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J.A. Fitzpatrick - Facility Comments on Draft NRC-Developed Exam (Written & Operating Tests) (Folder 2)
Person / Time
Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/15/2010
From: Caruso J
Operations Branch I
Entergy Nuclear Northeast
Shared Package
ML092470037 List:
TAC U01786
Download: ML101750110 (24)


JAF 2010 NRC Written Exam Changes from draft Submittal to Final Submittal.

1 1.Revised question to state a recirc malfunction had occurred. Did not use suggested resolution because it did not affect the question or answers.

Changed Choice C from Perform a normal plant shutdown per AOP-8 to Shutdown per OP-65, "Startup and Shutdown". Also, added per AOP-8, "Loss or Reduction of Reactor Coo/ant Flow" to the stem. Changes to ensure procedure titles included in choices, while maintaining comparable choice lengths.

  • 2. ""'u\~CiU
1. Accepted editorial comment
2. Modified wording of Choices A, C and D to include procedure noun names.

Modified wording of stem to include procedure noun name.

3. Changed distracter 'B' to place the Reactor mode switch in Shutdown.

Need check with Fitz. for AOP-43 note 1.

Rewrote uestion cha to immediate actions Accepted editorial comment JAF has rovided a clearer RHR NPSH limit curve.

14 Accepted. Changed question from 'the following' to 'above indications' NRC shortened the stem. Changed DIW temp 'A' and 'B' readings to prevent miSinterpretation on High DIW temperature entry into EOP-4.

15 1. Changed "A" distracter. Reworded B, C and D for better symmetry.

2. Removed the word 'rising' from the stem for torus water temperature to avoid confusion with graph reading and provided EOP-11 as a reference.

Changed Torus temperature to 150 degs.

3. Added to stem CST level of 57 inches. Removed wording for torus from distracters 'A' and 'D' CST level of 59.5 results in an auto swap of RCIC suction to the Torus.

JAF 2010 NRC Written Exam Changes from draft Submittal to Final Submittal.

16 1. Accepted editorial comment.

However, upon further NRC review answer A and C were subsets of each other. Moved answer C to A and created a new C distracter. Need question to be re-reviewed.

2. NRC made the change and both Fitz and the NRC accepted the change.

This improved the clarity of the question, 17 1. Accepted editorial comments

2. Changed stem level for SLC tank to 84% and changed distracters to 38%

or 48% to avoid confusion.

18 1. Accepted editorial comments

2. Minor stem formatting.
3. NRC made changes to the question based on the recommendation to add clarity to the question. NRC and Fitz accepted the changes.

19 1. NRC accepted proposed question with a change to 'c' distracter to add the word 'only. Question was a better KIA match.

20 1. Accepted editorial comments

2. Changed stem from 100% to 87% per JAF recommendation.
3. Added 1 bullet in the stem for generator terminal voltage of 24.4 kV and added Scriba to 5th bullet for breaker R935. This added clarity to the stem of the question for Mn gen capability curve.
4. Changed "325 MVAR" in choice 'c' to '175 MVAR' such that only choice 'a' will be correct.
5. NRC accepted proposed change.

21 1. Accepted editorial comments

2. -When main turbine and RFPT trips, there is no feed water injection into the RPV. Reactor power should remain stable at 25%. lAW AOP-2, guidance provided if reactor power ~ 29%, then insert a manual scram on a turbine trip.

If reactor power is < 29%, then reduce reactor power.

NRC and Fitz agreed to change reactor power to 23%.

3. NRC removed 4 bullets from the stem of the question. Added assume no operator actions to the stem and modified all 4 distracters to align the question with the correct technical information for high RPV level response. These changes greatly improved this question and is now technically accurate.

22 1. Agree with the issue; however do not agree with recommended fix. Will need to rewrite this question.'

Question has been re-written. Need to inform JAF of new question.

2. Question was re-written
3. Added the following to the stem. The following annunciator is received: 09-4-3 31 RWR MG A SPEED CNTRL SIG FAILED'
4. Re-arranged stem information for clarity, reformatted.
5. Keep control board in stem of question 23 1. Accepted editorial comment
2. Minor editorial. Added titles to all procedure references. Replaced RMCS with Reactor Manual Control System.

JAF 2010 NRC Written Exam Changes from draft Submittal to Final Submittal.

24 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. Acce ted editorial comment 25 1. Accepted editorial comment
2. Minor stem formatting. Added titles to all procedure references.
3. Stem yth bullet was changed and question was changed as described to added clarit to the question.

26 1. Editorial corrected. Will not insert all of eop-5 but will insert max normal and max safe for these channels. Accepted

2. Reformatted embedded table to fit onto page. Added titles to all procedure references.
3. Changed bullet 1 to Rx Bldg sample ARM and changed question to describe what is occurring and what action is required. This adds plausibility to the stem of the question and avoid confusion the high Rad areas not in close proximity to each other.

27 Accepted editorial comment 28 Accepted editorial comment 29 1.Changed the 'A' Distracter to loss of 71 MCC-262-0B2 and changed justification for distracter.

2. Accepted editorial comment.

30 Accepted editorial comment 31 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. Accepted editorial comment - These changes added clarity to the question and the stem 33 1.Accepted editorial comment
2. NRC added AOP-46 as a reference. Fitz and NRC agreed to the change.
3. Accepted editorial comment I

34 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. NRC changed the 'then' to 'when' Fitz and NRC agreed to the change.

I 35 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. Accepted editorial comment 36 Accepted editorial comment I 37 1. Editorial - NRC added AOP-46 and procedure title into stem of question.
2. Editorial - Accepted editorial comment.

38 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. Added to the stem time set to T=O. Made changes to add T=10 seconds.

Removed bullet for ADS timers actuated. Added bullet for all ECCS pumps fail to start. Changed question to ask status of all ADS valves at T=190 seconds.

Modified distracters 'A' and *C'. These chan g es im proved the clarity of the

  • 3. Changed the correct answer to "C".

I Changed stem for 'A' CIS pump discharge pressure to 130 psig.

4. NRC accepted change 39 Accepted editorial comment

JAF 2010 NRC Written Exam Changes from draft Submittal to Final Submittal.

40 1. Question 40 has been re*written. Need to inform JAF of new question.

Changed RPV pressure band from 950*1050 psig to 800-1000 pSig for SRVoperation.

2. Accepted editorial comments.

41 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. Minor stem format changes.

42 Accepted editorial comment 43 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. Minor wording, format changes in choices.
3. Removed bullets from stem and changed question to ask on bus 10500 which would cause a trip of bus 10300*10500 4KV tie breaker 10304?

Changed distracters degraded voltages from % to voltage numbers and changed times for dragged voltage trips. JAF stated applicant do not know voltage as a percent but as a number. The change in the question added clarity to the question.

44 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. NRC accepted new Q-44 for UPS MG set. New question is much improved with clear stem and distracters
3. Added spacing between the bullets 45 1. Accepted editorial comment
2. Minor stem, choice format changes.

46 1. NRC accepted Q-46 for new EDG ESW cooling. New question is much improved with clear stem and distracters 47 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. Set point for filter DIP is not required to be committed to memory. Applicant is told in the stem of the question that service air pressure is degrading and 2 I

alarms are in. to DIP of 10 psid is not normal.

48 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. Minor stem, choice format changes.

49 Found that question 49 was similar to question 28 then wrote a new question 49.

50 Accepted editorial comment I 51 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. Minor choice format changes. i 52 Accepted editorial comment 53 1. Accepted editorial comment
2. Clarified in stem that leak is in EDG air header and EDG air receivers. B I and C took and out of answer.
3. The changes the NRC made to Q-53 change the question from a complicated stem and incorrect distracters to a smaller stem and better distracters adding clarity and improved plausibility to the question.

54 No changes 55 Accepted editorial comment

JAF 2010 NRC Written Exam Changes from draft Submittal to Final Submittal.

56 1. Minor reformatting

2. Accepted editorial comment
3. Made changes to this question stem to improve clarity of the question for rod drift indication.

57 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. Minor reformatting 58 NRC accepted reformatted question 59 1. NRC accepted replacement question with the following proposed changes.
a. Added "downscale failure of 0 Flow unit' in the stem.
b. Changed APRMs in distracters. 'B' distracter is now 'F' and 'C' distracter is now '0'.

60 1. Changed all distracters for this question to avoid confusion.

2. NRC recommends replacing load imbalance with 'turbine power'. Fitz agreed with the replacement.

61 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. Minor reformatting 62 1. Accepted editorial comment
2. Minor reformatting 63 During NRC review of proposed changes to question, determined that the question did not match the KIA as it applied to Siros only, 234000 Fuel Handling Equipment K5.02. KIA was changed to 201002 RMCS K1.03 Control rod block interlock/refueling (3.4) 64 1. Accepted editorial comment
2. Minor reformatting 65 1. Accepted editorial comment
2. Replaced with HC question from 07 NRC exams. JAF reviewed and concurred with change.

66 Recommend replacing question. NRC accepted replacement question with the following proposed changes.

1. Revised distracter '0' to make choice more plausible.
2. Added 'lAW EN-OP-115' in the stem of the question 67 1. During NRC review of proposed changes to question, determined that the question did not match the KIA. KIA was changed to G.2.1.32. And replacement question was accepted.

68 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. Clarified distracter wording.
3. During NRC review of proposed changes to question, determined that the question did not match the KIA. KIA was changed to G.2.1.20.

69 Accepted editorial comment 70 1. Accepted editorial comment 2.Minor reformatting 71 Accepted editorial comment 72 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. Minor reformatting 73 Accepted editorial comment

JAF 2010 NRC Written Exam Changes from draft Submittal to Final Submittal.

74 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. Minor reformatting 75 1. Accepted editorial comment
2. Minor reformatting I 76 1.Accepted editorial comment
2. Minor reformatting .


3. Changed 3 bullet to Mn gen on line. Added bearing header pressure drops i to 16 psig. Replaced distracter A3 with AOP-2 Turbine trip without a scram.

This change mimic startup conditions and added clarity to the question and plausibility to the correct answer.

77 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. Reference - TS 3.0.3 only provided.

78 Accepted editorial comment 79 Accepted editorial comment 80 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. Reference - NRC will provide TIS 81 1. Accepted editorial comment
2. Removed's' from SRV in C & D. Changed A & B to delete mechanical.
3. Choice 2 of distracters were changed to avoid subsets and now only 1 correct answer for this questions
4. NRC agrees to add decay heat generation to the stem of this question.

82 Will give EOP-11as a reference. References do not change question into a direct lookup.

83 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. 4th bullet deleted extra "is".
3. NRC incorporated this suggestion. This suggestion stream lined the question and added clarity to the question. Added core map to the question for SRM locations.

84 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. Will provide EOP-11 as a reference. References do not change question into a direct lookup.

85 1.) Question 85 is similar to RO question 42. Will need to update SRO outline and write a new SRO question on Drywell temperature.

Informed Mike Needles and Matt Emrich of this change.

New question 85 has been written and approved.

2.) Accepted 3.) Question 85 to be replaced 2/4/10 4.) Question 85 was replaced on 2/18/10 due to oversampling of TIS

  • questions.

I 5.) Minor reformatting.

JAF 2010 NRC Written Exam Changes from draft Submittal to Final Submittal.

86 1. Editorial changes accepted.

2. Feel that general structure should know 7 day Ico for 1 eccs train out.

Denied. With TIS provided this question would be a direct lookup. NRC new position is to create ILOT exams with limited references. CE has already spoken with JAF ILOT lead about limited references on NRC exams.

3. JAF states there is no pull to lock position n the CS pump switch.

Referenced CS lesson plan and replaced PTL with 'STOP"

4. NRC position is that general structure SROs should know 7 day Ico for 1 eccs train out. Denied. With TIS provided this question would be a direct lookup. NRC new position is to create ILOT exams with limited references. CE has already spoken with JAF ILOT lead about limited references on NRC exams.
5. Accepted editorial change on 2/4/10.
6. Minor reformatting.

87 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. Adjusted word wrap on transmitters. Added noun name to transmitters.
3. References - Added the following references to question 87.

TS, TS, Bases Pg B, Bases Pg B Bases Pg B, OP-27A Pgs 79 and 80. References do not change question into a direct lookup.

88 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. EOP-3 overrides -Denied
3. Minor reformatting

! 4. Recommended changes were change torus level to 11.95 ft. torus temp to 180 degs. Changes were reviewed and accepted by NRC. The

, change in torus temp and level avoid confusion with the reading of HCTL curve.

5. Will provide EOP-11. References do not change question into a direct lookup.
6. Understand and agree with the issue. The original question had a Higher Torus temperature and Lower Torus temperature. Changed back to 14 feet and 175 F to maintain answer 'C' as the correct answer.

89 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. Minor reformatting
3. NRC reviewed the replacement question and accepted the new question. This question was much improved in clarity of the question.

JAF 2010 NRC Written Exam Changes from draft Submittal to Final Submittal.

90 1. NRC accepted the proposed question with the following changes.

1. Remove 'unexpectedly' from stem, unnecessary because the stem bullet states plant conditions are normal with no other alarms in.
2. AOP-39 is not a plausible entry given all other plant conditions is normal.

NRC suggests the AOp*9; Loss of primary containment be used since it I appears to be more plausible for choice 'A' and 'C'.

91 1. Accepted editorial comment.

2. Question time line was changed to reflect seconds.

3.References - Added TS 3.1.3 and 3.1.4 as a reference. References do not change question into a direct lookup.

92 1 . Accepted editorial comment

2. Minor reformatting
3. Reference - NRC accepts TS 3.0.4 only.

93 Accepted editorial comment 94 1. on 2/18/10 question 94 has been replaced due to oversampling of TIS questions

2. Removed bottom 2 bullets from stem of question. This improved the clarity of the question.

95 Accepted editorial comment 96 1. On 2/16/10 question 96 has been replaced due to oversampling of TIS questions.

2. Distracter '8' added redundant. Distracter 'C' added fix a setpoint range that is justified by other steps. This added plausibility to the distracters.
3. Editorial - Accepted editorial comment 97 NRC accepted the proposed question on main turbine vibration. Removed EDG TIS question from the exam and TS 3.8.3 from exam reference document and exam reference.

98 1. Accepted editorial comment

2. Minor reformatting 99 1. Accepted. Discussed with Mike Needle will not bold distracters
2. Minor reformatting
3. Editorial- Added learning objectives EP-12.6; 1.10,EP-; 2.05 100 1. Accepted editorial comment
2. Minor reformatting
3. Changed torus temperature of 135 to maintain plausibility.

Summary of changes for the Operating Exam Scenario Comment resolutions Scenario/Comment Comment Submitted by Resolution Resolved by 1-1 Scenario script was enhanced.

Litkett I

vi,L Incorporated comments Litkett 1-2 Changed event Litkett Incorporated Litkett

  1. 4 to 06LT- comments 52A as this transmitter is /lite.

normally in service.

1-3 Added defeat Litkett Incorporated Litkett auto scram comments function to event 6.

jlfK£ 1-4 Added 'C' EDG Litkett Incorporated Litkett output breaker comments failure to close jJlL to event 8.


  • Deleted event Litkett Incorporated I Litkett
  1. 9. Sufficient comments component and jU;tc instrumentation failures remain.

I 1-6 Combined Litkett Incorporated Litkett event 7 and 8 comments for LOP and EDGs breaker (LItL-failures.

1-7 Replaced EHC malfunction

! Litkett IJlL--- Incorporated comments Litkett event #5 with

'B' RFPT trip ilLI)""


_P1) and recirc runback. 'fk-~

Summary of changes for the Operating Exam Scenario Comment resolutions 1-8 Added scripting Litkett Incorporated Litkett to support RFPT comments trip and power fJ'fLC-.

reduction 1-9 Added ADS Litkett Incorporated Litkett auto initiation comments failure. /VI-c 1-10 Added loss of Litkett Incorporated Litkett 10500; AOP-18 comments to scenario on jJlc the failure of 'A' and 'C' EDG breakers to close.

1-11 Changed LOCA Emrich Incorporated Emrich


malfunction comments RR15:A severity initial severity 2% with 20 minute ramp and final severity to 40%.

1-12 Delete manual Litkett Incorporated Litkett closure of 'A' comments EDG output breaker from fJ rLC"-.

critical task. 2 critical tasks remain.

1-13 Updated Emrich '" Incorporated Emrich



simulator setup. comments

~dL 1-14 Enhanced initial Incorporated Emrich simulator setup. comments 2-1 Scenario script Litke~,t Incorporated Litkett was enhanced. f\. .C- comments

Summary of changes for the Operating Exam Scenario Comment resolutions 2-2 Deleted event 3 Litkett Incorporated Litkett malfunction. comments With HPCI inoperable and fUu Drywell pressure transmitter failure was a similar TIS call with a SRO admin JPM for print reading.

2-3 Event 4 power Litkett Incorporated Litkett guidance comments changed. jV/LA~

Procedure change for op 3A; feedwater heaters changed power guidance to reduce power to 25% when isolating a feedwater heater. However AOP-62 for loss of feedwater heating had not been revised.

2-4 Combined Litkett Incorporated Litkett events 8 and 9 comments into a single jJl-t.~

component failure.

2-5 Deleted event Litkett Incorporated Litkett

10. Sufficient comments component and ~rb~

instrumentation failures remain.

Summary of changes for the Operating Exam Scenario Comment resolutions 2-6 I Changed success Litkett Incorporated Litkett path from de- comments energizing scram solenoids to vent tJCC_

the scram air header.

2-7 Updated Emrich Incorporated Emrich simulator setup. comments Page 3, Remotes Section; add IA07 and IA01 on


Trigger #9 (when Trigger #9 is activated, 03CRD-123 will shut and after 5 minutes, IA01 will activate in order to depressurize the scram air header).

2-8 Added SBGT Litkett Incorporated Litkett shutdown steps comments from OP-20 section jJ~C--


2-9 Added Simulator Litkett Incorporated Litkett booth instructions comments for scram solenoid door unable to open.

/VU-4-1 Scenario script Hedigan Incorporated Litkett was enhanced. comments


4-2 Updated simulator Hedigan Incorporated Emrich setup. jJlU.___ comments 4-3 Added TS call for 02-3LT-101A Hi1Jilc Incorporated comments Litkett

Summary of changes for the Operating Exam Scenario Comment resolutions 4-4 Added examiner Hedigan Incorporated Litkett note for Fuel comments failure to simulator booth operator to raise VJIU--

radiation levels to GE level if fuel failure is not large enough.

4-5 Deleted event 8 Emrich Incorporated Litkett for turbine "'

comments building ventilation trip. ~~

Simulator does not have this malfunction or override capability.

4-6 Page 3, deleted Emrich . . Incorporated Emrich


time delay on comments Trigger 5.


4-7 Page 3; Add IC Incorporated Emrich 45 as part of the comments


Simulator Setup 4-8 Page 3; 3rd bullet, Emric~ Incorporated Emrich


replace "operatot" comments with "operator"

Summary of changes for the Operating Exam Scenario Comment resolutions 4-9 Page 3; change Emrich Incorporated Emrich ED12 and ED13 comments under remote functions to be setup on Trigger ~4.~g 10and11 respectively (should not be necessary since we discussed during validation that we would not allow the crew to restore these buses?)

4-10 Page 3, Trigger Emrich Incorporated Emrich Section: change comments Trigger 3 to Trigger 9 for RD11:18:15 4-11 Page 3, Trigger Emrich Incorporated Emrich Section: add the comments following malfunctions to Trigger 7 for Turbine Building Exhaust Rad Levels:

4-12 RM01:15 PRM Emrich Incorporated Emrich 17-RM-434A, comments 27% severity, 9:20 delay, 6:40 ramp 4-13 RM01:16 PRM 17- Emrich Incorporated Emrich RM-434B, 27% comments severity, 9:20 delay, 6:40 ramp \ ~

Summary of changes for the Operating Exam Scenario Comment resolutions RM01 :23 PRM 17 4-14 RIS-431, 99% Emrich Incorporated Emrich severity, 3:00 comments delay, 10:00 ramp Ik,:~

4-15 RM01 :24 PRM 17 Emrich Incorporated Emrich RES-432,99% comments severity, 3:00 delay, 10:00 ramp 4-16 Page 4, Event #2 Emrich Incorporated Emrich Section; change comments Trigger 3 in second bullet to Trigger 9 '~

4-17 Added malfunction Hedigan Incorporated Litkett for uncoupled comments control rod 18:15. flILL 4-18 Added scripting for Hedigan Incorporated Litkett uncoupled control comments rod fJ/-L.

4-19 Added scripting for Litkett Incorporated Litkett Control room and comments Relay room fl).'k-ventilation manual isolation steps.


Split major 4-20 Hedigan Incorporated Litkett malfunction for comments fuel failure into a separate event for Main steam line /v/lL isolation since the MSL isolation would come after the fuel failure.

4-21 Added text for Hedigan Incorporated Litkett ECG calling dose comments for Simulator /UJt-C-booth operator.

Summary of changes for the Operating Exam Simulator JPM Comment Resolution JPM Comment Submitted By Resolution Resolved By S-1 Changed validation time from 15 Litkett Incorporated Litkett minutes to 20 minutes.

fUf-C comments S-1 Changed initiating cue from Emrich Incorporated Litkett posted attachment to OP-19; "" comments

  • RCIC procedure and changed cue

. to state maximize heat removal L*,~ 'J with RCIC to minimize SRV operations S-1 On page 6, change Item #1 to Emrich Incorporated Litkett state that the operator can use comments Posted Attachment at the 09-4 panel OR OP-19, D.2.

8-1 Page 8, guidance for the Emrich Incorporated Litkett Evaluator needs to clearly state comments whether or not it is acceptable for the applicant to trip RCIC due to the speed controller malfunction (it would not be incorrect to trip RCIC in this situation; so if they do trip RCIC they should not fail the ~IPM)

AND if the candidate is not to be allowed to trip RCIC, the evaluator note should state that the candidate should be stopped prior to tripping RCIC.

S-1 Change IC to IC-48. Emrich Incorporated Litkett comments S-2 Updated JPM simulator setup Emrich Incorporated Litkett instructions. comments

\~ I S-2 Updated KIA number. Litkett Incorporated Litkett

"-fZc comments I

Summary of changes for the Operating Exam Simulator JPM Comment Resolution S-2 Changed validation time Litkett Incorporated Litkett from 10 minutes to 15 comments minutes. AJv.~

S-2 Page 3, change ZD123A59 Emrich r Incorporated Litkett in item 6 to ZD123AS9.

Page 3, k~ comments S-2 change ZD123A58 in item Emrich Incorporated Litkett 7 to ZD123AS8 comments S-3 Updated JPM simulator Emrich Incorporated Litkett setup instructions .. comments

'y S-3 Added note that since Rx Litkett Incorporated Litkett power is low, IRMs are comments already inserted. fVP-<-

S-3 Minor editorial changes Litkett Incorporated Litkett AJR.-L comments S-3 Ensure the page numbers Em! ~ Incorporated Litkett are correct in the JPM. ~ ~~ ... .P~ comments S-3 Changed IC to IC-48. Emrich Incorporated Litkett comments S-4 Updated simulator JPM Emrich ~ Incorporated Litkett setup instructions. comments

Summary of changes for the Operating Exam Simulator JPM Comment Resolution S-4 Updated task conditions. Litkett Incorporated Litkett Evaluator cue changed for comments RO applicant. (What alternate methods are fiff-(~

available to spray the drywell; RHRSW and Fire Protection). For SRO what recommendation would you make?

rs-4 Flow of JPM steps is Emrich Incorporated Litkett confusing; recommend comments placing actions between steps #11 and #12 (as LLC'2~~

currently written) that script actions for securing OW spray (closing 1OMOV-31 B and securing the RHR pumps)

S-4 Added evaluator cue for Emrich Incorporated Litkett applicant to use 'B' I comments I

RHRSW to spray the drywell if requested.

S-5 Minor editorial changes Litkett Incorporated Litkett only. lf2(~ comments S-5 Page 4 reference section; Emrich '. Incorporated Litkett change Revision for OP 51A from 47 to Rev. 48. ~~ 1, omments S-6 Updated simulator JPM setup instructions.

EmriCh} Incorporated comments Litkett S-6 Changed validation time to Litkett Incorporated Litkett 30 minutes. comments flJR-L S-6 Updated scripting of JPM, Litkett Incorporated Litkett added additional cues to comments JPM if applicant decides to use single EDG shutdown method which secures the ESW pump with '0' EDG still running., added


guidance from OP-22 section G.17.

S-6 Change IC from IC-39 to Emrich Incorporated Litkett IC-41 (this JPM is setup to comments run out of the same set of Ll C:S: il6£ L IC's as S-2)

S-6 Place the override for the Emrich Incorporated Litkett ESW pump strainer DIP '\ ~ comments alarm on Trigger #1

Summary of changes for the Operating Exam Simulator JPM Comment Resolution S-6 Place the Emrich Incorporated Litkett remotes for placing the B comments and D EDG LOCAL MAINTENANCE switches in

  • "MAINT" on Trigger #2.

LLC£A.!IfZ Page 10, item #21; delete 'THEN" from first line, add

  • "THEN" between paralleled and balance.

Page 11, item #30; delete "THEN" from

  • first line, add "THEN" between paralleled and balance. Step OP-22, G.6.1 contradicts a critical step in the JPM (the operator, if using OP-22 cannot shut down the EDG until after 10 minutes have elapsed (cylinder cooldown time>> -7 add Evaluator note and cue that (if asked for by the candidate) allows the candidate to bypass the 10 minute wait in the procedure and shut down the EDG to prevent damage.

S-6 Reduced scripting of JPM, Litkett Incorporated Litkett added additional cues to comments JPM if applicant decides to jUP-C_

use single EDG shutdown method which secures the ESW pump with 'D' EDG still running., added guidance from OP-22 section G.17.

I S-7 Added note the driving in

'A' SRM takes 3.5 minutes and driving out 'A' SRM Litkett

...... , Incorporated comments Litkett I

takes 3.5 minutes

Summary of changes for the Operating Exam Simulator JPM Comment Resolution 1 5 7 Add "Steps 4.1 through 4.8 Litkett Incorporated Litkett of ST -5H are complete" to comments the initiating cue.

{tJtLc I I S-7 Is the question in step 13 Emrich NO Litkett LlCC~'£!i part of the critical step? Incorporated comments 5-7 Changed IC to IC- 48. Emrich Incorporated Litkett comments S-8 Update JPM based on new Emrich Incorporated Litkett procedure revision. comments Change IC to IC-48 S-8 Add M:CU10, RWCU Emrich Incorporated Litkett 12MOV-18 Auto Isolation comments Failure to Setup instructions (as a Preset);

this will cause the applicant to have to manually shut this valve as part of the AOP-28 actions Page 6, Item #4; 23MOV-16 is normally closed, therefore the applicant will only need to verify the valve SHUT (should not be a critical step since no physical action performed) Page 6, Item #7; 13MOV-16 can be closed from the 09-4 panel, therefore dispatching an operator to close the valve locally is not necessary Add notes in step 1 of JPM ....".;

describing how the candidate selects Attachment 2 of AOP-28 (Le. using Attachments 27,28, and 29 which refer the candidate to Attachment 2)


Summary of changes for the Operating Exam Plant JPM Comment Resolution JPM Comment Submitted By Resolution Resolved By P-1 Change OP-25 to Rev.79. Emrich Incorporated Litkett comments t-LC£P5Z't P-2 Change ISPP-3.8 to EN-IS Emrich 123. Incorporated Litkett comments P-2 The step(s) in the EP that Emrich provide guidance to initial the Incorporated Litkett respective steps for lifting comments leads should be properly place kept in the EP (Le. in addition to initialing for the lifted lead, the step should also be "circle- ~ I' slashed".

P-2 Added need key to access Litkett equipment cabinet and minor Incorporated Litkett editorial changes only. NI!-L comments P-3 Consider adding a condition to Emrich the initiating cue and/or step Incorporated Litkett 11 that states "no SRVs were comments

. opened from the Control LiC£N'S2z:

Room". This will ensure that the applicant knows to open 7 va Ives from the 02ADS-71 panel.

Summary of changes for the Operating Exam RO Admin ..IPM Comment Resolution JPM Comment Submitted By Resolution Resolved By A-1-1 A-1-1 Page 5, changed Emrich Incorporated Revision for RAP 7.3.16 to comments Litkett Revision 46 t-l C clV5'ZE A-1-2 Removed 1 RO from JPM Incorporated Litkett tUR..L comments Litkett A-1-2 Changed shift schedule and Incorporated A-2 procedure to EN-OM-123, Rev.2 Change cover sheet "Revision Number" to Revision 1 Revised blocking points lAW Litkett

\ comments Incorporated litkett standard tagout for 'B' RHR pump Page 3, change Revision Number to "1" Litkett

\ comments Litkett A-2 Page 3, References Section; Incorporated add Rev. 12 to EN-OP-102; Litkett comments Litkett add EN-OP-102-01, Rev. 6; add Rev. 94 to OP-13; add Rev. 68 to FM-20B Page 4, change Revision Number to "1"

A-2 Page 5, Initiating Cue Section; Incorporated after internals add "per WR Litkett comments Litkett 123456789";

A-2 replace Shift Operations Incorporated Management System with Litkett comments litkett "eSOMs"; add "the" between "and" and "SM"; add "the" between "for" and "required" (also make these changes to the Handout Page)

A-2 Updated JPM to have only 1 Incorporated vent and drain valve as critical Litkett \",

comments litkett A-3 Task Conditions Section; Emrich Incorporated change 100% power to 70% comments Litkett power (we would not expect to f-lcttJSE(

be at 100% power with only 2 CW pumps running A-3 change "36-1 AlB" to "36P Emrich Incorporated 1A1B"; change "46-1 AlB" to comments Litkett "46P-1A1B" (these items should be changed on the 'V Handout Page as well)

Summary of changes for the Operating Exam SRO Admin JPM Comment Resolution JPM Submitted By Resolution Resolved By A-1-1 Page 5, change Revision Emrich Incorporated Number to "1".Page 5, comments Litkett change Revision for RAP f.iCtA/i'if-7.3.16 to Revision 46 A-1-2 Updated references, added Emrich Incorporated step 5 in JPM for applicant to comments Litkett determine corporate notifications per AP-12. 11 added procedures and updated revision numbers.

Cover sheet, change Revision Number to "1". Page 3, change Revision Number to "1".Page 5, change Revision Number to "1"; add Rev. 11 to AOP-70 Security Threat; change Revision for EAP-1.1 to Rev. 65; add Rev. 39 to IAP-1; add Rev. 10 to AP 12.11; add Rev. 25 to EAP-3.

Page 3, 2nd bullet under the T

= 8 minute conditions, add "from the East Electric Bay" after the word reports (this should also be added to the Handout Page).Page 7, Step 1, change AOP-18 to AOP 28.Page 7, Step 2, Site Area Emergency should be the classification EAL 8.1.9 (due to vital area entry).Page 8,

\1 step 5 should not be a critical step as this action is also performed by the personnel in the EOF (see EAP-1.1)

Summary of changes for the Operating Exam SRO Admin JPM Comment Resolution JPM Comment Submitted By Resolution Resolved By A-2 Task Standard section; Emrich Incorporated change "23-57 and 23-58" to comments Litkett "23MOV-57 and 23MOV-58" (bullets #1 and #2; also J-ILZ;A.6CZ~

change on Page 6).Page 5, References Section; add "Process, Rev. 4" after "Operability Determination" (3rd bullet).Page 5, References Section; add "FM 25A, Rev. 71 and FM-25B, Rev. 33" after "HPCI Plant Piping Drawings" A-3 Removed from task Hedigan Incorporated conditions Emergency comments Litkett exposure controls have not been implemented. Added 3 NfL(~

new workers. Formatted information in a table format.

Split JPM into 2 parts. Part 1 is to calculate dose and Part 2 is to determine the emergency dose and fill out attachment 4. Page 3, capitalize the word "control" in the 3rd bullet under JPM Setup Instructions. Page 4, the 5th bullet under #4 should read 'The job will take 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> at the job site with both workers working the job full time." (change on Handout Page as well). Page 6, Change Revision Number to "2"

A-4 Updated procedure references Presby/Emrich Incorporated and attachments; updated comments Litkett plant conditions. Attached EPIC rad release screen for offsite release rates and 6o/~

Meteorological conditions in the EDAMS report.

Updated procedure references and attachments; updated plant conditions. Page 3, change Revision Number to "1". Page 3, change Revision Number for EAP-1.1 to "65".

Page 7, change Revision Number to "1". Page 7, change Revision Number for EAP-1.1 to "65".