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Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for a Single Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site- Jackson County, Alabama, Cover Letter Through Page 208
Person / Time
Site: Bellefonte  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 11/04/2009
From: Shipp L
Tennessee Valley Authority
To: Raghavan L
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML093230798 (242)


Tennessee Valley Tennessee Valley Authority, 400 West West Summit Summit Hill Drive, Drive, Knoxville, Knoxville, Tennessee Tennessee 37902-1499 November 4, 2009 2009.

Lakshminarasimh Raghaven Mr. Lakshminarasimh U.S. Nuclear Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North North 11555 11555 Rockville Pike O-8H4A Mail Stop 0-8H4A Rockville, Maryland Maryland 20852-2738 20852-2738

Dear Mr. Raghaven:

SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL DRAFT SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT IMPACT STATEMENT (SEIS) FOR FOR A SINGLE NUCLEAR UNIT AT THE BELLEFONTE SITE- SITE- JACKSON COUNTY, JACKSON COUNTY, ALABAMA ALABAMA The enclosed draft SEIS, which evaluates T~nnessee Tennessee Valley Authority's (TVA) proposal to complete complete or construct construct and operate a single nuclear nuclear generating generating unit at the Bellefonte Bellefonte Nuclear Nuclear Plant (BLN) site located in Jackson County, Alabama. TVA is requesting your review of the draft SEIS and is accepting comments between between November November 13 and December 28, 2009.

December TVA is considering aa No Action Alternative and two Action Alternatives: Alternatives: completion completion and operation of aa Babcock and Wilcox pressurized operation pressurized light water reactor or construction construction and operation of aa Westinghouse operation Westinghouse AP1000 advanced pressurized light water reactor. Either of the two Action Alternatives Alternatives would use licensing processes that are already underway.

licensing processes The draft SEIS also evaluates the impact of refurbishing; refurbishing, reenergizing, reenergizing, and upgrading upgrading existing electrical transmission infrastructure infrastructure necessary to accommodate accommodate new power

, generation.


TVA has identified the need for additional base load generation generation in the 2018 to 2020 time time frame. Completion or construction construction of one additional additional nuclear unit capable of generating generating between approximately between approximately 1,100 and 1,200 megawatt (MW) (MW) of power within this time frame frame would help address address the need for additional additional base load generation generation in the TVA power power service service area area and help meet TVA's goal to have have at leastleast' 50 percent of its generation portfolio portfolio comprised of low or zero carbon-emitting carbon-emitting sources sources by the year 2020. Both Action Alternatives proposed proposed would also make beneficial beneficial use of existing assets at the the BLN site.

This draft SEIS supplements TVA's original original '19719744 Final Final Environmental Environmental Statement Statement- -

Bellefonte Nuclear Nuclear Plant Plant Units 1 and 2 for the BLN project and updates other updates other related environmental environmental documents including including a 2008 environmental environmental report for the AP1 000 for BLN BLN Units 3 and 4. TVA will identify its preferred preferred alternative alternative in the final SEIS after receiving receiving input from the reviewing reviewing agencies and the public.

The draft SEIS may be viewed at, www.tva..qov/environment/reports/blnp, and comments comments provided to us online. Please note that any comments received, including may be provided including

Mr. Lakshminarasimh Raghaven Lakshminarasimh Raghaven Page Page 2 November November 4, 2009 names names and addresses, will will become become part of the administrative available administrative record and will be available for public inspection.

inspection. To provide written comments, please contact:

Ruth M.

M. Horton*

Horton Phone:

Phone: (865) 632-3719 632-3719 Senior NEPA Specialist E-mail:


Tennessee Tennessee Valley Authority 400 West Summit Summit Hill Drive, WT 11 D Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 37902 Also, for general general project project information, contact:

.Andrea L.L. Sterdis Sterdis (423) 751-7119 Phone: (423) 751-7119 Nuclear Project Nuclear Project Manager Manager alsterdis(dtva..qov E-mail: Tennessee Tennessee Valley Authority 1101 Market Street, LP 5A 5A Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402 Tennessee 37402 Sincerely, 4ýfý_ 401ý1 Linda B. Shipp, Senior Manager Manager NEPA Compliance NEPA Compliance Environmental Permitting and Compliance Environmental Compliance Environment and Research Office of Environment Research Enclosure Enclosure

'I Document Type:

Index Field:

EIS-Administrative Record EIS-Administrative Environmental Document Environmental Document Transmitted Public/Agencies Public/Agencies I Project Name:


Project Number:

Single Nuclear the Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Bellefonte 2009-22 Site I










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I I Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Statement November 2009 November 2009 Proposed project:

Proposed Single Nuclear Unit Unit at the Bellefonte Site Site I Jackson Jackson County, Alabama Alabama Lead Lead agency: Tennessee Tennessee Valley Authority I For further information information Ruth M.M. Horton on the environmental environmental Senior NEPA Specialist I impact impact statement, contact:

Tennessee Tennessee Valley Authority 400 W. Summit Hill Drive Drive Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 I Phone:



865-632-3719 865-632-3719 865-632-3415 865-632-3415 I For general general information information on the project, contact:

Andrea L.

Andrea L. Sterdis Sterdis Nuclear Project Manager Nuclear Tennessee Valley Authority I 1101 Market Street, LP 5A Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402 37402 Phone: 423-751-7119 423-751-7119 I E-mail: Comments Comments must be I submitted by submitted Abstract:

by TVA proposes December 28, 2009 December proposes to complete or construct construct and operate 1,100 to 1,200 operate a single 1,100 1,200 I MW nuclear nuclear generating generating unit at the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant (BLN)

Bellefonte Nuclear Jackson County, Alabama. TVA may choose to complete and located in Jackson operate one of the partially constructed constructed Babcock Babcock &

(BLN) site

& Wilcox (B&W)

(B&W) pressurized pressurized light water reactors, or construct and operate a new I Westinghouse Westinghouse AP1000 Construction activities Construction pressurized light water AP1 000 pressurized activities would incorporate water reactor (AP1000).

(AP1 000).

incorporate existing facilities and structures structures previously disturbed and use previously disturbed ground within the 1,600-acre 1,600-acre BLN site where I possible. TVA has determined need to be upgraded determined that the existing transmission upgraded to prevent overloading overloading transmission system would while transmitting would electricity electricity generated generated at BLN. TVA would use licensing licensing processes processes that are already I underway for the B&W and AP1 000 technologies.

underway document technologies. TVA has prepared document to inform decision makers and the public about the potential prepared this this potential for environmental environmental impacts that would result from a decision decision to complete or I construct and operate aa single document supplements document supplements Bellefonte Nuclear Nuclear Plant single nuclear the Plant Units nuclear generating original 1974 generating unit at the BLN site. This Final Environmental Statement 1974 Final Environmental Statement Units 1 and 2 (TVA 1974) 1974) for the BLN project and This updates other related environmental environmental documents including the 2008 I updates Environmental Report for the construction and operation Environmental AP1 000 units at the BLN site. TVA will use this information AP1000 2008 operation of Westinghouse Westinghouse information and input input provided by reviewing agencies agencies and the public to make make an informed I decision decision about locating a single nuclear generating unit at the BLN site.



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I Summary I



I PURPOSE OF AND NEED FOR AND NEED FOR ACTION electricity in the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) power service Demand for electricity service area has area has grown at the average average rate of 2.3 percent per year from 1990 1990 to 2008. Although the 2008-I 2009 economic recession the forecast forecast of recession has slowed load power power needs, future load growth in the short term and adds uncertainty power needs are not expected uncertainty to expected to change dramatically.

TVA's medium forecast analysisanalysis of future demands demands for electricity from its power system has has I identified the need for approximately capacity approximately 2,000 megawatts (MW) (MW) of additional additional baseload capacity in the 2018-2020 time frame. At the same time, TVA has set a goal of reducing baseload reducing fossil-fuel emissions and lowering its delivered delivered cost of power.

I TVA proposes to complete or construct generating generating unit at the Bellefonte construct and operate aa single 1,100 Bellefonte Nuclear Nuclear Plant (BLN) 1,100 - 1,200 (BLN) site located located in Jackson nuclear 1,200 MW nuclear Jackson County, Alabama. As part of its proposal, TVA is seeking to (1) assure future power I maximize the use of existing by using those existing existing assets and licensing licensing processes, (3) avoid existing assets; and (4) avoid the environmental power supplies, (2) avoid larger larger capital outlays environmental impacts of siting and outlays constructing generating facilities elsewhere. Completing a single nuclear constructing new power generating nuclear unit at I the BLN site would meet help meet meet the agency's meet a substantial portion of TVA's future generating agency's goal of having 50 percent of its overall generating needs needs and would power supply from low or overall power would zero carbon-emitting carbon-emitting sources by 2020. The single nuclear unit would provide aa low-carbon- low-carbon-I emitting power source at a significantly lower cost per installed kilowatt than other baseload power power options.

I Currently, there are two partially constructed Babcock reactors reactors (B&W)

(B&W) with a rated capacity of about choose to complete complete and operate Babcock and Wilcox pressurized light water about 1,200 MW each at the BLN site. TVA may operate either one of these partially constructed constructed units, or construct I and operate aa new Westinghouse Westinghouse AP1 000 advanced (AP1000) using some of the existing infrastructure. Under TVA would use licensing processes that are al~eady pressurized light water reactor Under any of the proposed already underway.

underway. TVA currently alternatives, proposed alternatives, currently holds a construction construction permit for the two B&W units and has applied applied for a combined combined (construction and I operating) operating) license for two AP1 000 units. TVA's current these four previously proposed current proposal is to complete only one of proposed units. The considerable accomplished considerable work that has been accomplished AP1000 technology would reduce the time and cost of toward licensing the B&W and AP1000technoiogy I bringing bringing aa single nuclear generating generating unit at BLN on line.

The purpose of this draft supplemental supplemental environmental environmental impact statement statement (Draft SEIS) is to I inform decision makers, agencies and the public about the potential impacts that would result from a decision to complete potential for environmental operate a single complete or construct and operate single nuclear generating unit at the BLN site. This document supplementssupplements the original 1974 1974 Final Final I Environmental Environmental Statement Bellefonte Nuclear project and updates environmental environmental report for the Nuclear Plant updates other related environmental construction and Units 1I and Plant Units environmental documents and 2 (1974 (1974 FES) for the BLN documents including the 2008 operation of Westinghouse Westinghouse AP1000 BLN AP 1000 units at the BLN site. ItIt also updates updates the need for power TVA's I Energy Vision 2020 preparation 2020 Integrated Resource preparation of a new Integrated power analysis. This SEIS tiers from TVA's Resource Plan. In June 2009, TVA announced announced the Resource Plan (IRP) to replace Energy Vision 2020 which Integrated Resource the is scheduled scheduled to be completed completed in early 2011.

2011. Given Given the long lead nuclear lead time for bringing a nuclear I plant online, completing completing the SEIS for BLN while simultaneously help ensure that a new generation simultaneously developing developing the new IRP will generation unit could be built in time to meet the projected projected demand demand for base base load energy.

I S-1 I

Single Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear Site I NEED FOR POWER POWER TVA's high, medium, and low load forecasts all show the need for additional additional baseload I

capacity by 2018-2020.

2018-2020. The completion completion or construction and operation operation of a single nuclear nuclear unit at the BLN site would provide TVA's customerscustomers with additional risk from volatile fuel prices, supply reliable, low-cost additional fuel diversity diversity to reduce low-cost power from a proven high-energy reduce high-energy I

producing producing resource, and afford increased operating operating flexibility in th"e the face of increasing increasing environmental constraints.

environmental I ALTERNATIVES AL TERNATIVES alternatives to constructing TVA considered a number of alternatives FES, including various sources of baseload constructing and operating generation base load generation and operating BLN 1&2 in its 1974 alternative alternative plant locations.

1974 m

Alternative sites and energy Alternative energy options were also included included in the 2008 environmental environmental report as as site. In process for locating Westinghouse part of the COLA process Westinghouse AP1 000 units (BLN In this Draft SEIS, TVA evaluates three generation generation alternatives (BLN 3&4) at the BLN alternatives and two transmission In alternatives. The generation alternatives alternatives are Alternative Alternative A - No action, Alternative Alternative B -

Completion Completion and operation operation of a B&W pressurized Construction and operation of an AP1 Construction alternatives pressurized light water reactor, and Alternative AP1000 Alternative C-000 pressurized light water reactor. The transmission alternatives include No Action and an Action Alternative. All of these alternatives C-alternatives are within within I

generation, alternatives considered in previous the bounds of alternatives incorporated incorporated herein by reference.

previous environmental environmental reviews which are reference. Previous reviews also considered generation, including energy sources not requiring new generating considered alternatives alternatives to nuclear generating capacity, alternatives nuclear alternatives I

requiring requiring new new generating generating capacity, and combinations combinations of alternatives. Alternative sites for additional additional nuclear generation generation were considered were also considered I II TVA conducted a study of the delivery of power power produced produced from a single single nuclear nuclear unit at the the BLN site and determined determined that transmission network upgrades would be required to prevent prevent overloading while transmitting electricity generated at BLN. These network upgrades overloading while transmitting electricity generated at BLN. These network upgrades represent represent the Action Alternative Alternative for the transmission system, and consist of modifications modifications to 222 miles of existing transmission lines and two existing switchyards. The decision decision to approve and fund a single nuclearnuclear generating generating unit would be made made first. If If either Alternative Alternative B

B (B&W) or Alternative C (AP1000) were were selected and implemented, implemented, the Action Alternative Alternative would be selected. The scope scope of work for the transmission Action Alternative is the same same under under Alternatives Alternatives B Band and C.

Several evaluations evaluations in the form of environmental environmental reviews, studies, and white papers have have been prepared for actions related to the construction and operation of a nuclear nuclear plant or alternative power alternative power generation generation source source at the BLN site. As provided in the National Environmental Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) implementing regulations regulations (40 CFR Part 1502), 1502), this Draft Draft SEIS updates, updates, tiers from, and incorporates documents incorporates by reference nuclear generation unit at the BLN site.

information contained reference information documents about the BLN site and about completing or constructing contained in these these constructing and operating a single single I

nuclear generation unit at the BLN site.


CONSEQUENCES CONSEQUENCES Under the No Action Alternative, TVA would continue to maintain Under for BLN 11&2&2 in deferred status. In maintain the construction permits In deferred status, any construction construction activities permits activities would be be I

related to maintaining maintaining the existing plant infrastructure, infrastructure, including intake intake and discharge discharge structures, cooling tower, and wastewater system. Under Alternatives construction activities construction Alternatives Band B and C, activities would incorporate existing facilities and structures and use previously previously I

disturbed ground wherewhere possible. Both the B&W and AP1 AP1000000 unit would use the existing S-2 I


I Summary I intake channel and pumping station, cooling towers, blowdown discharge diffuser, intake switchyard, and transmission switchyard, transmission system. Under Alternative Alternative B, a partially partially constructed constructed B&W unit would be completed completed on previously cleared ground and minimal new site clearing clearing or grading I would occur. The majoritymajority of the construction would involve replacement construction activities on plant systems and components replacement or refurbishment refurbishment of equipment equipment contained within the components current current structures. Under Under Alternative Alternative C, the AP1 000 unit would be constructed constructed on a new nuclear nuclear I located on vacant island located unit and associated vacant ground within the BLN project area. Construction structures are anticipated associated structures Construction of an AP1 000 anticipated to disturb approximately approximately 185 additional acres 000 acres within the 11,600-acre

,600-acre site.

I Potential environmental impacts Potential environmental summarized in Table S-1 summarized nuclear generation impacts of the three nuclear S-1 below. Potential environmental generation alternatives environmental impacts alternatives are impacts of the two alternatives alternatives for I mitigation upgrades are summarized in Table S-2 below. TVA would implement transmission upgrades mitigation measures to reduce alternatives.

reduce or avoid environmental environmental impacts under implement various under all of the action various I MITIGATION MITIGATION TVA has identified the following measuresmeasures to mitigate the potential environmental impacts potential environmental impacts associated with completion associated completion or construction and operation operation of aa nuclear unit at BLN: These These I measures go beyond those of earlier measures construction or will be addressed earlier reviews which either have been met during addressed by required required permits and authorizations.


I *" Avoid disturbance archaeological site 11JAl11.

disturbance of archaeological JA 111.

    • appropriate steps to mitigate Take appropriate mitigate potential housing housing impacts during plant construction construction in in I Jackson County as needed.


  • " Implement any avoidance or mitigation measures resulting from the U. S. Fish and Implement and I *"

Wildlife Service Biological Opinion.

For Alternative purchase wetland mitigation Alternative C, purchase mitigation credits at an approved approved mitigation mitigation bank in in I "

compliance with a Section 404/401 permit.

For For Alternative Alternative C, mitigate mitigate for noise impacts through through use of noise dampening measures dampening measures and limit blasting blasting to daylight daylight hours.

I Should TVA select Alternative Alternative B or C, the following mitigation mitigation measures would be be implemented to address implemented address the potential potential impacts of the proposed proposed transmission upgrades.

I Prior to implementing implementing any ground-disturbing ground-disturbing work, TVA would:

  • " Conduct botanical botanical surveys to examine examine all sites in areas areas to be disturbed disturbed where where listed I plant species have been present state-listed species previously reported to determine ifif the rare species are still been previously present and the full extent of the plants in the ROW. The location of any federally species resources would be identified identified on construction federally and plans and avoided construction plans avoided by by I *"

construction crew.

Conduct wetlands surveys in the areas areas to be disturbed. Pending Pending this review, specific specific commitments including avoidance, minimization measures, or mitigation measures measures may I commitments be placed on wetland areas to ensure no significant impacts or loss of wetland occurs.

wetland function function I S-3 S-3 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear II!

  • Evaluate Evaluate the presence of historic disturbed, in accordance disturbed, historic structures structures and archaeological accordance with Memorandum archaeological sites in areas to be Memorandum of Agreements Agreements (MOA)

(MOA) for the treatment I

affected archaeological resources and protection of archaeological resources that TVA is developing affected states (Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia). Under were not possible, mitigation developing with each each of the the Under these MOA, ifif avoidance mitigation ( i.e., additional archaeological archaeological investigation investigation and data data I

recovery) may be required.



This Draft SEIS will be available available for 45 days following publication of the Notice Notice of Availability Availability in the Federal respond to the comments Register. At the close of the public comment period, TVA wil period, incorporate any required changes into the Final comments received and incorporate Ii SEIS. TVA will also complete complete consultation consultation with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Service and thethe appropriate State Historic Preservation appropriate transmitted will make make a decision Preservation Officers.

decision on the proposed action Officers. The completed action no sooner completed Final SEIS will be transmitted to EPA who will publish a notice of its availability in the Federal be Federal Register.

Register. TVA sooner than 30 days after the NOA of the the I

Final SEIS is published published purpose and need, in the Federal Register.

Federal Register.

need, anticipated environmental This decision will be based on the project documented in the Final SEIS, environmental impacts, as documented II along with cost, schedule, technological, decision, TVA will issue technological, and other considerations.

issue a Record of Decision Decision (ROD).

document the considerations. To document the I





I S-4 S-4 I


M Mm M M 0m m m m m m m m -

Table S-I. Summary Table S-1. Summary of the Environmental Environmental Impacts of the Three Nuclear Nuclear Generation Generation Alternatives Alternatives

.,'-Attribute/Potential Attribute/Potential ,', .
c I ' ., . Alternative ,:

, ::,:' Alternative; 11"1' :>","'i " ,,': ~: ';r '

-cl '" I . ,:,

Resource Resource Effects A - No Action B - I B&W Unit C - 1 AP1000 Unit Effects A - No Action B-1 B&W Unit C~- 1 AP1000 Unit Minor effectseffects similar similar to Alternative B, but less due to to Temporary and and minor smaller smaller amount amount of blowdown Temporary minor water withdrawal and discharge water withdrawal discharge impacts associated with impacts associated with Chemical Chemical or thermal construction. No long-term construction, long-term or Temporary and minor impacts Temporary and minor impacts degradation degradation of surface cumulative cumulative impacts to water associated with construction. No associated with construction, No water quality; changes to No impacts or changes quality associated with Surface Water Water water quality; changes to No impacts or changes quality associated with long-term or cumulative cumulative impacts impacts hydrology and anticipated cooling water discharge, discharge. to water quality associated with to water quality associated with consumptive use of consumptive cooling water discharge.

cooling water discharge, surface water surface No impacts are anticipated anticipated to water supply. Minor impacts impacts No impacts to water supply.

No impacts to water supply.

from chemical discharges.

Minor impactsimpacts from chemical o3)

(J) discharges.



(]1 Chemical Chemical impacts to groundwater quality; Groundwater Groundwater groundwater quality; No impacts impacts expected. No impacts expected. No impacts impacts expected.


changes in changes in use of groundwater groundwater No anticipated adverse Minor impactsimpacts from construction construction No anticipated adverse Construction or Construction impated ades Minor impacts from and dredging.

impacts to the floodplain.

modification modification to the impacts to the floodplain, construction and dredging.

construction dredging.

floodplain. All safety-related All safety-related safety-related structures are.

Flooplai floodplain.

andstructures All safety-related are located ad st retyareloated safety-related structures All safety-related structures located above the Probable located Probable Floodplain and structures are located Flooding of the plant site Flooding of the plant site above Probable the Probable are located above are located above the Maximum Maximum Flood (PMF) (PMF) and PMP PMP Flood Risk above the from the river, Town Maximum Flood (PMF) Probable Probable Maximum Flood drainage levels or are flood-Maximum Flood (PMF)

Creek, or Probable Probable and PMP drainage levels (PMF) and PMP drainage drainage proofed to the resulting levels levels and PMP drainage levels Maximum Maximum Precipitation Precipitation a re leve levels or are flood-proofed flood-proofed to Administrative building The new Administrative building or are flood-proofed to the (PMP) or are flood-proofed to the the resulting levels, resulting levels. would be located located above the 100-resulting levels.

year year and and FRP elevations.

Loss of Loss 12.2 acres of 12.2 acres of wetlands wetlands to to C/


Destruction Destruction of wetlands wetlands or be mitigated in-kindofwithin c 33 Wetlands be mitigated in-kind within 33 degradation wetland degradation of wetland No impacts impacts No impacts impacts watershed. No indirect or ,2 watershed. No indirect or III functions cumulative impacts.

cumulative impacts. -<

C, (j)

J (Q

CD zc:


Attribute/Potential Attribute/Potential Alternative Alternative CD Resource ...,

OJ Effects A - No No Action B 1-B&W Unit

  • B-1 - I AP1000 Unit C -1 Unit C

Effects Effects similar to Alternative B B  :::J Destruction of aquatic aquatic Minor impacts impacts to benthos from dredging intake, to aquatic communities from to from but slightly less dredging.


Impacts from thermal Impacts discharge thermal discharge


1' CD OJ Ecology Aquatic Ecology organisms; degradation or organisms; degradation or No impacts No impacts thermal discharge, thermal discharge, and and impingement impingement and CD~

destruction destruction of aquatic impingement, and entrainment minor and less than entrainment F CD habitat entrainment. a cumulative effects.

No cumulative Alternative B due to smaller water volumes.


J CDCD (j)

No cumulative effects. ~

Removal or degradation Little to no direct impacts impacts from from of terrestrial vegetation, vegetation, removal of 50 acres of forest and removal Terrestrial Ecology No Terrestrial Ecology wildlife habitat, and/or No impacts No impacts No impacts impacts native native grass. No indirect or wildlife cumulative effects.

cumulative (j) No impacts from site No impacts from site construction construction I

en construction or run-off.

construction or run-off.

Adverse direct, indirect, and Little or no impact to Indiana bats cumulative impacts to the from removal of low quality pink mucket sheepnose mucket and sheepnose potential roost habitat with some some mussel from dredging dredging and moderate moderate quality potential roost Mortality, harm, or towing barges. trees.

Endangered Endangered and harassment of federally harassment federally Threatened listed or state-listed state-listed No impacts Minor indirect effects from Adverse direct, indirect, and Species species species including impacts stress of potential mussel cumulative cumulative impacts to the pink to their critical habitat host fish from thermal mucket mucket and sheepnose sheepnose mussel effluent; negligible effect of from dredging and towing impingement/entrainment impingement/entrainment of barges. Fewer individuals individuals potential potential host fish. affected affected than under Alternative B. B.

Operational Operational impacts to pink pink mucket mucket and other aquatic aquatic species same as Alternative B Degradation of the values Natural Areas Natural or qualities qualities of natural natural No impacts impacts No impacts No impacts impacts areas areas M M- MIMI -" == == ==

10=01M- ==

MmM IM m n ýmm II111111MIM m M M -M M W g M IM Resource Attribute/Potential Attribute/Potential Alternative Alternative Resource Effects A - No Action B - 1 B&W Unit C - 1 AP1000 Unit Effects A - No Action B-1 B&W Unit C - 1 AP1000 Unit Minor impacts from Minor Degradation or elimination impacts from Minor impacts impacts from construction construction and operation Recreation Recreation of recreation recreation facilities or No impacts construction and operation and operation noise and noise and withdrawal of opportunities opportunities noise and withdrawal of withdrawal withdrawal of water.


Archaeology Archaeology and Damage to archaeological archaeological No impacts. No impacts. Mark and avoid No impacts. Mark and avoid site site Historic Structures Structures sites No impacts.

Historic sites or or historic historic structures structures site 1JA111.

site 1JA1 11. 1JA1 1 11.

JA 111.

Construction Construction of of new buildings buildings temporary impacts Minor, temporary impacts during construction. Minor offset by removal of existing during construction. Minor impacts duingc f aopue buildings; construction buildings; construction impacts Effects on scenic quality, impact of vapor plume.

impact of vapor plume.minor. minor. Minor impact of vapor Visual degradation degradation of visual No additional additional impact Little or no additional impacts plume.

Little or no additional impacts resources resources to scenic scenic quality.

quality. Minor Minor Little or no additional impacts to to Little or no additional impacts to cumulative impacts to scenic quality. Minor cumulative regional visual setting. scenic impactsquality. Minor to regional cumulative visual setting. setting.

impacts to regional visual setting.

moderate impacts Small to moderate o3 4h from temporary noise during Small to moderate moderate impacts impacts from Generation of noise at Generation hydro-demolition and other hydro-demolition other temporary noise during blasting during blasting Noise levels causing a nuisance No impact construction. and other construction.

to the community impacts during Minor impacts impacts during operation.

Minor impacts I operation. I Cl (J) c C

3 3

,2 OJ


J co CD CD) z c


Attribute/Potential Attribute/Potential Alternative Alternative CD Resource Effects A - No Action B - 1 B&W Unit C - I AP1000 Unit ..,

OJ Effects A - No Action B-1 B&W Unit C - 1 AP1000 Unit a-)

C Changes in in population, population, No impact No substantial change in in No substantial change in in  :::J employment, income, and tax revenues.

population; no significant population; adverse effects; minor beneficial impacts.

beneficial population; no significant adverse population; effects; minor beneficial beneficial impacts. -


=r-eo OJ eo Disproportionate effects Disproportionate No impact No disproportionate impact. No disproportionate disproportionate impact. CD on low income and/or 0-CD,

J minority populations. CD 0



Changes in in availability of No impact Minor to potential potential significant Minor to potential significant eo housing and housing and services.

services, adverse impacts during adverse impacts during construction; minor impacts construction; construction; minor impacts construction; impacts Socioeconomics during during operation.

operation. Potentially Potentially during operation.

operation. Potentially Potentially Socioeconomics apply measures to mitigate apply measures mitigate apply measures measures to mitigate mitigate and Environmental and Environmental (f) Justice demand demand for for housing.

housing. demand demand for housing.

, Justice co Public Services Public Services No impact No impact Minor with the exception exception of Minor with the exception exception of significant increase in in significant increase in in demand demand demand for schools during for schools during construction; construction; moderate construction; moderate moderate increase in moderate in demand demand for increase in increase in demand demand for schools during operation.

schools during operation.


Changes in Changes in land use. No impact Minor indirect indirect impact impact from Minor Minor indirect impact fromfrom increased increased residential use.

residential use. increased increased residential residential use.

Cumulative effects effects No impact Minor impact, minor Minor impacts, minor cumulative cumulative associated Redstone associated with Redstone cumulative cumulative effects. effects.

Arsenal direct or No direct cumulative or cumulative construction waste Quantity of construction Quantity waste No impact related related to impacts; minor indirect greater than under Alternative B.

greater B.

Generation and disposal construction; Minor impacts; minor indirect Solid and Generation of solid and hazardous construction; No direct or cumulative impacts; Solid and indirect impact of offsite impacts impacts during during construction construction minor indirect impacts during Hazardous Waste of solid and hazardous waste indirect impact of offsite disposal in permitted and operation from offsite minor indirect impacts during Hazardous Waste construction and operation of waste disposal in permitted construction and operation of disposal in permitted facilities, facilities. disposal in permitted offsite disposal disposal in permitted in permitted facilities, facilities. facilities.


as- mo seem som so11II1II I11III 111 'II!I n MO

== '==



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'.:) ;~ ,',. .,

Attributel,Potential .'- .~Alternative

,I", " ,

AttributelPotential ________ _ -Allternative

  • _____________ ' '.

Resource Resource Effects A - No Action B - 1 B&W Unit , C - 1 APIO00 Unit

'Effects A - No Action B-1B&W Unit , C- 1 AP1000 Unit No adverse seismic effects No adverse seismic effects No adverse seismic effects No adverse seismic effects Seismology Seismic adequacy Seismic adequacy No change. anticipated. anticipated.

a ntici pated. anticipated.

Minor impacts from Minor impacts from emissionsemissions Emissions resulting in emissions emissions controlled controlled to meet controlled controlled to meet current current Emissions resulting in Air Quality increases of air pollutants impacts expected No impacts current applicable regulatory current applicable regulatory applicable applicable regulatory increases of air pollutants requirements. Minor impacts requirements.

requirements. Minor Minor impacts impacts from vehicular emissions. from vehicular emissions.

Annual Annual doses doses to the public Annual doses to the public well Annual doses to the public well well within regulatory limits; Effects to humans and well within regulatory limits; within regulatory regulatory limits; no no no observable health non-human non-human biota from no observable health observable health impacts.

observable Radiological Effects normal radiological No impacts nrarailgclhuman impacts expected impacts.biota Doses Doses to non-human biota well welltobelowDoeton-hmnbtawl non-normal radiological Doses to non-human biota well human biota well below releases hbelow below regulatory limits; no no regulatory limits; no noticeable acute effects.

noticeable acute effects.

noticeable acute acute effects.

Cn (f)


<.0 (f) 03 c


33 3

OJ 1:2



l co CD CD z

c C:


C0 Table S-2. Summary of the Environmental Environmental Impacts of the Two Transmission Transmission Alternatives Alternatives CD CD Q) 0)

C Alternative  :::l Resource R.esource Attribute/Potential Effects Attribute/Potential Effects No Action AlternativeAction  ;::;:

No Action Action CD


degradation of Chemical or thermal degradation of Minor, temporary temporary impacts during impacts during :r-co CD surface water quality; changes to impacts No impacts upgrade activities. Minor impacts impacts Surface Water Surface Water water quality; changes to No CD OJ hydrology and Surface water water use use during routine maintenance. No during No ~

cumulative cumulative impacts impacts CD 0'

CD Groundwater Groundwater quality; changes changes in groundwater groundwater groundwater Chemical impacts to groundwater in use of Minor impacts to groundwater quality Minor impacts to groundwater quality from ROW maintenance from ROW maintenance Minor impacts to groundwater Minor impacts to groundwater quality from ROW maintenance quality from ROW maintenance

l CD (f)

CD CD No impacts from ROW clearing; no Degradation of water quality; Minor Minor direct direct and indirect impacts from quality; and indirect impacts from additional impacts of ROW additional Aquatic Ecology destruction ROW maintenance. No cumulative destruction of aquatic organisms of aquatic organisms maiteve nimpacts maintenance as maintenance as compared compared to No to No impacts Action Action Removal or degradation degradation of terrestrial (f) Ecology Terrestrial Ecology vegetation, vegetation, associated associated wildlife No local or regional impacts impacts No local or regional impacts

...... habitat, and wildlife o

Endangered Endangered and Mortality, harm, or harassment harassment of No impacts No adverse impacts Threatened Species Threatened federally listed or state-listed species species Destruction of wetlands or or Wetlands degradation of wetland functions No impacts No adverse impacts degradation of wetland functions Floodplains Construction or modification to a Floodplains Construction or modification to a No floodplains affected No adverse impacts floodplain floodplain Degradation of Degradation the values of the values oror Minor areas Minor direct impact to natural areas Natural Natural Areas qualities of natural areas No impacts impacts on ROWs, no impact to natural qualities of natural areas areas nearby.

Recreation Degradation or elimination of Minor impact from refurbishing refurbishing lines lines Recreation recreation facilities or opportunities No impacts No impacts and routine maintenance maintenance recreation facilities or opportunities and routine Land Use Changes Changes in in land use and effects effects to No changes to current land use Minor disruption during upgrade upgrade Land Use No changes to current land use uses of adjacent land activities activities Minor short-term short-term impacts impacts during during Effects on scenic quality, Visual Effects on scenic quality, No impacts impacts construction and minor long-term construction degradation degradation of visual resources impacts from taller structures impacts from taller structures as o- " wem n M m ms fa ow ,lwA o

m'M 1W No an asA- MMM-, meM. an

'c' n Altern;:ltive Alternativeo Attribute/Potential Effects


Resource Resource Attribute/Potential Effects No Action *= Action  :==

No Action Action Potential for adverse impact to archaeological sites and/or historic archaeological historic structures. Effects Effects would bebe Archaeology and Archaeology and Damage to archaeological archaeological sites or No impacts avoided or mitigated in accordance Historic Structures Historic Structures historic structures historic structures No impacts avoided with MOAs or mitigated developedininaccordance with MOAs developed in consultation with the appropriate appropriate state historic preservation officer(s).

Changes, at local and regional scales, inin the human population; Socioeconomics Socioeconomics employment, income, and tax No impacts Minor impacts during construction revenues; revenues; and demand demand for public public services and housing.


Environmental Environmental Justice Justice Disproportionate effects on low Disproportionate low minority populations income and/or minority income populations No disproportionate effects No disproportionate effects dispro~ortionate effects No disproportionate effects Potential effects of electromagnetic Potential electromagnetic No significant impacts from EMF; no No significant impacts from EMF; no fields, lightning strike hazard, electric Operational Impacts fields, lightning strike hazard, electric No impacts alteration of line grounding, minor OD (f)

, shock hazard, hazard, and generation generation of noise, no odors noises and odors noise, no odors 3D (f) c

3 0,


o o




Pageintetionlly lan I

I, I


I Page intentionally blank I II?

I11 Page b~rv nteronaly mI IIl IIl I



I Contents I TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS I 1.0 PURPOSE OF AND PURPOSE AND NEED NEED FOR ACTION ..............................................................................

......................................................................... 1 I 1.1. Decision 1.1.


Decision to be Made 1.2 . Background Made .................................................................................................................

Ba c kg ro un d ..............................................................................................................................

1.2.1. The Bellefonte 1.2.1.

Bellefonte Site ...........................................................................................................

2 2

2 I, 1.2.2. Historical Historical Overview of Bellefonte Bellefonte Nuclear 1.2.3. Combined License Application for Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Units 3 and Plant Units 1 and 2 ....................................

........................................ 2 and 4 .......................................................................................................................................

....................................................................................................................................... 5 1.3. TVA Power System ..........................................................................................................

System .................................................................................................................. 5 I 1.4 . N 1.4. e e d for Need fo r PPower ow e r ...................................................... .................................................................

1.4.1. Power Demand ........................................................................................................

1.4.1. ................................................................................................................ 7 6

1.4.2. Power Supply ...........................................................................................................

................................................................................................................... 9 I 1.5 . The 1.5. The N EP A PProcess NEPA 1.4.3. Need for Additional Baseload Power .............................................................................

roce ss ................................................................................................................

1.6. Scoping and Issues to be Addressed .....................................................................................

13 13 15 15 16 I 1.7. Other Pertinent Environmental Reviews and Tiering Pertinent Environmental ........................................................

Tiering .............................................................

1.8. Permits, Licenses, and Approvals ..........................................................................................

ALTERNATIVES INCLUDING 17 17 20 20 2.0 ALTERNATIVES INCLUDING THE PROPOSED PROPOSED ACTION ..................................................

.............................................. 23 23 I 2.1.



Alternative A - No Action .......................................................................................................

Alternative B B - Completion Completion and Operation of a Single B&W Pressurized Pressurized 23 23 Light W Light a te r R Water e a cto r ...............................................................................................................

Reactor ............................................................................................................... 24 24 I 2.2.1 Facility Description for Single Unit Operation 2.2.2 Current Status of Partially Partially Constructed Facility Operation ............................................................

................................................................ 25 Facility .............................................................

2.2.3 Proposed Plant Construction Activities ..........................................................................

25 32 32 34 34 I 2.2.4 Steam Generator Advanced Pressurized Light W Replacement ................................................................................

Generator Replacement ..................................................................................... 35 2.3. Alternative C - Construction and Operation Operation of a Westinghouse ater Reactor Water Westinghouse AP1000 AP1 000 Reactor ..........................................................................

35 36 36 2.3.1 Facility Description of Single Unit Operation ..................................................................

............................................................. 37 37 I 2.3.2 Use of Partially Constructed 2.4. Other EnergyEnergy Alternatives Constructed Facility ..............................................................................

Alternatives Considered ...................................................................................

44 46 46 2.4.1 Alternatives Alternatives Not Not Requiring Requiring New Generating Capacity ...............................................

................................................... 46 I 2.4.2 Alternatives Alternatives Requiring New Generating 2.4.3 Consideration Generating Capacity Consideration of Other Alternatives and Combination of Alternatives Capacity ..........................................................

...................... 47 Alternatives ...........................

47 2.5. Alternative Sites Considered ............................................................................................

Considered .................................................................................................. 49 49 I 2.5.1 Identification Identification and Screening 2.5.2 Review of Alternative Alternative Screening Sites of Potential Sites .........................................................

.............................................................. 50

............................................................................................ 53 2.6. Transmission and Construction Power Supply ......................................................................

50 53 54 I 2.6.1 Description of Current System and Needs 2.6.3 Alternatives Alternatives Considered Needs .....................................................................

2.6.2 Construction Power Supply ........................................................................................

............................................................................................ 55 Considered .......................................................

54 54 55 55

' ......................................... 55 2.6.4 Proposed Refurbishments Refurbishments and Upgrades Upgrades Under the Action Alternative ........................ .................... 5959 I 2.7. Comparison Comparison of Alternatives 2.7.1 Nuclear Alternatives ....................................................................................................

Nuclear Plant Construction ............................................................................................

61 71 2.7.2 Nuclear Nuclear Plant Operation .................................................................................................

............................................................................................ 71 I 2.7.3 Transmission 2 .9 . PPreferred refe rre d A Upgrades Mitigation Measures Transmission Upgrades ................................................................................................. 74 2.8. Identification Identification of Mitigation Measures ......................................................................................

lte rn a tiv e ..............................................................................................................

74 74 74 2.9. Alternative .............................................................................................................. 7766 I

Draft Supplemental Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement I

Single Single Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Bellefonte Site Site I 3.0 3.0 NUCLEAR GENERATION NUCLEAR GENERATION ALTERNATIVES

- AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT AND ALTERNATIVES ON THE BELLEFONTE AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL BELLEFONTE SITE 3B CONSEQUENCES .................................................................................................................

CONSEQUENCES ................................................................................................................. 77 77 3.1.

3.1. Surface Water 3.1.1.

Water Resources ......................................................................................................

Surface W ater 3.1.1. Surface Water Hydrology Hydrology and W ater Water Quality ............................................................

................................................................. 77 77 77 I Affected Affected Environment ......................................................................................

............................................................................................ 77 3.1.2. Surface Environm ental Consequences Environmental Surface W Affected

ater Use Water Consequences .........................................................................

............................................................................... 80 Use and Trends .....................................................................................

Affected Environment .......................................................................................

............................................................................................ 80 80 I Environmental

3.1.3. Hydrothermal Environm ental Consequences Hydrothermal Effects Affected

Consequences ...............................................................................

Effects of Plant Operation Operation .......................................................................

Affected Environment .......................................................................................

............................................................................................ 86 81 86 86 B

3.1.4. Chem 3.2. Groundwater Chemical Environm ental Consequences Environmental ical Additives Consequences ..........................................................................

Additives for Plant O Operation

............................................................................... 94 peration .........................................................................

Groundwater Resources ......................................................................................................

...................................................................................................... 102 95 102 I

I 3.2.1. Affected Environment...

3.2.1. Environment ...................................................................................................

................................................................................................ 102 102 Groundwater Groundwater Hydrology .......................................................................................

....................................................................................... 102 102 Groundwater Use and Trends Groundwater Trends .............................................................................

............................................................................. 102 102 Groundwater Quality ............................................................................................ Groundwater ............................................................................................ 103 103 3.2.2. Environm Environmental ental Consequences Consequences .....................................................................................

..................................................................................... 108 3.3. Floodplain and Flood Risk ...................................................................................................

3.3.1. .. Affected Environment.


................................................................................................... 108 Environment ...................................................................................................

.................................................................................................. 108 108 108 108 I


3.3.2. Environm 3 .4 . W Wetlands 3.4.1.

ental Consequences .....................................................................................

Environmental Consequences ..................................................................................... 110 e tla n d s ..............................................................................................................................

3.4.1. Affected Environment... ................................................................................................ 111 Environment ...................................................................................................

110 11 1 111 111 I

3.4.2. Environmental Environmental Consequences ..................................................................................... 112 Consequences ..................................................................................... 112 3.5. Aquatic Ecology ...................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................... 116 116 3.5.1. Affected Environment.

3.5.1. Environment ...................................................................................................

.................................. ,............................................................... 116 116 3.5.2. Environmental Environmental Consequences Consequences ......................................

..................................................................................... 117 117 3.6. Terrestrial Terrestrial Ecology ...............................................................................................................

............................................................................................................... 119 119 3 .6 .1 . P 3.6.1. la n ts ...........................................................................................................................

Plants ............................................................................................................................ 12 0 120 Affected Affected Environment ..........................................................................................

.......................................................................................... 120 120 Environm ental Consequences Environmental Consequences .............................................................................

............................................................................. 122 .*

3 .6 .2 . Wildlife 3.6.2. W ild life ..........................................................................................................................

.......................................................................................................................... 123 123 Affected Affected Environment ..........................................................................................

.......................................................................................... 123 123 Environm ental Consequences Environmental Consequences .............................................................................

............................................................................ 124 124 3.7. Endangered Endangered and Threatened Threatened Species Species .................................................................................

................................................................................. 125 125 3.7.1.

3.7.1. Aquatic Animals ...........................................................................................................

........................................................................................................... 125 125 Affected Affected Environment ..........................................................................................

.......................................................................................... 125 125 Environmental Environm ental Consequences ............................................................................. 127 Consequences ............................................................................ 127 3.7.2. Plants ...........................................................................................................................

.................................................................... 129 129 I Affected Affected Environm Environment ent ..........................................................................................

......................................................................................... 129 129 Environmental Environm ental Consequences ............................................................................. 130 Consequences ............................................................................. 130 3 .7 .3 . Wildlife 3.7.3. W ild life ..........................................................................................................................

.......................................................................................................................... 13 0 130 Affected Affected Environm Environment ent ..........................................................................................

.......................................................................................... 130 130 Environmental Environmental Consequences Affected Affected Environm Environment Consequences .............................................................................

............................................................................. 131 3.8. Natural Areas .......................................................................................................................

....................................................................................................................... 132 ent ..........................................................................................

132 132 132 I


Environm ental Consequences Environmental 3 .9 . Recreation Consequences .............................................................................

............................................................................. 133

............................................................................................................................ 133 R e c re a tio n ............................................................................................................................ Affected Environm Affected Environment ent ..........................................................................................

133 13 3

................................... 133 133 I

I iiii Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement

I Contents Contents I Environm Environmental Archaeological Resources 3.10. Archaeological ental Consequences Consequences .............................................................................

Resources and Historic Structures Structures ..............................................................

.............................................................. 135 135 135 135 3.10.1 3.1 .Affected Environment.

0.1.Affected Environm ent ...................................................................................................

.................................................................................................. 135 135 I 3.11.

3.10.2.Environm 3.10.2. Environmental 3.11. Visual Resources ental Consequences Consequences .....................................................................................

..................................................................................... 136 Resources .................................................................................................................

136 137 137 3.11.1 .Affected. Environment...

3.11.1.Affected Environm ent ...................................................................................................

................................................................................................ 137 137 I 33.12.

3.11.2. Environm

.12 . N ental Consequences .....................................................................................

Environmental Consequences ..................................................................................... 139 o is e ....................................................................................................................................

Noise .................................................................................................................................... 140 3.12.1.Affected Environment.

3.12.1.Affected Environm ent ..................................................................................................

.................................................................................................. 140 139 14 0 140 I 3.12.2. Environm Environmental Construction O ental Consequences .....................................................................................

..................................................................................... 141 Construction Effects .............................................................................................

perational Effects Operational Effects ..............................................................................................

.............................................................................................. 142 141 142 I 3.13. Socioeconom Socioeconomics 3 .13 .1.PPopulation 3.13.1.

ics ...................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................... 142 o p ula tio n .................................................................................................................... Affected Environment... Environm ent ...........................................................................................

........................................................................................ 142 142 14 2 142 142 Environm ental Consequences ............................................................................. 143 I Environmental Consequences ............................................................................. 143 3.13.2.EEm 3.13.2. ploym ent and Incom Employment Income e .............................................................................................

............................................................................................. 143 143 Affected Affected EnvironmEnvironment ent ...........................................................................................

........................................................................................... 143 143 Environm ental Consequences Environmental .............................................................................

Consequences ............................................................................. 144 144 I 3.13.3.Low-Incom e and Minority 3.13.3.Low-lncome Affected Affected Environm Environmental Minority Populations .........................................................................


Environm ental Consequences ent ...........................................................................................

.......................................................................................... 145 Consequences .............................................................................

145 145 145 145 145 I 3 .13 .4 .Ho us ing ........................................................................................................................

3.13.4.Housing Affected Environmental Affected EnvironmEnvironment...

Environm ental Consequences ent ...........................................................................................

........................................................................................ 146 Consequences ............................................................................. 146 14 6 146 146 146 I 3.13.5.W 3.13.5.

ater Supply Water Affected Supply and W Affected EnvironmEnvironment.

Environm ental Consequences Environmental astewater ....................................................................................

Wastewater .................................................................................... 147 ent ...........................................................................................

.......................................................................................... 147 Consequences .............................................................................

147 147 147 147 3.13.6.Police, 3.13.6. Police, Fire, and M edical Services ...............................................................................

Medical ............................................................................... 148 148 I Affected Affected EnvironmEnvironment...

Environm ental Consequences Environmental ent ...........................................................................................

........................................................................................ 148 Consequences .............................................................................

148 148 148 3 .13 .7 .S c ho o ls .........................................................................................................................

3.13.7.Schools ......................................................................................................................... 14 1499 I Affected Environm ent ........................................................................................... Affected Environment... ........................................................................................ 149 Environmental Environm ental Consequences .............................................................................

Consequences .............................................................................

149 149 149 3 .13 .8 .La n d U 3.13.8.Land Uses e ......................................................................................................................

...................................................................................................................... 14 1499 I Affected Affected Environm Environmental 3.13.9. Local Environment...

Environm ental Consequences Governm ent Revenues Local Government ent ...........................................................................................

........................................................................................ 149 Consequences .............................................................................

Revenues ......................................................................................

149 150 150 150 150 I Affected Affected Environm Environmental 3.13.10. Cum ulative Cumulative Environment...

Environm ental Consequences ent ...........................................................................................

........................................................................................ 150 Consequences .............................................................................

Effects ...............................................................................................

............................................................................................... 151 150 151 3.14. Solid and Hazardous W aste .................................................................................................

Waste ................................................................................................. 151 I 3.14.1. Affected Environment.

3.14.1.Affected 3.14.2. Environm Environmental Environm ent ...................................................................................................

ental Consequences

.................................................................................................. 153 Consequences .....................................................................................

153 155 155 3 .15 . Seismology 3.15. S e is m o lo g y ...........................................................................................................................

........................................................................................................................... 15 8 158 I 3.15.1.Affected Environment...

3.15.1.Affected 3.15.2. Environm Environmental Meteorology, Climatology Environm ent ...................................................................................................

ental Consequences

................................................................................................ 158 Consequences .....................................................................................

Clim atology and Air Quality Q uality ............................................................................

158 159 159 160 3.16. Meteorology, ............................................................................ 160 I 3.16.1. Affected Environment 3.16.1.Affected Local M Environm ent -- Climatology Regional Climatology Clim atology and Meteorology Meteorology ...............................................

Clim atology ...........................................................................................

........................................................................................... 160 eteorology ................................................................................................

Meteorology ................................................................................................


............................................... 160 160 160 160 I

Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement iii iii I

Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site U Severe Weather ...................................................................................................

Severe Weather 3.16.2. Environmental Consequences-3.16.2.Environmental Consequences- Climatology and Meteorology Meteorology ....................................

.................................... 162 161 162 I Dispersion ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 162 162 3.16.3.Affected Environment - Air Quality 3.16.3.Affected Environmental Environmental Consequences 3.17. Radiological Radiological Effects of Consequences Normal Quality ...............................................................................


............................................................................... 164

- Air Quality ........................................................

........................................................ 167 Normal Operations ..........................................................................

.......................................................................... 167 164 167 167 I

3.17.1.Exposure Pathways 3.17.1.Exposure 3.17.3.Radiation Pathways .....................................................................................................

3.17.2. Exclusionary Boundary 3.17.2.Exclusionary Boundary ................................................................................................

3.17.3.Radiation doses to Members Mem bers of the Public ..................................................................

.................................................................. 169 168 168 169 169 169 I

3.17 .3.1. Radiation doses due to Liquid Effl Radiation Doses due to Gaseous Population Gaseous Effluents uents ..............................................................

Effluents ..............................................................

Effl uents .........................................................

Population Dose ..................................................................................................

169 169 173 173 176 176 I Radiological Im pact Impact on Biota Other Than Than Man ....................................................

.................................................... 177 177 3.17.4.Radiological Monitoring 3.17.4.Radiological

Monitoring ................................................................................................

................................................................................................ 178 3.17 .4.1. Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Program for AlternativeAlternative 178 I

B B oorr C ...................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................... 178 17 8 Land Use 3.18. Uranium Use Survey ..................................................................................... Interlaboratory Interlaboratory Com Comparisonparison Program ..................................................................

I........... 179 Uranium Fuel Use Effects ....................................................................................................

179 180 180 180 180 I

3.18.1. Radioactive 3.18.1. Radioactive W

Waste Liquid Radioactive aste .......................................................................................................

Radioactive W Gaseous Radioactive Gaseous Radioactive Waste aste Treatment System Waste W aste Treatment Systemss ....................................................

Treatment Systems System s ...............................................

............................................... 185 180 180 180 180 185 I Solid Radioactive 3.18.2.Spent

Radioactive Wastes W astes ....................................................................................

.................................................................................... 185 3.18.2.Spent Fuel Storage ...................................................................................................... Affected Environment ..........................................................................................

185 188 188 188 188 I Environm Environmental ental Consequences Consequences .............................................................................

............................................................................. 190 190 3.18.3.Transportation Radioactive Materials 3.18.3. Transportation of Radioactive Materials ......................................................................

...................................................................... 194 194 Transportation of Unirradiated Unirradiated Fuel. Fuel .....................................................................

.................................................................... 195 195 Transportation Transportation of Irradiated Irradiated Fuel .........................................................................

......................................................................... 195 195 Summary .............................................................................................................. 197 Sum mary .............................................................................................................. 197 Nuclear Plant Safety and Security 3.19. Nuclear .......................................................................................

Security ....................................................................................... 197 197 3.19.1.Design-Basis Accidents ...............................................................................................

3.19.1. Design-Basis Accidents ............................................................................................... 197 197 Affected Environment ..........................................................................................

.......................................................................................... 197 197 .. Radiological Radiological Consequences Consequences ...............................................................................

................................................................................ 200 200 3.19.2.Severe .........................................................................................................

3.19.2. Severe Accidents ......................................................................................................... 201 Affected Environm ent ..........................................................................................

Affected Environment .......................................................................................... 201 Environmental Environmental ConsequencesConsequences .............................................................................

............................................................................. 203 203 3.19.3.Plant 3.19.3. Plant Security ...............................................................................................................

............................................................................................................... 204 3.20. Decommissioning Decom m issioning .................................................................................................................


.............................................................................. 209 209 4.1.

4.1. Groundwater ........................................................................................................................

Groundwater ........................................................................................................................ 209 209 4.1.1. Affected Environment...

4.1.1. Environment ...................................................................................................

................................................................................................ 209 209 m 4.1.2. Environmental Consequences .....................................................................................

Environmental Consequences ..................................................................................... 212 212 4.2. Surface Water 4.2.1.

W ater ......................................................................................................................

4.2.2. Environmental 4.2.1. Affected Environment... ................................................................................................ 213 Environment ...................................................................................................

Consequences .....................................................................................

Environmental Consequences ..................................................................................... 215

. 213 213 213 215 I

4.3. Aquatic Aquatic Ecology ...................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................... 216 216 4.3.1.... Affected Environment.

4.3.1 4.3.2. Environmental Environment ...................................................................................................

.................................................................................................. 216 Consequences .....................................................................................

Environmental Consequences ..................................................................................... 216 4.4. Vegetation ............................................................................................................................

216 216 217 Ii 4.4. Vegetation ............................................................................................................................ 217 I

iv Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement I

I Contents I 4.4.1. Affected 4.4.1. Environm ent ...................................................................................................

Affected Environment.

Environm ental Consequences 4.4.2. Environmental

.................................................................................................. 217 Consequences ..........................................................................


.......... 219 219 4 .5 . Wildlife 4.5. W ild life ..................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................. 2219 19 I 4.5.1. Affected 4.5.1. Environm ent ...................................................................................................

Affected Environment.

Environm ental Consequences 4.5.2. Environmental

.................................................................................................. 219 Consequences .....................................................................................

219 220 220 4.6. Endangered Endangered and Threatened Threatened Species .................................................................................

................................................................................. 221 I 4.6.1.

4.6.1. Aquatic

Aquatic Anim Animals Affected Environment. EnvironmEnvironmental als .......................................................................................................

........................................................................................................... 221 Environm ent ...........................................................................................

ental Consequences

.......................................................................................... 221 Consequences .............................................................................

............................................................................. 223 I 44.6.2.

.6 .2 . Plants

P la nts ........................................................................................................................... Affected Environment. EnvironmEnvironmental Environm ent ...........................................................................................

ental Consequences

.......................................................................................... 223 Consequences .............................................................................

............................................................................. 225 2223 23 223 225 I* 44.6.3.

.6 .3 . W

ild life ..........................................................................................................................

Wildlife ........................................................................................................................ Affected Environment. EnvironmEnvironmental Environm ent ...........................................................................................

ental Consequences

.......................................................................................... 226 Consequences .............................................................................

............................................................................. 229 2226 26 226 229 44.7.

.7 . Wetlands We tla nd s ..............................................................................................................................

............................................................................................................................ 2229 29 I 4.7.1. Affected Environm ent ...................................................................................................

4.7.1. Affected Environment. ..................................................................................................

4.7.2. Environmental Environm ental Consequences .....................................................................................

..................................................................................... 230 229 230 4 .8 . Floodplains 4.8. Flo o d p la ins .........................................................................................................................

........................................................................................................................... 2231 31 I 4.8.1.

4.8.1. Affected 4.9. Natural Environm ent ...................................................................................................

Affected Environment... ................................................................................................ 231 Environm ental Consequences .....................................................................................

4.8.2. Environmental ..................................................................................... 231 Natural Areas ....................................................................................................................... 231 I 44.10.

4.9.1. Affected 4.9.1.

.10 . R e c re a tio n Environm ent ...................................................................................................

Affected Environment. .................................................................................................. 231 Environm ental Consequences .....................................................................................

4.9.2. Environmental ..................................................................................... 236 Recreation ............................................................................................................................ 236 2 236 36 4.10.1.Affected Environm ent ...................................................................................................

I 4.11.

4.1 0.1.Affected Environment. .................................................................................................. 236 Environm ental Consequences .....................................................................................

4.10.2. Environmental 4 .1 1. L a n d Use Land

..................................................................................... 236 Us e ..............................................................................................................................

236 2237 37 4.11.1 :Affected Environm ent ...................................................................................................

~Affected Environment. .................................................................................................. 237 237 I 4.11.2. Environmental Environm ental Consequences .....................................................................................

..................................................................................... 237 4.12. Visual Resources .................................................................................................................

237 237 237 4.12.1.Affected Environm ent ...................................................................................................

4.12.1.Affected Environment. .................................................................................................. 237 237 I Environm ental Consequences Environmental Consequences ..........................................................................

4.13. Cultural Resources ...............................................................................................................

4.13.1.Affected Environm 4.13.1.Affected Environment.

............................................................................................................... 238 ent ..................................................................................................

.................................................................................................. 238 238 238 238 238 I 4.14. Socioeconomics Environm ental Consequences 4.13.2. Environmental 4.14.1.Affected Consequences .....................................................................................

..................................................................................... 239 Socioeconom ics ...................................................................................................................

Environm ent ...................................................................................................

4.14.1.Affected Environment. .................................................................................................. 240 239 240 240 240 I 4.15.

4.14.2. Environmental 4.14.2.

4.15. Environm Environm ental Consequences Environmental 4.16. Operational 4.16.

ental Justice O perational Impacts Consequences .....................................................................................

Justice ..........................................................................................................

Impacts .............................................................................................................

240 240 241 241 4.16.1. Electric and 4.16.1. Electric and Magnetic M agnetic Fields ........................................................................................

........................................................................................ 241 I 4.16.2. Lightning Strike Hazard ................................................................................................

4.16.3.Noise 4.16.3. Noise and Odor

............................................................................................................ 243 243 243 243 4.16.4.Other Impacts Impacts ...............................................................................................................

............................................................................................................... 244 244 I 5.0 4.16.5.Sum 4.16.5. Summary mary ......................................................................................................................

OTHER EFFECTS ...............................................................................................................

244 245 I 5.1.

5.1. Unavoidable Unavoidable Adverse Environm 5.2. Relationship Environmental Relationship Between Short-Term Uses and Long-Term Hum Human an Environm Environment.

ental Impacts Impacts .....................................................................

Long-Term Productivity of the the ent .............................................................................................................

............................................................................................................ 247 245 245 5.2.1. Short-Term Uses 5.2.1. Short-Term Uses and and Benefits .....................................................................................

Benefits ..................................................................................... 248 248 I Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Draft Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement v v


Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Site O' Maintenance and Enhancement 5.2.2. Maintenance Enhancement of Long-Term P ro d u c tiv ity ..........................

Productivity Environmental Long-Term Environmental

........................................................................................ 251 25 1 II 5.3. Irreversible Irreversible and Irretrievable Irretrievable Commitments of Resources ...................................................

................................................... 252 5.3.1.

5.4. Energy Irreversible Environmental 5.3.1. Irreversible 5.3.2. Irretrievable Irretrievable Environmental Environmental Commitments Environmental Commitments ....................................................................

Commitments ...................................................................

Energy Resources and Conservation Potential ...................................................................

254 255 257 I

6.0 6.1.

LIST OF PREPARERS 6.1. NEPA N E PA P PREPARERS ........................................................................................................

roject M Project anagem ent .................................................................................................

Management .................................................................................................

259 259 I1 7.0 6 .2 . O 6.2. the r Contributors Other C o ntributo rs ................................................................................................................

LIST OF AGENCIES AGENCIES TO WHOM COPIES ARE SENT SENT .......................................................

....................................................... 267 2 60 260 I£ 8.0 LITERATURE LITERATURE CITED ...........................................................................................................

CiTED ........................................................................................................... 269 IN D E X .............................................................................................................................................

INDEX ............................................................................................................................................. 4 03 403 I


A ppendix A - CORM Appendix C O R MIX IX Modeling Modeling Results .........................................................................................

......................................................................................... 281 281 I II Appendix B - Wetlands Appendix Wetlands Field Delineation Delineation and Habitat Habitat Assessment Assessment Forms .....................................

..................................... 291 Appendix Appendix C - Vital Signs Reservoir Reservoir Fish Assemblage Assemblage Index (RFAI) (RFAI) Scores ...................................

................................... 333 Appendix D - Power System Appendix System Operations Environmental Protection Operations Environmental Protection Procedures Procedures II Right-of-Way Vegetation Right-of-Way Vegetation Management Management Guidelines Guidelines ....................................................

.................................................... 345 Appendix E E - Tennessee Tennessee Valley Authority Authority Environmental Quality Protection Protection Specifications for Transmission Specifications Transmission Line Construction ....................................................

.................................................... 353 Appendix F - State-Listed State-Listed Animal and Plant Species Present Present in Areas Affected Affected by by T ra nsm issio n Line Work Transmission Appendix G - Sensitive Area Area Review Wo rk .............................................................................................

Review Process .................................................................................

36 1 361 371 I Appendix H - Tennessee Valley Authority Appendix Authority Transmission Construction Construction Guidelines Guidelines Ne a r S Near tre a m s .............................................................................................................

Streams ............................................................................................................. 383 3 83 I




Changes in TVA Emissions from 2010 to 2019 by Pollutant Type ..............................

Effect of One BLN Nuclear Unit on TVA's Delivered Cost of Power ............................

......................... 14

...................... 15 I

Table 1-3.

Table 1-4.

Environmental Reviews and Documents Pertinent Environmental Nuclear Nuclear Plant Permits Held P lant Unir1 Held or Cancelled Cancelled Since Year Year 2000 Pertinent to BellefonteBellefonte Unit 1 .....................................................................................................

. . . 19

................................................................ 21 19 I Table 1-5.

Table 2-1.


Federal, State and Local Environmental Transmission Lines Affected Transmission Nuclear Unit Nuclear Unit at the BLN Site Environmental Authorizations Affected by Proposed Operation Operation of a Single Authorizations ..............................................

Site ........................................................................................

21 61 Ii Table 2-2.

Table 2-3.

Summary of Generation Generation G eneration A Alternative Environmental Impacts of the Three Alternatives Characteristics .............................................

Generation Alternative Characteristics .................................................... 62 Summary of the Environmental Three Nuclear lternatives ................................................................................................

62 64 I

I vi Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Impact Statement I

I Contents Contents I Table 2-4. Summary of the Environmental Upgrade Alternatives Upgrade Environmental Impacts of the Two Transmission Transmission A lternatives ....................................................................................................

............................................................................................ . . 69 69 Table 3-1.

3-1. Ecological Health Health Indicators Indicators for Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir, 2008 .....................................

..................................... 78 I Table Table 3-2.


Surface Water Withdrawals Approximate Operating Water Approximate Withdrawals in Guntersville Water Flows Flows - One B&W Unit..

Guntersville Watershed ...............................................

.............................................. 82 Unit ................................................

81 I Table Table Table Table 3-4.


Approximate Operating Operating Water Flows - One AP1 NPDES Discharge Limits for BLN Outfall DSN 003 to the Tennessee R

AP1000 ...........................................

000 Unit ...........................................

Tennessee ive r .............................................................................................................................

River .............................................................................................................................

86 90 90 I Table Table 3-6.

Table Table 3-7.

R Inventory of Private Inventory adius of B Radius Percent Percent Cover BLN Private Wells and Springs Located Within LN -- 1961 196 1 Data(a)

Cover of Major Habitat Within the 2-Mile 2-Mile D ata(a) ....................................................................................

.................................................................................... 105 Habitat Types on the BLN Site .............................................

105 120 120 I Table Table 3-8.

Table Table 3-9.

Federally Federally Listed and C o u n ty , Alabama County, and State-Listed State-Listed Aquatic Species Species Present in Jackson Jackson A la b a m a ........................................................................................................

State-Listed Plants Found State-Listed Found Within 5 Miles of the BLN Site and 12 6 126 Federally Federally Listed Species Documented in Jackson County, Alabama ........................

Species Documented ........................ 129 129 I Table 3-10.


Table 3-11.

Employment and Income, 2007 .................................................................................

Hazardous Waste Hazardous Storage/Disposal Capacity Available to BLN ...............................

Waste StoragelDisposal 144 144

............................... 155 155 I Table 3-12.

Table 3-13.

Earth~uakes Earthc uakes Within 200 miles 22008) miles of BLN (February (February 2005-December 2005-December 0 0 8 ) .........................................................................................................................

Comparison Comparison of Atmospheric Stability Stability Data Collected at BLN (Percent 15 8 158 O c c u rre n ce ) ................................................................................................................

Occurrence) ................................................................................................................ 161 16 1 I Table Table 3-14 B&W B&W Unit Station Vent X/Q Values Exposed Exposed Individual Individual (MEl) (MEI) Doses Values Used For Calculating Maximally Maximally Doses at BLN ....................................................................

.................................................................... 162 162 Table Table 3-15. BLN BLN B&W Unit Unit Turbine Turbine Building Vent x/Q X/Q Values Used For I Table Table 3-16.

C a lcu lating MEl Calculating BLN AP1000 Unit ME I D o ses ...............................................................................................

Doses ...............................................................................................

Unit X/Q Values Used For Calculating MEl MEI Doses ...............................

16 3 163

............................... 163 163 I Table 3-17.

Table 3-18.

BLN B&W Unit 50 Percent (sec/m3)

BLN AP1 000 Unit Percent Probability-Level Unit 50 Percent Probability-Level Accident Percent Probability-Level Probability-Level Accident Accident X/Q x/Q Values Accident X/Q Values Values (se c /m 3 ) ......................................................................................................................

Values 16 4 164 (s e c /m 3 ) ......................................................................................................................

(sec/m3) ...................................................................................................................... 1164 64 I Table 3-19. Ozone Non-attainment State Recommendations Ozone Non-attainment August 2009 Based on 2008 NAAQS Recommendations near near BLN as of of NAAQS ........................................................................

........................................................................ 165 165 Table 3-20. PM2.5 PM2.5 Non-attainment Non-attainment Designations near near BLN as of August 2009 2009 I 3-21.

Table 3-21.

B a se d oonn 22006 Based Public Water 006 NAAQSNAA Q S ..............................................................................................

Water Supplies within aa 50-Mile Radius Downstream Downstream of BLN ........................

16 5 165 170

........................ 170 Table 3-22. Recreational Use of Tennessee River within 50-Mile Radius Radius I Table 3-23.

D ow nstre a m of BLN Downstream BLN Annual BLN ...................................................................................................

................................................................................................... 17 Discharge for a Single B&W Unit via Liquid Pathway Annual Discharge Pathway ............................

............................ 171 1700 Table 3-24. BLN Annual Annual Discharge for a Single AP1000 AP1 000 Unit via Liquid Pathway ....................... 171 I Table 3-25.

Table 3-26.

BLN Doses From Liquid Effluents for B&W Unit per Year BLN Doses From Liquid Effluents for AP1000 AP1 000 Unit per Year Year .........................................

......................................... 172 year .....................................

..................................... 173 172 173 I, Table 3-27. BLN Maximum Individual

. unit Compared Individual Doses from Gaseous Effluent for the B&W Compared to the 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix B&W Appendix II Limits ...........................................

........................................... 174 174 Table 3-28. BLN BLN Maximum Inqividual Individual Doses from Gaseous Effluent for the the AP1000 unit Compared to the 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix I Limits ............................. 175

............................. 175 I Table 3-29. Collective C

Collective Gaseous Doses for the BLN B&W Unit FR P CFR a rt 190 Part 19 0 Limits Unit Compared to 40 Lim its ...................................................................................................

................................................................................................... 175 17 5 I Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement vii Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I

Single Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Bellefonte Site I' Table 3-30. Collective Collective Gaseous Doses for the AP1 000 Unit Compared to 40 CFR P a rt 190 Part 19 0 Limits Lim its ...........................................................................................................

........................................................................................................... 176 17 6 IN 3-31.

Table 3-31. Population Dose Summary for the BLN B&W and AP1 000 Units .............................. 176 176 Table 3-32. Total Doses C

Doses (Liquid and Gaseous) to Biota for Single om pared to the Regulatory Compared Regulatory Limit Single Nuclear Units ..............................

Nuclear Unit as Lim it .............................................................................

............................................................................. 178 178 I

Table Table 3-33. Estimated VolumesVolumes of Solid Radwaste For a Single BLN B&W Unit... Unit ......................... 187

...................... 187 Table Table Table Table 3-34.


Expected VolumesVolumes of Solid Radwaste Radwaste For a Single Number of ISFSI Casks Determination for BLN Single Unit Operation Single AP1 AP1000 000 Unit .............................

............................. 187 187

..................... 190 Operation ..................... 190 Il Table Table Table Table Table Table 3-36.



Construction for One ISFSI Construction Environmental Environmental Impact B&W unit 50 Percent Probability-Level O ne BLN Unit ........................................................................

Impact of ISFSI Operation Probability-Level X/Q Values Operation for One BLN Unit Values (sec/m3)

Unit... .................................. 193 (sec/m 3) .....................................

..................................... 199 191 193 199 I

Table Table 3-39.

Table 3-40.

AP1000 unit 50 Percent Probability-Level Summary Summary of Design Probability-Level X/Q Values (sec/m3)

Design Basis Accident Atmospheric Atmospheric Doses for the B&W (sec/m 3) ................................

................................ 199 B&W Un it .............................................................................................................................

Unit .............................................................................................................................

199 2200 00 I'

Table Table 3-41.



Summary Summary of Design Basis Accident Doses for the BLN AP1 Severe Severe Accident AP1000 Unit .......................

000 Unit..

Accident Analysis Results, Total Risks ..........................................................

..................... 201

.......................................................... 203 I,

I1 Table 3-43. Severe Accident Severe Accident Individual Individual Annual Risks, B&W Unit .................................................

Unit.. ............................................... 203 Table Table 3-44. Severe Severe Accident Accident Individual Individual Annual Risks, AP1 AP1000 ............................................

000 Unit ............................................ 204 Table 4-1.

4-1. State Classification Classification and 303(d) Listing of Major Streams Streams Crossed ............................ 213 Crossed ............................ 213 II Table 4-2. Federally ListedListed Aquatic Aquatic Animal Species Present in Counties Counties AffectedAffected by ProposedTransmission ProposedTransm ission Line Upgrades Upgrades .................................................................

................................................................. 221 Table 4-3. Federally ListedListed Terrestrial Terrestrial Plant Species Species Known Within and Near Near (Within 5 Miles) of the ROWs Subject to Upgrades and from the the Table Table 4-4.

C ounties W Counties Federally listed here Work Where W ork Would listed Terrestrial Would O ccur ..........................................................................

Occur Terrestrial Animals Reported Limestone, and Morgan Counties, Alabama; Reported from Jackson, Alabama; Dade, Catoosa, and Jackson, 224 I

Table Table 4-5.

Walker Counties, Georgia; Number of Listed (Federal Georgia; and Bedford, and Sequatchie Counties, Tennessee Bedford, Coffee, Hamilton, Hamilton, Marion, Marion, Tennessee .......................................................................

(Federal or State-Listed)

....................................................................... 226 State-Listed) Species of Terrestrial 1I Animals, Caves, and Migratory Migratory Bird Aggregations Aggregations within 3 Miles of Table Table 4-6.

Each Transmission Line Associated Natural Natural Areas within 3.0 miles Associated with the Action Alternative miles of the Proposed Upgrades for Alternative ...............................

............................... 226226 I

Transmission Transmission Lines Associated Associated with the Action Alternative .......................................

....................................... 232 Table 5-1.

Table 5-1. Construction and Construction and Operational-Related Operational-Related Unavoidable Unavoidable AdverseI Adverse E nviro nm e nta l Im pacts ...............................................................................................

Environmental Impacts ............................................................................................... 245 24 5 I' Table Table 5-2. Summary of the Proposed Proposed Action's Principal Principal Short-Term Short-Term Benefits Benefits Table Table 5-3.

Versus the Long-Term Environmental E nviro nm e ntal R Long-Term Impacts Summary of Irreversible Impacts on Productivity .........................................................

Irreversible and Irretrievable Resources Irretrievable Commitment Commitment of

.......................................................................................... 253 esources ..........................................................................................

249 249 253 I



I I'

viii Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement I

Ii Contents Contents I LIST OF FIGURES FIGURES I 1-1.

Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-2.

Bellefonte Locator Bellefonte Actual Locator M Actual and Forecast Mapap ..............................................................................................

.................................................................................................. 3 Forecast Net System Requirements Requirements by Fiscal Year ....................................

.................................... 8 Figure 1-3.

Figure1-3. Estimated Capacity 2010 Estimated Capacity by Fuel Type, Based Based on Total Capacity I Figure 1-4.

Need of 337.6 Need 2019 Estimated 7 .6 GW G W ..........................................................................................................

Estimated Capacity Capacity by Fuel Type Based on Total Capacity Capacity Need

. . 11 11 o f 44.2 of 4 4 .2 GW G W ...................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................... 11 11 I Figure Figure 1-5.


Estimated Generation 2010 Estimated 2019 Estimated Estimated Generation Generation by Fuel Type ....................................................................

Generation by Fuel Type ....................................................................

12 13 F igu re Figure 2 -1 .

2-1. B &W S B&W ite Plan Site Pla n ..............................................................................................................

.............................................................................................................. 27 27 I Figure Figure 2-2.


B&W Reactor Coolant Exclusionary Coolant System Exclusionary Area Boundary for Alternatives System .....................................................................................

Alternatives B Bandand C .................................................

29 29 33 I

Figure 2-5. AP1000 Reactor Coolant System ................................................................................ 42 42 Figure 2-6. Transmission Line Right of Ways Affected Affected by the Action Alternatives Alternatives .....................

......................... 58 Figure 2-7. Typical Pressurized Light Water Water Reactor Reactor - Reactor Reactor Power Conversion I Figure 2-8.


Figure 3-1.

System and Reactor AP1000 Simplified Reactor Coolant Guntersville Reservoir Guntersville Coolant System .....................................................................

Simplified Design - Fewer Components Reservoir Ecological

.......................................................................... 72 Components .........................................................

Ecological Health Ratings, 1994-2008 1994-2008 ....................................

73 79 I Figure Figure Figure 3-2.



B&W Unit 1 Water B&W Unit 2 Water Water Intake Water Intake AP1000 Unit 3 Water Intake and Intake and Discharge Facilities Intake and Discharge and Discharge Facilities Discharge Facilities Facilities ......................................................

Facilities ...................................................... 84 Facilities .................................................

83 84 85 I Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-6.

Outfalls for NPDES permit AL0024635 of Diffuser for Blowdown Discharge, Outfall of November Outfall DSNO03 November 2004 .........................................

......................................... 88 DSN003 ......................................................

...................................................... 89 89 Figure 3-7. Water Wells and Springs Within 2 Miles of BLN ........................................................

........................................................ 104 104 I Figure Figure 3-8.


Groundwater Groundwater BLN B&W Groundwater Wells in in G roundw ater Wells the Vicinity of the BLN Site - 1990 ..........................................

1990 .......................................... 106 W ells ....................................................................................

106 107 107 I, Figure Figure 3-10.



Wetlands Shown Wetlands Shown Shown in Relation to the B&W Site Plan (Alternative B) ............................

Shown in Relation to the AP1 000 Site Plan (Alternative

............................ 113 C) .......................

....................... 115 113 115 Figure 3-12. Vegetation Cover Types on the Bellefonte TVA ..........................................

TVA Property .......................................... 121 Figure 3-13. B LN R ecreation Instream U I

se ....................................................................................

BLN Recreation Instream Use .................................................................................... 134 134 Figure 3-14. BLN Creeks Edge Development Development ................................................................................

................................................................................ 138 138 Figure Figure 3-15. BLN 1100-Kilometer OO-Kilometer Wilderness Area .........................................................................

......................................................................... 166 166 I Figure Figure 3-16.

Figure 3-17.

Figure 3-18.

Possible Pathways to Man Due to Releases Tritiated Releases of RadioactiveRadioactive Material .......................

Tritiated Liquid Waste Treatment System ..................................................................

Nontritiated Nontritiated Liquid Waste Disposal System

....................... 168 Disposal System ............................................................... 182 168 181 182 I Figure Figure Figure Figure 3-19.



Liquid R Level IV adw aste System Radwaste S ystem ............................................................................................

IV Ecoregions Crossed Upgrades to Support Operation Upgrades Crossed by Transmission Lines Requiring Operation of a Single Nuclear Requiring Nuclear Unit at the the 184 184 I' B e lle fo n te Site Bellefonte S ite ............................................................................................................

............................................................................................................ 2 18 218

'I I

Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement ix ix I

Page intentionally intentionally blank, blank


°C OF of Degree Celsius Degree Degree Celsius Degree Fahrenheit Fahrenheit Minus I +

§§ 7Q1 0 7Q10 Plus or Minus Section Lowest flow over 7 consecutive Lowest consecutive days that occurs once every 10 years years I ADCNR ADCNR ADEM Alabama Department Department of Conservation Alabama Department Conservation and Natural Resources Department of Environmental Environmental Management Management Resources AEC AEC Atomic Energy Commission I ALARA AMA AMA As Low As Reasonably Reasonably Achievable Achievable American Medical Association ANa ANO Nuclear One Arkansas Nuclear One I ANSI AP1000 Units AP1000 Units American National Bellefonte National Standards Institute Institute Bellefonte Units 3 and 4 or BLN 3&4 3&4 I APE APE AREOR AREOR ARPA Area of Potential Potential Effect Effect Annual Radiological Environmental Archaeological Resources Archaeological Environmental Operating Resources Protection Operating Report Protection Act I ASME ASME B&W B&W American Society Babcock Babcock &


& Wilcox of Mechanical Engineers Mechanical Engineers B&W Units Units Bellefonte Bellefonte Units 1 and 2 or BLN 11&2 &2 I BFN BLN Browns Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Bellefonte Nuclear Plant BMPs BMPs Best Management Management Practices I

Practices BP BP Containment Bypass Containment Bypass CEQ Council on Environmental Environmental Quality I, CE-QUAL-W2 CE-QUAL-W2 A two-dimensional, averaged, hydrodynamic two-dimensional, laterally averaged, for reservoirs hydrodynamic and water quality model CESQG Conditionally Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Generator I CFE CFEL Early Containment Failure Rupture after Core Relocation Leakage Early Containment Failure by Leakage Relocation CFER CFER Early Containment Failure by Rupture Rupture I CFI CFL Containment Rupture after Core Relocation Early Containment Late Late Containment Failure Failure Relocation CFR CFR Code of Federal Regulation Regulation I, cfs cfs CI cubic feet per second Containment Isolation Systems Failure Containment Isolation Failure I CLWR CLWR FEIS Commercial Commercial Light Water Reactor Final Environmental Impact Final Environmental CommercialLight Water Commercial Impact Statement Statement for Water Reactor for the Production Productionof Tritium in a COLA Combined License Application I COLA ER COLA FSAR ER Combined Combined License Application Environmental Combined Environmental Report Combined License Application Final Safety Analysis Report I xi Draft Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Statement I'

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear IfI CORMIX CORM IX CTBD Cornell Mixing Mixing Zone Expert System Cooling Tower Cooling Tower Blow Down I.II CWA DAW Clean Clean Water Water Act Dry Active Waste Waste I11 dB Decibel dBA A-weighted A-weighted Decibel DBA(s) Design Basis Accident(s)


DCD Design Control Document Control Document DCOP DCOP DEIS DEIS Delivered Cost of Power Environmental Impact Draft Environmental Impact Statement II DSEP DSEP Estimating, and Planning Detailed Scoping, Estimating, DO DOE

  • Dissovied Dissovled Oxygen Department of Energy U.S. Department Energy II DOl DOI DOT DSEIS DSEIS Draft Department of Interior U.S. Department Department Interior Department of Transportation Transportation Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement or Draft SEIS SEIS II DSEP DSEP DSM Detailed Detailed Scoping, Estimating, and Planning Demand-Side Management Demand-Side Management I DSN DSN Discharge Serial Number Discharge Number EAB EAB e.g.

Exclusion Area Boundary Latin term, exempli gratia, gratia, meaning "for example" I?

EIS EIS Environmental Environmental Impact Impact Statement EMF EMF Energy Vision Electromagnetic Field Electromagnetic Field Energy Vision Vision 2020 - Integrated Resource Management Integrated Resource Management Plan Plan and Final Final II 2020 FEIS Programmatic Programmatic Environmental Environmental Impact Statement (TVA 1995) 1995)

EO EPA Executive Executive Order Order U.S. Environmental Environmental Protection Agency II EPRI ER ER ERCW Electric Environmental Essential Research Institute Electric Power Research Environmental Report Essential Raw Cooling Institute Water Cooling Water II ESA et al.

Endangered Endangered Species Species Act Latin term, et alii (masculine), et aliae "and others" "and others" aliae (feminine), or et alia alia (neutral), meaning It etc.

FAA FAA Latin term et cetera, Federal cetera, meaning meaning "and other things" "and so forth" Federal Aviation Administration Administration £ FES FES Environmental Statement Final Environmental Statement FEIS FEIS FERC FERC Environmental Impact Statement Final Environmental Federal Federal Energy Regulatory Statement of Final EIS Regulatory Commission Commission EIS I

FRP FRP Flood Risk Profile Profile FSEIS FSEIS FSAR Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Supplemental Environmental Final Safety Safety Analysis Report Statement or Final SEIS SEIS Ii 2

fe ft GDP GDP GElS GElS Square Feet Gross Domestic Product Environmental Impact Statement Generic Environmental Statement If II xii Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Impact Statement I

I Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols Symbols I gpm gpm GWh Gallons Minute Gallons per Minute Gigawatthours Gigawatthours I HIC(s)

HPA High High Integrity Container(s)

Habitat Protection Area Habitat Protection Area HUD U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Development I HVAC HVN Heating, Ventilation, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Hartsville Nuclear Nuclear Plant Conditioning I HWSF HWSF IC ICRP Hazardous Waste Storage Facility Hazardous Containment Intact Containment International Commission International Commission of Radiological Radiological Protection I i.e.

IGCC Latin term, id est, est, meaning meaning "that is" Integrated Gasification Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Combined Cycle IPEEE Individual Plant Examination Individual Examination for External Events External Events I IRP ISFSI Integrated Resource Plan Integrated Independent Spent Fuel Storage Independent Storage Installation Installation kg kilogram I: kV kW Kilovolt Kilovolt Kilowatt kWh Kilowatthour Kilowatthour I Ldn LLRW Day-night Noise Level Low Level Radioactive Radioactive Waste Waste LPZ Population Zone Low Population Zone I LWR M

Light Water Reactor Magnitude Magnitude I MACCS2 MACCS2 Man-rem Man-rem MELCOR Accident Consequence Unit of radiation Consequence Code System radiation dose to an individual Max Maximum Maximum I mbLg MEl MEI Lg wave magnitude magnitude Maximally Exposed Maximally Exposed Individual mG milligauss milligauss I MGD MH Million gallons per day Murphy Hill Nuclear Plant Murphy I Min mrem Minimum Minimum millirem millirem msl Mean Sea Level J MTU MVA Metric Ton Uranium Metric Uranium Megavolts-Ampere Megavolts-Ampere MW Megawatt Megawatt I MWD MWe MWe Megawatt-Days Megawatt-Days Megawatt electrical Megawatt I, MWt MWh/year MWh/year Megawatt thermal Megawatt Megawatt Hours Megawatt Hours per Year Year N/A Applicable Not Applicable I

Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Impact Statement xiii I

Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site I' I

NAAQS NAAQS NEI National National Ambient Air Quality Standards Nuclear Energy Institute Nuclear Institute Standards I NEPA NERC National Environmental National Environmental Policy Act Reliability Corporation North American Electric Reliability I NH 4 CL NH Ammonium Ammonium Chloride Chloride NHPA NIEHS NIEHS National National Historic Preservation Act National Institute of Environmental National Environmental Health Sciences Sciences IIf No(s). Number(s)


NOA NOI Notice of Availability Notice Notice of Intent Notice iiI, NPDES NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination National Elimination System NPS NPS NQAP NQAP National Park Service National Service Nuclear Quality Assurance Plan Nuclear III NRC NRC NRHP NRHP NRI U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Regulatory National Register of Historic National Historic Places Nationwide Rivers Inventory Nationwide Places II' NSRC NUREG NUREG Norfolk Southern Norfolk U.S. Nuclear Railway Company Southern Railway Regulatory Commission Regulatory Nuclear Regulatory Regulatory Guidance Document Document

1It NWI National Wetlands National Wetlands Inventory Inventory PBN PCB Phipps Bend Nuclear Plant Polychlorinated biphenyl Polychlorinated I11 PCP Process Control Program Process Person-rem PM Unit of collective collective radiation dose to aa given population Particulate Matter Particulate Matter IIt PM2.S PM2.5 PMF PMF Particulate matter having aa diameter Particulate Probable Maximum Flood diameter of less than 2.5 microns microns III PMP Maximum Precipitation nII Probable rY!aximum Precipitation PNNL PNNL Pacific Northwest Northwest National National Laboratory ppm parts per million million PPS Protection Planning SiteSite PSA psig psig Probabilistic Safety Assessment Probabilistic Pound-force per square Pound-force square inch gauge gauge 8

II PSAR PRA Preliminary Preliminary Probabilistic Safety Analysis Analysis Probabilistic Risk Assessment Assessment Report I£ PWR Pressurized Water Reactor Pressurized Reactor Radwaste Radwaste RBI Radioactive Waste Radioactive Waste Reservoir Benthic Index Reservoir Index II RCRA Resource Conservation Resource Conservation and Recovery Recovery Act REMP REMP RFAI Radiological Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Environmental Monitoring Reservoir Fish Assemblage Index Reservoir Index III ROD ROI Record of Decision Record Interest Region of Interest Iii ROS a

ROS Reservoir Operations Reservoir Operations Study Study I

xiv xiv Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement If I

I Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols Symbols I ROS FEIS Reservoir OperationsStudy Final Reservoir Operations Statement (TVA 2004)

Statement (TVA 2004)

FinalProgrammatic Programmatic Environmental Environmental Impact ROW Right-of way Right-of I RV SAR recreational vehicle recreational vehicle Sensitive Area Review I SCCW SEIS Supplemental Condenser Cooling Water Supplemental Supplement Environmental Supplement Environmental Impact Statement SEPA -

SEPA Southeastern Power Administration Southeastern Administration I SERC SFP SERC Reliability Corporation Spent Fuel Pool Corporation 5GB SGB Generator Blowdown Steam Generator I SHPO SNA SNA State Historic Preservation Preservation Officer State Natural Area Area Officer I SMZ SMZ SPCC Streamside Streamside Management Management Zone Prevention Control Spill Prevention Zone Control and Countermeasure Countermeasure SQG Small Quantity Generator Generator I SQN SRP Sequoyah Nuclear Standard Nuclear Plant Standard Review Plan Plant Plan 50 S0 2 Sulfur Dioxide Dioxide I SOW STO Scope of Work Saltillo Nuclear Plant SWPPP Stormwater Stormwater Pollution Prevention Prevention Plan I SWA TBD Area Small Wild Area To Be Determined I TDEC TEDE Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Total Effective Effective Does Equivalent Equivalent Tenn. Tennessee Tennessee I TNC TRM The Nature Nature Conservancy Tennessee River MileMile TVA Tennessee Valley Authority I TWRA U

Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Uranium Uranium I U0 2 U0 U.S.


Uranium Dioxide Uranium Dioxide United United States USACE U.S.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineers I USGS USFS U.S.

U.S. Geological U.S.

Geological Survey U.S. Forest Service Service USFWS USFWS U.S.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Service I vs.


WAW WAW Versus Versus Wet Active Waste Waste

'I WBN WCF Nuclear Plant Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Widows Creek Fossil PlantPlant WEC Westinghouse Electric Electric Company I

Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Supplemental Environmental Statement xv XV I

Single Nuclear Single Nuclear Unit Unit at the Bellefonte Bellefonte Site Site

,t WHO WHO WMA WMA World Health Health Organization Organization Wildlife Management Wildlife Management Area Area I

x/Q X/Q yeN YCN Atmospheric dispersion Creek Nuclear Yellow Creek factors Atmospheric dispersion factors Nuclear Plant I IIIt 11 I


I" I;




I'Ii IIt I

,I,I I

II xvi xvi Environmental Impact Draft Supplemental Environmental Draft Statement Impact Statement II

I Chapter 1 Chapter I CHAPTER 1 I 1.0 1.0 The Tennessee PURPOSE PURPOSE OF AND AND NEED FOR ACTION Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) operates operates the largest public power system in the the country. From 1990-2008, demand demand for electricity electricity in the TVA power serviceservice area area grew at an I average rate of 2.3 percent. The 2008-2009 the short term and adds uncertainty 2008-2009 economic uncertainty to the forecast economic recession recession has slowed load growth in forecast of power needs, but future power needs needs expected to change are not expected change dramatically. TVA's medium forecast analysis of future offuture I electricity from its power system has identified the need demands for electricity 2,000 megawatts (MW) (MW) of additional additional baseload base load capacity in the 2018-2020 need for approximately approximately 2018-2020 time frame (see Section 1.4).


I TVA proposes to complete or construct and operate generation unit at the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant (BLN) operate a single 1,100 -1,200 (BLN) site located

-1,200 MW nuclear generation located in Jackson Jackson County, I' Alabama.

Alabama. As part of its proposal, TVA is seeking to (1) assure future power supplies; (2) maximize the use of existing existing assets and licensing licensing processes; processes; (3) avoid larger outlays by using those existing assets; and (4) avoid the environmental larger capital environmental impacts of siting siting and constructing constructing new new power power generating generating facilities elsewhere.

elsewhere. Completing aa single single nuclear I unit at the BLN site would meet aa substantial portion of TVA's future generation needs and also help meet the agency's goal of having 50 percent percent of its overall power supply from low low or zero carbon-emitting carbon-emitting sources by 2020. The single nuclear nuclear unit would provide a low low I carbon-emitting power source at a significantly lower cost per installed kilowatt carbon-emitting baseload base load power options.

kilowatt than other other

'I Currently, there are two partially constructed Babcock partially constructed reactors (B&W) with a rated capacity Babcock and Wilcox pressurized capacity of at least 1,200 1,200 MW each pressurized light water each at the BLN site. TVA may may choose to complete and operate either either one of these partially constructed units, or construct I and operate operate a new Westinghouse Westinghouse AP1 AP1000 000 advanced (AP1 000) using some of the existing infrastructure.

advanced pressurized pressurized light water reactor reactor infrastructure. Under any of the proposed construction alternatives, TVA would use licensing processesprocesses that are already underway. TVA currently currently I holds construction construction permits for the two B&W units and has applied for combined (construction and operating) complete only one nuclear generation generation unit. The considerable work combined operating) licenses for two AP1 000 units. TVA's current proposal that has proposal is to been to accomplished toward licensing the B&W and AP1 accomplished AP1000 technology will reduce 000 technology reduce the time and I generation unit at BLN on line.

cost of bringing a single nuclear generation The purpose of this supplemental environmental impact supplemental environmental impact statement statement (SEIS) is to inform I decision makers, agencies and the public about about the potential would result from a decision to complete or construct potential for environmental construct and operate environmental impacts that operate aa single nuclear nuclear generation unit at the BLN site. This document supplements generation supplements the original Final Final I Environmental Statement Bellefonte Nuclear Environmental project and updates pertinent information documents identified documents Nuclear PlantPlant Units information discussed Units 1 I and discussed and evaluated and 2 (1974 FES) for the BLN evaluated in related environmental identified in Section 1.7, including the 2008 Environmental Environmental Report for the the I, construction and operation of Westinghouse TVA has updated Westinghouse AP1 000 units at the BLN site. In updated the power needs analysis recreation and socioeconomic analysis and information on environmental, In doing so, environmental, cultural, recreation socioeconomic resources. TVA will use this information, along with input input from reviewing reviewing agencies and the public, to make an informed informed decision about locating a I single nuclear nuclear generation generation unit at the BLN site. This SEIS tiers from TVA's Energy Vision Integrated Resource Plan (described further in Section 2020 Integrated Section 1.7). In In June June 2009, TVA announced the preparation preparation of a new Integrated Resource new Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)

(IRP) to replace replace Energy Energy I

Draft Supplemental Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Impact Statement 1 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear IIf Vision 2020 which is scheduled to be completed bringing a nuclear nuclear plant online, completed in early 2011.

completing completing the SEIS for 2011. Given the long lead time for Bellefonte Bellefonte while simultaneously simultaneously II II developing the new IRP will help ensure that a new developing new generating generating unit could be built in time to projected demand meet the projected demand for base load energy.


1.1. Decision Decision to be Made Made TVA will decide whether to approve and fund the completion or construction of a single nuclear nuclear unit at the BLN site and upgrade upgrade its transmission construction and operation transmission system to allow It increased increased generation load from the BLN site.


1.2. Background Background I 1.2.1. The Bellefonte Site The BLN site is located on aa 1 Reservoir at Tennessee Reservoir

,600-acre peninsula on the western shore of Guntersville 1,600-acre Tennessee River mile (TRM) (TRM) 392, near the town of Hollywood Guntersville Hollywood and the city of I*I Scottsboro in Jackson Scottsboro The three Jackson County in northeast located 7 miles southwest northeast Alabama (Figure 1-1). Scottsboro, southwest of the site is the largest three largest population Scottsboro, Alabama, largest city within a 10-mile 10-mile radius of the site.

population centers (defined as having more than 25,000 residents) in the the I

region are Huntsville, Alabama; Chattanooga, downtown Chattanooga, Chattanooga, Tennessee; Chattanooga, Tennessee; BLN site is located 38 miles east of downtown Tennessee; and Gadsden, downtown Huntsville, Gadsden, Alabama. The Alabama; 44 miles southwest Huntsville, Alabama; Tennessee; and 48 miles north of downtown The southwest of downtown Gadsden, Alabama.

IIt I3 Guntersville Reservoir Guntersville Reservoir is an impoundment of the Tennessee Tennessee River and is operated operated by TVA as part of its integrated integrated management management of the Tennessee River system.


1.2.2. HistoricalOverview of Bellefonte Nuclear Historical NuclearPlant Units 1I and Plant Units and 2 TVA submitted an application application to construct construct and operate operate two B&W reactors reactors at its BLN site on May 14, 1973. The design of the BLN 1 1&2

&2 reactors reactors is an evolution evolution of the earlier B&

B&W 177 W 177 operating in the U.S. The 205 fuel assembly model at BLN is larger model currently operating larger and includes improvements improvements over the earlier designs. Although larger, the basic design, operation, and maintenance operation, maintenance philosophy philosophy is the same as the current current fleet of PWRs operating in the United States. TVA issuedissued an FES addressing addressing the construction construction and operation of BLNBLN 1&2 in May May 1974 1&2 U.S.NRC 1974).

1974 (TVA 1974), and the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) (now called the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or NRC) issued its FES in June 1974 (AEC the Nuclear Regulatory issued Commission construction or both permits for NRC)units issued on its FES in June December 1974 (AEC 24, 1974.

I 1974). NRC issued construction permits for both units on December 24, 1974.

On February 1, 1978, TVA filed an application included an Operating application for operating licenses for BLN 1 Operating License Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) and an Operating 1&2,

&2, which Operating I

License Environmental Report (ER). NRC NRC docketed TVA's Operating Operating License Application I1 Application on June 6, 1978, and published published a Notice of Hearing Hearing Opportunity on TVA's Operating Operating Application on July License Application July 17, 1978 1978 (43 Fed. Reg. 30628). There were no requests for a hearing or petitions to intervene filed in response. Construction Construction of BLN 1&2 1&2 continued continued until the mid-1980s when forecasted forecasted load growth beganbegan to decrease decrease and TVA halted work on the the two units in 1988. When TVA requested deferred status status for the two units in 1988, Unit 1 was approximately 90 percent percent complete, and Unit 2 was approximately approximately 58 percent complete. 3 I2 2Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement II ,£ 2 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I

I Chapter 11 I


I I A i llbllllla I





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- ~1terstate Highways

- - US Highways I o ~ 15 ~

1!IP1li1!!1iil!!liiiiiiiiiiil!!!!!!Iiiiiiiiiiil Mles.

I Figure Figure 1-1.

1-1. Bellefonte Bellefonte Locator Locator Map Map I

Draft Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement 3 I

Single Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Site II In 1993, 1993, TVA conducted conducted a review of its 1974 FES, along with information information on existing existing IU environmental environmental conditions and preparedprepared a white paper paper (TVA 1993a). TVA determined determined that neither the plant design design nor environmental environmental conditions materially altered the environmental impacts described conditions had changed in aa manner that described in the FES. At the same time, TVA I stated it stated it would continue to monitor the situation and ifif changes changes occurred that materially materially affected impact projections affected impact projections in the FES, a supplement would be in the FES, a supplement would prepared.

TVA maintained maintained the plant in deferred status and, in 2003, NRC extended be prepared.

extended the construction I

permits for BLN 1&2 to the year 2011 and 2014, respectively. Subsequently, TVA's Board of Directors Directors approved approved the cancellation cancellation of BLN 1&2 &2 in November November 2005 in order to facilitate consideration of the BLN site for other possible uses. By letter dated April 6, 2006, TVA facilitate I submitted a site redress plan (TVA 2006) 2006) to the NRC along with a request request for withdrawal withdrawal of the construction construction permits. Subsequently, NRC withdrew September 14, 2006. Under on September withdrew the BLN 11&2 Under the redress plan, TVA maintained environmental

&2 construction construction permits permits environmental permits II II and equipment equipment associated associated with ongoing activities at BLN, BLN, including a training center and an electrical substation. SomeSome equipment equipment or structures not identified as necessary necessary for these ongoing activities activities were sold for reuse or abandoned abandoned in place as part of an asset recovery program. The construction program. construction activities activities that will be necessary necessary to complete complete the units are largely largely refurbishment, replacement, analysis and testing activities. The existing structural footprint is not expected to change.

structural plant I

In August 2008, in response to changes changes in power generation generation economics since 2005 and the the effects of constraints possible effects constraints on the availability of the worldwide needed for new generation needed worldwide supply of components generation development, TVA requested reinstatement components reinstatement of the construction construction I

permits for BLN 1 1&2. Reinstatement would allow TVA to resume preservation

&2. Reinstatement preservation and maintenance activities, and determine whether the completion of construction maintenance of BLN 1&2 would be aa viable option. The NRC reinstated TVA's construction construction and operation construction operation permits for for II BLN 1 &2 in terminated terminated plant status in March March 2009 pending re-establishment of the quality pending re-establishment assurance programs, physical conditions, and records quality necessary assurance license license back to deferred deferred status.

necessary to move the move the I

Following Following reinstatement, TVA (1) revised its Nuclear procedures warrant BLN 1&2 1&2 being placed Nuclear Quality Assurance acknowledge the new plant status; (2) established the necessary acknowledge procedures to in deferred deferred Assurance Plan (NQAP) status; and (3)

(NQAP) to policies and necessary programs, policies resumed and I preservation preservation and maintenance building repairs building instituted maintenance activities repairs to eliminate leaks instituted asset preservation activities aimed at protecting selected leaks and preservation preservation activities selected plant assets including preservation of site documents.

activities to maintain maintain the intake documents. TVA has also including intake and discharge facilities, cooling I

towers, wastewater system, and transmission transmission switchyards. In accordanceaccordance with the NQAP, the lapse in quality quality assurance assurance oversight oversight that occurred period from withdrawal occurred in the period withdrawal of the I construction construction permits through March March 2009 was entered into the Corrective Action Program.

Also, TVA implemented implemented work process controls to prevent construction-related activities from prevent construction-related from conducted until NRC approval is given being conducted given to reactivate reactivate construction.

I By letter dated August 10, 2009, TVA requested requested NRC NRC authorize placement placement of BLN 1&2 in deferred plant status in accordance deferred NRC conducted accordance with NRC's Order reinstating the construction conducted a BLN site inspection for deferred construction permits.

deferred status the week of October 19, 2009. I TVA anticipates a letter from NRC NRC responding responding to the requestrequest for deferred plant status.

I4 I

4 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement 4 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I

I Chapter 1 Chapter I 1.2.3. Combined License Combined License Application In 2006, TVA formally joined NuStart In Application for for Bellefonte Nuclear NuclearPlant Plant Units and 4 Units 3 a'nd NuStart Energy Development, LLC, aa consortium consisting consisting of I nine member utility companies to demonstrate companies and two reactor demonstrate the new 10 reactor vendors. The purpose of this consortium is 10 CFR Part 52 licensing processprocess for completing a combined license application (COLA) and to complete the design engineering engineering for two selected reactor technologies, one of which is the AP1000 AP1 000 reactor. In In choosing the BLN site as the AP1000 AP1 000 I COLA site, TVA and NuStart NuStart recognized recognized that a substantial portion of the existing BLN 1&2 equipment and ancillary structures (e.g., cooling towers, intake intake structure, transmission

&2 switchyards) could bee be used to support a new facility, and that their use could reduce the the cost of new construction.

construction. A COLA was submitted submitted to the NRC in October 2007 with TVA as as the applicant applicant of record. The COLA described the siting of two AP1 AP1000 000 reactors, BLN 3&4, with an estimated reactor powerpower level of 3,400 megawatts thermal (MWt) and a net output output

  • ofat least 1,100 each 'of 1,100 megawatts megawatts electric electric (MW)

(MW) at the BLN site. The BLN COLA included included an FSAR and an ER. In October October 2008, TVA submitted submitted Revision Revision 1 of the ER, and in January 2009, Revision 1 of the FSAR. Although TVA was the applicant applicant of record for thethe demonstration, TVA had not proposed proposed to construct advanced reactors at the BLN site construct these advanced site or elsewhere.

In April" April 2009, NuStart transferred the initial licensing NuStart transferred licensing efforts and reference reference plant designation designation I for the AP1 000 from BLN 3&4 to Southern' reference designation reference Southern'Company's designation will help the NRC complete Company's Plant Vogtle. The transfer of the complete the reference the process reference plant licensing process sooner and help move the industry industry closer to new plant construction and commercial I operation of the AP1000 Notwithstanding the transfer of the reference AP1 000 technology. Notwithstanding designation to Plant Vogtle, TVA is continuing reference plant continuing to pursue a combined license for BLN 3&4 to preserve preserve future baseload base load generation options.

I Reinstatement of the construction Reinstatement construction permits for BLN 1&2 &2 and efforts to return the units to to deferred plant status does not affect TVA's current plans to pursue a combined license for I BLN 3&4, and the license the COLA the resulting impacts license information submitted to the NRC for the purpose of supporting COLA remains valid. Should TVA decide decide to restart construction, construction, TVA impacts on the BLN COLA. Likewise, should TVA choose to complete supporting address TVA would address complete an AP1000 unit, TVA would address the resultingresulting impacts on its construction permit for BLN BLN I 1&2.



1.3. TVA Power System I TVA is an agency and instrumentality instrumentality of the United States, established Congress in 1933, to foster the social and economic established by an act of economic welfare of the people of the Tennessee Tennessee Valley region and to promote the properproper use and conservation conservation of the region's natural I resources. One component of this mission is the generation, reliable and affordable affordable electric electric energy.

generation, transmission, and sale of I TVA operates the nation's largest in the nation.

nation. The agency agency largest public power system, producing 4 percent of all electricity serves an 80,000-square-mile 80,000-square-mile region encompassing encompassing electricity most of Tennessee and parts of Virginia, Tennessee Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and I Kentucky. The major load centers are the cities of Memphis, Knoxville, Knoxville, Tennessee; Memphis, Nashville, Chattanooga and Tennessee; and Huntsville, Alabama. The population of the service service territory inin 2008 was estimated estimated to be 9 million people. TVA delivers electricityelectricity to 158 local power power I distributors and 58 directly served large industries and federal facilities. The total number distributors of businesses and residential customers customers served in 2008 almost all electricity needs in Tennessee, 31 percent in Mississippi, was 4,571,600. TVA number supplies supplies Mississippi, 24 percent in Alabama Alabama I

Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement 55 I

Single Single Nuclear Bellefonte Site Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site I and 26 percent Carolina percent in Kentucky. Its contribution Carolina and Georgia contribution to the electricity needs in Virginia, North Georgia is 33 percent or less. The TVA TVA Act requires the TVA power power system to II be self-supporting and operated operated on a nonprofit basis, and the TVA Act directs TVA to sell power at rates as low as are feasible.

I Dependable capacity on the TVA power system is about 37,000 MW. TVA generates Dependable generates most most of this power with three nuclear plants, 11 coal-fired plants, nine combustion-turbine a combined-cycle combined-cycle plant, 29 hydroelectric methane-gas hydroelectric dams, a pumped-storage combustion-turbine plants, pumped-storage facility, a wind farm, a I methane-gas co-firing facility, and several renewable generating several small renewable generating facilities. A portion portion of delivered power is obtained obtained through through long-term About 60 percent of TVA's annual generation percent is from nuclear; power purchase long-term power purchase and lease agreements.

generation is from fossil fuels, predominantly nuclear; and the remainder is from hydroelectric predominantly coal; 30 hydroelectric and other renewable renewable II energy resources. TVA of transmission TVA transmits electricity from these facilities over almost 16,000 miles transmission lines. Like other utility systems, TVA has power interchange with utilities surrounding the Tennessee Tennessee Valley Valley region, and purchases interchange agreements miles agreements purchases and sells power power on

,I1 an economic basis almostalmost daily.

1.4. Need for PowerPower I

Electricity is aa just-in-time commodity. ItIt cannot be stored meaningful amounts, so the stored in meaningful the resources resources needed to produce available available when the demand produce the amount of electricity demand is made. If electricity demanded demanded from a system must be If the demand cannot be met, reductions and II curtailments curtailments in service service (i.e., brownouts or blackouts) result. One of TVA's most important (i.e., brownouts important responsibilities responsibilities is ensuring that itit is able to meet the demand for electricity power system. Thousands of businesses, industries and electricity placed on its facilities, II people depend on TVA every day to reliably supply their power needs. and millions of power Thousands industries public facilities, people depend on TVA every day to reliably supply their power needs.

To meet this responsibility responsibility TVA forecasts the future demand demand and the need for additional generating resources generating resources in the region it serves. A need for additional additional power exists when future demand exceeds exceeds the capabilities of currently currently available demand available and future planned generating resources. Because planning, permitting, and construction construction of new generating generating generating capacity transmission requires a long lead time, TVA must make decisions to build new generating capacity and generating I

capacity well in advance advance of the actual need. j updates the need for power analysis in the original BLN FES and subsequent This section updates subsequent I

pertinent publications pertinent publications (see Section 1.7). ItIt shows the circumstances circumstances when demand exceeds supply, given the current forecasts and assumptions. TVA's method of forecasting exceeds demand and its analysis analysis of a large number number of supply- and demand-side demand-side management management forecasting I resources (options) that could meet forecasted resources forecasted demand are addressed addressed in the Energy Energy Vision 1995a).

2020 (TVA 1995a).

Some terms used in this section may have different meanings to different individuals. As As used in this document, they have the following meanings. meanings. Demand, Demand, also called load, is used to describe the amount of energy required in a specific time period and is measured in kilowatts (kW). Peak demand is the maximum maximum load during a specificspecific time period, period, which I

could be annually, seasonal, or monthly. Capacity Capacity is used to describe describe the output output rating of a generator generator and is measured in MW. Generation electricity electricity is produced, and it is measured Generation is used to describe measured in kilowatt-hours describe how much energy (kWh).

kilowatt-hours (kWh).

energy or I I

66 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I

Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I

I Chapter Chapter 1 I 1.4.1. Power Demand Power The primary factor affecting affecting the demand demand for power is economic growth. The TVA Region Region I benefits from its favorable favorable location at the center of the southern a large portion of the economic growth is dependent job growth in the manufacturing manufacturing sector is declining, declining, job southern U.S. auto industry, because dependent on the manufacturing manufacturing sector. Even as opportunities opportunities still exist, and because as continued migration into the TVA Region supports strong population population growth. While some of I this population population growth stems from jobs in retail businesses "export" services a growing part is "export" businesses serving the existing population, services that are sold to areas outside the TVA Region. Notable Notable include corporate headquarters examples include headquarters such as Nissan in Nashville Nashville and Service Master I in Memphis as well as industries in the still-growing still-growing music business c~ntered In addition, the TVA Region has become attractive attractive to retirees looking centered in Nashville.

looking for a moderate moderate climate in an affordable affordable area, which which has led to additional population population growth growth to support I service industries.

Nevertheless, future growth Nevertheless, growth is expected expected to be somewhat subdued by historical standards standards asas I a result of the current current 2008-2009 recession. Increased credit conditions, as well as large federal budget growth to a level lower Increased financial market regulation, budget deficits lower than what was previously predicted. Although regulation, tighter Although the TVA Region restraining deficits may all work towards restraining Region is expected to retain its comparative advantage advantage in the auto industry, as exemplified exemplified by the the I new Volkswagen auto plant under term prospects under construction prospects for the U. S. automotive construction in Chattanooga, Chattanooga, Tennessee, reduced long-automotive industry will also have an impact on the regional industry. These changes changes in the economic economic outlook could persist in the long-term long-term with overall I' gross domestic product (GOP) below previous expectations.

(GDP) growth for both the TVA Region expectations.

Region and the nation being slightly I No matter what the economic economic environment environment holds, TVA is committed low cost power to meet the needs of all residential, directly-served committed to providing reliable, industrial customers, and directly-served industrial distributor-served commercial distributor-served commercial and industrial industrial customers (local utilities delivering delivering power to I' other customers). In order to fulfill this mission, mission, TVA strives to accurately demand for electricity by using historical sales and announced customers to use electric power, combined with state-of-the-art accurately predict announced plans of large predict future large industrial techniques that state-of-the-art forecasting techniques calculate the demand for electricity electricity based on (1) the level of economic economic activity, (2) the price price I calculate of electricity, (3) the prices of available alternative new conservation conservation and technology. In In alternative fuels, and (4) increased order to address the uncertainty efficiencies from increased efficiencies inherent uncertainty inherent in from single-point forecasts, inputs such as inflation inflation rates, electricity prices, and the price of fuel are evaluated across probable ranges ranges to develop high, medium and low future scenarios.

Figure 1-2 shows TVA's actual and forecast forecast net system requirements requirements consisting consisting of: sales to all distributor-distr~butor- and directly-served directly-served customers, plus distribution distribution and transmission transmission losses.

The three load forecast scenarios scenarios are based on economic drivers and other assumptions assumptions updated in July 2009 and are described in detail below.

updated I


Draft Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Impact Statement Environmental Impact Statement 7 I

Single Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site I GWh 300,000 300,000 I3


- Actual 250,000 250,000 f---


- High

--- Medium Forecast High Forecast Forecast I Medi um Forecast 200,000-3


- Low Forecast Forecast

~ -

I 200,000 150,000 150,000



100,000 100,000 I1 50,000 £ I

1990 1995 2000 2005 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Figure 1_2.11-2.1 Actual and Forecast Net System Requirements Requirements by Fiscal Year I3 Historically, net system requirementsrequirements grew at an average rate of 2.3 percent (1990-2008).

percent (1990-2008).

Projected requirements, as shown in the medium forecast in Figure 1-2, are expected Projected requirements, grow at an average rate of 0.2 percent percent through 2011, 2011, reflecting expected to departing reflecting the loss of departing I

distributors and the weak economic conditions compounding over the last year. The average annual growth rate recovers to 1.0 percent in the longer term (2012-2028), but average remains remains lower than the growth rate over the 18-year 18-year historical The comparison,,

historical period. For comparison I

long-term long-term net system requirements requirements in the low forecast grow at an average annual rate of 0.2 0.2 percent, whereaswhereas the high forecast forecast shows averageaverage annual growth of 1.9 percent.

I While TVA plans to the medium-load medium-load forecast, the high and low forecasts forecasts help help TVA make make more more informed informed power supply expectations.

supply decisions decisions by considering expectations. Further details on the three alternative scenarios considering a future outside of normal scenarios are as follows: I

    • Medium. The medium-loadmedium-load forecast reflects TVA's "expected" inputs and Medium.

outcomes, and assumes demand and energy grow at an expected rate. Distributor and direct-served rate.

expected economic direct-served customers who have not already given notice economic growth notice of I

departing 22 (i.e.,

(i.e., receiving their electrical electrical power from a non-TVAnon-TVA source) are departing assumed to continually continually renew their power supply contracts through the planning period.. In addition, period addition, TVA considers considers changes in demand demand,, based on input planning input from its I

customers. TVA sales outside outside its service territory continue "fence" provisions of the TVA Act.

"fence" 3 3

continue to be guided guided by thethe II

    • High.

High. The high forecast assumes higher demand and energy usage are driven by a combination of favorable economic economic conditions and retail electricity assumptions. ItIt also assumes additional industrial assumptions.

electricity and gas price industrial growth in the directly-served price directly-served I sector.

I Fiscal Year 2009 is a blend of actuals through July and I Fiscal Year 2009 is a blend of actuals through July forecast values and forecast values for August and September.


I 2 Distributors who have served notice and the date of termination are Monticello (November 2008), Paducah 2 Distributors who have served notice and the date of term ination are Monticello (November 2008), Paducah (December 2009) and Princeton (January 2010).

3 TVA is limited in the sale and delivery of power outside the area for which it was the primary 3 TVA supplyis limited on Julyin1,the sale and delivery of power outside the area for which it was the primary source of power 1957.

I supply on July 1, 1957.

I 8 Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement I

I Chapter Chapter 1 I

  • Low. The low forecast assumes lower demand and energy combination of unfavorable conditions, including energy usage are driven by a including assumptions for economic growth and retail electricity electricity and gas prices. There There is an assumed industrial load reduction I directly-served sector.

in the directly-served 1.4.2. Power Supply Power I TVA is a dual-peaking dual-peaking system with high demand occurring in both the summer months. For example, the annual peak demand in 2008 occurred summer and winter occurred in August, while the 2009 winter peak occurred in January. Winter peaks are expected expected to continue for the next couple couple of I years; thereafter, the forecasted system is projected forecasted peak load or the highest demand demand placed on the TVA projected to be in the summer months. To ensure that enough capacity capacity is

. available to meet the peak demand demand in the summer, a specified specified amount amount of additional I capacity, beyond what is needed needed to meet the peak demand, demand, is required. The additional capacity is called "reserve capacity" and consists of operating reserves reserves and planning reserves. The two combined combined are commonly commonly referred to as "total reserves." Operating Operating I reserve amounts must be large enough to cover the loss of the largest (contingency resources), must be able to respond to moment-by-moment (contingency system load (regulating reserves), and also must be able largest single operating moment-by-moment changes in able to replace the contingency operating unit unit reserves if they fail (replacement (replacement reserves). Planning Planning reserve amountsamounts must be large large I enough to cover unplanned unplanned unit outages, load forecastingforecasting error, and undelivered reserves in the utility industry (including TVA) are typically between capacity. Total reserves undelivered purchased between 12 and 20 percent percent of total system load, depending depending on the age of current resources. TVA plans for I a minimum minimum of 8.5 percent planning operating reserves required planning reserves, and maintains an additional amount of required to meet North AmericanAmerican Electric Reliability Corporation Corporation (NERC)

Reliability Standards Reliability Standards Requirements. TVA optimizes generating assets to meet optimizes its mix of generating I these standards, which may require contracting with owners of generating service territory.

generating assets in TVA'sTVA's I TVA's generating generating supply budgeted and approved supply consists of a combination approved projects assets), and/or power purchase combination of existing TVA-owned projects (such as new plant additions purchase agreements. This supply includes TVA-owned resources, uprates to existing additions and uprates includes a diverse existing diverse portfolio of natural gas and oil, market purchases, and renewable I coal, nuclear, hydroelectric, natural resources designed resources designed disproportionate to provide provide disproportionate reliance on anyone reliable, low-cost power any one type of resource. Each while reducing renewable the Each type of generation risk of generation has been added to serve a specific purpose, and can be categorized categorized into baseload, peaking, and I intermediate uses.

intermediate Baseload generators4 are primarily used to meet Baseload meet continuous energy needs, because they I throughout operating costs and are expected have lower operating expected to be available throughout the day. This type of generation also provides available and operate operate continuously provides needed capacity capacity to meet meet TVA's TVA's peak summer demand, demand, and typically comes from larger coal plants and nuclear nuclear plants that I can provide continuous, reliable power. Some energy cycle plants for small incremental incremental baseload energy providers providers may consider combined-base load generation needs; however, historically, natural combined-gas prices, when compared to coa'l coal and nuclear prices, make combined-cycle combined-cycle an expensive expensive I larger continuous option for larger 4 Baseload continuous generation Renewable resources (such as wind and generation needs. Renewable 4 Baseload capacity consists of capacity consists of all resources with all resources with expected expected capacity factors greater capacity factors than 65 greater than percent. Baseload 65 percent. Baseload demand is is that that portion portion of of forecasted I demand load (U.S. Nuclear load (U.S.


forecasted net system requirements Nuclear Regulatory Regulatory Commission, requirements occurring occurring at loads equal to or less than average Environmental Standard Commission, Environmental Standard Review Review Plan, Plan, NUREG average NUREG 1555, October October I

Draft Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 9 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear Site I solar) are intermittent intermittent in nature nature and have capacity factors typically well below 50 percent.

uncertainty about when the wind and solar resources will be available.

There is uncertainty available. Because Because D

g wind and solar generation power generated power generation potential is limited in the TVA region, TVA would need to transmit generated by wind and solar sources from other regions to obtain meaningful amounts of power from these sources; transmission meaningful transmission would further add to the power costs.

o H

These reasons render renewable required resources unreliable sources renewable resources required to meet baseload needs. Section 2.4 includes a discussion sources of the continuous energy discussion of energy alternatives.

alternatives. flo Peaking Peaking units, conversely, conversely, are only expected expected to operate operate during high-demand high-demand periods, and are essential meet essential for maintaining system reliability meet sudden capacity shortages. Examples combustion combustion turbines and hydroelectric reliability requirements, requirements, as they can ramp up quickly to Examples of peaking resources are natural gas-fired gas-fired generation, which is also used to help regulate the hydroelectric generation, the to I

system, but could be limited due to water considered a peaking considered these resources resources to be generating generating during the Renewable resources water supply. Renewable peaking resource. For reliability purposes, TVA considers likely peak hours resources can also be as counting towards be considers only the portion portion of capacity II needs. .

Intermediate units, such as natural Intermediate natural gas-fired combined combined cycle plants and smaller coal plants, D

fill the gap in generation generation between baseload between base load and peaking peaking needs.

In addition addition to electric-generating electric-generating resources, energy efficiency and demand-side energy efficiency demand-side I management management (DSM) (i.e., energy conservation) options offer offer aa potential way to help TVA manage additional intermediate and peaking manage intermediate additional discussion commercial, and industrial commercial, peaking needs, respectively, in the future (see Section 2.4.1 for discussion of DSM). TVA continues to invest in several programs for residential, industrial customers customers to design and deliver deliver products that will benefit benefit I

customers, consumers, and the TVA system by reducing needs in the future. Reducing needs additional capacity.

additional capacity.

Reducing peak demand reducing peak demand demand and energy energy needs demand and overall energy needs lowers lowers the need need for II Capacity Capacity TVA's current (2010) and future (2019) expected Im expected capacity consists of a mix of coal, nuclear, hydro, natural gas, market purchases, and renewable resources are shown in Figures 1-3 and 1-4, 1-4, respectively.

I Nuclear Nuclear and coal are used to meet base baseload load and some intermediate intermediate needs. Natural gas gas hydroelectric, and market purchases are used and oil, hydroelectric, used for peaking peaking and additional intermediate intermediate needs. Non-hydroelectric Non-hydroelectric renewable resources include solar, wind, and landfill gas resources. Purchases include a long-term baseload purchase purchase from the Red Hills coal plant, a long-term lease of the Caledonia Caledonia combustion turbine plant, and short-term purchases from the wholesale purchases Hydroelectric includes conventional wholesale power market. Hydroelectric hydroelectric generation, hydroelectric generation, pump storage storage and aa long-term long-term hydroelectric hydroelectric purchase purchase from Southeastern Power Administration (SEPA). Interruptible Southeastern Interruptible load, load, which includes contracts includes contracts with industrial customers that allow TVA to reduce reduce the flow of energy to them during high demand periods, is also included and counted toward reserve demand reserve requirements.


Ii I

II 10 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I ,

10 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I

I Chapter 1 I Interuptible Load Non-Hydro Non-Hydro Renewables 3% <1%

I TBD 0%



Figure 1-3.

1-3. 2010 Estimated Estimated CapacityCapacity by Fuel Type, Based I on Total Capacity Capacity Need Need of 37.6 GW GW Interuptible Interuptible I Purchases Purchases Load 3%

Non-Hydro Non-Hydro Renewables Renewables




I iclear


I I coal 30%


Figure 1-4. 2019 Estimated Capacity by Fuel Type Based I on Total Capacity Need of 44.2 GW GW The increase increase in nuclear capacity capacity from 18 percent percent in 2010 to 21 percent in 2019 includes includes I already approved uprate approved additions such as the startup of TVA's Watts Bar Nuclear uprate of Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 1. 1. The proposed Nuclear Unit 2 and the completion of one nuclear proposed completion the nuclear unit at the the BLN site is also included. decrease in coal capacity included. The decrease capacity from 36 percent percent in 2010 to 30 30 I percent percent in 2019 is the result of lower capacity on units where air pollution control equipment equipment I

Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Impact Statement 11 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear II has been installed55 , reduced coal contribution expected increased contribution as more nuclear increased generation from the to-be-determined nuclear capacity is added, and the to-be-determined (TBO) (TBD) category.

category. The slight slight II change in gas and oil is due to an increase increase from the natural gas combined combined cycle plant that that proposed to be located at John is proposed more nuclear nuclear capacity capacity is added John Sevier Fossil Plant, offset by a decreased added.. The TBO TBD piece of the portfolio, contribution as decreased contribution portfolio, which increases from 0 II percent to 10 percent from 2010 to 2019, represents percent represents the additional additional required capacity for which which the source source is not yet determined.

determined. Renewable meet a portion of this need as indicated Renewable resources are being considered to indicated by the October 22, 22, 2009 announcement announcement that TVA I has entered into long-term long-term contracts contracts for the purchase of approximately approximately 450 MW of renewable wind energy from outside renewable additional capacity reviews needs andare outside the TVA region, securing presently being evaluated contingent upon completion region, contingent environmental reviews and securing of appropriate transmission paths into TVA. The environmental of appropriate transmission in the new additional capacity needs are presently being evaluated in the new IRP (See Section 1.7).6 paths completion of IRPinto (SeeTVA. The 1.7).6 Section Ii Generation Generation TVA's current and future expected expected energy mix consists of coal, coal , nuclear, hydroelectric, II natural gas, market purchases, and renewable renewable resources for 2010 and 2019 are shown shown in Figures 1-51-5 and 1-6, respectively.


II Non-Hydro Non-Hydro Renewables II

, Nuclear Nuclear 31% I I

Gas and Gas and Oil_,

Oil 2%

2% Hlydro I

I Figure Figure 1-5. 1-5. 2010 Estimated Generation by Fuel Type Estimated Generation II The 2010 generation generation percentage percentage by fuel type shows 82 percent of TVA's generation from coal and nuclear, with the other 18 percent purchases, along with some natural percent made up mostly from hydroelectrichydroelectric and market market I natural gas generation.

generation . Forty-one Forty-one percent percent of TVA's generation generation is projected projected to be from low or zero carbon-emitting resources generation . As described described earlier, carbon-emitting sources.

resources including solar, wind, and landfill gas resources, constitute generation. purchases sources. Non-hydroelectric including purchases including a a Non-hydroelectric renewable long-term baseload renewable constitute 0.05 percent of TVA's purchase base load purchase from TVA's I the Red Hills coal plant, a long-term lease of the Caledonia Caledonia combustion turbine plant and short-term purchases Hydroelectric, plant, long-term short-term purchases from the market, make up for 8 percent of the total generation.

including from the market,hydroelectric conventional 8 percent ofpump make up forgeneration, Hydroelectric, including conventional hydroelectric generation , pump storage and a long-the total generation storage .

and a long- I 5 The operation The operation of of air air pollution pollution control control equipment equipment on on coal-fired plants reduces coal-fired plants the generating capability of the reduces the the I



6The need for power analysis for this Draft SEIS was performed prior to the signing of these contracts.

6 The need for power analysis for this Draft SEIS was performed prior to the signing of these contracts. 3 I

12 12 Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Impact Statement I

I Chapter 1 Chapter I term hydroelectric hydroelectric purchase load contracts purchase from SEPA, represents contracts do not count toward generation.

represents 8 percent Interruptible percent of generation. Interruptible I Interruptible Interruptible 0%

I Non-Hydro Non-Hydro Renewables Renewables


Purchases Purchases Nuclar 5%

I TBD 1%

1% - -f'o......

Gas and and Oil I 2% 2%

2%/ ;7%

Hydro I

Coal 46%

I I Figure 1-6. 2019 Estimated Generation by Fuel Type Estimated Generation Type generation percentages The generation percentages differ from the capacity percentages percentages because the actual output I from the installed capacity (how much is generated including fuel costs, different variables including the type of demand generated from a unit) depends costs , variable operating depends on a number of maintenance expenses, and operating and maintenance demand being met (e (e.g., baseload,, peaking).

.g., baseload peaking). Capacity factor is the total energy I the plant produced during a period of time divided by the energy the plant would have produced at full capacity produced capacity during that same period of time.

90 percent or higher, which leads to a higher contribution time . TVA's nuclear capacity factor is TVA's nuclear contribution of nuclear generation generation than a coal plant with aa 70 to 80 percent capacity capacity factor, or a combined cycle at capacity capacity factor of 20 to I 70 percent, or a simple cycle combustion turbine at 55 percent or less.

The increase increase in nuclear generation generation from 31 percent percent in 2010 to 39 percent percent in 2019 (Figure (Figure 1-includes already approved

5) includes approved additions, additions , such as the startup of TVA's Watts Bar Nuclear Nuclear Unit 2 and the uprate of Browns Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 1. The proposed completion one completion of one nuclear unit at the BLN site is also included included.. The decrease decrease in coal generation is the result of reductions reductions in generating capability of the units due to the addition of air pollution control equipment, as well as the decreased decreased contribution as more more nuclear generation generation replaces coal generation.. The percentage generation percentage of natural gas generation remains the same, but the actual amount of natural natural gas generation increases due to the natural gas combined generation increases combined cycle plant plant that is proposed to be located located at John Sevier Fossil Plant. The addition of the nuclear units nuclear units at Watts Bar and at the BLN site, combinedcombined with reduced coal generation, would help TVA meet its goal to have at least 50 percent of the generation generation portfolio portfolio composed composed of low or zero carbon-emitting sources by 2020.

carbon-emitting 2020.

1.4.3. Need for Additional Baseload Power Additional Base/oad Power I TVA employs fuel costs, variable variable operating production cost models that consider many variables including employs sophisticated production operating and maintenance maintenance expenses including expenses,, and the type of demand being I

Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Impact Statement 13 I

Single Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site o met (e.g., baseload, baseload, peaking) peaking) in order to simulate portfolio. To ensure that future demand demand needs simulate future demands demands for each unit in the TVA accurately identified, the most current needs are accurately I3 approved approved assumptions assumptions and forecasts available are used as inputs to production production cost modeling.

D Once Once the need need for additional capacity has been established, TVA then determines much much of the total capacity need should be baseload, done by comparing the expected generation requirements (shown in Figure requirements generation of available resources to net system 1-2) to determine Figure 1-2) determines how intermediate, and peaking.

baseload, intermediate, peaking. This is determine whether there is a surplus or deficit of o

energy. IfIf aa deficit of energy exists, some of the additional met with new base and/or baseload load resources, while remaining and/or peaking resources.

additional capacity needsneeds would likely be remaining needs would be met with intermediate be intermediate I An analysis based upon July 2009 economic and operating capacity capacity needs before before the proposed completion assumptions shows that overall operating assumptions completion or addition of aa BLN unit (not includingincluding IU approximately 6,600 MW from 2010 to 2019 in the medium-load case, reserves) increase approximately approximately approximately 11,000 MW in the high-load case, and approximately 1,700 MW in the low-load case. The corresponding corresponding additional generation generation needs are approximately approximately 20,000 20,000 III gigawatthours (GWh) in the medium-load case, approximately gigawatthours (GWh) approximately 33,00033,000 GWh in the high-load high-load approximately 2,500 GWh in the low-load case.

case, and approximately I

Additional baseload generation generation is needed by the 2018-2020 2018-2020 time frame under the medium- medium-load load and high-load cases, and completing of approximately 1,100-1,200 MW approximately 1,100-1,200 part of the projected projected needs.

completing one nuclear Under the low-load low-load nuclear unit at the BLN MW (approximately 9,900 GWh of generation) case, adding adding one BLN site with a capacity generation) would meet nuclear nuclear unit at the BLN I

site would meet about 70 percent of the capacity capacity needs and allows TVA to rely less on its carbon-emitting generation carbon-emitting percent generation sources; percent of the generation sources; this would help meet meet TVA's goal to have generation portfolio composed of low or zero carbon-emitting have at least least 50 carbon-emitting sources by Ii 2020. Under Under the low-load case, the additional nuclear generation at BLN would reduce reduce reliance reliance on coal generation generation by 5 percent, as indicated of the total coal fleet from 80 percent indicated by the reduction in the capacity factor percent to 75 percent. .

factor Im A nuclear unit at the BLN site also provides inherent provides additional fuel diversity, which reduces the risks inherent with any particular kind of resource, and lowers the delivered delivered cost of power risks power as TVA I accumulates more low-cost accumulates low-cost fuel options. TVA anticipates anticipates the use of a variety of resources, including a mix of demand-side including demand-side reductions, energy efficiency and additional baseload, peaking and intermediate intermediate generating generating resource baseload, and resource options to address further shortfalls that remain even after one nuclear unit at the BLN site is completed. These resources are I

currently being evaluated evaluated in the IRP (see Section 1.7).,,

Section 1.7).

One of the benefits of aa nuclear unit at the BLN site is being able to rely less on carbon-I emitting sources. By relying less on carbon-emitting carbon-emitting sources there are also reductions in in other pollutants. Projected changes in emissions 2019 resulting from the addition of one nuclear emissions from the TVA system between between 2010 and nuclear unit at the BLN site are shown in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1.

I Table 1-1.1-1. Changes Changes in TVA Emissions Pollutant Type Pollutant Type Emissions from 2010 to 2019 by I Sulfur

-6.2 I Change in !Emissions Dioxide I Nitrogen Sulfur Dioxide


-6.1 I (percent),

Emissions (percent)

Nitrogen Oxide I Carbon Dioxide IIMercury

-5.1 I M ru Mercury


-5.6 I

14 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement II1 14 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I

I Chapter 1 I

The effect of the addition addition of one BLN nuclear unit on TVA's delivered delivered cost of powerpower in 2018-I 2024 is shown in Table 1-2 considered:

1-2 below. Two different considered: a B&W design and an AP1000 different reactor reactor technologies AP1 000 design. The delivered technologies are being being delivered cost of power (DCap) (DCOP) is higher higher in 2018 with the addition of either design than without adding a nuclear unit at the the I BLN site. With the B&W design, the DCap the AP1000 AP1 000 design, the DCap DCOP value increases DCOP value increases increases to 8.06 cents/kWh, increases to 8.11 cents/kWh.

cents/kWh, and with cents/kWh. The increase increase in 2018 2018 results from the combination combination of construction and startup cost with startup generation generation levels.

I These additional costs are spread over low generation DCOP generation levels causing DCap for both technologies. This begins to change in 2020 decrease increase in the causing an increase 2020 as the DCOPDeop begins to the decrease from 9.07 cents/kWh cents/kWh to 9.02 cents/kWh cents/kWh for the B&W design. As the unit begins begins I to reach its maximum remaining Due to higher construction generation level and the impact of construction costs decline, maximum generation remaining costs are spreadspread over more more kilowatt hours, resulting in a lower cost of power.

construction costs and slightly lower capacity of the AP1000 AP1 000 design, the the DCOP DCap value does decrease until 2023.

does not decrease I Table 1-2.

1-2. Effect of One BLN Nuclear Nuclear Unit on TVA's Delivered Delivered Cost of Power Power I Scenario Scenario

__2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 (cents/kWh) 2021 2022 2023 2023


  • 2024 2024 Without a BLN Unit 8.03 8.43 9.07 9.55 9.96 10.59 10.59 10.99 10.99 I BLN with B&W Technology BLN with AP1 AP1000 Technology 000 Technology Technology 8.06 8.11 8.43 8.51 9.02 9.09 9.49 9.56 9.86 9.97 10.50 10.50 10.58 10.58 10.88 10.88 10.96 10.96 Change with B&W 0.00 -0.09 -0.11 I Change with AP1000 AP1 000 0.03 0.08 0.08

-0.05 0.02

-0.06 0.01

-0.10 0.01 -0.01


-0.03 I Considering Considering future capacity and generation generation needs, coupled with the strategic goal of having 50 percent of its overall power supply from low or zero carbon-emitting carbon-emitting sources by 2020, I determined that adding a nuclear TVA has determined to achieve nuclear unit at the BLN site would most effectively achieve these goals. A nuclear unit at the BLN site would (1) provide TVA's customers effectively help customers help with additional fuel diversity to reduce reduce risk from volatile fuel prices; (2) supply reliable, low-I cost power power operating from a proven evaluate how to best meet evaluate high-energy producing resource; and (3) increasing environmental operating flexibility in the face of increasing (3) afford increased environmental constraints. TVA will continue to meet future needs in the TVA Region Region while adhering adhering to its mission of serving the Tennessee Tennessee Valley through energy, environment, and economic development.

I 1.5. The NEPA NEPA Process Process The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

National Environmental (NEPA) process, NEPA 42 USC §§4321 et seq.,

I requires Federal agencies Federal agencies environment to consider environment before making any decisions.

the decisions. If impact of their proposed proposed actions on the If an action is expected expected to have the have a significant significant impact on the environment, the agency agency proposing the action must develop aa Study study for public public I and agency review. This study, called an EIS, is an analysis of the potential natural and human natural potential impacts to the environment from the proposed action, as well as from a range of human environment the reasonable alternatives. The Council on Environmental reasonable Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulationsregulations (40 CFR I §1505.1)

§ 1505.1) require federal agencies agencies to make and responses aa part of each agency's administrative environmental administrative record.

review review record.

documents, When an agency comments, proposes agency proposes substantial changes to aa previously reviewed action reviewed action and/or significant significant new new circumstances circumstances or I

Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement 15 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Single Nuclear Site Bellefonte Site I information are present, agencies prepared environmental prepared agencies are directed directed to prepare environmental impact statements (40 CFR §1502.9).

prepare supplements to previously

§1502.9). TVA is preparing this SEIS SEIS Hg to update information in the 1974 update information 1974 BLN Final EIS and other pertinent pertinent reviews relative relative to its proposed proposed action to complete or constructconstruct and operate operate a single nuclear unit at the BLN site.

I In compliance compliance with 40 CFR §1501.7, TVA has prepared prepared and made available a Notice of (NOI) to prepare this SEIS. The NOI was published Intent (NOI)

August 10, 2009. This notice notice briefly described described published in the Federal the proposed proposed FederalRegister action, Register on reasonable reasonable I alternatives, and probable environmental environmental issues to be addressedaddressed in the SEIS.

After conducting conducting an assessment of the potential environmental action, TVA has prepared this Draft environmental effects effects of the proposed Draft SEIS. Following distribution to reviewing agencies agencies and B

posting on the Bellefonte Bellefonte SEIS web webpage ( for public notification page ( notification and review, TVA

review, for TVA will transmit publicationwill of transmit the notice the Draft SEIS theofDraft to the U.S.

SEIS to the its availability Environmental Protection U.S. inEnvironmental (NOA)

Agency (EPA)

Protection Agency the Federal Register.

for publication of the notice of its availability (NOA) in the Federal Register.


Im The Draft SEIS public comment period the Federal period begins with the publication of the NOA by EPA in Register and will last 45 days. During this public comment Federal Register comment period, one publicpublic I

meeting will be held in December 2009 as a forum to obtain comments on the Draft SEIS.

meeting Notice of the public meeting date and location Notice and direct location will be distributed direct mailings, and will be posted on the above Bellefonte distributed through appropriate appropriate media Bellefonte SEIS webpage. CommentsComments IiI I3 may also be submitted submitted by mail, email, and through the project webpage during the project webpage the comment period (Addresses are provided provided on the first page of this document.).

At the close of the Draft SEIS public comment comment period, TVA will respond to the comments comments received and incorporate received incorporate any required required changes into the Final SEIS. TVA will also complete complete consultation with the U.

Preservation U. S. Fish and Wildlife Wildlife Service Service and the appropriate State completed Final SEIS will be sent to those who received Preservation Officers. The completed State Historic received the the I

Draft SEIS or submitted comments on the Draft SEIS. ItIt will also be transmitted transmitted to EPA who will publish a notice of its availability availability in the Federal FederalRegister.

Register. I TVA will make a decision on the proposed the Final SEIS is published in the Federal proposed action no sooner than 30 days after FederalRegister.

after the NOA Register. This decision will be based on the project purpose and need, anticipated environmental impacts as documented in the Final project purpose and need, anticipated environmental impacts as documented in the Final NOA of II SEIS, along with cost, schedule, technological, technological, and other considerations.

considerations. To document document the the decision, TVA will issueissue a Record of Decision Decision (ROD). The ROD normally normally includes (1) what the decision decision was; (2) the rationale for the decision;decision; (3) what alternatives alternatives were considered; m (4) which alternative was considered environmentally considered environmentally mitigation measures and monitoring, and enforcement requirements.

preferable; and (5) any associated 3

mitigation measures and monitoring, and enforcement requirements.


1.6. Scoping and Issues to be Addressed Addressed I

NEPA regulations regulations require an early in an environmental early and open process for deciding what should environmental review, known as the scope of the evaluation.

public scoping is not required for an SEIS per 40 CFR §1502.9(c)(4).

should be discussed evaluation. However, additional

§1 502.9(c)(4).

I As described below, the BLN site and the B&W and AP1 extensive environmental AP1000000 technologies have received environmental review, including public comments, over the last 35 years.

II Extensive internal scoping was conducted by a TVA interdisciplinary Extensive compilation and review of the documents documents listed in Table 1-3 interdisciplinary team including including 1-3 and review of the COLA ER I and NRC public public scoping related related to the COLA. In addition, TVA has considered related to public review of the TVA TVA SEIS for Completion and considered records Operation Completion and Operation of Watts records Bar Bar g I

16 Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement I

I Chapter Chapter 1 I Nuclear NuclearPlant application.


Plant Unit 2 completed in connection with the Watts Bar Unit 22 operating license operating license I assessment of the proposed action, Based on these reviews and an assessment addressed in this SEIS:

that the following topics should be addressed action, TVA has determined determined I **

Surface Water and Groundwater Surface Groundwater Resources Floodplains and Flood Risk Resources

    • Wetlands Wetlands I **

Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecology Terrestrial Ecology Endangered and Threatened Species Threatened Species

    • Natural Areas Areas I **

Recreation Structures Archaeological Resources and Historic Structures Archaeological

    • Visual Resources Resources I **

Noise Noise Environmental Justice Socioeconomics and Environmental Socioeconomics Justice

    • Solid and Hazardous Waste Waste I **

Seismology (i.e., earthquakes)

Climatology and Air Quality Meteorology, Climatology

    • Operations Radiological Effects of Normal Operations I **

(radioactive waste, spent fuel, and transportation)

Uranium Fuel Use Effects (radioactive Safety and Security Nuclear Plant Safety transportation)

    • Decommissioning Decommissioning I 1.7.


    • Transmission Line Upgrades Transmission Other Pertinent Upgrades Pertinent Environmental Reviews and Tiering Environmental Reviews Tiering I Past Documents Documents Related BLN Site Related to the BLN environmental reviews, studies, and white papers have Several evaluations in the form of environmental construction and operation of a nuclear plant or prepared for actions related to the construction been prepared I alternative power generation alternative source at the BLN site. The following paragraphs generation source pertinent documents, and Table some of the most pertinent 1-3 provides a more complete describe paragraphs describe listing of environmental documents. As provided relevant environmental § 1502) for regulations (40 CFR §1502) provided in the regulations for I implementing NEPA, this SEIS updates, tiers from, and incorporates implementing information contained construction and operation.

construction documents about the BLN site and about nuclear contained in these documents reference incorporates by reference nuclear plant plant I The environmental consequences of constructing environmental consequences comprehensively in TVA's 1974 FES (TVA 1974). The FES concluded comprehensively operating BLN 11&2 constructing and operating were addressed

&2 were concluded that the principal environment are (1) releases of small quantities of ways the plant will interact with the environment I radioactivity to the air and water, (2) wastewaters to Guntersville wastewaters (2) releases of minor quantities of heatheat and nonradioactive nonradioactive quantities of heat and water vapor Reservoir and major quantities Guntersville Reservoir vapor from atmosphere, and (3) a change in land use from farming to towers into the atmosphere, the plant's cooling towers I industrial.

By 1993, when TVA drafted a white paper paper in support of TVA's 120-day 120-day notice to NRC for I resumption of plant construction, most of the construction The white paper reviewed 10 aspects of TVA's proposal in effects had already construction effects its 1974 1974 or were likely to change. ItIt concluded that most of the changes involved design already occurred.

FES occurred.

that had changed I

Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement 17 I

Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site o Ii modifications or changes modifications lessen potential changes in expected operational environmental potential environmental operational practices impacts. Because practices that would improve safety none of the changes were safety or determined determined to go materially materially affect impact not have to be supplemented.


projections projections in TVA's 1974 FES, TVA concluded 1974 concluded that the FES would supplemented. However, TVA subsequently chose not to resume would Io Environmental conditions at the BLN site have been comprehensively Environmental environmental impact times since 1993. The 1997 final environmental Bellefonte Conversion comprehensively reviewed three impact statement (Final EIS) for the more three more I o Bellefonte Conversion Project Project (TVA 1997) considered construction and operation (TVA 1997) operation of fivefive optional types of fossil fuel generation, production production capacity generation, four of which involved capacity equivalent to BLN 1 EIS substantially updated the description 1&2 involved plants with total electricity

&2 (approximately 2,400 MW). The Conversion description of the affected environment environment at BLN, Conversion BLN, and the the o

potential potential for environmental environmental impacts from new new construction.

construction. The proposed combustion turbine plant was not constructed.

constructed. D In the late 1990s, TVA participated participated as a cooperating agency with the U.S. Department cooperating agency Department of Energy Energy (DOE) on an environmental environmental review evaluating the production of more commercial light water reactors (CLWR) to ensure safe and reliable tritium supply for more ccimmerciallight water reactors (CLWR) to ensure safe and reliable tritium supply for tritium at one or III U.S. defense defense needs. The Final EIS for the Production Production of Tritium in a Commercial Commercial Light Light Water Reactor (DOE 1999) updated the environmental updated 1999) addressed the completion and operation environmental analysis operation of BLN 1&2 and analysis of their operation. TVA adopted adopted this DOE Final EIS in II May 2000. TVA's current proposal to complete additional generating capacity at the BLN BLN site does not involve the production production of tritium. The CLWR CLWR Final EIS includes includes pertinent information on spent nuclear information nuclear fuel management, health health and safety, decommissioning, decommissioning, and other topics.

Most recently in 2007, as a part of a COLA process, TVA, as a member Consortium, prepared and submittedsubmitted to NRC member of the NuStart comprehensive ER for the construction NRC a comprehensive construction and Iii operation of two AP1 000 nuclear units at the BLN site (see Section 1.2.3). In addition to updating the description description of environmental conditions at the BLN site and some environmental conditions aspects of the cooling water system, this report fully describes describes the environmental some operational operational environmental effects of Im constructing and operating operating two AP1AP1000 000 units. The ER also contains a discussion discussion of alternative sites and energy resource options. The ER was revised in response requests forwas additional and COLA response to NRC (hereafter referred to as the the I

COLA ER) issued information, in October 2008 (2008a). ER Revision 1 (hereafter COLA ER) was issued in October 2008 (2008a).

Other Related In In Related Documents addition Documents to documents directly related to the BLN site, two other TVA documents documents are are Ii relevant to this SEIS. In December review of alternative year December alternative means of meeting year 2020, published as Energy 1995, meeting demand Energy Vision TVA completed demand for power Vision 2020 - Integrated a comprehensive completed comprehensive environmental power on the TVA system through the IntegratedResource Management Management Plan Plan and IIi FinalProgrammatic ProgrammaticEnvironmental Environmental Impact Statement (TVA 1995; hereafter hereafter referred to as as Final Energy Vision 2020). Deferral among among the resource options Deferral and/or completion options evaluated completion of BLN 1&2, individually or together, were evaluated in that Final EIS, but not as the preferred alternative.

IU The alternative adopted adopted by the TVA Board following completion of the Energy 2020 II Energy Vision 2020 was a portfolio portfolio of various supply- and demand-side demand-side energy energy resources. Completion of BLN Units 1 and/or 2 was not part of this portfolio.

In Energy Vision 2020, TVA made conservative assumptions about the expected In factor (performance-roughly (performance-roughly how much This capacity factor was used in much conducting a unit the would be economic able to analyses run) of expected capacity its nuclear units. I capacity economic of nuclear nuclear resource 18 Draft Supplemental Environmental impact Statement I ,.

18 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I

I Chapter 1 Chapter I options. TVA nuclear nuclear units, consistent States, now routinely exceed consistent with nuclear industry performance performance in the United exceed this earlier assumed capacity factor, which changes United changes the the earlier analyses analyses for BLN 1 1&2, increased capacity

&2, and the increased capacity factor is used in the currentcurrent I consideration of completing the unit (see Section Section 1.4, Need for Power).

On June June 15, 2009, TVA announced announced its intent to conduct a new comprehensivecomprehensive study and I EIS entitled Integrated Resource Plan:

Integrated Resource plan will replace TVA's Environmental Plan: TVA's replace Energy Vision 2020 and is scheduled Environmentaland and Energy Future.

scheduled to be completed Future. This new completed by early 2011. 2011. In order to meet the anticipated demanddemand for baseload baseload power, TVA must make a decision on a I §1506.1 nuclear unit at BLN before the new IRP is completed, as provided single nuclear


(2)(c). The proposal provided for in 40 CFR proposal set out in this NOI supports TVA's goal of reducing its carbon footprint by 2020 and the need to make beneficial use of the existing infrastructure CFR infrastructure at the the I BLN site.

In February 2004, TVA issued its Reservoir In OperationsStudy Final Reservoir Operations FinalProgrammatic Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Impact Statement (ROS Final EIS) EIS) evaluating evaluating the potential potential environmental I impacts of alternative alternative ways of operating operating the agency's agency's reservoir system to produce greater public value for the people of the Tennessee Valley (TVA 2004). The Final EIS greater produce overall EIS evaluated, among other things, the adequacy adequacy of the water supply necessary for reliable, I operation of TVA generating facilities within the operating efficient operation Pollutant Discharge Pollutant Discharge Elimination System operating limits of their National System (NPDES) permits and other permits. A ROD for the the ROS Final EIS was subsequently subsequently issued in May 2004. Although operation operation of aa single single .

I nuclear unit was not included nuclear included in the ROS Final EIS analysis, the reservoir operations described therein are adequately described adequately robust and flexible to encompass encompass the operation operations operation of a nuclear plant with a closed-cycle nuclear closed-cycle cooling system, which uses only a minor minor amount of the the I river flow passing reservoir passing reservoir ensures the BLN ensures TVA control from the ROS Final EIS review site (see Section 3.1).

control of flows. The assumptions review and the cumulative Also, cumulative effects BLN's location location on assumptions for reservoir operations a mainstream mainstream operations resulting effects analysis as it pertains to the resulting the operation of BLN are incorporated operation incorporated by reference reference in the present present evaluation and used in the the I hydrothermal analysis hydrothermal analysis (see Section 3.1.2).

Table 1-3. Environmental Reviews and Documents Pertinent to Bellefonte Environmental Reviews Bellefonte I I Document Nuclear Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Title 'Date':.'".

Type ... Title




I FES FES Final Environmental Statement, Final Environmental Statement, Units 1 And 2 (TVA 1974)

Units 1974)

Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Nuclear Plant May 24, 1974 May 24,1974 Final Environmental Statement Final Environmental Statement Related Related To Construction Construction I FES FES 1974) 1974)

Nuclear Plant Of Bellefonte Nuclear Units 1 And 2, Tennessee Plant Units Valley Authority, Docket Nos. 50-438 And 50A39 Tennessee 50-439 (AEC (AEC June 4, 1974 June 4, 1974 I FER 11 Bellefonte Nuclear Report, NuclearPlant Report, Operating, 1976) 1976)

Units 1I and 2 Environmental Plant Units Operating, License Stage, Environmental Stage, Volumes 1-4 (TVA January 1, 1, 1976 1976 FSAR Bellefonte NuclearPlant Plant Units Units 11 &&2, 2, Final Final Safety Safety Original as updated I FSAR White Bellefonte Nuclear Report, Rev 30 Analysis Report, Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement Review, Bellefonte Original as updated through 1991 March 1993 Nuclear Plant (TVA 1993a) 1993a) March 1993 Paper Nuclear Plant I

I Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement 19 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear o I

Document Type Type Title Title Date Date II D

Energy Vision 2020: Integrated Integrated Resource Plan And Final Resource Plan Final FEIS/ROD FEISfROD Programmatic Environmental Impact Programmatic Environmental Record Of Decision.

Decision. (TVA 1995)

Impact Statement, Statement, and 1995 December 1995 II FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement Final Environmental Impact Statement ForFor The The October 1997 FEIS Bellefonte Conversion Final Conversion Project.

Environmental Impact Final Environmental Project. (TVA 1997)

Impact Statement Statement ForFor The October 1997 II FEIS Production Production Of Tritium Tritium In A Commercial CommercialLight Water Water March 1999 ROD/

ROOf Reactor Reactor (DOE 1999)

Record Of Decision Energy Final DecisionAnd Adoption Of The Department FinalEnvironmental Department Of Impact Statement For Environmental Impact For The May 19, 2000 UII May 19, 2000 Adoption Production Production Reactor Reactor (TVA Of Tritium Tritium 2000)

(TVA 2000)

Guntersville Reservoir Guntersville In A Commercial Commercial Reservoir Land Management Light Management Plan, Water Jackson Plan, Jackson III FEIS And Marshall Counties, Alabama Marshall Counties, Tennessee (TVA 2001)

Tennessee Reservoir Reservoir Operations 2001)

Alabama And Operations Study Final Marion County, And Marion Programmatic Final Programmatic County, August 2, 2001 II FEIS Environmental Environmental Impact Statement And Record Decision (TVA 2004)

Record Of May 19, 2004 2004

'II1 Final EnvironmentalAssessment Bellefonte Nuclear Final Environmental FEA Plant Redress, Jackson County, Alabama (TVA 2006) January January 2006 ER Plant Redress, Jackson County, Alabama (TVA 2006)

Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Units 3 & 4, COL Application, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Units 3 & 4, COL Application, Part3, Environmental Part Report, Rev 11 (TVA Environmental Report, (TVA 2008a) 2008a)

October 2008 October 2008 I'I FSAR FSAR Bellefonte Nuclear NuclearPlant Units 3 &

Plant Units Application,

& 4, COL Application, Part 2, Final Safety Analysis Report, Rev I (TVA 2009a)

Part 2, Final Safety Analysis Report, Rev 1 (TVA 2009a)

Activities At Bellefonte Nuclear Nuclear Plant Plant Related To Future January 2009 January July 2008 2009 Iii FEA FEA 2

2 2 Site Use, Jackson County Alabama. (TVA 2008b)

Future July 2008 2

2 Site Use, Jackson County Alabama. (TVA 2008b)

Environmental Report Final Environmental Final Environmental Assessment Final Environmental Assessment I


1.8. Permits, Licenses, and Approvals Federal and state environmental Federal Approvals environmental laws establish standardsstandards for radiation exposure in the in the III general general environment environment (areas outside outside of the NRC-regulated NRC-regulated area) and for sources air sources of air pollution, water pollution, and hazardous hazardous waste. TVA will obtain applicable permits by submitting construction and operation plans and specifications by specifications for review by the appropriate appropriate III government government agencies. Environmental permits contain specific' specific conditions governing construction and operation abatement operation of a new or modified abatement and prevention modified emission source, describe pollution describe pollution prevention methods to reduce pollutants, and contain emission limits for the the III pollutants that will be emitted from the facility.

TVA hashas maintained construction maintained the BLN site in construction permits by NRC in in regulatory compliance following the cancellation in September September 2006. Table 1-4 cancellation of the 1-4 lists permits that have been the I cancelled cancelled since 2006 and those that are still active.

Table 1-5 lists federal, state, and local authorities authorities evaluated for potential applicability applicability to the the I

proposed project.


20 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Supplemental Environmental Statement I

I Chapter 1 Chapter I Table 1-4.

1-4. Permits Held or Cancelled Cancelled Since Since Year 2000 2000 Expiration Type of Permit/Authorization Permit/Authorization Expiration Information Additional Information*

Date I

NPDES Permit AL0024635 AL0024635 11/30/2009 11/30/2009 Still active active Cancelled September 2006.

Cancelled September NRC Construction Construction Permit for Unit 1- 1 - CPPR-122 CPPR-122 10/01/2011 10/01/2011 Reinstated March March 9, 2009 to a I NRC Construction Construction Permit for Unit 2 - CPPR-123 CPPR-123 10/01/2014 10/01/2014 terminated plant" status

""terminated Reinstated March Reinstated status September 2006.

Cancelled September March 9, 2009 to a

.... "terminated plant" status status I Air Permit for Synthetic Permit #705-0021 Synthetic Minor Source Operation

-X002 (two 115.2

  1. 705-0021-X002 Operation 115.2 MMBTU/Hr MMBTU/Hr None

""terminated Cancelled Cancelled June 2007 -

Auxiliary boiler building building sold sold auxiliary boilers (No.2 (No. 2 Diesel oil fuel) and dismantled dismantled I Air Permit for Synthetic Synthetic Minor Source Operating Permit #705-0021-X004

  1. 705-0021-X004 (two 7,000 kW diesel generators)

Operating None Still active active RCRA EPA ID ID No. AL5640090002 None Still active I active Table 1-5. Federal, State and Local Environmental Environmental Authorizations Authorizations I Statute/Agency Statute/Agency U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Regulatory


Authority 10 CFR Part 50; 10 Activity Covered Construction and Operation Covered Operation for Commercial Nuclear Nuclear Commission (NRC)

(NRC) CFR Part 52 Plant.

I Endangered Endangered Species (ESA) U.S.


Service Species Act U.S. Fish and Wildlife 16 U.S.C.

16 seq.


U.S.C. §1531

§1531 et et Consultation Consultation with federally listed federally with USFWS USFWS for potential impacts listed threatened threatened or endangered impacts to endangered species.

Service I Native Native American Graves Protection Graves Protection and Repatriation Act 25 U.S.C. §3001 et 25 U.S.C. §3001 et seq.


Provides Provides for the repatriation human repatriation of Native human remains or cultural items that are excavated inadvertently discovered from or inadvertently American Native American excavated discovered on federal lands.

American Indian Religious 42 U.S.C. §1996 Protection Protection and preservation of traditional religions of I Freedom Freedom Act National Preservation National Historic Preservation 42 U.S.C. §1996 Native Native Americans.

Act of 1966 1966 Alabama, I Tennessee and Georgia Tennessee Historical Commissions; Historical Commissions; State Historic Historic Preservation Preservation 16 U.S.C. §§470 et seq.

Consultation with State Historic Preservation Officer Consultation with State Historic Preservation Officer for potential impacts to historic properties listed on for potential impacts to historic properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

the National Register of Historic Places.

Officer (SHPO); Federal I Advisory Council on Historic Conservation Conservation Historic Preconstruction Preconstruction letterletter of notification to FAA results in in I Object Affecting Navigable Space; Federal Federal Navigable Aviation Administration (FAA)

Administration (FAA)

Title 49, Subtitle VII; Title 49, Part 14 CFR Subtitle 14 CFR Part 77 77 VII; a written acknowledgment acknowledgment certifying certifying that no hazards would result from constructing and operating hazards operating the Bellefonte Units 1 and 2. Similar acknowledgment Bellefonte Units 1 and 2. Similar acknowledgment the may need to may need to be be obtained obtained forfor the the proposed project.

proposed project.

I U.S. Coast Guard

§§81, 83, 85, 14 U.S.C. §§81, 633; 49 U.S.C.


Navigation Navigation markers navigation authorization to protect river markers authorization navigation from hazards connected with construction activities in in aa river. TVA TVA complies voluntarily.




I Draft Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 21 I

Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site II Statute/Agency Statute/Agency Authority Authority Covered Activity Covered CWA Section 404 permit for the discharge discharge of dredge dredge II I

or fill material material into the waters of the United States.


U.S. Army Corps of 33 U.S.C. §1344; 33 Concerned with placement of structures, or altering wetlands. Alteration structures, working altering waters, and aquatic resources including Alteration of jurisdictional working in including wetlands jurisdictional wetlands U

B Engineers (USACE)

Engineers (USACE) U.S.C. §1341 compensatory mitigation if requires compensatory if such impacts cannot by avoided. A State Section 401 certification that the action does not violate state water quality standards must be obtained prior to application for a o

II 42 U.S.C. §§7661-7661f;

§§7661-USACESection USACE Section 404 permit.

II EPA/ ADEM 7661f; Title 22, Title 22, Construction Construction Permit and operating permit for o

EPA! ADEM Alabama Alabama Code, emission of air pollutants pollutants from the proposed proposed project.

Chapter 2828 33 U.S.C. §1342; Title Existing permit identifies identifies outfalls outfalls through which which H

EPA/ ADEM EPA! 22, Alabama Alabama Code, wastewater wastewater may be discharged. Permit may need need to EPA/ADEM EPA!ADEM Chapter 22 33 U.S.C.

U.S.C. §1342; Title 22 Alabama Alabama Code, proposed be modified for the proposed project.

Stormwater runoff control for construction and Stormwater runoff control for construction and individual sites individual sites u

II IU Chapter 2222 Conservation and Resource Conservation Recovery Recovery Act; Alabama 42 U.S.C. §6901 et Hazardous Hazardous Waste seq.; Title 22, Alabama Permit for construction of a disposal facility.

Management Management and Minimization Minimization Act Resource Conservation and Code, Chapter Chapter 3030 K

I Recovery Recovery Act; Alabama Hazardous Hazardous Waste Management Management and 42 U.S.C. §6901 et seq.; Title 22, Alabama Code, Chapter Chapter 3030 Permit for disposal of non-hazardous non-hazardous waste. Ii I

Minimization Minimization Act Resource Resource Conservation and Recovery Recovery Act; Alabama Hazardous Hazardous Waste 42 U.S.C. §6901 et seq.; Title 22 Alabama Alabama Transport, treatment, storage, and disposal hazardous waste.

hazardous disposal of of II I

Management Management and Code, Chapter 30 Minimization Minimization Act Chapter 30 Requires federal federal agencies to protect and enhanceenhance III the quality of the environment; environment; develop procedures develop procedures Executive Executive Order Order 11514 (Protection of Enhancement (Protection Enhancement Environmental Quality) of Environmental 40 CFR §§1500-1508 40 CFR §§ 1500-1508 to ensure the fullest practicable provision information and understanding public information Plans and programs provision of timely understanding of Federal programs that may have potential timely III Executive Executive Order 11988 Order 11988 10 CFR §1022; 18 CFR environmental impacts that the views of interested parties can be obtained.

Requires federal obtained.

federal agencies to avoid floodplain floodplain III (Floodplain Management)

(Floodplain Part 725 impacts to the extent practicable.

Executive Order Executive (Protection 11990 Order 11990 (Protection of Wetlands)

Wetlands) 10 Part 725 18 CFR

§1022; 18 CFR §1022; 10 CFR CFR Requires federal agencies to avoid any short- and Requires federal long-term adverse adverse impacts impacts there is a practicable alternative.

there is a practicable alternative.

on wetlands wherever wherever and III III II E

III 22 22 Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement I

I Chapter 2 I CHAPTER CHAPTER 2 I 2.0 TVA considered ALTERNATIVES INCLUDING ALTERNATIVES considered a number of alternatives INCLUDING THE PROPOSED ACTION alternatives to constructing constructing and operating operating BLN 1 1&2

&2 in its 1974 1974 FES, including including various sources of baseload generation baseload generation and eight alternative plant locations.

I In subsequent environmental In construction environmental reviews, as part of the COLA process, TVA evaluated construction and operation of Westinghouse the evaluated the Westinghouse AP1 000 units (BLN 3&4) at the BLN site which also included alternative sites and energy resource resource options. In In this Draft Draft SEIS, TVA is I considering considering three generation generation alternatives three generation generation alternatives alternatives and two transmission alternatives. The nuclear alternatives include: Alternative A - No action, nuclear action, Alternative B - Completion and operation operation of a B&W pressurized pressurized light water reactor, and Alternative Alternative C - Construction Construction and I operation operation of an AP1000 more detail detail below in Sections pressurized light water reactor. These AP1 000 pressurized These alternatives alternatives are described in 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3. The transmission alternatives Sections 2.1, Action and an Action Alternative. All of these alternatives alternatives include: No alternatives are within the range of I alternatives which are incorporated alternatives alternatives to nuclear nuclear generation, environmental reviews alternatives considered in previous environmental incorporated herein by reference.

reviews or reports (see Section 1.7) reference. These previous reviews also considered generation, including energy sources not requiring new 1.7) new generating generating capacity (i.e.,

capacity (i.e., power reactivating, uprating, purchases; repowering, reactivating, uprating, or extending service life life I of existing existing plants; and demand-side demand-side management). Alternatives capacity (e.g., coal, natural gas, hydroelectric, Alternatives requiring new hydroelectric, and renewable renewable sources) were new generating generating were also assessed, as were combinations combinations of alternatives. A more in-depth discussiondiscussion on alternative alternative I energy sources is provided in Section 2.4. Section process, identification Section 2.5 describes describes the site screening identification of candidate sites, and the selection of the BLN site as the preferred preferred site for additional additional nuclear generation.

I To accommodate accommodate the delivery of power power produced produced from a single nuclear nuclear unit at the BLN site, TVA conducted an Interconnection Interconnection System Impact Study (TVA 2009b) and determined determined that I transmission network at least 3 percent upgrades represent network upgrades upgrades would be required if overloading with the new generation network upgrades percent greater than the loading without new generation represent the Action Alternative generation is generation at the BLN site. These Alternative for the transmission transmission system These system (see Section I 2.6 and Chapter 4).

Section Section 2.7 compares compares the alternatives alternatives for aa single nuclear generating generating unit at the BLN site site and summarizes the anticipated environmental impacts anticipated environmental impacts of the three generation alternatives alternatives I and two transmission system alternatives. Mitigation measures designed to avoid or minimize minimize impacts to resources identification of TVA's resources are described in Section 2.8, and identification TVA's alternative is addressed preferred alternative addressed in Section Section 2.9.

I 2.1.

2.1. Alternative Alternative A - No Action Action Under the No Action Alternative, Aiternative, TVA would continue continue to maintain the construction permits I for BLN 1&2 in 1&2 deferreddeferred status. In deferred status, no construction would occur and no In deferred power would be generated onsite. TVA would continue continue to maintain maintain selected no selected plant systems systems and the physical physical plant in a state of nondeterioration, nondeterioration, including major components such as as I the intake and discharge switchyards discharge structures, cooling towers, and wastewater switchyards and the transformer transformer yard onsite wastewater system. The onsite would continue to be maintained state. TVA would continue to use the simulator building and the environmental The maintained in an active active environmental data data I station/meteorological station/meteorological tower. TVA has refurbished refurbished the construction construction administration building to provide office space for personnel assigned to study the feasibility feasibility of completing completing BLN I

Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 23 23 I

Single Single Nuclear Bellefonte Site Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site I 1&2, and TVA would continue to maintain presently totals approximately maintain facilities to house personnel. The onsite staff approximately 200 persons.

1B The existing containment, turbine, and auxiliary structures structures not identified as necessary auxiliary buildings would not be demolished. Other necessary would continue continue to be sold, dismantled, and removed I g from the site, or demolished.

demolished. Such structures, most of which are metal and wood warehouses, are located generated generated would located in the western western portion of the site. Any demolition disposed of in appropriately be disposed demolition wastes wastes appropriately permitted solid waste or other disposal I Equipment identified as unnecessary facilities. Equipment unnecessary would have the power power disconnected disconnected and would either either be reused at other TVA facilities, sold for reuse elsewhere, place. TVA has both agency and site processes processes and procedures abandoned in elsewhere, or abandoned procedures in place to safely handle the demolition and removal of the identified equipment, structures, and fuels or lubricants in in handle in II an environmentally environmentally sound manner. TVA would continue to conduct periodic site inspections to ensure that none of the equipment or materials would cause environmental, safety problems.

safety problems.

inspections environmental, health, or oU In deferred In deferred status, TVA would also perform perform basic maintenance includes, but would not be limited to the following actions:

maintenance of key equipment equipment that I3

    • Testing and upkeep etc.).


upkeep of fire protection protection equipment equipment (hoses, valves, smoke smoke detectors, I3

    • Testing and upkeep upkeep of compressors, dehumidifiers, in plant piping and other minor dehumidifiers, and heaters heaters to maintain maintain dry air lube sumps with oil.

minor activities such as refilling the lube I

  • Manual rotation of equipment to prevent freezing Manual TVA would continue regulatory compliance activities freezing up and corrosion activities that include corrosion of bearings.

include monitoring monitoring and and II maintenance maintenance of equipment equipment used to assure compliance with National Pollutant Discharge Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and Spill Prevention programs. In In addition, Prevention Control and Countermeasures monitoring reports, demolition permits addition, division monitoring Countermeasures (SPCC) permits (10 day notifications),

I and permits applicable applicable to the entire site would be maintained. These measures would measures would continue as long as TVA has ownership continue for Synthetic Minor Minor Source ownership of the BLN site. The NPDES permit, an Air Permit Source Operation Operation related to diesel generators, and a Resource Resource III Conservation Conservation and Recovery Recovery Act permit remain remain active. Maintaining Maintaining and complying with these existing existing permits and regulations would ensure that TVA may decidedecide if, ensure the stability of the site until such time if, or how, the site would be utilized. Such a future decision decision would be be mi

-I subjected subjected to the appropriate appropriate environmental environmental review at that time. Accordingly, under under the No Action Alternative, TVA would continue to pur~ue pursue the BLN Units 33 & & 4 licensing licensing activities activities leading to the issuance issuance of a combined combined license.


2.2. Alternative Alternative B B - Completion Completion and Operation Operation of a Single B&W B&W Pressurized Light Water Reactor Reactor Under Alternative Alternative B, TVA would completecomplete and operate pressurized light water operate one B&W pressurized reactor, either BLN unit 1 or 2, as described in TVA's 1974 FSAR (TVA 1978a). The B&W facility descriptions the contents of these documents.

descriptions 1974 FES (TVA 1974) provided in Section Bellefonte 1974) and Bellefonte Section 2.2.1 are based on I I

I 24 Draft Supplemental Statement Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I

I Chapter Chapter 2 I 2.2.1 FacilityDescription Facility Descriptionfor Single Unit pressurized light water Each of the two B&W pressurized Unit Operation Operation water reactors is rated at 3,600 MWt (core thermal) thermal)

I with a stretch capability of 3,760 MWt, and an electrical output of at least 1,200 operating life is expected station operating expected to be 40 years.

1,200 MW. The The The plant structures (see Figure 2-1) 2-1) presently containment buildings, presently consist of two reactor containment I a control building, a turbine building, an auxiliary building, a service building, a condenser circulating water pumping pumping station, two diesel generator generator buildings, a river intake intake pumping pumping natural-draft cooling towers, a transformer yard, a 500-kilovolt station, two natural-draft SOO-kilovolt (kV)

(kV) switchyard I 161-kV switchyard, and a 161-kV switchyard, aa spent nuclear fuel storage storage pool, and sewage Additionally, there are office buildings to house engineering sewage treatment facilities.

engineering and other personnel. Entrance Entrance roads, parking lots, railroad spurs, and a helicopter landing pad are in place and are helicopter landing I capable of supporting a construction Reactor Power Conversion Reactor construction project.

Conversion System System and Reactor Coolant Coolant System I The nuclear steam supply system design design for each unit comprises a pressurized reactor, the reactor coolant system, and associated auxiliary water pressurized light water auxiliary fluid systems. The reactor coolant system (see Figure 2-2) is arranged in two, closed coolant loops connected connected in parallel to the reactor vessel. Each loop contains two reactor coolant pumps and a once-I through steam generator. An electrically loops.

electrically heated pressurizer pressurizer is connected to one of the the I The reactor core consists of 205 fuel assemblies, 72 control rod assemblies, and 8 axial power shaping rod assemblies. Each fuel assembly provides for 264 fuel rods, 24 rod guide tubes, and 1 instrumentation instrumentation tube positioned positioned in a 17 x 17 array. The core is designed I to operate approximately approximately 18 months between refueling refueling (DOE 1999).

The reactor and reactor coolant system have three primary safety functions. First, the the I system is designed to provide provide conditions for the reactor coolant temperature, and core power that allow adequate adequate heat maintains the integrity of the fuel cladding, removal from the fuel.

temperature, pressure, flow This safety cladding, which is the primary barrier to the release function release of flow radioactive fission products. Second, the reactor coolant system is designed radioactive designed to maintain maintain its I integrity under all operating conditions, which functions as a second fission products second barrier barrier to the release of products that may escape the fuel cladding. Third, the system is able to place the place the reactor core in a safe shutdown condition, condition, assuming failure of a supporting system or failure failure I of the reactor coolant system itself. Several safety functions.

Several supporting supporting systems aid in performing these I The reactor building for each unit consists of a post-tensioned containment structure and a free-standing post-tensioned concrete primary free-standing reinforced concrete secondary secondary containment containment structure. The primary containment, which which houses the reactor power power conversion conversion and I coolant systems, has a leak-tight leak-tight 0.2S-inch surrounded by a free-standing 0.25-inch thick steel liner. This primary containment free-standing secondary containment containment composed of a reinforced shell designed to maintain a slight vacuum in the annulus between annulus between the containment is reinforced concrete primary concrete containment primary containment and the secondary secondary containment containment to assure inleakage inleakage into the annulus. The primary I containment has a design pressure of 50 pound-force designed to withstand withstand the internal pressure pound-force per square square inch gauge (psig) and is pressure associated with any design-basis loss-of-coolant accident. The secondary secondary containment is designed designed to resist various combinations of various combinations I seismic activity, activity, wind, tornado forces, external pressure for normal and accident conditions.

external missiles, snow loads, and externalexternal water water I

Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Impact Statement Environmental Impact Statement 25 25 I


I' I



'I Page intentionally intentionally blank I m




.1 I

D Ori F91~:~~~~f.\~~tijon Bui lding


\ \




Guntersville Reservoir Legend Structures Bellefonte Project Area D Existing Structure Switchyard

_ Refurbished Building _ Road

_ New Area/Stucture Rail Spur

_ Security Veh icle Barrier System

_ Water Intake D Waterbody o 500 1,000 1.500 2,000

~-- Feet

Page intentionally blank

I Chapter 2 I


I Once-Through Once-Through (2)

Steam Generators (2)

I /



I I Reactor Coolant Pumps (4)

Pressurizer I

Reactor Vessel I

I Figure 2-2. B&W Reactor Coolant Coolant System I


Environmental Impact Statement Draft Supplemental Environmental Statement 29 29 I

Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte SiteSite I Engineered Engineered Safety Engineered Safety Features Engineered safety safety features are used to reduce the potential radiation radiation dose to the general II II public public from the result of a maximummaximum hypothetical hypothetical accident to below below the guideline values of 10 CFR Part 100. The potential potential dose is reduced reduced by immediate immediate and automatic isolation of all reactor building fluid penetrations penetrations that are not required for limiting the consequences consequences of the the I3 accident. This action eliminates penetrations from 'becoming eliminates these penetrations becoming potential leakage paths.

potential leakage Long-term Long-term potential releases releases following the accident accident are minimized by reducing the reactor reactor buildings' pressure buildings' pressure to nearly atmospheric atmospheric pressure within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, thereby reducing the the driving potential for fission product escape.

In addition, the engineered In geometry safety features would cool the core, maintaining engineered sC!fety geometry should the worst postulated postulated loss-of-coolant loss-of-coolant accident maintaining itit in a coolable coolable accident occur. This is accomplished accomplished I,


emergency core cooling system, which includes the core flooding, high-pressure high-pressure by the emergency injection, and low-pressure injection, accumulator accumulator low-pressure injection systems. The core flooding system consists tanks directly connected connected to the reactor vessel reactor vessel via check consists of twoI valves. The two tanks tanks I

I'I, contain borated borated water with a nitrogen overpressure that provides nitrogen overpressure provides automatic automatic injection of the the contained water through the check valves into the reactor contained reactor vessel vessel whenever whenever the reactor coolant system pressure falls below the nitrogen pressure in the tank. The high-pressure high-pressure injection system uses the high-pressure high-pressure reactor makeup makeup pumps to pump water from aa borated water source into the cold leg reactor borated nozzles. The low-pressure reactor coolant piping near the reactor vessel inlet low-pressure injection system uses the decay heat removal removal pumps to take take I'

suction from a borated water water source and pump this water through the decay heat removal heat exchangers exchangers directly into the reactor vessel through the core flood nozzles. After injection is complete, the coolant is recirculated by the low- and high-pressure high-pressure injection I pumps from an emergency sump below the reactor coolant system through the decay removal heat exchanger and back to the reactor vessel.

decay heat heat 3

removal heat exchanger and back to the reactor vessel.

Each turbo-generator is a tandem compound, Each turbo-generator two-stage reheat, 1,800 compound, four-flow, two-stage 1,800 rpm rpm I

machine, manufactured manufactured by the Brown Boveri Corporation. Corporation. The expected net generator generator electrical output is at least 1,200 MW at rated (licensed) power levels.

electrical output I II Each of the two nuclear Each nuclear units in the plant is provided with an independent electric power independent electric power system to supply plant auxiliaries auxiliaries and provide instrumentation instrumentation and control power. Each nuclear unit is provided with two diesel generators as standby power supplies in the event nuclear unit is provided with two diesel generators as standby power supplies in the event of aa loss of all off-site power. Each diesel generator generator supplies power to one of the two two redundant redundant and independent independent Class IE power trains in each each nuclear power unit. The capacity of the diesel generators would allow either one of the two generators accident loads generators per unit to supply safe I shutdown or accident loads for its unit.

Essential Essential Raw Cooling Water System essential raw cooling water system is designed The essential designed to remove heat loads from safety-I£ I£ related equipment and systems. The component component cooling water system provides cooling cooling water for various system components and heat exchangers during both normal and accident conditions. The component cooling water system is aa closed cooling system consisting of two separate water separate cooling This heat is then rejected cooling loops per unit, and acts as an intermediate rejected to the essential raw cooling water. The essential water system consists of a total of eight main essential intermediate heat sink.

essential raw cooling essential raw water cooling water pumps for for I

II both units, located in the intake pumping station to supply water water from the river to thethe components to be cooled, and to discharge the water into the cooling tower basins. The intake pumps wash pumping stationtheis screens prevent also equipped with four traveling from becoming traveling water clogged with screens screens and four screen debris.

wash pumps prevent the screens from becoming clogged with debris.

I 30 Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement .


I Chapter Chapter 2 I The intake intake pumping station is located at the end of the intake channel extending 1,200 Guntersville Reservoir shoreline. The intake from the Guntersville 1,200 feet centered in a natural draw intake channel is centered on the west side of the reservoir. When constructed, constructed, the channel was excavatedexcavated to rock to I create a 200-foot-wide 200-foot-wide manmade In addition, aa 25-foot-wide In manmade channel from the reservoir to the intake pumping station.

25-foot-wide trench was excavated excavated into the rock along the centerline of the the channel channel bottom and extends an additional 760 feet beyond the shoreline shoreline to the main river I channel.

channel. This trench elevation trench is angled to slope downward elevation 566.5 feet at the main downward toward the intake pumping main river channel to elevation pumping station from elevation 565.5 feet near the intake intake pumping station. A floating pontoonpontoon type structure (trash boom) boom) across the intake channel I at the shoreline would serve as a barrier against milfoil and other floating debris, and would discourage discourage direct direct approach approach to the intake pumping station station from the reservoir.

would I The intake channel directly directly connects to the main river channel downstream Guntersville including loss of the downstream channel at all reservoir levels, Guntersville Dam. The ultimate units is the water source and associated routing structures, exclusive ultimate heat sink for the B&W B&W pumping exclusive of the intake pumping station, which is used to remove waste heat heat from the plant under all conditions. The The I ultimate heat heat sink is the Tennessee upstream of the plant il)take, Tennessee River, including the complex of TVA-controlled intake, Guntersville Dam, and the plant intake channel.

TVA-controlled dams dams channel. The ultimate ultimate heat sink is designed designed to perform the principal safety function, throughoutthroughout the plant's life, of I dissipating equipment heat loads after an accident dissipating essential equipment including startup, power generation, shutdown, and refueling.

accident and during normalnormal conditions conditions I Other Structures Other Existing Structures The existing existing cooling towers towers are closed-cycle, natural draft closed-cycle, natural draft hyperbolic cooling towers. Each concrete concrete tower is 474 feet high and has a basin with a diameter of 412 feet. This type of I condenser condenser cooling water system enables the plant to operate with a minimum on the Tennessee Tennessee River, because the system cycles through the condensers cycles condensers and discharges the warmed water back cool water from minimum thermal the thermal effect cooling towers towers back to the cooling towers in aa closed system system rather rather than discharging it to the river. As aa result, closed-cycle closed-cycle cooling I systems systems use substantially less water because through the main condenser because the cooling water condenser and only makeup cooling recirculated water is continually recirculated makeup water for normal system losses is required.

I A barge unloading Guntersville unloading dock is located Reservoir located just north of the blowdown vault on the west bank of approximately Guntersville Reservoir approximately 4700 feet south of the intake channel. channel. This facility was constructed constructed with steel pilings to permit use of the facility throughout the operating operating life life I cycle of the plant.

Norfolk Southern Southern Railway Railway Company (NSRC) owns and operates operates a railroad line, which runs runs I Scottsboro and Hollywood.

through Scottsboro the BLN site to the NSRC Hollywood. TVA owns and controls a railroad spur that connects NSRC mainline about about three miles northwest northwest of the BLN site.

connects The existing meteorological tower was built in 2006 to support the COLA. For a B&W unit, I existing meteorological aa taller tower would be needed, and either the height of the existing be increased increased or aa new tower would be built that provides meteorological 55-meter tower would existing 55-meter meteorological data sufficient sufficient to describe describe atmospheric atmospheric transport and diffusion characteristics characteristics for operation operation of Unit 1 or 2.

I The existing additional instrumentation would be used on the taller tower. See Section existing instrumentation information about the existing meteorological additional information meteorological tower Section 2.3.2 for for I Exclusion Area Boundary The exclusion exclusion area boundary (EAB) (EAB) is the boundary on which limits for the release of radioactive effluents are based. The EAB is the same for both the B&W and AP1000 I

Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement 31 I

Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Site* Ii alternatives alternatives and is shown shown in Figure 2-3. This boundary licensing basis for BLN 1 1&2 boundary was originally established established as the

&2 and has not changed. The EAB follows the site property I

boundary on the land-bound Creek. The EAB Creek land-bound side, the Tennessee EAB extends Tennessee River side, and the lower portion of Town extends beyond the site property boundary Creek on the northwest side of the property. No residents boundary to the opposite shore of Town residents live in this exclusion exclusion area. No

£I I'

unrestricted unrestricted areas within the site boundary area are accessible accessible to the public. The TownTown Creek portion of the EAB is controlled Creek controlled by TVA. The property is clearly posted and includes actions to be taken in the event of emergency emergency conditions at the plant. The site's physical security security plan contains information on actions to be taken by security security personnel in the event of unauthorized unauthorized persons crossing the EAB. The land and water inside the exclusion area is owned or controlled by TVA and is in the custodycustody of TVA. I CurrentStatus Status of Partially PartiallyConstructed 2.2.2 As described Current ConstructedFacility Facility described in Section 1.2, following deferral, BLN 1&2 were placed in a preventive maintenance and lay-up maintenance lay-up program preventive program to preserve plant assets. Over the years, the scope of I

this program was reduced refurbish/replace reduced when itit was determined refurbish/replace certain plant components programs. The preservation determined to be more economical economical to components rather than continue the lay-up and preservation preservation maintenance and lay-up programs were continued until August preservation maintenance August I

2005. Equipment maintained under this program would be evaluated Equipment maintained evaluated to determine determine ifif it must be replaced replaced or refurbished refurbished prior to completion completion and operation operation of aa BLN unit. I In November November 2005, TVA cancelled withdrawal withdrawal of the construction permits in 2006. After termination construction of BLN 1&2. TVA subsequently cancelled construction construction permits from the NRC, of the NRC, and the NRC construction permits, subsequently requested NRC formally terminated permits in 2006. After termination of the construction permits, TVA began an effort TVA began an terminated the effort to to II recover sunk costs at the BLN site by disposing disposing of plant assets. A substantial substantial amount of plant equipment equipment was removed as part of these investment recovery activities. The BLN Redress Environmental Environmental Assessment (TVA 2006) discussed or structures structures not identified identified as necessary discussed the need to remove equipment necessary for other site activities. The items removed equipment I exchangers, valves, strainers, batteries, fans and included piping, tanks, pumps, heat exchangers, motors, air compressors, shop equipment, and minor buildings. Other items removed removedI I included diesel generator generator fuel, and other oils and lubricants.

and buildings would be replaced as needed under lubricants. This equipment, fuel, lubricant, under Alternative Alternative B. 3 All major plant structures, including the reactor, auxiliary, control, turbine, and office and I

service service buildings, and plant cooling towers were constructed intact. Some new construction original power constructed for both Units 11&2 &2 and remain construction would be required for the completion of either unit. The power stores warehouse building has been removed and would need to be rebuilt.


. The auxiliary auxiliary boiler building has been removed and would need to be replaced. ItIt is expected expected that any new construction of buildings would occur on previously previously disturbed disturbed land.

No new water water intakes or outfalls are needed. The majority of the construction construction activities on on plant systems and components components would involve replacement or refurbishment involve replacement refurbishment of equipment equipment contained within the current structures. As shown on Figure contained 2-1, all new construction Figure 2-1, support buildings, laydown areas, and parking areas would be situated on previously disturbed land within the original plant footprint.

disturbed construction previously I I 3I II II 32 32 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Draft Supplemental Environmental Statement Impact Statement I

I Chapter Chapter 2 I



I '4?




I 0.0Iagr Da.e Date 0 f Imagery I o o

Legend BLN Exclusion Area Boundary 0.D 0.f W1,E Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Site (TVA Property Boundary) vUne 15, 2006 Image I Tnmles I Figure 2-3.

2-3. Exclusionary Exclusionary Area Boundary Boundary for Alternatives Alternatives Band B and C I

Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Impact Statement 33 33 I

Single Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site I As part of an update of the cost and schedule to complete BLN 1&2 that was completed May 2008, TVA contracted contracted with AREVA NP, Inc. to assess completed in assess the condition of selected selected plan II features. AREVA conducted conducted inspections of four mechanical systems/equipment, and plant civil/structural The inspections inspections found BLN, accounting accounting for removed systems, plant electrical mechanicClI;~ystems, civil/structural features in ordedo order to determine their condition.

removed equipment, was in generally condition.

generally good

£ I


TVA has initiated initiated aa DSEP project to expand upon the AREVA effort effort. and provide provide a more more I I5 detailed assessment assessment of the existing plant configuration configuration and the requirements to complete complete engineering and construction.

engineering 2.2.3 2.2.3 ProposedPlant Proposed Plant Construction Construction Activities BLN Units 1 completion 1&2 and supporting

&2 were being constructed completion approximately constructed on aa staggered approximately 2 years before staggered schedule, with Unit 1 scheduled before Unit 2. So, while construction infrastructure were substantially supporting infrastructure substantially completed scheduled for construction of major buildings completed for both units during during the initial I

construction phase, in general, Unit 1 construction identified identified major as well as as planned planned enhancements, construction is further along than Unit 2. The major activities required to complete the construction enhancements, are listed below. Activities The construction scope for BLN Unit 1 or 2, Activities for either unit would be be I

similar, but Unit 2 would require the completion of final piping structural supports, installation of instrumentation, installation of small piping and valves, insulation, installation completion of architectural completion architectural features.

insulation, and the I This listing is based on the May 2008 cost and schedule

investment recovery which were affected by investment I3 activities (note: as described described above, each B&W unit has two steam generators).

The current steam generators generators had their piping cut and tubes removed and are I damaged beyond repair. A more complete description of the replacement process is provided replacement provided in Section Section 2.2.4.

thesteam steam generator generator I1

    • Refurbish Refurbish and/or replace replace major turbine generator rotors, generator, and controls.

generator equipment equipment such as bearings, 3

  • " Replace various obsolete instrumentation Replace instrumentation and control control systems nuclear systems for both the nuclear I

steam supply systems and secondary control systems.

Replace major pumps, motors, heat exchangers, Replace exchangers, tanks, and piping removed as part I',

investment recovery.

of investment

    • Refurbish major equipment, such as reactor Refurbish reactor coolant pumps, control and I instrumentation, diesel generators, and plant electrical electrical breakers.
    • Upgrade plant barge unloading Upgrade unloading dock in order to receive and unloadunload steam II, generators generators and other major plant equipment. No dredging unloading dock dock is required for construction dredging in the area of the barge construction of a B&W unit.

barge J

  • " Remove silt from the intake channel.

channel. From the pumping station to the trash boom (a I

distance of approximately 1,200 distance approximately 1,200 feet), approximately approximately 10,000 cubic yards of dredged dredged material would be removed.

distance removed. From the trash boom to the main river channel (a approximately 760 feet), approximately I

distance of approximately approximately 11,100 cubic yards of dredged 34 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I

34 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I

I Chapter Chapter 2 I material would be removed. Dredged spoils area above the 500-year Dredged material material would be disposed 500-year flood elevation.

disposed of in an on-site I ** Replace transmission system equipment utilized for plant operation switchyard switchyard breakers.

operation such as as I ** Upgrade a cooling tower, so that it would perform at 100 Upgrade capacity. Typical modifications 100 percent percent of original design modifications of this type at other TVA natural draft cooling towers have included (but are not limited to) modifying and extending towers distribution piping extending distribution I headers, replacing existing material. Comparable existing and adding spray nozzles, modifications material. Comparable modifications the cooling tower upgrades upgrades would be would be determined nozzles, and adding or replacing fill anticipated, anticipated, but the exact nature of determined later (Long 2009).

I ** Update the plant control room and build aa new simulator for operator Update operator training.

I **

Replace auxiliary boiler and auxiliary boiler building.

Replace Perform code inspection, inspection, documentation, documentation, and reconciliation American reconciliation to meet American Mechanical Engineers (ASME) standards.

Society of Mechanical I *" Install an intrusion barrier (most likely aa simple boom) to provideprovide security for the the component cooling cooling water system intake intake pumping station and intake channel.

I 2.2.4 Steam Generator Generator Replacement For completion completion of either Unit 1 or Unit 2, two steam generators generators would have to be replaced.


I At approximately approximately 490 components to be delivered tons each, the two steam delivered to the BLN site during generators generators would be the largest construction. The steam generators during construction.

would be transported from the fabrication facility by rail and/or barge generators barge to the BLN site. Once Once I for temporary replacement steam generators at the BLN site, the replacement temporary storage. Two options preference:


off-loaded onto steel saddles generators would be off-loaded saddles contractor options for off-loading could be used, based on contractor I ** Gantry crane. A gantry crane was used during the original BLN 1&2 construction, Gantry and the existing foundations may support the new gantry crane. However, some construction, some I **

additional excavation Barge excavation may be needed Barge drive off. Using this method needed for the foundation caissons.

method the barge barge interior cells would be filled with river water water and stabilized stabilized at the height of the river bank and then a multi-wheeled multi-wheeled hauler hauler I vehicle would be driven driven onto the barge and under vehicle would then rise up to lift the steam generators the steam generators.

steam generators. The generators and drive off the barge.

The I The existing barge off-loading the barge off-loading off-loading area would require some improvements, and foundation work for use with either barge off-loading to the BLN containment barge off-loading containment would be cleared improvements, including excavation off-loading system. The road leading cleared of vegetation leading from from grading vegetation by grading I and adding gravel Because gravel to provide a level Because the BLN 1&2 level path for the multi-wheeled multi-wheeled hauler vehicle to travel.

1&2 reactors have not been irradiated, travel.

irradiated, some steel piping on the old Unit Unit 1 steam generator was removed removed from the inside, but the containment I generator intact. The remainder of the old steam generators to the installation of new steam generator containment buildings are still generators would be removed as one piece, similar generator discussed discussed below. After exiting the containment, similar the old steam generators generators would be placed on existing slabs and cut up and sold for scrap.

I 35 Environmental Impact Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement 35 I

Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Site I The preferred generators preferred method generators is discussed generator removal and installation method of old steam generator discussed below:

installation of the new steam I

    • Removal of old and installation of new steam generators equipment equipment hatch for passage generators would use the existing passage in and out of containment.


    • The steel plenum of the HVAC inside would be cut to provide provide an opening containment just inside the equipment inside containment approximately approximately size hole would be cut into the reactor pool concrete 14 feet x 14 equipment hatch feet. Next a similar concrete wall. This cut would either be similar be I

done with chipping chipping hammers or with the use of a hydrodemolition A rail system would be installed from the outside hydrodemolition equipment outside of containment containment to the inside of the the I

reactor reactor pool. A multi-wheeled multi-wheeled cart would be set on the rail system to move the the generators out and in, steam generators in. I

    • A temporary temporary rigging device device would be set on top of the polar crane girders for lifting lifting the old steam generators generators from the cubicle to the multi-wheeled generator would be moved out of containment.

generator multi-wheeled cart. The old steam containment. An outside lift system would remove remove I

the old steam generators generators from the cart to a multi-wheeled multi-wheeled hauler vehicle, which would move them to a slab to be cut up and sold for scrap.


    • In aa reverse manner, the new steam In steam generators generators would be taken from the storage storage slab by the multi-wheeled hauler vehicle to a gantry crane outside containment, placed placed on the cart, rolled into containment containment on the rail system, upended pool by a temporary lifting device, and placed in the steam generator upended in the reactor generator cubicle.

reactor I In preparation In preparation for installation installation of the replacement replacement steam generators generators into the containment excavation and foundation work would be needed to install an outside building, some excavation containment outside lift lift I

system. The area next to the containment would be excavated excavated as necessary necessary and then backfilled back to the existing plant grade backfilled components would be replaced components grade after after the replacement. The steel and concrete replaced to safety and engineering engineering standards. Waste concrete concrete I

would be transported to an appropriately appropriately permitted disposal site.

In general, general, the steam generator replacement process would entail activities generator replacement activities and effects effects I

typical of other on-site construction activities including site re-clearing, minor minor demolition and new construction, construction, and equipment equipment replacement. A hydro-demolition pressure water jet, could be used to remove concrete pressure hydro-demolition process, using aa high-concrete while leaving the steel reinforcement reinforcement I bar intact. The process approximately 450,000 gallons process would use approximately gallons of water, likely from the the local municipal source, and produce be captured, produce a water and concrete concrete slurry. This wastewater captured, sampled, treated, and released through an approved NPDES discharge would wastewater would discharge point. I 2.3.

Under Alternative Alternative C - Construction and Operation Advanced Pressurized Advanced Pressurized Alternative C, TVA would Light construct Water and Operation of aa Westinghouse Reactor Reactor operate Westinghouse AP1 AP1000 a single AP1000 pressurized light 000 I

Under light water water reactor on the BLN site. The following AP1000 AP1 000 facility description FSAR Revision 1 (TVA 2009a) and COLA ER Revision 1 content (TVA 2008a). Existing main structures that would be used under Alternative C are discussed description is based on COLA discussed in Section 2.3.2.

I, I

I 36 Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement I

I Chapter 2 I 2.3.1 2.3.1 The nuclear Facility Facility Description Description of Single Unit nuclear steam supply Unit Operation Operation supply system for the AP1 000 is a Westinghouse-designed Westinghouse-designed pressurizedpressurized I light water reactor. The rated thermal power electrical power of the reactor electrical output of at least 1,100 MW. The plant operating reactor is 3,400 MWt, with a nuclear steam supply system rating of 3,415 MWt (core plus reactor coolant pump heat), and an operating life cycle is expected nuclear expected to be 40 an 40 years.

I An AP1000 AP1 000 power power block complex is composed composed of five principal principal building structures: the the nuclear island, turbine building, annex building, diesel generator generator building, building, and radwaste I building (see Figure the nuclear Figure 2-4). Each of these is constructed foundation basemat. All safety-related nuclear island.

constructed on an individual individual reinforced concrete safety-related structures, systems, and components are located structures located off the nuclear island are neither island. The structures concrete located on safety-related neither safety-related I nor seismic Category Category 1.

The nuclear island is composed of the containment containment building, shield building, and auxiliary I building. The containment cylindrical containment building, a seismic Category II structure, cylindrical steel containment containment vessel with elliptical upper vessel contains the release of airborne radioactivity structure, is aa freestanding freestanding upper and lower heads. The containment containment postulated design-basis radioactivity following postulated design-basis accidents accidents and provides shielding for the reactor core and reactor coolant system during during I normal operations. The containment reinforced shield containment building is surrounded shield building. In surrounded by a seismic Category In conjunction with the internal structures Category I structures of the containment containment building, the shield building provides the required shielding for the reactor coolant system, I and the other radioactive systems and components building also protects the containment tornados components housed in the containment. The shield containment vessel and reactor coolant system from the effects effects of tornados and tornado-produced tornado-produced missiles. The auxiliary building is aa seismic Category Category II I reinforced concrete structure, which provides Category Category II mechanical The auxiliary mechanical and electrical provides protection and separation electrical equipment separation for seismic equipment located outside the containment seismic containment building.

auxiliary building shares a common basemat with the containment common basemat containment building and the the I shield shield building. The nuclear island structures are designed to withstand natural phenomena such as hurricanes, floods, tornados, and earthquakes capability capability to perform safety functions. The nuclear island is designed withstand the effects effects of earthquakes without loss of withstand the designed to withstand the effects effects of postulated internal events events such as fire and flooding without loss of capability to I perform safety functions.

The turbine building building is a steel column and beam structure, which houses the main turbine, I generator, and associated associated fluid and electrical systems. It purification system and provides weather protection It also houses the makeup protection for the laydown makeup water laydown and maintenance maintenance of turbine/generator components.

major turbine/generator I The annex building is a combination combination of reinforced concrete and steel-framed steel-framed structure insulated metal siding. The annex building provides the main personnel entrance to the structure with with the I generation complex, includes power generation and equipment equipment accessways radiological control area control area via includes the health physics facilities, and provides accessways to and from the containment the auxiliary provides personnel containment building and the rest of the building.

the I The diesel generator building is a single-story, steel-framed steel-framed structure structure with insulated siding. The building houses two identical slide-along diesel generators separated by aa insulated metal three-hour three-hour fire wall. The diesel generators generators provide backup power power for plant operation operation if I normal power sources are disrupted.


I Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Impact Statement Environmental Impact Statement 37 37 I


I, Ii I



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-- Cirmk!r,w ille Re;)I!r1'(lir Legend Existing Structure L-_--' Switchyard Rail Spur New Area/Struct ure Road - - - Vehic~e Barrter System

_ Security --------. Fence Line

_ \l\Gter Intake l-~...J AP1000 Road D \l\Gterbody

'--_--'I BellebnteP rojectArea

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I Chapter 2 I The radwaste radwaste building includes facilities for segregated segregated storage storage of various categories waste prior to processing, for processing by mobile systems, and for storing processed categories of I waste in shipping and disposal containers. Additional plant structures include administration/office administration/office buildings, switchyard, transmission lots, and railroad spur.

transmission towers, entrance include warehouses, entrance roads, parking parking I arrangement for the AP1000 The overall plant arrangement AP1 000 unit is designed designed to minimize minimize the building volumes and quantities of bulk materials (concrete, structural steel, rebar) consistent safety, operational, maintenance, maintenance, and structural needs needs to provide building consistent with provide an aesthetically aesthetically pleasing with I effect. Half of the plant would be constructed off-site modules. Natural features to reduce the plant's impact on the environment.


off-site and transported features of the site would be preserved Landscaping transported to the site as preserved as much as possible and utilized for the site, areas as utilized adjacent adjacent Ii to the structures, and the parking visual impacts.

parking areas would blend with the natural surroundings surroundings to reducereduce Reactor Power Conversion System ~ystem and Reactor Reactor Coolant System I The major components of an AP1 000 reactor are a single reactor pressure major components steam generators, generators, and four reactor coolant pumps for converting pressure vessel, two converting reactor reactor thermal energy two into steam. A single, high-pressure high-pressure turbine and three low-pressure low-pressure turbines drive a single single I electric generator. The steam and power power conversion conversion system is designed energy from the reactor coolant system via the two steam generators electrical electrical power in the turbine-generator.

designed to remove heat generators and to convert itit to heat I The reactor reactor contains fuel rods assembled assembled into 157 mechanically mechanically identical along with control and structural elements. A fuel assembly consists identical fuel assemblies, assemblies, consists of 264 fuel rods in a I 17 x 17 square array. The core is designed to operate approximately refueling outages.

approximately 18 18 months months between between The AP1000 AP1 000 reactor coolant system (see FigureFigure 2-5) is designed to remove or to enable enable thethe I removal of heat from the reactor during all modes of operation, including accident accident conditions. The system consists of two heat heat transfer including shutdown and transfer circuits, each each with a steam generator, two reactor coolant pumps, a single hot leg and two cold legs, for circulating I, reactor coolant. The system also includes a pressurizer, interconnecting and instrumentation instrumentation needed needed for operational operational control and safeguards safeguards actuation.

circulating interconnecting piping, valves, actuation. All reactor coolant system equipment equipment is located in the reactor reactor containment.


I During operation, the reactor coolant pumps circulate vessel and the steam generators.

cirCl,Jlate pressurized generators. The water is heated pressurized water through the reactor heated as itit passes passes through the core to the the I steam steam generators generators where the heat is transferred transferred to the steam system. The water is returned to the reactor (core) by the pumps and the processprocess is repeated.

The turbine generator generator system is designed designed to change I flowing through the turbine into rotational rotational change the thermal mechanical thermal energy work, provide electrical power. ItIt consists of a double-flow, high-pressure which high-pressure energy of the steam rotates a generator turbine generator to and three three to double-flow, low-pressure low-pressure turbines. ItIt is a six-flow, tandem compound, compound, 1800 1800 rpm machine.

I The turbine system includes includes stop, control, and intercept intercept valves directly turbine and in the steam flow path, crossover and crossunder directly attached crossunder piping between attached to the between the turbine the turbine cylinders cylinders and the moisture moisture separator separator reheater. Each turbine generator generator has an expected net I generator generator MWt.

electrical output of at least 1,100 1,100 MW for each each reactor thermal output of 3415 3415 I

Draft Environmental Impact Statement Draft Supplemental Environmental Statement 41 I

Single Single Nuclear Bellefonte Site Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site I I



1I I



,I I


"I Figure 2-5. AP1000 Reactor Coolant System I£ I

I 42 42 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Supplemental Environmental Statement II

I Chapter 2 I The AP1 000 unit design includes an independent standby diesel diesel generators, independent electric power system. Two on-site generators, each furnished with its own support subsystems, provide provide power to the selected plant nonsafety-related nonsafety-related AC loads for aa single single AP1 000 unit. Two ancillary ancillary AC I diesel generators, located in the annex building, monitoring, building, provide power power for Class monitoring, for control room lighting and ventilation, and for refilling the passive 1E post-accident E post-accident containment passive containment AC cooling system water storage tank and the spent fuel pool, when no other sources of power power I are available. Another Another on-site Technical Site Center.

on-site diesel diesel generator backup power for the site generator provides backup I Raw Water System The raw water system supplies water from the intake to the circulating water system and the service water system to make up for water which which has been consumed consumed and discharged discharged I as part of the system operations.

remove remove heat from the main circulating water system supplies cooling water to operations. The circulating main condensers, the turbine building closed cooling water system heat exchangers, and the condenser vacuum pump seal water heat exchangers exchangers under varying conditions of power plant loading and design design weather conditions. The service water water I system supplies supplies cooling water to remove heat from the nonsafety-related cooling water system heat exchangers nonsafety-related component exchangers in the turbine building. The raw water water system supplies water to the circulating circulating water system cooling tower (natural draft cooling tower)

I and the service water system cooling tower (mechanical water consumed consumed as the result of evaporation, (mechanical draft cooling tower) to make make up for evaporation, drift (water droplets swept out of the tops of the cooling towers in a moving air stream), and blowdown (water released released to purge solids).


At the intake intake pumping station, the raw water is first strained by trash rakes, and then passes passes through the traveling screens. Once in the raw water system, the water water in each line each line I is further strained.

strained. For the circulating water removes debris and sends itit back to Guntersville removes water is used to supply two, 100-percent system, a back-washing back-washing feature of the strainers Guntersville Reservoir. A small portion strainers portion of the raw 100-percent capacity screen wash pumps, and the remainder remainder of the flow provides makeup to the circulating circulating water system cooling tower. For the service I water system, the water water is then filtered to remove remaining debris and discharged river. The raw water then proceeds to the service discharged to the service water system cooling tower, where itit the provides provides the necessary makeup.

I Engineered Safety Features Features 1\ Engineered safety features protect the public radioactive radioactive fission products public in the event of an accidental accidental release of products from the reactor coolant system. The engineered safety features function to localize, localize, control, mitigate, mitigate, and terminate such accidents maintain accidents and to maintain radiation exposure levels levels to the public public below applicable limits and guidelines, such as those those I' in 10 CFR Part 100. The AP1 000 engineered The containment containment vessel, an integral engineered safety features are described integral part of the overall containment described below.

containment system, contains the the I

release of airborne release of radioactivity following postulated design-basis design-basis accidents and accidents provides shielding for the reactor core and ,reactorreactor coolant system during normal operations. The vessel also functions safety-related ultimate heat functions as the safety-related heat sink by safely I' transferring transferring the heat associated associated with accident accident sources sources to the surrounding surrounding environment. The containment cooling system is designed to maintain the containment passive containment temperature below a specified maximum temperature containment air maximum value and to reduce the containment air containment temperature temperature The and pressure following a postulated postulated design-basis event. This system removes heat from I containment atmosphere and serves as the safety-related the containment design basis events and shutdowns. The passive containment release of radioactive radioactive material material to the environment safety-related ultimate ultimate heat sink for other other containment cooling system limits the environment by reducing the pressure pressure differential the Environmental Impact Statement Draft Supplemental Environmental Statement 43 I

Single Nuclear Single Nuclear Unit Unit at at the the Bellefonte Bellefonte Site I between the the containment atmosphere and driving force for leakage of of fission and the external environment, fission products products from the environment, which diminishes diminishes the the containment to the atmosphere.


II The primary function The function of of the the containment isolation emergency passage of fluids through the containment isolation system is to allow the normal or containment boundary boundary while preserving the containment boundary. This prevents or limits the escape of fission the I integrity of the containment products, including radioactivity that may result from postulated accidents, isolation provisions are designed so that fluid lines penetrating boundary are isolated in the event of an accident.

accidents. Containment Containment penetrating the primary containment containment 'I' The passive core cooling system is designed to provide emergency core cooling following postulated design-basis events. This system injects water into the reactor coolant system I

adequate core cooling for the complete range of loss of coolant accident events.

to provide adequate It also provides core decay heat removal during transients, accidents, or whenever the Itnormal also provides core decay heat removal paths are normal heat removal paths are lost.


removal during transients, accidents, or whenever the I emergency habitability system is designed so that the main control The main control room emergency room remains habitable following a postulated design-basis design-basis event. With a loss of all I alternating current power sources, the habitability habitability system maintains maintains an acceptable acceptable environment for continued operatingoperating staff occupancy.

Natural removal processes inside containment, the containment containment boundary, and the I

containment isolation system provide post-accident, safety-related containment safety-related fission product control.

The natural removal processes, including various aerosol removal processes scrubbing, remove airborne particulates processes and pool particulates and elemental iodine from the containment I'

atmosphere following a postulated design basis event.

Exclusion Area Boundary Exclusion I

The exclusion area boundary boundary is the same same for both the B&W and AP1000 alternatives and is AP1 000 alternatives discussed discussed in Section 2.2.1 (see Figure 2-3).

Use of Partially PartiallyConstructed ConstructedFacility Facility I

2.3.2 Approximately Approximately 400 acres of the 1600-acre constructed constructed and BLN associated 1&2 and structures 1600-acre BLN site were disturbed for the partially associated associated plant structures. Construction Construction of one partially AP1 000 unit unit I and associated removed under Alternative Alternative C.

are anticipated anticipated The existing turbine building and the office to disturb an additional additional 185 185 acres on the site.

office and service buildings at the BLN site would be be II Many of the other main structures Many the operation operation of an AP1000 channel structures from from the partially AP1 000 reactor. These channel and pumping station, blowdown partially completed These include completed BLN include natural blowdown discharge natural draft discharge structure, BLN 1&2 would be used for draft cooling towers, intake structure, transmission lines intake lines and for I

switchyards, switchyards, barge 4). Use of existing and unloading dock, existing structures reduces and is cost-effective.

cost-effective. The following railroad spur, and meteorological meteorological reduces the amount of additional following is a description additional land tower (see Figure 2-land that would be disturbed description of these systems and how they disturbed they would would I

serve serve an an AP1000.

AP1 000.

Natural Draft Cooling Tower Natural Draft Cooling Tower

'I TVA's 1974 FES considered considered several several heat dissipation dissipation systems. Considering feasibility, environmental environmental impact, and balance balance and were selected and cost, the natural draft selected as draft cooling cooling towers as the best heat dissipation towers represented represented the best dissipation facilities for BLN BLN 1&2 1&2 and were were I I,

44 Draft Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement I

I Chapter Chapter 2 I constructed.

constructed. For the same reasons identified above, TVA proposes to utilize existing existing cooling towers to provide heat dissipation dissipation for the AP1 000.

utilize one of the the I Intake Channel Channel and Pumping Station The intake channel and pumping station would provide make-up water to the AP1000. AP1 000.

Removal of silt from the intake channel would be necessary. From the pumping station to to

'I the trash boom (a distance of approximately approximately 1,200 feet), approximately of dredged material would be removed. Dredged Dredged material approximately 10,000 cubic yards material would be disposed of in an on-yards on-500-year flood elevation:

site spoils area above the SOD-year I Blowdown Discharge Blowdown Discharge Structure The purpose of the existing discharge discharge system is to disperse disperse blowdown blowdown water from the the

,I cooling towers into the Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir.

discharge and diffuser can be found in Section configuration and function for an AP1 AP1000 Additional information Additional information about Section 3.1.3. The blowdown discharge 000 unit would be the same the blowdown discharge system same as for a B&W unit.

I Transmission Switchyards Transmission Lines and Switchyards A detailed discussion of the transmission transmission lines and switchyards is provided provided in Section 2.6.1.


No new transmission lines were proposed in the COLA ER.

I Unloading Dock Barge Unloading The barge unloading unloading dock would allow the use of barges to transport heavy equipment, I large reactor reactor components assembled components (e.g., reactor vessel, steam generators, construction modules modules too large assembled in the factory, reducing generators, pressurizer), and large to ship by train. With barge access, largerlarger modules modules can be reducing on-site construction activity and workforce. An AP1 AP1000 be 000 I unit would require a total of 34 barge shipments of pre-fabricated and beginning beginning of construction barge shipments pre-fabricated modules shipments over a 3- to 4-month period. These modules would likely occur between construction commencement.

commencement. Another 12 These between the end of site preparation preparation 12 barge shipments, containing containing large vessels and heavy equipment, would likely be spread out over the duration of the I construction period, period, and it is not anticipated at any particular particular time. Construction anticipated that more than one or two barges would arrive Construction equipment barges would arrive as the equipment is the arrive needed, then depart as soon as the equipment is unloaded.

'I Dredging in the area area of the barge barge unloading dock would be required for construction AP1000 unit, because the barge loads of AP1000 construction modules construction of an modules and components components I are expected expected to be heavier than those for aa B&W unit. Approximately dredged Approximately 240 cubic yards of material would be removed. ItIt is also likely there would be one barge for the dredged material maintenance dredging activity, with the spoils transferred the maintenance transferred to equipment equipment that would haul itit I directly directly to the spoils area, and that barge would depart completed. This refurbishmenUmaintenance depart shortly after the dredging refurbishment/maintenance activity would occur construction to prepare the barge unloading dock dredging is occur near the beginning of dock for the construction construction period activity.

Dredged material material would be disposed disposed of in an on-site I elevation.

on-site spoils area above the 500-year SOD-year flood Barge transportation transportation would also be used to remove construction debris and other waste waste I from the site.

Railroad Spur Railroad Spur

,I The railroad spur would be used to support the delivery enough delivery of components components and modules small enough to be shipped in a rail car (e.g., large pumps, bulk construction construction commodities). Rail transportation would transportation would also be used to remove construction debris construction debris and other waste from the the Ii site.

Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement 45 45 I

Single Single Nuclear NuciearUnit Unit at the Bellefonte Bellefonte Site I.

Meteorological Tower Meteorological The existing meteorological meteorological tower tower was built in 2006 to support the COLA. The The I

meteorological meteorological facility consists of a 55-meter instrumented tower for wind and temperature 55-meter instrumented temperature measurements, a separate 1 O-meter tower for dewpoint measurements, 10-meter measurements, a ground-based instrument for rainfall measurements, and a data collection system in an instrument building ground-based building I

II (environmental data station). The environmental environmental data station is located located west of the tower tower base and has been evaluated evaluated as havinghaving no adverse influence measurements taken influence on the measurements at the tower. The data collected include: wind speeds, wind directions, directions, and temperatures at the 10-meter 1O-meter and 55-meter levels; and dewpoint dewpoint temperatures temperatures at the 110-meter O-meter level. The The location of the meteorological significant meteorological tower is sufficiently removed from any plant structures significant topographic topographic features. This system provides meteorological conditions meteorological conditions and to describe structures or adequate data to represent on-site provides adequate describe the local and regional regional atmospheric atmospheric transport and I

diffusion characteristics 2.4.

characteristics for operation operation of an AP1000 Energy Alternatives Considered Other Energy AP1 000 unit.

Considered I

Alternatives Alternatives discussed to nuclear-powered generation nuclear-powered generation at the BLN site have been analyzed earlier reviews. These alternatives discussed in earlier that do not require new generating alternatives are summarized generating capacity analyzed and summarized below and include those capacity (Section 2.4.1 ),alternatives and

),alternatives that require new those I generating generating capacity (Section 2.4.2), as well as a combination of those alternatives 2.4.3).

alternatives (Section I,

2.4.1 '

2.4.1' Alternatives Alternatives Not Requiring GeneratingCapacity Requiring New Generating Capacity TVA regularly regularly reviews purchased suppliers suppliers for use on the purchased power options (buying energy and/or TVA system) and has entered into and/or capacity from other long-term contracts long-term contracts to obtain obtain

'1' firm capacity. Currently, TVA has aa long-term long-term base baseload load purchase from the Red Hills Hills coal-fired plant, a long-term lease of the Caledonia hydroelectric purchase hydroelectric purchase from Southeastern Caledonia combustion turbine plant, a long-term Southeastern Power Administration Administration (SEPA) and short-term I

purchases from the wholesalewholesale powerpower market. Therefore, the use of purchased purchased power is already power from power included in TVA's current and future capacity already included other generators from other TVA's power generators was was not not addressed capacity estimates. Purchasing additional addressed further further because because itit (1)

(1) is is already already part part ofof I power planning process, (2) typically is subject subject to fuel volatility, (3) transfers transfers environmental environmental impacts to another location, and (4) involves additional additional potential impacts impacts on I


Repowering electrical Repowering the technology electrical generating plants is the process technology of existing time the plant was constructed.

constructed. Power uprates uprates process by which utilities update existing plants to realize gains in efficiency would be a potential potential alternative change update or change efficiency or output not possible at the source source of the baseload electricity.

baseload electricity. NRC has approved power uprates power uprates for TVA's Browns Ferry (BFN),


Sequoyah (SQN),

Sequoyah (SON), and Watts Bar (WBN) nuclear plants since 1998, and TVA is seeking seeking I additional uprates for its BFN units TVA continues to modernize increases increases its hydro generation provides more detailed provides provided provided by approved generation capacity. The need detailed information information on the additional need for power analysis in Section additional electrical generation approved or planned power uprates. However, power by themselves to meet meet forecasted forecasted baseload generation which modernize its hydro generation Section 1.4 generation that would be power uprates be uprates are not sufficient baseload capacity needs of 6,600 MW from 2010 to 2019 sufficient 2019 (medium-load (medium-load forecast).

Energy efficiency efficiency and demand side management management (DSM) (i.e., (i.e., energy conservation) conservation) offersoffers a I

potential potential way to help TVA primarily manage DSM generally affects peak demand.

commercial commercial programs to reduce peak demand demand intermediate and peaking manage intermediate and energy peaking needs, respectively.

demand. Since the 1970s, TVA has had residential consumption.

residential and consumption. TVA continuescontinues to I,

invest invest in DSM programs for residential, commercial, commercial, and industrial customers industrial customers that will

,I 46 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Supplemental Environmental Statement I

Chapter 2 benefit benefit customers, customers, consumers, and the TVA system by reducing peak demand demand and overall energy needs. TVA also has interruptible interruptible load contracts with industrial industrial customers customers that allow TVA to reduce the flow of energy to them during high demand periods. Reducing Reducing peak demand and energy demand energy needs needs lowers the need for additional capacity in the future. Energy Energy Vision 2020 examined examined the potential potential merits of a large number of different different energy efficiency and DSM measures and TVA is updating these analyses in its ongoing IRP process. These These resource options could reduce reduce demand, particularly peak demand, substantially in the the future, but will take time to implement implement and their results are uncertain. .

As discussed discussed in Section 1.4, 1.4, TVA's generating generating supply already already consists of a combination of existing TVA-owned resources, budgeted existing TVA-owned budgeted and approved approved projects (such as new plant additions additions and uprates uprates to existing assets), and/or power power purchase purchase agreements.

agreements. This supply includes a diverse combination of coal, nuclear, hydroelectric, natural gas and oil, market purchases, and renewable renewable resources designed to provide provide reliable, low-cost power while power while reducing the risk of disproportionate disproportionate reliance on any one type of resource. Each type of anyone generation generation has beenbeen added to serve a specific purpose, and can be categorized categorized into into intermediate uses. TVA's baseload baseload, peaking, and intermediate baseload generators generators historically have historically have been the larger coal plants and nuclear plants because operating costs because they have lower operating and are expected expected to be available available and operate continuously continuously throughout throughout the day. Depending Depending on the cost of natural gas, natural natural gas combined cycle cycle plants also may may prove to be an an economical economical means means of meeting base baseload load needs. Coal and natural natural gas generation, generation, however, each uncertainties respecting each have uncertainties respecting their production production costs and performance performance in the future as as I does does nuclear generation.

that increasing associated associated generation. Based on the analyses in Energy Vision 2020, it was concluded increasing the diversity of the TVA power with any one anyone kind of energy power system helped resource. The proposed address the uncertainties helped address addition addition uncertainties of another nuclear I unit at the BLN site promotes TVA's diversity of energy resources.

2.4.2 Alternatives Requiring New Generating Alternatives Requiring Generating Capacity Capacity I Other alternatives alternatives to nuclear-powered generation nuclear-powered electrical generation and natural-gas-fired several types of impacts assessed several electrical generation natural-gas-fired generation.

generation. In generation at the BLN site are coal-fired In Energy Vision 2020 coal-fired 2020 and other reviews, TVA impacts for both of these: air quality, waste management, management, land land I use, water use and quality, human health, ecology, socioeconomics, and cultural resources, and environmental fact that many of the construction-related construction-related environmental historic socioeconomics, aesthetics, historic environmental justice. These assessments assessments are based on the environmental impacts impacts of aa nuclear nuclear unit at the the the BLN site have already already occurred.

occurred. A coal-fired coal-fired plant was found not to be environmentally environmentally I preferable to a nuclear plant due primarily preferable and aesthetics. A natural-gas-fired primarily to impacts impacts on air quality, waste management, natural-gas-fired plant was found not to be environmentally preferable to environmentally preferable' a nuclear nuclear unit due primarily primarily to impacts on air quality.

I Renewable resources Renewable typically resources (wind and solar) are intermittent in nature and have typically well below 50 percent. There is uncertainty uncertainty about about when the wind capacity factors have capacity and solar solar factors

,I generation resources will be available. Wind and solar generation potential is limited in the TVA region. In order to obtain meaningful meaningful amounts of power from these sources, TVA the would need to purchase wind and solar power generated generated in other regions and bear the the I increased transmission increased transmission costs. For these reasons, renewable reasonable baseload baseload alternatives.

renewable resources are not considered considered Hydropower is a contributor Hydropower contributor to TVA's current total power generation mix, but itit is used power generation I primarily as a peaking resource and to help regulate major new hydropower regulate the system. However, development hydropower sites in the Tennessee River Valley or TVA power service development of service area is not considered a reasonable alternative considered reasonable alternative to address the need need for base load power, because baseload because I

I, Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 47 47

Single Single Nuclear Bellefonte Site Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site I of the low capacity factors of hydroelectric availability availability of feasible new hydroelectric plants, the environmental environmental impacts, and limited :1I TVA considered the conversion Cycle (IGCC) conversion of the BLN site to an Integrated (IGCC) facility, as described described in Energy Integrated Gasification Energy Vision 2020 and analyzed Combined Gasification Combined analyzed in a subsequent subsequent I

site-specific site-specific EIS (TVA 1997). An IGCC facility is not a reasonable nuclear nuclear generation, generation, because IGCC technology currently further research research to achieve achieve an acceptable acceptable level reasonable alternative alternative to new currently is not cost-effective level of reliability. ItIt would also fail to use requires cost-effective and requires use

,I existing existing assets at the BLN site to the same substantial degree degree as a nuclear unit.

2.4.3 Considerationof Other Consideration Other Alternatives Alternatives and and Combination Combination of Alternatives "

Some Some of the alternatives alternatives that require new generating generating capacity were capacity were eliminated eliminated from further further consideration consideration based on their lack of availability in the region, overall lack of feasibility, inability inability to supply baseload power, or environmental environmental consequences.

consequences. Other Other alternatives alternatives to to I, nuclear-powered electrical nuclear-powered electrical generation generation at the BLN site are coal-firedcoal-fired generation generation and natural-natural-gas-fired gas-fired generation.

generation. TVA assessed socioeconomics, several types of impacts for both of these: air quality, assessed several waste management, land use, water use use and quality, human health, ecology, socioeconomics, aesthetics, historic and cultural resources, and environmental environmental justice.

t This assessment assessment is based on the fact that many of the construction-related construction-related environmental impacts of aa nuclear plant at BLN have already impacts environmentally already occurred. A coal-fired preferable to aa nuclear plant due primarily environmentally preferable coal-fired plant was found not primarily to impacts on air quality, waste waste I

II management, and aesthetics. A natural-gas-fired management, natural-gas-fired plant was found not environmentally environmentally preferable to a nuclear plant due primarily to impacts on air quality.

preferable A combination of energyenergy sources that would be an alternative to nuclear generation is composed composed of a baseload-capable baseload-capable energy capable source. TVA expects capable energy source, coupled expects aa nuclear coupled with aa renewable nuclear plant to be base planning (i.e., provide power in a predictable, consistent planning renewable non-baseload load capable baseload non-baseload capable in its capacity consistent manner). Any combinationcombination of I

alternatives would have the same requirement:

alternatives baseload combination combination of energy alternatives requirement: provide full dependability is any combination combination of dependability of a consistent environmental impacts. The renewable part of thef base load supply, but reduce environmental renewable technologies the that could

,I produce power produce power equal to or less than a a nuclear plant, when that resource is available.

available. TVA considered considered wind and solar as the renewable baseload capable source.

base load capable source.

renewable sources sources of power power able to supplement the the I For the environmental environmental comparison, capacity in combination comparison, natural combination with the renewable natural gas was used as the fossil fuel for baseload renewable source, because because aa natural-gas-fired natural-gas-fired plant has aa I

environmental impact than a coal-fired plant. The natural-gas-fired smaller environmental natural-gas-fired facility alone alone has impacts that are greater pollutants pollutants and greenhouse greater than greenhouse gases. In nuclear, and solar energy (e.g. large sites required, aesthetic particularly particularly In addition, some those related related some of the environmental to aesthetic and scenic value concerns) the emissions of air impacts of wind environmental impacts concerns) are equal I

to or greater greater than those of a nuclear nuclear plant. As a result, the combination fired plant and wind or solar facilities would have environmental greater than those of a nuclear facility. Therefore, a combination of a natural-gas-combination Therefore, combination of alternatives natural-gas-environmental impacts that are equal to or would alternatives would not orI I be environmentally environmentally preferable to aa nuclear plant at the BLN site.

For the economic economic comparison, comparison, coal was used as the fossil fuel for base baseload load capacity in in I

combination with the renewable power source, because combination because aa coal-fired coal-fired power plant can generate electricity generate electricity at aa lower cost than a natural-gas-fired combination of alternatives combination natural-gas-fired power plant. The costs of aa alternatives would largely be driven driven by the costs of coal-fired or natural-gas-natural-gas-I fired plants, and only aa small fraction of the energy needed needed by the combination would be be 48 Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement I

48 Statement


I Chapter Chapter 2 I obtained obtained from the renewable reflect construction renewable source. TVA considered a range of levelized construction and operating operating costs, financing and other economic levelized costs (which economic factors) for nuclear, coal-fired, natural-gas-fired generation coal-fired, and natural-gas-fired generation reported in recently recently published studies. TVA 11 concluded concluded the range of costs associated associated with nuclear generation generation of electricity at the BLN site is anticipated to be similar to, and within, the range of costs associated with a combination of other viable forms of electricity electricity generation.

I In summary, while other combinations In combinations of the various alternatives alternatives were not analyzed, the the lower capacity factors, higher environmental environmental impacts, immature immature technologies, and a lack of I, competitiveness have not been found to assemble cost competitiveness alternative combination that is either assemble into a viable, competitive, environmentally equivalent or preferable either environmentally preferable to nuclear nuclear generation.

I Wind and solar generation generate baseload generation in combination with fossil-fuel-fired fossil-fuel-fired facilities could be used power and would serve the equivalent base load power equivalent purpose of nuclear used to nuclear generation.


However, wind and solar generation generation in combination fossil-fuel-fired facilities would combination with fossil-fuel-fired I environmental impacts have equivalent or greater environmental the BLN site. The electrical generating impacts as compared compared to aa new nuclear associated with wind generation generating costs associated nuclear facility at generation in

,I combination with fossil-fuel-fired facilities would be comparable combination the BLN site. However, the environmental environmental impacts alternatives are equal to or greater comparable to a new nuclear impacts related to the combinations greater than the environmental nuclear facility at combinations of environmental impacts of a nuclear plant.

Therefore, Therefore, wind and solar generation generation in combination combination with fossil-fuel-fired facilities are not not environmentally preferable environmentally preferable to a nuclear nuclear plant at the BLN site.

Based on environmental environmental impacts, the analyses analyses demonstrate demonstrate that either a coal-fired or a I natural-gas-fired plant would entail an appreciably natural-gas-fired quality than would a nuclear nuclear plant.

gas-fired generation with renewable sources In In addition, a combination a combination environmental impact on air appreciably greater environmental of either coal-fired sources of energy, such as wind or solar, is possible.

or air natural-natural-However, to achieve a smaller impact on the air qualify, a moderate-to-Iarge moderate-to-large impact impact on landland I would be required. Equally important, these alternatives maximizing alternatives do not help achieve achieve the purpose of maximizing the beneficial use of existing assets at the BLN site nor the goal of generating generating 50 percent percent of TVA's power from zero or low-carbonlow-carbon emitting sources sources by 2020. Therefore, I TVA concluded concluded that neither coal-fired, nor natural-gas-fired neither a coal-fired, alternatives would be environmentally environmentally preferable natural-gas-fired plant, nor a combination preferable to a B&W or AP1000 combination of nuclear the plant at the BLN site.

I 2.5. Alternative Alternative Sites Considered Alternative selection of the BLN site for the construction Alternative sites and selection construction and operation of a I nuclear-powered electricity generation nuclear-powered generation facility (BLN 1&2)

FES (TVA 1974). The COLA ER most recently 1&2) were discussed in TVA's 1974 addressed site screening recently addressed screening and selection, 1974 alternative sites, and selection selection of the BLN site for nuclear generation generation of electricity electricity with

.1 AP1000 units. In In addition to the COLA ER alternative supplemental white papers following supplemental alternative papers to the NRC in 2008:

site analyses, TVA submitted submitted the the J *" Descriptions Descriptions of Existing Facilities and Infrastructure Selected Bellefonte Selected Infrastructure for Alternative Bellefonte Site, June 2008 (TVA 2008d).

Alternative Sites to the the

'I *" Criteria and Basis for Comparative Comparative Ratings Among Alternative Greenfield Sites, August 2008 (TVA 2008e).

Greenfield Alternative Brownfield and

'J Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Impact Statement 49 I*

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear Site I

    • Site Screening Screening Process:

Bellefonte Process: Information Information Complementary Complementary to Section 9.3.2 of the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Units 3 and 4, COLA Applicant's I

August 2008 200B (TVA 200Bf).


Applicant's Environmental Environmental Report,

£ II 2.5.1 Identification Identification and The consideration Code of Federal (EPRI) and Screening consideration of alternatives Screening of Potential Potential Sites alternatives is required by NEPA and Section Federal Regulations (10 CFR §51.45). The Electric (EPRI) Siting Guide (EPRI 2002), the industry standard Sites Section 51.45 of Title 10 Electric Power Power Research 10 of the Research Institute Institute standard for site selection, was used as a the general general more guideline detailed study, in site of site comparison is "to identify more detailed study, with selection with the the goal analysis for the COLA. The EPRI guide's goal of of selecting selecting aa preferred site from preferred site guide's stated objective identify and rank a relatively small number of candidate sites for a from among among candidate objective candidate sites."

aa sites."

,I TVA's region of interest (ROI) area, as previously previously described (ROI) for the COLA ER was and remains the TVA power service described in Section 1.4 of this SEIS.


,I One of the earliest, integral, integral, and most critical components components of planning for future energy facilities has been the identification identification and selection of suitable locations for their construction construction I and operation.

operation. Historically, conducted initial high-level conducted and high-level screening on an ongoing basis through the 1960s 1960s and 1970s, assessments of more than 200 sites for electricity screening assessments TVA



generation across the TVA service generation service area. The TVA service service region (ROI)(ROI) was divided into five system study areas that roughly coincided coincided with the concentration concentration of load centers in the the region. This division does represent aa real physical division in the power service area, does not represent because all these areas are strongly interconnectedinterconnected with transmission lines. One purpose purpose of this approach approach was to identify superior identify superior sites within each area that would reduce reduce the need for construction of additional transmission additional transmission to meet load requirements.

requirements. This concern remains valid today, but load transmission concern.

load growth across the TVA service areas, as well as improved transmission system characteristics ability for load balancing, now further reduces that characteristics and ability I Four general general criteria criteria were used to guide guide potential site identification.

identification. I

1. Potential Potential site areas that exhibited aa suitablesuitable combination combination of engineering, engineering, environmental, land use, cultural, and institutional siting.

institutional characteristics characteristics for power plant I

2. Potential Potential site areas of a developable Manageable number of potential
3. Manageable developable size (1,000 potential sites.

(1,000 acres or more).


4. Relatively Relatively even distribution within the defined distribution of potential defined TVA service potential sites along service area.

along the Tennessee Tennessee River corridor and I Broad-based interdisciplinary Broad-based environmental, environmental, interdisciplinary TVA teams that reflected power and financial interests interests conducted these power planning, screening planning, transmission, efforts. These studies studies I

identified sites that warranted further detailed investigations. Of these, eventually eventually nine sites sites were selected selected for purchase as inventory for nuclear Yellow Creek (YCN), Hartsville (HVN),

nuclear generation generation sites: Bellefonte (BLN),

(HVN), Phipps Bend (PBN), Watts Bar (WBN), Browns (BLN), .

Browns I

Ferry (BFN), Sequoyah Sequoyah (SON),

(SQN), Murphy Murphy Hill (MH),

(MH), and Saltillo (STO).

TVA constructed constructed multi-unit multi-unit nuclear nuclear generation generation facilities at three of the above sites: BFN I' near near Athens, Alabama; SQN SON near Chattanooga; and WBN near Spring City, Tennessee.

In In addition, TVA obtained construction construction permits from the NRC to build nuclear nuclear units at the the I'

50 Environmental Impact Statement Draft Supplemental Environmental Statement

Chapter 2 BLN, BLN, YCN, HVN, HVN, and PBN sites. Site preparation preparation and construction nuclear units construction of nuclear units proceeded proceeded in varying degrees degrees at eacheach of these sites. Due to slowing demand demand for power, subsequently halted construction at the latter three sites (HVN, TVA subsequently (HVN, PBN, and YCN) and conveyed conveyed portions of them to other governmental governmental entities for potential potential industrial development.

development. TVA has maintained maintained the MH and STO sites as part of its inventory of potential generation sites. However, due to uncertainties potential generation uncertainties regarding regarding foundation foundation conditions, conditions, the STO site was eliminated from consideration consideration in the COLA ER.

The COLA ER site analysis initially considered considered the BLN site and the other seven potential sites for new nuclear generation: the three nuclear generation: three operating TVA nuclearnuclear sites (BFN, (BFN, WBN, WBN, and SQN),

SON), three brownfield sites (HVN, (HVN, PBN, and YCN), and one greenfield site (MH). (MH). These eight sites had already undergone evaluation already undergone evaluation and documentation documentation under NEPA, and except

,I MH, they had also undergone for MH, AEC (predecessor undergone licensing evaluation evaluation and documentation documentation processes of the (predecessor to the NRC). The eight potential sites considered in the COLA ER are described the described further in the paragraphs paragraphs below.

t Operating Nuclear Plants Operating Nuclear Plants The BFN site is situated beside beside Wheeler Reservoir on the Tennessee Wheeler Reservoir Tennessee River and has three operating operating nuclear reactors. The BFN site has two substantive limitations limitations regarding its I potential for co-locating an additional nuclear unit, even operating additional nuclear reactor. First, the operation of an additional operating in closed cycle mode, would increase increase thermal thermal loading to to Wheeler Wheeler Reservoir, whichwhich could exacerbate exacerbate the existing challenges challenges to managing managing the threethree I BFN units in compliance compliance with thermal limits, especially during low flow or drought conditions. Second, because because the BFN site is approximately drought approximately 850 acres and already already accommodates accommodates three operating operating nuclear nuclear reactors, the site is not large enough to I accommodate accommodate an additional additional nuclear nuclear reactor. Additional Because of these site issues, TVA decided that co-locating advantageous and does BFN is not advantageous property would have Additional property have to be acquired.

additional nuclear co-locating an additional nuclear reactor does not consider the BFN site a viable alternative for new reactor at I nuclear generation.

The WBN site comprises approximately 1,100 acres situated on the northern comprises approximately northern end of Chickamauga Reservoir Chickamauga Reservoir in east Tennessee, and has one operating operating nuclear reactor, WBN I Unit 1. TVA is currently completing completing completing the partially constructed WBN Unit 2. A delay completing WBN Unit 2 would likely likely have resulted in overlapping overlapping construction delay in construction of the the AP1000 units. This overlap would have unnecessarily affected not only project have unnecessarily I management resources, but produced greater strain management services services and infrastructure.

infrastructure. It and operating, the combined strain on plant operations, local community It also was anticipated that once WBN Unit 2 was completed combined total thermal discharges to the river could often approach I allowable allowable NPDES thermal limits. Therefore, site would exacerbate exacerbate existing Therefore, co-locating thermal loading loading co-locating an additional nuclear unit at the and WBN Units 1 and 2. Because of these site issues, TVA decided could potentially affect the decided that co-locating operation the operation of co-locating an additional nuclear reactor at WBN is not advantageous additional nuclear advantageous and does not consider consider the WBN site aa viable alternative alternative for new nuclear capacity for the 2017-2020 2017-2020 time frame.

The SON SQN site is situated beside Chickamauga Chickamauga Reservoir Reservoir and has two operating operating nuclear reactors. The SQNSON site has two substantive limitations for co-locatingco-locating an additional nuclear nuclear reactor. First, as in the case of BFN and WBN, the SQN SON site has a small thermal discharge discharge margin that would be exacerbated exacerbated by co-locating co-locating an additional nuclear reactor there. .

Second, because because the SQN SON site is approximately approximately 630 acres and already already accommodates accommodates two two operating operating nuclear units, the site is not large enough enough to accommodate accommodate an additional reactor.

Additional property property would have to be acquired. Because Because of these site issues, TVA decided co-locating an additional nuclear reactor that co-locating reactor at SQN advantageous and does not SON is not advantageous Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Impact Statement 51 I

Single Single Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Bellefonte Site Site consider the SONSQN site a viable alternative for new nuclear nuclear capacity capacity for the 2017-2020 time I frame.

Because TVA Because concluded that co-location TVA concluded or Watts Bar Nuclear co-location at existing nuclear Nuclear Plants) is not an acceptable nuclear sites (Browns acceptable alternative (Browns Ferry, Sequoyah Sequoyah alternative for reasons related to thermal

£ unavailability of adequate issues, unavailability adequate land the inability to make beneficial use of existing assets assets at BLN, BLN, and large-scale large-scale changes underway underway on-site, the three operating operating nuclear nuclear plants plants were were eliminated from further consideration consideration in the COLA ER alternative site analysis.

Brownfield Sites Brownfield Sites TVA selected selected four brownfield brownfield sites (BLN, HVN, PBN, and YCN) and one greenfield site (BLN, HVN, site (MH) as candidate (MH) candidate sites in their ROI for potential potential siting of a new nuclear nuclear facility in the COLA ER, which also reviews each of these sites in detail. For each of the four brownfield brownfield sites, construction permits had been obtained under the regulations and evaluation procedures of construction permits had been obtained under the regulations the period. The respective historical review documents are as follows: and evaluation procedures of the period. The respective historical review documents are as follows:

  • Final EnvironmentalStatement - Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 (TVA
  • Final Environmental Statement - Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 (TVA 1974).


    • FinalEnvironmental Final Environmental Statement - Hartsville Nuclear Plants Hartsville Nuclear Plants (TVA 1975).
    • EnvironmentalReport - Phipps Environmental Phipps Bend Nuclear Nuclear Plant Units 1l and Plant Units and 2 (TVA 1977a).
    • FinalEnvironmental Final EnvironmentalStatement - Yellow Yellow Creek Creek Nuclear NuclearPlant Units 1 and Plant Units and 2 (TVA 1978b).

The BLN site is located towns of Hollywood located beside Guntersville Hollywood and Scottsboro. Construction Construction activities Tennessee River near the Guntersville Reservoir on the Tennessee activities at BLN were deferred the deferred in 1988.

I The BLN site is reviewed reviewed at length ,inin this SEIS and the COLA ER.

The former Hartsville Nuclear Plant site is situated on the north north shore of Old Hickory I

Reservoir on the Cumberland Cumberland River in Smith and Trousdale Trousdale counties, Tennessee. The The HVN site nuclear nuclear units were cancelled cancelled in 1982 1982 and 1984, 1984, respectively.

I The former Phipps Bend NuclearNuclear Plant site is located on the Holston River in HawkinsHawkins County, Tennessee. Construction Construction at PBN was cancelled in 1982.

The former Yellow Creek Nuclear 1982.

Nuclear Plant located on the Yellow Creek embayment embayment of I

Pickwick Reservoir (Tennessee River). Construction at YCN was cancelled Although nuclear plant construction was never cancelled in 1984.

never completed at any of these sites, the 1984.

the I

brownfield brownfield sites offer some of the advantages advantages of an operating operating nuclear site (e.g., existing infrastructure infrastructure and facilities, prior screening screening and NEPA review, available site characterization I characterization information).

information). However, because because the HVN, PBN, and YCN sites, or portions thereof, were sold for industrial development, development, TVA would need to reacquirereacquire portions of the industrial parks. This would impact existing existing industrial uses on developed areas of the sites.

developed areas Transportation corridors to all four of the sites were constructed to facilitate construction of Transportation the nuclear plants.

Greenfield Site Greenfield The Murphy Murphy Hill site consists consists of approximately northeast Marshall approximately 1,200 acres located in northeast I:

County, Alabama, on the southern southern bank of Guntersville Reservoir. Part of the site was was I

52 Draft Supplemental Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Impact Statement I

Chapter 2 graded graded for aa coal gasification gasification project. No other development development has occurred occurred on this site toto date and it is currently designated designated by TVA for natural natural resource conservation conservation purposes. The The MH greenfield greenfield site was chosen and evaluated as a site that is representative representative of other I greenfield greenfield sites that TVA has previously construction previously evaluated. The environmental operation of a nuclear power generation construction and operation environmental impacts of generation facility at aa greenfield greenfield site would be similar to or greater than those at a brownfield or partially developeddeveloped site. The greenfield I site (MH)

(MH) had been evaluated for a coal gasification EIS. This project was cancelled after TVA had done gasification project project for which TVA prepared prepared a Final respective done some site grading. The respective historical review document is Final Environmental Impact Statement Final Environmental Statement - Coal Gasification Coal Gasification I Project (TVA 19B1a).

Project 2.5.2 1981 a).

Review of Alternative Sites I The alternative alternative site review compared alternative alternative Safety sites are superior to the candidate sites to determine compared the five candidate obviously proposed proposed BLN determine whether any site. The analysis considered Safety Criteria (geology, cooling system suitability, plant safety, accident effects, operations operations I effects, transportation transportation safety), Environmental construction-related Environmental Criteria (proximity to natural areas; construction-related effects on aquatic and terrestrial ecology, and wetlands; operations-related effects on aquatic aquatic and terrestrial ecology), Socioeconomics Socioeconomics Criteria (construction-(construction-I* and operations-related operations-related effects, environmental environmental justice, land use, cultural resources), and Engineering and Cost-Related Criteria (water supply, transportation, transmission, and site preparation). Portions of the studies, data, and conclusions of the initial evaluations evaluations of site each candidate candidate site were used to support this comparison.

comparison. The sites were evaluated evaluated in each each area area I of comparison and given a numerical numerical rating scale of 1 to 5 (least suitable to most suitable).

No weighting factors were applied to these criteria. The review process is discussed discussed in in detail in the COLA ER, and in the 200B 2008 TVA white papers cited above (TVA 2008d, 200Bd, TVA 2008e, and TVA 200Bf).

200Be, 2008f).

The alternative alternative sites analysis compared compared the BLN site with the four alternative sites to determine determine ifif there were any obviously superior sites among among the candidate candidate sites. A A simultaneous simultaneous comparison comparison considered considered the additional economics, technology, and institutional factors among the candidate candidate sites to see if any are obviously obviously superior. Based on the comparison comparison there were no obviouslyobviously superior sites among the candidate sites, and the BLN site was selected selected as the preferred site for additional nuclear nuclear generation the generation for the reasons described below.

Alternative brownfield, and greenfield sites are not environmentally Alternative nuclear, brownfield, environmentally preferable to the BLN site. Construction and operation of a new nuclear plant at preferable at each each of the alternative alternative sites would entail environmental environmental impacts that are equal to or or greater greater than those at the BLN site.

Existing facilities and infrastructure infrastructure at the BLN site (e.g., transmission transmission lines, intake intake and discharge discharge structures, cooling towers, switchyard, barge dock, rail spur, and and roads) allow TVA to maximize assets that are currently underutilized, reducing currently underutilized, reducing thethe amount of construction material amount construction material needed, needed, construction costs, and environmental impacts associated associated with construction construction of infrastructure.

  • A construction permit for a B&W pressurized pressurized water reactor was previously previously issued for the BLN site. There is no reason to believe the BLN site would not also be suitable suitable

.1 for an AP1000 pressurized light water reactor.

AP1 000 pressurized I

Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement 53 53 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear Site <<

TVA siting program studies do not show appreciable for the sites that were appreciable differences differences in most attributes were considered in the alternatives analysis. However, the BLN attributes BLN I

site has several several advantages. The BLN site remains under second highest under TVA ownership. In addition to allowing the beneficial use of existing assets, the BLN site was rated highest with respect to the availability of cooling water, as river flow past the In the I

BLN site is approximately approximately three times that of PBN and more more than twice the flow past HVN. Environmental data were updated in the EIS for potential tritium production HVN. Environmental the BLN site (DOE 1999).

production at at I

2.6. Transmission Transmission and Construction The following is a description Construction Power Supply description of the current transmission transmission system associated associated with the BLN BLN I,I site, the system needs in response to the proposed action, and the types of activities activities these these improvements improvements would entail.entail. This SEIS provides a programmatic-level programmatic-level review of the the transmission line upgrades. Prior to conducting transmission line upgrades, site-specificsite-specific reviews would be conducted to investigate reviews investigate potential effects to the environment. If If warranted, additional additional NEPA documentation documentation would be prepared.


2.6.1 2.6.1 Description Description of Current CurrentSystem System and Needs Transmission infrastructure, including including corridors and switchyards, to support operation of a nuclear plant at the BLN site was identified, reviewed, and evaluated nuclear evaluated in the earlier earlier environmental environmental review documents documents prepared by TVA and the AEC for the original original facility encompassing encompassing BLN 1&2. That review and evaluation evaluation included siting data for the potential corridors identified by TVA. The AEC subsequently subsequently approved approved and issued a construction construction license license for BLN 11&2&2 and the supporting infrastructure into and at the site. The supporting transmission infrastructure The approved approved transmission system was constructed before the plant entered entered deferred deferred status.

The existing switchyard constructed on the BLN site has been de-energized existing 500-kV switchyard de-energized for a number number of years. Four 500-kV transmission transmission lines (the Widows Widows Creek - Bellefonte 500-kV

  1. 2, the Bellefonte-Madison
  1. 1 and #2, Bellefonte-Madison 500-kV line, and the Bellefonte-East Bellefonte-East Point 500-kV line) and two 161-kV transmission transmission lines (the Widows Widows Creek- Bellefonte 161-kV161-kV and the the Bellefonte-Scottsboro 161-kV)

Bellefonte-Scottsboro now terminate 161-kV) now terminate in the BLN switchyard.

switchyard. These 500-kV lines lines are not energized at present, but would be reconnected reconnected to the TVA system and energized energized if the nuclear plant is built and operated.

operated. The two 161-kV 161-kV lines, which are underbuilt (i.e.

lines strung on the same structures) lines structures) on the Bellefonte Bellefonte - Madison 500-kV line, are energized and currently connect Widows Widows Creek Fossil Plant generation to the TVA transmission system. No power is being transmitted transmitted from the BLN site.

The Widows Creek - Bellefonte Bellefonte 500 kV #1 #1 and #2

  1. 2 lines would require uprating uprating (see Section 2.6.4). The Bellefonte-Madison Bellefonte-Madison 500-kV and Bellefonte-East Bellefonte-East Point 500-kV only need connected and re-energized. Right-of way (ROW) vegetation vegetation management need to be management on the de-be I energized 500-kV transmission line segments would be brought back energized back to current TVA .

standards for energized energized lines. Any neededneeded maintenance maintenance on the line would be performed, performed, and any ROW clearing needed clearing needed to meet TVA and Federal Energy Regulatory Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

(FERC) standards would be carried out. The Widows Widows Creek-Bellefonte Creek-Bellefonte and Bellefonte-Bellefonte-Scottsboro 161-kV lines would not need to be changed to support Scottsboro support operation of a BLN nuclear plant.

nuclear In addition In addition to the lines coming into the switchyard, switchyard, there are six 161 kV lines and one one additional 500kV line that are located located elsewhere. These lines would be reconductored reconductored and/or uprated, as described described in Section 2.6.4.

I 54 Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement I

I Chapter 2 I 2.6.2 2.6.2 The Bellefonte ConstructionPower Construction Bellefonte Nuclear Power Supply Construction Substation was constructed Nuclear Construction constructed in 1974 as a temporary I 46-4.16-kV substation to support the construction In 2007, TVA retired the Bellefonte construction of BLN 1&2.

Bellefonte Nuclear Construction 46-kV Nuclear Construction


46-kV Substation. Subsequently, TVA contracted contracted with North Alabama Electric Electric Cooperative Cooperative to provide electric service to the the I BLN site. A 2-mile, 13-kV Electric Electric Cooperative 13-kV three-phase three-phase circuit has been constructed by North Alabama Cooperative to provide this service. No additionaladditional work is expected to be Alabama be necessary to supply necessary supply construction construction power for the proposed BLN unit.

2.6.3 2.6.3 Alternatives Considered Alternatives Considered In order to accommodate In accommodate the delivery of power power produced produced from a single nuclear unit at the the BLN site, an Interconnection Interconnection System Impact Study (TVA 2009b) was carried carried out for the the TVA transmission system. This study evaluated incremental impact of the proposed evaluated the incremental new generation generation facilities at the BLN site on the TVA power system during various loading loading conditions. Transmission network Transmission network upgrades are required ifif overloading overloading with the new generation is at least 3 percent generation percent more than the loading withoutwithout the new new unit. The study assumed operation of the new unit at full capacity and standard standard operational contingencies operational contingencies remainder of the transmission system.

on the remainder TVA identified two options for addressing addressing the projected line overloading:

overloading: (1) upgrade the the electrical capacity capacity of the overloaded overloaded transmission lines or (2) construct new transmission transmission I lines, as well as upgrade Option 22 is about upgrade some of the existing overloaded percent of the estimated about 200 percent overloaded lines. The estimated cost of estimated cost of Option 1. In addition, the purchase, clearing, and construction construction of new transmission transmission lines on new ROWs would add substantially

! to the environmental environmental effects of the proposed eliminated from further consideration.

proposed action. Therefore, Option 2 has been consideration. As a result, the two alternatives alternatives for the transmission transmission line system are the No Action Alternative and the Action Alternative.

No Action Alternative Action Alternative Under the No Action Alternative, current maintenance Under maintenance status status and activity activity would bebe

,I continued. TVA routinely conducts maintenancemaintenance activities on transmission lines, which includes removal of vegetation in ROWs, pole replacements, installation arrestors and counterpoise, and upgrading of existing installation of lightning lightning existing equipment.

I inspected by aerial surveillance using a helicopter and by ground Transmission lines are inspected observation. These inspections observation. inspections are conducted to locate damaged ground damaged conductors, insulators, and structures, structures, and to report any abnormal conditions which might hamper the normal I operation of the line or adversely the condition of vegetation adversely impact the surrounding vegetation within the ROW, surrounding area. During these inspections, as well as vegetation vegetation immediately inspections, immediately adjoining the the ROW is noted. These observations These observations are then used to plan corrective corrective maintenance maintenance or routine routine

.1 management, which would consist of felling of "danger trees" adjacent to the vegetation management, cleared ROW, and control of vegetation within the cleared cleared ROW. Any trees located the located off the the ROW that are tall enough enough to pass within 10 10 feet of aa conductor conductor or structure (if (if they were to I, fall toward the fall toward the line) line) are are designated designated as as danger danger trees trees and would be removed.


Regular maintenance maintenance activities activities for vegetation control occur occur on a cycle of 33 to 5 years.

,I Transmission corridors Transmission corridors energized transmission are managed managed transmission lines and potentially to prevent woody growth from encroaching potentially causing disruption hazard. This periodic vegetation general safety hazard.

encroaching on disruption in service or becoming management is conducted vegetation management becoming a conducted along ROWs to to maintain adequate clearance between transmission line conductors.

between tall vegetation and transmission I

Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Impact Statement 55 I

Single Nuclear Single Nuclear Unit Unit at the Bellefonte SiteSite I Prior to these activities, technical specialists in the Prior and TVA Cultural.

Cultural Resources group conduct the TVA Regional conduct a Sensitive Regional Natural Heritage Project, Sensitive Area Review (SAR) (SAR) of of the the Project, II II transmission lineline area area (including the ROW) to identify identify any resource issues that may may occur.

A description of SAR is is contained in Appendix G. These reviews reviews areare conducted conducted on aa recurring basis that coincides with the maintenancemaintenance cycle, to ensure that the most most current provided to the organizations conducting maintenance information is provided maintenance on these transmission lines.

approximately 16,000 ROW miles, Ij Because TVA's transmission system comprises approximately miles, itit is not possible to field survey every mile of ROW. Therefore, TVA utilizes the best tools available available to determine the likelihood likelihood of any listed The TVA Regional Natural Heritage listed plant or animal inhabiting the section of line under under *1.

review. The Heritage Project maintains maintains a database database of more than occurrence records for protected plants, animals, caves, heronries, eagle nests, and 30,000 occurrence natural areas for all 201 counties in Resource Services TVA Resource in the entire TVA Power Service Area. All records that are present, or are potentially present, in transmission line ROWs are taken into consideration when conducting these transmission line reviews. Wetland information is maintained Services and includes National Wetland Inventory (NWI) the entire PSA. Soil survey maps are also used to identify identify potential maintained by (NWI) wetland maps for potential wetland areas. The The

., 1 Resources group maintains records of known archaeological TVA Cultural Resources information from the seven-state power routinely gathers information archaeological sites, and power service area.

I Heritage staff examine the transmission line corridors corridors (using video available available to them on TVA InsideNet InsideNet computer files) to "see" "see" the kinds of habitats present in the project area.

Aerial photographs, U.S. Geological Survey topographical maps, and low-altitude Survey (USGS) topographical low-altitude flyovers are used to detect the presencepresence of sensitive areas areas that meet habitathabitat requirements requirements for rare species of plants or animals. TVA staff then overlay the ROW with records of sensitive plants plants and animals from the TVA Natural Heritage database, NWI maps, county Natural Heritage soil surveys, and other available available data in order to identify areas that may require alternative alternative maintenance maintenance practices. The standard TVA criteria and guidelines are then applied to make make conservative vegetation and/or land management recommendations conservative vegetation project project managers.

recommendations to the maintenance maintenance I TVA is responsible for many miles of transmission lines that cross aquatic therefore has procedures procedures in placeplace for ROW maintenance maintenance to protect aquatic aquatic habitat, and aquatic species.

I,3 Aquatic biologists biologists review review county lists and and the the TVA Natural Heritage database Natural Heritage database for protected protected animals. Once restriction Once an class.

occurrence or likely occurrence an occurrence habitat, the area is delineated occurrence is identified delineated on TVA maps and assigned identified based on presence assigned aa color presence of color and corresponding corresponding I I3 restriction Biologists make recommendations recommendations specific specific to the situation situation andand Heritage Heritage specialists consult as appropriate.

specialists consult as appropriate.

Management Management of vegetation vegetation within within the cleared cleared ROWs uses an integrated integrated vegetation vegetation management management approach approach designed designed to encourage low-growing plantplant species discourage tall-growing plant tall-growing plant transmission species.

transmission line segment segment based A vegetation encourage low-growing re-clearing vegetation re-clearing based upon the the periodic plan would periodic inspections be species and discourage inspections described developed developed for each described above. The two two I£ principle principle management management techniques techniques are mechanical mechanical mowing using tractor-mounted tractor-mounted rotary mowers, and herbicide herbicide application.

application. AnyAny herbicides herbicides used used would be appliedapplied in iii accordanceI accordance ,I with with applicable U.S.

applicable state state and and federal Environmental Protection U.S. Environmental federal laws Protection Agency laws andand regulations.

Agency (EPA) regulations. Only herbicides (EPA) would would be used.used.

herbicides registered registered with with the the I

Where Where transmission transmission lineslines cross Natural Natural Areas, TVA TVA uses software to draw uses GIS software boundaries draw boundaries I of potentially affected areas including of potentially affected areas including a O.S-milea 0.5-mile buffer. After reviewing available reviewing available data data and and consulting consulting with the area specialist area specialist or resource resource manager, potentially affected management potentially affected management I

56 56 Draft Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement £ I

I Chapter 2 I and selective selective spraying Examples of restrictions include hand-clearing areas are assigned restriction class. Examples spraying of herbicides to shrubs or tree saplings.

hand-clearing only only I The construction, undertakings and as such are subject undertakings operation of TVA transmission construction, maintenance, and operation subject to the National transmission lines all constitute constitute National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and its implementing implementing regulations regulations in 36 CFR Part 800. TVA Cultural Cultural Resources staff review the the I areas of maintenance maintenance activity on a case-by-case whether the undertaking case-by-case basis under the SAR process to identify undertaking has any potential for adverse effects on cultural resources such as cultural resources as historic structures structures or buried prehistoric prehistoric sites. If If the undertaking adverse undertaking has potential for adverse effects, then procedures procedures for avoidance avoidance or mitigation of the effects are put into place.

Avoidance is generally feasible for transmission transmission line maintenance maintenance projects projects when cultural resources resources are present. GIS is used to generate a map showing areas that are sensitive sensitive from the standpoint of cultural resources, and a code is applied that indicates indicates restrictions on methods methods of clearing (e.g., no mechanized mechanized equipment).

equipment). These maps are providedprovided to the the transmission lines crew supervisors supervisors so that crew supervisors will be aware of the necessary restrictions. Restrictions are typically required when a previously recorded recorded cemetery, I prehistoric prehistoric mound, mound, or earthwork occurs within 0.25 mile of the transmission line.

Action Alternative Alternative I Under the Action Action Alternative, the 500-kV switchyard and 500-kV be re-energized, re-energized, and other existing transmission lines 500-kV transmission lines would refurbished and upgraded lines would be refurbished as described described in Section Section 2.6.4. The decision to approve approve and fund a single nuclear nuclear I generation generation unit would be made were selected made first. If selected and implemented If either Alternative implemented for the purposes Alternative B (B&W)

(B&W) or Alternative C purposes of nuclear generation, the Action C (AP1 000)

Alternative for the transmission Alternative transmission system would also be selected. The scope of work for the the I transmission Action Alternative is the same under transmission line ROWs are shown in Figure 2-6.

Alternatives B under Alternatives Band and C and the affected affected I

,I I


.1 I

I Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 57 57 I

Single Single Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Site I I

I L5829 L5829 STR 49.N 49-N Tulllahoma Tullahoma

£ I

~ ------ ------




  • f

~/ - -~

I L6068 -'-_ K

/ Sequoyah Seq uoya h - Widows Creek 500 500kV kV

/ /







/ Widows Creek FP' ,



Tellues~ee IeIIIIet0 A I a ba ii ci Alabama

,C k:

-Raccoon Mtn PUI~1l


No 2



, L6100 L6100 \

L5055 L5055 Browns Ferry Browns - At1len~ AL Ferry -Athens

! 161 kV Al161kV Widows Creek - Bellefonte L6055 L6055 Bellefonte-Madison 500kV Bellefonte-Madison Bellefonte 500kV 500kV 111 L5614, L5107 Widows Creek 107

reek -_ Oglethorpe Oglethorpe 161kV 161kV #2112 &

~ /13

  1. 3 I

{ 1\1

, i'-

Widows Creek- Bell L6079 Bel efonte I.

'onte 500kV #2 /12 il I L5054 L5054 '. .<{ Bellefonte-East Bellefonte-East Point SOOkV Poi 500kV I i I

Browns Ferry Ferry --Trinity Tr inity 1611,61 kV tot"" J A~  ! i

'. "..>- \' ,

\ .  ;;.< I

\ ~

07  ;'

\ 4'- /








'7 Cl


c I£

" "\




I Legend Leg 1:<

e nd Beifonre Betlefonte Nucear Nucle Plar~t Sote or PIon! Site I

- -- - Transmission b~ State Tra n sm IssIOn Une SPorions Boundaries Sta te Boundanes Reservoir R.eservoir Uness in in SEIS SE tS Note Note:: L5107 and L Portions of L6 5614 are co-located.

L5614 L6100 co-located tOO and L6055 are co-located co-lo cated Portions of L6088 and 6079 are co-located.

Porbons of l6 088 and 60 79 are co-loc ated.


[~':::-J 50 50 Moe Buffer Zon M oe Buffer Zonee FromFrom Plan Plantt W+

o3 110 0 :n

~P"'IIIj;_iiil-~_ii.'-I5i__;;;;jjjjI1 MhilAes 1

I Figure 2-6.

Figu re 2-6.

Transmission Line Right of Ways Affected by the Action Alternatives Transmission Line Right of Ways Affected by the Action Alternatives I

I 58 58 Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact State Statement ment

£ I

I Chapter 2 I 2.6.4 Proposed Refurbishments and Proposed Refurbishments provides aa description This section provides and Upgrades Upgrades Under description of the switchyard Under the Action Alternative switchyard and transmission line upgrades Alternative upgrades under under I the Action Alternative. To accommodate switchyard replaced additional accommodate the proposed switchyard would need to be refurbished.

replaced and two 500-kV breakers SOO-kV breakers proposed nuclear unit operation, refurbished. The SOO-kV would be added in the operation, the SOO-kV 500-kV breakers and switches would be Widows Creek 500-kV Widows Creek SOO-kV be 500-kV switchyard. The generators switchyard. generators connected connected to the TVA system would be equipped with a power power system stabilizer (SERC 2008) and out-of-step out-of-step tripping relay for generators. Other components components of the switchyard's switchyard's protection protection and control system would be refurbished refurbished or replaced. 161-kV switchyard would not require refurbishment.

replaced. The 161-kV I The proposed proposed transmission line upgrades consist of two types: types: uprating and reconductoring.


I Uprates typically consist of retensioning or "resagging" of the existing electrical transmission line conductor. This results in a greater greater clearance clearance above above ground, allowing the the I line to operate safely at a higher temperature temperature and, thus, increasing capacity of the transmission line. A total of 100.S uprated.


increasing the current-carrying 100.5 miles of transmission current-carrying transmission line would be be I Reconductoring consists of replacing Reconductoring replacing the conductor with aa new conductor carrying higher current levels. A total of 121.4 121.4 miles of transmission conductor capable capable of transmission line would be be reconductored.


I reconductoring activities would be confined to the existing All resagging or reconductoring existing ROWs. The The following activities activities are typically typically involved in resagging resagging or reconductoring.


I "

  • Engineering Engineering - Engineering Engineering analysis is conducted to determine determine where resagging or reconductoring is needed and to determine determine the nature nature of system changes needed needed to to I ensure ensure optimum and stress/strain line sag, given given the expected expected load, conductor stress/strain properties, and seasonal changes in the weather.

temp~rature, diameter temperature, diameter

    • Equipment Equipment and Crews - Field crews equipped equipped with hoists, climbing gear, trucks, heavy equipment, testing and measuring measuring equipment, safety items, communications communications equipment, and other necessary necessary items are assembled assembled onsite.

I *" Line Resagging Resagging - IfIf needed, needed, existing conductors conductors are disconnected disconnected from insulators, placed in stringing blocks, and then raised to the proper level, retensioned, and secured. Heavy equipment secured. Heavy equipment is sometimes sometimes used at each location where where thethe I conductors conductors are "pulled" to accept disconnection.

accept the horizontal horizontal forces incurred disconnection. Vans and trucks for transporting ancillary equipment incurred after line line workers equipment and workers would be used to access points points along along the ROW where resagging activities where resagging activities are are

'I required.

    • Line Reconductoring Reconductoring - If If conductor conductor replacement replacement is needed, existing conductors are

,I disconnected disconnected from insulators, placed in stringing blocks, and then connected to the new conductor, which is to be installed.

conductor installed. The old conductor conductor is then pulled onto empty the conductor reels, simultaneously simultaneously pulling the new conductor conductor into place. As discussed above, heavy equipment equipment is sometimes used at each location location where the conductors conductors are "pulled" to accept accept the horizontal forces incurred incurred after line disconnection.

disconnection. VansVans and trucks for transporting transporting ancillary ancillary equipment and workers workers would be used to to access access points along the ROW where these activities are required. required. InIn some cases, I

Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 59 59 I

Single Single Nuclear Bellefonte Site Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte I the existing conductor conductor could be removed to reels, and the new conductor pulled into place on empty structures structures using ropes or cables. The retired conductorconductor would be be I

reused elsewhere elsewhere or recycled.

  • " Structure Addition/Replacement Structure Addition/Replacement - In the event event aa taller structure is needed, the the I

existing structure is removed and new ones placed along the existing ROW.

Structures Structures that have been removed would be disposed of according System Operations Operations Environmental Compliance Program.

according to TVA's Power Program. Steel Steel from retired Ij structures maintained in inventory for future use or recycled.

structures would be maintained recycled. If If additional structures needed, they would be placed where needed structures are needed, ROW. Holes would be excavated

.the new/replacement lift .the needed along the existing excavated with digging/boring equipment new/replacement structure into place.

existing equipment and a crane would would I

    • Anchoring - In very rare instances, bulldozers are used to accept the horizontal Anchoring forces incurred with line disconnection disconnection while the structure structure serves as a pivot. This This Ii occurs when the structure structure by itself would not resist the toppling forces incurred when one of the lines is detached.

affected detached. However, other existing lines attached to the structures/towers almost always serve to sufficiently I

affected structures/towers sufficiently stabilize stabilize them, thereby negating the need for additional additional support or anchoring.


    • Logistics - Vans, trucks, bulldozers, and other equipment equipment would be used to access access I

points along the ROW where resagging resagging or reconductoring reconductoring activities are required.

This equipment equipment would not, except under very rare circumstances, ROW, but instead enter from and exit to the nearest convenient circumstances, traverse nearest roadway using established ROW access point. Best management traverse the using the most the I

convenient and established practices management practices (BMPs)

(BMPs) would be in place for upgrade place to identify wetland place measures measures would be required.

upgrade activities, and ground surveys would take wetland areas where avoidance, avoidance, minimization, required. Movement of equipment minimization, or mitigation mitigation equipment would normally utilize utilize take I

access routes that are currently in place and presently being used by line access ro.l!tes line maintenance maintenance crews. I

    • Crews and Schedule - The typical field crew and equipment involved Crews involved in a line line resagging or reconductoring resagging equipment operation numbers four bulldozers, reconductoring operation equipment operators, bulldozers, four trucks, two operators, and two supervisors. Actions at pulling points would be be II repeated until the entire line segment segment has been resagged. TVA construction crews II repeated construction crews would follow BMPs during during the resagging resagging or reconductoring reconductoring process to minimize erosion and stream impacts, and will comply comply with applicable TVA procedures.


The ROWs that are occupied typically occupied by the transmission lines affected by this proposal proposal have exception of portions of the Widows been kept clear of tall vegetation with the exception typically been Creek-Bellefonte 500-kV #1 and #2 transmission line sections. Mowing Mowing and other have Ii Creek-Bellefonte maintenance activities have been conducted periodically periodically on these lines. Some of these maintenance lines were reviewed for environmental environmental effects prior to the time of initial construction.

result, it is less likely that the activities construction. As a associated with transmission line upgrading would activities associated II impact significant significant resources than ifif new transmission lines were constructed on new ROWs.

However, field studies of the transmission line ROWs to be upgraded would be carried to determine determine if any significant environmental environmental resources or other sensitive features are carried out outI I If these are identified, identified, appropriate appropriate actions would minimize present. If impacts to these resources resources during during upgrade upgrade activities.

would be taken to avoid or minimize I

I 60 Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement I

I Chapter 2 A total of eleven transmission transmission lines or segments segments of these lines would would require upgrades. A A list of the TVA transmission lines lines that would be affected affected under the Action Alternative Alternative is provided in Table 2-1.

provided 2-1.

I Table 2-1.2-1. Transmission Lines Affected Transmission Affected by Proposed Operation of a Single Nuclear Unit at at the BLN BLN Site I --~

- Number

,- ~~"'"

~,c Jfansri};le

, ' ',; .'~KTransrhissioLn.ine

= Numbe

,-, ',- ~ -,'-

nMiles.of NamePr Name

.-" .. ~

. -_'C-.' ~ __ '

  • t, d


... oposed I.'. I , -;,.'


'd I\ro~os,~d ~P7~~~~")~i5lf~:iJ~

-' -]

~ ; Miles of time

` _ to be

ý tb Line

, c, --., ,- "

' ",' '-1>---";-', , Upgraded LJpgraded *. . .*.

  • I L5829 L6068 STR 49-N. Tullahoma Sequoyah-Widows Tullahoma Tap 161 kV Sequoyah-Widows Creek 500 kV Reconductor to 954 Reconductor to 954 ACSS @ 180' C (446-518 MVA)

Uprate to 100 MVA)

ACSS @ 180 1000 C capability (2598 MVA) 0 0

C 10.9 10.9 49.5 49.5 I

0 Widows Creek-Raccoon Mountain Reconductor to 2x956 ACSS @ 180 C L5613 Widows 161 kV Creek-Raccoon Mountain Reconductor to 2x956 ACSS @ 1800 C 25.3 161 kV (957-1068 MVA) MVA) 0 Reconductor to 954 ACSS @ 180 C L5614 Widows Creek-Oglethorpe 161 kV #2 Widows Creek-Oglethorpe Reconductor to 954 ACSS @ 1800 C 30.5 (446-518 MVA) MVA)

Reconductor to 954 ACSS @ 1800 C 0 L5107 Widows Creek-Oglethorpe Creek-Oglethorpe 161 kV #3 #3 Reconductor (446-518 to 954 ACSS @ 180 C to 30.6 30.6 (446-518 (446-518 MVA) MVA)

L61 00 L6100 Widows Creek-Bellefonte Creek-Bellefonte 500 kV #11 #1 1 Uprate to 100 1000 C capability (2598 MVA) 0 29.8 L6055 Bellefonte-Madison 500 kV1 Bellefonte-Madison kV1 Energize Energize 29.8 L6088 Widows Creek-Bellefonte Creek-Bellefonte 500 kV #22 #2 2 Uprate to 100 Uprate 1000 C capability (2598 MVA) 0 21.2 21.2 L6079 Bellefonte-East Point 500 kV2 Bellefonte-East kV2 Energize Energize 21.2 21.2 0

L5054 Ferry-Trinity 161 kV Reconductor to 1590 ACSS @ 180 C Browns Ferry-Trinity Reconductor to 1590 ACSS @ 180' C 10.0 10.0 (669-734 MVA) 0 Reconductor to 1590 ACSS @ 180 C L5055 Ferry-Athens 161 Browns Ferry-Athens 161 kV Reconductor to 1590 ACSS @ 1800 C 14.1 14.1 I L5055 1Widows 2

Browns Ferry-Athens 161 kV ______(669-734

'Widows Creek-Bellefonte Creek-Bellefonte #1 Widows Creek-Bellefonte 2Widows Creek-Bellefonte #2

  1. 1 and Bellefonte-Madison
  1. 2 and Bellefonte-East Point and Bellefonte-East Point 500-kV (669-734 MVA)

Bellefonte-Madison 500-kV lines share a common ROW.

500-kV lineslines shareshare aa common ROW, common ROW.

ROW, 14.1 2.7. Comparison Comparison of Alternatives Alternatives In this section, proposed actions anticipated In anticipated under the three alternatives alternatives for nuclear plant completion or construction completion construction and operation operation are compared based upon the information information and analysis provided provided in Sections 2.1-2.3 and Chapter 3 (Nuclear Generation Generation Alternatives Alternatives on on Bellefonte Site). Additionally, two alternatives the Bellefonte alternatives (no-action and action) for upgrading upgrading electric transmission lines associated with the proposed proposed nuclear nuclear plant are compared, compared, based upon the information information and analysis in Section 2.6 and Chapter 4 (Transmission Upgrades).

A comparison of the design, construction, construction, operation and cost characteristics characteristics of the the I generation generation alternatives three nuclear generation alternatives is presented generation presented in Table 2-2. Potential alternatives are summarized summarized Potential environmental impacts of the in Table 2-3 below. Potential the environmental impacts of the two alternatives environmental alternatives for transmission upgrades upgrades are summarized summarized in Table 2-4 below. Mitigation Mitigation measuresmeasures designed designed to avoid or minimize minimize impacts of the the proposed proposed action are listed in Section 2.8. 2.8.

Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 61 I


l co co Cn Z) z c


Table 2-2. Summary Summary of GenerationGeneration Alternative Characteristics Alternative Characteristics co

'1:' . ., '," . ..,


'"':::~:: '

~ ~

- Generation eneration Alternative Alternative.

f Characterist!cs t Charcterstic '.

c .


A - No Action ~ . '. _ Alternative Alternative B -'-- B&W B&W Unit - . AlternativeC -APIOOOUnit',

-AP1000:,Uriit . ,'.

Rated Rated 3,400 3,400 MWt; MWt; 3,415 MWt nuclear ratingMWt generation capability Power generation Rated 3,6003,600 MWt; 3,760 MWt stretch MWt stretch ste 3,415 nuclear Rated MWt; 3,760 steam steam rating rating CD Electrical output output At least 1,200 MW At least least 1,100 1,100 MW MW Number of fuel assemblies assemblies 205 157 157 CD Lifespan 40 years 40years 60 years years Plant Design Not applicable Active shutdown and cooling system . Passive Passive core cooling system based upon upon CD) o Engineered safety features Engineered Active shutdown and cooling system powered by AC generators. gravity, natural circulation, and Ql powered by AC generators.

p U) compressed compressed gasses.gasses. CD (f)

C Steam generator system Steam Qenerator Once-through Once-through U-tube U-tube "0

"0 Cooling Cooling system Closed-cycle Closed-cycle Closed-cycle Closed-cycle co Ultimate heat sink Guntersville Reservoir Guntersville Atmosphere Atmosphere 3 Duration of construction Not applicable 7.5 years 6.5 years years co


~0 I II m

(D Peak on-site workforce workforce Plant footprint (approximate)

Not applicable 400 acres 3,015 400 acres eMinor re-clearing and grading of previously 185 acres 2,933 585 acres acres previously acres previously undisturbed undisturbed ground ground

l 185

< Minor re-clearing and grading of previously Site clearing/grading Site clearing/grading Negligible Negligible disturbed ground cleared.

cleared. Minor re-clearing and grading of a'


l disturbed ground previously disturbed ground 3

Cn change - Activities include:

Activities include: replace steam generators, Completion or construction of


l I II 3 Construction Construction Cilties Completion facilities or construction of No change-routine routine maintenance maintenance refurbish or replacereplace instrumentation various equipment, various instrumentation and equipment, upgrade barge unloading dock, upgrade unloading upgrade cooling towertower Off-site construction construction of modules delivered to BLN via barge and and completed on site.

"0 Several buildings Several buildings demolished, demolished, including including CD III Q. Demolition Little to none No major buildings demolished demolished turbine building building and administration administration (f)


CD Quantity Quantity of nonhazardous nonhazardous solid waste generated generated Not applicable Not applicable 392 cubic meters of concrete waste; 208 tons steel waste waste complex complex 7

--- 7

3 co Quantity of hazardous hazardous waste Not applicable 6.3 tons solid; 56.7 tons liquid 7.25 tons

~ Not applicable 6.3 tons solid; 56.7 tons liquid 7.25 tons generated generated 1,960 feet from 1,960 10,000 10,000 cubic cubic yards dredged from 1,200 1,200 11,1100 cubic yards dredged 11,100 dredged from feet Dredging None None 110 cbicyars eof intake channel c nel ffeet feet of intake channel, from barge and 240dock unloading cubic yards yards of intake cha'1nel from barge unloading dock 7 Estimate 7 Estimate currently being developed currently being developed

mm m m mm m m - m m m m - m m - m -

Characteristics Generation Alternative Generation Alternative Characteristics A

A- - No Action Alternative B - B&W Unit Alternative B...:.B&WUnit Alternative C - AP100O Unit AP1000.Unit Typical amount amount of water withdrawn Guntersville withdrawn from Guntersville Not applicable 34,000 gpm 23,953 gpm Reservoir for plant cooling ReseNoir cooling Typical amount amount of water water approximately approximately discharged discharged to Guntersville Guntersville 400,000 gallons 22,650 22,650 gpm 7,914 gpm Reservoir ReseNoir per quarter year year o Size Size of thermal mixing zone OJ

i' plume plume in Guntersville Guntersville Not applicable 250 feet from diffuser and extending the entire entire depth of the reservoir reseNoir U)


Reservoir ReseNoir C

-0 "0

"0 Temperature Temperature limits on Not applicable Monthly Monthly average average 921F; maximum 95°F; maximum in-stream 92°F; daily maximum in-stream temperature temperature increase no no Not applicable CD (D discharged discharged water more more than 51F 5°F above ambient water temperature.

3 Frequency Frequency of maintenance maintenance Not applicable Approximately Approximately 12-15 years as needed needed in Approximately 12-15 Approximately 12-15 years as needed in CD (D Not applicable

l dredging dredging intake intake channel channel intake channel OJ Number Number of on-site staff 200 849 650 m
l Operation Operation Quantity nonhazardous Quantity of nonhazardous about 100 about cubic 100 cubic7 a*<

7 solid waste generated yards/year yards/year ---

--- 400 tons/year tons/year 0 (average)

l (average) 3 Quantity of hazardous waste less than 100 100 between 100 and 1000 kg/month less than 100 kg/month CD CD Quantity of hazardous waste between 100 and 1000 kg/month less than 100 kg/month
l kg/month OJ Radiological Radiological effects of normal None Doses Doses to the public from discharge of radioactive radioactive effluents would be a small fraction fraction of the the None 3 operations operations dose considered safe by the NRC (10(10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I)I)

"0 Number Number of months between Not applicable 18 18

-0 OJ Not applicable 18 18 Q. refueling refueling CD (j) Number Number of refueling cycles in None 26 26 OJ None 26 26 40 years co Number Number of fuel assemblies assemblies 3

(D None 2,285 1,821 CD needed needed for 40-year 40-year operation operation

~ Number Number of containers containers needed for long-term long-term storage of spent None 96 76 76 fuel Construction Construction Not Not applicable applicable $3,120 -- $3,360/kWe

$3,120 $3,360/kWe $3,300 - $4,900/kWe

$4,900/kWe Cost Operation maintenance $.0132/kwh $.0126/kwh Operation and maintenance Not applicable $.0132/kwh $.0126/kwh


r C-0 OJ "0

CD CD 1'\,,)




J co ro z

Table 2-3. Environmental Impacts of the Three Nuclear Summary of the Environmental Nuclear Generation Generation Alternatives Alternatives cC:


Resource Attribute/Potential Attribute/Potential Alternative ro0.CD Resource Effects A - No Action B - i B&W Unit C - 1 AP1000 Unit ...,


Effects A - No Action B-1 B&W Unit C -1 AP1000 Unit C C:

J Minor effects similar to  ;::;:

Alternative S, Alternative B, but less due to to ~

minor smaller smaller amount amount of blowdown blowdown :T Temporary and minor a, C1>

associated with water withdrawal water withdrawal and discharge discharge impacts impacts with CD CD l  !:!?.

Chemical or thermal construction. No long-term or T ro impacts to cumulative impacts to water Temporary and construction.

associated with minor impacts No 0' degradation of surface cumulative water CD o



Surface Water Surface Water degradation water quality; changes to hydrology and hydrology and to No impacts or No impacts anticipated anticipated changes or changes quality associated quality with associated with cooling water discharge.

cooling water discharge.

associated long-term orwith tonwater construction.

cumulative long-termq or cumulative ul impacts ateimpacts ith No

J C1>



(f) consumptive use of consumptive of to water quality associated associated with  ;::;:



cooling water discharge.


anticipated to are anticipated impacts are C No impacts

\JCD surface water surface water No to

\J ro CD water supply. Minor impacts No impacts to water supply.

No impacts to water supply.

3 from chemical chemical discharges.



J or Minor impacts from chemical m

m discharges.


< Chemical Chemical impacts to a0

J Groundwater Groundwater groundwater quality; groundwater quality; No impacts expected.

expected. No impacts impacts expected.

expected. No No impacts impacts expected.


3CD changes in use of C1>

J groundwater groundwater or No anticipated adverse Minor impacts from construction Construction No impated anticipated adverse Construction or ades Minor impacts from and dredging.

and dredging.

modification impacts to the the floodplain.

modification to the impacts to floodplain, construction and dredging.


0 floodplain.

floodplain. All safety-related All safety-related safety-related structures are.

All safety-related structures located All safety-related All structures safety-related structures located above located above the Probable Probable CD) Floodplain Floodplain Flood and Risk and Flooding structures are are located Flo ikabove of the plant Flooding plant site site the Probablearloteabvth located above the are located Maximum Flood (PMF)

Maximum (PM F) and and PMP PMP Flood Risk from the river, Town above the Flood Maximum Probable(PMF) Probable Maximum Flood CD Probable drainage drainage levels levels or are flood-Creek, or Probable Probable Maximum Flood and PMP drainage (PM F) levels (PMF) and PMP drainage proofed to the resulting levels levels Maximum and ar PMP drainage levels Maximum Precipitation Precipitation e leve levels or are are flood-proofed flood-proofed to The new Administrative building Administrative building (PMP) resulting levelsd to the the resulting or are flood-proofed levels, resulting levels. would be located be located above the 100-100-resulting levels.

and FRP year and FRP elevations.


Destruction sdestruction of of wetlands wetlands oror or Loss be 12.2 acres of 12.2 mitigated acres wetlands to in-kindofwithin wetlands Destruction of wetlands Wetlands degradation be mitigated in-kind within Wetlands degradation ofof wetland wetland No impacts No impacts No No impacts impacts watershed. No indirect or functions watershed. No indirect or cumulative impacts.

cumulative impacts.

=- M M M = = = m==M - - _..

m m m M IM m M- M Mm m m m m m m m M Attribute/Potential Attri bute/Potential Alternative Alternative ..

Resource Resource Effects A - No Action B - I B&W Unit C -I AP1000 Unit Effects A - No Action B-1 B&W Unit C...; 1 AP1000 Unit Effects Effects similar to Alternative Alternative B Minor Minor impacts impacts to benthos but slightly less dredging.


from dredging intake, to to Destruction of aquatic aquatic communities from aquatic communities Impacts from thermal discharge Impacts discharge Aquatic Ecology organisms; organisms; degradation degradation or No impacts thermal discharge, and impingement impingement and Aquatic Ecology destruction No impacts o destruction aquatic of aquatic impingement, impingement, and entrainment minor and less than entrainment OJ Cn habitat entrainment.

entrainment. Alternative B due to smaller

P (f) water volumes.

C, C No cumulative effects.

"0 "0 cumulative effects.

No cumulative ro 3CD Removal or degradation degradation Little to no direct impacts from CD

J of terrestrial terrestrial vegetation, removal of 50 acres of forest and 2 Terrestrial Ecology Terrestrial Ecology No impacts No impacts Q)

CD wildlife habitat, and/or No impacts No impacts native grass. No indirect or m

J wildlife cumulative effects.

cumulative S

No impacts from site construction construction o0 or run-off.

J 3 No impacts impacts from site site CDCD
J construction or run-off.

construction Little or no impact to Indiana bats bats Q) from removal of low quality Adverse direct, indirect, and potential potential roost habitat with some some cumulative cumulative impacts to the moderate quality moderate quality potential potential roost

_0 Mortality, harm, or pink mucket and sheepnose sheepnose trees.

Endangered and Endangered harassment of federally harassment federally mussel mussel from dredging dredging and Threatened Threatened listed listed or state-listed state-listed No impacts towing barges. Adverse direct, indirect, and CD Species Species species species including including impacts cumulative impacts cumulative impacts to the pink pink to their critical habitat critical habitat Minor Minor indirect effects from mucket mucket and sheepnose mussel stress of potential mussel from dredging dredging and towing towing host fish from thermal barges. Fewer individuals individuals effluent; negligible effluent; negligible effect of affected affected than under Alternative Alternative B.


impingement/entrainment impingement/entrainment of potential potential host fish. Operational Operational impacts to pinkpink mucket and other aquatic mucket aquatic species same as Alternative Alternative B Degradation Degradation of the values values 0

Natural Natural Areas or qualities of natural No impacts impacts No impacts impacts No impacts impacts areas areas CD 0)


0) 0)




<0 CD zcZ Attribute/Potential Attti bute/Potential Alternative Alternative C:

Resource Resource Effects A - No Action B - 1 B&W Unit C - 1 AP1000 Unit C0


Effects A - No Action B-1 B&W Unit C - 1 AP1000 Unit CD CD OJ Degradation or elimination elimination Minor impacts from C:


Degradation Minor impacts from Minor impacts impacts from construction C Recreation construction and operation  ::::l Recreation of recreation facilities or No impacts impacts construction and operation and operation operation noise and  ;:::;:

Archaeology and Archaeology opportunities opportunities Damage to archaeological archaeological No impacts.

noise and withdrawal of noise and withdrawal of water.

No impacts. Mark Mark and avoid withdrawal of water.

withdrawal No impacts. Mark and avoid site

-::r OJ CD CD Historic No impacts. OJ Historic Structures Structures sites or historic structures site 1JA111.

1JA111. 11JA111.

JA 111. 9?.

CD impacts Construction of new buildings Construction buildings CD Minor, temporary temporary impacts 0-o




_0 Effects on scenic quality, during rimpact construction.

of vapor impact of vapor plume.


plume Minor offset by buildings; removal offset by removal of buildings; construction existing existing construction impacts impacts minor. Minor impact of vapor

- ::::l Cn CD (f)

CD (f)

Visual degradation degradation of visual No additional impact Little or no additional impacts plume. $'

C "0 resources or no additionalioimpacts tLittlecncqaiy resources "0

CD CD to scenic sto scenic quality.

quality. Minor Minor Little or no additional impacts to Little or no additional impacts to

3 cumulative impacts to scenic quality. Minor cumulative (D

CD regional scenic quality. Minor cumulative

l regional visual setting.

visual setting. ,impacts to regional visual setting.

,impacts to regional visual setting.


m m Small to moderate moderate impacts impacts


< from temporary noise during Small to moderate moderate impacts impacts from a*


l Generation of noise noise at hydro-demolition hydro-demolition and and other temporary noise during blasting
3 Noise levels causing a nuisance No impact construction.

construction. and other construction.

- to the community CD CD

l OJ Minor Minor impacts impacts during Minor impacts during operation.

Minor impacts operation.


3 operation.

"0 OJ



(f) fii CD

3 CD CD M- M - M M M M M M M M M M .. -

M M M--

=m m mm m m= mm m=m mm m m m m m m Resource Attribute/Potential Attri bute/Potential _ Alternative Alternative Resource Effects A -No Action B - 1 B&W Unit C - 1 APIOOO Unit Effects . A. No Action B-1 B&W Unit C - 1 AP1000 Unit Changes in population, No impact No substantial change in substantial change No substantial change in in employment, income, and population; no significant significant population; no significant population; significant adverse adverse tax revenues. adverse effects; minor effects; minor beneficial impacts.

minor beneficial beneficial beneficial impacts.

Disproportionate Disproportionate effects No impact No disproportionate disproportionate impact. disproportionate impact.

No disproportionate on low income income and/or CD minority minority populations.

Changes in availability of No impact Minor to potential significant significant Minor Minor to potential significant significant CD housing and services.

services, adverse impacts during during adverse impacts during adverse impacts during construction; minor impacts construction; impacts construction; minor construction; minor impacts impacts operation. Potentially during operation., Potentially during during operation.

operation. Potentially m m Socioeconomics Socioeconomics apply measures measures to mitigate apply measures to mitigate apply measures mitigate

5. Environmental and Environmental demand for housing. demand demand for housing.


0 Justice Justice

J 3:3 Public Services No impact Minor with the exception exception of Minor with the exception of CD Cl>
J significant increase increase inin significant increase significant increase in demand fii demand demand for schools schools during for schools during during construction; construction; moderate moderate increase in demand moderate demand for
3 demand for increase in demand schools during operation.

schools during operation.

Changes in in land use. No impact Minor indirect impact from Minor indirect indirect impact from CD increased residential increased residential use. residential use.

increased residential a3 Cumulative effects effects No impact Minor impact, minor Minor impacts, minor cumulative cumulative associated with Redstone associated Redstone cumulative effects. effects.


Arsenal Quantity Quantity of construction construction waste No direct or cumulative cumulative No impact impact related to impacts; minor indirect under Alternative B.

greater than under B.

impacts; minor indirect Generation Generation and disposal construction; Minor Minor impactsNo No direct or cumulative impacts; impacts; Solid and and of solid and hazardous indirect impact of offsite impactsrduringfconstruction impacts during construction minor indirect impacts during Hazardous Waste of solid and hazardous indirect impact of offsite and operation from offsite minor indirect impacts during cosrtinadpetonf Hazardous Waste and operation from offsite waste disposal in permitted disposal in permitted construction offsite disposal andinoperation permitted of disposal in permitted (")

facilities. facilities. faiit disposal offsite is. in permitted =r-

_0 facilities. facilities.

aJ facilities. '0 CD Cl>





co CD c

z Attribute/Potential Attri bute/Potential Alternative Resource Resource Effects A - No Action B - 1 B&W Unit C - 1 AP1000 Unit (")

CD Effects A - No Action B-1 B&W Unit C - 1 AP1000 Unit CD a*)

No adverse seismic effects OJ No adverse seismic effects C:

Seismology Seismology Seismic adequacy Seismic No change. anticipated. anticipated. c anticipated. anticipated. ~

Air Quality Emissions resulting in Emissions increases ofresulting in air pollutants expected No impacts expected Minor impacts from emissions controlled emissions controlled to meet current applicable regulatory Minor impacts impacts from emissions applicable applicable regulatory emissions controlled to meet current controlled current -OJ



CD increases of air pollutants OJ requirements. Minor impacts impacts requirements. Minor impacts ~

CD from vehicular emissions. from vehicular emissions. CD a

o OJ C:


humans and Effects to humans non-human biota from Annual doses to the public well within regulatory limits; well within regulatory limits; no observable health Annual doses to the public well Annual doses to the public well within regulatory limits; no observable health impacts.






(f) Radiological Effects non-human biota from normal radiological observable health impacts. ~

C Radiological nor alradolgiclNoo impacts normal radiological expected expected mpatsexp impacts. Doses ctdumpacts Diosaesl to teownnon-n Doses Doses to non-human biota to non-human well biota well "D

CD human biota well below "D

releases human biota well below below regulatory limits; no below regulatory no CD regulatory regulatory limits; no noticeable acute effects.

B3 noticeable acute noticeable acute effects.

CD (l) noticeable acute effects.



fii m




3 CD (l)


fii 3


$1 C/)



( l) 3 CD (l)


M -

- --- = =-- -M -


M M M M M M = -= M IM M i Table 2-4. Environmental Impacts Summary of the Environmental Impacts of the Two Transmission Transmission UpgradeUpgrade Alternatives.

Alternative Resource Resource Attribute/Potential Attribute/Potential Effects Effects No i Alternative Action No Action Action Minor, temporary temporary impacts impacts during during degradation of Chemical or thermal degradation Chemical No impacts upgrade upgrade activities. Minor impacts impacts Surface Water changes to surface water quality; changes surface to No impacts use during routine maintenance.

maintenance. No hydrology hydrology and Surface water use cumulative impacts o

..., Chemical groundwater Chemical impacts to groundwater Minor impacts to groundwater quality Minor impacts to groundwater Q) Minor impacts to groundwater quality Minor impacts to groundwater

P Groundwater Groundwater quality; changes in use of from ROW maintenance quality from ROW maintenance from ROW maintenance quality from ROW maintenance C/)



groundwater qroundwater C

No impacts No from from ROW impactsimpacts ROW clearing; clearing; nono "0

from impacts from additional of ROW "0CD direct and indirect Minor direct indirect impacts CD3o Degradation of Degradation Aquy of water quality; water quality; maintenance. No ROW maintenance. cumulative No cumulative additional aitenal impacts as of of ROW ROW 3CD Aquatic Ecology ROW CD Aquatic Ecology destruction of aquatic organisms destruction impacts maintenance as compared to No Action

~CD impacts Action Oi Removal Removal or degradation degradation of terrestrial m

Terrestrial Ecology vegetation, associated vegetation, associated wildlife No local or regional impacts No local or regional impacts impacts 0

habitat, and wildlife and wildlife Endangered and Endangered Mortality, Mortality, harm, or harassment harassment of species No impacts No impacts No adverse impacts CD Threatened Species Threatened federally listed or state-listed state-listed species Destruction of wetlands or Z) Wetlands Destruction of wetlands or No impacts No adverse impacts degradation of wetland deqradation wetland functions No impacts No adverse impacts Construction or modification to a

_0 Floodplains Construction or modification to a No floodplains affected No adverse impacts floodplain floodplain Minor direct direct impact to natural areas areas Cl)

Natural Areasqualities Degradation Natural Areas Degradation of the areasarsneby of natural values or of the values or No impacts impacts on ROWs, no impactimpact to natural qualities of natural areas areas areas nearby.

CD Degradation or elimination Degradation or elimination of of No impacts Minor impact from refurbishing refurbishing lines lines Recreation No impacts recreation recreation facilities or opportunities opportunities and routine maintenance maintenance Changes in land use and effects to No changes to current land use Minor disruption disruption during upgrade during upgrade Land Use No changes to current land use uses of adjacent adjacent land activities activities Minor short-term short-term impacts during during Effects on scenic quality, Visual Effects on scenic quality, No impacts impacts construction and minor long-term degradation of visual resources degradation resources impacts from taller structures impacts from taller structures


r Q)

_0 Co "0

C...,D 0)


-.J "4

oC0 C0 (f)


J co CD co zZ c

Effects N Alternative AcAlternative C Resource Resource Attribute/Potential Attri bute/Potential Effects No Action* Action (")

No Action" Action co III 0)

Potential for adverse adverse impact to CDC archaeological sites and/or historic archaeological historic a)::J structures. Effects structures. Effects would bebe Archaeology Archaeology and and Damage Damage to to archaeological archaeological sites sites or or No impacts No impacts avoided avoided oror mitigated mitigated inin accordance accordance ....

III CD Structures Historic Structures historic structures historic structures with MOAs developed in =r-with MOAs developed in eo CD CD consultation with the appropriate consultation appropriate ~

historic preservation state historic preservation officer( s).

officer(s). co Changes, at local and regional 0'

J CD) o

., scales, in the human population; CD III (f)

~ Socioeconomics Socioeconomics employment, income, and tax No impacts construction Minor impacts during construction CD (f)

CI revenues; and demand for publicpublic eo C


-0 "0

services and housing.

CO CD Environmental Environmental Disproportionate effects on low Disproportionate low 3 minority populations No disproportionate effects No disproportionate effects No disproportionate effects disproportionate effects eo CD Justice income and/or minority populations

J Qi Potential effects electromagnetic effects of electromagnetic No significant impacts from EMF; no No significant impacts from EMF; no m

m Operational Impacts fields, lightning strike hazard, electric No impacts alteration of line grounding, minor Operational Impacts No impacts No io alteration ofnro of line grounding, minor


< shock hazard, hazard, and generation generation of noise, no odors a*


J noises and odors noise, no odors 3

eo CD

J Qi 3

"0 III 0,



CD Qi CD 3

eo CD


m1 M = IMm = M, - - _.... m - m - _ -M

I Chapter 2 I 2.7.1 2.7.1 Nuclear Plant Construction Nuclear Plant Construction Both of the nuclear generation nuclear generation action action alternatives, Alternatives Band B and C, would meet the the I demands for power described future demands maintaining construction maintaining described in Section 1.41.4 above. Alternative A, No Action, construction permits in aa terminated/deferred terminated/deferred status, does not address address the need Compared to the action alternatives, the Alternative A would result in no new for power. Compared I construction, no operation of a nuclear nuclear plant, and no changes to the electric transmission lines or supporting equipment. Under Alternative Alternative A, maintenance, functions would continue as required so long as construction maintenance, inspections, and security construction permits remain valid.

I Under Alternatives Band Under Alternatives structures B and C, construction activities would incorporate structures and use previously previously disturbed disturbed ground where incorporate existing facilities and where possible. Both the B&W and AP1000 unit would use the existing intake channel and pumping station, cooling towers, I blowdown discharge diffuser, switchyard, blowdown discharge partially switchyard, and transmission system. Under constructed B&W unit would be completed on previously partially constructed Under Alternative B, previously cleared ground and B, a minimal minimal new new site clearing or grading would occur. The majority of the construction activitiesactivities I on plant systems systems and components involve replacement components would involve refurbishment of replacement or refurbishment equipment contained within the current structures. Completion of the single B&W unit equipment unit would require replacement replacement of the steam generators.


I Under Alternative C, the AP1 on vacant AP1000 000 unit would be constructed constructed on a new nuclear nuclear island located vacant ground within the BLN project area. Construction of this unit and associated I structures are anticipated structures preparation approximately 185 anticipated to disturb approximately preparation would require blasting.

buildings buildings would be removed.

185 additional additional acres on the site. Site Site blasting. The existing turbine building and the office and service I Although more site preparation construction would be necessary under Alternative preparation and construction this would be offset by the somewhat simpler design and modern Alternative C, modern modular construction construction techniques used to construct the AP1 000 unit. Factory-built Factory-built modules can be assembled assembled at at I significantly reducing both construction the site, significantly construction duration and construction requirements. Therefore, the construction duration construction site labor duration and site construction labor force for an AP1000 unit is comparable comparable to the estimated estimated duration and labor requirements requirements to complete complete I one of the partially partially constructed constructed B&W unit.

Under both action alternatives, initial dredging and periodic maintenance maintenance dredging would be be I necessary. The areas requiring dredging vary between requiring dredging would require the removal of about 10 percent between the two alternatives. Alternative Alternative B material from the intake channel percent more material channel than would Alternative C; it would also require dredging from the main river channel that would would not occur under Alternative B (Alternative C would require dredging dredging 240 cubic yards of I material from the barge unloading unloading area).

Potential effects to the environment environment from construction construction activities proposed under Alternatives Alternatives I B and C are described Band described in Table 2-3.

2.7.2 Nuclear PlantOperation Nuclear Plant Operation I The B&W and AP1000 alternatives alternatives are functionally very similar in that they are both pressurized light water reactors with a reactor vessel, reactor coolant pumps, a pressurizer, two steam steam generators, and a power conversion system consisting of high pressure pressure and lowlow I pressure turbines, aa generator, and feedwater system as illustrated illustrated in Figure 2-7.

I Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 71 I

Single Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Bellefonte Site Site I II Steam III Generator 1 IIt Reactor Vessel II Steam HP Turbine III II Generator 2 Main Feedwater Pumps Feedwater Booster Pump Condensate Pumps II Containment ...-~~_+


.. Turbine 0 Building Building II IU Figure 2-7. Typical System System Pressurized Light Water Reactor Typical Pressurized and Reactor Coolant Coolant System Reactor - Reactor Power Conversion II Both plants plants would generate chemicals chemicals and processes generate comparable quantities of radioactive comparable quantities processes for water treatment. The most significant difference radioactive waste and use similar difference between similar II these two systems is that the B&W plant utilizes once-through once-through steam generators generators that produce produce generator about 50 degrees degrees generator system. The ability to create of superheat, whereas the superheated steam makes create superheated AP1000 AP1 000 uses a U-tube steam makes the B&W unit thermally II more more efficient, such that even with a larger larger capacity capacity of 3,600 MWt versus 3,400 MWt for the the II AP1 000, the B&W unit discharges AP1000, discharges slightly less waste waste heat to the environmentenvironment than does the the AP1000.

IU Both the B&W and AP1 AP1000 000 would use closed-cycle closed-cycle cooling systems, discharging discharging cooling cooling tower blowdown blowdown via aa diffuser diffuser in Guntersville Reservoir. The two plant designs differ in in volumes of operating operating waterflows.

waterflows. For a single B&W unit, intake water water would would make up up II 11,350 gallons per minute (gpm) for evaporation 11,350 evaporation plus about 22,650 22,650 gpm of cooling tower tower blowdown, resulting blowdown, resulting in a typical withdrawal from Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir Reservoir of 34,000 gpm (75 (75 cubic feet per secondsecond [cfs], [cfs], or less than 0.2 percent percent of the flow through through Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir).

Reservoir). Typical discharge discharge from the B&W to the reservoir reservoir through the diffusers would be be II about 22,650 gpm. For a single AP1000 AP1 000 unit, intake water would make make up for 16,039 gpm for evaporation evaporation plus about 7,91-4 7,914 gpm cooling tower tower blowdown, resulting in a typical withdrawal from Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir Reservoir of 23,953 gpm (53 cfs, or about 0.1 percent percent of the the flow through Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir). Typical Typical discharge discharge from the AP1000 AP1 000 to the reservoir reservoir II 72 72 Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement II

I Chapter Chapter 2 I would be about 7,914 gpm temperature gpm.. Both plants would meet the same specifications discharged water.

temperature of discharged water.

specifications for I Another Another significant significant difference difference between the B&W and the AP1000 AP1000 works on the simple concept concept that, that, in AP1 000 designs designs is that the in the event of a design-basis the design-basis accident (such as accident as break),, the plant is designed to achieve and maintain a coolant pipe break) maintain safe shutdown I condition without any operator operator action and without the need for AC power of relying on active components such as diesel generators pumps. Instead power or pumps.

generators and pumps, the AP1000 AP1 000 relies relies on the natural forces of gravity, gravity , natural natural circulation and compressed gases gases to keep the corecore I and containment atmosphere overheating.. The ultimate containment from overheating ultimate heat sink for the AP atmosphere,, whereas the ultimate heat sink for the concepts greatly simplify the design and construction construction of the AP1 AP1000 000 AP1000 1000 is the plant and the the B&W is the river. These passive design reduce design reduce its I overall footprint. For example example,, the AP1 plant as indicated in Figure 2-8.2-8.

AP1000 000 uses far less equ equipment ipment than a typical nuclear nuclear I

I iIi~

I 112 I



I 50% Fewer Valves 35%

35% Fewer Safety Fewer Safety Grade 80% Less Pipe Less 45% Less Seismic Building 85% Less Less Cable Cable Pumps Volume Vol ume I Figure 2-8. AP1000 Simplified Design - Fewer Components Components I The B&W design is similar to nuclear plants currently active safety systems to mitigate operating elsewhere currently operating mitigate the consequences elsewhere in that itit requires consequences of an accident. Valves must open or requires close,, pumps must start quickly and run at rated capacity, close capacity, and diesel generators generators must start.

I Guntersville Reservoir Reservoir is the ultimate heat sink,sink, and the intake source of cooling water through severe droughts, continuous source intake channel droughts, even channel must provide provide a instance of even in the rare instance loss of the downstream downstream dam dam..


Draft Supplemental Su pplemental Environmental Impact Environ mental Im pact Statement 73 73 I

Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Site I As a result of the AP1000's'design AP1 OOO's design simplicity and significant reduction in safety-related systems and equipment, operations and maintenance maintenance costs for the AP1000 safety-related AP1 000 should be lower lower I

than for the B&W unit, although partially offset by the B&W unit's higher thermal efficiency. efficiency.

2.7.3 2.7.3 Transmission Upgrades Transmission Upgrades I II Should aa BLN nuclear nuclear plant become become operational, operational, electricity generated by the new plant electricity generated plant would overload the existing transmission infrastructure.

infrastructure. To address address the projected projected overloading, evaluation is TVA evaluated summarized Table 2-4.effects in potential effects of implementing implementing two alternatives; alternatives; this this evaluation is summarized in Table 2-4.

2.8. Identification Identification of Mitigation Mitigation Measures Measures I Mitigation Mitigation of potential environmental environmental impacts includes measures measures to avoid, minimize, rectify, reduce, or compensate TVA's 1974 compensate for adverse impacts. Mitigation 1974 FES and subsequent subsequent environmental Mitigation measures have been identified environmental reviews. Those measures would be identified in be in I

implemented as described. The AEC's 1974 implemented 1974 FES (AEC 1974) includes includes a list of seven conditions for the protection 1&2. After reviewing protection of the environment environment during construction construction and operation reviewing these conditions, TVA has concluded that these conditions have been met during plant construction or will be addressed operation of BLN conditions either addressed by required permits and I

authorizations. This supplemental impacts and beyond those commitments supplemental document discussed selected for implementation identifies mitigation measures to address document identifies impacts beyond those discussed in the earlier reviews. TVA will identify specific mitigations in the earlier reviews. TVA will identify in the ROD for this project.

and commitments selected for implementation in the ROD for this project.

address specific mitigations II TVA has identified the following measuresmeasures that could be implemented operation of a single nuclear unit at the Bellefonte operation implemented during construction Bellefonte site to address construction or address those potential impacts.

I3 Completion or Construction Completion If If Alternatives B Construction and Operation or C were adopted, Operation of a Nuclear TVA would Nuclear Unit avoid disturbing archaeological archaeological sitesite I3 1JAJA1111.

11. The site would be fenced off and its location location would would be marked on BLN BLN drawings.


Prior to the adoption of any future modification to current project plans having affect this site, site 1 nature of adverse JA 111 would be subjected 1JA111would adverse effects.

subjected to further testing to determine having potential to determine the extent to extent and and I If alternative is implemented, If either action alternative during the construction implemented, TVA would review the availability of housing construction phase to assess whether efforts to mitigate housing impacts in in II Jackson County is needed. Such Such efforts could include housing assistanceassistance for employees, transportation transportation assistance assistance for commuting commuting employees, or remote parking areas with shuttles. I TVA is currently currently coordinating with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Service (USFWS) under under Endangered Species Act to evaluate Section 7 of the Endangered evaluate potential effects effects to federally listed aquatic animals, plants, and wildlife from completion/construction and operation of the BLN aquatic animals, plants, and wildlife from completion/construction and operation of the BLN Ii nuclear plant and associated associated transmission line upgrades. Under Alternatives B and C, TVA Band would implement any avoidance Opinion.

Biological Opinion.

avoidance or mitigation measures measures that result from the USFWS USFWS I

If Alternative C were selected and implemented, TVA would conduct a survey to investigate If the presence presence of Indiana Indiana bats prior to clearing forest on the BLN site. The need for measures investigate measures I designed designed to avoid minimize impacts to Indiana bats would be determined avoid or minimize results of the survey and in coordination coordination with the USFWS.

determined based upon upon 3

I If Alternative If Alternative C were selected for implementation, impacts caused by construction activities implementation, TVA would compensate compensate for wetland activities by purchasing wetland mitigation credits at 3 I

74 Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement I

I Chapter 2 I Robinson Spring Wetland Robinson Wetland Mitigation Mitigation Bank, which is located located within the same watershed the proposed impacts. TVA would determine the exact extent of wetland fill required, watershed as required, and as obtain and comply with a SectionSection 404/401 permit.

I If Alternative C were adopted, If adopted, preparation preparation for the construction construction of an AP1 AP1000 000 unit would also require blasting which would cause temporary require temporary noise impacts. Potential mitigation Potential mitigation I measures measures include, but are not limited surrounding limited to, the use of blasting blankets, notification surrounding receptors prior to blasting, and limiting blasting activities notification of the activities to daylight hours.

the I Transmission Transmission Upgrades Should implemented Upgrades Should TVA select Alternative B or C, the following mitigation measures could be implemented to address the potential impacts of the proposed transmission be upgrades.

I Federally listed and state-listed Federally small portions state-listed plant species have been previously documented portions of the transmission rights-of-way rights-of-way (ROW), and additional documented along additional listed species species are likely to be present. Prior to implementing implementing any ground-disturbing ground-disturbing work on transmission I appropriately timed botanical surveys would be conducted to examine all sites ROWs, appropriately where listed plant species have been previously previously reported to determine sites determine ifif the rare species species are still present and the full extent of the plants in the ROW. IfIf survey survey results indicate indicate listed listed I plants are present present in the project area, the following mitigation measures reduce or eliminate impacts to the species:

measures would be used to I

  • Locations of areas with federally listed plant species transmission line and access road engineering during species would would be noted in the engineering design specification during the design and construction of the upgrades. TVA botanists the drawings used specification drawings botanistswould help

,'Nould help I fence fence these areas to ensure on the species construction crews ensure construction crews would avoid the sites. Depending species present, construction may be timed so work takes place during dormant season when plants are less likely to be harmed Depending during the harmed by construction. Any new the structures would be placed to avoid impacting these areas. Additionally, access access I roads and the associated associated vehicle traffic would be excluded from these areas.

    • Areas Areas where state-listed species occur in the project project area would be avoided unless unless I there is no practical alternative.

those used for federally Avoidance measures alternative. Avoidance federally listed listed plants.

measures would be comparable comparable to I implementing any proposed upgrade activities, TVA would conduct a ground survey Prior to implementing to determine determine the exactexact extent of any wetland areas located within the corridors proposed for upgrade. Pending this review, specific specific commitments may be placed placed on wetland areas to I significant impacts or loss of wetland function occurs as a result of the ensure no significant transmission upgrade activities. These commitments transmission line upgrade strategies, minimization minimization measures, or mitigation commitments would result in avoidance the avoidance mitigation measures should wetland functions be be compromised. Mitigation Mitigation would be provided ifif substantial substantial quality and quantity of forested I wetland would be cleared to accommodate station construction, accommodate a wider construction, or for any other activity wider ROW, if if fill is proposed proposed for switching activity that reduces the functional capacity capacity of a specific wetland.

wetland. BMPs would be in place for upgrade upgrade activities, and ground surveys would would I take place to identify wetland areas would be required.

areas where avoidance, minimization, required. No significant impacts to potential minimization, or mitigation measures potential wetland areas within the ROW would measures would be anticipated from the transmission be anticipated from the transmission line upgrade.line upgrade.

I TVA would also evaluate the presence presence of historic historic structures and archaeological archaeological sites in in areas to be disturbed. This evaluation evaluation would be guided by the MOAs MOAs that TVA is I

Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Impact Statement 75 75 I

Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Bellefonte Site Ii developing developing with each of the affected states (Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia). TVA

-I I

would use the phased identification and evaluation phased identification procedure set forth in those evaluation procedure those agreements, agreements, as well as other pertinent in the future would be approved pertinent federal legislation.

approved or denied Site-specific activities legislation. Site-specific according to the significance denied according activities proposed significance of any II archaeological resources within the affected archaeological affected ROWs. Archaeological Archaeological sites in affected areas areas would be avoided whenever possible. If If avoidance would not be possible, mitigation may be required. Such mitigation typically calls for additional archaeological archaeological investigation may investigation and II may may require data recovery of potentially impacted archaeological data recovery archaeological resources resources in the form of

removal, removal, cataloging, and archiving, documents archiving, as defined defined in the appropriate appropriate MOA. Although mitigation documents the site and preserves certain artifacts, under the revised NHPA regulations, excavation excavation and removal of artifacts are considered adverse impact mitigation impact to an archaeological archaeological II II site.

2.9. Preferred Alternative Alternative II TVA will identify identify its preferred alternative in the Final SEIS after receivirig preferred alternative receiving input from thethe reviewing agencies and the public. The Draft SEIS will be made available for public and reviewing agencies agency agency review. TVA will hold an open house meeting to receive comments comments and answers questions questions from the public during the 45-day comment period. period. The agency will identify its II preferred alternative based on the project purpose and need as defined preferred alternative defined in Chapter Chapter 1, assessment assessment in the Final SEIS, including input provided provided by reviewing reviewing agencies agencies and thethe public, as well as information information in the Detailed Detailed Scoping, Estimating, and Planning (DSEP)

II Project study for BLN 1&2 and the cost and engineering studies for the AP1 000. TVA's TVA's preferred alternative will be identified in the Final SEIS, along with the environmentally preferred alternative environmentally preferred preferred alternative. The Final SEIS will be distributed to the public 30 days days prior to the the II TVA Board making its decision and the agency issuing a Record of Decision for the BLN Project.





76 76 Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement I

I Chapter 3 Chapter I CHAPTER CHAPTER 3 I 3.0 NUCLEAR GENERATION NUCLEAR GENERATION ALTERNATIVES BELLEFONTE SITE - AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT ALTERNATIVES ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES I The Bellefonte Bellefonte site has been the subject of several environmental environmental environmental consequences consequences of constructing and operating environmental reviews. The operating BLN 1 &2 (B&W) 1&2 The (B&W) were were I addressed comprehensively addressed environmental comprehensively in TVA's 1974 FES and AEC's 1974 FES. Subsequent environmental reviews updated that analysis (see Section 1.7).

deferred construction deferred construction activities, activities, most of the construction 1.7). By 1988, Subsequent 1988, when TVATVA construction effects had already occurred. The occurred. The environmental consequences environmental consequences of constructing and operating operating BLN 3&4 (AP1 000) were were I addressed addressed in the COLA ER, Rev 1 (TVA 2008a). This chapter contained contained in those earlier reviews, identifies any new or updates the information chapter updates additional effects that could result from the completion or construction and operation operation of single nuclear unit at the BLN site and and I assesses assesses the potential environmental environmental impacts.

The investigations investigations and analyses analyses described in this chapter conducted within the chapter were conducted the I Bellefonte Bellefonte project project area illustrated in Figures 2-1 and 2-4, unless otherwise specified.



3.1. Surface Surface Water Resources Resources I 3.1.1.

3.1.1. Surface Water Surface Water Hydrology and and Water Water Quality Quality Affected Environment Affected Environment I Guntersville (TRM Reservoir extends 76 river miles from Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir Guntersville Dam in northeast Alabama Alabama-Tennessee state line (TRM 416.5), to Nickajack (TRM 349.0), across the Alabama-Tennessee Alabama Nickajack Dam in in southeast Tennessee Tennessee (TRM 424.7). The Sequatchie River enters Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir at I TRM 422.7, just downstream downstream of Nickajack Nickajack Dam. Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir Reservoir has a drainage area of 24,450 square miles, of which 2,589 square miles are not regulated by upstream drainage upstream dams. The reservoir has a shoreline shoreline length of 890 miles, a volume of 1,018,000 1,018,000 acre-feet, I and a water surface area of 67,900 Guntersville Guntersville dam is 41,100 cfs.

67,900 acres at a normal maximum maximum pool elevation of 595 feet msl. The width of the reservoir ranges from 900 feet to 2.5 miles. Average flow at I Consistent Consistent with the TVA Act, Guntersville of flood protection, protection, navigation Guntersville Dam and Reservoir Reservoir are operated for the purposes navigation and power production, as well as to protect aquatic purposes aquatic resources resources and provide provide water supply and recreation.

recreation. During normal operations, the surface surface elevation I of Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir Reservoir varies between 593 feet mean sea level (msl) in winter and 595 feet msl in summer. During high-flow periods, the top of the normal operating operating elevation elevation exceeded to regulate range may be exceeded regulate flood flows. From mid-May to mid-September, TVA I varies the elevation elevation of Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir Reservoir by 1 foot to aid in mosquito population control.

Because of the need to maintain a minimum depth for navigation, navigation, Guntersville Guntersville is one of the the most stable stable TVA reservoirs, fluctuating fluctuating only 2 feet between its normal normal minimum minimum pool in thethe I winter and its maximum pool in the summer.

The BLN site at TRM 391.5 located on a peninsula peninsula formed by the Town Creek 391.5 is located I embayment embayment on the right (western) bank of Guntersville Creek embayment Town Creek originates approximately Guntersville Reservoir (Figure 1-3). The Town embayment borders the northern and western property boundaries approximately 33 miles southwest southwest of the boundaries of the BLN site.

BLN site and flows flows I

Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 77 77 I

Single Nuclear Bellefonte Site Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte IU northwestward into Guntersville northwestward Creek Guntersville Reservoir at TRM 393.4. The drainage Creek at the BLN site is approximately approximately 6 square square miles.

drainage area area of Town II The state state of Alabama Alabama has designated BLN for public water designated the reach of the Tennessee River water supply, swimming and other whole-body water-contact River in the vicinity of water-contact sports, and fish I and wildlife use classifications. The State also assesses assesses the water qualityquality of streams in the the state. Those not meeting water quality standards referred standards are listed in a federally federally mandated report, referred to as a 305(b) report (from the section of the Clean Water Act). This report is published in alternate alternate years. The 2008 version of the report (ADEM 2008) lists two I

two impaired tributary streams to Guntersville area of BLN: Town Creek Guntersville Reservoir, neither of which are in the immediate Creek (a different stream from the one at the BLN site), which enters the reservoir at TRM 361.5; and Scarham Scarham Creek, aa tributary immediate tributary to Short Creek, the mouth of which the I is at TRM TRM 360.5. 5 TVA has conducted the Vital Signs monitoring monitoring program on on Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir Reservoir in in I

alternate alternate years since 1994. The Vital Signs program program uses five metrics to evaluate evaluate thethe ecological health of TVA reservoirs: chlorophyll concentration, ecological bottom life, life, sediment sediment contamination, contamination, and dissolved concentration, fish community health, dissolved oxygen. Values of good, fair, or poor I

are assigned assigned to each metric. Scores from monitoring sites in the deep (forebay, TRM 350), mid-reservoir (inflow, TRM 420 (inflow, TRM the 420 and and 424) 424) are are combined combined for a for a summary summary score. The score.

deep area near the dam mid-reservoir (TRM 375.2), and at the upstream end of the reservoir data The and datathefrom these from these sites II characterize surface biological and water quality of the reservoir BLN site.sites characterize the surface biological and water quality of the reservoir and the BLN site.

The ecological ecological health condition of Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir rated at the upper range in 2008 (see Figure 3-1). Guntersville's ecological health scores had fluctuated upper end of the fair fair I within the good range in prior years. The lower score in 2008 was largely because several ecological indicators at the forebay (dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, and bottom life) received ecological lowest scores to date. The lower scores may have been influenced their lowest influenced by drought received I conditions conditions that occurred occurred in 2007 and 2008. Ecological Ecological health health scores tend to be lower in in most Tennessee Tennessee River concentrations River reservoirs during years with low flows because concentrations are typically higher higher and dissolved dissolved oxygen because chlorophyll oxygen levels are lower. As in past years, II scores for the ecological health health indicators indicators at the mid-reservoir mid-reservoir and inflow locations were among the highest observed among observed for all TVA reservoirs.

I In 2008, the five individual In individual metrics scored scored good or fair at all sites except except for chlorophyll in in the forebay forebay station, paragraphs that follow.

paragraphs which rated poor (Table 3-1). These These metrics are briefly explained explained thein the I

3-1. Ecological Table 3-1.

Monitoring Monitoring Ecological Health Dissolved Indicators for Guntersville Health Indicators Chlorophyll Fish Chlorophyll Guntersville Reservoir, 2008 Fish Bottom Life Sediment Bottom Life ~Sediment I3 Locations Locations Oxygen Chlorophyll Fish Bottom Lif __dien Forebay Forebay Mid-reservoir Mid-reservoir Fair Good Poor Good Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Good I Inflow

  • Not measured at inflow station
  • Fair Fair Fair **


  • Not measured at Inflow station I

II II 78 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement ,

78 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I

I Chapter 3 I 100 90 90 I 80 80 Good 70 70 I 60 60 50 50 Fair Poor I 40 40 30 30 I 20 20 10 o0 I 1994 1996 1996 1998 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2008 Figure 3-1.

3-1. Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir Reservoir Ecological Ecological Health Ratings, 1994-2008 1994-2008 I Dissolved Oxygen.

Oxygen . Dissolved oxygen levels typically rate good at both monitoring monitoring I locations, and the mid-reservoir forebay received range. This was because mid-reservoir continued continued to do so in 2008 (Table 3-1). However, the received its first fair rating for dissolved dissolved oxygen, oxygen, rating at the upper concentrations were low in a small area because concentrations the upper end of the fair area along fair along the bottom of the the reservoir in early summer.

I Chlorophyll rated poor at the forebay and good at the mid-reservoir Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll mid-reservoir monitoring monitoring location. Chlorophyll concentrations location. concentrations were elevated elevated at the forebay during several sample sample I periods, likely a result of the low flow conditions fluctuated conditions in the reservoir. Chlorophyll ratings have fluctuated between good, fair, and poor at the forebay, generally have generally in response to reservoir flows. Chlorophyll concentrations at the mid-reservoir mid-reservoir monitoring location have consistently I rated good.

good .

Fish.. As in previous years, Fish years , low catch rates contributed contributed to fair ratings for the fish community I at all locations. While Whi le the fish assemblage (one point from fair), the lowest assemblage generally rates fair at the forebay reservoir, ratings at the inflow have fluctuated fluctuated between lowest score to date between good mid-forebay and mid-good and fair and even poor in 2000 date for the reservoir.

reservoir. This fish rating rebounded to good in 2002 and to a "high fair" in 2004, 2004 , possibly indicating that the poor rating was an an I anomaly.


Bottom Life Life.. Bottom life rated fair at the forebay and mid-reservoir mid-reservoir and good at the inflow.

I Bottom life typically rates fair or good at all monitoring locations. However, at the low end of the fair However, bottom life rated fa ir range at the forebay in 2008 - lower than in previous The previous years. The lower rating was due to the reduced reduced density and diversity of organisms in the samples samples I collected from collected from the the reservoir reservoir bottom.

Sediment. Sediment Sediment quality rated good at the mid-reservoir mid-reservoir monitoring location because no no I PCBs or pesticides were detected, forebay forebay rated fair because forebay detected, and because PCBs were detected no metals had elevated concentrations.

elevated concentrations . TheThe detected.. Sediment quality typically rates fair at the forebay due to the presence of one or more contaminants: PCBs, chlordane contaminants : PCBs, chlordane,, or zinc.

the zinc. The The I

Draft Supplemental Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 79 79 I

Single Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Bellefonte Site Site I sediment sediment rating at the mid-reservoir chlordane, which chlordane, which was mid-reservoir has was detected has fluctuated fluctuated between 1996, 2002, and detected in 1996, between good and and 2004; PCBs were and fair fair due were detected due primarily primarily to detected at this this to I 2002.

location in 2002.

location Fish Consumption Consumption Advisories.

Advisories. There There areare no fish consumption consumption advisories advisories on Guntersville Guntersville I

Reservoir. TVA collected channel channel catfish and largemouth largemouth bass from from the the reservoir reservoir for tissue tissue analysis in the autumn analysis or below or below the levels autumn of 2004. All contaminant levels used used by the statestate of Alabama levels were either contaminant levels Alabama to issue either below below detectable issue fish consumption consumption advisories.


levels detectable levels I

and extent Environmental Consequences Environmental While both the B&W and While of land disturbances Consequences and AP1 000 involve would be substantial construction involve substantial greater for activities, the construction activities, the AP1 000. As magnitude the magnitude I extent disturbances greater As development of either development either alternative alternative occurs, soil activities could management management or storage soil disturbances could potentially result in associated with access disturbances associated potentially result in adverse adverse water quality access roads roads and other quality impacts. Improper storage and handling of potential contaminants contaminants could other construction construction Improper water could result in polluting polluting I

discharges streams result and and threaten in runoffthreaten runoff to receiving streams. Erosion and sediment surface runoff discharges or surface streams aquatic aquatic to streams life. Improper and life.

Improper use subsequent aquatic result in runoff to streams and subsequent aquatic impacts.

of herbicides use of herbicides to impacts.

sediment could clog small control vegetation to control vegetation could could II Precautions Precautions would be included maintenance included in the project design, construction, maintenance to minimize the potential potential impacts.

construction, operation, and impacts. Construction, Construction, operation, and maintenance maintenance I£ activities would comply with state construction and runoff permit requirements. BMPs activities BMPs sufficient to avoid adverse sufficient grading and soil removal receiving adverse impacts would be followed followed for all construction removal would be minimized to preserve receiving waters. Clearing operations construction activities.

operations would be staged so that only land which Site activities. Site environment and preserve and protect the environment which would be be I

developed promptly is stripped developed be applied stripped of protective protective vegetation.

vegetation. Mulch or temporary cover would applied whenever possible to reduce sheet erosion. Permanent vegetation, cover, and sod would be installed as soon as possible after site preparation.

vegetation, ground would ground preparation. All natural I

features, such as streams, topsoil, trees, and shrubs shrubs would be preserved preserved to the extent incorporated into the final design layout. Sediment basins or other control possible and incorporated options would be used to control sediment sediment runoff. Surface Surface runoff would be managed to extent to I

avoid adverse adverse impacts to upstream upstream properties. Landscape maintenance maintenance would employ only only EPA-registered herbicides EPA-registered herbicides used used in accordance accordance with label directions. These and other precautions would minimize potential construction similar precautions construction impacts such that no mitigation mitigation I

measures would be necessary.

measures Construction of either a B&W or an AP1 000 unit is expected Construction expected to result in temporary and I

minor impacts to surface waters. The proximity of the Tennessee River *and and the magnitude magnitude of the river flow provides a ready source foreseeable needs, including construction impacts are anticipated.

construction impacts are anticipated.

the source of raw water of sufficient quantity to meet operation cumulative of the natural draft cooling tower. No cumulative I 3.1.2. Surface Water Water UseUse and and Trends Trends I Environment Affected Environment Surface water supply withdrawals within the Guntersville Reservoir catchment area in 2005 totaled 1522 million gallons per day (MGD) or less than 6 percent percent of the average flow I

Reservoir (Bohac and McCall 2008). Table 3-2 through Guntersville Reservoir 3-2 identifies the water users, the supply source, and water demands demands in 2005 and projections for 2030. The total return flow in 2005 was 1501 MGD, thus, the net consumptive use was approximately 21 total I MGD.

I 80 Environmental Impact Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I

I Chapter Chapter 3 I Table Table 3-2. Surface Withdrawals in Guntersville Surface Water Withdrawals Guntersville Watershed


2005 2005 o~

I Facility Name _Source County, State Rate (MGD11))

(MG0 2030- Ra~e:_{MGO) 2030 Rate (MGD)



Public Systems Systems I Dunlap Water System Sequatchie Sequatchie River Sequatchie, Sequatchie, TN 0.75 1.01 Monteagle Public Utility Monteagle Laurel Lake Grundy, TN 0.43 0.55 I Jasper Water Water Dept.

South Pittsburg Water Sequatchie Sequatchie River Guntersville Res.

Guntersville Res.

Marion, TN Marion, TN Marion, TN 0.47 1.02 1.02 0.59 1.27 1.27 System I TTaft aft Youth Center Tracy City Water SystemSystem Bee Creek Big Fiery Gizzard Bledsoe, TN Grundy, TN 0.06 0.47 0.08 0.60 I Whitwell Water Dept. Sequatchie River Marion, Marion, TN 0.80 1.00 1.00 Albertville Municipal Municipal Short Creek Marshall, AL " 11.64 14.46 Short Creek Marshall, AL 11.64 14.46 Utilities Utilities Arab Water Works Board Guntersville Res. Marshall, Marshall, AL I Bridgeport Bridgeport Utility Utility Board Board North Marshall Utilities Utilities Guntersville Guntersville Res.

Guntersville Guntersville Res.

Guntersville Jackson, Jackson, AL Marshall, Marshall, AL 4.31 2.36 1.20 5.35 3.12 3.12 1.49 1.49 Northeast Alabama I Wat Northeast Alabama Water Water Scottsboro Water Scottsboro Water Board Board Guntersville Res.

Guntersville Res.

Guntersville Res.

Guntersville Marshall, AL Marshall, Marshall, AL 1.36 4.66 1.69 1.69 6.15 6.15 I Section & & Dutton Water Guntersville Water Guntersville Works Works Water Guntersville Res.

Guntersville Guntersville Res.

Jackson, Jackson, AL Marshall, AL Marshall, AL 3.06 2.44 2.44 4.03 4.03 3.03 3.03 Fort Payne Water Works Guntersville Res.

Guntersville DeKalb, AL 0.47 0.60 Industrial Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Bellefonte Res.

Guntersville Res. Jackson, Jackson, AL AL 00 48.00/36.0022 48.00/36.00 Widows Creek Fossil Guntersville Res.

Guntersville Jackson, AL 1,476.30 1,476.30 Jackson, AL 1,476.30 1,476.30 Plant Plant Avondale Mills Guntersville Res.

Guntersville Jackson, Jackson, AL 0.05 0.07 0.07 Shaw Industries Guntersville Res.

Guntersville Jackson, Jackson, AL.

AL . 0.20 0.28 Smurfit-Stone Smurfit-Stone Container Container Guntersville Res.

Guntersville Jackson, Jackson, AL 8.53 12.26 12.26 Irrigation 1.77 2.21 Total 1,522.35 1,522.35 1,584.13/1,571.31 1,584.13/1,571.31 MGD - Million gallons per day 2 Estimated water withdrawal is 48.00 MGD for the B&W and 36.00 MGD for the AP1000.

2 Estimated water withdrawal is 48.00 MGD for the B&W and 36.00 MGD for the AP1000.

I Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences Plant Water Use Use I indicated in Table 3-2, the BLN water intake As indicated within the Guntersville ReservoirReservoir catchment intake is one of 21 surface surface water withdrawals withdrawals catchment area. All plant water, except for potable water, would be withdrawn from Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir Reservoir via the existing intake. Potable water I would be supplied by the Scottsboro pumped to the Scottsboro Wastewater Scottsboro Municipal Water System. Sanitary sewage Municipal Wastewater Treatment Treatment Facility for treatment sewage would be treatment through existing be sewer pipes.

I Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Supplemental Environmental Statement Impact Statement 81 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear I A1 1,200-foot channel connects

,200-foot intake chClnnel Guntersville Reservoir connects Guntersville station. (Figure 2-1). The station has four intake openings Reservoir with the BLN intake pumping openings slightly more than 10 feet wide pumping wide I

and approximately approximately 36 feet high. high. The top of the openings openings is at elevation 592.75 feet and the the shoreline shoreline elevation 557 feet. A floating trash boom would be located at the reservoir bottom at elevation to protect further protected by the intake intake a trash and a from channel rack floating traveling debris.

screen The pumping for each pumping of the intake reservoir station be would be openings.

I' further protected by a trash rack and a traveling screen for each of the intake openings.

approximate alignments of the intake conduit that would carry cooling water to the plant The approximate and the discharge conduit that would carry cooling tower blowdown blowdown back to the reservoir reservoir plant I are shown for operation of the B&W units in Figure 3-2 and Figure 3-3. The approximate alignments of the same conduits for the AP1 000 unit are shown alternatives use the same intake pumping station and the same blowdown alternatives approximate shown in Figure 3-4. All of the blowdown conduit and the I diffuser.

The process process water needs for operating operating one B&W unit are given in Table 3-3, as identified identified in I

the environmental environmental report prepared in conjunction with the operating operating license application in application in 1976 (TVA 1976). For operation the 11,350 operation of one B&W unit, the intake water flow would make up for 11,350 gallons per minute (gpm) or 25 cubic feet per second second (cfs) of evaporation, evaporation, plusplus for I

about 22,650 22,650 gpm (50 cfs) of cooling tower tower blowdown.

blowdown. Thus, the typical withdrawal from the reservoir would be about 34,000 gpm (75 cfs, or less than 0.2 percent through through Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir). The Reservoir).

would be about 22,650 gpm (50 cfs). The typical typical discharge to discharge to the the percent of the flow reservoir reservoir through the through diffusers the diffusers I would be about 22,650 gpm (50 cfs).

Table 3-3. 3-3. Approximate Approximate OperatingOperating Water Flows - One B&W Unit Unit I

Description Description Flow Rate Units*

Units Intake (One Unit Raw Service Operation)

Unit Operation)

Service Water 34,000 to 68,000 1000 gpm gpm I

a Alternate Essential Raw Cooling Wate/

Alternate Fire Protection Protection Condenser Circulating Circulating Water Water(a)) 104,000 104,000 a0 to 10,000 420,000 gpm gpm gpm gpm I

Raw Cooling Water Evaporation Blowdown 15,000 15,000 to 20,000 11,350 11,350 to 22,650 to 33,662 13,500 gpm gpm gpm I

Auxiliary Boiler Blowdown Makeup Water Treatment Plant Strainer Strainer Backwash Backwash 175,000 700,000 11,000 5,000 to 11,000 175,000 gpd gpd gpd I

Screen Screen Backwash Backwash gpd Condensate Demineralizer Spent Regenerants Makeup Demineralizer Regenerants Regenerants Demineralizer Regenerants Condensate Demineralizer 18,000 12,000 12,000 6,000 6,000 gpd gpd(b)

I (a)

(a) This Collection Ponds Sump Collection discharge path This discharge path and and flow flow rate rate represents represents an loss of power or loss-of-coolant accident.

an extreme 350,000 350,000 extreme case which would occur With accident. This number number is the design gpd with a design flow for two unit I

(b) emergency emergency flow, for one unit.

(b) Normal flow, and is used and is used here pending determination here pending determination of appropriate volume for two units was estimated based on one regeneration Normal volume unit, estimated appropriate emergency flow emergency flow regeneration per day; for one estimated volume was based on a regeneration every two days. Frequency of regeneration regeneration would be expected to be less.

one a I

I 82 Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Statement Environmental Impact Statement I


I Chapter 3 I






I Reservoir I - - ERCW'ERCW* Supply Supply CondUIt Conduit Legend Cool ing Tower

- - Cooling Blhwdown Conduit Tower Blowdown Co ndurt N

- Condenser Circulating Circulating Water Water Loop --- - - Pipe Diffuser Pipe I , Essential Essential Rav Cooling Raw Cooli 0

ng Water 500 10 1.500 2000


S Feet I

Figure 3-2.

3-2. B&W Unit 1 Water Intake and Discharge Discharge Facilities Facilities I

I Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement 83 83 I

Single Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Bellefonte SiteSite I




I I,


I ERCW' Supply

-- - ERCW' Conduit Supply CondUIt Legend Legend Cooling Tower Blowdovvn

-- - Cooling Condll~

Blowdown Conduit N I

- Condenser Circulating Waler Loop CirOJlating Water ** - Diffuser Pipe Pipe Raw Cooing 0


Essent ial Raw Coo ing Wa ter

  • Essential o 500 1000 1,000 1,500 1,500 2.000 2,000 S


- -- - -- - Feet Feet I

Figure 3-3. B&W Unit 2 Water Intake Intake and Discharge Discharge Facilities Facilities I

I 84 84 Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Statement Environmental Impact Statement I

I Chapter Chapter 3 I






GIIDtemille I ResenrQir I -

Legend Legend W+E

- ERC'R'C' ERCW ' Supply Condu~ Condurl - Cooling Towerr Slowdown Cooling Towe Blowdown Conduit N

- -Condenser ConClense r CiCirculatng r cul~tlllg Water fiater loop Loop -" _.-"DiffuserDiffuser Pipe PoDe I Essentiai Raw Cooling Water

  • Essential o0

?eater 500 500 I.00XO 1,000 1 SOD 2,000 2.000



~""'ii_.-'''iii_~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII_iiiiiii_lIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIII~i Fee Feett I Figure 3-4. AP1000 Unit 3 Water Water Intake and Discharge Discharge Facilities Facilities I

I Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Impact Statement 85 85 I

Single Nuclear Single Bellefonte Site Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site The process water needs for operation operation of one AP1 000 unit are given in Table 3-4, as as identified in the COLA ER. During typical one-unit AP1 000 operations, intake water flow identified would make make up for about 16,039 evaporation, plus about 7,914 gpm (18 cfs) 16,039 gpm (36 cfs) of evaporation, blowdown. Thus, the typical withdrawal from the reservoir would be about of cooling tower blowdown.

23,953 gpm (53 cfs), or about 0.1 percent of the flow through Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir).

Reservoir). The about The I

typical discharge to the reservoir diffusers would be about 7,914 gpm (18 cfs).

reservoir through the diffusers Table 3-4. Approximate Operating Water Approximate Water Flows - One API000 AP1000 Unit Unit SSNormal Normal One Unit Maximum One Unit Unit Stream

. Wpm)

(gpm) (gpm) -..

Circulating Water System Evaporation Rate Evaporation 16,039 16,039 16,039,a) 16,039\a) 106 106(a) 106\a)

Drift Rate Blowdown Rate Blowdown Rate Makeup Flowrate CWS Makeup Flowrate 106 7,914 7,914 24,059 24,059 7,914(a) 7,914(a) 24,059,a) 24,059\a)

I Service Water System Evaporation Rate 183 183 624 II.

Drift Rate 1 2 II Slowdown Blowdown Rate 61 205 205 SWS Makeup SWS Makeup Flowrate 245 831 Demineralized Water Demineralized Water Makeup Makeup Rate 175 175 540 540 Fire Water Makeup Rate Potable Water Potable Water (a) Typically, the plant is at 100 percent power 0.4 17 17 625 power operation, which is at maximum makeup 35 35 makeup demand; I I therefore, the maximum approximately the same as the normal need.

maximum is approximately Under either alternative, plant water withdrawals are aa small portion (less than 0.2 percent) of average river flow and of the reservoir volume. Consequently, no water supply impacts impacts I or cumulative effects are expected expected from the construction operation of either construction or operation AP1000 unit. The impacts of the proposed action on local water supply are further discussed in Section discussed


either a B&W or an further II 3.1.3. HydrothermalEffects of Plant Hydrothermal PlantOperation Operation II Affected Environment Affected Environment Closed-Cycle Cooling Water System Closed-Cycle i Under both Alternative B discharge wastewater and discharge operation Reservoir by using described described in the a

1974 B and Alternative C, a BLN nuclear wastewater to Guntersville operation of one unit. For a B&W or an AP1 the design strategy for BLN 11&2, closed-cycle using closed-cycle FES (TVA 1974) and system.

the nuclear plant would withdraw 000 unit, the proposed operation AP1000

&2, which sought to minimize thermal cooling The cooling cooling system system system for the withdraw water from Reservoir to provide cooling water for the Guntersville Reservoir AP1000 the operation would follow thermal impacts to Guntersville for the Guntersville B&W unit is is described

" II II in the COLA ER. Two natural hyperbolic cooling towers, one for each of the two units, natural draft hyperbolic were built for BLN 11&2. &2. In closed-cycle cooling system, waste heat removed In a closed-cycle removed from the the I:I steam cycle by the plant condensers is rejected to the atmosphere evaporation in aa atmosphere by evaporation cooling tower. The cool water exiting the cooling tower tower is then cycled back through through the the condensers condensers for re-use.

In aa closed-cycle cooling system, a small fraction of the condenser In continuously lost by evaporation and drift in the cooling tower. In continuously condenser circulating water is In this process, to control concentrations of additives and natural minerals in the water, a small portion of the the concentrations the I

I 86 Draft Supplemental Statement Environmental Impact Statement Supplemental Environmental I

I Chapter 3 condenser circulating condenser circulating water must be continuously continuously removed removed and replaced with fresh water supplied by the plant intake pumping pumping station. The temperature temperature of the water removed removed from the system, or blowdown, blowdown, is the same as that of the cooling tower effluent, and will vary with I temperature and other meteorological wet bulb temperature either a B&W or an AP1 AP1000 000 unit, meteorological conditions. For the proposed cooling tower blowdown blowdown would be discharged operation of proposed operation discharged to Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir via the NPDES-permitted NPDES-permitted outfall DSNO03, DSN003, shown in Figure 3-5.

shown I The outfall includes an existing two-pipe two-pipe multiport multi port diffuser diffuser on the bottom of the river, as as shown in Figure 3-6. As constructed, the two discharge discharge pipes extend approximately approximately 300

1 feet from the shoreline into the reservoir at an angle of about 115.5 counterclockwise to the direction counterclockwise 36-inches in diameter 36-inches direction of river flow. Each pipe contains 115.5 degrees degrees contains aa diffuser section, one diameter and one 42-inches in diameter, with diffuser ports centered centered at a one I position of 22 degrees above horizontal and pointing downstream.

75-feet and 45-feet, respectively, for the 42-inch downstream. The diffuser lengths are 42-inch and 36-inch 36-inch discharge discharge sections.

I Current NPDES Permit BLN was issued Permit NPDES permit number AL0024635 issued NPDES AL0024635 in November subject to renewal in November 2009. This permit is amended November 2004, and the permit is amended as new wastewater streams streams I identified. The NPDES are identified.

the receiving receiving stream.

(ADEM) has established (ADEM)

NPDES permit stream. For BLN, permit establishes criteria that are protective BLN, the Alabama Alabama Department established criteria to protect protective of water quality for Department of Environmental Environmental Management Reservoir water protect Guntersville Reservoir Management water quality for its designated uses as a drinking waterwater source, recreation, recreation, and industrial industrial use such as cooling.

I Within the permit, point-source point-source discharge discharge outfalls are assigned a discharge discharge serial number number (DSN). For each discharge each discharge point, the NPDES permit permit establishes limitations as to the types types I and quantities quantities of effluents, monitoring and reporting locations. BLN is currently reporting requirements, and required sampling authorized to discharge as follows (see Figure 3-5):

currently authorized DSNO02: Impoundment pond discharge DSN002: Impoundment discharge consisting of main plant area stormwater runoff runoff and fire and supply test water associated associated with electric power generation.

DSNO03: Diffuser discharge consisting of cooling tower blowdown and other wastewater DSN003: Diffuser discharge consisting of cooling tower blowdown and other wastewater resulting from electric power generation.

DSNO04: East culvert impoundment discharge DSN004: discharge consisting of stormwater runoff.

DSNO05: Plant intake trash sluicing consisting of intake screen and strainer DSN005: strainer backwash backwash and intake pumping station sumps/drains.

DSNO07: Simulator Training Facility treated sanitary, equipment DSN007: equipment room floor drains, and laboratory wastewaters.

laboratory wastewaters.

I DSNO08: Simulator Training Facility once-through cooling water, HVAC and atomic DSN008: Simulator Training Facility once-through cooling water, HVAC and atomic condensate and fire protection system flush water.

adsorption unit condensate I DSNO09-015: Uncontaminated DSN009-015: Uncontaminated stormwater runoff.


Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 87 87 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Single Nuclear Site Bellefonte Site I I







Legend Date Im~e~

Date of Inagary June 15.

June 15.,206 I

o Discharge Points NPDES Discharge TVA Sampling Sampling Points Bellefonte Points POIl1(s Nuclear Plant Site (TVA Bellefonte Nuclear S52 C4 Property Boundary)

(TVA Property Boundary)

ý3-8 e W+E W +



I Figure 3-5. Outfalls Outfalls for NPDES NPDES permit AL0024635 AL0024635 of November November 2004 2004 I

88 Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement I

I Chapter 3 Chapter I

I I River flow River flow (downstream))

(downstream I

I 321 ft I

I I 115.5' I River width approx 1630 ft I

I Not to scale scale I 3-6. Diffuser for Slowdown Blowdown Discharge, Outfall DSN003 DSNO03 Figure 3-6.

I NPDES Permit Temperature NPDES Temperature Limits and Mixing Zone for Cooling Tower Blowdown Slowdown Under the current NPDES permit, permit, the discharge discharge water temperature cooling temperature for the cooli ng tower tower I blowdown is limited to a monthly monthly average of 92 0°F F and a daily maximum of 95°F The mixing zone for this discharge is defined by the locus of points 250 feet from the diffuser diffuser and extending extending over the entire depth of the reservoir (TVA 1977b).

95°F (Table 3-5).

the 1977b). Consistent with 3-5).

I Section 316(a) of the Clean Water Act, would ensure that the temperature at the edge the temperatu temperature Act, re considered to be protective the discharge discharge edge of the temperature mixing protective of maintaining a balanced zone limitations (92 would not (92°F/95°F) exceed indigenous balanced indigenous

°F/95°F) 90'F, 90°F, population of fish fish,, shellfish and aquatic aquatic life life (ADEM 1998; 1998; TVA 1982a). TVA would request I continuation of these temperature a continuation 316(a). In Section 316(a).

temperature limits in the operational In addition to these limits, operational stages of the plant under limits , Alabama water quality standards prohibit the the addition add ition of artificial artificial heat heat by aa discharger discharger that would cause cause the maximum in-stream in-stream I temperature temperature rise above ambient ambient water temperature temperatu re to exceed 5°F 5°F (ADEM 2008).


I Supplemental Environmenta Draft Supplemental Environmental l Impact Impact Statement 89 I

Single Single Nuclear Bellefonte Site Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte I' I

Table 3-5. NPDES Discharge Limits for BLN Outfall DSN NPDES DSN003003 to the Tennessee Tennessee River I Effluent - Discharge Limitations Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Requirements Units II



, Characteristic Units Daily Daily Daily Daily Monthly Monthly Measurement Measurement Sam

___ _ Minimum Maximum, Maximum Average Average Frequency Frequency Samplepie Type Type Totalized Reor or Totalized or Flow MGD N/A Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Continuous Continuous Recorder Recorder Temperature Temperature of

-F N/A N/A 95 95 I 92 92 Continuous Multipe Gror Recorder Continuous I Multiple Grabs Multiple Grabs II Hydrothermal Modeling Hydrothermal Potential hydrothermal Modeling of Potential using two models: (1) CORMIX Effects Potential Heat Effects hydrothermal effects associated associated with the blowdown CORM IX to examine examine the thermal blowdown discharge discharge werewere examined thermal plume near the diffuser and (2) CE-I QUAL-W2 QUAL-W2 to examine reservoir-wide model for assessment reservoir-wide effects. CORM CORMIX EPA-supported mixing zone IX is an EPA-supported assessment of regulatory mixing zones resulting from steady, continuous continuous point zone point

1I source sourGe discharges discharges (Jirka et al. 2007). CE-QUAL-W2 CE-QUAL-W2 is aa two-dimensional, two-dimensional, laterally laterally averaged, averaged, hydrodynamic hydrodynamic and water quality quality model for reservoirs (CE-QUAL-W2 (CE-QUAL-W2 1995). It It models basic eutrophication processes processes to estimate the distribution constituents distribution and fate of constituents such as heat (water temperature),

temperature), dissolved oxygen, nutrients, algae, organic organic matter, and sediment.

CORMIX CORMIX was used used to evaluate evaluate performance performance of the cooling system system and diffusers (discharge (discharge I

DSN003) relative to thermal limits ,contained contained in the current current NPDES permit as well as the the state water quality standards monthly monthly average blowdown standards for temperature blowdown discharge temperature rise (Le.,

discharge temperatures (i.e., 95°F daily daily maximum maximum and 92°F temperatures from the NPDES permit, and 5°F 92°F 5°F III instream instream rise at the end of the mixing zone above the ambient ambient river temperature temperature for the the state water quality standards). The analyses on potential ranges encompassed worst-case analyses encompassed ranges for river flow, river temperature, meteorology, worst-case conditions based meteorology, and plant operations.

I The range range of river flow was based on historical historical hydrology and the expectedexpected future operating policy policy for measurements the TVA river system. The measurements at various stations in Guntersville was based on local range of river temperature was based on historical Guntersville Reservoir, and the range of meteorology meteorology I local airport data. More than 30 years of data were examined examined for each factor (i.e.,

(Le., river flow, river temperature, and meteorology). information, the CORM meteorology). With this information, CORMIX IX model was used to predict predict the river temperature temperature and plume dimensions at the edge of the the 250-foot diffuser diffuser mixing zone. The following conditions in the receiving water (Loyd, following cases were identified as producing worst-case (Loyd, 2009).

worst-case I

Case 1. Maximum Maximum River River Temperature Temperature Rise (March) (March) -- This condition condition would arise for a day III with warm, humid weather occurring occurring concurrently during during a period period when the river temperature is cold. Historical Historical data indicate indicate that this would likely likely occur in March.

The expected minimum ambient river temperature expected minimum temperature for MarchMarch is about 41 'F. The 41°F. The expected highest wet bulb temperaturetemperature for the same same month is about 71.3°F.

Based Based on the performance performance of the plant cooling system, this would produce blowdown with a dischargedischarge temperature temperature of about produce about 86.4°F, which is 45.4°F above above I

the minimum river temperature temperature for March.March. This case was modeled using the the expected minimum 24-hour expected 24-hour average average river flow for March, about 3130 cfs.

I~I Case 2. Minimum Minimum 24-hour River Flow (April) (April) -- This condition would likely arise in a dry year, again for a day with warm, humid weather occurring period when the river temperature temperature is cold The expected concurrently during a occurring concurrently minimum 24-hour I' II average river flow past the BLN site is about 190 190 cfs, occurring during reservoir reservoir I

90 Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental ImpactImpact Statement Statement I It

Chapter Chapter 3 I filling in April. For the month of April, the expected minimum ambient river temperature temperature is about 52°F and the expected highest highest wet bulb temperature is about about 76.2°F. Based on the performance performance of the plant cooling system, this would would produce blowdown with a discharge discharge temperature of about 90AoF, 90.4°F, which which is 38AoF 38.4°F above the minimum minimum river temperature.

I Maximum Discharge Temperature Case 3. Maximum Temperature (July) -- This condition hot, dry year, when humid "heat waves" produce both high ambient condition would likely arise in a ambient river temperature and reduced reduced cooling tower performance.

performance. Historical Historical data indicates data indicates I that this would likely temperature likely occur in July. The expected temperature for July is about 89.5°F and the expected river flow is about 3760 cfs. The expected expected maximum ambient expected minimum ambient river minimum 24-hour average maximum wet bulb temperature expected maximum temperature is average about 85.2°F. Based Based on the performance performance of the plant cooling system, this would would produce blowdown produce blowdown with aa discharge temperature of about 97.7°F, discharge temperature 97.rF, which is 8.2°F 8.2°F above the maximum maximum river temperature.

temperature. It should be noted that this discharge discharge temperature is the maximum calculated temperature calculated value, and itit lasted for only one hour out of a record of 33 years.

Case 4. Reverse Reverse RiverRiver Flow - Periodically, reverse river flow occurs in the vicinity of the the I BLN site. These events Nickajack events are caused by variations in reservoir releases at Nickajack Dam and Guntersville Guntersville Dam, and are highly unsteady. The primary concern for reverse decreased diffuser reverse river flow is decreased performance and the diffuser performance the I possibility that the discharge discharge may become become entrained entrained in the withdrawal plant intake. For this case, the analyses focused on conditions maximum withdrawal zone for the producing aa conditions producing the maximum temperature temperature rise in the river. Thus, the ambient temperature and ambient river temperature blowdown discharge temperature blowdown discharge temperature were the same as those for Case 1, 41°F 41'F and and 86.4°F, respectively, and occurred 86AoF, occurred in March.

March. To be consistent with the steady steady flow flow aspects of CORMIX, CORM IX, the average flow over the largest largest reverse flow event for March March was examined.

examined. Based on the operating policy for the TVA river system, such an event is expected expected to last between between five and six hours and contain an average river flow in the upstream average upstream direction of about 9160 cfs.

ItIt should be emphasized emphasized that for the geometry geometry of the BLN diffuser summarized summarized above, the the CORMIX CORM IX model model is unable to predict the behavior behavior of the thermal effluent effluent for aa river flow in in the reverse (upstream) direction.

direction. As such, for Case Case 4, the simulations simulations were made with the the I diffuser ports ports pointing upward in a vertical direction.

thermal effluent because because the mixing for this geometry direction. This will bound the impact geometry will be reduced compared impact of thethe compared to that with the ports pointing downstream downstream in opposition to the reverse river flow. Reduced Reduced mixingmixing I would result in higher (bounding)

Model Model results (bounding) temperature than would actually results for all four cases are summarized actually occur.

summarized in Appendix A, Table A-1. A-I. Included Included are simulations simulations for a B&W unit and an AP1 000 unit, both for operation operation of the 36-inch diffuserdiffuser I pipe and 42-inch diffuser 42-inch diffuser pipe. It is emphasized It emphasized that for a single the diffuser would be limited to one or the other, but not both, of the diffuser BLN unit, diffuser the operation operation of pipes.

I For both aa B&W and an AP1 thermal criteria by not exceeding AP1000, 000, and for both diffuser exceeding the 92°F diffuser pipes, Cases 1, 2, and 4 all meet 92 0 F monthly average average and 95°F daily maximum maximum meet the the blowdown temperatures, and not exceeding blowdown temperatures, exceeding the 5°F 50 F limit for instream instream temperature temperature rise.

I Case 3 produced produced a 97.7°F alternatives blowdown discharge 97.rF blowdown alternatives and both diffuser discharge temperature temperature lasting lasting one hour for both diffuser pipes. This exceeds the daily maximum blowdown discharge discharge temperature temperature limit of 95°F. However, However, the conditions conditions producing this worst case scenario case scenario I

Environmental Impact Statement Draft Supplemental Environmental Statement 91 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear Site included aa combination included most extreme combination of three factors that are unlikely to occur simultaneously:

extreme one hour period of meteorology, (2) the highest highest simultaneously: (1) the 24-hour average ambient ambient II river temperature, temperature, and (3) the lowest monthly average record exceeding 30 years of data. In simultaneously. Hence, based average river flow, each each from periods of In fact, in these records, all three factors never occur historical data, the probability based on historical probability of the blowdown blowdown II' temperature approaching 97.7°F considered very low. For example, a frequency 97.rF is considered analysis of the plant cooling tower operation of the blowdown discharge temperature operation based on this data indicates that the duration approaching the 95 temperature approaching 0 95°F duration F thermal limit is of magnitude magnitude I 0.04 percent of the time, an averageaverage of aboutabout four hourshours per year. During such occurrences, plant derates would would be be required required to prevent aa violation violation of of the the NPDES permit.

occurrences, Given plant derates Given that derates to prevent derates would be used in the rare events that the blowdown discharge NPDES permit.

discharge I

0 F, the results temperature approaches approaches 95 95°F, in Table A-1 (Appendix A) also indicate indicate that thethe temperature temperature at the edge of the mixing zone is not expected to exceed temperature that has been determined temperature determined to be protective protective of aquatic 90 0 F, the exceed 90°F, aquatic life (ADEM 1998 and TVA II 1982a). In this manner, the CORMIX CORMIX computations computations confirm that enforcement enforcement of aa 95°F limit limit blowdown discharge at the blowdown discharge preserves the veracity veracity of a 90°F90'F limit at the edge of the mixingmixing zone. The maximum maximum width (758 feet vs. aa full channel width of about 1600 feet) and and thickness (10 (10 feet vs. a channel depth depth of about about 25 feet) of the thermal thermal plume at the edge of the mixing zone allows an adequateadequate zone for passage passage of aquatic life and protection protection of bottom-dwelling bottom-dwelling species.

An analysis of the data for expected expected river operating conditions suggests that reverse flows typically last less than six hours. As summarized at BLN would typically summarized in Appendix A, Table A-1 flows A-1 :1I (Case 4), the diffuser performance performance with reverse flows produced good dilution of the the blowdown for both diffuser blowdown maximum diffuser pipes and for both the B&W and AP1 AP1000000 alternatives. The temperature rise for the edge of the mixing zone was 3.4°F for the maximum computed temperature B&W and the 36-inch 36-inch diffuser pipe. ItIt is emphasized emphasized that these results are consistent with The I

the results from the physical model study study of the diffuser diffuser pipes that was conducted as part of the design of the original original plant (TVA 1977a). In reverse flow of about 24,00024,000 cfs and aa blowdown In the model, model, the diffuser was tested with a blowdown temperature equivalent to a wintertime temperature equivalent wintertime I

increase increase of 36°F above the ambient river conditions. The resulting temperature rise at the the edge of the mixing zone measuredmeasured in the model was about 3°F. I' For extreme extreme reverse flow events, effluent effluent from the diffuser pipes could potentially potentially travel upstream and reach the intake such conditions intake conditions are not expected channel. In terms of the impact In impact on the diffuser performance, expected to be significant due to two factors. First, the diffuser diffuser is I designed and constructed constructed to mix the thermal effluent across the river where itit would tend to upstream along the opposite move upstream events are brief (Le.,

of diffuser opposite side. Second, the duration of extreme (i.e., of magnitude extreme reverse flow magnitude six hours) compared to the time required for the volume effluent to significantly impact the temperature diffuser effluent temperature of ambient ambient water in the river.

flow volume I CORMIX IX simulations suggest that any thermal effluent reaching the region of the plant plant CORM intake channel channel would reside primarily in the surface making itit unlikely unlikely to have a significant significant impact surface layer of the river (e.g., upper 3 feet),

impact on the temperature temperature of the water at the pump pump I(

constructed to withdraw water water from the bottom layer of the river.

I£ intakes, which are constructed However, given the fact that some some of the diluted diffuserdiffuser effluent could possibly reach the plant intake withdrawal zone, future administrative administrative controls controls may be necessary necessary for the the operation operation of the plant and/or the operation of the river system should other non-thermal constituents of the blowdown constituents unacceptable impact unacceptable blowdown occur in high enough concentrations impact on the plant and/or environment concentrations to create environment (TVA 2008a).

create an I'I 92 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I9 ,I 92 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I

Chapter 3

'I CE-QUAL-W2 was used to assess potential CE-QUAL-W2 The two-dimensional potential water two-dimensional model segments the reservoir water quality Guntersville Reservoir.

quality impacts to Guntersville reservoir longitudinally longitudinally and vertically into into computational elements. The water in each element is assumed to be fully mixed with computational I uniform water uniform water meteorology, hydrology, and inflow water quality. Input for the model includes meteorology, water quality. The model assumes a seasonal seasonal pattern pattern of flows, temperatures, inflow temperatures, and water parameters throughout quality parameters throughout the reservoir.

I reservoir model was calibrated for 1999 (a typical flow year) and 2007 (the driest year The reservoir year of record and containing above normal normal temperatures).

temperatures). Four cases were simulated: (1) a I reference case without reference a base without the Widows Creek Fossil Plant (WCF) and without without a BLN plant; (2) base case with only WCF; (3) a case with WCF and aa B&W unit at BLN; and (4) aa case with WCF and an AP1000 AP1 000 unit at BLN.

I The modelmodel results, shown in Appendix A, Tables A-2 and A-3, provide thermal effects on reservoir water temperatures provide an estimate of temperatures (i.e., beyond the diffuser mixing zone),

dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations,

'I reservoir segments:

reservoir concentrations, and algaealgae biomass. Results are shown for four four

1. Upstream Upstream of WCF intake 409.5-410.7)..

intake (TRM 409.5-410.7)

.1 2.


Upstream Upstream of BLN intake (TRM 393.0-393.9).

Downstream Downstream of BLN discharge (TRM 389.0-390.0).

4. Guntersville Reservoir forebay (TRM 349.8-350.5).

Guntersville I Comparing the reference Comparing reference case (no plant at WCF or BLN) with the base case WCF but no plant at BLN) BLN) indicates indicates a thermal case (a plant at thermal effect from the WCF plant. The mean mean I temperature increase in the 2007 April-September temperature of the BLN intakeintake to 0.1 alternatives for operating alternatives 0.1'F April-September time period ranges from 1.6°F upstream OF at the Guntersville Guntersville forebay. In comparing comparing the two proposed operating a single unit at the BLN site with having no unit at BLN (base case), there is essentially essentially no change in 1999 or 2007 in the downstream downstream temperatures, DO DO concentrations, or algae biomass. This is primarily because because the volume of blowdown blowdown from a BLN unit for the two alternatives alternatives is small compared compared to the natural volume of water flowing flowing down the river. The only observed differences differences are 1) a 1999 1999 maximum maximum day temperature increase of 0.1 increase 0.1°F OF for each each alternative alternative upstream upstream of the BLN intake intake and in the reservoir reservoir forebay for 1999 and 2007; and 2) a DO decrease decrease of 0.1 mg/L for an AP1 AP1000 000 on thethe maximum maximum day in 1999 at the reservoir forebay. There were no changes changes seasonal mean in seasonal I values for temperature, DO, or algae biomass.

ItIt is emphasized emphasized that the analyses summarized summarized herein herein do not include the potential impact of I climate change. TVA has performed power power systems to extreme meteorology of water temperature, performed studies to examine the sensitivity of the river and meteorology and climate variations temperature, the studies evaluated (Miller et al. 1993).

variations (Miller evaluated the response to changes in meteorology 1993). InIn terms meteorology for a terms typical mainstream reservoirreservoir like Guntersville Reservoir. The results found that based I solely on changes in air temperature, the average (April through October) natural temperature in a temperature a mainstream mainstream reservoir could perhaps increase perhaps increase between natural water water 0.3°F and 0.5°F for for every 1°F increase in air temperature. Thus, if the air temperature temperature over Guntersville Guntersville I Reservoir were to increase by an amount of 1°F or more, aa measurable average temperature of the ambient water would be expected.

average temperature measurable increase in the expected. Such a temperature temperature rise the rise would impact impact the operation of a BLN generating unit, for example, the frequency events frequency of events wherein the blowdown blowdown discharge temperature exceeds discharge temperature exceeds the NPDES limit of 95°F, and consequently the number of unit derates, would increase.

consequently I

Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 93 93 I

Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site II

Alternative A Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences II No changes changes in the plant facilities or operations operations would occur under this alternative.

Consequently, there would be no impacts or changes in current surface surface water conditions. I Alternative B Under this alternative, Under conclusions alternative, one B&W unit unifwould would be completed completed and conclusions are based on the model assessments of thermal discharges and operated. The following following discharges from the BLN BLN I

II outfall DSN003 diffusers.

diffusers. The CORM CORMIX IX model assessed compliance compliance with the current current Alabama NPDES and water quality criteria (i.e., discharge temperatures not to exceed discharge temperatures exceed 92 0 F monthly average, 95°F daily maximum, or 5°F increase limits of 92°F ambient increase over ambient conditions). The CE-QUAL-W2 CE-QUAL-W2 model assessed assessed potential cumulative effects on Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir.


  • " The CORMIX CORMIX results indicate indicate that thermal thermal effluent requirements would be met at full effluent requirements load, except except during infrequent hydrological and meteorological available data and cooling tower analysis of available blowdown discharge temperature approaching discharge temperature meteorological conditions. A frequency tower operation suggest that a daily maximum maximum approaching the 95°F thermal limit would be expected I'

I3 about 0.04 percent of the time (an average of about four hours per year). During such events, events, plant derates would plant derates be required would be required to to prevent prevent aa violation of the violation of the NPDES NPDES permit.


"* The CORMIX CORM IX results confirm that enforcement of the 95°F thermal limit for the the blowdown discharge blowdown discharge would ensure the temperature zone would not exceed temperature at the edge of the 250-foot 90'F, the temperature considered exceed 90°F, considered to be protective 250-foot mixing mixing protective of aquatic lifelife I

(ADEM 1998; TVA 1982a). The maximum width (758 feet) and thickness (10 feet) of the thermal plume at the edge of the mixing zone is only aa fraction of the river width and depth, thus, allowing an adequate adequate zone for passage passage of aquatic life and protection protection of II bottom dwelling species.

    • The CORMIX CORMIX results suggest sufficient dilution of the blowdown blowdown for reverse river flow. *1 Based on the expected expected operation of Nickajack Dam and Guntersville Guntersville Dam, itit is considered considered possible for the diffuser effluent to reach the region of the plant intake withdrawal especially for extreme reverse river flow events. The impact withdrawal zone, especially temperature is not expected on water temperature expected to be significant; intake impact of such administrative significant; however, future administrative I

controls controls on the operation of the plant and/or the river may be necessary thermal constituents constituents of the blowdown occur withdrawal zone.

withdrawal zone.

occur in unacceptable necessary ifif other non-unacceptable amounts in the plant non-3 I

    • The CE-QUAL-W2 CE-QUAL-W2 model assessment indicates assessment of potential impacts to reservoir water quality indicates essentially no effects on far-field reservoir temperatures, temperatures, dissolved oxygen Ij concentrations, or algae biomass. These analyses included included cumulative cumulative effects from solar activity and WCF, the only other significant Reservoir. These analyses analyses will need need significant source to be updated updated source of waste for the waste heat in Guntersville potential Guntersville impact of climate climate II change, once aa consensus emerges emerges on the recommended recommended procedures for such.

Alternative C Under Under this alternative, one AP1 000 unit would be constructedconstructed and operated. Surface water operated. Surface and cumulative impacts Alternative B, associated with this alternative are expected to be similar to impacts associated B, but slightly reduced because because less water is required required for blowdown and less less I 94 Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Impact Statement

I Chapter Chapter 3 water would be discharged discharged to the river (i.e., the Alternative C C withdrawal and discharge discharge would be 72 percent percent and 36 percent, respectively, of that associated associated with Alternative B). B).

I 3.1.4.

3.1.4. Chemical Additives for Plant Chemical A primary area of concern concern for surface Plant Operation Operation surface water quality quality relates to the chemicals added to treat treat water water used for condenser circulating circulating water, equipment cooling, fire protection, and potablepotable I water water in nuclear plant operations, chemical discharges operations, which result in chemical chemical discharges. The sources discharges from a B&W plant would include cooling cooling tower blowdown, sources of blowdown, cooling cooling tower essential raw cooling water systems, wastes tower makeup and essential wastes from various makeup water

,I and condensate yard drainage demineralizers, component-cooling condensate demineralizers, component-cooling system, reactor coolant system, and drainage systems and various sumps (TVA 1974). Sources Sources of chemical discharge and discharge from an AP1 000 plant would includeinclude the circulating circulating water system, service waterwater system,

,I' demineralized water treatment system, steam generator demineralized drainage drainage systems and various sumps (TVA 2008a).

generator blowdown blowdown system, and yard I The source of fire protection water for a B&W plant is the Essential Raw Cooling Water (ERCW) system and for an AP1 000 plant itit would be the Scottsboro Municipal System. Treatment of the ERCW is described described below Municipal Water Proposed Schemes for below under Proposed Water Water Cooling Water Treatment Treatment for B&W and AP1000 AP1000 Units. The water supplied by the the I* municipal water system is treated offsite in accordance accordance with applicable applicable drinking water standards, and no further treatment would be performed onsite. The source source of potable potable water for either a B&W plant or an AP1000 AP1000 plant would be the Scottsboro Municipal Water Scottsboro Municipal Water I System. The water supplied by this municipal water system is treated offsite in accordance with applicable drinking drinking water standards, and no further treatment would be performed accordance performed onsite. The water would be routed to the sanitary drainage drainage system, which would be be I discharged discharged offsite to the Scottsboro treated (TVA 2008a).

Scottsboro Wastewater Wastewater Treatment Facility, where it would be be I Chemical Chemical additives additives are used in plant cooling water systems for two primary

1. To inhibit the chemical chemical process of corrosion corrosion (rust formation) primary purposes:

formation) on metal piping and il other plant equipment

2. To maintain equipment surfaces.

maintain efficient heat transfer through exchangers for heat through all plant heat exchangers heat removal removal from the reactor. Optimal Optimal heat transfer cannot be achieved achieved unless heat transfer surfaces are clean. Surfaces which have deposits of metal oxides oxides (rust),

scale (such as lime deposits), biological fouling (zebra mussel and Asiatic clam), or bacterial bacterial coatings experience experience lower heat transfer transfer efficiency. In addition, certain I types of bacteria bacteria can accelerate through various accelerate the chemical various waste products chemical oxidation or corrosion of surfaces products such as sulfate, which certain bacteria surfaces bacteria produce.

This phenomenon phenomenon is referred to as microbiologically influenced corrosion.

microbiologically influenced I A discussion of heat transfer-related below. As explained transfer-related (cooling) systems for a PWR nuclear nuclear plant is provided explained in Section 2.2 and 2.3 of this SEIS both the B&W and the AP1 000 are provided

,I PWR reactors.

reactors. The discussion is followed followed by a description of the types of chemicals, are added to the plant cooling water systems. .

chemicals, which Overview Overview of PWR Plant Cooling Systems for Reactor Reactor Heat Removal I Two major systems are used assemblies into electrical assemblies used to convert convert the heat generated generated in the reactor's reactor's nuclear electrical power. The primary system, also called the reactor nuclear fuel reactor coolant coolant system, is composed composed of the reactor vessel, steam generators, reactor coolant coolant pumps, I

Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 95 95 I*

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear Site I pressurizer, and connecting pipes. The main function of the primary away from the reactor's nuclear fuel assemblies to the steam generators.

primary system is to carry heat generators.

I The major secondary secondary systems system, and main steam systems of the PWR are the main feedwaterfeedwater system, the condensate steam system, which are physically separated from the primary system.

condensate I3 These secondary systems are designeddesigned to heat heat and pressurize pressurize cooler water to produce produce feedwater feedwater for the steam generators. The main steam system then routes steam from the steam generators generators to the plant turbines for power generation. The condensate system the I

receives exhausted exhausted steam from the turbine discharge discharge to repeat repeat the cycle.

The PWR PWR has three layers of plant water systems, referred which provide provide cooling cooling water to the primary referred to as cooling primary and secondary cooling water systems, secondary systems described above.


The first layer of cooling, the primary water system, or "primary loop" is in contact nuclear fuel assemblies inside nuclear inside of the reactor pressure contact with the pressure vessel, or core, and carries the heat I.I away from the fuel assemblies. The primary coolant carries with itit not only significant heat, but also significant quantities of radioactive radioactive isotopes of various various atoms, or radioisotopes.

  • 1 The second layer of cooling water water is referred to as the "secondary loop." For the PWR, the the interface of the first and second layers of cooling is at the steam generators, which are very interface large, vertical which exchangers. The steam generators vertical heat exchangers. generators contain hundreds of metal tubes, I which are attached attached to a circular, horizontally mounted mounted metal metal plate. The reactor reactor coolant coolant flows through the inside of the tubes, while the clean, normally nonradioactive coolant flows past the outside of the tubes. The heat is transferred to the cooler secondary-side cooling water. This arrangement cooler secondary-side nonradioactive secondary transferred through the metal tubes arrangement keeps the steam dryer tubes dryer and I

II components within the upper portion of the steam other components steam generator generator relatively free of radioactive contamination. Secondary-side contamination only occurs in minor amounts in radioactive contamination. Secondary-side contamination the event of a small leak in one or more of the tubes. only occurs in minor amounts in the event of a small leak in one or more of the tubes.

From the upper where upper head head of the steam generator, the steam is directed where the massive internal blades spin on a shaft that is connected directed to the plant turbine, connected to aa motor to produce produce I

electricity. At the outlet end of the turbine, steam steam is directed to the main plant condenser.

The third layer layer of cooling and heat transfer occurs at the main plant condenser, where the the I steam horizontal tubes through steam is directed over hundreds of horizontal through which cooling water flows. The The source of cooling water for the main plant condenser the plant and is referred to as the heat rejection condenser is the large water retention basin of rejection system (8&W)

(B&W) or circulating circulating water system I' (AP1000).

Additional "secondary systems" include the service cooling water system (8&W (B&W and AP1000),

service water system (AP1000), and component AP1 000), which are used to provide component provide cooling for plant plant I

auxiliary auxiliary systems during normal operation and during shutdown conditions. Note that the normal operation the service service water and component during component cooling water systems during periods of cooling associated systems operate continuously, associated with reactor shutdown.

continuously, and not only Ii The secondary-side secondary-side cooling water includes water water purity. These These include the steam water treatment generator treatment systems necessary blowdown blowdown system, necessary to maintain which maintain continuously I,

treats a portion of the total flow running through the steam generators. In In addition, PWRs PWRs feature partial and sometimes portion portion or the entire feedwater system.

sometimes full-flow condensate condensate treatment systems to treat either entire flow of water coming from the main main condenser condenser en route to the either a the I feedwater 96 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I ,

96 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I

I Chapter 3 Chapter I Other Other B&W and AP1 000 plant systems to which chemicals are added include include the chilled water systems, turbine building heating system, auxiliary boilers, and diesel jacket cooling chilled systems (B&W only).

systems (B&W I Chemicals Chemicals AddedAdded To Plant Water Cooling Systems Systems The types of chemicals currently used in operating plant cooling water systems are chemicals currently I described described as follows:

Scale Inhibitors - Also called called anti-scalants, chemicals inhibit the formation of lime anti-scalants, these chemicals lime I (calcium oxide) deposits, which would otherwise tend to form on the high temperature surfaces surfaces of the heat exchanger exchanger tubes, and limit the deposition oxide scale upon the heat exchanger exchanger tubes. Anti-scalants temperature deposition of other chemical forms of Anti-scalants are organic (carbon-based)

I polymers containing containing phosphate attachments Corrosion Inhibitors attachments on the molecule.

Inhibitors - These are also organic polymers, polymers, which contain phosphonate phosphonate rather than phosphate. The chemical (molecular) structure structure of the phosphonate-based phosphonate-based corrosioncorrosion I inhibitors are similar, but not identical to the scale scale inhibitors, in that they both include phosphorus, but they behave differently because of the oxidation include oxidation state of the phosphorus phosphorus in in the two compounds. Corrosion inhibitors inhibitors behave behave as "oxygen scavengers," and tend to draw I up and chemically chemically bind available oxygen, which makes rust compounds, which are metal oxides.

makes less oxygen locally availableavailable to form I Oxidizing Biocide Biocide - Sodium hypochlorite Dependent upon microbiological Dependent hypochlorite (at a 12 percent by weight concentration) is conventionally used to control microbiological microbiological activity, including including slime formation and MIC.

microbiological activity, additional sodium hypochlorite may be applied to to I the circulating circulating water system at the suction side of the circulating water pumps. A maximum limit for total residual chlorine is typically stated in the site NPDES permit.

maximum Molluscicide - Ammonium chloride or a quaternary Molluscicide quaternary amine compound (Le., (i.e., a nitrogen nitrogen atom I with four attachments, some or all of which can be benzene-based, benzene-based, rather than hydrocarbon-based) can be used for zebra mussel and Asiatic clam control.

hydrocarbon-based) than I Algaecide Algaecide - Chemical that can be either basic ammonium chloride, amine compound similar molluscicide chemical described similar to the molluscicide chloride, NH 4CI, or a NH/:~I, described above. The algaecides a quarternary algaecides are used to inhibit the formation of algae algae inside of the plant cooling water towers.

I Dehalogenation Agent - Sodium bisulfite may be utilized to ensure that the oxidizing Dehalogenation biocide (total residual residual oxidant) discharge discharge limit as it pertains to the total oxidizing residual halogen, halogen, I usually chloride, is not exceeded.


Detoxification Agent - Bentonite clay may be required to detoxify the molluscicide Detoxification molluscicide chemical from the water through absorption at aa ratio of 5:1 to the quaternary quaternary amine.

I Biopenetrant Biopenetrant - Non-ionic surfactant surfactant (a simple soap) may be applied to increase the efficacy of the oxidizing oxidizing biocide, by cleaning off the surfaces of the biota in order to make the the I chlorine-based chlorine-based penetrate penetrate more (or other halogen halogen effectively into the such as bromine-based) bromine-based) biological material, or biocide biota.

or molluscicide chemical molluscicide I Brief descriptions of plant cooling treatments treatments discussed the BLN site are provided in the following section.

discussed in earlier environmental environmental reviews for I

Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Impact 97 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear I Previous Previous Environmental Reviews of Plant Cooling Water Chemical Treatments Prior Environmental environmental reviews for proposed projects at the BLN Treatments site (TVA 1974; AEC AEC Ii 1974; DOE 1999; 1999; TVA 2008a) analyzed potential 2008a) analyzed potential impacts to surface surface water and water water quality, including the addition of chemicals to examination of the prior environmental environmental reviews to treat plant cooling treat plant cooling water reviews as they described water systems.

systems. An described proposed An proposed plant cooling cooling II water water chemical applications applications found that chemical treatments treatments for plant cooling water systems systems improved and discharge limits for chemicals have become more restrictive have improved they were were described in the earlier earlier reviews. These earlier restrictive than how earlier analyses adequately boundbound thethe I potential for effects, but require update to reflect changes in environmental potential environmental regulations, improvements in chemical additives, and proposed raw water treatment.

improvements For example, in 1974, the principal principal organism organism that created macrofouling macrofouling in the Tennessee Tennessee I

Valley Valley was the Asiatic clam (Corbicula (Corbiculamanilensis).

manilensis). Since 1991,1991, an invasive species, the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha), has also caused (Dreissenapolymorpha),

TVA's 1974 FES (TVA 1974) 1974) recommended caused fouling problems recommended using the product problems at the TVA plants.

product acrolein to address address the I


macrofouling. However, the product product is no longer used in the industry, because in the past decade, chemicals chemicals that are more effective both species. The chemical presently acrolein have effective than acrolein presently in use at TVA plants have been introduced to control plants is generically generically known as a II quaternary amine.

quaternary In its 1974 FES (TVA 1974), TVA determined determined that a biocide would likely be used in the the I condenser cooling water system or the essential essential raw cooling water system, ifif faunal or floral populations developed populations developed in either microbiological activity has been microbiological oxidizing biocides have either of the systems. It It has been TVA's experience been the cause of microbiologically experience that microbiologically influenced influenced corrosion, and have been routinely used in raw service water systems to control this this I


The 1980 1980 BLN FSAR (TVA 1980a) 1980a) discussed the periodic periodic injection of sodium hypochlorite hypochlorite I

into the heat rejection system to prevent organic fouling, noting that the injection points points would be at the suction suction side of the circulating the cooling towers. TVA concluded, immediately upstream circulating water pumps and immediately upstream of concluded, however, that no corrosion inhibitor or other chemical I

II additives would be needed in the heat rejection system, based on Guntersville Reservoir Reservoir water water quality quality and TVA's operating operating experience experience at other powerpower plants. This earlier statement earlier statement is still generally generally true. However, underunder the currently proposed proposed treatment scheme scheme for a B&W B&W unit discussed discussed below, chemicals chemicals would be applied to the essential raw cooling water (source of makeup makeup for the B&W heat rejection system).

The CLRW FEIS (DOE 1999) 1999) described the sources of chemical discharges discharges from a B&W B&W I

plant and summarized observed summarized chemical discharges observed and expected discharges from operation of BLN Unit*1 1&2 in Tables 5-28 and 5-29 of that document. Expected Expected inorganic Unit 1 and BLN Units inorganic chemicals, concentrations are listed. The CLRW expected trace metal concentrations chemicals, and Units concluded CLRW FEIS concluded I

that even under under adverse adverse conditions, chemical chemical discharges discharges from BLN 1&2 would be small, and the change in average small increase concentrations in the reservoir after mixing would represent a average concentrations increase over the observed background background concentrations. The CLWR FEIS also also I

concluded concluded that actual discharges discharges and concentrations concentrations should meet the limitations of the the NPDES permit and ADEM drinking drinking water standards. I II The COLA ER described described anticipated nonradioactive, nonradioactive, liquid-waste liquid-waste chemical and biocide biocide discharge concentrations for the AP1 000 in ER Section 3.6. The impact of chemical discharge concentrations chemical additives on surface additives surface water is summarized summarized in the following paragraph.


98 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I ,

98 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I

I Chapter 3 Chapter I Biocides are added in very low concentrations leaving very small concentrations concentrations (in the low parts per million) concentrations by the time they are discharged.

million) and consumed, discharged. The NPDES permit issued by ADEM imposes monitoring concentration limits on releases. The current monitoring and concentration current I NPDES permit takes biocide and chlorine concentrations concentrations into account, and the associated discharge limits are established to protect receiving waters. Because Because biocides and chemicals used for water treatment chemicals treatment are added in low ppm concentrations concentrations and are largely I consumed serving their purposes, and the NPDES permit takes into consideration consumed potential for these substances being in the dischargedischarge by establishing consideration the requirements for establishing requirements the appropriate chemical parameter appropriate parameter monitoring acceptable limits, the impact from these monitoring and acceptable I discharges is considered discharges Proposed considered to be minor.

Proposed Schemes for Cooling Water Treatment Treatment for B&W and AP1000 Units Units I As discussed in Section 2.7, the B&W and AP1 conversion systems are functionally conversion for water treatment. Chemical treatments 000 reactor coolant systems AP1000 functionally similar and would use similar treatments for either systems and power similar chemicals chemicals and processes either the B&W or the AP1000 processes AP1 000 design wouldwould follow the Electric Power Research (EPRI) guidelines that are in effect at the time Research Institute (EPRI) time I of the treatment.

TVA currently treats treats cooling water systems systems in aa manner different different from the treatment treatment I applications discussed applications discussed in the earlier has evolved at TVA's operating environmental reviews. The treatment earlier environmental treatment scheme that operating nuclear plants, and would be used for either a B&W unit or that AP1000 an AP1 000 unit, is injection of specific chemicals chemicals to control corrosion and micro- micro- and I macrofouling.


For the B&W, B&W, the treatment treatment chemicals chemicals used would be injected injected into the essential essential raw cooling I makeup to the heat rejection water that serves as makeup rejection system system and as aa source source for fire protection water, consisting of the circulating water pumps, conduits, main condenser, and cooling towers. As a result, the chemicals chemicals applied applied to the essential protection cooling essential raw cooling water for a B&W unit unit would be carried carried over and slightly concentrated concentrated in the heat rejection system. Sodium Sodium I hypochlorite hypochlorite would also be periodically organic fouling. Based periodically injected Based on the water injected into the heat rejection system to prevent Reservoir and TVA's water quality in the Guntersville Reservoir TVA's experience at its other power plants, there would be no need for a corrosion operating experience I inhibitor inhibitor or other chemical additives environmental effect is environmental effect anticipated additives in the heat rejection anticipated from the blowdown blowdown water or the adverse rejection system. No adverse tower evaporation.

Because Because the water discharged discharged into the heat rejection system, including initial filling and I makeup makeup comes from the Tennessee provisions Tennessee River via the essential raw cooling water system, provisions are made in the essential essential raw cooling water system to restrict the introduction introduction of Asiatic clams or their larvae into the heat rejection system. (TVA 1980a) 1980a)

I AP1000, The AP1 maintained by aa local chemical feed skid 000, circulating water system chemistry is maintained at the circulating water system cooling tower. Biocide Biocide and water treatment chemicals treatment chemicals are skid injected nonscale-forming condition and limit the biological film film I injected to maintain a noncorrosive, nonscale-forming formation, and are adjusted algaecide is applied, algaecide adjusted as required.

required. Biocide application application may vary with seasons, and applied, as necessary, to control algae formation on the natural draft cooling tower. Chemical Chemical concentrations measured through analysis of grab samples from the concentrations are measured the I circulating water circulating biocide water system. Residual biocide treatment. (TVA 2008a)

Residual chlorine is measured measured to monitor the effectiveness effectiveness of the the I The AP1 000 service service water system chemistry feed system (TVA 2009a). Biocide chemistry is maintained Biocide and water maintained by the turbine island chemical water treatment treatment chemicals chemicals are injected injected to maintain maintain a noncorrosive, nonscale-forming condition and limit the biological film formation, and noncorrosive, nonscale-forming I

Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 99 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear I adjusted as required. Specific chemicals used within the system, other than the biocide, required. Specific m are determined determined by the site water conditions. Biocide application application may vary with seasons, and algaecide algaecide is applied, applied, as necessary, to control algae formation on the natural Chemical concentrations cooling tower. Chemical from the circulating concentrations are measured measured through natural draft through analysis of grab samples I circulating effectiveness of the water biocidesystem. (TVAchlorine Residual treatment. measured to monitor the 2008a) is measured the effectiveness of the biocide treatment. (TVA 2008a)

The AP1 AP1000 demineralized water treatment system receives water from the raw water 000 demineralized system and filters and processes processes this water to remove ionic impurities. A pH adjustment I'

chemical is added upstream upstream of the filtration units to adjust the pH of the reverse osmosis influent, which is maintained maintained within the operating A dilute antiscalant, chemically osmosis operating range of the reverse osmosis membranes.

chemically compatible with the pH adjustment adjustment chemical, chemical, is used to to II II increase the solubility of salts and decrease increase decrease scale formation formation on the membranes. Both the the pH adjustment chemical and the anitscalant are injected into the demineralized system from pH adjustment chemical and the anitscalant the turbine island chemical feed system. (TVA 2008a) are injected into the demineralized system from the turbine island chemical feed system. (TVA 2008a)

The AP1 AP1000000 steam generator generator blowdownsystem secondary coolant water chemistry secondary blowdown system assists in maintaining acceptable chemistry during normal acceptable normal operation and during anticipated I

operational occurrences of main condenser inleakage.

inleakage. ItIt does this by removing operational occurrences which are concentrated each concentrated in the steam generator. The system extracts blowdown water from each steam generator, and processes the water as required. Chemicals impurities removing impurities needed to Chemicals needed to II maintain proper operation operation of the system are injected injected by the turbine island chemical chemical feed system on an as-needed plant. (TVA 2008a) as-needed basis, and are not dependent dependent on the modes of operation of the the I

As discussed earlier, TVA presently uses a chemical generically generically known as a quaternary amine amine to control macrofouling, macrofouling, which is effectively applied applied at a minimum minimum of 1.5 parts per million (ppm) of active product (3.0 ppm total product). Typically, the quaternary quaternary amine amine is IU applied applied to the systems 3 to 5 times per season season for 24 or 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. During the application process, bioboxes bioboxes of healthy specimens species. Quaternary specimens are typically utilized Quaternary amines lose their effectiveness utilized to monitor for mortality mortality of both I effectiveness by dilution or may may be detoxified detoxified by adding bentonite clay.

adding bentonite While oxidizing biocides biocides have been routinely used in raw service water systems to control I

faunal and floral populations, chemical chemical biocides biocides have not been routinely used in TVA nuclear nuclear plant condenser generally generally been condenser cooling water systems. Instead, Instead, cleanliness mechanically by a continuous been maintained mechanically cleanliness of condensers has continuous tube-cleaning has tube-cleaning system, such as the the I Amertap system, which would be applicable applicable to aa B&W unit or an AP1000 AP1 000 unit. However, some chemical chemical biocides may be used, if difference between Another difference if needed biological control.

needed for biological between the proposed scheme for the B&W and the treatment process process I

described in the 1980 FSAR (TVA 1980a) described condenser condenser cooling water system. In the 1980 additional additional makeup for the condenser 1980a) involves additional additional makeup water 1980 FSAR discussion, condenser circulating water for the B&W discussion, a small amount of circulating water system was to be supplied by BLN B&W I

sewage treatment sewage treatment plant effluent. Under Under the proposed scheme, it is expected that the essential raw cooling water system would provide all makeup onsite sewage treatment treatment plant is planned planned for either makeup water for a B&W unit. No either a B&W unit or an AP1 AP1000 the 000 unit. BLN I

sanitary waste sanitary waste would be discharged discharged to the Scottsboro Wastewater Wastewater Treatment Treatment Facility, as as discussed earlier discussed earlier in this section.


II 100 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I

I Chapter 3 I TVA's operational philosophy chemical additives for plant operation reflects regarding chemical philosophy regarding minimization of chemical use through an optimization program.

minimization program. The optimization reflects optimization program program includes monitoring operating plant parameters, (2) continually evaluating water includes (1) monitoring water I chemistry, and (3) inspecting Under both Alternatives inspecting equipment Alternatives Band equipment to minimize the total amount B and C, the treatment amount of chemicals chemicals added.

treatment of intake or treatment plan would include treatment process waters with biocides, dispersants, corrosion inhibiting inhibiting chemicals, detoxification chemicals, and detoxification I chemicals. Prior to use in TVA plants, chemicals chemicals.

and comparison comparison with maximum instream chemicals undergo instream wastewater extensive toxicological undergo an extensive toxicological review concentrations to ensure water quality wastewater concentrations standards are met.

standards I Under either either Alterative B with State Water Quality B or C, water treatment processes Quality criteria and applicable applicable NPDES permit controlled to comply processes would be controlled conditions conditions to ensure I protection of the receiving water body. The standards and criteria establishing NPDES permit limits and requirements criteria applied applied by the State in requirements are to protect public health and water resources, as well as to maintain the designated uses for the receiving receiving water body.

in I The amounts of the various chemicalschemicals injected reactor are very comparable, but somewhat somewhat lower in the AP1 reactor versus an AP1 000 injected for the B&W reactor AP1000. differences are 000. The differences are thermal cycle efficiency. Additional based on plant thermal Additional heat "recovery and reuse" features of heat "recovery I translate into lower overall rates of cooling water flow. With lower daily the AP1 000 reactor translate volumes of cooling water flowing through the plant systems less chemicals are needed needed to daily to treat cooling water.

I chemistry specifications Secondary system chemistry Secondary recommendations in the specifications would be based on the recommendations the version of the EPRI PWR Secondary Secondary Water Chemistry Guidelines Guidelines that is current at that I time. For component component cooling water, both a B&W and an AP1 control specifications Chemistry Guideline that is current AP1000 current at that time. For the emergency 000 unit would use chemistry-specifications consistent with the version of the EPRI Closed Cooling Water Closed Water emergency diesel jacket water industry-standard approved corrosion inhibitor cooling system (B&W only), an industry-standard inhibitor to control I emergency diesel jacket water cooling system would be used.

corrosion in the emergency Acceptance criteria for each each monitored parameter would be established and described in in I approved plant procedures.

approved procedures. In corrective actions would be implemented corrective acceptance criteria are not met, specific In the event the acceptance implemented in accordance accordance with TVA's corrective specific corrective action action program. Any releases program. releases to the environment environment would be governed governed by the NPDES permit.

I Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences Based average estimated Based on average estimated daily streamflow streamflow of 38,850 cfs, blowdown blowdown for the B&W and I AP1000 alternatives and 0.046 approximately 0.130 percent percentage of average flow is approximately alternatives as a percentage percent (AP1 000) of the average flow of the Tennessee River. Of the estimated 0.046 percent more conservative conservative 7Q10 percent (B&W) calculated for the BLN site (one unit only), the 7Q1 0 flow of 5,130 cfs calculated (B&W) the percent of Tennessee percent Tennessee River flow would be 0.970 percent (B&W) and 0.350 percent 0:350 percent I Concentrations of solids and residual water treatment chemicals in the cooling (AP1000). Concentrations blowdown would quickly dissipate in the river, because the blowdown volume is tower blowdown cooling insignificant relative to the river flow. The impact insignificant additives would be further impact of chemical additives further I reduced reduced through the use of bisulfite chemicals chemicals and chemical-absorbing chemical-absorbing media.

Although the volume of the cooling tower blowdown blowdown is anticipated anticipated to be small when when I compared compared leaving to the river flow, and the treatment chemicals treatment chemicals concentrations by the time they are discharged, leaving very small concentrations added are largely discharged, the discharge consumed consumed discharge is regulated by an Alabama State NPDES permit and would comply with applicable water regulated I

Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 101 I

Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site II quality standards standards and criteria. Therefore, for either the Alternative B chemical discharges chemical discharges would be minor.

B or C, the effects of I 3.2.



Groundwater Resources Groundwater Resources Affected Environment Affected I

Groundwater Groundwater conditions at the BLN site have been documented FES through the COLA documented in several reports over time, beginning TVA's 1974 FES through the COLA ER (TVA 2008a) and COLA FSAR time, beginning TVA's 1974 ER (TVA (TVA 2009a). A summary of that groundwater information is provided below:2008a) and COLA over FSAR 'IU (TVA 2009a). A summary of that groundwater information is provided below: Groundwater Hydrology Groundwater Hydrology I In and near the plant area, the principal In principal water-bearing water-bearing formations are the Knox Dolomite of Cambrian Cambrian and Ordovician age and the Fort Payne Chert of MississippianMississippian age. The Knox crops out approximately approximately 3,200 feet northwest it is about 1,000 northwest of the plant site and dips to the southeast, so 1,000 feet below the land surface in the site area. The The Fort Payne crops out I

about 3,000 feet southeast of the plant site and dips southeastward southeastward away away from the plant (TVA 1986). The Chickamauga Chickamauga Formation, the (uppermost) bedrock at the main plant site, is a poor water-bearing water-bearing formation formation in this region (TVA 1986). More recently, with the the I

reclassification reclassification of the regional regional stratigraphy stratigraphy (Osborne et al. 1988), the main site is said to be be underlain instead by the Stones River Group underlain Group Limestone Limestone (TVA 2008a). The physical iI properties properties of the formation remain unchanged unchanged by the reclassification.


Groundwater at the BLN site occurs under unconfined Groundwater unconfined conditions, as reflected table. The water table conforms closely to topography, and ranges surface from zero along Town Creek embayment embayment to a maximum reflected by the water ranges in depth depth below ground maximum of about 22 feet (TVA II 1986) or more (Julian 1996;1996; TVA 2008a; TVA 2009a) occurs primarily in soil composed 2009a) at the plant site. The water table composed of residual silts and clays derived from in-place weathering of the underlying rock, and also in the upper upper fractured, weathered in-place table weathered zones of the the I

bedrock. Recharge is provided provided by precipitation, precipitation, mostly as rain, which averages about 50 inches annually, of which aboutabout 8 inches goes into groundwater groundwater storage storage (TVA 1986). I II Historic potentiometric Historic potentiometric plots of groundwater groundwater levels (TVA 1986), and later in the 1980s 1980s and 1990s, all show the direction direction of groundwater groundwater flow from the plant site towards towards Town Creek Creek on the northwest for the most part. For some shorter periods of the year, some flow goes to on the northwest for the most part. For some shorter periods of the year, some flow goes to the Tennessee Tennessee River (Guntersville Reservoir) (TVA 2008a; I3 2008a; TVA 2009a). Subsurface Subsurface testing at BLN using using a network of test observation observation wells installed in 2006 was conducted conducted in support of the COLA (TVA 2008a; 2008a; TVA 2009a).

There There are Groundwater Use ,and Groundwater no groundwater and Trends groundwater supply wells onsite documented the use of groundwater onsite at BLN. Previous Previous TVA reports have groundwater supply wells by the town of Hollywood and city of I3 documented Scottsboro, both of which are within 3 and 7 miles (respectively)

Stevenson, which is about 12 ADEM (Mike Browman, TVA, personal communication, (respectively) of BLN, and by the city of 12 miles from BLN (Julian 1996). A recent communication communication, August 2009) communication with verified that I

Hollywood Hollywood and Scottsboro Scottsboro no longer use groundwater groundwater supply wells to meet their water needs. Stevenson Stevenson and Pisgah (located only two municipal (located on the east side of Guntersville Reservoir) are the Jackson County, Alabama, that have groundwater municipal or industrial entities in Jackson groundwater I

supply wells. Groundwater Groundwater is not used as a municipal or industrial groundwater groundwater source within a 2-mile radius of BLN (TVA 2008a; TVA 2009a). I I

102 Draft Supplemental Environmental Draft Environmental Impact Statement Statement I

I Chapter 3 I Private groundwater groundwater sources were identified (1961) within a 2-mile identified early on (1961)

Figure 3-7 and Table 3-6) (TVA 1986) and more recently within aa 1-mile 2-mile radius (see 1-mile radius (Figure 3-8)

(TVA 1997) of the BLN site. A coarse visual comparison indicated that within the zone of I overlap there was a doubling doubling of wells from the first to the second overwhelming predominance overwhelming second survey. The The northwest of the BLN site and separated predominance of these wells is northwest separated from the site by Town Creek embayment, which provides a hydraulic barrier between the wells wells I and the plant. A survey survey conducted by TVA in 2009 for private wells within an arc 2 miles from the plant, southwest along the peninsula to the plant revealed revealed two private wells. One miles One has been capped off and unused for 20 years, and the other is used for non-potablenon-potable I purposes. Groundwater Groundwater Quality I Groundwater concentrations, monitored over the years to obtain background Groundwater quality at BLN has been monitored concentrations, to examine the effect of onsite specific background onsite disposal practices, and in response to specific incidents. Monitored Monitored parameters parameters included radionuclides, radionuclides, organics, and inorganics inorganics I (TVA 1978c; 1978c; TVA 1979; TVA 1980b; TVA 1981b; TVA 1982b; The locations of the TVA monitoring 1982b; TVA 1983a; 1983a; TVA 1984).

between 1973 and 1996 (Julian, monitoring wells installed onsite between 1999), and in 2006 (TVA 2008a) in support of the COLA are shown shown in Figure 3-9.

I Background levels of selected radionuclides (gamma-emitting and tritium) were monitored monitored from 1977 through 1983 in six bedrock wells (TVA 1978c; 1978c; TVA 1979; TVA 1980b; 1980b; TVA I 1981 b; TVA 1982b; 1981b; variable.

1982b; TVA 1983a; 1983a; TVA 1984). Results Results were spatially and temporally temporally I Monitoring through 1990 of the effects onsite in the early to mid-1980s concentrations phosphate waste/wastewater effects of trisodium phosphate mid-1980s indicated that the associated waste/wastewater disposal associated metals and phosphorus phosphorus concentrations had returned to background background or near-background near-background levels. The same same was truetrue I for sodium, except at one well, which continued 1990).


continued to show elevated concentrations (Lindquist concentrations (Lindquist Background sampling sampling by TVA across the site from 1981 to 1991 for total concentrations concentrations of I inorganics, except for nickel, showed very few constituents Standards. Exceedances constituents in excess of the Drinking Water Exceedances for iron, manganese, and aluminum were were attributed to colloidal mineral mineral material (TVA 1997). Sampling Sampling conducted conducted in support support of the COLA ER for a similar similar I array of parameters parameters yielded onsite in the 1980s 1980s yielded generally and early generally similar results. Monitoring 1990s, indicated that, by Monitoring in response to diesel spills 2004, the levels levels of critical spills contaminants contaminants had decreased decreased to regulatory acceptable values (Nix regulatory acceptable (Nix 2006).



I Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 103 103 I

Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Site I I






"" ...~.



. -""t """'"

~. -~. I I

Legend I

Water Wells & Springs I

(1) Ceme( P0ll11 fOf BLN Units 1 and 2 o BLI< Units 1 and 2 O 2-mile Radius from Cen tet POIlU

'Of BLN Unots 1 and 2 Bel1efonte PrOJect Area I

Figure Figure 3-7. Water Wells and Springs Within Within 2 Miles of BLN I I

104 104 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Supplemental Environmental I

I Chapter 3 I Table 3-6. Inventory Inventory of Private BLN Private Wells and Springs

-- 1961 Data(a)

Springs Located Within the 2-Mile 2-Mile Radius Radius of Data(a)

I .. Well

, Number(b) 1 Year Installed Installed U

U Elevation(C)

Elevation(cl (ft. msl) 611 Well Depth (ft.)

20 Completion Completion Zone UU

~ ..

Comments Comments Private residential well 2 U I 33 4



U 621 609 602 U

U 72 U




U Private residential well Private residential well Private residential well 55 U U 610 U U U U Private residential well I 6 77 U


600 605 U




U Private residential well Private residential well 88 U 608 U U U U Private residential well I 99 10 10 11 U


U 605 605 605 U






U Private residential well Private residential well Private residential well 12 12 U 629 172 UU Private residential well I 13 13 14 14 U

U 610 623 39 33 U


U Private residential well Private residential well 15 15 U 670 72 U U Private residential well I 16 16 17 17 18 18 U


629 619 621 102 34 97 U



U Private residential well Private residential well Private residential well I 19 19 20 21 U


637 630 620 70 77 70 U



U Private residential well Private residential well Private residential well 22 U 635 U U U U Private residential well I 23 24 U

U 617 640 55 135 U


U Private residential well Private residential well 25 U 630 131 U U Private residential well I 26 27 28 U


640 640 634 48 200 68 U U



Private residential well Private residential well Private residential well 29 U 630 72 UU Private residential well I 30 31 U

U 638 615 52 U



Private residential well Private residential well 32 U 620 125 U U Private residential well I 33 34 U


604 639 72 116 U



U Private residential well Private residential well Private residential residential well 35 645 U 637 Spring N/A springMd)

Intermittent spring\O)

I S-1 S-2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 637 600 600 Spring Spring Spring N/A N/A N/A Intermittent Intermittent spring(d)

Intermittent spring(O) a) This table may include include wells that have been abandoned abandoned or installed since the original survey from I 1961.


b) b) See Figure 3-7 for locations.

c) Elevation at the ground surface (wells 1-35, springs S-1 and S-2) or top of well casing. Elevations Elevations I were either obtained by reference d) d) Flow was observed msl - Above mean reference or estimated from topographic maps.

observed from the two intermittent mean sea level intermittent springs in January springs in January 2009.

U - Unknown Unknown I N/A - Not applicable applicable I

Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 105 105 I

the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear Unit at the Site I I






Figure 3-8.

3-8. Groundwater Wells Wells in the Vicinity Vicinity of of the BLN BLN Site Site -- 1990 1990 I


106 106 Draft Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Impact Statement I

I Chapter 3 I







Date UJI Udee ofne15,20(Y Imagery-I Legend legend June 15, 2006

15. 2006

- Wells Installed 2006 2006 N A

.. Wellss Installed Well Installed pre-2006 pre-20UO o Bellefonte Nuclear Be llefonte Nucle ar Plant Site (T.A Property Boundary)

Site (TVA Bou ndary)

I 1.000

~~'Iiiiiii_~~~~"""Iiii 2000

____ 3.000


e-t S I Figure 3-9.

Figure 3-9. BLN B&W Groundwater BLN Groundwater Wells Wells I

Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Supplemental Environmental Statement 107 107 I

Single Nuclear Single Nuclear Unit Unit at at the the Bellefonte Bellefonte Site Site II 3.2.2. EnvironmentalConsequences Environmental No Action Action Consequences II Alternative A - No No Action Alternative, there would be Under the No groundwater use, or groundwater groundwater be no effects to the groundwater groundwater quality. The current much-reduced activity and equipment inventory at the site favor the lack of effect on most groundwater hydrology, hydrology, most aspects of groundwater, and I

IU groundwater quality in particular. The current use of BMPs on groundwater BMPs for the handling of chemicals, together with the adherence adherence to the site SPCC) plan for the management management and cleanup of oils, limit likelihood that oil or or chemicals chemicals will reach groundwater. There is is II currently no no groundwater groundwater use onsite. Under the No Action Alternative, the quality of groundwater may actually improve. improve. Residual chemicals from past spills and from industrial practices that have have been discontinued would decrease decrease over time, leading leading to the improvement in water quality.

Alternatives Band Alternatives B and C The completion and operation of one B&W unit or the construction II construction and operation of one one AP1000 unit would have no impact on the groundwater groundwater hydrology or groundwater either onsite or locally. Potable water will be supplied by the Scottsboro Municipal System. Water for fire protection, concrete batching (if (if necessary),

groundwater use, Municipal Water necessary), and other construction II II uses will be withdrawn from the Tennessee River/Guntersville Reservoir. TVA does not Tennessee River/Guntersville anticipate the use of groundwater either as a safety-related source of water for a BLN unit anticipate or the use as its source of of groundwater water supply foreither as a safety-related any purpose during operation.source of water for a BLN unit or as its source of water supply for any purpose during operation.

Adoption of either alternative would not have any substantial impact on groundwater Under both alternatives, any chemicals chemicals used during construction groundwater quality.

construction would be managed using I3 BMPs, which BMPs, which would limit the likelihood likelihood of chemical contamination of surface water as well chemical contamination as groundwater. Also, BLN and similar sites that store oil in volumes above a certain threshold and in containers meeting certain size specifications, are required to have an an I

SPCC plan (EPA 2008a) applicable applicable to gasoline, diesel fuel, lubricating lubricating oil, insulating insulating oil, and other oils. An SPCC presents a program that oil spills will occur and provides program required required by regulators that reduces the likelihood measures to control and cleanup provides for measures likelihood cleanup such spills ifif they I do occur onsite. Implementation Implementation of the SPCC plan would help keep oils out of surface waters as well as groundwater.

waters .

surface I3 Construction Construction and operation of a BLN nuclear nuclear unit wouldwould not result in significant significant cumulative effects effects to groundwater.

cumulative 3


3.3. Floodplain and Flood Risk Risk I



In In as TVA's part of Affected Environment Affected 1974 the FES, Section Section 12.1.2, states Preliminary Safety states "Plant safety aspects aspects are considered considered separately separately I as Preliminary Safety Analysis ReportReport (PSAR) prepared by TVA and the staff's (PSAR) prepared staff's evaluation evaluation contained contained in the Safety plant site flooding are provided FSAR (TVA 1986) provided in 10 contains Evaluation Report. The AEC's criteria of design Safety Evaluation 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A (Criterion 2). The BLN information FSAR (TVA 1986) contains information related related to potential potential flooding of the BLN design against BLN site from the the I

Tennessee River and local probable maximum precipitation 8 (PMP) site Tennessee and local probable maximum precipitation drainage.

Floodplain Floodplain and flood risk information for the BLN site was updated risk information updated in the COLA COLA FSAR. I I

8 The The Probable Probable Maximum duration duration that Maximum Precipitation that is Precipitation is physically possible is physically is defined possible over defined as over aa particular the theoretically as the particular drainage greatest depth theoretically greatest depth of area at aa certain drainage area precipitation for of precipitation certain time of of year for aa given year (American given 3

I 108 108 Draft Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental ImpactImpact Statement Statement I

I Chapter 3 I The Bellefonte Bellefonte Conversion Conversion FEIS (TVA 1997) conditions at the BLN site. The BLN site is located 1997) described described the floodplain floodplain and flood risk located on a peninsula formed by Town Creek embayment and the Tennessee embayment Tennessee River River on Guntersville Reservoir in Jackson County, Guntersville Reservoir I Alabama (Figure 1-1). The proposed project project area area could be flooded from both the Tennessee River and Town Creek, as well as local PMP site drainage.

Tennessee drainage. The area the area impacted by the proposed project project extends from about TRM 390.4 to TRM 392.3, and from about about I Town Creek Creek mile 2.1 to mile 3.3.

The 1 100-year OO-year floodplain for the TennesseeTennessee River varies from elevation 600.5 feet msl at I TRM 390.4 to elevation elevations elevation 601.1 feet msl at TRM 392.3. The TVA Flood Risk Profile (FRP) elevations on the Tennessee River River vary from elevation 601.8 feet msl at TRM 390.4 to 602.6 feet msl at TRM 392.3. For Town Creek, the 100-year elevation 602.6 elevation 100-year floodplain is the area I lying below elevation 601.4 feet msl. The FRP elevation used to control flood damageable commercial damageable development elevation is 603.1 feet msl. The FRP is development for TVA projects, and residential and development on TVA lands. At this location, the FRP elevations are equal to commercial development the 500-year flood elevations.

I Jackson Jackson County, Alabama, has adopted adopted the 1 100-year OO-year flood as the basis for its floodplain floodplain regulations, and all development development would be consistent with these regulations. regulations. There are no no I floodways published for this area.

The BLN drainage drainage system was evaluated for a storm producing producing the PMP on the local local area.

I The site is graded such that runoff would drain away drainage drainage channels assumes channels and subsequently assumes that all discharge subsequently to the Tennessee away from safety-related safety-related structures to Tennessee River. The PMP flood analysis discharge structures are non-functioning.

non-functioning. The maximum maximum PMP water analysis water I elevation in the vicinity of safety-related surface elevation 2009a).

safety-related structures would be 627.53 627.53 feet msl (TVA The controlling Probable Probable Maximum Flood Flood99 (PMF) elevation at the BLN site would be 622.1 I feet msl ifif all of the planned dam safety Chickamauga and Nickajack Chickamauga modifications were made to Watts Bar, safety modifications Nickajack dams. The dam safety modifications at Chickamauga Chickamauga Dam have not been completed. Without these modifications, modifications, the PMF elevation at the BLN site site I is 622.5 feet msl. The maximum maximum wind wave activity activity is estimated to be 1.53 feet high.

Therefore, the PMF and coincident wind wave activity results in aa flood elevation of 624.03 624.03 feet msl.

I TVA is currently currently re-evaluating existing existing PMF data for the TennesseeTennessee River at the BLN site in in support of the COLA. Once this effort is completed, completed, the flood information information in this section will I be updated updated if addressed does not expect if needed. The dam safety modifications addressed as part of the re-evaluation modifications at Chickamauga Chickamauga Dam will be re-evaluation of the PMF data for the Tennessee expect significant changes in flood data from those used in the previous be Tennessee River. TVA staff previous BLN site staff site evaluations that would affect conclusionsconclusions in the following discussion.


I The floodplains and flood risk assessment assessment involves ensuring ensuring that facilities would be sited to provide provide a reasonable level of protection protection from flooding. In doing so, the requirements requirements of I Meteorological Meteorological Society, 1959). In In consideration of the limited consideration of limited knowledge knowledge of thethe complicated processes and complicated processes I interrelationships interrelationships inin storms, PMP PMP values values are 9 The Probable Maximum Flood is defined as a site as result of hydrometeorological are identified as estimates.

identified as estimates.

9The Probable Maximum Flood is defined as the most severe flood that can reasonably be predicted to occur at the most severe flood that can reasonably be predicted hydrometeorological conditions.

conditions. ItIt assumes an occurrence occurrence of PMP critically centered centered on the the watershed and watershed and aa sequence sequence of of related related meteorologic meteorologic andand hydrologic hydrologic factors factors typical typical of extreme extreme storms.

I Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental ImpactImpact Statement Statement 109 109 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Single Nuclear Site Bellefonte Site I Executive Order (EO) 11988 (Floodplain Executive repetitive actions, EO 11988 repetitive Management) would be fulfilled.

(Floodplain Management) 11988 states that all proposed facilities must be located fulfilled. For non-located outside outside the the I

II limits of the 100-year 1DO-year floodplain unless alternatives evaluated, which would either alternatives are evaluated, either identify a better better option or support and document document a determination determination of "no practicable practicable alternative" to siting within the floodplain. If If this determination determination can be made, adverse adverse floodplain floodplain impacts impacts would be minimized during design of the project (TVA 1997).

For a "critical action," facilities must be protected protected to the 500-year flood elevation where where I there is no practicable alternative. A "critical action" is defined defined in the Water Resource Resource Floodplain Management Council Floodplain Management Guidelines Guidelines as any activity of flooding would be too great. One of the criteria used in determining critical action is whether essential and irreplaceable activity for which even aa slight chance chance determining ifif an activity is a irreplaceable records, utilities, and/or emergency I

services would be lost or become inoperable inoperable ifif flooded. Based on this criterion, construction activities activities associated with this project would be considered as "critical actions" because flooding of these facilities would render them inoperable.

because inoperable. All facilities that wouldwould I

force the shutdown or curtailment of power power generation generation ififflooded, above or flood-proofed facilities facilities that would not impact power flooded, would either be located flood-proofed to the 500-year flood elevation at that location. Many generation ifif flooded would only be subject power generation Many of the support subject toto I

evaluation using nuclear using the 100-year nuclear generating 1DO-year flood. (TVA 1997) generating facility, the NRC requires from the Tennessee 1997) .Because Because the proposed requires a flood risk evaluation Tennessee River PMF and PMP site drainage for all alternatives.

proposed project project involves evaluation of possible involves a possible impacts impacts .I Because the activities evaluated Because completion evaluated in 1997 or construction 1997 are different consequences and operation different than those proposed for this project, the description of environmental consequences has been newly developed to address the description of environmental has beennuclear of a single-unit completion or construction and operation of a single-unit nuclear plant.

newly developed plant. to address II 3.3.2. EnvironmentalConsequences Environmental Consequences II Alternative Alternative A Under the No Action Alternative, no new construction or dredging Under

site, site , therefore actions inconsistent with EO 11988 therefore no actions dredging would occur at the BLN 11988 would occur.


Alternative Alternative B Because Because the existing nuclear-related physical disturbance disturbance nuclear-related structures would be utilized, only minor of the site from new construction construction would occur. The minor additional majority majority of work I

would take place within the existingexisting structures. Minor upgrades upgrades to the existing existing switchyard and transmission line system would be needed. When the final site plans are developed, these activities activities would be further reviewed reviewed to confirm developed, confirm that the work is consistent with EO EO I



Dredging would occur in the intake intake channel. However, consistent with EO 11988, dredging I

is aa repetitive action that would result in minor impacts because the dredged material would dredged material be disposed of in an on-site spoils area Section 2.4 of the BLN FSAR (TVA 1986) area above the 500-year 500-year flood elevation.

1986) describes the plant grade of safety-related I

structures, structures, other than the Intake Pumping Station, as varying between elevations 628 and 646 msl, and lists key plant structures and their elevations. The existing safety-related structures structures where work would take place place are either either located located above the 1100-year safety-related DO-year and FRP FRP II elevations elevations EO 11988. In or are flood-proofed flood-proofed to that addition, all safety-related In addition, flood safety-related structures level, so the project structures are either located would be consistent located above or flood-flood-with I

proofed to the Tennessee Tennessee River River PMF and coincident wind wave elevation of 624.03 feet msl, and above the PMP site drainage elevation of 627.53 feet msl. 3 I

110 Environmental Impact Statement Draft Supplemental Environmental Statement I

I Chapter 3 Chapter I Alternative C Alternative Based on the site plan (Figure 2-3), all of the proposed construction activities would occur occur outside outside of the 100-year 1OO-year floodplain, which would be consistent consistent with EO 11988. The only only I activities planned below the FRP elevation would be the construction of site parking and the activities planned switchyard training facility. Every new PSO switchyard Every effort would be made to reduce the quantityquantity of the fill associated associated with these activities activities to ensure compliance compliance with the TVA Flood Control I Storage Loss Guideline.

Dredging would occur in the intake intake channel channel and barge unloading dock. However, I consistent with EO 11988, dredging impacts, because above the 500-year 500-year flood dredging is a repetitive action that should result in minor because the dredged material material would be disposed elevation.


minor disposed of in an on-site spoils area area I An AP1 000 would be constructed constructed at a grade elevation of 628.6 feet msl, which would be Tennessee River PMF and coincident above the Tennessee coincident wind wave elevation of 624.03 624;03 feet msl, be and above the PMP site drainage elevation elevation of 627.53 feet msl. All safety-related safety-related structures structures I will be either either located located above the resulting flood levels or flood-proofed Administration Building would be located levels. The new Administration flood-proofed below to the flood located well above the 1 100-year OO-year and FRPFRP elevations.

I 3.4. Wetlands Wetlands 3.4.1. Affected Environment I Wetlands Wetlands frequency frequency Affected Environment are and areas inundated duration or saturated with surface water or groundwater sufficient to support, and that under normal groundwater at aa circumstances circumstances do do prevalence of vegetation vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated saturated soil conditions.

I support, a prevalence Wetlands Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar Laboratory 1987).

Laboratory similar areas areas (Environmental I Wetlands are regulated under Sections 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act and addressed under Executive under Executive Order (EO) 11990. To conduct (EO) 11990.

addressed conduct certain activities in the "waters of the U.S."

that may may affect wetlands, authorization underunder a Section Section 404 Permit Permit from the U.S. Army I Corps of Engineers (USACE) is required. Section 401 gives states the authority whether whether activities permitted permitted under Section 404 are in accordance authority to certify accordance with state water quality standards. ADEM is responsible responsible for Section 401 water quality certifications certifications in Alabama.

I 11990 requires all federal agencies EO 11990 wetlands, and to preserve agencies to minimize the destruction, preserve and enhance enhance the natural carrying out the agency's responsibilities.

destruction, loss, or degradation natural and beneficial degradation of beneficial values of wetlands in I Vegetation communities, including bottomland environmental review for the construction bottomland areas, were assessed during the initial construction of BLN 1&2 (TVA 1974). Wetland Wetland habitat was was addressed during subsequent specifically addressed subsequent proposals proposals for associated on-site operations (TVA I 1997; DOE 1999;1999; TVA 2008a).

Guntersville Reservoir Guntersville located along the 12.5-mile 2008a). Wetlands are located Reservoir and Town Creek embayment 12.5-mile shoreline shoreline of embayment fronting the BLN site, but are outside outside the BLN project area or on the opposite opposite side of Perimeter Road Road from the BLN plant facilities facilities I (Figure 2-1). These wetland areas areas consist of bottomland/riparian bottomland/riparian forest, shoreline habitat, and floating aquatic beds. Throughout and following the construction shoreline emergent emergent construction of the existing BLN 1 1&2

&2 structures, these shoreline shoreline wetland areas experienced experienced very little impact impact (TVA I 2008a).

I Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement ill 111 I

Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Bellefonte Site I A wetland assessment assessment completed completed by TVA in 2006 indicatedindicated six forested wetlands were located between the perimeter road and the existing parking area. An interagency interagency field IN review with USACE in 2009 resulted in the inclusion inclusion of one additional small forested wetland wetland and wetland connectivity connectivity channels between the previously These seven forested wetlands ranged in size from 0.02 to 4.52 acres previously delineated delineated areas.

acres and totaled totaled II approximately 12.2 12.2 acres. In In 2009, TVA wetland wetland biologists also mapped mapped two created scrub-shrub wetland areas via ephemeral areas upstream ephemeral conveyance.

upstream of the intake channel conveyance. These wetlands wetlands channel connecting to Guntersville Reservoir totaled approximately approximately 1 acre, and Reservoir met the the I USFWS wetland USFWS wetland definition but did not exhibitexhibit all criteria criteria required for wetland determination wetland determination and USACE jurisdiction.

reconnaissance jurisdiction. One linear wetland feature was also mapped reconnaissance along the west side of the road leading linear, forested wetland is located located in a natural mapped during the 2009 field leading to the barge terminal.

terminal. This wide, natural ravine and receives water via precipitation precipitation field I

and runoff that empties into a culvert connecting functionality wetland scale,and function) the Category wetlands 3rank connecting to Guntersville in Category (superior condition Guntersville Reservoir. On a 3-level functionality scale, the wetlands rank in Category 2 (moderate condition and provision of 2 (moderate condition and provision and provision of wetland wetland function) and Category 3 (superior condition and provision of wetland function).

function).of II Wetland determinations Laboratory determinations were performed according to USACE Laboratory 1987), whichwhich require require documentation USACE standards (Environmental hydrophytic vegetation documentation of hydrophytic (Environmental vegetation (USFWS 1996a),

(USFWS 1996a),

I3 hydric soil, and wetland hydrology. Broader definitions of wetlands, such as the definition II hydric definition provided in EO 11990 (Protection provided (Protection of Wetlands), Alabama Alabama state regulatory definitions, and the USFWS definition (Cowardin et delineations. Field delineation and habitat al. 1979) 1979) were also considered in making their assessment forms are included in Appendix B.

delineations. Field delineation and habitat assessment forms are included in Appendix B.


3.4.2. EnvironmentalConsequences Environmental Consequences I Alternative Alternative A Under Under the No Action alternative, no alterations alterations or improvements existing facilities for the purpose of nuclear nuclear power improvements would be made generation. Therefore, power generation.

made to the Therefore, selection the this selection of this I

alternative would not result in direct, indirect, or cumulative cumulative effects to wetlands.

Alternative Alternative B B Under Alternative B, completion Under improvements to existing facilities and continued completion of and improvements continued II operation of the plant would take place. Construction not directly Construction proposed under Alternative Alternative B would directly affect wetlands (Figure 3-10). Proposed parking areas would be sited greater than 50 feet from any delineated delineated wetland boundary to provide wetland boundary provide a buffer and avoid or I

minimize indirect impacts to wetlands. During operation, operation, the impact of the thermal plume plume on emergent, floating-leaved, wetlands floating-leaved, and submerged submerged vegetation comprising much of the shoreline comprising much I wetlands would be minimal due to the small temperature temperature change predicted. Some localized localized enhancement of macrophyte enhancement macrophyte growth growth could occur along portions of the mainstream mainstream east bank and the adjacent adjacent shallow area (DOE 1999). No indirect effects to wetland anticipated from run off or sedimentation wetland are sedimentation during construction, or initial or long-term II operation operation of a B&W reactor at the BLN site. Therefore, because because there are no wetlands wetlands within the construction experience significant ecological experience wetlands on or adjacent construction footprint, and the wetlands adjacent to the site would not ecological changes resulting from construction construction or power generation generation I at the BLN site, no direct, indirect, or cumulative cumulative wetland impacts would occur under this I3 this alternative.



112 112 Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement I

I Chapter 3 I





I ) Gun/emilie RLSeT1'tHr


I Bellefonte PrOject Area I22Zl Wetland D Legend St ru ctures Exisbrq Structure 1Swrtcllyard Road

_ Road Side Ditch !ill Refurbished BUlIdIfl9 Rail Spur I -

_ Re tention BasVl Wet Weather Conveyance New ArealStructlXe Sewlity

=J \J\'alerllody Water Intake I .,


~J I Figure 3-10. Wetlands Shown Shown in Relation to the B&W Site Plan (Alternative B)

I Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Impact Statement 113 113 I

Single Single Nuclear Bellefonte Site Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site I Alternative Alternative C Under Alternative Alternative C, the new new reactor facility would be constructed on and between between the the I

Perimeter Road and the existing existing parking area. The construction would result in direct and/or indirect indirect impacts to the 12.2 that area (Figure 3-11). In compliance compliance with the Clean construction footprint for this alternative Water Water Act, TVA would obtain a alternative 12.2 acres of forested wetland located I Section Section 404 permit and Section 401 certification construction provided through purchasing certification for the wetland fill associated construction footprint for the new facility. Compensation associated with the Compensation for wetland impacts purchasing wetland mitigation credits credits at Robinson impacts would be Robinson Spring Wetland Wetland the be I located within the same watershed as the proposed Mitigation Bank, located proposed impacts. The impact impact of the thermal plume on wetland vegetation AP1000 unit onsite would be minimal vegetation along the shoreline shoreline due to operation of an minimal due to the small temperature change predicted.

I Some enhancement enhancement of macrophyte growth could occur occur along along portions of the mainstream mainstream east bank and the adjacent adjacent shallow area area (DOE 1999). BMPs would be used to avoid or minimize indirect wetland impacts. Therefore, no significant wetland wetland impacts are II anticipated anticipated from run off or sedimentation sedimentation during the construction or operation of one one AP1000 unit at BLN. Because Because TVA would mitigate in-kind fill resulting from construction, in-kind within the watershed for wetland construction, no net loss of wetland functions be anticipated, resulting in no cumulative wetland functions within the watershed wetland impacts under Alternative watershed would Alternative C.





114 114 Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement I

I Chapter Chapter 3 I I I /

I I r I


I I I p~",


~ Gllllltrwille I

I Legend o Bellefonte PrOject Area Structures c:::::J Switchyard I I @ wetland

_ Road Side Ditch o ExISlirg Structure

~ New' Areal StrucnJ"e Road Haul Road

_ Retention BaslI1 Secunty AP 1000 Road I - - Wet Weather Conveyance Water Intake ---+-- Rail Spur I Figure 3-11.

3-11. Wetlands Shown in Relation Relation to the AP1000 AP1 000 Site Plan (Alternative C) C)

I Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental ImpactImpact Statement 115 115 I

Single Nuclear Unit Unit at the the Bellefonte Site I 3.5. Aquatic Ecology Environment I

3.5.1. Affected Environment To support To BLN support the BLN site, site, TVA the evaluation evaluation of TVA conducted conducted one of the the viability one year viability of year of of licensing licensing of of preoperational of additional nuclear reactors preoperational monitoring monitoring in the vicinity of the BLN site during 2009 to characterize site-specific conditions. This reactors at the in Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir Reservoir in This in I preoperational monitoring serves to characterize preoperational communities in program, supplemented

program, characterize the baseline condition of aquatic in Guntersville Reservoir. TVA uses its existing Vital Signs (VS) monitoring supplemented with additional fish and benthic macroinvertebrate aquatic monitoring macroinvertebrate community I

monitoring upstream and downstream monitoring of thermal discharges downstream of fossil and nuclear discharges to aquatic communitiescommunities in methodology is being applied to sites upstream and downstream methodology nuclear power in the receiving power plants, to evaluate effects receiving water body.

body. This same downstream of BLN. VS monitoring sameI monitoring I,

results are summarized in results in Section 3.1.1.


The VS The VS monitoring monitoring program program began in 1990 in in 1990 in the Tennessee Tennessee River System. This program program I

was implemented was implemented to evaluate ecological to evaluate ecological health health conditions conditions in in major reservoirs as part of TVA's stewardship TVA's reservoir stewardship role. One reservoir health health isis the One of the Reservoir of the Reservoir Fish the five five indicators used in Fish Assemblage Assemblage Index (RFAI) been thoroughly tested on TVA and other reservoirs and published in in the VS program to evaluate evaluate (RFAI) methodology. RFAI has in peer-reviewed peer-reviewed has I literature (Jennings literature (Jennings et 1999). The measures used in et al.

al. 1995, Hickman and McDonough 1996, McDonough McDonough and Hickman in this methodology are indexed metrics, and not absolute measures of community diversity (number of species) or abundance (number of individuals I

measures individuals of each species).

of Fish communities are Fish communities used to are used evaluate ecological to evaluate conditions, because ecological conditions, because of their importance in in I

the aquatic aquatic food web and because because fish life cycles are long enough to integrate integrate conditions over time. Benthic macroinvertebrate Benthic Index Benthic Index (RBI) macroinvertebrate populations (RBI) methodology.

populations are assessed methodology. Because benthic macroinvertebrates conditions Reservoir assessed using the Reservoir macroinvertebrates are relatively relatively I

immobile, negative immobile, negative impacts impacts to aquatic aquatic ecosystems ecosystems can be detected earlier in in benthic benthic macroinvertebrate communities than in macroinvertebrate supplement RFAI supplement in fish communities. These data are used to RFAI results to provide a more thorough examination of differences differences inin aquatic aquatic I

communities upstream and downstream communities downstream of thermal discharges.

Fish Community In In spring spring 2009, fish community RFAI scores scores of 35 (Fair) and 34 (Fair) were were observed the observed at the I

downstream downstream Walton 2009). In were were observed observed at and upstream upstream at the stations, In summer 2009, fish community the downstream downstream and respectively respectively (Appendix C, Table 1; 1; Simmons and community RFAI scores of 30 (Poor) and 35 (Fair) and upstream upstream stations, stations, respectively respectively (Appendix C, Table Table I'


2). Although the scores scores reached only 58 percent and 56 percent of the the highest attainable score Although the score during reached only during the spring, and 50 percent 58 percent percent and 58 percent during the summer, they were within the 6 point range and 56 range percent of acceptable acceptable highest attainable attainable score percent of the highest attainable of variation, and I

therefore therefore are are considered considered similar.

Other Other VS VS monitoring monitoring sites on Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir, upstream upstream and in the vicinity of BLN, BLN, I

have have averaged averaged aa RFAI RFAI score score ranging from 33-38 33-38 (Fair),

(Fair), which is similar similar to what was was observed observed at (Appendix (Appendix samples at sites sites upstream upstream and and downstream downstream of BLN during spring spring and C, Table 3). The number of fish (by species) collected from 1993-2008 in RFAI areC,listed Tablein3). The number Simmons of fish (by and Walton and summer 2009 2009 species) collected from 1993-2008 in RFAI (2009).

I samples are listed in Simmons and Walton (2009).


116 116 Draft Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement I

I Chapter Chapter 3 I Macroinvertebrate Community Benthic Macroinvertebrate macroinvertebrate (bottom-dwelling organisms) data Benthic macroinvertebrate data collected during during spring 2009 from TRM 393.7 (upstream of BLN) from BLN) andand from from TRM 389 (downstream (downstream of BLN)BLN) resulted in in I and RBI score of 25 (Good)

(Good) (Appendix C, Table 4). 4). Appendix Appendix C Table mean density per square meter by taxon at these sites. Results from samples taken Table 55 provides provides estimated downstream from BLN were very similar. Both sites received the same score upstream and downstream I for all but two metrics.

Guntersville Reservoir have averaged All VS sites on Guntersville averaged a "Good" to "Excellent" "Excellent" RBI score I (Appendix C, Table 6). DuringDuring 2008, scores for the three inflow sites upstream of BLN for the transition site downstream of BLN ranged from 25 to 29, which is similar to what was observed during spring 2009 at sites upstream and downstream of BLN.

BLN and was I Ichthyoplankton Ichthyoplankton Data on fish communities; including density of fish eggs and larvae adjacent to the site ichthyoplankton (fish eggs and larvae suspended in the water column) were collected. The ichthyoplankton I assessment results during 2009 in the vicinity of BLN are similar to historical assessment 1977 through 1983, TVA 2009. Temporal during 1977 assessments historical assessments Temporal and spatial distribution of ichthyoplankton ichthyoplankton during the 2009 study validated that the historical entrainment entrainment data collected several years I earlier. Mandated Mandated minimum flows generated from Chickamauga Chickamauga and Nickajack provides favorable spawning habitat and water quality conditions in Guntersville Nickajack dams dams Guntersville Reservoir Reservoir to support spawning success of fish. Additionally, there has not been any significant significant I change in the reservoir assemblage in upper Guntersville Reservoir since the TVA Vital reservoir fish assemblage Signs Program was initiated in 1993.

I 3.5.2. Environmental Consequences Environmental from site construction construction and Consequences addresses impacts to aquatic species This section addresses operation operation of the proposed nuclear plants.

macroinvertebrates) species (fish and benthic macroinvertebrates)

I Alternative A Because Because no construction construction or nuclear plant operation operation would occur at BLN, there there would be no no impacts to aquatic habitat or species under under the No Action Alternative.

I Alternative B Under Under Alternative B, B, work would be conducted complete a single B&W unit and conducted to complete and bring itit to

'I full operational new operational capacity. Because intake new construction construction is not expected intake and discharge structures and discharge structures are already in place, expected to occur near the banks of the reservoir, and accidental accidental discharge discharge and stormwater stormwater runoff is limited under under the the construction construction stormwater pollution pollution I prevention prevention plan (SWPPP) and a site-specific construction initiation. Refurbishment construction would be performed performed in compliance site-specific SPCC plan, compliance with ADEM and applicable plan, which are implemented Refurbishment of the barge unloading dock would take place implemented prior to applicable ADCNR and USACE place and and USACE permits.

I Dredging Dredging 1960 channel channel would 1960 feet of the intake channel between would be performed performed in compliance compliance between the intake with intake structure and applicable ADEM applicable ADEM and and the main USACE USACE main river river requirements.

requirements. The intake channel channel was surveyed surveyed for native native mussels mussels andand snails in 2009.

I Only common species species species were species were encountered were very low encountered within the intake compared to areas low compared intake channel.

areas in the main channel channel. Densities Densities of these channel of the Tennessee these Tennessee River.

Pre-dredge Pre-dredge conditions conditions should return as benthic benthic communities communities recolonize recolonize the area area and I suspended suspended solids settle out of and indirect indirect effects effects on of the the water water column.

aquatic communities.

on aquatic column. Dredging Dredging would communities. No cumulative would have only cumulative effects only minor direct effects to the the benthic benthic direct macroinvertebrate community are anticipated.

macroinvertebrate community anticipated.

I Draft Supplemental Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement 117 117 I

Single Nuclear Bellefonte Site Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte II Operational impacts on aquatic Operational chemical, or radioactive

chemical, aquatic communities could occur through the release of thermal, radioactive discharges discharges to the atmosphere atmosphere or river. Operation thermal, Operation of BLN Unit Unit I

would be in compliance compliance with the NPDES discharge discharge limits, as outlined in the 2004 permit permit

(#AL0024635). Thermal Thermal effects on the aquatic be minimal due to the relatively relatively small amount communities in the vicinity are anticipated to aquatic communities amount of heat involved. Modeling indicates that the involved. Modeling the I

area area of the river bottom directly directly contacted contacted by the discharge discharge plume is extremely extremely small. Only Only minor effects on benthic entire entire cross-section affected benthic organisms are anticipated. Because Because the plume does not affect the cross-section of the river, there would be adequate room for fish passage affected area.

around passage around the the the I Potential chemical or radioactive the reservoir reservoir downstream radioactive releases releases could affect downstream of the site, either directly aquatic species near the site and in affect aquatic directly or indirectly indirectly through the food chain.

I However, any potential potential uptake of excessive excessive toxins would be incidental and localized, resulting in minimal impacts to aquatic life (AEC 1974; TVA 1991; DOE 1999).

direct, indirect, or cumulative effects on aquatic communities communities are expected localized, 1999). No adverse to result adverse from I

plant releases (i.e.,

(i.e., thermal, chemical, chemical, and radiological releases). Impacts Impacts on aquatic aquatic life life from chemical or radiological respectively).

radiological releases would be minor (Sections 3.1.4 and 3.17.3, I Impingement and entrainment associated with operating Impingement potential to affect affect aquatic operating plant intake intake structures Impingement occurs when aquatic aquatic organisms. Impingement has structures has aquatic organisms too too I large to pass through the screens screens of a water intake structure become become pinned pinned against screens screens and are unable to escape. Entrainment is the involuntary capture organisms capture and inclusion of organisms in streams of flowing water, such as plant cooling water systems. Impingement and entrainment are regulated under under Section Impingement Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act. The effects of I

plant operation operation are unique characteristics monitoring unique to the aquatic characteristics of the withdrawal aquatic community conditions and the physical withdrawal at each facility. However, impingement monitoring can only occur when a plant becomes becomes operational.

impingement and entrainment entrainment operational. For this SEIS analysis, TVA II' used two reference reference plants plants (WCF and Watts Bar Nuclear Plant [WBN)) [WBN]) and preoperational monitoring monitoring results to estimate estimate the magnitude of these effects. I The known impingement impingement and entrainment entrainment at Widows Creek Fossil Plant (WCF) is used to to estimate estimate the maximum potential impingement and entrainment potential impingement entrainment effects Located effects at BLN. Located approximately 16 river miles upstream of BLN on Guntersville Reservoir, WCF uses "once-approximately 16 river miles upstream of BLN on Guntersville Reservoir, WCF uses "once-II I"I through" cooling and withdraws (approximately 11,476 withdraws significantly more water (approximately ,476 MGD at WCF WCF compared compared to a projected projected 48 MGD for the B&W and 36 MGD for the AP1 000) from the river than would be used at BLN. BLN. TVA has monitored monitored impingement impingement at the WCF site, and has has determined that the WCF intake determined intake does not havehave a significant significant effect effect on fish communities communities in in Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir due to impingement impingement (TVA 2008a).

entrainment rates at WCF are small. Since BLN is equipped entrainment 2008a). Both impingement and equipped with a closed-cycle closed-cycle coolingI cooling I system that minimizes the intake entrainment effects at BLN intake flow, the impingement and entrainment would be even smaller than the effects at WCF.


I The impingement impingement and entrainment rates at WBN are much lower than those documented documented at WCF primarily due to the use of closed cycle cooling at WBN. Entrainment Entrainment estimates estimates from Watts Bar, aa similar one unit nuclear Chickamauga Reservoir at Tennessee Chickamauga nuclear plant with closed-cycle cooling, located upstream Tennessee River Mile 528, were low, and it is expected that upstream on I

BLN entrainment entrainment estimate would also be low and would not adversely adversely impact impact the fish community community of Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir. TVA's evaluation supports the conclusion that the impact of entrainment evaluation of the historical historical entrainment data entrainment of ichthyoplankton ichthyoplankton from the intake intake I I

118 118 Draft Supplemental Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement I

I Chapter 3 I system at BLN,BLN, when the plant becomes operational, will be small and no adverse environmental impact environmental impact is expected.

adverse I Operation of BLN would result in some impingement and entrainment Operation entrainment of fish. However, these effects would be minor, and would not result in direct or indirect indirect adverse effects on on fish communities communities in Guntersville Reservoir. These effects, even when considered considered as part of I' the cumulative cumulative effects of operation of the BLN and WCF facilities on Guntersville would not havehave a cumulative Guntersville Reservoir, cumulative adverse effect of fish communities in Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir.

I Should one of the action entrainment monitoring entrainment facility is in operation action alternatives be selected, TVA would perform impingement impingement and necessary to comply with Section 316(b) of the CWA once the BLN monitoring necessary operation to validate the projected low impingement and entrainmententrainment rates.

I Alternative C Under Under Alternative C, construction construction and operational operational activities, and measures measures implemented implemented to minimize minimize effects effects on aquatic aquatic organisms would be would be similar to those described under I Alternative B with two exceptions.

Under Under both alternatives, nuclear plant alternatives, the intake channel will be dredged prior to initiating nuclear I operations. However, under under Alternative C, only 1,200 feet between the trash boom will be dredged, which reduces the volume dredged cubic yards as compared to Alternative between the intake structure structure and dredged by approximately 1,850 1,850 B.

Alternative B.

I Secondly, dredging dredging at the barge unloading unloading dock would occur only if C. During dredging, loss of the benthic communitycommunity adjacent if TVA selects selects Alternative adjacent to the barge terminal and Alternative I increases in turbidity are expected. Pre-dredge temporary increases benthic communities recolonize the area and suspended column. Dredging of the barge unloading Pre-dredge conditions should should return as suspended solids settle out of the water unloading dock would add to effects water effects from dredging the as the intake channel, channel, but still would havehave only minor direct and indirect indirect effects on aquatic aquatic I communities. No cumulative cumulative effects are anticipated.


3.6. Terrestrial Ecology Terrestrial Ecology I The BLN site, located on the west bank of the Tennessee Alabama, Tennessee River in Jackson County, Sequatchie Valley, a subregion Alabama, lies within the Sequatchie subregion of the Southwestern Southwestern Appalachian Appalachian Ecoregion. The Sequatchie Sequatchie Valley extends nearly one hundred miles from the Tennessee

'I border to the southwest in elevation, southwest into Alabama.

elevation, is nearly 1000 Tennessee Alabama. In the north, the open, rolling, valley floor, 600 feet 1000 feet below the top of the Cumberland Cumberland Plateau and Sand Mountain.

Mountain. South of Blountsville, Alabama, the topography becomesbecomes more hilly and irregular irregular I with higher elevations. The Tennessee River flows through the Sequatchie turns west near near Guntersville, Guntersville, where itit leaves Valley subregion, the Sequatchie leaves the valley. Similar Sequatchie Valley is an agriculturally Sequatchie Valley until itit Similar to parts of the Ridge and agriculturally productive productive region, with areas of I pasture, hay, soybeans, small grain, 2001).

grain, corn, and tobacco (Griffith et al. 2001).

Vegetation on the BLN site and adjacent adjacent lands has been continuously disturbed by decades of timber timber harvest and agricultural agricultural activities. Initial construction of BLN 1 1&2

&2 in the the I 1970s disturbed approximately summarizes previous approximately 900 acres acres of the 1600-acre 1600-acre BLN site. The section previous site assessments, relays any changes since those assessments characterizes existing on-site terrestrial occurred, characterizes terrestrial habitat, and states all potential impacts impacts I resulting from implementation implementation of the three described in Chapter 2. Because three alternatives described extensive information previously was collectedcollected and analyzed (AEC 1974, TVA 1974, Because 1974, TVA

'I Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement 119 119 I

Single Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Bellefonte Site I 1997, DOE 1999, TVA 2008a),2008a), no new publication of this supplemental new quantitative supplemental assessment.

quantitative field data were were collected for the the I 3.6.1. Plants Plants I' Affected Environment Affected Environment Terrestrial Terrestrial plant plant communities communities were assessed construction of BLN 11&2 construction &2 (TVA 1974),

assessed during the initial environmental 1974), during the Bellefonte environmental review for the Bellefonte Conversion Conversion FEIS, and in the I

support of the COLA ER. For the 1974 support 1974 FES, vegetation analyses analyses were based based on statistical values values for data boundaries analyzed analyzed data obtained from systematic boundaries were determined for species systematic vegetation determined subjectively importance values importance values vegetation plot samples. Vegetation subjectively and plot data using frequency, density, Vegetation community data from those communities communities were and basal area area (for I

trees). Five major plant community maple forests; oak-hickory community types were described:

described: cultivated fields; elm-ash-soft oak-hickory forests; mixed conifer and hardwood forests; and broomsedge- I lespedeza fields. The majority of BLN construction forest and agricultural fields (TVA 1974) assessment assessment was completed construction occurred on previously completed for the remaining within the BLN site. An 1997 1974) within previously disturbed disturbed young 1997 ecological remaining natural habitat of the BLN site. Five Five young II terrestrial terrestrial vegetative vegetative communities were described: lawns and grassy fields; communities were bottomland/riparian hardwood bottomland/riparian hardwood forests; pine-hardwood hardwood forests; mixed hardwood pine-hardwood forests; and and scrub-shrub-thickets.



During field reconnaissance reconnaissance in 2007 and 2008, vegetation sampling confirmed that previous previous habitat data data are consistent with current current conditions. Vegetative Vegetative cover on the BLN site is primarily mixed hardwood forest and mixed improved and native mixed hardwood native grass fields (Table 3-7).

II Approximately 55 percent of the ground cover on the BLN site consists of roads and Approximately structures structures (Figure 3-12) 2008a). These vegetation 3-12 ) (TVA 2008a). vegetation communities are common and representative within the Sequatchie Sequatchie Valley. No globally globally rare or uncommon uncommon terrestrial plant communities communities are known to occur occur on site, nor are there any USFWS-designated habitats for plant species' protection within on or adjacent habitats USFWS-designated critical adjacent to the BLN site. iI Table 3-7.

Habitat Percent Cover of Major Habitat Types Type Habitat ~ype Types on the BLN Site Description Description Percent Percent Cover

'II Cover Mixed Mixed improved and Introduced Introduced species including broomsedge, oat grass, orchard 24 24 native native grass fields Bottomland/riparian Bottomland/riparian lespedeza and tall fescue grass, sericea lespedeza Green ash, red maple, sweet cherrybark oak, overcup such as cherrybark fescue sweet gum, and various oak species species overcup oak, water oak and willow willow 11 I'

forests oak. Invasive species include Chinese species include Japanese Chinese privet, Japanese Mixed hardwood forests Mixed hardwoo.d honeysuckle and multiflora rose honeysuckle dominated by American American rose Mixed-mesophytic and oak-hickory Mixed-mesophytic oak-hickory forest vegetation beech, mockernut vegetation typically hickory, red oak, 43 43 I

Pine-hardwood forests Pine-hardwood sugar maple and white oak Oak-pine or oak-hickory-pine oak-hickory-pine communities communities commonly found in evergreen-deciduous forests. Dominant species are loblolly evergreen-deciduous forests. Dominant species are loblolly 3 I

pine and shortleaf pine, with black oak, southern red oak and Scrub-shrub thickets sweetgum sweetgum also present Early succession ash succession to forests and are comprised species (green and white), black comprised of saplings locust, pine, saplings of ash species (green and white), black locust, pine, sweetgum, I

Scrub-shrub sweetgum, 12 and sumacs. These areas also contain various varieties of blackberries and catbriars blackberries catbriars I

a' 120 120 Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Impact Statement I

II Chapter 3 II II I





I I Vegetation l'ypes Mixed Types Mixed IImproved Legend Legend mproved and Native Grass Field Field I22:2l


/ Wetland Wetland Slde Drch Road Side Ditch J Bottomland I Bonomland II Riparian Riparian Forest _ Reten tion Basin Retention Basin

_ Mixed Mixed Ha-dwood Hardwood Forest Forest Exustng Structure Existing Structure

_ Pine - Hardwood Hardwood Forest N

SN,tchyard Switchyard

_ Scrub Shrub Thicket Thicket ~ Road I

Scrub - Shrub Road;I Parking Area Area Waterbody o 50o


lure 1DOO SWo2.000 1,00 20oo or Bellefonte Project Project Area Area S

r.o I Figure 3-12.

3-12. Vegetation Vegetation Cover Types on the Bellefonte Bellefonte TVA Property I

Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Impact Statement 121 I

Single Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Bellefonte Site I Most lands in and around the TVA power service non-native plant species. Non-native non-native Non-native plants service area area have been affected affected by introduced Southern Appalachian plants occur across Southern introduced Appalachian forests, I

accounting for 15 to 20 percent percent of the documented documented flora (USFS 2008). According to NatureServe (2009), invasive non-native NatureServe native species. Not all non-native non-native species are the second leading non-native species leading threat to imperiled species pose threats to our native ecosystems. Many introduced by European settlers are naturalized species introduced naturalized additions to our flora and

'I considered to be non-native impacts to native non-native non-invasive vegetation. Examples native vegetation.


Examples of these are Queen non-native species are considered However, other non-native These "weeds" "weeds" have very little negative Queen Anne's lace and dandelion.

considered to be exotic invasive species and do negative dandelion.

do I

pose threats to the naturalnatural environment. EO 13112 13112 defines defines an invasive as any species, including its seeds, eggs, spores, or other biological invasive non-native non-native species biological material propagating that species, that is not native to that ecosystem, and whose introduction species material capable of introduction does does I

or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health 2007).

health (USDA I

The Alabama Invasive Plant Council (2006) reports six of the top 10 Alabama as as occurring occurring in Jackson in Jackson County County and and two additional two additional Alabama worst weeds species are found in DeKalb County.I species These exotic weeds, which pose a severe threat to native ecosystems are Alligator weed, These exotic weeds, which pose a severe threat to native ecosystems are Alligator weed, weeds County. ,I IU Eurasian water milfoil, Eurasian milfoil, cogon grass, Chinese privet, hydrilla, hydrilla, kudzu, kudzu, multiflora rose, and tropical soda apple. Cogongrass, hydrilla, and tropical soda apple are also on Federal Federal Noxious Weed list (USDA 2007). Field observations observations within the BLN site noted an abundance abundance of Chinese privet and Japanese Japanese honeysuckle honeysuckle along with dandelion, multifloramultiflora sericea lespedeza, and tall fescue.

rose, sericea The most effective, effective, economical, and ecologically sound approach approach to managing invasive managing invasive I

plants is to prevent Land managers management prevent them from invading (Center for Invasive is expensive and eradication is Invasive Plant Management concentrate on fighting well-established managers often concentrate management unlikely. Infestations Management 2009).

well-established infestations, at which point Infestations must be managed managed to limit limit I

the spread of invasive plants, but weed management while focusing on prevention effective.


management that controls existing infestations prevention and early detection of new invasions infestations invasions can be far more cost- I Weed prevention prevention depends on the following:


  • " introduction of weed seeds Limiting the introduction seeds Early detection detection and eradication of small patches of weeds Minimizing the disturbance weeds disturbance of desirable plants along trails, roads, and waterways waterways I
  • " Maintaining desired plant communities through Maintaining management through good management Monitoring high-risk areas such as transportation corridors and bare ground Monitoring Revegetating disturbed Revegetating disturbed sites with desired plantsplants I
    • Evaluating Evaluating the effectiveness effectiveness of prevention prevention efforts and adapting adapting plans for the the

following yearyear Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences I

Alternative A Under the No Action Alternative, upgrades Under upgrades to existing units or construction construction of new unitsunits I

would not be undertaken. Because Because the terrestrial communities communities present on and around around the the BLN site are common and representative of the region, no impacts ecology of the area area are expected under this alternative. In impacts to the terrestrial In addition, invasive terrestrial plant species invasive plant species I 122 122 Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement I


I Chapter Chapter 3 I present on site will not be disturbed; therefore, this alternative would not contribute spread spread or introduction introduction of exotic invasive invasive plant species on or near contribute to the near the BLN site.

the I Alternative Alternative B Under Alternative Alternative B, construction construction activities activities would occur occur within previously disturbed disturbed areas, resulting in very minor clearing clearing of some terrestrial vegetation. Any clearing would take take I place in accordance accordance with an SPPC plan and BMPs designed to minimize adjacent land (TVA 1992).1992). Disturbed areasareas would be revegetated non-invasive plant species to reduce the introduction non-invasive minimize impacts to the revegetated with native introduction and spread the native or non-native, spread of exotic invasive plant invasive plant

'I associated with ground disturbance and other construction species associated indirect effects effects to terrestrial vegetation are expected.

construction activities. Therefore, no expected. Criteria Criteria gaseous or particulate particulate air pollutants emitted from the facility during construction or operation would meet the ambient air ambient no I air quality standards and would have no adverse terrestrial adverse direct, indirect, or cumulative Because the terrestrial terrestrial vegetation. Because cumulative effect on terrestrial communities present on and around the BLN representative of the region, no cumulative impacts to the terrestrial site are common and representative on plant ecology of the area area would be expected under under this alternative.

I Alternative Alternative C Adoption Adoption of Alternative Alternative C would result in similar impacts associatedassociated with construction and I operation.

pine-hardwood Under operation. Under pine-hardwood this forest, Alternative, mixed about hardwood hardwood 50 acres forested of terrestrial wetland, vegetation (hardwood forest, and native native grass grass field) cleared, resulting in minor direct impacts to terrestrial vegetation. As with Alternative B, field) would be B,

be (I as described described under accordance with an SPCC plan, clearing would take place in accordance under Alternative B. B. Therefore, no indirect plan, BMPs, and revegetation indirect effects effects to native revegetation plans native terrestrial plans vegetation would occur under Alternative vegetation Alternative C. Because the terrestrial terrestrial communities present I on and around around the BLN site are common and representative representative of the region, no cumulative impacts to the terrestrial plant ecology of the area are expected expected under cumulative under Alternative C.



Wildlife Wildlife Affected Environment Affected Environment I' The terrestrial terrestrial environmental ecology environmental reviews (TVA at the BLN site has changed little from that described in earlier (TVA 1974, TVA 1997, DOE 1999, TVA 2008a). The project site, which is highly developed, includes parking parking areas, buildings, cooling towers, and roads.

earlier Habitat surrounding the existing facilities consists of improved and native grass fields that that I provide poor to moderate communities communities adjacent moderate quality wildlife habitat. Mixed Mixed hardwood adjacent to the vegetated fields are of adequate hardwood forest or scrub-shrub scrub-shrub adequate extent for residential organisms organisms to use as movement movement corridors (TVA 2008a).

I Wildlife using areas abundant adjacent to the proposed B&W and AP1 000 footprints include locally areas adjacent abundant species that are tolerant of human activity and highly modified habitats. Species locally Species I: associated with upland grassy areas BLN facilities include cottontail meadowlark, areas and scrub-shrub scrub-shrub communities communities surrounding surrounding existing cottontail rabbit, woodchuck, hispid cotton rat, least shrew, eastern meadowlark, field sparrow, gray rat snake, eastern eastern garter snake, and American existing American toad. Other Other I common species associated associated upland chorus frog, marbled communities surrounding with the forested and marbled salamander, and red-winged surrounding the site provide provide habitat emergent wetland emergent wetland red-winged blackbird.

communities include include upland blackbird. Forested upland habitat for common wildlife including white-tailed deer, gray squirrel, raccoon, red-bellied woodpecker, blue jay, wood thrush, wild turkey,

'I ring-necked snake, ground skink, and slimy salamander. Nearby embayments Guntersville Reservoir Guntersville embayments of Reservoir are used by aa wide variety of wildlife that favor riparian habitats.

These areas areas are used extensively by waterfowl including gadwall, American coot, blue-I Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement 123 123 I

Single Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Site I winged teal, mallard, American great American wigeon, ruddy duck, and Canada geese. Pied-billed grebe, great blue heron, belted kingfisher, mink, muskrat, beaver, red-eared red-eared slider, false map map I

turtles and common musk turtles are also common in these embayments embayments (Keiser (Keiser et al.

1995). I' Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences Alternative Alternative A There There would be no impacts from construction or operation operation to wildlife under the No Action I


alternative. Wildlife Wildlife and their habitat habitat occurring occurring on BLN properties properties would change very little in the foreseeable future as no substantive alternative.


substantive changes are expected expected to occur under under this this I

Alternative Alternative B Alternative B, new Under Alternative construction would occur in areas new construction gaseous or particulate areas that previously were cleared. I Criteria gaseous particulate air pollutants emitted from the facility during construction or during construction or operation operation would meet the ambient indirect, or cumulative radioactive ambient air quality standards and would have cumulative effect on wildlife. In radioactive exposure exposure relative to acceptable have no adverse adverse direct, In addition, previous studies conclude that small acceptable benchmarks, as would be the case under under I

normal operating operating circumstances, circumstances, are not expected expected to cause observable changeschanges in terrestrial terrestrial animal animal populations populations (IAEA 1992; DOE 1999).

Potential for collisions between between birds and structures, vehicles, and transmission lines exits.

Many authors Many authors on the subject of of avian collisions collisions with utility structures structures agree collisions agree that collisions are not a significant source of mortality for thriving populations of birds with good are not a significant source of mortality for thriving populations of birds with good reproductive potential. NRC NRC reviewed reviewed monitoring monitoring data concerning concerning avian collisions collisions with cooling towers at nuclear nuclear power determined that overall avian mortality is low power plants and determined low (NRC 1996).

(NRC 1996).

Wildlife Wildlife and their habitat occurring occurring on BLN properties properties would change very little in the the foreseeable future as no substantive changes are expected to occur to terrestrial wildlife foreseeable future as no substantive changes are expected to occur to under this alternative. No adverse impacts to wildlife are expected under Alternative terrestrial wildlife B.

under this alternative. No adverse impacts to wildlife are expected under Alternative B.

Alternative Alternative C Construction of an AP1 AP1000 000 unit would result in upgrading existing infrastructure on site and existing infrastructure construction construction of new buildings and parking areas inside the perimeter road. Construction Construction within the perimeter perimeter road would clear about about 50 acres acres of a mixed hardwood hardwood forest, forested wetlands, native native grass fields, and mixed pine-hardwood pine-hardwood forest. ReviewReview of aerial reconnaissance indicates that the existing habitat contains photographs and results of field reconnaissance contains only a small amount of interior forest habitathabitat favored by woodland species. Therefore, clearing approximately 50 acres would result in minor impacts clearing approximately impacts to common species of wildlife inhabiting the Bellefonte project Bellefonte project area. Potential effects effects on wildlife from operation operation of thethe plant would be similar to those described under AlternativeAlternative B. No impacts on wildlife wildlife associated with operation are anticipated under associated under Alternative C.

Because wildlife on the BLN property is locally abundant and no uncommon terrestrial locally abundant habitats are currently known to exist within the Bellefonte Bellefonte project project area, no cumulative cumulative impacts to terrestrial terrestrial animal animal resources resources are anticipated from selection selection of Alternative Alternative C.

124 124 Draft Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement Supplemental Environmental Statement

I Chapter 3 I 3.7. Endangered Endangered and Threatened Threatened SpeciesSpecies The Endangered Endangered Species Species Act (ESA) of 1973 prohibits any person from taking a federally I listed species. Significant habitat modification or degradation of federally protected species by significantly breeding, breeding, feeding, or sheltering degradation that results in significantly impairing in death or injury behavioral patterns such as impairing behavioral disturbance to aquatic sheltering is also prohibited. Most of the disturbance aquatic and associated with completion terrestrial habitats associated completion of BLN has already occurred. The following following I sections provide provide updated information on the presence updated information species found on and near (as defineddefined in presence of federally listed and state-listed in each subsection) the Bellefonte Bellefonte project area, and the potential for impacts from proposed alternatives alternatives for nuclear nuclear generation.


I To evaluate evaluate effects to federally listed species from completion operation operation of a single BLN nuclear nuclear unit, TVA has completion (or construction) prepared prepared a construction) and Biological Assessment (BA)

,I pursuant to the requirements requirements of Section potential impacts of completing Section 7 of the ESA (TVA 2009c). The BA examined completing and operating a single B&W unit as well as constructing and operating operating a single AP 1000 unit. Transmission upgrades associated with operation of Transmission line upgrades I either either technology were also evaluated listed as endangered, endangered, threatened, evaluated in Golden Eagle Protection Act were addressed in in the BA. Fifty-two plants and animals federally threatened, candidate for listing, in listing, or protected the BA. In In the BA, under the Bald and protected under TVA

,TVA documented documented the the I conclusion conclusion that proposed construction, operation, and transmission upgrades upgrades would have no effect, or are not likely to adversely affect any of the federally listed species except for two mussel species. Potential impactsimpacts to the pink mucket (Lampsilis abrubta)and (Lampsilis abrubta) have sheepnose (Plethobasuscyphyus), and measures sheep nose mussel (Plethobasus measures to minimize those impacts, are are I described described in in Section 3.7.1 below. The analysis to elsewhere in in Chapters 3 and 4.

analysis and conclusions conclusions of the BA also are referred I In accordance In accordance with Section 7 of the ESA, TVA is conducting USFWS to determine determine reasonable and prudent measures conducting formal consultation with the measures designed designed to avoid or minimize minimize the take of the two mussel species. TVA anticipates ofthe anticipates receiving a Biological Biological Opinion from the the

,I USFWS, the results of which will be incorporated incorporated into the final SEIS.

3.7.1. Aquatic Animals I Affected Seven federally Environment Affected Environment federally listed aquatic aquatic species are known to occur recently recently inin Jackson Jackson County, Alabama. These include include one fish, one snail, and five mussels. Two federal candidate I mussels are also reported reported from six other federally listed mussels in Jackson Jackson in County Jackson (Table County, but 3-8).

those There species species are are candidate historic records records of presumed extirpated from Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir. Only one species recently recently occurring in in Jackson I County, the pink mucket (Lampsilis Reservoir in Reservoir (Lampsilis abrupta),

abrupta), has been documented in in the vicinity of the BLN site. Mussel and snail surveys in in Guntersville Guntersville in Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir Reservoir immediately adjacent to the site in immediately in 1995, 1995, 2007, and 2009 discovered discovered one live pink mucket mucket

.1 and one empty pink mucket valve. No other federally listed mussel or snail species were encountered. Habitat Habitat which could support the federal candidate sheepnose mussel candidate sheepnose (Plethobasuscyphyus) was identified during this survey. On this basis, itit is assumed (Plethobasus assumed that I the sheepnose sheepnose mussel, as well as pink mucket, is present within areas affected by BLN site development.

The 1995, 1995, 2007, and 2009 surveys indicatedindicated Anthony's riversnail does not occur adjacent I to the BLN site. No suitable habitat for other federally listed aquatic Jackson County, Alabama is present in in streams aquatic species known from streams near the BLN site or in adjacent Guntersville in Guntersville I

Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement 125 125 I

Single Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Bellefonte Site II Reservoir adjacent to the BLN site. Three Alabama state-listed mussel species, Ohio Reservoir pigtoe (Pleurobema (P/eurobema cordatum),

corda tum) , butterfly (Ellipsaria lineolata), and monkeyface (Ellipsaria lineo/ata),

Ohio monkeyface (Quadru/a (Quadrula II metanevra), were melanevra), were identified during the 2007 survey survey adjacent to the BLN site.

Table 3-8. Federally Federally Listed and State-Listed Aquatic Alabama County, Alabama Aquatic Species Species Present in Jackson 'II' Insects Insects Common Name Common Name Scientific Name Scientific Name Federal Federal Status

- Alabama Alabama

. (Status, Rank) II A caddisfly A glossosomatid glossosomatid caddisfly Hine's emerald dragonfly emerald dragonfly Rhyacophila alabama Rhyacophi/a Agapetus hessi hessi Somatochlora hineana Somatoch/ora hineana E E


(POTL, S1)


(TRKD, S1)

(SP, SH)

Iif Snails Snails Anthony's Anthony's river snail Corpulent hornsnail horns nail Atheamia Athearnia anthonyi P/eurocera anthonyi Pleuroceracorpu/enta corpulenta LE

-- (TRKD, S)



(PROT, S1) I,I Varicose Varicose rocksnail Lithasia verrucosa Lithasia verrucosa -- (TRKD, S3)

Mussels Mussels Alabama Alabama lampmussel Butterfly*

lampmussel Lampsilis virescens Lampsi/is virescens Ellipsarialineo/ata EI/ipsaria lineolata LE S)

(PROT, S1)

(TRKD, S3)

II Cumberland moccasinshell Deertoe moccasinshell Fine-rayed Pigtoe Fine-rayed Medionidus conradicus Medionidus Truncilla conradicus Truncil/a truncata truncata Fusconaiacuneo/us Fusconaia cuneolus LE S)

(PROT, S1)


(TRKD, S1)


(PROT, S1)

I,£ Kidneyshell Kidneyshell Ptychobranchusfasciolaris Ptychobranchus fascio/aris - S1)

(TRKD, S1)


Ohio pigtoe*

Quadrula metanevra Quadru/a metanevra Pleurobemacorda P/eurobema cordatum tum (TRKD, S3)

(TRKD, S2)


II Painted creekshell creeks hell Villosa Vil/osa taeniata taeniata - (TRKD, S3)


Pale lilliput Pheasantshell Pheasants Pink mucket*

hell Toxolasma cylindrellus Toxo/asma cylindrel/us Actinonaias pectorosa Actinonaias pectorosa Lampsilis abrupta Lampsi/is abrupta LE LE (PROT, (PROT,81)S)


(TRKD, S1)

(PROT, S1)



Purple lilliput Rabbitsfoot Toxo/asma lividus Toxolasma Quadru/a cy/indrica cylindrica

/ividus cylindrica Quadrula cylindrica (TRKD, S2)


(PROT, S1)

S1) II Rainbow Villosa iris Vil/osa iris - (TRKD, S3)

S3) hickorynut Round hickqrynut Sheepnose*


pearlymussel Shiny pigtoe pearlymussel Obovaria subrotunda Obovaria subrotunda Plethobasuscyphyus P/ethobasus Fusconaiacor C

- (TRKD, S2)



(PROT, S1)


(PROT, S1)

I Fusconaia LE Slabside pearlymussel SlabsideQ.earlymussel Slippershell Slippershell mussel Snuffbox Snuffbox mussel Lexingtonia do/abeI/o Lexingtonia Alasmidonta dolabelloides A/asmidonta viridis Epioblasmatriquetra Epiob/asma viridis triguetra ides C (PROT, (PROT,81)



(PROT, S1)'



I'I Spike Spike Elliptio di/atata Elliptio dilatata - (TRKD, Si)


Tennessee Tennessee clubshell Tennessee heelsplitter Tennessee heelsplitter Pleurobemaoviforme P/eurobema Lasmigona holstonia Lasmigona ho/stonia (TRKD, S)

(TRKD, S1)



II Tennessee Tennessee pigtoe Fusconaiabarnesiana Fusconaia barnesiana -- (TRKD, S)


Wavy-rayed Lampmussel Wavy-rayed Lampmussel Fish Lampsilis fasciola Lampsi/is Fasciola -- (TRKD, S1S2)



U Blotched chub Erimystax insignis Erimystax insignis -- (TRKD, S2)


Blotchside loglogperch Palezone shiner Southern Southern cavefish perch Percinaburtoni Percina Notropis burtoni Notropis a/bizonatus albizonatus subterraneus Typhlichthys subterraneus LE (TRKD, Si1)




(PROT, S3)



  • Denotes species that are known or likely to occur in

>Denotes species In Guntersville ReservOir Reservoir and could be directly or indirectly indirectly affected affected byby BLN site construction activities.

construction activities, II II' 126 126 Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement I

I Chapter 3 I Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences Alternative A Alternative I There would be no construction or operation of a nuclear discharge to Guntersville Existing discharge are designed designed to maintain water quality and aquatic nuclear plant at BLN under Alternative A.

Guntersville Reservoir is in accordance accordance with NPDES permits, which aquatic habitat conditions that are suitable for which for I aquatic aquatic life, life, including including federally impacts to federally federally federally listed and state-listed listed or state-listed state-listed species. Therefore, there would be no aquatic species state-listed aquatic species under the No Action Alternative.


'I Alternative Alternative B Under Alternative aquatic Alternative B,B, a B&W unit would be completed completed and operated.

operated. The effects to listed aquatic species from site construction, dredging, towing barges, and operating the plant plant were evaluated.

,I discharge structures for the nuclear unit are already Intake and discharge already in place place and new construction is not expected expected to occur near the banks of the reservoir. Accidental Accidental discharge.

I stormwater runoff is limited under the construction and stormwater plan, which would be implemented unloading dock would be performed barge unloading construction SWPPP and a site-specific implemented prior to initiating initiating construction.

performed in compliance site-specific SPCC construction. Refurbishment Refurbishment of the compliance with ADCNR and applicable applicable the I ADEM and USACE appropriate construction USACE permits. All site construction appropriate BMPs, and no discharge-related construction work would be conducted conducted using discharge-related impacts would occur. Therefore, construction activities would not result in direct, indirect, or cumulative using Therefore, on-site cumulative effects on-site effects on thethe federally state-listed aquatic federally listed or state-listed aquatic animals in Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir and its tributaries tributaries I near BLN.

Dredging the intake channel channel may adversely affect the pink mucket. However, because the the

'I bottom of the intake intake channel is only marginally suitable for mussels, few individuals likely be directly greatest number directly harmed. The greatest individuals would number of mussels affected would be individuals would individuals inhabiting areas surrounding, and particularly particularly downstream downstream of, dredged dredged areas in the main main I channel of the Tennessee River. Mussels in those areas would be indirectly affected turbulence turbulence and the suspension temporary, turbulence suspension and deposition of fine sediments. Although affected by Although brief and by turbulence and suspended suspended silt could interfere interfere with respiration, respiration, feeding, and I reproductive activity of federally listed mussels. The use of BMP's such as silt curtains reproductive should limit the area affected affected by suspended suspended sediments sediments and sedimentation.


curtains Mussels also may be indirectly affected Mussels affected from by tows delivering <50 total barges prior to to I operation of the BLN plant. Effects extreme turbulence, increased Effects from tow propeller propeller wash include brief periods of increased suspended sediments, scouring of substrate (and mussels) from the river bed, and accumulation accumulation of fine sediments in surrounding surrounding areas. Subsequent Subsequent I effects could interfere with mussel respiration, feeding, and reproductive activity, including interactions with potential fish hosts; such effects interactions effects may last months to years.

including I Discharge of chemicals needed to operate the plant is not expected to harm aquatic Discharge species. Concentrations Concentrations of chemicals added to cooling tower blowdown are very small by discharged to the Tennessee aquatic by the time they are discharged Tennessee River. The discharge discharge is regulated and I monitored under monitored shows mussles under an NPDES permit. Results of studies at TVA's Watts Bar Nuclear mussles and fish are not affected even if if exposed exposed to undiluted undiluted effluent.

Nuclear Plant Plant Exposure to heated heated effluent may causecause minor minor indirect effects to -federally listed mussels by I Exposure to'federally stressing the fish that carry larval mussels in their gills. Thermal effluent is not expected directly harm mussels inhabiting the bottom of the river. As stated above in Section 3.5, mussels by expected to modeling indicates modeling indicates that the river bottom area in Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir Reservoir that would be directly directly I

Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Impact Statement 127 127 I

Single Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Bellefonte Site contacted by the thermal thermal plume is small. Bottom contact would only occur within the mixing mixing zone zone defined in Section Therefore, exposure Therefore, exposure to heated discharge discharge is minimal, minimal, and any potential thermal effects would be minor.

In addition to thermal chemical discharges, operational thermal and chemical operational effects may includeinclude impingement and entrainment impingement entrainment of aquatic organisms organisms (see Section 3.5 above). Impingement Impingement and entrainment entrainment could affect fish species that may serve as hosts for the pink mucket (e.g.,

largemouth smallmouth bass, spotted largemouth bass, smallmouth spotted bass, freshwater freshwater drum, sauger, white crappie, and walleye) and sheepnose sheepnose (e.g., sauger sauger and central stoneroller) and other state-listed state-listed species. Effects on these species are anticipated to be minor, and would not have have a measurable cumulative effect on the pink mucket, sheepnose, or other adverse indirect or cumulative measurable adverse listed aquatic-species.


In conclusion, proposed proposed dredging and barge towing proposed under Alternative Alternative B would result in adverse adverse direct, indirect, and cumulative effects effects to the pink mucket and sheepnose sheepnose mussel. Operation of the proposed proposed B&W unit may have minor indirect impacts on those those consultation with the USFWS is expected species. TVA's currently ongoing consultation expected to result in adoption of measures designed to minimize and/or and/or mitigate for impacts to both species, which which would become commitments commitments described in the final SEIS.

Alternative C I Similar to Alternative Alternative B, proposed activities activities under Alternative C would use existing intake intake and discharge, discharge, and all site construction work would be conducted using appropriate and no discharge-related discharge-related impacts would occur. On-site construction result in direct, indirect, or cumulative appropriate BMPs construction activities would cumulative effects on the federally listed or state-listed BMPs would not state-listed aquatic aquatic I

species in Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir Reservoir or its tributaries As described under Alternative Alternative B, dredging tributaries near BLN.

dredging may affect BLN.

affect federally listed mussels. Under Under I

Alternative Alternative C, dredging dredging would occur in part of the intake intake channel and at the barge unloading unloading dock. Because the portion of intake channel channel nearest indirect impacts to the pink mucket and sheepnose indirect nearest the river would not be dredged, sheepnose mussel mussel are about 70 percentpercent less under I

Alternative Alternative C than Alternative B.

Alternative B.

Transportation of materials by barge would occur more frequently during the site site I

construction activities activities proposed under Alternative Alternative C than Alternative B. B. The greater number of barges would result in greater indirect effects barge unloading to Alternative B.B.

effects to federally listed mussels near the suspended sediments, and scouring, as compared unloading dock from turbulence, suspended the I'

to Alternative Impacts Impacts from thermal and chemical discharge,discharge, as well as impingement impingement and entrainment potential fish hosts would be the same under Alternative C as described for Alternative potential entrainment of Alternative B.

I Therefore, proposed dredging and barge barge towing proposed under Alternative C would result in adverse adverse direct, indirect, and cumulative mussel. Operation of the proposed AP1 cumulative effects to the pink mucket AP1000 mucket and sheepnose 000 unit could have minor indirect sheepnose indirect impacts on thosethose I

species. TVA's currently ongoing consultation consultation with the USFWS is expectedexpected to result in in adoption of measures designed to minimize and/or mitigate for impacts which which would become commitments commitments described in the final SEIS.

impacts to both species, I I

I 128 128 Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement I

I Chapter 3 Chapter I 3.7.2. Plants Plants Affected Environment Affected Environment I A review of the TVA Natural state-listed Heritage Database indicates Natural Heritage indicates no federally listed plants and 25 state-listed plant species occur within five miles of BLN (Table 3-9). No critical habitat 25 habitat has has designated for plant species within or near been designated near the BLN site. Four federally listed plant I species species and one candidate for federal listing are reported BLN but within Jackson County, Alabama. These include:

greater than five miles from reported from greater include: American hart's-tongue fern American hart's-tongue from (Asplenium scolopendrium (Asplenium scolopendrium var. americanum) americanum),, green pitcher pitcher plant (Sarracenia (Sarracenia oreophila), oreophila) ,

I Morefield's leather-flower Morefield's leather-flower (Clematis monkey-face orchid (Platanthera monkey-face (Clematis morefie/dii),

morefieldii), Price's potato bean (Apios (Platantheraintegrilabia).

integrilabia). The USFWS recommended (Apios priceana),

recommended that surveys priceana), and surveys bebe conducted to investigate investigate presence of the green pitcher plant, monkey-face monkey-face orchid, orchid, I Morefield's leather flower and Price's potato-bean Morefield's conducted during during winter five federally listed or candidate 2007 2007 and potato-bean (TVA 2008a). Subsequent surveys summer summer 2008 indicated indicated candidate plant species exists within the TVA no habitat suitable surveys habitat suitable for any of the TVA property boundary at property boundary the I BLN. In BLN. In addition, no state-listed species were identified the TVA property boundary.

identified during several field surveys surveys within within Table 3-9. State-Listed State-Listed Plants Found Within Within 5 Miles of the BLN Site and and I Species Documented Federally Listed Species Alabama Alabama Documented in JacksonJackson County, Common Name -Scientific Name Federal

1 . . . State State
  • I


Common Name-~'*- .. 'Scientific Name C NStatus 'Rank/Status Status iRcuiklStatus*

Snow-wreath Alabama Snow-wreath Neviusia alabamensis Neviusia alabamensis --


  • American scolopendrium
  • American Hart's-tongue Fern Asplenium scolopendrium LT S1/SLNS
  • 1 Hart's-tongue Fern American Smoke-tree Smoke-tree var. americanum var. americanum Cotinus obovatus Cotinus LT S1/SLNS S2/SLNS S2/SLNS Appalachian Quillwort Appalachian Quillwort Isoetes enge/mannii Isoetes engelmannii -- S3/SLNS S3/SLNS Butler's Quillwort Isoetes butleri butleri S2/SLNS I Canada Canada Violet Carolina Carolina Silverbell Silverbell Isoetes Viola canadensis canadensis Halesia carolina Halesia carolina S2/SLNS S2/SLNS S2/SLNS S2/SLNS S2/SLNS Creeping Creeping Aster Eurybia surculosa Eurybia surculosa -- S1/SLNS S1/SLNS Cumberland Cumberland Rosinweed Silphium brachiatum Silphium brachiatum --

-- S2/SLNS S2/SLNS Goldenseal Goldenseal Hydrastis canadensis Hydrastis canadensis --


  • Green Pitcher Plant Sarraceniaoreophila Sarracenia oreophila LE S2/SLNS S2/SLNS I Harper's Dodder Horse-gentian Horse-gentian Michaux Michaux Leavenworthia Leavenworthia Cuscuta harperi Cuscuta Triosteum harperi angustifolium Triosteum angustifolium Leavenworthia uniflora Leavenworthia uniflora S2/SLNS S2/SLNS S1/SLNS S1/SLNS S2/SLNS S2/SLNS
  • Monkey-face
  • Monkey-face Orchid (white I fringeless orchid)

Orchid (white

  • Morefield's Leather-flower Leather-flower Platanthera integrilabia Platantheraintegrilabia Clematis morefieldii Clematis morefieldii CC LE S2/SLNS S2/SLNS S1S2/SLNS S1S2/SLNS Nuttall's Rayless Golden-rod Golden-rod Bigelowia nuttallii Bigelowia nuttallii --

-- S3/SLNS S3/SLNS I One-flowered One-flowered Broomrape Sedge Sedge Broomrape

  • Price's Potato-bean Potato-bean Orobanche uniflora Orobanche Apios price uniflora priceana ana purpurifera Carex purpurifera LT S2/SLNS S2/SLNS S2/SLNS S2/SLNS S2/SLNS S2/SLNS

'I Spotted Spotted Mandarin Sunnybell Sunnybell Tennessee Bladderfern Tennessee Bladderfern Disporum maculatum Disporum Schoenolirion maculatum Schoenolirion croceum Cystopteris tennesseensis Cystopteris tennesseensis S1/SLNS S1/SLNS S2/SLNS S2/SLNS S2/SLNS S2/SLNS Tennessee Tennessee Leafcup Polymnia laevigata Polymnia laevigata -- S2S3/SLNS S2S3/SLNS I: Twinleaf Wahoo Jeffersonia diphylla Jeffersonia diphylla Euonymus atropurpureus atropurpureus S2/SLNS S2/SLNS S3/SLNS S3/SLNS White-leaved Sunflower White-leaved Sunflower Helianthus glaucophyllus Helianthus glaucophyllus ---- SH/SLNS SH/SLNS I* Wister Coral-root Corallorhiza wisteriana Corallorhiza wisteriana ---- S2/SLNS S2/SLNS Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Impact Statement 129 129 I

Single Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Bellefonte Site I Common Name Common Name Scientific Name Scientific Name Federal Status Status State Rank/Status Rank/Status II Woodland Tickseed Coreopsis Coreopsis pulchra pulchra -- S2/SLNS S2/SLNS Yellowwood Yellowwood Denotes known from the

  • Denotes the county Federal status abbreviations:

Cladrastis Cladrastis kentukea county but not from within five miles of the project area abbreviations: C C== Candidate; LE ==Listed endangered; endangered; LLT T=

area S3/SLNS S3/SLNS

Listed threatened II abbreviations: S1

State rank abbreviations: imperiled often with 5 or

Critically imperiled occurrences; S2 ==Imperiled often or fewer occurrences; often with <20 occurrences; with

occurrences; S3 = Rare Rare or or uncommon uncommon often with occurrences; SH == Historical state with many occurrences; Historical record State status: Alabama does not give status to state-listed with <80 occurrences; S4

<80 occurrences; =

S4 = Apparently secure in state-listed species; SLNS = No state status status in the the II

Because Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences Because no federally listed, candidatecandidate for federal listing, or state-listed state-listed threatened threatened or II endangered species are known to occur within the TVA property boundary at BLN, and no endangered habitat suitable to support those species is present, no adverse or state-listed plant species would occur under adverse impacts to federally listed under any of the alternatives.

no I,I 3.7.3. Wildlife II Affected Environment Affected Environment No populations populations of terrestrial terrestrial animal animal species federally listed as threatened species that are proposed or candidatescandidates for federal federal listing) threatened or endangered listing) are reported endangered (or reported within 3 miles of II:

BLN. Populations of two federally listed endangered endangered species, the gray bat (Myotis grisescens) grisescens) and the Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), sodalis), are reported documented on or within 33 miles of the Bellefonte been documented reported from the region but have not Bellefonte project project area. GrayGray bats roost in in not

£I several caves in the county and routinely forage over Guntersville Reservoir Reservoir near the BLN BLN facility (Thomas and Best 2000, Best et al. 1995). No suitable species species (caves) exists on the BLN property.

suitable roosting habitat for this this I

Small colonies colonies of Indiana bats hibernate hibernate in caves in Jackson Jackson County. No caves occur occur within the project project boundary; boundary; however, suitable summer roosting habitat habitat exists in forested Bellefonte project area. Suitable habitat in the project portions of the property within the Bellefonte I

area area was examined examined in 2008 to assessassess the quality of this potential habitat habitat for Indiana bats (TVA 2008a). Although a few moderate quality roost trees were quality quality for Indiana bats was low because the subcanopy were subcanopy is relatively present, the overall habitat relatively dense and the site I

lacks multiple trees suitable suitable for Indiana bat roosts. Indiana Indiana bat habitats typically roost in in multiple trees having having varying exposure exposure to sunlight (Miller (Miller etal.

et al. 2002).

I (Haliaeetusleucocephalus),

Additionally, bald eagles (Haliaeetus /eucocepha/us), which are federally federally protected underunder the Bald and Golden Golden Eagle Eagle Protection Act, occur near BLN. Prior to 2009, the species was reported nesting approximately approximately 1.4 miles 1.4 miles east of the Bellefonte project area.

was I

Several Alabama state-listed these, ospreys state-listed species are reported ospreys (Pandion (Pandion haliaetus) reported from JacksonJackson County (TVA 2008a). Of haliaetus) are the only state-listed terrestrial animal species known ,II from the BLN project area. Osprey nests are present present on transmission line structures within within the proposed Bellefonte Bellefonte project area.

Eastern big-eared bats (Corynorhinus (Corynorhinusrafinesquii) rafinesquiJ) are reported reported from Jackson Jackson County. The The I

species species has rarely been observed in recent years despite despite numerous numerous cave and bat surveys surveys performed by TVA and the ADCNR. Forested habitat within the Bellefonte project examined examined in 2008 (TVA 2008a). No potential project area potential roost trees suitable of big-eared bats (large area was (large was :1I hollow trees) werewere found on the site. Because Because big-eared bats often roost in man-made man-made I

130 Draft Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement Supplemental Environmental Statement I

I Chapter 3 structures, an old water storage and pump facility on the property was examined examined for signs signs of bat use; no evidence evidence of bats was identified.

identified. The closest suitable habitat habitat for this species species exists at wetlands wetlands on Bellefonte Island (mature hollow trees) in the Tennessee River and along the extensive escarpment of Sand Mountain located south and across the sandstone escarpment extensive sandstone the river from BLN.


Alternative A Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences There would be no impacts to federally listed or state-listedstate-listed wildlife under the No Action Alternative. Habitat suitable for these species, including foraging areas used by gray bats and low/moderate low/moderate quality roosting habitat for Indiana Indiana bats would not be affected affected under thisthis alternative.

Alternative B Construction and operation activities Construction activities proposed under Alternative Alternative B are not expected expected to negatively state-listed wildlife. No suitable roosting habitat for gray negatively affect federally listed or state-listed bats exists on the BLN property. The proposed proposed actions would not result in adverse impacts impacts construction will occur in non-forested to roosting or foraging gray bats. Because construction non-forested areas, I habitat potentially suitable Given suitable for roosting Indiana bats will not be affected.

Given the overall lack of suitable roost trees, caves, or sandstone outcrops affected.

outcrops and no no evidence of bat use at the water pump facility, eastern big-eared bats are unlikely to be evidence be I present, and no impacts expected.

impacts to that species are expected.

The distance Bellefonte project area and the single distance between the Bellefonte single known bald eagle nest is I greater greater than the recommended Management Guidelines Eagle Management nesting Guidelines to protect buffer buffer protect bald zone (660 eagles.

feet) established established by National Therefore, Therefore, construction National Bald Bald activities activities at BLN are not expected adverse impacts to bald eagles.

expected to result in adverse I associated with BLN, energizing the transmission lines associated Prior to energizing presence of osprey nests on substation and transmission line structures BLN, TVA will investigate investigate structures in the BLN project project area. Should nests exist, they would be removed removed to insure insure that osprey osprey are not harmed harmed energized. Removal of these nests would be coordinated when the transmission lines are energized. coordinated with the USFWS and/or and/or the U.S. Department Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Health Information Service (APHIS). Removal Information Removal would be conducted outside the breeding/nesting breeding/nesting I Impacts to osprey are periods (March - July). Impacts of nesting habitat around BLN. BLN.

are considered abundance considered insignificant given the abundance I Operational impacts on threatened and endangered Operational terrestrial animals endangered terrestrial animals could occur through radioactive discharges to the atmosphere the release of thermal, chemical, or radioactive atmosphere or river.

releases could affect listed species near the site and in the reservoir These releases downstream of reservoir downstream I the site, either directly or indirectly through the food chain. However, any potential uptake of excessive toxins would be incidental incidental and localized, localized, resulting in minimal impacts to associated with regular on-site operations uptake to protected species' populations. Noise associated operations is not I expected expected to carry to nearby species. Infrequent nearby forested tracts that contain potential foraging habitat for some forested tracts activities occurring near these forested areas may cause species to Infrequent activities leave the area temporarily, but no long-term effects on individuals leave populations nearby individuals or populations some nearby are anticipated.


I The use of habitats at BLN by federally state-listed terrestrial animals federally listed and state-listed animals is limited.

Construction and operation activities proposed under Alternative B are not expected Construction expected to to I

Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 131 I

Single Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Bellefonte Site I result in adverse adverse direct, indirect or cumulative species or their habitats.

cumulative impacts impacts to federally listed or state-listed I AlternativeC Alternative C Under Alternative C, potential Under potential effects from construction and operation operation of the AP1 000 unit unit I

are the same as described for the B&W unit with one exception. Construction Construction proposed under Alternative C involves involves removal removal of approximately approximately 50 acres of forest within the perimeter road. Some potential roost trees of moderate perimeter moderate quality quality exist in this the area. Prior to to I clearing forest within the BLN site, TVA would conduct a survey for Indiana Indiana bats using using methods approved approved by the USFWS. If If Indiana Indiana bats are not detected, trees may be removed.

methods If detected, TVA would coordinate with the USFWS to establish If Indiana bats are detected, Indiana bats. In either to avoid or minimize effects to Indiana methods establish methods either instance, impacts to Indiana bats bats

'I under Alternative C would be minor.

under Alternative C would be minor.

I All other construction construction and operation activities proposed at BLN are not expected to result in operation activities in adverse direct, indirect or cumulative impacts to federally listed or state-listed state-listed species or their habitats.

3.8. Natural Areas Natural Areas I Affected Environment Environment I:

II Natural Natural areas include managed areas, ecologically include managed ecologically significant sites, and Nationwide Rivers Nationwide Rivers Inventory (NRI) addresses natural (NRI) streams. This section addresses areas that are on, immediately natural areas immediately adjacent within thatto,area.

adjacent or within 3 miles of BLN. No ecologically ecologically significant sites or NRI streams occur within that area.

Changes Changes since the 1974 FES (TVA 1974) 1974) concerning natural areas and the environmental environmental I impact on natural natural areas within 3 miles of BLN are assessed updating previous documentation updating documentation to current conditions.

assessed below for the purpose of 5

Mud Creek State Wildlife Wildlife Management Management Area (WMA), Bellefonte Island TVA Small Wild Area Area (SWA), Coon Gulf TVA SWA, and Section Section Bluff TVA SWA are the four natural areas areas currently listed in the TVA Regional Natural Heritage Heritage database database within 3 miles of BLN ,

property boundaries. Mud property Mud Creek State WMA and Bellefonte Island TVA SWA mile of the BLN site. The remaining two areas SWA are within 1 between 1 and 3 miles of BLN.

areas are between I Mud Creek State WMA is located located in Jackson County, Alabama approximately 0.2 miles Alabama approximately miles I northeast of BLN property boundaries.

northeast boundaries. Mud Creek approximately 8,273 Creek WMA comprises approximately 8,273 acres owned by TVA and managed hunting.

managed by ADCNR for waterfowl waterfowl and small and big game game

  • 1 Bellefonte Bellefonte Island TVA SWA is located east of BLN property boundaries, located in Jackson Jackson County, Alabama approximately approximately 0.2 miles boundaries, within the mid-channel of the Tennessee River between TRM 392.5 and TRM 394. Bellefonte Bellefonte Island TVA SWA comprises approximately approximately 100 miles between 100 acres acres I

of property managed by TVA and features a naturally occurring stand property managed stand of tupelo gum swamp swamp that is suitable habitat for numerous species of waterfowl. I Iii Gulf TVA SWA is located in Jackson Coon Gulf Jackson County, Alabama approximately approximately 1 mile mile northeast of BLN property boundaries.

northeast boundaries. Coon Gulf Gulf TVA SWA comprises comprises approximately approximately 2,366 acres managed by TVA and features a forested cove on Guntersville Reservoir, and 2,366 acres managed by TVA and features a forested cove on Guntersville Reservoir, and provides habitat for federally provides federally listed and state-listed state-listed species.

I 132 Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement U

I Chapter Chapter 3 I Section Bluff Section Bluff TVA SWA is located located in Jackson County County Alabama approximately south of and across the river from BLN property boundaries.

approximately 2.6 miles miles comprises boundaries. Section Bluff comprises approximately approximately 600 acres managed by TVA and features features extensive extensive sandstone sandstone outcrops and mature hardwoods hardwoods that provides provides habitat for federally federally listed and state-listed state-listed species. Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences Alternative Alternative A Under the No Action Alternative, no alterations alterations or improvements improvements would be made to existing

'I facilities for the purpose of nuclear nuclear power generation. Therefore, no Natural Areas power generation.

be directly or indirectly affected, and no cumulative effects this alternative.

Areas would effects would result from adoption of would I Alternatives Alternatives Band B and C Under the Action Alternatives B and C, improvements Alternatives Band improvements to existing facilities and continued continued operation operation of the plant would take place. Construction associated with completion Construction associated completion of existing existing I facilities would not directly or indirectly affect natural construction-related activities construction-related natural areas in the vicinity because activities would be confined to land already because already previously altered due to the initial BLN construction. The distance distance between between these areas and the BLN site provides provides

,I ample ample buffer from any construction noise gaseous gaseous and particulate noise originating originating from the BLN site. Emissions of particulate air pollutants from operation operation of combustion combustion sources on site would would result in small increases increases in air pollutant pollutant concentrations. However, the resulting resulting concentrations concentrations of the pollutants pollutants in the vicinity would meet the ambient standards standards and would would have no adverse effect on people or wildlife using these areas. In In addition, previous addition, previous studies conclude that small radioactive radioactive exposure acceptable benchmarks, as exposure relative to acceptable as would be the case under normal operating operating circumstances, circumstances, are not expected to cause cause changes in terrestrial animal populations (IAEA (IAEA 1992, DOE 1999). Therefore, potential potential for impacts to these areas resulting from the initial construction and long-term long-term operation of either aa single either single B&W unit or a single AP1 AP1000 000 unit are anticipated anticipated to be minor.

I 3.9. Recreation Recreation


As documented Affected Environment Affected Environment previous environmental documented in previous assessments of the BLN site, the area within a environmental assessments 50-mile radius of BLN is well suited to a variety variety of outdoor recreation pursuits. There are I several major parks and recreation National Forest, Wheeler National recreation resources resources within this region including Chattahoochee Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge, Little River Canyon Nature and several State Parks. Guntersville Chattahoochee Nature Preserve, Guntersville Reservoir, which has 69,000 surface acres and approximately approximately 80 developed public, commercial, commercial, or quasi-public quasi-public recreation recreation areas around its shoreline, is also one of the region's major recreation recreation resources. The waters of this this reservoir provide opportunities for a variety of recreation activities including including power power and non-swimming, fishing and waterfowl hunting. The surrounding power boating, swimming, surrounding shorelines shorelines offer offer


  • I accommodations for camping, hiking, hunting and wildlife accommodations vacationing.

wildlife observation, golfing, and and I While most of the recreation Lake Guntersville recreation areas on Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir, including including major Guntersville State Park, Buck's Pocket State Park, Goose Pond Colony, and most major areas such as as commercial recreation commercial recreation facilities, are more more than 10 10 miles away from the BLN site, there are I six areas areas within the 6-mile radius of the BLN. Figure 3-13 shows the location of these areas as well as three additional additional reservoir recreation recreation areas situated within 10 10 miles of the BLN areas site.

II Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Impact Statement 133 133 I

Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Site I I




Pisgah I


I Legend I

  • Be lle fonte Nuclear Plant SIt e Cente r POlin Be lle fonte SIte 6-nl.le Bu ffer

..... Boat Ramp Recreaton Area Guntesville Reservo ir I

o 1

!"'I~_~-""i_.-~ __ ~~~~ __ 4 iiiiiiii!~o\les I Figure 3-13. BLN BLN Recreation Recreation Instream Instream Use Use I

I 134 134 Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Impact Statement Environmental Impact Statement I

I' Chapter 3 I Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences Alternative A A I: Under Under this alternative, because no nuclear recreational nuclear plant would be built or operated, no impact recreational facilities or activities is anticipated.


impact on I Alternatives Band Alternatives As indicated operation operation under B and C indicated in earlier NEPA assessments under either assessments (TVA 1974; either alternative would generate 1974; TVA 2008a), plant construction construction and generate some noise and would also result in the the removal and use of a small amount of water from Guntersville removal Guntersville Reservoir.

As discussed discussed in Section 3.12, some activities conducted during the construction construction of either of the alternatives would generate noise that could be an annoyance annoyance to recreationists recreationists and others in the vicinity of the plant site. Because such noise levels would occur over a short period period of time, impacts impacts on recreation recreation would be negligible. Under Under either alternative, alternative, plant operation operation noise is expected attenuated to near expected to be attenuated near ambient levels levels beyond the sitesite I boundary. Consequently, noise from plant operation would have aa minor impact, and no mitigation mitigation would be required.

no Plant water use would represent I waterways around waterways represent aa minimal amount relative around BLN (Section 3.1.2). River-level losses resulting from plant operations relative to total water water flow in the River-level associated with consumptive the consumptive water operations would not affect recreational boating in summer, water when river use is at its highest, even during extreme low-flow conditions (TVA 2008a).

extreme low-flow I Therefore, impacts required.


impacts on water based recreation would be minor and no mitigation would be be I Archaeological Resources 3.10. Archaeological 3.10.1.


Resources and Affected Environment Affected and Historic Structures Historic Structures I As noted been been noted previous in occupied environmental reviews, the area surrounding the BLN property has previous environmental by humans for more than 15,000 Tennessee River Valley has documented Tennessee 15,000 years. The archaeological archaeological record of the documented four major prehistoric occupational occupational periods that has the began began with the Paleo-indian Paleo-indian (14,000-8000 (14,000-8000 B.C.), the Archaic Period (8000-900 B.C.), the the I Woodland Period (900 B.C-A.D. 1100), and the Mississippian Culture (A.D. 1100-1630).

Although the earliest European European contact contact in the region severely severely impacted the Native 1100-1630).

Native American cultures, occupation occupation by Cherokees Cherokees continued through the early 19th century, I when they were removed along the Trail of Tears. European settlers the region and Jackson County was established established in 1819.

settlers soon began to occupy I Previous undertakings associated Previous undertakings associated with this area the BLN site. A summary of these earlier area have documented documented the archaeology within investigations is included in the COLA ER. For earlier investigations within investigations associated with the B&W unit (BLN 1&2),

investigations associated 1&2), TVA has has determined determined the areaarea of potential potential effects (APE) for both action alternatives alternatives to be the approximate approximate 606 acresacres surrounding surrounding the proposed construction and its associated infrastructure for archaeological associated infrastructure archaeological resources resources and the 1-mile viewshed 1-mile viewshed for historic historic structures. Due to the similarity of areas areas needed needed for construction and operational purposes, this same same APE was determined, determined, withwith concurrence concurrence of the Alabama SHPO, for evaluationsevaluations regarding the AP1000AP1 000 unit (BLN 3&4).

The archaeological archaeological APE is identified identified on both Figure Figure 2-1 (B&W (B&W site plan) plan) and 2-4 (AP1000 site plan) as "Bellefonte Project Project Area."

I Previous archaeological surveys conducted Previous archaeological conducted within the archaeological archaeological APE identified identified 4 sites (1JA111, 1JA113, 1JA300, (1 JA 111, 1JA 113, 1JA300, and 1JA301).

1JA301). Only 2 of these sites were recommended recommended for for I

Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement 135 135 I'

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear additional archaeological additional archaeological investigations investigations (1JA300 (1 JA300 and 1 1JA301)

JA301) (Oakley 1972).1972). Excavations Excavations i

. were conducted at site 1 1JA300 JA300 prior to construction construction of the original plant.

When TVA began developing was determined developing aa demonstration demonstration COLA for new nuclear generation determined that a more systematic survey would be necessary to ensure that no generation at BLN,BLN, itit no I

historic properties properties (which includes includes prehistoric and historic sites, buildings, structures, and objects) would be affected. Two new surveys to identify identify archaeological surveys were subsequently subsequently conducted archaeological sites or historic structures that may be impacted conducted within the APE impacted by thisthis I undertaking (Deter-Wolfe undertaking (Deter-Wolfe 2007 and Jenkins Jenkins 2008).

Results Results of the new archaeological survey concluded new archaeological concluded that sites 1JA300 completely destroyed during construction of the intake. Site 1 1JA300 and 1 1JA1 1JA301 JA301 were 11 was determined JA 111 were determined to be be I

potentially eligible potentially eligible for listing in the National Register Register of Historic Historic Places (NRHP). One new site (1JA1103)

(1JA1 103) was identified that was considered, along with 1JA113, 1JA1 13, to be ineligible ineligible for forl listing in the NRHP.

listing in the NRHP.

Five historic structures had been previously (Jenkins 2008). The new survey for historic previously recorded recorded within the visual APE for this project historic structures structures conducted in 2008 revisited these project If identified 10 new properties, for a total of 15 historic properties (Jenkins 2008).

sites and identified Only two of these properties Cemetery) were properties (Bellefonte Cemetery determined determined to meet are nearly one mile from the BLN cooling towers. the Cemetery and the African American criteria of eligibility for the American Bellefonte NRHP.

Bellefonte Both cemeteries cemeteries I,

are nearly one mile from the BLN cooling towers.

3.10.2. Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences I The potential potential for direct, indirect, and cumulative effects effects to historic properties was evaluated.

historic properties evaluated.

Proposed construction Proposed construction and other ground-disturbing ground-disturbing activities have potential potential to affect archaeological sites and historic structures. None of the historic properties are located in archaeological in I areas proposed for new construction or associated associated activities. No direct, indirect, or cumulative effects to historic properties would occur from operation alternatives.

operation of BLN under any of the the I

Alternative Alternative A The no action alternative would result in no new construction effect on historic properties.

construction and therefore therefore would have no no I Alternative Alternative B Site 1JA1 1JA 111 B

11 was identified identified within the archaeological archaeological APE and was recommendedrecommended as as II potentially eligible eligible for listing in the NRHP. TVA has determined determined that 1JA1111JA1 11 would be be fenced fenced off, marked marked on construction should Alternative the BLN site drawings, drawings, Alternative B be selected.

and avoided by any selected. Any future modification future planned planned modification to current project project I plans that have aa potential 1JA1 1JA 11111 to determine potential to affect this site would require TVA to conduct determine its NRHP eligibility status.

conduct further testing of I'

Two historic resources eligible for listing listing in the NRHP were identified identified within the historic historic viewshed viewshed (visual APE) APE) of the proposed proposed construction construction site. The Bellefonte Bellefonte Cemetery and the the African American Bellefonte African Bellefonte Cemetery are both protected protected by dense vegetative vegetative buffers and! and would not be affected affected by Alternative B. B.

With the avoidance avoidance of archaeological surrounding the cemeteries, surrounding archaeological site 1JA1 cemeteries, TVA has determined JA 111 and the presence presence of vegetative vegetative buffers determined that Alternative B would have no direct direct oror i

indirect effect effect on historic properties. In In a letter letter dated September September 9, 2009, the Alabama Alabama 136 136 Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement

  • 1

I Chapter Chapter 3 Preservation Officer concurred State Historic Preservation concurred with TVA's findings that proposed completion of the BLN site would have no effect on historic properties. Because Because no effects are anticipated, anticipated, there are no cumulative cumulative effects to historic properties from B&W completion and operation.


Alternative Alternative C Effects to historic properties under Alternative Alternative C would be the same as those anticipated under Alternative Alternative B. Although the construction, construction'of of new reactor would result in slightly more disturbance than under Alternative ground disturbance Alternative B, B, the construction construction area was surveyed surveyed and no no properties were identified within this area. As with Alternative historic properties B, 11JA1 Alternative B, 11 would be JA 111 be fenced off, marked marked on the BLN site drawings, and avoided avoided by any future planned construction. Any future modification to current current project plans for a single AP1000 AP1 000 that would have aa potential to affect affect this site would would require TVA to conduct conduct further testing of 1JA1 1 11 to determine JA 111 determine its NRHP eligibility eli~ibility status.

With the avoidance avoidance of archaeological archaeological site 1JA1 1JA 111 and the vegetative vegetative buffers surrounding surrounding the the I cemeteries, TVA has determined determined that the implementation implementation of Alternative Alternative C would have no Because no effects are anticipated, direct or affect on historic properties. Because anticipated, there would no would be no no cumulative effects effects to historic properties properties from AP1 AP1000 000 construction construction and operation.

I- 3.11.

3.11. Visual Resources Resources 3.11.1.

3.11.1. Affected Environment Affected Environment I The BLN site is buffered from the main main river channel by a wooded ridgeline which rises approximately 200 feet above the lake surface. Only distant views of the existing cooling approximately rises towers towers are experienced experienced by passing river traffic as a result of the close proximity proximity of the the I ridgeline to the lake shoreline. The plant site is situated on level to gently rolling bottomland formally used for agricultural agricultural purposes.

purposes. Pasture and crop land still extend southwesterly bottomland southwesterly from the plant site toward Scottsboro, Alabama. Scattered Scattered residential development development can be be I seen along county roads ranging from abandoned farmhouses terrain terrain is generally generally open with occasional farmhouses to new subdivisions. The occasional stands of bottomland hardwoodshardwoods dotted with with The patches of pine and cedar.

1 The existing plant site is most visible to over 50 cabins, second homes, and primary residences located located along along the north shore of Town Creek embayment, an area known as as Creeks Edge development development (See FigureFigure 3-14). The embayment embayment which bounds the west side side of the BLN site is only accessible accessible to small boat traffic as passagepassage is limited by a box culvert under the BLN site's secondary secondary entrance road. Fishermen Fishermen and pleasure pleasure boaters using other portions of Town Creek and Mud Creek to the northeast of BLN have have direct views into I the plant site.

Mud The town of Hollywood Hollywood is located approximately approximately 3 miles to the northwest northwest of BLN. Its location to the north of U. U. S. Highway Highway 72 is screened screened somewhat somewhat from aa view of the plant by by Backbone Ridge.

Backbone BLN site is seen most frequently by passing motorists The BLN motorists from various points along U. S.

Highway Highway 72. The plant facilities such as roads, parking, parking, and administration-type administration-type buildings buildings are screened screened for the most part by low rolling terrain in the foreground. Distant views of the the I, 477-foot 477-foot cooling towers and the reactor domes can be seen in excess of 5 miles away. The cooling towers along with the multiple multiple high voltage transmission lines associated associated with the the The BLN site are the dominant manmade manmade visual features in the surrounding surrounding landscape.


I Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Impact Statement Environmental Impact Statement 137 137 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear Site I I







Date of Date of Imagery June 15, June N

2006 15, 2006 I

o E

Legend Legend Creeks Creeks Edge Development Residential 1.X0 Deve lopment Residential Roads Roads ZINO 3.1X Feet W+E W+E S

I Figure Figure 3-14. BLN BLN Creeks Creeks Edge Edge Development Development I I

138 138 Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement I

I Chapter 3 Chapter I Sand Mountain stretches in either direction shoreline direction from the plant site as it forms the eastern shoreline of Guntersville Lake. While it is the most dominant natural feature in the the landscape, itit provides background to easterly views of BLN.

provides background BLN. Views of the existing plant I facilities appear as focal points when one looks west off the rim of the mountain. No public viewing viewing areas areas appear along the mountain's mountain's edge, but a few residences residences havehave spectacular spectacular public views of the valley below. A different different visual/aesthetic visual/aesthetic character landscape can be character of landscape be I experienced experienced in the coves and hollows along along the Sand Mountain rhododendron line the creeks that cascade over limestone rhododendron Mountain rim. Laurel and limestone creek creek beds on their descent to to the Tennessee River. Distant glimpses of the plant site can be seen from these mountain- mountain-I side vantage points. Additional Additional views can be seen by highway highway travelers travelers traversing the mountain on State Roads 35 and 40 as well as by those crossing the lake on the Comber Bridge.

the Comber I As described described in Section 3.8, Natural Areas, Bellefonte WMAs, adjacent Bellefonte Island and the Mud Creek State adjacent to and just upstream of the BLN site also provide State provide a visual quality protector to the scenic scenic environment. A heron rookery rookery can be seen by boaters at the tip of the the I peninsula between peninsula Coon Gulf between the Town and Mud Creek's confluence Gulf TVA SWA approximately confluence with the Guntersville Guntersville Reservoir.

approximately 1.0 mile upstream on the opposite bank also contribute contribute to the visual quality. Section Bluff TVA SWA is approximately approximately 2.5 miles downstream downstream on the the I opposite bank.

In summary, the BLN site is located in a valley setting partially screened screened from the passing I Tennessee River and overlooked overlooked by Sand Mountain.

associated transmission lines currently present Mountain. The existing plant site and its present the most noticeable noticeable visual/aesthetic its change visual/aesthetic change in character character to an area generally generally within a 5- to 7-mile 7-mile radius.

I 3.11.2. Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences Alternative A I Under Under this alternative, alternative, TVA would not complete or operate one partially completed B&W unit or construct and operate the new Westinghouse AP1000 Westinghouse AP1 000 unit. Visual resources B&W would not be affected.

I Alternative B Under this alternative, TVA would refurbish the existing 161-kV and 500-kV switchyards, Under construct a new laydown laydown area southwest southwest of the existing BLN 1&2 &2 cooling towers and I reconfigure the northern parking areas. The new laydown area would be visually similar reconfigure the industrial buildings and storage storage yards in the area now. There would likely be similar to associated to support structures constructed constructed throughout the plant site area. These support structures structures I would add to the number number of discordantly discordantly contrasting would be visually insignificant in the industrial contrasting elements seen at the plant site but industrial environment.

I Visual impacts impacts during construction would be minor minor and insignificant.

to the west would likely not have views of construction activities Motorists along insignificant. Motorists along SR 72 activities at the plant site. Residents Residents 72 along County Road (CR) 33 entering the plant site would notice a small increase increase in traffic traffic I for plant site deliveries deliveries and an increase in the number entering and leaving complete.

of employees and-number employees and* contractorscontractors leaving the site. This would be temporary until construction activities are I During operation Highway operation of the B&W, residents along Town Creek and motorists along U.S.

Highway 72 would notice a water vapor plume from one of the existing 477-foot cooling cooling towers on the plant site. The visibility of the plume would vary with atmosphericatmospheric conditions.

I Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Impact Statement 139 139 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear Ii The plume would be most discernible discernible during the winter months following following leaf drop and would be visible up to five miles and beyond in all directions. Plumes would be less visible visible II during the summer months when hazy conditions persist and morning II morning fog is more common.

Visual presence presence of these fog/plume conditions would be similar to those currently associated with the operation operation of the Meade Meade Paper Plant and Widows Fossil Plant located upstream.

The new plume seen in the landscape visual resources. Increasing landscape would have the number of have a potential potential minor cumulative adversely-contrasting cumulative impact on elements I

visual Increasing adversely-contrasting elements would contribute to reducing visual harmony impact of incremental changes seen in combination harmony and coherence of the rural landscape. The visual changes may not be individually individually significant, but when additions are combination with similar existing features, the impact continues to grow. This would impact continues would I

cause a cumulative cumulative minor minor change in the visible landscape landscape and the aesthetic sense of place.

Alternative Alternative C I

Under this alternative, visual impacts However, the AP1000 impacts would be similar to those described AP1 000 would require construction described for Alternative B.

construction of a new turbine and reactor building on the north side of the existing employee and visitor parking lot. This structure structure would likely be B.

be I

visible to residents along Town Creek. The new structure II structure would add a new broadly horizontal element to the industrial landscape horizontal landscape but would be visually similarsimilar to other structures seen on the plant site now. Visual impacts impacts would be minor.

3.12. Noise 3.12.1.

Noise Affected Environment Affected Environment I

At high levels, noise noise can cause cause hearing loss and at moderate moderate levels noise can interfere interfere with communication, communication, disrupt sleep, and cause stress. Even at relatively cause relatively low levels, noise can I cause annoyance. Noise Noise is measured measured in decibels decibels (dB), a logarithmic unit, so an increase increase of 3 dB is just noticeable and an increase of 10 dB is perceived II perceived as a doubling of sound level.

Since Since not all noise frequencies are perceptible perceptible to the human ear, A-weighted A-weighted decibels decibels (dBA), which filters out sound in frequencies frequencies above above and below human hearing, hearing, were used I3 for this assessment. Ambient environmental environmental noise assessed using the day-night noise is usually assessed day-night noise level (Ldn). The day-night day-night noise level is a weighted logarithmic 24-hr average average with a 10 dB penalty added to noise betweenbetween 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. to account for the potential potential for sleep disruption.

Community Community noise above existing noise impacts are typically judged based on the magnitude background sound existing background sound levels. There magnitude of the increase increase There are no federal, state, or local industrial I

noise noise statutes for the communities surrounding surrounding the BLN site. EPA recommends less than 55 dBA to protect the healthhealth and well-being recommends an Ldn well-being of the public with an adequate of safety. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Ldn adequate margin Development (HUD) considers margin I areas with an upper limit Ldn of 65 dBA to be acceptable acceptable for residential residential development.

development. In In Interagency Committee addition, the Federal Interagency increase indicates a possible dB increase Committee on Noise Noise (FICON (FICON 1992) recommends recommends that a 3 possible impact requiring further analysis when the existing DNL is II 65 dBA or less.

BLN is located in a rural area along the Tennessee Tennessee River in northeast Alabama. The The I nearest nearest residence, situated across across Town Creek, is located 0.75 mile from the Unit Unit 1 steam generators generators and 0.66 mile from the Unit 1 cooling tower.


140 Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement I

I Chapter 3 I Background Background ambient sound levels levels were measured in 2006 at BLN fenceline values ranging from 47 to 55 dBA which is typical of aa rural community fenceline locations locations with community (TVA 2008a). Noise with Noise sources in the vicinity of the BLN site include include barge traffic, road traffic, dogs barking, barking, I insects, power boats, plant equipment at BLN (fans, power power line hum.

(fans, transformers, transformers, compressors), and I 3.12.2. Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences Construction Construction Effects Effects I Alternative A Because there would be no construction, implementation implementation of the No Action Alternative would would have have no impact on noise levels near BLN. BLN.

I Alternative B The largest source source of noise in the construction construction of a Babcock Babcock and Wilcox Pressurized Pressurized Water hydro-demolition to access the steam generators.

Reactor is the hydro-demolition generators. Hydro-demolition Hydro-demolition can be be I very loud, with noise levels often exceeding will be done inside the containment exceeding 110 dBA. However, all hydro-demolition containment walls which will greatly hydro-demolition work decrease the potential for off-greatly decrease site impacts. Hydro-demolition Hydro-demolition will take placeplace 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> aa day, 7 days a week, for up to 12 I days. While limiting most of the construction potential construction activities activities to daytime hours can reduce hydro-demolition cannot be limited to daylight potential noise impacts, hydro-demolition reduce daylight hours. Any noisenoise impacts impacts of hydro-demolition hydro-demolition at nearby residences residences would be temporary and would last for no no I more than 12 days.

Other Other phases construction would require phases of construction require the use of cranes, forklifts, man lifts, I compressors, backhoes, dump trucks, pier driller and portable welding machines. This type of equipment would generate generate noise levels up to 91 dB at 50 feet (EPA 1971). Construction noise of 91 dBA at 50 feet would be about about 56 dBA at the nearest residence approximately approximately type 0.75 mile away. Most construction activites Most construction activites would be limited limited to daylight daylight hours and would would I exceed exceed neither recommendation nor HUD's guideline neither EPA's recommendation from construction equipment is guideline for residential areas. Noise expectedto be audible over background Noise background noise levels, but itit expected to cause aa significant

. is not expected significant adverse impact.

I Based on the projected noise levels and the duration of construction construction activities, noise noise impacts from construction activities associated associated with Alternative Alternative B are expected to be minor minor I for the surrounding communities, and minor Creek's Edge development development (Figure 3-14).

minor to moderate moderate for the nearest nearest residents of I Alternative Alternative C necessary to construct Most activities necessary implemented under Alternative B implemented construct an AP1000 AP1 000 unit would be similar to thosethose B and would have similar impacts on noise levels in the the vicinity of BLN. hydro-demolition work on the steam generator BLN. No hydro-demolition generator would be necessary I under this alternative. However, However, site preparation preparation for the construction construction of an AP1000 would require blasting which would cause temporary noise impacts. Potential mitigation unit AP1 000 unit mitigation measures include, measures include, but are not limited to, the use of blasting blasting blankets, notification of thethe I receptors prior to blasting, surrounding receptors blasting, and limiting blasting activities to daylight hours.

Based on the projected noise levels and the duration of construction construction activities, noise activities, noise I impacts from construction activities associated for the surrounding surrounding communities, associated with Alternative communities, and minor to moderate Alternative C are expected to be minor, moderate for the nearest nearest residents of Creeks Creeks Edge development.

I Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Impact Statement 141 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear Site I Operational Effects Operational I Alternative A A Because no nuclear Because nuclear plant would be operated, operated, adoption of the No Action Alternative would have no impact impact on noise levels around BLN.

Alternative Alternative B The major noise source in the operation operation of aa B&W is the cooling tower. Noise expected to be 85 dBA near the tower and approximately cooling tower is expected Noise from the the approximately 55 dBA 1000 feet from the tower. At the nearest residence, noise from the cooling tower is expected to be I

be approximately 48 dBA which is similar to background tower tower operated 24-hr background noise levels in the area. If 24-hr per day, the Ldn at the nearest an increase of 1.8 dBA over background nearest residence If the cooling residence would be 54.6 dBA which is background levels. IfIf the cooling tower were operated operated less cooling less I

frequently, the increase increase in noise levels would be even less. These These levels would not exceed EPA's recommendation recommendation or HUD'sHUO's guideline for residential residential areas. I Based on the projected Alternative Alternative B projected noise levels, noise impacts associated B are are expected associated with implementation expected to be minor, for both the surrounding nearest residents of Creek's Edge development.

nearest residents of Creek's Edge development.

implementation of surrounding communities communities and for the II Alternative Alternative C The major noise source in the operation operation of an AP1 000 is the cooling tower and the impactsimpacts I I3 operation of an AP1000 of operation AP1 000 unit on noise noise levels in the vicinity of BLN are identical identical to the the anticipated under Alternative B.

impacts anticipated Based on the projected projected noise levels, noise impacts impacts from the operation operation of Alternative C are Alternative Care expected to be minor, for both the surrounding communities communities and for the nearest residents residents of Creeks Edge development. I 3.13. Socioeconomics Socioeconomics 3.13.1. Population Population I Affected Environment Affected Environment The BLN site is located in Jackson County, Alabama, in the northeast corner of the state (Figure 1-1). Population of the area was described in the TVA's 1974 FES, Section Section 1.2; thethe I

1999 1999 Tritium FEIS,

FEIS, Section; and the 1997 BLN Fossil Conversion Since that time, the population Population count for Jackson Conversion FEIS, Section population of the county has increased.

Section increased. The 2000 Census Jackson County was 53,926 (Census 2000a). The most recent Censusof recent

'of I estimate estimate by the U. U. S. Census Bureau shows aa small decline decline to 53,134 53,134 in 2008. The.


estimated estimated population living within 10 miles of the site is approximately about about 4,600 live within 5 miles. Except for aa small area approximately 25,500; of these, area in Georgia, Georgia, southeast southeast of the site, all I

of the area within 10 miles is in Jackson Jackson County.

Scottsboro, Scottsboro, Alabama, is the principal economic economic center closest to the site. The closest I

incorporated place is Hollywood, a small town of slightly fewer than 1,000 residents.

In addition to the residential populations residential population population surrounding surrounding the site, there are substantial substantial transient populations within 50 miles of the site due to the following major attractions near the site:

I Lake Guntersville Park; a campground campground which can host as many as about 650 campers daily; the Unclaimed Unclaimed Baggage Baggage Center in Scottsboro, with more more than one million campers million visitors per year; and the Goose Pond Colony golf course, the second largest attractor of transient I

I 142 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I I

I Chapter 3 Chapter I population in the area with more than 100,000 detail in the COLA ER, Section

detail 100,000 visitors per year. These are discussed in in I Environmental Consequences Environmental Construction Effects Effects Consequences I Under Alternative Alternative A, the No Action Alternative, no construction there would be no impacts.

construction would occur and therefore If Alternative B were selected, construction If construction is expected expected to take about about 7.5 years, with a peak I on-site on-site workforce workforce approximately 3,015. About 2,499 of these would be construction workforce of approximately workforce and the remainder would be operationsoperations work force. IfIf Alternative C were expected to take about 6.5 years, with a peak on-site workforce construction is expected selected, construction workforce of I approximately 2,933. About 2,319 of these would be construction workforce and the approximately remainder would be operations remainder operations work force. Impacts Impacts from aa temporary temporary increase increase inin the population due to construction population construction are discussed in the TVA's 1974 FES, Section 2.8; the the I Tritium FEIS, Section Section; either Alternative B or Alternative moderate in Jackson and the BLN Conversion Conversion FEIS, Section Under Under Alternative C, the impacts are expected to be small in the area and Jackson County, similar to those discussed moderate discussed in the COLA ER, Section

I Operation Effects Operation Effects Under Alternative A, the No Action Alternative, there would no new plant, and therefore, Under therefore, no no impacts of plant operation.

I Under Alternative B, the BLN site is expected Under expected to employ approximately 849 operations employ approximately operations workers workers at the new new unit. Under Alternative C, operations employment is expected to be operations employment be I about 650. However, However, construction. Therefore, some of those would already be working at the site during operations workers would be additions after completion Therefore, not all operations completion of construction. The impacts of plant operation would be similar to those discussed in the the I Tritium FEIS (Section, and probably somewhat greater than those anticipated Bellefonte Bellefonte Conversion Conversion FEIS (Section or the BLN 11&2 anticipated in the

&2 FEIS (Section 2.8). Under the either Alternative expected to be minor, similar to those Alternative B or Alternative C, the impacts are expected those I discussed in the COLA ER, Section

discussed less than under under Alternative AP1000.

for the AP1 000. Impacts under Alternative Alternative C would employment would be lower Alternative B, since operations employment slightly would be slightly lower than estimated I 3.13.2. . Employment and Income Affected Environment Affected Environment I Employment Employment and income in the area area were not discussed in the TVA's 1974 FES. They discussed in the 1997 BLN Conversion were discussed Conversion FEIS, Section Section, and in the 1999 1999 Tritium FEIS, FE IS, Section Employment Employment and income have have been increasing since these these I earlier earlier Jackson studies were prepared.

prepared. This growth has continued, with total employment employment Jackson County in 2007 increasing to 25,950 and per capita personal income to $27,051 in Manufacturing and farming account (Table 3-10). Manufacturing account for a greater share of employment that that I either the state or national share. Larger national averages, averages, while the private service manufacturing establishments include Larger manufacturing service sector accounts accounts for a smaller include textiles and textile products, paper paper products, machinery, and furniture and related products. Both employment employment and income income are I discussed discussed in the COLA ER, Section

I Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 143 143 I

Single Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Bellefonte Site I Table Table 3-10. Employment and Income, 2007 Employment Percent by Region II Category Category Jackson County Alabama United States Jackson County Alabama United States Farm Mining 5.9 0.3 1.9 1.9 0.4 1.6 0.5 0.5 Ii Construction 5.9 7.2 6.4 6.4 Manufacturing Manufacturing 24.4 11.7 8.0 8.0 Wholesale Wholesale Trade 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.7 Retail Trade Finance, Insurance, Insurance, Estate and Real Estate 12.9 12.9 4.2 4.2 11.4 7.1 7.1 10.7 10.7 9.2 9.2 II Government 17.1 17.1 15.7 13.4 13.4 Other Total Employment Employment 26.0 25,950 41.2 2,618,073 2,618,073 46.5 180,943,800 180,943,800 I II Per Capita Personal $27,051 $32,419 $38,615 II

$27,051 $32,419 $38,615 Income Income $27,051 _ $32,419 _ $38,615 Source: BEA SEA 2007 II Per capita personal personal income in Jackson County, as of 2007, was 70 percent percent of the national

average, average, and was well below the state average of $32,419, which was 84 percent percent of the the national average.

The manufacturing manufacturing sector considerably sector accounts accounts for about about 33 percent of total earnings considerably more than in the state as a whole (17 percent) and the nation (12 Farm earnings earnings accounted for almost 3 percent earnings in the county, (12 percent).

percent of the total in the county, compared to less less II II than one percent in the state and the nation. nation. Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences Construction Construction Under Alternative Alternative A, the No Action Alternative, no construction would occur and therefore therefore II there would be no impacts.

Employment and income Employment income impacts of the employment employment increases are discussed in the TVA's TVA's II 1974 FES, Section 2.8; the Tritium Production Production FE FEIS, IS, Section Bellefonte Section; and the Bellefonte Conversion Conversion FEIS, Section 4.2.12. Under either Alternative B in employment for completion completion of single nuclear B or Alternative C, the increase nuclear unit at BLN could result in creation of some increase some II new new temporary temporary secondary secondary jobs, especially especially during and near peak employment. Many Many of II these jobs would be temporary in nature nature and the number number of such jobs would vary depending on the level of employment.

depending employment. These impacts would be beneficial. beneficial. Impacts fromfrom Alternative B are expected to be similar to, but somewhat smaller than, those discussed in in II the COLA ER for the AP1 000, Section For both action these action alternatives, these beneficial beneficial impacts are considered to be moderate to significant in the county and minor minor regionally.

II Expenditures Expenditures within the region for goods and services services during construction construction of the BLN site would also have have a small beneficial beneficial impact on income in the region under either Alternative Alternative B or Alternative Alternative C. This increase increase could be noticeable in the local area, especially especially for II establishments providing frequently purchased establishments purchased items such as food, and would be be moderate and beneficial.

considered moderate beneficial.

II Operation Operation 144 144 Draft Supplemental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Impact Statement II

I Chapter 3 I Under Alternative A, the No Action Alternative, there would be no new plant and therefore Under no impacts of plant operation.

therefore I Operation of the plant would result in creation of permanent Operation employees employees to supervise, operate, and maintain permanent jobs from the hiring of maintain the plant. Impacts Impacts from the presence presence of operations operations employees are discussed in the TVA's 1974 FEIS, Section 2.8; however, the the I expected number expected number of employees estimated for that document is well below the approximately approximately 849 (for Alternative B) B) or 653 (for Alternative the Alternative C) workers that are currently currently anticipated anticipated during operation. The impacts likely likely would be more similar to the operational I impacts discussed discussed in the Tritium EIS, Section, and similar to the upper range discussed in the BLN Conversion less than those discussed upper end of the Conversion EIS, Section The impacts should also be discussed in the COLA COLA ER, Section because the employment the employment level be I would be about 15 percent lower Alternative lower under Alternative Band Alternative C. The impacts wouldwould generally B and 35 percent percent lower under under generally be beneficial, resulting in a small increase the average income in the county, small increases in sales at retail and service service increase inin establishments, and aa temporary temporary increase increase in home sales or rentals. TheseThese impacts could I lead to some additional hiring, particularly small decrease decrease in unemployment.

particularly at retail and service establishments, unemployment. Adverse establishments, causing a Adverse impacts would be minor, primarily aa slight increase in traffic on the roads and increased demand for medical and governmental I services. These impacts are expected to be small and beneficial beneficial in the county.

moderate and beneficial beneficial in the region and I 3.13.3. Low-Income and Affected and Minority Environment Minority Populations Populations Affected Environment I The minority population population in Jackson County of the total population County as of the 2000 Census of Population 8.8 percent population (Census 2000b). This was well below the state average of 29.7 percent 29.7 percent and the national average of 30.9 percent.

percent. The BLN site is located located in Census Tract I 9509, Block Group Group 1.1. This block group had aa minority population population of 15.0 percent in 2000, higher than the county average but still well below the state and national national averages.

Estimates of minority population Estimates population in 2008 2008 indicate indicate an increase increase in the national national minority share I to 34.4 percent, the state share to 31.6 percent, and the county Estimates are not available Estimates county share to 9.7 percent.

available for smaller areas. However, itit is highly likely that any local increase would still result in the block group share remaining below the state and national I averages.

The latest estimates estimates for number number of persons below poverty level indicate that in 2007, 13.0 13.0 I percent of the population population was below the poverty level in the nation, compared to 16.6 percent in the state of Alabama and 17.6 17.6 percent percent in Jackson 16.6 Jackson County. These estimates are available for smaller not available smaller areas. However, the 2000 Census of Population Population showed a poverty I level in Census percent Census Tract 9509, Block Group percent in Alabama, and the 12.4 percent Group 1, of 3.4 percent. This is below the level of 5.1 percent in Census Tract 9509 and well below the 13.7 12.4 percent 13.7 percent percent in the nation.

percent in Jackson Jackson County, the 16.1 I Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences Construction Construction I Under Alternative A, the No Action Alternative, no construction would occur and therefore Under there would be no impacts.

therefore I

Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Impact 145 145 I

Single Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Bellefonte Site II Environmental justice impacts were not evaluated in the TVA's 1974 FES. However, they Environmental were evaluated in the BLN Conversion data concluding that any impacts 4.4.3, concluding Conversion EIS, Section 4.9, and in the BLN Tritium FEIS, Section and in Appendix G. The COLA ER evaluates these impacts in Section impacts would be minor and not disproportionate. More consistent with this conclusion for either Alternative B or Alternative data are consistent Alternative C.

Section More recent

-I Operation Operation Under Alternative Under Alternative A, A, the the No impacts of plant operation.

No Action Action Alternative, Alternative, there would no there would no new plant and new plant and therefore therefore nono I impacts of plant operation.

Environmental justice impacts were not evaluated in the TVA's 1974 FES. However, they Environmental were evaluated in the BLN Conversion Conversion EIS, Section 4.9, and in the BLN Tritium FEIS, I

Section and in Appendix G. The COLA ER evaluates these impacts in Section 5.8.3, concluding that any impacts would be minor and not disproportionate. More recent 5.8.3, concluding that any impacts would be minor and not disproportionate.

data are consistent with this conclusion for either Alternative B or Alternative C. More Section recent II data are consistent with this conclusion for either Alternative B or Alternative C.


3.13.4. Housing Housing II Affected Environment Affected Environment Housing is discussed FEIS, Section discussed in TVA's 1974 FES, Section Section 2.8. It Section, and in the BLN Conversion FEIS, Section It also is discussed discussed in the Tritium Section 3.1.12. Based on prior prior I3 I3 TVA evaluations, no more more than half of the BLN construction workers are expected expected to need housing in the area (TVA 1985). 1985). For most movers, Jackson Jackson County is expected expected to be the preferred location location if accommodations accommodations are available, available, for both construction and operations operations workers. As of the 2000 Census Census of Population, Population, 894 housing units were available, available, either for sale or for rent, in the county. Temporary Temporary housing is also available Scottsboro area. There are also temporary the Scottsboro available at local hotels/motels temporary housing opportunities hotels/motels in opportunities at the local campgrounds and RV parks. Housing is discussed in more detail in the COLA ER, Section campgrounds Section in I 3 Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences I

Construction Construction Under the No Action Alternative, no construction no impacts.

no impacts.

construction would occur and therefore there would be be I The majority of the BLN employees do not find acceptable employees are expected acceptable facilities in Jackson expected to live in Jackson County. Workers who Jackson County would be likely to locate to the west in II Madison Madison County, south or east in Marshall or DeKalb DeKalb Counties, or to the north in in Tennessee. Impacts of in-migration in-migration are discussed They are also discussed in BLN Conversion discussed in the TVA's 1974 FES, Section 2.8.

Conversion FEIS, Section and the Tritium FEIS, II II Section Section The impacts expected to be similar impacts are expected similar to those in the COLACOLA ER, Section This analysis concludes that the impacts in Jackson Jackson County are expected expected to be moderate moderate to large, but that mitigation could reduce reduce these impacts to a small to moderate moderate range. IfIf either action alternative is implemented, implemented, TVA would review review the availability availability of housing housing during include housing include the construction construction phase to assess the necessity of mitigation, mitigation, which transportation assistance for commuting housing assistance for employees, transportation which could Ii I3 employees, or remote parkingparking areas with shuttles. There There are no known changeschanges that would would modify this conclusion under either Alternative B B or Alternative C.

146 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement II,,

146 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement I

I Chapter 3 I Operation Operation Under Alternative A, the No Action Alternative, there would Under would no new plant and therefore therefore no no impacts of plant operation.

I Housing Housing impacts during operations are discussed during operations discussed in the TVA's 1974 1974 FES, Section 2.8.

They are also discussed in the BLN Conversion Conversion FEIS, Section Section, and in the Tritium Tritium I FEIS, Section

discussed The impacts of this proposal are expected expected to be similar to those discussed in the COLA ER, Section This analysis concludes that the impact impact would be minor minor and insignificant in the region and in the county. There are no known known I changes changes that would modify this conclusion under either Alternative B or Alternative 3.13.5. Water Supply and Water and Wastewater Wastewater Alternative C.

I Affected Environment Affected There are several water Environment water systems in Jackson Jackson County, including including the Scottsboro Scottsboro Municipal I Water System, the Stevenson Section/Dutton Stevenson Water System, the Bridgeport Bridgeport Water System, and the Section/Dutton Water System. Wastewater is treated by a combination treatment facilities and septic combination of wastewater the wastewater Industrial and public water supply, but not wastewater, septic tanks. Industrial discussed in the TVA's 1974 was discussed 1974 FES Section 1.2. Water supply and quality were also I discussed discussed in the Tritium FEIS in Section wastewater, was described Section Water supply and usage, but not described in the BLN Conversion Conversion FEIS (Sections 3.1.6 and 3.1.8). Water supply and wastewater treatment wastewater treatment are also described in the COLA ER, Section and described I in Section 2.3.2. Section 3.1.2 of this DSEIS updatesupdates the surface water use and trends for Guntersville watershed. Table 3-2 identifies the water users, the supply source, and the Guntersville for water demands demands in 2005 and projections for 2030.

I Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences Construction Construction I Under the No Action Alternative, because no construction would occur, there Alternative, because impacts to the supply of water or management management of wastewater.

there would be no no I Water supply and wastewater wastewater impacts impacts were not explicitly explicitly addressed in the TVA's 1974 FES, except for a commitment to properly handle onsite sewage are addressed sewage (Section 2.7(1 1974

).4). They 2.7(1).4).

addressed in the BLN Conversion FE FEIS IS (Section 4.2.6) and in the Tritium FEIS (Section I For completion of BLN Unit 1, these impacts are expected discussed discussed in the COLA ER, Section expected to be similar Section No concerns were identified supplies, as county water systems and wastewater wastewater treatment similar to those identified with water treatment facilities are generally those generally not operating operating at or near capacity. Local Local communities communities are adequately adequately served by the existing existing I water supplies and there are no plans, or needs, to expand. Therefore supplies and wastewater Therefore impacts impacts to water wastewater treatment would be insignificant in the county and in the region water under either Alternative B or Alternative Alternative C.

I Operation Operation Under Alternative Alternative A, the No Action Action Alternative, there would no new plant and therefore no no I impacts of plant operation.

As noted above, these services services were addressed in the earlier were not addressed environmental analyses.

earlier environmental I They are briefly briefly addressed in the BLN Conversion FEIS (Section However, the COLA ER addresses addresses operational impacts to these services concerns were identified. As discussed services in Section

discussed in the ER, existing systems are expected No expected to be the be I

Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 147 147 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear I adequate to handle the increased adequate impacts to water suppliers increased need resulting from operation of the plant. Therefore suppliers would would be minor in the county county and in the region under Therefore under either either I

Alternative B or Alternative Alternative C.

3.13.6. Police, Fire, and Medical Police, Fire, Medical Services I Environment Affected Environment These services were not described described in TVA's 1974 1974 FES. However, they are discusseddiscussed in the the I

Tritium FEIS, FEIS, Section, and in the Conversion FEIS, Section Section

Jackson County, as of November Jackson addition to the Jackson Jackson November 2006, had 95 sworn officers County Sheriff's Department, officers and 435 firefighters.

there are seven firefighters. In local police police In I departments in the county, with jurisdiction within and around departments departments in the county departments (no less than 10 per station).

station). Local police around city limits. There county with a total of 35 paid firefighters and 400 volunteer There are 25 fire volunteer firefighters police and fire protection are currently fire firefighters currently considered considered II adequate, but future expansion and facility upgrades upgrades may be needed needed to accommodate accommodate future population growth.

growth. I The single hospital in Jackson Jackson County, Highlands Highlands Medical Center, is .Iocated located in Scottsboro Scottsboro and provides 75 beds and 41 doctors. The Jackson County Health general medical general Health Department approximately 6,100 individuals per year.

medical services for approximately Department provides provides I

These services are discussed in more detail in the COLA ER, Section Environmental I3 Consequences Environmental Consequences Under Under the No Action Alternative, the in-migration in-migration of people associated plant operation would occur. Therefore, there associated with construction there would be no additional construction and additional demand for public public I3 services under Alternative Alternative A.

Impacts to these services are not analyzed in the earlier studies, except discussed in the Conversion discussed Conversion FEIS, except for fire, which was FE IS, Section 4.2.12. The COLA ER, Section, I

concludes that construction concludes of population construction at BLN would result in a minor, short-term increase population to police officers increase in the ratio officers and to fire fighters. Likewise, the COLA ER, Section, concludes that operation of BLN would, would result in a small increase Section increase in the ratio of I

population to those services. However, these ratios would still be within existing guidelines.

population Impacts from completion of BLN Unit 1 should be similar to those in the ER. Therefore, Impacts under either Alternative under Alternative B B or C, the impacts of on-site construction construction and operation of a II nuclear plant on local police nuclear expected to be insignificant police and firefighters are expected insignificant and offset by by increased tax revenue.

increased I

Shortage of physicians is aa statewide problem in Alabama, including Jackson Shortage Jackson County.

Minor injuries to workers minor effect workers would be treated by on-site likely would be treated treated at Highland Highland Medical effect on the already-existing on-site medical personnel. Other injuries Medical Center. Construction of BLN would have a already-existing physician shortage. Increased Increased need for hospital injuries I

services would impact staff. Overall, Highlands Medical impact Highlands Overall, as discussed Medical Center, which currently discussed in the COLA ER, Sections construction on medical services currently has adequate adequate beds and Sections 4.4.2, the impact of plant services likely would be minor under either either Alternative B B or or I

Alternative Alternative C. The COLA ER, Section 5.8.2, concludes small impact on the already-existing for single unit operation operation would be less than two-unit two-unit operation operation of BLN would have aa concludes that operation physician shortage. Furthermore, employment levels already-existing physician employment levels operation employment levels described I

in the COLA ER, which would reduce anticipated anticipated impacts on demand for physicians relative relative I

148 148 Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement I

I Chapter 3 I to the impact reported reported in the COLA ER. Increased Increased need for hospital services would Highlands Medical Center, which currently has adequate adequate beds would impact beds and staff. Overall, under either Alternative Alternative B or Alternative C, the impact of plant operations operations on medical medical services services I likely likely would be minor and insignificant.

3.13.7. Schools I Affected Environment Affected Environment Public schools are discussed in TVA's 1974 FES, Section 2.8. Schools are also discussed discussed I in the BLN Conversion EIS, Section are two school systems Section and in the Tritium EIS, Section There systems within Jackson County: Jackson Jackson County Schools and Scottsboro Scottsboro City Schools, both providing providing K-12 education.

education. For the 2007-08 school year, these districts districts I had 5,998 and 2,681 enrolled included in the COLA enrolled students, respectively. A discussion about COLA ER, Section

about local schools schools is I

Construction Construction Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences Under the No Action Alternative, construction would occur and there would be no Alternative, no construction no I additional additional demand for public schools.

In the TVA's 19741974 FES, Section 2.8, itit was concluded concluded that the school system could handlehandle the additional students with ease. The BLN ConversionConversion FEIS,Section I that the system would have have adequate, concluded that while long-term Tritium FEIS, Section, Section,, concluded adequate space for the projected increase. However, the long-term receipts from TVA would the offset additional additional cost, there would be aa short-term short-term gap gap in costs that would need to be filled.


I A more current current analysis analysis in the COLA ER, Section,, concluded concluded that the impact impact would be potentially significant but temporary, depending on the speed with which current school would district district expansion expansion plans are implemented.

implemented. Under Under either Alternative Alternative B or Alternative C, the the I construction of a single BLN Unit is expected to be moderate impact from construction concluded in the COLA ER.

moderate to significant, as as I Operation Operation Under the No Action Alternative, because of a nuclear because the population population increase increase associated associated with operation nuclear plant would not occur, there would be no additional demand for public schools.

operation I The TVA TVA 1974 FES did not evaluate Section, operational impacts on schools. In the Tritium FEIS, evaluate operational, it was concluded that over the long term, increased increased school receipts from TVA in-lieu-of-tax in-lieu-of-tax payments payments would exceed increased costs. The BLN Conversion exceed increased Conversion FEIS, I Section, noted that operations either operations impacts should present either Alternative B or Alternative C, the impact present no special problems. Under impact from operation operation of BLN Unit 1 is expected Under expected to be similar to, but less than, the impact discussed discussed in the COLA ER, Section,, where where I it it was estimated children. This impact that operation of BLN 3&4 would result impact is considered to be small to moderate.

in moderate.

about 340 additional school-age school-age I 3.13.8. Land Use Affected Environment Affected Environment I Jackson Jackson County, Alabama, in which the plant would be located, has an area of approximately 1,127 square miles.

approximately I

Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Impact Statement 149 149 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear Site I Scottsboro, the county seat of Jackson County, is the largest city in the county, with an estimated 2008 population population of 14,994.

14,994. The city has a well developed developed zoning plan and IU supporting zoning laws in place for land inside the city limits. Hollywood, IU Hollywood, 3 miles west of the site, is the closest town. ItIt has an estimated 2008 population of 924.

I5 Land use is discussed discussed in detail in the TVA's 1974 FES, Section 1.2 1.2 and Appendix Appendix A, as well as in the Tritium FEIS, Section,, and the BLN Conversion Conversion FEIS, Section Section 3.1.14.

These These describe the surrounding surrounding area as largely forest and agriculture agriculture or undeveloped, undeveloped, with development concentrated concentrated largely along the Scottsboro-Stevenson-Bridgeport Scottsboro-Stevenson-Bridgeport corridor corridor around U.S. Highway Highway 72. Since these studies were completed, increase in development, primarily primarily commercial, completed, there along Highway commercial, along County. The COLA ER, Sections 2.2 and, contain a recent there has been aa noticeable Highway 72 through noticeable through most of Jackson Jackson description of land use.

recent description I Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences I Construction Construction Under the No Action Alternative, no construction would occur and therefore Under no impacts to land use.

therefore there would be be I

Impacts Impacts of plant construction construction on land use were discussed discussed in the TVA's 1974 1974 FES, Section 2.9. They are also discussed FEIS, Section discussed in the Tritium FEIS, Section, Under Section Under either Alternative, and in the Conversion Alternative B or Alternative C, the proposed I

construction would require no additional land acquisition and no road relocations. No new transmission lines or other uses of off-site land related to construction transmission demand for housing could convert some land in the area to residential proposed. The construction are proposed. The residential housing or to use for for I

temporary temporary housing units such as mobile mobile homes or RVs. To a great extent, this conversion conversion likely would be an acceleration acceleration of the longer-term likely would not significantly longer-term trend reflecting significantly alter the long-term reflecting growth in the area, and long-term trends in land use. These impacts are I expected to be minor and similar to those described expected described in more detail in the COLA ER, Section 4.1.


Operation I

Under the No Action Alternative, there would no new plant and therefore no impacts of plant operation.


plant I

Impacts of the plant on land use were discussed in the TVA's 1974 1974 FES, Sections Sections 2.9 and and 3.0.

3.0. They are They are also also discussed in discussed in the the Tritium FEIS, Tritium FEIS, Section Section, and, and in in the the FEIS, Section Under either Alternative B or Alternative C, adverse impacts to land FE IS, Section Under either Alternative B or Alternative C, adverse impacts to land Conversion Conversion I use from operation operation of the BLN plant would be insignificant. A detailed discussion discussion of these impacts is included in the COLA ER, Section 5.1. 5.1.

I 3.13.9. Local Government Local Government Revenues Affected Environment Affected Environment I government revenues Local government revenues are not discussed in TVA's 1974 FES. They are discussed in discussed in the Tritium FE Conversion FEIS IS in Conversion FEIS. A more Section

section However, more recent and extensive they are not discussed discussed in The BLN BLN discussion is included in the COLA ER, extensive discussion I I

I 150 Draft Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement Supplemental Environmental Statement I

I Chapter 3 Chapter I Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences Construction Construction I Under the No Action Alternative, no change Under would not be constructed.


revenues would occur because change in tax revenues because the plant plant I Under either Alternative Under Alternative B or C, construction activities workers and their families would increase impacts, including activities and purchases increase revenues including TVA in-lieu-of-tax purchases and expenditures expenditures by revenues on various state and local taxes. These in-lieu-of-tax payments, are discussed discussed in the Tritium FEIS, Section by They are not discussed in the Bellefonte Bellefonte Conversion FEIS. These impacts would would I be similar to those described described in the COLA ER, Section moderate to significant and beneficial in Jackson moderate They are expected to be Section

Jackson County, but minor and beneficial the beneficial in the be region.


I Operation Operation Under Under the No Action Alternative, no change in tax revenues revenues would occur because because nono I nuclear nuclear plant would be operated.

Under Under either operated.

either Alternative B or C, revenues revenues from state and local taxes would increase increase during during I operations, although to a lesser payments lesser extent than during construction. TVA in-lieu-of-tax payments to the State of Alabama Alabama also would increase.

from these payments to Jackson in-lieu-of-tax increase. As a result, the amount amount allocated Jackson County would increase. These impacts are discussed in in the Tritium FEIS, Section The amount of the increase increase has not been estimated; I however, itit would be a noticeable noticeable increase.

increase. These impacts described in the COLA ER, Section, described impacts would be similar to those, considered those beneficial in considered to be moderately beneficial in Jackson County.

Jackson I 3.13.10. Cumulative Effects Cumulative TVA's 1974 FES did not address cumulative radiological impact on the cumulative effects, other than radiological the I Tennessee River (see Appendix J). They were Tennessee and in the BLN Conversion were discussed discussed in the Tritium FEIS, Section 5.3, Conversion FEIS, Section 4.4.2. In the COLA ER, the cumulative cumulative effects of projects within 50-miles of BLN. The realignment forseeable projects Redstone Arsenal as part realignment of Redstone part of I the Base Realignment Realignment and Closure area that could contribute Closure Act of 2005, contribute to cumulative socioeconomic was the one planned socioeconomic effects. Because project planned project within Because Redstone that that Redstone Arsenal is located located at the periphery of the 50-mile BLN region, and the construction periods of I Redstone Arsenal and BLN would significant significant cumulative discussed cumulative impacts would not be likely likely to coincide, BLN is not likely impacts on socioeconomics.

likely to result in socioeconomics. The impacts would be similar to those discussed in more detail in the COLA ER, Section 4.7.

I 3.14. Solid and Hazardous The earliest earliest BLN Hazardous Waste NEPA document, Waste TVA's 1974 FES, addressed addressed expected solid waste I generation generation resulting from plant construction, clearing construction, normal plant activities, and transmission line clearing and control practices, and the proposed disposal disposal of those wastes.

line Plant construction solid waste, such as metal, lumber scrap, and other salvageable salvageable I material, was to be collected commercial collected periodically for sale or removal from the site. Trees having no commercial value and stumps were cut, piled, and burned in accordance accordance with federal, state, no and local air quality regulations. Broken concrete, rock, and residue from wood burning burning I were "used in landfill material" onsite.

I Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 151 I

Single Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Bellefonte Site Site I Normal non-radiological non-radiological solid wastes demineralizers, wastes included included sludge from water demineralizers, paper, soft drink cans, glass, wood, water treatment treatment plant filters and wood, and to a much lesser extent garbage.

I Scrap metals (other than cans) were to be salvaged salvaged and sold. Scrap lumber was to be be salvaged salvaged for TVA use, or made available available to scavengers, other solid waste. ItIt was anticipated scavengers, and the residue disposed of with anticipated that this solid waste would be disposed of at either with either a I

TVA sanitary landfill operated by TVA personnel personnel in accordance accordance with EPA regulations, or in aa state-approved state-approved landfill operated contractor. Economics disposal.

operated on non-TVA property Economics was expected property by a municipality, county, or private expected to be a major determinant determinant of the option selected private selected for I disposal.

Regarding solid waste from transmission line clearing, the marketable timber Regarding sold, if if practicable, and the remaining forest slash burned in accordance timber was to be accordance with the applicable be applicable I

environmental environmental regulations, or piled in windrows windrows along the ROW, where burning burning was unacceptable. Other Other waste, which should be in much smaller quantities, was comprised of wooden reels from cable dispensation, cardboard, steel retaining bands, etc. These was These waste waste I

consolidated at the staging areas for disposal materials were to be consolidated disposal at an approved approved landfill, landfill, or smaller amounts burned locally. I This initial analysis analysis formed the general general basis (template) for the evaluation of the the management and disposal management the the various phases and disposal of solid waste in the subsequent various phases and alternative alternative options for the options for subsequent NEPA documents the use of the use of plant and the plant documents addressing the site.

and the addressing site. Thus, while Thus, while I the nominal nominal categories changed changed over time, the general assemblage assemblage of wastes remained largely the same. Also, the manner/location manner/location of disposal varied, with offsite disposal retained as the favored option but disposal of various various wastes onsite being maintained option. Actual and planned disposal was always in accordance maintained as an accordance with existing applicableapplicable I

environmental environmental regulations.

In 1976, Environmental Report 1976, the Final Environmental Report (TVA 1976)1976) restated the solid waste waste categories categories as as I

demolition/construction demolition/construction waste, domestic (municipal (municipal type) waste, clearing and demolition/construction demolition/construction waste and added problem waste.

added the category non-radiological non-radiological hazardous waste or I exhaustive list was provided An exhaustive provided of likely items included plastic, packing materials (metal retaining included in domestic waste: garbage, paper, retaining bands, excelsior, cardboard),

cardboard), leather, rubber, I

glass, soft drink and food cans, expired expired animals animals and fish, oil and air filters, floor sweepings, ashes, wood, largest wood, textiles, and scrap metal.

largest type of non-radiological metal. Domestic waste, by this definition, definition, was listed as the non-radiological solid waste. Domestic and demolition/construction were to be disposed of in a local, state-approved state-approved sanitary demolition/construction wastes landfill.

sanitary landfill.

wastes the I

Notably, itit was stated that broken concrete dirt, along with the residue from burning concrete and bricks, waste concrete, asphalt, rocks, and burning clearing wastes, were used as unclassified unclassified fill I

material material onsite. Also, there there was no planned planned disposal of domestic solid waste or hazardous hazardous wastes in the fill area. All lumber used for forms, scaffolding, practical practical and then offered offered to the general scaffolding, etc. was reused general public for firewood reused as long firewood or other use. Unwanted long as Unwanted scrap as I lumber lumber from the salvaging operation was disposed of in an unclassified salvaging operation unclassified fill area. ScrapScrap metals and other recyclable materials metals removed from the site.

materials were collected, offeredoffered for periodic sale, and and I

Non-radiological and/or disposal Examples disposal hazardous wastes were Non-radiological hazardous methods to avoid illness represented as those that require special handling were represented or injury to persons persons or damage to the handling environment. I Examples given of hazardous waste were empty containers from paints, solvents, I

152 Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Impact Statement I

I Chapter 3 Chapter I pesticides, acids, oils, PCBs, chemical Problem wastes were represented chemical grouts, as well as the materials themselves.

represented as those wastes that are difficult to handle by by Examples given of problem wastes conventional means. Examples wastes were sludges from water water and I wastewater wastewater treatment treatment plants, tires, materials from intake screens, and materials cleanup of chemical or oil spills.

materials used in the the I It should be noted that the Resource Resource Conservation Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)

(40 CFR Parts 260 - 273), the basis for current hazardous hazardous waste management, were regulations (RCRA) regulations were not yet in force at the time of this report (TVA 1976).

I In the TVA White Paper (TVA 1993a), which was developed needed to be supplemented needed developed to determine supplemented for the proposed change from deferred determine ifif the BLN FEIS deferred status, asbestos asbestos FEIS I materials were added to the list of BLN wastes. Notably, for the disposal of certain non-materials radiological nonhazardous radiological nonhazardous waste, the intent was to be able to dispose of these wastes either offsite in State-approved State-approved sanitary landfills or in onsite approved approved landfills wastes depending on landfills depending the economics.

economics. Any hazardous hazardous wastes would be disposed of or treated offsite at State-I approved treatment/disposal approved treatment/disposal facilities. Discussions of the tritium option (TVA 2000) addition to a relisting of the likely solid wastes, included estimates of the hazardous included estimates 2000) in hazardous and nonhazardous waste nonhazardous waste generated by the completion completion of Unit 1 and Units 11&2. &2.

I The BLN Conversion Conversion EIS (TVA.

five fossil-based alternatives (TVA 1997) addressed addressed solid and hazardous hazardous wastes generated generated by alternatives to the exclusion of the nuclear option for the BLN plant. Only by I relatively small quantities relatively quantities of solid hazardous hazardous and non fossil-based nonhazardous nonhazardous wastes generated at BLN at that time as the existing plant was in regulatory deferred were generated wastes deferred status.

Beyond the large volume solid wastes associated with the fossil-based wastes associated fossil-based options, the typical I hazardous and nonhazardous hazardous nonhazardous waste generation In the 2006 Final Environmental generation was discussed.

Environmental Assessment, solid and hazardous hazardous waste generation generation was was included in the discussion of impacts associated with the cancellation cancellation of construction of thethe I existing facility and withdrawal other site alternatives.

withdrawal of the construction alternatives. Further Further details construction permits. This action details are presented presented and discussed action was taken to pursue discussed under the Affected pursue Environment Environment below.

I Most recently, the COLA ER provided a description of the solid waste generation generation associated with the construction and operation associated operation of the BLN 3&4 AP1000 AP1 000 plant. Information I as to the types of solid waste presented and discussed presented waste and the quantities discussed under Alternative quantities were included. Further details are Alternative C below.

I 3.14.1. Affected Affected Environment The changes in solid and hazardous waste generation at BLN from the earlier NEPA review conditions result from the further reduction of plant activities activities from those prevailing under the the I deferred status (TVA 2006). The effect of the resultant activities is reflected deferred quantitative distribution quantitative distribution of wastes rather than changes reflected mostly in the changes in the types of wastes.

the Recent Recent activities at BLN have been primarily those necessarynecessary to clean the plant and I maintain selected plant systems and the physical maintain power is being generated physical plant in a state of nondeterioration. No generated onsite, some plant equipment has been been sold or transferred to other TVA plants/facilities, plants/facilities, remaining reservoirs/containers of various types of oil have been remaining reservoirs/containers I drained and the oils sent for recycling recycling or disposal. Notably, the switchyards switchyards and the transformer yard onsite are being maintained in an active state, and facilities are being the I

Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Impact 153 153 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site .

Single Nuclear I maintained to house personnel.

maintained Station continue continue to be personnel. Also, the Simulator Building and the Environmental Data used for training. The onsite staff is about 200 persons.

Data I The solid waste generated generated is minimal, the plant. Typical sanitary minimal, commensurate commensurate with the reduced sanitary solid waste is routinely put in dumpsters reduced level of activity at dumpsters onsite onsite and I

subsequently disposed of offsite in an approved sanitary landfill. Within the last three years nonhazardous waste generated at BLN included (2007 to present), nonhazardous included 4 roll-offs (20 cubic cubic yards each) of roofing materials (flashing, felt, etc.) etc.) and 11 roll-offs roll-offs (20 cubic yards each) of m asbestos waste generated generated from the repair and upkeep upkeep of plant buildings, and 1 roll-off roll-off (20 cubic yards) of oily debris (dirt and gravel). This material contained disposed of at the ADEM-approved contained in roll-offs was ADEM-approved Sand Valley Landfill in Collinsville, Alabama. This landfill has available capacity capacity for the disposal disposal of solid waste for the next 59 years, at the was This the I

current disposal disposal rates.

nonhazardous solid waste generated at BLN during the same Other nonhazardous same period, included 1392 1392 I

kilograms (kg)

(kg) of used oil (used oil, oily water, used grease, etc.) etc.) in large part from the the decommissioning decommissioning of plant operating equipment, 2489 kg of oily debris (oily rags, pads, and absorbents), and 125 125 kg of non-PCB ballasts. These drummed nonhazardous nonhazardous materials materials and I were were shipped to the TVA HazardousHazardous Waste Waste Storage Facility (HWSF)

Storage Facility (HWSF) for disposal or recycling, as appropriate.

appropriate. The TVA HWSF provides nonhazardous waste prior to disposal.

nonhazardous provides interim storage of some of TVA's TVA's I

As with solid waste, the hazardous waste generated the reduced reduced Generator Generator level (CESQG).

of activity A

at the plant.

CESQG generates generated is minimal, again commensurate BLN is a generates hazardous Conditionally Conditionally hazardous waste Exempt commensurate with Small Quantity Small Quantity waste at a rate of less than 100 kg kg I

(220 pounds [Ibs)])

[Ibs)]) in any calendar manages the waste in a manner specified calendar month and manages the EPA (40 CFR §261.5). Within the last three years (2007 to present), 761 kg of hazardous waste were shipped to the TVA HWSF hazardous HWSF for disposal. These specified by These hazardous wastes wastes I

included paints, paint related related materials, solvents, corrosive liquids, aerosol cans, discardeddiscarded chemicals, and broken described described as broken fluorescent bulbs. Drummed PCB ballasts (268 kg), which can be toxic rather than hazardous in hazardous terms of the regulations, were also sent to the be the I

TVA HWSF for disposal. Just as for the solid waste, the TVA HWSF HWSF manages a number of waste management options management contracts that provide options approved provide TVA with a variety regulators (Table 3-11).

approved by regulators 3-11).

variety of hazardous waste disposal hazardous waste I

The TVA HWSF commercial located in Muscle HWSF is located most of the TVA hazardous Muscle Shoals, Alabama, and provides interim storage of hazardous wastes and some other wastes, pending shipment to permitted appropriate disposal.

I commercial facilities for appropriate I



154 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Supplemental Environmental Statement I

I Chapter 3 I 3-11.

Table 3-11.


Hazardous Waste StoragelDisposal Hazardous Facility FacilitY" Storage/Disposal Capacity Available to BLN Specialty Specjalty ~


6**Capacity " ---. -

7-Capacity --j I Hazardous Waste Storage TVA Hazardous Facility (HWSF)


Interim storage prior to 72 shipment shipment for disposal 720 55-gallon equivalent containers 87,750 gal/day gal/day treatment in in containers containers Environmental Services Veolia Environmental Fuel blending 110,000 gal/day treatment in 110,000 in tanks tanks I RMI, Morrow, Morrow, Georgia Fuel blending 167,500 gallons storage 167,500 storage in 176,598 gallons storage 4x63 cubic storage in yards solid in containers containers in tanks bulkaa solid bulk cubic yards Environmental Services Veolia Environmental Incineration 300,000 gallons liquid bulkaa I TWI, Sauget, TWI, Illinois Sauget, Illinois Chemical Waste Management Chemical Management Incineration Stabilization and 300,000 gallons liquid 11,380 55-gallon bulk containersa 11,380 55-gallon containers a 800,000 tons/year for 10 to 20 years

- 800,000 tons/year for 10 to 20 years Emelle, Alabama landfilling landfilling I a - MaXimum Maximum to be held onslte onsite at any one time.

anyone I 3.14.2.

3.14.2. Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences The types and amounts of solid and hazardous hazardous waste generated by the alternatives alternatives duringduring and construction and operation are described described below. For both action alternatives, recycling alternatives, recycling I of potential waste materials pressure materials such as oils, wood/lumber, and scrap metal, reduces pressure on sanitary and other landfill capacity, ultimately mitigating any potential disposal effects. Also; Also, the likely implementation of a chemical traffic control program reduces thethe potential adverse adverse likely implementation program at the the I plant minimizes the discarded-chemicals on hazardous discarded-chemicals hazardous hazardous waste disposal landfill capacity, ultimately disposal effects.

hazardous waste stream, reducing the pressure ultimately mitigating any potential adverse pressure adverse I Because the disposal with the applicable disposal of the solid and hazardous applicable regulations hazardous wastes would always be in accordance regulations and at permitted facilities, and these facilities currently accordance currently havehave adequate adequate capacity capacity to serve BLN needs, any adverse adverse effects from the generation, generation, I management, and disposal of these wastes are likely to be small. This is true for construction construction and operation operation effects for both Alternative B and Alternative Alternative C.

I The discussion discussion to follow will describe hazardous hazardous wastes cumulative effects would be describe only indirect effects. Because wastes would be disposed of offsite, there would be no direct minimized by the use of permitted Because all of the solid and direct effects. Also, landfills.

cumulative permitted These facilities facilities I would provide provide substantive would be capped substantive barriers barriers separating separating the waste from the at risk groundwater capped as well minimizing the cumulative effect of placing BLN and non-BLN waste in the same facility.

groundwater and I Construction Construction Effects Alternative A Effects Alternative I For this alternative, there would be no construction activity beyond routine maintenance the physical plant. Any construction/demolition disposed of in a state-approved construction/demolition waste would be minimal and would be landfill. A minor amount of construction-related state-approved landfill.

maintenance of be hazardous construction-related hazardous waste is anticipated anticipated for this alternative beyond paint-related waste, and this would be sent I to the TVA HWSF for disposal.

Alternative B Alternative I The quantities quantities and types of solid waste generated primarily primarily by the number generated by this option would be determined number buildings demolished and/or renovated determined renovated to meet the needs of the the new new generation generation system and the equipment equipment that must be taken out and replaced. replaced. In In the the I

Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 155 155 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear Site I CLWR FEIS, DOE estimated that 392 cubic meters of concrete waste and 208 tons of steel waste would be generated generated for the completion of BLN Unit 1for the duration of the the IS construction period (DOE 1999). Under Under Alternative B, B, no major buildings would be be demolished.

demolished. However, it is expected that scrap metal waste would be generated from the replacement of old equipment and components. Thus, it is expected that a large number of replacement theHI I

I5 motors would be discarded, producing steel and copper for recycling. Other sources for scrap metal for recycling include include steel from the replacement replacement of the steam steam generator, copper from the replacement replacement of electrical electrical cables, and sheet metal from the renovation renovation of thethe Control Room/Building. This materialmaterial would be recycled as much as practicable.

Also, as indicated indicated in the COLA ER, the intended require some maintenance intended use of an existing cooling tower would maintenance and refurbishment. This renovationrenovation would include include removal removal of I

asbestos fill material material and replacement generate generate asbestos replacement with aa nonhazardous asbestos waste for disposal.

nonhazardous material.

material. This process would I

Any construction/demolition construction/demolition wastes generated during the building/renovation building/renovation process would process would be managed through the existing TVA waste disposal be managed through the existing TVA waste disposal contracts disposal capacity or recycling facilities, as needed.

disposal capacity or recycling facilities, as needed.

contracts to access permitted permitted I

Likely hazardous hazardous wastes generated during the construction wastes, paint thinners, dried paint, and parts estimated estimated that 6.3 tons of solid hazardous construction phase would parts cleaning liquids. In hazardous waste would include paint In the CLRW FEIS, DOE waste and 56.7 tons of liquid hazardous DOE hazardous waste waste I

would be generated generated for the completion of BLN Unit 1for period. (DOE 1999) These hazardous disposal.


hazardous wastes would 1for the duration of the construction would be sent to the TVA HWSF for construction I

Alternative Alternative C During the initial phase, solid waste for this alternative alternative would be generated generated from the the I

demolition demolition of several existing buildings, the construction of the new plant, and the clearing and grubbing of a limited existing limited amount of additional acreage. Based on a comparison comparison of the existing structures on the Alternative B and Alternative C site plans (Figures 2-1 and 2-4),

the I several several buildings including the existing existing turbine building and the administration administration complex would need to be demolished.

I Construction/demolition Construction/demolition wastes wastes are likely to include scrap metal, masonry, broken concrete, manufactured wood products, cardboard, plastics, broken wall board, lumber, manufactured materials, and such. The additional acreage acreage is currently currently covered covered in overgrowth and some preparation would generate roofing broken glass, roofing some I forestation (TVA 2008). As a result, site preparation generate some wood and other vegetative waste from the clearing and grubbing.

vegetative waste from the clearing and grubbing.

As stated for Alternative B, the intended use of an existing cooling tower would require As stated for Alternative B, the intended use of an existing cooling tower would require I

some maintenance maintenance and refurbishment refurbishment and would would result in similar effects.

All solid wastes would be disposed disposed of in state-approved state-approved landfills, as needed.

I Hazardous Hazardous waste generated generated during construction construction would include paint wastes, paint thinners, dried paint, and parts cleaning liquids. COLA COLA ER estimated that 5,000 Ibs lbs (2,230 kg) of I hazardous hazardous waste per year would be generated generated during the construction construction of aa two-unit AP1 AP1000000 plant. This translates uniform uniform translates distribution of into the about about 2,500 hazardous hazardous lbs (1,115 Ibs (1,115 waste kg) generation per year for Alternative Alternative C. Assuming generation over the year would make the plant a


CESQG. Therefore, based upon the assumption assumption that construction of the AP1 000 would AP1000 I

156 156 Draft Supplemental Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement I

I Chapter 3 I last 6.5 years, an estimated 16,250 during construction of the AP1000.

lbs (7.25 tons) of hazardous waste would be generated 16,250 Ibs AP1 000.

generated Operational Effects Operational Effects Alternative A I Under Under Alternative A there would be limited quantities regard to hazardous hazardous waste quantities of solid waste for disposal and, with waste the plant would continue continue to be aa CESQG.

Alternative B I calculations of the quantities While exact calculations quantities of solid and hazardous waste generated under Alternative B are yet to be determined generated waste that would be determined by the DSEP, indications can be be be gleaned from the ongoing experienceexperience of existing nuclear nuclear plants.

I Solid wastes wastes generated currentlycurrently by the TVA nuclear nuclear plants include oily debris (absorbent, boom, rags from cleanup, oily gravel gravel and dirt), spent resin, desiccant, and alkaline batteries.

I These wastes landfill.

wastes are shipped to the TVA HWSF for disposal by contractor in a permitted landfill. Wood Wood waste that cannot be recycled is recycled.


recycled also goes to a permitted landfill. Scrap metal I Types of hazardous waste waste generated currently paint thinners, paint solids, discarded currently by the TVA nuclear plants include discarded laboratory include paint, laboratory chemicals, spent fixer (X-ray solution),

parts washer liquid, liquid, hydrazine, hydrazine, rags from hydrazine hydrazine cleanup, and sulfuric acid and sodium I hydroxide waste from demineralizers hydroxide demineralizers beds and makeup fluorescent bulbs. These operating makeup water treatment, and broken operating plants tend to be EPA hazardous hazardous waste waste small quantity generators generators (SQGs), i.e. they generate between 100 kg and 1000 kg of hazardous waste per hazardous per I calendar month. During outages, they may temporarily calendar large quantity generators temporarily become generators (greater than 1000 kg per calendar become EPA hazardous calendar month) hazardous waste waste month) for the period of the the operating TVA nuclear plants providing these generation outage. The operating multi-unit generation rates are multi-unit I plants, thus itit is likely that the proposed proposed single unit plant will have a lower generation generation rate.

However, itit is also likely that the single unit plant would be a SQG during normal operation. operation.

I Regardless, Regardless, the hazardous hazardous wastes contracts for hazardous contracts wastes are shipped to the TVA HWSF in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, for interim storage prior to disposal at aa permitted facility. The TVA HWSF has hazardous waste disposal by a number number of methods (Table 3.11) 3.11) with with has companies with significant companies significant disposal capacity.

I Alternative C Alternative nonradioactive waste for the operation Anticipated nonradioactive operation of an AP1000 AP1 000 would include typical I industrial industrial wastes such as metal, wood, and paper, as well as process radioactive radioactive resins, filters and sludge (TVA 2008a). That study process wastes such as non-estimated the "the plant plant non-(Units 3&4) would generate generate approximately 800 tons of nonhazardous, nonhazardous, non-radiological non-radiological solid solid I waste (i.e., trash) during each year of plant operation." Based on this estimate for two AP1000 units, the estimated AP1600 AP1000 estimated quantity of solid waste generated generated annually two annually during operation operation aa single AP1 000 would be approximately approximately 400 tons. Based on the TVA experience, experience, additional I nonhazardous waste such as oily debris, desiccant smaller amounts of nonhazardous also.

desiccant would be expected Hazardous Hazardous waste generated generated during normal plant operation operation would include paint wastes, I paint thinners, dried paint, parts cleaning liquids, discarded chemicals, waste base. BasedBased on estimates chemicals, waste acid and estimates in the COLA ER for two unit operation (TVA 2008a),

operation of aa single single AP1000 AP1 000 would generate generate about 2000 Ibs lbs (893 kg) kg) per year. Assigning I

Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Impact 157 157 I

Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Site II a uniform distribution of the hazardous plant aa CESQG. Hazardous hazardous waste generation over the year would make the Hazardous wastes wastes would be shipped to the TVA HWSF HWSF for disposal.

the II Seismology 3.15. Seismology III Ii 3.15.1.

3.15.1. Affected Environment Affected TVA's 1974 1974 FES describes the maximum historical Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI historical Modified (MMI - a scale of earthquake earthquake effects that ranges from Roman numeral I through through XII)XII) experienced experienced at at BLN from nearby nearby earthquakes. Section 2.5 of the BLN FSAR (TVA 1986) describes describes the the geology geology and seismicity seismicity in the vicinity of BLN and contains aa summary of significant significant regional earthquakes earthquakes through 1973. The seismic history of the region around BLN from 1974 through January 2005 is contained contained in appendix 2AA of the COLA FSAR. Table 1974 3-12 lists lists I

the most recent seismic history (February 2005 through December 2008) for earthquakes earthquakes within 200 miles of BLN having magnitudes catalog maintained maintained by the Advanced magnitudes of 2.5 or greater greater based on the earthquake National Seismic System (ANSS 2009).

Advanced National earthquake I Table 3-12. Earthquakes Earthquakes Within 2008)1 2008)1 Within 200 miles of BLN (February 2005-December (February 2005-December III Date Time Time* -

Latitude (Degrees (Degrees North)

Longitude Longitude (Degrees West)

Westl' Depth Depth (km)


Magnitude Magnitude Magnitude ,I Majnitude i .

  • ype Type IlI II 03/18/2005 02:16.3 35.723 -84.164 9.1 3.2 Me Mc 03/22/2005 11:50.5 11 :50.5 31.836 -88.06 5.0 3.3 ML ML 04/05/2005 37:42.6 36.147 -83.693 10.0 2.9 Me Mc II 04/14/2005 38:15.7 35.468 -84.091 15.5 2.8 Me Mc 06/07/2005 33:36.7 33.531 -87.304 5.0 2.8 ML ML 10/12/2005 10/12/2005 27:30.1 35.509 -84.544 8.1 3.8 Me Mc 10/25/2005 10/25/2005 18:10.5 18:10.5 34.429 -85.315 9.1 2.6 Me Mc 10/28/2005 10/28/2005 10/29/2005 10/29/2005 05:40.3 46:20.7 46:20.7 33.003 33.034


-83.156 14.4 17.1 2.7 2.5 Me Mc Me Mc II 03/11/2006 03/11/2006 37:20.1 35.192 -87.996 0.0 2.9 Me Mc 03/11/2006 03/11/2006 08:54.2 32.712 -88.159 30.7 2.6 Me Mc 04/11/2006 04/11/2006 05/10/2006 05/10/2006 05/16/2006 05/16/2006 29:20.8 17:29.2 17:29.2 23:19.9 35.362 35.533 32.85



-88.087 19.5 24.7 20.5 3.3 3.2 2.5 Me Mc Me Mc Me Mc I

ML 06/16/2006 06/16/2006 07/11/2006 08/07/2006 57:27.2 45:40.7 45:40.7 44:27.7 35.515 33.606 34.937 34.937



-85.461 4.7 1.0 14.2 3.1 2.8 2.9 ML ML ML Me Mc I

II 09/05/2006 32:42.6 33.705 33.705 -82.992 10.2 2.5 Me Mc 10/02/2006 10/02/2006 56:19.2 35.468 35.468 -84.984 8.7 2.5 Me Mc 12/18/2006 12/18/2006 34:26.5 35.362 35.362 -84.349 17.2 3.3 ML ML II 01/03/2007 05:45.0 05:45.0 35.92 -83.95 15.3 2.7 ML ML 02/07/2007 34:54.0 34:54.0 34.61 -85.31 10.7 2.6 ML ML 03/23/2007 15:33.3 15:33.3 33.652 33.652 -87.067 5.0 2.6 ML ML II 05/04/2007 16:28.2 16:28.2 33.797 33.797 -87.299 5.0 3 ML ML 06/19/2007 16:27.0 16:27.0 35.79 -85.36 1.2 3.5 ML ML 07/27/2007 16:39.8 16:39.8 33.834 33.834 -87.329 1.0 2.6 ML ML 10/23/2007 10/23/2007 16:12.0 16:12.0 35.59 -84.1 21.3 2.8 ML ML 11/17/2007 11/17/2007 22:55.7 37.393 2.5 ML ML 37.393 -83.087 1.0 I

01/01/2008 01/04/2008 59:53.0 59:53.0 55:28.5 55:28.5 37.04 33.106 33.106


-86.161 3.9 3.9 5.0 5.0 2.5 2.5 ML ML ML ML I'

01/23/2008 22:13.8 33.739 -87.18 1.0 1.0 2.8 ML ML II 158 158 Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement I


I Chapter 3 I I. Date Date Time-Time Latitude (Degrees (Degrees Longitude Longitude


'(Degrees I


.' Magnitude (kin) .: .Magnitude

!Depth Magnitude agntud Magnitude Type Magnitude North) .,r . West)

, (k'!l)

., . c.

ry~e I


02/23/2008 03:18.5 33.864 -87.165 1.0 2.6 ML ML 04/08/2008 04/08/2008 43:44.4 33.649 -87.502

-87.502 1.0 1.0 2.6 2.6 ML ML 05/07/2008 05/07/2008 44:35.1 33.691 -87.211 1.0 1.0 2.7 ML ML I 05/16/2008 05/16/2008 06/23/2008 06/23/2008 06/28/2008 06/28/2008 39:14.9 30:20.0 40:36.5 31.773 34.92 33.276



-87.396 5.0 8.8 5.0 3.1 3.1 3.1 ML ML ML ML ML ML 10/31/2008 10/31/2008 37:34.0 35.77 -84 7.6 2.9 Mc I 12/18/2008 12/18/2008 05:06.8 magnitude Mc = Coda magnitude 36.043 -83.662 5.0 2.9 ML ML ML = Local magnitude magnitude I 11Source:

Source: Advanced Advanced National National Seismic System Earthquake Earthquake Catalog (2009)

The most significant earthquake earthquake to occur near BLN since 1973 1973 was the Fort Payne Payne earthquake which occurred on April 29, 2003 in northeastern earthquake northeastern Alabama, near the Georgia Georgia border. This earthquake earthquake has aa measured Lg wave magnitude magnitude (mbLg) of 4.9 and a moment moment magnitude magnitude (M) (M) of 4.6 (USGS 2009). The Fort Payne earthquake Payne earthquake caused minor damage, including damage damage to chimneys, cracked walls and foundations, broken windows, and I collapse collapse of a 9-m (29-foot)-wide sinkhole 2009). BasedBased on reconnaissance sinkhole near the epicenter reconnaissance in the epicentral epicenter (Geological (Geological Survey of Alabama Alabama landslides were reported, and epicentral area, no landslides damage damage to chimneys was observed only for chimneys chimneys with masonry in poor/weakened I condition. Other masonry, including chimneys in good condition, and several buildings did not appear to be damaged. The earthquake earthquake occurred several old masonry occurred at a depthdepth of about 8 to 15 kilometers (km) (km) (5.0 to 9.3 miles) (Earthquake (Earthquake Center 2009 and USGS USGS 2009). Based on I the U.S. Geological Survey's Community Internet Intensity Mercalli Intensity Mercalli Intensity at BLN would have have been IV Intensity Map, the observed Modified IV to V (USGS 2009). The Fort Payne Modified Payne magnitude is still lower than that of the maximum historical earthquake earthquake's magnitude earthquake in the the I southern Appalachians Appalachians which was the 1897 Giles County, Virginia earthquake. The 1897 earthquake had a maximum MMI of VIII and an estimated Therefore, the 2003 Fort Payne earthquake is estimated body wave well within the known historical maximum 1897 magnitude of 5.8.

wave magnitude Payne earthquake I magnitude earthquake in the southern magnitude earthquake Appalachian region and is consistent southern Appalachian earthquake history of the region described in the TVA's 1974 consistent with the 1974 FES and 1986 BLN FSAR.

the As the record of recent earthquakes earthquakes indicates, small to occasionally occasionally moderate earthquakes moderate earthquakes I continue to occur networks that have occur in the southern have been southern Appalachians. Data from regional been in operation operation since the 1980s regional seismic monitoring 1980s indicate that the vast majority of monitoring these earthquakes earthquakes occur within the basement basement rocks of the southern Appalachians at depths depths I from 5 to 26 km (3.1 to 16.1 the basement rocks are believed 16.1 miles). Reactivation Reactivation of zones of existing weaknesses believed to be responsible for present day earthquake within weaknesses within earthquake activity in the region (Algermissen and Bollinger 1993).

I 3.15.2. Environmental Consequences Environmental Consequences Given the historic record of seismic seismic activity in the BLN region described described above, TVA

,I believes the basis for the safe shutdown earthquake described in section 2.5 of the BLN believes FSAR (TVA 1986) is still valid. The largest historical earthquake (TVA 1986) earthquake in the Southern BLN Appalachian Tectonic Appalachian Tectonic Province remains the 1897 1897 Giles County, Virginia earthquake.

I Regulatory Regulatory Seismic Requirements Requirements I

Draft Supplemental Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement 159 159 I

Single Single Nuclear Bellefonte Site Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte II TVA is currently performing feasibility studies relative to a comparison of the original seismic seismic design design basis spectra spectra (NRC Regulatory Guide 1.60 Rev 1) to 10 CFR Part 50, II Appendix Appendix S (Regulatory analyses (Regulatory Guide analyses to understand Guide 1.208 requirements apply to new generation 1.208 and Interim Interim Staff Guidance).

Guidance). The present present regulatory generation plant sites; however, TVA felt itit prudent understand how BLN 1 1&2

&2 original design and construction prudent to perform construction compared the to the I

latest requirements.

requirements. Based on results of these studies, it can be demonstrated demonstrated that the the existing existing Category Category 1 structures compare 2008). At such time that an agreed compare favorably with the latest Regulatory requirements (AREVA latest requirements agreed Regulatory Framework is established established for the completion II of BLN 1 1&2,

&2, design basis analyses analyses will be performed performed to demonstrate demonstrate compliance compliance with I5 with regulatory requirements.

As a standard plant, the seismic adequacy of the AP1 AP1000 000 design addressed through the design is addressed the NRC's review and approval of the vendor-supplied vendor-supplied Design Control Document.

3.16. Meteorology, Meteorology, Climatology and Air Quality I

The COLA ER contains an extensive discussion of the meteorology, extensive discussion meteorology, air quality, and climatology for the BLN site. The COLA ER used information contained contained in the TVA's 1974 I FES, onsite data 1979-1982, more recent climatological data from 1979-1982, climatological records, and onsite datadata for 2006-2007.

2006-2007. This report also uses data data collected for 15 15 additional months, into 2008.

2008.a5 3.16.1.

3.16.1. Affected Environment -- Climatology Affected Environment Climatology and and Meteorology I Regional Climatology Regional The overall regional Climatology regional climate climate description description in the COLA ER remains accurate, accurate, as conditions conditions IU since the application was submitted are consistent with those reported. The COLA ER ER acknowledged the 2006-2008 acknowledged conclusions 2006-2008 drought; however, it was not possible to make substantive conclusions about the impacts impacts of the drought because because it was ongoing. Since the substantive the II application application was submitted, the drought has ended and conditions conditions have returned to near near normal. Although this drought represented adjacent represented extreme adjacent areas, itit was not as intense extreme conditions for northeast intense as the other regional droughts ER in terms of magnitude and duration.


northeast Alabama and droughts discussed discussed in the COLA I Local Meteorology The meteorological Meteorology meteorological data collected I

collected from the BLN meteorological meteorological facility has expanded expanded by an additional 15 months beyond the COLA ER are updated beyond the 2006-2007 2006-2007 period in the COLA ER. The conclusions in updated as discussed below. I The COLA ER discussed only the winds measured meter winds) and atmospheric meter 55- and 10-meters 1O-meters above measured at 10 meters above the ground (10-atmospheric stability represented represented by temperatures above the ground (55-10 meter measured between temperatures measured meter atmospheric (10-between atmospheric stability), since only thatthat I

information was relevant information elevated releases elevated measured measured at 55 meters above to the AP1000 AP1 000 units. However, releases from the B&W reactor, itit is also necessary because of the potential potential for necessary to examine the winds above the ground (55-meter winds).

for I

10-meter 1 O-meter winds--For the entire 2006-2008 2006-2008 sampling sampling period of 27 months, the most frequent directions at 10 meters are from the north-northeast wind directions north-northeast at 13.15 percent and from the the I I3 south-southwest south-southwest at 12.54 12.54 percent. This is consistent consistent with the downvalley-upvalley downvalley-upvalley flowflow pattern pattern in the COLA ER and the earlier 1979-19821979-1982 data data collected at BLN.

160 Draft Supplemental II:

160 Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Impact Statement

I Chapter 3 I average wind speed of 4.11 mph equals The average 4.95 mph for the 1979-1982 equals the value in the COLA ER but is less than the 1979-1982 data. The frequency frequency of calms (defined as wind speeds less the than 0.6 mi/h) mi/h) decreased decreased from 0.753 percent in 1979-1982 1979-1982 to 0.397 0.397 percent percent in 2006-2008.

I 55-10 meter meter atmospheric atmospheric stability--The stability--The 2006-2008 2006-2008 data were measured measured for a 55-10 meter layer, while the 1979-1982 1979-1982 data were were measured for a 60-10 meter layer. This slight I difference in layer depth should have difference have minimal impact on stability class.

differences between The differences between the 1979-1982 1979-1982 data, data, the BLN COLA ER data, and the data for the the I entire 2006-2008 sampling Table Table 3-13.

sampling period of 27 months are summarized summarized in Table 3-13.

Comparison of Atmospheric Stability Data Collected Comparison Collected at BLN

,I (Percent Occurrence)

Stability Classification Unstable Occurrence) 1979-1982 1979~1982 2007 COLA ER'ER** ... 2006-2008 2006-2008 Unstable (classes A, B, and C)

A, S, C) 8.93 7.3 7.63 Neutral D)

Neutral (class D) 48.75 44.4 44.11 44.11 I Stable (classes E, F, and G)

  • 1979-1982 G) 42.33 48.2 1979-1982 data were measured for a 60-10 meter layer above ground.

48.27 48.27

    • 2006-2007 and 2006-2008 datadata were measured for a 55-10 meter layer layer above ground. The The I 2006-2007 data were in the COLA ER. The 2006-2008 were used in plus an additional 15 15 months months of data.

2006-2008 includes the COLA ER data I The COLA ER states "stability class frequency distributions show that the BLN site data gathered gathered over both time periods [1979-1982[1979-1982 and 2006-2007]

2006-2007] is relatively similar." Since the the data for the entire 2006-2008 period agree closely with the COLA ER, this conclusion conclusion still I applies.

55-meter winds--The 2006-2008 2006-2008 data 55-meter winds--The data were measured measured at 55 meters above ground, while the the 1979-1982 data were 1979-1982 measured at 60 meters above ground.

were measured ground. This slight difference difference in elevation elevation should have minimal impact on interpretation interpretation of wind data.

For the entire 2006-2008 sampling entire 2006-2008 sampling period of 27 months, the most frequent wind directions directions at 55 meters meters are from the northeast 18.35 percent, from the north-northeast northeast at 18.35 north-northeast at 15.13 15.13 percent, and from the south-southwest south-southwest at 11.97 11.97 percent. This is consistent with the the downvalley-upvalley downvalley-upvalley flow pattern in the 1979-1982 data.

The average average wind speed of 6.46 mph is less than the 7.13 mph for the 1979-1982 1979-1982 data.

The frequency frequency of calms (defined as wind speeds less than 0.6 mi/h) milh) decreased decreased from 0.085 I percent in 1979-1982

1979-1982 to 0.005 percent in 2006-2008. Severe Severe Weather Weather I Section tornado 2.7; 1.2 of the COLA ER describes possible thunderstorms, thunderstorms, and hail at BLN.

probability discussion in section tornado probability possible impacts of hurricanes, tornadoes, BLN. This section remains accurate section

accurate with the exception exception of the the I The COLA ER estimate is based on 1950-2005 alone, the probability 1950-2005 data. Based Based on data from Jackson probability of aa tornado striking the site is calculated Jackson County calculated as 2.84E-4 (or a 0.000284/1 chance chance of aa tornado striking the site within any single year). This converts converts to a tornado tornado striking the site every 3516 years (i.e., recurrence recurrence interval of 3516 years). For data based on Jackson County and five surrounding surrounding counties, this probability is 6.44E-4 with a recurrence interval interval of 1552 years.

Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 161 I

Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site Single Nuclear II When the tornado database extends with a recurrence extends to 2008, the probability probability calculation calculation changes recurrence interval of 2460 years (for Jackson County only). For data based changes to 4.1 E-4 based on II Jackson County and five surrounding surrounding counties, this probability is 6.7E-4 with a recurrence recurrence interval of 1482 years.

interval II 3.16.2. Environmental Consequences-Environmental Climatology and Consequences- Climatology and Meteorology Meteorology Dispersion Dispersion I transport and dilution of radioactive The transport materials in the form of aerosols, vapors, or gasses radioactive materials gasses released into the atmosphere released atmosphere atmosphere the effluents along atmosphere from a nuclear the plume path, the nuclear power station are a function of the state of the topography topography of the region, and the characteristics characteristics of the I

effluents themselves. downwind concentrations The downwind concentrations of released released materials materials are estimated by atmospheric estimated atmospheric dispersion models and analysis. Atmospheric dispersion analysis considers two categories atmospheric dispersion (x/Q) atmospheric categories of radiological releases--routine (X/Q) values were estimated dispersion releases--routine and accident. The estimated for all units and all release The release types using I

meteorological data collected meteorological collected at BLN during during 2006-2008. In In all cases, the atmospheric atmospheric dispersion characteristics characteristics of the BLN site result in offsite doses within the regulatory limits regulatory limits of 10 CFR Part 100 100 for accident effluent releases releases and 10 CFR Part 20 for normal effluent effluent releases. Low atmospheric atmospheric dispersion (X/Q) (X/Q) values values are indicative of better transport transport and dilution of released released effluents. I Routine Releases Routine Releases The B&W unit uses two main release locations, the station vent and the turbine building vent. In accordance accordance with the guidance guidance from NRC NRC Regulatory Regulatory Guide 1.111, the station vent Guide 1.111, II was modeled as aa mixed-mode mixed-mode release since the release height is above the height height of adjacent buildings. The turbine building vent was modeled because the release height because height is less than the containment modeled as a ground level release release containment building elevation. The locations locations I with the Maximally Maximally Exposed Exposed Individual (MEI) doses are presented Individual (MEl) presented in Table 3-14 (station vent) and Table 3-15 (turbine building).

The AP1 000 unit uses the plant vent release location, which which was modeled as a mixed- mixed-mode release as itit is near the elevation elevation of the tallest adjacent adjacent building. The locations with the MEl doses are presented in Table 3-16.

Table 3-14 B&W Unit Station Vent X/Q Values Used Used For Calculating MaximallyMaximally Exposed Individual (MEl)

(MEI) Doses at BLN BLN Receptor locations Receptor locations with maximum maximum D/Q or X/Q y/Q values for each receptor type for the station mixed-mode station vent mixed-mode release Receptor Receptor Maximum Maximum Receptor Receptor Distance Distance XlQ -

X/Q (sec/m (sec/

3 rn 3))

XlQ X/Q (sec/rm3 (sec/rn3) 2.26 2.26 Day

) :xJQ X/Q (sec/m3)

(sec/m 3 8.00 Day



D/Q D/Q IUU Type Direction Type (miles) No Decay Decay Decay (m-22))

Type (m-Analyzed Analyzed EAB 10 EAB 10 S

S Values Values PEAK PEAK (miles) 1.77 1.77 No Decay Undepleted Undepleted 2.4E-06 Decay Undepleted Undepleted 2.3E-06 2.3E-06 Decay Depleted Depleted 2.3E-06 2.3E-06 4.1E-09 4.1 E-09 I


GARDEN GARDEN PEAK PEAK 0.85 1.77 1.77 1.2E-06 1.2E-06 2.4E-06 2.4E-06 1.2E-06 1.2E-06 2.3E-06 2.3E-06 1.1E-06 1.1 E-06 2.3E-06 2.3E-06 8.3E-09 8.3E-09 4.1E-09 4.1 E-09 I GOAT S PEAK PEAK 1.77 1.77 2.4E-06 2.4E-06 2.3E-06 2.3E-06 2.3E-06 4.1E-09 HOUSE HOUSE S PEAK 1.77 2.4E-06 2.4E-06 2.3E-06 2.3E-06 2.3E-06 4.1E-09

  • 1 10 EAB -- Exclusion 10 EAB Exclusion Area Boundary Area Boundary II 162 Environmental Impact Statement Draft Supplemental Environmental Statement I

Chapter 3 Table 3-15.

Table 3-15. BLN BLN B&W Unit Turbine Building Vent 'lIQ X/Q Values Used For Calculating Calculating MEl Doses Doses Receptor Receptor locations with maximum maximum D/Q or X/Q values for each each receptor type for the turbine building building ground-level release round-level release XIQ (seclm3 XIQ (seclrn) 8.00 Day Mx D Type of SetrDistance No Decay 2:26 Day Decay 80 a a /

Location Setr (miles) Undepleted Undepleted Decay (M-)-

Depleted EAB WSW 0.56 2.9E-05 2.9E-05 2.6E-05 2.9E-08 I GARDEN cow SW NW 0.85 0.89 2.OE-05 6.1 E-06 2.OE-05 6.1 E-06 1.7E-05 5.4E-06 3.8E-08 7.9E-09

,I GOAT HOUSE NNE NW 2.9 0.81 1.9E-06 7.8E-06 1.8E-06 7.7E-06 1.5E-06 6.9E-06 1.9E-09 1.OE-08 Table 3-16.

Table BLN AP1000 Unit 'lIQ Values Used X/Q Values Used For Calculating MEl MEl Doses Doses Receptor locations with with maximum maximum D/Q X/Q values for each receptor type for the station vent mixed-DIQ or X/Q mixed-mode mode release XIQ ~ XIQ 3 i'R~~e'r,;tc;r;;

Receptor .""', Maximum XIQ3 (seClm 3) (seclm ) y IDircton ..,. . . tinii\':""":"I' Receptor Typ

\1/ TYIi~t~-~-:.,*nj'I Distance (seclm ) No 2.6 ay 800Da I Tp

~Al')alyied~o; Analyzed

,-.ieto Type Values (miles) Decay Undepleted-2.6Dy ecy 8.0Dy Dea Uneleted Depleted ____


EAB S S PEAK 1.74 1.74 2.8E-06 2.8E-06 2.7E-06 2.7E-06 4.8E-09 4.8E-09 I GARDEN GARDEN cow COW SW SW SW SW GARDEN GARDEN GARDEN GARDEN 0.85 0.85 1.1E-06 1.1 E-06 1.1E-06 1.1 E-06 1.1E-06 1.1E-06 1.1E-06 1.1 E-06 1.OE-06 1.0E-06 1.OE-06 1.0E-06 4.8E-09 4.8E-09 4.8E-09 4.8E-09 GOAT SW SW GARDEN GARDEN 0.85 1.1E-06 1.1 E-06 1.1E-06 1.1 E-06 1.OE-06 1.0E-06 4.8E-09 4.8E-09 I HOUSE HOUSE SW SW GARDEN GARDEN 0.85 1.1E-06 1.1 E-06 1.1E-06 1.1 E-06 1.OE-06 1.0E-06 4.8E-09 4.8E-09 I atmospheric dispersion characteristics presented The favorable atmospheric annual gaseous effluent doses, within the limits of Appendix I of 10 presented in the above tables result in 10 CFR CFR Part 50, to any in any I individual in unrestricted unrestricted areas. The doses presented in Section As Low as is Reasonable Achievable (ALARA) there are no cost-beneficial radwaste (ALARA) dose limits are well below the limits in Appendix Appendix 1. I. This ensures that radwaste system augmentations of reasonably demonstrated demonstrated that technology that can reduce the dose to the population within 50 miles of the reactor. Also, I because of the favorable atmospheric gaseous effluents, when atmospheric dispersion at the BLN site, the doses when added to the doses due to liquid effluent releases, meet doses due to routine meet the requirements requirements of 10 CFR §20.1301 and are not significant.

I Accident Releases Releases The accident X/Q X/O values were determined determined for time periods of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, hours, 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />, 16 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br />, 4 I days, and 30 days, in accordance Regulatory Regulatory Guide 1.70.

accordance with the guidance of Regulatory Guide 1.70. The releases were conservatively modeled Guide 1.145 1.145 and modeled as ground-level and ground-level releases because the highest release location, the plant vent, is less than 2.5 times the I height of adjacent buildings.

I Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement 163 163 I

Single Single Nuclear Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Site I For accidental releases to the EAB, the X/Q X/Q calculations calculations use a release boundary boundary to determine determine distances. This approach approach conservatively conservatively encompasses encompasses all release release locations locations andand results in higher accident accident y/Q X/Q values at the EAB. For the B&W unit, a release boundary with a radius of 475 feet centered centered near near the midpoint midpoint of the Turbine Building was used. For ForI the AP1000 AP1 000 Unit, a release boundary boundary with a radius of 525 feet centered on the ER COLA centered site center was used.

For accidental releases to the Low Population Zone (LPZ), a circle with a 2-mile radius from the BLN site center was used.

In accordance In accordance with Regulatory determined to provide Regulatory Guide 1.145, the 50 percent probability more realistic doses (Tables 3-17 and probability X/Q 3-18).

X/Q values were I determined Table 3-17. BLN B&W Unit 50 Percent BLN Percent Probability-Level Probability-Level Accident XQ Values X/Q Values I

(sec/m3) -

"Affected A

Affected re a :

  • Area 0-2 Hours 0,-2 * ' ." 0-8

. .Hours Hours

  • I...8-24 0-8 Hour~ ,.

8~24 Hours Hours I,I ' '

24-96 Hours

':, 24~96 Hours:: .' . 96~720Hours


... :. ' ..Hours I II EAB 1.07E-04 1.07E-04 LPZ 9.39E-06 9.39E-06 8.09E-06 B.09E-06 5.84E-06 5.B4E-06 3.66E-06 Table Table 3-18. BLN AP1000 Unit 50 Percent Probability-Level BLN (sec/m3)

Probability-Level Accident Accident X/Q Values Values I£ II Affected Affected! 0-2 Hours '0,-Hours I,:.8-24

, "Hours

" 24-96 Hours96-720 Hours


O~2 HoUrs ". "O-8'Hours " ",' 8~24l:iours A re a

,Area 1 .. .. 24~96Hours

",,'. " . ....... . . .. Hours' EAB EAB 1.04E-04 1.04E-04 II LPZ 9.65E-06 8.35E-06 B.35E-06 6.09E-06 3.88E-06 3.BBE-06 The favorable atmospheric atmospheric dispersion accident doses at the Exclusion Exclusion Area characteristics presented in the above tables result in dispersion characteristics Boundary and Low Population Population Zone which are well in II' within the limits of 10 CFR Part 100, thereby demonstrating site suitability. The design basis thereby demonstrating basis Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) highest Exclusion highest Exclusion Area Boundary (LOCA) dose results presented Boundary (EAB) dose is 1.2 presented in Section 3.19.1 1.2 rem TEDE compared 3.19.1 show that the compared with the 25 rem the II TEDE regulatory limit. As another another means of comparison, comparison, the annual annual average average dose per II, person from all sources is about about 360 mrem (0.36 rem). Therefore, Therefore, the doses due to accidental releases are not significant.

accidental II 3.16.3. Affected Environment - Air Quality Affected Environment Quality The 1974 1974 TVA FES identified anticipated gaseous gaseous emission rates from auxiliary systems for particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons particulate hydrocarbons and nitrogen nitrogen II oxides. In the intervening intervening years, different different air quality standards and criteria have been developed developed and implemented.

implemented. The COLA COLA ER Regional Regional Air Quality section updated updated and discussed discussed recent air quality quality criteria and attainment attainment status of the area. ItIt references references an 8-hr 8-hr IOI ozone ozone standard of 0.08ppm which which is the 1997 1997 standard. The newly-revised newly-revised 2008 8-hr 8-hr ozone ozone standard is 0.075 ppm. The PM2.5 24-hr standard has also been lowered lowered from 65 ug/m3 to 35 ug/m3, although this standard was not specifically specifically referencedreferenced in the COLA I'I ER.

164 Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement Statement I

I Chapter 3 Chapter

.1 "air-shed" for the BLN site cannot be defined A pertinent "air-shed" undefined boundaries undefined boundaries and regional pollutants defined as parcels pollutants are capable parcels of air move among capable of long range transport.

However, the COLA ER identifies identifies Jackson Jackson County as being being located located within the Tennessee Tennessee I (Alabama)-Cumberland Mountains River Valley (Alabama)-Cumberland Region. This region includes includes Colbert, Cullman, Mountains (Tennessee) Interstate Air Quality Control Cullman, De Kalb, Franklin, Franklin, Jackson, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Limestone, Madison, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Morgan, and Winston Counties in Marion, Marshall, in Alabama and Bledsoe, Coffee, Cumberland, Cumberland, Fentress, Franklin, Franklin, Grundy, Marion, Morgan, Marion, Morgan, Overton, Overton, Pickett, Putnam, Scott, Sequatchie, Sequatchie, Warren, Warren, White, and Van Buren Counties Counties in in Tennessee Tennessee (40 CFR §81.72). Typically Class 1 areas are only identified within a 100-km I radius of the site. The two Class 1 areas located in North Georgia, and the Sipsey Wilderness, located outside the 100-km radius from BLN. This nearest to BLN are the Cohutta Wilderness, areas nearest information located in North Alabama. Both are outside 100-km information is shown on Figure 3-15.

I The COLA ER identified identified Jefferson Jefferson and Shelby Counties in Alabama non-attainment for 8-hour ozone. Since the COLA ER, some non-attainment Alabama as being designated some of the non-attainment designated non-attainment designations designations have changed for ozone. The implementation implementation schedule schedule for the new National I Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) designations (NMQS) required designations to EPA in March 2009 with EPA finalizing designations required states to send their recommended designations in March March 2010. As As shown shown in Table 3-19, the nearest non-attainment recommendations nearest non-attainment recommendations to the Bellefonte Bellefonte site I are located in North Alabama, North Georgia and Southeast Tennessee.

Table 3-19. Ozone Ozone Non-attainment Non-attainment State RecommendationsRecommendations near BLN as of August 2009 Based on 2008 NAAQS NAAQS County County f- ":~:' .4 1 ,-.

. 'State Recommendations,. I: ....' ".' ..

State RecorrimenCiations '. City/State City/State ...... '

Jefferson Jefferson Co. Alabama Ozone - Whole County Birmingham, Birmingham, AL AL Shelby Co. Alabama Alabama Ozone - Whole County Birmingham, Birmingham, AL AL Madison Co. Alabama Alabama Ozone - Whole County Huntsville, AL AL Murray Co. Georgia Ozone - Partial County Georgia Georgia Hamilton Co. Tennessee Tennessee Ozone - Whole County Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN Meigs Co. Tennessee Tennessee Ozone - Whole County Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN Source:

Source: EPA 2008b The COLA ER identified identified the Birmingham Birmingham area area counties counties Jefferson, Jefferson, Shelby and part of Walker Walker as being designated non-attainment for 24-hour PM2.5. In designated non-attainment In addition, part of Jackson County was designated designated non-attainment non-attainment due to Chattanooga Chattanooga exceeding exceeding the annual PM2.5 PM2.5



shown shown in Some Table of 3-20, the non-attainment when EPA designations non-attainment designations have changed finalized new have designations designations changed for PM2.5 for PM2.5 PM2.5 in as December December well. As 2008, only Jefferson, Shelby and a portion of Walker counties were designated non-attainment.

designated non-attainment.

I Table Table 3-20. PM2.5 Non-attainment Designations PM2.S Non-attainment Designations near BLN BLN as of August 2009 Based on 2006 NAAQS NAAQS

  • 1 'County .. **~ +-. . ..

!*Co(.inty .-.-~

Jefferson Co. AL PM2.5 Designation, Designation PM2.5 - Whole County i"-, - =~,_ T-** '-':

""=_i'-( .-


,...... " .: City/State' City/$tate . .....

Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL I Shelby Co. AL Walker Co. AL PM2.5 PM2.o - Whole County PM2.5 PM2.5 - Partial County Birmingham, Birmingham, AL Birmingham, Birmingham, AL AL AL Source: EPA 2006 Source: 2006 I

I Supplemental Environmental Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Impact Statement Statement 165 165 I

Single Nuclear Single Nuclear Unit at the Bellefonte Bellefonte Site Site II II II II II II II II IU II II Manon Winston

~I I


~ L II II Legend Bellefonte Nuclear Pla nt Sit e Center POint Major C I es Stale Boundanes 1YA R eservOir II

- Interstate Highways _ Wilderness Area o D CO\Jnty Bou ndanes Tenn essee River Va lley (Alabama)*

Cumilertand Mou n ains (Ten nessee)

Interstate ,AJ r Qua ~ ty Control ReQlion II C 10 3) n..:;

~~iii1-"'li-l-~iiiiiii~~~~!'Mjes Figure Figure 3-15. BLN BLN 100-Kilometer 100-Kilometer Wilderness Wilderness Area Area II II 166 166 Draft