ML110830774 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Peach Bottom, Three Mile Island, Susquehanna, Bell Bend |
Issue date: | 04/07/2011 |
From: | Mary Johnson Office of New Reactors |
To: | Deluca P Susquehanna River Basin Commission |
D Palmrose NRO/DSER/RAP3 415-3803 | |
Shared Package | |
ML110820254 | List: |
References | |
EDATS: SECY-2011-0138, G20110170, LTR-11-0102 | |
Download: ML110830774 (10) | |
April 7, 2011 Brigadier General Peter A. DeLuca Federal Commissioner Susquehanna River Basin Commission 1721 North Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17102-2391 Your letter dated February 18, 2011, to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
Chairman Dale E. Klein, has been referred to me for response. You requested the NRCs input in developing the Susquehanna River Basin Commissions (SRBCs) 2011 Water Resources Program (WRP). Specifically, you requested submission of the completed 2011 WRP input form by April 1, 2011.
Currently, the NRC is in the early stages of reviewing the combined license application for the construction and operation of the Bell Bend Nuclear Power Plant submitted by PPL Bell Bend, LLC. For 2011-2012, the NRC will continue with its review of the proposed nuclear power plant and interactions among the applicant, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and SRBC. The three operating nuclear power plants located within the Susquehanna River basin do not have any active licensing activities before the NRC that may impact surface or ground water from the river. We have reviewed the 2011 WRP input form and have completed it accordingly.
Michael R. Johnson, Director Office of New Reactors Docket No.52-039
Response to SRBCs 2011 Water Resources Program
Brigadier General Peter A. DeLuca Federal Commissioner Susquehanna River Basin Commission 1721 North Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17102-2391 Your letter dated February 18, 2011, to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
Chairman Dale E. Klein, has been referred to me for response. You requested the NRCs input in developing the Susquehanna River Basin Commissions (SRBCs) 2011 Water Resources Program (WRP). Specifically, you requested submission of the completed 2011 WRP input form by April 1, 2011.
Currently, the NRC is in the early stages of reviewing the combined license application for the construction and operation of the Bell Bend Nuclear Power Plant submitted by PPL Bell Bend, LLC. For 2011-2012, the NRC will continue with its review of the proposed nuclear power plant and interactions among the applicant, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and SRBC. The three operating nuclear power plants located within the Susquehanna River basin do not have any active licensing activities before the NRC that may impact surface or ground water from the river. We have reviewed the 2011 WRP input form and have completed it accordingly.
Michael R. Johnson, Director Office of New Reactors Docket No.52-039
Response to SRBCs 2011 Water Resources Program DISTRIBUTION: G20110170/LTR-11-0102/EDATS: SECY-2011-0138 PUBLIC DPalmrose RidsRgn1MailCenterResource David Hiecher (
GHawkins RidsEdoMailCenter Resource Daniel Bierly (
AFetter RidsNroMailCenter Resource CLauron RidsNroDserResource RidsNrrMailCenter Resource ADAMS Accession No.: ML110820254 *via e-mail NRO-002 OFFICE NRO/DSER/RAP3:PM NRO/DSER/RAP1:LA NRO/DSER/RAP3:BC NAME DPalmrose MBrown (GHawkins for) AFetter DATE 03/25/11 03/25/11 03/25/11 OFFICE NRO/DSER:D QTE* NRO:D NAME SFlanders(BClayton for) KAzariah-Kribbs MJohnson DATE 03/29/11 03/28/11 04 / 07 /11 OFFICIAL AGENCY RECORD
SUSQUEHANNA RIVER BASIN COMMISSION 2011 Water Resources Program Section 14.2 of the Susquehanna River Basin Compact (Compact), P.L.91-575 states that the Commission will annually adopt a water resources program, based upon the comprehensive plan, consisting of the projects and facilities which the Commission proposes to be undertaken by the Commission and by other authorized governmental and private agencies, organizations, and persons during the ensuing six years or such other reasonably foreseeable period as the Commission may determine. The Susquehanna River Basin Commission (Commission), in general, looks to a 2- to 3-year period for the water resources program.
In accordance with the Commissions revised Comprehensive Plan, which was adopted on December 4, 2008, the annual Water Resources Program is the mechanism for implementing the Actions Needed as listed in the Plan under the six Priority Management Areas. Those Priority Management Areas are listed below and serve as the foundation by which the Commission, the federal, state and local agencies and the nongovernmental organizations identify and catalog their programs and projects to help meet the water resource needs in the Susquehanna River Basin.
- 1. Water Supply 5. Chesapeake Bay
- 2. Water Quality 6. Coordination, Cooperation and Public
- 3. Flooding Information
- 4. Ecosystems Attached is the working document for agencies and organizations to use to provide their input toward the Commissions 2011 Water Resources Program.
INSTRUCTIONS: Under each of the six Priority Management Areas, you will see a list of actions that were selected from the Commissions Comprehensive Plan. Please review the actions and for those that apply to your agency or organization, list any projects and/or programs your agency or organization plans to undertake in 2011 - 2012.
Your responses can be in simple bulletized format identifying the planned activities and indicating target months and years for the activities, if possible.
For federal agency responders only: Daniel M. Bierly, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, (410) 962-6139 For all other responders: David W. Heicher, Susquehanna River Basin Commission, (717) 238-0423 ext. 110 99839.1
2011 Water Resources Program Response Form
- 1. Priority Management Area A - Water Supply Desired Result: To meet immediate and future water needs of the people of the basin for domestic, municipal, commercial, agricultural, industrial water supply, and recreational activities, in order to maintain sustainable economic viability, protect instream uses, and ensure ecological diversity through regulation and planning.
For those actions listed below where your agency or organization is involved or interested in, please list projects and/or programs your agency or organization plans to undertake in 2011 - 2012.
- 1. Determine water availability through water budget assessments (analysis of demand increases and expected base flow levels) to establish local sustainable limits for water use development.
- 2. Protect healthy ecosystems and instream flow needs, including recreation.
- 3. Assess potential impacts of increased water use and the potential to temper increases through conservation and water reuse, particularly in Potentially Stressed Areas, and otherwise manage water resources for sustainability.
- 4. Encourage and incentivize water conservation by water suppliers, industry and the public through education and application of regulatory requirements.
- 5. Monitor the ecosystem effects of diversions of water to and from the basin and transfers of water from one waterbody to another within the basin, including water quality requirements.
- 6. Implement recommendations of the Commissions Consumptive Use Mitigation Plan. Key recommendations include, among others: (a) the evaluation of existing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and other reservoirs for the potential to enhance current release operations; (b) the evaluation of the ability of abandoned mines and quarries to supply water for releases during droughts; and (c) the assessment of specific needs for instream flows to meet riparian, water supply, water quality, habitat and recreational uses.
If desired, please list below other key projects and/or programs specific to this priority management area that were not captured in the select actions listed above.
- 2. Priority Management Area B - Water Quality Desired Result: To support the existing and designated uses of all water bodies by achieving water quality that meets or exceeds standards.
For those actions listed below where your agency or organization is involved or interested in, please list projects and/or programs your agency or organization plans to undertake in 2011 - 2012.
- 1. Monitor and assess waters for bacteria, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, and other emerging contaminants of concern.
- 2. Monitor for zebra mussels and other invasive species.
- 3. Develop, support, and implement remediation plans for areas of the basin that are impacted by AMD, agricultural, urban, and other sources.
- 4. Encourage public and private support, maintenance, and upgrades of the infrastructure needed for drinking water withdrawal, treatment; stormwater management projects; combined sewer overflows; sanitary septic overflows; and other projects needed for the maintenance and improvement of water quality.
- 5. Promote the use of green infrastructure and stormwater management approaches that mimic natural hydrologic regimes and promote water use efficiency in combination with Action #3 above.
- 6. Encourage and support restoration planning as follow-up to the Commissions Year-2 subbasin surveys and TMDL development activities for water bodies impaired by AMD, urban, agricultural, and other nonpoint sources with the goal of removing impaired waterbodies from state lists established under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act.
- 7. Identify waterbodies with exceptionally high quality water, habitat, and biological resources, based on monitoring results.
- 8. Provide increased protection for headwater areas and watersheds with existing good water quality.
- 9. Provide educational materials regarding the spread of aquatic invasive species in the basin and downstream to the Chesapeake Bay.
- 10. Develop regional source water protection plans for drinking water supply systems.
Priority Management Area B - Water Quality (continued)
- 11. Establish a Susquehanna Source Water Partnership to work with public water suppliers and other stakeholders to protect drinking water supplies.
- 12. Encourage integration of state and federal data systems, develop consistent basinwide datasets and GIS layers, and enhance existing geospatial and other tabular datasets.
- 13. Enhance and improve the sharing of information contained in water quality databases maintained by the Commission and its member jurisdictions.
If desired, please list below other key projects and/or programs specific to this priority management area that were not captured in the select actions listed above.
- 3. Priority Management Area C - Flooding Desired Result: To prevent loss of life and significantly reduce future damages from floods within the basin through an integrated system of structural and nonstructural flood damage reduction measures.
For those actions listed below where your agency or organization is involved or interested in, please list projects and/or programs your agency or organization plans to undertake in 2011 - 2012.
- 1. Assist in the evaluation of need and implementation of flood damage reduction alternatives for high-risk communities.
- 2. Assist local and county flood managers in planning efforts and assessments of floodplain reclamation projects.
- 3. Conduct post-flood assessments to identify information needs, educational opportunities, lapses in forecast coverage, and other measures that can assist communities in reducing flood damages.
- 4. Develop a flood inundation mapping program, including a training component for communities in the basin. These maps delineate areas of flooding corresponding to various river stages, designate evaluation routes, locate major buildings for potential mass evacuation shelters, and list general flood response procedures.
- 5. Advocate for the continued removal of material from behind power dams on the lower Susquehanna River during dam relicensing.
If desired, please list below other key projects and/or programs specific to this priority management area that were not captured in the select actions listed above.
- 4. Priority Management Area D - Ecosystems Desired Result: To achieve healthy ecosystems that provide groundwater and surface water of sufficient quality and in adequate supply to support abundant and diverse populations of aquatic, riparian, and terrestrial organisms, as well as human use.
For those actions listed below where your agency or organization is involved or interested in, please list projects and/or programs your agency or organization plans to undertake in 2011 - 2012.
- 1. Encourage the maintenance of critical stream gaging stations in the basin.
- 2. Plan, implement, and maintain a program to monitor and assess impacts occurring during individual low flow events.
- 3. Perform additional instream flow studies to provide scientifically-based estimates of the amount of water needed for fish, wildlife, and recreational use.
- 4. Consider the potential spread of invasive species when evaluating project review applications for diversions and transfers of untreated water from one waterbody to another.
- 5. Disseminate information regarding the effects of PPCPs on the biological resources of the basin.
- 6. Restore self-sustaining, robust, and productive stocks of migratory fish capable of producing sustainable fisheries, to the Susquehanna River Basin throughout their historic ranges in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New York. The goals are 2 million American shad and 5 million river herring spawning upstream of the York Haven Dam.
- 7. With assistance of SRAFRC and others, support studies of eel migration and implement restoration plans to re-establish a fishable population of American eel in the Susquehanna River system and restore adult recruitment from the river to help rebuild spawning stocks for the east coast eel fishery.
- 8. Support preservation and restoration of tributary streams that provide habitat for migratory fish, including the removal of obstacles to upstream movement and remediation of AMD-impaired streams.
- 9. Require viable upstream and downstream migratory fish passage as part of relicensing activities for power dams on the lower Susquehanna River.
If desired, please list below other key projects and/or programs specific to this priority management area that were not captured in the select actions listed above.
- 5. Priority Management Area E - Chesapeake Bay Desired Result: To manage the water resources of the Susquehanna River Basin to assist in restoring and maintaining the Chesapeake Bay so it meets or exceeds applicable water quality standards and supports healthy populations of living resources, including oysters, crabs, fish, waterfowl, shore birds, and underwater grasses.
For those actions listed below where your agency or organization is involved or interested in, please list projects and/or programs your agency or organization plans to undertake in 2011 - 2012.
- 1. Work with USEPAs Chesapeake Bay Program, the USACE, the State of Maryland, and others to support the process to determine flow regimes under which the ecological health of the Bay can be restored and sustained.
- 2. Plan any additional studies and modeling efforts that are needed and seek appropriate funding and implementation.
- 3. Assess the feasibility of providing recommended flow regimes to the Bay.
- 4. Coordinate, encourage and support efforts to manage sediment within the basin, including legacy sediments from mill dams and sediment that has accumulated behind dams on the lower Susquehanna River.
- 5. Support studies to determine the remaining sediment trapping efficiency of dams on the lower Susquehanna River and determine if and how trapping capability may be retained.
- 6. Promote the installation of best management practices for point and nonpoint sources including stormwater, and water quality infrastructure improvement for point sources in the Susquehanna River Basin to benefit local water quality improvement and the Bay restoration effort.
- 7. Work with municipalities, developers, conservation and sportsmen groups, and others to support wetland establishment and enhancement in the basin to provide downstream benefits to water quality and migratory birds using the Bay.
If desired, please list below other key projects and/or programs specific to this priority management area that were not captured in the select actions listed above.
- 6. Priority Management Area F - Coordination, Cooperation and Public Information Desired Result: To maximize available human resources and achieve common and complementary management objectives by the Commission, its member jurisdictions and others; to promote the planning and management of the basins water resources in the most efficient manner possible; to inform the public on the Commissions water management responsibilities; and to enhance the publics access to the Commission information and decision making procedures.
For those actions listed below where your agency or organization is involved or interested in, please list projects and/or programs your agency or organization plans to undertake in 2011 - 2012.
- 1. Determine the need for uniform standards in such areas as instream flows, aquifer testing, water conservation and flood plain management.
- 2. Organize a consortium of resource agencies with jurisdiction over water at the federal and state level to facilitate the coordination of input into federal licensing and relicensing of hydroelectric and nuclear power facilities in the basin, including new facilities and updates at existing facilities.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
- Continue to inform SRBC of any nuclear plant licensing activities that may impact surface or groundwater use in the river basin.
- Continue to consult with the SRBC when conducting envrionmental reviews of proposed licensing actions.
Currently, the NRC is in the early stages of reviewing the combined license application for the construction and operation of the Bell Bend Nuclear Power Plant submitted by PPL Bell Bend, LLC. The three operating nuclear power plants located within the Susquehanna River basin, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3, Three Mile Island Unit 1, and Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, do not have any active licensing activities before the NRC that may impact surface or ground water from the river.
- 3. Develop basinwide water conservation standards in cooperation with member states.
- 4. Facilitate interagency coordination of post-flood actions for the purpose of improving emergency response, technical information and flood damage reduction.
- 5. Expand leadership role and advocacy for the collection of water quality and quantity data for science, including the maintenance of an effective and sustainable stream and rain gage network.
- 6. Evaluate the establishment of a Susquehanna River Basin Monitoring Council.
- 7. Expand on existing ties to non-governmental organizations to maximize the beneficial use of their resources and expertise in the management of the basins water resources.
- 8. Identify opportunities to collaborate with academic institutions to maximize resources and scientific knowledge.
- 9. Provide opportunities for the involvement of non-governmental organizations in Commission activities and, through coordination efforts, encourage communication on activities/issues of mutual interest.
Priority Management Area F - Coordination, Cooperation and Public Information (continued)
- 10. Coordinate with trade associations related to the various types of water use in the basin to promote sustainable water use in conjunction with economic development.
If desired, please list below other key projects and/or programs specific to this priority management area that were not captured in the select actions listed above.