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Reed Response to Request for Additional Information with a Revised Safety Analysis Report and Technical Specifications
Person / Time
Site: Reed College
Issue date: 07/30/2010
From: Frantz S
Reed College
To: Geoffrey Wertz
Document Control Desk, Research and Test Reactors Licensing Branch
TAC ME1583
Download: ML102360016 (227)





REED COLLEGE REACTOR FACILITY 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard July 30, 2010 Portland, Oregon ATTN: Document Control Desk 97202-8199 U S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 telephonw 5031777-7222 Docket: 50-288 fax License No: R-112 503/777-7274


RAI TACNO. ME1583 email Attached are some of the answers to the subject RAI dated March 8, 2010.

web As noted under the individual RAIs, some of the information needed for hrrp:// response is to be completed as part of the analysis being performed by Oregon State and General Atomics and will be submitted by November 2010. The response and attachments do not contain any sensitive informa-tion.

Please contact us if you have any questions. Thank you.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on 7 '-

pDirector, Reed Research Reactor.


1. RRRRAIs 1-58
2. RRR SOP 34, Control Rods
3. RRR SOP 34B Control Rod Calibration January 2010
4. RRR SAR Chapaters that have changed since the 2007 submital Aco'-Q) pvac
1. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 1.4, Shared Facilitiesand Equipment, states the applicant should consider whether the loss of any shared facilities or equipment could lead to a loss of function that would lead to an uncontrolled release of radioactive material,or if released,are analyzed and found to be acceptable. The 2007 SAR, Section 1.4 discusses this subject. However, the discussion is incomplete in that it does not include the loss of electricity and how it would affect the release of radiation should it coincide with the loss of fuel cladding integrity. Please provide this information including the loss of alarms, automatic isolation, operation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, etc. Please provide information concerning whether the analysisprovided in Chapter 13 envelopes this condition.

See updated SAR Section 1.4.

Although Chapter 13 will not be completed until November 2010, that analysis will envelope this condition.

2, NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 1.5, Comparison With Similar Facilitiesstates the applicantshould use pertinent information from other reactorsand this information can be used to compare the safety envelope of Reed Research Reactor (RRR) and to supportanalysis in appropriatechapters of the SAR. The 2007 SAR discusses this, but the information is incomplete. Please provide a comparison of the RRR to other TRIGA facilities so as to characterizethe degree to which generic information or operational experience from other reactorfacilities is applicable.

See updated SAR Section 1.5.

3. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 2.2, Nearby Industrial, Transportation,and Military Facilities,states information on nearby military facilities be included in the SAR.

The2007 SAR, Section 2.2 discusses industrialand transportationfacilities but does not discuss military installations.Please provide information concerning the nearby military installations.

See updated SAR Section 2.2.

4. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 3.1, Design Criteria,states the applicantshould identify the design criteria that are applicable to each structure,system and component that performs.a safety function. The 2007 SAR, Section 3.1 briefly addresses this matter and states "the originalreactorinstallation in 1968 used fuel and components manufactured by GeneralAtomics (GA), and the specifications to-which structures were built were those stated by GA. Specific design criteria were not stated. All building modifications and equipment additions were in conformance with the building codes in existence at the time." Please provide the criteria applicable to the original design and construction and to subsequent modifications to the design and construction.

See updated SAR Section 3. 1.

5. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 3.3, Water Damage, requires the applicantidentify the potential for flooding which could prevent structures,systems and components from performing their safety function. The 2007 SAR, Section 3.3 states "As discussed,in
  • Chapter 2, the flood plain of the local rivers does not come near the reactorsite.

However, even if flooding occurred, reactorsafety would not be an issue since the core is located in a waterpool." However, this information is incomplete. Please provide Attachment to RRR RAI Response 20100730 I of 17

informatiori thatdemonstratesthat shouldiflooding occur, it will not prevent operation of the RRR safety systems',.

See updated SAR Section 3.3.

6.. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 3.5,pSystems and Components, states the applicant should identify the bases or design features of the electromechanicalsystems that are used to ensure safe operation and shutdown.of the reactorduring all conditions.-

,The2007 SAR, Sections 3.5 and 3.6 provide-some:infornationon this topic but do not provide information on the design features of the control rods (e.g., fail safe in the event of loss of power) or the systems associated with reactoroperation and safety (e.g., power level scrams, interlocks to limit reactivity insertion). Please provide the design for electromechanicalsystems and components requiredifor operation, shutdown and to maintain shutdown , .

See updatedSAR Section 3.5 and 3.6.,

7. NUREG-1537, Part,1, Section,4.2. 1,; Reactor Fuel,,states the applicant-shoulddescribe the fuel elements used in the reactorincluding.detaileddesigninformation. References should be provided to demonstrate that the design basis assures-thatintegrity of the fuel is maintainedunder all conditions assumed in the safety analysis. The description should also,include information.necessaryto establish limiting,conditions beyond which fuel integrity would be lost. The 2007 SAR, Sections ;1.3.3, 4.2.4 and 4.2.5 which provide some information are incomplete. Please-discussthe -differences!in fuel length for the aluminum and stainless steel clad fuel utilized in the core and the implicationsof these differences on analysis. In addition;please address mechanicalforces and stresses, corrosion and erosion of cladding,.hydraulic,forces,,, thermal changes and temperature gradientsi.and internal pressures.from fission products and the production of fission gas. Include in the analyses the impact of radiation effects, including the maximum fission densities and fission rates that the;fuel is designed to accommodate.

This will be completed as part of the analysis being performed by Oregon State and General Atomics and will be submitted by November 2010.

8. NUREG- 1537, Part2, Section 4.2.2 states the control rods should be sufficient in.

nu~mber and reactivity worth,to comply withthpe 'single stuck rod' criterion; that is, it should be possible to, shut down the reactorand comply-with the requirementof..

minimum shutdown margin with the highest worth scrammable control rod stuck-out of the core. The. control rods should also-be sufficient to control.the reactorin all.designed operating modes and to shut down the reactorsafely,from any operationalcondition.

The control rods, blades, followers (if used), and support systems should be designed conservatively to withstandaf/anticipatedstresses and challenges from mechanical, hydraulic, and thermal forces and the,effects of theirchemical and radiationenvironment.

  • The controlrods should be designedso that scramming them does not challenge their integrity,or operationor the integrity oroperation of other reactorsystems.

The 2007 SAR, Sections 4.2.7, 4.2.8 and 4.2.9, while providingsome of this infonrnation, is incomplete. The SAR d6es not provide the worths of the 3 RRR control rods. Please

,,provide calculatedand measured control rod worths underall conditionsbf6operation. Please determine if control rod withdrawal insertionlimitation limits (rodposition vs. jioweýr) are necessary to preserve assumptions in' the'departurefrom nucleate boiling ratio (DNBR) analysis. ..... ... ..

Attachment to RRR RAI Response 20100730 2 of 17

This will be completed as part,of the analysis, being, performed by Oregon State and General Atomics and will be submitted.'by November.2010. ,,

9. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 4.2.3, Neutron:ModeratorandReflector,states the applicantshould describe reflectors and moderators designed into the core and theirspecial features. The 2007 SAR, Sections 4.2.2 and 4.2. 6;RRR provides a discussion`ofthe radial reflectorand the-graphite reflectorelements;,however, it.does not provide any information pertaining to the naturallycirculatingwater whichis also moderator/reflector.,Please provide a description of the watermoderatorand reflectorand an assessment of the function and importance of the moderatorand,the effect of loss of moderatoron.the behaviorof the

,,reactorcore during.operations.., .: .  :: '

t This will be completed as, part of the analysis being performed by Oregon State and General Atomics and will besubmitted by7NoVember 2010 , .

10. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 4.2.4 Neutron Stdrtup.Source, states the applicantshould describe the neutron source used for reactorstartup. The 2007 SAR, Section 4.2.10

,protuidesa description of the neutron source holder only. Please re vieW the;cited .

requirement and then supply a revised desdriptionof the neutron use at RRR including the fcilowing; ,. .,p.  :' . .

" type of neutron source'includinginformation on'neutron startup material, :.. -

  • .'.%,type of nuclear reaction.: ..... *.-v .
  • energy'spectra of neutrons .  :,' ', ,-,, . ,

source strength.,

o interactionof the source and holder, while in use, with the;chemical, -.

  • thermal,. and radiationenvironment '. .
design features that ensure the function, 'integrity,and a*'ailabilityofthe source, See updated.SAR Sectibnr4.2.4.1 to be completed as part of the analysis being performed by Oregon State and General Atomics and will be submitted by N6vetiber'2010. ' ; . ......
11. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 4.2.5, Core Support Structure, states the applicantshould describe structuralperformance of the core support Structureunder all reasonable '"

conditions.Furthermore,; it is requiredthat'thb design basis, operationalanalysis and safety considerationsshould beprovided forea6h4reactordcomponentplaced on the grid 'plate. The 2007 SA"R Sections 4.21, and 4.23; while providing some of this information, are incomplete. Please provide infbrniatiohdemonstratingthe adequacy of the' core ýsupport stru6ture und6rflooded and empty tank conditionsto support*I'all rbquired components under all operatingconditions.

See Updated SAR Section 4.1.1 t6be to cofipleted 'as pari of the analysis being performed by Oregdh"State and General Atomics'and will be'submritted by

, .November 2010. ...

12. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 4.3, Reactor Tank or Pool,states the apphlicantshould describe the reactortank and associatedcomponents andprovide assurancesregarding those components to perfform their intended function free from .ariy problems associatedwith chemical interactions,failure of penetrations and w0'elds..th6t couldlead to loss of coo,ýrit' 'an'dto Propos: TS that impose limiting conditions. In addition,,the appticant should assess the possibility of uncontrolledleakage of c6ntamina'tedcoolant and should discubssdetectioin,preventive a'nd protective measures. The 2007 SAR, Section4. 1, while providing some of this information (e.g., a physical description), is Attachment to RRR RAI Response 20100730 ,.3 ofl17

incomplete. Please provide.inforniation regardingloss of water through failure in the

'.tank including,detection methods and consequences, chemicalcompatibility of components; resistance to corrosion,suitability of penetrations below the normal coolant level, and propose TS applicable to these -topics. ,

See updated SAR Section 4.3 as part of the analysis -being performed by Oregon-State 'and General Atomics and will be submitted by November 2010.

13. NUREG- 1537, Part 1, -Section 4.4; Biological Shield, states the 'applicantshould describe the biologicalshied employed to ensure doses are in conformance with Title

,lOofthe Code.of Federal-Regulations;(10CFR).Part20.:-The 2007 SAR does'not

, provide a characterizationof the-biologidalshield. Please proVide a description of the biological shielding employed at RRR including-considerationof concrete, tank structure and pool water.

"See uodated'SAR Section 4.4! to -be completed'as part of the a'nalysis being performed by Oregon State' and Gen"eril'"Atomics ahd xill be submitied by November 2010. " ; : * "' .. ... ""

14. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 4.5, Nuclear Design,"statesthe applicant should discuss n'ormal btperating ddn~dliohs,'reactbi"cbrephysics parametersand'oberatinglimits. The discussion should include a discussion of the complete, operable core; control rod wodhs, "kieticprameters;'excess e'actiiities;"shutdown margins; and flux distribution or'afl'plaahned6 6nfigiurations f& the'iife ofth e"core.

'The 2007 SAR, Subsectior 4.6'1, states:.v .

"GeneralAtomics utilized a mixed core of stainless steel and aluminum-cladfuel from 1960 when they w6re fiOst authorizedto use a litnited number ofstainiless steel clad togetherwith aluminum-clad elements until cessation of operati6hs.,The mixture was authorized-aslong as fuel temperaturein the mixed aluminum andsltanlesssteel core did not excded.550 C (1022 F). ... Consequently, since a mixed core of aluminum and stainlesssteel was used in the Mark Ireactorformore than:,35years at a thermal powergreaterthan the RRR reactor, it is concluded that-the health,and safety'of the public will not be endangeredby operating

'-with mixed stainless steel and'alumindrnifuelY' '

The GA reactorcited was analyzedandlicensed basedon particularneutronic and thermal-hydraulic conditionspertinent to that reactor RRR needs to establish the basis for incorporatingthe GA conclusions into the RRR SAR.

In addition:

The 2007 SAR, Subsection (Excess Reactivity) discusses limiting RRR to +$3.00of core reactivity to prevent excessive fuel temperatures.However, the excess reactivity of RRR has.not been establishedin the SAR. . , ..

The 2007 SAR, Subsection (Shutdown Margin) lists the shutdown margin.Technical Specification requirement.However, the ability to meet this requirementis not.presented in the SAR:.. . , . .... ,-. , * .......

The 2007 SAR,.Subsection (Reactivity Limits on Experiments) states that limiting

, reactivity insertions from experiments to -$1.00 will prevent sudden removals from causing excessive-.fuel temperatures.However, ther is no analysisdemonstratingthis in the SAR.

Attachment to RRR RAI Response 20100730 4 of 17

The..2007 SAR, SubsectionA46.3 (StainlessSteel.,Ciad, Fuel,:'assumesthat there is now neutronic difference,between the aluminum-and the stainless steel.clad fuel.. However, there is no analysis establishingthis,and thestainlesssteelicladfuel meat is longerby linch and stainless steel is neutronicallydifferent from aluminum.

Pleaseprovide the information that addresses.thestated points and that provides core physics parametersconsistent with the NUREG citation. .

This will be completed as part of the analysis being performed by Oregon State and,General Atomics and will be;submitted by November 2010.

15 NUREG,-1537, PaO, , Section,4:.5.2, Reactor Core Physics Parameters,states the applicant shpuJd.describereactorcorephysics parameters-thatdetermine operating characteristicsas,tbyare influenced by reactordesigninclu~ding:,

  • methods used to neutronicallycharacterizethe RRR,
  • uncertaintiesrequired to apply calculatedresults to,the RR.,ocperation, calculate kinetics parameters,, . . ,

coefficients of reactivity applicableto the RRR,

  • comparisonswith measurements to demonstratethe effectiveness of the


  • changes in ractity coefficients that result from chapges tocoeconficurations.

,The 2007 SAR, Sectin 4.6, does not providethis information., llease provide this information regardingmethods, uncertainties,.comparisonsand all,require.dfechnicalparameters.,

This will be completed as part of the analysis being performed~by Oregqn State and General Atomics and will be submitted by November 2010.

16. NUREG- 1,537, Part 1, Section 4.5.3, Operation Limits, estates. that the applicantshould

,describe operatinglimits nuclear design features necessary to ensure safe operation and shutdown, nmely:. ,..

temperaturecoefficients or reactivity, void coefficients,.XeSm worths, power coefficients (if not otherwise accountedfor), and.the influenceofexperiments, minimum control rod worths and stuck,rod worths for all allowed core conditions,

  • transientanalysis of an uncontrolled rod withdrawal, shutdown margincalculations for limiting core conditions,and technical specification implemented toensure safe operation.

The 2007 SAR, Section 4.6 describes some of these limits but is incomplete. Pleaseprovide information specific to the RRR regardingmethods, uncertainties,comparisonsand all technicalparametersas identifiedin NUREG 1537.

IV,This will be completed as part of the analysis being performed by Oregon State and General Atomics and will be submitted by Novemihber 2010.

16b. NUREG-1537; Part 1, Section 4.6, Thermal-HydraulicDesign states the applicant should describe'operating limits on cooling conditions necessary to prevent fuel overheating and to ensure that fuel integrity will not be lost under any reactor conditions including accidents. Technical characteristicsare that the DNBR limit of 2 is never violated and flow instability may not.'contribute to a loss of fuel cooling under any conditions::Time2007 SAR,' Section 4 doesZnot provide this information. Pleaseprovide information regardingmethods; uncertainties,and results of a DNB'analysis showing Attachment to RRR RAI Response 20100730  ; 5 of 17

that the safety limits'proposedwill never-violate the limits stated. Please provide' irnformation concerning restrictions on pool temperature, inlet temperature, adequacy of bottom grid geometry, spacergeo netty,I and nuclearissues such as peaking factors, rod insertion limits, delay times, aridmeasurementuncertainties affecting DNB analysis..- " . . . '., " . , , ' .

This will be completed as part of the analysis being performed by Oregon State and General. Atomics and will be submitted by November 2010.

17. NUREG-1.537,. Part 1, Section 5, Reactor Coolant Systems, -statesthe applicant should
  • demonstrate that the system ban remove the fissidn arid decay'heat from the fuel

.. during reactoroperation,and decay heat during reactorshutdown. 'The 2007 SAR Section 5 describes the reactorcbolant systems but is incomplete beCause it does not discuss the capability'ofthe'systemr. Pleaseprovide a discussion'of the capability of the cooling systems.

See updated SAR Section 5. 1.

18. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 5.2, Primary Coolant System, states the primary coolant should'provide a chemical environment that limits corrosion offfuel cladding*-,control.,

and safety rod surfaces, reactor vessels, and other essential cornponents. Th6"2007 SAR,, Sectiohn 5.2"de'scribes components of a system'to control cdolant'condubtivity andpH'Wtithout des§cribinrg the objectives stated. Please provide ýandfjstify'theb'value of electrical,condUctivity and-pHlthat-is-uSedfo& cbntrollingandmaintainingchemical environment'inthe~primary coolant system. .. '. . .

See updated SAR Section 5.4.

19. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 5.3, Secondary Coolant System, states-the applicant should discuss the secondary coolant system recognizing that some non-power

- reactors are designed Wvith secondary coolantýsystemsthat will not support'continuous reactoroperation at full licensed power. This is acceptable,provided the capability and such limiting conditions as maximum pool temperaiture ai-e analyzed in the SAR and included in the TS:, The 2007 SAR, Section 5.3, while discussing the secondary coolant system, inadequatelydiscusses the capabilitiesof the secondary'coolaritsystem and

'the bases of the TS on maximum pool lemperature. Pleaseprovide information'onheat load as it pertains to the secondary ccolant system and'rfeview Technical Specification 3.8 which states that the basis for the pool temperaturelimit is protection of the resin beds and'does.notaddress the limits*'&n pool temperature.

See updated SAR Section 5.3.

20. NUREG-1537 guidance states inSection'5.4, PrimaryCoolant Cleanup System, the applicant needs to ensure that when operating the system, exposure and release of radioactivitydo not exceed the requirements of'10 CFR Part20 and are consistent with the facility ALARA program. The 2007 SAR; Section 5.2.4 does not address-the consistency-of the.cleanup system with the ALARA program. Please.provide information that operationof the cleanup system does not challenge the commitment of the ALARA program of RRR.

A.,. See updated' SAR'Section 5.4.. , . ..-.

21. NUREG 1537, Part 1, Section 5.5, PrimaryCoolant Makeup WateriSystem, states the applicantneeds to ensure that: the makeup water system or plan should include Attachment to RRR RAI Response 20100730 6 of 17

provisions for recording the use of mak.eup waternto detect changes thatbindicate leakage or other malfunction of the primary coolant system.. The 2007,SAR,, Sections 5.26 and 5.4, while discussing aspects,of the detectiotr.system., is incomplete in that it does not provide information concerning the-provisions or plans to indicate leakage or other malfunction of the primary coolant system. Please provide information..

concerning provisions and plans to detect abnormalleakage in the primary system.

See updated SAR Section,5.,5.

22. NUREG-1537, Part2, Section-5.6, Nitrogen-16.Control System,, states the.applicant should,confirm the amount of nitrogen-16 (N.). predicted,by the SAR analysis at the proposedpowerjevel and the potential-personnelexposurerates, including exposures from direct radiationandairborne N 16. The 2007,SAR,, Section 5.5, describes,the N' 6 control system information pn confirmation of-effectiveness and.

exposure rates. Please provide information concerning the amount of N16 produced during operation at full power and the resulting personnel exposures.

See updated SAR Section 5.6.

23. NUREG-1537., Part 1, Section 9.1, Heating,.Veptilation, andAir Conditioning Systems,

-states,the applicantshould.consider-modes of operation and features of the HVACs stem, designied-to control (contain or confine), reactorfacilityatmqspheres,including S..damper closure..or flow-diversion functions.,,during the full range.. f reactoroperation.

.The 2007 SARý_-Section 9.1, describes the genera],.featuresof, the,H VA C.system, but does not describe how isolation is initiated,,thea setrpoints,used; or the TS-governing the use and testing of the system. Please provide information concerning the HVAC and address the above. , ' ,.


  • 1.Seeupdated SAR Section 9.J.-.-v< ,.
24. NUREG-1537, Part.2, Section 9.2..Handling and Storage of Reactor Fuel, states the applicantshould considerthe methods;'analyses,,and systems storage of new.and irradiatedfuel that-will prevent criticality (keft not to exceed 0.80) under all conditions,of moderation duringstorageand movement: The 2007 SAR, Section 9.2 states.that the spacing in the -rack is sufficiently. far apart to prevent accidental:

criticalities.However, analysis supp.orting-thisstatement is not provided or referenced.

Please provide this information for the fue! rack design..... .

This will be completed as-part of the analysis being performed by Oregon State and General Atomics and will be submitted by November 2010.

25. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 9.3, Fire Protection Systems and Programs,states the

- applicantneeds to discuss fire protection-systems and plans that would'affect reactor safety systems.: The 2007 SAR,, -Section 9.3, discusses this -issue. However,-- there is no discussion of the sources offire or expected outcomes~that would affect-safety systems: Fire.barriersprotectingsafety systems-are not discussed. Please provide information regardingfire sources and outcomes consistent with. the-guidance.

See updated SAR Section 9.3.

26. NUREG- 1537, Section 9.7, OtherAuxiliary Systems, states the applicantshould discuss auxiliary systems that are not fully descriiedin other sections that are important to the safe operationand shutdown of the reactor,and to the protection of..

the health and safety of the public, the facility staff, and the environment. The, 2007 Attachment to RRR RAI Response 20100730 .- , . :7 of 17 - -

SAR; Section 9.7.1, discusses reactorlay'cr'ane: However, there is no.discussion regardingprohibitingthe movement of heavy objects over the reactorcore. Nor is there discussion regarding opefatiig',procedures,load testing and requiredmaintenance and surveillances of the crane.,Please 'provid&einformation relating to'crane limitations (if any) and procedures for using~iand'parkingthe crane.,

See updated SAR Section'9.7.1'. L,,

27. NUREG-1537, Part2, Section 10. 1;, Summary Description, states the applicantshould discuss .' '<, -'..... " . . "

" limiting experimental characteristics(e.g., reactivity, contents)

" monitoring and control of the experiments'and,the interaction.between the experiment and the reactorcontroland safety systems

-design requiremrents'forthe experiment 6nd the review'andapiordvalprocess."

The 2002 SAR;,Section -10. 1 presents a 'summary description.However, the information

"'provided'is'not in 'sufficient detail to enable conclusions to be,drawn regardingthe sate.',

operation of theexperimental facilities?'Please provide a description of the principalfeatures of the exlorimental and irtadiationfacilities including,experimentallimitations.

See updated SAR Section 1,0;,2." '.

28. NUREG- 1537, Part 1, Section 10.2, Experimental,Facilities,states,the applicantshould discuss the experiment safety system and the functional interface between the experimental safety system and the reactorprotection system,- The'2007 SAR, Section 10.2 discusses the experimental facilities. However, the discussion only addresses physical'featuresand'does not providbeiany information regarding safety, assuranceof independence, or comrpliance with requireme'nts: Please provide inforriationregarding the interface'betweenreactorsafety systems' and experiment safety systems. Provide information 'on design requirements and how the design requirements are met.,

See updated SAR Section10..2.' - ' ' " '

29. ,NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 10.3, Experiment Review, states the experiment review

':committee should have the.appropriat&scope of responsibility, including the review of proceduresthat pertain to the use of experimental facilities. The 2007 SAR, Section 10.3 does not state this authority for the Reactor Review Committee and 'the, scope of the Committee's review appears to be limited. Please provide information on the Committee's authorityto review and approve procedures including procedures for the experimental facilities.

See updated SAR Section 10.3. ,..' .

N ' ,

30. NUREG4,537, Part 1, Section 11.1.1, Radiation Sources, states that the applicant should prdsent the best estimates of the-maximum annual dose and the collective doses for major radiologicalactivities during the full range of normal operations for facility staff and'members of the public. The doses shall be shown to be. within the.

applicable limits -of 10 CFR Part!'20..The 2007 SAR, Section 11.1:1.1 provides' calculations,using maximizing assumptions, that result in values greater-thanthe applicable limits in 10 CFR Part20, Appendix B. Please provide the results of best estimate calculationsthat derrohstrate,compliance with 10 CFR Part.20, Appendix B.

See updated SAR Section 11:1, 1 .

Attachinent to RRR RAI Response 20100730 8 of 17

31. NUREG-1537,-Part 1, Section. 11.. 1.2, Padiation.Protection.Program,guidance-states program establish clearlines of responsibilityand clearmethods for radiationprotection under normal and..mergency conditions.Also, procedures should:be organized and.presentedfor,convenient use by. operators and technicians at appropriatelocations, and should be free of extraneous material. The 2007 SAR, Section 11.1.2, provides a description of the program and, the attached Radiation ProtectionPlan, references procedures used fcr.Various activities concerning radiation protection. However, the other NUREG-1537, Part 1 attributes cannot be established from review of the SAR. Please provide.information which shows that clear lines of responsibilityand clearmethods for radiationprotection are established for,normal and emergency conditions.

See updated SAR Section 1:1.1;2.. , .

32. NUREG-.1537, Part 1, Section .11. 1.2; Radiation Protection Program. and Section 11.1.5, Radiation Exposure Control and Dosimetry, guidance states the radiation protection program records management system,should include records such. as.

ALARA program records, individual..occupationaldose.records;,nmonitoring, and area control records,; monitoring methods. records,::andtraining records: The 2007, SAR, Section 11.1.2 provides- description of the program including management,.

administration, and training. Section 11.1.5 provides information regarding exposure records. However, the other required attributes have, discussed. Please provide information concerning the maintenance of records and that demonstrate acceptance with the. above criteria.. ,. , .- .. ..... .

- SeeupdatedSAR Section:l 1.1.2.-,, ... ,

33. NUREG-1537, Part.2, -Section 11.1. 4 .Radiation Monitoringý.andSuiveillance, states thebases ofthe methods and:procedures used for detecting contaminated areas, materials;-.and components should be-clearly stated. The 2007.,SAR provides the.

surveillance frequency for contamination as biweekly for the reactor bay; control room, and facility. Section 5 of the RRR Administrative Procedures for Handling, Storage, and Disposal of Radioactive Material indicates that the operator shall keep a record of the radiation level of the specimen when removed from the reactor. However, the

'procedures dornot address possible contamination of the sample. Please provide any additional bases or methods that are' used.for detecting; contaminated materials and components, including the measures taken to 'ensure experimental samples being removed have not become contaminated:' . - , '.

.,See updated SAR Section 11.1.4.

34. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 11.1.4, Radiation Monitoring and Surveillance, states the bases of the methods and procedures used for detecting contaminated areas, materials, and components should be clearly stated. The 2007 SAR, Section 11.1.4 providesa "briefdiscussion of monitoring equipment and.Table 11.10 of thea 2002. SAR provides a-listing.of typical monitoring equipment. However, the methods and procedures used for detecting contaminated, areas,. materials, and components cannot be learned' from the information provided. Please.provide.information on-the methods and procedures for sampling and monitoring air; 'liquids; solids, and reactor radiation beams and effluents.. .. ... . ; .', ., . , ,

,'See updated SAR Section 11.1.4 and 1.1.16.

35. NUREG- 1537, Section 11.1.6, Contamination Control, states :the. contarnination control Attachment to RRR RAI Response 20100730 9,9of 17..
  • program should include prodisions to avoid, prevent and remedS' the occurrence and spread'of contaminatiOn>-The2007 SAR, Section 11.1.6provides the most likely sites of contaminationand the measures taken to minimize the spreadof contamination.

This section,also states that staff and 'visiting researchersare trained,on the risks of contaminationand techniques for avoiding, limiting and controlling contamination.

However, contaminationof personnel is not addressed.Please describe the means for

,addressingpersonnel contamination,if it should occur..,

See updated SAR Section ' 1. 1.6., '

36. NUREG- 1537., 'Part.1, Section. 13.1ý41,. Maximum Hypothetical Accident, guidance states the applicant-needsto present a methodology for reviewing the-systems and operating characteristics:of the reactorfacility that could affect its' safe operationor shutdown;. The methodology should be used to identify limiting accidents, analyze the evolution of the scenarios, and evaluate the consequences. The 2007 SAR, Section 13.2.1 discusses the Maximum HypotheticalAccident (MHA) and provides the method and'assumptionsused,to estimate potential consequences from an MHA and discusses compliance with. 1Q0 CFRPart.20.. However, the discussion,is not complete and requires further clarifications.

Pleaseprovide the following information:, .. ....... .,.

a. ,,Providethe approachused in determiningthe average.thermalreactorpowerover40.years.

.b.,,, Given athermalpowerof 250 kw operating8,hoursperday, 5 supcessive days, provide the method to show the average utilizaton (kw-hr/day)indicatedin the SAR.

c. In Chapter4 235 Seton," 4.2.4 and in.Figure,4.4 of the 2002 SAR, fuelU235 rods with various Uranium tn~feSWl 235 (UL.&,) contents,have been described. In addition, the U. content of fuelrods will vary because of burn-up. This would indicatethe presence of differentpowerlevel perrod, affecting the estimate for a peak rodpower level. Provideclarificationon the method used for assigning a peaking factorof2 d Subsectio6i 1ý3.21.2, RadionudideInventory Buildup and Decay,describes a powerlevel and numberof fuel rods that is inconsistentwith thoseprovidedin the precedingsubsection.Please clarify.
e. Subsection 13.'2.1.2 contains a subsection,Data from ORIGEN Calculations.The text refers to values in Appendices A and B where as there,areAppendices A throughF in this'sebtionA.Please clarify.

f In Chapter13, Appendbr B, the headingindicatesan'ORIGENinput for irradiationat "1watt 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> perday for 5 days'" Should this be irradiationat "1kw8 hoursperday for 5 days?" Please clarify.

g. In Chapter13, Append&D, the heading indicatesan ORIGEN input for irradiationat "1 watt 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> perday for 5 days". Should this be irradiationat "1kw 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> perday for 5 days?"
h. 'In Chapter,13,-Apendix E, thiere is confusion the numberof fuel rods. Pleasedarify.
i. In Chapte? 13, AppendiCes E'andF,it is not clearhow the values areproduced fiom'those providedin'Appendices C and D. Pleaseprovide an example of the method used. lnaddition, the headings for data presentedin Appendices E and F do not appeartobe correct Please clarify.

",. j. Chapter13, Table' 13.5providesvalues in the third column (A,activity (n-Ct)) of the released Attachment to RRR RAI Response 20100730 10 of 17

curies.Discuss the method used to determine these values. Itappearsthat the,values given in this column are 2.5 times.less.thanthosegiven in Tables.13.3 and 134, Pleaseclarify.

This will be completed as part of the analysis being performed by Oregon State and General Atomics and,,wivlLbe submitted by-November 2010.

37. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Chapter 13, Accident Analysis, states the applicantneeds to present a methodology for reviewing the systems'and operating characteristics of the reactor facility that could affect its safe operation or shutdown.. The methodology should be used to identify limiting accidents, analyze the evolution of the scenarios, and, evaluate the,ýconsequences& The 2007. SAR,. Section i3.2,3 presenis"an ,analysis of the,LOCA-and provides radiationdose Tables 13.6 and;13.9 after extended operation at 250'kw and I MW respectively. The. values in Table 13. 9,at various times after shutdown:awre smaller.than those in Table',13.7 for.same times. after shutdown.

.. Please. claerify,this discrepancy. ,, . . , . "4 This will be completed~as.,part.of the analysis being performed by Oregon

. State.and..General Atomics and lwillbe submittedby-No'venmber.2010.,. "

38. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Chapter 13, Accident Analysis, states the applicant needs to describe the mathematical models and analytical, methods employed, includingý assumptions, approximations, validation, and uncertainties. The 2007 SAR, Secti6bn 13.2.5 provides adescriptive analysis'in volving control iodw6rtlisswhose origins and relationship to the RRR have not been established, and whose worths are combined additively without justifidation; Section 13.2.5 disbusses the Exjiierit Malfunction accident and.assumes a$1o00'reactivity worth for the experiment. It should be established that the experiment reactivity worth is a negative value and failure in the experiment introducespdIsitiVe:reactivity. The means foi: cbmbining the worths need;to be clearly presented. Please provide a revised'presentation of the informrationi  :. 4 - 4.4 This will be completed as part of the analysis being performed by Oregon State and General Atomics and will be submitted .by Nove.mber 2010.
39. NUREG-1537; Part 1, Chapter 14; 'Technical Sp ecifications, states the applicant needs to establish technical specifications (TS) that will provide reasonable assurance that the facility will function as analyzed in the SAR without endangering the environment or

.the health and safety of the public aind the facilitys'taff NUREG-1537, Part 1 provides guidance regarding TS in Appendix 14.1. The 2007 SAR, Chapter 14 presents proposed TS for the operation of the RRR. However, they do not incorporate all of the guidance (e.g., required action, completion time). Please consider proposing TS following the guidance of Appeildix 14.1. ..

This will be completed as part of the analysis being performed by Oregon State and General Atomics and will be submitted by Ncvember 2010.

40. NUREG-1637, Part 1, Chaptier' 14, Technical Specifications, states the'applicant needs to establish TS that will provide reasonable assurance that the facility, will function as analyzed in the SAR without endangering the environment or the health and safety of the public and the facility staff The licensee shall select appropriate safety criteria, establish, a Safety Limit (SL) and then estabfish an associated Limiting, Safety System Setting.(LSSS) ,that. will ensure that the not exceeded.. The 2007 SAR, Chapter 14, TS 2.0, establishes the SL at 300 kw when operating with aluminum clad fuel elements in the core. The associated LSSS is also set at 300. kw which will not ensure Attachment to RRR RAI Response 20100730 *' ,11 of 17.

'that the SLis not exceeded. Please provide clarificationand justification for setting both limits at the same value.

This-will 6e completed as part 6f the analysis being performed by Oregon State and General Atomics'anld WIll be'submitted by November 2010.

41. NUREG- 1537, Part l, Chapter 14;: Technical'Specifications states the applicantshould establish TS~thtat' will provide reasohable assurance'that the facility will function as analyzed in the'SARviithout erdangerirgthe environment or/the health andsafety of the public and the facility staff The libensee 'shall select appropriatesafety criteria, establishla Sl-and then establish a'n'associatedLSSS"that will ensure that the'SL is not exceeded. The imrportantpararrieterfor a TRIGA' reactoris the fuel rod temperature: The SL should bee'stablishedbasedon the rmaximnim)permissible teimperai'tie6fthe:f~tel rod. The LSSS should be set so that the SLMIIl.triot be exceeded under all conditions Of o'peration:'The 2007'SAR.':Chapter 141' TS 2.0 establishes the SL and the LSSS using reactorpower with no correlationof this power to fuel temperature. Please provide fuel rod temperaturesat the power levels established for the SL and LSSS.

This6¢ill b6e c~fileptd 'as part of the analysis being performed by Oregon

"* " . i  :" ' .6c ff-i-p.'

- " State; and.General Atom"cs nd Will b6 submitted by N 6'vhib'er 2010.

., .
  • an ',subm it'. '. -
42. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Chapter 14, Technical Specifications, states the' applidant'needs to establish TS that will provide reasonable assurancethat the facility will function as anal iddh'th'e'SAR-ithout'er)dangerfihgth environment br the health and safety of

'the publi&anid the facility staff The 2007 SAR, 'Chapter14 n several sections of the TS refers back to sections of the SAR that do not exist, do nalt have the stated information discussed,'ordo not prodi;ide the requisite analysis required to validate the information in the Technical Specification.

Forexample.:,': "  :  ;, ",-.,. ... ,.. /-.,

Technical Specifications 2.1.5, "Bases"states:

."Safety Analysis Report, Section"3.5.1 (FuelSystem) identifies design and operating constraints for TRIGA fuel that will ensure'cladding integrity is not challenged."'

Technical Specifications 2.2.5, "Bases"states:"

"Analysisin th.e 'safety Analysis Report, 4:5.3, demonstratesfuel centerline temperature does not exceed 6000C at power levels approximately 1.25MW with bulk pool water temperature at approximately 100 *C."

Technical Specifications 3.1.5, "Bases"states: ,

"SafetyAnalysis Report Section 13.2 demonstrates that a $3.00 reactMty'insertibnfrom critical,zero power conditionsleads to maximum fuel temperatureof 250 0C, well below the limit.. .

Technical Specifications3.2.5, "Bases"states:

""Calculations-in Chapter4 assuming,500 kW operation and 83 fuel elements demonstrate fuel temperaturelimits are met."

Attachfientt to RRR RAI Response 20100730 12 of 17

These calculationsorsections do not appearin the SAR. Pleaseprovide the information supportingthese statementsin the TS.

This will be completed as part of the. analysis being performedby Oregon

.State and General Atomics and will be submitted by November 2010.

43. NUREG-1537, Chapter 14, .TechnicalSpecifications, states the applicantneeds to

,establishTS that will provide,reasonableassurance that the facility will function as analyzed in the SAR without endangering.the environment or,the health and safety of the public and the .facility staff The 2007 SAR, Chapter.14, TS 3...4,..Actions, presents requiredactions for various,TS. violations. Hwever, it is incompletein that ' does not include conditions, required actions and completion time for the rate of reactivity insertionbycontrol rod motion (i.e. no greaterthan. 0. 12% delta k/k/second. In addition, it states the limitations,on experiments,.are found in Section 3.8 which-is incorrect.

Please provide this.additional,information and,corrections..

See updated SAR Chapter, 14,. -

44. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Chapter 14, Technical Specificationsstates the applicantneeds toestablish TS that,wflLprovide reasonable assurance,that the facility, will function as analyzed in the SAR without endangering.the lenvironment or the health and safety of the public and the facility staff NUREG 1537, Part 1'pr6vides guidance regarding TS in Appendix 14.1 . .. ,; -, , . . ..

Appeodix 14.1, suggests that the, maximumscram timeshould be specitied f6reach-"

scrammable rod and the specification should ens uIre that the drop'6cohsistent,with the SAR analysis.ofreactivity requiredas a functi6h of time to terminatea reaciMty addition event accountingfor measurement and calculaonaluncertainties.

The 2007 SAR, Chapter 14, TS 3.4.3, Specification, there is thbe stdtement, "Controlrods are capable of 90% of full reactivity insertion from the fully withdrawn position in less than 1 second"but an associatedaction statement has not been included if the control rods fai to meet the specification. . .. , ,. ..

Pleaseprovide information conceming why this has not been included.Additionally, automaticscram conditions are usually established, with associatedactions, for reactor operations outside of the normal operatingmode ornormal conditions, (e.g. scram atl 10% of full licensed power orreactortank coolant level below a specified normaloperatingvalue).

Conditions such as those describedabove are not clearly stated in the TS section of the application with associatedrequiredSurveillance Requirements and!Actions. Pleaseprovide the missing information.

See updated SAR Chapter 14,.. .,,

45. NUREG-1537,, Part 1, Chapter 14, Technical Specifications; states the.applicant needs to establishTS that will provide reasonable assurance.that the facility,will function as analyzed in the SAR without endangering the environment or the health and safety of the public and the facility staff Water level monitors for the reactortank would provide information concerning possible tank leakage... The. 2007j SAR, Chapter 14 does not include TS (Limiting Conditions for Operations(LCO) and/or Surveillance Requirement's(SR)) for monitoring the water level and water additionsto the tank.

Please propose TS on reactortank water level and water addition.monitorswhich would provide assurancefor early detection of a possible leak in the reactortank.

Attachment to RRR RAI Response 20100730 . . 1 13 of 17

'See updated SAR Chapter' 14.'""

46. NUREG 1537, Part I,` Ch'apter14,."TechnicalSpecifications, states the applicant needs to establish,TS that will provide reasonable assurancethat the facility will function as analyzed in the SAR without endangering'the 'environmentor the'health and safety of the public and the facility staff The 2007 SAR Chapter 14, TS 4.4.5 (BASES),.it is stated that "the power level scram in not credited in the analysis, but provides assurancethat the reactoris rioi'operatedin.conditions beyond the assumptions used in the analysis (Table" Neither the Table nor the analysis referenced could be'lodated in the 2007 SAR. 'In addition, Section 13 of the SAR discussei'accident ahalysis ahd'ndoes hot hormally provide-a basis for a TS on the' required measuring channels during'operati6n.Please correct the TS.. " ..

See updated SAR Chapter 14. ." '

47. NUREG- 1537, 'Part lI' Chapter 14, Technical'Specifications, states'the applidant-nee'ds to estabiish'TS that'will 'provide reasonable assurain'ethat the facility will function as analyzed in the XSAR without endangering the envirbnment or the 'health and safety of the public and the 'facility staff .The' 2007 SAR, Sections 1'3.5.2, 3.5 and 9:1 state 'that if radioactivematerial'relaseý associated With reactoroperationh occurVac'doh'trolled ventilation stem minimizes exposure to realctorpersonn'el and the public.'Ventilation exhaust fromthe reactbir'o 6m Willbshift to a: filtered exhaust upon a 'manual signal.-oron high radioactivityof the airin the room and the function shall be tested semi-an'n'ially.

However, a SR has not been established for testing the Gaseous Effluent Control System to ensure that it functions correctly vwihen needed.;Please'prbposea SR or provide a justification as to why one is not necessary.

See updated SAR Chiapter -14." '. "' """

48. NUREG-1537,. Partl,Chapter 14, Technical Specifications, states the applicantneeds to establish TS that will provide reasonable assurancethat the facility will function as analyzed in the SAR without endangering the environment or the health and safety of the public and the facility"staff The 2007-,S-AR,'Chapter 14, TSý3.5*provides'a LCO for the reactorbay ventilation system. The objective stated is to ensure that exposures to the public resultingfrom gaseous effluents released during normal operation and accident conditions are within limits. However, the LCO is incomplete-in that it does not establish the conditions under which the ventilation system operates in the various modes possible. In addition, the discussion iri the bases is incomplete. Please propose a TS limiting the operationof the ventilation system for normal and accident conditions-.

See updated SAR Chapter'1i4.

49. NbREG- 1537, Part 1, Chapter 14, Technical Specifications states the applicantneeds to establish TS that will provide reasonable assurance that the facility will funCtion as analyzed in the SAR without endangering the environment or the health and safety of the public and the facility staff In the 2007 SAR, Sections 14, TS 2.2.4'and 3.2.4, it is stated in the Actions-Required Action section that if the SL or LCO is exceeded then the operatorhas the option of reducing the power level to the SL or LCO'limit. These TS are'in direct conflict wvith TS'6.8 and 6.9 which specify the bction to be 'taken in the event a safety limit is exceed and in the eventof a-reportable occurrence. Please "correct thefts. ""'

See updated SAR Chapter 14.

Attachment to RRR RAI Response 20100730 14 of 17

50. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Chapter 14, Technical Sp1ecifications;. states the applicantneeds to establish TS that will provide reasonable assurancethat the facility will function as analyzed in the SAR without endangering the environment or the health and safety of the public and the facility staff In the 2007.SAR; *Section,14, TS 3.3. and.

3.4.3,Measuring Channels.andSafety Channel and Control Rod Qperabilitythere is a specification that states: ,..

2(), There is a neutron-inducedsignal onthe STARTUP CHANNEL."*

Table I of the same Sectionfists the Minimum Measuring Channel Complement.-However Table 1$,does not list the "STARTUP CHANNEL" as one of the requiredmeasuringchannels that must be operablepriorto actualreactorstartup..Please correct this omission.

See updated SAR Chapter 14. . .

51. NUREG-1537.;Part1, Technical Specifications, states the applicantneeds to...

establishes that will provide reasonable assurancethat the facilitywill function as analyzed in theSAR without.endangering,the, envirorment or the,;health and safety of

... the public and the facility'staff The 2007 SAR, Chapter,14, does not,provide.TS..

con,cerning the requirement for interlocks,.As an.example. there is no Ts requiring an interlock to prevent reactorstartup,if there is not a neutroninducedsigna! on the start up channel. Please propose TS&which, iqclude:specifications for a the, ionterlocks,al required for operation. .. ,.,

See, updatedSAR Chapter 14..........,

52. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Chapter 14, Technical Specifcations, states the applicantneeds to establish TS that will provide reasonable assurancethat the facility will function as analyzed in the SAR without endangering the environment or the health and safety of

,the public and the facility staff. The 2007,SAR Chapter 14, 6Se,cion 14, TS 3.8.3 it is stated that:

(1) Watertemperatureat the exit of the reactorpoop shall not exceed 55*C with flow through the primarycleanup loop .

(2) WaterconductMty shal be less than 2 mi¢cro-siemens/cm.

(3) Waterlevel above the core shall be at least 5 meters above 'thetok of the core However, there is no discussionof where the parametersin (1) and (2), 'above are monitored and by whom. In addition, the surveillance frequency for parameter(2) is confusing because it states that it will be measured daily and at least once every four weeks. Technical Specification Amendment #8 states that the new criteriafor reactoripoolwater temperatureis 48 *CQ for Parameter(1). Clarify the discrepanciesidentified and provide the information requested above.

See- updated SAR Chapter 14. . .

53. NUREG-.1 537, Part 1,: Chapter 14, 'TechnicalSpecifications, states the applican'tneeds to establish TS that will provide reasonable a'ssurancethat the 'facility will function as analyzed in the SAR without endangering theehwvironmeiht or the health and safety of the public and the facility staff From the Tabl'es, it appears that the CHANNEL TEST of Percent Power Safety Circuit SCRAM" and the "Reactorpower level MEASURINGCHANNEL, CHANNEL TEST" are the same thing,with different Attachment to RRR RAI Response 20100730 S' 15: of 17

,surveillancefrequencies(referto 'TS'4.2'2,and 4.3.2). Please clarify the SR including

  • .whatdaily means (e.g.-; does daily mean each day before startup.

See updated"SAR Chapter 14.'

54. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Chapter 14, Technidal Specifications, states "theapplicantineeds to establish TS that will provide reasonableassurancethatithe facility will function as analyzedin the SAR Without endangering the environment or the health and safety of
  • the Iublic and the facility staff There are mnany.terms in the TS that refer to."'...

"TEST"; "CHECK!, or "CALIBRA TION", thht are used interchangeably(refeto,TS 4:-5.2; and4.3.2)f The terms'are defined in Chapter'14,.TS 1.0. However, the terms are not always consistently applied,leading to confusion. Please.clarifythe usage of the terms.

See updated SAR Chapter 14.

55. NUREG-1537,.Part-1, Chapter 14, Technical Specifications, states the applicantneeds to establish TS that will provide'reasonable2aSsurance that the'1facility will function as
  • analyzed in -the-SAR'without'endangeringthe 'envirOnment or the health andsafdty of the public'and theifacility staff , -.  : ,~.

The 2007 SAR, Chapter 14, TS 3.6.5, it is stated that:

"Specifications3.6(1) and 3.6(2) are conservatively chosen to limit reactivity additions to maximum values that are less than an addition that could cause the fuel temperatureto rise above the limiting safety system set point (LSSS) value. The temperaturerise for a$1.00 insertionis known from previous license conditions and operationsand is known not to exceed the LSSS."

Pleaseprovide the documented analysis to support the statement.

This will be completed as part of the analysis being performed by Oregon State and General Atomics and will be submitted by November 2010.

56. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Chapter 14, Technical Specifications, states the applicant needs to establish TS that will provide reasonable assurancethat the facility will function as analyzed in the SAR without endangering the environment or the health and safety of the public and the facility staff NUREG 1537 guidance states in Section 14, 4.1 that the shutdown margin needs to be determined semiannually (every 6 months). In the 2007 SAR, the licensee has not provided actualRRR core reactivity and control rod worths. It is therefore, difficult to understand how this requirementis being met. Please provide the procedure for determining shutdown margin and an example from RRR records showing how this procedure has been implemented.

See attached SOP 34, Control Rods. Section 34.7.1 describes how we calibrate our control rods See attachment SOP 34A from 01/14/10 for our most recent calibration. Control Rod Worths were calculated as:

Safety Rod $3.31 Shim Rod $3.27 Regulating Rod $1.34

57. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 16.1 states the applicant should consider how a component or system was used in the past and evaluate the continued serviceability Attachment to RRR RAI Response 20100730 16 of 17

I . I I consideringaging, wear, etc. and also to consider the suitabilityof items procuredfrom otherfacilities. The 2007 SAR, Section 16.1, PriorUse of Reactor Components,. the licensee described the depletion of the originalfuel, receipt of fuel assemblies from Berkley University, and some damage to the RRR fuel jnventory. Also described is the receipt of control rods from Comell University. However, there is no discussion of the aging of components or the effect of the. used components upon the ability of RRR to continue to safely operate. Furthermore,there is no discussion regardingthe suitability of items supplied from other universities for use by RRR. Please provide an analysis of component aging to ensure that systems and components.important to safety continue to be appropriatefor use. Please provide,a discussion of the safety evaluations

-performedon the previously utilized fuel rods and control rods, before they were placed intoservice atReed.

See updated SAR Section 16. 1.

58. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 12.9, Quality Assurance, provides guidance on Quality Assurance for research reactors.,.The 2007 SAR, Section, 12:9 discu.ussesquallty.

assurance (QA). However the discussion is,srcomplete in does not include how QA will apply to replacements, modificationssand changes to systems having a,safety related function. Nor does it discuss how QA will be applied to the required audit function of the Reactor Review Committee. Please address these deficiencies.

See updated SAR Section 12.9.

I , I Attachment to RRR RAI Response 20100730 ,17of 17

ýed Control Rods Standard earch Operating actor Procedure Revision History 04/14/10 Added Appendix C, Control Rod Inspection Form; switched Appendix A and B.

Clarified many steps.

Created troubleshooting section by moving the section on inoperable control rods.

09/30/09 Clarified maintenance logging instructions.

Clarified who is required to be present for maintenance.

Added items to the Schedule section.

98/31/09 Revised instructions for control rod reactivity worth measurement so that the target rod positions are preset rather than calculating them each time.

Contents 34 .1 S cop e .................................................................................................... .. 2 34 .2 Schedule ................................................................................................. .. 2 34 .3 P ersonnel ............................................................................................... .. 2 34.4 Precautions .............................................................................................. 2 34 .5 OP E RA T IO N ....................................................................................................... 2 34.6 MA IN TEN AN CE .......................................................................................... 3 34.6.1 Adjusting the Limit Switches ................................................................. 3 34.6.2 Adjusting the Balancing Potentiometer ................................................. 5 34.6.3 Replacing a Control Rod Motor ............................................................. 5 34.6.4 Replacing a Console Light Bulb ............................................................ 8 34.6.5 Cleaning Console Buttons ...................................................................... 9 34.7 CALIBRATION AND INSPECTION ......................................................... 11 34.7.1 Control Rod Calibration ........................................................................ 11 34.7.2 Adjusting the Rod Position Indication ....................................................... 11 34.7.3 Control Rod Drop Time Measurement ................................................. 13 34.7.4 Control Rod Reactivity Worth Measurement ........................................ 15 34.7.5 Control Rod Inspection ........................................................................ 20 34.7.6 Calibrating Auto Demand ..................................................................... 26 34.8 TROUBLESHOOTING .............................................................................. 27 Appendix A Control Rod Calibration Form Appendix B Control Rod Inspection Checklist Appendix C Control Rod Inspection Form Revision Date: 04/14/10 Page 1 of I VYý Qseav8,-c ZO J3

- 0

Control Rods 34.1 Scope This procedure covers the calibration and maintenance of the control rods.

34.2 Schedule '

34.2.1 Each of the three control rods shall be, visually inspected at least once every two years, usually during the January annual maintenance. (Tech Spec F.2) 34.2.2 Control rod worth measurement shall~be done semiannually and following any inspection or handling of fuel elements or control rods (SOP 34 or SOP 35). Worth measurements may be done at other times at the discretion of the Operations Supervisor.

34.2.3 Control rod drop times shall be measured semiannually. (Tech Spec F.9.a) 34.2.4 Adjusting the rod position indication may be necessary following maintenance on the limit switches or the position indicatioi.,

34.2.5 The console buttons are cleaned as part of the Annual Checklist.

34.2.6 Auto-Demand is calibrated as part of the Semiannual Checklist.

34.2.7 The ReadtoroýOper.iions Committee audits this proceduie every twd years.

34.3 Personnel ' - "' . ,, ' * .,

34.3.1 During control rod operation, iemval,' or calibratidfn therekctor'is not-shutdown therefore: ' ". '

° A licensed opeato6i must be' at' the console ' "

  • A second person who can sumrnon help 'must be in the facility.

- An SRO must be on duty.: ' ' '

34.3.2 During c6ntrol iod maintenan'e the'SRO of Record must be present in the facility.

34.4 Precautions 34.4.1 The circuit boards on the control rod motors are exposed and energized. Some maintenance requires the use of metal tools, gO be careful to avoid'electric shock.

34.5 OPERATION .' .

34.5.1 See SOP 1 (Reactor Operation) and SOP 20 (Startup Checklist).

Revision Date: 04/14/10 Page 2 of 2

Control Rods 34.6 MAINTENANCE 34.6.1 Adjusting the Limit Switches ' ' ,, An SRO must be present for any control rod maintenance.

rod, I u, '.

d',u '"

rod posh F;.

Li I~rodL'~ mwn 1 otor, LimtwichSchematic '. ]ý ý n Cpwtrol Rods xjq j First ensure the motor moves in far enough to connect with the controltrod armature; if there's a gap. between the, electromagnet and the control rod armature, the motor won't be able toraise the control rod.. Manually raise the rod. Watch.the actual control rod in the Reactor Bay to see if the light-colored ring unýdeirthe water disappearsIaIs it mov'es up into the shroud. If the rod withdraws normally, go to §'. If the rod does not withdraw, lower the motor until it stops. Turn the screw on the motor down limit switch (pictured below) counterclockwise until the motor down limit switch clears. You will hear a click. Drive the motor down until it stops.

34*.6.1'..'2.4 Repeat § to § until the rod withdraws freely.

Ufl -F Motor Down Limit Switch 1 Motor Down Limit Switch F Revision Date: 04/14/10 Page3of3

Control Rods Now ensure that 4the rod down limit switch works on a scram.' Raise and scram the rod. Ensure the motor drives in automatically after the scram.

. ,Ifit does not drive in, use a 3/8" wrench to loosen thelocking nut. on the rod down limit switch. Be careful because the circuit board on the rod is exposed and is energized.

Rod DownLimitSwitch Turn the screw on the rod downlimit switch clockwise a quarter turn. Raise the rodand scram it again.. Repeat as necessar'y'-.' If you run out ofroom onthescrew on the rod down limit switch, you may have to reach under the bridge and adjust the washers at the bottom of the pull rod. Loosen the nut and actuating washer'(located a few inches above the water) on the pull-rod. You will have to lean over the pull to do this. It may be necessary to tighten the actuating washer a bit in order to get at the nut. You should be able to do ,itWall with youi fingers. Adjust th' height of the washers to provide more room on the rod dow'vnrimit switch screw.

Revision Date: 04/14/10 Page 4 of 4

Control Rod.s Now make sure the rod. and motor will ,withdraw properly; Repeat these steps until the rod withdraws and scrams properly. Tighten the Rod Down locking nut.

34.6.J.6 Log the limit switch adjustment inthe Main Logbook andjthe Maintenance Logbook. ,... ,..,,

34.6.2 Adjusting the Balancing Potentiometer The Up Motor and the"Down Motor 6dnthe Safety and Shim Rods are balanced to hold the rod ih place when theere is'no signal to move it. Sometimes the motor becomes unbalanced. -This is motor creeping up or down when there is no demand signal. Thisprocedure 'willexplain how to rebalance the motors. An SRO must be p1iesent for anrycdnhtil r6d maintenance. The balancing potentiometer rs ohýthe top bfthe control rod motor. The Reg Rod does not have a balancing potentiometer'since it has been replaced with a stepping motor.

Rod BalancingPo~tentiometer Partially, withdraw the rod needing adjustment. You must have the scrams reset and the cOntrolirod attached to the motor to correctly adjust the' rod since the weight on thie intoi is different 'Without'th' control r6d at.tached., With the rod and motor partially withdrawn, observe which way the motor is creeping. Loosen.the~lockirig nut ofn the potientiome'ter. Turn the~balancing potentiometer clockwise to stop downward motion or turn' it. couiterclockwise to stop upward motion'., Whenhte rod no longer creeps, scram the rod to make sure it behaves properly on'a 9cram. Repeat these steps as necessary... Log the balancing potentiometer adjustment in the Main Logbook and the Maintenance Logbook.

34.6.3 Replacing a, Control Rod, Motor Before replacinga cdntrol rod motor, perform SOP 62 (Changes, Tests, and Experiments) to see if a safety evaluation ,is necessary.

Revision Date: 04/14/10 0 . ýf. .1 Page.5 of 5

Control Rods While removing -the controlrod motor, the reactor is not shutdown so a licensed operator must be at the console and a. second person in the facility,.- An SRO must be present for any control rod maintenance. Unplug all three console-to-rod-drive motor plugs inside the console: J-7 (Reg Rod), J-8 (Shim Rod), and J-10 (Safety Rod). The rod UP and DOWN lights will come on when this is done.

....ý k ..

... lO..

.. fui zsJ.," M,LJ40," Remove therod-down actuator. cotter. pin, nut, and actuating washer (located a few inches above the water) fromthe pull rod.. You will have to lean over the pull to

.do this. Be careful not-to drop them. The cotter pin is really a paperclip that has-to be unbent before removing it from the small hole at the bottom of the pull rod. The nut and actuating washer unscrew as normal. It may be necessary to tighten the actuating washer a bit in order to loosen and get at the nut. You should be able to do it all with your fingers. ...

Actutin I Pull Rod Bottom I Revision Date: 04/14/10 Page 6 of 6

Control Rods Unplug the positionindication f6r th&, rod'being removed. It is at the,'

potentiometer at the side of the motor. .,; , ,

Rod Position Connection 7 For the regulating, rod only, unplug the motor poWeir supply'next to the motor.

F Reg"Rod PdierConinection Remove the small Allen head 3/32-inch screws from the upper edge of each base mount. There are screws on four. locations around the rod motor; approkimately 90 0 apart. Two locations havetwo. screws; to have only one screw. Note that you only have to remove the top screw of the pait. The bottomione holds the control rod housing (which is'not being removed)..,; -. .. '

... . . . - C -o  : Lift the rod motor off. The control rod rand barrel should not move. The pull rod will come up through its opening.

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Control Rods

'34,6.3.10 ;Install the newirodmotor on the rod motor mount. You'll need to guide the pull rod into its opening. (You may also have to transfer thie pull rod from the old motor to the new motor if the new one doesn't have a pull rod.) Install the small Allen head 3/32'2inCh screws in the upper edge of each base mount. Reinstall the rod-down actuator'cotter pin, nut, and actuating washer (located a few inches above the water) fron':the pull rod. You will have to lean over the pool to do this; be careful not to drop them.: . -" -, Plug in the position indication forthe rod.

34.6 3. 14 For the regulating rbd only, plug in the, m6tor, power up.ply. Reconnect all three console to rod drive motor plugs inside the console: J-7, J-8, and J-10. . Adjust the screws on the limit switches until the micro-switches work properly when scramming the rod per §34.6.1. and

'36.3.17 Check the rod by, raising it a sort distance and then releasing it by a.scram.

34.6.3. 18 Check the; top.andbottomrnpositio nindications per,§34.7.2. .*

34,6.3.19 Check the rod travel time by raising and lowering the dontrol rod full travel.

34,6.3.20 Log the control rod motor ireplacement in the Main Logbook ard the Maintenance Logbook. Include the model and serial number of both, the old motor and the new motorin the Maintenance Logbook entry. . ,- .

34.6.4 Replacing a Console Light Bulb Anyone designated by the Operations Supervisor may'perform this procedure.

  • This does not count as maintenance of a reactor control system, so the presence.of an SRO is not required. ., . , . Note that the magnet power supply is in series with the ON light for that rod.

If you remove the CONT/ON button for.a control rod, it will lose magnet power and drop into 'the core. Hence, do not do this with the. rod itdan .

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Controa] Rods To replace a light bulb,. start by.lifting straight up, on the console button. It come out partway and then stop. . .. ... ...

  • BtolulI V'V qh1et out ted from editing lield codes. Turn the top of the button 900 clockwise to release it, and then pull it the rest of the w ay out.. -, * *, " . ,." , . ,,;. , ", . ' . , ? '. -- : - - -*_- - Remove the burnt out bulb and replaceI it with a 328 bulb, normally kept,in I the "Fr'qiidhit Light Bulb" container instt rage cabii F V With the button top still at 90 to thb'se,' reinser'i t i~ 1the' opening. Note that: thesmall notch on the base must b.e on the left side to fit in.- Push down until: the button stops, then,turn it 90° counterclockwise and push it the rest ofthe way in,. ... '*. .. . . ..  : . Log the light bulb rep'lacement-in-the Maini'Logbook 'nd tle Mainiteniance Logbook.

34.6.5 Cleaning Console Buttons Anyone designated by the Operations Supervisor may perform this "


  • This does not count as maintenance of a reactor control systemn, sb the presence of an SRO is not required. j..
  • A licensedoperator, SRO of reC&rd, and second person in the-facility xvil'be needed to insert the console key. Open CB-1 inside the back of the console and log it in the Main Logbook. Gently pry up the console POWER button until it comes out, and then rotate ,)

it by 900 counterclockwise so that the linkage to which it is attached, can also be withdrawn. Use cotton swab to clean the button housing of all oil and debris. The cotton swab may be dipped in alcohol, but the housing must be left dry. Use a dry lubricant on the linkage shaft where it passes through the bushing. Inspect the spring for integrity.

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Control Rods Lock the shaft into the light-socket assembly,, and re-install the entire mechanical linkage into its housing. Note that it will insert in only one orientation. Test to see that the button depresses and returns easil,-. Repeat. § through, §'for'the following buttons:*

  • Safety CONT/ON

. Safety UP  : ' . ' '. -

  • Safety DOWN

- Shim. UP, Shim DOWN ,.

  • Reg CONT/ON , .

° Reg UP

  • RegDOWN. Add a small amount of dry lubricant to the console key switch, and rotate the key through all its positions, a few times to ensure easy operation. Log this in the Main Logbook. : ..  :..

34'.6.5.1"1 If the key does not rotate easily, remove the two screws that hold the control coisole'ihplace and lubricate the ififernral workings'of.the key switch. Rotate the key throughi all' its positions a fewti'meis to ensure easy operation. Screw the control console back into place. 1., .,;," ,

ý34.6.5.12 Close CB-I in~side, the back of-the console and log it in the Main Logbpok. If this proceduire was done for th6 Annual Checklist, redordthe date on the

.Checklist.form. Otherwise, log this maintenance n the Mainm Logbook and the Maintenance Logbook. ,

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Control Rods 34.7 CALIBRATION AND INSPECTION' 34.7.1 Control Rod Calibration-, - , ,* This procedure describes howw4o perform .the semiannual control rod calibration. The calibration includes:

" Adjusting the control rod position indications on the console and Multitrend.

" Measuring control rod drop times. Use the date stamp (or print very neatly) to 8nter'the date'dn SOP 34A, Control Rod Calibration Form. - . " It will take several hours to complete the calibration. Each person who acts as Operator of Record for part of the calibration should print his or her name at the top Of SOP 34A., . " . .. ,. , Adjust the rod position indications per §34.7.2. This must b e done before the reactivity worth measurement. Record the as found and as left data on SOP 34A. Measure the; control rod drop. times per. §34.7.4 an4d record the values on SOP 34A. This may be done before of after ;-the -worthmeasurement..;, Measure the control rod reactivity worth per §34.7.4., .

'34:7. 1.7 The operator Who cbmpletes' the calibratiohi shall sign ihe form* and leave-it on the hanging Weekly, and Other Clipboard for,the Operations, Supervisor to review. If the calibration is beiig perforLmed for the Semiannual Checklist, iinitial' and date the appropriate line of the checklist. " After review, the Operations Supervisor will store the Control Rod Calibration Form in the Other Checklists binder in the Control Room.

34.7.2 Adjusting the Rod Position Indication This procedure describes how to calibrate the control rod position indications on the console and Multitrend. This must be done before performing a control rod reactivity worth measurement per §34.7.4, and may be done at other times at the discretion of the Operations Supervisor. The limit switches on the bridge control the rod motion. They must be correct before adjusting the position indication. If the limit switches need adjustment, see §34.6.1. The position indications are adjusted with a small slot screw driver on the potentiometers in back of the rod position indication inside the console. Clockwise increases the value, counterclockwise decreases it. There are three adjustments for each rod: zero, span, and DAS Span (Multitrend). The rods are abbreviated SA (safety), SH (shim), and RG (reg).

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Control Rods F- I -- I

-0 Rod PositionIndiccition,Controls. ....

OFF " S "an '


0 0 0 0 0 0 S  :-Zero

  • Span
  • V,. *.*
  • w . ;If this is, part of a control rodcalibration, record the information on ,

SOP 34A. Otherwise record it in the Main Logbook and Maintenance Logbook. Leave two control rods on the bottQm'at all times during thisadjustment. Drive-the control rods all,way down.(the DOWN light on.).,

34.7.237Record ihee'as found" bottom' position indication' for each rod fromthe position indication and the Multitrend indication. Drive' ONE control rod'all way tip (the UP light on). Record the "as. found" top position indication for the rod fr6m:the rod position indication and the Multitrend indication.. i bew .. , .Adjust the span position indication for the r9d to indicate between 99.5%

"- -and 100.5% (exactly 100.0% is best).,, Adjust the DAS -Span (Multitrend posifion indication): for the rod to indicate

'between,99.5% and 100.5% (exactly 100.0% is best): Note that it may take several minutes for the Multitrend display to stabilize.

34.7.2.,12 Drive the rod to*the bottom. Adjust the bottom position indication for the rod io indidate eitween 0.0%

and positive 0.5% (exactly 0.0% is best).

  • 0 Note that there is no negative sign, so you need to turn the screw back and forth to determine if you are looking at positive or negative numbers.
  • Do not leave the value below 0.0% since the indication is not linear below 0.0%.
  • There is no zero adjustment for the Multitrend.

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Control:Rods Drive thecontrol rod all way up (the UP light on). Adjust the span position ifidication for the rod ton"idicate between 99.5%

and 100.5% (exactly 100.0% is best).

34..7.2.16 Adjust the DAS Span (Multitrend position indication) for the rod to indicate between 99.5% and 100.5% (exactly 10010% is best). Repeat steps through until the top, bottom, and Mu!titrend are acceptable. Record the "as.left" bottom position in dication for the ro&d-from the position.

indication and the Multitrend indication. .,.

347.2.19 Record the, "as left" top position indication for thezrod from-the position indication and the Multitrend indication ... . Repeat steps thr6ugh" for the, other two cointrol rods.'

34.7.3 Control Rod Drop Time Measurement- Control rod drop times shall be verified to be less'than one second .

sIeniiarmitidllyanid following removal of any control rod for maintenance or inspection (Tech Spec iF*8 and F.9). Drop times may'be rnieasuredat any time-atlihe 'discretion of the Director. , .. . Manual Control Rod Drop Times" . This section shrill 'be usedif ihe Rod Diop Timer :is considered noni-operationa! or it is decided to manually. measure the control rod drop times. If the electronic timer is to be used, go to § - The operator remains at the, console as for normal operations with the two timers positioned in a way that they can easily view the control rod indicator lights. Theoperator will raise a single rod to its maximum height. The other two rods shall remain fully inserted. ' . . The operator manually scrams the rod. The timers start their' stopwatches when the yellow "on" light (Magnet Power) is extinguished and stop them when, the blue "cont" light goes off. The yellow light indicates that the rod 4has been released and.the blue light indicates when the rod-dlown switch has~been closed (rod fully down in core). . Repeat for each control rod. Average the two times for each rod to get the final yalue for the drop. time. Go to §

.  :,, .. ." .

  • i '. . ,,' ." *! .. , . '

I, Revision Date: 04/14/10 I.,. : ý1.k. Page 13 of 13

.,Control Rods Get the Rod Drop Timer (pictured below) from its drawer in the Control Room under the AMS-4s. The Rod Drop Timer power supply is a 6V 200 mA AC adapter; it should be with the timer. Plug in the power supply transformer to the wall outlet and to the small plug at the base of the timer.

.11 -

L I Rod Drop Timer ., Ll .. ,: Connect the Rod Drop Timer to the connectioninside the console near CB-1.

S '7 M9 Rod Drop Timer Connection Rod Drop Timer Connected You must press the black reset button on the rod drop timer before the next measurement to clear the display Raise the rod to be tested until the red UP light on the rod is lit. Press the red enable button on the Rod Drop Timer. Actually, it can be pressed as soon as the rod is off the bottom. The green armed light on the rod drop timer will turn on. Manually scram the reactor. This will not work by pressing the individual rod drop button. The SCRAM light must come on. The timer will show, in milliseconds, how long between the scram signal and a rod down limit switch being actuated.

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Control Rods Reset the scram. ..

34.7.311 Repeat § to §34'7.'3.1.0'f6r eac additinal rod to' be tested. Disconnect the rod drop timer jwhen done. If the drop time for any rod is greater than 1 second, notify the Operations Supervisor and Director. If the drop times are being measured for a control rod calibration, record the values on the Control Rod Calibration*Form (SOP 34A); otherwise, record the drop times in the Main Logbook. If the "arebeing measured for the semiannual checklist, initial and date the appropriate line of the checklist.

34.7.4 Control Rod Reactivity Worth Measurement This procedure describes.howotodmeasure the differential reactivity worth of the control rods. This is done by incremefita4ly withdrawing a control rod and measuring the resulting reactor period; period and reactivity are related by the In-Hour equation. Control rod worth measurement provides the means to determine the core-excess and shutdown margin of the reactor as Well as the reactivity change induced by changes in control rodheights. " Record all information on SOP 34A. Preliminary steps for filling out the form are'describedin §34'.71. - . . .. The'reactor should not have been run at powers above 5 watts for 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> prior to performing this procedure, to inimize the xenon effects.

Note: Since the reactor is essentially at 5 watts during this control rod reactivity measurement, it does, not preclude kctivities that require the reactor to have been below 5 watts for a specified time before the activity, e.g., fuel movement, power calibrations, Aquabot operation, demineralizer Changes, and control rod reactivity measurement itself. Ensure a Startup Checklist. has'been completed.

3z.7.4;5 Ensure the rod position indication is correc&t per §34.7.2. - To avoid moving the wrong control rod at the wrong time, it is useful to cover the rod buttons that should not be used with a plastic ruler or other item.

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Control Rods Period-Timer Calibration , At the back of the Multitrend, there is a BNC connection coming off of the cable that carries information from the Linear Channel to the Multitrend.

Attach a BNC cable to this connection (long enough to reach the front of the console where you will'be working).

7_N cBnne*tion Attach the other end of the cabl6 to a digital voltmeter using a BNC-banana plug adaptor (normally;in a sm,4tal drawer on the bottom shelf of Classroom Cabinet E). Set the voltmeter for direct current volts (V). The voltage is less than 10 VDC. -

N Voltmeter Settink . Place the linear channel in "Current" mode and adjust iAto exactly 30%

of scale on'the linearlchannel module. Record the voltage on SOP 34A.

347'..4.75 Adjust the linear channiel in the "Current" mode to exactly 8 1'.5% of scale on'the linear channel modul&: Record the voltage on SOP 34A.

34* Remove the banana plugý-BNC adaptor from the digital -voltmeter and hook up the normal meter probes. ..... - . "I " I Revision Date: 04/14/10 I Page 16 of 16

Control Rods Get the period timer from its drawer in the Control Room under the AMS-4s.

" Period Timer. Use the digital volimeter plobes to measure the voltage between the green test point andthe black test point qn. side .oftheperiod timer.

The red probe' 6es to green and th6 black probe'goes to. black.

I't I I l I-i I I i iltt I

  • Y Green Test

'White Test ... Test Black Black Test Te ste "Y-OWAjs lest PeriodTimer Adiustments Adjust the blue potentiometer onside of the period timer as necessary to make it the same voltage as measured above att30%. the digital voltmeter probes to measure-the voltage between the red test point and the black test point on side of the period timer.

0 The red-probe goes to red and probe goes to black.! Adjust the1 yellow potentiometer on side of the periodjtimer.-as.

necessary to make, it the same voltage as measured aboye at 81.5%.,,,, Connect the BNC cable to the top. of~the period timer,, so that the period timer receives information from the Linear, Channel.

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91 Contro0l: Rods Reg Rod Worth Measuemnen.t- Per SOP f, establish a criticalf condition at 5 watts with the Reg Rod on the bottom.

The Safety and Shim Rods withdrawn to approximately the samie height., Allow power level to stabilize at approximately 5 watts (18% to .22%

on the 25 .watt scale) for at least two minutes with minimal rod motion.

It is much more important that the power be stable than that it be at exactly 5 Nkatts. This alloxvs delayed neutrons to reach equilibrium. With the reactor stable for at least two minutes with minimal rod motion, withdiaw the Reg Rod to appr6kimately the new target height.

° The reactivity change should take. place in one continuous pull., hen you

.relese the, UP button:do no ,..,

e.ea ,ust the.height.. Leave it wherever it was when you stop,6ed. ' . Allbw the'power level to increbase one full range-n the linear channel so ti the that "prompt jump" is gone.e t l can When the linear channel auto-ranges,to the 250-watt scale, arm the period timer with its red button; the green armed EED Will come on. When the linear channel crosses 30%, the timer will start. .When,linear channel crosses 81.5%, the timer will stop and indicate the period in milliseconds. After power exceeds, 82% of 250-watts and the timer stops, return the power level to 5 watts by lowering th&e Safety and Sliim Rods:

o Try to keep the Safety and Shim rod banked at about the same height.

  • Do not reposition the Reg. Rod during this step!- Record, the period on SOP,34A. , Record the rod positions after stabilizing at 5 watts on SOP 34A. Reset the timer with the blacklbutton on the left of the display. Remember to complete, a Status Stamp every hour. -. Repeat § to .§ until the.Reg Rod UP light is lit. Safety and Shim Rod:Worth Measurement , - -

, If the. data are taken carefully and processed correctly, it is possible to measure the Safety and Shim.rods simultaneously since they. have similar worths.

This is done by starting with the Shim fully out, the Reg fully out, and thee.Safety

""--" rod a~fasi in as 'possible w hile critical. Data 'for the Safety rod is taken as normal.

Data for the Shim rod is taken as'it is insertied t6re'stdte critical confditibns'at 5 watts after each pull. The Reg rod .isnot moved-at. all during the process.

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Control, Rods If it is desired to measure the~worth,,of the Safety and-Shim rods individually, follow this procedure for the Safety Rod and then repeat it with the Shim and Safety rods exchanged; you will ineed ani ýdditionii copy of the relevant page of SOP 34A to record the extra data. Per SOP 1, establish a crifical'ctndition at 5'vatts with tlie Shim Reg and Reg Rod all the way out and the Safety Rod as far in as possible while remaining critical. .

it ish'ot poiibfe to be citicalfw*ith the S'afety or Shim o6' the bdttoni. Allw' power level to stabilize 'at-approximateiye5 xvwatts (18% to 22%

on'the 25 watt scale)'for at least 2 minutes with miiiimal rod mnotion.

It is mnuch more importanth thatth&'power b'e~ table than that'it'be'at exa6tly 5 Watts. This allows' delyd neutrons to reach equlhbrlum. With' the reactor stable f 'at least two minuteswlthx minimal rod motion, withdraw the Safety R6d it approximately, the new target,height.

. The reactivity change should take place in one continuous pull. When you release the UP button do oi 'adjust the height. Leave it wherever it was when you stopped. ' ' ' " *''6 Allow tle power 'level to increase one fiull range on the linear channel so that the "prompt jump" is gone. When the: linear channel auto-rariges to the 250-wntt scale, arm the period timer with its red button; the green armed LED will come on.' When the linear channel crosses 30%, the timer will start.

34.7.4'9.9 When linear channel ~crosses 81.5%, the timer will stop and indicate the "period in milliseconds. ' . " ' After'power exceeds 82%°of 250-watts and the timer stops, return the power level to 5 watts by,-lowering Shim Rod. ', '

" Do not reposition the Safety, Rod or Reg Rod during this step! Record the period on SOP 34A:.- Record the rod positions after stabilizing at 5 watts on SOP.34A. Resetthe timer with the black button on the left of th6 display'. Remembefrto complete a Status Stamp eve'ry hour.'  :,- ' ' Repeat § to § unitil the Safety RodUP light is lit. Return the reactor to 5 watts torecord the critical ro'd height onthe Shim Rod. Thi's 'is essential for the.Shim Rod'wcrthmeasurement ' , Use a stopwatch to measure the time'it takes each rod to travel.from bottom to top, and from tbp to bottom and record th'e'ii-s'oh SOP 34A.

This is-measured using, the motor UP and motbr; DOWN lights:.:,:'

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Control -Rods Record the most recent xenon-free 5 Wand 230 kW banked rod heights.

You may use a previous operation from the Main Logbook or you may operate the reactor at 5 W and 230 kW to get very recent values. Record the date and time of each operation. There is an Excel spreadsheet on the Control Room computer and on the server called "Rod Cal." Enter the data on the tab labeled "Enter Data Here" and follow the instructions there. The new rod worth measurements are individual worksheets, and the "Print This" worksheet will calculate maximum reactivity addition rate, core excess, shutdown margin, and minimum shutdown margin. Pi'int the "Print This" tabs of the worksheet.. Record the core excess, shutdown margin, shutdown margin with the most reactive rod all the way out, and the'maximum reactivity insertion rate on SOP 34A. Tape the new rod worth charts in the back of the Main Logbook. Old rod worth charts removed from the Main Logbook should be filed in the Counting Room. Finish the'Control Rod Calibration Form'(SOP 34A) per §34.7.1.

34.7.5 Control Rod inspection , Each of the three control rods shall be visually inspected at least once every twoyears, usually'during the Januay anntill trintLnari6e. (Tech Spec F.2) Staffing isYrequired per ýOP 35 for. fuel inspection since. it is necessary to move fuel first., : . ... .

  • Theý reactor ist not shutdown Vwhile cdntrhol"lods a~re being removed'or inserted into the reactor, so a licensedoperator mustVbe at the console and` a second person must be in the facility. Since this is maintenance:on a control mechanism, the SRO must be present in the facility. Inspect one control rod at'a time and replace it into the core before going on .2 to the next one. Wear gloves and a lab coat when haindiinigthe control rods. Monitor anything that comes out of the pool f6r radioactivity. Only aluminum clad control rods are in the core, but if stainless-steel clad control rods are being inspected, there may be a sitgnificant radiation field present. In that case, the reactor shall be shutdown 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> before'control rod removal and a Radiation Work Permit (SOP 53) shall be used., Complete the Control Rod Inspection Checklist (Appendix B) while doing this procedure: Perform a Startup ,Checklist"per, SOP 20. Do not perform a core excess. Using SOP 35, move any two elements from the B-riiig or three elements of the C-ring to the fuel storage racks.

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Control Rods Unplug all three conSole-to-rod-drive motor ,plugsinside the console: J-7 (Reg Rod), J-8 (Shim Rod), and J- 10 .(Safety Rod). The. rod; UP: and DOWN lights will come on when this is done.

Rod PluyzsJ- 7, J-8, J-O 10 3 4.7.51. 1 Remove the rbd-down actuator cotter pin, nut, and actuating washer .

(located a few inches'above the water) from the pull rod. You will have to lean over the pool to do this; be carefuIl not to drop thein. The cotter pin is 'really a paperclip that has to be unbent before removing it from the small hole at the 'bottom of the pull rod. The nut and actuating washer unscrew as normal. It may be necessary to tighten the actuating: washer (the top one) a,,ittl.e bit in, order to get at the nut. You should be ableto do it allwith your fingers.. ,. . ,,,. .

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Control Rods Unplug the positioif indication -for the' rod being :removed. It-is at the potentiometer at the side of the motor. t 1 ,1 ....

K A. , " "

Rod Position Connection ,1 For the regulating rod.only, unplug the motor power, supply next to the, motor. The pool level alarm may actuate when you do this.

I. ReR Rod Power Connection 7 Remove the small Allen head 3/32-inch screws from the upper edge of each base. mount. The are locations for six screws, but normally only five are used. Do not removed the large bolts that hold the motor housing to the bridge.

'L Two Allen Head Screws Lift the rod motor off and place it on the floor. An operator must be at the console for the next steps. Lift the guide barrel up through the base mount, thereby lifting the connecting rod. This is done by reaching inside the barrel from the top and lifting up.

As the rod is raised, be sure that someone watches the UPPER part of the rod as it Revision Date: 04/14/10 Page 22 of 22

Control[ Rods approaches the region of the ceiling lights. iHave someone watch the, LOIrER part of the rod to ensure it doesn't hit other control rods or the central thimble. The operator shall log the controi rod removed from the core in black and underline in red ink in the Main Logbook. Lift the rod high enough to permit removal of the first set of three 7/16-inch bolts and nuts; this will allow the top of the rod extension to be removed. Ensure someone is holding the lower part of the control. rod when the three sets of bolts and nuts are removed, otherwise the control rod will fall onto the core.

UnboltingRod Extension , r While holding onto the control rod, pass it down through the control rod opening on the bridge and hand it out under the bridge. This will allow removal of the control rod from the pool (the ceiling is too low to pull it straight out the opening in the bridge). Be very careful not to drop the control rod. This is probably best done by one person lying on the bridge with one* hand in the control rod opening and one hand around the side of the bridge.

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Control Rods

¶ Handing the Rod Extension'Uhderthe Bridge With an ion chamber monitoring the immediate are6a, remove the control rod and lay it on a piece of absorbent paper. Inspect the control rod for scratche§;'wear, etc. Use a caliper to measure the rod diameter at the top, center, and bottom. Carefully measure the extent of any wear and compare it to previous measurements. Record observations on the Control Rod Inspection Form (Appendix C).

A standard control rod is 20 incl-e-slong and 1.25 inches in diameter. Take photographs of the rod with a ruler anhd- asign in thepicturte'saying what rod it is and the year. Store the photographs with the Control Rod Inspection Form.

Control Rod Inspection L

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Control. Rods If indication of significant distortion or deterioration is found, the element shall be replaced (Tech Spec F.2). Reinstall the rod by reversing the order of removal. First put the control rod back in the pool. While holding onto the control rod, hand it down under the bridge and pass it up through the control rod opening on' the bridge. Be very careful not to drop the control rod or to hit anything with it.. Lift the rod through the opening high enough to permit reinstallation of the first set of three 7/16-inch bolts and-nuts. Ensure someone is holding the lower part of the control rod and the upper part. If the bolts and nuts on the control rod drive shaft don't seem to fit, try rotating one of the shafts"by 18.00." Lower the rod and barrelrdown into the rod housing. Align the pull rod with the hole in the motor housing'when returning it.'

A ijinPull Rod The operator shall log the control rod installed in the core in black and underline in red ink in the Main Logbook.' . Reinstall the rod motor on the rod motor mount. Make sure the spring on the rod down limit switch is still there.

Install the small Allen head 3/32-inch screws in the upper edge of each base mount. Reinstall the rod-down actuator cotter pin,1 nut, and actuating washer (located a few inches above the water) from the pull rod. You will have to lean over the pool to do this; be careful not to drop them. Plug in the position indication for the rod. For the regulating rod only, plug in~themotor power supply. Repeat § through § forffie other two control rods.

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ContrOl Rods Reconnect all three console to rod drive motor plugs inside the console: J-7, J-8, and J-10. Adjust the micro-switches per §34.6.1. Check each rod by raising it a short distance and then releasing it by a scram. , Check the work area for contamination.

34;7:5.38 Perform §34.7:3 to veri~fy that the rod drop'time of each'control rod is acceptable.. '

34.7:5.39 Using SOP 35, Fuel inspection.return the fuel elements to the core that were refriived in r34.7.5.9t....

l thcrh Perform a control rod calibration per §34.71. Complete the second part of theControl Rod Inspection Checklist (SOP 34B). .

34.7.6 Calibrating Auto Demand" This procedure describes how to calibrate Auto Demand so that the setting *>-

on the demand potentiometer matches, the corn'esponding reading -on the Linear Channel. A startup checklist is not required for this procedure., Turn on console power and note this action in ithe Main'Logbook.' Conndctia voltmeter to the testpositions on the auto rod control circuit board. The negative probe goes to TP '10 (.which is black);' the positive'probe goes to TP 2 (which is red). .'

CC Dial in 20% on the demand potentiometer.

K... Place the LinearChannel inCiirrent mode and adjustit to 20% of any range. Adjust R1 Yon the auto rod conitrol circuit board 0 VDC. Dial in 96% on the demand potentiometer.. Place.the Linear Channel in Current mode'and adjust it to 96% of 'any range. Adjust R8 on the auto rod conro circuitboard to read 0 VDC..v Repeat steps to until both values are less than 0.1 VDC. Disconnect the voltmeter. - If desired, turn off console power and "notethi"action in the Main Logbook. If the calibration was done for the Semiannual Checklist, record the date on the checklist. Otherwise, log the calibration in the Main Logbook and Maintenance Logbook.

Revision Date: 04/14/10 Page 26 of 26

Control1Rods 34.8 TROUBLESHOOTING" . ,

34.8.1 Inoperable Control Rod If the source interlock light is lit: , 7 Ensure the neutron source is in the core by visual observation in the Reactor Reset the log channel-trips. To reset.the log channel, place it in testaatHi, 'D Current, and press the reset button, then return it to operate. This is necessary because although the signal is high enough so that the source interlock will not frip; the normal reading is not'high enoighi to resef the trip- a higher signal is necessary. . If the reg rod won't move: " . "i: ... '

  • Ensure that Rod Control i's 'n6' ih"Auto.' . . ' ,'i If the yellow magnet power "ON" lights are not lit:
  • Ensure that console power is on. ..
  • Ensure.that the key is inserted and fully-turned to.the,'"operate" position.,
  • Ensure that all 'the Scrams are reset, indcudinfgthe' red-, 6es 6n the Linalar and Percent Power modules. . ., ,, . .. ,

O See if the ON light bulb is burnt out byp xchangingit. with the button for a rod that does work. Instructionsrfor removing consolebuttons are in §34.6.4.-If the light bulb is burnt out, replace it per §34.6.4. .. , If a rod moves up a few percent and stops:,

  • If a rod moyes up a few percent.and. stops when the "DOWN" light turns off, the limit switches are probably misaligned. This can be verified because the C J blue-"CONT'%light 'will also turn-off when the Whi.te "DOWN" turis off.

The problem is that the motor do;wnlimit sw'itch cleared. before the rod down limit switch, cleared, so the rod circuitry, tried to drive in the' motor. When you release the "UP" button, the motor will drive to the bottomand the "DOWN" and "CONT" lights will. both turn on.'

To'co-rect this prdblem, you will have to adjust'the limij switches per §34.6.1.

Be careful since you will have to use metal tools-and the circuit boards on the top. of the rod motors are exposed and energize, ...

. . . ',! . 3! 3 * .. ' ,.* ." " , "

Revision Date: 04/14/10 Page 27;of 27


i~j Control Rod Calibration Form IM :

Date: 4-- X. Operator Names: 9C-A L{-.s-,-,O

-110A 6ýWkAj /" rQ(A-JkYL ICAQ-,J nb". K.14 V


Preliminary No operations above 5 watts for 48 hour5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />s: B/S Startup Checklist Complete: [41]

Rod Position Indication is accurate with +/-0.5% of full motion: LVJ Rod drop times are less than 1 second for full motion: [Al

  • As Found DOWN light lit UP light lit Rod Indication Multitrend Rod Indication I Multitrend Safety Rod {0. i-0,_ .5 Shim Rod aIo',.Z gc3 Reg Rod ___,_o _, 5 q Q_. o, t, As Left DOWN light lit (0.0-0.5%) UP light lit (99.5-100.5%)

Rod Indication Multitrend Rod Indication Multitrend Safety Rod 0 .Ly -oo-o 100.0 Shim Rod O. 0 uOUMa, 6oo.O IOU,, _

RegRod 0,0 0,6 1jjj Ytoo.j 1"10O,)

Withdrawal Insertion Drop time Time (s) Time (s) (ms)

Safety Rod +-1 0, 4-5,05 1 C-4 Shim Rod 7. .. ._

Reg Rod __ _ ._____,

Period Timer Calibrated at 30% and 81.5% of Linear Channel: [___/

Voltage Reading with Linear at 30% T4 ""Ve C4:r7- voc 80% A C Period Timer Connected to Linear Channel: ___.

Revision Date: 08/31109 Page 1 of 4 C4 (w 0 4- -'


7 fr M . Control, Rod Calibration.Form Reg Rod Calibration

  • Target,, Actual ,, Peri l'd , Height-when back down at 5 Watts Reg Rod. Reg Rod (ms) and'stable for > 2 min.

After Pull After Pull Safety Shim Sq.~ 01

41 I:1 & 0 "O 1


55 552, qo3,,,

.61 Q5 67 0 q 74 h4 _ _ _

81- 0f, a4~~k 4 " .* ,

UP Light 62.1Z5 2-OI _____ (,2 Revision Date: 08/31/09 Page 2 of 4

Control Rod Calibration Form Safety and Shim Rod Calibration If it is a different day than the RegRod Calibration No operations above 5 Watts for 48 hour5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />s:-...

[ *]

Startup Checklist Complete:

Rod Position Indication is accurate with +/-:0.5% offull motion: i [

Period Timer Calibrated at 30% and 81.5% of Linear Channel: [. ]

Voltage'Reading with Linear at 30%-- ,DC S "' *:'- 80%0/6 "' VDC .

Period Timer Connected to Liinear Channel ..- ... [ ],.* *1. .

S f ._"_ d 'Shim Rod Reg Rod Initial data when stiable"at 5 Watts aey' (attop) . (attop) for at least 2 minutes o. 77,. .. 0 uo Target Actual. erShiio Height'when Safety Rod - Safety Rod e 0. 5 *Watts After Pull After:Pull (ins) and stable for

  • 2 min 53 T 56 `53 A.3 59 5c')3 ,
62. "4  % -7 I.-

.66 ,-. 0 69 6,3~6__

  • 2 72,-IL "37 ": ,__.,

75 __ _ _ -e-- Oct V

...86 .t"{ r 892

..8 q 03io(0I 0 ,: .. *' , , ' * ...

90 'I D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

95 qS. I I qý7 q _3 go, 50 UP Light . 1 "C-7 ___-_______ q'_____

You must drive the Shim Rod in to stabilize at 5 watts after Safety Rod is at the Top!

Revision Date: 08/31/09 "ýPage 3 of 4

10'a 1. Control Rod Calibration Form Concluding Analysis Data entered in spreadsheet and checked: [A Rod Worths printed and taped in back of main logbook:

Core Excess: i2 2 5 %Ak/k)* +,/cl1.j /,

Shutdown Margin: 5A6, _ 0-.7 %Ak/k)

  • 1_ 4q 0?7 Maximum reactivity addition rate: -,6 4'(<'<0.1.2 %Ak/k/s) ,.


ate Supervisor review , ,

S..- , .Datea Revision Date: 08/31/09 Page 4 of 4

l OOnlyh--- i ýY ..ha..

..*change ...thh..e..

n ...... x.. .....

... ... ... . . ............... w e.!..'.. ......... . . . ........ . . . . . .---.. . . . . . . .*.. ............... i.............. v.,..............*s ..................... .

yelwcls Versionl 201003151..

  • Tee sheets assume that you-calibrated the Safety..Rcd and used the simultaneous" Inserted" data to di If that is not the case and you calibrated the Shim Rod separately, You will have to enter that data intl

--Check the equations for Integral and Differential Rod Worth onec of the Rod's sheets:and Banked

. .When you are done, review all the sheets to make sure they are correct and print the sheets labeled "Pr Reg Rod Height After Period

.........s)..............s................................................. p .. (. .... .... ........  :...........................

14-Jan-10 .............. .. Target ..... .......

... ............... Actual --------- --------- .......... ..  ;-.......


Start at bottom ........ 0.0 . . . .... . . . ..

............... ................. ; . .. ...S25 ................... ......... ...


.. ............32002 9 9.ii....................... ............ . . . . . ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . i. . . . . . . . .....

. , . . . . 33..0, i -"............ ..484919..:

. . . . 8. 6 .... . . . . . . . . .....*....... i....*.................................

............ .. 4 8................ 47 .3 48........................

.................... 7 8 08.2:.T.". ........................................

1 ......

  • 55.... ....


" .655".2 .5... ....

61'.0, , : -:"

.i: ....

640034 .....

  • s........

s 2.........


-.............................. I

i.......  :;.. . . . . .. .....

.................................. . . . . . . . . 67 ' .............


i. . . . . . 6I 68.5 74.2 L-........... - 82783 47048 0 8...... ...,. . ... . . . . . . . . .'. .... . .!.......

__ _ _ _ _ _ . . i.i. . . ................. . . . . . . . . . . .

........................................... . . . . . . . . 881.9........................ ............ 79.8 .1.9 . . . . . . . . 112045 3. 8.

... 3...

89 89 .9 . 63483-ý, ................... ------------ __

.. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. . . . ...................................... . .............. : :.. . . . . . . ......... ........... * ....... i............... . .... ,i hi .......... '........................... .

I .~ Shim Period Shim Height Height- Period

....... ........................... Safety Height after pull - (ms) after stable after pull i(ms) 4 14-Jan-10 Target - -

Actual - 53 49.9 K 100.0 49.2

. . . . 53.6 37233 88.9 50.5 165529 56.3 3 53119

............................ 123398 56 83.2 52.0 59

62. i 59.3 62.4 . 50851..... .50344 i 78.3 ...

74.1  !

53.9 56.7 i 103361


.............. :............................. ............... 66................ . . . . .............. * ... ................... 69.................................... .............. ................

66__ 66.0__ _ _ 4 5 16 .7 __ 58.8 8..540*6**

69 769.4*.............. 051506 7 - .................

. . .*. . . . . . . . . .i. . . . i. . . . . .60.9 66.3 . . . . ................... . *84510....

.......... 72

.......................................................... 72.3 .667373 0 ......................

3 63.6 "6"0.9.......................... ........... 663.6 6............3-'"6 64073 "73"7 3 8"" ...............

78 * .............. 878.6 i ;8 ............. ] 84510, 5 66.............................. 58.8 T.......

  • 69.7i........... ]..............
  • 8 51506

........................................... .................882*.. . . . . . . .......... ----------- 81.8 * . . . . . . . . ............. 85406. . . . .... . . . . . . . . .56.7

. . ............. ... . . . ------- .74.18i* ...... ] 42581 5 "

  • i ..

86 90 "90.6 86.5 58161 103361 53.9 52.0 78.3 83.2 50851 50344

......... ...... .......... ............... i.. . . . . . .9. .5. . . . . .... i . . 3. . . .9. . . T . . . .s0 . . . . 5 . . . .*. . . i........!.. . . . . 8 89............ 5 i9...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 95 ................... ...................

9 .....................

95.1 123398

. . . . i............ i.....i......i* : ----------

50.5 88.9

. . . ** *.. 53119 UP Light 99.7 165529 4.2 10-0.0 37233 Withdrawal Critical Banked Rod Time (secs) Power Height _ __

Safe 47.68 230 kW i 94 After being shutdown for, Shim ..................

.................................. 77.30 6....... 0..................

....................... 5W 72 After being shutdown for, Reg 36.10

  • i........ ...................................................... ......

Max Reactivity Max Reactivity Max Reactivity Less than 4: .Wlm Addition Rate Addition Rate Addition Rate 0.12% Ak/k/s?

W$1%O , ($/sec) (% Ak/k/s)

Safety 0.04752 0.100 0.047 OK

,him 0.04579 0.059 0.044 OK C Reg 0.01989 0.055 0.041 OK Heiqht with Total Core Cafeit-v TIM U..


.. tJI td I lvrt-cc Safety 49.9 $3.31 $1.66 Shim 100 $3.27 $0.00 Reg 100 11.34 I __ _--

$0.00 I _ - -

$7.92 $1.66 Shutdowm Margin $6.26 4.69%

Minimum Shutdowm Margin $2.94 2 . 2 1%

Core Excess Less Than 2.25%/6/Ak/k ($3) OK SDM Greater Than 0.7%/Ak/k ($0.93) OK Min SDM Greater Than 0.4%/Ak/k ($0.53) OK Heiqht with, Total Core Shirri IN .. Worth Excess Safety 1uo $3.31 $U.UU Shim 50.5 $3.27 -$1.66 Reg 100 $1.34 $0.00

$7.92 $1.66 Shutdowm Margin $6.26 .4.69%

Minimum Shutdowm Margin .".$2.94 2 2 1%/

Core Excess Less Than 2.250/o/Ak/k ($3) OK SDM Greater Than 0.7%/Ak/k ($0.93) OK Min SDM Greater Than 0.4 0/o/Ak/k ($0.53) OK Cut this out and tape it on the console faceplate:

Jan-2010 Approximate Values kW O/% of Range Rod Height Core Excess 230 92 94 $0.16 200 80 90 $0.35 175 70 ,i86 $0.52

.150 60 84 $0.68 125 50 81 $0.84 100 40 79 $1.01 75 30 78 $1.17.

50 20 76 $1.33 1 40Q 72 $1.65 20100315 0.005 20 72 $1.66 Verson

Safety 1/14/10 X-*3 x^2 x const Ensure these numbers mal Integral 5.4990E-06 -8.2020E-04 -6.1021E-03.' 3;3138E+00 the equation on the graph y = 5.4993E-06x 3

- 8.2024E-04x 2 - 6.1006E-03x + 3.3138E+0, , -0' 3.5 T 3,0 2,5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 xA3 xA2 x i const " Ensure these n umbers ma.

Differential -1.8840E-08 -1.6096E-05 1.7998E-0,Q3-. 9.2888'E-05'the-equation on the graph' y -1.8840E-08x 3

- 1.6096E-05x 2 + 1.7998EL03x + 9.2888Ef-05*,""' 3,- .

0.0 " .. - ....

0.0 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Safe Height Period (sec) Reactivity Reactivity ($) Integral ($) Midpoint Additioli after pull (Ak/k) Rate $/%01 0.0 ol 3.31 0.0 0.000'0 49.9 37.2 0.001294 0.1725 1.66 51.8 0.0466 0.1365' 1.49 55.0 0.0506 53.6 53.1 0.001024 56.3 50.3 0.001062 0.1416.. 1.35 57.8 0.0472 59.3 50.9 .0.001055 0.1406 1.21 60.9 0.0454 62.4 42.6 0.001187 0.1583 1.07 64.2 0.0440 0.001046 *0.1394. 0:91 67.7 .0.. 0:0410 66.0 51.5 69.4 67.4 0.000866 0.1155 0.77 70.9 0.0398 72.3 64.1 0.000898 0.1197 0.66 74.1 0.0342 75.8 84.5 0,000732 0.0976 0.54 77.2 0.0349 78.6 85.4 0.000726 0.0968 0.44 80.2 0.0303 81.8 58.2 0.000961 0.1282 0.34 84.2 0.0273 86.5 103.4 0.000627 0.0836 0.21 88.6 0.0204 90.6 123.4 0.000544 0.0726 0.13 92.9 0.0161 95.1 165.5 0.000427 0.0569 0.06 97.4 0.0124 99.7 0.0000 0.00 99.9 0.0000 100.0 0.00 100.0 0.0000

4 %.,

Shim 1/14/10.

xA3 "t XA2 x const: Ensure these numbers match Integral 5.2323E-06 -7.7924E-04 -7.0764E-03 3.2681E+00 the equation on the graph be y = 5.2322E-06X3 -7.7922E-04X 2 - 7.0770E-03x + 3.2681E+00 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 i.0 0.5 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 . 50 - . 60 70 80 90 100

x 3 'x A,2 .. , .

const Ensure these numbers match Differential -- 3.1619E-08 -'-1.3508E-05;' `1.6679E-03 2.5385E-05 the equation on the graph 6e 3

-3.1670E-08x - 1.3501E-05x 2 + 1.6677E-03x'4 2.544 zOC-UD 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 10 20 30 , 40 50 1. 60 . 70 80 90 100 Shim Height Period (sec) Reactivity Reactivity ($) Integral ($) Midpoint Addition Rate before pull (Ak/k). $/0/0 0.0 01 3.271 0.0 0.0000 49.2 165.53 0.000427; 0.0569 1.66 49.9 0.0438 50.5 123.40 0.000544 0.0726 1.60 51.3 0.0484 52.0 103.36 0.000627 0.0836 , , 1.53 53.0 0.0440 53.9 58.16 0.000961 0.1282 . 1.45 .55.3 0.0458 56.7 85.41 0.000726 0.0968 .1.32 57.8 0.0461 58.8 84.51 0.000732 0.0976 1.22 59.9 0.0465 60.9 64.07 0,000898. 0.1197 1.12

  • 62.3 -0.0443 63.6 67.37 0.000866 0.1155 1.00 65.0 0.0428 66.3 51.51 0.001046 0.1394 , 0.89 68.0 0,0410 69.7 42.58 0.001187 0.1583 0.75 71.9 0.0360 74.1 50.85 0.001055 0.1406 ., 0.59 76.2 0.0335 78.3 50.34 0.001062 0.1416 0.45 80.8 0.0289 83.2 53.12 0.001024 0.1365 0.31 86.1 0.0240 88.9 37.23 0.001294 0.1725 0.17 94.5 0.0155 100.0 0.00 100.0 0.0000 100.0 0.00 100.0 0.0000

1/14/10 xA,3 XA2 x const ,Ensure these numbers matcl Integral 2.5749E-06 -4.1326E-0 )4 2.2193E-03 1.3358E+00 the equation on the graph be y = 2.5749E-06x 3 - 4.1326E-04x 2 + 2.2193E-03x + i.3358E+00 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6.

0.4 0.2 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 '50 60 70 80 .90 100 Reg xA3 x/^2 x const Ensure these numbers matct Differential -5.9206E-08 -119526E- 5.8825E-04 -4.4294E-05 the equation on the graph be y = -3.9206E-08x 3 - 1.9526E-06x 2 + 5.8825E-04x - 4 .4294E:-05, - . i I, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Midpoint Addition Rate Reg Height Period (sec) Reactivity Reactivity ($) Integral ($)

after pull (Ak/k) $10/0 0.0 0 1.34 0.0 0.0000 26.3 32.00 0.001421 0.1894 1.15 13.2 0.0072 33.0 84.92 0.000729 0.0973 1.05 29.7 0.0145 41.3 47.80 *0.001100 0.1466 0.90 37.2 0.0177 47.3 78.08 ,0.000777 0.1036 0.80 44.3 0.0173 55.2 40.03 0.001235 0.1647 0.64 51.3 0.0209 61.0 65.25 0.000886 0.1182 0.52 58.1 0.0204 68.5 47.05 0.001112 0.1482 0.37 64.8 0.0198 74.2 82.78 *0.000744 0.0992 0.27 71.4 0.0174 79.8 112.05 0.000588 0.0784 0.19 77.0 0.0140 89.9 63.48 0.000904 0.1205 0.07' 84.9 0.0119 0.0712 100.0 126.22 '0.000534 0.00 95.0 0.0071 100.0 0.00 100.0 0.0000 100.0 0.00 100.0 0.0000 100.0 0.00 100.0 0.0000

Reed Research Reactor Safety Analysis Report

1. The Facility ..............................................................................
2. Site Characteristics .................................................................
3. Design Of Structures, Systems, and Components ................
4. Reactor Description .................................................................
5. Reactor Coolant Systems ........................................................
6. Engineered Safety Features ....................................................
7. Instrumentation and Control Systems ..................................
8. Electrical Power Systems ........................................................
9. Auxiliary Systems ....................................................................
10. Experimental Facilities and Utilization ................................
11. Radiation Protection and Waste Management .....................
12. Conduct of Operations ............................................................
13. Accident Analysis ....................................................................
14. Technical Specifications .................. ..................................
15. Financial Qualifications ..........................................................
16. Other License Conditions .......................................................
17. Environmental Report ............................................................
18. Radiation Protection Plan .................................................
19. Requalification Plan ................................................................
20. Fire Plan ...................................................................................
21. Administrative Procedures .....................................................

Chapter 1 The Facility Reed Research Reactor Safety Analysis Report

t' .* . . ' . :, ý , iý ,

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- I , , 4  : o '

I I 'I *

    • .1, I -

Ii * *.

Chapter 1 The Facility Table of Contents 1 The Facility ............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Summary & Conclusions on Principal Safety Considerations ........................ 2 1.2.1 Safety Considerations ................................................................................. 2 1.2.2 Consequences of Normal Operations ........................................................ 3 1.2.3 Consequences of Potential Accidents ........................................................ 4 1.3 General Description of the Facility ...................................................................... 4 1.3.1 Geographical Location ............................................................................... 4 1.3.2 Principal Characteristics of the Site .......................................................... 4 1.3.3 Principal Design Criteria;,Operating-Characteristics, & Safety Systems ........ 5 1.3.4 Engineered Safety Features ........................................................................ 5 1.3.5 Instrumentation and Control (I&C) and Electrical Systems ....................... 5 Reactor Control System ................................................................ 6 Radiation Safety Monitoring Systems .......................................... 8 E lectrical Power ............................................................................ 8 Reactor Protection System ............................................................ 8 1.3.6 Reactor Coolant and Other Auxiliary Systems .......................................... 8 Reactor Coolant System ............................................................... 8 Secondary Cooling System .......................................................... 9 M akeup .......................................................................................... 9 1.3.7 Radioactive Waste Management and Radiation Protection ....................... 9 Gaseous W aste .............................................................................. 9 L iquid W aste ................................................................................ 9 Solid W aste ................................................................................... 9 1.3.8 Experimental Facilities and Capabilities ................................................. 10 Central Thimble .......................................................................... 10 Rotary Specimen Rack ................................................................. 10 Pneumatic Specimen Tube .......................................................... 10 1.4 Shared Facilities and Equipment ...................................................................... 10 1.5 Comparison with Similar Facilities ................................................................... 11 1.6 Summary of Operations ...................................................................................... 12 1.7 Compliance with Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 .................... 13 1.8 Facility Modifications and History ................................................................... 13 1.9 References ................................................................................................................ 13

.1 ~. ~ -

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I :1.:

1 THE FACILITY 1.1 Introduction This safety analysis report supports an application to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) by Reed College for the utilization of a TRIGA-fueled research reactor. The reactor is owned and operated by Reed College for the purpose of performing neutron irradiation services for a wide variety of scientific applications. The reactor is known as the Reed Research Reactor (RRR). The license number is R-1 12, Docket 50-288.

The Reed Research Reactor (RRR) is owned and operated by Reed College, a private undergraduate educational institution located in Portland, Oregon. The reactor was obtained in 1968 through a grant from the -United States, Atomic Energy Commission and is currently operated under Nuclear Regulatory Commission License R- 112 and the regulations of Chapter 1, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations. The facility supports education and training, research, and public service activities. The reactor is in a building constructed for that purpose and which is situated Psychology Building near the southeast comer of the Reed College campus in southeast Portland. The a campus has approximately 1,300 students while the city of Portland has approximately 560,000 people, as described in Chapter 2, Site Characteristics.

This report is based on the Safety Analysis Report, Reed Reactor Facility for operation of the reactor at 250 kW thermal power. The RRR is a non-pulsing reactor.

This report addresses safety issues associated with operation ofthe reactor at steady-state power levels up to 250 kW. This report reflects the as-built condition of the facility, and includes experience with the operation and performance of the reactor, radiation surveys, and personnel exposure histories related to operations to a maximum of 250 kW steady-state power. The consequence of routine generation of radioactive effluent and other waste products from steady-state operation is addressed in Chapter 11, Radiation Protection and Waste Management. Radiation worker and public doses from radiation associated with routine operations are well within the limits of Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, even under extremely conservative scenarios. The consequence of accident scenarios is presented in Chapter 13, Accident Analysis. The consequences of accidents postulated to occur under extremely conservative conditions are well within limits.

Therefore, analysis demonstrates that there is still a "reasonable assurance that the reactor can be operated at the designated location without undue risk to the health and safety of the public."

The description of the reactor core and thermal hydraulic analysis presented in Chapter 4, Reactor Description, the Secondary Cooling System in Chapter 5, Reactor Coolant Reed Research Reactor 1-1 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER 1 Systems, and the Reactor-Control System in Chapter 7; Instrumentation and Control Systems are based on 250 kW operations.

Throughout the document most measurements have been metric equivalents, i.e., listing the dimensions in centimeters in addition to inches., Since the facility was constructed using traditional unit, these are generally the correct one. The metric equivalents are included as an aid to understanding.

1.2 Summar &Conclusions on Princ al:Safety Considerations' Design basis parameters of the RRR are (1) power level and (2) fuel loading required to achieve desired power., ,Limits on the, amount of.fuelloaded in the 0core and ,on-the maximum, power level ensurethe inherently safe reactor..,,:

1.2.1 Safety Considerations ..

As of July.2007, there,,we~eover, seventy TRIGAO reactors in, use oý .under construction at universities, government-andindustriallakbaratories, and medical centers ino24 countries.,

Historically, analysis and testing of TR!GAI fuel has demonstrated that fuel. cladding, integrity is not challenged as: long as, stress on the cladding remains.within yield strength.

for the cladding temperature. Elevated TRIGAO fuel temperature.s evolve hydrogen from.

the zirconium matrix, with concomitant pressure buildup in the cladding. Therefore, the strength of the clad as a function of temperature establishes the upper limit on power.

Powerless than limiting values will ensure clad integrity [1] and, therefore, contain the, radioactive materials that, are produced by fission-in the reactor core..

As a natural-convection cooled system, heat.removal capacity is well defined as long as the primary coolant is sub-cooled, restricting, potential for film.boiling. Limiting the potential for film boiling assures that fuel and.clad temperatures are not capable of, .

challenging cladding-integrity. The maximum heat generated within afuel element and the bulk water temperature determine the propensity for film boilinig. The design. basis analysis in Chapter 4, Reactor Description, indicates that steady-state operation at power levels greater than 250 kW in natural. convective -flow will not lead to film boiling.

Negative fuel temperature feedback, inherently limits the operation of the, reactor.

Increases in fuel' temperature, associated with operation-at-power regulate, the maximum possible steady-state power, as described in Chapter 4, Reactor Description. This chapter also shows that the negative temperature coefficient is a.function of the fuel composition and core geometry. Within established core systems, the negative 'temperature coefficient is rather constant! with temperature. Excess fuel (above the amount'required to establish a critical condition). is required to overcome the negative temperature feedback'as operation at power. causes the fuel to heat up. Consequently, maximum possible, power using Reed Research Reactor 1-2 ... . July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

THE FACILITY TRIGA fuel is controlled by limiting the amount-of fuelloading. Limitson total fuel loading and excess reactivity ensure that the maximum power level will not lead-to.

conditions under which design basis temperatures are possible.

1.2.2 Consequences of Normal Operations As indicated in Chapter 11, Radiation Protection and Waste Management, radiation sources are discharged from the reactor facility in gaseous (airborne), liquid or solid form. These forrms are treated individually ,n isubsections of Chapter i Airborne radiation sources consist mainly of argon-41 and nitrogen-1 6,,,with argon-41 the major contributor to off-site dose. Limits on argon-41 are tabulated in Appendix B of 10 CFR Part 20.

A general limit onoff-site doses fromgaseous effluents is also contained in 10CFR20.1101. Radiation. protection programs,:effec'tiVely.establishing,aI limit of 10 mrem per year to the public from radon-222 and its progeny.

Argon-41 is the major contributor to radiation exposure incident td'ti~e operati6h of thie RRR. Argon-41 is attributed to neutron activation of natural argon (in air) in the reactor bay atmosphere, rotaiy' specinieii rack adjhcednt to the'core ,drdissol~d in primary' coolant. Argon-41 has a 1l.8-hour half-life' Calculations in Chapter' Ilbased'on 250 kW steady-state continuotisoperations" show ihat doses iii the reactdr'bay'remain below.

inhalation DAC. A full-year'exp6suie to equilibrium argon' contcentratiola*for 250 kW operations under norrial atmospheric conditiofis would lead,to a dose less than the applicable limhits. *'

Nitrogen- 16 is the'rnaj or contributor: to-radiationfields directly over the :reactor pool during operation. Nitrogen:il 6 is produced by a fast neutron reaction with oxygen (as a.

natural component of water in the core). Nitrogen-16 has a 7.1-second half-life, and consequently' does riot'remain' at concentrations' capable of contributing significantly to off-site dose. Chapter 11ishow's that radiation' doe rates directly above the reactor pool during expected operations at levels'uli ti 250 kW are within required leVels'for a radiation area as defined in 10 CFR'Part 20. Installed' ionitoring-systems'provide.

information necessary to identify' appropriate access controls.

No liquid radioactive material is routinely produced by the normal operation of the RRR except for miscellaneous neutron activation product impurities in the primary coolant.

Non-routine liquid radioactive contamination may be produced during decontamination or maintenance activities (such as resin changes). There are no drains in the reactor bay, and any liquid-radioactive waste is absorbed into ,a Solid medium (e.g., -a paper towel or other absorbent) and'shipped off-site for burial. ' "'  : '

Most of the impurities found, in the primary cooling system are deposited in. the mechanical fitter and demineralizer resins:: Therefore, these materials af'e dealt with as solid waste. The only 'radionuclides observed are trace quantities of cesiu'm-i 37; cobalt-Reed Research Reactor 1-3 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER1 60, etc. Even unfiltered, untreated primary coolani would meet the liquid effluent limit without further dilution. .

1.2.3 ý'Conseqences of Potential Acizden`ts Chapter 13, Accident Analysis, recognizes three classes of accidents for which analysis is required; The maximum hypothetical accident:(MHA) is a fuel element failure with maximum release of fission product inventory, from. which the'radioactive materials can migrate into the environment. Complete'loss of coolant from, the reactorlpool is the.".

second accident analyzed,. The 'final. accidentis an insertion'of the' maximum available positive reactivity. Analysis demonstiates ihe consequence;s' of these *reactoraccidents'are-acceptable, i.f,

-and,f ,idoses to ',the public

f. " :"

are i

well, below,if. limits". established- by 10 CFR. Part 20..

'i i.f; ' * '

1. General Descriptin, of the,Faciity 1.3.1 Geographical Location

)i . , . 'if i.'

The reactor is located on the campus of Reed College, in the City of Portland,.in Multnomah County, Oregon. The licensee controls access to Reed College facilities and infrastructure. City and college maps are supplied in. Chapter 2, Site: Characteristics. The reactor is located of the Psychology building. Latitude and longitude, building plans, universal Transverse Mercator coordinates, population details, etc. are provided in Chapter 2. i' if " if .- i" "

The operations boundary of the reactor facility encompasses the reactor room and' control room. The site boundary encompasses the entire building and 250 feet (76 m) from the.

center of the reactor pool, including the Psychology and Chemistry buildings.

1.3.2 Principal Characteristics of the Site' . ' if" - ' i "

The Portland terraces; which compose the, largest physiographic subunit in the East Portland, area, were formed' by the anicestral Columbia and Willamfiette Rivers during'. a time when: the rivers were flowing at higher"levels than at present. Most ofit4he 'East '.,

Portland area is underlain by bedro&k of the Troutdale formation. The depth of bedrock at the reactor site is unknown but it may' be hundreds of feet. A boring,' 47 feet deep, was made at the reactor site; and itwas found that-the Subsurface materials at this siteI are sand and silt*representing lake' orfluvial deposition:' The water Table in the test boring was observed to stand at a depth of 46 feet. Temperatures andweather- patitrns are mild at the reactor site; hurricanes, tornadoes, and sieches are not considered credible.

The local seismological conditions in the neighborhood of the site are generally favorable. No fault is known to exist near the site. However, following the practice of Reed Research Reactor 1-4 ý July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

THE FACILITY Portland architects the construction of the, building and. reactor pit were designed to. resist lateral forces of Zone II as specified in the Unif6rm Building Code.

1.3.3 Principal Design Criteria, Operating Characteristics, & Safety Systems The RRRTRIGA reactor is a water-moderated, water-cooled thermal reactor operated in an open below-ground construction pool. The reactor'is fueled, with heterogeneous elements!,clad with, aluminum or stainless steel, consisting of nominally 20% enriched uranium in a zirconium hydride matrix. In 1.968,`theRRR TRIGAO*.was licensed to.

operateat: a steady-state thermal. power of 250 kW. Applicationis made concurrently.,

with this license renewal to operate up to a maximum steady-state, thermal power level.of.

250 kW. Reactor cooling is by natural convection. The 250 kW-core consists typically of 64 fuel elements, each containing as much as grams of uranium-235. The reactor core is in the form of a right circular cylihderff ab61rt radis ahd depth, positioned with axis vertical on one focus of a 10 foot (3 m) by 15 foot (4.6 m) tank with a 5 foot (1.5 m) radius on each long end. Criticality is controlled and shutdown margin assured by three control rods in the 'f6rii6f a'uliiirinm rrstainless-steel clad boron carbide or borated graphite. A sectional view of a typical TRIGA reactor is shown inFigure 1.1* - . ,L.

1.3.4 Engineered Safety Features The design of the RRR TRIGA, licensed in 1968, imposed no requirements for engineered safety features. As discussed in Chapter 13, Accident Analysis, and from previous, analysis, neither forced-cooling flow-nor. shutdown emergency. core- cooling is.,

required for operation at. steady-state thermal power, as high as 1,900 kMW, a large margin over the 250 kW steady-state operations,. ,.

1.3.5 Instrumentation and Control (I&C) and Electrical Systems Instruments and controls are described, in Chapter 7, Instrumentation and Control.

Systems, with the electrical power system. describedin Chapten 8, Electrical Power Systems. The reactor instrument and control systems include the reactor control system, process instruments, reactor protection, system, and radiation safety monitoring systems.,

As previously noted, there are no engineered safety featuresat the RRR and, therefore, no associated instrumentation. The bulk of,the reactor instrumentation and control systems are hard-wired analog systems (primarily manufactured by General Atomics) and widely used at.various NRC-licensed.facilities. - .. . .

Reed Research Reactor 1-5 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER1 Reactor Control System The reactor control system includes the mechanical and electrical systems for control rod drives and instruments that monitor control rod position. Each control rod can be independently manipulated by pushbutton console controls. One control rod can be operated in an automatic mode to regulate reactor power according to the linear channel and period feedback. The power meters provide interlocks for rod control and scram capability. A scram can also be actuated manually via a button on the console.

Three neutron detection instruments measure reactor power separately: a wide-range logarithmic channe!, a multi-range, linear channel, and a percent power channel. These provide at least two indications of reactor power from source range to power range. The nuclear instruments of the reactor protection system are integrated into the reactor control system through the automatic power level control system and through rod control interlocks. Since the core is cooled by natural convection, no engineered safety features are necessary for safe reactor shutdown.

Reed Research Reactor 1-6 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report


MI-! 15'e Figure 1.1 Cutaway View of Typical TRIGA Reactor Reed Research Reactor 1-7 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER 1 Radiation Safety Monitoring Systems Radiation monitors are installed to monitor radiological conditions at the facility.

One monitor is stationed. at the southwest side of the pool, with a 2 mR/hr alarm.

A continuous air monitor measures*radioactive particulates in the bay and will trip ventilation isolation when alarmed. Ventilation is described in Chapter 9, Auxiliary Systems. Electrical Power Primary electrical power is. provided through the Reed College; power , grid, supplied by commercialgenerdtors. Loss 'ofelectfical p*dwer fWill: de-energize the control rod drives, causing the rods to fall by gravity into the core and placing the reactor in a, subcritical configuration. Since the .core is cooled by natural.

convection, no emergency power is required for reactor cooling systems. Loss of electrical power, does not represent a potential hazard to the reactor. Backup battery systems"-di&e 'irO1vided }'oir iequii'ed erniergency lighting -


  • " *..... . i.... *..... *,:.*.:. . .:.,.., Reactor Protection System The reactor protection system is designed to ensure reactor 'and personnel safety by initiating a scram if the reactor exceeds operating parameters. Two power meters can initiate a' scram if measured poder exceeds 110% oflicensed power. A bar above the control rod drive switches aIIows the srafm systern to be actuated manually by the reaict6r operator at the cdotrols.

1.3.6 Reactor Coolant and Other Auxiliary Systems The reactor coolant and auxiliary systems are very :simple in design and operation.

Detailed descriptions of the coolant and auxiliary systems equipment and operation are provided in Chapters 4, 5, and 13 of this report.,Reactor Coolant System, ' .

During -full power. operation, the nuclear. fuel elements in the reactor. core are cooled by natural convection, of the.primary, tank water. To. remove the bulk heat to the en'vironment, the primary' water, is Circulated through a heat exchanger where. the heat is transferred to a secondary cooling loop. A cleanup loop, maintains primary water purity with alfilter and demineralizer to minimize' corrosion and production of long-lived radionuclides that could otherwise occur.

The primary coolant provides shielding directly above the reactor core.

Reed Research Reactor 1-8

  • July 2010.

Safety Analysis Report

THE FACILITY Secondary Cooling System The secondary cooling system provides the interface for heat rejection. from the primary coolant system to the environment. The secondary system is an open system, with the..secondary, pump dischargingthrough a primary7 to-secondary heat exchanger, then through a forced-draft cooling tower. Makeup Makeup water is provided from the municipal water supply and is normally run through a purification filter before being, added,to the pool. Secondary makeup water comes directly. from._the municipal water, supply.

1.3.7 RadioactFve Waste M anagemient, S. . , ,. ' . . . ' I ; t 1:

and Radiation Protection

! * . * ,*" " " q " I ' * .

Operation of the RRR TRIGA. produces ,(low concentration) .routine discharges of radioactive gases and small' quantities of solid waste. Details of the and radiation protection procedures at the reactor are provided in Chapter 11, Radiation Protection and Waste Management, of this report. GaseousWa.ste .. ,,. ,

Maintaining negative pressure in the reactor bay c9ntrols concentrations of radioactive gases during operations., An exhaust fan maintains negative pressure in the reactor bay to ensure that discharges are, controlled .under analyze conditions. Liquid Waste The RRR facility does not regularly create or. release liquid waste. Solid Waste Solid waste is very limited in volume and specific activity. Solid wastes include ion-exchange resin used in reactor-water cleanup,, lab-ware, samples and sample handling material for completed experiments, and'anti-contamination clothing associated with reactor experiments and surveillance or maintenance operations. Shipments of solid %wasteto coimmercial disposal facilities are made infrequently. Solid waste shipmefits are coordinated with the Environmental Health and Safety Office.,

Reed Research Reactor 1-9 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER 1 1.3.8 Experimental Facilities and Capabilities Standard experimental facilities at the RRR TRIGA, as supplied by the vendor, General Atomics, include the central thimble, rotary specimen rack, and pneumatic specimen tube. Samples can also be lowered into the pool near the core for individually designed, in-pool irradiations. Experimental facilities are, described in Chapter 10,.Experimental Facilities and Utilization. . .- . . . Central Thimble ... . . .  !,, ...

The reactor is equipped with a central thimble for access to the point of maximum flux in the core. The central thimble consists of an aluminum tube that fits through the center holes ofthe -top anid botto'm grid-plates terminating with'a plug" below the lower grid plate. The tube is anodized to retard corrosion and wear. The thimble is approximately 2.0 feet (6.1,m),in length,,made in two sections, with a ;

watertight tube, fitting. Although, the,, shield water may. be removed to. allQw,,.

extraction of a.1 vertical, thermal-neutron; and gamma-ray beam, four 0.25 i.nch (6.3 mm) holes are located in the tube at the top of the core to prevent expulsion of water frdm the section of the tube~within the reactor core;.., . . . Rota Specimen Rack" A*'40-'posifion'rotary specimen rack (RSR)zis located in a-well in the top of the graphite radial refl'.ctor. A~rdtation mechanism and 'housinig at the top of the reactor'allows the'specimens'to be loaded into indexed p6sitions~arid' al's6 allows rbtation of samples' for more uniform'expo'suire across a set of 'co-irradiated samples'.' The RSR allows large-scale production of radioisotop'es and for' activation and irradiation of multiple 'material samples With neutron and gamma'

'ray flux densities of comparable iiitensity.':" Pneumatic Specimen Tube

.".A pneumatic transfer system, permitting applications with Short-liVed' radioisotopes,. rapidly conveys a specimen from the reactor core to a remote receiver. The in'-core terminus is located at location'F-5 in ihe outer ring of fuel-element positions. ...

1.4 Shared Facilities and Equipment Electrical systems are serviced by the Reed College power grid, as described in Chapter 8, Electrical Power Systems. The facility has some uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) to provide power for some instruments and following loss of electricity, and the facility has emergency lighting. The facility has no other backup

'ReedResearch Reactor 110 'July2010 Safety Analysis Report

THE FACILITY power capability, so if the campus looses electricity, the ventilation fans, cooling pumps, and other equipment would turn off. The diampers and valves fail as-is. The UPS will allow detection of airborne radiation, area radiation, reactor pool level, and reactor power.

Building heating and ve'ntilation systems use centralized. campus supplies for steam heating. A description'of enrironmental controls' is provided in' Chapter 9, Auxiliary Systems. Potable water is provided to a deep sink in the reactor bay, which discharges to sewerage. Water and sewerage is addressed in Chapter 3, Design of Structures, System, and Components, with controls on discharge to sewerage addressed in Chapter 11, Radiation Protection and Waste Management.

1.5. Com,' p'arison with'Sim'lar Facilities'.

The design of the fuel for thie: RRR TRIGA* is similar'to that for fuelsused in,70 reactors in 24 nations [2]. Of the total numnber of reactars, 45'are'6urrehtly in..peratio.. or under constructiOii'with, *22': rated for-steady-sta:e theimal" powers of 250k*W or.greater.

  • ."* ::*. " . " .i ,*, " .V, .st ' "

9 . ; ':.' .'! . i . . . .

In the United States 26 TRIGAý reactors have been built,`with;l 9,currently in, operation.

Major design parameters for the RRR TRIGA are given in Table 1.1. Fuel for the RRR is standard TRIGAO fuel having 8.5% of uranium, by'weight, enriched up to 20% in the uranium-235 isotope. TRIGA. fuel is qharacterized by, high-fission product retention, and the demonstrated ability to withstand water quenching with no adverseyreaction from temperatures to. ] 50,,C. The inherent safety of TRIGA reactors has been, demonstrated by extensive, experience acquired from similar TRIGA* systems throughout the world.. This safety arises from the large prompt negative, temperature coefficient that,is characteristic, of uranium-zirconium hydride fuel-moderator elements used in TRIGA systems. As the fuel temperature increases, this coefficient immediately compensates for reactivity insertions. This results in a mechanism whereby reactor power excursions are limited and terminated quickly and safely.

The RRR is a standard Mark I TRIGA reactor tank. Operating issues at other TRIGA reactors are theref6re applicable to the RRR; such as corrosio'n,'leaks, component wedr, etc. A unique characteristic of the RRR i§'that the reactor'p'ool The RRR does not-have beam' ports other than the vertical central thimble. The RRR does not use fuel element followers on its control rods.

Reed Research Reactor 1-1 . , .. July 2010 Safety Analysis Report


'Table,11 Major Design Parameters Parameter, Value 'e Max steady-state thermal p6wer' '250 kW '

Maximum excess reactivity 2.8 O.6/Ak/k Number of control rods 3 Regulating rods 1 Shim rods .2 ..

Minimum shutdown margin 0.7 % Ak/k Integral fuel-moderator material U-ZrHl1.6-1.7.

Reactor cooling Natural convection Number fuel elements .83  :.; - ; .

.Uranium enrichment.,, - Up to 20% uranium-235 Uranium content .

0 /.... r.S ..

Shape Cylindrical Length Diameter , , .

Cladding 0.51 cm ( or Aluminum .

External moderator , ,-.. Lightmwafer

  • .... * /.,

1.6 Summary of 0perations The RRR facility is a unique and valuable toolifor a ývide.yariety of research and educational applications for the Reed c9mmunity and the greater Portland area. The_

reactor is normally :operated for up toa -few hours each workday for. educational purposes with longer runs as appropriate for experiments. The usual power level is 240 kW. The average energy output per year is on average less than 50 MW-hours. According to the analysis in this report, there are no limitations on operating schedule. The operating history for a typical year is shown in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2 Operating History 2005-2006 Parameter " Value Times Critical '340' Days Operated 120

-MW-hrs. , . 42 Irradiation Requests 45 Reed Research Reactor 1L-12' ' July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

THE FACILITY 1.7 Compliance with Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 Compliance with Section 302(b)(1)(B) of theNuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 for disposal of high-level radioactive waste and sent nuclear fuel is effected through Fuel Assistance Contract DE-AC06-76ER02063 ,between Reed Coliege and thetU.S.

Department of Energy [2]. The DOE retains title to the fuel and is obligated to take spent fuel and/or high-level waste for storage and reprocessing.

1.8 Facility Modifications and History Criticality was first achieved in -1968.

All-neutron instrumentation has been replaced, over.the course of 1998-2000, witlh ewi",

meters from Sorrentonuclear'instrumeints. .Various other upgrades, have been performed,..

the major ones being summarized in-tabular form (Table 1.3) to illustrate the--timeline.

Tableit.3 Major.Facility Modifications Year  :. . . ,.  :.Activity .. "

1968 Construction completed, fuel, loaded; initial criticality -

  • 1994 Replaced heat exchanger with plate-type system, and installed new secondary pump and cooling tower to replace lake-based cooling 1995 Added supplemental HV power to linear and *l1g-n chanhels' "

1998 Replaced linear channel display with new Sorrento NMP-1000 meter 2000 Replacedpercent power and log-n meters withSorrento NP-1000 and NLW-1000 2001 ,Upgraded facilitysecurity system  ;,i 2003 -Installed a, Honeywell Multitrend for data logging to replace chart recorders -

- -- I.

1.9 References

1) NUREG- 1282, "Safety Eyaluation Report on High-Uranium Content, Low-Enriched Uranium-Zirconium Hydride Fuels for TRIGA Reactors," U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1987.

2) US Department of Energy-Fuel Assistance Contract DE-AC06-.76ER02063 Reed Research Reactor 1-13., .  : ,July 2010, Safety Analysis Report

Chapter 2 Site Characteristics Reed Research Reactor Safety Analysis Report

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  • 41

Chapter 2 Site Characteristics Table of Contents 2 Site C haracteristics ...................................................................................................... 1 2.1 G eography and D em ography .............................................................................. 1 2.1.1 Site Location and D escription ................................................................. 1 Specification and Location ............................. ............................. 1 Boundary and Zone Area Maps ................................................. 1 Population D istribution ............................................................ 5 2.2 Nearby Industrial, Transportation, & Military Facilities ..................................... 7 2.2.1 Locations and Routes ............................................................................... 7 2.2.2 A ir Traffic .................................................................................................... 8 2.2.3 Analysis of Potential A ccidents .............................................................. 8 2.3 M eteorology ........................................ . ......... ..................................................... 8 2.3.1 General and Local Clim ate ......................................................................... 8 M onthly Tem peratures .............................................................. 8 Precipitation ............................................................................. 9 W ind Stability .......................................................................... 9 Hum idity ................................................................................ 10 Severe W eather Phenom ena .................................................... 10 2.3.2 Site M eteorology .................................................................................. 12 2.4 Hydrology ................................................................................................................ 12 2.5 Geology, Seismology, and Geotechnical Engineering ..................................... 13 2.5.1 Regional Geology ................................................................................... 13 2.5.2 Site Geology .......................................................................................... 14 2.5.3 Seism icity ............................................................................................... 15 2.5.4 M axim um Earthquake Potential ............................................................. 16 2.5.5 V ibratory Ground M otion ..................................................................... 17 2.5.6 Surface Faulting ..................................................................................... 21 2.5.7 Liquefaction Potential ............................................................................ 21 2.6 References ................................................................................................................ 21

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-,' I, K °

'.' l I..**~

2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS This chapter describes the site characteristics of the Reed Research Reactor (RRR) on the Reed College campus and their relation to the safety and operation of the reactor.

2.1 Geography and Demography 2.1.1 Site Location and Description Specification and Location The reactor is located on the campus of Reed College, in the City of Portland, in Multnomah County, Qregon.: Portland is~a major city on the junction of the Willamette and Columbia rivers, just across the border from the state of Washington and 50 miles north-northwest of Salem, the state capital. The Reed College campus is approximately 100 acres, and is located in the southeastern section of Portland in the Eastmoreland neighborhood.

The RRR is located on the east side of the Reed campus. The reactor is south of the Reed Lake, the nearest body of water. The location of the reactor site relative to major highways and bodies of water can be seen in Figure 2.2.

The latitude and longitude of the RRR is In Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates the site is at Boundary and Zone Area Maps Figures 2.1 and 2.2 illustrate the location of the RRR with respect to the State of Oregon and the city of Portland. Figure 2.3 illustrates the location of the RRR within the Reed College campus.

Reed Research Reactor 2-1 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER 2 CALIFORNIA Figure 2.1 State Map of Oregon I s ,. ; t Reed Research Reactor 2-2 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report


~'¶ ~

Vn ktn 11 A u Lr~w lk.)]- K 1-134 2

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s s 1W1 1

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2. otadadSronigHgwytemRvr n oiso Water. Th aiiylcto sidctdb h ro Reed Research Reactor 2-,3 July 201,0 Safety Analysis Report


I BIfrchwood apartment . i. student unton: judicial board. 31 Huser Memoiria uberary- classrooms, 2 Theatre anniex, Reed warehouse Paradox CafN. Sound Kollektiv, Douglas FI CotoeyfMemorial Art Gallery.

lire. student body offices faculty officis, insttuctional media center.

1 28 West community safety, residence 20 Anne Mann (residence hall) thesis tover, SE.DS. switchboard 4 Garden Maus. (residence halt) 21 Old Dorm Stock (residence halls, W 32 KnowntonLabtora"y of Physise to E1).Ladd, Abington, Kerr, Westport, classrooms, fculty offices, labs 5 Reed Coleleg apartmenls Eastport, Doyle, Quincy. Winch 33 G1uilt. Memorls I.Ulogy Laboratoerr

  • Chinese Htouee (residence hal . (Capehart) classrooms, faculty offices, labs 7 Farm House (residence halO 21 Nalto Kanl (residence hall} 34 Paradox Lost Car6 8 Theatre 23 Sullivan Hall (residence hall) 35 Greywood: alumni & parent relations, S Schra (residence halt) 24 Srtftn, McKlnley, Woodblie, campus information, career serices.

10 Fostar (residence hall) Ctldttk (residence halls, W to E) CRIS It Macfauglton. residence hall) 25 aragdon Hall (residence hall) 3S Eucational Technology Center (ETC):

1z Peoxy (music building) classrooms, computing and information 26 Health and counUtIn center services, faculty muftimediý lab, faculty I3 Parker-House 27 Ilot Heal: chapel; classrooms; offices. inforration resoutce centers 14 Walzek Spts Center, dance studio. faculty offices- offices of admission, CIRCs),telecommunications fitrness room, gymnasiums, mat room, business. college relations, pool, racquetball courts. squash cout ts controller. dean of the faculty, dean 37 Scott Laboratory of Cheilsltry of student services, development. classrooms. facuity offices. tabs 15 Physical pltm facilities services 31 Psythologyi classrooms, faculty offices.

financial aid. human resources, 16 Cart Amphttheatre institutional research, international labs GRAY CAMPUS CW4rR (17-19) student programs, president, printing 39 Woodstock Ianguage houses (residence 17 KaulAuditorium, Gray Center Lounge, services, public affairs, registrar. halls, W to EQRussian, German. French, conference and events planning officf special programs, treasurer Spanish 1i Bookstore, commons dining room, 28 EIlot Circle 40 Studio art: ceramics studio, gallery conlerence and private dining rooms, 29 Volhim College Center. classrooms, 41 Jehansen House. faculty offices, convenience stare, food service office faculty offices, lecture hall. lounge quantitative skills center, science center.

mail services, student activities office 30 WIllard House writing center student organizations offices 42 Center for Advanced Computation Figure 2.3 Reactor Facility Location within the Campus Reed Research Reactor 2-4 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

SITE CHARACTERISTIC Population Distribution Portland is a major metropolitan center of Oregon state, with a population of approximately 540,000 in 2003, with a growth of 1.8% from 2000 to 2003. In the 2000 census, Portland had a population of 529,121. The city is situated in Multnomah County, across the Columbia river from Vancouver, WA, which had an approximate population of 150,000 in 2003 and a growth of 5.6% from 2000 to 2003. Table 2.1 summarizes population data from the 2000 census [1] for Portland and the surrounding areas 'A population density map [2] for the Portland metropolitan region is given in Figure 2.4.,

Table 2.1 Population 'and Location of Surrounding Communities c :.' ,.iDirection from PpDistance City" {R'~eed Campus (air miles) Population Beaverton W 8.4 76,129 Camas, WA NE 13.4 12,534 Clackamas SE . 5.8 6,177 Gladstone SSE 7.1 11,438 Gresham E 9.8 90,205 Hillsboro WNW 17.7 70,186 Lake Oswego S 4.6 35,278..

Milwaukie SSE 2.4 20,490 Oregon City SSE 8.6: 25,754 Tigard SW . 7.7 41,223 Tualatin SSW 9.3 22,791 Vancouver, WA N 11.0. 143,560 WestLinn

  • S 8.0 22,261 The nearest permanent residences to the reactor. are about 700 feet (215 m) from the reactor, located in both the northeast and south directions. A grouping of Reed College dormitories, housing around 30 students from August to May, are located approximately 500 feet (150 m) south the reactor. Locations of campus buildings are shoWn in Figure 2.3.

Reed Research Reactor 2-5 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER 2 8 km- -?4 5 mi Sightline IPNSIITUTZ Figure 2.4 Population Density in the Portland Metropolitan Region Reed Research Reactor 2-6 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

SITE CHARACTERISTIC 2.2 Nearby Industrial, Transportation, & Military Facilities 2.2.1 Locations and RoUtes Figure 2.5 shows nearby industrial and transportation facilities. The nearest railway to the reactor site is approximately 0.5 miles (0.8 kin) west of the reactor. The nearest rail yard is approximately one mile (1.6 km) northwest of the reactor. There are no refineries, mining facilities, or fuel storage facilities near the Reed campus. Water transportation occurs on the Willamette River, located approximately one mile west of the campus.

Approximately 0.5 miles (0.8 -km) northwest of campus is an industrial area where multiple small manufacturing plants are located. None of the nearby manufacturing plants produce materials that pose a reactor safety concern. There are no nearby military facilities.

~~~~ JI rJiL7j~ _ i j 7i 41

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'* ):


' i: %tý Reacor Faciit I /; Lam '~ .'t -*' . ...  ; i:7 r.

C303 ]"t"~ ~ nL....

  • LAXr" Figure 2.5 Railways N th Reed Campus Reed Research Reactor 2-7 ..,July 2010.

Safety Analysis Report --

CHAPTER 2 2.2.2 Air Traffic The Portland International Airport (PDX) is located approximately 10 miles (16 km) north-northwest of campus: PDX aircraft- movements were projected to be 369,00 per year in 2006. The reactor is not located within the trajectory of any of the airport's runways.

2.2.3. Analysis of Potential Accidents,,. .

There nearby industrial, transportation, or.nilaterial facilities that could experience accidents affecting the;safety of the. nuclear reactor.: ' '

2.3 'Meteprology' '

Portland is located, in6 the -,Willamette!Valley, which in tutrn is located between tht Cascade Mountain range and the Coastal Mountain range. The climate is characterized by cool, wet winters, and warm, dry summers. The region does not experience a significant amount of snowfall or severe-weather .. '.

2.3.1 General and Local Climate Monthly Temperatures Monthly temperaturevalues for the Portland area are shown ifi Table 2:2. [3]

Values are taken from 1971 to 2000. Monthly averagesaandldaily extremes are given for'each-month. Thenormall minimum daily temperature extieme is 34.2°F in.January and the normal maximum daily temperature extreme is 79.7 0 F, 6ccurring'in August. Extreme temrrlratures have ranged from 8°F to 107°F in the sample period.

Table 2.2"Monthly Temperatures Monthly Normals, OF Daily Extremes, OF Month Maximum Minimum Mean Maximum"' Miinimum Jan .45.6 34.2 , 39.9 63 . 12, Feb 50.3 _, , 35.9 43.1 71 9 Mar 55,.7- , 38.6 47.2 77 19,.

Apr 60.5 41.9 51.2 90. , 30 May 66.7 47.5 57.1 100 35 Jun 72.7 52.6 62.7 100 41 Jul 79.3 56.9 68.1 1 104 45 Aug 79.7 57.3 68.5 107 44 Reed Research Reactor 2-8 ., July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

SITE CHARACTERISTIC Sep 74.6 52.5 63.6 105 37 Oct 63.3 45.2 54.3 92 26 Nov 51.8 139.8 45.8 73 13 Dec 45.4 [35.0 140.2 65' 8 Annual ý62.1 14.8 53.5 107 8' Precipitation Precipitation values, also taken from ' 971 to 2000, are shown'in Table 2.3. [4]

The normal annual precipitation, calculated over the years 1971 to 2000, for the Portland-area is 37.07 inches. The range ,oftotal. annual precipitation. is, however, considerable. A low of 26.11 inches was recorded'in Portlandn 1:929 and a high of 67.24 inches was recorded in 1882. More than three-fourths of the annual precipitation falls during the six-month period October through March. In the-Portland area, July and August are the driest months, with averages less than 1-inch per month. November, December, and January constitute the wettest period with arpund 5 inches per.month. Table 2`4 [5] summarizes solid: precipitation data for 1961-1990. . . , . . , ..

Table 2.4 Monthly.Solid Precipitation (Snow, Ice Pellets, Hail) in Inches-.;

T denotes a trace amount was measured lJan_ eb Mar AprMa I Jun Jul, Aug Sep Oct]Nov Dec Annual Motl Monthly 41.4 " 13.2 .. i 0.6 T.T 0.0 . T T 0.2 8.2

  • 15.7 41.4 Extreme 10.6 6.4 7.7 T 0.5 T 0.0 T T 02"7.4 8.0 10.6 24 hr Wind Stability' V Wind rose data are available' for the Portland Internatiorial Airport Weather station (station ID 24229, operated by the National Weather Service). Annual average data from this station is presented in the wind rose in Figure 2.6. [3] Data are taken from 1961 to 1990. -" '

Reed Research Reactor 2-9 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER 2 " Humidity Values for average relative humidity are given in Table 2.5. Data are from the National Climatic Data Center. [4] Humidity data are given for morning (M) values, measured at 4 A.M. local time, and for afternoon (A) values, measured at 4 P.M. local time.

Table 2.5 Relative Humidity Jan Feb Mar AprI May Jun Jul AugL Sep Oct Nov Dec IAnnual A 85 84 85 86 85 83 181 82 85 80.88 186 85 M 75 66 59 55 53 49 44 44 48 62 74 78 59 Severe Weather Phenomena Tornadoes are infrequent in the Willimette Valley. Most of the Willamette Valley tornadoes are classified as FO on the Fujita scale, with wind speeds reaching 72 mph. Two significant tornadoes in the'Portland area are described here. An F2 tornado (wind speeds of 113 to 157 mph) occurred on December 8, 1993 near Newberg, Oregon`Jn Washington County. Damage was not extensive. OnApril 5, 1972, an F3 tornado (wind speeds of 158 to 206 mph) struck Portland and Vancouver, Washington. The tornado covered about nine miles, injuring 300 people and killing six. This tornado was the most devastating in Oregon's recorded weather history, which dates to 1871. [5]

Snowstorms are infrequent in the Portland area. Freezing rain and ice storms are more common, due to effects of air flow through the Columbia River Gorge.

While ice storms are more common in the Gorge to the east of Portland, they can affect the eastside and even downtown Portland. Ice storms in the Portland area typically cause power outages and road closures,,neither of which are threatening to reactor safety. The dates of the most recent significant ice storms are summarized: December 28 to January 6 2004; January 16-18 1996; February. 2-4 1996; December 26-30 1996; January 6-7 1991; January 5 1986; January 9-10 1979; January 9-10 1978; January 11-12 1973; and February 4-6 1972. [3] None have caused damage to the Reactor building.

Reed Research Reactor 2-210 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report



...... .... 6 112%

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SOUTH W" dSp..dO'ot) MmndyMgtzka 10,2412002 Oregon C~Nut&Srvkee 121 OSPLAY - NIV 01*UEN 17-21 Wind Speed KSH 11-1t UIVwmowfeo C~foMNiU 7.10 7.U Knots 9.93%


Direct m 1961

1. 3 (bMMN~ng*OFT* Jan I- 0 31 MidnigiM I I1PM Figure 2.6 Portland Wind Rose (Annual Average)

Reed Research Reactor 2-11 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER 24 2.3.2 Site Meteorology Currently, monthly wind rose data are readily available from the National Water and Climate Center division of the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Meteorological information is not recorded on-site; however, the National Weather Service has multiple meteorological measuring stations in the Portland area, data from which is accessible to the public.

2.4 Hydrology The nearest waterway to the reactor site -is Crystal Springs Creek, located at the bottom of the ravine to the north of the reactor site. It flows westward through the campus, then south through the municipal golf course and pait of Sellwood; and in the southern part of Sellwood it joins Johnson Creek which flows southward to join the Willamette River at Milwaukie. Crystal Springs Creek is fed by springs that issue from near the base of a terrace scarp where the regional water table is intercepted by the land surface. Most of the water is credited to ground water discharge. The water level of the lake stays nearly constant year-round, as the springs are self-regulating. It has been estimated that the total annual runoff of Crystal Spring Creek is in the neighborhood of 4,000 acre feet per year.

The reactor site is on the bank of the ravine above Crystal Springs creek, and not at a high risk of being flooded by the spring-fed creek. [6]

Tsunamis are not a significant hazard to Portland,. as the city is over 50 miles (80 km) from the Pacific coast. The reactor site is not located neai any significant dams. The 100-year flood plain for waterways near the reactor is shown in Figure 2.6. [7]

jI -I? .-.

, ; t, . . - t . ., . , , .

Reed Research Reactor 2-12 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report


Reactor Facility p..

w Figure 2.6 Reed Campus 100-year Flood Plain 2.5 Geology, Seismology, and Geotechnical Engineering 2.5.1 Regional Geology Two tectonic plates are active in Western Oregon. Oregon is located on the North American Plate. The Juan de Fuca oceanic plate is located off the Oregon coast, and is being subducted beneath the North American plate at about 36 mm (1.4 inches) per year This subduction produces shallow, deep, and great thrust earthquakes. [8]

There are six geologic units in the Portland area which may serve as foundation materials. These are, in the order of decreasing geologic age: The Miocene Columbia River basalt; Pliocene Troutdale formation (conglomerate, sandstone and siltstone);

Pliocene-Pleistocene Boring lavas of basaltic composition; Pleistocene loess (or windblown silt) and lake deposits of gravel, sand, and clay; and recent alluvium. The Reed Research Reactor 2-13 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER 2 foregoing geologic units are summarized in the stratigraphic column below (Table 2.6),

after Allen (1932): .

Table 2.6.Stratigraphic Column, Portland Area Age Thickness of Unit (Feet)

Recent iAlluvium, sand:andsilt 0-50 Pleistocene.

Alluvium., sand and silt 0-100 Lacustrine deposits, gravel, sand. ,.. 0-150

., Loess, windblown.silt .  ; .. 0-60 Pliocene or Boring lavas, basalt 0-800 Pleistocene G-800 Pliocene Troutdale conglomerate, sandstone .. 0-1000 Miocene Columbia River basalt., 0-2000 Most of the East Portland area is underlain by bedrock of the Troutdale formation., This mateiaf also rnikestup much of Mt. Tabor, Kelly Butte, ard other hills in the .East Portland area. Boring lavas are the most important unit at Rocky Butte, but they compose only small portions of Mt. Tabor and Kelly Butte.

One of the most important geologic features in East Portland is a series of terraces which were cut by.the Willamette and Columbia, Rivers on Pleistocene lake silts and gravels..:,,

These terraces of app1qximately 100ifeet.(30 m), 200 feet (60 in), and.

275 feet (83 in). The unconsolidated :deposits of gravel,,sand, and silt comprise sediments hundreds of feet thick. Recent sand .and silt in the. ).illamette and ColumbiaRiver valleys:

rarely rise higher than the 50 foot (15.m) :eleyation.

From the. structural point of view., the. Portland area is relatively simple. Broad folds with small to moderate dips trend generally. north-westward. West of the Willamette the Portland West Hills' anticline. The Willamette syncline 'lies to the east of this.

No major faults are known to -exist in'the Portland area. Minor faults With small displacements may cut Columbia River basalt in-,-West Portland.'Deformations that produced the aniiclines and synclines in the hiAVas and overlaying Tr~utdale beds must have ceased bef6re the extrusion of the-Boringiavas, because' lhe 1a4tter are not deformed.

The top of the Columbia Riverbasalt in EasrP6rtland is at'a depth of 1000 feet (305 m) below sea level. [6] . . .' .

2.5.2 Site Geology.

The Reed College campus is on a stream-carved terrace. The ,reactorsite slopes gently to the north from an elevation of approximately 145 feet, (44 in) The campus is situated on the unconsolidated deposits of thie Willamette basin. The depth to bedrock is unknown from well log data or. geophysical surveys; it may well be-hundreds pf.feet.

Reed Research Reactor 2-14" July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

SITE CHARACTERISTIC In July of 1966, Shannon and Wilson, Foundation Engineers, made a boring to a depth of 47 feet (14.3 m) at the reactor site, north of the existing psychology building. The log of this boring indicates that the subsurface materials at the reactor site are sand and silt, the one admixed with the other in most horizons; This ýsand. and silt section represents lake or fluvial deposition. [6]

The Portland Hills faultis located west of the reactor site, along the eastern margin of the Portland Hills west of the city. Investigations in 1993 did not reveal any evidence of fault activity in the Holoc'ne or late Pleistocene activity. The. fault is approximately, 40 km (25 miles) long. The slip rates of the Portland Hills fault are considered to be 0.05 mm (0.002

'..inches) per year to 0.2 mm (0.008 inches) per year, which are. comparable to other potentially active faults in the region. [9] , ,

The Lackamas Creek fault is located east of thereactor site, along the eastern margin of the Portland Basin, near Lackamas Creek. N6cevidenice of activity of this faiult in the Holocene era has been observed., The fault is approximately 10 km (6 miles) long. Slip rates assigned to the fault by the Geomnatrik an'alysi are 9.05 him'(0.002*inches) per year to 0.2 mni (06008 inches) per Year. [9]`

2.5.3 Seismicity In the past '150 years, there have been three signifiCant earthquakes with eptcenter near Portland::(1) the magnitude 5.4 earthquake in 1877; '(2)'the"magnitude" 5`5 eaithquake in 1962, and (3) the magnitude 5'.5 'arthquake in 1993'.' Historitflly, earthquakes occurring in the Puget Sound region have' also caus&e minor dam age in Portland. Table 2.7 summarizes historic earthquakes that hav& occurred'in the Portland area. [1 0] .

Figure 2.7 show~s the epicenters of earthquakes re6"ord fron"1841 to 2002. Many of these are small magnitude (< 3.0)'earthquakes, and' riot historic events. [1I1]..

Table 2.7 Historic Earthquakes Near Portland, OR Date AOpprox. Location Magnitude ,

Oct 12, 1877 7 'Portland, ...OR 5.4

- Feb 4, 1892 Portland,'OR, 56 Jul 1.9, 1930 _" Salem, OR ,*5.0 Dec 29, .1941 Portland, OR 5.0 Apr 13, 1949 Olympia, WA 7.1 Dec 16, 1953 Portland, OR 5.0 Nov 17, 1957 Tillamook, OR 5.0. .

Sep 16-17, 1961 Mt. St. Helens, WA 4.8, 4.0, 5.1

. ' Nov 5, 1962 , Portland, OR. ' 5.5

,.Mar 7,1963 ' Salem, OR 4.6..

Oct 1, 1964 Portland, OR: 4.1 .

May 28,1981 ' Goat Rocks, WA .4.6, 5'.0, Reed Research Reactor 2-15 , . July 20.10.

Safety Analysis Report " I ' I..

CHAPTER 2 Mar 1, 1982 Elk Lake, WA 4.4 Mar 25, 1993 Scott's Mill, OR 5.6 Jan 30, 2000 Condon, OR 4,. 1 Feb 28, 2001 Olympia, WA 6.8 Jun 29, 2002 Mt. Hood, OR 4.5, Jul 12, 2004 Newport, OR . 4.9 0Samit Heieeýi At MagfMu.Kl/I anaITe 0

'VASHING1 toN I magrbtude4I)-4IV MagmtucS AU- 19 Hillsborg  % 1LN~A Magnitue 1A - X i'Ue o City "AMHILL , P,+

sAtwe dP.

4innv qlI, 4" .


  • L=*,l wea Figure 2.7 Earthquakes near Portland Oregon, 1841-2002 2.5.4 Maximum Earthquake Potential The primary geological structure in the Portland area is the Cascade Range, which runs north-south through Oregon, from Northern California to Washington state. The Cascade Range is home to a host of volcanoes; the nearest to Portland is Mount Hood. Other Oregon volcanoes are Mount Jefferson, Three Sisters, Newberry and Crater Lake. Mount Saint Helens, in Washington, is the only of the Cascade Range volcanoes that exhibits an above-normal level of background seismicity. The major volcanoes of the Cascade Range are monitored by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The last eruption of Mount Hood was in the 1790s; Mount Hood is considered to be the most active of the Oregon volcanoes. [8]

Recent geophysical studies indicate that the crustal faults beneath the Portland metropolitan region could generate crustal earthquakes of Richter Local Magnitude (ML) 6.5 or larger. The recurrence period of a ML 6.5 crustal earthquake in the Portland area is estimated to be about 1,000 years; this is based on the historical record. The historical record also shows that Cascadia subduction zone earthquakes, of up to a moment magnitude 9, have occurred and could occur in the future. The recurrence period of such an earthquake has not been established. [12]

Reed Research Reactor 2-16 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

SITE CHARACTERISTIC 2.5.5 Vibratory Ground Motion Figures 2.8, 2.9, and 2.10 depict grounid shaking at the ground surface in the Portland metropolitan area. They incorporate the site-response.effects of soils, unconsolidated sediments, and shallow rock. The probabilistid nýiaps, Figures 2.8 and,2.9, are for a moment magnitude (MW) 9.0 earthquake along the megaihrust of the Cascadia subduction zone. They are for the two return periods of building code relevance, 500 and 2,500 years. Figure 2.10 depicts a hypothetical MW 6.8 event on the Portland Hills fault.

The maps were prepared by the State of Oregon, Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. A Cornell-McGuire hazard analysis was used to calculate the probabilistic ground motions. [12]

Figure 2.8 is a map of the probabilistic peak horizontal acceleration at ground surface in the Portland, Oregon area in the 500 year return period. The Reed campus is located in a region of peak acceleration estimated at 0.25 to 0.30 times the acceleration of gravity.

The acceleration of gravity is a constant 980 cm/sec/sec; hence 0.25 g corresponds to an acceleration of 245 cm/sec/sec. Figure 2.9 is a map of the probabilistic peak horizontal acceleration at ground surface in the Portland, Oregon area in the 2,500 year return period. Here the Reed campus is located in an area where the peak acceleration at ground surface is estimated to be 0.5 to 0.6 g, or 490 to 588 cm/sec/sec. [12]

Figure 2.10 estimates the peak horizontal acceleration at the ground surface for a magnitude 6.8 ,earthquake emanating from the Portland Hills fault. The Reed campus is located in a region estimated at 0.6 to 0.7 g. [12]

Reed Research Reactor 2-17 .,"..July 2010 Safety Analysis Report



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Ii Figure 2.8: 500 year return Probabilistic Earthquake Ground Shaking Map for the Portland Area Reed Research Reactor 2-18 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report




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Figure 2.9: 2500 year Return Earthquake Scenario Ground Shaking Map for the Portland Area Reed Research Reactor 2-19 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report


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-5 7, I:  :~ V, Figure 2.10: Earthquake Scenario Ground Shaking Map for the Portland Area Reed Research Reactor 2-20 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report*

SITE CHARACTERISTIC 2.5.6 Surface Faulting The Reed campus lies to the east of the Portland Hills fault. Earthquakes occurring near the fault are mapped in Figure 2.7. Notable earthquakes occurring near the fault are summarized in Table 2.6.

2.5.7 Liquefaction Potential As discussed in 2.4.2, the subsurface materials at the reactor site are sand and silt, the one admixed with the other in most horizons. This sand and silt section represents lake or fluvial deposition. The water table in the test boring was observed to stand at a depth of 46 feet (14 m). [6]

The Natural Resources Conservation Service classifies the soil at the reactor site as a Latourell complex, which is characterized as being a well drained loam, with its parent material being medium textured alluvium. A typical profile of the soil reveals, it to be loam for 0 to 56 inches (0 to 1.4 rn) from'the surface, and from 56 to 66 inches.(1.4 to 1.7 m) a very gravelly sandy loam. [13]

Liquefaction occurs when soils are saturated with water. Since the soil at the'reactor site is well drained loam, liquefaction has a low potential for 6ccurrence.

2.6. References

1. U.S. Census Bureau, United States Cenisus 2000.
2. Sightline Institute, Portland-AreaPopulationDensity Map, 2005,, August 2007.
3. Oregon Climate Services,, August 2007.
4. NCDC, "Comparative Climatic Datafor the United States through 2006,"

National Climatic Data Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Asheville, North Carolina, 2006.

5. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,, August 2007.
6. Safety Analysis Report, Reed Reactor Facility, 1967.
7. Metro, NaturalHazards Resource Program,, August 2007.
8. USGS, Pacific Northwest geologic mapping and urban hazards, .html, August 2007.

Reed Research Reactor 2-21 . July 201'0 Safety Analysis Report


9. Geomatrix Consultants, 1995, Final Report: Seismic Design Mapping, State of Oregon. Prepared for the Oregon Department of Transportation, Salem, Oregon, Personal Services Contract 11688, January, 1995.
10. PNSN, 2007, Pacific Northwest Earthquake Catalog Search, 1970 to Present:, University of Washington, Pacific Norhtwest Seismograph Network.

11. Niewendorp, Clark A..and Mark E. Neuhaus, Ma> of Selected Earthquakesfor Oregon,1841 through 2002, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral r


12. State of Oregon, Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, Interpretive Map Series IMS-16, 2000.
13. USDA, NaturalResources ConservationService,, August 2007.

.7 *,~

4 -0" V Reed Research Reactor 2-22 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

Chapter 3 Design of Structures, Systems, and Components Reed Research Reactor Safety Analysis Report

This Page is Intentionally Blank Chapter 3 Design of Structures, Systems, and Components Table of Contents 3 Design Of Structures, Systems, & Components ......................... 1 3.1 D esign C riteria ..................................................................................................... 1 3.2 Meteorological Damage ....................................................................................... 2 3.3 Water Damage ..................................................................................................... 2 3.4 Seismic Damage ................................................................................................... 2 3.5 Systems and Components ................................................................................... 2 3.6 Control Rod Scram System...I . .............................................................................. 3

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COMPONENTS This chapter describes the principal architectural and engineering design criteria for the structures, systems, and components that are required to ensure reactor facility safety and protection of the public.

3.1 Design Criteria The Reed Research Reactor (RRR) is sited on the campus of Reed College in Portland, Oregon. It is located in a building constructed for that purpose and the Psychology Building. The original reactor installation in 1968 used fuel and components manufactured by General Atomics (GA), and the specifications to which structures were built were those stated by GA. All building modifications and equipment additions were in conformance with Oregon and Portland building codes in existence at the time, to meet fire, safety, seismic, and flood requirements. The contract architect for installation was Farnham & Peck.

The basic design goal of a TRIGA reactor is integrity of the fuel by cladding that will act as a physical containment system for fission products. Fuel design prevents the release of radioactive fission products during routine reactor operation and potential accident conditions. The prompt negative temperature coefficient of reactivity of TRIGA fuel is the basic parameter that allows safe usage of the fuel, as it results in a temperature-dependent decrease in the number of absorptions of neutrons by uranium-235, producing a feedback that places a physical limitation on fuel temperature below danger levels. Limits on the amount of fuel loaded in the core (i.e., reactivity) establish a maximum steady state power level, which limits the maximum fuel temperature, the major constraint on safe operation of TRIGA fuel. Fuel design is detailed in Chapter 4, Reactor Description.

Accident analyses presented in Chapter 13 show that under credible accident conditions, the limit on the temperature of the reactor fuel will not be exceeded. Consequently, there would be no fission product release that would exceed 10 CFR Part 20 allowable radiation levels.

The reactor control system maintains safe shutdown conditions. Since operational limits prevent achieving conditions that could lead to fuel element failure, control system response speed is not significant to protection of fuel integrity. System design is discussed in Chapter 4, Reactor Description and Chapter 7, Instrumentation and Control Systems.

Reed Research Reactor 3-1 July 2010

CHAPTER, 3 Building and -structure designfor meteorl6ogical, hydrological, and seismic effects are discussed in the following sections.

3.2 Meteorological Damage .

facility has endured approximately forty years of local'weather cohditions with no meteorological damage. Hurricanes, tspnamis, and seiches do not occur in the Portland..

ar e a . . ' ' .. . , : . .

Only a small nui'miber of tornadoes, one every few years, have been reported in Oregon.

Based 'on the small 'probability' of pccu'rrenc'spstulated tow intensity, intermhiittent reacf6r operation and 1,o fissionprodut Inventory no crlferia for tonadoes have been esiablished for the RRR.

3.3 Water Damage' As discussed in Chapter 2, the flood plain of the local rivers does not come near the reactor site. The reactor building is designed for anticipated rain or snow loads. However, even if flooding occurred, core safety would not be arq issueý sincq the.corejs located in a water pool. Water may darmage electrical components by .caisingelectrcal shorts and, a loss of power. Loss of,power to electrical systems is addressed in ,Chapter *1.3, 3.4 Seismic Damage No faults are known to exist near the RRR site. 'Hvowever, 'folloWing the practice of Portland architects the construction of the building and reactor pit were designed to resist

'lateral forces of ZoneIl as specified in the,Uniform Building Code when the reactor was, installed.. This ensures that the reactor, can be returned to opqratioin without structural repairs following an earthquake likely'to occur during the lifetime of theplant. Failure of

.the reactor, tank and loss of the coolant in.the event of a very large earthquake has been considered in Chapter 13, Accident Analysis., and the con~sequences foundacceptable for the'standpoirttof public safety.,

3.5 Systems'and ComponentS The, reactor facility design uses a defense-in-depth concept to reduce. and control the potential for exposure to radioactive material generated during reactor operation. Fuel cladding is the principal barrier to the release of radioactive fission products. Shielding is ReedResearch Reactor 3-2 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

DESIGN OF STRUCUTURES, SYSTEMS, AND COMPONENTS provided (including reactor pool water) to control .potential personnel exposures to radiation associated with reactor during operation or activated material.. The control rods assure that safe shutdown conditions are maintained when reactor operation is not required. If radioactive material releases associated with reactor operations occur, a controlled ventilation system minimizes exposure to 'reactor personnel and the:public.

Cladding integrity is ensured by the fuel system (fuel rod and core design). Fuel cladding surrounding individul fuel elements is the primary barrier to the release of radioactive fission products. The fieil system'maintains cladding integrity through established limits on reactivity and power such that cladding integrity will not be challenged.

Shutdo wi reactor conditions are initiated and miaintained by the control rod scram' system. Automatic scrams are provided for high power indication on the core neutron detectors. A manual scram is available to the operator at any time. Since inherent shutdown mechianisms 'ofthe TRIGA prevent unsafe excursions, the TRIGA system 0od'f ýýthe hera'on TRIG stse does not rely On speedof control as p the safety of the reactor., The control system ensures maintenance of reactor 'shutdown conditions, as well as control of power level during operation.

Interlocks are provided to limit reactivity insertion. One interlock will.preIvent ontrol od withdrawal unless there is a neutron-induced signal on one of the nuclear instruments.

The other interlock prevent simultaneous manually withdrawal of more than one control rod. * '  : " " .

Although there are no required engineered' safety featiires for this' reactor due to low operating powcer and good fission product tdtehtion iri'the' fuel, a controlled ventilation system maintains a: negative air *pre§sure in the bay' to reduce the'consequences of airborne radiological release. The ventilation system is described in Chapter 9, Auxiliary Systems.

3.6 Control Rod Scram System.

The RRR, operating at up to 250 kW thermal power, is designed to be operated with three standard control rods. The control'rods'are nominally 1.25 inches ('3.18 cm) outside diameter;.20 inches (50.8 cm) long,-arid are clad'with 30 mil (0.076 cm)' stainless steel or aluminum. The control rod material is eithei boron carbide or borated graphite. During operation, the rods are held inhplace by electromagnets, and are' withdrawri or'inserted by motor-driven gear mechanisms. Upon a scram signal, power to the electro magnets is' interrupted and the control rods descend by gravity into the core. The rods have a maximum drop time of 1 second from fully withdrawn to, fully inserted.positions. In the event of a loss of electrical power, the electromagnets will deenerigize and drop the control rods into the core, which is the safe condition. Details of the control rod scram system.are' addressed in Chapter'4, Reactor Description,'and Chapter 7; Instrumentation and Control. ' " ' ' ... ' '" '

Reed Research Reactor 3-3 '. July2010, Safety Analysis Report

Chapter 5 Reactor Coolant Systems Reed Research Reactor Safety Analysis Report

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Chapter 5 Reactor Coolant Systems Table of Contents 5 Reactor Coolant Systems ............................................................................................. 1 5.1 Summary Description......................................................................................... 1 5.2 Primary Coolant System ...................................... ............................................... 4 5.2.1 Skimmer .............................................. 4 5.2.2 P ump ..................................................................................................... .. 4 5.2.3 H eat Exchanger ........................................................................................ 4 5.3 Secondary Cooling System ................................................................................. 5 5.4 Primary Coolant Cleanup Syste............................................. 5 5.5 Primary Coolant Makeup Water System .......................................................... 6 5.6 Nitrogen-16 Control System ............................................................................... 7 5.7 Auxiliary Systems using Primary Coolant .............................................................. 7 5.8 References ......................................................................................................... 7

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5 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEMS The Reed Research Reactor (RRR) is located at the bottom of an 25 foot (7.6 m) deep open-top aluminum pool, which holds 25,000 gallons (95,000 L) of shielding and cooling water. Due to the small size and low power of the RRR, the primary coolant system is not a necessary safety system of the facility, but is used for maintaining efficient operations. The water in the tank is used to moderate the reactor, to cool the fuel rods during operation, and to shield the reactor room from radiation. In the unlikely event that the pool was emptied, design analysis of TRIGA fuel shows that it may be cooled by natural convection in air without risk of fuel failure.

5.1 Summary Description The primary cooling system serves the following five major functions:

1. Provides a means of dissipating heat generated in the reactor;
2. Reduces radioactivity in the water by removing nearly all particulate and soluble impurities;
3. Maintains low conductivity in the water in order to minimize corrosion of reactor components, especially the fuel elements;
4. Maintains the optical clarity of the primary water; and
5. Shields reactor bay from radiation generated in the core.

Figure 5.1 shows the primary cooling system and Figure 5.2 shows the secondary cooling system.

The primary system contains purified water and is open to the atmosphere. The reactor core is cooled by natural convection alone. To assist in temperature control during extended operation, bulk heat is transferred by forced convection across a heat exchanger to the secondary cooling system. The secondary cooling system then transfers the heat to the environment via a cooling tower, using service water treated with caustic and algaecide to prevent corrosion and biological growth. This cooling system combination is designed to remove 250 kW of heat, thus is adequate for both normal operation and shutdown cooling. Makeup for both water systems comes from the municipal water system, though water entering the primary system passes through a preliminary filter before entering the pool.

Water level is normally kept approximately 8.7 inches (22 cm) below the top of the reactor tank. To prevent a malfunction in the primary system from draining the pool, the primary inlet is approximately 28 inches (71 cm) below water level, and there is a siphon break in the return pipe 40 inches (102 cm) below water level. A pool level meter activates an alarm if water level is above or below normal.

Reed Research Reactor 5-1 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report


Mech Room Reactor Room I Figure 5.1 Primary Cooling System Reed Research Reactor 5-2 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report


3:2 SIE x e (E 0

0 0'lt Figure 5.2 Secondary Cooling System Reed Research Reactor 5-3 -W 2010

ýJly Safety Analysis Report


5.2 Primary Coolant System Principal functional requirements of the primary coolant system are to transfer heat from the reactor core out of the facility by way of the secdndary cooling system and to:pr0Vide radiation shielding directly above the reactor core. Primary bulk water is kept below 55°C in order to prevent damage to the demineralizer. At temperatures above this level; the resin may break down and be dispersed in the reactor p6ol, threatening corrosion of reactor systems. In order to monitor temperature, a thermocouple in the pool reads out in the control room and alarms at 40'C. The radiation. shielding requirement, is fulfilledby keeping at least 16 feet (4,9 m) of water. directly above the reactor-core. This is a pool level of approximately 20.feet (6,m). ',. " .. .

The system-consists principally of a pump, heat exchanger, fiber cartridge filter, mixed-.

bed type demineralizer, ,and flow meter connected by suitable-aluminum piping and valving; as. shown in Figure,.5.1 iThe primary system has two suction,inlets in the. reactor.

pool; one large intake pipe located 28 inchesV(71, cnm) below.the pool surface, and a:,,,

skimmer that collects ýforeign particles floating on the pool surface. ., , .,

521skimmer "' . . . . .. . . .

A surface skimmer (Figure 5.1) collects foreign particles that float on the surface of the reactor-tank water. The skimmer is connected to the main water suction line by piping andavalve. , . .

The skimmer is a plastic cylinder that contains a basket in its upper end. Water at the surface of the tank flowsý oveiý the top of the floating cylifider, sd that large floating foreign particles are dep6sited ln the basket. Particles 'smiall'6nough to pass through the basket screeii are collected in thefilter cartridges lo6ated downstream in~the purification loop.

5.2.2 Pump.. .

The water system pump is a centrifugal-type with a stainless steelbody 'and impeller. The pump is driven by a directly-coupled induction motor.

5.2.3, -Heat Exchanger,. ,, . .. .. .. ..

From the primary purp*, the water flow enters a plate-type heat exchanger that acts to transfer heat from the primary to the secondary coolant. The-two~coolarits are separated by thin metal plates to maximize surface area for heattransfer. A temperature' gauge and; a pressure gauge are located at:each:inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger (primary inlet, primary outlet, secondary inlet, secondary outlet) and butterfly valves allow isolation of Reed Research Reactor 5-4 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEMS inlet and outlet of each coolant system in case of heat exchanger damage, to prevent mixing of coolant water.

The heat exchanger was installed in 2009. It is aplate-.:type heat exchanger rated for 500 kW at 250°F,(120°C) and 150 psi(l. MPa)., . . .

5.3 Secondary Cooling System The secondary cooling system circulates water from the heat exchanger through the cooling -tower. :The secondary cooling system is designed to remove at least 250' kW of, heat so as to sustain continuous operation at full power.. The water utilized in the.'.

secondary system is normal municipal water that has been treated with caustic and algaecide to minimize corrosion and bio'logical growth, respectively: 'The system consists of a centrifugal pump,the heat ekchanger,' and the cooling'tower, as we!las 'an automatic caustic addition system and an 'algaecide feed loop. The algaecide loop: consists of a feed pot to which alga.cide is added on a regulai 'basis. The Coolin-g tower is located on, the..

outside of the facility. The heat exchanger and selaindya pump are:locathd'inside the-reactor bay room, and the algaecide loop and the caustic reservoir are located in the mechanical room. Water is added to the cooling tower automatically by a float-operated valve, and overflow is drained into the sanitary sewer. To prevent freezing in winter the secondary can be manually drained to the sewer..

5.4 Primary Coolant Cleanup System The primary coolant cleanup system maintains reactor pool. water conductivity below 2 microSeimens/cm b~y means of a filter and a mixed bed demineralizer to limit corrosion of the reactor tank and the primary' system. Themnixed bed dem ineralizer tends to keep' the water pH neutral, butthis is not measured. This limit has been Shown through 40 years of experience to adequately limit the corrosion.

After the primary coolant passes through the heat exchanger, approximately 20 gallons per minute (88 liters per minute) are piped through the cleanup loop before returning to the main, coolant flow loop. ' ' " .' , , . U, .

The filter removes insoluble particulate matter from'nthe reactor water' system. It uses replaceable fiber cartridges (i.e., the cartridges are removed from the filter vessel and replaced when they become clogged, rather than being back-fliushed-and reused). Three filter cartridges of 25-micron ratings are available for the filter vessel. In addition to improving the-optical clarity of the water in the reactor tank, the removal of solid, particles from the water by the filter extends the operating life of the demineralizer resin,,

Thefilter. will become slightly radioactive jin use and disposed of in accordance with Chapter 1,1, Radiation Protection and Waste Management. ' ',

Reed Research Reactor 5-5 ... .. July 2,01 Safety Analysis Report


Two pressure gauges are provided in the filter line, one before the filter and one after the filter. These gauges can be: uged&to measu re the pressure drop across the filter as an aid in determining the extent of filter clogging.

The prime function of a to maintain the conductivity of the .water at a sufficiently low level to prevent corrosion of the reactor components exposed'to the water, particularly the fuel elements. A demineralizer performs this function by removing soluble impurities from the water., , ". .

The demineralizeris; a mixed-bed type.that, removes both-positive and. negative ions from-the circulating water. The,positive .ions are replaced by; hydroxyl (OH) ions and the.

negative ions by hydr.ogen (H).jIons;.,<The OQand H ions combine to, form!water.

Consequently, any contaminants in the water are concentrated, on thexresin and replaced.

by pure water. Any radioactive ions in the water are therefore absorbed and concentrated in the resin bed. In. normal use; a demineralizer willl,be66me slightly radioactive and will be disposed of in accordance'with Chapter, Il, Radiation Prdtection. and Waste;'

Managemnent- Historically the d6se rate aii30;cmifrom the demineraliZers after conti'nuouis at full power operation is less than 100 mrem per hour, which is consistent withthe ý1 ALARA program. Historically the annual shipment or spent resin and filters average 110 cubic feet, which is consistent with the ALARA prograr.n' , _

Each demineralizer unit contains 3 ft3 (85 L) of an intimate mixture of anion resin and cation resin.. ., . . .. , . , , . . , . . .

There are two conductivity probes in the water system. One, located upstream from the demineralizer, measures the conductivity of the water leaving the feiicbor tank. The other, located downstream from the demineralizer, measures the conductivity of the water as it leaves the demineralizer and thus indicates whether the demineralizer is operating properly or whether the resin has' become depleted.

Connections to the demineralizer' are made with, Victauii sndpt4pe, couplings. These ga kt an effect couplings a'tg, a l.seal

' I ', c", Ii - '. ",r . , pipe'iiipples,

' " of Tspecially-grooved by means b . . .c a: neopreie-rubber

" t . .

gasket, and a toggle-type'doupiing.' The couplings may'be easily disconnected by opening the toggle joint. * ' " :'. . ..

The flowmeter is mounted downstream from the demineralizer.

To establish proper flow through the water-purification loop, a stainless steel orifice assembly is installed in the piping from the heat exchanger.

5.5 Primary Coolant Makeup Water System Makeup water for the primary system is provided by the municipal water supply. It is normally passed through a particulate filter and a carbon filter unit before entering the pool in order to extend the cleanup loop replaceable part lifetimes.

Reed Re'search Reactor 5-6 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEMS The amount of water added through the make up system is recorded weekly to detect increases in the make up rate which might indicate leaks from the primary system or the reactor tank.

5.6 Nitrogen-16 Control System The primary cooling system returns water to the pool through a diffuser nozzle. This diffusion pushes the pool water into a spiraling pattern, gently swirling the water and slowing its -ascent to the top of the pool. This current provides the radioactive isotope nitrogen-l 6, with itslhalf-life of 7:41 'seconds, more than enough time to. decay before reaching the surface.. As a result,-radiation levels in-the reaator bay room remain low' "'

even dtuing periods of extendedoperation. .. . ... . -;

'-,. ".'. * . !*: .', .., i , " ' * *. .. .'* ' ' . .' "* '!I. -*

' . " . " . .,' /" - '

Historically the concentration ofN-16 at boundary has-averaged 1 x 10-1°.tCi/ml,;

which would. produce a dose to a member'of :the public, atthe-site boundary of'.

  • lný , `

approximately 0.5 mrem per year, well. in: compliance with the regulations' and the..

ALARApprogram. ".,' ,,,

5.7 Auxiliary Systems using Primary Coolant.

There are no auxiliary system which use primary coolant. '

5.8, References .

1. DOE Fundamentals Handboo6k, Che..'istry V o 2 Ceis y. Volumfe 1.:df 2,. DOE-'HDBK- 10 1511U 93, January 1993. . ' ' ' ' -"
2. Metallurgy of TRIGA Fuel Elements, W.P. Wallace and M.T. Simnad, General Atomics, January 4, 19.61. , ' " . " "
3. Corrosion Issdes in the Lonig Term Storage of Aluminiuih-Clad Spent Nuclear Fuels, H.B. Peacock, R.L. Sindelar, McIntyre R. Louthan, CORROSION 96,.,

March 24 - 29, 1996, Denver, Co Reed Research Re-actor 5-7. -J-uly 2010O Safety Analysis Report

Chapter 6 Engineered Safety Features Reed Research Reactor Safety Analysis Report

This Page is Intentionally Blank 6 ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURES The Reed Research Reactor does not require or have any Engineered Safety Features.

Reed Research Reactor 6-1 August 2007 Safety Analysis Report

Chapter 7 Instrumentation and Control Systems Reed Research Reactor Safety Analysis Report

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1. . :. -L

Chapter 7 Instrumentation and Control Systems Table of Contents 7 Instrum entation And Control Systems ...................................................................... 1 7.1 Sum m ary Description ......................................................................................... 1 7.2 Design of Instrum entation and Control System ............................................... 1 7.2.1 Design Criteria .......................................................................................... 1 7.2.2 Design-Basis Requirements ..................................................................... 1 7.2.3 System Description ................................................................................. 2 Fission Chamber ....................................................................... 2 Linear Channel .......................................................................... 3 PercenitChannel ................. ...... . ............................................. 3 7.2.4 System Performance Analysis ................................................................ 4 7.2.5 Conclusion .............................................................................................. 4 7.3 Reactor Control System ..................................................................................... 5 7.4 Reactor Protection System ................................................................................. 7 7.5 Engineered Safety Features Actuation System s ............................................... 8 7.6 Control Console and Display Instrum ents ....................................................... 8 7.7 Radiation M onitoring System s .......................................................................... 8


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7 INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS 7.1 Summary Description The reactor is operated from a console located in the control room, at which the operator has a clear view into the reactor bay through large windows, and has all instrumentation necessary to monitor reactor operation and radiation safety close at hand. Instrumentation is either mounted on the console, near at hand, .or in the reactor bay with readout clearly visible through the window.

The console allows operation-of the, reactor with interlocks preventing rapid reactivity insertion. The console allows for automatic rod control, which modulates the movement of the least reactive control rod to keep power within a certain percentage of the currently selected linear range. The reactor instrumentation is all solid-state circuitry.

7.2 Design of Instrumentation and Control System 7.2.1 Design Criteria The instrumentation and control system is designed to provide:

1. Complete information on the status of the reactor and reactor-related systems;
2. A means for manually withdrawing and inserting control rods;
3. Automatic scrams in response to excessive power levels;
4. Manual scram capability in case of emergency; and
5. Monitoring of radiation and airborne radioactivity levels.

Additional parameters not necessary for the reactor protection system are also monitored and displayed.

7.2.2 Design-Basis Requirements The primary design basis for the Reed Research Reactor (RRR) is the safety limit on reactor power, designed to keep reactor fuel below a safe operating temperature. To prevent exceeding the safety limit, automatic scrams are provided for high power conditions, although none are required for reactor safety and none are taken credit for in this SAR. Interlocks limit the magnitude of reactivity insertions.

Reed Research Reactor 7-1 January2008 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER.7 7.2.3 System Description Reactor power is measured by three neutron detectors: a fission chamber, a compensated ion chamber, and an uncompensated ion chamber. Thq, s.ignal from the fission chamber is used by the wide range logarithmic channel. The compensated ion chamber is used by the multi-range linear channel., The uncompensated ion, chamber runs a, full-scale percent-power channel. A schematic is presented in Figure 7.1.

Figure 7.1 Instrumentation and Control Fission:Chamber.

The fission chamber,, (called the Logarithmic Channel or the Log, Channel) provides a continuous, indicationfrom. 10E-8 to 100% power. It., is, lined with highly enriched uranium-235 and operates in the proportional region of the gas filled detector curve. Neutrons .from the core interact with the uranium-235 lining to produce fission fragments,: which ionize the fill .gas., Gammas from the core (and background) ionize ,the gas in both Chambefrs: At powers below 0.1% of full power the circuitry distinguishes the neutron inducedfission fragments from gammas by means of a; pulse height discriminator. At low powers most of the gammas, come from the -decay of. fission products inthe core, which is not indicative of reactor power. The signal is displayed as apercentage of full power.

There is no count per second display. At powers above 0.1% the circuitry changes to display current signal like an ion chamber. At high powers there is no Reed Research Reactor 7-2 January 2008 Safety Analysis Report

INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEMS discrimination for gammas since the gamma signal is: much smaller than the neutron signal, and the gammas are mostly coming from fission, which is proportional to power. The Log Channel also displays the reactor period.

The only safety related feature of the Log Channel is the Source interlock, which ensures that rods cannot be withdrawn if there is no fteutron-induced signal. Once the reactor is aboVe 5 watts the Log Channel is no longer needed. Linear Channel The compensated ion chamber (called the Linear Channel) provides an indication from 0 to 120% of 10 ranges, up to full power. It ha's an outer chamber for the primary signal, and an inner chamber for the compensafing signal. The outer chamber is lined with boron-10; the inner chamber is not. FissionI neutrons from the core interact with boron in the outer chamber, releasing alpha particles that ionize the fill gas. Gammas from the core (and background) ionize the gas in both chambers. Electronics are used to subtract the inner chamber signal from the outer chamber signal.resuliing in asignal that is proportional to the neutron signal, and thus the reactor power. , ',

The Linear Channel has multiple linear ranges that slightly overfap. The channel automatically *ranges up to the next highest (less sensitive) range when the signal is above 90% of the current range. It automatically ranges to the down (to a more sensitive) range when the ýignal is below 10% of the current range. It is also possible to manually select an individual, range.

The Linear Channel; is required to be operable, with a high power scram whenever the reactor is not in the shutdown mode. Percent Channel . "

The uncompensated ion chamber (called the Percent Channel), .provides an indication from 0 to 120% of full power. It has only one chamber, and it is lined with boron-10. Fissionneutrons from the'core interact with'boron; releasing alpha particles that ionize:the'fill gas. Gammas from the core (and background) also ionize' the gas. . " ' ,.I At low powers most. of the-,gammas come from the-decay of fission products in the 'core; which is -not indicative of reactor. power. This makes the Percent Channel' inaccurate below approximately 1% of 'full power. At high powers the gamma signal is.much smaller-than the neutron signal, and the gammas are mostly coming from fission, which is proportional to power. -Thus there is no need for compensation for, gammas. -- ,..

R'eed Research Reactor 7-3 . - January 2008 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER 7 The Percent 'Channel is required to be operable with a high power scram whenever the reactor is not in the shutdown mode.

The relative overlap of the three neutron detectors is show in Figure 7.2.

Log Linear Percent I.E+03 1.E+02 1.E+01


1.E+00 S1.E-02 0,

-1.E-03 LL n 1.E-06 1.E-07



11E-10 Figure 7.2 Relative Ranges of the Power Indications 7.2.4 System Performance Analysis.

The system performance of the current instrumentation and control systems is' excellent.

Reliability has been high, with few unanticipated reactor shutdowns. Since daily checkouts are performed, any discrepancies would be observed and corrected in a prompt manner. The isolated outputs of the neutron channels allow the data to be utilized by other devices without concern over those devices affecting the charinels.

7.2.5 Conclusion The current instrumentation and control systems outperform the original equipment supplied with the reactor, while meeting all of the necessary design bases for the facility.

Reed Research Reactor 7-4 January 2008 Safety Analysis Report

INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEMS The human design factors used in control room -development allow the reactor to be operated by a single individual. Checkout, and testing procedures ensure .that all equipment is maintained in operational status.

7.3 Reactor Control System Three control rods are required for reactor operations to meet reactivity control requirements: 'a shim rod, a regulating rod, and a safety rod. These are positioned by control rod drives mounted on the reactor top center channel. The three rods provide coarse and fine power control. All rods can be individually scrammed if necessary, or all three can be manually scrammed by the operator.

Each rod is controlled by a rack-and-pinion drive (Figure 7.3), with the rack mounted on a drawtube extending approximately 12 inches (30 cm) below the center channel. At the bottom of the draw tube is an electromagnet which, when actuated, connects the draw tube to the control rod armature and allows rod withdrawal and insertion. The draw tube and top of the armature are housed in a tubular barrel that extends below the water surface. Just below the connection to the magnet on the control-Tod armature is a piston that travels within the barrel assembly. Vents in the top portion, of the barrel enable the water to escape, allowing the piston to move freely, but the bottom two inches (0.8 cm) restrain the motion by dashpot action, providing cushioninAg for the control rod mechanism in the event of a scram.

Rod position is indicated by a ten-turn potentiometer that sends motor position indication to the console. Three limit switches, motor-full-out, motor-full-in, and rod-full-in, light the rod control pushbuttons at the motor-out and motor-in positions and turn off the contact light if the rod-in and motor-in switches do not' agree. The limit switches are shown in Figure 7.4.

The regulating Wod can be put in automatic rod control, which disables manual rod control and engages a rod control servo which moves the rod to keep the percentage on the current decade of the multi-range linear channel within 2% of the percent demand set by the operator. The servo stops the motor from mr0ving if either' the motor'-up 'or motor-down lights are engaged, and will not move it again unless the rod is moved manually to clear the limit:switch. '. .

Reed Research Reactor 7-5 . . Januaty2008 Safety Analysis.Report

CHAPTER 7, Figure 7.3 Control Rod Drive i I

  • . i t" Reed Research Reactor 7-6 January 2008 Safety Analysis Report


u Figure 7.4 Control Rod Limit Switches Two interlocks are built into the control system of the reactor to prevent improper operation. These interlocks are hard-wired into the control rod drive circuitry. They are stated below:

1. No control rod withdrawal is possible unless a neutron-induced signal is present on an instrumentation channel. This interlock prevents the possibility of raising the rods with no neutrons in the core, which could cause an uncontrolled power increase when neutrons are introduced to the core; and
2. Simultaneous manual withdrawal of two or more control rods is not possible. This interlock prevents violation of the maximum reactivity insertion rate of the reactor.

7.4 Reactor Protection System The reactor protection system' will initate a' reactor scrlam if any of several measured parameters are outside their safety system settings. The reactor scram effectively shuts down the reactor by de-energizing the rod drive electromagnets, causing the control rods to drop into the reactor core by gravitational force. The reactor operator may manually scram the reactor by means of a scram bar on the console. The scrams required for operation of the reactor are a high power scram on the percent power channel, a high power scram on the linear channel, and a manual scram. All of these scrams are tested daily before operation.

Reed Research Reactor 7-7 January2008 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER 7 7.5 Engineered Safety Features Actuation Systems There are no engineered safety features actuation systems. Control rod insertion is provided by gravity and core cooling is provided by natural convection in water or air.

Therefore, Engineered Safety Features systems are not required in this design.

7.6 Control Console and Display Instruments Data from the neutron detectors are displayed in separate electronic modules on the console. The information is also supplied to a console data recorder.

Control rod indication is displayed on three labeled displays mounted in the console.

Position is displayed as 0 to 100% of withdrawal with 0.1% resolution.

When a reactor scram occurs, the corresponding annunciator lights up. There are no audible annunicators on the console. The annunciators only reset when the console key is moved to the reset position. There are Annunciators for the Manual Scram, Linear Channel Scram, and Percnrit Power Clqannel; Scram ,Inr addition'there is an annunciator for the Source Interlock.

7.7 Radiation Monitoring Systems A radiation area monitor (RAM) is mounted in the reactor room and is easily visible through the windows by the operator. It has a local visible and audible alarm that can be seen and heard in the control room. The RAM is an energy-compensated Geiger-Mueller.

A contifiuous air monitor (CAM) is motunted in the reactor,bay and-smnples the air for radioactive j~articulates. Air from the reactbr bay i's paissed through a paper particulate filter in close proximity to a detector. The readout from the unit is mounted within reach of the operator at 'the ,console. The CAM xwilf alarm on .high 'aii'orne activity.Similar units sample 'iir fromrthe exhaust stack, through ivhich all air frm tihe fficility passes, and may be used as a backup if the CAM fails.

Reed Research Reactor 78 January 2008 Safety Analysis Report

Chapter 9'.

Aux"il; iar Sst e~m~s.

Reed Research Reactor Safety. Anis Report a*s-AnaRya'

I -.4 -

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Chapter 9 Auxiliary Systems Table of Contents 9 Auxiliary Systems ................................................................................................... 1 9.1 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Systems ....................................... 1 9.2 Handling and Storage of Reactor Fuel............................................................... 3 9.3 Fire Protection Systems and Programs ................................................................... 4 9.4 Communication Systems .......................... ........................................................... 5 9.5 Possession and Use of Byproduct, Source, and Special Nuclear Material ........... 5 9.6 Cover Gas Control in Closed Primariy:Coolant Systems ................................. 6 9.7 Other Auxiliary Systems .......................................................................................... 6 9.7.1 Reactor B ay C rane ................................................................................... 6 9.7.2 Associated Laboratories .......................................................................... 6

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9 AUXILIARY SYSTEMS The systems covered in this chapter are not directly required for reactor operation, but are used in support of the reactor for normal and emergency operations.

9.1 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Systems Heating of the reactor bay and control room is provided by steam from the Reed College Physical Plant. The thermostat is automatically controlled at the Physical Plant. The reactor building does not have an air conditioning system. Routine maintenance and service of these systems is the responsibility of the Reed College Physical Plant.

The reactor bay was specifically designed for handling radioactive materials. A ventilation system moves air through the reactor room, the control room, and the mechanical equipment room. In normal operation (Figure 9.1), a fan draws air from the loft over the facility entry hallway and moves it into the reactor room through two vents for a total airflow of approximately 1,330 cubic feet per minute (630 L/s). This air is drawn from the reactor room by an exhaust fan, and either recirculates or goes up the exhaust stack, which by technical specifications releases at least 12 feet (3.7 m) above ground level to allow for decay of radiological emissions.

Upon a high radioactivity alarm on the reactor bay air monitor (typically 1 x 10-8 jiCi/ml), the system switches over to isolation mode (Figure 9.2), the input fan shuts down and the exhaust fan draws reactor room air through a HEPA filter at an airflow of approximately 100 cfm (50 L/s). This maintains the reactor bay at a negative pressure which serves to restrict air leakage from the reactor bay. This serves to contain any possible airborne radioactivity. Once the system is in isolation mode, it will remain in isolation mode until it is manually reset. The system can be set to isolation mode by a button on the reactor console. Technical Specifications require periodic testing to ensure that the isolation system works properly.

Reed Research Reactor 9-1 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report


Figure 9.1 Reactor Bay, Vent/Louver,,,

H= Damper Filter F-1 Fire'Damper R Heating Coil Figure 9.2 Ventilation Systenmin Isolation Reed Research Reactor 9-2 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

AUXILIARY SYSTEMS solation Exhaust

'Stack Fan Vent/Louver ojý Damper Filter

[-- Fire Damper 9 Heating Coil 9.2 Handling and Storage of Reactor Fuel The racks are fabricated of aluminum Reed Research Reactor 9-3 , ... 1. 1..I July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER 9 and allow only for single row spacing of up to ten elements. Spacing in the rack is sufficiently far apart to prevent accidental criticalities. No neutron poisons are used.

A licensed operator must be at the controls of the reactor while fuel movement is underway.. .

Fuel inspection is accomplished with a small underwater video camera attached to a rigid pole. The fuel element is ina special rack designed tohold and measure the fuel element.

Fuel replacement may be accomplished by moving spent or lightly burned fuel rods into a shielded container.under water using the fue!.-hayndling tool. A suitable:container:canbe lowered into the. pool by use of the 4-ton'(3,.6 metric ton) crane.

9.3 Fire Protection Systems and Programs Fire protection systems are maintained andcseiviced b-y services contracted by Reed College Community Safety, which maintain fire protection services for the entire campus. The building fire alarm system is part of a campus-wide network.

he reak(or has four pull-ni'the rea'ctor room' and one in the mechariical equipment roon. '" ' '

A number of fire extinguishers are readily available to reactor personnel. There' aremno' fire hose stations in the facility.

Reed College Environmental Health &'Safety 'contracts with an off-campus agency :for fire extinguisher testing' and maintenance, 6n'a regular 'basis. '" ,

The primary. potential'sburce of fires in the reactor'bay, control-room, mechanical equipment room, and ventilation loft is an electrical malfunction' The design of the RRR incorporates passive protection into the basic Structure of the building.. The building is constructed of concrete, brick, and glass. 'The only wood structures in the facility. are experimental facilities, laboratory sink, and cabinets., The doors separating the -facility from the outside are fire resistant doors. The doors to. the control room and the reactor bay are fire resistant. Inside the reactor facility, the door to the mechanical room is a fire' resistant door. The fire loading (flammable materials) is very low in theses areas. The trash cans are metal. Solvents and flammables are. kept in fireproof metal cabinets. No smoking is allowed in the entire facility. The walls and ceiling are structural concrete. The cable conduit from the control console to the reactor bay are steel pipe set in concrete.

Reed Research Reactor 9-4 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

AUXILIARY SYSTEMS In the event of electrical fire while the reactor is operating, failure of any one of many systems (e.g., 110 Volt A.C power, Linear Power Channel, Percent Power Channel) will cause an immediate scram to a shutdown condition. When the reactor is shutdown, there is no conceivable, series of events initiated by fire in the control console that could change the status of the reactor core to an unsafe condition.

9.4 Communication Systems Telephones at the facility share a common line, and are serviced. by the Reed College switchboard. Phones are located in the Director's office, the control room, and the reactor room; additional lines can be connected elsewhere in the facility as needed. Connection,~

to thz:campus.Ethernet for computers iri the: facility is maintained by Reed College-Computer User Services. In addition, there is a public address system allowing communication from the control room into the reactor bay, and an intercom system.

9.5 Possession and Use of Byproduct, Source, and Special Nuclear Material.,

Reportable quantities of radioactive materials are possessed under the.C11ege's State The 'reactor fuel is the property of.

Radioactive Materiais license and the React6rLicense.

the DepartmentofEnergy. Several radioactive sources are owned by.Reed College.

Radioactive materials, including special nuclear marterial (SNM), are inspected for contamination and inventoried on a semiannual basis. Several areas aie designated for storage of these materials.

Byproduct material produced in the reactor for research purposes is transferred to the College's state, license- and recorded on the irradiation documentation. The state, license is maintained by the Reed College Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS), and administered by the Radioactive Materials (RAM) Committee. Only individuals listed under the. license are permitted toxreceive materials. Normally, a memberof the reactor staff is also approved by the.RAM Committee to receive byproduct and special nuclear material under the state license. Possession limits are set by the state, and the R-A-M Committee determines use limits. Transfers off campus to,:other licensees must first go through EHS. The facility has several sources for research and instrumentation calibration purposes that are possessed under this license. Low-level wastes generated under the State of Oregon license are.disposed of under the state license. Disposal of low-level wastes generated under the reactor coordinated with EHS. Short-lived isotopes (half-life less than 90 days) are decayed in storage. Longer-lived isotopes are disposed of at US Ecology's facility in Richland, Washington. , .

Reed Research Reactor 9-5 .. . July 2010 Safety Analysis Report . .

CHAPTER 9 -...

SNM inventory is reported to the Nuclear Assurance Corporation 'under Reporting Identification Symbol (RIS) ZSW. The reactor fuel comprises the bulk of SNM at the facility. This fuel is owned by the Department of Energy and possessed under the Reactor Facility license R-1 12. The possession limit for 250 kW is set by the license R-1 12 at uranium-235 in enrichments less than 20%. The license also allows possession of a americium-beryllium neutron source, and no more than of uranium-235 in the fission chambers.

9.6 Cover Gas Control in Closed Primary Coolant Systems The Reed reactor has an open primary coolant system and hence has no cover gas control.

Nitrogen- 16 is controlled as described in Chapters 5 and 11 by forcing convection cooling flow from the reactor core into a helical pattern (to enhance time delays for more decay).

9.7 Other Auxiliary Systems 9.7.1 Reactor Bay Crane A manual chain-fall crane in the reactor bay is used to manipulate loads of up to 4 tons (3.6 metric tons). It is inspected by a professional contractor every year. Its use is administratively controlled to prohibit movement of the crane over the reactor core when the reactor is operating, and to avoid movement of the crane over the pool, unless necessary for the activity. A procedure exists for the use of the crane and for certification of crane operators. It is normally stored in a wall mounted rack in the southeast comer of the reactor bay.

9.7.2 Associated Laboratories In the rear of the reactor building is the RRR radiochemistry laboratory, featuring sample preparation facilities and several fume hoods for wet chemistry work. In an adjacent room is the gamma spectroscopy laboratory, which features several high-purity Reed Research Reactor 9-6 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

AUXILIARY SYSTEMS germanium detectorsand associated electronics for neutron activation analysis. There is also a dedicated scintillation detector for counting health physics wipes.

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Reed Research Reactor 9-7 .. July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

Chapter 10 Experimental Facilities Reed Research Reactor Safety Analysis Report

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Chapter 10 Experimental Facilities Table of Contents 10 Experimental Facilities and Utilization .............................................................. 1 10.1 Summary Description ........................................................................................ 1 10.2 Experimental Facilities ..................................................................................... 1 10.2.1 C entral Thimble ....................................................................................... 2 10.2.2 Rotary Specimen Rack ............................................................................ 2 10.2.3 Pneumatic Transfer System ..................................................................... 4 Valve Assembly ........................................................................ 5 Terminus Assembly ..... 5 Receiver-Sender Assembly ..................................................... 6 Blower-and-Filter Assembly ................................................... 6 10.2.4 Single-Element Replacement Facilities ................................................. 10 10.2.5 Gamma, In Tank, and Ex Core Facilities ............................................... 11 10.3 Experiment Review .......................................................................................... 11 10.3.1 Planning and Scheduling of New Experiments ...................................... 12 10.3.2 Review C riteria ..................................................................................... 12

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10 EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES AND UTILIZATION 10.1 Summary Description The Reed Research Reactor (RRR) provides educational and training services to support the scientific curriculum at Reed College and the education of the community about nuclear science and radiology. The laboratory science programs at Reed College are among the top five in the nation, and the RRR plays a part in allowing in-depth training for all students in the field of nuclear physics and engineering. The main experimental technique utilized at the RRR is neutron activation analysis.

Sectional views of the reactor are shown in Chapter 1, The Facility. Principal experimental features of the RRR facility include:

  • Central thimble

" Rotary specimen rack

  • Pneumatic transfer system
  • Single-element replacement
  • Gamma irradiation facility New experiments are reviewed and approved by the Reactor Review Committee (RRC) prior to operations. The Reactor Director or Supervisor may schedule for performance an approved experiment or an experiment of any type previously reviewed by the committee.

10.2 Experimental Facilities The RRR is a flexible, multi-use facility with irradiation facilities inside the core boundary, in the reflector, outside the reflector, and outside the biological shielding. One of the in-core facilities is a pneumatic sample delivery system capable of providing samples directly to the neutron activation analysis laboratory. The experimental facilities are comparable in design, construction, utilization, and purpose to experimental facilities at other similar research reactors. The experimental facilities have been successfully and safely utilized during the period of the current facility license.

Accidents such as loss of coolant and reactivity insertion that experimental facilities could be subject to are discussed in Chapter 13. The design, construction, and utilization of the experimental facilities are such that these accidents are extremely unlikely. Chapter 11 discusses radiation hazards. Access to experimental facilities is controlled by the use of operating and radiation protection procedures. Use of appropriate radiation detection equipment, radiation protection practices (including the ALARA program), and Reed Research Reactor 10-1 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report


established experiment review procedures provide reasonable assurance that doses from experimental facilities will meet the requirements of 10 CFR Part 20 for personnel and members of the general public. ...

The reactor safety systems are independent of the experimental 'facilities. The experimental facilities are maintained by in service inspections on a regular schedule.

The reactivity worth of experiments and their materials are limited by TS 3.6.1 10.2.1 Central Thimble The reactor is equipped with a central thimble for access to the point of maximum flux in the core. A removable screen at the top end of the thimble allows gas relief and prevents objects from falling through the reactor tank covers.:

The central thimble is an aluminum tube-that fits through the center holes of the top and bottom grid plates terminating with a plug at a. point'approximately 7.5 inches (19 cm) below the lower grid plate::The tube is anodized 'o .i"etard corrosion and wear. Although the shield water may beremoved to.allow extraction of a vertical thermal-neutron and gamma-ray beam, four holes are located in the tube~at the tbp of the-core to prevent expulsion of water from the sectifo' of the tube within ihe rekct6r core. Dimensions of the tube are 1.5 inch OD (3.81 cm) with an inside diameter of.1.33 inches (3.38 cm). The thimble is approximately 24.5"feet (7.5-m) in length, made in three sections joined with watertight tube fittings.

10.2.2 Rotary Specimen Rack A forty-position rotary specimen rack (Lazy Susan;-or LS) is located in a well in the top of the graphite radial reflector. The LS allows large-scale production of radioisotopes and activation and irradiation of multiple material samples with neutron and gamma ray flux densities of comparable intensity. Specimen positions are 1.25 inches (3.18 cm) diameter by 10.8 inches (27.41 cm) depth. Snamples are manually loaded from the top of the reactor through a water-tight tube into the LS. The rack may be rotated (repositioned) manually from the top of the reactor, and a motor allows continuous rotation at about 1.17 rpm during irradiation. Figure 10.1 is an image of the LS during construction, and figure 10.2 is an image of the rotation control mechanism and motor housing.

The rotary specimen rack, which surrounds the core, consists of an aluminum rack for holding specimens during irradiation. This rack is located inside a ring-shaped, seal-welded aluminum housing. The rack is rotated on a stainless steel ball-bearing assembly.

It supports 40 evenly spaced, tubular aluminum containers, open at the top and closed at the bottom, which serve as receptacles for specimen containers. The maximum internal space in each of the 40 tubes is 1.25 inches (3.18 cm) in diameter by 10.8 inches (27.41 cm) in length. Each location can hold one TRIGA irradiation tube, or two tubes if they are properly screwed together as shown in figure 10.3.

Reed Research Reactor 10-2 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES AND UTILIZATION Four of the tubes, spaced 900 apart, haye perforations in their walls. One of these four perforated tubes has a 0.625 inch (1.6 cm) diameter hole in the bottom. This hole permits periodic testing of the bottom of the rotary specinmen-rack housing to determine the extent of any accumulation of condensation or leaking water. Each of the four perforated tubes can be loaded witha suitable, porous container filled with a water-absorbing agent to dry any condensation that may occur as a result of high humidity in the reactor area and low operating temperature...

Each tube on the rack is oriented with respect to the specimen removal tube by a single.;

locking rod. The ring is rotated from a drive at the top of the reactor, rotation being transmitted through a drive shaft inside a tubular housing to a sprocket-and-chain drive in the rotary specimen, rack housing. ,, -

Figure 10.1 Rotary Specimen Rack (Lazy Susan)

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Reed Research Reactor 10-3 MJuly201.0.

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-Figure 10.2 Rotary Specimen Rack.Motor

¢ Figure 10.3 TRIGA Irradiation Tubes 10.2.3 Pneumatic Transfer System..

A pneumatic tran'sfer system, permitting experiments involving short-lived radioisotopes, rapidly conveys a specimei. frop the reactor core to a'remote receiver. The in-core terminus. is normally located in the outer ring 6f fuel-element positions.' The sample capsule (rabbit) is' coVey&d tb a receiver/sender stktion via tubing at least 1.08 inches Reed Research Reactor 70-4 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES AND UTILIZATION (2.74 cm) ID. The in-tank and in-core portion of the pneumatic transfer system is illustrated in figure 10.6. This system, shown schematically in figure 10.4 and 10.5, consists of the following major components:

  • A specimen capsule ("rabbit")
  • A blower-and-filter assembly
  • A valve assembly
  • A terminus assembly
  • A receiver assembly
  • A control assembly
  • Tubing fittings The system is controlled from the receiving area and may be operated either manually or automatically (i.e., with an electric timing device incorporated into the system so that the specimen capsule is ejected autonmiatically from the core after a predetermined length of time). Four solenoid-operated valves control the' .air flow. The system operates on a pressure differential, drawing the specimen capsule ,,into and out of the core by vacuum.

Thus, the system is always under a negative pressure so that any leakage is always into the tubing system. All the air from the pneumatic system. is passed through a HEPA filter before it is discharged to the exhausi'stack.

The operator at the reactor console can control rabbit insertion by means of a permissive switch in the control room that will deenergize the four solenoids. This will prevent inserting any rabbits and will cause any: rabbitin ,thd core to, move back to the receiving area. Valve Assembly  %

Adjacent to the blower assembly, four solenoid-operated valves (see figure 10.4) for 2.25 inch (5.7 cm) tubing are mounted on a common bracket. In the deenergized condition, valves 2 and 4 are open andvalves 1 and 3:are closed.

Valves 2 and 3 open to the Mechanical Room, and valves 1 and 4 are connected by flexible hoses through the plenum chambers and,filter to the blower suction.

No special maintenance of the valves is required except for periodic inspection of the electrical equipment and oiling of the moving parts. Terminus Assembly The terminus assembly (figure' 10.6) is located in the reactor tank. The bottom part, a double tube, extends into the reactor core. The terminus support is shaped like the tip of a fuel moderator element and can therefore fit into any fuel location in the core lattice. The prescribed location for the terminus assembly is in the outer ring of the lattice. Approximately 6 inches (15 cm) above the top grid plate, the double tube branches into two separate tubes, both of which extend to the top of the reactor. The tubes are made of anodized aluminum and have an outside diameter of 1.25 inches (3.2 cm). The distance between the centerlinesf'the two Reed Research Reactor 10-r5 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report I

CHAPTER 10 tubes is 4.5 inches (11.4 cm). The overall length of the terminus assembly is approximately 12.8 feet (3.9 in). Two 900 bends, 1.25 inch (3.18 cm) diameter tubes connect the assembly with the tubing at the reactor; one tube connects the terminus assembly to the receiver, and the other connects it to the blower assembly.

To counteract its buoyancy and keep it firmly in place in the core, the terminus assembly is weighted. The bottom of the internal tube is equipped with an aluminum spring shock absorber to absorb the impact of the specimen container when it is driven into position. Receiver-Sender Assembly The specimen capsule is inserted in and removed from the pneumatic system through an aluminum door in the receiver-sender'assembly (figure 10.7). This door is hinged on the upper side and has a latch on the lower side. When latched, the door will stop the ejected capsule in the receiver assenmbly. Blower-and-Filter Assembly The blower-and-filter assembly (figure 10.10) is installed on a wall-mounted steel angle support in the Mechanical Room. The assembly consists of a blower, a mianifold, plenum chambers, and a filter. The blower exhausts the system air into

,a vent pipe that discharges outside the building.

The blower is driven by an electric motor, which is maintained periodically. The blower is connected to the plenum chambers by a tube. ,The connections at both ends of the tube consist of flexible hose, 2.25 inches (5.7 cm) in inside diameter, and hose clamps.

The filter, which is sandwiched between the plenum chambers, has a 12 inch (30 cm) by 12 inch (30 cm) face area. The minimum filter efficiency is 99.97%. This filter is replaced when periodic visual inspection indicates a reduction in' efficiency due to the buildup of impurities on the filter. Two rods with wing nuts hold the filter, sandwiched between'the charhbers.

Reed Research Reactor 10`6 July 201.0 Safety Analysis Report


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IIn Figure 10.4 Diagram of the pneumatic transfer system inserting a sample Reed Research Reactor O-7 July 2010 SafetyAnalysis Report



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0 -. 4 4144 Figure 10.5 Diagram of the pneumatic transfer system removing a sample July2010 Reed Research Reactor 1048 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES AND UTILIZATION Figure 10.6 In-tank and in-core portions of the Pneumatic Transfer System-,

Figure 10.7 Pneumatic Transfer System Terminus Reed Research Reactor 10-9 .Jy 2010 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER1O Figure 10.8 Pneumatic Transfer System Blower-and-Filter Assembly 10.2.4 Single-Element Replacement Facilities Experiments may be inserted in spaces designed for fuel elements using a special "dummy element" consisting of two threaded aluminum sections (figure 10.9). When fuel element and an long at the vertical center. This dummy element may be inserted in any position in the core with the standard fuel-handling tool, or by means of an attached ring.

Reed Research Reactor 10-10 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report


Figure 10.9 Source:Holder /"Dummy Element"'

10.2.5 Gamma, In Tank, and Ex Core Facilities The gamma irradiation facility is a standing fuel rack located approximately five feet from the reactor on the bottom of the pool. The gamma source is an iridium source activated by the reactor as a single-element replacement experiment. The geometry of the facility allows varying intensities of gamma irradiation without any substantial neutron dose from the reactor.

Experimental procedures also authorize irradiations adjacent to the radial reflector.

10.3 Experiment Review The Reactor Review Committee (RRC) approves the types of experiments to be performed at the facility and the procedures for performing the experiement. If an Reed Research Reactor 1041 '., . July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER'l10 experiment falls within the scope of the set of approved experiment, a request for operation is submitted to the Director. The Director verifies that operation is within the scope of approved experiments, and approves the request by signature so that the experiment may be scheduled. If it is determined that the proposed experiment does not fall within the"scope of previously approved experiments or if the'experiment involves an unreviewed safety question, the experiment is considered a new experiment, and referred to the Reactor. Review'0ommittee (RRC) for approval.

10.3.1 Planning and Scheduling of New Experiments New experiments require approval of the Reactor ýReview*

Conmittee (RRC) prior to implementation. To support RRC review, a*w*rittendescription o eachipr6psed new experiment must .be prepared, with sufficient detail to enable evaluation of experiment

'safet?'. The RRC shall evaluate Whfether new contemplated, xperiments, Procedures, facility modifications (and/or changes~thereto) meet review criteria, and either approve experimental operations (wi or witbout cg anges or additional constraints). or prohibit tpe experiment from bein performed. e fpllowin informatioTeis.,the' minimum for a proposed eXperiment ...

  • Purpose of the experiment.

Background (if appropriate) ... .

Procedure - to include a description of the experimental. methods to be used and a description of the equipment, used. A sketch ofthe, physical layout and a tabular listof' equipmen nece.ssa for. the experiment, , are recommended. if ap p ro pria te , * .-

Asummary, of,various effects that the experiment, could'cause, or thatcould interact with the experiment, or including:

0 Reactivity Effects "

o .Thermal-Hydraulic Effects o Mechanical Stress Effects ,

  • References The RRC may require additional information to determine that an experiment is acceptable; the experiment shall not be scheduled until the RRC has reviewed the proposed experiment, including any supplemental information requested by the RRC.

10.3.2 Review Criteria The RRC shall consider new experiments in terms of effect on reactor operation and the possibility and consequences of failure, including, where significant, consideration of chemical reactions, physical integrity, design life, proper cooling, interaction with core components, and reactivity effects. Before approval, the RRC shall conclude that in their judgment the experiment, by virtue of its nature and/or design, will not constitute a significant hazard to the integrity of the core or to the safety of personnel. Evaluation of Reed Research Reactor 10 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES AND UTILIZATION the proposed experiment shall include (as a minimum, not limited to),that the likelihood of occurrences listed below are minimal or acceptable in both normal and failure modes:,

Breach of fission product' barriers (which could occur through reactivity effects, thermal effects, mechanical forces, and/or chemical attack)

  • Interference With reactor control system functions (which could occur thiough local flux perturbations or mechanical forces that canrl affect; slhielding or confinement)

Introduction or exacerbation of radiological hazards (which could occur through irradiation of dispersible material, mechanical instability, inadequate shieldifig afid/or inadequate contlolý for safe handling)

. Interferen*es'" ithl other experime6nts Or 6peratiobs a&ivities .(which could 7 occur thiu'gh "reactivity effects froii mbre than one 's6rce, degradation of performance of shared systems, 'e.g., eleCtri 1,potablewater, 'etc., physical initerruption

": haýýards.' of dper'afiidnhlactivities, Note'.hi s .,a di.*... or egress of toxi6*or hoxiods industrial o hi 'e atio should als6 consider potential -for fire or personnel exposure to toxic/noxious material)

  • Determination that the proposed activity is ifh combliance with Technical Specifications If an event or enW information challeniges the 6iigilhal ýeval'uation, the RkC shall review the experiment approval and determine if the 61rigin-al appro',al' ig 'till valid prior 'tb a continuation of the experimental program. When container failure is discoVeied that has released material with potential to damage 'the reactor fuel 'or structuie (by corrosion or other means), physical inspection shall be performe~d to' determine the consequences and need for corrective action. The results of the inspection and any corrective action taken shall be reviewed by the RRC and determined to be satisfaictory before' operation of the reactor is resumed.

Reed Research Rea-ctor 013July21 Safety Analysis Report

Chapter 11 Radiation Protection and Waste Management Reed Research Reactor Safety Analysis Report

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Radiation Protection and Waste Management Chapter 11 Table of Contents 11 Radiation Protection and Waste Management ................................................. 1 11.1 Radiation Protection .......................................................................................... 1 11.1.1 Radiation Sources ......................................................................................... 1 Airborne Radiation Sources ..................................................... 1 Liquid Radioactive Sources ...................................................... 4 Solid Radioactive Sources ........................................................ 5 11.1.2 Radiation Protection Program ................................................................. 5 Management and Administration ............................................ 6 Training . 7 11.1.3 A LA RA Program .................................................................................... 7 Policy and Objectives ............................................................... 7 Implementation of the ALARA Program ................................. 8 ReviewandAudit ..................................................................... 8 11.1.4 Radiation Monitoring and Surveying ...................................................... 8 11.1.4 .1 Surveys .................................................................................... . . 8 Radiation Monitoring Equipment ............................................. 8 Instrument Calibration ............................................................ 9 11.1.5 Radiation Exposure Control and Dosimetry ............................................ 9 Shielding ................................................................................. 10 Personnel Exposure ................................................................. 10 Authorization for Access ........................................................ 11 Access Control During Operation .......................................... 11 Exposure Records for Access ................................................. 11 Record K eeping ...................................................................... 11 Records of Prior Occupational Exposures .............................. 11 Records of Occupational Personnel Monitoring .................... 11 Records of Doses to Individual Members of the Public ...... 11 11.1.6 Contamination Control .......................................................................... 12 11.1.7 Environmental Monitoring ...................................................................... 13 Radiation Area Monitors ........................................................ 13 Airborne Contamination Monitors .......................................... 13 Additional Monitoring ............................................................. 13 Contamination Surveys .......................................................... 13 Radiation Surveys .................................................................... 14 Monitoring for Conditions Requiring Evacuation ................... 14 11.2 Radioactive Waste Management ................................................................... 14 11.2.1 Radioactive Waste Management Program ............................................. 14 11.2.2 Radioactive Waste Controls ................................................................... 15

11.2.3 Release of Radioactive Waste *.. 15 11.3 References ........................................................................................................... 15 I.,.,


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11 RADIATION PROTECTIONAND WASTE MANAGEMENT This Chapter deals with the overall radiation protection program for the Reed Research Reactor (RRR) and the associated practices for management of radioactive wastes. The chapter identifies radiation sources that may be present during normal operation of the reactor and the various procedures followed to monitor and control these sources. The chapter also identifies expected personnel radiation exposures due to normal operations.

11.1 Radiation Protection The Radiation Protection Program for the RRR was prepared to meet the requirements of Title 10, Part 20.1101, Code of Federal Regulations and the requirements of the State of Oregon. The Program seeks to control radiation exposures and radioactivity releases to a level that is As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) without unnecessarily restricting operation of the reactor for purposes of education and research. The Program is executed in coordination with the Environmental Health and Safety office of Reed College. The Program is reviewed and approved by the Reactor Review Committee (RRC).

Certain aspects of the Program deal with radioactive materials regulated by the State of Oregon (an Agreement state) under license ORE-900 10. Therefore, the Reed College Radioactive Materials Committee (responsible for administration of the State license) reviewed the Program. The Radiation Protection Program was developed following the guidance of the American National Standard Radiation Protectionat Research Reactor Facilities [1] and Regulatory Guides issued by the NRC [2-7].

11.1.1 Radiation Sources Radiation sources present in the reactor facility may be in gaseous (airborne), liquid, or solid form. These forms are treated individually in successive subsections. Airborne Radiation Sources For purposes of radiation dose calculations the actually measurements during operation are used. Appendix B of 10 CFR Part 20 lists the allowable Derived Air Concentration (DAC) for argon-41 as 3E-6 ýtCi/cm 3 . For 2000 hours0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br /> exposure this will produce the 50 mSv (5 rem) maximum permissible annual exposure. Appendix B of 10 CFR Part 20 lists the allowable Effluent Concentration (EC) for argon-41 as 1E-8 ýtCi/cm 3. For 8760 hours0.101 days <br />2.433 hours <br />0.0145 weeks <br />0.00333 months <br /> exposure this will produce the 0.5 mSv (0.05 rem) annual exposure for a member of the Reed Research Reactor 11-1 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER 11 public.'

For purposes of radiation dose calculations within the reactor bay, the reactor bay is approximated as a rectangle 13.5 feet (4.11 m) high, 34 feet (10.36 m) long, and 27.5 feet (8.38 m) wide. The free volume is, 12,600 ft3 (357 M 3 ). The air exhaust rate is 1330 cfm (630 L/s). The site boundary is 250 feet (76 m) from the center of the reactor. , .

During normal operations the primary airborne sources of radiation are. argon-41 and nitro'gen-i 6. Argon-41 results from irradiation of the. air inexperimental facilities and dissolved air in the reactor pool water. The primary means of argon-4! production is the rotating specimen rack. Other production sources include, the pool water and the pneumaticirradiation system..Nitrogen-1.6 is produced when oxygen in the pQQl, water is irradiated by the reactor core.

Nlitrogen- 16, argon-41, and radiatior from the reactor coreconitribute to this dose rate. Nitrogen-16 has a very short half-life (about 7 secorids) and the reactor has a tore diffuser system (see Chapter: 5) that creates a water circulation pattern designed to suppress nitrogen-i 6 tfranisport to the surface of the pool and reduce the reactor. pool surface dose rate. The maximum measured dose rate at the top ofthe reacior tank at full.pogwer with the primary cooling system operating is 0.3. nremrhr. The maximum measured dose rate rat the top of the

.,reactor -tank at full power is with the primary: cooling system off is 2.5 mremlhr.

Assuming that the 2.5 mrem/hr dose at the pool surface was from .nitrogen-16 (a conservative assumption), the occupational airborne is within 10 CFR 20 limits.

Because of the short hal-f-life.of nitrogen- 16, exposure to the public is negligible.

The largest source of argon-41lproduction is the rotating specimen rack. The Gaseous Stack Monitor measures the noble. gasses released from the facility th-ough the exhaust stack. It is tracked in DAC-hoursl Theghest annual total release rate measured'since the totalizing equipment was installed in 2002 was 760 DAC-hours when the facility was performing'ant unusuallylong operation for a project. Every other recorded year was well less than half that amount.

Usirig'the 10 CFR 20 Appenidix B argon-4.l D*C of 3E10-6 and dividing by the number of hours in a year (8760), 'the average concehiration at he. point of release during the year was 1.15E-7 jiCi/ml. Using the dilution factor for travel to the site boundary of 880,. the average concentration a the site boundary during the year was 3.OE-10 ptCi/ml. Assuming that the 10 CFR 20 Appendix B argon-41 EC of 100E-8 is equivalent'to 50 mrem/year, the dose to a member of the public during;that year was 1.48 Tmrem, well within 10 CFR'20 limits.

This is below the 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table 2 limit of 50 mrem for inhalation.

TS 33.5.2 limits the concentration of argon-41 discharged into the environment as follows:

Reed Research Reactor 11-2 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

RADIATION PROTECTION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT The annual average concentration of Ar-41 discharged into the unrestricted area shall not exceed 1.5E-6 p[Ci/ml at the point of discharge.

The concentration of 1.5E-6 RiCi/ml in TS 3.5.2 bounds the concentration of the calculated maximum concentration of 1.15E-7 RCi/ml. The concentration in TS 3.5.2 represents a dose of about 8 mrem/yr under the assumptions discussed above. This dose meets the regulatory requirements for radiation dose limits for individual members of the public in 10 CFR 20.1301, "Dose Limits for Individual 'Members of the Public,"'and the constraint on air'emissions of radioactih'e material in 10 CFR 20'. 1101 (d).

Releass'& from' accident conditions can occur if the fuel cladding is breached.

Conservdtive calculations performed in Chapter 13 of the SAR demonstrate that, even if a-fuel pin clad rupture were to: occur in air and the radioactive material quickly released to the environment at ground level, the dose to population directly outside the RR~wouuid be withiin 106 CFR Part 20'requiremEnts Radiological Assessment Radiological Assessment of Argon-

,Ti in R.otary, Specimen Rack A

  • The air 'volunie in the'rotary specinieni rack (RSR) does not freely' exchange with the air in the feactor'ba- ; thei'e is.'no 'motive force for circulation and the rotary specimheri.raick 6periing isroutinely covered dur'ing' operation.' If the rotary-specifiien rack Were t6 flood,"water would
  • forcethe' air volume in the RSR into the 'reactor bay'.-The;air'volume of the RSR'canbe-approkimated as a'section of a cyliiidric'al aninulus, with 28-inches (71 cm) OD, '24-inches' ('61 cnr) ID;';nd 14"-inches (35.6 :cm) height. The volume of the rotary specimen rack, VRSR, is therefore 3.75E4 cm 3 .'The thermal neutron flux densi y in the"RSR is RSR = 3.0E12 n/cm 2 s at 250 kW. The miciosc6iic cross section for thermal nieutiron absorption in arg6n-40 is 0.66 barns. The macrosc'opic cross section, p., for thermal neutron' absorptionr'in a;rgon-40 in air (0.0129 ;weight fracztion) is. the product of the atomic density of"argori-40 and the microscopic cross sectioin and is equal to 1.54tJ cm- . After sustained operation at full "power, the equilibrium'argoni-4 f activity"(Bq) in the RSR volulme is given b'y yo, sVR's 1.7ElOq (1)

This is 0.47 Ci in conventional units. If this; activity were flushed into the reactor bay atmosphere as a result of a water leak into the RSR, the initial activity concentration would be Ao /VBay = 1.3E-3 pCi/cm 3 . , (2)

This would instantaneously be well above the occupational DAC for argon-41. However, with radioactive decay and ventilation, the, Reed Research Reactor 11-3 . . July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER11 . . " . '

concentration would decline in time according to A(t) = aoe-(' . (3)

. .If a worker were exposed to the full course of the decay', cumulative concentration (tCi-h/cm 3) in the reactor bay would be.


'" Vay f0 A(t)dt - Vbay(=

,byX ++A)V - 1.91E-4KCi-h/cm 3 ., (4)

Assuming an occupational exposure of 2000 hours0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br /> per year,',the value of 1.91,E-4. iCi-h/cm3 above produces 1.91E-4 iCi-h/cm3/200'0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> = 9.55E-8 0/Cl/m 3.. .. (5)

This is well below the 2000 hour0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br /> annual limit of 3E-6 iiCi/cm 3 specified in Appendix B of 10 CFR Part 20. Liquid.Radioactive Sources .' "

- /! During normal operation of the RRR, the primary production of liquid radioactive iaterials occurs throughine'utron activation of impurities in the.

primary coolant..Most of this material'is -captured in mechanical filtration or ion exchange in. demineralizer.resin;, these materials are dealt. with as. solid waste. Non-routine liquid radioactive waste is generated from decontamination or maintenance activities; however,'based on past experience, the quantity and radioactive concentrations would be small. It is Reed College policy release liquid radioactive waste as an effluent.

Analysis of semiannual liquid. ýcintillation counts of the primary coolant,.

secondary coolant, and environs detect no measurable quantity of tritium in the water, and thus tritiuim is nof a concern in this analysis:-, '

Liquid samples are normally mixed with absorbent and handled as solid waste.

Table 11.7 shows the normal, measured activity of the reactor pool'water.

Table 11.7 Normal'Reactor Pool Activity .

Per Gallon " Total'Pool" ' '.. .Isotopes After a long run 0. Ci 1 mCi 50% argon-41,;25% manganese-56; 25%0 sodium-24 1 day' after scram -.0.003 j.Ci 75 tCi M6stlysodium-24 1 week after Below detection 0.3 iCi Mostly cobalt-60 and europium-154 scram limits Reed Research Reactor 11-4 ' July 2010' Safety Analysis Report

RADIATION PROTECTION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT Solid Radioactive Sources Solid sources consist of reactor fuel, a startup neutron source, and fixed radioisotope sources such as those used for instrumentation calibration. Solid wastes include: ion-exchange resin used in reactor-water cleanup, irradiated samples, labware and anti-contamination clothing associated with reactor experiments and surveillance or maintenance operations.

The solid radioactive sources associated with reactor operations are summarized in Table 11.8. Because the actual inventory of fuel and other sources continuously changes in normal operation, the information in the table is to be considered representative rather thanan exact inventory. Solid and liquid wastes are not included in Tables 11.7, 11.8, and 11.9. These sources are addressed in Section 11.2.

Table 11.8 Representative Special Nuclear Material Inventory.

.... app s (g)

Source description' Radionuclide " ha stca Physical.,-...* eight.%.,, A-235s.g

. Weit , ..

characteristics U-23.5. U23 Total 11.1.2 Radiatioln Protection Program The Radiation Protection Program was prepared by personnel of the RRR and the Reed College office of Environmental. Health and Safety (EHS). in response to the requirements of 10 CFR Part 20. The goal of the Program is the limitation of radiatidn exposures and radioactivity releases to a level that is As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) without seriously restricting operation of the Facility for purposes of education and research. The Program is executed in coordination with'the EHS office. It has been reviewedand approved by the RRC for the Facility. Certaifi aspects of the Program deal with radioactive materials regulated by the State of Oregon (an Agreement state) under license ORE-90010 and the Program has been reviewed by the Reed College Radiation Safety Committee, which is responsible for administration of that license. The Program is Reed Research Reactor H1l-5 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report


designed to meet requirements of 10 CFR Part 20. It has been developed following the guidance of the American National Standard RadiationProtection at Research Reactor Facilities [1] and Regulatory Guides issued by the NRC [2-7].

Table 11.9 Significant Byproduct Inventory Source description Radionuclide Activity 'Location Reactor startup Instrument calibration Instrument calibratioh Instrument calibration ,'*' .

Instrument calibration Maniagement and Administrationi  : ' . , "

.preparation, audit, and review of the RadiationProtection Program are the responsibility of the Director of the RRR.:The.Reactor Review Committee (RRC) reviews the activities of the Director and audits the Program. The RRC is

  • 'described in detail'in Chapter ,21; Administration.

Surveillance and record-keeping. are, the responsibility of the Reactor Supervisor who reports to the Director. ALARA activities, for which record keeping is the particular responsibility of the Reactor Supervisor, are incumbent upon all radiation-workers associated with the Reactor Facility.:

'Substantive changes in the Radiation, Protection Program'require approval of the RRC.. Editorial changes, or changes, to appendices, may be, made on the authority of the Director. Changes made to the Radiation Protection Program apply automatically to operating or emergency procedures; corresponding Program changes may be made without further consideration by the RRC.,

The Director is responsible for implementation of the Radiation Protection Program and compliance with 10 CFR 20 at the reactor. The Environmental Health and Safety. Qfficer is responsible for radiation safety for the campus. The Reactor Health Physicist oversees the implementation of the Radiation Protection Prgraima*he, reactor. The Reactor Health PhysiciSt' is independent of reactor operations management. The Reactor Director and the Reactor Health Physicist repo: to ihe Dean of the Faculty; they coordinate activities and program implementation the Environmental Health and Safety office. During an Redd Research Reactor 11-6 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

RADIATION PROTECTION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT emergency described inthetheEmergency EmergencyCoordinator Plan. is responsible for radiation safety as Procedures are in place for radiation protection during normal operations and reactor experiments. The procedures are reviewed by the RRC periodically.

Records of the implementation of the radiation protection program are maintained for review and audit. A radiation work permit process addresses unusual activities and special experiments. Emergency procedures are in place for radiation protection during emergencies. Training,. .

Implementation of training for radiation protection is the responsibility of the, Environmental Health and Safety office and the Reactor Director. Personnel who needaccess to. the facility, but are not reactor staff, are either,.;

trained personnel or provided facility access training. Radiation training f6r licensed, operators and staff is integrated with the training and requalification.


The goal of facility access training is 6 provide klnowledge and skills necessary to control personnel exposure to radiation.associated wi-th~the operation of the' nuclear reactor. Specific training requirements of 10 CFR Part 19, 10 CFR Part 20, the Radiation Protection Plan;.and; the Emergency 'Plan are explicitly addressed. A facility walkthrough is incorporated.:

All persons granted unescorted access to:.the, reactor bay, must receive the training and must complete without assistance a written examination over

  • radiation safety -and emergency preparedness. Examinations must be retained on file for audit purposes for at least three years.. .

The reactor staff accomplishes health physics functions at the reactor following approved procedures. Therefore, procedure training for the licensed reactor staff

  • training, includes additional radiological training. Examinations for reactor staff training are prepared and implemented in accordance with the Requalification Plan. . .. .

11.1.3 ALARA Programi' ..... - Policy and Objectives Management of the Facility is' committed to keeping both occupational and public radiation exposure as low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA). The specific goal of the ALARA Program is "to assure that actual exposures are no greater than 10 pe.Icent of.the occpa'tional limits and 50 percent of the public limits prescribed by '10 CFR Part 20.

Reed Research Reactor 11-7 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report ., II

CHAPTER-11 >*..v:" " Implementation of the ALARA Program Planning and scheduling of operations and experiments, education and training are the responsibilities of the Reactor Supervisor and/or the Reactor Director. Any action that, in either of their opinions, might lead to as a dose of 5 mrem to any one individual requires a formal Radiation Work Permit. Review and Audit Implementation of the ALARA Program is audited annually by the Director as part of the general audit of the Radiation Protection Program.

11J1.4 Radiation Monitoring and"Surveying.............

The radiation monitoring program for the reactor is structured to ensureý that all three categories of radiation sources- air, liquid, and solid-are detected and assessed in a timely manner. Surveys , ,

Raidiation monitoring survey requirements are imposed by the RRC

" thiough the' Radiation Protection'Program (independent.of the Emergency Plan) for:,

Continuously: Area moniiors in reactor bay..using energy compensated "

geiger counters. Air monitors inhe reactor bay and the effluent path with proportional counters. ".

Daily prior to operation:.,Contamination surveys with a geiger counter or equivalent. Area dose rates with, ion chambers, scintillation detectors, or energy compensated geiger counters.,

Weekly: Solid wasfe is surVeyed with a geiger Counter or equivalent..

. Liquid 'waste!is solidifiedi.ri6r to disposal.

Biweekly: Wipe test reactor bay, control room, and facility with a wipe test counter. '

Semi-annually: Source inventory and leak test. Environmental su-rveillance .. Radiation 'Monitoring Equipment.

Radiatin 'monitoring equipment used in the reactor program is summari'zed in 'fable 1l 10. Because equipment is updated and replaced as techhology and performance requires, the equipment ifi the table should be considered as representative rather than exact.

Reed Research Reactor 11-8 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

RADIATION PROTECTION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT Instrument Calibration Radiation monitoring instrumentation is calibrated according to written procedures. NIST traceable sources are used for the calibration. The Director is responsible for calibration of the Table 11.10 instruments on site. Calibration records are maintained by the facility staff and audited annually by the RRC. Calibraiion stickers containing pertinent information are affixed to instruments.

Table 11.1,0 Typical Radiation Monitoring and Surveillance Equipment Item Location Function Air monitors (3) -Reactor b ay -Measurepartiaculates'in room air Continuous air monitor Release stack Measure particulates released to

.. Air particulate monitor!' . ," the public ... .

,.- 1...I", Release,staick Measure radioactive gases, Gaseous stack monitor released to the public Measure gamma-ray exposure Area radiation monitors (3) Reactor bay rates in theremoactrble reactor bay raeAsuirte Hand and shoe monitor . , . . Measure.removabIe Walkthrough monitor Control room, contamination upon leaving reactor bay Reactor bay and Measure gamma-ray exposure Portable ion chamber control room rate, sense'beta~particles Reacfor'bay'and Measure ganirna-ray exposure Portable survey meters (6) control room rate, sense beta particles Fixed beta counter Counting room 'Wipe-test assay' Liquid scintillation spectrometer 'Chemistry - Counts liquid samples building, Gamma-spectroscopy *ystems (2), Gamma-ray assay Direct reading pocket dosimeters Control room Personnel gamma dose 11.1.5 Radiation Exposure Control and Dosimetry.,

Radiation exposure control depends on many different factors including facility design features, operating procedures, training, proper equipment, etc. Training and procedures have been discussed in Section 11.1.2. This section~deals with design features such as shielding, ventilation, containment, and entry control for high radiation areas, protective equipment, personnel exposure,, and estimates of annual radiatibn exposures for specific locations ,wiihin he facility. Dosimetry records and trends are also'incuaed.

Reed Research Reactor 1179 Jul), 010 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER 11' Shielding The water around the Reed TRIGA reactor is the principal design feature.for control of radiation exposure during operation. The shielding i s based on TRIGA shield designs used successfully at many other similar reactors.

The reactor is designed so that radiation from thecore area cani be extracted via the central thimble for research and educational purposes. When the water is removed from the central thimble, additional measures are required "to control radiation exposure by restricting access to areas of elevated radiation fields.

Written procedures are required for any work to be done'in'fihe vicinity of the open beam..

11.15.2 Personnel Exposure '

Regulation 10CFR20.1502 requires monitoring of workers likely to receive, in one year from sources external to the body, addose in excedss of 10 percent of the limits prescribed in 10CFR20.1201 .The regulation also requires monitoring of any individualsefitering a high or very high radiation area within which an individual could receive a dose equivalent of 0.1 rem in one hour.

Table-11; 11 lists kestilts'ofa 7Jyear survey of deep d6se. equivalent (DDE) and shallow dose equivalent (SDE) occupational exposures atftlie RRR.' There have been no instances of any exposures in excess of 10 percent of the applicable limits.

Monitfoing Of Workers and members of the~public for radiation exposure required byfhe RR 'and i~sdescribed,in the Program.

Table 11.11 Representaiive Occupational Exliisures Numbers of persons in annual-dose categories .

Year < 100 mrem. > 100mrem <100.mrem 100-500 mrem > 500 mrem DDE.. DDE SDE . SDE SDE 2006 51 0 50 1 0 2005 47 0 46 1 0 2004 ,

38 0 37 1 0 2003 31 0 31 0 0 2002 "30 0 29 . 1 0 2001 26 0 25 1 0 Reed Research Reactor 11-l0 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

RADIATION PROTECTION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT 2000 29 0 29 0 0 Authorization for Access Personnel who enter the control room or the reactor bay will either hold authorization for unescorted access, or be under direct supervision of an escort (i.e., escorted individuals can be observed by the escort) who holds authorization for unescorted access. Access Control During Operation When the reactor is operating, the licensed reactor operator (or senior reactor operator) at the controls shall be responsible for controlling access to the control room and the reactor bay. Exposure Records for Access Personnel who-enter the reactor bay shall havxe arecdrt6f accuimulated dose measured by a ngamasensitive individual monitoriig device, eidher a personal

.dosimeter or a'self-reading dosimeter. Normally no les*s than two individual monitoring devices may be used for a group,of visitors all spending the same amount of time in the bay. Record Keeping Although the RRR is likely exempt from federally required record keeping requirements of 10CFR20.2106(a), certain records are required in confirmation that personnel exposures are less tlhan 10 perceAt of applicable limits. Records of Prior Occupational Exposures These records (NRC'Form 4) are initially obtainied, and then maintained permanently by-the Office of Enviroinmental Hea'lth'and Safety. This is not normally done for students since they typically do not have any prior -

occupational exposure. Records of Occupational Personnel Monitoring The Office of Environmental Health and Safety permanently maintains exposure records. Records of Doses to Individual Members of the Public Self-reading dosimeter records are kept in a logbook maintained by the RRR. Such records are kept permanently. Results of measurements or calculations used to assess accidental releases of radioactive effluents to the environment are to be retained on file permanently at the RRR.

Reed Research Reactor 11-11 Jitly20.10 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER'11 .. . 3 11.1.6 Contamination Control Potential contamination is controlled at the RRR by trained personnel following written procedures to control radioactive contamination, and by a monitoring program designed to detect contamination in a timely manner.

There are no areas within the reactor facility with continuing removable contamination.

The most likely sites of contamination are the sample port at the rotary specimen rack (Lazy Susan, or LS) and at a sample-handling hood for receiving irradiated samples.

These sites are covered by removable absorbent paper pads with plastic backing, and are routinely monitored on a periodic basis. If contaminated, pads are removed.and treated as solid radioactive waste. While working at this or other potentially contaminated sites, workers wear protective gloves, and, if necessary, protective clothing and, footwear.

Workers are required to perform surveys to assure that no contamination is present on hands, clothing, shoes, etc., before leaving workstations where contarnination is'likely to occur. If contamination is detected,.then a check of the exposed areas of the, body and clothing is required, with monitoring control points-established for this purpose, Materials, tools, and equipment are monitored for contamination before removal from contaminated areas or from restricted areas likely-tod be contaminated. Upon leaving the reactor bay, hands and feet are monitored for removable contamination.

RRR staff and visiting resear'ehers are, trained-on'the risks of-contamination and. on techniques foravoiding, limiting, and controlling contamination.'.,

Samples that have been activated in the reactor are monitored for contamination and radioactivity upon removal from the reactor. Personnel protectivei clothing (glOves, lab coats, etc.). are worn while handling samples from the reactor. Samples are transferred fromýtheir irradiation vials into counting'vials or are placed in plastic bags-to limit the spread of contamination. All personnel are surveyed for contamination following handling irradiated samples.

Table 11.12. lists sample locations for routine monitoring of surface contamination control measures. On'a biweekly basis, 100 cm 2 swipe tests with~ethanol are analyzed in a wipe test c0inhterifor contaminatibnl A&ceptable suiface c6ntaminatiori levels for unconditional release are no more than 1000 dpm/100 cm 2 beta-gamma radiation.

Table' 11.12 Representative Contamination Sampling Locations Reactor bay 'a . "

Clean sample-preparation fume hood Floor between LS removal port and contaminated fume hood Floor near entrance to reactor bay Mechanical room Floor in NW corner of reactor bay Reed Research Reactor 1.1-12 . July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

RADIATION PROTECTION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT Outside reactor bay Control room Exit hallway floor Table for rabbit sample preparation Stairway to Psychology building 11.1.7 Environmental Monitoring Envir6rimenital -monitoring is required to assure compliance with Subpart F of 10 CFR Part 20 and with Technical Specifications. Installed monitoring systems incldde area :radiation monitors and airborne contamination monitors. Radiation'Area Monitors *

A radiation area'monitor is required for. reactor operation. Radiation :area monitor calibrationis accomplished as required by Teclhnical .Specifications -in accordance with'facility procedures., , ' ' Airborne Contamination Monitors '. '.

  • The facility has one required air monitoring system in the reactor bay. Two additional systems monitor air from the.exhaust-stack.:Airborne contamination monitor calibration is Technical Specifications in:

accordance with facility procedures. Additional Monitoring The RRC may impose additional requirements ,through the Radiation Protection Program.: ', , , ', Contamination Surveys Contamination monitoring requirements; and surveillances addressed in 1. 1.6 prevent track-out of radioactive contamination from the.reactor facilities to the environment. .

As required by 10CFR20.1501, contamination surveys are conducted to ensure compliance with regulations reasonable under the circumstances to evaluate the magnitude and extent of radiation leyels, concentrations;or quantities of radioactive material, and potential radiological hazards.

Reed Research Reactor 11-13 ' July 20.1,0 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER 11 Radiation Surveys Quarterly environmental monitoring is conducted, involving measurement of both gamma-ray doses within the facility and exterior to the facility over the course of the quarter using fixed area dosimetry.

Radiation surveys are conducted daily before operation at the RRR for radiation levels.

Gamma-ray exposure-rate data, based on quarterly measurements over the most recent:7-year period is indicated in Table 11.13. Source terms are related to reactor power levels; therefore maximum radiation levels during O6peration at 250 kW should not exceed twice th'e maximum historical values in'Table 11.1 3.

Table 11.13 Representative Environmental Exposures Year Highest Annual Dose Highest Annual Dose:'

Inside Reactor Bay Outside the Facility 2006 197 81, 2005 '136 17 2004 3875 . <81 2003 688 1'02 2002 659 25 2001 204 '": 20.

2000 21 1 Monitoring for Conditions Requiring Evacuation An evacuation alarm is required in te reactor. Response tesfing of the alarm is performed in accordance '.vith facility piocedures'.

11.2 Radioactive Waste Management The reactor generates very small quantities of radioactive waste, as indicated in Section 11.1.1. Training for waste management functions are incorporated in operator license training and requalification program.

11.2.1 Radioactive Waste Management Program' Liquid wastes are not customarily released from the RRR. Solid wastes are, either allowed to decay in storage to background, or are shipped for burial.

Reed.Research Reactor 11-14 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

RADIATION PROTECTION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT 11.2.2 Radioactive Waste Controls Radioactive solid waste is generally considered to be any item or substance no longer of use to the facility, which contains or, is suspected of containing radioactivity above background levels. Volume of waste at the RRR is small, and the nature of the waste items is limited and of known. characterization. Consumable supplies such as, absorbent materials or protective clothing are declared radioactive waste if radioactivity above background is found to be present.

when possible, solid radioactive waste is initially segregated at the point of origin from items that are not considered waste. Screening is based onthe presence of detectable radioactivity using appropriate monitoring and, detection techniques and onthe future need for the items and materials involved. Oregon is an "agreement state," so radioactive materials generated for research and experiments under the federal byproduct material license of the Reactor Facility are transferred to the.State of:Oregon license for conduct of the activities. , ,

Although argon-41 is released from the RRR, this release is not considered to be waste in the same sense as liquid 'and solid wastes. Rather, it is' an effluent, which is routine part of the operation of the facility. A complete description of argon-41 production and dispersal is provided in section 1 I .1.1.

11.2.3 Release of Radioactive Waste The RRR does not have a policy of releasing radioactive waste to the environment as.

effluent. If contaminated liquids are produced, they are'contained localiy, added to' absorbent, and transferred to a waste barrel in preparation for transfer to a licensed burial facility. Solid Waste is likewise routinely cbritained on-site.

11.3 References

1) ANSJ/ANS/L5.11 (Final Draft), Radiation Protection at Research Facilities, American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park,Illinois, October, 1992.
2) Instructions for Recording and Reporting Occupational' Radiation Exposure Data, Regulatory Guide 8. 7 (Rev. 1), US. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., 1992. .
3) Monitoring Criteria and Methods to Calculate Occupational Radiation Doses, Regulatory Guide 8.34, US. Nuclear Regulatoty Commission, Washington, D.C.,


Reed Research Reactor 11-15 Jul 2010 Safety Analysis Report


4) Air Sampling in the Workplace, Regulatory Guide 8.25 (Rev. 1), US. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., 1992.
5) Planned Special Exposures, Regulatory Guide 8.35, US. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., 1992.
6) Radiation Dose to the Embryo/Fetus, Regulatory Guide 8.36, US. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C., 1992.
7) Interpretation of Bioassay Measurements, Draft Regulatory Guide 8.9 (DG-8009), US. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., 1992.
8) Data for Use in Protection Against External Radiation, Publication 51, InternationalCommission on RadiologicalProtection,1987.
9) Limits for Intakes of Radionuclides by Workers, Publication 30, International Commission on RadiologicalProtection, 1979.
10) 1990 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection,Publication60, InternationalCommission on RadiologicalProtection, 1991. i* . " *. ' . ,. . ....
11) Limits for Intakes of Radionuclides by Workers Based on 1990 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, Publication 61, InternationalCommission on RadiologicalProtection,1991.
12) Reed Reactor Facility Safety Analysis Report, License R-1128, Docket 50-288, 1968.
13) Facility Safety Analysis Report, Rev. 2, McClellan Nuclear Radiation Center Reactor,April 1998. ,.
14) Mittl, R.L. and MH Theys, "N-16 Concentrationsin EBWR, Nucleonics, March 1961, p. 81.
15) Slade, DIH (ed.), "Meteorology ancd Atomic Energy," Repoirt TID 24190, US.

Atomic Energy Commission, 1968).

16) Handbook of Health Physics and Radiological Health. Shleien, Slaback, Birky, editors. 3 rd ed Baltimore (MD): Williams and Wilkins, 1998.
17) Gevantman, LH Solubility of Selected Gases in Water. In: Lide, DR, editor. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 8 4 'h ed Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2003. p 8-88.

Reed Research Reactor 11-16 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

-ý-i "--..."

Chapter 12 Conduct of Operations Reed Research Reactor...

Safety Analysis Report

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Chapter 12 Conduct of Operations Table of Contents 12 Conduct of O perations .......................................................................................... 1 12.1 O rganization ........................................................................................................ 1 12.1.1 Structure ................................................................................................... 1 12.1.2 Responsibility .......................................................................................... 2 Reed College A dm inistration ................................................... 2 Reactor Review Com m ittee ...................................................... 2 Reactor H ealth Physicist ........................................................... 2 Reed Reactor Facility Adm inistration ...................................... 3 Reactor Supervisor .............. : .............................................. 3 Reactor Operators ...................................................................... 3 Reactor A ssistants ................................................................... 3 12.1.3 Staffing ..................................................................................................... 3 12.1.4 Selection and Training of Personnel ........................................................ 4 12.1.5 Radiation Safety ........................................................................................ 4 12.2 R eview and A udit A ctivities ............................................................................... 4 12.2.1 Composition and Qualifications .............................................................. 4 12.2.2 Charter and Rules ...................................................................................... 5 12.2.3 Review Function ..................................................................................... 5 12.2.4 Audit Function .......................................................................................... 6 12.3 Procedures ...................................................................................................... 6 12.4 R equired A ctions ................................................................................................. 7 12.5 Reports to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ............................................. 7 12.6 R ecord R etention ............................................................................................... 7 12.7 Em ergency Planning .......................................................................................... 7 12.8 Security Planning ............................................................................................... 7 12.9 Q uality A ssurance ............................................................................................... 8 12.10 O perator Training and R equalification .......................................................... 8 12.11 Startup Plan ........................................................................................................ 8 12.12 Environm ental R eports ... .................................................................................. 8

This Page is Intentionally Blank 12 CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS This chapter describes the conduct of operations at the Reed Research Reactor (RRR).

The conduct of operations involves the administrative aspects of facility operations, the facility emergency plan, the physical security plan, and the requalification plan. This chapter of the Safety Analysis Report (SAR) forms the basis of Section 6 of the Technical Specifications (Chapter 14).

12.1 Organization The operating license R-1 12, Docket 50-288, for the reactor is held by Reed-College. The chief administrating officer for Reed College is the President. The Reactor Director reports to the Vice President, Dean of the Faculty, who in turn reports, directly to the President of Reed College. The Director is responsible for licensing and reporting information to the NRC.

12.1.1 Structure As indicated on Figure 12.1, the President of Reed College is the licensee for the Reed Reactor Facility. The reactor is under the direct controlof the Reed Reactor Facility Administration, consisting of the. facility Director and Associate Director, who report to the college Dean of the Faculty and President. . -

Environmental, safety, and health oversight functions are administered through the Vice President, Treasurer, while reactor line management functiois are through the Vice President, Dean of the Faculty. Radiation protection functions are divided between the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) and the reactor staff and management, with management and authority, for the RS'O separate from line rmanag.ement and authority, for facility operations. Day-'to-day radiation protection funtiionsjimplemehted by facility staff and management are guided by aipproved administratiVe controls (Radlatioi Prote Program or RPP, operating and experiment procedures). These' controls are reviewed and approved by the RSO as part of the Reactor Review Committee (RRC). The Reactor Health Physicist reports to the RSO and has, specific oversight functions assigned though the Administrative Procedures. The Reactor Health Physicist provides routine support for personnel monitoring, radiOlo"icai analysis, and radioactive'materil'inventory control.

The Reactor Health Physcist 'rovides guidance on request for noin-routine operations such as transpdrtati6n'thnd implementation of new experiments.:

Reed Research Reactor 12-1 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER 12 President of Reed Coll tue fo tR e Dean of the Faculity °

[Reactor eeperationsCr fnittee Reactor i Dir befor establh ysicist t, an ra n Associate Directoroh

'0'potations supervisor 1.2enior Reactor Operators itesReactor Opera tcmh Figures12.1 Organization and ManagemeratiStoruurettfor the Reed Reactor i 12.1.2 Resd0wnsibility" licene"an I

The following describes the individuals and groups that appear in the organizational structure chart and their associated duties and responsibilities. Reed College Administration The Reed College Pydmsnistrationpisresponsible'for establishiuog theaeilityo ,

budget,.i and for appointing the. Director, Associate Dinector :Health Physicist, oird' members of the Reactor Review Committee. R ', Ofie. ,.i, of the '.Reactor Review. Committee, The Reactor Re-view Co2mittee'serves as'n oversi committee The RRC is2 respotysible'for reviewing reactdr'operations to assure that the reactorReptilty"is' operated and usedt in a: mfanner' within the telrms of thie aciifit*, license and cnitn ihtesafety of tiae puiblii. Duties of theReactor:Review Committ~ee-are enumerated in, Td'clnical S'p cifi'cations, Section 6,:2.b. i "" Reactor Health Physicist ,,,* .,,*

The eacor ealh Phsicst~rovdesroutine support for personnel monitoring, radiological analysis, and radioaictive material inventory, control. The Reactor H4ealth Physicist reports t9o the.College Radiation Safety Officer. DuDties of the Reactor Health Physicist are enumerated in Technical Specifications, Section 6,1.2.g.

Reed Research Reactor 12-2 -,,,:.,',July 20-1.0 Safety Analysis Report ,** ' ,

CONDUCT OF OPERATION 'Reed Reactor Facility Administration The Reactor Director has the ultimate responsibility for the safe and competent operation of the RRR. The Associate Director acts as'an assistant to the Director, and can act on the behalf of the Director in some instances. Duties of the Director and Associate Director are enumerated in Technical Specifications, Section 6.1.2.b and 6.1.2.c. Reactor Supervisor:

The Reactor Supervisor is responsible to the Director for' directiing the activities of Reactor Operators and for the day-to-day operation and maintenance of the reactor. The Supervisor shall ib a NRC licensed, Senio'r Reactor Operator tbr the facility. Specific duties are enumerated in Technical Specifcationse Section 6.1.2.d. Reactor Operators' Reactor, Operators are appointed; by the, Director, .and~must hold an NRC Reactor:

Operator or Senior Reactor Operator license. They are responsible for the safe and

-competent, operation and, maintenance of the reactor. and associated equipment.

Specific, duties of Reactor. Operators are enumerated in Technical Specifications, Section. 6..1.2:h.. , . , .. ,, * .. Reactor Assistants * .,

Reactor Assistants are appointed by the Director to work at the Facility under the direct supervision of a licensed'Reactor Operator -or the Health Physicist."

Assistants shall be trained in the safe use of radioactive materials, radiation safety, and emergency procedures. . ., ,"

12.1.3 Staffing Whenever the reactor is not in the secured mode, the reactor .shall be under the direction of a US NRC licensed Senior Operator. The Senior Operator shall be easily reachable, such as by phone or pager, on campus, and within five, minutes travel time of the facility. , . r Whenever the reactor isnot secured, a US NRC licensed Reactor Operator (or Senior. ReactorOperator) who meets requirements of the Operator Requalification Program shall beiat'the reactor control console, and directly responsible for..,

reactivity manipulations..'

Reed Research Reactor 12-3 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER 12 Whenever the reactor is not secured, a second person shall, be in the facility. This person may leave the facility briefly to take readings or conduct inspections.

In addition to the above requirements, during fuel movement a Senior Operator inside the reactor bay directing fuel operations.

Only the Reactor Operator at the controls or personnel authorized by, and under direct supervision of, the Reactor Operator at the controls shall manipulate the controls. Whenever the reactor is not secured, operation of equipment that has the potential to affect reactivity or power level shall be manipulated only with the knowledge and consent of the Reactor Operator at the controls. The Reactor Operator at the c0ntrois may authorize peisohs to manipulate reactivity controls who are training either as (1) a student making use of the reactor, (2) to qualify for anoperator license,,or (3)in'accordance'tihe approved Reactor Operator requalificatiort' rogram.

12.1.4 Selection and Training of Personnel TheDirector 'bf the RRR 'shall select individuals -with -the requisite 'experience and qualificatiofis' recommended- in-../*NSI/ANS -1:5.4-4988; Selection' 'and Training of Personnelfor Research Reactois. All personnel, shall have, a combination of 'academic training, experience; health, and skills commensurate v*,ith their responisibility, and duties.

Training for new personnel includes emergency preparedness and radiation safety.

12.1.5 Radiation Safety ' ,.

The radiation safety program is discussed in Chapter 11 . ... ,L 12.2 Review and Audit Activities It is the responsibility of the Reactor Review Committee (RRC) to review reactor operations to assure that the reactor facility is operated and used in a manner within the terms of the' facility license and consistent with the safety of the public 'and of persons.

12.2.1 Composition and Qualifications The RRC shall have at least five voting members, at least two of which are-knowledgeable in fields thatrelate to-physics and nuclear safety. The Reactor Director and Associate Director shall be nonvoting members. The Dean of the-Faculty, the' Reactor Health Physicist, and the campus Radiation Safety, Officer shall be voting members. The President shall appoint the ROC members except those who are members by virtue of their position described above.

Reed Research Reactor 12-4 ' July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

CONDUCT OF OPERATION 12.2.2 Charter and Rules The RRC shall have a written statement defining its authority and responsibilities, the subjects within its purview, and other such administrative provisions as are required for its effective functioning. Minutes of all meetings and records of all formal actions of the RRC shall be kept by the Director.

The RRC shall meet a minimum of two times each academic year. Additional meetings*

may~be called by the chair, and the RRC may be polled in lieu of a meeting. Such a poll shall constitute RRC action subject to the same requirements, as for an actual meeting. A quorum shall consist of not less than a majority of the voting RRC members. Any action of the RRC requires a majority vote of the members present:.

The Reactor Review Committee may be divided into two subcommittees (Reactor, Operations Committee and Reactor Safety Committee);. . .. . .

A written report of the findings of any audit shall be submitted to the Director after the audit has been completed.

12.2.3 'Rev'iew Function ." .

Tlhe responsibilities of the RRC shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

1) Review and approval of rules, procedures, and proposed Technical Specifications;
2) Review and approval of all proposed changes in the facility that could have a significant effect on safety and of all proposed changes in: approved rules, procedures, and Technical Specifications, in accordance with procedures in Technical Specifications, Section 6.3;
3) Review and approval of experiments using the reactor in accordance with procedures and criteria in Technical Specifications, Section 6.4;
4) Determination of whether a proposed change, test, or experiment would constitute an unrqvieved safety question or Change in the Technical Specificatidns (Ref. 10 CFR 50.59);
5) Review of violations of Technical Specifications Surveillance requirements;
6) Review of abnormal performance of equipment and operating anomalies;
7) Review'of unusual or abnornial occurrences'and incidents which are reportable under 10 CFR Part 20 and 10 CFR Part 50;and , -
8) Inspection of the facility, review of safety, measures, and audit of operations at a frequency not less than once a year, including operation and operations records of the facility. Standard Operating Procedures shall be audited biennially.

Reed Research Reactor 12-5 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report


12.2.4 Audit Function The RRC shall audit the reactor operations, including but not limited to, operation and operations records of the facility, annually.

Members of the Reactor Review Committee who are dssigned responsibility for audits shall perform or arrange for examination of operating records, logs, and other documents.

Discussions with cognizant personnel and observation of operations shall be 'used as appropriate. In no case. shall the individual immediately responsible for an aspect of facility operation audit that. area.

The purpose of audits is to determine if activities since thec. last audit were conducted safely and in accordance with regulatory requirements and applicable procedures. In addition to checking the. controlling document or procedure, the audit should verify that the records are completed and retrievable, that the procedures are clear,'that deficiencies in previous audits have been addressed, and that the procedure fulfills the intended function. ' ,' " , .

The status of the reviews and audits shall be a standing agenda item for all committee meetings. Deficiencies uncovered in audits that affect reactor, safety shall j.mmdiately be reported to the President of Reed College by the chairperson of the Committee. A written report of the findings of the audit shall be submitted to the Director after the audit has been completed. . * " ' ' ' ' ' .....

The Radiation Protection Plan, Requalification Plan, and Emergency Plan are audited each academic year. A list of items to be audited' and their fre4uency is provided iii the RRR Administrative Procedures; Section 2.3 .

12.3 Procedures Written procedures, reviewed and approved by the RRC, shall be followed for the activities listed ibelow. The procedures shall beadequate to 'assure)the safety'Of the reactor, persons within the facility, a nd the pub'lic, but should not preclude'the use of independent judgment and action should the situation require it. The activities are:

1) Startup, operation, and 'shutdown of the reactor, including (a) Startup procedures to test the reactor instrumentation and safety systems, area monitors, and continuous air monitors, and (b) Shutdown procedures to assure that the reactor is secured before the end of the day.' ... "
2) Installation or removal of fuel elements, control rods, and other'core components that significantly affect reactivity or reactor safety.

Reed Research Reactor 12-6 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report


3) Preventive or corrective maintenance activities that could have a significant effect on the safety of the reactor or personnel.
4) Periodic inspection,' testing, or calibration of -systems' or. instrumentation that

'relate to reactor operation.

Substantive changes in the above procedures shall be made only with the approval of the RRC, and shall be issued to the personnel in written form. The Reactor Director may make temporary chahges that do not change'the original intent. The cliange and the reasons thereof shall be reviewed by the RRC.

12.4 Required Actions" This is addressed in the RRR Technical Specifications. '

12.5 Reports to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission This is addressed in the RRR Technical Sie cffi6ati6.i 12.6 'Re&ord Retention ' '.. .' " '

This is addressed in the RRR Technical Specifications.

12.7 Emergency Planning The RRR Emergency Plan contains. detailed information regarding the RRR response to emergency situations. The RRR Emergency Plan is written to be in accordance with ANSI/ANS 15.16, Emergency Planningfor Research Reactors.

12.8 Security Planning The RRR Physical Security Plan contains detailed information concerning the RRR security measures. The plan provides the RRR with criteria and actions for protecting the facility.

Primary responsibility for the plan and facility security rest with the Director.

Implementation of the plan on a day-to-day basis is also the responsibility of the Director.

Reed Research Reactor 12-7 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

CHAPTER 12 12.9 Quality Assurance Changes to the facility through replacement, modification, and changes are performed under the safety review process of 10 CFR 50.59 to ensure proper quality assurance.

Procedures are in place for performing the reviews. The RRC oversees the process.

12.10 Operator Training and Requalification The RRR Requalification Plan is designed to satisfy the requirements of 10 CFR 55. The Requalification Plan is provided as an attachment to this Safety Analysis Report.

12.11 Startup Plan . . .,

This is not applicable.-

12.12 Environmental Reports The Environmental Report for the RRR is attached to ,this Safety:Analysis Report.

. '. /,: . * ,  : , ;, . .

'I .

Reed Research Reactor 12-8 . July 2010, Safety Analysis Report

Chapter 14 Technical Specifications Reed Research Reactor Safety Analysis Report

This Page is Intentionally Blank' 2' -- ..

Technical Specifications Table of Contents 1 DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................ 1 2 SAFETY LIMITS AND LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTING ............................ 4 2.1 Safety Lim it-Reactor Power ............................................................................ 4 2.2 Lim iting Safety System Setting ......................................................................... 4 3 LIMITING CONDITIONS OF OPERATION ............................................................... 5 3.0 General ......................................................................................................... 5 3.1 Reactor Core Param eters ................................................................................. 5 3.1.1 Operation ............................................................................................... 5 3.1.2 Shutdown Margin........................... ........ .................................................... 5 3.1.3 Core Excess Reactivity ........................................................................ 6 3.1.4 Fuel Param eters ..................................................................................... 6 3.2 Reactor Control And Safety System s .............................................................. 6 3.2.1 Control Rods .......................................................................................... 6 3.2.2 Reactor Power Measuring Channels .......................... 7 3.2.3 Reactor Safety System s and Interlocks ................................................. 7 3.3 Reactor Primary Pool Water ............................................................................ 8 3.4 Ventilation System .......................................................................................... 9 3.5 Radiation M onitoring System s and Effluents ................................................. 9 3.5.1 Radiation M onitoring System s ............................................................... 9 3.5.2 Effluents ................................................................................................ 9 3.6 Lim itations on Experiments .......................................................................... 10 3.6.1 Reactivity Lim its ................................................................................. 10 3.6.2 Materials ............................................................................................... 10 3.6.3 Failures and M alfunctions ................................................................... 11 4 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREM ENTS .......................................................................... 12 4.0 General ................................................................................................................ 12 4.1 Reactor Core Param eters ............................................................................... 12 4.2 Reactor Control and Safety System s ............................................................. 13 4.3 Reactor Primary Pool W ater .......................................................................... 13 4.4 Ventilation System .......................................................................................... 14 4.5 Radiation M onitoring System ............................................................................. 14 4.6 Experimental Lim its ........................................................................................ 14 5 DESIGN FEATURES ........................................................................................................ 16 5.0 G eneral ................................................................................................................ 16 5.1 Site and Facility Description .......................................................................... 16 5.2 Reactor Coolant System ................................................................................. 16 i

. 'TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 5.3 R eactor Core and Fuel ................................................................................... 17 5.3.1 R eactor C ore ......................................................................... ..... 17 5.3.2 Control Rods ......................................... 17 5.3.3 Reactor Fuel ........................................................................................ 18 5.4 F uel Storage ............................................... ................................................ 18 6 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS ................................................................................. 19 6.1 O rganization .................................................................................................... 19 6.1.1 Structure ............................................................. .................. 19 6.1.2 Responsibility .......................................... v................. ..... 19 6.1.3 Staffi ng ............................................................................... ................ 20 6.1' .4 Selection and Training of Petsoruiel ........ .......... .................................. '20 6.2 R eview A nd A udit. ................................................... ...................................... *..20 6.2.1 RSC Composition and Qualificdtioiis ............................................. 20 6.2.2 R SC Rules ............. ............ ....... ....... ................. .. ................. ............ 2 1 6.2.3 R SC R eview Function .............................................................................. 21 6.2.4. RSC Audit Function .... ....... .................. 21 6.3 Radiation Safety ............. ....................... :....... 21 6.4 P rocedures .................................................................................... . ......... I....22 6.5 Experiments Review and Approyal .. ..... .............

    • ........ ....................... 22 6.6 Required Action~s, 6.6 Required .-....A-..

............ ........................... 22 22"

- 6.6.1 :Actions to Be Taken in Case of Safety Limit Violation .......... ................ 22

.6.6.2 Actions` to Be Taken in the Event of an Occurrence of the Type, Identified in Section 6.7.2 Other than a Safety Limit Violation .......... 23 6.7 R eports ......................................................................................................... 23 6.7.1' AnU'a Operating Report.................................... 23 6.7.2 Special Re o i .... ............ ................................. "................ ..... 4 6 .8 . Reco rd s .. ................................................................... ........ ....................... !.............. 2 4

6. e o d ....,..,, . . .,,.,.. . -.. 2 6.8.1 Records to be Retained for a Period of at Least Fiy e Years or for the Life of the Component Involved if Less than Five Years ............... 24 6.8.2 Records to be Retained for at'Least One Retualification Cycle..........25 6.8.3 Records-to be Retained for the Lifetime of the Reactor Facility...... 25 Included'in this-document are the Technical Specifications (TS) and the "Bases" for the TS.

These bases, which provide the technical -support for the 'individual TS, are included for informational purposes only. They are not part of the TS and they do not constitute limitations or requirements to which the licensee must adhere.


1.1 Audit

An examination of records, procedures, or other documents after implementation from which appropriate recommendations are made.

1.2 Channel

The combination of sensor, line, amplifier, and output devices that are connected for the purpose of measuring the value of a parameter.

1.3 Channel Calibration. An adjustment of the channel such that its output corresponds with acceptable accuracy to known values of the parameter that the channel measures.

Calibration shall encompass the entire channel, including equipment actuation, alarm, or trip and shall include a Channel Test.

1.4 Channel Check: A qualitative verification, of acceptable performance by observation of channel behavior. This verification, where possible, shall include comparison of the channel with other independent channels or systems measuring the same variable.

1.5 Channel Test: The introduction of a signal into the channel for verification that it is operable.

1.6 Confinement

An enclosure of the reactor bay that is designed' to only allow the release of effluents between the enclosure and. its external environment through controlled or d e fi ne d p at h way s . . ... .. . . .. .. .. I,.

1.7 Control Rod: A device -fabricated from neutron absoitbing material that is used'.to establish neutron flux changes and to compensate for routine reactivity changes.

1.8 Excess Reactivity: That'amount of reactivity-that wvould existi if all coi'trol rods were moved to the maximum r.eactive conditi6n from the'point where the reacitor is exactly critical ((kff) at reference 'core conditions. ' ' ' ""'*

1.9 Experiment:i Any operation,'hardware, or tariget that is desigfeld for' non-routine investigation of reactor characteristics or that is intended foi ifradiatibn within an irradiation' facility. Hardware rigidly secured to a core or tank structure so as to be a part of their design to carry out experiments is not normally considered an' experiment.

Specific' experiments shall include: ' ' '" .

a. Fixed Experiment: Any experiment or component of an experiment that is held in a consistent position relative to the reactor by mechanical means. This, includes the rotating specimen rack, the central thimble, and fuel locations.
b. Movable Experiment: Any experiment that is not fixed. It is intended that the experiment may be moved in or near.the core or into and. out of the core while the reactor is-: operating. This included the pneumatic transfer system.

1.10 'Fuel Element': A' Siigle TRIGA fuel rod.

1.11 Irradiation Facilities: The central thimble, the rotating specimen rack, the'pneumatic transfer system, sample holding dummy fuel elements, and any other in-pool irradiation facilities.

1.12 Measured Value: The value of a parameter as it appears on the output of a channel.

1.13 Operable: Capable of performing its intended function.

Reed Research Reactor 14-1 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1.14 Operating: Performing its intended function.

1.15 Reactor Facility: The physical area defined by the Reactor Bay, the!Mechanical Equipment Room, the Control Room, the Hallway, the Loft, the Classroom, the Radiochemistry Lab, the Counting Room, the Break Room, the Storeroom, the sump area, the stairway, and the Restroom.

1 16' Reactor Operating: The reactor is operating whenever it is not shutdown.

1.17 Reactor Safety Systems: Those systems, including their associated input channels, that are designed to initiate, automatically or manually, a reactor scram for the primary purpose of protecting the reactor.

1.18 Reactor Secured: The reactor is secured when:

a. Either there is insufficient fissile material in the reactor to attain criticality under optimum available conditions of moderation and reflection; or,
b. All of the following exist:
1. The three control rods are fully inserted.
2. The reactor is shutdown;
3. No experiments or irradiation facilities in the core are being moved or serviced that have, on movement or servicing, a reactivity worth exceeding one dollar;
4. No work is in progress involving core fuel, core structure, installed control rods, or control rod drives unless they are physically decoupled from the control rods.
5. The console key switch is in the "off' position and the key is removed from the console.

1.19 Reactor Shutdown: The reactor is shutdown when it is subcritical by at least one dollar both in the reference core condition and for all allowed ambient conditions, with the reactivity worth of all installed experiments and irradiation facilities included; 1.20 Reference Core Condition: The reactivity condition of the core when it is at ambient temperature and the reactivity worth of xenon is negligible (< $0.30). Fixed experiments can change the reference core conditions.

1.21 Review: An examination of records, procedures, or other documents prior to implementation from which appropriate recommendations are made.

1.22 Safety Channel: A measuring channel in a reactor safety system.

1.23 Scram Time: The elapsed time between reaching a limiting safety system set point and the instant that the slowest control rod reaches its fully-inserted position.

1.24 Shall, Should, and May: The word "shall" is used to denote a requirement; the word "should" is used to denote a recommendation; and the word"may" to denote permission, neither a requirement nor a recommendation.

1.25 Shutdown Margin: The amount of reactivity by which the reactor is subcritical, or would be subcritical if the control rods were inserted, except that the most reactive rod is in its most reactive position.

1.26 Shutdown Margin Limit: The minimum shutdown reactivity necessary to provide confidence that the reactor can be made subcritical by means of the control and safety Reed Research Reactor 14-2 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS systems and will remain subcritical without further operator action,. starting from any permissible operating condition with the most reactive rod in its most reactive position.

1.27 Substantive Changes: Changes in the original intent or safety significance of an action or event.

1.28 Surveillance Intervals: Allowable surveillance intervals shall not exceed the following.

These intervals are to provide operational flexibility only and are not to be used to reduce frequency.

a. Bierinial - interval not to exceed 130 weeks.
b. Annual - int'rval not to exceed 65 weeks.
c. Semi-annual - interval not to exceed 32 weeks.
d. Monthly - interval not to exceed 6 weeks.
e. Weekly - interval not to exceed 10 days.,
f. Daily - prior to each d4's operation or!prior to each, operation extending more than one day. .,,


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Reed Research Reactor 14-3 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 2 SAFETY LIMITS AND LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTING 2.1 Safety Limit-Reactor Power Applicability'. This specification applies to the reactor thermal power.

Objective. The objective is to define the maximum thermal power that can be permitted with confidence that no damage to the fuel element cladding shall result.

Specifications. The thermal power of the reactor shall not exceed <to be completed> kW.


<This will be completed as part of the analysis being performed by Oregon State and General Atomics and will be submitted in November 2010.>

2.2 Limitini! Safety'System Settini ."

Applicability, This specification applies to the scram settings that prevent the safety limit from being reached. '

Objective. The objective is to prevent the safety limits from being reached.

Specifications'The limiting safety s3'steri Setirg shall be equal tb or less than 275 kW as measured by a power measiuring chainnel".


<This will becompleted as part of the analysis being performed by Oregon*

State and General Atomics andwill be submitted in November 2010.>

'Reed Research Reactor 14-4 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

- .TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 3 LIMITING CONDITIONS OF OPERATION 3.0 General Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCO) are those administratively established constraints on equipment and operational characteristics that shall be adhered to during operation of the facility.

The LCOs are the lowest functional capability or performance level required for safe operation of the facility.

3.1 Reactor Core Parameters 3.1.1 Operation Applicability. This specification applies to ýthe eneigy generated in the reactor during operation.

Objective. The objective is to assure that the thermal power safety limit shall not be exceeded during operation.

Specifications. The steady-state reactor power level shall not exceed 250 kW.


<This will be completed as part of the analysis being performed by Oregon State and General Atomics and will be submitted in November.2010.>

3.1.2 Shutdown Margin Applicability. These 'specifications apply to the reactiv'ity',condition of the reacforand the reactivity worths of control rods and experiments durintgý operation.;

Objective. The objective is to assure that the reactor can be shut down at all times and to assure that the thermal power safety limit shall not be exceeded.

Specifications. The reactor shall not be operated unless the shutdown margin provided by control rods is greater than <to be completed> with:

a. Irradiation facilities and experiments in place and the total worth of all non-secured experiments in their most reactive state;
b. The most reactive control rod fully withdrawn;
c. The reactor in the reference core condition.

Basis. The value of the shutdown margin assures that the reactor can be shut down from any operating condition even if the most reactive control rod remains in the fully withdrawn position.

The shutdown margin calculation assumes a) irradiation facilities and experiments in place and the total worth of all non-secured experiments in their most reactive state, b) the most reactive control rod fully withdrawn and c) the reactor in the reference core condition. The only activity that could result in requiring fuel movement to meet shutdown margin and core excess limits would be the unusual activity of adding an experiment with large positive reactivity worth.

Reed Research Reactor 14-5 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 3.1.3 Core Excess Reactivity Applicability. This specification applies to the reactivity condition of the reactor and the reactivity worths of control rods and experiments during operation.

Objective. The objective is to assure that the reactor can be shut down at all times and to assure that the thermal power safety limit shall not be exceeded..

Specifications. The maximum available excess reactivity based on the reference core condition shall not exceed <to be completed>.


<This will be completed as part of the analysis being performe'd by Oregon State and General Atomics and will be submitted in Novemibir 2010.>

3.1.4 Fuel Parameters",

Applicability. This. specification applies to all fuel elements.

Objective. The objective is to maintain, integrity of the ftiel element cladding.

Specifications. The reactor shall not operate witihdamaged fuel elements, exceptfor the purpose of locating damaged fuel elements. A fuel elemenit shall be' considered damaged and must be remboved from the core if:' " . , "

a. A cladding defectexists as indicated by release of fission products; or
b. Visual inspection identifies bulges, gross: pitting, or corrosion.

Basis. Gross failure or obvious visual deterioration of the fuel is sufficient to warrant declaration of the fuel as damaged.

3.2 Reactor Control And Safety Systems 3.2.1 Control Rods Applicability. This specification applies tothe function of the control rods.

Objective. The objective is to determine that the control rods are, operable.

Specification. The reactor shall not be operated if any control rods are operable. Control rods shall, not be considered operable if:

a. Damage is apparent to the rod or rod drive assemblies; or
b. The scram time exceeds,1 second.
c. The reactivity addition rate exceeds. $0.16 per second.

Basis. This specification assures 'that'the reactor shall be promptly shut downywhen a scram, signal is initiated and that the reactivity'addition rates are safe. Experience and analysis have indicated that for the range of transients anticipated for a TRIGA reactor, the specified scram time is adequate to assure the safety of the reactor.

Reed Research Reactor 14-6 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 3.2.2 Reactor Power Measuring Channels -

Applicability. This specification applies to the information that shall be available to the reactor operator during reactor operation.

Objective. The objective is to specify the minimum number of reactor power measuring channels that shall be available to the operator to assure safe operation of the reactor.

Specifications. The reactor shall not be operated unless at least two reactor power measuring channels are operable.

(1) Any single power measuring channel may be inoperable while the reactor is operating for the purpose of performing a channel check, test, or calibration.

(2) If any required reactor power measuring channel becomes inoperable while the reactor is operating f6r reasons other than that idehitified ini'Section 3.2.2(l) above, the channel shall be restored to operation within 5 minutes. If after 5 minutes the channel has not been returned to service the reactor shall be immediately shutdown.

Basis. Reactor power displayed at the control console'gives continu"ouinformation on this' parameter that has a specified -safety' limit. For note (1), taking these measuring channels off-line for short durations for the: purpose of a: check, test, or calibration is considered acceptable because in some cases, the reactor must be operating in order to perform, the check,' test, or calibration. Additionally there exist a power level indication Operating while a single channel is off-line. For note (2), events that lead to these circumstances are self-revealing to the operator'.

Furthermore, recognitioni of appropriate action lon the pairt of the operator as a result of an instrument failure would make this'consistent with TS 6.7.2.

3.2.3 Reactor Safety Systems and Interlocks Y Applicability. This specification applies to the reactor safety system channels and interlocks.

Objective. The objective is to specify the minimum nuniber of reaktor'safety system channels and interlocks that shall be available to the operator to assure safe operation of the reactor.

Specifications. The reactor shall not be operated unless the minimum number of safety channels described in Table 1 and interlocks described in Table 2 are operable.

Table 1 -Minimum Reactor Safety Channels Safety Channel Function  : Minimum Number Power Level Scram Scram at 275 kW or less

  • 2..

Console Manual Scram Scram 1 Table 2 - Minimum Interlocks Interlock . Function --i- Minimum Number Low Power Level Prevents control rod withdrawal 1 with no neutron induced signal Control Rod Drive Circuit Prevents simultaneousmanual 1 I withdrawal of two rods __

(1) Any single safety channel or interlock may be inoperable while the reactor is operating for the purpose of performing a channel check, test, or calibration.

Reed Research Reactor 14-7 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

..- ... TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (2) If any required safety channel or interlock becomes inoperable while the reactor is operating for reasons other than that identified in Section 3.2.3(1) above, the channel shall be restored to operation within 5 minutes. If after 5 minutes the channel has not been returned to service the reactor shall be immediately shutdown.


Power Level Scram: The set pointfor both the linear and percent power channels are normally set to 100% of 250 kW, which is the licensed power.

Manual Scram: The manual scram must be, functional at all times the reactor is in operation. It has no specified value for a scram set point; it is manually initiated by the,reactor operator.

LOW Power Level Interlock: The rod withdrawal prohibit interlock prevents. the operator from adding reactivity when there in no neutron induced signal on a low power channel. When this happens, the indication is insufficient to produce meaningful instrumentation response. If the operator Iwere to insert reactivity'under this;c.ondition, the period could quickly become very short and result in an inadv`ertent power excursion. A neutron source is added to the core to create sufficient instrument response that the olerator can recognize and respond to changing conditions. . .

Control Rod Drive Circuit:' The single rod withdrawal interlock pirevents the operator from removing multiple control rods simultaneously so that reactivity insertions from control rod manipulation are done in a. controlled- manner. . ..

<This will be' completed as part of the analysis being performed by Oregon State and General Atomics and will be submitted in November 2010.>

For note (1), taking these safety channels off-line for short durations for the purpose of a check, test, or calibration is considered acceptable because in some cases, the reactor must be operating in order to perform the check test or calibration. Additionally there exist a power level indication operatinig while the single channel is off-line': For note (2), events that lead to these circumstances are self-revealing to the operator. Furthermore, recognition of appropriate action on the part of the operator as a result of an instrument failure would.make this consistent with TS 6.7.2.

3.3 'Reactor Primary Pool Water Applicability. This specification applies to the primary water of the reactor pool.

Objective. The objective is to assure that there is an adequate amount of water in the reactor pool for fuel cooling and shielding purposes, that the bulk temperature of the reactor pool water remains sufficiently low to guarantee demineralizer resin integrity, and. that pool conductivity remains low enough to limiit corrosion.

Specifications. The reactor primary water shall exhibit the, following parameters:

a. The pool water level shall be greater than 5 meters above the upper core plate;
b. The bulk pool water temperature shall be less than 50'C;
c. The conductivity of the pool water shall be less than 2.0 microSiemens/cm.

Reed Research Reactor 14-8 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

. . ,TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Basis. The minimum height of 5 meters of water above the upper core.plate. guarantees that there is sufficient water for effective cooling of the fuel and that the radiation levels at the top of the reactor are within acceptable levels. The bulk water temperature limit is necessary, according to the resin manufacturer, to ensure that the resin does not break down. Experience at many research reactor facilities has shown that maintaining the conductivity within the specified limit provides acceptable control of corrosion (NUREG-1537).

3.4 Ventilation System Applicability. This specification applies to the operation of the reactor bay ventilation system.

Objective. The objective is'to assure that the ventilation system shall be in operation to mitigate the consequences of possible releases of radioactive materials resulting from reactor Operation or when moving irradiated fuel-. . .

Specifications. The reactor shall notbe operatednor irradiated fuel moved. unless the facility.

ventilation system is operating in the normal mode or'isolation mode, except for periods of time not to exceed two hours to permit repair,, maintenanc'e, or testing of the ventilation system.

Basis. During normal operation of the ventilation system, the annual average ground concentration of Ar-41 in unrestricted areas is well below the applicable effluent concentration limit in 10 CFR 20. owth,,applicable.effluent.concentration

<This will be completed as part of the analysis'being performed by Oregon' "

State and General Atomics and will be submitted in November 2010.>.

  • I, '*  : .. " *. . . . .

3.5 Radiation Monitorinig Systems and Effluents 3.5.1 "Radiation Monitoring Systems " .....

Applicability. This specification applies to the radiation, monitoring, information that must-be available to the reactor operator during reactor operation. . .

Objective. The objective is to specify the minimum radiation mbnitoring channels that shall be available to the operator to assure safe operation of the reactor.

Specifications. The reactor shall not be operated unless one Area Radiation Monitor and one Air Radiation Monitor are operating.

Exception: When a: single required radiation monitoring channel becomes inoperable, operations may continue only if other instruments may be substituted for the normally installed monitor*

within one hour of discovery for periods not to exceed one month.,.

Basis. The radiation monitors provide information to bperiating personnel regarding routine releases of radioactivity and any impending or existing danger from radiation. Their operation will provide sufficient time to evacuate the facility or take the necessary steps to prevent the spread of radioactivity to the surroundings.

3.5.2 Effluents Applicability. This specification applies to the release rate of Ar-41.

Reed Research Reactor 14-9 . July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

... " TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Objective. The obj~ective is t6 ensure that the concentration of the Ar-41 in the unrestricted areas is below the applicable effluent concentration value in' 10 CFR 20.

Specifications. The annual average concentration of Ar-41 discharged into the unrestricted area shall not exceed 1.5 x 10-6 [tCi/ml at the point of discharge.

Basis. If Ar-41 is continuously discharged at 1.5 x 10-6 pCi/ml, measurements and calculations show that Ar-41 released to the unrestricted areas under the worst-case weather conditions would result in an annual TEDE of 8 mrem (SAR This is less than the applicable limit of 10 mrem (Regulatory Guide 4.20).

3.6 Limitations on Experiments 3.6.1 Reactivity Limits"" '

Applicability. This specification applies to experiments installed in the re actor and its irradiation' facilities.

Obj'ective. The objective"is:to prevent' damageto the reactor or excessive release of radioactive materials in the event of an experiment failure.

Specifications. The reactor shall not be.operated unless the following conditions governing experiments exist:,. . '

a. Th6e ab'solute v'alue of the reactivity worth of any- single moveable 'experiment shall be less than <to be completed>;
b. The sum of the absolute values of the reactivity worths of all experiments shall be less than <to be completed>.


<This will be completed as part of the analysis being performed by Oregon State and General Atomics and will be submitted in November 2010.>

3.6.2 Materials Applicability. This specification applies to experiments installed in the reactor and its irradiation facilities.

Objective. The objective is to prevent damage to the reactor or excessive release of radioactive materials in the event of an experiment failure.

Specifications. The reactor shall not be operated unless the following conditions governing experiments exist:

a. Explosive materials, such as gunpowder or nitroglycerin, in quantities greater than 25 mg shall not be irradiated in the reactor or irradiation facilities. Explosive materials in quantities less than 25 mg may be irradiated provided the pressure produced upon detonation of the explosive has been calculated and/or experimentally demonstrated to be less than half of the design pressure of the container;
b. Experiments containing corrosive materials shall be doubly encapsulated. If the encapsulation of material that could damage the reactor fails, it shall be removed for the reactor and a physical inspection of potentially damaged components shall be performed.

Reed Research Reactor 14-10 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Basis. This specification is intended to prevent damage to reactor components resulting from failure of an experiment involving explosive or corrosive materials. Operation of the reactor with the reactor fuel or structure potential damaged is prohibited to avoid potential release of fission products.

3.6.3 Failures and Malfunctions Applicability. This specification applies to-experiments installed in the reactor and its irradiation facilities.

Objective. The objective is to prevent damage to the reactor or excessive release of radioactive materials in the event of an experiment failure.

Specifications. Where the possibility exists that the failure of an experiment under nominal operating conditions of the experiment or reactor, credible accident conditions in the reactor, or.

possible accident conditions in the experiment could release radioactive gases or aerosols to the reactor bay or the unrestricted area, the cjuantity and type of material in 'the'experiment. shall be limited such that the airborne radioactivity in the reactor bay or the unrestricted area will not result in exceeding the'applicable doselimits in .10 CFR,20, assuming thatl100% of the gases or, aerosols escape from the experiment; Basis. This specification is intended'toi meet the purpose of:l 0 CFR 20 by reducing the..

likelihood that released airborne radioactivity to the reactor bay or unrestricted area surrounding the RRR will result in exceeding thetotal dose limits to an individual as specified in 10 CFR 20.

Reed Research Reactor 14-11 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 4 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.0 General Applicability. This specification applies to the surveillance requirements of any system related to reactor safety.

Objective. The objective is to verify the proper operation of any system related to reactor safety.

Typically, a specific system from a Section 3 specification will establish the minimum performance. level., and a companion Section 4 surveillance specification requirement will prescribe the frequency and scope of surveillance to demonstrate such performance.


a:. Surveillance requirements may be deferred during, reactor shutdown (except Sections 4.3.a, 4.3.b, and 4.g); however, they shall be completed prior to reactor operation unless reactor operation is required for performance of the surveillance. Such surveillance shall.

be performed as soon as practicable after reactor operation. Scheduled surveillance that.

cannot be performed with the reactor operating may be deferr-ed'untiI a planned reactor shutdown.

b. Any additions, modifications, or maintenance to the ventilation system, the core and its

.. associated support structure, the pool, the pool coolant system, the rod drive mechanism radiation monitors, or the feactor safety systems'shall be made and, tested in accordance with the specifications to which the systems were origi nally designed andifabricated or to specifications reviewed by the Reactor, Review Committee. A system shall not b6 considered operable until after it is successfully tested.

Basis. This specification relates to surveillances of reactor systems reactor systems that. could directly affect the safety ofthe reactor, to ensure that.-they are operable. It also relates to.

surveillances of reactor systems that could affect changes in reactor systems that could directly affect the safety of the reactor.. As long as changes or replacements, to these systems continue to meet the original design specifications it can be assumed that they meet the presently accepted operating criteria.

4.1 Reactor Core Parameters Applicability. This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for reactor core parameters.

Objective. The objective is to verify that the reactor. does not exceed the authorized limits for power, shutdown margin, core excess reactivity, specifications for fuel element condition, and verification of the total reactivity worth of each control rod.

Specifications. *

a. The shutdown-margin shall be determined daily, or following any significant change

(>$0.25) from a reference .core.

b. The core excess.reactivity shall be determined annually or following any significant change (>$0.25) from a reference core.

Reed Research Reactor 14-12 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report


c. Twenty percent of the fuel elements comprising the core shall be inspected visually for damage or deterioration biennially such that the entire core is inspected over a ten year period.

Basis. Experience has shown that the identified frequencies will ensure performance and operability for each of these systems or components. The value of a significant change in reactivity (>$0.25) is measurable and will ensure adequate coverage of the shutdown margin after taking into account the accumulation of poisons. For inspection, looking at fuel elements' biennially will identify any developing fuel integrity issues throughout the core. -Furthermore, the method of determining non-conforming fuel at the RRR has been exclusively visual inspection.

4.2 Reactor Control and Safety Systems Applicability. This specification appliesto the surveillance requirements of reactor control and safety systems.

Objective. The objective, is fo verify performance and operability of those systems and components that are directly relatedto reactoi safety:


a. A channel test of each itenmii Tables 1 and 2 in Section 3.2.3'shall be performed daily.
b. A channel by calibration shall be' made of the'each reactorpower level monitoring channel rih~


the calorimetric method a' .

c. The scram time shall be measured annually* ' "
d. The total reactivity worth and reactivity addifion rate of each Control rod shall be measured annually or following'any significaint change (>$0.25) from arefeience core, not including experiments... . . ,. -
e. The control rods and drives shall be visually inspected for damage or deterioration,

. biennially. . .. . . ,.

Basis. Experience-has shown that the identified frequencies will ensure performance and operability for each of these systems or components.'

4.3 Reactor Primary Pool Water Applicability. This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for the. reactor pool water.

Objective. The objective is to assure that the reactor pool water level, the water temperature, and the conductivity monitoring systems are operating, and to verify appropriate alarm settings.


a. A channel check of the water level monitor shall be performed daily.
b. A channel check of the water temperature monitor shall be performed daily.
c. A channel test of the water level monitor shall be perfoirfned monthly.
d. A channel test of the water temperature monitor shall be peiformed monthly.
e. A channel calibration of the water level monitor shall be performed annually.
f. A channel calibration of the water temperature monitor shall be performed annually.
g. The water conductivity shall be measured monthly.

Reed Research Reactor 14-13 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Basis. Experience has, shown' that the frequencies of checks on systems that monitor reactor primary water level, temperature, and conductivity adequately keep the pool' water at the proper level and maintain water quality at such a level to minimize corrosion and maintain safety.

4.4 Ventilation System Applicability. This specification applies to the reactor bay confinement ventilation system.

Objective. The objective is to assure the proper operation of the ventilation system in controlling releases of radioactive material to the unrestricted area.

Specifications. A channel test of the reactor bay confinement ventilation system's ability to be in isolation shall be performed monthly.

Basis. Experience has demonstrated that tests of the ventilation system on the prescribed basis are sufficient to assure proper operation of the system and its control over releases of radioactive material.

4.5 Radiation Monitorinig System Applicability. This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for the area radiation monitoring equipment and the air monitoring systems.

Objective. The objective is to assure that the radiation monitoring equipment is operating properly.

Specifications, For each radiation monitoring system in Section 3.5. 1:

a. A channel check shall be performed daily.
b. A channel test shall be performed monthly.
c. A channel calibration shall be performed annually.

Basis. Experience has shown that an annual calibration is adequate to correct for any variation in the system due to a change of operating characteristics over a long time span.

4.6 Experimental Limits Applicability. This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for experiments installed in the reactor and its irradiation facilities.

Objective. The objective is to prevent the conduct of experiments that may damage the reactor or release excessive amounts of radioactive materials as a result of experiment failure.


a. The reactivity worth of an experiment shall be estimated or measured, as appropriate, before reactor operation with said experiment.
b. An experiment shall not be installed in the reactor or its irradiation facilities unless a safety analysis has been performed and reviewed for compliance with Section 3.6 by the Reactor Review Committee in accord with Section 6.5 and the procedures that are established for this purpose.

Reed Research Reactor 14-14 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Basis. Experience has shown that experiments that are reviewed' by the-RRR staff and the Reactor Review Committee can be conducted without endangering the safety of the reactor or exceeding the limits in the TS.

Reed Research Reactor 14-15 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 5 DESIGN FEATURES-5.0 General Major alterations to safety related components or equipment shall not be made prior to appropriate safety reviews.

5.1 Site and Facility Description Applicability. This specification applies to the Reed College TRIGA Reactor site location and specific facility design features.

Objective. The objective is to specify the, location of specific facility design features.


a. The restricted area is that area inside reactor facility. The unrestricted area is that area outside the reactor facility.
b. The reactor bay shall have a free air volume of 300,000 liters.
c. The reactor bay shall be equipped with ventilation systems'desighed to exhaust air or other gases from the reactor bay and release them from a stack at a minimum of 3.6 meters fromi ground level.
d. Emergency controls for the ventilation systems shall be located in the reactor control room.
e. When in the isolation mode, the ventilation system shall exhaust through a HEPA filter and maintain a negative pressure in the reactor baywith respect to the control room.
f. The ventilation system shall enter the isolation mode upon a high activity alarmfrom an Air Radiation Monitor.
g. The radiation levels in: the reactor bay shall be monitored by an Area Radiation Monitor.

Basis. The reactor facility and site description are strictly defined (SAR 2.0). Proper handling of airborne radioactive materials (in emergency situations) can be conducted from the reactor control room with a minimum of exposure to operating personnel (SAR 9.1).

5.2 Reactor Coolant System Applicability. This specification applies to the pool containing the reactor and to the cooling of the core by the pool water..

Objective. The objective is to'assure that Coolant water shall be available to provide adequate cooling of the reactor core and adequate radiation shielding.


a. The reactor core shall be cooled by natural convective water flow.
b. The pool water inlet and outlet pipes shall be equipped with siphon breaks not less than 5 meters above the upper core plate.
c. A pool water level alarm shall be provided to indicate.loss of coolant if the pool level drops 15 cm below normal level.
d. A bulk pool water tempefdture alarm shall be provided to indicate high bulk water temperature if the temperature exceeds 50'C.

Reed Research Reactor 14-16 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Basis. This specification is based on thermal and hydraulic calculations that show that the TRIGA core can operate in a safe manner at power levels up to 250 kW with natural convection flow of the coolant water.

In the event of accidental siphoning of pool water through inlet and outlet pipes the pool water level will drop to a level no less than 5 meters from the upper core plate either due to a siphon break or due to the pipe ending (SAR 5.2).

Loss-of-coolant alarm caused by a water level drop of no more than 15 cm provides a timely warning so that corrective action can be initiated. This alarm is located in the c6ntrol room (SAR 5.2): "

The bulk water temperature alarm provides warning so that corrective action can be initiated in a timely manner to protect the demineralizer resin. The alarm islocated in the control room.

5.3 Reactor Core and Fuel .

5.3.1 Reactor Core Applicability. This specification applies-to, the configuration of fuel and in-core experiments.

Objective. The'objective is to assure' that provisiohs arie made to restfict the arrangement of fuel elements and experiments so as to provide assurance that excessive power densities shall not be produced. ' . . " . "


a. The core assembly shall' consist of TRIGA fuel elements.'
b. 'The fuel shall be arranged'in a' close-packed configuration except for single element positions occupied by in-core experiments, irradiation facilities, graphite dummies, control rods; startup sources, central thimble, or may be emipy.
c. The reflector, excluding experiments and irradiation facilities, shall bewater and-graphite.,. .


Only TRIGA fuel is anticipated to ever be used. In-core water-filled experiment positions have been demonstrated to be safe in the TRIGA Mark I reactor. The largest values of flux peaking will be experienced in hydrogenous in-core irradiation positions. Various non- -

hydrogenous experiments positioned in element positions have been demonstrated to be safe in TR1GA fuel element cores up to 500 kW operation. The core will be assembled in the reactor grid plate that is located in a pool of light water. Water in combination with graphite.

reflectors can be used for neutron economy and the enhancement of irradiation facility radiation requirements.

5.3.2 Control Rods.

Applicability. This specification applies to the control rods used in the reactor core.

Objective. The objective is to assure that the control rods are of such a design as to permit their use with a high degree of reliability with respect to their physical 'and nuclear characteristics.

Reed Research Reactor 14-17 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Specifications. The shim, safety, and regulating control rods shall have scram capability and contain boron compounds as a poison, in aluminum or stainless steel cladding.

Basis. The poison requirements for the control rods are satisfied by using neutron absorbing boron compounds. These materials must be contained in a suitable clad material such as aluminum or stainless steel to ensure mechanical stability during movement and to isolate the poison from the pool water environment. Scram capabilities are provided for rapid insertion of the control rods that is the primary safety feature of the reactor.

5.3.3 Reactor Fuel Applicability. This specification applies to the fuel elements used in the reactor core.

Objective. The objective is to assure thatthe fuel elements areofsuch a design and fabricated in such a manner as to permit their use with a high degree of reliability with respect to their physical and nuclear characteristics.


The individual unirradiated TRIGA fuel elements shall have the following characteristics:

a. Uranium content: nominal 8.5 weight percent eniriched to less than 20% in U-235;
b. Hydrogen-to-zirconium atom ratio,(in the ZrHx):, between. 0.9 and 1.65;
c. Cladding: stainless steel or aluminum, nominal 0.020 inches thick;
e. Identification: each element shall have a unique identification number.

Basis. Material analysis of 8.5/20 fuel shows that the maximum weight percent of uranium in any fuel element is less than 8.5 percent, and the maximum enrichment of any fuel element is less than 20.0 percent.

<This will be completed as part of the analysis being performed by Oregon State and General Atomics and will be submitted in November 2010.5:,

5.4 Fuel Storage Applicability. This specification applies to the storage of reactor fuel at times when it is not in the reactor core.

Objective'. The objective is to assure that fuel that is being siored shall not be"ome critical and shall not reach an unsafe temperature.' '


a. All fuel elements shall be stored in a geometrical array where the kff is less than 0.8 for all conditions of moderation.
b. Irradiated fuel elements shall be stored in an array, that will permit natural conVection cooling by'water. '

Basis. The limits imposed are conseervative and assure safe storage. (NUREG-1 537).

Reed Research Reactor 14-18 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 6 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.1 Organization Individuals at the various management levels, in addition to being responsible for the policies and operation of the reactor facility, shall be responsible for safeguarding the public and facility personnel from undue radiation exposures and for adhering to all requirements of the operating license, TS, and federal regulations.

6.1.1 Structure The reactor administration 'shall be as shown in Figure 1.

S. Figure 1 -Administrative Structure President of Reed College 7 .. '...,

Dean of the Faculity -

I R ict0 HelhPyics

[_Reactor Review Cmite[ .. Recorire'ctor " 1"~ Hat hscs

  • Operations Supervisor Senior Reactor Operators . - " . ' . ..

Reactor Operators J 6.1.2 Responsibility The following specific organizational levels and responsibilities shall exist. Note that the Levels refer to ANSI/ANS-15.4-1988; R1999.

a: President (Level' 1):' The President of Reed College is responsible for the facility license and representing Reed College.

b., Director (Level 2): The Director reports to the President of Reed College via the Dean of the Faculty, and is accountable for ensuring that all regulatory requirements, including.

implementation, are in accordance with all requirements of the NRC and the Code of Federal Regulations.

c. Associate Director (Level 3): The Associate Director reports to the Director and is responsible for guidance, oversight, and technical support, of reactor operations.
d. Health Physicist (Level 3): The Health :Physicistyreports to the President of Reed College via the Dean of the Faculty and is responsible for directing health physics activities including implementation of the radiation safety program.
e. Operations Supervisor (Level 3): The Operations Supervisor reports' to the Associate Director and Director and is responsible for directing the activities of the reactor staff and for the day-to-day operation and maintenance of the reactor.
f. Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator (Level 4): The Reactor Operators (RO) and Senior Reactor Operators (SRO) report to the Operations Supervisor, Associate Reed Research Reactor 14-19 . .'July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Director, and the Director, and are primarily involved in the manipulation of reactor controls, monitoring of instrumentation, and operation and maintenance of reactor related equipment.

g. During a vacancy in any position individuals may fill multiple positions if they meet the qualifications.

6.1.3 Staffing

a. The minimum staffing when the reactor is operating shall be:
1. A reactor operator in the control room;
2. A second person present in the reactor facility able to scram. the reactor and summon help;
3. 'Ifneither of these two individual's is' an SRO, a designated SRO shall be readily available on call. Readily available on call means an individual who:

a) Can be contacted quickly by the operator on duty; b) Is capable' of getting to the reactor facility 'within 15 minu'tes.

b. 'Events requiring the presence of an SROin the facility: " ' .
1. Initial criticality of the day;.
2. All fuel or control rod relocations ift ihe reactor core;
2. Maintenance on any reactor safety s'ystem;- "
3. Recovery from unplanned reactor scram;
4. Relocation of any in-core experiment or irradiation facility with a reactivity worth greater than one dollar.

6.11.4 Selection and Training of Personnel. '

The selection, training, and requalification of personnel should b' in accordance with ANSI/ANS 15.4-1988; R1999, "Standard forthe Selection and Training of Personnel for Research Reactors." '

6.2 Review And Audit The Reactor Review Committee (RSC) shall have primary responsibility for review and audit of the safety aspects of reactor facility operations. Minutes, findings, or reports of the RSC shall be presented to the President and the Director within ninety days of completion.

6.2.1 RSC Composition and Qualifications The RRC shall have at least five voting members, at least two of which are knowledgeable in fields that relate to physics and nuclear safety. The Reactor Director and A'ssociate Director shall be nonvoting members. The Dean of the Faculty, the Reactor Health Physicist, and the campus Radiation Safety Officer shall be voting members. The President shall appoint the RSC members except those who are members by virtue of their position described above.

Reed Research Reactor 14-20 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 6.2.2 RSC Rules The operations of the RSC shall be in accordance with written procedures including provisions for:

a. Meeting frequency;
b. Voting rules; C. Quorums;
d. Method of submission and content of presentation to the committee;
e. Use of subcommittees;
f. Review, approval, and dissemination of minutes.

6.2.3 RSC Review Function The responsibilities, of the RSC, or designated subcommittee thereof, include, but are not limited LO, ti le tuilowing:

a. Review changes made under 10,CFR 50.59;,..
b. Review new procedures and substantive changes to existing procedures; C. Review proposed changes to the TS or license;
d. Review violations of TS, licen.e, or violations of internal procedures .or instructions having safety significance;
e. Review operating abnormalities having safety significance;
f. Review events from reports retuired in Section .6.7.2;
g. Review new experiments under Section 6.5; h, Review audit reports..

6.2.4 RSC Audit Function The RSC, or a subcommittee thereof, shall audit reactor operations at least annually: The annual audit shall include at least the following:

a. Facility operations for conformance to these TS and applicable license conditions;
b. The requalification program for the operating staff;-
c. The results of action taken to correct deficiencies that may occur in the reactor facility equipment, systems, structures, or methods of operation that affect reactor safety;
d. The Emergency Plan and implementing procedures.

6.3 Radiation Safety The Health Physicist shall be responsible for implementation of the radiation safety program.

The requirements of the radiation safety program are established in' 10 CFR 20., The program should use the guidelines of the ANSI/ANS 15.1.1 -1993; .R2.004,"Radiation Protection at Research Reactor Facilities."

Reed Research Reactor 14-21 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report


Written operating procedures shall be adequate to assure the safety of operation of the reactor, but shall not preclude the use of independent judgment and action if the situation requires.

Operating procedures shall be in effect for the following:

a. Startup, operation, and shutdown of the reactor;
b. Fuel loading, unloading, and movement within the reactor;
c. Maintenance of major components of systems that could have an effect on reactor safety;
  • d. Surveillance checks, calibrations, and inspections required by the TS or those-that have' an effect on reactor safety; . "
e. Radiation protection; .
f. Administrative, controls for operations and maintenance, and for the conduct of irradiations and experiments that could affect reactor safety or core reactivity;
g. Shipping of radioactive materials;.
h. Implementation of the Emergency Plan.

Substantive changes to the above procedures shall be made only after review by the RSC.

Unsubstantive changes shall be reviewed prior to implementation by the Director or Associate Director.

Temporary deviations from the procedures may be made by the responsible SRO when the procedure contains errors or in order to deal with special or unusual circumstances or conditions.,

Such deviations shall be documented and reported by the next working day to the Director or Associate Director.

6.5 'Experiments Review and ApproVal .

The following apply to experiments:......... .

a. "Exj~eriments shall be 'arried out inaccordance with established-and approved procedures;
b. All new experiments or class of experiments shall be reviewediby theRSC and -approved in writing by the Dit'ector',0r Associate Director prior to initiation;
c. Substantive changes to previously approved experiments shall be made only after review by' the RSC and approved, in writing by the Director or Associate Director;
d. Minor changes that do not significantly alter the experiment may be approved by the Op'erations'Supelrvisor, Associate Director, or Director.

6.6 Required Actions 6.6.1 Actions to Be Taken in Case of Safety Limit Violation' In the event a safety limit (reactor power) is exceeded:

a. The reactor shall be shut down and reactor operation shall not be resumed until authorized by the NRC;
b. An immediate notification of the occurrence shall be made to the Director, and the Chair of the RSC; Reed Research Reactor 14-22 July 201.0 Safety Analysis Report


c. A report, and any applicable followup report, shall be prepared and reviewed by the RSC The report shall describe the following:
1. Applicable circumstances leading to the violation including, when known, the cause and contributing factors;
2. Effects of the violation upon reactor facility components, systems, or structures and on the health and safety of personnel and the public;
3. Corrective action to be taken to prevent recurrence.

6.6.2 Actions to Be Taken in the Event of an Occurrence of the Type Identified in Section 6.7.2 Other than a Safety Limit Violation For all events that are required by regulations or TS to be reported to the NRC within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> under Section 6.7.2, except a safety limit violation, the' following actionis shall be taken:,

a. The reactor shall be secured and the Director or Associate Director notified;
b. Operations shall not resume unless authorized bythe Director~or Associate Director;
c. The RSC shall review the occurrence at or before their next scheduled meeting;
d. A report shall be submitted to the NRC ini'a.ccordance with Section 6.7.2.

6.7 Reports 6.7.1 Annual Operating Riport.-

An annual report shall be created and submitted by tih Director to the NRC by Nbvember 1 of each year consisting of:

a. A brief summary of operating experience including the energy produced by the reactor.

and the hours the reactor was critical; b, The number of unplanned shutdowns, including reasons therefore;

c. A tabulation of major preventative and corrective maintenance operations having -safety significance; d, A brief description; including a summary of the., safety evaluations, of changes in the facility or in procedures and of tests and experiments carried out pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59;, . .
e. A summary of the nature and amount of radioactive effluents released or discharged to the environs beyond ,the effective control of the licensee as measured at or prior to the point of such release or discharge. The summary shall include to the extent practicable an estimate of individual radionuclides present in the effluent. If the estimated average release after dilution or diffusion is less than 25 percent of the concentration allowed or recommended, a statement to this effect is sufficient;
f. A summarized result of environmental suryeys performed outside the facility;
g. A summary of exposures received by facility personnel and visitors where such exposures are greater than 25 percent of that allowed. ' .

Reed Research Reactor 14-23 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 6.7.2 Special Reports In addition to the requirements of applicable regulations, and in no way substituting therefore, the Director shall report to the NRC as follows:

a. A report not later than the following working day by telephone and confirmed in writing by facsimile to the NRC Operations Center, to be followed by a written report that describes the circumstances of the event within 14 days to the NRC Document Control Desk of any of the following:
1. Violation of the safety limit;
2. Release of radioactivity from the site above allowed limits;'-'
3. Operation with actual safety system settings from requiired systems less conservative than the limiting safety system setting;
4. Operation in violation of limiting conditions for operation unless prompt remedial action is taken as permitted in Section 3;
5. A reactor safety system component malfunction that renders or could render the reactor safety system incapable of performing its intended safety function. If the malfunction or condition is caused by maintenance, then no report is required;
6. An unanticipated or uncontrolled change in reactivity greater than one dollar. Reactor trips resulting from a known cause are excluded;
7. Abnormal and significant degradation in reactor fuel or cladding, or both, coolant boundary, or confinement boundary (excluding minor leaks) where applicable; or
8. An observed inadequacy in the implementation of administrative or procedural controls such that the inadequacy causes or could have caused the existence or development of an unsafe condition with regard to reactor operations.
b. A report within 30 days in writing to the NRC Document Control Desk of:
1. Permanent changes in the facility organization involving Level 1-2 personnel;
2. Significant changes in the transient or accident analyses as described in the Safety Analysis Report.

6.8 Records 6.8.1 Records to be Retained for a Period of at Least Five Years or for the Life of the Component Involved if Less than Five Years

a. Normal reactor operation;
b. Principal maintenance activities;
c. Reportable occurrences;
d. Surveillance activities required by the TS;
e. Reactor facility radiation and contamination surveys;
f. Experiments performed with the reactor;
g. Fuel inventories, receipts, and shipments;
h. Approved changes to the operating procedures;
i. Reactor Review Committee meetings and audit reports.

Reed Research Reactor 14-24 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 6.8.2 Records to be Retained for at Least One Requalification Cycle.,

Records of retraining and requalification of licensed operators shall be retained until the operator's license is terminated.

6.8.3 Records to be Retained for the Lifetime of the Reactor Facility

a. *Gaseous and liquid radioactive effluents released to the environs;,
b. Offsite environmental monitoring surveys; C. Radiation exposures for all personnel monitored;
d. Drawings of the reactor facility;
e. Reviews and reports pertaining to a violation of the safety limit, the limiting safety system setting*, or a limiting condition of operation.

I.2 I -


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,r Reed Research Reactor 14-25 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report

Chapter 16 Other License Conditions Reed Research Reactor Safety Analysis Report

This Page is Intentionally Blank Chapter 16 Other License Conditions Table of Contents 16 O ther License Considerations ............................................................................. 1 16.1 Prior U se of R eactor Com ponents ................................................................... 1 16.1.1 General ..................................................................................................... 1 16.1.2 Fuel Elem ents .......................................................................................... 1 16.1.3 Control Rods ............................................................................................ 1 16.2 M edical U ses ............................................................................................................ 1

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16 OTHER LICENSE CONSIDERATIONS 16.1 Prior Use of Reactor Components 16.1.1 General All safety related equipment is evaluated prior to use at the Reed Research Reactor (RRR) as required by 10 CFR 50.59. This includes equipment, components, and fuel received from other research reactors.

All safety related equipment is inspected periodically as required to ensure its continued safety, suitability, and effectiVeness, including-component aging or corrosion.

16.1.2 Fuel Elements The fuel used in the RRR is the same TRIGA fuel installed by General Atomics in 1968.

Over the course of 40 years of operation, only approximately have been consumed. have had pinhole leaks in their cladding and have were removed from service. was dropped during an inspection and its bottom pin was bent, so it was removed from service.

unused stainless steel clad elements were received from the Berkeley TRIGA reactor when it shutdown. They were never used before installation at RRR and were evaluate prior to installation in the reactor core.

16.1.3 Control Rods Unused boron carbide control rods were received from the Cornell TRIGA reactor when it shutdown. One has been installed in place of the original regulating rod.

16.2 Medical Uses The RRR is not used for medical purposes, other than possible research with non-human subjects.

Reed Research Reactor 16-1 July 2010 Safety Analysis Report