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Overall Integrated Plan in Response to March 12, 2012, Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Event (Order Number EA-12-049)
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/2013
From: Hamrick G T
Duke Energy Carolinas, Carolina Power & Light Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Document Control Desk
Shared Package
ML13112A021 List:
EA-12-049, HNP-13-024
Download: ML13112A020 (105)


George T. Hamrick Vice President Harris Nuclear Plant En y 5413 Shearon Harris Rd New Hill NC 27562-9300 919-362-2502 10 CFR 50.4 February 28, 2013 Serial: HNP-13-024 ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 Docket No. 50-400


Overall Integrated Plan in Response to March 12, 2012, Commission Order Modifying Licenses With Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049)


1. NRC Letter, E.J. Leeds (NRC) to All Power Reactor Licensees and Holders of Construction Permits in Active or Deferred Status, Issuance of Order to Modify Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond Design Basis External Events, EA-12-049, dated March 12, 2012, Accession No. ML12054A736
2. NRC Interim Staff Guidance JLD-ISG-2012-01, Compliance with Order EA-12-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events, Revision 0, dated August 29, 2012, Accession No. ML12229A174 Ladies and Gentlemen:

On March 12, 2012, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued an order (Reference 1)to Carolina Power & Light Company's (CP&L) Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 (HNP). Reference 1 was immediately effective and directs CP&L to develop, implement, and maintain guidance and strategies to maintain or restore core cooling, containment, and spent fuel pool capabilities in the event of a beyond-design-basis external event at HNP. Specific requirements are outlined in Attachment 2 of Reference 1.Reference 1 requires submission of an overall integrated plan, including a description of how compliance with the requirements described in Attachment 2 will be achieved, to the Commission for review by February 28, 2013, and subsequent submission of interim status reports at six-month intervals following submittal of the overall integrated plan. Pursuant to Section IV, Condition C.1 of Reference 1, CP&L hereby submits to the Commission for its review the enclosed overall integrated plan for HNP, including a description of how compliance with the requirements described in Attachment 2 of Reference 1 will be achieved.The Enclosure contains the current design information as of the writing of this letter, much of which is still preliminary, pending completion of on-going evaluations and analyses.

As further* design details and associated procedure guidance are finalized, supplemental information will be communicated to the Staff in the six-month status reports required by Reference


Serial: HNP-13-024 Page 2 This letter contains no new regulatory commitments.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Dave Corlett, Supervisor, Licensing/Regulatory Programs, at 919-362-3137.

I declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on February 28, 2013.Sincerely,


Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 cc: Mr. J. D. Austin, NRC Sr. Resident Inspector, HNP Ms. A. T. Billoch Col6n, NRC Project Manager, HNP Mr. W. L. Cox III, Section Chief, North Carolina DENR Mr. V. M. McCree, NRC Regional Administrator, Region II Mr. E. J. Leeds, NRC Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Mr. S. R. Jones, NRR/DSS/SBPB, NRC Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 Docket No. 50-400 Enclosure to HNP-13-024 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-1 2-049 HNP-13-024 Page 2 of 103 Enclosure Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 General Integrated Plan Elements Determine Applicable Input the hazards applicable to the site; seismic, external Extreme External Hazard flood, high winds, snow, ice, cold, high temps.Describe how NEI 12-06, Sections 5 -9 were applied and Ref: NEI 12-06, Section 4.0 -9.0 the basis for why the plant screened out for certain JLD-ISG-2012-01, Section 1.0 hazards.Seismic Hazard Assessment:

The Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (HNP) Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) states that the operating basis earthquake (OBE) and safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) have ground acceleration design values of 0.075g and 0.15g, respectively (UFSAR, Section

Per NEI 12-06, Table 4-2, all sites will consider seismic events.External Flood Hazard Assessment:

HNP is a dry site with a nominal plant elevation of 260 feet (ft) mean sea level (MSL) and a maximum water level, due to the probable maximum flood event, of 257.7 ft. MSL.Therefore, the external flood hazard is not applicable for HNP (UFSAR, Section and NEI 12-06, Section 6.2.1).High Wind Hazard Assessment:

HNP is located at Latitude 350 38' 0" N, and Longitude 780 57' 22" W (UFSAR, Section

According to NEI 12-06, Figures 7-1 and 7-2, the location of HNP has a Peak-Gust Wind Speed of 160 miles per hour (mph) and a tornado design wind speed of 200 mph. These values indicate that HNP has the potential to experience severe winds from hurricanes and tornadoes with the capacity to do significant damage, which are generally considered to be winds above 130 mph, as defined in NEI 12-06, Section 7.2.1. Therefore, the high wind hazard is applicable for HNP.Extreme Cold Hazard Assessment:

The location of HNP at Latitude 350 38' 0" N and Longitude 780 57' 22" W (UFSAR, Section, in accordance with NEI 12-06, Figure 8-1, is subject to significant snowfall accumulation and extreme low temperatures.

Therefore, HNP must provide the capability to address the impedances caused by extreme snowfall.

HNP is also in a region with Level 4 Ice Storm Severity as depicted in NEI 12-06, Figure 8-2, which is characterized as severe damage to power lines and/or the existence of large amounts of ice. Therefore, the extreme cold (including snow and ice) hazard is applicable for HNP.

HNP-13-024 Page 3 of 103 Enclosure Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Extreme High Temperature Hazard Assessment:

HNP is located at Latitude 350 38' 0" N and Longitude 780 57' 22" W (UFSAR, Section

NEI 12-06, Section 9.2 states that virtually every state in the lower 48 contiguous United States has experienced temperatures in excess of 1 10°F and many in excess of 120 0 F. In accordance with NEI 12-06, Section 9.2, all sites will address high temperatures.

Therefore, the extreme high temperature hazard is applicable for HNP.The applicable extreme external hazards at HNP are seismic, high wind, snow, ice, extreme cold, and extreme high temperature.

Key Site assumptions to Provide key assumptions associated with implementation of implement NEI 12-06 Diverse and Flexible Coping Strategies (FLEX) Strategies:


Key assumptions associated with implementation of FLEX Ref: NEI 12-06, Section 3.2.1 strategies:

1. Any future Station Blackout (SBO) or Extended Loss of Alternating Current Power (ELAP) Rule is assumed to be consistent with Order EA-12-049 (Reference
1) and JLD-ISG-2012-01 (Reference 2).Different or additional requirements in the Rule may necessitate a change in the plans made in the HNP response to the Order (Reference 1).2. The 10 CFR 50.54(f) seismic and flood re-evaluations do not result in changes to the current design basis. In other words, it is assumed that HNP remains dry subsequent to the external flood event. Additionally, it is assumed that the seismic re-evaluation does not adversely impact the equipment that forms a part of the HNP FLEX strategy.

Any changes to the seismic or flood design basis may require a change to the plans in the HNP response to the Order (Reference 1).3. Installed alternating current (AC) power supplies (i.e., emergency on-site and SBO Alternate AC power sources as defined by 10 CFR 50.2) will be considered not available and not imminently recoverable.

4. Systems, structures, and components (SSC) will be considered seismically robust if seismic requirements are imposed by licensing requirements.
5. Where non-safety, non-seismically designed, permanently installed equipment is used for FLEX HNP-13-024 Page 4 of 103 Enclosure Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 strategies, SSCs will be considered seismically robust if:* Seismic Qualification Utility Group (SQUG)methods are applied per existing plant licensing basis.* Testing, analysis or experience-based methods are applied for the equipment class at design basis seismic levels.* Methodologies in EPRI 1019199, Experience Based Seismic Verification Guidelines for Piping and Tubing Systems (Reference
3) can be successfully applied relative to the SSE.* Other industry recognized codes such as AWWA D100 (Reference
4) are applied to demonstrate functionality at SSE level ground motion.0 High Confidence of a Low Probability of Failure (HCLPF) capacities are determined (e.g. EPRI NP-6041, Rev 1), (Reference
5) conservative compared to the SSE.6. Personnel access to and qualification of equipment that forms a part of the FLEX strategy assumes no core damage.7. For events with no advance warning, per NEI 12-06, Section 12.1, on-site resources will be used to cope with the first two Phases of the event and for a minimum of the first 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of the event.Emergency Response Organization (ERO)personnel are assumed to begin arriving at 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and the site ERO will be staffed at 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> into the event.8. Phase 3 resources (personnel and equipment) are assumed to start arriving within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> in accordance with the proposed Regional Response Center (RRC) playbook (Open Item #75). All resources from the RRC are assumed to be available within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.9. This plan defines strategies capable of mitigating a simultaneous loss of all alternating current (AC)power and loss of normal access to the ultimate heat sink resulting from a beyond-design-basis external event (BDBEE) by providing adequate capability to maintain or restore core cooling, containment, and Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) cooling capabilities at all units on a site. Though specific strategies are being developed, due to the inability to anticipate all possible scenarios, the strategies are also diverse and flexible to encompass a wide range of possible conditions.

These pre-planned HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 5 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 strategies developed to protect the public health and safety will be incorporated into the unit emergency operating procedures in accordance with established Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP)change processes, and their impact to the design basis capabilities of the unit evaluated under 10 CFR 50.59 (Open Item #66). The plant Technical Specifications contain the limiting conditions for normal unit operations to ensure that design safety features are available to respond to a design basis accident and direct the required actions to be taken when the limiting conditions are not met. The result of the beyond-design-basis event may place the plant in a condition where it cannot comply with certain Technical Specifications and/or with its Security Plan, and, as such, may warrant invocation of 10 CFR 50.54(x) and/or 10 CFR 73.55(p).Extent to which the Include a description of any alternatives to the guidance, guidance, JLD-ISG-2012-01 and provide a milestone schedule of planned action.and NEI 12-06, are being followed.

Identify any HNP has no known deviations to the guidelines in JLD-ISG-deviations to JLD-ISG-2012-2012-01 (Reference

2) and NEI 12-06. If deviations are 01 and NEI 12-06. identified, then the deviations will be communicated in a future six month update following identification.

Ref: JLD-ISG-2012-01 NEI 12-06, Section 13.1 Provide a sequence of Strategies that have a time constraint to be successful events and identify any time should be identified with a technical basis and a justification constraint required for provided that the time can reasonably be met (for example, success including the a walk-through of deployment).

technical basis for the time constraint.

Describe in detail in this section the technical basis for the time constraint identified on the sequence of events Ref: NEI 12-06, Section timeline Attachment 1A JLD-ISG-2012-01, Section 2.1 See attached sequence of events timeline (Attachment 1A).Technical Basis Support information, see attached NSSS Significant Reference Analysis Deviation Table (Attachment 1B)See Attachment 1A.

HNP-13-024 Page 6 of 103 Enclosure Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Discussion of New Time Constraints Identified in Attachment 1A: 1. 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> -Operator declares ELAP event. Attempts to restore any AC power sources have failed. Transition from EOP-ECA-0.0 (Reference

6) to FLEX Support Guidelines (FSGs) (Open Item #66).2. 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> -Perform ELAP Load Shedding (Reference 7). Removes additional non-critical loads from batteries beyond those already shed in the SBO load shedding.Preliminary validation of the load shed activity using a licensed operator confirms 30 minutes is adequate to complete the action. (Reference 8). Extends battery life beyond initial 4.4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> (Reference
18) (Open Items #10, 27, 28, 66).3. 2-8 hours -Locally control Steam Generated Power Operated Relief Valves (SG PORVs). Control of each SG-PORV is required for symmetrical cooldown.

The hydraulic accumulators that operate the PORVs have a limited number of cycles before they must be manually recharged.

The local control of SG PORVs action item start time is two (2) hours in order to support commencing Reactor Coolant System (RCS) cooldown and depressurization as recommended in Reference

9. SG PORV actuator hydraulic pump motors require power which will be restored in six (6) hours (Reference Attachment 1A Action Item 12). Two (2) additional hours are allotted for time to restore from the local manual SG PORV operating alignment while still continuing with plant cooldown (Open Items #10, 44, 45, 66, 79).4. 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> -Initiate cooldown and depressurization of the RCS as recommended in Reference 9 and 21 (Open Items #10, 66).5. 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> -Align FLEX generators to power 1A3-SA or 1B3-SB SWGR and power Motor Control Centers (MCCs) 1A21-SA and 1A31-SA, or MCCs 1B21-SB and 1B31-SB (Figures 4, 5, and 6). This allows for an alternate method of charging the Class 1 E batteries.

Will repower the SG PORV hydraulic pump motors to allow resumption of control of the PORVs from the Main Control Room (MCR) (Figures 14, 15, and 18). A FLEX generator will be aligned to power an installed FLEX electrical distribution system (Figures 2, 3, 4, 7) This action will provide power for Attachment 1A Action Items 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 (Open Items #10, 44, 57, 66, 73)6. 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> -Align power to Class 1 E Battery Chargers.

Align the Dedicated Shutdown Diesel Generator (DSDG) or FLEX generator to power battery chargers to allow for indefinite coping time for equipment powered from Class 1 E batteries (Figures 26 and 27) (Open Items #10, 40, 43, 44, 66).7. 8-24 hours -Power to provide forced air flow, using portable or installed plant equipment, will be available at 6.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> into the event. Therefore, eight (8) hours allows time to perform Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems alignments and/or deploy portable equipment to support forced air flow. Analysis will determine plant areas requiring ventilation and timeline to initiate/deploy forced or natural air flow (Figures 2, 3, 4, 7) (Open Items #10, 21, 22, 23, 24, 66, 73).8. 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> -Stabilize SG pressure and isolate Cold Leg Accumulators (CLA) to prevent nitrogen injection as recommended in Reference 9 (Figures 23, 24, 25)

HNP-13-024 Page 7 of 103 Enclosure Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 (Open Items #10, 55, 66).9. 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> -Complete cooldown and depressurization of the RCS as recommended in Reference 9 and 21.10. 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />s- Align and operate a FLEX RCS makeup pump. This will provide a source of boration and make-up to the RCS (Figures 2 and 13). Per Reference 10, core uncovery does not occur until 55.1 hours1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. Per Reference 11, injection of borated water into the RCS will not be required until approximately 15 hours1.736111e-4 days <br />0.00417 hours <br />2.480159e-5 weeks <br />5.7075e-6 months <br /> into the event to prevent a return to criticality (Open Items #10, 12, 48, 57, 66, 73)11. 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> -Connect and operate a FLEX electric motor driven pump to feed the SGs (Figures 2, 8, 9, 19, 20, 21, 22). Per Reference 12, Establish plant conditions (as a contingency action) which will allow this pump to be utilized to provide defense in depth for maintaining an adequate heat sink should the Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feed Water (TDAFW) pump fail (Open Items #10, 46, 47, 57, 66, 73).12. 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> -With normal plant conditions the limiting time to boil is 16.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> for Pool A based on a starting temperature of 105'F, a heat load of 7.084 MBTU/hour, and a heat up rate of 6.47°F/hour (Reference 13). Makeup to SFP from the Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) by using one of the SFP cooling pumps (4560 gpm, UFSAR, Table 9.1.3-2) that is repowered by 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> into the event (Figures 11 and 12) (Reference Attachment 1A Action Item 12). This is capable of providing the necessary 35 gpm to Pool A and B (Reference

14) and 15 gpm to Pool C (Reference
15) (Open Items #10, 38, 51, 52, 66, 73).13. 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> -Refuel FLEX diesel equipment (Figures 1, 28). Time depends on capacity of individual tanks, the consumption rate, and when the equipment was started (Open Items #10, 25, 36, 50, 66, 73).14. 14 hours1.62037e-4 days <br />0.00389 hours <br />2.314815e-5 weeks <br />5.327e-6 months <br /> -Recharge hand-held radios and hand-held satellite.

phones required for minimum Emergency Response Organization (ERO) communication links. Per NEI 12-06, Section 12.1, on-site resources will be used to cope with the first two Phases of the event and for a minimum of the first 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of the event. ERO personnel are assumed to begin arriving at 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and the site ERO will be staffed at 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after the event. The hand-held satellite phones will be equipped with three high capacity batteries per handset (Open Item #78). A high capacity battery pack will remain active for 43 hours4.976852e-4 days <br />0.0119 hours <br />7.109788e-5 weeks <br />1.63615e-5 months <br /> on standby, and have a talk time of 6.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. Thus, 3 batteries will provide 19.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> of initial coping time (Reference 53). Hand-held radios will be provided with a minimum of one spare battery each. A fully charged radio battery pack will remain active for approximately 18 hours2.083333e-4 days <br />0.005 hours <br />2.97619e-5 weeks <br />6.849e-6 months <br />. HNP allows for more rigorous use and assumes the battery will last only for 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. One spare battery per radio is provided to support 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of initial coping time (Reference 52).15. 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> -Connect and operate portable diesel driven FLEX pumps to pressurize A or B Emergency Service Water (ESW) header (Figures 1, 10). This action is required to provide an indefinite source of SG feedwater prior to the Condensate Storage Tank (CST) depletinq at the 40 hour4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> mark as stated in the Maintain Core Coolina and HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 8 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Heat Removal -Phase 1 section of this document.

Also provides a source of makeup water to the SFPs and the RCS (Open Items #10, 49, 66, 73).16. 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> -Align ESW to the Auxiliary Feedwater System (AFW) upon Condensate Storage Tank (CST) depletion to provide indefinite coping (Figures 9, 10) (Open Items #10, 66).17. 42 hours4.861111e-4 days <br />0.0117 hours <br />6.944444e-5 weeks <br />1.5981e-5 months <br /> -Makeup to RWST. The RWST normally contains approximately 435,000 gallons of at least 2400 ppm borated water. It can be refilled from the Auxiliary Reservoir via SSE Fire Protection (FP) hose stations cross-tied to an ESW header pressurized by a portable diesel driven pump (Figure 10). The RWST will be filled in a similar manner using the guidance in Reference

33. Boron crystals can be added via the RWST upper manway (Open Item #26). The RWST is a seismic Category I tank (UFSAR, Table 3.8.4-3) which is housed in the Tank Building, but is not currently classified as protected from tornado missiles (UFSAR, Figure 3.8.4-21).

Credit for partial protection of the RWST from tornado missiles is pending further analysis (Open Item #13).Identify how strategies will Describe how the strategies will be deployed in all deployed in all modes.Deployment routes shown in Figure 1 are expected to be Ref: NEI 12-06, Section 13.1.6 utilized to transport FLEX equipment to the deployment areas. The identified paths and deployment areas will be accessible during all modes of operation.

This deployment strategy will be included within an administrative program in order to keep pathways clear or actions to clear the pathways (Open Items #10, 72).Provide a milestone The dates specifically required by the order are obligated or schedule.

This schedule committed dates. Other dates are planned dates subject to should include: change. Updates will be provided in the periodic (six" Modifications timeline month) status reports.o Phase I Modifications See attached milestone schedule in Attachment 2.o Phase 2 Modifications o Phase 3 Modifications" Procedure guidance development complete o Strategies o Maintenance" Storage plan (reasonable protection)

  • Staffing analysis completion" FLEX equipment acquisition timeline HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 9 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049* Training completion for the strategies
  • Regional Response Centers operational Ref: NEI 12-06, Section 13.1 Anu Identify how the programmatic controls will be met.Ref: NEI 12-06, Section 11 JLD-ISG-2012-01, Section 6.0 Provide a description of the programmatic controls equipment protection, storage and deployment and equipment quality. See Section 11 in NEI 12-06. Storage of equipment, 11.3, will be documented in later sections of this template and need not be included in this section.See Section 6.0 of JLD-ISG-2012-01.

HNP will implement programmatic controls as defined in NEI 12-06, Section 11. Procedures and guidelines will be reviewed and revised and/or generated as required to address additional programmatic controls as a result of FLEX requirements (Open Item #66).Equipment associated with these strategies will be procured as commercial equipment with design, storage, maintenance, testing, and configuration control in accordance with NEI 12-06, Section 11.1 (Open Item #71).Installed SSCs pursuant to 10 CFR 50.63(a) will continue to meet the augmented guidelines of Regulatory Guide 1.155, Station Blackout (SBO). The unavailability of equipment and applicable connections that directly performs a FLEX mitigation strategy will be managed using plant equipment control guidelines developed in accordance with NEI 12-06, Section 11.5 (Open Item #66).Programs and processes will be established to assure personnel proficiency in the mitigation of BDBEEs is developed and maintained in accordance with NEI 12-06, Section 11.6 (Open Item #67).The FLEX strategies and basis will be maintained in overall FLEX basis documents (Open Item #68). Existing plant configuration control procedures will be modified to ensure that changes to the plant design, physical plant layout, roads, buildings, and miscellaneous structures will not adversely impact the approved FLEX strategies in accordance with NEI 12-06, Section 11.8 (Open Item #69).

HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 10 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Describe training plan List training plans for affected organizations or describe the plan for training development Training will be initiated through the Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) process. Training will be developed and provided to all involved plant personnel based on any procedural changes or new procedures developed to address and identify FLEX activities.

Applicable training will be completed prior to the implementation of FLEX (Open Item #70).Describe Regional Discussion in this section may include the following Response Center plan information and will be further developed as the Regional Response Center (RRC) development is completed.

  • Site-specific RRC plan* Identification of the primary and secondary RRC sites* Identification of any alternate equipment sites (i.e.another nearby site with compatible equipment that can be deployed)" Describe how delivery to the site is acceptable" Describe how all requirements in NEI 12-06 are identified The industry will establish two (2) RRCs to support utilities during beyond design basis events. Each RRC will hold five (5) sets of equipment, four (4) of which will be able to be fully deployed when requested, the fifth set will have equipment in a maintenance cycle. Equipment will be moved from an RRC to a local staging area, established by the Strategic Alliance of FLEX Emergency Response (SAFER) team and the utility. Communications will be established between the affected nuclear site and the SAFER team and required equipment moved to the site as needed. First arriving equipment, as established during development of the nuclear site's playbook (Open Item#75), will be delivered to the site within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from the initial request. A contract has been signed between the site and the Pooled Equipment Inventory Company to provide Phase 3 services and equipment. ( Reference 16)Notes: None HNP-13-024 Page 11 of 103 Enclosure Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain Core Cooling & Heat Removal Determine Baseline coping capability with installed coping 1 modifications not including FLEX modifications, utilizing methods described in Table 3-2 of NEI 12-06: " AFW/EFW" Depressurize SG for Makeup with Portable Injection Source" Sustained Source of Water Ref: JLD-ISG-2012-01, Sections 2 and 3 PWR Installed Equipment Phase 1 Provide a general description of the coping strategies using installed equipment including station modifications that are proposed to maintain core cooling. Identify methods (AFW/EFW) and strategy(ies) utilized to achieve this coping time.HNP is an AC independent plant and relies upon the direct current (DC) systems for the necessary coping power and decay heat generated steam to operate the Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) System to cool the RCS (Reference 17). Upon loss of AC power, operators verify reactor and turbine trip and isolate the RCS. The TDAFW pump operation is then verified by the AFW flow rate (Reference 6).The TDAFW pump control is available in the control room for 4.4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> (Reference
18) from the 125V Class 1 E Battery 1 B-SB, after which TDAFW pump control can be performed locally/manually (References 19 and 20). To extend the control of the TDAFW pump from the control room, an ELAP load shedding strategy will be utilized to extend the coping time of Battery 1B-SB (Open Items #27, 28). The SBO DC bus load shedding should be completed by one (1)hour into the event, per Reference 41, and the ELAP load shedding will subsequently be completed by two (2) hours into the event (Reference 8). The ELAP load shedding will extend the coping time for Battery 1 B-SB to approximately 19.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> (Reference
7) which extends the availability to control the TDAFW pump from the Main Control Room (Open Items #27, 28).Implementation of the RCS cooling strategy, as described by References 9 and 21, requires depressurization of the SGs. During an ELAP event, only SG PORV C can be controlled from the Main Control Room for 4.4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> (Reference 18 and 22) from the 125V Class 1E Battery 1A-SA.The ELAP load shedding strategy would extend the coping time for Battery 1A-SA to approximately 13 hours1.50463e-4 days <br />0.00361 hours <br />2.149471e-5 weeks <br />4.9465e-6 months <br /> (Reference
7) which extends the availability to control SG PORV C from the main control room (Open Items #27, 28). SG PORVs A and B lose power to control solenoids upon loss of all AC power. A modification will power controls for SG PORVs A and B from a DC powered Instrument Bus (Figures 16 and 17). All SG PORVs (A, B, and C) can be operated locally/manually using existing procedures through Steam Tunnel access (Reference 23).The CST, with a volume of 415,000 gallons (UFSAR, Section, is the water source to the TDAFW pump. A preliminary calculation (Reference
24) indicates approximately 235,000 gallons of water would be needed to cope for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, and approximately 342,000 gallons is needed to' Coping modifications consist of modifications installed to increase initial coping time, i.e. generators to preserve vital instruments or increase operating time on battery powered equipment.

HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 12 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain Core Cooling & Heat Removal cope for 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br />. Due to the presence of a non-seismic condensate transfer pump suction line nozzle (Figure 9), the available CST volume for ELAP coping is limited to approximately 238,000 gallons (Reference 25). The non-seismic nozzle will be upgraded to seismic qualification, which will increase the available CST volume to at least 80% indicated level or 345,000 gallons, (References 26 and 54) and extend ELAP coping time to 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> (Reference

24) (Open Item#5).If the ELAP occurs when the RCS is depressurized (i.e. SGs not available as heat sink), the Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) will be used to gravity feed the RCS as the core cooling strategy (Reference 27). Injection flow will be manually controlled to maintain core exit thermocouple temperature indication stable and ensure effective use of available RWST inventory.

Reference 28 contains guidance concerning flow rates required to remove decay heat, which indicates beyond 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after reactor shutdown a flowrate of 95 gpm is sufficient (Open Item # 11).Details: Provide a brief Confirm that procedure/guidance exists or will be developed to description of Procedures support implementation.

I Strategies

/ Guidelines Site-specific procedures and/or FSGs will be developed using industry guidance to address the criteria in NEI 12-06 (Open Item#66).Identify modifications List modifications and describe how they support coping time.* Upgrade of the non-seismic condensate transfer pump suction nozzle to seismic qualification will increase the CST inventory availability time to 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> (Figure 9) (Open Item #59).* A modification will power controls for SG PORVs A and B from a DC powered Instrument Bus (Figure 16 and 17). Although this modification does not impact coping time, it allows continued operation from the Main Control Room, which reduces operator burden (no need for local operations in the Steam Tunnel) and improves ability to symmetrically cool the RCS loops (Open Item #45).Key Reactor Parameters List instrumentation credited for this coping evaluation phase.The essential instrumentation to maintain Core Cooling and Heat Removal during Phase 1 is included in the Instrumentation Table in Attachment 6.The safety 125 VDC batteries power essential instrumentation to maintain Core Cooling and Heat Removal. The power supply to the Essential Instruments is discussed in detail in the Safety Functions Support section of this document.

HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 13 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain Core Cooling & Heat Removal Notes: None HNP-13-024 Page 14 of 103 Enclosure Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain Core Cooling & Heat Removal PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 Provide a general description of the coping strategies using on-site portable equipment including station modifications that are proposed to maintain core cooling. Identify methods and strategy(ies) utilized to achieve this coping time.Primary Strategy HNP will establish plant conditions to allow transition from using the TDAFW pump to an electric motor driven FLEX pump to provide defense in depth for maintaining an adequate heat sink should the TDAFW pump fail. Taking suction from the CST, the electric motor driven FLEX pump will be capable of delivering water to the SG injection point at 300-gpm and 300-psig (Reference 29)(Figures 8 and 9). The electric motor driven pump will be powered by a diesel generator (Figure 2).Use of the existing AFW system flow control valves allows flow to each SG to be controlled from the main control board (Figure 19, 20, 21, and 22). As previously stated in Maintain Core Cooling &Heat Removal -Phase 1, the CST inventory will currently provide make-up water to the SG for at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, and will provide make-up water for 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> with the upgrade of the non-seismic nozzle.The electric motor driven FLEX pump suction can be aligned to a pressurized ESW header via installed ESW valves (Figure 9) when the CST inventory is depleted (Reference 30). An ESW header will be pressurized by a portable diesel-driven pump taking suction from an ESW pump bay in the Intake Structure.

The ESW pump bay is gravity fed with water via existing ESW piping from the Screening Structure.

If necessary, the traveling screens will be bypassed by use of an additional portable diesel-driven pump taking suction from the Auxiliary Reservoir Intake Canal and discharging to the applicable bay in the Screening Structure (Figure 10). The Auxiliary Reservoir will provide a sustained water supply with the Main Reservoir serving as a backup supply (UFSAR, Section 9.2.5).To operate SG PORVs from the Main Control Room, power will be supplied to the SG PORV hydraulic pump motors (Figures 14, 15, 18). Power will be provided as described in the Electrical Distribution Network portion of Safety Functions Support -Phase 2. This will allow operation of all SG PORV controls indefinitely from the Main Control Room.The Cold Leg Accumulators (CLAs) will be isolated when the RCS is approximately 650 psig to prevent injection of nitrogen gas into the RCS (Reference 9). Power will be supplied to the CLA outlet isolation motor operated valves (MOV) through the normal MCC 1A21-SA and 1B21-SB feeds (Figure 4 and 26). Power will be provided as described in the Electrical Distribution Network portion of Safety Functions Support -Phase 2 section of this document.If the ELAP occurs when the RCS is depressurized (i.e. SGs not available as heat sink), the electric motor driven FLEX feedwater pump will be used to inject water to the RCS from the RWST as the primary core cooling strategy (Figure 13). The pump suction will be aligned to a connection point on either Train A or Train B Charging/Safety Injection Pumps (CSIPs) suction header. The pump discharge will be aligned to a connection point on either Train A or Train B CSIPs discharge header. Injection flow will be manually controlled to maintain core exit thermocouple temperature indications stable and ensure effective use of available RWST inventory.

Reference 28 contains guidance concerning flow rates required to remove decay heat, which indicates beyond 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after reactor shutdown a flowrate of 95 gpm is sufficient (Open Item # 11).

HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 15 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain Core Cooling & Heat Removal PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 Alternate Strategy An additional electric motor driven FLEX pump can be connected to the opposite train AFW suction and discharge points (Figures 8 and 9) as an alternate path to inject makeup water to the SGs.The alternate strategy to power the SG PORVs hydraulic pump motors and the CLA outlet isolation MOVs is described in the Electrical Distribution Network portion of Safety Functions Support -Phase 2 section of this document (Figures 14, 15, 18, 23, 24, 25).If the ELAP occurs when the RCS is depressurized (i.e. SGs not available as heat sink), an additional electric motor driven FLEX feedwater pump will be used to inject water to the RCS from the RWST as the alternate core cooling strategy (Figure 13). The pump suction will be aligned to a connection point on either Train A or Train B CSIPs suction header. The pump discharge will be aligned to a connection point on either Train A or Train B CSIPs discharge header. Injection flow will be manually controlled to maintain core exit thermocouple temperature indications stable and ensure effective use of available RWST inventory.

Reference 28 contains guidance concerning, flow rates required to remove decay heat, which indicates beyond 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after reactor shutdown a flowrate of 95 gpm is sufficient (Open Item # 11).Details: Provide a brief Confirm that procedure/guidance exists or will be developed to description of Procedures support implementation with a description of the procedure/

strategy I Strategies I Guidelines


Site-specific procedures and/or FSGs will be developed using industry guidance to address the criteria in NEI 12-06, Section 11.4 (Open Item #66).Identify modifications List modifications necessary for Phase 2" Harden and protect the Dedicated Shutdown Diesel Generator (DSDG) to provide power to Motor Control Center (MCC) 1 D23 (Figure 26) (Open Item #40).* Protect and seismically upgrade MCC 1 D23 and all connections/distribution to provide power to one safety battery charger on each train (Figure 27) (Open Item #43)." MCCs 1A21-SA, 1A31-SA, 1B21-SB, and 1B31-SB require modifications to allow FLEX generator connection (Figure 4 and 26) (Open Item #44).* Permanent cable and raceway will be installed to make cable deployment directly to the 1A3-SA and 1 B3-SB SWGR and MCCs 1A21-SA, 1A31-SA, 1B21-SB, and 1B31-SB feasible (Figures 4, 5, 6, and 26)(Open Item #44)." Modify MCC buckets for the CLA isolation valves to facilitate connection of temporary power (Figures 23, 24, and 25)(Open Item #55).* Modify motor-driven AFW flow control valves circuitry to allow HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 16 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain Core Cooling & Heat Removal PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 operations during ELAP (Figures 19, 20, 21, and 22) (Open Item#47)." Add FLEX feedwater pump suction and discharge connection points to the AFW system (Figures 8 and 9). One set of connections to be installed on each train of motor-driven AFW pumps piping (Open Item #46)." Add FLEX RCS make-up pump suction and discharge connections on the A and B train Chemical Volume Control System (CVCS) headers (Figure 13) (Open Item #48)." Install FLEX power distribution network to deliver 480VAC to FLEX electric motor driven pumps (Figure 2), alternate temporary power to CLA outlet isolation MOVs, and alternate temporary power to SG PORV hydraulic pump motors (Figures 4, 5, 6, 26, and 27)(Open Item #57)." Modify SG PORVs hydraulic pump motor MCC cubicles to provide quick connection of a temporary FLEX power source (Figures 14, 15, and 18) (Open Item #79).* Add FLEX pump discharge connection points to both trains of the ESW system (Figure 10)(Open Item #49)." Add quick connect connection point at Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tanks (DFOST) 4 inch flanges downstream of valves 2DFO-262 and 2DFO-280 to support transfer of inventory for use in FLEX equipment (Fiqure 28) (Open Item #50).Key Reactor Parameters List instrumentation credited or recovered for this coping evaluation.

The essential instrumentation to maintain Core Cooling and Heat Removal during Phase 2 is included in the Instrumentation Table in Attachment 6.The safety 125 VDC batteries power essential instrumentation to maintain Core Cooling and Heat Removal. The power supply to the Essential Instruments is discussed in detail in the Safety Functions Support section of this document.Storage / Protection of Equipment:

Describe storage / protection plan or schedule to determine storage requirements Seismic List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Structures to provide protection of the FLEX equipment will be constructed to meet the requirements identified in NEI 12-06, Section 11. The structures will be built prior to the FLEX implementation date (Open Item #71).The HNP procedures and programs are being developed to address storage structure requirements, deployment path requirements, and HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 17 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-1 2-049 Maintain Core Cooling & Heat Removal PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 FLEX equipment requirements relative to the hazards applicable to HNP (Open Item #72).Flooding List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect HNP is a dry site and the site elevation is above the maximum flood hazard level (UFSAR, Section

Therefore, the FLEX equipment storage location onsite will be above the flood elevation.

Severe Storms with High Winds List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Structures to provide protection of the FLEX equipment will be constructed to meet the requirements identified in NEI 12-06, Section 11. The structures will be built prior to the FLEX implementation date (Open Item #71).The HNP procedures and programs are being developed to address storage structure requirements, deployment path requirements, and FLEX equipment requirements relative to the hazards applicable to HNP (Open Item #72).Snow, Ice, and Extreme Cold List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Structures to provide protection of the FLEX equipment will be constructed to meet the requirements identified in NEI 12-06, Section 11. The structures will be built prior to the FLEX implementation date (Open Item #71).The HNP procedures and programs are being developed to address storage structure requirements, deployment path requirements, and FLEX equipment requirements relative to the hazards applicable to HNP (Open Item #72).The FLEX equipment storage location has not yet been decided.However, the potential impact of extreme cold temperatures on storage of equipment will be considered in the structure design. The FLEX equipment will be maintained at a temperature within a range to ensure its likely function when called upon, in accordance with NEI 12-06, Section Temperatures List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Structures to provide protection of the FLEX equipment will be constructed to meet the requirements identified in NEI 12-06, Section 11. The structures will be built prior to the FLEX implementation date (Open Item #71).The HNP procedures and programs are being developed to address storage structure requirements, deployment path requirements, and FLEX equipment requirements relative to the hazards applicable to HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 18 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain Core Cooling & Heat Removal PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 HNP (Open Item #72).The FLEX equipment storage location has not yet been decided.However, the potential impact of high temperatures on storage of equipment will be considered in the structure design. The FLEX equipment will be maintained at a temperature within a range to ensure its likely function when called upon, in accordance with NEI 12-06, Section 9.3.1.Deployment Conceptual Design (Attachment 3 contains Conceptual Sketches)Strategy Modifications Protection of connections Identify Strategy including how Identify modifications Identify how the connection is the equipment will be deployed protected to the point of use.The FLEX equipment storage building and location has not yet been decided. Specific deployment of the FLEX equipment to the point of use will be identified and conceptual sketches provided once storage building and location is identified and the deployment strategy is finalized, including an evaluation of the likely site hazards arising from different events (Open Item # 56).A. Harden and protect the DSGD to provide power to MCC 1 D23 (Figure 26)(Open Item #40).B. Protect and seismically upgrade MCC 1 D23 and all connections/distribution to provide power to one safety battery charger on each train (Figure 27) (Open Item #43).C. MCCs 1A21-SA, 1A31-SA, 1B21-SB, and 1B31-SB require modifications to allow FLEX generator connection (Figure 4 and 26) (Open Item #44).D. Permanent cable and raceway will be installed to make cable deployment directly to the 1A3-SA and 1B3-SB SWGR and MCCs 1A21-SA, 1A31-SA, 1B21-SB, and 1B31-SB feasible (Figures 4, 5, 6, and 26)(Open Item #44).E. Modify MCC buckets for the CLA isolation valves to facilitate connection of temporary power (Figures 23, 24, and 25)(Open Item#55).A. DSDG will be contained within a structure compliant with NEI 12-06, Section 11.B. MCC 1 D23 is located within the Reactor Auxiliary Building (RAB) (Seismic Category I) (UFSAR, Table-3.2.1-1).

MCC 1D23 will be seismically upgraded.Connections/distribution will be seismically upgraded and protected.

C. All MCC connections from the FLEX generator will be located within the RAB (Seismic Category I)(UFSAR, Table-3.2.1-1) or a structure compliant with NEI 12-06, Section 11.D. All cables and raceways will be located within the RAB (Seismic Category I)(UFSAR, Table 3.2:1-1) or within a structure compliant with NEI 12-06, Section 11.E. MCC buckets for the CLA isolation valves are located within RAB (Seismic Category I) (UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1).F. Circuitry for the motor-driven AFW flow control HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 19 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-1 2-049 Maintain Core Cooling & Heat Removal PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 I F. Modify motor-driven AFW flow control valves circuitry to allow operations during ELAP (Figures 19, 20, 21, and 22) (Open Item #47).G. Add FLEX feedwater pump suction and discharge connection points to the AFW system (Figures 8 and 9). One set of connections to be installed on each train of train motor-driven AFW pumps piping (Open Item #46).H. Add FLEX RCS make-up pump suction and discharge connections on the A and B train CVCS headers (Figure 13) (Open Item #48).I. Install FLEX power distribution network to deliver 480VAC to FLEX electric motor driven pumps (Figure 2), alternate temporary power to CLA isolation MOVs, and alternate temporary power to SG PORV hydraulic pump motors (Figures 4, 5, 6, 26, and 27)(Open Item#57).J. Modify SG PORVs hydraulic pump motor MCC cubicles to provide quick connection of a temporary FLEX power source (Figures 14, 15, and 18)(Open Item #79).K. Add FLEX pump discharge connection points to both trains of the ESW system (Figure 10)(Open Item#49).L. Add quick connect connection point at DFOST 4 inch flanges downstream Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain Core Cooling & Heat Removal PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 valves is located within Seismic Category I structures. (Reference 35 and UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1).G. FLEX feedwater pump connections will be located within RAB (Seismic Category I) (UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1).H. FLEX RCS make-up pump connections will be located within RAB (Seismic Category I) (UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1).I. FLEX power distribution network will be installed within the RAB (Seismic Category I) (UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1) or a structure compliant with NEI 12-06, Section 11.J. SG PORVs hydraulic pump motor MCC cubicles are located within RAB (Seismic Category I)(UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1).K. FLEX connection points will be located within the ESW and Cooling Tower Makeup Water Intake Structure and ESW Screening Structure (Seismic Category I)(UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1).L. Connection points at the DFOST are located within the DFOST Structure (Seismic Category I)(UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1).

H NP-13-024 Enclosure Page 20 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan:' EA-12-049 Maintain Core Cooling & Heat Removal PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 of valves 2DFO-262 and 2DFO-280 to support transfer of inventory for use in FLEX equipment (Figure 28) (Open Item #50).Notes: None HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 21 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-1 2-049 Maintain Core Cooling & Heat Removal PWR Portable Equipment Phase 3 Provide a general description of the coping strategies using Phase 3 equipment including modifications that are proposed to maintain core cooling. Identify methods and strategy(ies) utilized to achieve this coping time.To maintain core cooling and heat removal indefinitely requires obtaining diesel fuel and water (or a water purification/demineralizer platform), from off-site to ensure adequate supplies are available (Figure 1).Details: Provide a brief Confirm that procedure/guidance exists or will be developed to description of Procedures support implementation with a description of the procedure

/ strategy I Strategies I Guidelines


Site-specific procedures and/or FSGs will be developed using industry guidance to address the criteria in NEI 12-06, Section 11.4.(Open Item #66)Identify modifications List modifications necessary for Phase 3 No modifications are required for Phase 3.Key Reactor Parameters List instrumentation credited or recovered for this coping evaluation.

The essential instrumentation to maintain Core Cooling and Heat Removal during Phase 3 is included in the Instrumentation Table in Attachment 6.The safety 125 VDC batteries power essential instrumentation to maintain Core Cooling and Heat Removal. The power supply to the Essential Instruments is discussed in detail in the Safety Functions Support section of this document.Deployment Conceptual Design (Attachment 3 contains Conceptual Sketches)Strategy Modifications Protection of connections Identify Strategy including how Identify modifications Identify how the connection is the equipment will be deployed protected to the point of use.Phase 3 equipment will be Currently, there are no known Not Applicable provided by the RRC which is modifications to ensure to be located in Memphis, TN. deployment of Phase 3 Specific deployment of Phase 3 equipment.

equipment to the point of use will be identified and conceptual sketches provided once deployment strategy is HNP-13-024 Page 22 of 103 Enclosure Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain Core Cooling & Heat Removal PWR Portable Equipment Phase 3 finalized, including an evaluation of the deployment routes from the staging area based on an assessment of the damage in the affected area (Open Item #75).Notes: None HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 23 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain RCS Inventory Control Determine Baseline coping capability with installed coping' modifications not including FLEX modifications, utilizing methods described in Table 3-2 of NEI 12-06: " Low Leak RCP Seals or RCS makeup required" All Plants Provide Means to Provide Borated RCS Makeup PWR Installed Equipment Phase I Provide a general description of the coping strategies using installed equipment including modifications that are proposed to maintain core cooling. Identify methods (Low Leak RCP Seals and/or borated high pressure RCS makeup) and strategy(ies) utilized to achieve this coping time.HNP does not have low leakage seals installed in the Reactor Coolant Pumps (RCP).With the RCS pressurized, HNP does not have any active means of RCS makeup from a borated water source. HNP does not plan on injection of CLA inventory during the ELAP event. The CLA outlet isolation MOVs will be closed at approximately 650 psig RCS pressure.

Per Reference 10, core uncovery does not occur until 55.1 hours1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> into the event and to prevent core uncovery an RCS make-up method must be started prior but not in Phase 1. Injection of borated water into the RCS will not be required until 15 hours1.736111e-4 days <br />0.00417 hours <br />2.480159e-5 weeks <br />5.7075e-6 months <br /> into the event to prevent a return to criticality (Reference

11) (Open Item #12).If the ELAP occurs when the RCS is depressurized (i.e. SGs not available as heat sink), the RWST will be used to gravity feed the RCS as the primary RCS inventory control strategy.Iniection flow will be manually controlled to maintain RCS inventory (Reference 27).Details: Provide a brief Confirm that procedure/guidance exists or will be developed to description of Procedures support implementation I Strategies I Guidelines Site-specific procedures and/or FSGs will be developed using industry guidance to address the criteria in NEI 12-06, Section 11.4 (Open Item #66).Identify modifications List modifications There are no modifications necessary to support the coping strategies during Phase 1.Key Reactor Parameters List instrumentation credited for this coping evaluation.

The essential instrumentation to maintain RCS Inventory Control during Phase 1 is included in the Instrumentation Table in Attachment 6.The safety 125 VDC batteries power essential instrumentation to maintain RCS Inventory Control. The power supply to the Essential 2 Coping modifications consist of modifications installed to increase initial coping time, i.e. generators to preserve vital instruments or increase operating time on battery powered equipment.

HNP-13-024 Page 24 of 103 Enclosure Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain RCS Inventory Control INnstruments is discussed in detail in the Safety Functions Support section of this document.Notes: None HNP-13-024 Page 25 of 103 Enclosure Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain RCS Inventory Control PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 Provide a general description of the coping strategies using on-site portable equipment including modifications that are proposed to maintain core cooling. Identify methods (Low Leak RCP Seals and/or borated high pressure RCS makeup)and strategy(ies) utilized to achieve this coping time.Primary Strategy High pressure borated makeup water will be delivered to the RCS from the Alternate Seal Injection (ASI) system. The ASI pump (2600 psig at 29.5 gpm per Reference

31) suction source is the ASI tank which will provide a coping time of approximately 18 hours2.083333e-4 days <br />0.005 hours <br />2.97619e-5 weeks <br />6.849e-6 months <br /> (Reference 32). A plant specific calculation will be performed to determine the minimum pump performance requirements of Reference 34 are met (Open Item #15). The ASI pump discharge will be manually aligned to the normal charging header (Figure 13). Once the ASI tank is depleted, ASI pump suction can be taken from the RWST or the Boric Acid Tank (BAT) to provide additional coping time (Figure 13)(Open Item #12). The ASI system is housed in the RAB which is a seismic Category 1 structure (UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1).

To support this strategy the ASI System will be upgraded to meet seismic qualification requirements.

The ASI System is powered by the DSDG, which will be protected against applicable hazards.If the ELAP occurs when the RCS is depressurized (i.e. SGs not available as heat sink), the electric motor driven FLEX feedwater pump will be used to inject water to the RCS from the RWST as the primary inventory control strategy (Figure 13). The pump suction will be aligned to a connection point (Figure 13) on either Train A or Train B CSIPs suction header. The pump discharge will be aligned to a connection point (Figure 13) on either Train A or Train B CSIPs discharge header. Injection flow will be manually controlled to maintain RCS inventory.

The RWST can be refilled from the Auxiliary Reservoir via SSE Fire Protection hose stations cross-tied to an ESW header pressurized by a portable diesel driven pump (Figure 10). The RWST will be filled in a similar manner using the guidance in Reference

33. Boron crystals can be added via the RWST upper manway (Open Item #26).Alternate Strategy The alternate strategy for providing high pressure borated makeup employs an electric motor driven FLEX pump to supply borated water from the RWST and the BAT (Figure 13). The electric motor driven FLEX pump will be powered by a diesel generator (Figure 2). A plant specific calculation will be performed to determine the minimum pump performance requirements of Reference 34 are met (Open Item #14). The pump suction will be aligned to a connection point (Figure 13) on the CSIPs suction header. The pump discharge will be aligned to a connection point (Figure 13) on the CSIPs discharge header.If the ELAP occurs when the RCS is depressurized (i.e. SGs not available as heat sink), an additional electric motor driven FLEX feedwater pump will be used to inject water to the RCS from the RWST as the alternate inventory control strategy.

The pump suction will be aligned to a connection point (Figure 13) on either Train A or Train B CSIPs suction header. The pump discharge will be aligned to a connection point (Figure 13) on either Train A or Train B CSIPs discharme header. Iniection flow will be manually controlled to maintain RCS inventory.

HNP-13-024 Page 26 of 103 Enclosure Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain RCS Inventory Control PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 Details: Provide a brief Confirm that procedure/guidance exists or will be developed to description of Procedures support implementation I Strategies I Guidelines Site-specific procedures and/or FSGs will be developed using industry guidance to address the criteria in NEI 12-06, Section 11.4 (Open Item #66).Identify modifications List modifications necessary for Phase 2." Harden and protect the DSDG to provide power to MCC 1.D23 (Figure 26) (Open Item #40)." Protect and seismically upgrade MCC 1 D23 and all connections/distribution to provide power to one safety battery charger on each train (Figure 27) (Open Item #43)." Seismically upgrade the ASI System (Open Item #41) (Figure 13)." Add an ASI pump discharge path to the CVCS charging header. Add an alternate suction path to the ASI pump from the RWST and BAT (Figure 13) (Open Item #42)." MCCs 1A21-SA, 1A31-SA, 1B21-SB, and 1B31-SB require modifications to allow FLEX generator connection (Figures 4 and 26) (Open Item #44)." Permanent cable and raceway will be installed to make cable deployment directly to the 1A3-SA and 1B3-SB SWGR and MCCs 1A21-SA, 1A31-SA, 1B21-SB, and 1B31-SB feasible (Figures 4, 5, 6, and 26) (Open Item #44)." Add FLEX RCS make-up pump suction and discharge connections on the A and B train CVCS headers. Provides the capability to inject inventory (borate) from a FLEX pump to the RCS from the BAT or RWST (Figure 13) (Open Item #48)." Add connection point at Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tanks (DFOST) 4 inch flanges downstream of valves 2DFO-262 and 2DFO-280 to support transfer of inventory for use in FLEX equipment (Figure 28) (Open Item #50)." Install FLEX power distribution network to deliver 480VAC to FLEX electric motor driven pumps (Figure 2) (Open Item #57)." Add FLEX pump discharge connection points to both trains of the ESW system (Figure 10) (Open Item #49).Key Reactor Parameters List instrumentation credited or recovered for this coping evaluation.

The essential instrumentation to maintain RCS Inventory Control during Phase 2 is included in the Instrumentation Table in Attachment


HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 27 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain RCS Inventory Control PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 The safety 125 VDC batteries power essential instrumentation to maintain RCS Inventory Control. The power supply to the Essential Instruments is discussed in detail in the Safety Functions Support section of this document.Storage I Protection of Equipment:

Describe storage / protection plan or schedule to determine storage requirements Seismic List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Structures to provide protection of the FLEX equipment will be constructed to meet the requirements identified in NEI 12-06, Section 11. The structures will be built prior to the FLEX implementation date (Open Item #71).The HNP procedures and programs are being developed to address storage structure requirements, deployment path requirements, and FLEX equipment requirements relative to the hazards applicable to HNP (Open Item #72).Flooding List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect HNP is a dry site and the site elevation is above the maximum flood hazard level (UFSAR, Section

Therefore, the FLEX equipment storage location onsite will be above the flood elevation.

Severe Storms with High List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Winds Structures to provide protection of the FLEX equipment will be constructed to meet the requirements identified in NEI 12-06, Section 11. The structures will be built prior to the FLEX implementation date (Open Item #71).The HNP procedures and programs are being developed to address storage structure requirements, deployment path requirements, and FLEX equipment requirements relative to the hazards applicable to HNP (Open Item #72).Snow, Ice, and Extreme List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Cold Structures to provide protection of the FLEX equipment will be constructed to meet the requirements identified in NEI 12-06, Section 11. The structures will be built prior to the FLEX implementation date (Open Item #71).The HNP procedures and programs are being developed to address storage structure requirements, deployment path requirements, and FLEX equipment requirements relative to the HNP-13-024 Page 28 of 103 Enclosure Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain RCS Inventory Control PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 hazards applicable to HNP (Open Item #72).The FLEX equipment storage location has not yet been decided.However, the potential impact of extreme cold temperatures on storage of equipment will be considered in the structure design.The FLEX equipment will be maintained at a temperature within a range to ensure its likely function when called upon (NEI 12-06, Section Temperatures List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Structures to provide protection of the FLEX equipment will be constructed to meet the requirements identified in NEI 12-06, Section 11. The structures will be built prior to the FLEX implementation date (Open Item #71).The HNP procedures and programs are being developed to address storage structure requirements, deployment path requirements, and FLEX equipment requirements relative to the hazards applicable to HNP (Open Item #72).The FLEX equipment storage location has not yet been decided.However, the potential impact of high temperatures on storage of equipment will be considered in the structure design. The FLEX equipment will be maintained at a temperature within a range to ensure its likely function when called upon (NEI 12-06, Section 9.3.1).Deployment Conceptual Modification (Attachment 3 contains Conceptual Sketches)Strategy Modifications Protection of connections Identify Strategy including Identify modifications Identify how the connection is how the equipment will be protected deployed to the point of use.The FLEX equipment storage A. Harden and protect the A. DSDG will be contained building and location has not DSDG to provide power to within a structure compliant yet been decided. Specific MCC 1 D23 (Figure 26) with NEI 12-06, Section 11.deployment of the FLEX (Open Item #40). B. MCC 1 D23 is located within equipment to the point of use B. Protect and seismically the RAB (Seismic Category will be identified and upgrade MCC 1D23 and all I) (UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1).conceptual sketches provided connections/distribution to MCC 1 D23 will be once storage building and provide power to one safety seismically upgraded.location is identified and the battery charger on each Connections/distribution will deployment strategy is train (Figure 27) (Open be seismically upgraded finalized, including an Item #43). and protected.

evaluation of the likely site C. Seismically upgrade the C. ASI system is located HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 29 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain RCS Inventory Control PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 hazards arising from different events (Open Item #56).ASI System (Open Item#41) (Figure 13).D. Add an ASI pump discharge path to the CVCS charging header.Add an alternate suction path to the ASI pump from the RWST and BAT (Figure 13) (Open Item #42).E. MCCs 1A21-SA, 1A31-SA, 1B21-SB, and 1B31-SB require modifications to allow FLEX generator connection (Figures 4 and 26) (Open Item #44).F. Permanent cable and raceway will be installed to make cable deployment directly to the 1A3-SA and 1 B3-SB SWGR and MCCs 1A21-SA, 1A31-SA, 1B21-SB, and 1B31-SB feasible (Figures 4, 5, 6, and 26)(Open Item #44).G. Add FLEX RCS make-up pump suction and discharge connections on the A and B train CVCS headers. Provides the capability to inject inventory (borate) from a FLEX pump to the RCS from the BAT or RWST (Figure 13) (Open Item #48).H. Add connection point at DFOST 4 inch flanges downstream of valves 2DFO-262 and 2DFO-280 to support transfer of inventory for use in FLEX equipment (Figure 28)(Open Item #50).I. Install FLEX power distribution network to deliver 480VAC to FLEX electric motor driven pumps within RAB (Seismic Category I) (UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1), and will be upgraded seismically.

D. Connection points will be located within the RAB (Seismic Category I)(UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1).E. All MCC connections from the FLEX generator will be located within the RAB (Seismic Category I)(UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1) or a structure compliant with NEI 12-06, Section 11.F. All cables and raceways will be located within the RAB (Seismic Category I)(UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1) or a structure compliant with NEI 12-06, Section 11.G. FLEX RCS make-up pump connections will be located within RAB (Seismic Category I) (UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1).H. Connection points at the DFOST are located within the DFOST Structure (Seismic Category I)(UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1).I. FLEX power distribution network will be installed within the RAB (Seismic Category I) (UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1) or in a structure compliant with NEI 12-06, Section 11.J. FLEX connection points will be located within the ESW and Cooling Tower Makeup Water Intake Structure and ESW Screening Structure (Seismic Category I)(UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1).

HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 30 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain RCS Inventory Control PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 (Figure 2) (Open Item #57).J. Add FLEX pump discharge connection points to both trains of the ESW system (Figure 10) (Open Item Notes n#49).e Notes: None HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 31 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain RCS Inventory Control PWR Portable Equipment Phase 3 Provide a general description of the coping strategies using Phase 3 equipment including modifications that are proposed to maintain core cooling. Identify methods (Low Leak RCP Seals and/or borated high pressure RCS makeup) and strategy(ies) utilized to achieve this coping time.To maintain RCS inventory control indefinitely requires obtaining diesel fuel, water (or a water purification/demineralizer platform), and boron from off-site to ensure an adequate supplies are maintained.

Details: Provide a brief Confirm that procedure/guidance exists or will be developed to description of Procedures support implementation I Strategies I Guidelines Site-specific procedures and/or FSGs will be developed using industry guidance to address the criteria in NEI 12-06, Section 11.4 (Open Item #66).Identify modifications List modifications No modifications are required for Phase 3.Key Reactor Parameters List instrumentation credited or recovered for this coping evaluation.

The essential instrumentation to maintain RCS Inventory Control during Phase 3 is included in the Instrumentation Table in Attachment 6.The safety 125 VDC batteries power essential instrumentation to maintain RCS Inventory Control. The power supply to the Essential Instruments is discussed in detail in the Safety Functions Support section of this document.Deployment Conceptual Modification (Attachment 3 contains Conceptual Sketches)Strategy Modifications Protection of connections Identify Strategy including Identify modifications Identify how the connection is how the equipment will be protected deployed to the point of use.Phase 3 equipment will be Currently, there are no known Not Applicable provided by the RRC which is modifications that have been to be located in Memphis, identified to ensure deployment TN. Specific deployment of of Phase 3 equipment.

Phase 3 equipment to the point of use will be identified and conceptual sketches provided once deployment HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 32 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain RCS Inventory Control PWR Portable Equipment Phase 3 strategy is finalized, including an evaluation of the deployment routes from the staging area based on an assessment of the damage in the affected area (Open Item#75).Notes: None HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 33 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain Containment Determine Baseline coping capability with installed coping' modifications not including FLEX modifications, utilizing methods described in Table 3-2 of NEI 12-06:* Containment Spray* Hydrogen igniters (ice condenser containments only)PWR Installed Equipment Phase I Provide a general description of the coping strategies using installed equipment including modifications that are proposed to maintain containment.

Identify methods (containment spray/Hydrogen igniter) and strategy(ies) utilized to achieve this coping time.The containment building is designed for an internal pressure of 45.0 PSIG (UFSAR, Table 6.2.1-3). Four SBO with RCP seal Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) scenarios were evaluated in Reference

36. None of the evaluated scenarios exceeded containment pressure rise of 10.5 psi during the first 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> following a station blackout event. No challenge to containment integrity is expected and therefore no Phase 1 actions are required.

A plant specific ELAP containment atmosphere analysis must be performed to confirm no action is required to maintain containment and potentially affected instrumentation (Open Item #31).HNP does not have an ice condenser containment and, therefore, hydrogen igniters are not required.Details: Provide a brief Confirm that procedure/guidance exists or will be developed to description of Procedures support implementation I Strategies

/ Guidelines Pending the outcome of the plant specific containment analysis, site-specific procedures and/or FSGs will be developed using industry guidance to address the criteria in NEI 12-06, Section 11.4 (Open Item #66).Identify modifications List modifications There are no modifications necessary to support the coping strategies during Phase 1 pending the outcome of the plant specific containment analysis (Open Item #31).Key Containment List instrumentation credited for this coping evaluation.

Parameters The essential instrumentation to maintain containment during Phase 1 is included in the Instrumentation Table in Attachment 6.The safety 125 VDC batteries power essential instrumentation to maintain containment.

The power supply to the Essential Instruments is discussed in detail in the Safety Functions Support 3 Coping modifications consist of modifications installed to increase initial coping time, i.e. generators to preserve vital instruments or increase operating time on battery powered equipment.

HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 34 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain Containment section of this document.Notes: None HNP-1 3-024 Enclosure Page 35 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain Containment PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 Provide a general description of the coping strategies using on-site portable equipment including modifications that are proposed to maintain containment.

Identify methods (containment spray/hydrogen igniters) and strategy(ies) utilized to achieve this coping time.Based on preliminary reviews of existing analysis (Reference

36) containment integrity is not expected to be challenged.

A plant specific ELAP containment atmosphere analysis must be performed. (Open Item #31).Details: Provide a brief Confirm that procedure/guidance exists or will be developed to description of Procedures support implementation I Strategies I Guidelines Pending outcome of plant specific containment analysis, site-specific procedures and/or FSGs will be developed using industry guidance to address the criteria in NEI 12-06, Section 11.4 (Open Item #66).Identify modifications List modifications necessary for Phase 2 There are no modifications necessary to support the coping strategies during Phase 2 pending outcome of plant specific containment analysis (Open Item #31).Key Containment List instrumentation credited or recovered for this coping evaluation.

Parameters The essential instrumentation to maintain containment during Phase 2 is included in the Instrumentation Table in Attachment 6.The safety 125 VDC batteries power essential instrumentation to maintain containment.

The power supply to the Essential Instruments is discussed in detail in the Safety Functions Support section of this document.Storage I Protection of Equipment:

Describe storage I protection plan or schedule to determine storage requirements Seismic List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Not Applicable Flooding List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Not Applicable Severe Storms with High List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Winds Not Applicable Snow, Ice, and Extreme List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Cold Not Applicable HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 36 of 103.Overall Integrated Plan: EA-1 2-049 Maintain Containment PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 High Temperatures List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Not Applicable Deployment Conceptual Modification (Attachment 3 contains Conceptual Sketches)Strategy Modifications Protection of connections Identify Strategy including how Identify modifications Identify how the connection is the equipment will be deployed protected to the point of use.Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Notes: None HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 37 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-1 2-049 Maintain Containment PWR Portable Equipment Phase 3 Provide a general description of the coping strategies using Phase 3 equipment including modifications that are proposed to maintain containment.

Identify methods (containment spray/hydrogen igniters) and strategy(ies) utilized to achieve this coping time.The Phase 3 strategy to maintain containment indefinitely is dependent upon the outcome of the containment analysis that will be performed (Open Item #31).Details: Provide a brief Confirm that procedure/guidance exists or will be developed to description of Procedures support implementation I Strategies I Guidelines Pending the outcome of the plant specific containment analysis, site-specific procedures and/or FSGs will be developed using industry guidance to address the criteria in NEI 12-06, Section 11.4 (Open Item #66).Identify modifications List modifications There are no modifications necessary to support the coping strategies during Phase 3 pending the outcome of the plant specific containment analysis (Open Item #31).Key Containment List instrumentation credited or recovered for this coping evaluation.

Parameters The essential instrumentation to maintain containment during Phase 3 is included in the Instrumentation Table in Attachment 6.The safety 125 VDC batteries power essential instrumentation to maintain containment.

The power supply to the Essential Instruments is discussed in detail in the Safety Functions Support section of this document.Deployment Conceptual Modification (Attachment 3 contains Conceptual Sketches)Strategy Modifications Protection of connections Identify Strategy including how Identify modifications Identify how the connection is the equipment will be deployed protected to the point of use.Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Notes: None HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 38 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Determine Baseline coping capability with installed coping 4 modifications not including FLEX modifications, utilizing methods described in Table 3-2 of NEI 12-06: Makeup with Portable Injection Source PWR Installed Equipment Phase I Provide a general description of the coping strategies using installed equipment including modifications that are proposed to maintain spent fuel pool cooling. Identify methods (makeup via portable injection source) and strategy(ies) utilized to achieve this coping time.During normal operating conditions, the time to boil for Pool A is 16.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> based on a starting temperature of 105 0 F, a heat load of 7.084 MBTU/hour, and a heat up rate of 6.47°F/hour (Reference 13). The time to boil for Pool B is 48.4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> based on a starting temperature of 105 0 F, a heat load of 6.27 MBTU/hour, and a heat up rate of 2.21°F/hour (Reference 13). The time to boil for Pool C is 60.4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> based on a starting temperature of 105 0 F, a heat load of 5.01 MBTU/hour, and a heat up rate of 1.77 0 F/hour (Reference 13).In the case of an emergency core offload, the time to reach boiling temperature in Pools A and B is 9.7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br />. This is based on a starting temperature of 105 0 F, a heat load of 46.23 MBTU/hour, and a heat-up rate of 11°F/hour (Reference 14). Pool C does not receive fuel during a core offload so its time to boil would be the same as during normal operations.

Based on the limiting case of an emergency core offload in Pools A and B, it is not necessary to implement any coping strategies for Phase 1 to cool the SFP.Details: Provide a brief Confirm that procedure/guidance exists or will be developed to description of Procedures support implementation I Strategies I Guidelines Site-specific procedures and/or FSGs will be developed using industry guidance to address the criteria in NEI 12-06, Section 11.4 (Open Item #66).Identify modifications

  • Modifications will be installed for the SFP level instrumentation per Reference 38 (Open Item #51)Key SFP Parameter List instrumentation credited for this coping evaluation phase.SFP level instrumentation is per Reference 38.The essential instrumentation to maintain SFP cooling during Phase 1 is included in the Instrumentation Table in Attachment 6.Notes: None 4 Coping modifications consist of modifications installed to increase initial coping time, i.e. generators to preserve vital instruments or increase operating time on battery powered equipment.

HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 39 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-1 2-049 Maintain Spent Fuel Pool Cooling PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 Provide a general description of the coping strategies using on-site portable equipment including modifications that are proposed to maintain spent fuel pool cooling. Identify methods (makeup via portable injection source) and strategy(ies) utilized to achieve this coping time.During normal operations, Pools A and B will require a total makeup flow of 35 gpm to offset the losses due to boiling (Reference 14). Pool C will require a makeup flow of 15 gpm to offset the losses due to boiling (Reference 15).In the case of an emergency core offload, Pools A and B will require a total makeup flow of 90 gpm to offset the losses due to boiling (Reference 15). Pool C will require a makeup flow of 15 gpm to offset the losses due to boiling (Reference 15).Primary Strategy Once 480 VAC switchgear 1A3-SA or 1B3-SB has been energized (Figures 5, 6, and 26) as described in Electrical Distribution Network portion of the Safety Functions Support Phase 2 section of this document, makeup water can be transferred from the RWST to the SFP via the Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps (Figures 11 and 12) 1 &4A-SA or 1 &4B-SB (4560 gpm, UFSAR, Table 9.1.3-2) per Reference

39. This can be performed before the SFP reaches 212°F in the limiting case of a full core off-load and meet the minimum makeup flow of 90 gpm for Pools A and B and 15 gpm for Pool C specified in Reference 15.Alternate Strategy The alternate strategy to provide SFP makeup water consists of using a FLEX portable diesel driven pump to supply makeup water from the ESW discharge canal per Reference
40. This is also the alternate strategy to provide spray cooling. This will provide a makeup rate in excess of 250 gpm as specified in NEI 12-06, Table D-3, page D-6.Details: Provide a brief Confirm that procedure/guidance exists or will be developed to description of Procedures support implementation I Strategies I Guidelines Site-specific procedures and/or FSGs will be developed using industry guidance to address the criteria in NEI 12-06, Section 11.4 (Open Item #66).Identify modifications List modifications necessary for Phase 2." Permanent cable and raceway will be installed to make cable deployment directly to the 1A3-SA and 1B3-SB switchgear (Figures 4, 5, 6, and 26) (Open Item #44)." Add FLEX pump discharge connection points to both trains of the ESW system (Figure 10) (Open Item #49)." Add quick connect connection point at DFOST 4 inch flanges downstream of valves 2DFO-262 and 2DFO-280 to support transfer of inventory for use in FLEX equipment (Figure 28)(Open Item #50).

HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 40 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain Spent Fuel Pool Cooling PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2* Verify seismic qualification or seismically upgrade piping bounded by valves 1CT-23, 1SF-1 0, 2SF-1 0, and 1SF-193. This allows HNP to credit Spent Fuel make-up from the RWST via the installed Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps which are being powered from a FLEX generator (Figures 11 and 12) (Open Item #52).Key SFP Parameter List instrumentation credited for this coping evaluation phase.SFP level instrumentation is per Reference 38.The essential instrumentation to maintain SFP cooling during Phase 2 is included in the Instrumentation Table in Attachment 6.Storage I Protection of Equipment:

Describe storage I protection plan or schedule to determine storage requirements Seismic List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Structures to provide protection of the FLEX equipment will be constructed to meet the requirements identified in NEI 12-06, Section 11. The structures will be built prior to the FLEX implementation date (Open Item #71).The HNP procedures and programs are being developed to address storage structure requirements, deployment path requirements, and FLEX equipment requirements relative to the hazards applicable to HNP (Open Item #72).Flooding List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect HNP is a dry site and the site elevation is above the maximum flood hazard level (UFSAR, Section

Therefore, the FLEX equipment storage location onsite will be above the flood elevation.

Severe Storms with High List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Winds Structures to provide protection of the FLEX equipment will be constructed to meet the requirements identified in NEI 12-06, Section 11. The structures will be built prior to the FLEX implementation date (Open Item #71).The HNP procedures and programs are being developed to address storage structure requirements, deployment path requirements, and FLEX equipment requirements relative to the hazards applicable to HNP (Open Item #72).Snow, Ice, and Extreme List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Cold Structures to provide protection of the FLEX equipment will be constructed to meet the requirements identified in NEI 12-06, HNP-13-024 Page 41 of 103 Enclosure Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain Spent Fuel Pool Cooling PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 Section 11. The structures will be built prior to the FLEX implementation date (Open Item #71).The HNP procedures and programs are being developed to address storage structure requirements, deployment path requirements, and FLEX equipment requirements relative to the hazards applicable to HNP (Open Item #72).The FLEX equipment storage location has not yet been decided.However, the potential impact of extreme cold temperatures on storage of equipment will be considered in the structure design. The FLEX equipment will be maintained at a temperature within a range to ensure its likely function when called upon (NEI 12-06, Section Temperatures List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Structures to provide protection of the FLEX equipment will be constructed to meet the requirements identified in NEI 12-06, Section 11. The structures will be built prior to the FLEX implementation date (Open Item #71).The HNP procedures and programs are being developed to address storage structure requirements, deployment path requirements, and FLEX equipment requirements relative to the hazards applicable to HNP (Open Item #72).The FLEX equipment storage location has not yet been decided.However, the potential impact of high temperatures on storage of equipment will be considered in the structure design. The FLEX equipment will be maintained at a temperature within a range to ensure its likely function when called upon (NEI 12-06, Section 9.3.1).Deployment Conceptual Design (Attachment 3 contains Conceptual Sketches)Strategy Modifications Protection of connections Identify Strategy including how Identify modifications Identify how the connection is the equipment will be deployed protected to the point of use.The FLEX equipment storage A. Permanent cable and A. Cables and raceways will building and location has not raceway will be installed to be located within the RAB yet been decided. Specific make cable deployment (Seismic Category I)deployment of the FLEX directly to the 1A3-SA and (UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1) or equipment to the point of use 1 B3-SB SWGR (Figures 4, a structure compliant with will be identified and 5, 6, and 26) (Open Item NEI 12-06, Section 11.

HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 42 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Maintain Spent Fuel Pool Cooling PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 conceptual sketches provided once storage building and location is identified and the deployment strategy is finalized, including an evaluation of the likely site hazards arising from different events (Open Item #56).PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2#44).B. Add FLEX pump discharge connection points to the ESW system (both trains)(Figure 10) (Open Item#49).C. Add connection point at DFOST 4 inch flanges downstream of valves 2DFO-262 and 2DFO-280 to support transfer of inventory for use in FLEX equipment (Figure 28)(Open Item #50).D. Verify seismic qualification or seismically upgrade piping bounded by valves 1CT-23, 1SF-10, 2SF-1 0, and 1SF-193. Allows HNP to credit Spent Fuel Make-up from the RWST via the installed Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps which are being powered from a FLEX generator (Figures 11 and 12) (Open Item #52).B. FLEX connection points will be located within the ESW and Cooling Tower Makeup Water Intake Structure and ESW Screening Structure (Seismic Category I).(UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1).C. Connection points at the DFOST are located within the DFOST Structure (Seismic Category I).(UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1).D. Valves and piping will be seismically upgraded and are located within the Fuel Handling Building (FHB)and RAB (Seismic Category I) (UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1).Notes: None HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 43 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-1 2-049 Maintain Spent Fuel Pool Cooling PWR Portable Equipment Phase 3 Provide a general description of the coping strategies using Phase 3 equipment including modifications that are proposed to maintain spent fuel pool cooling. Identify methods (makeup via portable injection source) and strategy(ies) utilized to achieve this coping time.To maintain Phase 2 spent fuel pool cooling and inventory strategies indefinitely requires obtaining diesel fuel to ensure adequate supplies are available.

Details: Provide a brief Confirm that procedure/guidance exists or will be developed to description of Procedures support implementation I Strategies I Guidelines Site-specific procedures and/or FSGs will be developed using industry guidance to address the criteria in NEI 12-06, Section 11.4 S(Open Item #66).Identify modifications List modifications No modifications are required for Phase 3.Key SFP Parameter List instrumentation credited for this coping evaluation phase.SFP level instrumentation is per Reference 38.The essential instrumentation to maintain SFP cooling during Phase 3 is included in the Instrumentation Table in Attachment 6.Deployment Conceptual Design (Attachment 3 contains Conceptual Sketches)Strategy Modifications Protection of connections Identify Strategy including how Identify modifications Identify how the connection is the equipment will be deployed protected to the point of use.Phase 3 equipment will be Currently, there are no known Not Applicable.

provided by the RRC which is modifications to ensure to be located in Memphis, TN. deployment of Phase 3 Specific deployment of Phase 3 equipment.

equipment to the point of use will be identified and conceptual sketches provided once deployment strategy is finalized, including an evaluation of the deployment routes from the staging area based on an assessment of the damage in the affected area (Open Item #75).

HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 44 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 HNP-13-024 Page 45 of 103 Enclosure Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Safety Functions Support Determine Baseline coping capability with installed coping 5 modifications not including FLEX modifications.

PWR Installed Equipment Phase I Provide a general description of the coping strategies using installed equipment including station modifications that are proposed to maintain and/or support safety functions.

Identify methods and strategy(ies) utilized to achieve coping times.Essential Instrumentation All instrumentation listed in Attachment 6, Essential Instrumentation, is powered by safety related Instrument Buses or the applicable safety battery. Existing battery capacities were assessed and it was determined that the batteries have a coping duration of 4.4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> when loads are stripped from the batteries within the first hour of an SBO event (Reference 18).The Phase 1 strategy consists of performing a two part load shed which would extend battery coping times and allow for continued monitoring of key reactor parameters.

The SBO DC bus load shedding will be completed by one (1) hour into the event (References 41, 42) and the ELAP load shedding will be subsequently completed by two (2) hours into the event (Reference 8).Preliminary analysis has determined that a ELAP load shedding would extend the coping time for Battery 1A-SA to approximately 13 hours1.50463e-4 days <br />0.00361 hours <br />2.149471e-5 weeks <br />4.9465e-6 months <br /> and Battery 1B-SB to approximately 19.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> (Reference

7) (Open Items # 10, 27, 28, 66).HVAC All installed HVAC systems require AC power to function and are unavailable at the onset of an ELAP event. Current SBO analysis credits loss of HVAC for four (4) hours with no operational or accessibility concerns for installed Phase 1 equipment (Reference 43). There are no actions to restore power to the installed HVAC systems during Phase 1.Panel doors on the inverters and other electrical components will be opened to prevent overheating (Reference 44).Analysis will be performed to determine ELAP effects upon equipment performance and habitability (Open Items #1, 20, 21, 22, 23, 35).Lighting Sufficient lighting will be available for manual actions. DC lighting in the control room is powered by the 125V non-Class 1 E battery capable of coping for four (4) hours when loads are stripped within the first 60 minutes of an SBO event (Reference 45). Preliminary analysis (Reference 7)has determined the ELAP load shedding scheme, when performed by two (2) hours (Reference
8) into the event, will extend coping time for the 125V non-Class 1 E battery to 5 Coping modifications consist of modifications installed to increase initial coping time, i.e.generators to preserve vital instruments or increase operating time on battery powered equipment.

HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 46 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 approximately 14.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> (Open Items #10, 27, 28). The 125V non-Class 1E battery is located in the RAB, a Seismic Category I structure (UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1), however, the battery itself is not Seismic Category I. Therefore, lighting as described below would be credited during a seismic event.Currently two light equipped safe shutdown hard hats are staged in the MCR. Flashlights, batteries, and hard hats with lights are located in the Auxiliary Control Panel tool locker below the MCR (Reference 46). Self-Contained DC Emergency Lighting units are switched on after the loss of AC power to support SBO response.

The units have a coping time of 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> (Reference 47).A planned modification to install Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps in the Self-Contained DC Emergency Lighting units will extend the coping time.Analysis will be performed to determine and address lighting needs to support implementation of FLEX strategies (Open Item #33).Communication Strategies to mitigate the loss of communication systems will be developed in accordance with the Request For Information (RFI) associated with Near Term Task Force (NTTF)Recommendation 9.3 (Reference

48) and NEI 12-01 (Reference
49) (Open Item #10).Staffing Staffing studies will be performed in accordance with the RFI associated with NTTF Recommendation 9.3 (Reference
48) and NEI 12-01 (Reference
49) to ensure adequate staffing is available to support, install, and operate FLEX equipment in the time necessary (Open Item #10).Details: Provide a brief Confirm that procedure/guidance exists or will be developed to description of support implementation.


/ Strategies I Guidelines Site-specific procedures and/or FSGs.will be developed using industry guidance to address the criteria in NEI 12-06 (Open Item#66).Identify modifications List modifications and describe how they support coping time.* Upgrade the installed Self-Contained DC Emergency Lighting units with LED lamps (Open Item #58).Key Parameters List instrumentation credited for this coping evaluation phase.There is no additional instrumentation credited outside of those previously discussed to support safety function coping strategies during Phase 1.Notes: None HNP-13-024 Page 47 of 103 Enclosure Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Safety Functions Support PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 Provide a general description of the coping strategies using on-site portable equipment including station modifications that are proposed to maintain and/or support safety functions.

Identify methods and strategy(ies) utilized to achieve coping times.Electrical Distribution Network: Primary Strategy The primary strategy will use a FLEX diesel generator staged to repower the 480 VAC switchgear 1A3-SA or 1 B3-SB with the opposite train as a backup connection point (Figures 4, 5, 6, and 26).For this alignment, components required to support FLEX strategies on the opposite train would not be repowered.

Therefore, an additional generator will be used to repower the opposite train MCCs 1A21-SA and 1A31-SA, or 1B21-SB and 1B31-SB (Figures 4, 5, 6, and 26).A FLEX diesel generator will be used to supply power to a FLEX electrical distribution system. The system will power installed FLEX power panels with electrical outlets inside the RAB (Figures 2, 3, 4, 7). FLEX equipment, such as electric motor driven pumps, portable blowers, and portable lighting will be powered by the FLEX power panels. The system will also serve as an alternate power source to MCC buckets for CLA outlet isolation MOVs and SG PORV hydraulic pump motors (Figures 14, 15, 18, 23, 24, and 25).Alternate Strategy The alternate strategy will use a FLEX diesel generator staged to repower the 480 VAC MCCs 1A21-SA and 1A31-SA, or 1B21-SB and 1B31-SB with the opposite train as a backup connection point (Figures 4, 5, 6, and 26). The alternate strategy for the SG PORV hydraulic pump motor(s)and CLA isolation valve(s) (Figures 14, 15, 18, 23, 24, and 25) on the opposite train is to directly power the MCC buckets from a temporary power source.Instrument Bus The Instrument Bus IDP-1A-SI has the normal power supply from MCC 1A21-SA and an additional power supply from the 125V Class 1E battery 1A-SA (Figure 27). Instrument Bus IDP-1A-SIII has the normal power supply from MCC 1A31-SA and an alternate power supply from the 125V Class 1E battery 1A-SA (Figure 27). The Instrument Bus IDP-1B-SII has the normal power supply from MCC 1B21-SB and an alternate power supply from the 125V Class 1E battery 1B-SB (Figure 27).Instrument Bus IDP-1B-SIV has the normal power supply from MCC 1B31-SB and an alternate power supply from the 125V Class 1 E battery 1 B-SB (Figure 27).Essential Instrumentation Primary Strategy The Phase 2 strategies will repower the battery chargers to extend the coping time of the essential instrumentation.

The A-safety train battery chargers are normally powered by MCC 1A21-SA and MCC 1A31-SA, while the B-safety train battery chargers are normally powered by MCC 1B21-SB and MCC 1B31-SB (Figure 27). An alternate power feed is installed to power one safety related battery charger per safety train. This alternate power feed is supplied from MCC 1 D23 which is fed from the DSDG (Figures 26 and 27).

HNP-13-024 Page 48 of 103 Enclosure Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Safety Functions Support PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 The primary strategy will be to repower one battery charger per safety train by manually aligning the chargers to the alternate feed. The DSDG is a 400kV diesel generator with a full load fuel consumption rate of 31.9 gallons per hour. The 1400 gallon DSDG fuel tank is able to support full load DSDG operation for approximately 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> (Reference 50). This strategy requires upgrades to the DSDG, MCC 1 D23, and associated electrical distribution.

Alternate Strategy Per NEI 12-06, Section, a means of obtaining non-control room readouts for Essential Instruments listed on Attachment 6 will be developed (Open Item #60).HVAC Primary Strategy The Phase 2 strategies will repower ventilation units by connecting a FLEX diesel generator to either the A-train or B-train 480 VAC switchgear 1A3-SA or 1 B3-SB, with the opposite train as a backup connection point (defense-in-depth)) (Figures 4, 5, 6, and 26). This will restore power to HVAC system fans to provide forced air flow ventilation of key ELAP equipment areas such as: Main Control Room, Safety Battery Rooms, Electrical Switchgear Rooms, Reactor Auxiliary Building, Fuel Handling Building, and Steam Tunnel.Analysis will be performed to determine ELAP effects upon equipment performance and habitability (Open Items #1, 20, 21, 22, 23, 35).Alternate Strategy The alternate strategy is to place portable ventilation blower units and ducting in areas identified by the ELAP equipment performance and habitability analysis (Figures 2, 3, 4, 7). A FLEX diesel generator will be used to supply power to installed FLEX power panels with electrical outlets inside the RAB (Figures 2, 3, 4, 7). Portable electrical carts with cables will connect to these boxes and run power to portable blower units.Lighting The Phase 2 strategies will repower AC lighting throughout the plant by connecting a FLEX diesel generator to either the A-train or B-train 480 VAC switchgear 1A3-SA or 1 B3-SB (UFSAR, Section, with the opposite train as a backup connection point (Figures 4, 5, and 6).Analysis will be performed to determine and address lighting needs to support implementation of FLEX strategies (Open Item #33). Additional lighting, if needed, will be powered by a FLEX diesel generator via installed FLEX power panels with electrical outlets (Figures 2, 3, and 4).Portable self-contained lighting units and flashlights will be available to support ELAP activities throughout the plant site (Open Item #33).Fuel For FLEX Equipment To support the implemented strategies used during Phase 2, all fuel consuming FLEX equipment will be refueled as needed. Since the Emergency Diesel Generators will not be available during the HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 49 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Safety Functions Support PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 BDBEE, the two DFOSTs can be used to replenish the fuel tanks of the FLEX equipment used during Phase 2. The DFOSTs can provide a total of 200,000 gallons (Reference

51) of fuel since the tanks are located underground, designed to Seismic Category 1, and flood protected (UFSAR, Section

Figure 1 provides a site plan showing both a primary and alternate delivery path from the DFOSTs to the staged FLEX equipment (Open Item #36).Extracting fuel from the fuel oil storage tanks will be done using a portable pump connected to a modified flanged connection (Figure 28). In addition, an analysis will be performed to determine the FLEX equipment total fuel consumption rate (Open Item #25).Communication Strategies to mitigate the loss of communication systems will be developed in accordance with the RFI associated with NTTF Recommendation 9.3 (Reference

48) and NEI 12-01 (Reference 49).The FLEX strategies will include refueling the generators used to provide battery recharging power to the communication equipment (Open Items #25, 36).Staffing Staffing studies will be performed in accordance with the RFI associated with NTTF Recommendation 9.3 (Reference
48) and NEI 12-01 (Reference
49) to ensure adequate staffing is available to support, install, and operate FLEX equipment in the time necessary (Open Item #10).Details: Provide a brief Confirm that procedure/guidance exists or will be developed to description of Procedures support implementation with a description of the procedure

/ strategy I Strategies I Guidelines

/ guideline.

Site-specific procedures and/or FSGs will be developed using industry guidance to address the criteria in NEI 12-06 (Open Item#66).Identify modifications List modifications necessary for Phase 2" Harden and protect the DSDG to provide power to MCC 1 D23 (Figure 26) (Open Item #40).* Protect and seismically upgrade MCC 1 D23 and all connections/distribution to provide power to one safety battery charger on each train (Figure 27) (Open Item #43)." MCCs 1A21-SA, 1A31-SA, 1B21-SB, and 1B31-SB require modifications to allow FLEX generator connection (Figure 26)(Open Item #44)." Permanent cable and raceway will be installed to make cable deployment directly to the 1A3-SA and 1B3-SB switchgear and MCCs 1A21-SA, 1A31-SA, 1B21-SB, and 1B31-SB feasible (Figures 4, 5, 6) (Open Item #44).* Add connection point at DFOST 4 inch flanges downstream of HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 50 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Safety Functions Support PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 valves 2DFO-262 and 2DFO-280 to support transfer of inventory for use in FLEX equipment (Figure 28) (Open Item #50).* Install FLEX power distribution network to deliver power for portable equipment such as pumps, ventilation blowers and additional lighting (Figures 2, 3, 4, and 7) (Open Item #57).Key Parameters List instrumentation credited or recovered for this coping evaluation.

There is no additional instrumentation credited outside of those previously discussed for Safety Functions Support coping strategies during Phase 2.Storage / Protection of Equipment:

Describe storage I protection plan or schedule to determine storage requirements Seismic List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Structures to provide protection of the FLEX equipment will be constructed to meet the requirements identified in NEI 12-06, Section 11. The structures will be built prior to the FLEX implementation date (Open Item #71).The HNP procedures and programs will be developed to address storage structure requirements, deployment path requirements, and FLEX equipment requirements relative to the hazards applicable to HNP (Open Item #72).Flooding List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect HNP is a dry site and the site elevation is above the maximum flood hazard level (UFSAR, Section

Therefore, the FLEX equipment storage location onsite will be above the flood elevation.

Severe Storms with High List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Winds Structures to provide protection of the FLEX equipment will be constructed to meet the requirements identified in NEI 12-06, Section 11. The structures will be built prior to the FLEX implementation date (Open Item #71).The HNP procedures and programs will be developed to address storage structure requirements, deployment path requirements, and FLEX equipment requirements relative to the hazards applicable to HNP (Open Item #72).Snow, Ice, and Extreme Cold List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Structures to provide protection of the FLEX equipment will be HNP-13-024 Page 51 of 103 Enclosure Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Safety Functions Support PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 constructed to meet the requirements identified in NEI 12-06, Section 11. The structures will be built prior to the FLEX implementation date (Open Item #71).The HNP procedures and programs will be developed to address storage structure requirements, deployment path requirements, and FLEX equipment requirements relative to the hazards applicable to HNP (Open Item #72).The FLEX equipment storage location has not yet been decided.However, the potential impact of extreme cold temperatures on storage of equipment will be considered in the structure design.The FLEX equipment will be maintained at a temperature within a range to ensure its likely function when called upon. (NEI 12-06, Section Temperatures List how equipment is protected or schedule to protect Structures to provide protection of the FLEX equipment will be constructed to meet the requirements identified in NEI 12-06, Section 11. The structures will be built prior to the FLEX implementation date (Open Item #71).The HNP procedures and programs will be developed to address storage structure requirements, deployment path requirements, and FLEX equipment requirements relative to the hazards applicable to HNP (Open Item #72).The FLEX equipment storage location has not yet been decided.However, the potential impact of high temperatures on storage of equipment will be considered in the structure design. The FLEX equipment will be maintained at a temperature within a range to ensure its likely function when called upon. (NEI 12-06, Section 9.3.1)Deployment Conceptual Design (Attachment 3 contains Conceptual Sketches)Strategy Modifications Protection of connections Identify Strategy including how Identify modifications Identify how the connection is the equipment will be deployed protected to the point of use.The FLEX equipment storage A. Harden and protect the A. DSDG will be contained building and location has not DSDG to provide power to within a structure compliant yet been decided. Specific MCC 1 D23 (Figure 26) with NEI 12-06, Section 11.deployment of the FLEX (Open Item #40). B. MCC 1 D23 is located within equipment to the point of use B. Protect and seismically the RAB (Seismic Category HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 52 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-1 2-049 Safety Functions Support PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 will be identified and conceptual sketches provided once storage building and location is identified and the deployment strategy is finalized, including an evaluation of the likely site hazards arising from different events (Open Item #56).upgrade MCC 1D23 and all connections/distribution to provide power to one safety battery charger on each train (Figure 27) (Open Item #43).C. MCCs 1A21-SA, 1A31-SA, 1B21-SB, and 1B31-SB require modifications to allow FLEX generator connection (Figure 26)(Open Item #44).D. Permanent cable and raceway will be installed to make cable deployment directly to the 1A3-SA and 1 B3-SB SWGR and MCCs 1A21-SA, 1A31-SA, 1B21-SB, and 1B31-SB feasible (Figures 4, 5, 6) (Open Item#44).E. Add connection point at DFOST 4 inch flanges downstream of valves 2DFO-262 and 2DFO-280 to support transfer of inventory for use in FLEX equipment (Figure 28)(Open Item #50).F. Install FLEX power distribution network to deliver power for portable equipment such as pumps, ventilation blowers and lighting (Figures 2, 3, 4, and 7) (Open Item #57).I) (UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1).MCC 1D23 will be seismically upgraded.Connections/distribution will be seismically upgraded and protected.

C. All MCC connections from the FLEX generator will be located within the RAB (Seismic Category I)(UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1) or a structure compliant with NEI 12-06, Section 11.D. All cables and raceways will be located within the RAB (Seismic Category I)(UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1) or a structure compliant with NEI 12-06, Section 11.E. Connection points at the DFOST are located within the DFOST Structure (Seismic Category I)(UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1).F. FLEX power distribution network will be installed-in the RAB (Seismic Category i) (UFSAR, Table 3.2.1-1)or a structure compliant with NEI 12-06, Section 11.__________________________________

J Notes: None HNP-13-024 Page 53 of 103 Enclosure Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Safety Functions Support PWR Portable Equipment Phase 3 Provide a general description of the coping strategies using Phase 3 equipment including modifications that are proposed to maintain and/or support safety functions.

Identify methods and strategy(ies) utilized to achieve coping times.Essential Instrumentation The Phase 3 strategy consists of providing indefinite coping by obtaining diesel fuel from offsite to ensure an adequate fuel supply is maintained for the Phase 2 diesel generators that power the battery chargers.HVAC The Phase 3 strategy consists of providing indefinite coping by obtaining diesel fuel from offsite to ensure an adequate fuel supply is maintained for the Phase 2 diesel generators.

Lighting The Phase 3 strategy consists of providing indefinite coping by obtaining diesel fuel from offsite to ensure an adequate fuel supply is maintained for the Phase 2 diesel generators powering the switchgear and MCCs providing power to lights.Fuel For FLEX Equipment The Phase 3 strategy consists of providing indefinite coping by obtaining diesel fuel from offsite to ensure an adequate fuel supply is maintained for the Phase 2 fuel consuming FLEX equipment.

An offsite fuel delivery will be provided to HNP before all onsite fuel is depleted.

An analysis will be performed to determine the FLEX equipment total fuel consumption rate (Open Item #25). A contract for offsite fuel delivery will be obtained (Open Item #61). Figure 1 provides a site plan showing both a primary and alternate delivery path to the fuel oil tanks from off-site (Open Item#36).Communication Strategies to mitigate the loss of communication systems will be developed in accordance with the RFI associated with NTTF Recommendation 9.3 (Reference

48) and NEI 12-01 (Reference 49).The FLEX strategies will include refueling the generators used to provide battery recharging power to the communication equipment (Open Items #25, 36).Staffinq Staffing studies will be performed in accordance with the RFI associated with NTTF Recommendation 9.3 (Reference
48) and NEI 12-01 (Reference
49) to ensure adequate staffing is available to support, install, and operate FLEX equipment in the time necessary (Open Item #10).Details: Provide a brief Confirm that procedure/guidance exists or will be developed to description of Procedures support implementation with a description of the procedure

/ strategy I Strategies I Guidelines

/ guideline.

Site-specific procedures and/or FSGs will be developed using industry guidance to address the criteria in NEI 12-06 (Open Item HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 54 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-1 2-049 Safety Functions Support PWR Portable Equipment Phase 3#66).Identify modifications List modifications necessary for Phase 3 There are no modifications necessary to support the coping strategies during Phase 3.Key Parameters List instrumentation credited or recovered for this coping evaluation.

There is no additional instrumentation credited outside of those previously discussed for Safety Functions Support coping strategies during Phase 3.Deployment Conceptual Design (Attachment 3 contains Conceptual Sketches)Strategy Modifications Protection of connections Identify Strategy including how Identify modifications Identify how the connection is the equipment will be deployed protected to the point of use.Phase 3 equipment will be Currently, there are no known Not Applicable provided by the RRC which is modifications to ensure to be located in Memphis, TN. deployment of Phase 3 Specific deployment of Phase 3 equipment.

equipment to the point of use will be identified and conceptual sketches provided once deployment strategy is finalized, including an evaluation of the deployment routes from the staging area based on an assessment of the damage in the affected area (Open Item #75).Notes: None HNP-13-024 Enclosure o Page 55 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 Use and (potential/

flexibility) diverse uses Performance Criteria Maintenance List portable Core Containment SFP Instrumentation Accessibility Maintenance

/ PM equipment requirements Four (4) 480V X X X X Approximately 1 MW Maintenance will be Generators each (Open Items #34, performed in 73). accordance with the requirements of NEI 12-06, Section 11.5 (Open Item #74).Two (2) 480V X X X Approximately 100kW Maintenance will be Generators each (Open Items #34, performed in 73). accordance with the requirements of NEI 12-06, Section 11.5 (Open Item #74).Two (2) SG X Capable of providing Maintenance will be Feed FLEX approximately 300- performed in Electric Pumps gpm at 300-psig (Open accordance with the Items #9, 73). requirements of NEI 12-06, Section 11.5 (Open Item #74).One (1) RCS X Capable of providing Maintenance will be High Pressure approximately 40-gpm performed in FLEX Electric at 1600-psig (Open accordance with the Pump Items #14, 73). requirements of NEI 12-06, Section 11.5 (Open Item #74).

0 HNP-13-024 Enclosure Is Page 56 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 Use and (potential

/ flexibility.)

diverse uses Performance Criteria Maintenance List portable Core Containment SFP Instrumentation Accessibility Maintenance

/ PM equipment C C a eFn m a Ae i requirements Four (4) FLEX X X Estimated Maintenance will be Diesel Pump performance of 3000- performed in gpm at 150-psig (Open accordance with the Items #19, 73). requirements of NEI 12-06, Section 11.5 (Open Item #74).One (1) FLEX X Capable of 1500-gpm Maintenance will be Diesel Pump at 320-psig (Open Item performed in#73). accordance with the requirements of NEI 12-06, Section 11.5 ((Open Item #74).Two (2) FLEX X X X X Rated for handling Maintenance will be Pumps diesel fuel oil transfer performed in from DFOSTs (Open accordance with the Item #73). requirements of NEI 12-06, Section 11.5 (Open Item #74).Fans/Blowers X X (Open Items #20, 73) Maintenance will be and ducting performed in accordance with the requirements of NEI 12-06, Section 11.5 (Open Item #74).

0 HNP-13-024 Enclosure S Page 57 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 PWR Portable Equipment Phase 2 Use and (potential

/ flexibility) diverse uses Performance Criteria Maintenance List portable Core Containment SEP Instrumentation Accessibility Maintenance

/ PM equipment C CtmSIr ni A bl requirements TBD X X X X (Open Item #73) Maintenance will be (e.g., Lighting, performed in hoses, cable, accordance with the fittings, tools, requirements of NEI debris/snow 12-06, Section 11.5 removal (Open Item #74).equipment, portable equipment transport vehicles))

HNP-13-024 Enclosure Page 58 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 PWR Portable Equipment Phase 3 Use and (potential/

flexibility) diverse uses Performance Criteria Notes List portable Core Containment SFP Instrumentation Accessibility equipment



Bulk Boron from X X (Open Item #76)RRC 0 HNP-1 3-024 Enclosure Page 59 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Phase 3 Response Equipment/Commodities Item Notes Radiation Protection Equipment An analysis will be performed to determine radiation protection equipment* Survey instruments requirements (Open Item #77).* Dosimetry* Off-site monitoring/sampling Commodities An analysis will be performed to determine commodities requirements (Open Item* Food #77).* Potable. water* Sanitary Facilities Fuel Requirements An analysis will be performed to determine site-specific fuel consumption rates and* Diesel Fuel available supplies (Open Item #25).Heavy Equipment Transportation equipment will be provided to move the large skid/trailer mounted* Transportation equipment equipment provided from off-site (Open Item #77)." Debris clearing equipment HNP-13-024 Enclosure, Attachment 1A Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Attachment 1A Sequence of Events Timeline (insert site specific time line to support submittal)

Page 60 of 103 Elapsed ELAP New Actin ElpsedTime Action Time Action Constraint Remarks I Applicability Item Cntan (hours) Y/N 6 0 Event Starts NA Plant @100% power Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Installed plant 1 0 auto starts on under voltage on 6.9kV N equipment.

Emergency Buses Automatic Action.Monitoring of Steam 2 Control Auxiliary Feedwater flow from Main Generator level is 2 0.2 Control Board N specified in EOP-ECA-0.0, Loss of All AC Power (Reference 6).Current Station Blackout 3Locally open panel doors to prevent procedure directs this 3 0.5 overheating N activity to be completed within approximately 30 minutes (Reference 6).Prevent Automatic 4 0.5 -1.0 De-energize Load Sequencers N Loading on AC power sources per EOP-ECA-0.0 (Reference 6).Local actions are 0.5-1.0 Check If RCP Seals Should Be Locally N determined by status of Isolated ASI pump per EOP-ECA-0.0 (Reference 6).Perform Station Blackout breaker load sheds.6 1.0 Perform Station Black Out DC bus load shed N EOP-ECA-0.0, Attachment 3 (Reference 6).Attempts to restore any AC power source have failed. Transition point 7 1.0 Operator declares ELAP Y from EOP-ECA-0.0 (Reference

6) to FSGs.See Discussion of Time Constraints Item 1.6 Instructions:

Provide justification if No or NA is selected in the remark column If yes include technical basis discussion as required by NEI 12-06, Section HNP-13-024 Enclosure, Attachment 1A Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Page 61 of 103 h Action Item Elapsed Time (hours)Action ELAP New Time Constraint Y/N 6 Remarks I Applicability Perform ELAP load shed to extend emergency DC 8 2.0 Perform ELAP Load Shedding Y battery life. See Discussion of Time Constraints Item 2 9 2.0-8.0 Locally Control Steam Generator (SG) Power y See Discussion of Time Operated Relief Valves (PORV) Constraints Item 3 Initiate cooldown and depressurization of the See Discussion of Time Reactor Coolant System Constraints Item 4 EOP-ECA-0.0 (Reference

6) step to 11 6.0 Check containment isolated N ensure containment integrity.

No fuel damage anticipated.

Align FLEX generators to power: " 1A3-SA and MCCS 1B21-SB and 1B31-SB or,* 1B3-SB and MCCs 1A21-SA and 1A31-SA, and 12 6.0 Y See Discussion of Time Constraints Item 5* FLEX Electrical Distribution System See Discussion of Time 13 8.0 Align power to Class 1 E battery chargers Y Con sin ITem6 Constraints Item 6 Operate installed HVAC fans or portable blowers for critical plant areas such as:* Main Control Room* Energized electrical distribution and instrumentation areas 14 8-24 0 Battery Rooms y See Discussion of Time Constraints Item 7" Steam Tunnel" Internal plant areas housing in-service FLEX equipment" FHB 15 10.0 Stabilize SG pressure and isolate Cold Leg y See Discussion of Time Accumulators Constraints Item 8 See Discussion of Time 16 12.0 Complete RCS cooldown to 350°F Y Con sin ITem9 Constraints Item 9 See Discussion of Time 17 12.0 Align and operate a FLEX RCS makeup pump Y Con sin ITem1 I Constraints Item 10 18 12.0 Connect and operate FLEX electric motor See Discussion of Time I driven pump to feed SGs. Constraints Item 11 HNP-13-024 Enclosure, Attachment 1A Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Page 62 of 103 I *I* r Action Item Elapsed Time (hours)Action ELAP New Time Constraint YIN 6 Remarks I Applicability See Discussion of Time 19 12.0 Make up to Spent Fuel Pools via RWST Y Con sin ITem1 Constraints Item 12 See Discussion of Time 20 12.0 Refuel FLEX diesel equipment.

YCon sin ITem1 Constraints Item 13 Start NTTF 9.3 portable generators to allow See Discussion of Time 21 14.0 charging of communications equipment Y Constraints Item 14 batteries.

Connect and operate portable diesel driven See Discussion of Time 22 36.0 FLEX pumps to pressurize A or B Emergency Y Constraints Item 15 Service Water header 23 40.0 Align ESW to Auxiliary Feedwater System y See Discussion of Time upon CST depletion Constraints Item 16 See Discussion of Time 24 42.0 Makeup to RWST YCon sin ITem1 I .Constraints Item 17 S HNP-13-024 Enclosure, Attachment 1 B 0 s Page 63 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Attachment lB NSSS Significant Reference Analysis Deviation Table Item Parameter of interest WCAP value WCAP Plant applied value Gap and discussion Nner o(WCAP-17601-P August 2012 Revision 0) page I None 0 HNP-1 3-024 Enclosure, Attachment 2 o0 Page 64 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Attachment 2 Milestone Schedule SubmltIntegrated Plan " i i 6 Month Status Update **1...... ................................................................................................


...... ....... ............



...... ... ...... ...........

........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ..... ......................

..... .....Implementation Complete...... .. .1 -'.... --.Identify Significant tMaterial/Equipment Conduct N-1 Outage Walkdowns.. ...i.. .... .. .l .. .... .... ......... .. ..................... .. .i. .. ...l.. .... .. ...... ..... ... ..... ... .... .... .. .. .. ...... ...... ..... .... ... ... .Conduct implemi entation Walkdowns-------- ,.*, ,.................

Conduct St affinrg A nal ysts .- --.. .._..... ..........

........M.e.. elop.. .. .n n ..a ..... .....IrnplemnentTramning Develop Fl ex Stratagy Guidelines 4 FSGs) I I... d.. t. .y .. .n .... ...... ... ... ..... ... ... .... ..... ................ .... ..... ... ......... .... .. ....... ...... .. ... ... .... ... ... .. .. ..Develop Maintenance Procedures


........ ..............

........ ....... ........ ......................



i ...........

.. .................. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ....... ...............




De)velop Stratg~ies/Pl Wbookc with RRC !Install Offsite Delivery Pad ,.i! !1 .i... .. .. .... ... ..... ..... ... .. .. .... .. ... ...... ... ..... ... ....... ... ...... .Implement Modifications

_______ j 1 _____________

NOTE: The dates and sequences provided in this milestone schedule are best estimates based on information available at the time the schedule was developed and may change as designs are finalized and construction proceeds.

Therefore, these dates and sequences are not considered to be regulatory commitments.

HNP-13-024 Page 65 of 103 Enclosure, Attachment 3 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Attachment 3 Conceptual Sketches Figure 1 -CAR-2165-G-003 Site Plan Figure 2 -CAR-2165-G-016 General Arrangement Reactor Auxiliary Building Plan EL 236 Figure 3 -CAR-2165-G-0017 General Arrangement Reactor Auxiliary Building Plan EL 261 Figure 4 -CAR-2165-G-018 General Arrangement Reactor Auxiliary Building Plan EL 286 Figure 5 -1364-16186 480V SWGR Bus 1B3-SB RAB EL 286 GA Figure 6 -1364-16189 480V SWGR Bus 1A3-SA RAB EL 286 GA Figure 7 -CAR-2165-G-019 General Arrangement Reactor Auxiliary Building Plan EL 305 Figure 8 -CAR-2165-G-044 Steam Generator Injection Figure 9 -CAR-2165-G-045 Steam Generators Water Source Figure 10 -CAR-2165-G-047 ESW Header Pressurization Figure 11 -CAR-2165-G-0305 Unit 1 Spent Fuel Pool Make Up Figure 12 -CAR-2165-G-0307 Unit 2 Spent Fuel Pool Make Up Figure 13 -CAR-2165-G-0805 RCS Injection Figure 14- CAR-2166-B-401 1252 SG PORV A Temporary Power Figure 15 -CAR-2166-B-401 1253 SG PORV B Temporary Power Figure 16 -CAR-2166-B-401 1254 SG PORV A SI-SII-SlV Bus Mod Figure 17 -CAR-2166-B-401 1255 SG PORV B SI-SII-SIV Bus Mod Figure 18 -CAR-2166-B-401 1257 SG PORV C Temporary Power Figure 19 -CAR-2166-B-401 1942 ARP 19A(SA) R2 Jumper Switch Figure 20- CAR-2166-B-401 1944 FCV-2051A-SA Hydromotor Figure 21 -CAR-2166-B-401 1945 FCV-2051B-SA Hydromotor Figure 22 -CAR-2166-B-401 1946 FCV-2051C-SA Hydromotor Figure 23 -CAR-2166-8-401 SH 411 A CLA Temporary Power Figure 24 -CAR-2166-B-401 SH 412 B CLA Temporary Power Figure 25 -CAR-2166-B-401 SH 413 C CLA Temporary Power Figure 26 -CAR-2166-G-030 480 Volt Auxiliary One Line Wiring Diagram Figure 27 -CAR-2166-G-0042-S01 250V DC, 125V DC & 120V Uninterruptible AC One Line Wiring Diagram Figure 28 -CPL-2165-S-563 Fuel Oil Tank Connections THIS PAGE IS AN OVERSIZED DRAWING OR FIGURE, THAT CAN BE VIEWED AT THE RECORD TITLED: HNP-13-024 Enclosure, Attachment 3 Figure 1 -CAR-2165-G-003 Site Plan WITHIN THIS PACKAGE...



OR, BY SEARCHING USING THE DOCUMENT/REPORT DDA A x1l TGI TiIT l,.E .A.' TF J ' o D-03 THIS PAGE IS AN OVERSIZED DRAWING OR FIGURE, THAT CAN BE VIEWED AT THE RECORD TITLED: HNP-13-024 Enclosure, Attachment 3 Figure 4 -CAR-2165-G-018 General Arrangement Reactor Auxiliary Building Plan EL 286 WITHIN THIS PACKAGE...

























OR, BY SEARCHING USING THE DOCUMENT/REPORT DRAWING NO.D-28X HNP-13-024 Page 94 of 103 Enclosure, Attachment 4 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Attachment 4 The following references are provided for information only. Their inclusion within this document does not incorporate them into the current licensing basis (CLB) by reference nor does it imply intent to do so. References which have not been docketed are available onsite for NRC examination and inspection.

List of References

1. NRC Order EA-1 2-049, "Issuance of Order to Modify Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events, March 12, 2012 2. Japan Lessons-Learned Project Directorate JLD-ISG-2012-01, "Compliance with Order EA-12-049, Order Modifying License with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events, Interim Staff Guidance, Revision 0, August 29, 2012 3. EPRI Report 1019199, "Experience-Based Seismic Verification Guidelines for Piping and Tubing: Volume I-Seismic Verification Procedure, and Volume II -Performance of Piping and Tubing in Strong-Motion Earthquakes" 4. AWWA D100, "Standard for Welded Carbon Steel Tanks for Water Storage" 5. EPRI NP-6041 -SLR1, "A Methodology for Assessment of Nuclear Power Plant Seismic Margin (Revision 1)" 6. Progress Energy HNP Emergency Operating Procedure EOP-ECA-0.0, "Loss of All AC Power," Revision 1 7. EC 88887, "FLEX Strategies and Implementation Plan," Revision 1, AOO and Attachments Z06, Z07, and Z08 8. "Preliminary ELAP (Extended Loss of AC Power) Load Shed Time Validation" (NTM 582920, Action Item 67)9. PA-PSC-0965 "Typical ELAP RCS Cooldown Strategy -Overview," Revision 0, Attachment 3 10. WCAP-17601-P, "Reactor Coolant System Response to the Extended Loss ofAC Power Event for Westinghouse, Combustion Engineering and Babcock & Wilcox NSSS Designs" Revision 0, August 2012, Table "Calculated Core Uncovery Time for Westinghouse NSSS Plants" 11. "Maintain Subcritical Conditions During ELAP Cooldown" (NTM 582920, Action Item 65)12. PA-PSC-0965, "ELAP Coping Strategy Considerations," Revision 0, Attachment 2 13. Progress Energy HNP Calculation SF-0043, "Cycle-Specific Spent Fuel Pool Heat Up Rates," Revision 2, Attachment F, "EXCEL Spreadsheet Heat Up Rate Calculations" 14. Progress Energy HNP Calculation SF-0038, "Spent Fuel Pool Heat Up Rate/Time To Boil Calculation," Revision 3, Section 6.0 15. Progress Energy HNP Outage Management Procedure OMP-003, "Outage Shutdown Risk Management," Revision 36, Section, 16. Progress Energy HNP Contract #659094 Between Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc.and Pooled Equipment Inventory Company 17. Progress Energy HNP Calculation 8S44-P-101, "Station Blackout Coping Analysis Report," Revision 8, Section 4.2 HNP-13-024 Page 95 of 103 Enclosure, Attachment 4 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 18. Progress Energy HNP Calculation E4-0008, "125VDC 1E Battery Sizing and Battery/Panel Voltages for Station Black-Out," Revision 005, Section 5.1 19. Progress Energy HNP Operating Procedure OP-137, "Auxiliary Feedwater System," Revision 36, Section 5.5 20. Progress Energy HNP Incident Stabilization Guideline Procedure ISG-DC, "DC Power" Revision 0, Attachment 1, "Local Operation of TDAFW Pump" 21. PA-PSC-0965, "Typical ELAP RCS Pressure Response," Revision 0, Attachment 4 22. Progress Energy HNP Emergency Operating Procedure EOP-ECA-0.0, "Loss of All AC Power," Revision 1, Page 44 of 94 23. Progress Energy HNP Operating Procedure OP-126, "Main Steam, Extraction Steam, and Steam Dump System," Revision 24, Section 8.2 24. "Technical Basis for CST ELAP Coping Time" (NTM 582920, Action Item 66)25. Progress Energy HNP Calculation TANK-0020, "CST Minimum Useable and Maximum Required Inventory Analysis," Revision 2, Attachment A 26. Progress Energy HNP Operating Procedure OP-137, "Auxiliary Feedwater System," Revision 36, Section 6.0 27. Progress Energy HNP Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-020, "Loss of RCS Inventory or Residual Heat Removal While Shutdown," Revision 37, Section 3.1, Step 10 28. Progress Energy HNP Severe Accident Management Guidance SAMG-CA-002,"Injection Flow for Long Term Decay Heat Removal," Revision 4 29. WCAP-17601-P, "Reactor Coolant System Response to the Extended Loss of AC Power Event for Westinghouse, Combustion Engineering and Babcock & Wilcox NSSS Designs," Revision 0, August 2012, Page 3-10 30. Progress Energy HNP Design Basis Document DBD-1 14, "Auxiliary Feedwater System," Revision 12, Section 1.2 31. Progress Energy HNP Design Basis Document DBD-320, "Alternate Seal Injection System," Revision 0, Section 5.1.3 32. Progress Energy HNP Design Basis Document DBD-320, "Alternate Seal Injection System," Revision 0, Section 33. Progress Energy HNP Incident Stabilization Guideline ISG-CVCS, "Chemical and VolUrfin Control System," Revision 0, Attachment 5 34. PWROG PA-PSC-0965, "PWROG Core Cooling Position Paper," Revision 0, November 2012,Section V, Part C 35. Carolina Power & Light Company Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Design Basis Document DBD-1 14, "Auxiliary Feedwater System," Revision 12 36. Progress Energy HNP Calculation HNP-F/PSA-0054, "HNP PRA -Appendix F -Thermal-Hydraulic Analyses," Revision 2, Section 4.2 37. "Preliminary ELAP Borated Water Usage Determination" (NTM 582920, Action Item 68)38. NRC Order EA 12-051, "Issuance of Order to Modify Licenses with Regard to Reliable Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation," March 12, 2012 39. Progress Energy HNP Operating Procedure OP-1 16, "Fuel Pool Cooling System," Revision 37, Section 8.5.2 40. Progress Energy HNP Incident Stabilization Guideline ISG-SFP, "Spent Fuel Pool," Revision 0, Attachment 8 41. Progress Energy HNP Emergency Operating Procedure EOP-ECA-0.0, "Loss of All AC Power," Revision 1, Page 32 of 94 42. Progress Energy HNP Calculation 8S44-P-101, "Station Blackout Coping Analysis Report," Revision 8, Section HNP-13-024 Page 96 of 103 Enclosure, Attachment 4 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 43. Progress Energy HNP Calculation 8S44-P-101, "Station Blackout Coping Analysis Report," Revision 8, Section 7.2.4 44. Progress Energy HNP Emergency Operating Procedure EOP-ECA-0.0, "Loss of All AC Power," Revision 1, Page 12 of 94 45. Progress Energy HNP Calculation E4-0009, "125VDC Non-lE Battery Load Data and Duty Cycle," Revision 7, Section 4.2.1 46. Progress Energy HNP Operations Reliability Test ORT-1407, "ACP/Safe Shutdown Materials Audit Semiannual Interval Modes 1 -6," Revision 20 47. Progress Energy HNP Design Basis Document DBD-203, "Plant Lighting System," Revision 6, Section 2.1.4 48. NRC Letter, "Request For Information Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code Of Federal Regulations 50.54(f) Regarding Recommendations 2.1, 2.3, and 9.3, Of The Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-lchi Accident, dated March 12, 2012 49. NEI 12-01, "Guideline for Assessing Beyond-Design-Basis Accident Response Staffing and Communications Capabilities," Revision 0, May 2012.50. Progress Energy HNP Design Basis Document DBD-321, "Dedicated Shutdown Diesel Generator System," Revision 0, Section 4.3.3 51. Progress Energy HNP Operating Procedure OP-155, "Diesel Generator Emergency Power System," Revision 63, Section 6.0 52. Motorola Radio Specification Sheet, "HT750Tm Portable Radio" 53. SATTRANS High Capacity Sat Phone Battery Specifications, "Iridium 9555 Li-lon Battery (High Capacity)" 54. Curve D-6, Condensate Storage Tank HNP-13-024 Enclosure, Attachment 5 Page 97 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Attachment 5 List of Open Items Item # Open Item Description 1 Analysis to determine expected duration of TDAFW pump operation under ELAP conditions 2 Staging analysis timeline of FLEX feedwater pump and plant specific pump analysis at chosen FLEX injection points and water sources specifically for HNP 3 Determine highest rate of RCS cooldown with only one SG PORV 4 Determine if B.5.b connections 1AF-173/174/175 are adequately sized to meet SG feedwater requirements from decay heat (not credited)5 Determine how much time the CST can be relied upon for 6 Projected Inventory usage for RCS and SGs 7 Determine the amount of SG inventory needed for the first 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> per cooldown strategy in PA-PSC-0965 8 Determine any adverse affects from using borated water from RWST in Steam Generators 9 Determine HNP specific FLEX FW pump capacity requirements (discharge pressure and flow)10 A FLEX/ELAP staffing analysis needs to be performed for all coping strategies 11 Calculation needed to determine the cooling flow requirements beyond the 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> in SAMG-CA-002 in Mode 5 and 6 12 RCS boron concentration and boration in gallons to maintain inventory control and core cooling in regards to keeping the core subcritical with RCS cooldown strategy in PA-PSC-0965 Attachment 3 13 RWST is partially exposed to tornado missiles and analysis will need to be done to determine the volume that can be credited 14 Analysis to determine HNP specific high pressure make up pump minimum performance rating necessary to support FLEX coping strategies 15 Analysis to determine if the ASI pump can meet the HNP minimum high pressure makeup requirements.

Analysis to determine HNP specific Modes 5 and 6 FLEX pump capacity requirements for RCS low pressure injection 16 Analysis needed to confirm RCS depressurization via Reactor Vessel Head Vents will be effective 17 Analysis of BAT and RWST during ELAP without heat tracing during cold weather conditions 18 Determine if RCS venting is needed 19 Analysis to determine minimum pump performance rating to support ESW delivery to all FLEX usage point simultaneously and prevent pump run-out HNP-13-024 Enclosure, Attachment 5 Page 98 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Item # Open Item Description 20 Analysis to determine HVAC requirements for operating installed and temporary equipment under ELAP conditions for maintaining reliable operation 21 Habitability analysis needed for local manual control of SG PORVs in the Steam Tunnel under ELAP conditions 22 Habitability analysis for local manual control of TDAFW pump at RAB 236 Elevation 23 Analysis needed for loss of HVAC on TDAFW equipment 24 Calculation to determine power consumption assuming all HVAC is provided by portable blower units to support selection of FLEX generator size 25 Analysis to determine total fuel consumption rates of all FLEX equipment 26 Calculation to determine pounds of boron versus RWST tank level percent to achieve desired boron concentration 27 Detailed analysis of consequences from performing a DC deep load shed.Specifically to determine what equipment is still needed to carry-out FSG coping functions.

Instrument loops and etc 28 Detailed calculation needed to validate the coping time that will be added to Station Batteries to provide needed margin to the plant's installed equipment's coping time 29 Analysis of the affects of AUX Reservoir water being used for heat removal 30 Analysis of FLEX pump suction strainer sizes to any downstream FLEX flow path clearances.

31 Containment Pressure & Temperature Analysis at extended time periods (is containment spray needed as a coping action?)-32 Hydrogen production

& removal in Battery Rooms 33 Seismic analysis of lighting fixtures and analysis of lighting needs in the plant during ELAP 34 Analysis needed to determine portable power and pump needs for selected FLEX strategies 35 Analysis to determine expected length of time for FLEX equipment to operate under extended ELAP conditions based on operation condition.

36 Analysis to provide delivery path to equipment from Fuel Oil Storage Tanks and FLEX Storage Facility 37 Determine impact of internal plant flooding events 38 Boil off analysis of Spent Fuel Pool during full core offload immediately following a full core offload, determine length of coping time without any make-up to SFP immediately following full core offload 39 Analysis to determine any radiological affects to the public by using contaminated water sources for feedwater use to the Steam Generators 40 Modification

-Harden/Protect Dedicated Shutdown Diesel Generator to provide power to MCC 1 D23 HNP-13-024 Enclosure, A Page 99 of 103 ttachment 5 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Item # Open Item Description 41 Modification

-Seismically upgrade the Alternate Seal Injection System to serve as one coping strategy to provide High Pressure RCS injection 42 Modification

-Add an Alternate Seal Injection pump discharge path to the CVCS charging header. Add an alternate suction path to the Alternate Seal Injection pump from the RWST and BAT. Provides alternate injection paths to the RCS while also providing a larger inventory source 43 Modification

-Protect and seismically upgrade MCC 1D23 and all connections/distribution.

Provides power to Safety Related Battery Chargers and the Alternate Seal Injection System 44 Modification

-FLEX Generator(s) electrical connections at:* 1A3-SA 480V Bus (Pri)0 1 B3-SB 480V Bus (Pri)0 1A21-SA 480V MCC (Alt)0 1A31-SA 480V MCC (Alt)0 1B21-SB 480V MCC (Alt)0 1B31-SB 480V MCC (Alt)0 Primary & Alternate 480 VAC distribution/

control for FLEX pumps, FLEX outlets for lighting, ventilation, etc 45 Modification

-Modify control power circuits for A & B SG PORVs to be powered from Instrument Buses SI, SII, or SIV. Modification provides the ability to control steaming/RCS cooldown 46 Modification

-Add FLEX pump suction and discharge connection points to the AFW system upstream of Motor Driven AFW flow control valves.Modification will provide AFW flow control and the ability to provide inventory to the Steam Generators from portable pumps 47 Modification

-Modify MDAFW FCVs control power circuit. Install key switch jumper in to simulate a Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater pump breaker closed. ARP 19A (SA) R2 terminal 119 & 120. Provides 125 V DC power to -ARP19A(SA) and instrument bus SI for the purpose of operators controlling feedwater flow to the Steam Generators from the MCB 48 Modification

-Add FLEX RCS suction and discharge connection points to CVCS on A & B train. Provides the capability to inject inventory (borated)from a FLEX pump to the RCS from the BAT or RWST 49 Modification

-Add FLEX pump discharge connection points to the Emergency Service Water system. Provides a pressurized water source to CST, RAB & FHB Fire Protection SSE hose station headers, and Spent Fuel Pools 50 Modification

-Add quick connect connection point at 4 inch flanges downstream of valves 2DFO-262 and 2 DFO-280. Allows connection of a FLEX pump to transfer fuel oil from the Fuel Oil Storage Tanks to support fuel delivery to operating FLEX equipment 51 Modification

-Install enhanced Spent Fuel Pool level indication.

Refer to NTTF 7.1 HNP-13-024 Enclosure, Attachment 5 Page 100 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Item # Open Item Description 52 Modification

-Verify seismic qualification or seismically upgrade piping bounded by valves 1CT-23, 1SF-10, 2SF-10, and 1SF-193. Allows HNP to credit Spent Fuel Make-up from the RWST via the installed Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps which are being powered from a FLEX generator.

Also allows HNP to credit ESW Emergency Makeup to Spent Fuel Pools 53 Modification

-Add quick connects at tank locations to support transfer of water using a FLEX transfer pump. This allows filling of the Refuel Water Storage Tank from the Reactor Make-up Water Storage Tank, and CST from the Condenser Hotwell, Demineralized Water Storage Tank, Filtered Water Storage Tank, and Refuel Water Storage Tank 54 Modification

-Add FLEX connection points to the Containment Spray System. Abates high pressure/high temperature conditions inside containment 55 Modification -Add temporary power cables and connection points at select MOV MCC breaker/control cubicles.

Provides the ability to perform a onetime stroke of valves that are needed to be repositioned in an ELAP event 56 Modification

-Structure(s) built in compliance to ASCE 7-10 to house and protect FLEX generators and equipment 57 Modification

-Install FLEX distribution network to power FLEX equipment (pumps, ventilation, lighting, power outlets, and temporary power to MOVs)58 Modification

-Upgrade the installed in-plant emergency DC lighting packs with Light Emitting Diode bulbs. This will significantly extend the operating time of the lights installed in the plant 59 Modification

-Seismically qualify/upgrade the Condenser Hotwell Transfer Suction Piping and add isolation valve. This will significantly increase the credited volume of the Condensate Storage Tank 60 Develop a procedure to take local reading in containment electrical penetration, PIC, or RVLIS for-alf reqUired readings 61 Contract for offsite fuel delivery 62 Contract for Demineralized Water Processing Skid or tanker delivery 63 Perform an analysis to determine the amount of volume for the RMWST that can be credited 64 Evaluate to determine that a modification can be implemented with reasonable assurance of success to seismically upgrade the condensate transfer pump suction line penetration to the CST and estimated total CST inventory we can credit. In the current configuration 238K gallons is credited as available and protected (Tank-0020) 65 Evaluate to determine that a modification can be implemented with reasonable assurance of success considering economic feasibility to harden (seismic, flood & missile protect) the DSDG, MCC 1 D23, ASI Pump, ASI Tank, associated system piping and all electric connections/distribution and instrumentation HNP-13-024 Enclosure, A Page 101 of 103 ttachment 5 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 Item # Open Item Description 66 FLEX 4.2 Programmatic Controls -Implement programmatic controls for review, revision and/or generation of procedures and guidelines as required to address additional programmatic controls as a result of FLEX requirements 67 FLEX 4.2 Programmatic Controls -Implement programs and processes to assure personnel proficiency in the mitigation of beyond-design-basis external events in accordance with NEI 12-06 68 FLEX 4.2 Programmatic Controls -Establish FLEX Strategies and basis in an overall FLEX Basis Document 69 FLEX 4.2 Programmatic Controls -Modify existing plant configuration control procedures to ensure that changes to the plant design, physical layout, roads, buildings, and miscellaneous structures will not adversely impact the approved FLEX Strategies lAW NEI 12-06, Section 11.8 70 FLEX 4.2 Programmatic Controls -Training will be initiated through the Systems Approach to Training (SAT) Process. Training will be developed and provided to all involved plant personnel based on any procedural changes or new procedures developed to address and identify FLEX activities.

Applicable training will be completed prior to the implementation of FLEX 71 External Hazards for Structures

-Structures to provide protection of the FLEX equipment will be constructed to meet the requirements identified in NEI 12-06, Section 11. The structures will be built prior to the FLEX implementation Date 72 External Hazards for Structures

-Develop Procedures and Programs to address storage structure requirements, deployment path requirements, and FLEX equipment requirements relative to the External Hazards applicable to HNP 73 Purchase sufficient amounts of portable equipment to fulfill selected FLEX strategies 74 Initiate PMs and develop testing procedures to support FSG guidelines for FLEX equipment 75 Develop Regional Response Center (RRC) playbook 76 Determine Regional Response Center (RRC) portable equipment requirements (water, boron, etc.)77 Determine Phase 3 equipment/commodities requirements (food, fuel, etc.)78 Convert to high capacity SAT phone batteries 79 Modification

-Modify SG PORV hydraulic pump motor MCC cubicles to provide for quick connection of a temporary FLEX power source 0 HNP-13-024 Enclosure, Attachment 6 0 Page 102 of 103 OyESrall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 j Attachment 6 ESSENTIAL INSTRUMENTATION TABLE PARAMETER INSTRUMENT CORE RCS INVENTORY CONTAINMENT FUEL POOL PARAMETER NUMBER(S)

COOLING CONTROL/BORATION RCS Hot Leg TE-413/TE-423/TE-433 X Temperature (THOT)RCS Cold Leg TE-41I0/TE-420/TE-430 X Temperature (TcoLD)RCS Wide Range PT-402 X (WR) Pressure PT-403 X SG Narrow Range LT-473/LT-483/LT-493 X (NR) Level LT-474/LT-484/LT-494 X LT-475/LT-485/LT-495 X LT-476/LT-486/LT-496 X SG Wide Range LT-477/LT-487/LT-497 X (WR) Level Core Exit ICCM Train A X Thermocouple ICCM Train B X Temperatures Pressurizer Level LT-459/LT-460/LT-461 X Reactor Vessel Level RVLIS Train A X X Indicating System RVLIS Train B X X (RVLIS)AFW Pump Flow FT-2050A/


X FT-2050C X SG Pressure PT-474/PT-484/PT-494 X PT-475/PT-485/PT-495 X PT-476/PT-486/PT-496 X CST Level LT-9010A X LT-9010B X 125 VDC Battery/DC Bus Voltage EI-01EE-1798C1SAV (local)EI-01EE-1799D1SBV (local)X X X X X X X X 0 HNP-13-024 Enclosure, Attachment 6 0 Page 103 of 103 Overall Integrated Plan: EA-12-049 ESSENTIAL INSTRUMENTATION TABLE PARAMETER INSTRUMENT CORE RCS INVENTORY NUMBER(S)

COOLING CONTROL/BORATION Safety Related EI-01EE-1798A1SAV X X X X Battery Charger (local)Voltage EI-01EE-1798B1SAV X X X X (local)EI-01EE-1799A1SBV X X X X (local)EI-01EE-1799B2SBV X X X X (local)Safety Related EI-01EE-1798A2SAV X X X X Battery Charger (local)Amperage EI-01EE-1798B2SAV X X X X (local)EI-01EE-1799A2SBV X X X X (local)EI-01EE-1799B2SBV X X X X (local)Neutron Flux Neutron Flux Monitoring X NI-60 Neutron Flux Monitoring X NI-61 Containment PT-950/PT-951/

X Pressure PT-952/PT-953 X Fuel Pool Level TBD (Open Item #51) X (Reference 38)