ATC to slowly inject using Condensate to re-establish level band 11.4-53.5.

CRS (Initial injection rate should not exceed 4000 gpm, with incremental increases not to exceed 100 gpm each. However, 4000 gpm may not be needed initially due to low power ATWS.)

When reactor pressure decreases to MSCP (206 psig), injects using Startup ATC Level Control to restore and maintain level band 11.4-53.5.

If directed, initiates SBLC A and B using 04-1-01-C41-1, Standby Liquid Control System, Attachment VI (Initiation of Standby Liquid Control hard card) on 1H13P601-19B(18B):

Insert keys and turn SBLC Pmp A(B) pump key switch to START.

Verify system initiation by observing the following:

o F004A(B) SQUIB valves fired:

White SQUIB valve ready light OFF Annunciator SLC SYS A OOSVC (P601-19A-H1)

Amber status light SQUIB A LOSS CONT or PWR LOSS is ON.

o C41-F001A(B) tank outlet valves are open.

Event 7 o SBLC Pump A(B) running.

BOP o RWCU Isolated G33-F004, F001, F251 Closed o Verify SBLC A(B) is injecting into the RPV by observing the following:

SBLC pump discharge pressure exceeds reactor pressure. (SBLC piping failure will manifest in the form of low discharge pressure on meter 1C41R600 on 1H13P601-19B.)

SBLC tank level lowering.

After placing SLC A/B key switches to start, reports failure of SLC to develop adequate discharge pressure.

CRS Calls for EP Attachment 28.

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Main Steam Line B leak in Auxiliary Building Steam Tunnel with failure/inability to isolate, ATWS - failure of scram air header to vent, power below 5%, Standby Liquid Control System piping failure TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CRS Directs BOP to maximize CRD flow.

BOP Maximizes CRD for flow: 04-1-01-C11-1 Att.


Using CRD SYS FLOW CONT C11-R600, fully opens C11-F002A(B),


Fully opens C11-F003, CRD DRIVE WTR PRESS CONT VLV When directed, maximizes CRD A for flow.

Re-energizes 15B42 on 1H13P864-1C Starts CRD PUMP A AUX OIL PMP on 1H13P601-22C ATC Starts CRD PMP A on 1H13P601-22C Although there are other actions per the procedure, only these listed will accomplish anything with scram sealed in and loss of offsite power.

CRS When Attachment 20 is reported installed, directs ATC to insert control rods and BOP to maximize CRD drive water pressure.

BOP Maximizes CRD drive water pressure by fully closing C11-F003, CRD DRIVE WTR PRESS CONT VLV on 1H13P601-22C BOP/ Inserts control rods by selecting rods and depressing IN TIMER SKIP or INSERT pushbutton on 1H13P680-6C.

ATC Following the ATWS, crew directs installation of EP Attachment 20 and inserts control rods by normal rod insertion per EP-2A step Q-1.

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Give this page to the CRS Turnover the following conditions:

Power 5%

Pressure 400 psig BOC EOOS GREEN Work Day Division 1 Plant is operating at 4.5% power during start up.

Reactor pressure is 400 psig.

Step 142 of the start up control rod movement sequence has been completed.

At IOI-1 step 6.2.13d.

Condensate Pumps A and C are in service.

Condensate Booster Pump A is in service.

Planned Evolutions this shift:

Immediately following turnover:

Continue start up by the ATC performing steps 143 through 146 of the start up control rod movement sequence.

o Note that an independent Reactivity Management SRO per Operations Philosophy 6.8.1 will not be provided for this scenario.

Then, place Reactor Feed Pump A in service per IOI-1, step 6.2.13d.

o Reactor Feed Pump minimum flow controllers on 1H22-P171 have been verified to be in AUTO per IOI-1 step 6.2.13d.

o The walkdown of Reactor Feed Pumps per IOI-1 step 6.2.13d(1) has been completed satisfactorily.

This is a Division 1 work day.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Scenario 2 Page 1 of 2 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Scenario No.: 2 Op-Test No.: LOT-2013 Examiners: ____________________________ Operators: _____________________________

Objectives: To evaluate the candidates ability to operate the facility in response to the following evolutions:

Return Condensate Pump B and Condensate Booster Pump B to service.

Control Rod Drive Pump A trip resulting in CRD HCU pressure fault.

RHR pump A trip while operating in Suppression Pool Cooling.

Feedwater Master Level Controller output failure high.

Feedwater Line B rupture in Turbine Building.

ATWS - hydraulic block power above 5%.

Standby Liquid Control System squib valves fail to immediately actuate (actuate after a delay, when Emergency Depressurization is commenced).

RCIC failure to automatically start on Level 2 Initial Conditions: Plant is operating at 75% power. Condensate Pump B and Condensate Booster Pump B are in standby following maintenance on Condensate Pump B. RHR A is operating in Suppression Pool Cooling mode. Standby Service Water A is in operation for weekly chemical addition.

Inoperable Equipment: LPCI A is inoperable due to RHR A is operating in Suppression Pool Cooling.


Plant is operating at 75% power.

Core flow is 70 mlbm/hr with operation in the OPRM Trip Enabled region of the Power-Flow Map.

Condensate Pump B and Condensate Booster Pump B are in standby following maintenance on Condensate Pump B.

RHR A is operating in Suppression Pool Cooling.

This is a Division 1 work day.

Immediately following the brief The ATC will return Condensate Pump B and Condensate Booster Pump B to service in accordance with 04-1-01-N19-1 section 4.3 and 03-1-01-2 step 6.6.

All prerequisites of step 4.3.1 have been completed.

Steps 4.3.2a(1), (2), and (3) have been completed.

After Condensate Pump B and Condensate Booster Pump B have been returned to service, and before Suppression Pool temperature decreases below 75°F, shut down RHR A Suppression Pool Cooling.

Scenario Notes:

This is a new scenario.

Validation Time (60-90 min): 70 min Revision 2

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Scenario 2 Page 2 of 2 Event Malf. No. Event Type Event No. Description Return Condensate Pump B and Condensate Booster Pump B 1 N (ATC) to service. (03-1-01-2, Power Operations, step 6.6; 04-1 N19-1, Condensate System, section 4.3.2).

Control Rod Drive Pump A trip resulting in CRD HCU 32-17 low C (BOP/ATC) 2 c11028a A (CREW) pressure fault that will not clear (05-1-02-IV-7, Control z024_024_32_17 Rod/Drive Malfunctions; ARI 04-1-02-1H13-P680-4A2-D4; TS TS (CRS) 3.1.5, TR 3.1.5)

RHR pump A trip while operating in Suppression Pool Cooling.

C (BOP) (ARI 04-1-02-1H13-P601-20A-A4,C4,H6; SOI 04-1-01-E12-1, 3 e12050a TS (CRS) Residual Heat Removal System; TS 3.5.1, TS, TS

4 fw127 C (ATC) Feedwater Master Level Controller output failure high (05-1 A (CREW) V-7, Feedwater System Malfunctions).

Feedwater Line B rupture in Turbine Building, ATWS - hydraulic block power above 5%(EP-2A, ATWS RPV Control; 05-1-02-I-1, Reactor Scram; 05-1-02-I-2, Turbine Generator Trips; 02-S 27, Operations Philosophy).

When reactor water level cannot be restored and maintained above -191 cfz using Table 1 systems, the crew performs Emergency Depressurization by opening 8 ADS/SRVs.

fw070b 5 M(CREW) Before Emergency Depressurization, the crew terminates c11164 and prevents all injection except boron, CRD, and RCIC per EP-2A.

When reactor pressure decreases to MSCP, 219 psig, the crew commences and slowly raises injection using RHR B via E12F053B, SDC Return to Feedwater, to restore and maintain RPV level to greater than -191". Criterion is to give the highest priority to restore RPV level greater than -191".

Standby Liquid Control System squib valves fail to immediately actuate (actuate after a delay, when Emergency c41f004a_a C (BOP) Depressurization is commenced) (SOI 04-1-01-C41-1, Standby c41f004b_a Liquid Control System, Attachment VI; EP-2, ATWS RPV Control, Attachment 28).

6 e51043 I (ATC) RCIC failure to automatically start (04-1-01-E51-1 Att. VI)

(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (A)bnormal (TS) Tech Spec

  • Critical Task (As defined in NUREG 1021 Appendix D)

Quantitative Attributes Table Normal Events 1 Abnormal Events 2 Reactivity Manipulations 0 Total Malfunctions 8 Instrument/Component Failures 4 EP Entries (Requiring substantive action) 2 Major Transients 1 EP Contingencies 1 Tech Spec Calls 2 Critical Tasks 3 Revision 2

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 2 Page 1 of 20 Simulator Setup:

A. Initialization

1. Log off all simulator PDS and SPDS computers (PDS and SPDS must come up after the simulator load for proper operation).
2. Startup the simulator using Simulator Instructors Job Aid section 6.3.


Prior to running the Schedule File, ensure no Event Files are Open. If an existing Event File is Open prior to running the Schedule File, then any associated Event Files will not automatically load.

3. Open Schedule.exe and Director.exe by clicking on the Icon in the Thunder Bar.
4. Set the Simulator to IC-194 and perform switch check (Using Quick Reset in Director).
5. Click on Open in the Schedule window and Open Schedule File 2013 NRC Scenario 2.sch (in the Schedule Directory)
6. In Schedule window, click on the Stopped red block. The red block will change to a green arrow and indicate the scenario is active (Running).

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 2 Page 2 of 20

7. Click the Summary tab in the Director window. Verify the schedule files are loaded and opened per Section B below. (Note: Any actions in the schedule file without a specific time will not load into the director until triggered.)
8. Take the simulator out of freeze.
9. Log on to all simulator PDS and SPDS computers.
10. Verify or perform the following:

IC-194 APRMs are turned on (4,1,2,3)

Ensure the BOC rod movement sequence available at the P680.

Advance all chart recorders and ensure all pens inking properly.

Clear any graphs and trends off of SPDS.

Ensure RHR A is aligned in Suppression Pool Cooling.

Ensure SSW A is aligned for chemical addition through all loads (through step 7.6 of 04-1-03-P41-1).

Marked up copy of 03-1-01-2 Att. VIII, Temporary Downpower, is placed on CRS desk.

Mark up a copy of 04-1-01-P41-1, SSW A Chemical Addition Run, through step 7.6 and place on CRS desk.

Mark up a copy of 04-1-01-E12-1 through step 5.2.2a(7) and place on CRS desk.

11. Run through any alarms and ensure alarms are on. (Note: On T-Rex, to verify alarms are ON, the indicator will indicate Alarms On).
12. Place the simulator in Freeze.

B. File loaded verification:

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 2 Page 3 of 20 Revision 2

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 2 Page 4 of 20 Crew Turnover:

B. Assign the candidates crew positions.

C. Turnover the following conditions:

Power 75%

BOC EOOS GREEN Core flow is 70 mlbm/hr with operation in the OPRM Trip Enabled region of the Power-Flow Map.

Condensate Pump B and Condensate Booster Pump B are in standby following maintenance on Condensate Pump B.

RHR A is operating in Suppression Pool Cooling.

LCO 3.5.1 was entered one hour ago for LPCI A due to RHR A Test Return to Suppression Pool valve 1E12F024A open for Suppression Pool Cooling.

SSW A is aligned per 04-1-03-P41-1, SSW A Chemical Addition Run, and is supporting RHR A Suppression Pool Cooling.

This is a Division 1 work day.

Immediately following the brief:

The ATC will return Condensate Pump B and Condensate Booster Pump B to service in accordance with 04-1-01-N19-1 section 4.3 and 03-1-01-2 step 6.6.

All prerequisites of step 4.3.1 have been completed.

Steps 4.3.2a(1), (2), and (3) have been completed.

After Condensate Pump B and Condensate Booster Pump B have been returned to service, and before Suppression Pool temperature decreases below 75°F, shut down RHR A Suppression Pool Cooling.

Reactor Engineering is revising the Reactivity Management Plan for power ascension to 100%, which is scheduled to begin on this shift.

Note that an independent Reactivity Management SRO per Operations Philosophy 6.8.1 will not be provided for this scenario.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 2 Page 5 of 20 D. Allow the crew to perform pre-shift brief and review procedures for planned evolutions.

E. Bring the crew into the Simulator, place the simulator is in RUN.

F. Allow the crew to walk down panels.

G. When the crew assumes the shift begin Scenario Activities.

Revision 2

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 2 Page 6 of 20 SCENARIO ACTIVITIES:

Start SBT report and any other required recording devices (Video recording not allowed for NRC exams).

Return Condensate Pump B and Condensate Booster Pump B to service.

The crew will place Condensate Pump B and Condensate Booster Pump B in service in accordance with 04-1-01-N19-1, Condensate System, section 4.3.2 and 03-1-01-2, Power Operations, step 6.6.

If requested to first isolate and later unisolate the local discharge pressure gauges for Condensate Pump B (gauge 1N19R002B) and Condensate Booster Pump B (gauge 1N19R005B), as the building operator wait one minute, then report the associated gauge is isolated/unisolated.

When the crew has completed all required steps 04-1-01-N19-1, Condensate System, section 4.3.2 and at the direction of the lead evaluator, trigger Event 2 to cause CRD Pump A trip and HCU 32-17 fault.

Control Rod Drive Pump A trip resulting in CRD HCU 32-17 low pressure fault that will not clear.

The crew will start CRD pump B in accordance with 05-1-02-IV-7, Control Rod/Drive Malfunctions.

If requested to investigate CRD Pump A trip and check CRD Pump B for proper operation, as the building operator wait 5 minutes, then report there is no obvious reason locally why CRD Pump A tripped, and CRD B is running normally.

If directed to check CRD Pump A breaker 152-1505 for trip indication locally, as the building operator wait 5 minutes, then report breaker 152-1505 is tripped and instantaneous overcurrent flags are present.

If requested to investigate, as Electrical Maintenance wait 5 minutes, then report you will not be able to diagnose anything without a work order, since troubleshooting will have to be intrusive.

The crew will respond to alarm 1H13-P680-4A2-D4, HCU TROUBLE.

When directed to investigate HCU 32-17(HD) trouble, as the building operator wait 5 minutes, then report by PA system HCU accumulator pressure is 1500 psig. If directed to recharge HCU 32-17, acknowledge the direction, but this will not be simulated within the time frame of this scenario.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 2 Page 7 of 20 If asked, as Reactor Engineering state control rod 32-17 passed its last scram time test, with a scram time that met all limits of TS Table 3.1.4-1.

When the crew has completed all required steps of 05-1-02-IV-7, Control Rod/Drive Malfunctions and ARI 04-1-02-1H13-P680-4A2-D4, and the CRS has addressed TS 3.1.5 for HCU 32-17, and at the direction of the lead evaluator, trigger Event 3 to cause RHR pump A to trip.

RHR Pump A Trip:

RHR Pump A will trip while RHR A Test Return to Suppression Pool valve 1E12F024A is open, causing RHR A piping to drain to the Suppression Pool.

The crew will respond per 04-1-02-1H13-P601-20A-A4,C4,H6 and will realign RHR A valves to standby per SOI 04-1-01-E12-1, Residual Heat Removal System, to stop RHR A piping from draining.

If requested to inspect RHR pump A, as the building operator wait 5 minutes and report there are no obvious signs locally at the pump of why it tripped.

If requested to check RHR pump A breaker 152-1509, as the building operator wait 5 minutes and report the lockout relay is tripped and time-overcurrent flags are indicated at the breaker.

If requested to check RHR pump A breaker 152-1509, as Electrical Maintenance wait 5 minutes and say RHR pump A motor should be meggared, which will require a tagout and work order.

When the crew has closed 1E12F024A and the CRS has addressed TS and TS, and/or at the direction of the lead evaluator, trigger Event 4 to cause the Feedwater Master Level Controller output to slowly fail high, raising level.

Feedwater Master Level Controller output failure high:

Feedwater Master Level Controller output will begin to rise, causing reactor water level to slowly rise. The crew will respond by taking manual control of the Master Level Controller in accordance with 05-1-02-V-7, Feedwater System Malfunctions.

If asked to investigate, as I&C wait 5 minutes, then report to the control room.

Respond that a work order will be required for any troubleshooting.

After the crew has stabilized level at ~36 in manual control and/or at the direction of the lead evaluator, trigger Event 5 to cause Feedwater line B in the Turbine Building to rupture.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 2 Page 8 of 20 Feedwater Line B rupture in Turbine Building, ATWS - hydraulic block power above 5%:

Reactor water level will lower rapidly. A scram will occur but control rods will not fully insert due to hydraulic block. High Pressure Core Spray and RCIC will automatically initiate on low reactor water level, Level 2.

When the CRS directs Attachment 12 to be installed, install attachment 12 as Done. Before reactor level drops below -160, take the attachment paperwork to the CRS and report that jumpers for attachment 12 are installed.

Install other EP Attachments as requested, and take a copy of the completed Attachments to the CRS.

RCIC will fail to automatically initiate on reactor water level low, but it can be manually initiated.

SLC squib injection valves 1C41F004A/B will lose continuity as though fired but will not open when first initiated (auto events 6/7). This is to maintain power sufficiently high to cause water level to fall to the point emergency Depressurization is required.

The squib valves will open during Emergency Depressurization if SLC has been initiated and at least 7 ADS/SRVs have been opened (auto events 16 and 17).

Allowing SLC to inject at this point ensures water level can be restored with only RHR B injection via its return to Feedwater.


Once emergency depressurization has been conducted and reactor water level is stabilized above TAF, using RHR B E12-F053B, or as directed by Lead Evaluator:

Take the simulator to Freeze and turn horns off.

Stop and save the SBT report and any other recording devices.

Instruct the crew to not erase any markings or talk about the scenario until after follow-up questions are asked.

Revision 2

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 2 Page 9 of 20 Critical Tasks:

When reactor water level cannot be restored and maintained above -191 cfz using Table 4 systems, the crew performs Emergency Depressurization by opening 8 ADS/SRVs.

Before Emergency Depressurization, the crew terminates and prevents all injection except boron, CRD, and RCIC per EP-2A.

When reactor pressure decreases to MSCP, 219 psig, the crew commences and slowly raises injection using RHR B via E12F053B, SDC Return to Feedwater, to restore and maintain RPV level to greater than -191". Criterion is to give the highest priority to restore RPV level greater than -191".

Emergency Classification:

Site Area Emergency on SS3.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 2 Page 10 of 20 Op-Test No: LOT-2013 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 1 Event


Return Condensate Pump B and Condensate Booster Pump B to service.

TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Conducts pre-job brief. (This may have been done before the students enter the simulator.)

CRS Directs the ATC to place Condensate Pump B in operation per 04-1-01-N19-1 section 4.3, beginning at step 4.3.2a(4).

Places Condensate Pump B in operation:

Starts Condensate Pump B by pressing CNDS PMP B START pushbutton on 1H13P680-1C.

Verifies Condensate Pump B Discharge Valve 1N19F024B opens as indicated at its handswitch on 1H13P680-1C.

ATC Checks discharge pressure is approximately 250 psig on CNDS PMP DISCH HDR PRESS indicator 1N19R607 on 1H13P680-1B.

Checks total condensate flow 7.5 mlbm/hr on CNDS PMPS MIN FLO indicator 1N19R621 on 1H13P680-1B.

Directs building operator to locally open the Condensate Pump B discharge pressure indicator 1N19R002B instrument isolation valve.

BOP Provides peer check to ATC.

Directs the ATC to place Condensate Booster Pump B in operation per 04 CRS 01-N19-1 section 4.3.2b.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 2 Page 11 of 20 Op-Test No: LOT-2013 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 1 (Cont.)



Return Condensate Pump B and Condensate Booster Pump B to service.

TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Places Condensate Booster Pump B in operation:

Directs building operator to locally close Condensate Booster Pump B discharge pressure indicator 1N19R005B isolation valve 1N19FX212.

Starts Condensate Booster Pump B by pressing CNDS BSTR PUMP B START pushbutton on 1H13P680-1C.

Verifies Condensate Booster Pump B Discharge Valve 1N19F046B opens as indicated at its handswitch on 1H13P680-1C.

ATC Directs building operator to locally open Condensate Booster Pump B discharge pressure indicator 1N19R005B isolation valve 1N19FX212.

Checks discharge pressure is approximately 450 psig on CNDS BOOSTER PUMP DISCH HDR PRESS indicator 1N19R610 on 1H13P680-1B.

Checks total condensate booster flow 4.2 mlbm/hr on CNDS BST PMP MIN FLO indicator 1N19R659 on 1H13P680-1B.

BOP Provides peer check to ATC Revision 2

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 2 Page 12 of 20 Op-Test No: LOT-2013 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 2 Event


Control Rod Drive Pump A trip resulting in CRD HCU 32-17 low pressure fault that will not clear TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports that CRD Pump A has tripped off as indicated by:

BOP Alarm 1H13P601-22A-C-3, CRD PMP A/B AUTO TRIP Alarm 1H13P601-22A-A-3, CRD CHRG WTR PRESS LO.

Enters 05-1-02-IV-7, Control Rod/Drive Malfunctions.

CRS Ensures immediate actions for CRD pump trip are performed.

ATC Monitor for HCU faults.

Take immediate operator actions per CRD malfunctions ONEP (from memory).

Place CRD SYS FLO CONT (C11-R600 on P601-22B) in MANUAL and REDUCE output to zero.

Start CRD pump B.

BOP Slowly adjust CRD SYS FLO CONT to 54-66 gpm after charging pressure returns to normal. (~1700 psig)

Return CRD SYS FLO CONT to AUTO with tapeset at 54-66 gpm.


Recognizes and reports CRD HCU fault for rod 32-17:

Alarm 1H13-P680-4A2-D4, HCU TROUBLE ATC Presses HCU FAULT pushbutton on 1H13P680-6C and identifies rod 32-17(HD) by red LED on RC&IS Full Core Display.

Presses ACKN HCU FAULT pushbutton on 1H13P680-6C to reset the HCU TROUBLE alarm.

CREW Ensures that an operator and electrician are sent to investigate the cause of the pump trip, and sends operator to investigate HCU 32-17 trouble.

Notifies Work Management of CRD A pump trip and requests assistance formulating troubleshooting plan.

Directs building operator to charge HCU Accumulator 32-17 (HD) per 04 01-C11-1 section 4.4.

CRS Enters LCO 3.1.5 Condition A for control rod 32-17 (HD) HCU accumulator. The CRS may declare rod 32-17 slow per TS 3.1.5 Action A.1 or he may declare rod 32-17 inoperable per TS 3.1.5 Action A.2, either is acceptable.

Conducts crew transient briefing Revision 2

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 2 Page 13 of 20 Op-Test No: LOT-2013 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 3 Event


RHR Pump A Trip TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports RHR Pump A trip as indicated by.

Alarm 1H13P601-20A-A4, RHR PMP A OVERLD Alarm 1H13P601-20A-H6, RHR A OOSVC Status lights RHR PMP OVERLD/PWRLOSS and RHR PMP A AUTO BOP TRIP on 1H13P601-20B.

Recognizes and reports RHR A piping is not filled due to Test Return to Suppression Pool valve 1E12F024A open without RHR Pump A running:

Alarm 1H13P601-20A-C4, RHR PMP A DISCH PRESS ABNORMAL Directs BOP to secure RHR A lineup from Suppression Pool Cooling in CRS accordance with 04-1-01-E12-1, Residual Heat Removal System, step 5.2.2c.

Realigns RHR A MOVs per 04-1-01-E12-1, step 5.2.2c, using handswitches on 1H13P601-20C:

Closes 1E12F024A, RHR A TEST RTN TO SUPP POOL Opens 1E12F048A, RHR HX A BYP VLV BOP Checks open 1E12F003A, RHR HX A OUTL VLV Opens 1E12F064A, RHR A MIN FLO TO SUPP POOL (Only closing 1E12F024A is required to stop RHR A from draining. Other valve manipulations to place RHR A in its standby alignment, which would include filling and venting RHR A, is not expected to be performed in the timeframe of this scenario.)

Sends operators to RHR Pump A and to breaker 152-1509 to investigate RHR CREW Pump A trip.

Notifies Work Management of RHR A pump trip and requests assistance formulating troubleshooting plan.

CRS Determines that in addition to existing LCO TS 3.5.1, TS Condition A and TS Condition A apply.

Conducts crew briefing.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 2 Page 14 of 20 Op-Test No: LOT-2013 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 4 Event


Feedwater Master Level Controller output failure high TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports reactor water level rising as indicated by:

Level rising on 1H13P680-2B RX WTR LVL NARROW RANGE meters 1C34R605A,B,C and/or Master Level Controller and/or Startup Level Controller digital indication (if selected to VARIABLE)

Diagnoses and reports Feedwater Master Level Controller has failed as indicated by:

Master Level Controller output rising while above the normal setpoint, ATC 36 inches.

RFPT A and B following Master Level Controller output.

Reactor water level following Master Level Controller output.

Places Master Level Controller in manual by pressing MAN on the controller.

May press (down) manual output pushbutton on the controller as necessary to stabilize and control level below the scram setpoint, 53.5 inches.

Enters 05-1-02-V-7, Feedwater System Malfunctions:

CRS Directs the ATC to take manual control of the Master Level Controller.

Directs the ATC to control level 32 to 42 inches narrow range.

ATC Using (down) and (up) manual output pushbuttons on the controller as necessary to stabilize and control level 32 to 42 inches.

BOP Provides peer check to the ATC.

Notifies Work Management/I&C of Master Level Controller problem and requests assistance formulating troubleshooting plan.

CRS Conducts crew transient briefing, including contingencies for operation with the Master Level Controller in manual.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 2 Page 15 of 20 Op-Test No: LOT-2013 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 5 Event


Feedwater Line B rupture in Turbine Building, ATWS - hydraulic block, power above 5%

TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognize and report reactor water level falling rapidly.

Places the Reactor Mode Switch to shutdown per EN-OP-115, Conduct of Operations, section 5.2[1] and 02-S-01-27, Operations Philosophy, section 6.1.1.

Recognize symptoms of a FW Line rupture in the Turbine Building as indicated by:

Feedwater flows rapidly dropping to zero on FW FLO A/B meters on ATC 1H13P680-2B (sensed from flow elements in the Aux Building Steam Tunnel). (Because feedwater lines are cross-tied upstream of the flow elements and flows in both feedwater lines fall so quickly, the operator is not expected to diagnose which line is broken.)

Alarms 1H13-P680-8A1-C1(D1), TURB BLDG E(W) FLOOR DR SMP LVL HI-HI.

Report the Feed water leak to the CRS and BOP.


Trip all condensate pumps.

ATC Provides a scram report:

Reactor Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.

All Rods are NOT Inserted (Hydraulic Block ATWS).

Reactor power is initially above 5%.

ATC Reactor water level and trend.

Reactor pressure and trend.

Feedwater is unavailable due to feedwater line break in the Turbine Building.

MSIVs/Bypass valves are available.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 2 Page 16 of 20 Op-Test No: LOT-2013 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 5 (Cont.) / 6 Event


Feedwater Line B rupture in Turbine Building, ATWS - hydraulic block, power above 5%

TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Enters the SCRAM ONEP and the Turbine and Generator Trips ONEP.

CRS Enters EP-2, when ATWS is discovered Enter EP-2A.

Directs actions of EP-2A steps 1 - 4:

Directs ATC to Verify Recirc Pumps transferred to LFMG.

CRS Directs ATC to Verify ARI/RPT initiation.

Directs BOP to inhibit ADS.

Directs BOP to Override HPCS injection.

Verifies Recirc Pumps transferred to LFMG (not in fast speed).

ATC Verifies/Initiates ARI/RPT.

Inhibits ADS.

Place ADS A and ADS B keylock switches to INHIBIT on 1H13P601-19B.

BOP Override HPCS injection on 1H13P601-16C:

Place the HPCS pump handswitch to the STOP position.

Place the E22-F004, HPCS injection valve, handswitch to the CLOSE position.

Direct the ATC or BOP to verify initiations and isolations for Reactor Level 2 CRS are completed.

Verify Division 3 Diesel Generator is running (1H13P601-16C) with cooling water (1H13P870-5C).

BOP Isolations for Reactor Level 2 are completed by observation of Isolation Status Board and/or 1H13P870.

Verifies RCIC initiation on 1H13P601-21B/C.

Event 6 Recognizes RCIC failure to start on Level 2.

ATC Manually initiates RCIC by arming and depressing RCIC MAN INIT pushbutton on 1H13P601-21B per hard card 04-1-01-E51-1 Att. VI.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 2 Page 17 of 20 Op-Test No: LOT-2013 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 5 (Cont.)



Feedwater Line B rupture in Turbine Building, ATWS - hydraulic block, power above 5% / Failure of SLC to inject Enters EP-2A step L-6 or L-7 and direct the ATC to establish level band -70 to -


Directs maximizing CRD flow.

Enters EP-2A step P-4 and direct the BOP to establish a pressure band 800 -

1060 psig using IPC and BCV Manual Jack.

CRS Enters EP-2A step Q-4, directs SLC injection with both SLC pumps.

Calls for EP Attachments 8, 12, 18, 19, 20. (The CRS should state Att. 12 has the highest priority.)

Directs restoration of the Aux Building (restore Instrument Air and Drywell Chilled Water isolations)

Initiates SLC B as directed using hard card by placing keylock switch to START on 1H13P601-18B.

Initiates SLC A as directed using hard card by placing keylock switch to START BOP on 1H13P601-19B.

Recognizes excessive SLC discharge pressure on meter 1C41R600, and reports SLC failure to inject.

CRS Calls for Attachment 28.

BOP Maximizes CRD for flow per 04-1-01-C11-1 Att. VIII hard card:

Places CRD SYS FLO CONT C11-R600 in MANUAL on 1H13P601-22B.

Using CRD SYS FLOW CONT C11-R600, fully opens C11-F002A(B),


Fully opens C11-F003, CRD DRIVE WTR PRESS CONT VLV on 1H13P601-22C.

Restores isolations as directed:

Opens INST AIR SPLY HDR TO CTMT 1P53F001 on 1H13P870-3C.

Opens DWCW SPLY HDR TO CTMT 1P72F121 on 1H13P870-3C Opens DWCW RTN HDR FM CTMT 1P72F122 on 1H13P870-3C BOP Opens DWCW RTN HDR FM DRWL 1P72F125 on 1H13P870-3C Opens DWCW SPLY HDR TO CTMT 1P72F124 on 1H13P870-9C.

Opens DWCW RTN HDR FM CTMT 1P72F123 on 1H13P870-9C Opens DWCW RTN HDR FM DRWL 1P72F126 on 1H13P870-9C Revision 2

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 2 Page 18 of 20 Op-Test No: LOT-2013 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 5 (Cont.)



Feedwater Line B rupture in Turbine Building, ATWS - hydraulic block, power above 5%

TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ATC Keep CRS updated with reactor level as it trends down.

When reactor level falls below -160, as soon as EP Attachment 12 is installed or reactor level reaches -191, exits Level and Pressure Legs of EP-2A and Enter Emergency Depressurization.

When EP-2A requires Emergency Depressurization, Crew terminates CRS and prevents all injection except boron, CRD, and RCIC per 02-S-01-27 Operations Philosophy. Feedwater and ECCS system alignments prevent injection into the RPV as evidenced by available instrumentation. Criterion is to give the highest priority to prevent all injection except boron, CRD, and RCIC until reaching MSCP.

Verify SP level is above 10.5 ft.

Direct the BOP or ATC operator to verify/perform Terminate and Prevent CRS injection into the RPV by overriding low pressure systems (LPCS/LPCI)

Direct BOP to Open 8 ADS valves.

When directed, Terminate and Prevent injection into the RPV.

Verify HPCS is initiated with annunciators P601-16A-B5, HPCS MTR CONT MAN OVERRD, and P601-16A-D5, HPCS INJ VLV F004 MAN OVERRD in.

Verify/perform low pressure ECCS systems overridden by ensuring division 1 ECCS initiation signal is present and placing the LPCS and RHR A pump hand switches to off and placing the E21F005 and E12F042A handswitches to CLOSE. (RHR A pump is tripped.)

ATC / o This is verified by annunciators P601-21A-B7, LPCS INJ VLV BOP F005 MAN OVERRD, P601-21A-C8, LPCS PMP MAN OVERRD, P601-20A-B2, RHR INJ VLV F042A MAN OVERRD, and P601-20A-C5, RHR PMP A MAN OVERRD in.

Verify/perform low pressure ECCS systems overridden by ensuring division 2 ECCS initiation signal is present and placing the LPCI B and C pump hand switches to off and placing the E12-F042B and C handswitches to CLOSE.

o This is verified by annunciators P601-17A-B1, RHR INJ VLV F042B MAN OVERRD, P601-17A-C2, RHR PMP B MAN OVERRD, P601-17A-B4, RHR INJ VLV F042C MAN OVERRD, and P601-17A-C5, RHR PMP C MAN OVERRD in.

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Feedwater Line B rupture in Turbine Building, ATWS - hydraulic block, power above 5%

When directed, opens at 8 ADS valves on 1H13P601-19C for Emergency BOP Depressurization.

Enter EP-2A step L-10 (following the Emergency Depressurization).

CRS Establish reactor pressure (MSCP) as critical parameter for the ATC.

ATC Keep CRS updated with reactor pressure as it trends down.

When reactor pressure is below MSCP (206 psig) direct ATC to feed the reactor using RHR B via the E12-F053B with 4000 gpm and then at intervals of 1000 gpm until reactor level begins to trend up.

  • Reactor pressure decreases to MSCP. Crew commences and slowly CRS raises injection using RHR B via E12F053B, SDC Return to Feedwater, to restore and maintain RPV level to greater than -191". Criterion is to give the highest priority to restore RPV level greater than -191".

Enter EP-2A step L-6 or L-7 and establish level band -70 to -130.

CRS When Attachments 18, 19, and 20 are reported installed, directs ATC to reset scram and BOP to maximize CRD drive water pressure.

ATC Resets RPS A by placing RPS Div 1 & 3 or 2 & 4 Reset switches to RESET on P680.

BOP Maximizes CRD drive water pressure by fully closing C11-F003, CRD DRIVE WTR PRESS CONT VLV on 1H13P601-22C.

BOP/ Inserts Control Rods by scramming rods using RPS scram arm/depress pushbuttons and/or by selecting control rods on RC&IS and depressing IN ATC TIMER SKIP or INSERT pushbutton on P680.

Following the ATWS, crew directs installation of EP Attachments 18, 19, and 20 and inserts control rods by manual scram and/or normal rod insertion per EP-2A step Q-1.

Enter EP-3 on Suppression Pool Temperature and Drywell pressure; however, CRS no substantial operator actions are expected for this entry during the scenario.

Revision 2

Give this page to the CRS Turnover the following conditions:

Power 75%

BOC EOOS GREEN Core flow is 70 mlbm/hr with operation in the OPRM Trip Enabled region of the Power-Flow Map.

Condensate Pump B and Condensate Booster Pump B are in standby following maintenance on Condensate Pump B.

RHR A is operating in Suppression Pool Cooling.

LCO 3.5.1 was entered one hour ago for LPCI A due to RHR A Test Return to Suppression Pool valve 1E12F024A open for Suppression Pool Cooling.

SSW A is aligned per 04-1-03-P41-1, SSW A Chemical Addition Run, and is supporting RHR A Suppression Pool Cooling.

This is a Division 1 work day.

Immediately following the brief:

The ATC will return Condensate Pump B and Condensate Booster Pump B to service in accordance with 04-1-01-N19-1 section 4.3 and 03-1-01-2 step 6.6.

All prerequisites of step 4.3.1 have been completed.

Steps 4.3.2a(1), (2), and (3) have been completed.

After Condensate Pump B and Condensate Booster Pump B have been returned to service, and before Suppression Pool temperature decreases below 75°F, shut down RHR A Suppression Pool Cooling.

Reactor Engineering is revising the Reactivity Management Plan for power ascension to 100%, which is scheduled to begin on this shift.

Note that an independent Reactivity Management SRO per Operations Philosophy 6.8.1 will not be provided for this scenario.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Scenario 3 Page 1 of 2 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Scenario No.: 3 Op-Test No.: LOT-2013 Examiners: ____________________________ Operators: _____________________________

Objectives: To evaluate the candidates ability to operate the facility in response to the following evolutions:

Place Reactor Water Clean-Up filters in HOLD and secure RWCU pump A.

RWCU Heat Exchanger leak inside Containment with failure of Division 1 RWCU valves to automatically isolate.

Drywell Chilled Water Pump B trip with failure of standby pump to automatically start.

Jet Pumps 11/12 failure.

Service Transformers 11 and 21 lockout.

Reactor Recirc piping rupture with HPCS failure.

RHR B/C logic power failure.

Initial Conditions: Plant is operating at 100% power.

Inoperable Equipment: Division 1 Diesel Generator is tagged out of service.


Plant is operating at 100% power.

Division 1 Diesel Generator is tagged out of service to replace an optical isolator in 1H22-P400.

The plant is 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> into 14 day LCO 3.8.1b.

The next AC/DC lineup is due in 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />.

Maintenance on DG11 should be complete within the next hour.

Immediately following turnover:

Place RWCU filters in hold per 04-1-01-G33-1 section 4.6.

Then, secure RWCU pump A per 04-1-01-G33-1 section 5.9 for planned maintenance on its discharge check valve, 1G33F012A.

This is a Division 1 work week.

Scenario Notes:

This is a new scenario.

Validation Time (60-90 min): 65 min Revision 2

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Scenario 3 Page 2 of 2 Event Malf. No. Event Type Event No. Description Place Reactor Water Clean-Up filters in HOLD and secure 1 N (BOP) RWCU pump A. (04-1-01-G33-1, Reactor Water Clean-Up System, sections 4.6 and 5.9).

g33033 C (ATC) RWCU Heat Exchanger leak inside Containment with failure of 2 (rf) e31210 A (CREW) Division 1 RWCU valves to automatically isolate (05-1-02-III-5, Automatic Isolations; ARI 04-1-02-1H13-P680-11A-A3, A4,E3; TS (CRS) 04-1-01-G33-1 Att. VII; TS 3 di_1p72m602b C (BOP) Drywell Chilled Water Pump B trip (ARIs 04-1-02-1H13-P870-4A-G1/G2, 9A-E2, 10A-G3/H3)

C (ATC) Failure of Jet Pumps 11/12 rams head. (05-1-02-III-6, Jet 4 rr011f A (CREW) Pump Anomalies; 05-1-02-III-3, Reduction in Recirculation TS (CRS) System Flow Rate; TS 3.4.3).

Service Transformers 11 and 21 lockout / Recirc loop B rupture

/ HPCS L8 relay failure (EP-2, RPV Control; EP-3, Containment Control; 05-1-02-I-1, Reactor Scram; 05-1-02-I-2, Turbine Generator Trips; 05-1-02-I-4, Loss of AC Power; ARI 04-1 1H13-P601-16A-A3).

When reactor water level decreases to -160 (TAF), the crew r21133a opens 8 SRVs per EP-2 step ED-4. (At least seven SRVs must 5 r21133b be open before RPV level drops to -217.)

M (CREW) rr063b e22159a The crew manually restores power to Division 1 ECCS bus 15AA, AND/OR manually aligns RHR B for injection and restores reactor water level to above -160 following emergency depressurization per EP-2 step L-14. (At least one ECCS must be aligned for injection prior to reactor pressure decreasing below 125 psig during Emergency Depressurization.)

6 (rf) r21221 C (BOP) RHR B/C logic power failure (ARI 04-1-02-1H13-P601-H2).

(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (A)bnormal (TS) Tech Spec

  • Critical Task (As defined in NUREG 1021 Appendix D)

Quantitative Attributes Table Normal Events 1 Abnormal Events 2 Reactivity Manipulations 0 Total Malfunctions 8 Instrument/Component Failures 4 EP Entries (Requiring substantive action) 1 Major Transients 1 EP Contingencies 1 Tech Spec Calls 2 Critical Tasks 2 Revision 2

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 3 Page 1 of 21 Simulator Setup:

A. Initialization

1. Log off all simulator PDS and SPDS computers (PDS and SPDS must come up after the simulator load for proper operation).
2. Startup the simulator using Simulator Instructors Job Aid section 6.3.


Prior to running the Schedule File, ensure no Event Files are Open. If an existing Event File is Open prior to running the Schedule File, then any associated Event Files will not automatically load.

3. Open Schedule.exe and Director.exe by clicking on the Icon in the Thunder Bar.
4. Set the Simulator to IC-195 and perform switch check (Using Quick Reset in Director).
5. Click on Open in the Schedule window and Open Schedule File 2013 NRC Scenario 3.sch (in the Schedule Directory)
6. In Schedule window, click on the Stopped red block. The red block will change to a green arrow and indicate the scenario is active (Running).

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 3 Page 2 of 21

7. Click the Summary tab in the Director window. Verify the schedule files are loaded and opened per Section B below. (Note: Any actions in the schedule file without a specific time will not load into the director until triggered.)
8. Take the simulator out of freeze.
9. Log on to all simulator PDS and SPDS computers.
10. Verify or perform the following:

IC-195 APRMs are turned on (4,1,2,3)

Ensure the BOC rod movement sequence available at the P680.

Advance all chart recorders and ensure all pens inking properly.

Clear any graphs and trends off of SPDS.

Ensure 1G33F034 is closed on P680-11C.

Ensure Div 1 DG is in MAINTENANCE with 152-1508 racked out:

Hang tags on DG11 start pushbutton and 152-1508 on 1H13P864-1C.

11. Run through any alarms and ensure alarms are on. (Note: On T-Rex, to verify alarms are ON, the indicator will indicate Alarms On).
12. Place the simulator in Freeze.

B. File loaded verification:

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 3 Page 4 of 21 Revision 2

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 3 Page 5 of 21 Crew Turnover:

B. Assign the candidates crew positions.

C. Turnover the following conditions:

Power 100%

BOC EOOS GREEN Division 1 Diesel Generator is tagged out of service to replace an optical isolator in 1H22-P400.

The plant is 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> into 14 day LCO 3.8.1b.

The next AC/DC lineup is due in 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />.

Maintenance on DG11 should be complete and the tagout released within the next hour.

Immediately following turnover:

Place RWCU filters in hold per 04-1-01-G33-1 section 4.6.

Then, secure RWCU pump A per 04-1-01-G33-1 section 5.9 for planned maintenance on its discharge check valve, 1G33F012A.

RWCU filters are to remain in HOLD until RWCU pump A is returned to operation.

This is a Division 1 work week.

D. Allow the crew to perform pre-shift brief and review procedures for planned evolutions.

E. Bring the crew into the Simulator, place the simulator is in RUN.

F. Allow the crew to walk down panels.

G. When the crew assumes the shift begin Scenario Activities.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 3 Page 6 of 21 SCENARIO ACTIVITIES:

Start SBT report and any other required recording devices (Video recording not allowed for NRC exams).

Place Reactor Water Clean-Up filters in HOLD and secure RWCU pump A.

The crew will remove RWCU filters A and B from service in accordance with 04 01-G33-1, Reactor Water Clean-Up System, section 4.6.

When requested as the building operator at the RWCU F/D control panel to remove RWCU filter A from service, trigger Event 1 to simulate lowering flow through filter A.

When requested as the building operator at the RWCU F/D control panel to remove RWCU filter B from service, trigger Event 11 to simulate lowering flow through filter B.

When both filters have been removed from service, wait 2 minutes and as the building operator who had been at the RWCU panel, report you have exited containment.

The crew will then secure RWCU pump A in accordance with 04-1-01-G33-1, Reactor Water Clean-Up System, section 5.9.

When the crew has completed all required steps of 04-1-01-G33-1, Reactor Water Clean-Up System, section 5.9 and at the direction of the lead evaluator, trigger Event 2 to cause RWCU Heat Exchanger leak inside Containment with failure of Division 1 RWCU valves to automatically isolate.

RWCU Heat Exchanger leak inside Containment with failure of Division 1 RWCU valves to automatically isolate.

The crew will respond per ARIs 04-1-02-1H13-P680-11A-A3, -A4, and -E3 and 05 02-III-5, Automatic Isolation.

If asked the status of Division 1 NUS RWCU leak detection temperature switches, as the booth operator report RWCU Heat Exchanger Area NUS switches are indicating tripped, and that readings are slowly lowering. (If requested, an exact temperature reading for RWCU heat exchanger room Div 1 NUS switch 1E31N620A can be obtained by viewing the tracking value for malfunction tte31n034a_d.)

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 3 Page 7 of 21 If asked for indications from upper control room, after the Div 2 RWCU isolation is received, report RWCU Heat Exchanger area temperature on recorder 1E31R608 and NUS switch 1E31N620A is 125°F, with no trend yet, and the NUS switch is tripped. Report RWCU Hx room T is 80°F, if asked.

If requested to investigate the Division failure to isolate, as I&C report required troubleshooting will be intrusive, so a work order and possibly a tagout will be required.

If directed to perform surveys of containment, as Radiation Protection acknowledge the request.

If containment evacuation is ordered, as Security wait 15 minutes and report accountability is complete and no personnel are inside containment.

When the crew has completed all required steps of 05-1-02-III-5 and the CRS has addressed TS for the Division 1 RWCU isolation failure, and at the direction of the lead evaluator, trigger Event 3 to cause Drywell Chilled Water Pump B trip.

Drywell Chilled Water Pump B trip with failure of the standby pump to automatically start:

The crew will respond using ARIs 1H13-P870-4A-G1/G2, 9A-E2, 10A-G3/H3 and manually start Drywell Chilled Water Pump A. Drywell chillers with automatically restart when pump A is started.

If requested to investigate, as the building operator wait 2 minutes, then report local breaker 52-1BP60303 is tripped on overcurrent, but you can see no apparent cause locally at DW Chilled Water Pump B. If asked, report DW Chilled Water Pump A is running normally (if the RO has started it).

When the crew has restored Drywell Chilled Water system to operation, and at the direction of the lead evaluator, trigger Event 4 to cause failure Jet Pumps 11/12.

Failure of Jet Pumps 11 and 12:

The crew will observe a reduction in generator output.

The crew will respond per 05-1-02-III-6, Jet Pump Anomalies, and 05-1-02-III-3, Reduction in Recirculation System Flow Rate.

If requested to perform a Jet Pump surveillance 06-RE-1B33-D-0001, as Reactor Engineering wait 5 minutes then report Jet Pumps 11 and 12 failed 2 of 3 criteria per the surveillance.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 3 Page 8 of 21 When the crew has plotted the point of operation on the Power/Flow Map and the CRS has addressed TS 3.4.3, and at the direction of the lead evaluator, trigger Event 5 to cause Service Transformers 11 and 21 lockout.

Service Transformers 11 and 21 lockout followed by Recirc Loop B rupture and HPCS Level 8 relay failure:

The crew will respond using 05-1-02-I-1, Reactor Scram; 05-1-02-I-2, Turbine and Generator Trips; 05-1-02-I-4, Loss of AC Power, EP-2, RPV Control, EP-3, Containment Control.

A false HPCS Level 8 signal will seal in (Auto Event 25), causing injection valve 1E22F004 to close.

If sent to manually open 1E22F004, as the building operator wait 10 minutes, then report the handwheel for 1E22F004 cannot be rotated.

If requested to install EP Attachment 5, acknowledge the request but DO NOT INSTALL Att. 5.

Install other EP Attachments as directed.

RHR B/C Logic Power failure:

When Drywell pressure reaches 1.35 psig, RHR B/C logic power will be lost (Auto Event 6).

If requested to investigate RHR B/C Logic Power Failure, as the building operator or Electrical Maintenance wait 5 minutes, then report breaker 72-11B14 is tripped. If requested to reset the breaker, report the breaker will not reset.

If sent to manually open 1E12F042C, as the building operator wait 10 minutes, then report the handwheel for 1E12F042C cannot be rotated.

If sent to manually reset breaker 72-11B14, as the building operator wait 5 minutes, then report the breaker appears damaged.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 3 Page 9 of 21 Termination:

Once emergency depressurization has been conducted and reactor water level is stabilized above TAF, or as directed by Lead Evaluator:

Take the simulator to Freeze and turn horns off.

Stop and save the SBT report and any other recording devices.

Instruct the crew to not erase any markings or talk about the scenario until after follow-up questions are asked.

Critical Tasks:

When reactor water level decreases to -160 (TAF), the crew opens 8 SRVs per EP-2 step ED-4. (At least seven SRVs must be open before RPV level drops to


The crew manually restores power to Division 1 ECCS bus 15AA, AND/OR manually aligns RHR B for injection and restores reactor water level to above -

160 following emergency depressurization per EP-2 step L-14. (At least one ECCS must be aligned for injection prior to reactor pressure decreasing below 125 psig during Emergency Depressurization.)

Emergency Classification:

ALERT on FA1-RC1, RC3 Revision 2

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 3 Page 10 of 21 Op-Test No: LOT-2013 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 1 Event


Place Reactor Water Clean-Up filters in HOLD and secure RWCU pump A.

TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Conducts pre-job brief. (This may have been done before the students enter the simulator.)

CRS Directs the BOP to coordinate with the building operator to remove RWCU filters A and B from service, one at a time, and place them in HOLD per 04 01-G33-1 section 4.6, and then remove RWCU pump A from service per 04 01-G33-1 section 5.9 Notifies Plant Chemistry both RWCU filters and RWCU pump A are being CRS removed from service.

Coordinates with the building operator to remove RWCU filters A and B from service:

Placing RWCU filter A in HOLD:

Slowly opens 1G33-F044, RWCU FLTR DMIN BYP VLV on 1H13-P680-11C while building operator reduces F/D flow with flow controller 1G36-FC-R022A on1G36-P002.

Maintains a nearly constant system flow rate, (450-500 gpm is recommended), as indicated on 1G33-FI-R609, RWCU INL FLO, on1H13-P680-11B.

Placing RWCU filter B in HOLD:

Slowly opens 1G33-F044, RWCU FLTR DMIN BYP VLV on 1H13-P680-11C while building operator reduces F/D flow with flow controller BOP 1G36-FC-R022B on1G36-P002.

Maintains a nearly constant system flow rate, (450-500 gpm is recommended), as indicated on 1G33-FI-R609, RWCU INL FLO, on1H13-P680-11B.

Removing RWCU pump A from service:

Lowers system flow rate to < 280 gpm by throttling 1G33F044 as indicated on 1G33FI-R609, RWCU INL FLO, on 1H13-P680-11B.

Trips RWCU pump A on 1H13-P680-11C.

Establishes 90 to 300 gpm flow as indicated on 1G33-FI-R609, RWCU INL FLO, on 1H13-P680-11B by throttling the Bypass Valve 1G33F044.

ATC Provides peer check to BOP.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 3 Page 11 of 21 Op-Test No: LOT-2013 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 2 Event


RWCU Heat Exchanger leak inside Containment with failure of Division 1 RWCU valves to automatically isolate.

TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports indications of a leak from RWCU system indicated by:

Alarm 1H13-P680-11A-E3, RWCU AREA AMBIENT TEMP HI ATC Alarm 1H13-P680-11A-E4, RWCU AREA dT HI (The RWCU isolation setpoint will be reached approximately 80 seconds after the first high area temperature alarm is received.)

Calls up RWCU area temperature data on PDS and/or checks leak detection temperature NUS switch 1E31N620B indication for RWCU areas on backpanel BOP 1H13P642. Checks Div 1 NUS switch 1E31N620A and/or recorder 1E31R608 (upper control room data provided by booth operator).

Recognizes and reports isolation setpoint has been exceeded indicated by:

ATC Alarm 1H13-P680-11A-A3, RWCU HX RM TEMP HI Division 2 RWCU Group 8 valves close Enters 05-1-02-III-5, Automatic Isolations.

CRS Directs ATC / BOP to verify (group 8) isolations.

Determine RWCU Division 2 isolation valves have isolated.

Recognize and report failure of Division 1 RWCU isolation valves to automatically isolate. May use hard card 04-1-01-G33-1 Att. VII, Rapid Isolation of RWCU or Automatic Isolation Checklist from 05-1-02-III-5.

Manually close Division 1 RWCU isolation valves:

ATC/ 1G33F004 on 1H13-P680-11C BOP 1G33F039 on 1H13-P680-11C 1G33F054 on 1H13-P680-11C 1G33F250 on 1H13-P870-3C 1G33F253 on 1H13-P870-3C Directs ATC/BOP to close Division 1 RWCU isolation valves. Observes CRS Isolation Status Board to verify valves have been closed.

May direct limited evacuation of containment due to RWCU leak in the heat exchanger room.

CRS May direct Radiation Protection to perform area surveys and air monitoring.

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RWCU Heat Exchanger leak inside Containment with failure of Division 1 RWCU valves to automatically isolate.

TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Notifies Work Management of event. Requests assistance determining cause of RWCU leak and failure of Division 1 to isolate.

Enters TS Condition A for Division 1 RWCU isolation instrumentation.

CRS (The CRS may elect to instead enter TS or TS, as appropriate, for each affected Division 1 RWCU isolation valve pending discovery of what caused the failure to isolate.)

Provides transient brief to the crew.

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Drywell Chilled Water Pump B trip with failure standby pump A to automatically start.

TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports Drywell Chilled Water Pump B trip resulting in loss of all system flow and Drywell Chillers trip indicated by:

Alarm 1H13-P870-9A-E2, DRWL CHILL WTR IN-CTMT TROUBLE Alarm 1H13-P870-4A-G1 (10A-G3), DRWL CHLD WTR PMP DISCH FLO LO BOP Alarm 1H13-P870-4A-G2 (10A-H3), DRWL CHLD WTR TEMP HI Recognizes failure of Drywell Chilled Water Pump 1P72C001A to automatically start, and manually starts it using handswitch 1P72C001A on 1H13-P870-4C.

Verifies and reports DW chilled water flow is re-established, Drywell Chillers automatically restart, and alarms reset.

Sends building operator to investigate trip of DW Chilled Water Pump B.

Verifies average Drywell Temperature is maintained within limits (below 135°F) on SPDS or PDS.

CRS Notifies Work Management of event. Requests assistance determining cause of Drywell Chilled Water Pump B trip.

Provides transient brief to the crew.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 3 Page 14 of 21 Op-Test No: 2013 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 4 Event


Jet pumps 11/12 rams head failure TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports step change reduction in power indicated on 1H13P680:

MWe loss ATC APRM trends Feedwater flow reduction Reactor water level perturbation Diagnoses jet pump failure as indicated by on 1H13P680:

Reduced total core flow Recirc Loop A and B elevated drive flows ATC Calibrated Jet Pump B flow less than calibrated Jet Pump A, C, and D flows Loop A total jet pump flow lower than loop B total jet pump flow Reduced Core dp Checks individual Jet Pump dp on 1H13P619.

Recognizes and reports Jet Pumps 11 and 12 dps less than other Jet Pump BOP dps.

Enters 05-1-02-III-6, Jet Pump Anomalies:

Directs ATC to determine actual total core flow and plot point of operation on Power/Flow map CRS Directs Reactor Engineering to perform 06-RE-1B33-D-0001, Jet Pump Functional Test, and to verify thermal limits are met.

Enters 05-1-02-III-3 Reduction in Recirculation System Flow Rate:

Determines actual core flow per 05-1-02-III-6, Jet Pump Anomalies (by doubling the indicated flow for calibrated jet pump A and subtracting that from indicated core flow twice).

ATC Plots and reports point of operation on the Power/Flow Map Revision 2

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 3 Page 15 of 21 Op-Test No: 2013 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 4 (Cont.)



Jet pumps 11/12 rams head failure TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Enters TS 3.4.3 Condition A.

Makes notifications for entering TS 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shutdown statement.

Begins reviewing 03-1-01-2, Power Operations for commencing plant CRS shutdown.

Notifies Work Management of Jet Pump failure and requests assistance formulating forced outage plan Revision 2

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 3 Page 16 of 21 Op-Test No: LOT-2013 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 5 Event


Service Transformers 11 and 21 lockout followed by Recirc Loop B rupture TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports reactor scram:

Places Reactor Mode Switch to shutdown Verifies all control rods fully inserted (indicated on RPIS channel 2 after ATC Div 2 DG restores power to bus 16AB) and power approximately 0%

Recognizes and reports reactor water level reduced due to loss of Condensate/Feedwater Recognizes and reports Main Turbine tripped and MSIVs closed BOP Recognizes and reports loss of switchyard/offsite power.

Enters the following procedures (simultaneously):

EP-2, RPV Control 05-1-02-I-1, Reactor Scram CRS 05-1-02-I-2, Turbine and Generator Trips 05-1-02-I-4, Loss of AC Power Check Recognizes and reports Reactor Water Level Low, Level 2.

ATC Verifies HPCS and RCIC initiated and injecting on 1H13P601-16, 21 Checks Division 2 and 3 Diesel Generators have energized their respective buses (Div 1 DG is tagged out of service).

Verifies SSW B aligned to Div 2 DG on 1H13P870-7C.

BOP Verifes SSW C aligned to Div 3 DG on 1H13P870-5C Verifies isolations for Level 2 on 1H13P870-3C, 9C.

BOP Manually energizes bus 15AA via feeder 152-1511 from ESF Transformer 12 on 1H13P864-1C.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 3 Page 17 of 21 Op-Test No: LOT-2013 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 5 (Cont.) / 6 Event


Service Transformers 11 and 21 lockout followed by Recirc Loop B rupture TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognize and report indications of a LOCA in the Drywell as indicated by rising drywell pressure and temperature (P680-5A-C3, DRWL PRESS HI/LO; CREW P680-5A-C2, DRWL PRESS HI HI; Low Pressure ECCS initiations due to 1.39 psig in the drywell).

From EP-2, RPV Control:

Directs verify initiations and isolations for Reactor Level 2 Directs ATC establish a level band of +30 to -30 in using HPCS and CRS RCIC Directs BOP establish a pressure band of 800 -1060 psig using SRVs Verifies Low Pressure ECCS initiations for Drywell Pressure High:

Recognizes Div 1 ECCS initiation occurred on 1H13P601(white light above LPCS/RHR A INIT RESET push button lit on 1H13P601-21B)


Recognizes and reports RHR B/C Logic Power Failure as indicated by BOP RHR B OOSVC alarm and logic power failure status light on (Event 6) 1H13P601-17B.

Recognizes and reports RHR B available for injection from 1H13P601 via 1E12F053B, RHR B SHUTDN CLG RTN TO FW Recognizes and reports failure of HPCS Injection MOV 1E22F004 to reopen after it was closed the first time to maintain level within the band.


Recognizes HPCS Level 8 signal sealed in preventing opening BOP 1E22F004.

Sends building operator to manually open 1E22F004 Revision 2

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 3 Page 18 of 21 Op-Test No: LOT-2013 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 5 / 6 (Cont.)



Service Transformers 11 and 21 lockout followed by Recirc Loop B rupture RHR B/C Logic Power failure and HPCS Injection MOV 1E22F004 failure TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Enter EP-3 and re-enter EP-2 Direct actions of EP-2:

Verify initiations and isolations for Drywell Pressure 1.39 psig.

Enter the Alternate Level Control procedure of EP-2.

Inhibit ADS CRS Maximize CRD for flow.

Inject SLC A and B for level control Addresses all legs of EP-3 Directs verifying Div 2 Drywell and Containment hydrogen analyzers are operating and starting Div 2 Drywell/Containment Hydrogen Igniters (Div 1 if power is manually restored to bus 15AA).

When directed, maximize CRD A and B for flow.

Re-energize 15B42 on P864-1C Re-energize 16B42 on P864-2C Start CRD A Aux Oil Pump on P601-22C Start CRD A Pump on P601-22C ATC Start CRD B Aux Oil Pump on P601-22C Start CRD B Pump on P601-22C (Although there are other actions per the procedure, only these listed will accomplish anything with scram sealed in and loss of power. CRD A if power is manually restored to bus 15AA.)

Update the CRS with reactor water level as it continues to lower.

When directed, Inhibit ADS by placing both ADS A and B inhibit switches to INHIBIT on 1H13P601-19B.

Dispatch operators to recover out of service water injection sources (may BOP request manually opening 1E22F004, 1E12F042C and/or resetting 72-11B14.)

Evaluate and deliver ECCS Status Report to the CRS (hard card).

Provides frequent reports of reactor water level and trend.

ATC Reports level at Top of Active Fuel when level trends offscale low on wide range recorders on 1H13P601-20B, 17B.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario 3 Page 19 of 21 Op-Test No: LOT-2013 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 5 / 6 (Cont.)



Service Transformers 11 and 21 lockout followed by Recirc Loop B rupture RHR B/C Logic Power failure and HPCS Injection MOV 1E22F004 failure TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Verifies Div 1 and 2 Drywell/Containment Hydrogen Analyzers are operating BOP and starts Div 1 and 2 Drywell/Containment Hydrogen Igniters on 1H13P870-3C, 10C. (Div 1 if power is manually restored to bus 15AA)

Directs aligning EP-2 Table 2 systems for injection when determined level cannot be restored to nominal band, 30 to +30:

CRS Directs ATC to initiate Standby Liquid Control System A and B Calls Maintenance/OSC for Fire Water to be connected for injection per Attachment 26 via RHR C pathway.

When directed to initiate SBLC A(B), use 04-1-01-C41-1, Standby Liquid Control System, Attachment VI (Initiation of Standby Liquid Control hard card) on 1H13P601-19B (18B):

Insert keys and turn SBLC Pmp A(B) pump key switch to START.

Verify system initiation by observing the following:

o F004A(B) SQUIB valves fired:

White SQUIB valve ready light OFF Annunciator SLC SYS A(B) OOSVC (P601-19A-H1)

Amber status light SQUIB A(B) LOSS CONT or PWR LOSS is ON.

ATC/ o C41-F001A(B) tank outlet valve is open.

o SBLC Pump A(B) running.

o RWCU Isolated G33-F004 (F001, F251) Closed (already closed due to RWCU isolation earlier) o Verify SBLC A(B) is injecting into the RPV by observing the following:

SBLC pump discharge pressure exceeds reactor pressure.

SBLC tank level lowering.

(SLC A is available only if power is manually restored to bus 15AA)

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Service Transformers 11 and 21 lockout followed by Recirc Loop B rupture RHR B/C Logic Power failure and HPCS Injection MOV 1E22F004 failure TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When reactor water level reaches -160 and before -191, enter Emergency Depressurization leg of EP-2, RPV Control CRS Verify Suppression Pool level is above 10.5 Direct the BOP to open 8 ADS/SRVs When directed, Opens 8 ADS valves on 1H13P601. (At least seven BOP SRVs must be open before RPV level drops to -217.)

When reactor pressure lowers to <500 psig, directs injection with RHR B by starting RHR B pump and opening 1E12F053B, RHR B SHUTDN CLG RTN CRS TO FW from 1H13P601.

As directed, injects to restore level above -160 wide range with:

RHR A and LPCS (if power has been restored to bus 15AA),

and/or RHR B by starting RHR B pump and opening 1E12F053B, ATC/ RHR B SHUTDN CLG RTN TO FW on 1H13P601-17C.

(1E12F053Bmust be opening prior to reactor pressure going BOP below 125 psig during Emergency Depressurization.)

(1E12F053B handswitch must be held in the open or closed position since it is a throttle valve.)

(Either LPCS and RHR A, OR RHR B, OR all may be used to restore reactor water level above -160 to meet the overall critical task.)

When reactor water level begins rising, directs restoring and maintaining level -

CRS 30 to +30.

Monitors for LPCS and/or RHR A injection and ensures level is re-established above TAF.

ATC Controls LPCS and/or RHR A and/or RHR B injection by operating injection valves or cycling pumps to restore and control reactor water level -30 to +30 on wide range level instrumentation.

Revision 2

Give this page to the CRS Turnover the following conditions:

Power 100%

BOC EOOS GREEN Division 1 Diesel Generator is tagged out of service to replace an optical isolator in 1H22-P400.

The plant is 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> into 14 day LCO 3.8.1b.

The next AC/DC lineup is due in 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />.

Maintenance on DG11 should be complete and the tagout released within the next hour.

Immediately following turnover:

Place RWCU filters in hold per 04-1-01-G33-1 section 4.6.

Then, secure RWCU pump A per 04-1-01-G33-1 section 5.9 for planned maintenance on its discharge check valve, 1G33F012A.

This is a Division 1 work week.

Revision 1 Page 21 of 21

ES-301 Transient and Event Checklist Form ES-301-5 Facility: GGNS Date of Exam: 11/11-15/2013 Operating Test No.: LOT-2013 A E Scenarios P V 1 2 3 T M P E O I L N CREW CREW CREW CREW T N I T POSITION POSITION POSITION POSITION A I

M C S A B S A B S A B S A B L U A T R T O R T O R T O R T O M(*)


RX 0 0 0 0 1 I4 NOR 0 1 1 2 1 I7 I/C 5 3 2 10 4 MAJ 1 1 1 3 2 TS 2 2 2 RX 0 0 0 1 I2 NOR 1 0 1 1 I3 I/C 2 5 7 4 MAJ 1 1 2 2 TS 2 2 2 RX 0 0 0 0 1 I5 NOR 1 0 0 1 1 I8 I/C 2 3 4 9 4 MAJ 1 1 1 3 2 TS 2 2 2 RX 0 0 0 0 1 NOR 0 0 0 0 1 I6 I/C 3 5 2 10 4 I9 MAJ 1 1 1 3 2 TS 2 2 2 Instructions:

1. Check the applicant level and enter the operating test number and Form ES-D-1 event numbers for each event type; TS are not applicable for RO applicants. ROs must serve in both the at-the-controls (ATC) and balance-of-plant (BOP) positions; ( )Instant SROs must serve in both the SRO and the ATC positions, including at least two instrument or component (I/C) malfunctions and one major transient, in the ATC position. If an Instant SRO additionally serves in the BOP position, one I/C malfunction can be credited toward the two I/C malfunctions required for the ATC position.
2. Reactivity manipulations may be conducted under normal or controlled abnormal conditions (refer to Section D.5.d) but must be significant per Section C.2.a of Appendix D. (*) Reactivity and normal evolutions may be replaced with additional instrument or component malfunctions on a 1-for-1 basis.
3. Whenever practical, both instrument and component malfunctions should be included; only those that require verifiable actions that provide insight to the applicants competence count toward the minimum requirements specified for the applicants license level in the right-hand columns.

Rev 0 (2/28/12) Page 1 of 2

ES-301 Transient and Event Checklist Form ES-301-5 Facility: GGNS Date of Exam: 11/11-15/2013 Operating Test No.: LOT-2013 A E Scenarios P V 1 2 3 T M P E O I L N CREW CREW CREW CREW T N I T POSITION POSITION POSITION POSITION A I

M C S A B S A B S A B S A B L U A T R T O R T O R T O R T O M(*)


RX 0 0 0 1 NOR 0 1 1 1 I1 I/C 5 3 8 4 I10 MAJ 1 1 2 2 TS 2 2 2 RX NOR I/C MAJ TS RX NOR I/C MAJ TS RX NOR I/C MAJ TS Instructions:

3. Check the applicant level and enter the operating test number and Form ES-D-1 event numbers for each event type; TS are not applicable for RO applicants. ROs must serve in both the at-the-controls (ATC) and balance-of-plant (BOP) positions; ( )Instant SROs must serve in both the SRO and the ATC positions, including at least two instrument or component (I/C) malfunctions and one major transient, in the ATC position. If an Instant SRO additionally serves in the BOP position, one I/C malfunction can be credited toward the two I/C malfunctions required for the ATC position.
4. Reactivity manipulations may be conducted under normal or controlled abnormal conditions (refer to Section D.5.d) but must be significant per Section C.2.a of Appendix D. (*) Reactivity and normal evolutions may be replaced with additional instrument or component malfunctions on a 1-for-1 basis.
3. Whenever practical, both instrument and component malfunctions should be included; only those that require verifiable actions that provide insight to the applicants competence count toward the minimum requirements specified for the applicants license level in the right-hand columns.

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ES-301 Competencies Checklist Form ES-301-6 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Date of Examination: 11/11/13 Operating Test No.: LOT2013 APPLICANTS I4,I7 I2,I3 I5,I8 I6,I9 RO RO RO RO SRO-I SRO-I SRO-I SRO-I SRO-U SRO-U SRO-U SRO-U Competencies SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 SRO ATC BOP ATC SRO ATC BOP SRO BOP SRO ATC Interpret/Diagnose 2,3, 2,4, 2,3, 2,3, 2,3, 2,3, 2,3, 2,3, 1,2, 2,3, 2,3, 4,5, 5,7 4,5, 5 4,5, 5 5,6 4,5, 4,5, 4,5, 4,5 Events and Conditions 7 6 6,7 6 6,7 6,7 Comply With and ALL 1,2, 1,2, 1,2, ALL 1,2, 1,2, ALL 1,2, ALL 1,2, 4,5 4,5 3,5 3,5 3,5, 4,5, 3,4, Use Procedures (1) 6 6,7 5 Operate Control N/A 1,2, 1,2, 1,2, N/A 1,2, 2,3, N/A 4,5, N/A 2,4, 4,5 4,5, 3,5 3,5 5,6 6,7 5 Boards (2) 6 Communicate ALL 1,2, ALL 1,2, ALL 1,2, 1,2, ALL ALL ALL 2,3, 4,5, 3,4, 3,4, 3,5, 4,5, and Interact 7 5 5 6 6 Demonstrate ALL N/A N/A N/A ALL N/A N/A ALL N/A ALL N/A Supervisory Ability (3)

Comply With and 3,4 N/A N/A N/A 2,3 N/A N/A 2,3 N/A N/A Use Tech. Specs. (3)


(1) Includes Technical Specification compliance for an RO.

(2) Optional for an SRO-U.

(3) Only applicable to SROs.


Check the applicants license type and enter one or more event numbers that will allow the examiners to evaluate every applicable competency for every applicant.

Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Date of Examination: 11/11/13 Operating Test No.: LOT2013 APPLICANTS I1,I10 RO RO RO RO SRO-I SRO-I SRO-I SRO-I SRO-U SRO-U SRO-U SRO-U Competencies SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 SRO ATC Interpret/Diagnose 2,3, 2,4, 4,5, 5,7 Events and Conditions 7 Comply With and ALL 1,2, 4,5 Use Procedures (1)

Operate Control N/A 1,2, 4,5 Boards (2)

Communicate ALL 1,2, 4,5, and Interact 7 Demonstrate ALL N/A Supervisory Ability (3)

Comply With and 3,4 N/A Use Tech. Specs. (3)


(1) Includes Technical Specification compliance for an RO.

(2) Optional for an SRO-U.

(3) Only applicable to SROs.


Check the applicants license type and enter one or more event numbers that will allow the examiners to evaluate every applicable competency for every applicant.