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Final Operating Exam (Sections a, B, and C) (Folder 3)
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 09/21/2012
From: Todd Fish
Operations Branch I
Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee
Jackson D
Shared Package
ML120230228 List:
EN-OM-123, Rev 4, TAC U01851
Download: ML12311A198 (248)


2012 NRC JPM RO A-I Rev. 2, 09112 Page 1 of6 VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET Task Identification:


Evaluate Overtime Work Request Failure Mode: N/A


EN-OM-I23, Rev 4 Fatigue Management Program, Rev 4.

Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO _ RO/SRO Only ~ SE Only _

Sequence Critical: Yes No X Time Critical: Yes No X Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code: N/A Method of Testing: Simulation Performance ~ Discuss Setting: Classroom ~ Simulator _ Plant_

Performance Expected Completion Time: 20 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: _ _ _ __

Prepared by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

SRO Licensed/Certified Reviewer Date Approved by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Manager Date

2012 NRC JPM RO A-I Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 2 of6 Directions:

Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "Do you understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be performed in the Classroom and you are to perform all actions.

Inform me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

1. Shift supervision has cDntacted you on Sunday, 9123 (a scheduled day off), to report to the control room to work a 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> overtime shift from 0600-1800.
2. You were on vacation from 8/12 through 9/8
3. Your work history for the previous 2 weeks is as follows (all hours worked performing licensed operator duties):

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 919 9/10 9111 9/12 9/13 9/14 9/15 Worked Worked Worked Worked Worked Worked Worked 1200-1800 0600-1800 0600-1800 0600-1000 0600-1000 0600-1000 0600-1200 sa~

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9/16 9117 9/18 9/19 9120 9/21 91 Worked Worked Worked Worked Worked Worked 0600-1200 0600-2100 OFF 0600-1800 0600-1800 0800-1600 0600-2100 Initiating Cues:

Using the work history provided:

1. Determine whether or not you are able to cover the requested shift AND whether any work hour limits have already been violated.
2. Document your conclusions on the Task Condition sheet provided.

2012 NRC JPM RO A-I Rev. 2, 09112 Page 3 of6 Task Standards:

The candidate determines that they are unable to work the requested shift without an approved waiver because they will not have had a 10 hour1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> break prior to the work start and will exceed 26 hours3.009259e-4 days <br />0.00722 hours <br />4.298942e-5 weeks <br />9.893e-6 months <br /> worked within a 48 hour5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> period; additionally, the previously worked schedule did not include at least a 34 hour3.935185e-4 days <br />0.00944 hours <br />5.621693e-5 weeks <br />1.2937e-5 months <br /> break within the 9 day period from 919-9117.

Required Materials:

EN-OM-I23, Rev 4. Fatigue Management Program Simulator Setup:


2012 NRC JPM RO A-I Rev. 2, 09112 Page 4 of6 TIME START:

SAT/UNSAT Step 1: Determine correct procedure for Work Hour Limits.

Standard: Applicant refers to EN-OM-123, Fatigue Management Program.

SAT/UNSAT Step 2:Refer to work history and analyze for additional requested work hours Standard: Refer to and analyze work hours.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 3: Determine that working the requested overtime shift will result in exceeding work hour limits.

Standard: Determine that the required 10 hour1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> break between work periods will not be met, and that the additional hours will result in exceeding 26 hours3.009259e-4 days <br />0.00722 hours <br />4.298942e-5 weeks <br />9.893e-6 months <br /> worked within a 48 hour5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> period (2100 to 0600 = 9hrs vs. 10hrs; 12hrs Sunday 9/23 + 15hrs Saturday 9/22 = 27hrs in a 48hr period.)

Interim Cue: If candidate asks, an 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> break vice a 10 hour1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> break between 9/22 and 9/23 to accommodate the crew's scheduled transition between work schedules or shifts is not necessary.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 4: Determine that the previously worked schedule violates additional work hour rules.

Standard: Determine that during the previously worked schedule, there was NOT a 34hour break in a 9 day period as required.

SAT/UNSAT Step 5: Report to shift supervision that the overtime request CANNOT be honored due to the 10 hour1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> break between work periods not being met, and exceeding 26 hours3.009259e-4 days <br />0.00722 hours <br />4.298942e-5 weeks <br />9.893e-6 months <br /> worked within a 48 hour5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> period.

Additionally, the previous work schedule did not include at least a 34 hour3.935185e-4 days <br />0.00944 hours <br />5.621693e-5 weeks <br />1.2937e-5 months <br /> break in a 9 day period.

Standard: Make report to shift supervision.

  • Critical Step TIME FINISH:

Terminating Cue: Results of review reported to shift supervision.

2012 NRC JPM RO A-I Rev. 2, 09112 Page 5 of6 Evaluator Comments:

System: N/A KIA's: N/A System Generic KIA's:

2.1.5 Ability to use procedures related to shift staff"mg, such as minimum crew complement, overtime limitations, etc.

(CFR: 41.10/43.5/45.12)

IMPORTANCE RO 2.9 SRO 3.9 (CFR: 41.10/43.3/45.13)


2012 NRC JPM RO A-I Rev. 2, 09112 Page 60f6 Initial Conditions:

1. Shift supervision has contacted you on Sunday, 9/23 (a scheduled day off), to report to the control room to work a 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> overtime shift from 0600-1800.
2. You were on vacation from 8112 through 9/8
3. Your work history for the previous 2 weeks is as follows (all hours worked performing licensed operator duties):

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 9/9 9/10 9/11 9/12 9/13 9114 9/15 Worked Worked Worked Worked Worked Worked Worked 1200-1800 0600-1800 0600-1800 0600-1000 0600-1000 0600-\000 0600-1200 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 9/16 9/17 9/18 9119 9/20 Worked Worked Worked Worke 0600-1200 0600-2100 OFF 0600-1800 0600-18 Initiatin2. Cues:

U sing the work history provided:

1. Determine whether or not you are able to cover the requested shift whether any work hour limits have already been violated.
2. Document your conclusions on the Task Condition sheet provided.

Circle One: CAN I CANNOT work the requested shift.

Reason(s):_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Additional Violation(s) (if any):

2012 NRC JPM RO A-2 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 1 of 10 VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET Task Identification:


Perform Reactor Coolant Temperature Check Failure Mode: Temperatures out of spec for pump start


OP 4110, Reactor Recirc System Surveillance, Rev 44 Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO RO/SRO ~ SRO Only_

Sequence Critical: Yes No---.X Time Critical: Yes No X Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code:

Method of Testing: Simulation Performance -L Discuss - - -

Setting: Classroom ~ Simulator _ _ Plant _ _

Performance Expected Completion Time: 10 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: _ _ _ __

Prepared by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

SRO Licensed/Certified Reviewer Date Approved by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Superintendent Date

2012 NRC JPM RO A-2 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 2 of 10 Directions:

Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "Do you understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be performed in the Classroom and you are to perform all actions.

Inform me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

A transient occurred during plant startup that resulted in a reactor scram and both recirculation pumps tripping. The scram has been reset.

The plant is currently in Hot Shutdown with the Recirc Pumps secured. ERFIS is not available. Other operators are monitoring the rest of the control room.

Initiating Cues:

You have been directed by the CRS to complete the Reactor Coolant Temperature Check per OP 4110 Section E, and determine whether temperatures are satisfactory for startup of the 'A' Recirc pump.

Task Standards:

VYOPF 4110.05 completed; identification that Recirc Pumps may not be started based upon temperatures.

Required Materials:

OP 4110, Reactor Recirc System Surveillance, Rev 44 VYOPF 4110.05 Steam Tables Calculator Simulator Setup:

Plant in Hot Shutdown with steam dome pressure greater than 618 psig:

Scram the reactor from a low power (~2%) IC Trip both recirc pumps Reset the reactor scram Insert mfPP _01 (failure ofthe ERFIS computer)

2012 NRC JPM RO A-2 Rev. 2,09/12 Page 3 of 10 Evaluation Performance Steps TIME START: _ _ _ __

SAT/UNSAT Step 1: Obtain procedure; review prerequisites, and Section E.

Standard: OP 4110 obtained; admin limits, prerequisites and Section E reviewed.

Interim Cue: If asked, all prerequisites are met.

SAT/UNSAT Step 2: Obtain copy ofVYOPF 4110.05 Standard: Operator obtains copy of form.

SAT/UNSAT Step 3: Identifv and record Recirc Loop A Temperature Standard: Operator identifies Recirc Loop A temperature on TR-2-16S (red pen) on CRP 9-4, and records temperature on form. (470 +- acceptable)

SAT/UNSAT Step 4: Identify and record Recirc Loop B Temperature Standard: Operator identifies Recirc Loop B temperature on TR-2-16S (blue pen) on CRP 9-4, and records temperature on form. (470 +- SF acceptable)

SAT/UNSAT *Step 5: Identify and record reactor pressure Standard: Operator identifies reactor pressure on PI-2-56A1B or PR-6-96 (on CRP 9-5) and records on form. (640 +-20psig acceptable)

SAT/UNSAT *Step 6: Identify and record bottom head drain temperature.

Standard: Operator identifies bottom head drain temperature on PLC-2-166 Ch. 6 (on CRP 9-21), and records on form.

2012 NRC JPM RO A-2 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 4 of10 SAT/UNSAT *Step 7: Calculate saturation temperature.

Standard: Operator calculates saturation temperature using saturated steam tables.

Note: 14.7 psi must be added to the reactor pressure psig number to obtain psia number for use in steam tables.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 8: Determine and record difference between saturation temperature and vessel bottom head drain temperature Standard: Operator subtracts bottom head drain temperature from interpolated saturation temperature and records on form.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 9: Identify difference between saturation temperature and bottom head drain temperature is greater than 145 deg F; inform CRS that pump may not be started Standard: Operator identifies that the temperature difference is greater than 145 deg F, and in accordance with the Note on VYOPF 4110.05, informs the CRS that the pump may not be started.

Interim Cue: Inform the Operator that no further actions are necessary for this JPM.


Terminating Cue:

Temperatures identified as not within limits for starting the Recirc Pumps; CRS informed Evaluator Comments:

System: 202001 Recirculation System

2012 NRC JPM RO A-2 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 5 of 10 KIA: 2.1.7: Ability to evaluate plant performance and make operational judgments based on operating characteristics, reactor behavior, and instrument interpretation.

(CFR: 41.5 /43.5/ 45.l2 / 45.13)

Importance: RO 4.4 SRO 4.7 System Generic KIA's: 2.1.20 2.1.31

2012 NRC JPM RO A-2 Rev. 2,09/12 Page 6 of 10 Attachment RO A-2 Number 1 INSERT COLOR PICTljRE of:

Recirc Loop "A" temperature on TR-2-165 (red pen) on CRP 9-4

2012 NRC JPM RO A-2 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 70flO Attachment RO A-2 Number 2 INSERT COLOR PICTURE of:

Recirc Loop UB" temperature on TR-2-165 (blue pen) on CRP 9-4

2012 NRC JPM RO A-2 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 8 of 10 Attachment RO A-2 Number 3 INSERT COLOR PICTURE of:

Both PI-2-56A and PR-6-96 on CRP 9-5

2012 NRC JPM RO A-2 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 9 of 10 Attachment RO A-2 Number 4 INSERT COLOR PICTURE of:

Bottom Head Drain Temperature on PLC-2-166 POINT #4

2012 NRC JPM RO A-2 Rev. 2,09/12 Page lO of 10 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions:

A transient occurred during plant startup that resulted in a reactor scram and both recirculation pumps tripping.

The scram has been reset.

The plant is currently in Hot Shutdown with the Recirc Pumps secured. ERFIS is not available. Other operators are monitoring the rest of the control room.

Initiating Cues:

You have been directed by the CRS to complete the Reactor Coolant Temperature Check per OP 4110 Section E, and detelTIline whether temperatures are satisfactory for startup of the 'A' Recirc pump.

2012 NRC JPM RO A-3 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 1 of6 VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET Task Identification:


Isolate Leaking Core Spray Pipe Weld Failure Mode: N/A


P&ID G191168/G191299/G191301 and Technical Specications Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO _ RO/SRO Only SEOnly_

Sequence Critical: Yes No X Time Critical: Yes No Individual Perfonning Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code: N/A Method of Testing: Simulation Perfonnance Discuss Setting: Classroom ~ Simulator _ Plant_

Perfonnance Expected Completion Time: _~~~~

Evaluation Results:

Perfonnance: PASS FAIL Time Required: _ _ _ __

Prepared Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

SRO Licensed/Certified Reviewer Date Approved by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Manager Date

2012 NRC JPM RO A-3 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 2 of6 Directions:

Discuss the infonnation given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning perfonnance of the task. As each perfonnance step is perfonned, evaluate the perfonnance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or perfonned unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Perfonnance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "Do you understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be perfonned in the Classroom and you are to perform all actions.

Infonn me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

  • The plant is operating at full power.
  • No equipment is out of service.
  • Core Spray is in its nonnal standby lineup Initiating Cues:

A pencil size leak has been reported by the RBAO to the Shift Manager on the Core Spray suction piping downstream of CS-7A.

The shift manager directs you to:

  • Identify mechanical and electrical components to vent, and drain the pump using controlled station mechanical and electrical drawings.

Task Standards:

P-46-1A Breaker Identified P-46-1A Pump Isolation Vent, Drain Valves identified MOV Breakers identified No steps are sequence critical, the control authority will detennine the tagging sequence Required Materials:

Controlled prints

2012 NRC JPM RO A-3 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 3 of6 Simulator Setup:

Any IC, need controlled prints, can be done in any setting with controlled prints available

2012 NRC JPM RO A-3 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 4 of6 TIME START: _ _ __

SAT/UNSAT Step 1: Determine correct print for Core Spray system.

Standard: Operator detennines G 191168 is the Core Spray system print.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 2: Determine isolation boundaries Standard: The following valves detennined to be shut:

CS-7A Handwheel, CS-16A, CS-SA, CS-5A Handwheel (and/or CS-lSA),

CS-35A, CS-26A Handwheel, CS-l1 A Handwheel, and CS-21A SAT/UNSAT *Step 3: Determine vent path.

Standard: The following valves detennined to be open:

CS-19A, and CS-29A.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 4: Determine drain path.

Standard: The following valves detennined to be open:

CS-17A, CS-27A, and CS-2SA.

SATIUNSAT Step 5: Determine correct print for Core Spray Pump'A' motor breaker Standard: Operator reviews G 191299 SAT/UNSAT *Step 6: Determine Core Spray Pump'A' Breaker.

Standard: 4kV Bus 4 Compartment 4 SAT/UNSAT Step 7: Determine correct print for CS MOV 5A17AlllA126A Standard: Operator reviews 0191301 Sheet 2 of2

2012 NRC JPM RO A-3 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 5 of6 SAT/UNSAT *Step 8: Determine CS MOV 5A17 AlllA126A power supplies.

Standard: MCC 9B, Cubicles 2C, 7M, 2M, and 6K.

  • Critical Step TIME FINISH: _ _

Terminating Cue: Mechanical and electrical boundaries. Order of steps not critical. Control authority will detennine order of steps.

Evaluator Comments:

System: 209001 KIA's:

System Generic KIA's:

2.2.15 Ability to detennine the expected plant configuration using design and configuration control documentation, such as drawings, line-ups, tag-outs, etc.

(CFR: 41.10/43.3/45.13)

IMPORTANCE RO 3.9 SRO 4.3 2.2.22 Knowledge of limiting conditions for operations and safety limits.

(CFR: 41.5 143.2/45.2)


2012 NRC JPM RO A-3 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 6 of6 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions:

  • The plant is operating at full power.
  • No equipment is out of service.
  • Core Spray is in its normal standby lineup Initiating Cues:

A pencil size leak has been reported by the RBAO to the Shift Manager on the Core Spray suction piping downstream of CS-7A The shift manager directs you to:

  • Identify mechanical and electrical components to isolate, vent, and the pump using controlled station mechanical and electrical drawings.

2012 NRC JPM RO A-4 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 1 of9 VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET Task Identification:


Respond to an Abnormal Release of Gaseous Radioactivity Determination of Offgas Release Rate without ERFIS Failure Mode: None


ON 3152, MSL and Off Gas High Radiation, Rev. 18.

Task Performance: AO/RO/SROD RO/SRO I:8J SRO Only D Sequence Critical: Yes D No I:8J Time Critical: Yes D No I:8J Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code:

Method of Testing: Simulation I:8J Performance D Discuss D Setting: Classroom I:8J Simulator D Plant D Performance Expected Completion Time: 10 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS D FAILD Time Required: _ _ _ __

Prepared by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed SRO Licensed/Certified Reviewer Date Approved Operations Training Superintendent Date

2012 NRC JPM RO A-4 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 2 of9 Directions:

Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance ofthat step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "Do you understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be performed in the Classroom and you are to perform all actions.

Inform me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

  • The plant has been at a steady state 100% power level for the last week.
  • MSL, SJAE/AOG and Stack Radiation monitoring activities are all rising
  • Indications have been validated by comparing with other independent indications and status lights.
  • The Shutdown Iodine Filter was placed in service last shift per OP 2150
  • ERFIS (SPDS) Steady-State SJAE activity indicated 2,000uCi/sec 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> ago
  • ERFIS (SPDS) is currently unavailable.

Initiating Cues:

The CRS has directed you to, lAW ON 3152, MSL and Off Gas High Radiation:

  • Manually determine the Offgas Release Rate in uCi/sec,
  • Determine any applicable Tech Spec LCOs, and
  • Determine notifications (if any) that must be made.

Task Standards:

With ERFIS (SPDS) not available the Offgas Release rate is determined in accordance with procedure ON 3152, Appendix A and required notifications are identified in section 4.a.

Required Materials:

ON 3152, MSL and Off Gas High Radiation, Rev 18 TIME START: _ _ _ __

2012 NRC JPM RO A-4 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 3 of9 SAT/UNSAT Step 1: Obtains and reviews procedure ON 3152.

Standard: Procedure ON 3152, MSL and Off Gas High Radiation is obtained and reviewed.

Interim Cues: Provide Operator with a copy of ON 3152, MSL and Off Gas High Radiation.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 2: Determines that Offgas Release Rates can be determined without ERFIS by using Appendix"A" of the procedure.

Standard: Operator determines that to calculate the Offgas release rate, Appendix "A" ofthe procedure must be used.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 3: Contacts Chemistry and requests the latest measured offgas sample Kf value recorded in the Chemistry log book.

Standard: Contacts Chemistry and requests the latest measured offgas sample Kf value recorded in the Chemistry log book.

Interim Cues: When asked for the latest measured offgas sample Kf value recDrded in the Chemistry log book. Hand the operator JPM Attachment #1 SAT/UNSAT *Step 3: Evaluates SJAE Radiation PRM 17-150A and B and records the highest radiation level on Appendix"A" Standard: Operator observes the Simulator SJAE Radiation PRM 17-150A and B readings (475 and 480 mrlhr) and records just the highest radiation level on Appendix "A". Criteria for meeting critical step is 450 - 500 mrlhr.

2012 NRC JPM RO A-4 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 4 of9 SAT/UNSAT *Step 4: Using Table Ion Appendix A locates the column which most closely corresponds to the Kf from Appendix"A" step #1. If the Kf value is between values, round up to the next value on the table.

Standard: The column that most closely corresponds to a Kf value of 2.1 is 2.

However, 2.1 is between the values "2" and "2.25" therefore the 2.25 column must be selected.

SATIUNSAT *Step 5: Using the SJAE monitor value recorded in step #2 of the appendix "A" the row containing the corresponding SJAE value is selected to arrive at the appropriate SJAE Activity in uCi/sec.

Standard: Using the SJAE monitor value recorded in step #2 of the appendix "A" (475) the row containing the corresponding SJAE value is selected (492) to arrive at the appropriate SJAE Activity, 80,000 uCi/sec.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 6: Using the SJAE activity, Operator Actions section 4.a. is reviewed to determine that Chemistry is to ensure Tech Spec 4.6.B.l.a and 4.8.K.2 need to be completed within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

Standard: Using the SJAE activity, Operator Actions section 4.a. is reviewed to determine that because there was an increase of25% and 5,000 uCi/sec in steady state reactor operation, Chemistry is to ensure Tech Spec 4.6.B.l.a and 4.8.K.2 need to be completed within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

SATIUNSAT *Step 7: Using the SJAE activity, Operator Actions section 4.a. is reviewed to determine the notifications required.

Standard: Using the SJAE activity of 80,000 uCi/sec, Operator Actions section 4.a.

is reviewed to determine that the following management notifications are required:

Operations Manager Reactor Engineering Superintendent Chemistry Superintendent, and Duty on Call Officer

2012 NRC JPM RO A-4 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 5 of9 Terminating Cue:

Once the operator determines the Offgas Release Rate in uCi/sec, any Tech Spec action time limits and makes notifications in accordance with procedure ON 3152, MSL and Off Gas High Radiation, the JPM is complete.

  • Critical Step TIME FINISH: _ _ __

Evaluator Comments:

System: Emergency Procedures / Plan KIA: 2.4.21: Knowledge of the parameters and logic used to assess the status of safety functions, such as reactivity control, core cooling and heat removal, reactor coolant system integrity, containment conditions, radioactivity release control, etc.

(CFR: 41.7 / 43.5/45.12)

Importance: RO 4.0

2012 NRC JPM RO A-4 Rev. 2, 09/12 Examinee Handout EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions:

  • The plant has been at a steady state 100% power level for the last week.
  • MSL, SJAEIAOG and Stack Radiation monitoring activities are all rising
  • Indications have been validated by comparing with other independent indications and status lights.
  • The Shutdown Iodine Filter was placed in service last shift per OP 2150
  • ERFIS (SPDS) Steady-State SJAE activity indicated 2,000uCi/sec 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> ago
  • ERFIS (SPDS) is currently unavailable.

Initiating Cues:

The CRS has directed you to, lAW ON 3152, MSL and Off Gas High Radiation:

  • Manually determine the Offgas Release Rate in uCi/sec,
  • Determine any applicable Tech Spec LCOs, and
  • Determine notifications (if any) that must be made.

2012 NRC JPM RO A-4 Rev. 2,09/12 Examinee Handout JPM Attachment 1 The latest measured offgas sample Kfvalue recorded in the Chemistry log book:

2.1 uei/sec!


2012 NRC JPM RO A-4 Rev. 2, 09112 Examinee Handout JPM Attachment 2

2012 NRC JPM RO A-4 Rev. 2, 09/12 Examinee Handout IAT ION VEL MRlHR I PRM 17-1508



Evaluate Reactor Water Chemistry sample and identify required actions Failure Mode:


OP 2617 Chemistry Action Response Guide, Rev. 8 Task Performance: AO/RO/SROD RO/SRO Only ~ SEOnlyD Sequence Critical: Yes D No ~

Time Critical: Yes D No [gJ Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code:

Method of Testing: Simulation [gJ Performance D Discuss D Setting: Classroom [gJ Simulator Plant D Performance Expected Completion Time: 35 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS D FAILD Time Required: _ _ _ __

Prepared by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

SRO Licensed/Certified Reviewer Date Approved by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Superintendent Date

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-I Rev. 2,9/12 Page 2 of 11 Directions:

Discuss the infonnation given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning perfonnance of the task. As each perfonnance step is perfonned, evaluate the perfonnance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or perfonned unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Perfonnance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "Do you understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be perfonned in the Classroom and you are to perform all actions.

This JPM is NOT time critical.

Intonn me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

1. The plant is at 100% power and has been for 58 days.
2. You are the CRS.
3. All Reactor Water Chemistry was nonnal and within specifications yesterday at 08:00 am.
4. At 02:30, Annunciator 4-J-5 "Reactor Water Conductivity High" alanns.
5. The alann is acknowledged and conductivity recorder CR-35-135 is reading 0.88 umho/cm for RWCU inlet and 0.10 urnho/cm for RWCU outlet with both rising very slowly.
6. Operator Actions 1 through 6 of Alann Response Procedure 4-J-5 have been perfonned and no discrepancies were identified. Chemistry is perfonning Reactor Water sampling.
7. At 04:15 Chemistry reports the results of their 04:00 vessel grab sample and analysis which was required in accordance with OP 2617. Chemistry stated that all OP 2617 requirements have been completed satisfactory up and thru the requirement to obtain a "Vessel Grab" sample. The Vessel Grab sample results are as follows:
  • Reactor Water parameters:
  • Conductivity 1.01 urnho/cm at 25°C
  • Cr04 = 92 ppb
  • Iodine 131 1.3 microcuries/gm DEI
  • pH = 7.2
  • S04 = 4 ppb
8. Conductivity has been corrected for soluble iron and zinc.
9. Noble Metal Chemical Application (NMCA) is not in progress.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-I Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 3 of 11 Initiating Cues:

Evaluate the 04:00 chemistry reactor coolant grab sample results and identify any required OP 2617 Chemistry Action level entries, and any required Tech. Spec or TRM related actions, including trackingladmin LCOs. Additionally make a thorough, legible and complete manual control room log entry documenting the results of your findings on Attachment # 1.

Note: ODCM and EAL related evaluations are being reviewed separately by the Shift Manager.

Note: The raw 04:00 Chemistry data was recorded in the Control Room Log at 04:15.

Note: Your review was completed at 05:00.

Task Standards:

The applicant should determine from the evaluation of ARS 4-1-5, OP 2617, Figure 6, Tech. Specs, and VYTRM that:

  • Conductivity = 1.01 umho/cm at 25°C o lAW OP2617, Figure 6, the vessel grab sample results are greater than 1.0 uhmo/cm conductivity and therefore Action Level II was been exceeded for Reactor Water Conductivity at 04:00.

o Note: the TRM limit of 5 umho/cm conductivity has NOT been exceeded.

  • Cr04 = 92 ppb o Note: the OP 2617 Action Levell limit of 100 ppb Cr04 has NOT been exceeded.

Therefore Tech Spec 4.6.B.1.e requires a sample of reactor coolant taken every 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> and analyzed for radioactive iodine's ofI-131 through 1-135, until the specific activity of the reactor coolant is restored below 1.1 microcurieslgram dose equivalent 1-131.

o Tech Spec Tracking 4.6.B.1.e 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> LCO action to acquire a reactor coolant sample every 4 hrs until 1-131 DEI is reduced below 1.1 microcuries per gram is required to be entered at 04:00 o Tech Spec 3.6.B.1.b requires an orderly shutdown be initiated and the reactor placed in cold shutdown condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> if 1.1 microcuries of I-131 dose equivalent per gram of water has been exceeded for greater than 24 consecutive hours.

o Tech Spec Tracking 3.6.B.1.b 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> LCO action to reduce reactor coolant 1-131 DEI to less than 1.1 micro curies per gram within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> is required to be entered at 04:00.

  • pH = 7.2
  • Chlorides = 23 ppb o lAW OP2617, Figure 6, the vessel grab sample results are greater than 20 ppb Cl and therefore Action Level II was been exceeded for Reactor Water Chlorides at 04:00.

o VYNPS TRM identifies a Chloride ion 0.5 ppm limit with steaming rates greater than or equal to 100,000 pounds per hour. This limit will have to be properly evaluated against the Chloride sample results given in ppb. Given the sample results were 23 ppb Chloride, the Chloride sample results limit has NOT been exceeded

  • S04 = 4 ppb o Note: the OP 2617 Action Levell limit of 5 ppb S04 has NOT been exceeded.

NOTE: EAL for an Unusual Event is NOT applicable because Rx coolant activity has not exceeded 1.1 uCi/gm 1-131 dose equivalent for greater than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-I Rev. 2, 9112 Page 4 of 11 Required Materials:

Provide the following documents upon request:

  • Provide VY Tech Specs & TRM
  • Provide CHOP-RWS-4612-01, Rev. 5
  • Provide OP 2617, Chemistry Action Response Guide, Rev. 8

Simulator Setup:


2012 NRC JPM SRO A-I Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 5 of 11 Evaluation Performance Steps TIME START: _ _ _ _ __

SAT/UNSAT Step 1: Obtain ARP 9-4-J-S, VYNPS TRM, OP 2617, Tech Specs and TRMs for review Standard: ARP 9-4-J-5, VYNPS TRM, OP 2617, Tech Specs and TRMs obtained for review.

Interim Cue: Provide the following documents upon request:

  • Provide VY Tech Specs & TRM
  • Provide CHOP-RWS-4612-01, Rev. 5
  • Provide OP 2617, Chemistry Action Response Guide, Rev. 8 Note: A copy of ARS 21002, Rev.12 9-4-J-5 is provided as part of EXAMINEE HANDOUT SATIUNSAT *Step 2: Review ARP 9-4-J-5 provided Standard: Compares initial conditions with ARP 9-4-J-5 requirements to identify procedural required next action.
  • Detennines that TRM 3.6.B and 4.6.B need to be consulted.

SATIUNSAT Step 3a: Reviews and determines required actions per TRM 3.6.B and 4.6.B.

Standard: Detennines that TRM 3.6.B and 4.6.B Chloride actions are NOT applicable if Chloride ppm is evaluated properly against Chemistry sample Chloride results in ppb.

Detennines that TRM 3.6.B and 4.6.B Conductivity actions are NOT applicable due to not exceeding 5 umholcm conductivity.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 3b: Reviews and determines required actions per OP 2617.

Standard: The applicant should detennine from the evaluation ofOP 2617, Figure 6 that:

- Action Level II was been exceeded for BOTH Reactor Water Conductivity ~ 1 uhmo/cm) and Chlorides ~ 20 ppb),

- Action Level entry identify time should be 04:00 am.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-I Rev. 2, 9112 Page 6 of 11 Evaluation Performance Steps SATfUNSAT *Step 3c: Reviews and determines if any Tech Spec related actions are required.

Standard: Detelmines that with Iodine 131 = 1.3 microcuries/gm DEI o Tech Spec Iodine 131 DEll.I microcuries/gram conditions have been exceeded.

Therefore Tech Spec 4.6.B.l.e requires a sample of reactor coolant taken every 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> and analyzed for radioactive iodine's ofI-131 through 1-135, until the specific activity of the reactor coolant is restored below 1.1 micro curies/gram dose equivalent 1-131.

o Tech Spec Tracking 4.6.B.1.e 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> LCO action to acquire a reactor coolant sample every 4 hrs until 1-131 DEI is reduced below 1.1 micro curies per gram is required to be entered at 04:00 o Tech Spec 3.6.B.1.b requires an orderly shutdown be initiated and the reactor placed in cold shutdown condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> if 1.1 microcuries ofI-131 dose equivalent per gram of water has been exceeded for greater than 24 consecutive hours.

o Tech Spec Tracking 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> LCO action to reduce reactor coolant 1-131 DEI to less than 1.1 microcuries per gram within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> is required to be entered at 04:00.

Interim Cue: The Chemistry Department will submit the Condition Report.

SAT/UNSAT Step 4:Makes Manual Control Room Log entry Standard: Using attached, makes a Manual Control Room Log entry that includes:

1). At 04:15 Chemistry reports the following Reactor Vessel Water grab sample results taken at 04:00 am:

  • Conductivity 1.01 umbo/em at 25°C
  • Cr04 = 92 ppb
  • Iodine 131 = 1.3 microcuries/gm DEI
  • pH=7.2
  • S04 = 4 ppb
  • 2). In accordance with OP 2617, Figure 6:

- Chemistry Action Level II was been exceeded for Reactor Vessel Water Conductivity and Chlorides.

  • 3). Tech Spec 3.6.B.1.b requires an orderly shutdown be initiated and the reactor placed in cold shutdown condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> if 1.1 microcuries of 1-131 dose equivalent per gram of water has been exceeded for greater than 24 consecutive hours. This Tech Spec. Action Tracking LCO is entered at 04:00 as a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 3.6.B.1.b LCO.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-I Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 7 of 11

  • 4). Tech Spec 4.6.B.l.e requires a sample of reactor coolant taken every 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> and analyzed for radioactive iodine's ofl-131 through 1-135 from the 04:00 sample, until the specific activity of the reactor coolant is restored below 1.1 microcuries/gram dose equivalent 1-131. This Tech Spec. Action Tracking LCO is entered at 04:00 as a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 4.6.B.l.e LCO.
5) VYNPS TRM identifies a Chloride ion 0.5 ppm limit with steaming rates greater than or equal to 100,000 pounds per hour. VTNPS TRM limits have NOT been exceeded.

NOTE: EAL for an Unusual Event is not applicable because Rx coolant activity has not exceeded 1.l uCi/gm 1-131 dose equivalent for greater than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. No EAL entry required.

TIME FINISH: _ _ _ _ _ __

Terminating Cue:

JPM Attachment #1, Manual Control Room Log entry documents the evaluation of the 04:00 chemistry reactor water grab sample results.

Evaluator Comments:

System: Conduct of Operations IR: SRO 3.5 KJ A: 2.1.34 Knowledge of primary and secondary plant chemistry limits.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-I Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 8 of 11 EXAMINEE HANDOUT

1. The plant is at 100% power and has been for 58 days.
2. You are the CRS.
3. All Reactor Water Chemistry was normal and within specifications yesterday at 08:00 am.
4. At 02:30, Annunciator 4-J-5 "Reactor Water Conductivity High" alarms.
5. The alarm is acknowledged and conductivity recorder CR-35-135 is reading 0.88 umho/em for RWCU inlet and 0.10 umho/cm for RWCU outlet with both rising very slowly.
6. Operator Actions 1 through 6 of Alarm Response Procedure 4-J -5 have been performed and no discrepancies were identified. Chemistry is performing Reactor Water sampling.
7. At 04:15 Chemistry reports the results of their 04:00 vessel grab sample and analysis which was required in accordance with OP 2617. Chemistry stated that all OP 2617 requirements have been completed satisfactory up and thru the requirement to obtain a "Vessel Grab" sample. The Vessel Grab sample results are as follows:
  • Reactor Water parameters:
  • Conductivity = 1.01 umho/em at 25°C
  • Cr04 92 ppb
  • Iodine 131 = 1.3 microcuries/gm DEI
  • pH 7.2
  • S04 4ppb
8. Conductivity has been corrected for soluble iron and zinc.
9. Noble Metal Chemical Application (NMCA) is not in progress.

Initiating Cues:

Evaluate the 04:00 chemistry reactor coolant grab sample results and identify any required OP 2617 Chemistry Action level entries, and any required Tech. Spec or TRM related actions, including trackingladmin LCOs. Additionally make a thorough, legible and complete manual control room log entry documenting the results of your findings on Attachment # 1.

Note: ODCM and EAL related evaluations are being reviewed separately by the Shift Manager.

Note: The raw 04:00 Chemistry data was recorded in the Control Room Log at 04:15.

Note: Your review was completed at 05:00.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-I Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 9 of 11 EXAMINEE HANDOUT JPM Attachment #1, Manual Control Room L02 Entry Page 1 of2 Date: (today's date) Time: 04:15 At 04:15 Chemistry reported the results oftheir 04:00 vessel grab sample and analysis which was required in accordance with OP 2617. Chemistry stated that all OP 2617 requirements have been completed satisfactory up and thru the requirement to obtain a "Vessel Grab" sample. The 04:00 Vessel Grab sample results are as follows:

  • Reactor Water parameters:
  • Conductivity = 1.01 umho/cm at 25°C
  • Cr04 92 ppb
  • Iodine 131 1.3 microcuries/gm DEI
  • pH=7.2
  • 804 4ppb Date: (today's date) Time: 05:00 As CRS I have evaluated the 04:00 chemistry reactor coolant grab sample results against the following requirements:

Chemistry Action level entries, and Tech. Specs and TRM related actions, including trackingladmin LCOs The results of my review are as follows:

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-1 Rev. 2, 9112 Page 10 of 11 EXAMINEE HANDOUT JPM Attachment #1, Manual Control Room Log Entry Page 2 of2 Name:


4-J-5 REACTOR WATER CLEAN UP SYSTEM Page 1 of 1 RWCU CONDUC HI Causes: Setpoints: Actuating Devices:

1. Fuel cladding failure. 0.1 ~o outlet CR-12-135
2. Lube oil leak from feedwater, 1.0 ~o - inlet CR-12 132 condensate, RWCU, and Recirc pumps.
3. Resin exhausted.
4. Demin. val ve open.


5. Condo Demin bypass valve open .
6. Condenser tube leak. CWD 923
7. Air introduction to system. TRM 3.6.B, 4.6.B
8. Instrument malfunction. OPOP-RWCU-2112
9. Conductivi cell Confirmation:
1. CRP 9-4 conductivity indications.
2. RCU demin. conductivity and conductivity cell flow indications on Rx sample
3. Chemi s try requested.

Automatic Actions:


Operator Actions:

1. Check local and CRP 9-4 conductivity indications.
2. Check status of condo demin. system.
3. Backwash and precoat demins. as required.
4. Check flows and inventories of suspected systems.
5. If cause cannot be determined, noti management.
6. Notify Chemistry Dept. and request check adequate conductivity cell flow, if required, confirm with a sample
7. Consult TRM 3.6.B and 4.6.B, as NOTE A freshly demin will momentarily spike conductivity to bring this alarm in, it will drop off in a few minutes.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-2 Rev 2,09/12 Page 1 of21 VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET Task Identification:


Evaluate CRO Logs for Readings Out of Specification and Determine Required Actions Failure Mode:


OP 0150, "Conduct of Operations and Operator Rounds" Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO RO/SROOnly SEOnly_

Sequence Critical: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No X Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code:

Method of Testing: Simulation Performance ~ Discuss _ __

Setting: Classroom ~ Simulator _ Plant_

Performance Expected Completion Time: 30 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: _ _ _ __

Prepared Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed SRO Licensed/Certified Reviewer Date Approved Operations Training Superintendent Date

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-2 Rev 2,09112 Page 2 of21 Directions:

Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Onsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "Do you understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be performed in the Classroom and you are to perform all actions.

Inform me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

The plant is at 100% power. The following equipment was taken out of service on the last shift:

"A" Rx Bldg Supply Fan for lubrication "B" RHRSW pump for impeller replacement There is one active 30 day LCO for the RHRSW pump per Tech Specs 3.S.C.2. The plant is in summer time operations with circ water in closed cycle operation.

eSOMs has been down since last shift and is expected to be down for approximately 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />.

Manual Operators Round eSOMS Sheets are in use.

Initiating Cues:

The Shift Manager has requested you to review a CRO trainee's practice set of manual log entries, OP 0150, Rev.8, pages 106-112. If further investigation ofthe plants status is required, you are expected to retrieve and analyze data. Document on Attachment 1 the results of your detailed review. Your review must identify all problems identified and required actions. Some reference materials are available upon specific requests, if needed.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-2 Rev 2,09/12 Page 3 of21 Task Standards:

1). It is determined that the current cooling tower basin temperature of 95 F requires all 4 RHRSW pumps operable and, with one pump inoperable, the Alternate Cooling System is inoperable and a 7 day LCO is required to be entered per 3.5.D.3. (See OPOP-SW-2181, Rev. 5, section 5.1.26) 2). It is determined that Torus level is below the minimum water volume of 68,000 cubic feet and an orderly shutdown shall be initiated and the reactor shall be in cold shutdown condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per 3.7.A.8.

3). Non-Critical: should also identifY that Torus Water Temperature reading should have initials next to the lineout correction per OP 0150 page 7:

- A.2.a: All printed version round entries shall be neatly recorded using blue or black ink. Entry errors will be corrected by drawing a single line through the error, initialing the correction, and recording the correct reading. "White Out" and erasures are not allowed.

Required Materials:

CRO Operator round sheets 106 - 112, Rev. 8, and completed with appropriate data showing deep basin temperature at 95 F, Torus temperature line-out correction and Torus Volume entry of "C029 Not Available".

OP 0150, Rev. 182, "Conduct of Operations and Operator Rounds".

HOLD BACK: OPOP-SW-2181, Rev. 05, "Service Water/Alternate Cooling Operating Procedure HOLD BACK: VY Technical Specifications, Amendment No. 250.

HOLD BACK: AP 0151, Rev. 29, Responsibilities and Authorities of Operations Department Personnel HOLD BACK: Attached OP 2115, Rev. 80, Primary Containment, Figure #1, DW/Torus DP vs Indicated Water Level Simulator Setup: NI A

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-2 Rev 2,09/12 Page 4 of21 Evaluation Performance Steps TIME START: _ _ _ __

SAT/UNSAT Step 1: Obtain Reactor Operator manual round log sheets and reviews procedure OP 0150.

Standard: Obtain Reactor Operator manual round sheet executed logs, and review procedure OP 0150.

Interim Cue: Provide CRO eSOMS RO manual round log sheets 106-112 with appropriate data filled in.

Note: If the candidate questions the accuracy of a log entry, inform him the readings are accurate.

SAT/UNSAT Step 2: Reviews Reactor Operator manual round log sheet readings.

Standard: Compare log entries to plant administrative and Tech. Spec requirements for problems and required actions.

SAT/UNSAT Step 3: Determines and records on Attachment #1 an inappropriate "lineout" of a corrected entry.

Standard: Records on Attachment #1 that the Torus Water Temperature reading should have initials next to the lineout correction per OP 0150 page 7.

SAT/UNSAT Step 4: Requests and Reviews OPOP-SW-21S1 Standard: Reviews OPOP-SW-2181 admin for required RHRSW pumps due to the recorded cooling tower basin temperature of95 F.

SAT/UNSAT Step 5: Determine basin temperature and RHRSW requirements.

Standard: Determines that 4 RHRSW pumps are required. OPOP-SW-2181 Section 5.1.26 states: "At least 4 RHRSW Pumps operable" as the minimum for Alternate Cooling System operability for a CT 2 Basin Temperature> 94 F to 103 F.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-2 Rev 2,09112 Page 5 of21 Evaluation Performance Steps SATIUNSAT *Step 6: Documents on Attachment #1 that Tech Specs LCO 3.5.D.3 requirements must be entered.

Standard: Presently there is one active 30 day 3.5.C.2 LCO because the 'B' RHRSW pump is out of service.

Candidate records the following or equivalent on Attachment #1:

- Altemate Cooling System is inoperable with less than the required 4 RHRSW pumps and Tech. Spec. 3.5.D.3 must be entered.

SATIUNSAT Step 7: Requests and Reviews OP 2115, LI-16-19-46A1B and DW to Torus Standard: Reviews OP 2115, LI-16-19-46A/B and DW to Torus dp due to recorded rounds entry of "C029 not available" on page 108 ofthe round sheets.

Interim Cue: Requests for procedures and indications are limited to OP 0150, OP 2115 and it's attached Figure #1 DW/Torus Dp vs Indicated water level, see attached JPM figures, when candidate asks for materiallindications.

SAT/UNSAT Step 8: Determines that the Torus water volume is below the minimum water volume of 68,000 cubic feet.

Standard: Determines that the Torus water volume is below the minimum water volume of 68,000 cubic feet in accordance with OP 2115 figure #1.

Determines that the Torus minimum water volume in accordance with Tech Spec 3.7.A.1.e. is 68,000 cubic feet.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 9: Documents on Attachment #1 that Tech Specs 3.7.A.8 requirements must be entered.

Standard: Candidate records the following or equivalent on Attachment #1:

The primary containment suppression volume has less than the minimum required Torus water volume and Tech. Spec. 3.7.A.8 requirements must be entered: "An orderly shutdown shall be initiated and the reactor shall be in a cold shutdown condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />."

SAT/UNSAT Step 10: Completes review of RO manual round sheets provided.

Standard: Candidate completes review of the RO manual round sheets provided and documents review 01;1 and prints name on Attachment #1.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-2 Rev 2,09112 Page 6 of21

  • Critical Step TIME FINISH: _~_

Terminating Cue: It is detennined that the current cooling tower basin temperature requires all 4 RHRSW pumps operable and, with one pump inoperable, Alternate Cooling is inoperable and a 7 day LCO 3.5.D.3 requirements must be entered and recorded on Attachment #1.

It is detennined that the primary containment suppression volume has less than the minimum required torus water volume and Tech. Spec. 3.7.A.8 requirements must be entered and recorded on Attachment #1 requiring an orderly shutdown to be initiated and the reactor to be in cold shutdown condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-2 Rev 2,09112 Page 7 of21 Evaluator Comments:


KIA: 2.1.18 Ability to make accurate, clear, and concise logs, records, status boards, and reports.

(CFR: 41.10 145.12/45.13)

Importance: RO 3.6 SRO 3.8

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-2 Rev 2,09112 Page 8 of21 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions:

The plant is at 100% power. The following equipment was taken out of service on the last shift:

"A" Rx Bldg Supply Fan for lubrication "B" RHRSW pump for impeller replacement There is one active 30 day LCO for the RHRSW pump per Tech Specs 3.5.C.2. The plant is in summer time operations with circ water in closed cycle operation.

eSOMs has been down since last shift and is expected to be down for approximately 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />.

Manual Operators Round eSOMS Sheets are in use.

Initiating Cues:

The Shift Manager has requested you to review a CRO trainee's practice set of manual log entries, OP 0150, Rev.8, pages 106-112. If further investigation of the plants status is required, you are expected to retrieve and analyze data. Document on Attachment 1 the results of your detailed review. Your review must identify all problems identified and required actions. Some reference materials are available upon specific requests, if needed.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-2 Rev 2,09/12 Page 9 of21 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Reactor Operator Executed Manual Round Log sheets pages 106 to 112 are the next 7 pages.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-2 Rev 2,09/12 Page 10 of21 eRO OP 0150 Operations RevS Normal Page 106 of 125 RAD LEVEL TO HOLDUP AND STACK RAN-OG-3127 I RAN-OG-3128 CAUBRATION REQUIRED Seq: 473 Every Day 387 CHECK Location: CRB-272-CRP 9-50 Short Instr: AGREE WITHIN 1 DECADE Long Instr: ODCM 4.3.4 aDeM T.4.1.2 SR 90-20 SR 91-15 Units: DECADES Shift Time .. ' Reading Notes 00-06 Ch~c.. K

06-12 12-18 18-24 Appl. Expr.: Sta(102)="RUN' OR Sta(102) "START I HOT STANDBY" HVAC FANS (AC, AH, .. EXH) REQUIRED Seq: 474 II!very DAy 388 Short Instr: TRAIN A OR B RUNNING (NOTE: A COMBINATION OF A AND B FANS RUNNING IS AN INDICATION THAT A STANDBY UNIT MAY HAVE AUTO-STARTED j' Shitt:rlm!?,,~8lICI1119 Notes 0.~~12 ,vVl~~K
~~-~4 TURBINE BEARING TEMP REQUIRED Seq: 475 1WC'y DAy 389 Equip. HGINDREC*TRU(}5 Location: CRIH72CRP 9-23 10:

ShOrt Instr: THRUST BEARING (FRONT AND REAR PLATE METAL) <=225F Long Instr: ER 95052S_02 Units: F Maximum: < '" 225 QO:~~T1:.;"

'0&12 I

,",*.*c'ki!g~ ..,.. . ~'.'.I***. ..Notes

'I~,!.:,*,:.~,*.:,:~:r<* .


AppL EXpr.: SIa(102)="RUN" OR 51<1(102) '" "START / HOT STANDBY*

TURBINE BEARING TEMP REQUIRED Seq: 476 livery Day 390 Equip. 1-TG -INDREC-TR*ll0*5 Location: CRB-272*CRP 9-23 ID:

Short Instr: ALL BEARINGS <,,225F Long Instr: ER 950525_02 Units: F Maximum: <'" 225 l~~I!!Tlme . c.~~Z~ .Notes .... ,..


12-:18 li8;24-*'

Appl. I!xpr.: Sta(102)="RUN" OR Sta(102) '" "START I HOT STANDBY"

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-2 Rev 2,09/12 Page 11 of21 eRO OP0150 Operations RevS Normal Page 107 of 125 CONDENSER A HOTWELL CONDUCTIVITY NORTH. SOUTH REQUIRED seq: 4n Every Day 391 Equip. l-SPL -INDREC-ClH09-21 Location: CRB*272-CRP 9-23 IDI Short Instr: RECORD HIGHEST CHANNEL Units: umho/CM Maximum: <= .2 l__~tii~T1me - .. R~adln!- Notes

~~i!*. t* -O,P.

Appl. Expr_: Sta(102)="RUN* OR Sta(102) '" "START / HOT STANDBY" CONDENSER B HOTWElL CONDUCTIVITY NORTH. SOUTH REQUIRED Seq: 478 Ivery Day 392 Equip. I-SPl -INDREC-CR-I09-23 location: CRB-212-CRP 9-23 ID:

Short Instr: RECORD HIGHEST CHANNEL Units: umho/CM Maximum: <"'2


ll~:?~_ ....._ . J ____........_... ~ ...~ _

.-[ .*.



  • shIftTlmel**Reac.~,-,,- ~~

~~IE~~~~.-~-i~~~-- ~:_~~;;L. '--" ...... .___ .~".


Short Instr: POWER AVAIlABLE I NO AlARMS Long In5m TRM 3.l3.A.1


Il~.:~ .. ___ .. __.. 1-...... ___..__ ... ____ '" ..


Short Inm: <= 3SF DELTAT RISE ACROSS BEARINGS Appl. Expr.: Sta(102)"~"RUN' OR Sta(102) "START f HOT STANDBY*

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-2 Rev 2,09112 Page 12 of21 eRO OP0150 Operations Rev 8 Nonnal Page lOS of 125 TURBINE BEARING VISRATION REQUIRED seq: 482 Every Day 396 Location: (ERFlS TBD SCREEN)

Short Inam IF ANY nJRBINE BEARING VIBRATION EXCEEDS 6 MILS, NOTIFY MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE MANAGER VIA EMAIL Long Instr: Ell. 95052502 Units: mils Maximum: < '" 6 i.ShftTlme Reading Notes


...... ~$ .




IF TORUS WATER LEVEL IS OUT OF SPEC, NOTIFY OPERATIONS MANAGER AND ENTER TEO!. SPEC LCO l.7.A.8 TS 3.7.A.l.e TS 3.7.A.1.f T53.7.A.l Units: CUBIC FEET Minimum: >.. 6825S Maximum: <= 69745

_ ,_ . ___ ," .._~_,.~_ .


.._... ""...... _~ '" _._~ ._."_'. I COMPENSATED TORUS WATER VOLUME REQUIRED Seq: 484 Every Day 518 Short Instr: Shutdown water inventory check for volume in excess of 10,000 OJft. Reading IS in gallons units: gallons I:66*12-*'

Shift nma r'~'. .

.........,.__ .lleacll!1'L._

~~~, ~,- ~"~ .i~-.-~ . 0 ** __ * * * *

  • iia:24 L. .......

Reading Expr.: (n(sta{397})*70000)*7.4 Appl. Expr.1 n(Sta(397>>>70000 and (Sta(102)" "START I HOT STANDBY" OR Sta(102)="SHUTDOWN" OR Sta(102) .. "REFUEL")

CORETHERMALPmNER REQUIRED Seq: 485 Every Day 398 location: C047 Maximum: <= 1912

""-'-~~-"'--"'-~'-" -,,-~- ')

.~.. I

  • ----**.. 1 11218 '

Appl. Expr.: Sta(102)="RUN" OR Sta(102) ~, 'START I HOT STANDBY"



T5 3.7.A.l TS 4.7.A.l Unlbl: F Minimum: >" SO Maximum: <'" 87.3 i Shift Time 00-06


.A:;'R9 7/;g Notes 12-18

!18~24 Appl. Expr.: (Sta(1D2),,"SHlJTDOWN" OR Sta(102) "REFUEL") OR <<Sta(102)~"RUN" OR Sta(102) ~ "START I HOT STANDBY") AND (CuiShlftNo( ),.-2 OR CUrShiftNo( )-4)}


  • 12 ShlftTlme i

It*ng.. .~ Notes..

Appl. Expr.: Sta(102)","SHUTOOWN" OR Sta(102)" "REfUEL" SlAE STEAM FLOW REQUIRED. Seq: 488 Bv~ Day 400 location: T032

~]rt TI."!8" .. J'~C)tes .!. Recorded B~



Long Instr: ER 970019 OP 2180 Units: F Minimum: >~. 33 r ShlftT1me~r ... Re8cunl"

~~~~":.~~'." ..~.!.~.~. ~.~7S:~S'$.~*~**

18-24 i

J Appl. Expr.: Sla(102}="RUN" OR Sta(lD2) " "START I HOT STANDBY"

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-2 Rev 2,09112 Page 14 of21 eRO OP0150 Operations RevS Nonnal Page 110 of 125 CONDENSER BACKPRESSURE REQUIRED Seq: 490 Every I)alt' '102 Location: C033 Short Instr: WITH 2 CIRCWATER PUMPS RUNNING DURING COLO WEATHER OPS. N/A IF NOT IN COLD WEATHER OPS.

Long Instr: ER 970019 OP 2180 Units: In Hg Minimum: >= 1 Maximum: <= 1.6

!ihlftTime R~adlng No~~..

06-12 1..3.


0&12 .. ..<.. r rShiftTlme *it~...J cII......._

>-....~ ........ . . .- J AppL EXpt.: Sta(102}="RUN" OR Sta(102) = "START / HOT STANDBY" OutSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE REQUIRED Seq: 492 Zveq Day 404 Location: PRIMARY MET TOWER 33' ELEV. - C182 Short Insu: AT *lSF lNmATE OP 3127 EXTREME COLO WEATHER ACTIONS.

  • .,:_ . . ,,~.~nL._._.-r Units: F Minimum: >: -15


18:24.. I ,

SW SUPPLY TEMPERA11JRE REQUIRED seq: 493 B~ Calt' 405 Location: F060 Short Jnstr: IF F060  :> .. 82F, REFER TO OP 2181 ADMIN LIMITS UrIIts: F Maximum: < 82 lo~~I!t~~L [.. Hotes


1i~i8 f8~~i4- ****1

,A ' _ ' .. _"'_~_"," .~"",,~, ** ' ~n~


, ...---- T' Notes

'7dl"9 .

__ 8," _; -I ii-is '1 i

"'<<<"'*'*1 18~24 . .1 ........ < ** . .. <<< __ .1 DOWNTREAM RIVER TEMPERATURE REQUIRED Seq: 495 Every .Day 407 location: M037 Short Instr: IF POINT IS OUT OF SERVICE REFER TO OP 2180, SECTION P 1~~~-~~_c_....~~~j1~~.:* .. < ........ ..

Notes 06-12



2012 NRC JPM SRO A-2 Rev 2,09112 Page 15 of21 eRO OP0150 Operations Rev 8 Normal Page 111 of 125 SRM RESPONSE REQUIRED Seq: 496 Every Day 470 Short Instt: VYOPF 4102.04 PERFORMED DAllY. (PREFER. 00-06 SHIFT) DURING CORE ALTERATIONS ONLY.

Long Instr: TS 4.12,8 r Sl1lftThne ~e;tJlAln. 9 Notes


06"'1J 1°6-12 12-18 18-24 Appl. Expr.: Sta(102)""SHUTDOWN" OR Sta(102) = "REfUEL" APRMA GAF REQUIRED Seq: 497 Every Day 409 Location: REO SCREEN Short Instr: IF:> 1 SHALL BE CORRECTED WITH 6 HOURS Long Instr: LER 9717_02 Maldmum: "
00:.06 ShiftTime
"f8"~- ~~-, --.. i

118:24 ,........,L,.. "

Appl. Expr.: Sta{l02)="RUN" OR Sta(102) ="START I HOT STANDBY*


Maximum: <= .01

,llell(Jing. ,.N!JI:~...


  • . 1 Reading Expr.: Round( N(RangelastX( 'lOB I 2 >>,3)

Appl. Expr.: Sta(408)o"IN OPERABLE" AND (Sta(102}","RUN" OR Sta(102) '" "START I HOT STANDBY")

APRMCGAF REQUIRED Seq: 499 Every Day 410 Location: REO SCREEN Short Instr: IF:> 1 SHALL BE CORRECTED WITH 6 HOURS Long Instr. lER 9717..02 Maximum: <= 1 Appl. Expr.1 Sta(102)."RUN" OR Sta(102) Co, "START I HOT STANDBY"



Maximum: <= .01

, ShIftTlme Reading Notes 00:06 .... 0.001...

06-.12 i12~i8 .

113:24 Reading Expr.: Round(N(RangelastX( 410,2 >>,3)

Appl. Expr.: Sta(410)<:>"IN OPERABlE" AND (Sta(102)","RUN" OR Sta(102) " START J HOT STANDBY")

APRM EGAF REQUIRED Seql 501 lBve&'Y Day 412 location: REO SCREEN Short In5tr: IF:> 1 SHAlL BE CORRECTED WITH 6 HOURS Long Instr: lER 9717.02 Maximum: <= 1 SblftTlme Not.



,12-18 i!~:~~


Maximum: <", .01

[ ShlftTlme

~lU~-.*~*~"~{--"** .~.

I'" 'O~1rdn3-

. . .......-... . . . T

_1 ....

...................~IJ~ ..

[1824 e * ..* * * * * * . j ..



I Reading Expr.: Round( N{RangelastX{ 412,2 >>,3)

AppI. Expr.: Sta(412}<>"IN OPERABLE" AND (Sta(102)="RUN" OR Sta(102) " "START I HOT STANDBY")

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-2 Rev 2,09/12 Page 17 of21 Attachment 1 Results of RO Round Sheet 106 thru 112 Review NAME: -------------------------------


2012 NRC JPM SRO A-2 Rev 2,09/12 Page 18 of21 HOLD BACK FROM ISSUING JPM a es 19 thru 21 until re uest b Candidate!!!!!! !

HOLD BACK FROM ISSUING JPM pages 19 thru 21 until reguest by Candidate!!!!!! !

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-2 Rev 2,09/12 Page 19 of21 Figure #1 LI-16-19-46A1B Indication TORUS WATER LEVEL LI16-19-46A {V]

r TORUS WATER-LEVEL I i Ll16-19-46B (V) I

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-2 Rev 2, 09/12 Page 20 of21 Figure #2 Drywell/Torus dp Indication DrywelllTorus dp Indication Is Reading 0.4 psid

C'l I


0 1





............... C'l U----'-H

~2?jo 11.300 Z C'l~N , , ~.L:U,,:.':',Li .. :.l...i. .i..L.L_t-l.l.


>Q) Q) bl)


O~c1j C'l ~ 11.250 11.200

-; 11.150

-I i:

! 11.100


!h 2

o 11.050 I


.E 11.000

.5 Note:

This line is a theoretical *t

-f 10.950 limit based on primary containment geometry and torus water temp.

It should not be treated 10.900 as an operating limit.

10.850 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 Note: OrywelllTorus dp (psid)

Administrative limits based on Graph bas'ad on data most limiting instrument accuracy from VYC-1254 Rev. 3 plus 20%. and VYC-70B Rev. 1

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-3 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 1 of6 VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET Task Identification:


Isolate Leaking Core Spray Pipe Weld and Determine Technical Specification Required Actions Failure Mode:


P&ID G191168/G191299/G191301 and Technical Specications Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO RO/SRO Only ~ SE Only Sequence Critical: Yes No -:!...!=--_

Time Critical: Yes No -,X,-",-__

Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code:

Method of Testing: Simulation Performance ~ Discuss Setting: Classroom Simulator Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 25 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: _ _ _ __

Prepared by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

SRO Licensed/Certified Reviewer Date Approved by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Manager Date

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-3 Rev. 2,09112 Page 2 of6 Directions:

Discuss the infonnation given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning perfonnance of the task. As each perfonnance step is perfonned, evaluate the perfonnance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or perfonned unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Perfonnance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "Do you understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be perfonned in the Classroom and you are to perform all actions.

Infonn me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

  • The plant is operating at full power.
  • No equipment is out of service.
  • Core Spray is in its nonnal standby lineup Initiating Cues:

A through wall crack causing a pencil size leak has been reported by the RBAO to the Shift Manager on the Core Spray suction piping downstream of CS-7A.

The shift manager directs you to:

  • Identify mechanical and electrical components to isolate, vent, and drain the pump using controlled station mechanical and electrical drawings.
  • Detennine applicable LCOs (if any) before AND after leak isolation.

Task Standards:

P-46-IA Breaker Identified P-46-IA Pump Isolation Vent, Drain Valves identified MOV Breakers identified No steps are sequence critical, the control authority will determine the tagging sequence Correct Technical Specification LCO detennined Required Materials:

Controlled prints

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-3 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 3 of6 Technical Specifications Simulator Setup:

Any IC, need controlled prints, can be done in any setting with controlled prints available

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-3 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 4 of6 T~ESTART: _________

SAT/UNSAT Step 1: Determine correct print for Core Spray svstem.

Standard: Operator determines G 191168 is the Core Spray system print.

SATIUNSAT *Step 2: Determine isolation boundaries Standard: The following valves determined to be shut:

CS-7 A Handwheel, CS-16A, CS-8A, CS-SA Handwheel (and/or CS-18A),

CS-3SA, CS-26A Handwheel, CS-llA Handwheel, and CS-21A SAT/UNSAT *Step 3: Determine vent path.

Standard: The following valves determined to be open:

CS-19A, and CS-29A.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 4: Determine drain path.

Standard: The following valves determined to be open:

CS-17A, CS-27A, and CS-28A.

SAT/UNSAT Step 5: Determine correct print for Core Spray Pump'A' motor breaker Standard: Operator reviews G191299 SAT/UNSAT *Step 6: Determine Core Spray Pump'A' Breaker.

Standard: 4kV Bus 4 Compartment 4 SAT/UNSAT Step 7: Determine correct print for CS MOV 5A17 AlllAl26A Standard: Operator reviews G191301 Sheet 2 of2 SATfUNSAT *Step 8: Determine CS MOV 5AI7A111A126A power supplies.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-3 Rev. 2,09112 Page 5 of6 Standard: MCC 9B, Cubicles 2C, 7M, 2M, and 6K.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 9: Determine Technical Specification LCO prior to leak isolation.

Standard: 3.7.A.8 due to failure to comply with 3.7.A.3 (24hr Cold Shutdown).

SAT/UNSAT *Step 10: Determine Technical Specification LCO after leak isolation.

Standard: 3.5.A.2 due to one Core Spray system being made inoperable. (7 days or go to cold shutdown within 24hrs).

  • Critical Step TIME FINISH: _ _

Terminating Cue: Mechanical and electrical boundaries identified and Technical Specification LCOs determined. Order of steps not critical. Control authority will determine order of steps.

Evaluator Comments:

System: 209001 KIA's:

System Generic KIA's:

2.2.15 Ability to determine the expected plant configuration using design and configuration control documentation, such as drawings, line-ups, tag-outs, etc.

(CFR: 41.10/43.3/45.13)

IMPORTANCE RO 3.9 SRO 4.3 2.2.22 Knowledge of limiting conditions for operations and safety limits.

(CFR: 41.5/43.2/45.2)


2012 NRC JPM SRO A-3 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 6 of6 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions:

  • The plant is operating at full power.
  • No equipment is out of service.
  • Core Spray is in its normal standby lineup Initiating Cues:

A through wall crack causing a pencil size leak has been reported by the RBAO to the Shift Manager on the Core Spray suction piping downstream of CS-7A.

The shift manager directs you to:

  • Identify mechanical and electrical components to isolate, vent, and the pump using controlled station mechanical and electrical drawings.
  • Determine applicable LCOs (if any) before AND after leak isolation.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-4 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 1 of9 VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET Task Identification:


Review and Approve Emergency Plan Allowed Radiation Exposure Failure Mode: N/A


OP 3507, Emergency Radiation Exposure Control, Rev. 41 Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO _ RO/SRO Only SEOnly_.

Sequence Critical: Yes No -=...!'--_

Time Critical: Yes No -=...!'--_

Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code:

Method of Testing: Simulation Performance ~ Discuss Setting: Classroom ~ Simulator Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 15 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: _ _ _ __

Prepared by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed SRO Licensed/Certified Reviewer Date Approved by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Manager Date

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-4 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 2 of9 Directions:

Discuss the infonnation given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning perfonnance of the task. As each perfonnance step is perfonned, evaluate the perfonnance ofthat step by circling either "Sat" or "Dnsat". Comments are required for any "Dnsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or perfonned unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Perfonnance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "Do you understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be perfonned in the Classroom and you are to perform all actions.

Infonn me upon completion of this task.

    • Do not give applicant 'EXAMINEE HANDOUT (Supplement)' until cued by JPM script**

Initial Conditions:

1. A Site Area Emergency has been declared due to a steam line rupture with significant fuel damage.
2. Entry is required into the MSIV Room to close the outboard MSIVs to prevent event escalation.
3. Job conditions are as follows:
a. Two individuals are required to complete the job.
b. EACH worker is expected to receive 500 mR in transit from the plant entrance to the Main Steam line access door AND the same amount when transiting from the Main Steam line access door to the plant exit.
c. EACH worker is expected to spend 2 minutes in an 800mRIhr field in transit from the Main Steam line access door to the job site AND the same amount again while transiting from the job site to the Main Steam line access door.
d. The job site is in a 2 RIhr field. The job will take 1.5hrs at the job site with both workers working full time.
e. Airborne radiation levels at this time are not above nonnal.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-4 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 3 of9

4. Earlier today, during an initial entry for this event under a modified RWP, the workers have ALREADY received the following dose:
a. ..!...!'!~~~~ ** 600mR, resulting in a total exposure of 1399mR for the year.
b. Technician 2: 600mR, resulting in a total exposure of 1389mR for the year.
c. ~~~~~.' 900mR, resulting in a total exposure of 1280mR for the year.
d. Technician 4: 900mR, resulting in a total exposure of 1450mR for the year.
e. ~~~~~. 900mR, resulting in a total exposure of 1382mR for the year.
5. The TSC has not been staffed yet.
    • Do not give applicant 'EXAMINEE HANDOUT (Supplement)' until cued by JPM script**


  • Five workers are preparing to be briefed to complete the task:


Marital Technician SSN Status Volunteer TLD Pregnant L Mike Woods 45 123-45-6789 Married No 145678 N/A

2. Henry James 33 987-65-4321 Single Yes 235699 N/A
3. Jane Riley F 35 345-67-8900 Married Yes 233490 No
4. Bill Smith M 40 654-54-4678 Single Yes 123462 N/A
5. Mike Long M 47 610-45-2873 Married Yes 456237 NiA
    • All workers have low lifetime accumulated doses**
  • None of the individuals has ever received an emergency exposure.

Initiating Cues:

1. You are the Shift Manager.

fA W OP 3507, 'Emergency Radiation Exposure Control ':

2. Anticipate the total dose to be accumulated by EACH worker.
3. Determine the appropriate exposure limits to allow completion of the required task.
4. Select two (2) workers to complete the task.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-4 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 4 of9 Task Standards:

Detennine whieh 2 workers must have Emergeney exposure controls put in place due to anticipated doses during response to emergency conditions.

Required Materials:

OP 3507, Rev. 41 Simulator Setup:


2012 NRC JPM SRO A-4 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 5 of9 TIME START: _ _ _ __

SATIUNSAT *Step 1: The applicant determines the total does to be received by each worker for the task:

Standard: a. Detennine the anticipated dose from task perfonnance in the work area: (2000mRlhr)(1.5hr)= 3000mR

b. Detennine anticipated dose from transit tolfrom the plant entrance to the Main Steam access door: (500mR)+(SOOmR)= 1000mR
c. Detennine anticipated dose from transit tolfrom the job site from the Main Steam access door:


d. Detennine the total dose to each worker for the task:

3000mR+I000mR+53mR=4053mR per worker (+1- ImR acceptable due to rounding errors)

SAT/UNSAT Step 2:The applicant determines that task performance is not allowable per normal controls.

Standard: The applicant detennines that the planned dose for the job, combined with the dose already received as a result of the event, is greater than the annual 4500mR administrative limit for radiation exposure per EN-RP 201. (4053mr + 600mr/900mr > 4500mR admin limit)

SAT/UNSAT *Step 3: The applicant implements OP3507, Attachment 9.1, Step 1.3 and determines that emergency exposure controls are required.

Standard: The applicant evaluates the total expected dose (>4.5 REM) and recognizes that emergency exposure controls are required to raise the limit (10 REM) per OP3507. Note: 25 or 75REM exposure limit also acceptable if applicant believes that MSIV closure is necessary to protect plant employees (25REM) or surrounding population (75 REM).

Interim Cue: Examiner should only provide 'EXAMINEE HANDOUT (Supplement)' when the applicant detennines that emergency radiation exposure authorization is required.

Infonn the applicant that joint concurrence with the Shift Manager and Senior Radiation Protection Representative has been obtained for emergency does controls> 4.SREM.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-4 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 6 of9 SAT/UNSAT *Step 4: The applicant selects two Technicians for the task per OP3507, Attachment 9.5, Note 1.

Standard: The applicant selects Technicians 4 and 5 as best suited for the emergency exposure per Note 1. (Technician 1 did not volunteer, Technicians 2 and 3 are younger than Technicians 4 and 5.) All technicians have low lifetime accumulated doses per Examinee Handout Supplement.

  • Critical Step TIME FINISH: ___

Terminating Cue: Two technicians selected and authorized to perform the task.

Evaluator Comments:

System: KIA's:

System Generic KIA's: 2.3.4 Knowledge of radiation exposure limits and contamination control/incouding permissible levels in excess of those authorized.

(CFR: 43.4/45.10)


2012 NRC JPM SRO A-4 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 7 of9 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions:

1. A Site Area Emergency has been declared due to a stearn line rupture with significant fuel damage.
2. Entry is required into the MSIV Room to close the outboard MSIVs to prevent event escalation.
3. Job conditions are as follows:
a. Two individuals are required to complete the job.
b. EACH worker is expected to receive 500 mR in transit from the plant entrance to the Main Stearn line access door AND the same amount when transiting from the Main Stearn line access door to the plant exit.
c. EACH worker is expected to spend 2 minutes in an 800rnRlhr field in transit from the Main Stearn line access door to the job site AND the same amount again while transiting from the job site to the Main Stearn line access door.
d. The job site is in a 2 Rlhr field. The job will take 1.5hrs at the job site with both workers working full time.
e. Airborne radiation levels at this time are not above normal.
4. Earlier today, during an initial entry for this event under a modified R WP, the workers have ALREADY received the following dose:
a. Technician 1: 60OrnR, resulting in a total exposure of 1399mR for the year.
b. Technician 2: 60OrnR, resulting in a total exposure of 1389mR for the year.
c. ~~~~:::.. 90OrnR, resulting in a total exposure of 1280mR for the year.
d. Technician 4: 900mR, resulting in a total exposure of 1450rnR for the year.
e. ~~~~::::..' 900mR, resulting in a total exposure of 1382mR for the year.
5. The TSC has not been staffed yet.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-4 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 8 of9 Initiating Cues:

1. You are the Shift Manager.

JAW OP 3507, 'Emergency Radiation Exposure Control':

2. Anticipate the total dose to be accumulated by EACH worker.
3. Determine the appropriate exposure limits to allow completion of the required task.
4. Select two (2) workers to complete the task.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-4 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 9 of9 EXAMINEE HANDOUT (Supplement)

  • Five workers are preparing to be briefed to complete the task:


Marital Technician Sex Age SSN Status Volunteer I. Mike Woods M 45 123-45-6789 Mamed No 145

2. HenlY James M 33 987-65-4321 Single Yes 235699 N/A
3. Jane Riley F 35 345-67-8900 Mamed Yes 233490 No
4. Bill Smith M 40 654-54-4678 Single Yes 123462 N/A *
5. Mike Long M 47 610-45-2873 Married Yes 456237 N/A
    • All workers have low lifetime accumulated doses**
  • None of the individuals has ever received an emergency exposure.

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-5 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 1 of6 VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET Task Identification:


PAR Based on Plant Conditions Failure Mode:


OP 3511, Off Site Protective Action Recommendations, Rev. 30 Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO _ RO/SRO Only -.lL SE Only Sequence Critical: Yes No-,X~__

Time Critical: Yes No _ __

Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code: N/A Method of Testing: Simulation Performance Discuss Setting: Classroom ~ Simulator Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 13 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: _ _ _ __

Prepared by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed SRO Licensed/Certified Reviewer Date Approved Operations Training Manager Date

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-5 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 2 of6 Directions:

Discuss the infonnation given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning perfonnance of the task. As each perfonnance step is perfonned, evaluate the perfonnance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or perfonned unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Perfonnance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "Do you understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be perfonned in the Classroom and you are to perform all actions.

This is a time critical JPM.

Infonn me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

A steam line rupture and a loss of cooling accident has occurred. All ECCS systems responded as expected. The following plant data is available:

  • Reactor water level is -30" and stable
  • Containment RAD level is 10,000Rlhr and increasing
  • Torus pressure is 5psig and steady
  • The Shift Manager has declared a General Emergency and the EOF has not yet been manned.
  • Wind direction is from 020 degrees Initiating Cues:

Detennine the Protective Action Recommendation based on plant conditions per OP3511, and provide to the Shift Manager for approval.

Task Standards:

Attachment 9.5 PAR complete and submitted to Shift Manager within 13 minute administrative time limit.

Required Materials:

OP 3511, Rev. 30 Simulator Setup:


2012 NRC JPM SRO A-5 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 3 of6 TIME START:

SAT/UNSAT Step 1: Obtain OP3511 and review precautions:

Standard: Operator obtains and reviews procedure.

SAT/UNSAT Step 2: Utilize OP3511 Attachment 9.4 to determine the appropriate protective action recommendation based on plant conditions, and record on Attachment 9.5.

Standard: Operator obtains Attachment 9.4 and Attachment 9.5 from OP3511.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 3: Determine wind direction from meteorological data.

Standard: Operator records current upper wind direction on Attachment 9.4.

Interim Cue: If JPM is administered in the simulator and the operator attempts to obtain real time data lAW OP3513 Attachment 9.7, inform him/her that wind direction is from 020 degrees as stated in the initial conditions.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 4: Determine from initial conditions that substantial core damage is in progress.

Standard: Operator answers yes to "substantial core damage" decision block on OP3511 Attachment 9.4 due to containment radiation levels

>4,000Rlhr and RPV level < TAF.

SAT/UNSAT Step 5: Determine from initial conditions that containment failure has NOT occurred and a release is NOT underway.

Standard: Operator answers no to "containment failure projected or release underway" decision block on OP3511 Attachment 9.4.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 6: Determine PAR of EVACUATION for Vernon, Hinsdale, Bernardstown, Guilford, Winchester, and Northfield.

Standard: Operator determines that PAR is EVACUATION for Vernon, Hinsdale, Bernardstown, Guilford, Winchester, and Northfield (from OP3511

2012 NRC JPM SRO A-5 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 4 of6 Attachment 9.1 based on wind direction from 020 degrees) and completes Attachment 9.5, Section 1.

SATIUNSAT Step 7: Review PAR with Shift Manager for approval.

Standard: Operator requests approval of PAR from Shift Manager.

Interim Cue: Shift Manager states that he/she will complete the remainder of the procedure.

  • Critical Step TIME FINISH: _ _

Terminating Cue: OP3511 Attachment 9.5 PAR completed and submitted to Shift Manager for review within 13 minute administrative time limit.

Evaluator Comments:

System: KIA's:

System Generic KIA's: 2.4.29 Knowledge of emergency plan (CFR: 43.5/45.11)


2012 NRC JPM SRO A-5 Rev. 2,09112 Page 5 of6 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions:

A steam line rupture and a loss of cooling accident has occurred. All ECCS systems responded as expected. The following plant data is available:

  • Reactor water level is -30" and stable
  • Containment RAD level is 10,000RJhr and increasing
  • Torus pressure is 5psig and steady
  • The Shift Manager has declared a General Emergency and the EOF has not yet been manned.
  • Wind direction is from 020 degrees Initiating Cues:

Determine the Protective Action Recommendation based on plant conditions per OP3511, and provide to the Shift Manager for approval.



Transfer ofRBCCW Heat Exchangers from 'A' to 'B' Failure Mode:


OP 2182, Section C 'Transfer ofRBCCW Heat Exchangers" Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO _ RO/SRO Only ~ SE Only_

Sequence Critical: Yes No - " ' - ' ' - -

Time Critical: Yes No --=-=-

Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code:

Method of Testing: Simulation Performance Discuss Setting: Classroom Simulator Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 10 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: _ _ _ __

Prepared by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

SRO Licensed/Certified Reviewer Date Approved by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Manager Date

2012 NRC JPM P-l Rev 2,09/12 Page 2 of8 Directions:

Discuss the infonnation given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning perfonnance of the task. As each perfonnance step is perfonned, evaluate the perfonnance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any !fUnsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or perfonned unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Perfonnance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "Do you understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be performed in the Plant and you are to simulate all actions.

You are requested to ft talk-through tI the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are perfonning.

Infonn me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

Plant is operating at 100% power A RBCCW Heat Exchanger is in service Initiating Cues:

The CRS has directed you to transfer RBCCW Heat Exchangers from 'A' to '8' in accordance with OP 2182, Section C.

Task Standards:

The actions ofOP 2182, Section C.1 are complete with RBCCW heat exchanger '8' in service and 'A' secured.

Required Materials:

OP 2182, Rev 36.

Simulator Setup:


2012 NRC JPM P-l Rev 2,09112 Page 3 of8 TIME START: _ _ __

SATfUNSAT Step 1: Operator obtains OP 2182 and notes precautions and limitations Standard: Operator obtains appropriate procedure and notes precautions and limitations.

Interim Cue: All precautions and limitations have been met.

Note: If asked by applicant, RBCCW DIP check will be performed separately.

SATfUNSAT Step 2: Check open RBCCW heat exchanger B inlet valve RCW-91A Standard: Operator indicates that he/she will check open RCW-91A by rotating valve hand wheel in the counterclockwise direction.

Interim Cue: When operator simulates checking open of RCW-91 A, inform operator that handwheel is full open when rotated counterclockwise.

SAT/UNSAT Step 3: Check open RBCCW heat exchanger B service water inlet valve SW-90 Standard: Operator indicates that he/she wil1 check open SW-90 by rotating valve handwheel in the counterclockwise direction.

Interim Cue: When operator simulates checking open of SW-90, infonn operator that handwheel is full open when rotated counterclockwise.

SAT/UNSAT Step 4: Do not exceed 8 psi across the service water side of any RBCCW heat exchanger in service Standard: Operator notes caution SAT/UNSAT *Step 5: Slowlv open RBCCW heat exchanger B service water outlet valve SW 92B to approximately the same position as the off-going heat exchanger Standard: Operator indicate that he/she will slowly open SW -92B to approximately the same position as the off-going heat exchanger (SW-92A) by rotating the valve handwheel in the counterclockwise direction to

2012 NRC JPM P-l Rev 2,09112 Page 4 of8 approximately the same position as SW-92A.

Interim Cue: Inform the operator that the valve rotates freely in the counterclockwise direction and the stem is moving outward.

SATIUNSAT *Step 6: Slowly open RBCCW heat exchanger B outlet valve RCW-9IB Standard: Operator indicates that he/she will rotate the RCW-91B handwheel in the counterclockwise direction until full open.

Interim Cue: When operator simulates opening RCW-91B, inform himlher that the valve rotates freely, and that the stem moves outward until resistance is felt and the handwheel stops moving.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 7: Close RBCCW heat exchanger A outlet valve RCW-93B Standard: Operator indicates that he/she will rotate the RCW-93B handwheel in the clockwise direction until full close.

Interim Cue: When operator simulates closing RCW-93B, inform himlher that the valve rotates freely, and that the stem moves inward until resistance is felt and the handwheel stops movmg.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 8: Close RBCCW heat exchanger A service water outlet valve SW-92A Standard: Operator indicates that he/she will rotate the SW-92A handwheel in the clockwise direction until full close.

Interim Cue: When operator simulates closing SW-92A, inform himlher that the valve rotates freely, and that the stem moves inward until resistance is felt and the handwheel stops moving.

SATIUNSAT Step 9: Verify service water differential pressure through RBCCW heat exchanger B is <= 8 psid as follows:

1. Open SW-176B RBCCW HX B SW Inlet PI-I04-121B Isol Standard: Operator indicates that he/she will rotate the SW-176B handwheel in the counterclockwise direction until full open. (Note: scatlold required to access SW-176B.

Examiner may direct applicant to point to valve in lieu of climbing scaffold.)

2012 NRC JPM P-l Rev 2,09112 Page 5 of8 Interim Cue: When operator simulates opening SW-176B, inform himlher that the valve rotates freely, and that the stem moves outward until resistance is felt and the handwheel stops moving.

SAT/UNSAT Step 10: Verify service water differential pressure through RBCCW heat exchanger B is <= 8 psid as follows:

2. Obtain PI-I04-121B pressure.

Standard: Operator obtains PI-104-121B pressure.

Interim Cue: Inform operator that PI-104-121 Breads 70 psi.

SAT/UNSAT Step 11: Verify service water differential pressure through RBCCW heat exchanger B is <= 8 psid as follows:

3. Close SW-176B RBCCW HX B SW Inlet PI-104-121B Isol Standard: Operator indicates that he/she will rotate the SW-176B handwheel in the clockwise direction until full close.

Interim Cue: When operator simulates closing SW-1768, inform himlher that the valve rotates freely, and that the stem moves inward until resistance is felt and the handwheel stops movmg.

SATIUNSAT Step 12: Verify service water differential pressure through RBCCW heat exchanger B is <= 8 psid as follows:

4. Open SW-177G RBCCW HX B SW Outlet PI-I04-122B Isol Standard: Operator indicates that he/she will rotate the SW-177G handwheel in the counterclockwise direction until full open.

Interim Cue: When operator simulates opening SW-177G, inform himlher that the valve rotates freely, and that the stem moves outward until resistance is felt and the handwheel stops moving.

2012 NRC JPM P-I Rev 2,09/12 Page 6 of8 SAT/UNSAT Step 13: Verify service water differential pressure through RBCCW heat exchanger B is <= 8 psid as follows:

5. Obtain PI-I04-122B pressure and verify that differential pressure is <=

8psid Standard: Operator obtains PI-I04-122B pressure and determines differential pressure across the heat exchanger by subtracting the PI-104-121B and PI 104-122B pressure readings.

Interim Cue: Inform operator that PI-I04-122B reads 65 psi.

SAT/UNSAT Step 14: Verify service water differential pressure through RBCCW heat exchanger B is <= 8 psid as follows:

6. Close SW-177G RBCCW HX B SW Outlet PI-I04-122B Isol Standard: Operator indicates that he/she will rotate the SW -177G handwheel in the clockwise direction until full close.

Interim Cue: When operator simulates closing SW-177G, inform himlher that the valve rotates freely, and that the stem moves inward until resistance is felt and the handwheel stops moving.

  • Critical Step TIME FINISH: _ _

Terminating Cue: RBCCW 'B' heat exchanger in service with RBCCW 'A' heat exchanger secured. SW differential pressure across the 'B' heat exchanger <= 8psid.

Evaluator Comments:

2012 NRC JPM P-1 Rev 2,09/12 Page 7 of8 System: 400000 KIA's: Kl.Ol, K6.01, K6.06, Al.OI System Generic KIA's: NI A

2012 NRC JPM P-I Rev 2,09/12 Page 8 of8 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions:

Plant is operating at 100% power A RBCCW Heat Exchanger is in service Initiating Cues:

The CRS has directed you to transfer RBCCW Heat Exchangers from' A' to 'B' in accordance with OP 2182, Section C.

2012 NRC JPM P-2 Rev. 2, 9112 Page 1 of8 VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET Task Identification:


Alternate Shutdown Attachment 4, Diesel Start Failure Mode: Diesel starts, Fails to load


OPOP-ALTSD-3126, Attachment 4, Rev 2 Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO ~ RO/SRO SROOnly _ _

Sequence Critical: Yes No~

Time Critical: Yes No---.X Operator Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Method of Testing: Simulation ~ Performance Discuss Setting: Classroom _ Simulator._ Plant---.X Performance Expected Completion Time: 12 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: _ _ _ _ _ __

Prepared by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

SRO Licensed/Certified Reviewer Date Approved by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Superintendent Date

2012 NRC JPM P-2 Rev. 2, 9112 Page 2 of8 Directions:

Discuss the infonnation given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning perfonnance of the task. As each perfonnance step is perfonned, evaluate the perfonnance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or perfonned unsatisfactorily, then the operator has failed the Job Perfonnance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the operator "Do you understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be perfonned in the Plant and you are to simulate all actions while exercising ALARA, being respective of plant Protected Areas and identifying components to the evaluator's satisfaction.

You are requested to "talk through It the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are perfonning.

Infonn me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

A plant shutdown from outside the control room is in progress. The Vernon tie is NOT available.

Initiating Cues:

The SM directs you to start and load the 'A' Diesel Generator using Attachment 4 ofOPOP-ALTSD 3126 starting at step 12.3. Steps 12.1 and 12.2 are complete and you are in radio contact with the SM.

Task Standards:

The'A' Diesel is started and powering 4KV Bus 4.

Required Materials:

OPOP-ALTSD-3126, Rev 2, Attachment 4 Simulator Setup:


2012 NRC JPM P-2 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 3 of8 Evaluation Performance Steps TIME START: _ _ _ _ _ __

SAT/UNSAT Step 1: Obtain Procedure OPOP-ALTSD-3126 and review Admin Limits, Precautions, and Prerequisites, and steps prior to step 12.3 as necessary.

Standard: OPOP-ALTSD-3126 Attachment 4 obtained, admin limits, precautions and prerequisites reviewed.

Interim Cue: Inform operator Prerequisites are SAT.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 2: Establish the following conditions at the DG-I-IA GENERATOR PANEL:

1) DIESEL GEN ALTERNATE SHUTDOWN TRANSFER SS611A IN "EMERG" Standard: At the side of the generator panel, places switch SS611A (front switch) in the EMERG position by turning the switch.

Interim Cue: Inform operator SS611A is in the 9 O'Clock position.

SATIUNSAT *Step 3: 2) DIESEL GEN ALTERNATE SHUTDOWN TRANSFER SS611B IN "EMERG" Standard: At the side of the generator panel, places switch SS611 B (back switch) in the EMERG position by turning the switch.

Interim Cue: Inform operator SS6118 is in the 9 O'Clock position SAT/UNSAT Step 4: 3) SS 611 MAN/AUTO CNTRL SW FOR ALT SHUTDOWN IN AUTO Standard: In the center of the front of the generator panel, verifies switch SS611 in the AUTO position Interim Cue: Inform operator SS611 is AS-IS.

2012 NRC JPM P-2 Rev. 2, 9112 Page 4 of8 Evaluation Performance Steps SAT/UNSAT Step 5: Request Operator #1 to perform the following:

If available close STATION SERVICE WATER PUMP P-7-1C breaker 4KV Bus 4-2).

Standard: Contacts Operator #1 and request the 'C' SW pump breaker be closed.

Interim Cue: Inform operator that the 'C' SW pump breaker is CLOSED.

SAT/UNSAT Step 6: Close the STATION SERVICE TRANSF T-9-1A (49) breaker (4KV Bus 4-3).

Standard: Operator contacts Operator #1 and directs him to close the 49 breaker.

Interim Cue: Inform the operator that the 49 breaker is CLOSED.

SAT/UNSAT Step 7: Close the MAIN (99) breaker (480V Bus 9). Hold in pushbutton for ~5 seconds.

Standard: Operator requests that Operator #1 close the 99 breaker.

Interim Cue: Inform the operator that the 99 breaker is CLOSED.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 8: Request Operator #1 install/check installed the "TRIP" and "CLOSE" fuses for DIESEL GENERATOR DG-I-IA breaker (4KV Bus 4-8).

Standard: Operator contacts Operator # 1 and directs him to install the TRIP and CLOSE fuses for the A EDG Output breaker.

Interim Cue: Inform the operator that TRIP and CLOSE fuses have been installed.

2012 NRC JPM P-2 Rev. 2, 9112 Page 5 of8 Evaluation Performance Steps SAT/UNSAT Step 9: Verify the following occur:

"A" Diesel Generator starts.

"A" Diesel Generator accelerates to operating speed.

"A" Diesel Generator frequency increases to approximately 60 Hz.

"A" Diesel Generator voltage increases to approximately 4160 volts.

Interim Cue: Infonn the operator that he hears the Diesel start and accelerate to operating speed, that frequency is 60 Hz and voltage 4160 volts.

SAT/UNSAT Step 10: If the Diesel starts but the output breaker fails to close, at DG-I-1A GENERATOR PANEL:

Standard: Operator checks the position ofthe output breaker at the local control panel or asks Operator # 1 at Bus 4 in the switchgear room.

Interim Cue: When operator checks the breaker at the local control panel infonn him that the green light is ON and the red light is OFF. If operator requests a report from Operator on the status, infonn the operator as the SM that Operator #1 has infonned him that DG 1-1 A output breaker failed to close.

SATIUNSAT *Step 11: Place synchronizing switch to the ON position Standard: Operator places the synchronizing switch at the local control panel to ON Interim Cue: Infonn the operator that the switch is now in the 'On' position.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 12: Close the DG-I-IA breaker Standard: Operator goes to the local control panel and turns the control switch for the DG-l-1 A breaker to Close.

Interim Cue: Infonn the operator that the switch is now in 2 O'Clock position. Generator Kw can now be observed at the generator control panel. Green light Off, Red light On on 4kV I-A indicator.

2012 NRC JPM P-2 Rev. 2, 9112 Page 6 of8 Evaluation Performance Steps SAT/UN SAT Step 13: Verify that DIESEL GEN ROOM EXHAUST FAN TEF-2 operates as required.

Standard: Operator checks status ofTEF-2 visually.

Interim Cue: Inform the operator that TEF-2 is operating normally.

SAT/UN SAT Step 14: Adjust generator voltage as necessary to maintain between 4000 to 4200 volts.

Standard: Operator checks on the Generator Panel for Diesel and/or Bus 4 voltage.

Interim Cue: Inform the operator that voltage reads 4100V.

SAT/UNSAT Step 15: Report the status of the diesel to the Shift Manager Standard: Operator informs the SM that the diesel starts.

Interim Cue: SM acknowledges the report. Another operator will complete remaining section of Attachment 4.

SAT/UNSAT Step 16: Place Keeping and STAR used consistently throughout.

Standard: Steps are circled as performed, crossed out as completed and N/A'd as appropriate. STAR used consistently for each simulated manipulation.

  • Critical Step TIME FIJ'JISH: _ _ _ _ _ __

Terminating Cue: The 'A' Diesel Generator is running supplying 4KV Bus 4.

Evaluators Comments:

2012 NRC JPM P-2 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 7 of8 System: 264000 KlAs: A4.04

JPM 26411 Rev. 2, 6111 Page 8 of8 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions:

A plant shutdown from outside the control room is in progress. The Vernon tie is NOT available.

Initiating Cues:

The SM directs you to start and load the 'A' Diesel Generator using Attachment 4 ofOPOP-ALTSD 3126 starting at step 12.3. Steps 12.1 and 12.2 are complete and you are in radio contact with the SM.

2012 NRC JPM P-3 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 1 of 11 VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET Task Identification:


Operate RCIC From the Alternate Shutdown Panel


OPOP-ALTSD-3126, Shutdown Using Alternate Shutdown Methods Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO _ RO/SRO l SRO Only _ _

Sequence Critical: Yesl No Time Critical: Yes No---",--,X,--_

Operator Performing Task: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Examiner: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Date of Evaluation: - - - - - - - - - - - -

Activity Code: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____

Method of Testing: Simulation X Performance Discuss Setting: Classroom _ Simulator _ Plant---.X Performance Expected Completion Time: 20 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: _______

Prepared by: _______________

Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed by: _________________

SRO Licensed/Certified Reviewer Date Approved by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Supervisor Date

2012 NRC JPM P-3 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 2 of 11 Directions:

Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat".

Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk

(*), it is a critical step. A (+) sign indicates a sequence critical step. If a critical step is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the operator has failed the Job Performance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the operator "Do you understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be performed in the Plant and you are to simulate all actions.

You are requested to "talk through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are performing.

Inform me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

The Control Room is inaccessible. The reactor is scrammed and all initial actions have been completed prior to evacuating the Control Room. You have a portable radio and a key ring.

Initiating Cues:

The SM has appointed you as Operator . You are to inject RCIC to control reactor level from the Alternate Shutdown Panel in accordance OPOP-ALTSD-3126, Shutdown Using Alternate Shutdown Methods, starting at Attachment 3, Step 2.

Task Standards:

Reactor vessel level rising in accordance with OPOP-ALTSD-3126!

Required Materials:

OPOP-ALTSD-3126, Rev. 2, Shutdown Using Alternate Shutdown Methods, Attachment 3

2012 NRC JPM P-3 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 3 of 11 TIME START: _ _ _ _ _ __

SAT/UNSAT Step 1: Obtain and review OPOP-ALTSD-3126 Standard: OPOP-ALTSD-3126 obtained and reviewed.

Interim Cue: If asked, all prerequisites have been met and the Shift manager has not directed you to SCRAM the reactor utilizing the scram air filters ..

SAT/UNSAT *Step 2: At MTS-13-2 (Rx Bldg 252' by RCIC door) Transfer 125V DC Manual RCIC Transfer Switch MTS-13-2 to "Emergency" by turning counter clockwise.

Standard: Operator rotates MTS-13-2 (RB 252' by RCIC door) counter clockwise to the EMERGENCY position.

Interim Cue: Inform Operator that MTS-13-2 is in EMERGENCY.

SATIUNSAT *Step 3: Place RCIC V-13-15 Steam Supply Line Isolation Valve Shutdown Transfer Switch (SS1188) to "EMER" (CP-82-3).

Standard: Operator places RCIC-15 Steam Supply Line Isolation Valve Transfer Switch (SS 1188) on CP-82-3 in EMERGENCY Interim Cue: Inform Operator that the RCIC-15 Valve Transfer Switch is in EMERGENCY SAT/UNSAT *Step 4: Place RCIC V13-16 Steam Supply Line Isolation Valve Shutdown Transfer (SS1189) to "EMER" (CP-82-3)

Standard: Operator places RCIC-16 Steam Supply Line Isolation Valve Transfer Switch (SS 1189) on CP-82-3 in EMERGENCY Interim Cue: Inform Operator that the RCIC-16 Valve Transfer Switch has been placed in EMERGENCY

2012 NRC JPM P-3 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 4 ofll SAT/UNSAT Step 5: Open/Check Open RCIC V13-15 Steam Supply Line Isolation Valve.

Standard: Operator checks RCIC-I5 open by observing Red light On, Green light Off on CP-82-3.

Interim Cue: Inform Operator that RCIC-I5 indicates open.

SAT/UNSAT Step 6: Open/Check Open RCIC V13-16 Steam Supply Line Isolation Valve Standard: Operator checks RCIC-16 open by observing Red light On, Green light Off on CP-82-3.

Interim Cue: Inform Operator that RCIC-16 indicates open.

SAT/UNSAT Step 7: In the HPCI room, Open the ACB for HPCI Aux Oil Pump P-85-1A (MCC-DC-IB-4L)

Standard: Operator opens the HPCI Aux Oil Pump ACB on DC-IB (in HPCI Room) by placing the breaker switch to OFF.

Interim Cue: Inform the Operator that the ACB for the HPCI Aux Oil Pump is open.

2012 NRC JPM P-3 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 5 of 11 SAT/UN SAT Step 8: At the RCtC Corner Room (Rx Bldg 213' Levell on Alternate Shutdown Station ADS Safety Relief Valves Panel B1300S11 perform the following:

Standard: Operator verifies that the control switches for SRV 71A!B on panel B1300S11 (RCIC Room SRV control panel 213' level),

are in CLOSE Interim Cue: Inform Operator that the control switches for SRV 71A!B are in CLOSE SAT/UNSAT Step 9: At the Appendix R SRV Alt Shutdown Panel (RCIC Comer Room 232' level), place the ADS Transfer, SS-752, Switch to EMER Standard: Operator places the Appendix R ADS Transfer Switch in the RCIC Corner Room 232' level in EMERGENCY (Note: it is acceptable to have the applicant inform the examiner where he/she would go to actuate SS-752 rather than transit to the 232' level and back to the 213' leveL The applicant should show the examiner where SS-752 after the completioil of the JPM step in the 232; level)

Interim Cue: Inform Operator that the Appendix R ADS Transfer Switch is in EMERGENCY (Note: it is acceptable to have the applicant inform the examiner where he/she would go to actuate SS-752 rather than transit to the 232' level and back to the 213' level. The applicant should physically show the examiner where SS-752 is after the completion of the JPM step in the 232; level)

2012 NRC JPM P-3 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 6 of 11 SAT/UNSAT *Step 10: At the RCIC Corner Room (Rx Bldg 213' Level) Transfer 125V DC Manual RCIC Transfer Switch MTS-13-1 to "Emergencv" by turning counter clockwise.

Standard: Operator rotates MTS-I3 -1 counter-clockwise to EMERGENCY.

Interim Cue: Inform Operator that MTS-13-I is in EMERGENCY.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 11: At the RCIC Corner Room (Rx Bldg 213' Level) At CP 82-1 RCIC Alternate Shutdown System, Place the three RCIC Alternate Shutdown Transfer Switches to EMERGENCY in the following sequence:

1. SS1178A
2. SS1178B
3. SS1178C Standard: Operator transfers the switches on CP-82-I to EMERGENCY in sequence: SS 1178A ......-7SS 1178B......-7 SS 1178C Interim Cue: Inform Operator, as each switch is addressed, that it is in EMERGENCY SAT/UNSAT *Step 12: In Panel B1300SII, Transfer the SRV control power Knifeswitch to EMER Standard: Operator transfers the SRV Control Power Knife switch in Panel 1300BSll to EMERGENCY Interim Cue: Hand the Operator the photo of the inside of the panel and have him explain the manipulation, or ifno photo available, inform Operator that the SRV Control Power knife switch is in EMERGENCY

2012 NRC JPM P-3 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 7 of 11 SAT/UNSAT Step 13: If Power is not available on the panel, or to some valves, replace the fuses as described in Appendix E.

Standard: Operator observes the position/status indicating lights for all valves/motors on CP-82-1 to determine if fuse replacement is necessary.

Interim Cue: Inform Operator that ALL position/status indicating lights are energized SATIUNSAT Step 14: On CP-82-1, RCIC Alternate Shutdown System Checks Closed the following valves:

  • RCIC V13-30 (Test Bypass to Condensate Storage Tank)
  • RCIC V13-131 (Steam to Turbine)
  • RCIC V13-27 (Minimum Flow Byp to Suppression Chamber)
  • RCIC V13-4I (Pump Suction From Suppression Chamber)
  • RCIC V13-39 (Pump Suction From Suppression Chamber)

Standard: Operator checks closed above listed valves at CP-82-1; verifies Green light On / Red light Off for each valve.

Interim Cue: As each valve is addressed, inform Operator that the Green light is On / Red light is Off.

SATIUNSAT *Step 15: On CP-82-I, RCIC Alternate Shutdown System Open/Check Open the following valves:

  • RCIC V13-132 (Turbine Cooling Water Supply) - OPEN
  • RC)C V13-I8 (Pump Suction From cond Storage Tank) - Check
  • RCIC V13-20 (Pump Discharge Valve) - OPEN
  • RCIC V13-21 (Pump Discharge Valve) - OPEN
  • RCIC V13-IS Steam Supply Line Isolation Valve - Check Open
  • RCIC V13-16 Steam Supply Line Isolation Valve - Check Open Standard: Operator openslchecks open above listed valves at CP-82-1; verifies Red light On IGreen light Off for each valve.

Interim Cue: As each valve is addressed, inform Operator that the Red light is On I Green light is Off.

2012 NRC JPM P-3 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 8 of 11 SAT/UNSAT *Step 16: Start the RCIC gland seal vacuum pump Standard: RCIC gland seal vacuum pump control switch on CP-82-1 positioned to START. Operator verifies RCIC gland seal vacuum pump running by obscrving Red light On I Green light Off on CP-82-1.

Interim Cue: Inform Operator that the RCIC gland seal vacuum pump control switch is in START. Inform Operator that the RCIC gland seal vacuum pump Red light is On, Green light is Off SATIUNSAT Step 17: Operate the RCIC gland seal vacuum tank condensate pump as necessary to maintain vacuum tank level within the sightglass Standard: Operator verifies mid-level indicated in sightglass.

Interim Cue: When checked, inform Operator that vacuum tank level is mid-level within the sightglass.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 18: Set the RCIC Turbine Speed potentiometer to zero by turning potentiometer to zero by turning counter-clockwise Standard: Operator rotates the RCIC potentiometer fully counter clockwise Interim Cue: Inform Operator that the RCIC potentiometer is fully counter-clockwise.

SATIUNSAT Step 19: Open RCIC V13-27 (Minimum Flow Bypass to Suppression Chamber)

Standard: Operator places the RCIC-27 control switch on CP-82-1 to OPEN. Operator then verifies RCIC V13-27 OPEN by observing Red light On / Green light Off on CP-82-1.

Interim Cue: Inform Operator that the RCIC V13-27 control switch is in OPEN, stating to the Operator that RCIC V13-27 Red light is On / Green light is Off

2012 NRC JPM P-3 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 9 of 11 SAT/UNSAT Step 20: Monitor CST Level on Condensate Storage Tank Level LI-I07-12A Standard: Operator monitors CST level on CP-82-1 using LI-107-12A.

Interim Cue: Inform Operator that the level is stable.

SAT/UNSAT Step 21: Monitor Torus Level on Torus Water Level LI-16-19-10A Standard: Operator monitors Torus level on CP-82-1 using LI-16-19 lOA.

Interim Cue: Inform Operator that the level is stable.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 22: Start the RCIC Turbine by Opening RCIC V13-131 Steam To Turbine...

Standard: RCIC V13-131 control switch on CP-82-1 positioned to OPEN. Operator verifies RCIC V13-131 Open by observing Red light On! Green light Off on CP-82-1.

Interim Cue: Inform Operator that the RCIC-131 control switch is in OPEN by informing the Operator that RCIC-131 Red light is On I Green light is Off SAT/UNSAT *Step 23: And increasing RCIC potentiometer so turbine accelerates to greater than 2000 rpm immediately.

Standard: Immediately rotates RCIC potentiometer clockwise to raise Time RCIC turbine speed to > 2000 rpm.

Interim Cue: Inform Operator that RCIC turbine speed rises to 2200 rpm and stabilizes.

2012 NRC JPM P-3 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 10 of 11 SAT/UNSAT *Step 24: Adjust RCIC potentiometer to obtain 400 gpm at less than or equal to 4500 rpm as indicated on local instrument dpiIFI-13-61 Standard: Potentiometer on CP-82-1 adjusted to achieve RCIC rpm at ~4500 rpm as indicated by RPM meter on CP-82-1 and RCIC flow at 400 gpm as indicated by RCIC flow DPIS-13 6110cated on the instrument rack next to the RCIC Alternate Shutdown Panel.

Interim Cue: Inform Operator that RCIC speed is at 4300 rpm and stable. When DPIS 13-61 is checked, inform Operator that indicated flow is 400 gpm.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 25: When RCIC flow increases above 80 gpm, close RCIC V13-27 Minimum Flow Bypass To Supp Chamber.

Standard: When report is received that flow is > SO gpm, Operator manually closes RCIC V13-27 by taking control switch on CP-S2-1 to CLOSE. Operator then verifies RCIC-27 Green light On 1 Red light Off Interim Cue: Inform Operator that RCIC-27 Green light is On I Red light is Off, RCIC V13-27 control switch is in CLOSE.

SAT/UNSAT Step 26: Maintain RCIC Turbine Speed < 4500 rpm.

Standard: Operator adjusts RCIC potentiometer as necessary to maintain RCIC turbine speed < 4500 rpm Interim Cue: Inform Operator that RCIC speed has stabilized at 4300 rpm.

2012 NRC JPM P-3 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 11 of 11 SAT/UNSAT *Step 27: Adjust RCIC flow with the potentiometer as necessary to maintain reactor water level between 137" and 167" as read on RPV Water Level LI-2-3-72C Standard: Operator adjusts potentiometer to maintain level between 137" and 167" while monitoring level on LI-2-3-72C.

Interim Cue: Inform Operator that RPV level is 138" and slowly rising.

SAT/UNSAT Step 28: Place keeping and STAR used consistently throughout.

Standard: Steps are circled as performed, crossed out as completed and N/A'd as appropriate. STAR used consistency for each manipulation.

TIME Fn\JISH: _ _ _ __

Terminating Cue: Reactor level rising and being maintained using RCIC in accordance with OPOP-ALTSD-3126.

Evaluator Comments:------.------------------------------------------------

2012 NRC JPM P-3 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 12 of 11 System:


217000 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System (RCIC)

KIA: Al.03 AI. Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters associated with operating the REACTOR CORE ISOLATION COOLING SYSTEM (RCIC) controls including:

(CFR: 41.5/45.5)

AI.03 Reactor water level IMPORTANCE:


295016 Control Room Abandonment KIA: AAl.06 AAI. Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to CONTROL ROOM ABANDONMENT:

(CFR: 41.7/45.6)

AAl.06 Reactor water leveL ................................ .


RO 4.0 SRO 4.1

JPM-21701 Rev. 2, 06/08 Page 1 of 1 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions:

The Control Room is inaccessible. The reactor is scrammed and all initial actions have been completed prior to evacuating the Control Room. You have a portable radio and a key ring.

Initiating Cues:

The SM has appointed you as Operator #3. You are to inject RCIC to control reactor level from the Alternate Shutdown Panel in accordance OPOP-ALTSD-3126, Shutdown Using Alternate Shutdown Methods, starting at Attachment 3, Step 2.

2012 NRC JPM S-l Rev. 2, 9112 Page 1 of9 VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET Task Identification:


Startup Idle Recirc Pump "A" with "8" Recirc Pump Running Failure Mode: (Alternate Path) RV-53A Disc Separation


OP 2110, Reactor Recirc System (Rev 81)

Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO _ RO/SRO Only SROOnly_

Sequence Critical: Yes No Time Critical: Yes~ No Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code:

Method of Testing: Simulation Performance ~ Discuss Setting: Classroom Simulator Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 20 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: _ _ _ __

Prepared Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed SRO Licensed/Certified Reviewer Date Approved by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Superintendent Date

2012 NRC JPM S-l Rev. 2, 9112 Page 2 of9 Directions:

Discuss the infonnation given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning perfonnance of the task. As each perfonnance step is perfonned, evaluate the perfonnance ofthat step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or perfonned unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Perfonnance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "Do you understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be perfonned in the Simulator and you are to perform all actions.

You are requested to "talk-through II the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are perfonning.

Portions of this JPM are time critical.

Infonn me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

  • Reactor is in single loop power operation.
  • The idle 'A' Recirc Loop has been prepared for pump start lAW Section D.l through 5 ofOP 2110 including the reactor coolant temperature check of 411 0.05 is complete, See Attached.
  • The 'B' Recirc Pump speed has just been reduced to minimum.

Initiating Cues:

The CRS has directed you to start the 'A' Reactor Recirc Pump lAW OP 2110, starting at step D.6. An Operator, stationed in the vicinity ofthe 'A' Recirc MG set, is in continuous phone communication with the control room.

Task Standards:

This JPM has been written to start the "A" recirculation loop pump.

"A" Recirc Pump is secured due to failure of the discharge valve disc Required Materials:

OP 2110, Reactor Recirc System, Rev. 81 Attached: Executed VYOPF 4110.05, Rev. 44 (Reactor Coolant Temperature Check Data Sheet)

2012 NRC JPM S-l Rev. 2, 9112 Page 3 of9 Simulator Setup:

  • 20% power IC
  • Activate rfSW_58 (Auto Recirc MG Lube Oil Temperature Control)
  • Secure the A Recirc Pump, place controller in MANUAL and adjust to minimum speed
  • Adjust B Recirc Pump to minimum speed, with controller in MANUAL
  • Ensure the A Recife pump speed controller is set at 0 in manual with P displayed.
  • Insert mfRR_14A (RV-53A Disc Separation)
  • Limit RV-53A open travel to 70% open CAUTION When reducing the speed of running recirculation pump to minimum, plant conditions may result in thermal stratification in the bottom head region. The performance of steps to start the secured recirculation pump and opening RV-53A are time critical.


  • During recirculation pump startup, IF there is no indication that flow has been established (jet pump flow, pump flow, pump dp, and/or reactor neutron flux) within one minute of field breaker closure, THEN:
  • Trip the recirc pump A(B) and
  • Close Pump Discharge RV-53A(B)
  • PUMP DISCHARGE valve RV-53A(B) must be opened at least 90% within 5 minutes of drive motor breaker closure or the drive motor breaker will trip.

2012 NRC JPM S-l Rev. 2, 9112 Page 4 of9 Evaluation Performance Steps T~ESTART: _________

SATIUNSAT Step 1: Obtain procedure; review admin limits, precautions, and pre requisites Standard: Procedure OP 2110 Rev. 81 obtained; admin limits, precautions, and pre requisites reviewed Interim Cue: Present candidate a copy ofOP 2110, Rev. 81 once attempt to obtain in the Control Room with the "REACTOR COOLANT TEMPERATURE CHECK DATA SHEET" filled out.

If asked, all pre-requisites are met. MG set lube oil is at 100 degrees F locally.

SAT/UNSAT Step 2: Ensure motor-generator set start permissives are satisfied.

Standard: Operator verifies the following Section D.6 requirements:

a) Pump Suction Valve RV-43A is open (RED light on) b) __ Generator field breaker is open (Green light on) c) Lockout relay is reset Interim Cue: Cue: "Lockout relay is reset" d) Lube oil circulation flow is normal (40-65 psig)

Interim Cue: Cue: "Lube oil circulation flow is normal at an indicated 52 psig" e) _ _ Drive motor bus is at or near rated voltage (Bus #1, 3 rd gauge down) f) _ _ Pump Discharge Valve RV-53A is closed (Green light on)

2012 NRC JPM S-1 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 5 of9 Evaluation Performance Steps SAT/UNSAT Step 3: Monitor ERFIS Point M040 Standard: Operator monitors Point M040 ("A" Generator Tach Speed) on ERFIS SAT/UNSAT *Step 4: Startthe 'A' Reactor Recirc Pump (P-18-1A)

Standard: Operator may perform a PA announcement of pump start.

Operator takes the Recirc Pump 'A' Drive Motor control switch to START.

SATIUNSAT Step 5: Observe that Field breaker closes approximately 7 sec. after drive motor breaker is closed. (Green to Red light lit)

Standard: 7.a.l) Operator verifies that field breaker closes in approximately seven seconds by observing indications at CRP 9-4 Record Time: NOTE: within 1 minute Pump needs to be tripped IF candidate does not establish and recognize pump loop flow (Step #9 below)

NOTE: within 5 minutes Pump needs to be tripped (Step #12 below) because RV-53A will not open at least 900/0.

SAT/UNSAT Step 6: Observe Generator speed (M040) hits peak of approximately 80%.

Standard: 7.a.2) Operator observes generator speed hits peak of approx. 80%

SAT/UNSAT Step 7: Observe that Generator speed settles out to approximately 40%

speed and then decays to approximately 20% speed Standard: 7.a.3) Operator verifies that generator speed settles to approximately 40% and then decays to approximately 20% by observing ERFIS PTID.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 8: Jogs Open PUMP DISCHARGE valve RV-53A Standard: Operator takes the RV-53A control switch to OPEN for 3 seconds and waits at least 10 seconds. Operator notices'A' DIP and flow increase.

Booth Operator Cue: Should observe both initial "A" DIP and flow increase AND THEN: Place fault in Simulator RV-53A.

2012 NRC JPM S-l Rev. 2, 9112 Page 6 of9 Evaluation Performance Steps SATIUNSAT T*Step 9: Recognizes some 'A' loop pump flow has been established.

Standard: Operator recognizes some jet pump flow, pump dp and/or reactor neutron flux within one minute of field breaker closure.

Precaution #33: IF there is no indication that flow has been established Get pump flow, pump flow, pump dp, and/or reactor neutron flux) within one minute of field breaker closure, THEN Operator should:

  • Trip the recirc pump A(B) and
  • Close Pump Discharge RV-53A(B)

Record Time: - - - - - - << 1 minute from field breaker closure?)

SATIUNSAT Step 10: MAY Continues to Jog Open PUMP DISCHARGE valve RV-53A Standard: Depending on Booth Instructor timing and Simulator response:

Operator takes the RV-53A control switch to OPEN for 3 seconds and waits at least 10 seconds repeatedly.

SAT/UN SAT Step 11: Recognize abnormal flow response to RV-53A manipulation and recommend tripping of the "A" Recirc Pump Standard: Operator recognizes:

- Abnormal flow indication on CRP 9-4:

(FI-2-159A, FI-2-3-87AlB, FI-2-3-92A), and

- RV-53A Open Red light does not illuminate, and Operator Recommends that "A" Recirc Pump be tripped.

Interim Cue: When the Operator requests/recommends tripping of the A Recirc Pump, direct that pump be tripped Note: With the pump discharge valve RV -53A not greater than 90% open, within 5 minutes of drive motor breaker closure or the drive motor breaker will trip lAW OP 2110 Precaution #5. The 5-minute clock for the time critical portion of this JPM starts when the pump is started (Step 4), and ends with Step 12 (when the pump is tripped).

2012 NRC JPM S-l Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 7 of9 Evaluation Performance Steps SAT/UNSAT T*Step 12: Trip the A Recirc Pump Standard: Operator trips Recire Pump'A' Drive Motor Breaker at CRP 9-4 RecordTime: - - - - -

Did 'A' Recire Pump Auto Trip or Intentionally Tripped? _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Interim Cue: No further actions are required for this JPM TIME FINISH: _ _ __

Terminating Cue: Operator trips the "A" Recirc Pump lAW OP 2110 Precaution #5 Evaluator Comments:

System: 202001 Recirculation System KIA: Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters associated with operating the RECIRCULATION SYSTEM controls including:

Core flow IR: RO 3.6 SRO 3.6

2012 NRC JPM S-l Rev. 2, 9112 Page 8 of9 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions:

  • Reactor is in single loop power operation.
  • The idle'A' Recirc Loop has been prepared for pump start lAW Section D.1 through 5 of OP 2110 including the reactor coolant temperature check of 4110.05 is complete, See Attached.
  • The 'B' Recirc Pump speed has just been reduced to minimum.

Initiating Cues:

The CRS has directed you to start the 'A' Reactor Recirc Pump lAW OP 2110, starting at step D.6. An Operator, stationed in the vicinity ofthe 'A' Recirc MG set, is in continuous phone communication with the control room.


rzj Prior to and after startup of an idle loop, record the following:

Sta11up ofRecirc Pump in Before Pump After Pump S/U S/U Recire Loop A Temperature (OF) 520 Reelre Loop B Temperature (OF) .520 Reactor Pressure (psi g) 925*

Bottom Head Drain Temp (OF)

(PLC-2-166, RPViSV/RV Screen, Ch. 4)

(ERl'IS Pt 8026)

.1//2 Saturation temperature corresponding to above reactor pressure from saturated steam tubles. .1{'3 rOF Difference between saturation temperature and bottom head drain temperature_l:2 2. OF the bottom head drain temperature is within 145°F ofthe reactor saturation temperature,

~f one recire pump is running, the temperatures of the idle and W ~perating loop are within 50"1" of each other,

.~ c if the reactor is in hot shutdown and both loops are secured with the y;;r reactor in the natural circulation mode of operation, the idle loop tern eralure is within 50°F of the reactor saturation tem eraturc.

2. After startup ofthe idle loop and with reeire pump speeds balanced to within 5% of each other, perform the daily jet pump operability check per procedure Section A.2.

Record cd By Reviewed (Initials) ~

~~ ---- cz":2l (Print/Sign)

Shift Manager (Print/Sign)

VYOPF 4110.05 OP 4110 Rev. 44 Page 1 of 1

2012 NRC JPM S-2 Rev. 2,9112 Page 1 of8 VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET Task Identification:


Startup Torus Cooling Using the "AI! Side ofRHR Failure Mode: Pump Seal Leakage


OPOP-RHR-2124 Residual Heat Removal System, Rev. 6 Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO _ RO/SRO ~ SRO Only_

Sequence Critical: Yes _ No---.X Time Critical: Yes No Operator Performing Task: _______________

Examiner: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Date of Evaluation: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Method of Testing: Simulation _ Perfonnance Diseuss Setting: Classroom _ Simulator,lL Plant Perfonnance Expected Completion Time: 15 minutes Evaluation Results:

Perfonnance: PASS FAIL Time Required:

Prepared by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed SRO Licensed/Certified Reviewer Date Approved Operations Training Superintendent Date

2012 NRC JPM S-2 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 2 of8 Directions:

Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance ofthat step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the operator has failed the Job Performance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the operator "Do you understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform the actions.

You are requested to "talk through If the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are performing.

Inform me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

The Reactor is at power.

Initiating Cues:

The CRS directs you to start torus cooling using the'A' side ofRHR, using the' A' RHRSW pump and 'A' RHR pump in accordance with OPOP-RHR-2124, Section 7.3. The heat exchanger sample is complete and satisfactory. The 'A' loop ofRHR is filled and vented. Torus spray is not desired.

Task Standards:

Torus cooling in service on 'A' RHR system with'A' RHRSW pump and 'C' RHR pump running in accordance with OPOP-RHR-2124.

Required Materials:

OPOP-RHR-2124, Residual Heat Removal System (latest revision)

Simulator Set-Up:

Any IC, RHR loop 'A' in normal standby lineup. Run scenario file which contains event triggers to simulate RHR pump 'A' seal leakage and the 3-J-5, 'RHR PUMP A SEAL LKG HI' alarm on the RHR Pump 'A' start. 3 SW pumps running at scenario start.

2012 NRC JPM S-2 Rev. 2, 9112 Page 3 of8 TIME START:

Evaluation Performance Steps SAT/UNSAT Step 1: Obtain Procedure, review administrative limits, precautions and prerequisites Standard: OPOP-RHR-2124, section 7.3, obtained, administrative limits, precautions and prerequisites reviewed.

Interim Cue: Inform operator that all prerequisites are satisfied.

SAT/UNSAT Step 2: Request CRS to enter Tech Spec LCO 3.5.A.4 for RHR loop aligned for torus cooling.

Standard: Operator advises CRS of Tech Spec requirement Interim Cue: CRS acknowledges report.

SAT/UNSAT Step 3: Request RP to survey the RHR corner room and torus area.

Standard: Operator uses the gai-tronics or telephone to request surveys.

Interim Cue: When call is made, inform operator that an RP will conduct surveys SATIUNSAT Step 4: Check condensate transfer is being used to provide keep fill pressure, secure the condensate transfer keep fill per the Condensate Transfer Keep Fill Operation section of this procedure.

Standard: Operator notes that the condensate system is providing keep fill.


Standard: Operator verifies RHR-89A CLOSED on CRP 9-3 by Green light ON and Red light OFF.

SAT/UNSAT Step 6: Verify RHR-89A TEST switch in AUTO.

2012 NRC JPM S-2 Rev. 2,9/12 Page 4 of8 Standard: Operator verifies RHR-89A TEST switch in AUTO on the CRP vertical panel.

SAT/UNSAT Step 7: Ensure Adequate Number of SW Pumps are Operating to handle RHRSW pump demands.

Standard: Operator checks on CRP 9-6 that adequate number of SW pumps are on and that no more than one station SW pump is in STANDBY.

SAT/UNSAT Step 8: Start Station SW Pumps as Necessary Standard: On CRP 9-6 horizontal panel, the operator starts any standby service water pumps as necessary (if initial condition of three SW pumps running is met, this step is NIA).

SATIUNSAT *Step 9: Start'A' RHRSW Pump Standard: RHR SW Pump Switch P-8-1A on CRP 9-3 taken to START and released.

SATIUNSAT Step 10: Verify "A" RHR SW Pump Starts Standard: Operator acknowledges alarm 3-K-4, Operator observes red light ON and green light OFF on CRP 9-3, and pump amps peg and return to normal amber band. Operator verifies flow indication on FI lO-132A. (Note: Pump doesn't start until RHR-89A reaches full open-> -40seconds)

Interim Cue: If operator requests Chemistry to determine whether RHRWS chemical treatment is necessary, inform operator that chemical treatment is not necessary.

SATIUNSAT Step 11: RHR SW pump cooling flow verified between 5 to 7.5 gpm.

Standard: Operator contacts AO and directs AO to verify RHR SW pump cooling flow 5 to 7.5gpm.

Interim Cue: When AO contacted, AO reports 6.5gpm RHR SW Pump cooling flow.

SATIUNSAT *Step 12: Start RHR Pump'A' Standard: RHR Pump Switch P-lO-lA on CRP 9-3, taken to START and released

2012 NRC JPM S-2 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 5 of8 when pump starts SAT/UNSAT Step 13: Verify RHR pump 'A' running.

Standard: Operator observes red light on, green light off associated with

'A' RHR pump. Operator observes pump amps peg high on lOA-MIA and then settle to normal band on vertical CRP 9-3.

SAT/UNSAT Step 14: Operator acknowledges alarm 3-J-5, RHR PUMP 'A' SEAL LKG Standard: Operator reports alarm to the CRS.

Interim Cue: CRS acknowledges report.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 15: Operator refers to the ARS for 3-J-5.

Standard: Operator refers to ARS 3-J-5 Operator Actions.

SAT/UNSAT Step 16: Verify leakage using local seal leak off flow meter Standard: Operator contacts AO and directs him to verify leakage using local seal leak off flow meter.

Interim Cue: AO reports ~1.0gpm on FI-IO-125A (local seal leak off flow meter).

SAT/UNSAT Step 17: IfRHR is required, consider starting RHR pump 'C' and securing RHRpump 'A' Standard: Operator asks CRS whether RHR is required.

Interim Cue: CRS informs operator that RHR is required and to continue with the procedure using RHR Pump 'C'.

SAT/UNSAT Step 18: Consult Tech Spec 3.5 Standard: Operator informs CRS of ARS action to consult TS 3.5.

2012 NRC JPM S-2 Rev. 2, 9112 Page 6 of8 Interim Cue: CRS aeknowledges recommendation to consult TS 3.5 SAT/UNSAT *Step 19: Start RHR Pump 'C' Standard: RHR Pump Switch P-lO-lC on eRP 9-3, taken to START and released when pump starts SAT/UNSAT Step 20: Verify RHR pump 'C' running.

Standard: Operator observes red light on, green light off associated with 'C' RHR pump. Operator observes pump amps peg high on lOA MIC and then settle to normal band on vertical CRP 9-3.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 21: Secure RHR Pump 'A' Standard: RHR Pump Switch P-lO-IA on eRP 9-3, taken to STOP. Operator observes red light off, green light on associated with 'A' RHR pump.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 22: OpenRHR39A Standard: Operator takes control switch for RHR 39A on eRP 9-3 to OPEN momentarily and verifies red light on and green light off.

SATIUNSAT *Step 23: OpenRHR34A Standard: Operator takes control switch for RHR 34A on eRP 9-3 to OPEN momentarily and verifies red light on and grcen light off.

SATIUNSAT Step 25: Adjust RHR-89A on CRP 9-3 to maintain RHR SW pressure in the heat exchanger at greater than 20 psid above RHR pressure and limit RHRSW flow to 2300-3140gpm.

Standard: Operator adjust RHR 89A to maintain greater than 20 psid above RHR pressure (as read on DPI-IO-130A) and 2300-3140gpm RHRSW flow (as read on FI-IO-132A).

2012 NRC JPM S-2 Rev. 2, 9112 Page 7 of8 SAT/UNSAT Step 26: If desired, RHR-34A may be throttled to produce desired Torus coolin!! flow rate, provided RHR flow is maintained greater than or equal to 4100gpm for each pump in service Standard: Control switch for RHR-34A on CRP 9-3 taken to open to maintain RHR flow $ 7000 GPM Interim Cue: If asked, CRS directs containment cooling flow to be maintained between 5000 7000gpm (as read on FI-1O-136A)

SAT/UNSAT Step 28: Monitor Torus/DW dP Standard: Maintain> 1.7 psid between DW/Torus (Recorder located on CRP 9-25)

SAT/UNSAT Step 29: If onlv one RHR pump is runninS!, then if desired, on CRP 9-3, CLOSE HX Bypass, RHR-65A Standard: Control switch for RHR-6SA on CRP 9-3 taken to close. Operator observes green light on, red light off.

Interim Cue: CRS indicates desire to CLOSE HX bypass, RHR-6SA SAT/UNSAT Step 30: Monitor Flow Indicators on 9-3 Standard: Operator observes flow indication on FI-139A, FI-136A, and FI-132A.

SAT/UNSAT Step 31: If desired, pump the Torus to Radwaste Standard: Operator asks CRS if pumping the Torus to Radwaste is desired Interim Cue: If requested, CRS indicates that pumping the Torus to Radwaste is not desired at this time.

  • Critical Step

2012 NRC JPM S-2 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 8 of8 TIME FINISH: _ _ __

Terminating Cue: Torus cooling in service on 'A' RHR system with 'A' RHRSW pump and 'C' RHR pump running in accordance with OPOP-RHR-2124.

Evaluators Comments:

System: 219000 RHRlLPCI: Torus/Suppression Pool Cooling Mode KIA's:

A2.02 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the RHRlLPCI: TORUS/SUPPRESSION POOL COOLING MODE; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Pump trips (CFR: 41.5/45.6)

R033 SR03.3 System Generic KIA's:

2012 NRC JPM S-2 Rev. 1,8/12 Page 1 of 1 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions:

The Reactor is at power.

Initiating Cues:

CRS directs you to start torus cooling using the'A' side of RHR, using the'A' RHRSW pump and'A' RHR pump in accordance with OPOP-RHR-2124, Section 7.3. The heat exchanger sample is complete and satisfactory. The'A' loop ofRHR is filled and vented. Torus spray is not desired.

2012 NRC JPM S-3 Rev. 2, 9112 Page 1 of9 JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET Task Identification:


EPRJMPR Performance Test Failure Mode: (Alternate Path) Swap to MPR


OP 4160, Turbine Generator Surveillance, Rev. 54 Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO RO/SRO l SRO Only_

Sequence Critical: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No X Operator Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code:

Method of Testing: Simulation Performance ~ Discuss Setting: Classroom Simulator Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 20 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: _ _ _ _ _ __

Prepared by:

Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed SRO Licensed/Certified Reviewer Date Approved by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Supervisor Date

2012 NRC JPM S-3 Rev. 2,9/12 Page 2 of9 Directions:

Discuss the infonnation !:,>1ven on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the perfonnance ofthat step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or perfonned unsatisfactorily, then the operator has failed the Job Perfonnance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the operator "Do you understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be perfonned in the Simulator and you are to perform the actions.

You are requested to "talk through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are performing.

Inform me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

Nonnal Rx operation, 100% power with the EPR in controL Initiating Cues:

The CRS directs you to perfonn the Daily EPR Performance Test in accordance with section A ofOP 4160, Turbine Generator Surveillance.

Today is an odd numbered day.

Task Standards:

The Daily EPR Perfonnance Test Fails.

Reactor Pressure Control is swapped to the MPR.

Plant is stable with reactor pressure control on the MPR.

Required Materials:

OP 4160, Turbine Generator Surveillance, Rev. 54 VYOPF 4160.07, Daily EPR(MPR) Performance Test, Rev. 54 OP 2160, Turbine Generator Support Systems Operation, Rev. 24 Simulator Setup:

Any 100% power IC with Reactor Pressure set at 12 psig below top offnonnal pressure band.

EPR failure IC mITC_ 04A with +/- 10 psig EPR oscillations.

2012 NRC JPM S-3 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 3 of9 Evaluation Performance Steps TIME START: _ _ _ _ _ __

SAT/UNSAT Step 1: Obtain Procedure OP 4160 and VYOPF 4160.07 and review Admin Limits, Precautions, and Prerequisites.

Standard: OP 4160 and VYOPF 4160.07 obtained, admin limits, precautions and prerequisites reviewed.

Interim Cue: Inform operator Prerequisites are SAT.

SAT/UNSAT Step 2: Trend Reactor pressure using ERFIS point B025 and verifv stability.

Standard: la) Operator Displays a trend of point B025, reactor pressure and confirms reactor pressure is stable.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 3: Adjust the EPR set point approximately 1 psig up.

Standard: As instructed, Operator confirms day is ODD then EPR set point is adjusted I psig UP.

MPR SERVO MOTOR POSITION (T035) should move 212% up).

(Non-Critical: Operator initials steps in Form VYOPF 4160.07)

SAT/UNSAT Step 4: Verify response of EPR by observing:

amplitude of oscillation change in reactor pressure, and ERFIS T033 EPR SERVO MOTOR POSITION Standard: I.c) Operator observes amplitude of oscillation and change in reactor pressure and ERFIS T033 position.

2012 NRC JPM S-3 Rev. 2, 9112 Page 4 of9 Evaluation Performance Steps SAT/UNSAT Step 5: Verify response of MPR by observing rmal position of MPR servo motor position, ERFIS point T035.

Standard: I.d) Operator observes MPR servo position indicator via ERFIS point T035 and confirms servo motor position increases or decreases approximately 2V2% depending on direction of set point adjustment.

ENTER FAULT: Booth Operator enters both:

EPR failure with 9 to 10 psig reactor pressure oscillation visible on B025 & CRP Digital.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 6: Verify the Amplitude of reactor pressure oscillations < 5 psig.

Standard: I.e) Operator observes amplitude of oscillation and change in reactor pressure on reactor pressure, B025.



Interim Cue: IF the operator reports the reactor pressure is oscillating to the CRS.

Acknowledge the report, only. If guidance/direction is requested, provide direction:

"Perform the required actions for the given condition lAW OP 4160".

SATIUNSAT *Step 7: EPR should be suspected as the cause with available indications.

Standard: 2.a) Operator determines that the EPR is the suspected cause of reactor pressure oscillations and commences to swap pressure control to the MPR per OP 2160.

2012 NRC JPM S-3 Rev. 2, 9112 Page 5 of9 Evaluation Performance Steps SATfUNSAT Step 8: Obtain Procedure OP 2160 and review Admin Limits, Precautions, and Prerequisites Standard: OP 2160 obtained, admin limits, precautions, and prerequisites reviewed Interim Cue: If operator is taking actions to retrieve OP 2160, THEN hand the operator a copy ofOP 2160.

Inform Operator that prerequisites are SAT SAT/UNSAT Step 9: If time permits, verify that the MPR pilot bushing is rotating Standard: OP 2160 Section B,1.a) Directs auxiliary operator to verify that the MPR pilot bushing is rotating IF he determines time permits.

Interim Cue: Respond as the auxiliary operator, and inform Operator that the MPR pilot bushing is rotating SAT/UNSAT Step 10: Verify MPR OUTPUT STROKE is approximately 10% below EPR OUTPUT STROKE setting Standard: B.1.b) Verifies that the MPR output stroke is approximately 10% below the EPR output stroke setting by comparing stroke indicators.

Interim Cue: State: "MPR output stroke is approximately 10% below the EPR output stroke setting" SAT/UNSAT Step 11: Verify bulb for oncoming (MPR) pressure regulator is sound Standard: B.l.c) Removes MPR white light bulb and checks/swaps bulb with one currently illuminated to verify viability Interim Cue: State: "MPR white light bulb"

2012 NRC JPM S-3 Rev. 2, 9112 Page 6 of9 Evaluation Performance Steps SAT/UNSAT *Step 12: Using MPR SET-POINT switch, slowly lower the MPR SETPOINT by going to LOWER until the MPR OUTPUT STROKE moves in the direction of the EPR OUTPUT STROKE setting Standard: R1.d) Rotates MPR Setpoint Switch to the LOWER position, and observes that the MPR Output Stroke moves in the direction of the EPR Output Stroke setting. Holds the switeh until the MPR takes controL NOTES: Both white lights will be lit for a brief time and then only the light for the MPR will be lit.

SATIUNSAT *Step 13: Continue to slowly lower the MPR SETPOINT until the MPR begins to take control Standard: R1.e) Rotates MPR Output Switch to the LOWER position, and observes that the MPR Output Stroke moves in the direction of the EPR Output Stroke setting until the MPR takes control.

SATIUNSAT Step 14: Verify that the MPR is controlling pressure as follows:Verify white light above MPR SETPOINT switch is illuminated Standard: R1.f.1) Observes white light above MPR Setpoint Switch ON, SAT/UNSAT Step 15: Verify white light above EPR SETPOINT switch is extinguished Standard: B.1.f.2) Observes white light above EPR Setpoint Switch OFF SATIUNSAT Step 16: On CRP 9-5, verify stable reactor pressure Standard: R1.f.3) Observes reactor pressure is stable.

SAT/UNSAT Step 17 If either pressure regulator fails to control pressure, refer to OT 3115, Reactor Pressure, transients for immediate actions.

Standard: B.Lg) Recognizes that the MPR has control and OT 3115 is N/A.

2012 NRC JPM S-3 Rev. 2, 9112 Page 7 of9 Evaluation Performance Steps SAT/UNSAT *Step 18: Using EPR SET-POINT switch, slowly Raise the EPR SET-POINT, by going to RAISE. EPR OUTPUT STROKE will slowly decrease to zero with MPR in control.

Standard: B.l.h) Slowly raises the EPR SET-POINT, by going to RAISE with the EPR SET-POINT switch.

SAT/UNSAT Step 19: EPR cutout switch mav be placed in CUTOUT (OFF), if required.

The EPR cutout switch should be placed in CUTOUT (OFF)

Standard: B.l.i) Procedure, OP 4160 step A.l.e.2.b states: "Remove the EPR(MPR) from service". Operator places the EPR cutout switch in CUTOUT (OFF).

SAT/UNSAT Step 20: Verify alarm 7-G-2, "EPR CONTROL POWER LOSS/TROUBLE" is energized.

Standard: B.Li.1) Operator confirms 7-0-2, "EPR CONTROL POWER LOSS/TROUBLE" is energized.

SAT/UNSAT Step 21: Adjust reactor pressure as necessary.

Standard: B.1. j) Operator adjust reactor pressure as necessary using the MPR SAT/UNSAT Step 22: If desired, THEN secure ERFIS reactor pressure trend.

Standard: OP 4160 A.I.g) Operator secures ERFIS reactor pressure trend if desired.

  • Critical Step TIME FINISH: _ _ __

Terminating Cue: Reactor Pressure control has been transferred to the MPR, within band and stable. The EPR Performance Test is complete.

2012 NRC JPM S-3 Rev. 2, 9112 Page 8 0[9 Evaluator Comments:

System: 241000 Reactor/Turbine Pressure Regulating System KIA: A2.04 Ability to (a) predict the impacts ofthe following on the REACTOR/TURBINE PRESSURE REGULATING SYSTEM; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:

(CFR: 41.5 /45.6)

A2.04 Failed open/closed control/governor valve(s)


RO 3.7 SRO 3.8

JPM - 24502 Rev. 2,9112 Page 1 of 1 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions:

Normal Rx operation, 100% power with the EPR in control.

Initiating Cues:

The CRS directs you to perform the Daily EPR Performance Test in accordance with section A of OP 4160, Turbine Generator Surveillance.

Today is an odd numbered day.

2012 NRC JPM S-4 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 1 of7 VE~10NT YANKEE JOB PERFO~ANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET Task Identification:


Place 'B' Core Spray in Normal Standby Alignment Failure Mode: N/A


OP 2123, Rev. 44 Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO RO/SRO Only ~ SE Only Sequence Critical: Yes No-,X~__

Time Critical: Yes No.--",-",--_

Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code:

Method of Testing: Simulation Performance Discuss Setting: Classroom _ Simulator Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 15 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: _ _ _ __

Prepared by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed SRO Licensed/Certified Reviewer Date Approved Operations Training Manager Date

2012 NRC JPM S-4 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 2 of7 Directions:

Discuss the infonnation given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning perfonnance of the task. As each perfonnance step is perfonned, evaluate the perfonnance ofthat step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or perfonned unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Perfonnance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "Do you understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be perfonned in the Simulator and you are to perform all actions.

You are requested to "talk-through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are perfonning.

Infonn me upon completion of this task.

Iuitial Conditions:

The reactor is shutdown, Core Spray train'A' has been aligned to its nonnallineup per Section A of OP 2123, Core Spray train 'B' is aligned to the CST for system testing, both trains of Core Spray have been filled and vented per Section I ofOP 2123.

Initiating Cues:

The CRS directs you to place Core Spray train 'B' in the nonnal standby lineup per Section A of OP 2123.

Task Standards:

Core Spray train 'B' in the nonnal standby lineup per Section A ofOP 2123.

Required Materials:

OP 2123, Rev 44 Simulator Setup:

Reactor shutdown, Core Spray loop 'A' in nonnal standby lineup per Section A ofOP2123, Core Spray loop 'B' aligned to the CST per Section 'H' ofOP 2123.

2012 NRC JPM S-4 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 3 of7 TIME START: _ _ _ __

Evaluation Performance Steps SATIUNSAT Step 1: Obtain procedure. review precautions, administrative limits. and prerequisites.

Standard: OP 2123 obtained, precautions, administrative limits, and prerequisites reviewed.

Interim Cue: Inform operator Prerequisites are met.

SAT/UN SAT Step 2: If the core spray system suction was aligned to the CST. then proceed as follows: Place/verify CORE SPRAY PUMP P-46-1B control switch in pull to lock.

Standard: Operator verifies CORE SPRAY PUMP P-46-1B control switch on CRP 9-3 in pull-to-lock SAT/UNSAT *Step 3: If locked. unlock and close CS-SB. CS Pump B Suction. Lock closed CS SB Standard: Operator directs AO to unlock, close and lock CS-8B.

Interim Cue: After directed, AO informs operator that CS-8B is closed and locked.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 4: Open PUMP SUCTION CS-7B Standard: Operator open CS-7B and observes red light on and green light out on eRP 9-3 (Note: operator may remove key for CS-7B keylock)

SAT/UNSAT Step 5: Open/verify locked open CS-ISB. Minimum Flow.

Standard: Operator directs AO to verify CS-18B locked open.

Interim Cue: After directed, AO informs operator that CS-18B is locked open.

2012 NRC JPM S-4 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 4 of7 SAT/UNSAT Step 6: Close/verify closed MINIMUM FLOW CS-SB ACB Standard: Operator directs AO to verifY CS-SB ACB is closed (Note: light on panel can also provide indication of closure of ACB)

Interim Cue: After directed, AO informs operator that CS-SB ACB is closed.

SATIUNSAT *Step 7: Open MINIMUM FLOW CS-SB Standard: Operator opens CS-SB and observes red light on, green light out on CRP 93 SAT/UNSAT Step 8: Close/verify Closed FULL FLOW TEST CS-26B ACB Standard: Operator directs AO to verify CS-26B ACB is closed (Note: light on panel can also provide indication of closure of ACB)

Interim Cue: After directed, AO informs operator that CS-26B ACB is closed.

SAT/UNSAT Step 9: Open FULL FLOW TEST CS-26B Standard: Operator opens CS-26B and observes red light on, green light out on CRP 93 SATIUNSAT Step 10: Close FULL FLOW TEST CS-26B Standard: Operator closes CS-26B and observes green light on, red light out on CRP 93 SAT/UNSAT *Step 11: Unlock and verify open CST-2, CS Sys Suction Isol. Remove locking device.

Standard: Operator directs AO to verify CST-2 is unlocked and verified open with locking device removed.

Interim Cue: After directed, AO informs operator that CST-2 is unlocked and verified open with locking device removed.

2012 NRC JPM S-4 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 5 of7 SAT/UNSAT Step 12: Independently verify the following:

  • CS-SB is Locked Closed
  • CS-lSB is Locked Open Standard: Operator directs independent AO to verify CS-SB locked closed and CS-1SB locked open.

Interim Cue: After directed, AO informs operator that CS-SB is independently verified locked closed and CS 19B is independently verified locked open.

SAT/UNSAT Step 13: Verify the following valve control switched on CRP-3 in AUTO:

  • CS-26B FULL FLOW TEST Standard: Operator verifies CS-12B, CS-llB, and CS-26B control switched in AUTO on CRP 9-3.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 14: Place the control switch for CORE SPRAY PUMP P-46-1B in AUTO.

Standard: Operator places CORE SPRAY PUMP P-46-1B control switch in AUTO on CRP 9-3.

SAT/UNSAT Step 15: Verify open MINIMUM FLOW CS-SB.

Standard: Operator verifies open MINIMUM FLOW CS-5B on CRP 9-3 and observes red light on, green light off.

SAT/UN SAT Step 16: Verify or place CORE SPRAY B DWL PRESS LOGIC switches on CRP 9-3 in AUTO.

Standard: Operator verifies/places CORE SPRAY B DWL PRESS LOGIC control switch in AUTO on CRP 9-3.

SAT/UNSAT Step 17: Verify/place the following test switches in NORMAL:

2012 NRC JPM S-4 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 6 of7 Standard: Operator verifies/places appropriate test switched in NORMAL.

SAT/UNSAT Step 18: Ensure all alarms on CRP 9-3 and 9-5 for the CS System are cleared.

Standard: Operator verifies all alarms on CRP 9-3 and 9-5 for the CS System are cleared.

  • Critical Step TIME FINISH: _ _

Terminating Cue:

Core Spray train 'B' in the normal standby lineup per Section A ofOP 2123.

Evaluator Comments:

System: 209001 Low Pressure Core Spray System KIA's: A4 Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room:

(CFR: 41.7 145.5 to 45.8)

K5.05, A1.08, A2.02, A2.08, A3.0l, A3.06, A4.02, A4.03, A4.04 System Generic KIA's: N/A

2012 NRC JPM S-4 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 7 of7 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions:

The reactor is shutdown, Core Spray train'A' has been aligned to its normal lineup per Section A of OP 2123, Core Spray train 'B' is aligned to the CST for system testing, both trains of Core Spray have been filled and vented per Section I ofOP 2123.

Initiating Cues:

The CRS directs you to place Core Spray train 'B' in the normal standby lineup per Section A ofOP 2123.

2012 JPM NRC S-5 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 1 of6 VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET Task Identification:


Defeating HPCI PC IS Group VI Isolation Interlocks for Alternate RPV Depressurization Failure Mode:


OE 3107, OE Appendices, Appendix KK (Rev. 27)

Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO RO/SRO SROOnly_

Sequence Critical: Yes No-.X Time Critical: Yes No Operator Performing Task: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code:

Method of Testing: Simulation Performance Discuss Setting: Classroom _ Simulator _X Plant_

Performance Expected Completion Time: 30 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS ____ FAIL _ __ Time Required: _ _ _ __

Prepared by:

NRC Date Reviewed by: __________________________________

SRO Licensed/Certified Reviewer Date Approved by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Manager Date

2012 JPM NRC S-5 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 2 of6 Directions:

Discuss the infonnation given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning perfonnance of the task. As each perfonnance step is perfonned, evaluate the perfonnance ofthat step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or perfonned unsatisfactorily, then the operator has failed the Job Perfonnance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the operator "Do you understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be perfonned in the Simulator and you are to perfonn the actions unless otherwise stated.

You are requested to "talk through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are perfonning.

Infonn me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

A LOCA has occurred. The reactor is shutdown and a Group VI PCIS isolation has occurred due to low RPV pressure.

Initiating Cues:

The CRS directs you to prepare for Alternate RPV depressurization by defeating the HPCI PCIS Group VI Isolation interlocks using Appendix KK ofOE 3107.

Task Standards:

HPCI Group VI isolation signals defeated lAW OE 3107 Appendix KK Steps 1.a-I.d.

Required Materials:

OE 3107, Appendix KK, Rev 27 Banana to banana jumper wires Flathead screwdriver Electrical tape (for simulation use only)

Simulator Set-Up:

Post SCRAM IC with DW leak. Achieve stable level with RCIC.

2012 JPM NRC S-5 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 3 of6 Evaluation Performance Steps TIME START:

SATfUNSAT Step 1: Obtain Procedure and review prerequisites Standard: OE 3107 Appendix KK obtained, prerequisites reviewed.

Interim Cue: Inform operator that all prerequisites have been met.

SAT/UN SAT *Step 2: Obtain the EOP toolbox or necessary equipment from the tool box Standard: Obtains two jumpers, flathead screwdriver and eleetrieal tape from EOP toolbox in Control Room.

SAT/UN SAT *Step 3: IF in Standby, THEN place HPCI Turbine Trip/Inhibit switch to INHIBIT.

Standard: Operator places HPCI turbine Trip/Inhibit switch to INHIBIT on panel 9-3.

Procedure Step: Defeat Isolation interlocks for HPCI*15 STEAM ISOLATION as follows:

SAT/UNSAT *Step 4: Defeat Isolation interlocks for HPCI-15 STEAM ISOLATION as follows:

Lift and tape the following leads

  • CRP 9-41: BB12
  • CRP 9-39: AA39 Standard: In the baek of CRP 9-41, lift and simulate taping of lead BB-12. In the back ofCRP 9-39, lift and simulate taping oflead AA39. (Note: If two leads are connected to a single terminal, only a single lead needs to be taped.)

Interim Cue: After appropriate leads are located, instruct applicant to lifting and SIMULATE taping.

2012 JPM NRC S-5 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 4 of6 SAT/UNSAT *Step 5: In CRP 9-39 install a jumper from AA-36 to AA-37.

Standard: In the back ofCRP 9-39, install a jumper from AA-36 to AA-37, Procedure Step: Defeat isolation interlocks for HPCI-16 STEAM ISOLATION as follows:

SAT/UNSAT *Step 6: Defeat isolation interlocks for HPCI-16 STEAM ISOLATION as follows:

Lift and tape the following leads

  • CRP 9-41: BB14
  • CRP 9-39: AA29 Standard: In the back ofCRP 9-41, lift and simulate taping oflead BB-14. In the back ofCRP 9-39, lifting and simulate taping oflead AA29. (Note: If two leads are connected to a single terminal, only a single lead needs to be taped.)

Interim Cue: After appropriate leads are located, instruct operator to lifting and SIMULATE taping.

SATIUNSAT *Step 7: IN CRP 9-39 install a jumper from AA-25 to AA-26 Standard: In the back ofCRP 9-39, install a jumper from AA-25 to AA-26 SATIUNSAT Step 8: OPEN/Check OPEN the following:

  • HPCI-15 Steam Isolation
  • HPCI*16 Steam Isolation Standard: Operator checks open HPCI-15 and HPCI*16 on panel CRP 9-3, observing red light On and green light Off for each valve.

Interim Cue: Pressure equalization around HPCI*15 and HPCI-16 is not required.

SAT/UN SAT Step 8: Place Keeping and STAR used consistently throughout.

Standard: Steps are circled as performed, crossed out as completed and N/A'd as appropriate. STAR used consistently for each manipulation.

  • Critical Step

2012 JPM NRC S-5 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 5 of6 Terminating Cue: PCIS Group VI isolation signals defeated HPCl and prepared for operation.


Evaluator Comments:

System: 223002 Primary Containment Isolation System/Nuclear Steam Supply Shut-Off KIA's: A4. Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room:

(CFR: 41.7/45.5 to 45.8)

K1.04, K3.l2, K4.03, K4.04, K4.08, A4.01, A4.03

2012 JPM NRC S-5 Rev. 2,09/12 Page 6 of6 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions:

A LOCA has occurred. The reactor is shutdown and a Group VI PCIS isolation has occurred due to low RPV pressure.

Initiating Cues:

The CRS directs you to prepare for Alternate RPV depressurization by defeating the HPCI PCIS Group VI Isolation interlocks using Appendix KK ofOE 3107.

2012 NRC JPM S-6 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 1 of7 VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET Task Identification:


Transfer of Station Load from the Startup Transformer to the Auxiliary Transformer (Main Transformer Phased to the System)

Failure Mode: N/A


OPOP-4KV -2142, 4 KV Electrical System, Rev. 2 Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO RO/SRO SRO Only Sequence Critical: Yes No.-X Time Critical: Yes No.-X Operator Performing Task: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Date of Evaluation: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Activity Code: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Method of Testing: Simulation Performance --.X Discuss Setting: Classroom __ Simulator --.X Plant __

Performance Expected Completion Time: 5 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: _________

Prepared by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewedby: _____________________

SRO Licensed/Certified Reviewer Date Approved by: ________________________

Operations Training Manager Date

2012 NRC JPM S-6 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 2 of7 Directions:

Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evalu ated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk

(*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the operator has failed the Job Performance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the operator "Do you understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be performed in the Plant and you are to simulate all actions.

You are requested to "talk through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are performing.

Inform me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

  • Plant Startup in progress.
  • Reactor power ~ 25%.

Initiating Cues:

The CRS directs you to transfer station loads from the Startup to the Auxiliary transformer in accordance with OPOP-4KV-2142, 4 KV Electrical System, Section 9.5.

Task Standards:

Station loads transferred to Auxiliary transformer in accordance with OPOP-4KV-2142, Rev. 2 Required Materials:

OPOP-4KV-2142, 4 KV Electrical System, Rev 2, Section 9.5.

Simulator Setup:

Any power IC will work. IC-7 is preferred (35% pwr). House loads on startup transformers.

2012 NRC JPM S-6 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 3 of7 Evaluation Performance Steps TIME START: _ _ _ _ __

SAT/UNSAT Step 1: Obtain procedure, review Precautions, Administrative Limits, and Prerequisites.

Standard: OPOP-4KV-2142, Section 9.5 obtained. Precautions, Administrative Limits, and Prerequisites, Reviewed.

Interim Cue: When asked all prerequisites are met.

SAT/UNSAT Step 2: Check auxiliary transformer energized from main generator (which must be phased to the 345 KV system) or being backfed through main transformer from 345 KV system.

Standard: Observes Main Generator tied to grid. MOD T -1, and A TBs 81-1 T and 1T closed as indicated by red lights above their control switches on CRP 9-7.

SATIUNSAT *Step 3: Insert sync check handle in BKR 12 socket and turn sync switch on.

Standard: 4 KV switch installed in sync selector for breaker 12 on CRP 9-8 horizontal and positioned to ON.

SAT/UN SAT Step 4: Verify bus 1 in phase with auxiliary transformer (synchroscope at 12 o'clock position).

Standard: 1) Observes synehroscope at 12:00 position on CRP 9-8 and white lights out indicating synchronism.

2) Red lights on both sides of sync scope on CRP 9-8 vertical on indicating voltage on running and incoming bus/machine.

2012 NRC JPM S-6 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 4 of7 Evaluation Performance Steps SATIUNSAT *Step 5: Close breaker 12.

Standard: Breaker handswitch on CRP 9-8 horizontal taken to CLOSE position then released. Verifies breaker 12 closed as indicated by red light above breaker control switch on CRP 9-8 horizontal SAT/UNSAT Step 6: Check that BKR 13 trips open when BKR 12 switch is released.

Standard: Observes breaker 13 opened as indicated by green and amber lights above breaker control switch on CRP 9-8 horizontal.

SAT/UNSAT Step 7: Reset BKR 13 amber light.

Standard: 13 Breaker handswitch on CRP 9-8 horizontal taken to OPEN then released. Indicates amber light above breaker 13 switch on CRP 9-8 horizontal is out SAT/UNSAT *Step 8: Turn sync check handle off and remove it.

Standard: Sync. check hand on CRP 9-8 horizontal positioned to off, removed from breaker 12 socket.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 9: Insert sync check handle in BKR 22 socket and turn sync switch on.

Standard: 4 KV switch installed in sync selector for breaker 22 on CRP 9-8 horizontal and positioned to ON.

SAT/UNSAT Step 10: Verify bus 2 in phase with auxiliary transformer (synchroscope at 12 o'clock position).

Standard: 1) Observes synchroscope at 12:00 position on CRP 9-8 and white lights out indicating synchronism.

2) Red lights on both sides of sync scope on CRP 9-8 vertical on indicating voltage on running and incoming bus.

2012 NRC JPM S-6 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 5 of7 Evaluation Performance Steps SATIUNSAT *Step 11: Close BKR 22.

Standard: Breaker hands witch for breaker 22 on CRP 9-8 taken to CLOSE position then released. Verities breaker 22 closed as indicated by red light above breaker control switch on CRP 9-8 horizontal.

SAT/UNSAT Step 12: Check that BKR 23 trips opens when BKR 22 switch is released.

Standard: Observes breaker 23 opened as indicated by green and amber lights above breaker control switch on CRP 9-8 horizontal.

SAT/UNSAT Step 13: Reset breaker 23 amber light.

Standard: 23 breaker handswitch on CRP 9-8 horizontal taken to OPEN then released. Indicate amber light above breaker 23 switch on CRP 9-8 horizontal is out.

SATIUNSAT Step 14: Turn sync check handle off and remove it from the socket.

Place sync check handle on CRP 9-8 Standard: Sync switch on CRP 9-8 horizontal turned to OFF and removed from breaker 23 socket and placed on CRP 9-8.

SAT/UNSAT Step 15: Check computer points D619 and D620.

If either is in the LOSS state, follow section 9.12 of this procedure.

Standard: Computer checked, both points found to be in "NORM".

Performance of Section 9.12 not necessary.

  • Critical Step TIME FINISH: _ _ _ _ __

Terminating Cue: Station loads supplied from Auxiliary Transformer.

2012 NRC JPM S-6 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 6 of7 Evaluators Comments:

System: 262001 A.C. Electrical Distribution KIA's: A4.04 A4. Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room:

(CFR: 41.7/45.5 to 45.8)

A4.04 Synchronizing and paralleling of different AC. supplies.


RO 3.6 SRO 3.7

2012 NRC JPM S-6 Rev. 2,09/12 Page 7 of7 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions:

  • Plant Startup in progress.
  • Reactor power ~ 25%.

Initiating Cues:

The CRS directs you to transfer station loads from the Startup to the Auxiliary transformer in accordance with OPOP-4KV-2142, 4 KV Electrical System, Section 9.5.

2012 NRC JPM S-7 Rev. 2, 9112 Page 1 of7 VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET Task Identification:


Shift RPS Bus "A" Power Supply


OP 2134, Reactor Protection System, Rev 24 Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO RO/SRO ~ SRO Only _ _

Sequence Critical: Yes No X Time Critical: Yes No X Operator Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code:

Method of Testing: Simulation Performance ~ Discuss Setting: Classroom __ Simulator -,L Plant _ _

Performance Expected Completion Time: 10 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: _ _

Prepared by:

Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed by: ___________________________________________

SRO Licensed/Certified Reviewer Date Approved by: _________________________

Operations Training Superintendent Date

2012 NRC JPM S-7 Rev. 2, 9112 Page 2 of7 Directions:

Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the operator has failed the Job Performance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the operator "Do you understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform all actions.

You are requested to "talk-through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are performing.

Inform me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

The plant is at power, undergoing normal operation. Both RPS Buses are supplied from their normal sources. An AO is standing by to assist with this evolution.

Initiating Cues:

The CRS has directed you to place RPS Bus "A" on alternate power to allow for MG maintenance and reset the half scram in accordance with OP-2134. A Group 3 isolation has already been inserted in accordance with procedure OP 2115.

Task Standards:

RPS Bus "A" power supply shifted to alternate power in accordance with OP 2134 (Reactor Protection System.)

Required Materials:

OP 2134, Rev. 24, Reactor Protection System (Section C & H)

Simulator Setup:

Any at power IC. No half scrams present. No LPRMs inoperable nor bypassed.

Insert a Group III isolation (verify manual NOT auto insertion)

2012 NRC JPM S-7 Rev. 2, 9112 Page 3 of7 Evaluation Performance Steps TIME START: _ _ _ __

SAT/UNSAT Step 1: Obtain Procedure OP 2134, review administrative limits, precautions, and prerequisites.

Standard: OP 2134 obtained; administrative limits, precautions, and prerequisites reviewed.

Interim Cue: If asked, all prerequisites have been met. If asked, a pre-job brief has been conducted.

SAT/UNSAT Step 2: Verify 'A' RPS alternate power is available.

Standard: C1). Observes alternate power supply available light on CRP 9-15 (above and to the right of the NORM/ALT switch) is "ON".

SATIUNSAT Step 3: Check the number of LPRMs bvpassed on the companion APRM.

Standard: C2). Observes on CRP 9-14 that each companion APRM has no more than 1 LPRM bypassed on shared channels that will remain energized during the transfer.

NOTE: APRMs AID share LPRMs. APRMs C/F share LPRMs.

APRMs B/E are independent of one another.

SAT/UNSAT Step 4: Check the number of LPRMs per level on the companion APRM.

Standard: C3). Observes on CRP 9-14 that each companion APRM that will remain energized has at least 2 operable LPRMs per level.

SAT/UNSAT Step 5: Verify no pels group half isolations exist which could cause a full isolation during the transfer.

Standard: C4). Observes on ERFIS group isolation screen that no half group isolations exist.

SAT/UNSAT Step 6: Insert a manual Group 3 isolation per OP 2115.

Standard: C5). Operator recalls initiating cues that a Group 3 was previously inserted in accordance with procedure OP 2115.

2012 NRC JPM S-7 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 4 of7 Evaluation Performance Steps SAT/UNSAT *Step 7: Transfer the RPS BUS 'A' PWR SUPP SEL Switch to ALTERNATE.

Standard: 6). Quickly transfers the RPS BUS A PWR SUPP SEL Switch to the ALTERNATE position.

SAT/UNSAT Step 8: Check that the AEOG radiation monitor indicates correctly and associated CRP 9-3 alarms clear.

Standard: 6a). Observes on ERFIS group isolation screen that no half group isolations exist. Checks that power has been restored to the AEOG recorder on eRP 9-2 and/or the AEOG meter on CRP 9-10, indications are correct and associated CRP 9-3 alarms are clear.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 9: Instruct the AO to transfer the power supply for the RPS "A" APRMs from Alternate to Normal supplv.

Standard: 6b). Instruct the AO to transfer power supply for the RPS "A" APRMs to the Normal supply IA W OP 2134, Section C.4.

Booth Operator Interim Cue: Return RPS "A" power supply to RESET using rfRP_10.

NOTE: Below steps 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 are completed in accordance with Section H of OP 2134.

SAT/UNSAT Step 10: Verify the following:

All applicable scram initiation conditions have cleared.

Standard: H.l.a) Reviews existing annunciators and determines all applicable scram initiation conditions have cleared.

SAT/UNSAT Step 11: Verify the followine:

Both RPS buses energized.

Standard: H.l.b) Verifies both RPS buses energized based on previous actions and reviews of 9-15 and 9-17.

SAT/UNSAT Step 12: Verify the following:

APRM power is being supplied from RPS.

Standard: H.l.c) Verifies APRM power supplied from RPS based on previous action & annunciator 5-M-6 APRM BUS AlB ALT PWR SOURCE clear.

2012 NRC JPM S-7 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 5 of7 Evaluation Performance Steps SAT/UNSAT *Step 13: Place the SCRAM RESET switch to the "Group 2 and 3" position, then to the "Group 1 and 4" position, and then back to the Group 2 and 3 position.

Standard: Positions Scram Reset Switch on CRP 9-5 positioned to Group 2,3; 1,4 and then back to 2, 3.

SAT/UNSAT Step 14: Verify the following relays are Energized:


- RY-5A-KI3J,

- RY-5A-KI4E,

- RY-5A-KI4G,

- RY-5A-K13L CRP 9-17:

- RY-5A-K13K,

- RY-5A-KI4F,

- RY-5A-K14H,

- RY-5A-KI3M Standard: H.5) Verifies CRP 9-15 and CRP 9-17 relays energized.

Interim Cue: When Operator indicates he will check all the relays, after he has located the correct panel(s) and the first relay, inform him that another Operator has verified them energized.

Note: When the actuator relays deenergize, their associated scram contacts are opened SAT/UNSAT Step 15: Reset Group III isolation per OP 2115.

Standard: C.6.d) Obtains OP 2115 in preparation for reset of Group III isolation.

Interim Cue: When Operator indicates he will reset the Group III isolation, inform him that another Operator will complete the remaining steps.

  • Critical Step TIME FINISH: _ _ __

Terminating Cue: RPS "A" supplied from the alternate power supply and the half scram reset.

2012 NRC JPM S-7 Rev. 2, 9112 Page 6 of7 Evaluators Comments:

System: 212000 Reactor Protection System KIA: 2.2.44 Ability to interpret control room indications to verify the status and operation of a system, and understand how operator actions and directives affect plant and system conditions.

I (CFR: 41.5/43.5/45.12)


RO 4.2 SRO 4.4

2012 NRC JPM S-7 Rev. 2, 9112 Page 7 of7 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions:

The plant is at power, undergoing normal operation. Both RPS Buses are supplied from their normal sources. An AO is standing by to assist with this evolution.

Initiating Cues:

The CRS has directed you to place RPS Bus "A" on alternate power to allow for MG maintenance and reset the half scram in accordance with OP-2134. A Group 3 isolation has already been inserted in accordance with procedure OP 2115.

2012 NRC JPM S-8 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 1 of9 VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET Task Identification:


Manually Initiate SBGT Train "A" Failure Mode: Fan 2A Starts but provides no flow


OPOP-SGT-2117, Standby Gas Treatment, Rev. 1 ARS 21001, CRP 9-3 Alarm Response Sheets Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO RO/SRO Only ~ SE Only Sequence Critical: Yes No--.X Time Critical: Yes No Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code:

Method of Testing: Simulation Performance Discuss Setting: Classroom _ Simulator ~ Plant __

Performance Expected Completion Time: 15 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: _ _ _ __

Prepared by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed SRO Licensed/Certified Reviewer Date Approved by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Training Supervisor Date

2012 NRC JPM S-8 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 2 of9 Directions:

Discuss the infonnation given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning perfonnance of the task. As each perfonnance step is perfonned, evaluate the perfonnance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a stcp is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or perfonned unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Perfonnance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "Do you understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be perfonned in the Simulator and you are to perform the actions.

You are requested to "talk-through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are perfonning.

Infonn me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

The reactor is at power; nonnal plant operation Initiating Cues:

The CRS directs you to start SBGT "A" and take suction on the Reactor Building using Section 7.2 of OPOP-SGT-2117.

Task Standards:

SBGT Train "A" is in nonnal standby mode after Fan 2A no flow condition.

Required Materials:

OPOP-SGT-2117, Standby Gas Treatment, Rev. 1 ARS 21001, CRP 9-3 Alann Response Sheets Simulator Setup:

Any at-Power IC. Put on Key 1: rfPC_38A f:O, manual filter' A' outlet damper closed.

2012 NRC JPM S-8 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 3 of9 TIME START: _ _ _ _,_ __

Evaluation Performance Step SAT/UNSAT Step 1: Obtain Procedure review precautions, administrative limits, and prerequisites Standard: OPOP-SGT-2117 Section 7.2 obtained (Manual Initiation),

administrative limits, precautions and prerequisites are reviewed.

Interim Cue: Infonn operator prerequisites are met.

SAT/UNSAT Step 2: Check any open Chemical or Fire Permits for location and existing status of work.

Standard: Operator checks on open Chemical or Fire pennits.

Interim Cue: Infonn operator there are no open Chemical or Fire pennits that could have a hannful effect on the SBGT System ..

SAT/UNSAT Step 3: CloseNerify Closed the following:

  • SGT-2A
  • SGT-3A
  • SGT-2B
  • SGT-3B Standard: Operator Closes SGT-2A & SGT-3A and verifies Closed SGT-2B, &

SGT -3B and observes on CRP 9-26 the red light Off, green light On for each valve.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 4: Place SBGT Fan A REF-2A control switch in the START Position on CRP9-26 Standard: SBGT Fan "A" Switch taken to START on CRP 9-26; verifies fan running by observing red light On and Flow.

SATIUNSAT *Step 5: Operator acknowledges 3-R-l 'SGTS Train A Trouble' alarm (received on CRP 9-3 after 50sec time delay) and notices low flow on FI-I-125-1A on CRP 9-26 after REF-2A start. Operator reports

2012 NRC JPM S-8 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 4 of9 condition to CRS.

Standard: After SBGT Fan "AI! Switch taken to START on CRP 9-26; fan will start but provide no flow. SGTS Train A Trouble alarm received on CRP 9-3 (after 50sec time delay). Operator recognizes either condition.

Interim Cue: If informed as CRS that SGTS Train "A" Trouble alann received and/or low flow on Fl-1-125-1A, acknowledge report.

SAT/UNSAT *Step 6: Operator refers to ARS 21001, CRP 9-3 Alarm Response Sheets for 3-R-l 'SGTS Train 'A' Trouble Alarm' Standard: Operator refers to ARS 2100 for operator actions.

SATfUNSAT Step 7: Verify low flow condition Standard: Operator verifies SGTS Train 'A' low flow per FI 125-1 A on CRP 9 26 SAT/UNSAT Step 8: Verify proper system lineup per OPOP-SGT-2117

  • SGT-2A Open
  • SGT-3A Open
  • REF-2A SBGT Fan A running
  • SGT-2B Closed
  • SGT-3B Closed Standard: Operator verifies SGT-2A & SGT-3A open (opened automatically upon REF-2A start), verifies REF-2A SBGT Fan A running (green light Off, red light On). Operator Verifies closed SGT-2B & SGT-3B.

Interim Cue: After operator verifies system lineup and confirms low flow condition, CRS instructs operator to shutdown SBGT Train 'A' and place in normal Standby mode per OPOP-SGT-2117, Sections 7.4 & 7.1. (Note: operator may also back out of Section 7.2 in lieu of shutting down SBGT and placing in normal standby lineup.)

2012 NRC JPM S-8 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 5 of9 SAT/UNSAT Step 9: Operator references Section 7.4 ofOPOP-SGT-2117 and secures SGT Train'A' Standard: Operator references section 7.4 ofOPOP-SGT-2117 to secure SGT Train

'A' SAT/UNSAT *Step 10: Place SBGT Fan 'A' REF-2A control switch in the STOP Position on CRP9-26 Standard: SBGT Fan "A" REF-2A Switch taken to STOP on CRP 9-26; verifies fan secured by observing red light Off, green light On.

SATIUNSAT Step 11: Open/Verify Open the following:

  • SGT-2A
  • SGT-3A Standard: Operator opens SGT-2A and SGT-3A and observes on CRP 9-26 the red light On, green light Off for each valve. (Note: SGT-2A & SGT-3A will close automatically upon securing ofSBGT Fan A REF-2A)

SATfUNSAT Step 12: CloseNerify Closed SGT-lA Inlet Bypass Standard: Operator closes SGT-IA and observes on CRP 9-26 the red light Off, Green light On.

SAT/UNSAT Step 13: Operator references Section 7.1 ofOPOP-SGT-2117 and places SBGT Train 'A' in Normal Standby mode:

Standard: Operator references section 7.1 ofOPOP-SGT-2117 to place SBGT Train'A' in Normal Standby Mode.

2012 NRC JPM S-8 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 6 of9 SAT/UNSAT Step 14: CloseNerifv Closed the following:

  • SGT-1A
  • SGT-4A
  • SGT-5
  • SGT-IB
  • SGT-2B
  • SGT-3B
  • SGT-4B Standard: Operator Verifies Close SOT-lA, SOT-4A, SOT-5, SOT-IB, SOT-2B, SOT-3B, and SOT-4B by observing on CRP 9-26 the red light OFF, green light ON for each valve.

SATIUNSAT Step 13: OpenNerify Open the following:

  • SGT-2A
  • SGT-3A Standard: Operator Verifies Open SOT-2A & SOT-3A on CRP 9-26 and observes the red light On, green light Off for each valve.

SAT/UNSAT Step 14: VerifylPlace REF-2A SBGT Fan 'A' and REF-2B SBGT Fan 'B' in AUTO Standard: SBOT Fan 'A' and SBOT Fan 'B' Switches verified in AUTO on CRP 9-26.

SAT/UNSAT Step 15: VerifylPlace 9kW Duct Heaters EUH-2 SBGT-A Elec HTR and EUH-4 SBGT-A Elec HTR are in AUTO Standard: Operator verifies/places EUH-2 and EUH-4 HTR switches to AUTO on CRP 9-26.

SAT/UN SAT Step 16: Locally verify lKW Heaters EUH-l and EUH-3 are energized Standard: Operator dispatches AO to verify lKW heaters EUH-l and EUH-3 are energized.

Interim Cue: AO reports back that heaters have been verified energized.

2012 NRC JPM S-8 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 7 of9 SAT/UNSAT Step 17: Verify demister loop seals filled per Filling SGT Demister Loop Seals section of procedure Standard: Operator references Section 7.6 of OPOP-SGT-2117 & dispatches AO to perfonn steps 7.6.1 through 7.6.4 Interim Cue: AO acknowledges request and reports back that steps 7.6.1 through 7.6.4 have been completed.

- - - - - - - -..... - -.. ~----

SAT/UNSAT Step 18: Place Keeping and STAR used consistently throughout.

Standard: Steps are circled as perfonned crossed out as complete and N/A'd as appropriate. STAR used consistently for each simulated manipulation Terminating Cue: SBGT Train "A" is in nonnal standby mode.

TIME FINISH: _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Evaluator Comments:

System: 261000 Standby Gas Treatment System KlAs: A4. Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room:

2012 NRC JPM S-8 Rev. 2, 09/12 Page 8 of9 (CFR: 41.7 / 45.5 to 45.8)

K1.01 (3.4/3.6) K1.09 (3.2/3.4)

K1.12 (3.1/3.2) K3.01 (3.3/3.6)

K4.01 (3.7/3.8) K4.03 (2.5/2.7)

K5.02 (2.3/2.5) Al.Ol (2.9/3.1)

AL04 (3.0/3.3) A2.01 (2.9/3.1)

A2.02 (2.9/3.1) A3.01 (3.2/3.3)

A3.02 (3.2/3.1) A3.03 (3.0/2.9)

A4.03 (3.0/3.0) A4.06 (3.3/3.6)

A4.07 (3.1/3.2)

Generic KIAs: 2.1.2 (3.014.0) 2.1.10 (2.7/3.9) 2.1.20 (4.314.2) 2.1.23 (3.914.0) 2.] .27 (2.8/2.9) 2.1.28 (3.2/3.3) 2.1.30 (3.9/3.4) 2.1.32 (3.5/3.8) 2.4.10 (3.0/3.1) 2.4.50 (3.3/3.3)

2012 NRC JPM S-8 Rev. 2, 09112 Page 9 of9 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions:

The reactor is at power; nonnal plant operation Initiating Cues:

The CRS directs you to start SBGT "A" and take suction on the Reactor Building using Section 7.2 of OPOP-SGT-2117.

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 1 of 21 SIMULATOR EVALUATION GUIDE 2012 NRC Examination NRC Evaluators: ILO Candidates CRS OATC BOP RPV-1, Loss of HP injection, RPV-ED Critical Task Performance: SAT UNSAT (Circle One)

Date Administered:

Prepared by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ _ __

Lead Exam Developer Reviewed by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Representative Approved by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ _ __

Facility Reviewer

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 2 of 21 CREW BRIEF:

-Power level: 100% RTP

-Rod Sequence: Rapid Shutdown Sequence Latched -Rod Group: 20

-Equipment out of service and/or tagged or abnormalities:

1. '8' CRD pump OOS

-Reason For Equipment out of Service or tagged:

1. '8' CRD pump OOS for maintenance

-Applicable Tech Spec LCO's:

1. NIA

-EOOS Color: Green

  • Plant evolutions in progress/Scheduled Shift Evolutions:
1. Perform OP 0150, Section E, "Operations Department Weekly and Monthly Task Performance Listing", surveillance of swapping the TBCCW and RBCCW pumps lAW RP4183 and OP 2182. The TBCCW Heat Exchangers have been swapped and temperatures have stabilized.

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 3 of 21 SCENARIO


Vermont Yankee 2012 NRC Scenario #1 The crew takes the watch with the reactor operating at 100% RTP. They will perform OP 0150, Section E, "Operations Department Weekly and Monthly Task Performance Listing", surveillance of swapping the TBCCW and RBCCW pumps lAW RP 4183 and OP 2182. VYOPF 0150.08 will be documented when the surveillances are completed.

The crew will respond to an electrical short in SRV-71A, causing the 'ADS Power Failure' annunciator to alarm. The crew will evaluate Tech Specs and determine that a 7-day LCO exists per TS 3.5.F.2 and that alternate testing is required per TS 4.5.F.2.

The crew will respond to a trip of the running RBCCW pump with failure to Auto start of the standby pump.

The crew will manually start the standby RBCCW pump and enter ON 3147 for the loss of RBCCW.

The crew will respond to annunciator 3-U-5 'HPCIINVERT CIRCUIT FAILURE' and discover failure of the HPCllnverter, resulting in a 14 day LCO. The CRS will declare the HPCI system inoperable and will enter TS 3.5.E.2.

The 'A' Condensate pump will trip due to an electrical fault. The operators will recognize that the automatic recirc run back to 40% does not occur and will take manual control to lower recirc pump speed to 40%.

The CRD flow control valve will fail in Auto. The crew will transfer control to manual, adjust CRD system parameters and continue with the power reduction.

The crew will then be evaluated responding to a loss of offsite power. This will require entry into OT 3122, LNP and OT 3100, Reactor Scram.

The crew will attempt to line up alternate high pressure injection systems to maintain RPV level above 6 inches. A small break LOCA will occur inside containment accelerating the rate of RPV level decrease. The crew will enter OT 3111 and EOP-3 to mitigate the effects of the small break LOCA. The RCIC auto controller will fail in auto. Manual control will be required. The crew will stabilize pressure below 1055 psig with the bypass valves. The crew will attempt to spray the drywell. RHR-39A(B) will fail to open. The CRS will direct spraying the drywell with the opposite loop prior to exceeding the drywell spray initiation limit (CRITICAL TASK). The RCIC turbine will subsequently trip and the crew will attempt to maintain level using Preferred and Alternate high pressure injection sources (CRD pumps and SLC).

When RPV level reaches 6 inches the crew will lineup all available trains of Core Spray and RHR for injection with pumps running. When RPV level reaches -19 inches the crew will enter EOP-5 and Emergency Depressurize (CRITICAL TASK). When the RPV low pressurE? interlock clears, the crew will note the LPCI and Core Spray injection valves fail to auto open and take manual action to open them to restore and maintain RPV water level above 127 inches. (CRITICAL TASK).

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 4 of 21 TERMINATING CONDITIONS:

1. All control rods inserted, EOP-5 entered with Reactor Water Level maintained above 127" and cooldown to cold shutdown commenced.


1. OP 0105, "Reactor Operations"
2. EN-OP-115, "Conduct of Operations"
3. DP 0166, "Operations Department Standards"
4. OP 0150, "Conduct of Operations and Operator Rounds"
5. RP 4183, "TBCCW Surveillance"
6. OP 2182, "Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water"
7. OT 3100, "Reactor SCRAM"
8. OT 3113, "Reactor Low Level"
9. OT 3175, "Recirculation Pump Runback Due to Condensate or Feed Pump Trip" 10.0P 2121, "Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System"
11. Technical Specifications
12. Technical Requirements Manual 13.0T 3111, "High Drywell Pressure"
14. EOP-1 "RPV Control"
15. EOP-3 "Primary Containment Control"
16. EOP-5 "RPV-ED"

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 5 of 21 SIMULATOR OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS Simulator Set Up: 100% RTP

1. IC-950 on LOR Exam Load; RUI\I Scenario File "NRC Scenario 1"
2. Master FWLC setpoint set for 160 inches and displaying the "S" parameter
3. Individual FWLC controllers are displaying the "V" parameter
4. Master Recirculation Flow Controller selected for FINE adjust
5. Individual Recirculation controllers are displaying the "P" parameter
6. Rapid Shutdown Sequence latched
7. TS tracking sheet filled out (VYAPF 0152.02)
8. OP 0150, Section E placekept through step 1.b
9. VYOPF 0150.08 form filled out with the exception of steps 9, 13, and signature block.

Discretionary Distractor Malfunctions/IDAs/IOs:

I No. Malf. # Severity Ramp Key # Act. Time Description

1. mfSW_23B 'B' SW pump fails to auto start
2. mfRC_02 Active - Preinsert RCIC Auto Controller Failure lOR
3. RRlo04cprfpoper Active Failure of 40% Recirc Runback on both lOR i recirc pumps RRlo04cprfpoper 1
4. mfRH- 07A1B Active Failure of low pressure injection valves to mfCS_03A1B automatically open after the SID cooling pressure interlock clears (CS-12A, CS 12B, RHR-27A & RHR-27B)
5. AD09A Active 1 After Relief valve electrical short (RV2-71 A)

TBCCW Pump Swap

6. mfSW_01A Active 2 After pump Trip of the 'A' RBCCW pump with failure of swaps 'B' to start in standby
7. mfHP_10 Active 3 After flow Failure of HPCI Inverter converter failure actions complete
8. mfCD_01B Active 4 After HPCI Failure of 'B' Condensate Pump TScall I 9. mfRD_15 20 - 5 CRD flow controller fails in Auto
10. mfRR_01A 0.5% 300 6 Recire loop rupture (Small break LOCA)


VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 6 of 21

11. Active IS H) o[)en
12. Active
13. mfRR_01A 2.0% 600 9 -10 min after Recirc loop rupture (Medium break LOCA)

RCIC turbine trip

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 7 of 21 SIMULATOR OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS Additional Instructions:

1. A call to the Work Week Manager (WWM) or Field Support Supervisor (FSS) will initiate all expected activities (including Duty Manager, Ops Manager, Maintenance, and AO's) outside the Control Room for a particular malfunction.
2. Time compression may be directed by the lead evaluator. If time compression is used, this will be reported to the crew.
3. The Lead Evaluator will determine when the event objectives have been met and the next event may be initiated. Event actuation times will be referenced and scenario flow will be considered during this determination.
4. Perform OP 0150, Section E, "Operations Department Weekly and Monthly Task Performance Listing", surveillance of swapping the TBCCW and RBCCW pumps lAW RP 4183 and OP 2182.

VYOPF 0150.08 will be documented when the surveillances are completed. The TBCCW Heat Exchangers have been swapped and temperatures have stabilized.

5. When FSS/AO is asked to investigate the ADS power failure alarm, report that the breaker for CKT 8 on DC-1 C and the breaker for CKT2 on DC-2C are closed. Report as I&C after approximately five minutes that the 'A' ADS power loss was caused by an apparent short in the valve control circuitry, causing fuses F3A & F11 A on (CWD 752) to blow.
6. If requested to replace the blown fuses for SRV-71A, recommend as I&C that the fuses NOT be replaced until troubleshooting can be completed.
7. When called for RBCCW Pump failure, after 3 minutes, as RBAO/FSS report: "The pump breaker is tripped and the motor is hot to the touch."
8. When Maintenance called for RBCCW Pump failure, report: "Maintenance will develop a troubleshooting plan lAW EN-MA-125." No failure mode will be reported during the scenario.
9. When asked as AO to investigate the HPCI inverter failure, report that DC-1 C, circuit 5 is closed.

1O.lf contacted as AO to investigate the cause of the 'B' Condensate pump trip, report that the Condensate pump motor is hot and the breaker has tripped on overcurrent.

11.lf asked as TBAO, HWC is lined up to RFP's 'A' and 'C'.

12.lf contacted as AO to investigate RCIC turbine trip, report that RCIC overspeed trip has actuated and is mechanically bound and cannot be reset.

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 8 of 21 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 1 Crew Task


Monthly TBCCW and RBCCW pump swap.

1. CRS Directs BOP to complete OP 0150 surveillance of swapping the TBCCW and RBCCW pumps lAW RP 4183 and OP 2182.
2. BOP Completes TBCCW and RBCCW pump swaps lAW RP 4183 and OP2182
3. Starts the stby RBCCW pump from CRP 9-6
4. After system pressure stabilizes, secure the first pump and place its control switch in AUTO
5. Starts the stby TBCCW pump from CRP 9-6
6. After system pressure stabilizes, secure the first pump and place its control switch in AUTO
7. BOP Record required data on VYOPF OATC 0150.08
8. When both TBCCW and RBCCW pumps have been swapped and at the discretion of the lead evaluator, initiate Event 2.

NOTES: 1) =

S Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; =

N/O Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * =Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 9 of 21 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 2 Crew Task


Respond to electrical short in SRV-71A, causing 'ADS Power Failure' annunciator (TS Entry)

1. BOP Acknowledges 'ADS Power Failure' annunciator, and responds per ARS 3-A 4
2. Identifies SRV-71A indication loss of power
3. Advises CRS to consult Tech Spec 3.5
4. CRS Directs verification that DC-1 is energized and that DC-1C Ckt 8 breaker is shut
5. Directs verification that DC-2 is energized and that DC-2C Ckt 2 breaker is shut
6. Requests I&C investigate Role Play: If contacted as I&C, report that the breaker for CKT 8 on DC-1 C and the breaker for CKT2 on DC-2C are closed. Report as I&C after approximately five minutes that the 'A' ADS power loss was caused by an apparent short in the valve control circuitry, causing fuses F3A & F11A on (CWO 752) to blow. If requested to replace the blown fuses for SRV-71A, recommend as I&C that the fuses NOT be replaced until troubleshooting can be leted.
7. CRS Consults Tech Spec 3.5 and determines that a 7-day LCO exists per 3.5.F.2 When CRS makes Tech Spec entry, initiate Event 3.

NOTES: 1) =

S Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; =

N/O Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * =Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 10 of 21 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 3 Crew Task


Respond to 'A' RBCCW pump trip and failure of 'B' pump to auto start.

1. Recognize and report trip of the 'A' RBCCW pump KEY 1
2. OATC Recognize and report failure to AUTO start of the

'B' RBCCW pump

3. Manually start the 'B' RBCCW pump Immediate Action
4. CREW Dispatch RBAO to investigate RBCCW pump trip
5. CRS Enter and direct actions of ON 3148, for loss of RBCCW
6. Request WWM /I&C investigate the cause of pump trip CREW
7. OATC Report RBCCW parameters stabilized
8. CRS Brief the crew on the trip of the RBCCW pump.
9. Role Play: When called for RBCCW Pump failure, after 3 minutes, as RBAO/FSS report: "The pump breaker is tripped and the motor is hot to the touch."

When Maintenance called for RBCCW Pump failure, report: "Maintenance will develop a troubleshooting plan lAW EN-MA-125." No failure mode will be reported during the scenario.

10. When plant parameters have stabilized and at the discretion of the lead evaluator, initiate Event 4.

NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) .. = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 11 of 21 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 4 Crew Task


Respond to a failure of the HPCI inverter (TS Entry)

Acknowledge and respond to HPCI Relay Logic Pwr Failure annunciator (3-U-5):

Verify red light on front of inverter is OFF Report inverter has failed Attempt to reset HPCllnverter Place Aux Oil pump in 'Pull-to-Lock' Request I&C assistance Dispatch an AO to check the breaker on DC-IC, CKT 5 Prompt CRS to consult TS 3.5

2. CRS Evaluate Tech Specs and determine that a 14-day LCO has been entered per TS 3.S.E.2 Role play: When asked as AO to investigate the HPCI inverter failure, report that DC-1C, circuit 5 is closed.

plant parameters have stabilized and at the discretion of the lead evaluator, initiate Event 5.

NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 12 of 21 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 5 Crew Task


'6' Condensate Pump Trips wi Failure of 40% Recirc Runback

1. Responds to annunciator 6-F-2 'CONDo Key ______

OATC PUMP B TRIP' and refers to appropriate ARS.

2. Confirms pump trip by observing amber trip light and zero current indications on CRP 9-6.
3. CRS Enters OT 3113 'Reactor Low Level'.

Recognizes failure of Recirc Pumps to runback to 40%.

5. CRS Directs OATC to manually runback Recirc pumps.
6. OATC Runback both Recirc Pumps to 40%

(-35Mlbm/hr) by depressing the PB-1 pushbutton on both PUMP A(B)


7. BOP Verifies that master level controller sets down to 155 inches.
8. CRS Dispatches TBAO to visually inspect the

'B' Cond't pump and motor and check the tripped breaker for flags.

Role play: If contacted as T6AO, report that '6' Cond't pump motor is hot and the breaker has tripped on overcurrent.

9. BOP After receiving the report from the TBAO that the pump and motor appear normal and the breaker has tripped on overcurrent, inform the CRS.
10. Enters OT 3175 'Recirculation Pump CRS Runback Due to Condensate or Feed Pump Trip' concurrently with OT 3133.
11. Verifies that 'B' FW Pump tripped
12. Places 'B' FW Pump control switch in PULL-TO-LOCK II------j BOP

S Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; =

N/O Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 13 of 21

14. OATC Verifies that both Recire Pump speeds are within 5%
15. Slowly raise FW Level Control System setpoint to -160inches.

II--_~ BOP

16. Throttle SW Dish from A(B} MG Oil Cooler SW-22C(D} to maintain oil temperature between 110-130 F as indicated on TI-2-184-24A(B).
17. OATC Lower RTP lAW OT 3175 (3m Condensate pump not available)
18. CRS Notifies the Ops Manager/Reactor Engineering Superintendent/ISO of event.

Role Play: If contacted as Ops Manager/RE Superintendent/ISO, acknowledge report.

When plant parameters have stabilized and at the discretion of the lead evaluator, initiate Event 6.

NOTES: 1) =

S Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 14 of 21 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 6 Crew Task



1. OATC Recognize failure of the CRD FCV in Auto (FCV-19A closed inadvertently)
2. Informs CRS of FCV failure in Auto
3. Enters OPON-FCV-3145-01
4. Transfer CRD FCV to Manual ('V' setting) _

When plant parameters have stabilized and at the discretion of the lead evaluator, initiate Event 7.

NOTES: 1) S =Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O =Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * =Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 15 of 21 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 7 and 8 Crew Task


Respond to a Loss of Off Site Power, a small drywell leak, RCIC auto controller failure, RHR-39A(B) failure to open, and RCIC Turbine Trip.

Ie POS. <<


1. OATC Report reactor scram. KEY 4
2. CREW Recognize and inform CRS of Loss of Off Site Power Report power on buses 3,4,8,9 from the Diesels I 3. OATC Report feed and condensate are unavailable.

I 4. CRS Enter and direct actions lAW OT 3 LNP

5. CREW Respond to LNP lAW OT 3122.

Verify both DGs start and power busses Verify SW pumps start Restart station Air Compressors A & B

6. CRS Enter and direct crew actions lAW OT 3100. Rx Scram and EOP-1, RPV Control
7. OATC Verify all rods fully inserted When steam flow < 0.5 Mlbm/hr per Note: This step is an Immediate Action, and may be performed without direction steam line, place the mode switch in SID
8. CRS Direct reactor water level maintained 127" -177" using RCIC Direct pressure maintained 800 - 1050 psig using SRVs
9. CREW Recognizes failure of RCIC Auto controller
10. CRS Directs BOP to transfer to manual RCIC controller and maintain RPV level between 127" and 177" lAW OP 2121 AppC
11. OATC Manually control RCIC lAW OP 2121 and attempt to maintain level 127-177" NOTES: 1) =

S Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; =

N/O Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) "" = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 16 of 21

12. CREW Verify Table A: ECCS/PCIS actuations
13. CRS Enter EOP-3 on high drywell pressure
14. CREW Report rising drywell pressure.
15. CRS If not already done, enter EOP-3 on High Drywell Pressure.
16. CRS Direct BOP to restart drywell RRU's.
17. BOP Restart drywell RRU's.
18. CRS Before torus pressure reaches 10 pSig, direct torus sprays
19. BOP Spray the torus, as directed.
20. *CREW Prior to RPV-ED, when torus >10 psig in Torus CCT-1 pressure exceeds the suppression OW Spray Initiated chamber spray initiation pressure, initiate drywell containment spray while in the safe region of the drywell spray initiation limit.

Standard: Spray the drywell within 10 minutes of exceeding 10 psig torus pressure AND RPV level not an overriding priority

21. When torus pressure exceeds 10 psig:


22. Verify drywell pressure and temperature in the safe region of the DWSIL graph
23. Verify drywell RRUs secured
24. Direct drywell sprays.
25. BOP Secure drywell RRUs.
26. Spray the drywell as directed.
27. CRSI Recognize failure of RHR-39A(B) to BOP open.
28. CRS Direct starting of drywell spray with the opposite loop
29. BOP Spray the drywell as directed.

NOTES: 1) =

S Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; =

N/O Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * =Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 17 of 21 Responds to 4-T -1, RCIC Tur Trip, alarm and refers to ARS

31. CRS Dispatches RBAO to investigate cause of trip Role Play: If contacted as RBAO, report that RCIC turbine overspeed trip has actuated and is mechanically bound and cannot be reset.
32. BOP Informs CRS that RBAO reports that the RCIC turbine overs peed trip has actuated and is mechanically bound and cannot be reset.
33. CRS Directs maximizing of CRD flow lAW OT 3100
34. OATC Maximizes CRD flow lAW 3100
35. CRS I Enters EOP-1 RPV Control (RPV Level


36. 'C I Actuaites SLC and attempts to maint .

level above 6" with SLC and CRD fl When high pressure injection flow has been maximized & at the discretion of the lead evaluator, in NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 18 of 21 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 9 Crew Task


Medium break LOCA -> EOP-5 Emergency Depressurize

1. CREW Recognizes continued rising Drywell Key pressure and/or temperature
2. CRS When RPV level cannot be restored and maintained above 6", directs BOP to inhibit ADS and lineup both trains of RHR and both trains of CS for injection with pumps running per EOP-1
3. Inhibits ADS
4. BOP Lines up both trains of RHR and both trains of CS for injection
5. Before RPV level reaches -19",

transitions to EOP-5, 'RPV-ED' CRS

6. Directs OATC to verify that reactor is shutdown under all conditions
7. OATC Verifies that reactor is shutdown under all conditions
8. CRS Verifies torus water level above 5.5ft
9. *CREW With the reactor shutdown and CCT-2 reactor pressure greater than the shutoff head of the low pressure systems, initiate RPV-ED BEFORE RPV level reaches -19" Standard:

Initiate RPV-ED (begin opening valves)

BEFORE RPV level reaches -48"

10. CRS Directs BOP to open all SRVs and depressurize the RPV
11. BOP Opens all SRVs and depressurizes the RPV NOTES: 1) S Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.
2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 19 of 21 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 10 Crew Task


Respond to failure of low pressure injection valves to open

1. *CREW Action is taken to restore RPV water CCT-3 level above -19" by operating available low pressure ECCS system(s) when RPV pressure decreases below the shutoff head of the low pressure systems.


At least two ECCS subsystems are lined up for injection and running prior to RPV pressure reaching the injection valve open permissive pressure.

No pumps are secured until adequate core cooling is assured Initiate manual opening of injection valves within 1 minute of reaching valve open permissive pressure.

2. CREW Recognizes failure of low pressure injection valves to automatically open after the SID cooling pressure interlock clears @ -350psig (CS-12A, CS-12B, RHR-27A & RHR-28B)
3. CRS Directs BOP to manually open CS-12A, CS-12B, RHR-27A & RHR-28B
4. BOP Manually opens CS-12A, CS-12B, RHR 27A & RHR-28B
5. Prevent injection of CS and RHR Pumps BOP/ not required for adequate core cooling.
6. OATC Control RPV pressure and level and restore RPV level to above 127" and commence RPV cooldown to cold shutdown
7. CRS Classifies the event lAW AP 2135:

EAL FA 1.1 (Alert)

NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 20 of 21 Evaluator Note: This EAL classification may be evaluated at the completion of the scenario.

Terminate scenario when RPV level maintained above 127" and stable and cooldown to cold shutdown commenced.

NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 1 Rev 2. ,9/12 Page 21 of 21 SCENARIO 1 EVALUATOR NOTES:

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 1 of 35 SIMULATOR EVALUATION GUIDE 2012 NRC Examination NRC Evaluators: ILO Candidates:

CRS OATC BOP Scenario Template:



ATWS- Power/Level control Critical Task Performance: SAT UNSAT (Circle One)

Lead Evaluator:

Signature Date Administered:

Activity Code:

Prepared by: Date:

Lead Exam Developer Reviewed by: Date:

Operations Representative Approved by: Date:

Facility Reviewer

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 2 of 35 CREW BRIEF:

-Power level: 90%, Winter, MOC

-Rod Sequence: Rapid Shutdown Sequence Latched Rod Group: 20

-Equipment out of service and/or tagged:

1. LPRM 2A-32-33 (APRM A) is INOP and bypassed.
2. Circulating Water Pump 'C' is out of service.

-Reason For Equipment out of Service or tagged:

1. LPRM 2A-32-33 has been spiking; I&C will replace during the next refueling outage.
2. Circulating Water Pump 'C' Motor brush inspection.

-Applicable Tech Spec LCO's:

1. 7 Day LCO, 3.5.AA, with one RHR loop in Torus Cooling Mode in accordance with OPOP-RHR 2124, Step 7.3.2, Rev. 05
  • Plant evolutions in progress/Scheduled Shift Evolutions:
1. Awaiting instructions from Reactor Engineering to restore to 100% (Power was reduced earlier for a rod pattern exchange).
2. An electrician is walking down a Work Order regarding the'S' Diesel Generator Outage work week. It requires him to open the Diesel Generator panel for observations only, no wiring will be touched. The electrician will inform the Shift Manager when he is completed with his walkdown.

He received an EN-OP-119, Protected Plant Equipment, from the Shift Manager.

3. "An RHR Loop is in Torus Cooling Mode with "An RHR and "A" RHRSW pumps in service in accordance with OPOP-RHR-2124, Section 7.3, Rev. 05.
4. Secure RHR from Suppression Cooling Mode in accordance with OPOP-RHR-2124, Section 7.4, Rev. 05 EOOS Risk:
1. Green

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 3 of 35 SCENARIO


The plant is operating normally at 90% power. LPRM 2A-32-33 is out of service due to repeated spiking. #2 Circulating Water Pump Motor brush inspection was performed satisfactory last shift and clearance tags are in the process of being removed this shift as scheduled. Last shift the operators took advantage of reduced SW temperatures to cool the Torus temperature. The "A" RHR and "A" RCSW pumps are in service in accordance with OPOP-RHR-2124, Section 7.3.

At turnover the operating crew was told that they need to secure suppression pool cooling. During the shutdown of suppression pool cooling, the "A" RHR pump will trip. Dispatch of an AO will produce a local report of "A" RHR pump breaker charring. The CRS will declare the RHR Subsystem inoperable. Tech. Spec review determines entry into LCO 3.5.A.3.

Next, an alarm indicating lockout of the "B" Emergency Diesel Generator will be received in the control room.

The electrician in the field will report a problem with the differential over current relay. The CRS will enter a 7 day LCO.

"A" Stator Cooling pump will trip and the BOP Operator will have to take manual actions due to the alternate pump not starting.

The 'B' Steam Packing Exhaust Blower trips and the BOP Operator will have to take immediate Operator actions to start the standby 'A' Steam Packing Exhaust Blower.

'B' Reactor Recirc motor will experience high vibrations. The crew will respond lAW ARS 4-G-7 and reduce recirc flow in an attempt to stop vibrations. When this power reduction is started. 'B' recirc MG will trip causing an entry into OT-3118 while the 'A' recirc MG controller will fail to the minimum speed position. Subsequently this puts the plant in a high power and low recirc flow condition.

RPS Scram set points are exceeded without a resulting automatic Scram. The RO should execute a manual scram resulting in a hydraulic ATWAS. Core oscillations will commence and escalate to the crew entering OT 3117 and scram the plant if exceeded RPS set pOints are not recognized.

The ATWS will be at a power reduction due to a SDV blockage. OT-3100, EOP-1, & 2 will be entered due to scram required. ATWS RPV Control will be entered with focus on power leg actions resulting in the start of a SLC pump. SLC injection will fail resulting with both SLC pumps failing after approximately one minute.

Due to the Hydraulic ATWS the SDV will need to be drained, scram reset and a manual scram initiated several times to eventually get all the rods in. While waiting for the SDV to drain, the OATC will attempt to drive rods.

The operator will experience low drive pressure and will have to diagnosis and take action to swap to the alternate CRD flow controller.

The ATWS RPV Control level leg will be exercised by first terminating and preventing injection sources followed by re-injection at a reduced RPV water level band.

The control rod insertion success path will require resetting the scram signal, draining the SDV and re inserting a manual scram or swapping CRD FCV's. Control rod insertion with the RMCS while the SDV is draining is expected. Eventually, all control rods will be reported full-in and the scenario will be terminated.


1. Control rods inserted.
2. Reactor Level controlled in band between -19 and 90 inches (-19 to +6 inches if Torus temperature is above 11 OF).
3. Primary Containment Sprays initiated.

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 4 of 35


1. OP 0105, Rev. 94, Conduct of Operations and Operator Rounds, Event 5
2. OP 2111, Rev.66, Control Rod Drive System, Event 10
3. OP 2124, Rev. SLC, Event 8
4. OT 3100, Scram Procedure
5. OE 3107, Rev. 27, EOP/SAG Appendices, Events 5,8 & 10
6. OT 3117, Reactor Instability, Event 6
7. OPOT 3118-01, Rev. 3, Recirculation Pump Trip, Event 5
8. OT 3119, Rev. 16, Loss of Stator Cooling, Event 3
9. OP 3125, E Plan Classification and Action Level Scheme, Event 7
10. OP 3140, Alarm Response
11. OPON-3145-01, Rev.4, Loss of CRD Regulating Failure, Event 10
12. OPOP-RHR-2124, Rev. 6, Residual Heat Removal System, Event 9
13. EOP-1, RPV Control
14. EOP-2, ATWS RPV Control, Event 7
15. EOP-3, Primary Containment Control, Event 9
16. Technical Specifications: 3.5A3 & 4, 3.1.1 and Table 3.2.5
17. - 3.6.G, Event 5

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 5 of 35 SIMULATOR OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS Simulator Set Up: 90%, MOC

1. Place LPRM 2A-32-33 switch in BYPASS on CRP 9-14 (APRM A)
2. Assure that the "An RHR pump, "An Stator cooling pump and the "A" Steam packing Exhauster pump are running.
3. Assure Stator amps are greater than 4667 amps.

Enter Malfunctions/RFslIOs:

Malfunct~~ Actuation Time Description

1. mfRD_12A 38 - - - Pre-Insert SDV blockage - North
2. mfRD_12B 35 - - Pre-Insert SDV blockage - South
3. mfRP_01A Auto scram failure
14. mfRP_01C Active - - - Pre-Insert Failure of ARI/RPT
5. mfSW_18A Active - - Pre-Insert ,
6. mfEG_12B Active - - Pre-Insert
7. AETSLC Active - - - Pre-Insert Both SLC pumps trip after 1 pps trip min after 1 min "
8. mfRH_01A Active - - 1 When Torus Clg Valve uN RHR Pump Trip RHR-34A indicates full closed
9. mfSW_07C Active - - 2 Lead Examiner 'B' EDG Lockout Trip Alarm prompts 8-F-2
10. mfEG_05A Active - - 3 Just after CRS Brief wI "A" Stator Cooling Pump EDG T.S. call Trips and and "B" Stator Cooling does not auto pick up.
11. Over ride Stop - - 4 Just after crew 'B' Steam Pkg Exhauster trip SPEto confirms Stator Clg is

'stop' recovered.

MSdi23RM S11

12. mfAN07K6 Spurious - 'B' Steam Pkg Exhauster Trip I alarm
13. mfAN04G7 Spurious - - 5 After the 'A' standby 'B' Recirc Motor vibs 4-G-7 Steam Pkg Exhauster Alarm is started & vacuum adjusted to 12" vac ..

AND Lead Examiner prompts

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 6 of 35

14. mfAN04D6 Spurious - 6 After crew has started Pump AlB shaft vibs 4-D=6 a power reduction to Alarm clear vibration alarms AND AO Reports vibs degrading
15. mfRR_05B Active - 7 If crew does not trip 'B' Recirc pp B trip
16. Active - recirc pump (insert if mfRR_19 Recirc oscillations (Note:

the pump is tripped by the crew) delete this after a manual scram is inserted)

17. mfRR_11A Active -

'A' recirc individual controller fails to '0'

18. mfRD_11A - - 8 After the SDV is Flow Control Valve fails close drained and the 1sl Event #10 scram is re-inserted
19. mfRD_11A Spurious - 9 After - 2 min of no CRD Hyd Temp High CRD
20. mfAN05B9 Inactive - 10 2 minutes after FCV is Delete malfunction swapped

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 7 of 35 SIMULATOR OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS (Continued)

Additional Instructions:

1. A call to the Work Week Manager (WWM) or Field Support Supervisor (FSS) will initiate all expected activities (including DCO, Ops Manager, Maintenance, and AO's) outside the Control Room for a particular malfunction.
2. Time compression may be used at the discretion of the Lead Evaluator. If time compression is used the crew will be notified.
3. The Lead Evaluator will determine when the event objectives have been met and the next event may be initiated. Event actuation times will be referenced and scenario flow will be considered during this determination.
4. When requested to investigate "A" RHR pump following trip and receipt of alarm, Operator should dispatch operator to "Bus #4". If dispatched to "Bus #4", wait 30 seconds and report that "the "A" RHR breaker is charred with a dropped over-current relay #51 target, no smoke or fire present." If dispatched to the pump or motor, wait 30 seconds and "report that everything at the "A" RHR pump looks normal."
5. EVENT #2: When the 'B' Oiesellockout trips (8-F-2 Alarms), call as the electrician and inform the control room that some loose or old wiring on the differential overcurrent relay shorted something out when he opened the panel. If an AO or electrician is sent to attempt a lockout reset, report that the lockout relay is tripped and cannot be reset.
6. EVENT #5: After the Booth Operator (as AO) Reports: "B Recirc Motor Vibration has a degrading trend".

AND Booth Operator triggers Recirc Pump Shaft Vibration Alarm 4-0-6 IF Crew does NOT Trip 'B' Recirc Pump THEN Booth Operator Trips 'B' Recirc Pump

7. When asked to trouble shoot SLC pump failure, maintenance will report that the will commence troubleshooting. ABT has failed. Oue to parts unavailability, repair will take approximately two days.

8 When requested to swap CRD FCV's and level is in the prescribed ATWS band, wait five minutes and swap to the opposite control valve.

9 If requested to shut CRO-56 then after power is being controlled in the ATWS band, take rfRD_02 to 0%.

10 If requested to shut CRO-PCV-22 then after torus spray is in service as required by EOP-3, take rfRD_20 to 0%.

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 8 of 35 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 1 Crew Task


Secure Suppression pool cooling lineup with response to a trip of "A" RHR pump.



1. CREW Walkdown the control room "A" RHR Loop is in Torus Cooling panels (5 min max.) and assume Mode with "A" RHR and "A" the watch. RHRSW pumps in service in accordance with OPOP-RHR 2124, Section 7.3, Rev. 5.
2. CRS Directs the Shutdown of the"A" RHR subsystem using OPOP RHR-2124, Section 7.4.

May warn to Monitor DW IT orus Delta Pressure (Proc Step 7.3.14) and that Bypass Valve RHR-65A is in the Closed position.

3. BOP
  • Closes Torus Clg Valve RHR*34A I When Torus Clg Valve RHR*34A

! indicates full closed TRIGGER KEY #1 Time:

4. BOP Recognizes "A" RHR pump has tripped and informs CRS The pump tripped annunciator will actuate. RHR system flow and pressure will reflect this loss.


2. RHR PP OVLD NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.
2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 9 of 35 STEP POS. CANDIDATE S U N/O COMMENTS ACTIONS/BEHAVIOR nowledges "A" RHR Operator should dispatch

6. BOP Refers to 3-J-1, RHR PUMP A operator to "Bus #4" to note if any TRI P, Alarm Response Sheet dropped targets.

Dispatch AO/FSS to investigate - If dispatched to "Bus #4", wait "A" RHR pump trip at "Bus #4 to 30 seconds and report that "the log target(s) dropped." "A" RHR breaker is charred with a dropped over current relay #51 target, no smoke or fire present."

- If dispatched to the pump or motor, wait 30 seconds and report that "Everything at the "A" RHR pump looks normal."

7. INST AO/FSS reports:

- "A" RHR breaker is charred with a dropped over current relay #51 target, no smoke or fire present."

OR "Everything at the "A" RHR pump looks normaL"

8. BOP Informs CRS of field observations accurately.
9. CRS When informed of field investigation, consults Tech Specs Declare "A" RHR Pump inoperable Enter & Declare 7 day LCO per 1.S.3.5A3.

Direct initiation of a WORlTag With all other LPCI and Clearance Containment Cooling Subsystems operable. Tech. Spec. 3.5A3 Informs Senior Management applies.

es Risk NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * =Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 10 of 35 STEP POS.. CANDIDATE S U N/O COMMENTS ACTIONS/BEHAVIOR

10. BOP Logs (or assures logged) Relay
  1. 51 iaw ARS.
11. I BOP Places "A" RHR Pump control switch in "PULL-TO-LOCK"
12. BOP Should report all ARS actions are complete to CRS I

ARP marked correctly I

CRS acknowledges

13. CRS Directs the completion of Torus Cooling Shutdown Procedure.

BOP acknowledges

16. BOP
  • After 10 minutes from pump trip:

Secures "An RHRSW Pump. Time:

And Observes RHRSW Discharge RHR-89A auto close.

17. BOP Opens HX Bypass RHR-65A
18. BOP Open/Check Open Min Flow RHR-16A.

NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed A" Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step


19. BOP Ensures RHR system in standby per normal standby section.
20. BOP Informs CRS Torus Clg Shutdown.

Executed Procedure Marked up correctly.

NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

  • Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 12 of 35 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 2 Crew Task


"B" Emergency Diesel Generator Lockout i


, 0

1. BOP Acknowledge/respond to 'B' EDG Lead Examiner Prompts Lockout Trip annunciator (8-F-2)

TRIGGER KEY #2 Inform CRS 'B' EDG Lockout Trip Alarm Dispatch an AO to investigate Time:

Prompt CRS to TS 3.10

2. CRS Direct the following:

Dispatch WWM/FSS to investigate

3. SM/ When EDG inoperability is CRS determined, consult TS and enter a 7-day LCO (TS 3.10.B.1)

NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 13 of 35 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 3 Crew Task


Loss of Stator Cooling: 'A' Pump trips and 'B' does not auto start STEP CANDIDATE ACTIONS/BE N/O COMMENTS

1. BOP Recognize and report trip of the"N Just after 'B' EDG Tech. Spec Call Stator Cooling pump:

TRIGGER KEY #3 "A" Stator Clg Pump Trip Alarms:

7-B-5 (SC Trip Timer Initiated on Stator Clg low flowl inlet pressure Time:_ _ _ _ __

low) 7-C-5 (H2/Stator Clg Panel Trouble due to local alarm).

2. BOP Recognize and report failure of the "B" Stator Cooling pump to auto start.

7-B-5 (Timer Initiated) Operator Actions:

Start standby Stator Clg pump if not running.

This is an IMMEDIATE OPERATOR Move Selector Switch to:

ACTION per OT 3119

'B' Run - 'A' Res Confirm 'B' Stator Clg Pump starts.

Refer to OT 3119, Loss of Stator Cooling Check Stator Clg Skid and panel indications.

7-C-5 (Panel Trouble) Operator Actions:

Dispatch AO to determine cause of local alarm and take actions per local alarm response.

NOTES: 1) =

S Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; =

N/O Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 14 of 35 I~ ....., " .:


S.***. ~


.*...... 11

3. CRS Direct BOP to manually start the "B" Note: Immediate Operator Action (If an Stator Cooling pump Auto action did not happen, manually take control.)
4. BOP Positions STATOR CLG PUMP Note: These 2 steps are OT 3119, SELECTOR switch to "B*-Run - A- Immediate Operator Actions.


Confirms Pump Starts

5. Verify and report SC TURBINE TRIP NOTE: If unsuccessful!

TIMER INITIATED (9-7-B-5) clears Alarm 7-B-4, Stator Clg Trip annunciates due to the timer timing out following a one minute time delay and the Turbine Generator will trip and lockout.

6. CRS Enter and direct actions of OT 3119
7. CREW Dispatch AO/FSSIWWM to investigate "A" pump trip and failure of the "B" pump to auto start B. CRS Brief IAlign crew on Plant Status:


Reinforce crew to insert Rx SCRAM then trip the turbine within 1 min of total loss of all Stator Cooling.

Status of ARP & OT 3119 NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 15 of 35 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 4 Crew Task


Trip of "B" Steam Packing Exhauster Blower STEP CANDIDATE ACTIONS/BEHAVIOR S


1. CREW Just after confirming Stator Clg recovered.

Responses to Alarm 7-K-6, STM PKG EXH BLOWER TRIP TRIGGER KEY #4 and informs the CRS. "B" Steam Pkg Exh Blower Trip

2. BOP ARS Operator Actions:

Shut discharge valve (AE-12B) of the tripped ("B") blower,(GREEN LIGHT LIT ONLY), and Start the standby ("An) blower Adjust (OPEN) discharge valve (AE 12A) to INCREASE vacuum to approx. 12 in. H20 vacuum.

3. Reports that the "An Steam Packing Exhauster has been started and system conditions have been returned to normal.

NOTES: 1) =

S Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; =

N/O Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * =Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 16 of 35 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 5 Crew Task


Respond to 'B' Reactor Recirc motor high vibrations, a power reduction, and pump trip:


1. CREW Recognize and respond to Recirc Pump After the 'A' standby Motor 'B' Vibration High annunciator Steam Pkg Exhauster is started & vac adjusted to (4-G-7) 12" H20 vac..

AND Lead Examiner prompts TRIGGER KEY #5 Time:

2. OATC Executes ARS 4-G-7:

- Minimize differ in pump speeds

- If alarm continues, reduce recirc flow per OP 0105:

- Reduce core flow to 47.5 48.0 Mlbs/hr (approx. 2 % power)

- Insert Rods per OP 2111 in the reverse order using rapid shutdown sequence.

- Attempt Vib Monitor Reset at CRP 9-4

- Monitor CRP 9-4 for Abn indications

3. CREW Dispatches AO to Local Vibration Alarm panel.

NOTES: 1) S == Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O == Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) *:::; Critical Task/Step


4. BOOTH AO calls Control Room and reports: After crew has started a INST 'B' Recirc Motor Vibration has a power reduction to clear degrading trend" vibration alarms Triggers: 4-D-6 "B" Recirc PUMP AND SHAFT Vibration High Alarm while AO AO Reports vibs is talking to Control Room. degrading TRIGGER KEY #6 Time:
5. CREW Recognize & respond to Recirc Pump "AlB" pump shaft vibs hi annurtCiator (4 D-6)
6. CRS/ Recognizes 'B' Reactor Recirc Pump needs to be secured OATC
7. CRS Direct trip of the "B" Recirc Pump; Enter Note: Trip will occur by and direct actions lAW OPOT 3118-01: the BOOTH if not manually tripped Directs 'B' Recirc Pump discharge valve CLOSED, Monitor APRM indications Verify operation inside of the EXCLUSION Region of Figure 2.4,1
8. BOOTH If 'B' Reactor Recirc pump is not TRIGGER KEY #7 manually Tripped by Crew, INST Time:

THEN BOOTH Inst will trip 'B' Reactor Recirc Pump.


9. OATC 'rc Pump "B" Verify operation inside of the EXCLUSION Region of Figure 2.4.1 NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O =Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.
2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 18 of 35 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 6 Crew Task


"A" Reeire pump controller fails downscale, power oscillations, RPS failure.

STEP ENDIDATE ACTIONS/BEHAVIOR S U "- I ... COMMENTS 1 Controller Failure is triggered 60 seconds after '8' Recire Pump Trip at a designated ramp rate.

2 OATC Recognizes Power to Flow parameters are NOT as expected OR Observes "A" Reactor Recirc Pump flow reduction AND Informs CREW 3 OATC Monitors for potential operation inside EXCLUSION Region 4 OATC Identify operation inside EXCLUSION Region; inform CRS AND APRM oscillations> 10% peak to peak.

OR Pwr/Flow APRM Scram Alarms 5 OATC Takes IMMEDIATE OPERATOR OT 3117, Reactor Instability ACTIONS:

- Depress Manual SCRAM pushbuttons Informs CRS of failure of control rods to fully insert NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 19 of 35 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 7 Crew Task


Failure to SCRAM with Hydraulic ATWS.

. CANDIDATE ACTIONS/BEHAVIOR S U N/O COMMENTS 1 OATC Depress Manual SCRAM pushbuttons Informs CRS of failure of control rods to fully insert

2. *CREW With reactor scram required and the Scram Sig EOP-2 reactor not shutdown, take action to CCT-2 reduce power by tripping the recirc pumps ARI/RPT Standard:

Actuate the ARIIRPT logic AND ensure that the recirc drive motor breakers are tripped within 2 minutes of the scram failure (or within 1 minute of RPV pressure exceedinq 1200 psig)

3. OATC Depress ARIIRPT push buttons Trips the RR pump drive motor breakers
5. Place RMCS in Shutdown
6. Initiate SLC injection See Loss of SLC, EVENT #8 (SEE EVENT #8)
7. CRS When informed of the scram failure iawOT 3100 enter and direct crew actions lAW EOP-2
8. CRS When not needed for injection, direct BOP to secure HPCI
9. BOP When directed, secure HPCI
10. CRS Direct BOP to verify Table "A" automatic isolations and initiations NOTES: 1) S =Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.
2) * =Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2, 9/12 Page 20 of 35



11. BOP When directed, verify EOP-2 Table "N automatic actions
12. *CREW With a reactor scram required and the reactor not shutdown, INHIBIT EOP-2 ADS to prevent an uncontrolled CCT-5 RPV depressurization and thereby prevent a potentially significant power excursion.

Standard: Inhibit ADS prior to automatic initiation.

13. CRS Direct BOP to inhibit ADS actuation
14. BOP When directed, inhibit ADS actuation. Note: CRP 9-3 3-A-6, "ADS IN BYP" annunciates when first inhibit switch goes to "INHIBIT".
15. CRS ~irect OATC/BOP to Bypass of Rx Lo Note: Bypasses MSIV closure Lo water level Isolation lAW Appendix isolation signal. MSIV's may be "P" closed at this pOint.
16. BOP Bypasses Rx Lo Lo water level Isolation,iaw Appendix "P":

- Install 2 CRP9-15 jumpers 0020/0019 (CWO 1100)

BB32/BB33 (CWO 1101)

- Install 2 CRP9-17 jumpers

- 0020/0019 (CWO 1102)

- BB20/BB19 (CWO 1103)

Verify One MSL Open

- Informs CRS Appendix UP" complete.

NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step


17. *CREW During an ATWS with conditions met RR Pumps off to perform power/level control, T &P Complete EOP-2 TERMINATE AND PREVENT CCT-6 INJECTION (with the exception of boron, RCIC and CRD) into the RPV until conditions are met to re establish injection.


Completion of Terminate and prevent injection lAW OE 3107 Appendix GG within 5 minutes of loss of forced circulation

18. CRS Direct OATC/BOP to Terminate and Prevent RPV injection lAW App GG
19. OATCI When directed, Terminate and Prevent If not exceeded already, Alarm BOP RPV injection lAW App GG: 5-K-2 signifies an Auto Scram

- HPCI Turb Tripllnhibit pushbutton setpoint of 127" exceeded =

Site Area Emergency selector switch in INHIBIT (CRP9-3)

- Core Spray pumps to Pull-to-Lock (CRP9-3)

- RHR pumps to Pull-to-Lock (CRP9 3)

- Rx Ivl Master "V" to minimum

- FRVs & Aux FRV "V" to minimum

- Informs CRS T&V complete.


20. CRS Direct OATC to report when RPV level reaches 90 inches and/or when Rx Data:

power is <2%.


21. Direct OATC to insert control rods with Appendix BB and G are one or more appropriate appendices available but delayed until level is maintained <90" NOTES: 1) =

S Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) .. =Critical TasklStep


22. OATC When directed, attempt to insert control rods with appropriate appendices:


- Starts both CRD pumps.


- Take CRD Flow Control to "Manual" and "V" to full open.

- Close CRD-56, Chrg'g hdr

- Adjust Drive Press DP to 300 to 500 psid.

Local Drive Press minus Rx

- Continuously insert rods iaw Figure 1 Press = Drive DP.

sequence. THEN Figure 2.

- Inform CRS all rods inserted.

23. When steam flow <0.5 Mlbm/hr per Immediate Op Action iaw OT steam line, place Mode Switch in 3100 Shutdown.
24. CRS Direct BOP to stabilize Rx pressure 800-1050 psig with:

Bypass Valves I SRVs

25. BOP When directed stabilize Rx pressure 800-1050 psig with Bypass Valves I SRVs
26. OATC Report when RPV level reaches 90" (See Step #20 above)
27. *CREW When conditions are met to re establish injection, use available EOP-2 injection systems to RESTORE &

CCT-7 MAINTAIN RPV water level above 19" Standard:

Restore and maintain RPV level to between -19" and the level to which it was lowered AND no significant power excursion occurs.

NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step


28. CRS When conditions are met to re-establish Ordered RPV water level may injection, direct RPV level restored and be -19" to +6" if torus maintained between -19" and 90" using tem perature reaches 110 F feed and condensate
29. BOP When directed, restore and maintain RPV level between -19" and 90", using feed and condensate:

- Throttles FRV and/or Aux FRV.

Informs CRS when out of directed Level Band.

30. CREW Recognize and report when all rods except three are inserted NOTES: 1) S ::; Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory; N/O ::; Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.
  • Critical Task/Step


31. CRS Direct crew to perform App F & G to insert the remaining control rods:


- Reset RPS:

- Install 2 CRP9-15 jumpers

- 5A-K10Al2 to 5A-K11 E/4

- 5A-K10C/2 to 5A-K11G/4 Install 2 CRP9-17 jumpers

- 5A-K10B/2 to 5A-K11 F/4

- 5A-K1 OD/2 to 5A-K11 H/4

- Reset ARI/RPT by liftg leads:

AA75 double lead (CRP9-3)

KK30 double lead (CRP9-4)

- Reset SCRAM & confirm ARIIRPT is reset

- Reset drift alarms

- Open CRD32A(B) & 33A,B,C &D.

- Verify SDV-A & SDV-B are drained

- Manually SCRAM and repeat sequence if needed.

Inform CRS if rods failed to move in.

33. CREW As directed, perform App T & G for the remaining control rods with repeated manual scrams and manual insertion of rods.
34. CREW Coordinate with AOs (as necessary) to insert rods using appropriate Appendices
35. CRS Direct BOP to establish Torus Cooling or DW Sgray: Directed NOTES: 1) S ::: Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.
2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 25 of 35 POS. CANDIDATE ACTIONS/BEHAVIOR S U COMMENTS

36. BOP When directed establish Torus cooling and Torus spray.

SEE ATTACHMENT #2 for Torus CoolinglDW S~ra~

37. CRS Verify RR pumps and DW RRUs are Note: Steps 38-41 are NA if OFF Torus pressure is below 10 psig.
38. Verify within the safe region of the OW Spray Initiation Limit curve
39. pray the OW
40. BOP When directed, spray the OW SEE ATTACHMENT #2 for Torus Cooling/OW S~ra~
41. SMI Classify the event as a Site Area Note: If Rx > 2% and HCTl STA/ Emergency lAW AP 3125 Appendix A exceeded = General CRS (SS2.1) recognizing scram failure with Emergency, SG2.1 power remaining above 2%

NOTES: 1) =

S Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; =

N/O Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

  • Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2.9/12 Page 26 of 35 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 8 Crew Task



1. OATC Initiates SLC injection
2. *CREW With a reactor scram required and Scram signal the reactor not shutdown, TAKE Rod App ordered EOP-2 ACTION TO REDUCE POWER by CCT-4 injecting boron and/or inserting control rods, to prevent exceeding the primary containment design limits.


Actions taken within 10 minutes of the scram failure to implement appropriate appendices and/or inject SLC. Only one method needs to be used. The method must result in successful control rod insertion or SLC injection.

3. CRS Orders SLC Injection prior to Torus 110F.
4. OATC Start "A" ("B") SLC Pump
5. Recognizes that "A" ("B") SLC Pump has failed to inject; informs CRS.
6. CRS Directs OATC to start the alternate SLC pump.
7. OATC Start "B" (fiN') SLC Pump
8. OATC Recognizes that liB" ("A") SLC Pump Tripped after running for 60 seconds; informs CRS I 9. CREW Direct troubleshooting of "A" and "B" SLC Pumps (OP 2124)

NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 27 of 35 POS. CANDIDATE ACTIONS/BEHAVIOR S U N/O COMMENTS ...

10. CRS Direct boron injection using Appendix J or K

- Appendix J: BORON Injection using RWCU

- Appendix K: BORON Injection using CRD system from SLC tank

11. CREW Direct AO to implement Appendix J or K to inject SLC NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.
2) * =Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 28 of 35 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 9 Crew Task


Respond to a failure of the in-service CRD flow control valve.


Recognize a loss of CRD flow and


After 1st SDV drain and re-This malfunction will cause the scram:

selected CRD flow control valve (19A) "A" CRD Flow Controller to close. This will result in a decrease Valve Fails Closed in CRD system flow and an increase in charging water header pressure. The system flow will decrease to 5 gpm Time:

and drive water header and cooling water header differential pressure will decrease to a very low value. Movement of control rods by normal operation is The ability to scram the rods will not impossible since no be affected. Due to a lack of cooling differential pressures can be water the rod drive mechanism developed across the piston temperatures will increase and actuate in the CRD mechanism.

the high temperature annunciator. Use of flow control valve switch via IDA will permit the unaffected valve to be selected.


2. CRS Direct AOII&C to investigate the closure of the CRD-19A valve
3. Direct actions in accordance with OPON-3145-01, Loss of CRD Regulating Function.
4. OATC Take manual control of the Flow Control valve:

- Verifies RED Manual LED lit.

- Verifies GREEN Auto LED Lit. RESULTS:

- Display "V" w/pushbutton and Valve will NOT Open attempt to open valve ..

NOTES: 1) =

S Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory; =

N/O Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 29 of 35 STEP PO~ ("


5. OATC Acknowledge and report CRD HYD TRIGGER KEY #9 TEMP HI alarm, 9-5-B-9 CRD Hyd Temperature High Time:
6. CREW Dispatch RBAO/FSS to investigate CRD HI Temp alarm
7. OATC When directed, place alternate CRD FCV in service Turn FCV dial to zero valve position Direct the AO to isolate the A FCV

- Close CRD 68A & 69A Direct the AO to select the B FVC:

- liP Converter Selector Switch positioned to B, &

- 3 Way Supply Air positioned to B FCV Direct the AO to un-isolate the B FVC Enter KEY #10 to delete Malfunction! alarm 2 min after CRD FCV swapped.

Adjust the CRD parameters to normal and return the valve to Auto!Bal If ALL Control Rods are NOT inserted at this point, CRS to DIRECT Appendix BB, 8 CRS INSERTION of CONTROL RODS Using COOLING WATER DP Execute below Attachment #3 9 OATC Appendix BB NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * =Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 30 of 35 OPERATOR ACTIONS ADDITIONAL COMMENTS:

NOTES: 1) =

S Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; =

N/O Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * =Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 31 of 35 ATTACHMENT 1 E-plan Performance Statistics Data (NEI 99-02)

Classification EAL (Alpha- Time EAL Time of Time of States Numeric) Reached Classification Notification UE ALERT SAE GE i


  • Review OP 3540, Attachment 9.10 to ensure completion
  • Send a copy of this Attachment and the completed OP 3540, Attachment 9.10 to the E Plan Group after the data has been recorded.



NOTES: 1) =

S Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; =

N/O Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 4 Rev 2,9/12 Page 32 of 35 ATTACHMENT #2 Torus Cooling/OW Spray Directed STEP POS. CANDIDATE S U N/O COMMENTS ACTIONS/BEHAVIOR CRP-3-3-A-1, RX RELIEF VLV

1. CRS Directs EOP-3 entry OPEN states: Start torus cooling per OP 2124, and torus cooling initiated. Residual Heat Removal System.
4. BOP IF a LPCI initiation signal is Note: RHR is in Pull to Lock present, THEN PLACE RHRSW during Terminate & Prevent PP A&C (B&D) LPCI AUTOSTOP OVERRIDE SWITCH keylock switch to OPOP-RHR-2124, Sec. 7.17 or MANUAL OVERRD Attachment 6 (3-M-2 will annunciate).

- START RHRSW pump(s)

6. BOP IF necessary, ADJUST RHRSW DISCHARGE, RHR 89A(B) as follows:

MAINTAIN RHRSW heat exchanger flow 2950 to 3140 gpm.

MAINTAIN RHRSW pressure greater than 20 psid above RHR pressure.

7. Secure Condensate Transfer Keep Fill.
8. Start one RHR pump.

NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O :::: Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step





10. CREW IF Torus cooling is required:



11. IF Torus Spray is required:



NOTES: 1) =

S Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; =

N/O Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step


12. BOP IF Drywell spray is required:




IF necessary, THROTTLE TORUS COOLING RHR-34A(B) to control Drywell pressure.

13. CRS Directs BOP to maintain RPV level -19" to (level criteria just met) with feed and condensate or other Table "H" preferred ATWS injection systems.

NOTES: 1) =

S Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; =

N/O Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step



Insert all control rods with cooling water STEP POS. CANDIDATE ACTIONS/BEHAVIOR S U NI COMMENTS 0

1. CRS Directs Appendix BB once CRD Flow Controller is swapped.
2. RO Start all available CRD pumps.

Shifts CRD flow Control to MANUAL

- Pushbutton to "V" & restore drive pressure.

-Direct AO to close CRD-56, Charging water header supply.

-Fully Open PCV-20, DRIVE WTR Press

-Adjust PCV-22, CLG WTR Press to achieve drive water DP 300 to 500 psid.

3. RO When all Control Rods are inserted inform CRS.


  • Concurrent implementation of Appendix D, Manual Isolation and Venting of the Scram Air Header, will result in the closure of the CRD flow control valves which will prevent implementation of Appendices G and BB.
  • If RMCS is available, Appendix G, Manual Insertion of Individual Control Rods, can be performed concurrently with this appendix.

NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 5 Rev. 2,9/12 Page 1 of 17 SIMULATOR EVALUATION GUIDE 2012 NRC Examination NRC Evaluators: ILO Candidates CRS OATC BOP SC-1, HPCI Leak, RPV-ED Critical Task Performance: SAT UNSAT (Circle One)

Date Administered:

Prepared by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ _ __

Lead Exam Developer Reviewed by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ _ __

Operations Representative Approved by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date:

Facility Reviewer

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 5 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 2 of 17 CREW BRIEF:

-Power level: 90% RTP, summer conditions

-Rod Sequence: RSS -Rod Group: 20

-Equipment out of service and/or tagged:

1. None

-Reason For Equipment out of Service or tagged:

1. None

-Applicable Tech Spec LCO's:

1. None

-EOOS color: Green

-Plant evolutions in progress/Scheduled Shift Evolutions: None

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 5 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 3 of 17 SCENARIO


Shortly after the crew takes the shift, a Steam Flow transmitter will fail causing the crew to respond to lowering RPV.

RCIC will then inadvertently and incompletely isolate requiring the operator to complete the isolation. The CRS will make a tech spec call and initiate maintenance activities.

The crew will encounter and respond to a trip of the running Circ water pump, lowering vacuum and entry into ON 3173 'Loss of Circulating Water' and OT 3120 'Condenser High Back Pressure'. When the operator attempts to lower flow using the recirc master controller, they will recognize that it has failed and individual recirc controllers must be used for the flow power reduction.

A steam leak in the HPCI piping upstream of HPCI-14 will occur, with a failure of HPCI-15 and 16 to isolate. Increasing Reactor Building vent exhaust radiation levels prompt entry into EOP

4. Rising area temperatures eventually result in entry into EOP-1 and a manual scram (CRITICAL TASK). Once the main turbine trips, Bus 2 fails to auto transfer and EDG "A" fails to auto start. The crew will respond by recovering the electric plant and conducting a cooldown to minimize the rate of the steam leak. The automatic Group III isolation will not occur and will require manual isolation and SBGT initiation (CRITICAL TASK). Eventually the crew will either RPV-ED or anticipate based on exceeding two RB areas Max Safe temperatures (CRITICAL TASK).


1. RPV level being restored 127-177"
2. RPV-ED or anticipate complete
3. Power restored to busses 2/4


1. Technical Specifications
2. AP 3125, Emergency Plan Classification and Action Level Scheme
3. OP 0105, Reactor Operations
4. OP 2110, Reactor Recirculation System
5. OT 3100, Reactor Scram
6. OPOT-3170-01, Loss of Bus 2
7. OPON-3172-01, Loss of Bus 4
8. ON 3173, Loss of Circulating Water
9. ON 3158, RB Hi TernplWater level 10.0T 3120, Condenser High Backpressure
11. EOP-1, RPV Control
12. EOP-4, Secondary Containment Control
13. EOP-5, RPV-ED

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 5 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 4 of 17 SIMULATOR OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS Simulator Set Up: 90% IC, Summer conditions, Recirc master controller at 81.8% speed and 48.9 mlbs; FWLC 160" with 'P' selected, Distracter Malfunctionsl RFs/IOs:

1. Update EOOS and turnover sheets No. MF/RFIIO # Severity Ramp Key # Act. Time Description
1. mfPC_1HP15 Active - Pre-insert HPCI-15 fails to close
2. mfPC_1HP16 Active - HPCI-16 fails to close
3. mfPC_1RC15 Active - RCIC 15 fails to auto isolate
4. AET remove Active - Removes RCIC-15 isolation signal RCIC 15 malf
5. mfED_12D Active - 4KV Bus 2 failure to transfer mfED 12B
6. mfDG_OSA Active - EDG "A" fails to auto start
7. mfRP_OSAIB Active - Group III isolation failure, both channels
8. mfFW_2SC 0% 60 1 After crew on Steam flow transmitter fails watch downscale
9. mfRC- 05 Active 2 After steam RCIC inadvertent isolation flow malfunction
10. mfAN06B6 SPURIOUS 0 3 After RCIC CWP cooling water low flow alarm Tech Spec
11. mfMC_01A Active 0:30 determ ination Circ water pump "A" trip
12. mfMC_OS 0.02 600 4 After Condenser air in-leakage backpressure stable from CW pp trip
13. mfRD_052231 100% 5 When major Rod 22-31 Drift Out power reduction actions are complete

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 5 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 5 of 17 14 mfHP_09 5% 300 6 After actions HPCI Steam Line Leak upstream for rod drift of HPCI-14 (instruction #4)

14. mfHP_09 50 600 7 After Scram HPCI Line Leak prior to HPCI-14 Additional Instructions:
1. A call to the Work Week Manager (WWM) or Field Support Supervisor (FSS) will initiate all expected activities (including Duty Manager, Ops Manager, Maintenance, and AO's) outside the Control Room for a particular malfunction.
2. Time compression may be directed by the lead evaluator. If time compression is used, this will be reported to the crew.
3. The Lead Evaluator will determine when the event objectives have been met and the next event may be initiated. Event actuation times will be referenced and scenario flow will be considered during this determination
4. The HPCI leak on key 6 should be inserted prior to the crew attempting to transfer house loads or the failure of breaker 23 will be identified early.
5. When asked as I&C, report that the steam flow transmitter failure is being investigated. No cause will be given prior to scenario termination.
6. When asked as I&C, provide a time compressed report that it appears the RCIC steam line dIp cell, DPIS-13-83, has failed and the part is on order for next week.
7. When called as AO to investigate the tripped Circ Water Pump, inform them that the motor casing is hot to the touch and the breaker tripped on overcurrent.
8. When asked as I&C about the recirc master controller, inform them that a troubleshooting plan will be developed.
9. As soon as Key 5 (HPCI steam leak) is inserted, call the control room as RP and report "There is a loud noise and steam coming from the HPCI area."

1O.lf called as AO and/or FSS to investigate HPCI steam leak, inform the Control Room that "The HPCI Room is full of steam, and leak appears to be upstream of HPCI-14." If requested to attempt closure of the HPCI isolation valves, leak cannot be isolated during scenario.

11 . If crew continues to operate the plant with a HPCI steam leak, inform them as WWM that conditions in the reactor building are making access impossible.

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 5 Rev. 2,9/12 Page 6 of 17 12.lf asked as Maint to jumper the interlock for starting CW pump 'C' then wait two minutes and tell them it is done.

13.lf called as AO to check out the reason why the 'A' EDG did not auto start, inform the control room that everything looks normal.

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 5 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 7 of 17 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 1 Crew Task


Respond to lowering RPV level caused by a failure of the Steam Flow Transmitter S U N/O COMMENTS

1. CREW Recognize lowering reactor water level; inform CRS Key
2. OATC Determine that lowering level is a result of a failure of a steam flow transmitter and shift the controller to MANUAL; inform CRS
3. CRS Shift the FW Master Level Controller to MANUAL Restore water level to pre-transient level
4. OATC Observe Steam Flow and Feed Flow indications for mismatch When directed:

Restore water level to pre-transient level Identify the cause of the problem as a steam flow transmitter failing downscale

5. CREW Request WWM II&C investigate problems with steam flow transmitter Role Play: If asked as I&C, report that the steam flow transmitter failure is being investigated. No cause will be given prior to scenario termination.
6. CRS Direct the OATC to switch to single element and restore the controller to automatic
7. OATC Transfer control to single element Transfer the controller to automatic When FWLC is returned to Auto, initiate Event 2.

NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * =Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 5 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 8 of 17 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 2 Crew Task


Respond to an inadvertent and incomplete isolation of RCIC and associated Tech Spec determination STEP POS. CANDIDATE ACTIONS/BEHAVIOR S U N/O COMMENTS

1. CRO/ Recognize/respond to 4-U-2, RCIC KEY 2 BOP steam line dip high Verify RCIC-15/16/27 close Observe RCIC-15 did not auto isolate Initiate closure of RCIC-15 and inform CRS Refer CRS to T.S. section 3.5 for RCIC
2. CRS Dispatch AO/FSSIWWM to investigate the RCIC area for steam leaks
3. CRS/SM Confirm RCIC inoperability by panel indications and I&C report Determine a 14 day LCO for RCIC per T.S. 3.5.G.2 Initiate actions with the tagging desk to have RCIC isolated and tagged
4. CRS Direct the BOP to verify RCIC isolation lAW OP 2121
5. BOP Verify RCIC isolation lAW OP 2121 When Tech Spec entry is made, initiate Event 3.

NOTES: 1) S =Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O =Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * =Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 5 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 9 of 17 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 3 Crew Task


Respond to trip of Circ water pump 'A' & lowering condenser vacuum (due to a small condenser leak).


1. CRO/ Acknowledge/respond to Circ Wtr Pump Key 3 BOP Brg Clg Wtr Flow Lo annunciator (6-B-6)

Inform CRS Direct AO to investigate Role Play: If called as AO, report that the tripped Circ Water Pump motor casing is hot to the touch and the breaker tripped on overcurrent.

2. CRO/ Recognize CW Pump 'A' trip; inform BOP CRS
3. CRS Enter/direct actions lAW ON 3173 Investigate and determine cause
4. CRO/ Recognize rising condenser back-BOP pressure: inform CRS
5. CRS Enter/direct actions lAW OT 3120 Reduce power at 10% per min using recirc flow to maintain back-pressure < 5" Hg or to 28.5 - 29.5 Mlbm (whichever occurs first)

When core flow is < 29 Mlbm/HR or if above the MELLLA boundary, stop reducing recirc flow and insert control rods in reverse order using the rapid shutdown sequence NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * =Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 5 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 10 of 17 STEP POS. CANDIDATE ACTIONS/BEHAVIOR S U N/O COMMENTS

6. CRO When directed, reduce recirc flow to maintain back-pressure < 5" Hg or to 28.5

- 29.5 Mlbm (whichever occurs first)

7. CREW Alert CRS if three Feedwater Pumps are running AND power is < 83%
8. CRO Stop reducing recirc flow and alert CRS when core flow is < 29 Mlbm/HR or above the MELLLA boundary When core flow is < 29 Mlbm/HR or above the MELLLA boundary, insert control rods in reverse order using the rapid shutdown sequence
9. CRS Inform RE that I\AELLLA was exceeded
10. CRS/S Inform Duty Manager/Ops Manager M

When plant conditions have been stabilized, initiate Event 4.

NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 5 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 11 of 17 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 4 Crew Task


Respond to control rod drift.


1. OATCI Recognize and report control rod drift alarm, and BOP control rod 22-31 drifting out (ARS 9-5-D-5) KEY 4
2. OATC Report critical parameters
3. CRS Direct crew response lAW OT 3167
4. CRS Establish operator action point for multiple control rod drifts
5. CRS Direct OATC to report drive water flow
6. OATC Report drive water flow, FI-3-305
7. CRS Direct OATC to attempt to drive rod 22-31 to its original position one time.
8. OATC Using the manual RMCS, drive control rod 22-31 to its original position.
9. OATC When the RMCS is released, report control rod 22 31 drifting out.
10. CRS Direct BOP to manually SCRAM rod 22-31.
11. BOP When directed, use the Individual Control Rod SCRAM switch to manually SCRAM rod 22-31.
12. CREW Enter OT 3166 for the mis-positioned control rod.
13. CREW Notify RE for assistance with rod drift
14. CRS Consults Tech Spec 3.3 and enters TS 3.3.A.2 When plant conditions have been stabilized and CRS makes TS entry, initiate Event 5.

NOTES: 1) =

S Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; =

N/O Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) '* = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 5 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 12 of 17 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 5 Crew Task


Respond to an unisolable leak in HPCI steam piping and respond to RB area approaching Max Safe Operating Temp Level (EOP-4)


. .. ... S U ~ COMMENTS

1. BOP Recognize/respond to RB fire alarm; Note: The HPCI leak should be inform CRS inserted prior to the crew attempting to transfer house loads or the failure of breaker 23 will be identified early.
2. CREW Identify the following and inform KEY 5 CRS:

Rising area tem perature levels

3. CRS Enter/direct actions lAW ON 3158 and ARS 3-E-3:

Evacuate Reactor Building Monitor area temperature levels

4. BOP Attempt to close HPCI-15 and HPCI 16 Identify failure to close of HPCI-15 and HPCI-16; inform CRS Plant conditions/operator actions will dictate transition to Event 6.

NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 5 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 13 of 17 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 6 & 7 Crew Task


Initiate manual scram per EOP-1 Respond to EDG 'A' failure to auto start Respond to PCIS Group III failure (RB Vent valves)

RPV-ED on two areas greater than Max Safe COMMENTS Direct personnel to attempt local closure of HPCI-15 and HPCI-16 Role Play: If called as AO and/or FSS to investigate HPCI steam leak, inform control room that the HPCI room is full of steam, and the leak appears to be upstream of HPCI-14. If requested to attempt closure of HPCI isolation valves, leak cannot be isolated during scenario.

When temperature levels reach the Max Normal Operating value in one area, enter and direct actions lAW EOP4 Before any area reaches its Max Safe Operating temperature, enter and direct actions lAW EOP-1:

Enter OT 3100 Insert manual scram

2. *CREW With the reactor at power, and a Note: Larger HPClieak should be primary system discharging into inserted after the scram CCT-1 the Secondary Containment, manually scram the reactor before any area exceeds the maximum safe operating levels NOTES: 1) =

S Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; =

N/O Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 5 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 14 of 17 CANDIDATE ACTIONS/BEHAVI U N/O COMMENTS Standard: > Max Manually scram the reactor within 5 Reactor scram minutes of any area temperature exceeding max safe or ARM 1, 2, 3, Key 6 4,6, 7, 8, 10, or 11 exceeding 1,000 mRlhr

3. CRO When directed, insert manual scram Report all rods in to CRS Maintain RPV level 127-177 inches with feedwater
4. CRS Verify automatic actions lAW Table A
5. BOP When directed:

Verify automatic actions lAW Table A

Recognize/report failure of Group III Isolation Verify isolation failure and backup Group III

6. *CREW When PC IS Group 1, 2, 3, 5, or 6 CCT-2 fails to isolate with a leak present, initiate PC IS Group manually Standard: Gp III Isol Sig in Leak or release terminated within 10 Group BIU'd minutes of receipt of the auto isolation Signal
7. BOP Recognize Bus 2 did NOT transfer to the Startup Transformer and the

'A' EDG did NOT auto start; inform CRS NOTES: 1) S :;; Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * =Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 5 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 15 of 17 I~TEP POS. CANDIDATE ACTIONS/BEHAVIOR S U N/O COMMENTS Energize Bus 4 from the Startup Transformer (may start EDG "A" or use Vernon Tie)

Manually start EDG 'A' or use Vernon Tie to energize Bus 4

8. CRS Enter/direct actions lAW OPOT

! 3170-01 and OPON-3172-01:

Direct/confirm re-energize of busses 2/4 Enter/direct actions lAW EOP-1 and OT 3100:

Restore and maintain RPV level 127-177 inches Commence plant cooldown not to exceed 100 deg F/hr

9. BOP Commence plant cooldown not to exceed 100 deg F/hr
10. CRS Recognize when two areas approach max safe
11. CRS Direct increased cooldown irrespective of cooldown rate
12. CREW Open Bypass valves to rapidly depressurize the RPV (anticipate RPV-ED)
13. *CREW With a primary system Anticipation of RPV-ED that prevents discharging into the Secondary exceeding two areas above Max Safe CCT-3 Containment and area satisfies this critical task. N/A steps radiation/temperature/water levels 14-16.

exceed maximum safe operating >Max Safe levels in more than one area, RPVED initiate RPV-ED Standard:

Initiate RPV-ED within 5 minutes of area radiation/temperature/water level exceeding maximum safe operating levels in more than one area.

14. CREW Recognize/report two areas above NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.
2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 5 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 16 of 17 STEP POS. CANDIDATE ACTIONS/BEHAVIOR SWN/O COMMENTS max safe

15. CRS Enter EOP-5 and direct RPV-ED
16. BOP When directed open 4 SRVs Note: Classification may occur after the scenario end
17. CRS Classify the event lAW AP 3125 Site Area Emergency FS1.1 Terminate scenario when RPV level is restored 127-177", RPV-ED is complete and power is restored to busses 2/4 (or at lead evaluator discretion).

NOTES: 1} S = Satisfactory; U - Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Task/Step

VY 2012 NRC Scenario 5 Rev. 2, 9/12 Page 17 of 17 SCENARIO 5 EVALUATOR NOTES: