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3/06/2006 - Oyster Creek Pre-Inspection Cover Sheet and Inspection Plan for License Renewal
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 03/06/2006
From: Modes M
Engineering Region 1 Branch 1
Modes M, NRC/DRS/EB1, 610-337-5198
+kBR1SISP20060526, IR-06-007 IR-06-007
Download: ML060660469 (4)



Lead: _Mi chael M odes________

FACIL ITY: Oyster Creek Generati ng Station_____

_____Other:_Tim O'Hara____

_______REPOR T NO: 0500021 9/2006007

Glen Mey er Dave Werkheiser REPORT TYPE:



Suresh Chau dhary____INSP DATES:

3/13- 17, 27-31

EXIT DATE: 4/26 Paul Kaufman




  • _________



____*NOTE: If fee der, in clude reside nt insp ection period end d ate.INSPECTION PLAN ATT ACHED INSP ECTI ON P ROCE DUR E DA TA Procedure-Occ. Nos IPE Code Title of Proce dure On MIP (Y/N)




IFS ITEMS ASSIGNED FOR REVIEW Procedure-Occ. No s IPE Code IFS Number Brief Descripti on







ALLEGATIONS ASSIG NED FOR REVIEW Procedure-Occ. No s IPE Code ALG Number Brief Descripti on


26 AF


26 AF


26 AF

PROJEC TS COORD INATION: Date Disc ussed wi th DRP Secti on Chief:______







___(DRP) (Accom p. Insp.


(Inspector' s Supervisor)


Hotel:___Marrio tt____________


__Phone: ( 609) 748-4700

Contac t:___John Hufnagel_


________Phone: ( 610) 655-8299

g:\pre-i nsp.frm LI CE NS E R EN EW AL I NS PE CT IO N P LAN FOR AMER GEN EN ERGY C OMPA NY'S OYSTER CREEK GENERA TION STA TION I PURPOSE This plan sp ecifies areas th at must be insp ected in orde r to assure the thoroughness and accuracy of the screening and s coping of non-safety related structures , systems, and components, as re quired in 10 CFR 54.4(a)(2) and to assure aging management programs are capabl e of managing the ide ntified aging affect in a reasonable ma nner. This in spection pl an describes how M anual Chap ter 2516 requiremen ts for activi ties rel ati ng t o 1 0 C FR Par t 54 wi ll be in spe cte d. Thi s pl an def in es t he sco pe of t he in spe cti ons pl ann ed to v eri fy that AmerGen Energ y Company's license renewal program for the Oyster Creek Generating Station (OCGS) is in compl iance w ith the requiremen ts of the rule an d is consi stent with the license renewal applicati on and the staff's safety ev aluation o f AmerGen Energy Comp any's l icense renew al appli cation. The pl an also provides guidance for insp ection sched uling, inspe ctor training, i nspection ac tivities , and resource requirements.

AmerGen Energy C ompany's license ren ewal ap plication identified the systems and structures that AmerGen Energy Company determined w ere withi n the scope o f the rule.

II OBJECTIVES The overall objective of this plan i s to provi de guidance for i nspecting the i mplementation a nd effectiveness o f the programs and acti vities a ssociated w ith AmerGen Ene rgy Company' s license renewal program. The inspection will verify there is reasonabl e assurance tha t the effects of aging wil l be adequatel y managed so that the intended funct ion(s) of struct ures, and components, for which an aging managem ent review is require d, wi ll be mainta ined consi stent w ith th e curre nt li censi ng basi s duri ng the p eriod of ext ended opera tion. Regi on I wi ll i mple ment the lic ense rene wal ins pect ion pla n at OCGS befo re N RR a ppro ves Amer Gen E nergy Company's license ren ewal ap plication to verify tha t AmerGen Energy C ompany meets th e requirements of the rule and has implemen ted license renewal programs and acti vities co nsistent w ith the rule , the licens e renew al ap plic ation , and t he sta ff's safety eval uatio n repo rt on th e lic ense r enew al ap plic ation. III INSPECTION ACTIVI TIES Inspec tion P rocedu re (IP) 71002 , "Lic ense R enew al Ins pecti ons," w ill be the prima ry pro cedure used to inspect Ni ne Mil e Point Nu clear Statio n's implemen tation of the require ments of the rule.

The latest rev ision of IP 7 1002 can be r evi ewe d by acc essi ng llections/i nsp-manual/ins pection-procedure/ip71 002.pdf Scoping and S creening The in specti on w ill focus on the met hodol ogy us ed by the ap plic ant to determine w hich non-safety systems are w ithin the sc ope of the lic ense renew al. This w ill be acc omp li she d b y w al k-do wn s of acc ess ib le po rti ons of s el ect ed sy ste ms a nd str uct ure s to id ent ify observ able incon sisten cies i n the s copin g and sc reeni ng acti viti es. An y agi ng effects on the syste ms and structures tha t are not cov ered in the license ren ewal ap plication will be noted for inc lusion i n the Aging M anageme nt port ion o f the in specti on. Aging Management Review Aging effec ts identified by AmerGen Energ y Company will be principally review ed and ev aluated duri ng the NRR tech nical rev iew and on-site audi

t. As part of an a ging management program inspe ction the regio nal inspe ction team w ill perform a sa mple revie w of related maintenance records of the selected systems and structur es in an attempt to identify any previously unreco gnize d agin g.

Aging M anageme nt Progr ams The inspecti on team wi ll inspe ct the aging management p rograms, includin g aging management programs w here AmerGen Ene rgy Company claims they are consiste nt with the Generic Aging Les sons Learned report, for important agin g effects in selected s ystems and structu res. The insp ectio n team w ill exami ne rec ords for exi sting a ging man agement programs to evaluate the programs' effectiven ess and w ill rev iew pl ans for new a ging management programs. The inspection team will then document th e team's findin gs on the effectivene ss of the aging management programs to maintain the systems' and structures' intended functi on(s) consisten t with the current licensing b asis for the peri od of extended operation.

IV INSPECTION SCOPE The OCGS licens e renewal inspection activiti es wil l be imple mented through an o n-site inspe ction.1.The inspection will last two weeks. One i nspection man-w eek will focus on the sco ping and screen ing processes as i t relates to no n-safety systems that affect safety systems.

The inspection will verify no n-safety systems have been included or excluded consistent with the rule, meth odology, and the staff

's evaluation of AmerGen Energ y Company's methodology. The inspection will verify there is reasonable assurance that A merGen Energy Co mpany's sco ping and screen ing processes h ave iden tified the non-safety systems, s tructures, and compo nents for whi ch an aging management review is required consistent w ith the requiremen ts of the rule.

2.The remainder of the inspection resources w ill focus on the aging management pro grams designated in the AmerGen Energy Company applicati on. This ins pection w ill ex amine a sampl e of existin g and proposed aging mana gement programs and compare the programs against actual past re sults.2.If open inspecti on items w arrant a third i nspection, the team wil l followu p on previ ous inspecti on activ ities and ma y in spect A merGen E nergy Compan y act ions on any safety eval uatio n open items requested by N RR. This in spection may also incl ude portions of the license renewal applicatio n update d by the ap plic ant as a resu lt of re cent p lant mo difica tions. V INSPECTION RESOURCES The inspection will need the foll owing ins pection resou rces: 1.Inspectors C One team leader C Three inspectors, or more, from the region 2.Skills The inspection team needs a cross-section o f skills, incl uding mechanic al, material, civil/stru ctural, and electrical engineering skill s.The scope of the thi rd inspectio n (and, thus, the resources) w ill depe nd on how many open issues remain from the prev ious inspe ction activ ities.

VI AGI NG MANA GEMEN T PRO GRAMS Water Chemis try Flow-Acce lerated Corrosi on Fuel Oil C hemist ry 10 CFR Part 50, Appen dix J Closed Cy cle Cooli ng Water System A S M E , S e c t i o n X I , S u b s e c t i o n I WE TLAA, Dryw ell Corrosi on and Protec tive Coati ng Monitori ng and Mai ntenance Program Buried Pi ping Inspection Abo vegr ound Outd oor T anks Fire Protecti on Fire Water System Electrical Cables and Connections Not Subject to EQ Elect rical Cabl es and Conne ction s Not S ubject to EQ U sed i n Instr umentat ion C ircui ts Inaccessible Medium Voltage Cables Not Subject to EQ Standby Li quid Control System Feedwater System Core Spray System Isolation C ondenser Sy stem Component Sup ports Commodity Group Fire Protecti on Fire Water System Electrical Cables & C onnectors not su bject to 10CFR 50.49 Env.

Qual Electrical Cables & C onnectors not su bject to 10CFR 50.49 Env.

Qual, Requirements used in Instru ment Circu its Inasse ssibl e Me dium V oltage Cabl es not subjec t to 10 CFR50.49 En v. Qua l Requ iremen ts Masonry Wall Program Structures Mo nitoring Program Protective Coating Mo nitoring and M aintenance A S M E S e c t i o n X I , S u b s e c t i o n I WF