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Joseph M Farley 2009 End of Cycle Letter
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/03/2010
From: Wert L
Division Reactor Projects II
To: Jerrica Johnson
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Shared Package
ML100620881 List:
Download: ML100620884 (7)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION II SAM NUNN ATLANTA FEDERAL CENTER 61 FORSYTH STREET, SW, SUITE 23T85 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303-8931 March 3, 2010 Mr. J. Randy Johnson Vice President - Farley Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.

7388 North State Highway 95 Columbia, AL 36319



Dear Mr. Johnson:

On February 9, 2010, the NRC staff completed its performance review of Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant. Our technical staff reviewed performance indicators (PIs) for the most recent quarter and inspection results for the period from January 1, 2009, through December 31, 2009.

The purpose of this letter is to inform you of our assessment of your safety performance during this period and our plans for future inspections at your facility.

This performance review and enclosed inspection plan do not include security information. A separate letter designated and marked as "Official Use Only - Security Information" will include the security cornerstone review and resultant inspection plan.

Overall, Farley Units 1 and 2 operated in a manner that preserved public health and safety and fully met all cornerstone objectives. Plant performance for the most recent quarter for Unit 1 was within the Regulatory Response column of the NRC=s Action Matrix. The Mitigating Systems Performance Index (MSPI), Emergency AC systems crossed the threshold from Green to White in the first quarter 2008 due to failures of the 1B Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG).

A Supplemental Inspection was conducted for Unit 1 during the third quarter 2008 using Inspection Procedure 95001 Inspection For One Or Two White Inputs In A Strategic Performance Area. In addition a White Finding was issued in the second quarter 2009 for failure to maintain the means to provide alert, notification, and clear instruction to all of the population within the plume exposure pathway Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ). A supplemental inspection was completed in February 2010, using Inspection Procedure 95001.

No significant weaknesses were identified.

Unit 2 plant performance was within the Regulatory Response column of the NRCs Action Matrix in the most recent quarter for a White Finding in the Emergency Preparedness Cornerstone issued in the second quarter 2009 for failure to maintain the means to provide alert, notification, and clear instruction to all of the population within the plume exposure pathway Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ). A supplemental inspection was completed in February 2010, using Inspection Procedure 95001. No significant weaknesses were identified.

All Performance Indicators during the assessment period were Green for Unit 2.

SNC 2 Additionally, the NRC has identified a substantive cross-cutting issue in the area of human performance. During the cycle, there were 3 green findings and one severity level III violation with documented cross-cutting aspects in the area of human performance which constitute a cross-cutting theme in the aspect of procedural compliance (H.4(b)). In evaluating the scope of efforts and progress in addressing the cross-cutting theme, the staff determined that you had appropriately identified/recognized the cross-cutting theme, scheduled and took actions based on judgment and/or risk insights to address this theme. However, the NRC does not have a reasonable assurance the scope of actions taken will be effective in addressing the procedural compliance cross-cutting issue. Therefore the staff has concluded that a substantive cross-cutting issue in the Human Performance area does exist at this time. The Human Performance cross-cutting issue will be addressed in the plants baseline inspection as an area of focus. The NRC assessment of your progress to clear the SCCI will be based on: 1.) The appropriate and comprehensive range of actions identified by the Corrective Action Program, which address the cross-cutting theme; 2.) Fewer than four findings with the cross-cutting aspect of procedural compliance (H.4(b)) during the previous twelve month assessment period; and 3.) An increased level of confidence in your ability to deal effectively with issues as related to the cross-cutting theme of procedural compliance (H.4(b)) during the previous six month assessment period.

Additionally, a resident inspector semi-annual trend review of the procedure adherence issues will assess your efforts to ensure effective corrective action implementation and timeliness. This will encompass both the original apparent cause determination 2008 action items (CR 2008106454) related to procedure adherence and the recent CR (2009113187) regarding a potential NRC identified cross-cutting theme.

We also plan on conducting several infrequently performed inspections, which include the triennial 50.59 Modification inspection, triennial Fire Protection inspection, temporary instruction (TI) 2515/172 Reactor Coolant System Dissimilar Metal Butt Welds, TI 2515/177 Managing Gas Accumulation In Emergency Core Cooling, Decay Heat Removal, and Containment Spray Systems (NRC Generic Letter 2008-01), Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation and operator licensing inspections.

The enclosed inspection plan details the inspections, less those related to security scheduled through June 30, 2011. The inspection plan is provided to allow for the resolution of any scheduling conflicts and personnel availability issues well in advance of inspector arrival onsite.

Routine resident inspections are not listed due to their ongoing and continuous nature. The inspections in the last nine months of the inspection plan are tentative and may be revised at the end-of cycle review.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC=s ARules of Practice,@ a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

SNC 3 If circumstances arise which cause us to change this inspection plan, we will contact you to discuss the change as soon as possible. Please contact Scott Shaeffer at 404-562-4521 with any questions you may have regarding this letter or the inspection plan.



Leonard D. Wert, Jr., Director Division of Reactor Projects Docket Nos.: 50-348 and 50-364 License Nos.: NPF-2 and NPF-8


Farley Inspection/Activity Plan cc w/encl: (See page 4)

_________________________ X SUNSI REVIEW COMPLETE SMS OFFICE RII:DRP RII:DRP RII:DRP RII:DRP SIGNATURE TXL JTM SMS LDW NAME TLighty JMunday SShaeffer LWert DATE 02/25/2010 03/02/2010 03/01/2010 03/02/2010 E-MAIL COPY? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO SNC 4 cc w/encl: Chris Clark B. D. McKinney, Jr. Commissioner Regulatory Response Manager Georgia Department of Natural Resources Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution John G. Horn N. J. Stringfellow Site Support Manager Licensing Manager Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.

Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution T. D. Honeycutt Aimee J. Gray Regulatory Response Supervisor Performance Improvement Supervisor Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Electronic Mail Distribution Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.

Electronic Mail Distribution Todd L. Youngblood Plant Manager Ted V. Jackson Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Emergency Response and Radiation Electronic Mail Distribution Program Manager Environmental Protection Division Georgia Department of Natural Resources Managing Attorney and Compliance Officer Electronic Mail Distribution Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.

Electronic Mail Distribution C. Howard Mahan Principal Licensing Engineer Jeffrey T. Gasser Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Executive Vice President Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.

Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution Cynthia A. Sanders L. Mike Stinson Radioactive Materials Program Manager Vice President Environmental Protection Division Fleet Operations Support Georgia Department of Natural Resources Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution James C. Hardeman Paula Marino Environmental Radiation Program Manager Vice President Environmental Protection Division Engineering Georgia Department of Natural Resources Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution Mr. Mark Culver Moanica Caston Chairman Vice President and General Counsel Houston County Commission Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. P. O. Box 6406 Electronic Mail Distribution Dothan, AL 36302 cc w/encl. continued next page

SNC 5 cc w/encl continued:

James A. Sommerville Program Coordination Branch Chief Environmental Protection Division Georgia Department of Natural Resources Electronic Mail Distribution State Health Officer Alabama Dept. of Public Health Electronic Mail Distribution F. Allen Barnes Director Environmental Protection Division Georgia Department of Natural Resources Electronic Mail Distribution

SNC 6 Letter to J. Randy Johnson from Leonard D. Wert, Jr. dated March 3, 2010



Distribution w/encl:

C. Evans, RII L. Slack, RII OE Mail RIDSNRRDIRS PUBLIC RidsNrrPMFarley Resource ROP Reports Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO)