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Dseis Meeting Handouts
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/24/2009
Download: ML090630265 (5)


Welcome to the NRC's Open House Associated with the Environmental Review for the proposed License Renewal of Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 This open house is intended to provide an opportunity for interested members of the public and staff from other Federal, State, and local agencies to interact with the NRC staff in an informal information exchange.

The NRC is gathering information necessary to prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GElS) for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants, regarding the proposed renewal of the operating license for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1. Please note that if you wish to provide formal comments regarding the draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (DSEIS) to the GElS, they must be presented at today's transcribed public meeting, or provided in writing or by e-mail by March 4, 2009. Comments received after this date will be considered if it is practicable to do so, but the NRC staff is able to assure consideration only for comments received on or before this date. Written comments on the DSEIS should be sent to:

Chief, Rules, Directives and Editing Branch Division of Administrative Services Office of Administration Mailstop T-6D 59 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Comments may be hand-delivered to the NRC at 11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland, between 7:45 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. on Federal workdays. Submittal of electronic comments may be sent by e-mail to the NRC at ThreeMilelslandE/

Thank you for your participation.

74766 Federal Register/Vol. 73, No. 237/Tuesday, December 9, 2008/Notices NRC contact, John Voglewede at (301) Generic Environmental Impact submitted to the NRC by e-mail at 251-7555 or e-mail to Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants (GEIS), NUREG-1437, comments received by the Commission, Comments would be most helpful if regarding the renewal of operating including those made by Federal, State, received by February 9, 2009. license DPR-50 for an additional 20 local agencies, Native American Tribes, Comments received after that date will years of operation for Three Mile Island or other interested persons, will be be considered if it is practical to do so, Nuclear Station, Unit 1 (TMI-1). TMI- made available electronically at the but the NRC is able to ensure 1 is located in Londonderry Township Commission's PDR in Rockville, consideration only for comments in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, on Maryland, and through ADAMS. The received on or before this date. the northern end of Three Mile Island NRC staff will hold public meetings to Although a time limit is given, near the eastern shore of the present an overview of the draft plant-comments and suggestions in Susquehanna River. Possible specific supplement to the GEIS and to connection with items for inclusion in alternatives to the proposed action accept public comments on the guides currently being developed or (license renewal) include no action and document. The public meetings will be improvements in all published guides reasonable alternative energy sources. held on January 28, 2009, at The Elks are encouraged at any time. The draft Supplement 37 to the GElS Theatre, 4 West Emaus Street, Electronic copies of DG-I 189 are is publicly available at the NRC Public Middletown, PA 17057. There will be available through the NRC's public Web Document Room (PDR), located at One two sessions to accommodate interested site under Draft Regulatory Guides in White Flint North, 11555 Rockville parties. The first session will convene at the "Regulatory Guides" collection of Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852, or 1:30 p.m. and will continue until 4:30 the NRC's Electronic Reading Room at from the NRC's Agencywide Documents p.m., as necessary. The second session Access and Management System will convene at 7 p.m. with a repeat of collectionst.Electronic copies are also (ADAMS). The ADAMS Public the overview portions of the afternoon available in ADAMS (http:/! Electronic Reading Room is accessible at meeting, and will continue until 10, http.// p.m., as necessary. Both meetings will under Accession No. ML081700257. dologin.htm. The Accession Number for be transcribed and will include: (1) A In addition, regulatory guides are the draft Supplement 37 to the GEIS is presentation of the contents of the draft available for inspection at the NRC's ML083250417. Persons who do not have plant-specific supplement to the GEIS, Public Document Room (PDR), which is access to ADAMS, or who encounter and (2) the opportunity for interested located at 11555 Rockville Pike, problems in accessing the documents government agencies, organizations, and Rockville, Maryland. The PDR's mailing located in ADAMS, should contact the individuals to provide comments on the address is USNRC PDR, Washington, DC NRC's PDR Reference staff by telephone draft report. Additionally, the NRC staff 20555-0001. The PDR can also be at 1-800-397-4209, or 301-415-4737, will host informal discussions one hour reached by telephone at (301) 415-4737 or by e-mail at addition, prior to the start of each session at the or (800) 397-4205, by fax at (301) 415- the following three locations have same location. No comments on the 3548, and by e-mail to agreed to make the draft supplement to draft supplement to the GEIS will be Regulatory guides are not the GEIS available for public inspection: accepted during the informal copyrighted, and Commission approval Londonderry Township Municipal discussions. To be considered, is not required to reproduce them. Building, 783 South Geyers Church comments must be provided either at Road, Middletown, PA 17057; the transcribed public meeting or in Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 2d day Middletown Public Library, 20 North of December 2008. writing. Persons may pre-register to Catherine Street, Middletown, PA attend or present oral comments at the For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 17057; and Penn State Harrisburg meeting by contacting Ms. Sarah Lopas, Andrea D.Valentin, Library, 351 Olmsted Drive, the NRC Environmental Project Manager Chief,Regulatory Guide Development Branch, Middletown, PA 17057. at 1-800-368-5642, extension 1147, or Division of Engineering,Office of Nuclear Any interested party may submit Regulatory Research. by e-mail at ThreeMilelslandEIS@

comments on the draft supplement to, no later than Monday, January

[FR Doc. E8-29100 Filed 12-8-08; 8:45 am] the GEIS for consideration by the NRC 26, 2009. Members of the public may BILLING CODE 7590-01-P staff. To be considered, comments on also register to provide oral comments the draft supplement to the GEIS and within 15 minutes of the start of each the proposed action must be received by NUCLEAR REGULATORY session. Individual, oral comments may March 4, 2009; the NRC staff is able to COMMISSION be limited by the time available, ensure consideration only for comments depending on the number of persons received on or before this date.

[Docket No. 50-289] who register. If special equipment or Comments received after the due date will be considered only if it is practical accommodations are needed to attend or Amergen Energy Company, LLC, Three present information at the public Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1; to do so. Written comments on the draft supplement to the GEIS should be sent meeting, the need should be brought to Notice of Availability of the Draft Ms. Lopas' attention no later than Supplement 37 to the Generic to: Chief, Rulemaking, Directives and Editing Branch, Division of January 14, 2009, to provide the NRC Environmental Impact Statement for staff adequate notice to determine License Renewal of Nuclear Plants, Administrative Services, Office of Administration, Mailstop T-6D59, U.S. whether the request can be and Public Meeting for the License accommodated.

Renewal of Three Mile Island Nuclear Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Station, Unit 1 Washington, DC 20555-0001. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms.

Comments may be hand-delivered to Sarah Lopas, Projects Branch 1, Division Notice is hereby given that the U.S. the NRC at 11545 Rockville Pike, Room of License Renewal, Office of Nuclear Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC, T-6D59, Rockville, Maryland, between Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Commission) has published a draft 7:30 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. on Federal Regulatory Commission, Mail Stop 0-plant-specific supplement to the workdays. Electronic comments may be 1 F1, Washington, DC 20555-0001. Ms.

Federal Register/Vol. 73, No. 237/Tuesday,. December 9, 2008/Notices 74767 Lopas may be contacted at the Features." The proposed change would 2002 and Final Supplemental aforementioned telephone number or e- also correct a TS numbering Environmental Impact Statement mail address. discrepancy introduced by a previous (NUREG-1437 Supplement 6) dated Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 3rd day license amendment. November 2002.

of December, 2008. EnvironmentalImpacts of the Proposed Agencies and Persons Consulted For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Action Samson Lee, In accordance with its stated policy, The NRC has completed its safety on November 20, 2008, the staff Deputy Director,Division of License Renewal, evaluation of the proposed action and Office of NuclearReactor Regulation. consulted with the Virginia State concludes that (1) There is reasonable official, Karen Remley of the Virginia

[FR Doc. E8-29078 Filed 12-8-08; 8:45 am] assurance that the health and safety of BILLING CODE 7690-01-P Department of Health, regarding the the public will not be endangered by environmental impact of the proposed operation in the proposed manner, (2) action. The State official had no NUCLEAR REGULATORY such activities will be conducted in comments.

compliance with the Commission's COMMISSION Finding of No Significant Impact regulations, and (3) the issuance of the

[Docket Nos. 50-280 and 50-281] amendments will not be inimical to the On the basis of the environmental common defense and security or the Virginia Electric and Power Company; assessment, the NRC concludes that the health and safety of the public.

Surry Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and The details of the staff's safety proposed action will not have a 2; Environmental Assessment and significant effect on the quality of the evaluation will be provided in the Finding of No Significant Impact license amendment that will be issued human environment. Accordingly, the as part of the letter to the licensee NRC has determined not to prepare an The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory environmental impact statement for the Commission (NRC) is considering approving the license amendment.

The proposed action will not proposed action.

issuance of an amendment to Title 10 of For further details with respect to the the Code of Federal Regulations(10 significantly increase the probability or consequences of accidents. No changes proposed action, see the licensee's letter CFR) Part 50, for Renewed Facility ... dated April 2, 2008. Documents may be Operating License No. DPR-32, and are being made in the types of effluents that may be released offsite. There is no examined, and/or copied for a fee, at the Renewed Facility Operating License No.

significant increase in the amount of NRC's Public Document Room (PDR),

DPR-37 issued to Virginia Electric and located at One White Flint North, Public Power Company (the licensee), for any effluent released offsite. There is no significant increase in occupational or File Area 01 F21, 11555 Rockville Pike operation of the Surry Power Station, public radiation exposure. Therefore, (first floor), Rockville, Maryland.

Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (Surry 1 and 2), Publicly available records will be located in Surry County. Therefore, as there are no significant radiological environmental impacts associated with accessible electronically from the required by 10 CFR 51.21, the NRC is the proposed action. Agencywide Documents Access and issuing this environmental assessment Management System (ADAMS) Public With regard to potential non-and finding of no significant impact. Electronic Reading Room on the Internet radiological impacts, the proposed Environmental Assessment action does not have a potential to affect at the NRC Web site, http://

any historic and cultural resources. It

Identification of the Proposed Action Persons who do not have access to does not affect non-radiological plant The proposed action would revise TS effluents and has no other ADAMS or who encounter problems in Section 5.0, "Design Features," to delete environmental impact. Therefore, there accessing the documents located in certain design details and descriptions are no significant non-radiological ADAMS should contact the NRC PDR included in TS 5.0 that are already environmental impacts associated with Reference staff by telephone at 1-800-contained in the Updated Final Safety the proposed action. 397-4209 or 301-415-4737, or send an Analysis Report or are redundant to Accordingly, the NRC concludes that e-mail to

existing TS requirements, and are not there are no significant environmental Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 2nd day required to be included in the TSs by impacts associated with the proposed of December 2008.

Title 10 of the Code of Federal action. For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Regulations (10 CFR), Part 50, Section 50.36(c) (4). The proposed change also EnvironmentalImpacts of the John Stang, revises the format of, and incorporates Alternatives to the Proposed Action Senior ProjectManager,PlantLicensing As an alternative to the proposed Branch I1-1, Division of OperatingReactor design descriptions into, TS 5.0 Licensing, Office of Nuclear Reactor consistent With the content and format action, the staff considered denial of the Regulation.

of NUREG-1 431, "Standard Technical proposed action (i.e., the "no-action"

[FR Doc. E8-29101 Filed 12-8-08; 8:45 am]

Specifications, Westinghouse Plants," to alternative). Denial of the application BILLING CODE 7590-01-P the extent practical. A minor editorial would result in no change in current change is proposed to address a environmental impacts. The previously deleted paragraph. environmental impacts of the proposed NUCLEAR REGULATORY The proposed action is in accordance action and the alternative action are COMMISSION with the licensee's application dated similar.

April 2, 2008. Alternative Use of Resources Sunshine Federal Register Notice The Need for the Proposed Action The action does not involve the use of AGENCY HOLDING THE MEETINGS: Nuclear The proposed action allows the any different resources than those Regulatory Commission.

licensee to remove redundant or previously considered in the Final obsolete information from Technical Environmental Statement for Surry 1 DATES: Weeksof December 8, 15, 22, 29, Specification Section 5.0, "Design and 2, NUREG-1766, dated December 2008; January 5, 12, 2009.

470 Federal Register/Vol. 74, No. 3/Tuesday, January 6, 2009/Notices DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Hotel, 4650 Lindle Road, Harrisburg, PA and the Corps and was published in the 17111." Federal Register on September 25, 2008 Employment and Training Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 29 day (73 FR 55546).

Administration of December 2008. In addition, as outlined in 36 CFR

[TA-W-64,455] For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 800.8(c), "Coordination with the David L. Pelton, National Environmental Policy Act" Ideal, St. Augustine, FL; Notice of Chief,Reactor ProjectsBranch 1,Division (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, the NRC Termination of Investigation of License Renewal, Office of NuclearReactor staff plans to coordinate compliance Regulation. with Section 106 of the National Pursuant to Section 221 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended, an [FR Doc. E8-31422 Filed 1-5-09; 8:45 am] Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) with steps taken to meet the requirements of investigation was initiated on November BILLING CODE 7590-01-P NEPA. Pursuant to 36 CFR 800.8(c), the 18, 2008, in response to a petition filed NRC staff intends to use the process and by a company official on behalf of workers of Ideal, St. Augustine, Florida. NUCLEAR REGULATORY documentation for the preparation of The petitioner has requested that the COMMISSION the EIS on the proposed action to petition be withdrawn. Consequently, comply with Section 106 of the NHPA

[Docket No. 52-039] in lieu of the procedures set forth on 36 further investigation would serve no purpose and the investigation has been PPL Bell Bend, LLC; Bell Bend Nuclear CFR 800.3 through 800.6.

terminated, Power Plant Combined License In accordance with 10 CFR 51.45 and Application; Notice of Intent To 51.50, PPL Bell Bend, LLC submitted Signed at Washington, DC, this 22nd day of December 2008. Prepare an Environmental Impact the environmental report (ER) as part of Statement and Conduct Scoping the application. The ER was prepared Linda G. Poole, Process pursuant to 10 CFR Parts 51 and 52 and Certifying Officer, Division of Trade is available for public inspection at the Adjustment Assistance. PPL Bell Bend, LLC has submitted an NRC Public Document Room (PDR)

[FR Doc. E8-31334 Filed 1-5-09; 8:45 am] application for a combined license located at One White Flint North, 11555 BILLING CODE 4510-FN-P (COL) to build a new unit at its Bell Rockville Pike (first floor), Rockville, Bend Nuclear Power Plant (BBNPP) Maryland 20852 or from the Publicly NUCLEAR REGULATORY Site, located west of the existing Available Records component of NRC's Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Site Agency-wide Documents Access and COMMISSION on approximately 882 acres in Luzerne Management System (ADAMS). ADAMS County, Pennsylvania on the is accessible at

[Docket No, 50-289]

Susquehanna River, approximately five reading-rm/adams.htmlwhich provides AmerGen Energy Company, LLC; miles northeast of Berwick, access through the NRC's Electronic AmerGen Energy Company, LLC, Pennsylvania. PPL Bell Bend, LLC Reading Room link. The accession Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit submitted the application for the COL to number in ADAMS for the ER included 1; Notice of Availability of the Draft the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory in the application is ML082890680.

Supplement 37 to the Generic Commission (NRC) by letter dated Persons who do not have access to Environmental Impact Statement for October 10, 2008, pursuant to Title 10 ADAMS or who encounter problems in License Renewal of Nuclear Plants, of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 accessing the documents located in and Public Meeting for the License CFR) Part 52. A notice of receipt and ADAMS should contact the NRC's PDR Renewal of Three Mile Island Nuclear availability of the application, including Reference staff at 1-800-397-4209/301-Station, Unit 1 the environmental report (ER), was 415-4737 or by e-mail to published in the Federal Register on application AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory November 13, 2008 (73 FR 67214). A may also be viewed on the Internet at Commission. notice of acceptance for docketing of the Notice of Availability; application for the COL was published reactors/col/bell-bend.html.In addition, Correction. in the Federal Register on December 29, the Mill Memorial Public Library, 495 E 2008 (73 FR 79519). A notice of hearing Main Street, Nanticoke, PA 18634 and


This document corrects a and opportunity to petition for leave to the McBride Memorial Library, 500 N notice appearing in the Federal Register intervene in the proceeding on the Market Street, Berwick, PA 18603 have on December 9, 2008 (73 FR 74766), that application will be published in a future agreed to make the ER available for announces a public meeting for the Federal Register notice. The purpose of public inspection.

license renewal of Three Mile Island this notice is (1) to inform the public Nuclear Station, Unit 1. This action is The following key reference that the NRC staff will be preparing an documents related to the application necessary to update the location where environmental impact statement (EIS) as and the NRC staff's review processes are the meeting will take place. part of the review of the application for available through the NRC's Web site at FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. the COL and (2) to provide the public

Sarah Lopas, Environmental Project with an opportunity to participate in the Manager, Office of Nuclear Reactor a. 10 CFR Part 51, Environmental environmental scoping process as Regulation, telephone (301) 415-1147, Protection Regulations for Domestic defined in 10 CFR 51.29. The U.S. Army e-mail: Corps of Engineers (Corps), Baltimore Licensing and Related Regulatory Function; SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On page District has requested to participate in 74766, in the third column, fifteenth the preparation of the EIS as a b. 10 CFR Part 52, Licenses, line, the meeting location is corrected to cooperating agency; the NRC has Certifications, and Approvals for read from "The Elks Theatre, 4 West accepted its request. The agencies will Nuclear Power Plants; Emaus Street, Middletown, PA 17057" cooperate according to the process set c. 10 CFR Part 100, Reactor Site to "The Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey forth in the MOU signed by the NRC Criteria;

7488 Federal Register/Vol. 74, No. 30/Tuesday, February 17, 2009/Notices ATTACHMENT 1-GENERAL TARGET SCHEDULE FOR PROCESSING AND RESOLVING REQUESTS FOR ACCESS TO SENSITIVE UNCLASSIFIED NON-SAFEGUARDS INFORMATION (SUNSI) AND SAFEGUARDS INFORMATION (SGI) IN THIS PRO-CEEDING-Continued Day Event/activity A + 53 .......... (Contention receipt +25) Answers to contentions whose development depends upon access to SUNSI and/or SGI.

A + 60 .......... (Answer receipt +7) Petitioner/Intervenor reply to answers.

B ................... Decision on contention admission.

[FR Doc. E9-3282 Filed 2-13-09; 8:45 am] 415-4737, or by e-mail at SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On page BILLING CODE 7590-01-P 74766, in the third column, fifteenth FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. line, the meeting date is corrected to Nanette V. Gilles, Division of New read from "January 28, 2009" to NUCLEAR REGULATORY "February 24, 2009." As previously Reactor Licensing, Office of the New COMMISSION Reactors, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory stated in corrected Federal Register Commission, Washington, DC 20555- notice 74 FR 470, the location of the

[NRC-2008-0472] meeting is "The Sheraton Harrisburg 0001; telephone 301-415-1180 or e-mail at Nanette. Hershey Hotel, 4650 Lindle Road, Office of New Reactors; Notice of Harrisburg, PA 17111."

Availability of the Final Interim Staff SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The NRC Guidance COLUESP-ISG-04 on the posts its issued staff guidance on the Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 9th day Definition of Construction and on NRC external Web page (http:// of February, 2009.

Limited Work Authorizations For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

collections/isg/). David L. Pelton, AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 9th day Chief, ReactorProjects Branch 1, Division Commission (NRC). of February 2009. of License Renewal, Office of Nuclear Reactor ACTION: Notice of availability. For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Regulation.

Patrick M. Madden, [FR Doc. E9-3285 Filed 2-13-09; 8:45 am]


The NRC is issuing its Final Interim Staff Guidance (ISG) COL/ESP- Deputy Director,Division of New Reactor BILLING CODE 7590-01-P ISG-004 (ML090060897). This ISG Licensing, Office of New Reactors.

provides guidance regarding the [FR Doc. E9-3397 Filed 2-13-09; 8:45 am]

BILLING CODE 7590-01-P NUCLEAR REGULATORY definition of construction and the COMMISSION delineation of preconstruction activities and those activities requiring prior [Docket No.52-038; NRC-2008-0581]

approval of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory NUCLEAR REGULATORY Commission (NRC or the Commission). COMMISSION Nine Mile Point 3 Nuclear Project, LLC In addition, this ISG provides guidance [Docket No. 50-289; NRC-2008-0645] and Unistar Nuclear Operating regarding the information to be Services, LLC; Nine Mile Point 3 submitted by any applicant for a limited Exelon Generation Company, LLC; Nuclear Power Plant Combined work authorization (LWA). Exelon Generation Company, LLC, License Application; Notice of The NRC staff issues ISGs to facilitate Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit Cancellation of Environmental Scoping timely implementation of the current 1; Notice of Availability of the Draft Process and Public Scoping Meeting staff guidance and to facilitate activities Supplement 37 to the Generic Nine Mile Point 3 Nuclear Project, associated with review of applications Environmental Impact Statement for LLC and Unistar Nuclear Operating for early site permits and combined License Renewal of Nuclear Plants, Services, LLC have submitted an licenses for the Office of New Reactors. and Public Meeting for the License application for a combined license The NRC staff will also incorporate Renewal of Three Mile Island Nuclear (COL) to build Nine Mile Point Unit 3 COL/ESP-ISG-004 into the next Station, Unit 1 (NMP3), located on approximately 921 revisions of the Regulatory Guide 1.206, AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory acres in Oswego County, New York on "Combined License Applications for Commission. Lake Ontario, approximately five miles Nuclear Power Plants," and related ACTION: Notice of Availability; north-northeast of Oswego, New York.

guidance documents. Correction. Nine Mile Point 3 Nuclear Project, LLC ADDRESSES: The NRC maintains an and Unistar Nuclear Operating Services, Agencywide Documents Access and


This document corrects a LLC submitted the application for the ManagementSystem (ADAMS), which notice appearing in the Federal Register COL to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory provides text and image files of NRC's on December 9, 2008 (73 FR 74766), that Commission (NRC) on September 30, public documents. These documents announces a public meeting for the 2008, pursuant to Title 10 of the Code may be accessed through the NRC's license renewal of Three Mile Island of FederalRegulations (10 CFR) Part 52.

Public Electronic Reading Room on the Nuclear Station, Unit 1. This action is A notice of intent to prepare an Internet at necessary to update the date and environmental impact statement and rm/adams.htm1. Persons who do not .location of the meeting. conduct scoping process was published have access to ADAMS or who FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. in the Federal Register on January 30, encounter problems in accessing the Sarah Lopas, Environmental Project 2009 (74 FR 5688-5689). On February 9, documents located in ADAMS should Manager, Office of Nuclear Reactor 2009, Unistar submitted a letter to the contact the NRC Public Document Room Regulation, telephone (301) 415-1147, NRC requesting that the NRC consider reference staff at 1-800-397-4209, 301- e-mail: Unistar's interest in maintaining some