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Note from Individual with 05/27/2004 E-Mail from J. Petrosino, NRR, to H. Heller, Riii
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/24/2005
From: Petrosino J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: James Heller
Download: ML051470076 (2)



PBNP has performed a temporary repair of penetration 26 in the Unit 1RPV head.

The NRC is involved in approving this repair.

It again appears that neither the NRC nor the NMC is being assertive in ensuring the safety of the public. Thus, I am communicating the following concern.

Fracture mechanics analyses have been used to justify the acceptability of the repair.

The limiting analysis indicates that the repair is good for approximately 1.5 years of operation:

A PBNP operational cycle is approximately 1.3 years.

Obviously, there is little margin provided with the PBNP repair design.

The fracture mechanics analysis is based on assuming an existing crack within the material. The assumed flaw size for PBNP is arbitrary and very small. In fact, suspiciously small to allow achieving a calculated operational life greater than a plant operational cycle.

Please provide written justification that the assumed PBNP flaw size contained in the fracture mechanics analyses for the temporary repair is in fact bounding for any and all potential existing flaws.


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From: Joseph Petrosino v To: Heller, James-112 Date: 5/27/04 5:27PM


Re: Fwd: Point Beach Thank You gentlemen. Have a good weekend.

>>> James Heller 05/27/04 06:02PM>>>

I believe this one Is yours CC: Cwalina, Gregory, Freeman, Harry, Lambert, Kenneth